1 i I I ' i i I t ; i J': j i I r Ii! mw m r m ' wm r-m tw - 1 1 i . i i i i . i . a .l. 1 ... t . r . - -. .... - ... . . u : N:- 'T!l:';- Trnrftn l'MO::r-:f?Amto"'r,f;?Ui:' N:A,!.A::i:;-, :-.;x:n ' "ry:h. ..... .. ,. EniTon and Propri:tob. Ttrt f Sihttripfir.n TiiFtr. Dollars, in adrance. ' CHARLOTTE T II K Western Democrat i rCBLI5UEP BY WILLIAM J. YATI.S, EJitor end TTOvtlttoT. " I o ! j Tekms -TLrcc IV.Hars per annum in advance. AJrerf i.temcnfs will be in?crtcl at reasonable rates, or in accordance with contract. Obituary notices ofoTer five lines in length will becliarged for at adTertising rates. . IJUESDAiYl OCTOBER . a 1869. Robert Gibbon, M. D., ! P1IVS1CIAX AND SUKGKOXi Tryon Street, X'hathjftcX. ti; Office an 1 l:eMcnce, one door .u::tb old State Tank, (former! Wm. JoLutyii's re?idcnce). Jan 1, 103. j i J. P. KcCoinbs, if. D., j O.Ters his ..-.V.-ic:i il sniccs' 'to tlie ciSiicns of Charlotte and surrounding country. All culls,1 both nijcht and dnj, proi,i,ily aittndc l to. j tiCce in lri u"s Luildin, up s:aii , opposite the Charlotte iIV:cl. i t)ct j : . ; . j DR. E. C. ALEXANDER j v 1 i-itod ft .1-! it. , has oitvncd an -t:e in I j. ..--' '.m! J,nj. o ;'( it- t; i'hu i Ulti Hotf 1. where : i r't- I -us: I tth.ii imt pro..ii.iifillv iipigfd. l ;- -IL !";. ; 7i.:-d ;v; . . Dr. JOHN II. ItlcADEN, Wiioicolc and Retail Druggist. c 11. into rrj;, .v. a, ! id ji 1 trfre n l well .ntlvctcil s'ock of TURK J.. l-utciit Midiciiu-s Family Medi- ).. Vanu-iio-, Dve MuH's, lancyaud . v'iii he is determined to sell at the TveBeen TMukin. .. I've been thinking, I've been thinking What a clorious world were this, . Did folks mind their business more, And nrnd thpir neighbor's less; -For instance, you and I, nij fiicud, Are sadl prone to tilk ' ' Of matters th.it concern us not, And other's fgllies mock. I've been thinking, if we'd begin To mind our own affairs, That possibly our neighbors might Contrive to tjianage theirs. We've faults cnonch at home to mend It may be so with others; It would be strange if it were not, Sincell mankind are brothers. i Oh! woul that we had charity For every mail and woman; ! 1 Forgiveness is the mark of those Who know -tJcrr is huinan," Then let os banish jealously Let's lit our, iallcn brother; And :iiFwe!jourpy down life's road, lh g.nl to f.ne1 ani'ther. j- :i-1 A;t:.:: vi rv 1 - . WH. H. SHIPP, A T T O 11 X i: V A 1 L, A Charlotte, N. C, I'fKV'.H IJ.K 111 ILI!. if r tirrifi: Valuable Land for Sale. On Uonduy. H.h 1st d.jy of November next, at the v.u.:. iioiifMioormcuat-Iotte, I will veil the valuable i r.sci oi i.tiu. Known ns the Andrew drier place . M,g ... vei Kirnourg. on raw Creek, 10 miles from ...ii .one an; i 'j miles from the , 1! & R. Rail mki'i, an i containing ;ntout -(W) acres iiaiurauy h very hue l.o y of land; -lias portion of Irtillonu a good .I w lling au-1 out-building turn ii-u L ) i. I o It will be hold 'subject j to certain liens of T Dewey i Co. and other? gainst T. S. Cavcnder. .a :., o.eam r.ii.,j j;,ieiv &c , will be sold una ine i.!..ce, iiMlj.sotlierwi.vedisi.osed of. Terms made kitowit on'the flay ofjiale. This i a lai ce pro- AV. ! Fept 20. i?t:r. ! i-MARGARKT GRIKR, L'xieutris of A. (Jricr, dee'd. ALEXANDER & BLAND, Dentists, Charlotte, N. C., 1 Wi!l wait on partitsin lity or count iy -whenever tbeir n-rvl.-.'s m. v to solicited. ; I TcimIi CX'T-tCftv n . r.i-. in to IV M. March S. 18; ih.-ur rain. f!-i a.Iniinistero.l l.io-n's Iki.l-.'itig. Hours Iroi.i'h AJ M. j Notice. in t. j i . an j.n-.-oiis iKivmg claims .against tho estate of Al. 11. Joiiuston, dec are notiiied to present their claim to me or.to Col. Mi W. Alexander. n:y agent, before the lOlh d:iv of .September, 1S70. M A 15 OA 11 KT A. JOHNSTON, Sept. 13, 18iK -lw ! Udnrx. of M. D. Johnston. j One Certifif J. C. HILLS, ' i atto iz v a r l, iv , I Charlotte, N. C, 1 Will pra t:ce in the Courts of North Carolina and in the United States Court. , OSic? a'jovc the Stre of Elias & Cohen, opposite th? Cbtrbitte Hotel. : I ; June 2S, lSsJ'j f.mpl O S ! LOST, fe of Stock in the Charlotte & Pniith t arolina Kailroad, Number 17'i, dated July lit, li-i.-J. Notice is hereby; given that application will be made for a renewal of said Certfi'cafc. . Aug 2, L.) ;;a,pd ? JNtj. 1$. MOSS. Notice to Miners and Contractors. 1W Kegs.llhisting rowdcr,. i ") ' iRiJle S0,0(H) I'ect I). T. Vuse, ' - iiemp rusp, . , . . SAMUKL C.ROSK &j GO'S. , .. . ; .j The Future of Cotton. j From the; Shipping and Commercial Llstll ,'The business of English 'spinners continues w suuer, severely trom the : jscarcity ard high price of cotton and the relative low price ofgoods. 1 hey held a large meeting ai Manchester in the r . v Fai. wHie weeic lor tne purpose oiadevis- mg some means whereby t he h-ade may be folaced upon a betteif footing and the leadiri lViiah journals continue, to devote considerable Atten tion to the same rtuestion. liThe Lnndon 5'imM thinks tliere is but one way for the iLancflshire manufactures! to meet the exiirenev. 'and fliat is to employ a pprtion of their Capital' in c'rera- tive cotton planting in Hritish India, Ut the sptrrners evidently have littleifaith in aUl: adequate Suppies from that source:' j ' The events 6f the last few vcars havosfv(ti tTi. i 3 ..1 ! 4 .. : , : uncu me pnnvietion ol sagacious obstrv-jl itlmt the bouth is dfsliued m the future, as' hi the past, to be thq great source of the world's siinplv Ul cMcuuai article, since there is iiuiitions prpuuction m that field, liberal appI;cajton of capital and an supply of labon '.which,; it mayl be grauteil, will be found elsewhere: the constantlyj jjohtiimg old which bottoji has upon comniercq, there' is everywhere kmaqifest disposition to make a concerted aid deterraiucd effort to recover the ground which1 vaJ lost uuriiig the, rebellion. J here jare; several impor tant elements n this problem,! which constitute a strong inceuttve to the rehabilitation of the great staple. " j - : j A ; j A' full, cotton crop is very generally collided to be an absolute essential in cqualizitm the foreign exchanges, without a resort to gi;lit is also necessary as a means of placing the American shipping jintercst on'its proper foo iiigj and to enable tlio country to restore and mail tain specie payments. And in reviving the prciluc tiveenergiesoftheSouth,nosureror sneediir' wav I. a." l n . . 1 . -i' J can uu muiia ior composing all existing differ- EIGIITEENTII Y0LU5IE K C U D E R 8DJ. War by MacMneryJ The Latest novelty abroad in the art offiht- mg oy macniuery is somethiBg known as a "hall syringel dp exhibition at Vienna, and christen- cu i crauieuse. ,.as described it has the shape of ja small! cannon, and is! served by five men. Thej breech end of the barrel j. is a small niovable, quarebox.;; Jlt coutajus thirty-seven common infaiitrveartrices. arranged li n a bundles , j As soon as it- is attached to the breech eud of a cannon, the -JJitrailleuse is load ed. A man "Sitinfr on tbe r-arrino-A fiiWi.lw crank. The! sound 1 nrodneed hv ;esi the imnressinn mf rtnbifndn fim ine crank is turned once box removes itself from the pn'nnnti? n. man tr the right takes it and removes from it the ? ci"ar dox: the man to tho 1 i i 1 -. . i mm J Superiority . of the South over the "West - jUnder this head the Charleston News presents th following interesting facts 1 j . . . ljr' o lauus isaeterminea oy the money rtH of tbbirj products per acre ; . Thus, in the turning discharge! makes O - I r y '"jo 'w iiic icu. ones a new enn m m-.ri.i t j: ' " : . i brings itgki-.tj.iis place; two other en! move K5f?FjfeW constantly to and fro br scartfclya under " a adequate take I for In vew of wcr abfeehce of speculation -find other distnrbin UUjeriCCS. d.itnmiirtoo tbft m!m l.. J A cP?rSDQjof ihe average Jyield to the acre injtheNodhwcstiiand South, will show, . there lore the relative value of the . Lmd in ti - sedtidns, and, iDcidentally; their retith .i . v pehty.-r For the purpose of this enrnmrin tta w the average yield, to tho ner p vale stdples in several States, the material for the caleulatien being taken by a correspond. en I trom the rennrt nf thA A vrT-:i ' -f".- " I,-.,,. ,. ii " :r-jT.-, fei;vmtuiai f bureau corn to the 'value ignig ammunition. same cnuitc ;mcves the :. cannon' iij any direction. At the hist iperformance the Mifran!nn fW.l four hundred and I forty, balls in; one minute. The Austiain Secretary of, War.! who was! pres ent at thejexpqiiment, xJeelared the effect !to bo I hun- S!X equal to the. volley of a battallion of dred meni ' iAII tlie b .Hs' worn firorl IntA a . face twelvp feet square at a distance of six! hun dred yardl 1M Hungarian officer who were they li'fi nb in I . - - ..-7 "'"V--'-V- 4-I he very devd, f ; they say, "could not invent present at! the esbcranents hurrahed! when aw the tcrnbloi effects of the ences, securing, permanent neace kind harts. restoring prosperity throughout the .'Jible try. We arc irlad to be nhT( tr ' authority o-fjso reliable a journal as the Qdm eial Uulietin, of Xew Oilcans, . that I the wastes of war are gradually and! surely repairing. HaiJrpads will soon be traversing 'the Soutji in new x . A PiipocLt . -Dodg. ' From thi Philadelphia Bulletin. . r" ' A few, words in reirar adopted by pickpockets, i:nown as 'knucU" to successfully pij, their . vcaUon, may erre to place the public on , the "r guard against the en t Angered crentrv. Piet- tiencral tiding aro tolerably well j far us outlaid appearances aro rU readily! piss for gentlemen. ! .tcrnity who huye made the tto 1 1 science, dnria with irninniAn : "i- i i. croa h.;!c:;t3i f these 1: r.c-ef.s i r.- . i coneeni Th neatness, r : in spcec that thev ol blb iiJ an acre.; wKWnf 9f.iS)9 ak w u wu, oci acre, i ivansas vields rVrn af. S9 o-i..wneai ax iniy.bU, and barlev at S2.i .0? acre. ..Missouri yields corn at 1 fi f)n wli-o S2-I.S0 and barley at 30 80, per acre: , Turn- mgito the bputh wo 'find that Virginia yielda a hiiifier average f)f nn tlinn Tiiin,,:, mt COUIl the merei fltll'f llfllry rtint-zt -m.. I. f i I " i -"V'"Bi "oc -A.-inu.ie.. j.t may mow aqwn a battalion in two or three minutes, and if two hostile arniiiqs use this new offspring of h 11 they may annihilate one anotlier with the rapidi ty of light jiingj If mankind wishes to extermi "ate itself,! La Mitrailleuse will do the job'for n " The great 'merit of the invention seems to be that it dispenses largelj- with the use of men five doing the service of six hundred. One Cannot help hoping that in the progress of inven tion the tiiine may come when ware will be wa-'ed altogether by machinery, and, that great battles ' f niu uu iuugiu wnijuut i no j loss or a lite , fTw 1 "rrTiV' ; , -rvy. pci. acre. xxontl Cajjlma yields tobacco a f 0112.79 per acre. Lo;siana andj Misslippi yield sugar cane at b2iM) per aprc. .'South Caroling and Geor- giaiyicitt rice at Wo, and Sea - Island cotton per acre. ! And ths twelve cotton at States. , r : ' ut times exceedingly polite, pleasant h, nr. 1: affect sueh nnostcntatiousncss j ' ' w wane a luvoraoia lmprcs sion upou society. There; aro others who do not c'J?;c UP t!li? standard they are tiraply con. luutesrL'rjalls their f.nsin, , 3 1 , r, . i . the plunder -faked' by fheir snperion. Tho favorite resort of the fratjerniiy of pickpockets for the purpose of pursuing their professxoa was for several years the street cars, generally those which started from ; railrodd depots immediately after the arrival of . traml, or at the places of amusement at the time of closing. . These thleycs would select crowded cars, and so well arranged mrs their plans thnt they ilcvcrcaino in contact with each other. At thfs present! time they deviate a little from'theoJi practice.' They do not always select crowded cars. Tlv n the rear, platforms df . ears very full,1 and insist 'ji i ii I ii i i y 4 w.uot 1 CI V lull, nnii InS'JiL iefl nplandjcottonj at an average;. of 3G0 per upon standing there" alwajs being ready .with acre. . j . - .is , ,4 I tnm xi.i,.f!i..i . i .. . e value loi thd lands cf the rar tnore speculative than intrinsic. foref thev.-havie -idvanppfl In Ti-;na - . , r pmv,niii j;icai ra- .; ' , pwusible excuse, sucfi as "going to get off" 5 H est is really directly," "only going a cfuplo of equarcs or 5ic,' and hereto- "it s too-hot there."- At sk'i a time their tian lvei i Liniigration i "ii ' . wnitn a wavs n . . r w w . A-jreiauuu is as iouows : ji. no car stops for one ii ring ! F ' 7t",f.aPcounl' ;t their superior product- or more passengers, who have some difScuhy in ..vv..Jr) BM.Viiiiauv,. ,iB' crowa ,opcos the way, and a3 the passcrcr passes onward his hat is pushed from behind so os to' nearly cover hi This is so adroitly accouinllahod bv i because pou there was a vast tide of Into tha United States flowed towards the.Wfv?fc nnrl rapiaiy filled Jup the country. Each immigrant uroi cohti forehead. i leaving no productive region. reuiote, without access to every direct ion J iowever; interior or market: and. cVentuallv. tln no,f:,i l.,KJ ' r in -w wxj i. in i. i k in traded by assurances of profit and IfacilitjfcJ hv abundant and ihmid will be liadj Then, we shall ! hear much' 'Bess about what is going on in foreign cotton V-nItnrn- At - .i -. i .i arm, wnn ine accession ot Iresh looms and shin- 11. in tm t-l,..'11 J.lt l 1 l , iv, tv cu.iu uii ouiy lessen our dependence upon England for cotton foods hut sllll i t I A beautiful foundling; left! in!a doorstep at x ursuurg, i aj, a lew cvfenmgs Since, is to be sold at auction t the highest bidder next Satur day. An 800 bid has been nmdel ! "The monev realized is to be put to compound interest for the benefit of tl.e child, when it arrives at the age of eighteen years. ILrnt With! him tpiri .iirnna c,m U : u: l I l,k l.:i? .i .ii I o Jumuw DUUIC iiUlU. HillCll IIIU llliUl ciS L ) I mW I 11 r n4eunnnn . T" Hbuted hrrlv tnwJ.wU t,,.;' ' fl ir , H iV" w -.v.woiuuu 'tie Westnta ,s " . J 1 '.i " UP djUt his i v. .' -- v-. vuii uj iitivv mi i vuu. a iu iiij till' Knmn incrnnf iw A. A a : fi dbult thafco rr nl,l nsfif! . 1 ..U..' ,.. "VrTu. ., .-uuuo . n " .."vv.vw ui fun ci v uiscuur-. i iiiu,iv i ciievus nini 01 nisrnnL-ft-hvL- ma( aged iniimgmtion,; nd so impeded the . material Valuables, which he hah As tliis "pall V who irett proc ess of tne tou h. ,; Uut now that slavery off and disappears. : . - b ' tllf lv v Wfi !chancc r the compe- (The hat-tipping bus (nvk is quite' a favorite Sl &fe!8 ,Ph11 1! though iti's.nkalwaJattcnded with ;tT V-. .fruucuw vluoe csla-- HUss. lersons who meet with such an event. 1 , i o'T u ' v F"ul iniu uur acciiuu I tinier 1 a h cid oon raise j cotigrgation rJei.h0d:st at is acidly grcatier tliali rtlfb! value of lauds in the. Maklcg Matches.. Western 21 raACTrcAt Watch and Clocli TV! x'lDri - j ax! , ik i.nn IX JEWKLXV, FIXE WATCHES, CLOCKS, VTtttth Jfuttn'iih, Spectacle, .J r. Aug. 10, 1J7. I CIIAULOTTE, N. C. i i i 11 Tho City Book Store, 1 is Im-th Urmornl ' fytrrir'f Of,l Stand. 7 inie njor nelow its lormer Iocaion. f t i r . r r. . i . . ii , r.crj iMinjr i5 uiYKCM io can ani examine our Stack, w inch coii!i.ts in p.irt of a large assortment of j School, Religious and Miscellaneous Books, Blank nl I'a-s Dook. Will r.iTMr. IJIank ami Printing liper. an I ail articles usually kipt in a first-cla"4 It.iok; Store. ' Our arrangement" tv;t!i Publishers are r.e!i ti:it we receive all tlieVN'KW 'V.'UilKS of popular rnitlior on punli' :iel . , our prices are as law as any other Kocksellers in tlie St.ite. . j j Jan 4, lV.i. j WADC i GUNNKLS.j J. Y. BHYCE & CO., Goneral Commission Merchants -' ' ciiai:iatti:, x. r. Particular attention pa:l to the selling of all kind.- Of Prr.lure, CVftun 1 Ti liaeco. I I3-.l:g'i"st h price a il for Cotton. ; CS- rler" from a il.-fance promptly attended -' J. V. 1U1YCK. I March V . W. II. IIIIYCE.' important Sale j of Real Estate. On Saturday, tha '?A of 'October next, I will sell at public auction to the hiJiest hi.hler. at the Court House door in the City of Charlotte, in obedience to a I'eeree ot the superior Court of .Mecklenburg county, the following Lands, .subject to the widow's dcwer.to wit: The Tract of Lan.l known r.s the A L. DeAriiiond Tract on ft lie wafers of Four .Mile Creek, adioininr Washington Mills. liichard IN orlt 's. Janus Lee and others, containing 111 acres?, more or less. ! ; I ! Term? 12 nionthsi credit except $10 in Cashi with note and approved security with interest from date, i Title made when the monev is naid. ' t ! : i A II. GRIFFITH j Adm'r. of A. L. DeArmond. Jce'd. epi. i.;,.it(i'. i ijw : j i 1 -i u : Important Salo of Heal Estate. In obedience to a decree of the Superior Court of .MccMeiihiirg County. I will sell at the Court Hou$c door in Charlotte, to the Iiiirhest bidder, nt Puhlif- Auction, on Monday'the L'"ith day of -October, ll?d. the following real estate, toj-wit: Two hundred acrs of land, more or less, lying on both sides of Sueur Creek, adjoinine the lands of J- Ii Stewart. Ch.n-lfis linker,' Margaret Henderson anil others, known as the lands belonging;to the heirs of Albert Wallace. Terms, twelve months credit except fifty dollars to he paid in cash hond with good security required. . K. A. OSBORNE, Septl3,lSG0. jfit j Clerk Superior Court, l (.factory in epu Wo, fsbd York is Egk, v bile Kev. : M r ln preacher," was : xaddrc-ssiDg Co 1 u in b ia . U fa z u n a co'u n t v J To. x :i n t h f t v p.n r of the Oth ult., six armed 'j desperadoes ; entered the church jand fired at and killed! liitn instant ly. Kev. M r Hardwell. the tninis'ter iri vl enabled to successfully, compete; with her in sup-who; was sitting in! the pulpit, was knocked down O'lallty are i sed; annually for the matches and plying fabrics to the nrincinal! niai-L-pt nf'Hlio I bv one of the ruffians: ! hut. .'is bn ' ia 40ft' BOO f'MYeh' ttel-A fx c. n't. - i - - - i , i i r . , -.j.uu ..o ,t . ivij uj v - i c ' vwu nmuiiii utia, . i uusu nnnr v -i ; i 4 liiui nni j. iik ;i u i : i u rtf w rnn rr rs i iii'iir'iiiTiii;ii vi tmi tiva Totiici inn i i j S'OW :his assnilanfcf !l'he assaswus-l thens ran! out the ihosphoHs JisOBOO: potut'ds. ' Ite tnkchit:cs : . 1 1 : ! J- : , . i . - . j '. L i i I . 1 " ' . . ' j scivcs ana mounted in hot pui'sxiit.jwith mstrluct- .ind fc erf'. Af IlKltcl nctca fior uficlufe. pour into our section our lauda to their true value, which ing the Curious machinery used in its man- ; pO,;00(J feet of pine of ;the best - - A I; in getting on railroad, cars, or while wait. at ticket offices in depots or at. places of amusement,, should retnember .these words of caution. Iri ca?c any ono Jhbuld feci his hat move from behind, in the nianner above stated, whether on a crowded latforin or any other place, as already indicated jlct that person im mediately turn around to die ono behind him rivseff." and say, 'I'm on that : r r. . -. i BUJi K0.U6IIS & CO., Life HUTCIlISOAj ana iire Insurance Agents. The Companies Class, and comment sary. - representcU by them are Frst to - tins community is unncres- REMOVAL1. IIUTCIUSOX, II Ul 110 UG II S & CO. i Will move; to theiri New Build'nrr Ion Colleo-e Street about the 1st pf October,! where u good'suppiy of Ithe ionowiog i , ! j -K? w X( X J. X .1 IS O X 3 I . i ' t ' I I can be found :ing i ox at tlib works uscdito makt tchc inns-i roin the Urtited States marshall to b the ruuiansback,!dead: or alive. A terrible dtate tho. Sua of auairs is said to be existing in that Isectio the Country. day, ?nd 300 hands are eiiiploycd ',500ppunds of p-.ipcr per clay are jthe ligli't, small boxes for holding iand ! four! j itons of pasteboard weekl for the largef boC3r ' Sixty-; pounds of flcurber day are ued ftiir paste,, and! the penny may feel perfectly secure from further annoyance uii mat occasion. ... .1 After (hat ho JC 1 wenty years j ago Pennsylvania ; was the. largest wheat-producing State in the Union. Now; it is about twelfth on tlie list.; iThe people have turned their attention to the ddvelopenient lint wmcn is iiifiuen in .the eartli-l oi , coa ana iron. -: - i , -! It is said (hata;handful of sulphur thrown into out, will the fire when a jchiniiiicy is burnin almost instantaneously extinguish the flames ET1W i GENUINE SOLUBLE SPECIAL NOTICE. i 1 Inve uwnis me j.l...ut .X TII()USAX1) nOT.- (T..1S fr trncorie.? and Piovisiuiis. ,1am compelled ! pay MV ilv bis. anI t'nc.e wlw o c me iiiU.-;t pay up f'l order ihtt I may nn-i-t iriy obligations. Now is p. ie iime i neei i.rip. an'i u tiiOM'- wi.om l Jiwve t"red au-t a eeor.i nid: a ted will do their duty to nie an I give men part if not all of what thcy'owc, I 'i -iH be lhat.itfu!. . ! 1 un JI, K-v,.. ' 11. M PRCSSON. I "i Ii e NOTICE. mid :rig:J I. La tin- d.iy of Senfer.iber, .-. ; F.Mvnlors uf tin- l.it Will and Tes- i;;:!t ot A. .any. IccM Jiefore t he Jmlge Irnb:.li ft,r l i'.-L t i.nl.ii i l"..iitff All !rii-vni 1 .iviag claiiiH ngainst the Estate of ?:i'u Testator tire hereby no!i.ied to present them to the uuder f r " . 1 r l-ti;re the Hnb .i.iy of Seplember, 1870, r rv.' Valuable Mill Property for Sale. t)n Saturday, the Tth da vi of October, 1800, I will sell to the hiehest bidder.! at Tublic Auction, under a Decree of the Supreme, Court of North Carolina, the following property, to wit : That valuable Mill atit Uatrr Power, four miles from the City of Char lotte, known as the Fox and McCulloiifli Mills, sit uated on Sujrar Crcc-k, embriieinp: the Tract of. : Land on which said mills 'are located, containing Eight Acres more or less. !; ! I Terms, twelve months credit with interest frorii datc--bond with two good: securities required. ! ! I E A. OSHOKXE, . Sept. 13, 18tJ0 At : j Commissioner. - if 1 NOTICE. Oil T?TJ"1STriv! n Dlincun nva 1 and duly recorded .and registered, I shall feeil at' the. ' I--''- v ' x "01,11.1.1 Cnnrt llm,n W nA M . '.. .,'' ,c. . - - w t vaiivMt, vu . yjiiAiiy lilt JCII1 OT ,!to tlie highest bidder, all the to hie by' said Deed, consist in f C 1 . ny... IT--' IL t Li -I T-i- i. . .' I : - f3 i wo nusKireu aim riijty-six Acre$ ol l.find. v uta vnn' i PERUVIAN I GUANO. i i : : " i i " : ' ! ; ! i i PACIFIC. GUANO October next j for Casl Heal Estate conveyed adjoining the lands of LIME, j PLASTER and CEMENT. Sept 20. 1800. Creek, 0 miles Tract is known tract of Land, is well adapted Davis, Samuel 'Morfisdn and others, lying on lleedv Nort as a The to the IE. NYE HUTCHISON j. c. uunnouGiis, 11 A. SPRINGS. Wheal, and Corn, f good JMill Seat upon Sept 13, 18GU SMITH & CO , B General Connhission Merchants Xo. 1G Cqntrql Wharf, Roston Ma LAND j I offer for sale my v county. .! One tract,: joining ilie Trust! made td me! of Tn lay of By virtue of a D'a!eu1 Wallace, on the 1st day of November, A. by Albert D. 1SCG, Wm. C. Morris, s'aniis rcquii-ed b government on the boxes amount to S1.440 nfir hv Ti or cutting, dipping and delivering The two inch pine plank is sawed of hf match, which is1 2i- inches. ithe DKichine for cutt'inir. where at evera stroke twelve inatehes are cut "and by the oin.wuiu" siiuivu imsnea intf s af s jimniwH or. eh i n the up tl 1 11 Of in use latches. 3 -length iro into It as the A Tougli Story. JjiZifil in n man' iff,r,irh :i From the Cairo (III) Dullctinj ' JJuri:ig the war. a gentleman, now of this city, was connected with the aWr in South' Carolina, lie had Jong and crjiaultin 2 inarches to m.nln and for drinking water was compelled to resort to the swaliips and nondn f.nind 11 Inner I . - w O lUUlfC. was customary to hu(riejclly dip up a cnpfull the column moved on., without le avln thrt line, and to gulp it down m (hey movej forward. Time passed, and. the gentleman of whom wo speak fell sick. ITc'was troubled with nn irrita bility of the stomach, for which physicians could. a dodble cha ri20 fJW. lAnnr wb;.T, nt.u -J- -"ar eioseu, ana fiia com. Vi J! 11' 1 'Vi v '- ; w T"w l"wul Piainc Decame more and taofo ao-ravilinf1 to thfa sulphur vat, and from thenentA thp ...A. .:.i. 1 r , , u r.r ar-eravating. rj i . " -" v t-' v 1 1 iia wiiii 11 iTiif'ii ir tr Phortfo vat, and thu across the room! and hack, u .1 -00tD, itiuinm mem 1 ..'..'ii.:!'- ..." ii -1 cuiuaijr uiacnine. ana wnero hrv nw r?si;,.n-r . 1 . : . t .. .w ivuiuuica, uuii incy an iaiiea to clfoct JlJu.i. T . ... James1 M. h Jiast of (iharlotfe. This part of the James M. 'Black land is J of good qualify ind ikl production of ! Cotton, and It ss Well improved, and has a it.. ! W.M. McCOMES, iliiPd - - I ! Trustee. FOR i SAIS. able I LANDS! in Ro wan county line, is 8 a :.cc iv ill . m.-kf !o j n-.-fi i in bar ot taeir rieov 1 i s iiiiicbrcl to the deceased are iisn.t diate settlement. T." N- STEELE."' L::.M;i:u iceev. . I Executors. : State "of North Carolina, Mecklenburg county. Snjterior Court. , j W Ilichards & Co; IMaiutiiT, against The Empire Gold Mining Comp'any, L'cfcndant. ! Claim for Merchandise and JWoney advanced to the amount of oUHtf iih i ' .; K iJarringer, Survivrug Partner of Osborne & Ear ringer, against' the spic defendant. Claim for legal scrviccs.to! the amount of $o00. The Defendant in the nbovej cases is iiotified that a Warrant of Attachment 'has1 this day been issued in each c ise against jthe properly held by it in said County, and thai said Attachment will be returnable! before me at my oflic in Charlotte, on the loth day ofOciober. lh whiii and where the said-Defendant j is reju:re l to appear aim answer the complaint, in each eas.' -ug i 1. ir.; t E. A. OSIiOENE. ! f 7 1-or the sale of Cotton, Cotton Yarn, Naval Stores. c, ana the purchase of Gunny Clotns and .uerchan dise generally.! - ' L I Liberal Lash! advances made on consignmentsjto us, and all usual facilities offered. T I We hope by fair and honest dealing, and cur best miles North-east of Coicord, and contains 3 acres of which lis om, 2-j acres Pasture, It returh nff thehrto d noii fe inst in iVnnt k,v J.'T.T ' , . :"u BI;V"I Jicconsu tca ..... ' . - wv 1 a iiuillUfl, Ol nil VSlPI:in tvhA nrnexi. k. J , and where they are delivered ,1 v,rhA iul Ku A. u ? 111 mcir .-. naturqi ordd , and are Gathered un bra U ,1:.1 If : , - vw boy iHtatr-tnfs and llnnd Wth; ntin'1 I ,.cpnwnuoa thus until Cabarrus .wo acres . .. - j. . Ji" actes &c. l)n efforts to please, to couragement which Orders solicited receive from our friends that, en- it shall be our aim to merit. and promptly filled for Guntiv John UcmerritU Esq Loring & Leynolds, Bagging! Fish, Doots and Shoes, &c, &c, ! ' Hefer by! Permission to I . Pres. Eliot Nat.' Bank, Bosicm 110 Pearl St.. Boston. Murchieon & Co., 207 Pearl St., New York. J Y Bryce & Col, Cliarlotte. N C. : : Pv Y .McAden, Esq , rres.: 1st Nat. BankL Charlotte T W Dewey & Co., Bankers, Ciiarlotte,.N C. good Creek and Branch Bot and 10 acres good Medow4- all cleared and y vltogotlier with heavily timbered witjh1 0; !i, hickory.' .walnut this tract is a good tVvoj-siofy Dwelling 'with U roori;s all necessary out-buildings, two-story iddnble Bat 11. carpenter shop, and a j good T:AN YABD with 125 Vats. Also, a fine Orcnard of 'choice Fruit! i Trehs. .The wiater for the DWcil i .(.: convenient. The Landi Wheat, Oats, &c 1 hnsjj 1 ,000 gross of 144,000 small boxes of ma t cites are niade per day. The machines for making the small, thin j paper boxes and their coverM are qtiitje as wonderful and ingeniously .unii a as inese iliac inake the matches. A- ong epil ot paper, a wide as the box is lonr revoltics on a wheel, hrouh rollers, where the printing ;s doiap ; lroin thence to the paste boxes, when the sidq and ends only are pasted; from thencj tu thildingjl apparatus, where the ends are nifcly Ifaldejl and the whole box is pasted togetlbr and dioppetf into a basket, r' A similar machine is at w.ork aiUhe cover's, and thus 1-ti . the gentleman made tin his mind hif thn .... no;cure for him, and that the onlv thin" thntrol mained for him was to contijiuc the use of such medicines as afforded him the most relief, and -" thus smpoth his way to tljc rfravc. - One' morn ing he was walking in the garden, and being tempted by the appcaran'co of a cluster of rod . currants, he yielded to inclination, and swallowed as no for 000 Mixes of! matches!: are manufactured per day. A iWestern. Romance. - ... . i . i nucn as a small handful of them. Ho had sooner done so than he felt that he had causo regrciung nis rasiines$. An unusual retch followed, arid in a few seconds he vomited up the .currants; and withlthom tho dead hcv r a red lizard, fully six inches ong.' -No had, t doubt, drank this lizard when it was very small, in the South Carolina - ffwanib water, i It h-.d been nurtured for month?? iij his stonitchand Sept 10. li hv SADDLES AND HARNESS. . jiu:ii:irr siiaw & son. ; (. I tr l It ,r from th " JI I st'oii, ". v) i: E PECT FULLY in form ICl'-rk Superior CoitrtJ &K-t a larce ."fock of SADDLES ; .i.V TVe-ivX ami .IIAli.M.i on.liaml. ' J 1 'v, which they offer to the , --: r . i i" nnblie At low prices. i . - . . 1 . . - - . . . . . 'Anything in the way of C"t 3 j-i -r-r i J'i'iillis, Mnrthnjfbs, t. S.:-l !I- Trees, ITarntss Umj:h;g of jsll deS ' Vn " -. v. ill be tiirnished or made to t)rdr ' ! are regii!i.r oieeitaiiics. we tnink it will le We warrant t :: f As u t" i:i advantage of all to buy from us .0 ir w.i k. i - i-I .J'ilPAH.ING neatly executed at short notice an.l on reason.iMe teriuB. Sv-j, 2.5. lb',? R. SHAW. W. E SIIAW.. jTit. THE FIRM OF CLAPP. FIXGEIl & LEWIS was dissolved by mutual consent '.1- the .:.th of July, 1ST.'.). . - CLArr, FINGER & LEWIS. Newton, Sept 13, 1 f f j'J lei 5 i Clover; Seed. - : S'O I'OCNS !Ci.OVE2i SEED, for sale 'sTENHOUSE, iuACACLAY &' CO. ! Sept 20, is:;.i t j; 1 State of North Carolina, f Lincoln cocnty. j L. W. Iloyle niid W. A. WarLek. Adminislratois of Aaron Bofgs. dec"I. r..'Janie Roggs and Jot hers, heirs at Liw of Aaren Rocs. dee'd. ! Petition to Sell Land for 'Assets. i In this case, it appeai-iug toiihe satisfaction of Ilie Court, that Jai;us Boggs and "o:ili I'oggs. two of the defendants, reside tejoud the limits ot the Maie, so that a summons iu the ordinary -manner cannot be served on them, il is therefore ordered by the Court that publication be uiide, lor six successive week in the Western Democrat, a weekly ncwj-japYr j ul lishcd in the Ninth Judicial Pitricf, nor'ryiug said James Bopgs and Nosh B)ggs fi" appear bc!$re t he Clerk of the Snpcrict Coijrt of Li::ccln cruitv, ct tlie Court House in l-lt:'. . kiTi 1:. on - thcOCt li jday of October. lSi'.t, and ftnwtr! th s:iid Pciiiion, for the same will be heard ex parte ii la 'hem.. 8 P. !$ II Ell KILL, C. S. LV larlotte, N C. il M Cites & Cel.. CI Williams, Murc&isort .fc Co.; Wilmington Col Wm .lo!instoh,;Pi-es.!(' road, ClrirljotteJ N C. Sept q i8G:. mrlotte and An The suit purchasers. Also, another tract! o . 1 . . With albout 70 acres 3 rki Culfivaion ueaviiv iininei-ea. .:. ,m fire, premises aii't ail necessaiy oatrlipiiSes. .-: Lot! tracts are on Iptitch . RhtTalo " Creekj! N C. usta'Rail- wants fo pjirciiasc a Number 1 Farm formerly owned by .J$colf PlessJ The I cord, Tlie undersigned I tor of t Ju late Dr. J ail persons haviiig c sent them1, properly prescribe! iy law, or I- Administrator's Notice. tavinz nuahned as Admmistr (hn I il. (jitibon. hereby notififs aims js:gaii!st his estate to;pr-autliontk-ated, within the tinje this; notice will be: .pleaded m bar of their recovery: and j all persons .indebted to the deceased must make injiiiediate settlement. 1 KODT. CiERON, Ow. ny oijc desiring to pui chase.' Sept. Cr 1S.u0 Adtninisfratot CITY DRUG STOEE. CUIIETON. ! 1 SpriiijS (Jot Krr, ( 'lIAKf;OTTE, N; ' C Offer to the trade thtir well selected stock of I ing and Earn Iii! good aind is nrsf -l-ate lor Cotton, Coin, i1- weeping.." lie above tract of Acres will be sold in lots to 112a acres joining the above, ti-jj acres are ispv Dwelling I i whicl runs t 1 rough tae land.! It will: suit' any! I man who It is the land subscriber, living fi mile's South-east cf C'on- iil take pleasure in showing the niorertv-!to detei i:ii'ied.to sell. 20, is: 9 of North j Carolina, Cabarrus countyv Sf'Tt State I In I'rolate Coitrt. Robert P. McClellan.' survivins Exec bald Sniith, dec'd, against JJ D. S Petition for License to make RcalE Call roon'.fGr 1 am L. LI TAKER, L-. ." Concord, N. C. HI !! 1 of Drug Essential Oils,: Flavoring Ei- Rrushes, Soaps, Perfume A' 'Medicines, Cheniical, itracts; iiiso, Comb !xc vie, embracing pearly lertrything usually lounil iu a Druggist's sock.i j: . ;j - - j They offer special inducements to wholesale buyer. i , Physicians' iriescrSptIon!s carefully prepared at al ! i L r I TKf'MS1. I I t ..If 1 Orders i irem. country, iiercnants win nave ou pecial attention j KILGORE & CURETON, . ;Cotiner Irade and lryon fctreets, fiQ-Gvr fpr ndv $10 for Lincoln county. Aug d 1S50. Charlolte, N. Q It appearing to the Court that N. L. wife .Majy C, and inip infant Le bal l South, iecl, to-wit i W.' L. Smith arid James il. Smith, defeiul.-in reside, beyond the limits It' this Stale, ordered t hat publicafioafbe 'hia'de, Dc-mpctat, for four suceebsive week?, said doifendaTits to b4 and appear be of Proaie at his Omce, ft the Court cord, oh Saturday ihcllCth day of Oct hforiof . Archi- mith et. cl. fetatc Assets. McCjlellan and l:iwof Arclii- tlie coiaplaijit of the pcti- ln pursuance - iri F then ar(d there to answer tionerj otherwise a defred will be mada to his petition. J r ' Gittn under my hand st office in ConcoiHl, on the I St h flay i of Sept cm ber, 1 SCO. . JOHN A. McDONALD; Probate Jinlce for Caliarrus ccuniv - ' .. . A 1 " ., . i . , w-4ir I ir .tfir Mti. lilht, Safah E. s jnj thif ease, it; therefore ia tL Western notifying the ore t be Jude House in Con- obtr next, and Chajpter I. She threw herself upon his breast ?rown to the monster it wias hvhen ejected.': It and wfcnt. 1 i i H I L ! i had. probably, been i killed! h Chapter i Hi As ! shei ceased' wcepinir " he 1ntP tn stomach, and thd decoiii position of the groanell audjbly. " Ificnl they sat entwined in boV having commenced, ct-oatcd aJ n.iusea of eacii uner s rarnis icrraDout two hours, and nary "uac" mat cnaoiea nini to nirow it up. One one of em spoke.. J side of its head and a portion of its tail had de- I halter Iii A voice fractured the solemn c?J'ca out otherwise it was whole, well-formed, stillness of the air. !' .:' -fTwa's Ku:'ene'sj " "Ilbw and undeniably "a lizard. J ! i I sweet, jmy own love Harriet, if I but had a mince This is the first lizard sitort of this nature of pie to at r 1 hen she lifted her tear dimmed cn we ever hcardand be ng thoroughly at- eyes tot tne starry heavens, clasped her hands lsneu 01 113 win, we put it on rcconl.- wimiy jand exclaimed!? . f'Comc with me to the k itched, love, and thoii shalt eat thy fill, for" Cjieapeu ! uxkhalk.-J-TI c New York Str there f ere three of 'ei left at dinner." They P,CS lor greater economy ih fikiieral. Ntitiing the hand' and rushed to ine lact ll,at Ijst week t lie Xat holies of Fall liiver held a meeting, and rcsblvcd thnt a hcarwi claspedj: each other byj the pautry. --'-4- ' !. m ' .1 1 . ' T it t rr - -' v. napic r i . A wo cu andj tne fate,. Viben a my angej my beau !j i- r rntr - third waf . about to share the same tn fuueral is not confined to Catholics. Mt pro- steal 1 iijince-pies had disappear- ar,( f.,:ree hjcks or carriages step was heard ''lis the old he had I been hadn't jdun not h in." mainmr nie. . 1 i he checked Cha liter VI Mie hit huh fell at -fter both i raj one 3 jria sne teit famtincr at his feet. napter V . J he cads: woman stood face to ace wifh Eugebe. And fehc? 'asked him what with tiiei ir.il. and ho said he She-seized upon- the re- and, with the ferocity of a tigress, it at him Her iia maidens v .. .. lovers dt veniencd plant rosos ov last 1 . aim Jiaa iecn too true. in the pit of tlie stomach and he feet a corpse.: They buried them graViC; and every spring LthcTillagc pace where lie the un ited. burlesque ch Notice; to gheU,'h&v The undcrsi! by tie conduc- ickly love stories. "Fly, vails among the people of all creeds and clasfeji, woman I anJ iS fn 1,10 iuj?ebf rtiuch cnibarrassment. 1 as it is tne instigation oi the most useless and reprehensible extravagance. jVo have known ,f a jriS r twenty carriages following tlie b4v ofalutleone to the graverwhen the parents were without money to provide the mother with a single, mouruing weed Aid howflen wm sec lines of a dozen or so can irgert cn 1 route to Greenwood, or wherever fillel with smoking, laughing, chatting men, while a bereaved and penniles3 widow holds the babe of her poverty to her breast, and appeals in all absolute need to Heaven for her next bit of brcid ;. Funerals in large cities an! managed for biV play more than sympathy for ta6 dead orlmog.J Trespassers. ng suffered loss and incon of persons who hunt and fish on lier lands 13 compelled in self-nroteetion to forbid fljll' persons, 'from hunting or fishing xn her premis,e, 0 r. passing thrdugh her fields. She intends to eniortc, 1 aedaw against trespassers of all sorts. ePt2Kl80n MAuGAKET P. SPRINGS. arc sufijcLcnt for AxiMAjL FoodV A yodng gentleman; cf limitta intelligence, who was recovering from a long fit of sickness, being informed by his physi. cmn mat tie "mignt venture now upon a little' animal food," exclaimed: ; Voyou don't, doctor; I ve sunercd enough on your and hang inc. if I'Jl touch any oat?," gruel and stuff. of you hy and r ''