M ' " : . i 1 ' 1 W.tf J YATES, Editor and Propm-stor. I Terrtt Sultrriion Turks Dollar!, in advance. THE 'Western Democrat WILLIA3I ). VATES, Editor and o , Proprietor, in advance, at reasonable -Tkrce LMIars per annum v vf rti?ratnt will be inserted rat?, r'iu accordance with contract j OSiiutry notice; of OTer fiTe lines an length will t e entree! rr at a-Ivertiing rates, j . i Robert Gibbon, M.i D., : rilYSICIAX AND SURGEON ! Tnon Strict, Chat lotte. AT. C, C and Residence, one door south old State Bank, : '"..niKT.! Wra.-Johnston's residence). : Jan !. ' j . J." 'P.-vile Combs, HI.ri).,"1 r f rs his j.rtrft!ional serrices to the cititens of .;rltte in 1 surrnun ling country. s All calls j both f.A and d:ij, proiuptly attended to. j t Oftce'iulirown buildiBg, up sluirs, opposite the Charlotte Hotel. . ; I Oct 26. 1 Hi. I I ! " DR...E. C. ALEXANDER, Ilaing located in Charlotte, has oprued an office in lrl KuiI IInff. oppomle the f Jia i l-tieiioiei, riicre h?ein be found ulim not professionally engaged. ' t SUj .11. IN- 7m pd r Dr. JOHN H. McADEN, Wholcblo and Retail Druggist, . - L'U.UUAlTiE, x. a, jir cn Is a 1 a lurjre and well selcctcl stock of TURE JKl"ti-. Hcinlca!--1. i'atcnt Medicines, Family Medi-i-. I'ai't. Oi!-. Varnishes l)je Stuffs, Fancy and IVirt ArticN-. which he is deienaiucd to sell at the vrv Ionr.-t prices. " ; Jan I. 1-iO. WE M. SHIPP, , AT TO II X K Y AX LAW, ; Charlotte, N. OrriCE i is Dewkt's Daxk Duldixg. -: Nor. IL I8G8 i tf ALEXANDER & BLAND, j Dentists, Charlotte, N. C, ViH.wait i parties in city or country whenever their services may be solicited. !T?'th extracted without pain. Gas administered. OScein Rro'us Iiuilding. Hours from b A. 31, to : P. M. ' 'March 8, lS.il. . j J ' ; J. C. MILLS, A T T O U N K V AX LAW, t 1 ' Charlotte, N. C, Will r ra.t!c3 in the Courts of North Carolina and in the United States Court. OlSse above the Store of Elias L Cohen, opposite t1i? .bir!ot!c Hotel. ihtte 28, ISii'J Ompd S Hutchison, Burroughs & Co., Grnrral L'Je ami Firr. Ltsn'rancc Ajcnt$. " OSee op Trade Street, Cuaelotte, N. C. Spt. 7, l&iS. Watch and Clock 1 ix3r, f AXI DKALKIt IM 1 JEWKI.mr, FIXE WATCHES, 'CLOCKS, j Auj.10, !Sfi7. ' CHARLOTTK, N. C. . ij ' Tho City Book Store, I r.i li moc't'-f 'o l.,L"tcrict Oil Shiml, it" duar below its former location. ;Kv.rtly i: lnvitcl to call and examine our t wrk. it:eu coni.-ts in prt of a large assortment of Scfcaol. R-iliisus and Miscellaneous Books, Wvi auI Pa- 1;ooUt. Wall Paper. Wank and i'ris.'iug Paper.' and all articles u.-ually kept in a :." r-cli." lHk Store. : j ')-ir nrranjemeiif' with Publishers are such that " r.-evive,!! the NCW UOKKS of popular authors if a u!-!juI1IIhmI ; J Vir prici-- are as lyw :is any other Uooksellers in i.: : it,-. ' : 1 It I Is, WADH 4 GUNNELS. J. Y. BRYCE & CO., Gonsral Commission Merchants c. t ! L " VUAIU.OTTE X. r Pirticiilar attention paid to the selling of all kinds d rr-iuce. ("olton ::nd:T b:cco. j j II ijr!te-t cah price paid for Cotton. f All orders" from a distance promptly attended t. J. V. lillYCE. i tch 5, 1 f;9. X. II. BRYCE. t - - t SPECIAL NOTICE. ovit tue about SIX THOUSAND DOL- L!IS f.r Groceries and Provisions." I am compelled pj my debts, aud those who owi me must p;iy up it order that I uciy bitct wy obligations. Now is tke tirac I need help, acd if tlioe whom I have fforelan l aeromuio dated will do their duty to me an gxt me a iirt if not all of what they oweJ I slialS b-"thankful. D. M. rRESi'ON. "l ' Farm for Sale. ! . fA Farm of about Hi-") acres for sale, within half a aeof Davidson College.', It has a good proportion fWo. l Land, i Enquire of John D. Drown near UtiJo! t'ollf-rel or the 4uhrri!.er lit Statesville. S St f. ISO'J I m E. F ROCKWELL. - Notice. 'Parties indebted lo the Ute -JK.NE k BAR RINGER, for 1 Law Firm of!OS- ecai services up io ?, . inst an' a11 on bom they hold claims for e'"Cv,on, arc notificl thai the sinic must be promptly f!Iel. The bu siaess mut be closed up. Due at- at ion to this notice niay1 save those concerned both c'f and trouble. RCFUS BARR1NGE11, . - j Surviving Partner. - Ij.Y Anlinn 111 wi . n r a F flfo trtu, where I my alwa ivs be found except on iiurvlavs. when I am uaallr in Coiu-onK : pUFUS BARRINGER, :-?0. 18r.9 4wpd Attorney. NOTICE. ; II Te ng qualifieJ as Executor of the List Will and aent of Jtm.i V flihnrn deee.ied n!l t. Larin ,:.l. .:-. ri.i. ... i. ;,... Tred lo exhibit theln on or before the 1st djy of -r-rmoer, lt70, or this .Uprteir recovery. notice will be pleaded in t THOSi J. MOORE, Executor. ' P S 't Cot r a7..:cmr.orarJ absence from Ihe State In-.. -x- "sihjune my Agut to receive cx the estate au l audit the T. J. MOORE, Ex!r. aims az ii-st i AS 2S, l0 Cw "I r - - - - - - - . - r- -- r -r you iu the face. Don't trust that conversational idea. Dishonesty will stare honesty out of cottn tcnance d. . i ' .1 ay in the week, if there is any b" t bv "t " l; i 0 P 1 " ' I thing to Important Sale I of Real Estate. On Saturday, the 23d of October next, I will ejcll at public auction to the highest bidder, at the Court House door in the City of Charlotte, in obedience to a Decree of the Superior j Court of Mecklenbdrg county, the following Lands, subject to the widow's doiver to wit: The Tract of Land known asthc'A. L- DeArmond Tract on the waters of Four Mile Creek, adjoining Washington Mills, Richard People's. James Lee and others, containing 111 acres, more or less. ; b j " - i I Term 12 months credit except $40 in Cash- with note and approved security wilh interest from date. Title made when the money is paid. 1 ! i A H. GRIFFITH - Adtn'r. of A. L. DeArmond, dec d. Sept. 13, 18C9 Gw M Valuable Mill Property i 1 ; t fnr Rnlh On Saturday, the 9th d.-iy of October, 18G0, I will sell to the hichest bidder, at Public Auction, under a Decree of the Supreme Court of North. Carolina, the following properlv, to-wit: That; valuable Mill and Water Power, four miles from the City of Char- lotte, known as the Fox and McCullough Mills, sit- uaieu on cugar rees, emoracing me lraci oi LaBU 1 . 1 Ml . MT rI on which said mills are located, containing Eight Acres more or lesi i : l! ' . J ' Terms, twelve months credit with interest frqm date bond with two good securities rtquired. ! ! ! E A. OSliORNE, Sept. 13, 1SC0 4t Commissioner. Important Sale df-Real Estate. 15y virtue of a decree of the Superior Court bf Mecklenburg county, made Spring Term, 18C9, 1 will sell to the highest bidder, at public auction, at the Court House door in Charlotte, on Saturday the 2d day of October, 18W, at 12 o'clock, A. .M., the fol lowing ueal Lstate belonging to tne estate of the late F. H. Glover, deceased, to wit: Lot A," con taining 21 acres ; Lot 44R,"; containing. lt"8 acres; Lot '-C," containing 111$ acres, and Lot "D," con taining So acres. ; ; ; " Terms, twelve months credit, with bond and good security, interest from datei except $30 cash on Lots "B," 'C" and 'H" each, and SIO on Lot "Ai" to be paid on day of sale r E. A. OSBORNE, f Aug 1G, 18ti'J Cw ' Clerk Superior Court. ; , I Impprtant Sale of Real Estate.' . By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Mecklenburg county, I will sell at the Court House door in Charlotte, on Saturday the 2oth day of Sep tember, ISG'J, to the highest bidder at public auction, the following Real Estate, to wit; The LANDS of the late Robert Wilson, in the county aforesaid, on the waters of the .Catawba- River, adjoining the lands of Thos. Hoover, M. Moore" and Others, con taining ninety-four acres. ' j Al;o, another small tract, adjoining the abovp described tract and James Bcntty, on the waters df Long Creek, containing about fifteen acres. I .: Terms, six months credit with interest from dat Bond and approved security required. t?'a!e."at 12 o'clock, AUg U, lOO-J - iff s , -j 1" lLSO I Commissioned. At the same time anil place. I will 6cll a Tract of LAND, known as the -Hargrove". Tract adjoining the lands of A. F. Sadler, Michael Moore, Johti Love and others, containing about oue hundred and tweutv acres i I . I ' Terms. 12 months' credit with, interest from date bond with approved security -required. I ! - I 13. -A. OSBORNE, Aug CO, 18G9 4w . i Clerk Superior Cour State of North Carolina, .Mecklenburg eounty. Superior Court. W llichards &' Co, I'laiutiif, against The Empire Gold Mining Coinp.ilny, iJefendant. Claim for Merchamlise and lAloney advanced to the auioutit of $4,yi3 o9. j . . I !- ' - U Ilarringer, Surviving J'artner ot Osborne & Uaf- ringer, against the same defendant. Claim for legal services to the amount of $500. Tli! Defendant in the abore cases is notified that a Warrant of Attachment has this day been issued in each case against the property held by it in sad County, and that said Attachment will be returnable before me at my office in Charlotte, on the 15th d.ty of October, 1SGD, when and where the said Defendant is required to appear and answer the complaint ;n T.ach c:ise Aug If, ItC'J. E. A. OSIi()K?E,'. j Sept 13, lbfili. 4 xr Clerk Superior Court. State of North Corolina,; Mecklenburg county. I In Sup'ricir Court. Robert Gibbon, Adm'r of J. ill. Gibbon; and Catha rine Gibbonj against The Heirs at Law of J. Q. Gibbon, deceased. j I j It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court thht Lardner Gibbon and wife Alice,) John Gibbon and wife Fannie, Catharine Gibbon, and James HumbAt and wife Virginia, defendants in the above statbd actir n, are non-residents of this tate and cannot pc reached by thtj ordinary process of law. it is ordered that publication be made in the Western Democrat for six weeks, requiring Ihe above-named defendants to appear befoto the Clerk of hc upcrior Coui tipf Mecklenburg county, at the Court House in Char lotte, within forty-live days from the date of this Or der, to answer) the complaint in jthe above case, or judgment pro-coufesso will be entered against tbeni according to the prayer of plaintiffs' petition. Witness, E A Osborne, Clerk of our Superior Court at office in Charlotte, this the -1th 4ay of Sept., 18G9. G7-t adv $10 ' E. A. OSBORNE, Clerk. State of North Carolina, Mecklenburg ,co. i In Superior Vourt. , i t Fursuant to a decree of the Superior Court !for said county, j at Spring Term, ISiiiK in the action of C- Overman and R. W. Allison against Thos Grier, Administrator of Z. A. Grier, the creditors of 'the estate of said Z. A. Grier, late of taid county, are, by their Attorneys, required to come on or before the ICthJay of October, 1S0U. and prove their debts before E. A- Osborne, Clerk of the Superior Court of said couniy. at the Court House in Charlotte, 'or in default thereof they will be peremptorily excluded the benefit of the said decree. , ' ! - Witness, E. A. 0.borne, Clerk of, the Superior Court, at office in Charlotte, this the 2Sth day of August, IbG'J. f E- A. OSEORNE. ; fcii7w ! ! Clark Superior Court. State of North Carolina, Mecklenburg county. Superior Court Spring Term, ; 1 bGU. ' -James Righam, Administrator of Sarah Robinson, against the heiisat law of Sar&h Rob iu son. j ' la this case it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the defendants, viz: the hers-at law of the plaintiff's intestate, who are the children of Wil liam Robinson, ars non-residents of the State jand cannot be served with the ordinary process of law, on motion, it is ordered that publication be made in the "Wertern Democrat," a newspaperjpublished in the City of Charlotte, for six weeks successively, notifyiug the said defendants that unless they appear at tha next term of said Courf, to be held at the Court House in Charlotte, on the 8th Monday after the 4lh Monday in September, 18C9, and defend said action, or judgment pro eovfesso will be entered against them according to the complaint of plaintiff. Witness. E A. Osborne, Clerk of our said Court at ofSee in Charlotte, this the 2!st day of August, A. D. 1SG0. E. A. OSBORNE, 8-VCw pr aJv $10 Clerk Superior Court. Dickens says: 4iI have known vast quantities 'of nonsense talked about 1 bad men not looking - - - 1 , i ! : : ". """ - r - 1 1 i 1 1 m '" 1 j ' " 1 1 " !' 1 1 'i 1 1 1 1 , ' . i ii CHARLOTTE, : ! N . il bVj TUESD MY',,1 S E PTEMBER 81,1 186. 1 U EiGnTEENin mum;.- if b d c n 8ss. t i i - . .t i - - - - - - ' . i " . j i - i I . r - - : - i - -1 - : - - -, i i i -i .1 : - r - i Bachelors and , Flirts! ! BT JOn BILLINGS. 1 j : Some old; bachelors git after" a flirt.! and can t travel so fast as she doz, and then concludes awl i ' dvj last ua sue UU. auu lueu luuiiuuca ant - 4 i j - t. j -i ! lemale group are hard to ketch, and good lor nothing when they are ketched; : ! r fj A flirt is a'ronL'h thino to overhaul unless1 the right dog gets after her," and then they are the easiest ov awl to ketch, and make the very best of wives. t- , . i f i When a flirt really falls in love she is power-j 1 L J :.i -.!. i: i iea aa a mown uaisy. ; ' i , , i . . j ? Her impudence then" changes intof modesty her cunning into fear, she spurs : into a haltef, her pruning into a cradle. L i r P The best way to ketch a flirt is tew travel the other way from; which they are going, or sit down on the ground and whistlesome lively tun! till the flirts comes round. "Old bachelors msikfei the flirts, and then the flirts cct more than ever by making the old bachelors. ! 1 A majority of flirts iret mt majority ot flirts get married hnally, for tney have a grea quantity ot the most dainty tidbits ot woman's nature, and alwus herishrud ncss to back iup thefr sweetness. ' T I I i Flirts don t deal in poetry and water crewel they. hay got tew hav brains,or else somebody. would trade jhem out of their capital at the first LLn 1- I I : ' -- i ; , ' !l lit0-rw-.r I . 1 ! ( 1,,.-- swap Aisappnmiea iuv must, oi course, DO a II on oue side, and this ain't any more excuse i fui beino; an oM ,bachelor than it iz i fur' a man td quit all kinds of manual labor jist out of spitef and jine a pOor-house bekase ho tan't j lift a tutjj at one pop. j j -I j ! . . j . . -. j An old bachelor will bra"; about hiz freedonj to 3Tou, hiz relief i'rom anxiety, hiz! independence This is a dead beat rast resurrection' for eyervJ body knows there ain't a! more anxious dupq than he iz. (All his dreams are charcoal sketch-f es of boarding school misses; he dresses, greased his hair, paints his grizzly moustache, cultivates; biinjons and corns tew please the winimin and only rets lau:Iied at lor hiz nains. 1 tried . be4 -.j"''- A '. ; '" St inp: an old bachelor till I was about twenty years! old, and came very near dicing., a dozen tiniesi T1.J.J- 1 .' .' . , 1 It i naa more tnarp pains in one year man l na had since, put it all in a heap. I was in a liVelyi lever all the tiniei ! 1 i j i :' i t ! I gagging. -1 j liALl'-S tanaarl liAUUIMi, -for sale PA iTEN HOUSE, JACAllLAV k n August 30, 18GD. NOTICE, i ! The. undersigned, joa; the 3d day'of September,! 1800, qualified as Executors of the last Will and Tes-j lament of James A. Query, dee'd, before the Judge? of Probate for Mecklenburg 'County. All persons! bavins claims a2ainst-the Estate of said Testator.! are hereby notified to present them to the under-. signedou or before the lUth day of September, 1870,i or this notice will be rleaiieu in bar of their rccov-. -v iiul at! T.k'v.tti 5 ii7Kf ol tn tliA A . paq aJ1 nra:;.! rcijucst.ed to make immediate settlement. ! j ' LEANDEll QUERY, i r Executors. 1 Sept. G, 18GD. j Gw ! Administrator's Notice. JThe undersigned having qualified as Administra tor of the late Dr. John 11. Gibbon, hereby j notifies all persons having claims, against Ins.-estate tot pre-1 sent them, properly authenticated; within the time prescribca by law, or n,s notice win be .picaaea in.; bar of their recovery:- and-'all persons indebted tog the deceased must makc.-jnmcdiute settlement! ' , RODT. GIBBON Sept. 0 . 18C9 6wl j ! Admiuistikior. E- -M. HOLT & CO. j Wholesale Merchants, I Have received a lot of. GUNNY RAGGING weighs '1 pounds, to. the' yard -the heaviest that e-cr a brought to this market I COTl'QN" TIES, i ! ! 1,000 Sacks of Liverpool Salt, . ; 50 Rfigs Coffee, i ; 1 ; . j 40 Rarrels Sugar, ! CO Dozen Tainted Buckets, 1 , j . 50 Boxes Washing' Soap, U 1 j 5,000 Lbs. Country Bacon and Baltimore Clear Rib Sides. I . ;' . Our Fall Stock is now coming in, and will be the largest ever offered in North Carolina, j We specially invite Wholesale Buyers to call and see us. I With the jco-operation of the other Merchants, ;we intend to hiake Charlotte the Atlanta ; of North Carolina. ! j " ' S . j ' 1 1 V . We want! to buy for! our Haw River Mill 75,000 bushels of Wheat. I j j ' - f We are engaging Cotton for future delivery. 4,000 bales wanted for our own , Factories. ! 1 I i 1 , ! We have completed arrangements for supplying '. ..1.. 1 ,f,-.....: - ! dinners wnu uajrsinjr anu lies ai iow .rates LEWIS 3- WILLIAMS ! - ! ! i is our authorized Agent. E. M. HOLT & CO. r Ang SO, 1800. TOUNDS of i sale by f STENIIOUSE, M AC AULA Y & CO August 30, 18! 50 - ! n State of North Carolina, Catawba county. I .Superior Court of Law August Term, 18C9. . Sarah A. Eldridgei r. Jasper W. Eidridgei Petition for Divorce. . . It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that Jasper W. Edridge, the defendant in this case, Re sides beyonJ the limits of this tate it is ordered that publication be made, for six weeks in the Western Democrat," a weekly paper publishedjn the City of Charlotte, IS. C-, notifying the defendant to be aud appear at our next Superior Court of Law, to be held; lor said county, at the Court House jin Xewton, on the first Monday in March next, then and there to answer or demur to plaintiffs petition, otherwise the same will be heard and granted. Witness, M.O. Sherrill. Clerk of our said Superior Court at office, the first Monday in August, 18G9. ! SG-bw i t M. O. SHERRILL, Clerk.! ! I TAILOBING. j -John! Vogel, Practical Tailor,? Respectfully informs the ) citizens pt Charlotte and surrounding country, that he is prepared to manu facture gentlemen's clothing in the latest style and at short notice. His best exertions will be given . to render satisfaction to those who patronize him. Shop opposite old Charlotte Hotel, next door to Uar ringer & Wolfe's Store. j f. January 1 J 1S&9. i :. --i-t. i ' 1 1 ; t1 -Arrow Ties. Mi . ' 1 ; MJsx- - : r. w ' ( ' -j i j ( t ' V i ' i .. hi--',--! r ' i - M mm fTfifift "' 1 rr.ji) ' T" - . . ' . J tZ? fSifhfK TOUNDS of the abave iTies for -I i- : Among the Lions. A Narrow Etcajpe- Mon $. j In hired. Lucas Severely M. Lucas, whose wonderful escane from the "vua IU tue .raria xaipuuiuuie ; .wu iu eentiy announced, was ahve at last: accounts. ' ; 1 His whole body: J8 covered, with wounds, tiujuu- wnjen tnirty ; turce Dear r tne mares oi lions and lionesses teeth, who attacked him in the r.io-fl whorA lia Kfirl cl.iif Ifiifncolf t TOitb r rr v f""f ? r " yiem. naa iJ. JLucas not J been in, perfect health, and in the enjoyment of a, sound consti tution at t le time of the accident, his arm must li?ve been amputated. ; Lucas states, that jhe had not been two seconds in the' cage before he 3rceived his danger; ;He had omitted to take with him -his : usual wfeapons,- and; "had only a flight ridiog whip in his habdlj . For an instant he lost sight of the j.lione?s, who, no longer per- ceivea ins eyes nxed on hers, seized him bv the . I . .-':... I I . ..-::,.. . , L . ... luwei: jEiWtind by the back of his head, erushin ihe occipit tl bone, rand then seizing-him by the arpi, in order to drag; him between her paws ana uevour mm at her eisure. iier sire, how- ever, desirous of sharing. the, ?poil, attempted ta Ibrce him from; beneath her-pawsJand;, caught iim by thej j thigh, fuflicting a:: fearful j wound, uuu inerauy gnawing mm tnrougn ine main mam iri'tery. It was at this awful moment that Jose Meudez, an attached servant of. Lucas, , dashed nto the cage with a revolver, with : the butt end 4f which he dealt a heavy blow at the- lioness's head, which compelled her to srive no her nrev. 3Jendez,i with marvejous strength, made a spring at the lion and threw him iuto the biick of the cage; then, leveling th weapon ! at the animals with his right arm, pushed ; the bleeding main out of thei reach by his feet, j It was only then that the other attendants came ! to jthe rescue, and with an iron bar wrenched open the . bars of rthe cage, enabling .JMendezi to eflectj his escape backward, dragging Lucas with hiiii, but never lowering his right arm, with which he grasped the revolver. The heroic! conduct of jtfendez deserves record, and may well rank with deeds of daring which have won sta-s and crosses on fields of battle. I J The poor fellow speaks of his noble conduct as a matter of course, and in his Franco-Spanish I patois says ho would have al lowed the beasts to devour him rather than have let them ktll his master.' jThe lions ex hibited by Lucajs wei-e purchased by him1 .from a Spanish grandc, thp: Duke of j lliv;is, who has fifty of these animals in his possession for train ing purposes. Lucas has. said that the (lioness which had so nearly devoured him had eaten part of a lion-tamer at Ilochefort, wlo is, there fore, maimed foil life. ... She is twelve years old. I Her cubs are now useless, as, having smelt and tasted" human blood, it will be impossible to tame them tor future-exhibitions. When the ijoung animals have never smelt blood they are 4wia ble, but not. at ter. Stamp Duties. , Though we have for some time been Jiving ! under the rule of stamps, the question is one of jevery day asking "How much of a stamp does 'this require ?" i j The following . embraces, it is said, the most general usei of stamps as applied to manufactures and particular I c - asses of sbusi- pess that pay special tax : AJ1 notcs and 'evidences of debt!, five eents on iieach 100: if under 100, five ceutsi if j over $100, five ceuts on each S100 or part thereof. All receipts for any amount, withdut Uuiit,1 over j20, two cents; if under nothing. Checks of any amount, two cents. All deeds and.deeds ;of trust: two cents on each $500 in value of the v-w ... iAA .. ..ij. i-... ladeed of trust is fully stamped the noJe secured Wed not be, but they should be endorsed to how the reason why Mortgage bonds need uot be stamped if stamps are afijxed tojthe mort jgage. All thp appraisements, estates or estrays, live cents on each piece of paper. Affidavits-. of 'every description! are exempt from stilmp duty. jAckuowIedgnients to deeds, &c. are also exempt. Contracts ftnd agreements, five i cents on each jsheet or piece of paper, except fr rents, and when it'ur rent, fifty cenis for each 8300 of rent or lessj if over $300, fifty? cents for each additional 200 or fractional parb thereof ; in excess .of 3001 Any persoij interested can affix or cancel stamps. -j-- n ' i in- I Charlotte Female Institute, I j GIIA11L0TTK, N. C The next Session 'pfthis Institution wi 1 commence bn the i first day of OCTOBER, 18bU, Until S0th of June following, ;' I ; and continue A full corps of Teachers in all branches usually taueht iin first class iremalc Schools; bloved for the ensuing Session. L I For Catalogue ; containing fifll particulars i as to expenses, course of study, regulations, i I t - !Rv. R.' BUR WELL &c, apply to SON, July 19, 1800 Charlotte, N. C. B R. SMITH & CO , ! General Commission Merchants, Xor 16 Central Wharf, Boston, Mass., For the sale of Cotton, Cotton iarn,l A aval Stores, &c and the purchase of Gunny Cloths and Merchan dise generally. !'.-: ' l.-i'i ''l Liberal Cash advances made on consignments to ns, and all usual facilities offered. 1 i j We hope by fair knd honest dealing, and cur best efforts to please,' to jreceive from our friends that en- eonragemcnt which lt shall be our aim to merit. ; Orders solicited and promptly filled for Gunny tagging, Fish, Boot$ and Shoes, &c.,j &c. !' ! Refer bt Pekmissiox to ! John Demerritt, Esq., Pres. Eliot Natj Bank Boston LoringS Reynolds 110 Pearl St., Boston. Murchison & Co., 207 Pearl St, New York, j Y Brvce & Co., Charlotte. N C. 1 . R Y MeAden, Esq.J Pres. 1st NtJ Bank, Charlotte T W Dewev & Co- Bankers. Charlotte, r U. R M Uates & Lo., unariotte, j Williams. Murchison & Co.:. Wi P.- mirizton, N C. Col Wmi Johnston, Pres. Charlotte and Augusta Rail- road, Charlotte, N C. Sept;C, 1809. i i j -. CITY DRUG STOKE. M ' j KILGORE & CURETOX, Springs Corner t CHARLOTTE, N. C, Offer .to the trade their well selected stock of Drugs. Medicines, Chemicals, Essential Ous,j t lavormg Lx- tracts;;, also, Combs, Brushes, Soaps, Perfumery, &c. &c., embracing nearly everything ufeually found - rlAit'. tv- f ? h To ; ill c Mr a - Co J w v --- ! ; r ' I" I TheVioffer special inducements to wholesale buyers I Physicians' prescriptions carefully prepared at all J hours, j . ' I .. .! I I . Orders from country Merchants will have: our i special attention. KIIXiORE &-CURETO.,. Corner Trade and Tryon Streets,, s" , . ... ..Charlotte, yC The .Wife MaJket in Russia. A French! writer, whose: name 1 1 forget,' has truly stud that "the .Russians are a nation Tvnlit. lRnyfrf " o wmnrlr flint-., la Ttinf. f n rr n n t - cut it helps towards a proper understandins: o the soqial conditiori of the people. The rich are very 1,1 the poor are very poor. The nobles are cotlrt politd and as refined in manaers as those jf he an.e class in Germany : but the I I. f 'Alii:'. l lljl.t.-Jj - . i i Beri, qr.iiuu&e wnu ueiunjrea xo tne nODies Willi the, sojl, )before the; emancipation, are rude and not ha civilized Aim st as soon as 'a girl is born,' in the bettei. ranks f society. her. parents begin to prepare the dory she must have when she goes to her husband. For this is indispensable in the eves of any f Russian young1 1 gentleman who proposes to be iijarHcdi She must furnish everything for an outtit in'Iile, even to a dozen new shirts lor her coiDj:htjsbnd. I . , I hae heard of a lady of rank and wealth who had prepared! a costly dowry of silks, linen. jewels, plalteie ft : i r 'for bo1! br1vrl rlannlitol' who died as shi came to be twenty years old. The mother! resolved to endow six girls with these riches: fend factually: advertised for ihem. ".' - A host o! applicants c came,and;slie selected six. j one ol them diad lovers. Unt now thev had a respect4ble dpwry secured eelf girl, was speedily engaged,' and with the husbhnd took the dowrv. iblel djWry secured eicU girl. was speedily and paid the rich lady $y p'rdmising to pray 'for the rt pnse f her daughter's soul. i . In nc co intry is thisj arrangement of terms carried on vith more cutioii and completeness than in Russia. The' vounsr man soes to the house of his proposed brjide. land counts over the dresses nd I examines the-furniture, and sees to the whole watli his own yes, before he commits himself to tlie irrevocable 6arrain. In hiirh life such tilings are conducted with more apparent delicac thfc business I being in the hands of a broker r a notary.. The trousseau is exposed ota the wedding day. in publifs be At Whit suhday, there is: a curious custom,' which ii gradually giving way with the advance of civilfzatin; The joun people of a neigh borhood! conie' together, and the. girls all stand in a ro?, lil e! so many statues draped indeed, and notlonly draped, but' dressed in their best, and paiilted oa; for the young ladies, and the oldercules ;i Iso, in this country use cosmetics freely, and a box of lady's paint is a very com mon present for a youpg jman to make -to the girl he likes, jBehihd the row of girls are their mothers; tho young men having mada . known their choice, the terms Ufa settled between the parents bf thejparties The ladies of Ilnssia are very anxious to marry, Because they have no liberty before mar riage. . lhey are kept constantly under the maternal eye until thev! are!1 given up to the hus- band, a d then they take their own course. which i a round of srayety and dissipation,1 only regulate, their means of indulgence. The Greek divorce hurehl, like the. Roman," permits of no but- the Emperor, like the Pope, can grant special dispensations): ' Tlie Greek priest must malrry once, and if his wife dies he cannot marry againJ, Ko one in Russia can be! married moitttbaii three times A iBloody: Fight. Ttpc Mai ffiliedaiitt seicral icoiuuJcd. The West Ten nissee Whig has the following account Lf a! blood u affray iujllenJersori county a shutt time since i - s - l Un ihursday, tl e 15th, thero was a public asieuiblate of the ilizens of the. surrounding country ht lldersville,, a little village in Ilen- dersou cfunty. for ;jhe purpose of enjoying social intercourse by way of a picnic, and everything nt tasant y unt. sometime after the mid- die ofthf day, when Mr Thomas Taylor, aifd some other white men, standing at a bar, about to .drink ja btirly negro stepped up and asked in an insulting manner for kome "Stokes whiskey." 3Jr Taylor, who- was facing him, with a glass of liquor injhis hand, dashed glass and contents in his face.! A iiiari named John Watson under took tj befriend the negro,-! and after he and Taylor) talked jalDout the matter awhile, Watson dropped the controversy and seemed satisfied to have liotjiing more to do with it. Shortly after this Watson and two men naniedi Kritt i-father and son' left J! ! I ii . . the irround. and no iiirtncr disturbance was expected. JLhe day vorejou and the crojrd gradually dispersed, until ;there were ouly five men- TomrTaylor, James Taylor, i James Henry,; William Aridrews and J:11 1 Andrews.) Ja(incs Henry and Bell Andrewsjhad Istarted to :lcavc, and had got a short j jlitatjcefrom ! the place, when bid man jLnir, ins son anaotners came up, armed witn a double barrel shot-gun arid Pistols, with a blow ing hbjrnjabout! his neck, ; aud, after blowing a blast, ijisljed tli boys, ''AH? you ready ?" and irumediatlely cdmmenccd firing, with one barrel of, his fcuh. at Tom Taylor, dnd the other at Wm. Andre .vs Win. Andrews .ftcr he.was wound ed, ros3 t?o his knees and shot j young Britt five or six tifies wjh a ! pistol,! j tailing jiimon the spot. Andrew's himself died in about two hours. Bell A,n(rews,jafter being!; badly wounded in the arc., Sknockcd old man j Britt down with a stick, t nd.cut histhroat with !a knife. ! The tAfo Britts, Stewart and others to the number of six or seven, werej firing at the other party, juo1" inir revolvers, were ail emptied, when thejy retired behind Ja house to reload, but were irditeed by parties not' engaged to desist' from ft irtlier; hostilities, j Ij :i ( . We sum up: Killed -Two Britts father and sop, and U ui. Audrews - Wounded fetew- art, Bi 1 Andrews, Dr. Bobbins and Tom Taylor. Dr. Kobb inswap in no way connected with the difficul and his wound was accidental. A11e ARKApLE Fence '-The fencing around the sit df theitnew nostoffice building at New York, opposite! the .Astor, House, was leased a few da fs $ince for two years for advertising pur- poses. J,ne Dius, over iwu iiuuureu iu numoer, rang ed fiioml$300 to 615,000. "The successful competittfr was pregarded aJ. I having paid' a price entirely tbo hiffh to save him from loss. ' That th;a -X wa rm;s(:1L.pn nn, , v:nA W - " - .""I- w a , .U.'x, i.nn fact that ton Tuesday lastrMr Bonner paid o00 paid for the privilege of its exclusive use a single day; j 1 Gen. Aade Hamploinmsconsented to deliver the openjng address of the Georgia StytaFair at Jlacon, op the loin oj oveniucj, . ,-... ; ? ; 4 1 4 Amons the - Dead lien. J The Story of a D'efriu Puer. It' is a strange' business, tliia diring! Th danger fascinates some, but th peril b never fox a moment lost sight of. I put on tbq helmet for thc-Grst time mure than ten years ago, and yet I never resume it without a feeling that it may be tho L;st time t bhall ever go down. Of course one has more confidence after while, but there is something in being shut up in aa armor, weighed down with a hundred pounds, and knowing tint a little leak i,u your life pipo is jrour death, that no diver can ejet get rid of. And I do not know that I shoiild care to banuh the feeling, for the sight of the clar, blue sky,. the genial sun, and the face f fellow man, after long hours among the fishes, makes you feel like one who has suddenly been drawn away from the grasp of death. I have had some nar row escapes while pursuing-myi I Strange profes sion; every diver has, or has been unusually lucky tor escape them. ' i 1 think the most dangerous place I ever got into was going down to cxami'uo ihe propeller Comet, sunk off Toledo. In working about her bottom, I got my air pipe coiled ! over a largo sliver from the stoven hole, and could not reach, it with my hands. Every time I sprang up to remove the hose my tender wjuldj give me the slack" of the line, thus letting mo fall, back again.. lie did not understand his duties, aai; did not know what my signal on tho . life-line meant. It was two hours and a half before I1 was relieved, and there wasn't k m6mcnt that I was not looking to see the hose cut by the rag ged wood. It's a strange feeling you have down, there. You go walking over avcsscl. clamber- ng up her sides, peering here and there, and the feeling that you arc alone makes you uneasy. Sometimes a vessel sinks down so fairly that she stands up on the bottom as trim and as neat : as if she rodo on the surface. Then you can g down into the cabin, up the. shrouds, walk all . over her, just as easily as a feailor could if she were still dashing away before the brecro.! Only it seems so ljuict, so. tomb-like; there are no waves down there only a swaying back and forth of the waters, and a sco-sawing of tho ship-" jTou hear, nothing from above. I The great flshct , will come swimming about, rubping their noses against your glass, and staring with a wooderingt look into your eyes. The very stillness Borne ' times'gives life a chill. You hear just a moan- , ing, wailing sound, like tho lat notes of an organ, and you cannot help but thiipk of dead men floating over and around you. . i j i I have been" down especially to rescue tha bodies of those !drowncd. Abijot four years ago the propeller Buckeye, belonging to tho Norths em Transportation Company, wipnt down! in the river St. Lawre'nce, in sevcnSy-cight feet of, water, aud it was known that a mother and child were asleep in their state room! atj tho time of' her sinking.. The father bejrgcd of me and offered me a good deal of Money, to take out the corpses, and though I dreaded f last consented. I had been all two or three times and knew statcroouPw'asl ,Tho door was I waited a good while before bu: tho work, I at over the wreck just where the fast locked, and rstingit open. Of course, a dead person couldnft harm you, -but even in broad day, oh s!iorc,'ahd with people around you, don't you k.uow thfrt tho eight and presence of a dead person briiiigH up solemn thoughts and nervous feelings (i knew how : they would look, how they werej flcwting around in the room, and if the father hadut been look ing so wretched above there was no money ta tempt me in there. But, at laet, I got a crow bar forwards, and, not letting myself think, pava the light door a blow that etovc ! it in. The water came rushing out, the vessel just then lurched over toward my side, ami out they came, the woman rst, her eyea wide open and hair trailing behind, and iu her left hand she bdi the hand of tne child. I knew! how they would ' look, but I screamed out, an3 jamped back. Her face was fearfully distorted, showing how hard death had been made, aud the eyes looked through the green waters at me its a way that made my flesh creep. The childj had died easily, its little white face giving out mo sign of terror. 1 It was a good while before I fjstucd the line to them and gave the. signal to haul upj and I felt so uneasy that I was not longjin following. This is one of the drawbacks to any feeling of, curiosity a diver might otherwise! have. I nevfr go down the hatchway or the cabiti steps with- . out thinking of a dead man floating about there. When the Img la Belle sunk on- St. Clair ; flats the engineer was caught in thcljrukh of jwatcrs and no trace was ever found of liiaj body. II ii wife came to mc, hearing that I Was to go down to the wreck, and asked mc to find tho body if possible. I remembered this wlienl went down, and went groping' through the jenginc room in momentary expectation of encountering the body. I looked so long without finding it that I got nervous, and had started for th? ladder to go up, when I felt something strike! ray helmet and give way, and a chill went dancing over me as I , thought the dead body was at tapd. But, oa reaching up, I found that I hadjrUu against thf fire hose, the end of which wasjhanging down,; and what I so dreaded was still hidden beyond my sight. V j j A diver docs net like to go dowin more than a. hundred aud twenty feet; at Itliat depth the pressure is painful and there isdangr of internal . injury. I can stay down for fivi prsix hours at a .time at a hundred and fifteen or twenty feet and do a good deal of hard work.! j In the, waters t of Lake Huron the diver can see thirty or forty , feet away, but the othr lakes will iBcrcen a vessel not tea fect from you. I I I Up here you seldom think! of accident or death, but a hundred feet of water washing over your head would set you to thinking. A little ftopage of the air pump, a leak jin your hoso,'a careless action on the part of your tender, and the weight of a mountain . would press the lif out of you before you could inakc a movo. . Abd you may "foul" your pipe or liob youreclfraud ' id your haste bring on what you dread. ' I 'often , get my hose around a atair or railj and though I am not called cowardly, and generally rebaao it without much trouble, the bare idea of what a n slender ihing holds backi the clutch of death off J my throat, makes a cold j sweat start from every porcv'"' ', "-. -J j ": 1 1 : r '. ! Tr rAnlv to a oaocr which called Gcn. 6htf. ; man 'the coming man, a Ueorpa journal 4' .! a HlV " a J jt 'hopes that he is pot c'omirfg tliat way agm r - 5 i

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