i I I 4 1 i ! J L. - V . . ,4 f- 1 1 ' mg Ifi, MM. Si mii ill v 1 4 I IF ' V3J- J" V.lTGSj Editor and PboprIktoii CIIARliOTT E, I N.- C. , 1H7ESD AV, OCTOBER 19, . 1869. EIGHTEENTH V0LE3iEK U Bl li I- U 89: - K i r 1 1 j i I . r 4 t - i -. , : V. r .;. I! J I 1 i 1 THE AVestern Democrat , - j ' WILLIAM J. YATES, KJitoi- sni rroprietor.l 1"' . - ;i "i "' ' ' - Tkbms- Tl.r.e L!rs per anncm in 4rahce. . AJrcriunic;it wilt hi- inserted at reasonable rut?-, or in wr.;.i!;c with coniracJ. j 'i (Muti: r; no:. cr.; clever Stc i. iks in length w ;1 charcc'l f.-r at a Ivrrli.-ting rate . Kbbert Gibbon, M. D., PJIYSICIAN ; AXD; SLUG EON, - Tsym Stmt, CLttrlct!c X. C, Oiic" aal 1sM t?r.ct fine Joor to'xtb oll Stale Ean, JV'P. McCornbs, II. D.; j O'Ter hti pivfc-'eiunal -civrcs to tliQ citiens bf f"I:.ir!ottc a::J surri.uilir. c.ai.tryj Allca'Ii, Loth tii'.t au-1 iy, .roi!t!y ati-i. Jed t. I t.'iuoe In rwi"a Luil-iuij. P sih-, 0i0slte the Cu irl'.'e llrc!. t ; i Oct 2-;. - . . ; ' j DR. !l:tviig loc-i'cd in Chariutte, )M opfued an Jiicc in I'nrk-i I'a.! J;u. ..-i' the' h.iU -'eHotel, bene Le can !' t'tiusil h.-si n: iirifcji,a:illy ti;!-cd. j M y i. , 1 .'. i:i;1 " j DrJ JOHN . II. McADEN, Wholesale and Retail Druggist, - C1I.UWTTX, X. i, r t .c hsit.1 a large !;? well rel"CtcJ stck of PCHK j 1 !.. . " c.u-:.!.-. lUtmS Mlj.:i:ic. Fnisisly McJi- j . . : . . i " I : J. . ll.. . I". . ... .... .1 I I . wi.k-ii hc'M dttcnuiuvu to sell at the I Tr! 1 SVM. 22. SHIP!?, A T T o u i: V i T I. A IV ChnrJ otto, N. C, f'trn i. i i'Kwrv'y ITank 1hli'INQ. N jv. W: tf ; . ALEXANDER & BLAND, Dentists, Charlotte; N. C, ('. .!'. v. ::: : ari'""1 i ; c:t orcv'Ui:try ivhtucver their j T.i'i rs i''-d u i:l.uiit i-n ! , Gas julntlniKtered. :,-- : .rt.v.? !'u:M:iig. llt urs t:-Di 8 A. M. ;.? - r M. i " 1 J. C. MILLS, A X x o i; V A X . U A w , Charlotte, 1ST.; C, ; 1: j.r.i. t iv in h? t",;iri North Carolina arid in 1 .: EE 1 r. r.in, cj'posite . B cr O VvLiteli and Clock IVIi'or, - i! ' AM lK VI.FK I S ' .;? i. fix n i ATc:r;:s. clocks,. . " - IV, t-;T. t ilAKLOTTE, N. C. ' The City Book Storp, o.'.e ! ir hi'h.w its fr.riaer location. Eer""oiv invited lu call .Mil tianiine our ' .. e .":.-1 k, v.lil tj fii:..ft m pirt l a varjrc a.'riii.vi!i of School, litigious itnd lTiiscelidncous Kooks, l.'!i.k and i"a-- ii...k. W;.ll P.in.-r. Elank and I'rtjuiiif r.ipe". and all articles u-.iaUy kept in a iir.i-'"t'- !'. Sforc. ; ; 0;r r.ri -iuert It h ri:".!i-I.er' are j-ueh that ret-i-iT.- i.Ii ;'i' NEV U'ORXS nf popular authors . j ii!iaed 1 1-;r pri-- are a Imw :ipy At her 15okellcrs in t h State. I I ' - ! J.i 1 If WADE G CNN ELS. B 11. SMITH & CO, ; General Commission! merchants, A'o. l6 CtutniJ WJmrf, JVm-., Mass.. Eur tiic ..f t'fiiioH. Cotton Yarn, Naval Si ere, X.-.. au I th'. purc"ia-e of Gunny Cforhi and ilerclian. r'tir.i 'ly. ' i Il-ev-t C:i ft i.:i l" o:: . eor.slniaculs to -.::.! :;,! f.Icilif :e-- .c.Tcred. ' Vt !i.-i.lv ftir ai:l iioner de.iEng. ai:J our.hrst . rl. r;t.. ; !.!-. i receive from etir friends that en-iM-jr -!! !iiii h hnl! be our aiintv tacVit. ...i,-ri i,!:,-i;el :vA pj-wmpllyi fJlvl for Gunny ' !'. . Levis aad Shoes, Ac. &C. j Ittnri hv r::uiri;'' o . '..hu i !.-. riJ, E.-;.. Pr-. EHoi Nat, Eank, Eosfon. -rin i- Il.yr:cVK'n Pear! St.J Hoi on. Jrr ,S i V., P.-:::! St.. New Voil:. J V !?r-v k. f-:.. Cb-irltte, N C.""! j- 'I V V- A !e:.. i:i . Pie. Kt Nat, E-ik. fharlctte. I 'A D. rej .V Co . l-in'rer?, CiiYilc!t , N C. M ,-,... . '... t'h.-uJoftC. N '.! . u !.; -i-.!. M. ; . Jt ., Aihaiu o:t. S '. ' . ! :. .?. pre-. CLaVl,:t.vi:"il-Auuma Eail- 1 1 a !. ( 1; it ivtie. X i j , '-.t t"s.;,. . - -.!.,; t . SADDLES AND HARNESS. KolJKilT SHAW A SOX, . . . U ES PEI'TF C L LY iuform - - t.:&Z ' a 1 i 1 u e j-1 m k o t S. I' 1 L Li i-lj'anJ UAn.NfSS on hand, SirvvT. wb-ieh" they: offer to the I rVilirfT Prj"s- 1 Ai.ytila hi the way cf f s 1. 1 i!: 7rce. Harncv-1 Mourning of all des orn j. ,vj,. !k, fi:rilJ;,4-.i or n;:nlo to onKr. f r. r..u;ar n;ccb itiics, we tliuik it will be '' a ;1Vlt.,.;o ,.f ;iH t-j buy from us. ! We warrant A.,r v. v.. V" h-EVAlUlNG-ne.itlj executed at fWori notice -id a rr.-uuaahlK ten.iii.- . ' . r It. SHAW, . I .i. m ;t w. i: sii.vw. ; .; l ; All RIVALS OF i China, Crockery and Glass Ware j JAMES HARTY ! (N'r.ir 1H...U tu -tiie Cornr lln sn,) ; jii-t r.-ceivi? li very large stock of China, Crockery and Glass Ware, ' il-f-r i;h a g d r. -c.rtiiient-Of If ause-keeping r!;,:; . cs,-;-t;t,fl. cf Knives an I Foiks, Sro.fns, t r, tt-,m.r Prmts. Ladles, Yuhs. Churn. Uiick t', !!r. d T.'i.v.-.i !:,.;;: Pins. Steak Sealers, Tea . J-lcw Pal:?, Gridirons, &cl JA MLS ) IJ A 11 TV. ' Ten years ac:f, U. S. Grant was a penniless CT?? bounty or the Dent family I tnv "e is President of the United States, and the entire, Dent family are pensioners on the Governtaent. ; 1 ' V' ' , Ten -cairs ajro the 'nstional debt vcs about I i sixty Eii'lI'His cf uoilai-H.; Now it 13 t;carlv three tliMi-uti J. uiil!ioii.s, ; 1 . )l . Ten jenrs ago, not a national tax.jrallie.rer was lo h? seen Of heard of in this' broad land. j- Now thev arc as numerous as lice on .a cabbajre loaf : .! ; t-;.; . 1 ' " - . - These are curious illustrtious of. the changes wrought by time. ; j ! . Millinery; Goods. . U.. KOOPM ANN is ifdvv receiving a Jiamlfcorue as stfitnieiit of X'ilJinery (fcoIa of all kinds iraui .Ger many and Paris, consisting of uc Velvet Homn-ts, ltonuet Trinm-.in?, Flowers. &c'., &c- Tlie Ladies are iuviteJ to call and examine these Goods.-v vpt. 27, ISOO, . ' ; First Mortgage 8 per cent Bonds j; FOR SALE. rers.ms wishing to purchase first Mortgrrjjc Uonds Ch Wilmington, Charlotte & Itutherfui;J llaihoad f w . i i - the First National Uaiik oiCharlottu MP. PEG RAM. Cashier. Oct 4, lfCfl Sin I NEW ! GOODS "! New Groceries- 1 j ..." Wc nre nor receiving; a4 our o!J etanJ, "Gray's Corner,"j our Fall Stock 'of Groceries, consisting in part of hta?y Gunny liwging, " The Arrow, Cotton Ties, ; A large lot of Salt, Sugar, CutfV?, Molasses, and in j fact every i hin i a!l of which w usually found in the Grocery line. ill be soldjat a very ihort nuirgin for caih Call and examine before purchasing elsewhere n e are dHcrniiued t soil- ;! ' ZiJf j'liose judohtc.d o us A-ill please settle up. tiltlKU X ALEXANDER. LARGE STOCK- Wittkowsky & Rintels Have rec ive.l rote -rf t he la vijest ; Stocks of Goods t'ver omrea in ii;is .niavuet, ami r.re rcccivnjg week ly iiuuii :iij?, riu lunt tjivy, are prtp.areu io ujipiy any amount of patn-nagu they inay be -favored ivith du ring Gte Kail and Wiuier.! - ' . Xiif" Country 'Merchants are especially invited to call and examine this 'Stock cf Goods, as they can I: ml anything wanted for stocking: a country Store an I at verv reasonaMe whylefale rrice. ' i t live ui a call and see our Goods and hear our price. IL' Sept. 1 V.' V. I.Ktnil.X I'M t -'ltl VII4. VF t-;.. ! W1TTKOWSKV & RINi'ELS IS'V.t. !. . 1LOST, ' -1 - One Cerlpciitc of Suck! in the Cliarh.Jte A South 'aroiina I RatIror i. rufi:her lh'. Gated -Tutv 10. Iv'iJ. Notice is hereby given that application will. be!-i J r a reuewal of tail Certificate. Ahs 2J lSii'1 ;lmrJ : : : JNlE Ji- M0SS. HUTU SliunOD(iHS & CO., Life and Fire Insurance Agents. The (.?npa:iics re pre?cl J ed bv them are First t'biss, anil cuimiicnt 1 1. thi-s community is X-ncccs- .-arv. REMOVAL. f i -r IIUTCHISOXi BUIlKOrGIIS IV JO., Vi'ill movb to their ' N'ew Iail'Iiig j on College Street about tli3 1st f October, where a good supply of the t c: uc lquivi : ? . I i I ! : ! CI1 ILESTOX, ;S. C, PHOSPHATES, , i . j ETIWANT aLd WAisD0 XCIXE PEIirVIAN GUANO; I ! ' " ' PACIFICiGUAXO ! t ;)-. SOLI ll L E LIME, PLAST.EK and CE3IENT. I - ' l, ' i . ' j E. NYE iiLTtUUSON, J. C. ECEKUCGES, K A. SPiilNGS.K . Sept 2 WRIGHT,' Tlee COi; oneral- Shipping &:Ccmmissioii Merchants, Aw. 1 1 JtaaHo;e;&juarr, Norfolk Va., (Civc- jspecial attention to the sate or purchase of Cotton. I'obacco, StavOi. '(irain. Flour, Eaejcn, l"ea niit; Peas, Pro-vision., and Country Produce generally.- i i f j ; i - i i Jnjix IE Wright,! ' ' James W. Ekk, , late of N;in?cmon I e'e" j late of Petersburg, Va. i Sipt -f 1 09 j ' i "'!"'' - ;"Wo Aint Afeard of Noboky." We brjj our muneroiis friend? and the community at la rjre t remember That -we have just received our new taid well s?"el?c.!vl 'slock of G.ood., consisting of Dry Goods, Groceries Hardware, ' j "M" IEEGS, &C.,: &c.f '- ' - '! ' . I Few articles of merch inJise can be called for with which we arc not puppEtd. and tEl supply our cus tomers, and all who may 'favor ii with a call, with (icoJ. as iuai, if i;bt cheaper, ;l!iau they can be bought at snr other place in theSfafe, bein1 enabled by The libera! patronage bestowed upon by the Cf ir.ir.nTiity to sell a's cheap as thfe cheaper. i and to defy" all competition, j ! j I I We are constantly reeeivinj: New Goods. fro.M the Northcru .Market, co:i"?ejuentiy our Stock is always ken up. j We feel sati'stied ia ssying that iwe have not only the largest Srock of Good that was ever at . M Beattie's Ford, j biit the lare?t i!i Lincoln oiif.ty. and us I?EATTlE'S FOIU) has,sjnee the war, had the reputation of he ir." the cheapest plao in the Western poitlon of the' Srlte, wp are detciniined that she 'shall maiii ain that reputation fo justly merited. i m.ii- i.i-r.- f.. tht bnst brands of Calieo i" E cents per yar.l; Keroeue Oil,- bO-cents j per gall jn ; . best' -C' Su-ar. K'.j ceiit per pound-; good JJemlock ' Lenta. vvii per poun.l by the idc. and to oti'. S Country Merchants wishing to buy stock twill find it decidedly 'to their advantage to-eali and riee be fore purehrtJ-ing. r -5 ' . ' I . ' L ' ; We have l.e.-ides; in connection iwuu cur jCMore, - Saddle and Harness Shop, and have the servscs of one of ihd very best Saddle .t lUmo Makers in-the South t and 'also. a Tan- nery from wuicn wc are cua.'iauuj- ici-cmus sur plies of Leather, made by a first-class Tanner, . ' Call and give us a chance to verify our assertions, ! We ofi'er our heart ftlt thanks lot the patronage so freeiT extended up to ihe present, mid trust it will bcmtinued. ; C I- LI CON N 01 & CO , ; Oct 1. 18'.0 4 Uoiittie's Ford. N. C 'A Romantic Love Storv. " ...... one tof , The; Count de St. Groix. beloninir toi the noblest families iu France, beeanie eri after a, long courtshiplo aladf lis equal in posi-1 0"fi , ' tion and) fortune, and famous. forHier peauty. Shortly "after the happy day was appqiBted which w.is loj rcnucr iwo iovmg tiearts one tne j count as wuaeu lujnieuiaiej' laiuci siege oi jc'jojs tcpol : so he jrirded on his sabrei and at-tlae head of his regiment marched to the battld field During the Count's absence it happened that his beautiful affianced had the smallpox. After hovering between life and death she recovered, but found her beauty boneless!? lost, ' The- dis ease had assumed 'in her ease the most virulent character, and left her not only disfigured, but seamed and scarred to such an extent tliat she became hideous to herself, and resolved id pass the. remainder of her days in the strictest seclu sion. . : A. year passed away, when one day the Count, mimtUfatcly upon his return to panied by. his L valet, presented residence of his betrothed and r ranee, aeconi himself t the solicitedlan in-f terview. j This was refused. He. howevej-, with the pcrsistencejof a lover, pressed . His suit,. and finally the' lady made her appearance,- fclcsely muffled in a'veil. At the soand of ; her voice the Count rushed forward to embracje hej'i but stepping aside!" she tr.cmbliugK- told hin the story of her sorrow; and burst I into tears. A heavenly; smile jboke over the Count's hardsomc feature;, as raising his hatid above hejexch imed 'It is God s work ! I am blind !" - " ; It was, even jsq. When gallantly leading his regiment; to attack, a cannon ball passed so closely to his eyes, that while; jt left their ex pression unchanged, and his Icbuntenantfe un marked, it robbed him -forever of sight, i It is almost; uncece-jsary to add, that, their marriage was shortly, after solemnized. " ! . jit is said thai at this day may often bb seen at the Emperor's receptions an ofiicer leaning upon the arm of a lady closely veiled, aul they seem to be attracted to the spot by-their love of music Crniors Facts A bolt Ice. Besides the -i- fact that ice is liiht ter than water, there is an- other curious thing about it which most rtersous do not know, perhaps -namelv, iEs purity. A lunip of ice melted will' become pure distilled water. Jien pie early uavigfjttors ol tlie tiretic seas got out of jWater, they melted fragments ol' tliose vast mountains of ice called ice herds, and were astonished to find that they ' yieldec only fresh water. They -thought they wcrq only ficzcu sea water, not knowiug' that ; they were farmed on the land and in some' way -la i n-ehed into the sea. But if they had jjeen right, the result would have been the same!. . , 'i'he fact is, the water in fieey.incr turris -out. of it all that is not water; salLj air, coloring mat ter aud all imparities, , wFipjan.sea water nakes l'resh water ice. (If you. freezGiaj basin of indigo water it will mate ice as clear! and as "wliite as that made of pure rain water, j jWhen th cold is very sudden, ithese foreign inatters hale not time to escape qithcr hy rising or sinking, and ere thus entangled with the ice, tut do uou make any part Jof it. . " ;j.;,'.--.' Steel Creek Land tor Sale;. . I cifer for sale! a jvaluahle Tract of 'LAND, Adjoin ing the lands of ?.! II. McDowell, iCalvin (Jrijrr and others. Supposed lo be 240 acres, jaboiit SO acres of cood wood land, j Tlie entire tracjt is under fence, with two Ico'nilorjlable Cabins on it, Terai. made .easy. ' Purchasers I v. ill apply to I lie undersigned, Agent, for; Eev. S- ii. Watson." ! p i Oct 4,1 SCO 4 wpd - A. G. NEEL, Agent, y KEW FALL and WIXTEIti GOODS. jl - : i .v ..-, ,1 -. i- ; W.e have receireu a new stock of very des irable Goods for -the . J: 'J " ' ' i I ' (. ' ' .... ; Fall and Winter Trade. Wc have! an imlusually large and atiractiv stock which wet intend jtojsell as low nW'the s.iixiq quality of Goods cnu be bought in thi? marjeet, either .vhole sats or rciail. j -Ajll we ask is an pz'anii lafioa of our goods and pricey , Call and see us Inelojre buylmg. CO. I Ladies' Dress Goods. i e have just received a verv large, and extensive Stock of Ladies' ! Dress Goods in; every variety and style. Embroideries, Laces, Edgings!, ' Insea-tings, Sic. -We "have a very attractive 'stock bf Goads for i the Ladies, a-nd will take great pleasure in f- ov.ing them.' - Please call and see us before buy ing. CO.! Wc iaiend to keeu every variety anl slvle cf Dres.s Triinniinjfs, Frinires, Gimps, elvet lt'ibbon.f, Lijit tons. &c.i If voii want to be sure and hud what vou want, go to, j j liilEM, BllOW -& tiO'S.1 1 i Ladies' Covermcrs. We h?.te a great variety of Cloaks, innde tb ord and gotten up inj handsome sfylei- Wa have, a larj assortment -of'Sliawls in all the new styles. Firs ahd Muffs, all of which we are sc'lini rX the ilowbst market pvices.' 1UIE.M, LKO WX &JCO Clothing! We haye a good assort n:ent of wull-ni cntlenjcn's Fumishinc.Goo!.-?, j &?.,' ; jlliag verv chean, " BREMj .11110 ideC' ,thi lIh?' vhieh fcv'e-are OWN i CO. Goods for Men and i Bos Wear- Vie liave an endless variety of XTloth" , Cass meres. TricotuL Beaver, I Satmetts, Jeans, ir.,;.wh cu tve are scuins &t asioioishingly low, prices j ! 1UIUWJN & CO, I Shoes and Hats. We Itave a lrce stock of-Shot's and Hats w hlch we arc Isellinjr v?jy cheap ' ; Oct 4, 18au IJKEM SHOWN &CO Stote 6f North Carolina, ! Hecklenbutg climty. -tr-:- rnnuiiiisioners of Charlotte csainst Ji 11 , - r ---j 1 a r well II ;. and J. II. Gihhbn. t Death of Lcfeadaiit J. H. Gibtba sftgges! It appearing o the - Court that j Laiflncr Jibbna Cath- and wife Al ee: JOtsc Ijiuoon aiitl w in- crine Gihbon Q, Jarhes ihnuhert .yji fe A fig! ma, j heirs al law uf J. ii. GiUon, :iV nonj-residiits ;of j the State, jt is crdvred by tlie Court that publication be made in the v Wee? era Democrat lor Eji wetirs .successively, . notifying the said heirs jit lawfcto ap pear in person cr by Attorney, oelore plie J imr paid i Superior Court, at the next term dge of if said c.M.ri ItrJ hp- held it the Court House in. Ch trhitte, said ntcrcd on the 8th Mondayraftcr the 4th Monday in ber, 18C0, an J 1 make theiBselves pafrties. suit, or ju lgmeat pro-confesso willl be -tIt-s. thin. -! J ; 5 I -- . cVitness. K. Al Osborne, Clerk" of our said (Court,: J 'r.fTrrd in r.li.-irlot'te. the 8th Monday (after IhaMth Moinhii in 3frcb,!:1809. m T j . .-.( r -r K.- A. OS1J.OHKJ2, Clerk Superior Court. '1 Agricultural. : a 'Selecting Seed Corn., i The time: has arrived for this, ycl how few ere- tbeiimers1hafeatten;dtoiLiWhenwill pekiple learn to know that the crop is dependent upon the quality of thc.Eced? - The thing has been .demonstrated repeatedly that the "best. piuiuDest kernels, produce the best and I heaviest crops; also that a nrw infusion is an Advantage. But without getting :nir com fromrtabroadAve slfould attend to what we have ; Some ears will be in advauee of the iresi. They will be largeT, fuller, earlier better all round. jN6w; to raise such corn ? is ' desirable. . And it can be done to- greater , oiv less extent. :-Whyj not then : lie sure and cet the earliest aad t largest cars.' and get thm when theyiarc ripeningj, before thev a rei full Y' matured or i'dead ripe.!1 i Wheni ju&t hara.-when tho stalk.; is green somewhat. cp1a-. ronr'p'iM sinr' n??t. fljm tchpr f h iiv .a ti n -! thelah ight tttrrerrtjof fresh ai is.; bdst In thIoftj of: any outbuildings is al good place. Hjipg up (in braids, as the good -old jway,) and i oppt tne wmaows. ;uoinot aryyiastoye pipe, anf never .hang- up in the corn crib i orer the COfrt. - '; ::-, : .. " ' : j ' , hi h y - A. neighbor! of ours has tested this fo his sat istfitiony having - hid, the! past year,, to plant oyiw'-iti eunse()uence of . keeping his iccrn sus pended over the coiii: bulk in tlie . corn-house. Tljefsieain emanating from the pile will hurt it. It will keep (it;, frpm inuring., extending -the tiib.so long that, w itb the gfeea cob in ihe-cen-teiind the moisture, (u delcferious buej.) autside, thre will be mold and" fermentation be ore the eat has attained, its proper.dryncss jr j , . jWc cannot be too particular with our corn. It lfcluldlalwaysfii? cob is a f fjcatl obtaciaihr-'ilie'vvayi of tlryingjf'ndJ'als.Tt thp if dried too iastj theicorn will be hurt, even if itdoes not seem tqbe.ifr .;----'H'-M Properly taken cai e of. there will be tot only ufetiq gettHng a good "start, but ar-gocl; crop pi sntaljeT ears with gojed caltiti6aYit&.i6ia cu tjKjatipDr--u6 Corn jwill d0l Veil; 'iVtth the" be;;f trealtmeat a pcoH qjiality wilklaktit; will no ome up to the; measure ot a" gbod ' seed. Severe in thne, land at oneej take care of it.- n t. ..7....: i . I: . . fvr.-n in1 tlia West The Chicago' Jourfciils r says: !-Jt'was at first sujpsed that the fr?st of a few jrrfghts ago had dope some damage toj the corn crop of (Northern Illinois, but such turns out tiof to havr been the n !.-t . .-r.-: A' ' : . - t I I Tr i raGti to any notewounv extenc wnatcvierj it, is rir.W lil-Tv thf. tb ir.nn will lift well r jv that the Merop will be well; .matured thtoughput. the entird Northwest. .f J - It Had al- reaqj' passeu an danger, oeicrp tiiqirosCXrirougn oubtliciveat'sectionl of j country where "(corn is. the'principal production of agneulturCj "Not pn y UiOL.-out in sonic portions pt tins section, wl ere, during the1 summer, antscipations . oi a small viciia rreyai'cu, ttierc turns out io ce a great crop. : The rains of June jhad islsortened thft sstalks. hut as to the eram it suit, tne season- aitjerwanjis was (so wonderfully bud peculiarly fatQj-able that it came out splendidly. ! bitch is tht ;fa'ct as to pretty 'inmcli all Illinois, Iowa, Northern!'-. Missouri, Ivansas and rfeorasKa. W e th ilk there' is no room to doubt that the" corn crip of the year; is by odds the most i bountiful ev )p produced in this country. ' or i that tne quajt tv of the brain is urfusuallv irood.r r ;t I ul. hi Boston pliilantiiropist yisijting jhej "State pr son, imarked to h-prisbiier, 'Most of your i'ribnds thliuk vour sciitcnce wasexcessiye ;u noth ing like it was ever jknown." ''YesIsuppose soj i was the prisoner s rcciv : "out tnon. you know, everything has gone up since the war.'' 'I i 1 1 li i y ; I ' rV hy are babies like stars ? i Because there is tio speech nor language wnere tneir voice is not 'hoard." '; -U '': -, .V jlXonest 'industry-' is always! rev-arded. .No' young man need complnin of biding kept ioor. if lie roils up nis sieeves anu roes carei uuy cp wort. FOR ITHE L ABIES. Hinery, Trimmi ngs Fa ncj Uoods. MRS. P- QJJERY Ilas-iust returned from; the North witu a lares stock of Ladies' Goods, Jh:ilracing eVerj-thingj iii the Milliheryj ; Trimming an( Fancy Gopus'; llepavtmeutj ! Bonnet-makinq:, i.': fl Boimet-triinming and Mantua-inakin; iCarried oh ia all the;latest; fasliionsJ ': . Sfce is assisted hy some fcf the' test cxpei-tsiii the bu?icssand respectiulty asks the LadiC-s toi call ana exaaiiive ier i Goodslaud styles of Uonnets and Dresses. 1 I ; . i . II . .. 1. il'lilll- Next door to Butler J.ewtlry Store. t4, U "v '.. I i. - . !- '''- I ' ' WILLIAMS & MURCHISON, ! ,j I-! - '. & Wholesale Grocers, Coramission .Merchants' 1 ; Wilmington, N. C4I Liberal advauees made on coiisigiiments of Cotton for sale here or for .shipment to cur house, MUP. CHISONII& CO.; New ork. Sept 2, ISG0 r ; 3m j j Salt! Salt K "ft J to 4Tb. A Iw-'SACKS 1 Li vertjool Salt: itP.W.iU0 Sacks American Salt, I r , i I t-, 1 1 i - -T , t Tut r 210"sound4 to tlid Sack, for sale loi' by - ! I -.1.- ;- WILL1AMS& iiVECOfSON, Sei-t 2l 1800 ; 3m !. I ' WilminE-ton, N. ; NEW PALL GOODS. ill KOESSLKll, Aoent, At .KafaWcU.eft '.old ' jtanJi ' srtotul door J 0p1DrcM, fjroicn ,f Co s. Ilasjjiist received a large arid general assortment of : I: """ " ' ? t ' r ' j - i Dry Goojas,- uroceries, sc., which he offers to the puhlie at fslir and reasonable' jprjebs. firs stock t-f Dry Gioods for Spi ingiajnd Sum Imeriwea? will be found tor be one of the best; ever "bvougiit lo this Market The Lndies 1 1 i i " Are particularly invited to call and examine goods "andiprictfs. j "'' ' t ;-; ) eadyfmado -. Clothing;' Of evcrvidescriiioa for men and; boys ig being ofr fered atremarkab1y low. -rates".- 1 . . -5 . ... , I" ' ' C APT. . J. JIOESSLER Rtajeclfliy. requests his old friends to give him a call,j and lie assures them he will continue to ;esert him'seif.t j please them in the future, as, hopes hie has AfTA SnliiA iat. -. I'-h5-'-' . '-.It'--'? " '. :'i V i " t' : " " Sept. 7, 10. JHOESSLER, Agent. Confederate Losses paring the War 1361-5. 6-rrcstpnn Ic n cei keticern 7)r. Joseph Jones and pett:-S CMqierfjoriicrlj. AtlhUant General Nkw QhLEAxs; Aug. 2; 1SC9: XT (7 en. S. Cooper 4 Alexandria, la.: p Dcarr Sir': fYou will pleasoexcuscf the Jihrf v which I take iu re 'passing. upn your valuable tbic J y: ; '-,. '-,.;L , : I hae recently b0en preparing, forhe South- eru iiiscuriuai oocieiy, a paper upon t lie tosses or the Confederate irttiy, from battle, wound3 and disease during: the pivil war 1SG1-5. The fol lowing general results of my in'vesi igation .are nibst respectfuIly-H siibhiittcd to you for examina tion' aud criticism : I . !. , . Kilted t: Wcnendetl:aid. lyri$oner- fJ the 'CoufrJ- . enite. Atmi dtlrnHt the iYor lfc61-i. Year. isih tsr,3,' Killed, r 1,15 18.582 22.000 Wound yd." 4,045 CS.C59' .51,31 a 70,000 : Prisoners. i . , -,i i - I 48,200 "71,211 80,000 Total,' 54.773 194,020 202,2S3 If the deaths from disease .be added, the sum total, will TepresGct thiej entire loss. r r,' l, I ' : rTlie jv-itufus joflthpifield and .general hospitals are' known for. 1801 land 1SG2. ; ; .. : - Confederates killed in battle, lSGl-2f 19.897 Death caused by wounds in field hospitals, 1,023 L'e.lths 2,018 Deaths Deaths by disease in field 14,097 15,741 55,470 72.713 51.072 10,940 h general TotU deaths in the C. 6. A.,'lSGl-2 Toi al wounded in; C S, A., 1SG1-2, prisonei-s -.?-di$charged; Total wounded, prisoners and discharged i in lSol-2, 140,725 was at leu$t 100,000, ekclusive of the deaths in Nprtliern prisons; VhTeh would swcH the num ber to near '18.1000) and if the death S. attioaffst thcildtscharjrcd lor founds and disease, and nnd.woundcl on furlough! bo amongst the sick added, the rrasi ?todarbf deaths in the Confed erate ArmyTdorlhg entire war; did not fall ;hort of 20Q,C00,r ; : -; ' According to this calculation, the deaths fr&ui disease yferQ about hree times as numerous a3 f those resulting;; from the casualties'-of battle f lhr available CODjtederate torce capablCvOf ac- five service durm s tire -entire war, exceed six i hundred tiMand bO,O00Y;mea. 'Of thisl number, not mbro: than four' hundred thousand c(400,006) werej feujfolled atny; one" timefa r.d j tlie Coil i federate S'tatea ucycr had in the ' tielXi i;pr':thah iWo!3ihpdf thbusaii (00,000) nieh: tiipable of be; ring arms, at any one .time, ex- If the precLdinl; cujatiou bo correct, we liare the IbiiowiBc; Itgufes, illustrating the losses (if the Con fed or u l,,M ; i - ate tar mies -aarnjir the war. C(?n federate forces actively engaged, 00,000 200.0C0 Total detiths hi C.'S;. A., ? of CIS A., in prisoners 1 8G1-5, ' : " ' ' which ,mayji b croniidered as total losses, on; account ")f the policy of non--cxchanire bv the' L-nitcd States, -200,000 Losses of -C. ; t by 'discluirges, disa- v '"''"" bility and.desertiin, ' ; ,100,000 . If this calculation;, which is given only as au approximationi be correct, one-third of all the jiieJMicttvel side were cither, killed outright upon the field or died of diseate and pvounds j another third of the en tire 'number were! ciur4and held for aii in- definite period; in Northern' prisons; and of. the remaining 400j,000, at least one-half were lost to At tlw closqloflltlie ar the available force of ihe Confederate elates numbered 100,000 eflb(? tive men. - .:': :" - ' liThe resolubion,Hunsnfpassed bravery and skill vmv CVI IVV. J d ischarges a nd desert ion with which I the Confederate leaders couducfed tliis; coiitesji is !.sh,owr' if by ,t the ?fact that out of GOO-000 mcb in! th Seld; about " 500,000 were hist ; to the service. i sue ci;e(oi yi? -Lwar inc - iw.uuu ?;omeu erates were opposed to oue million fl. 000. 0001 i' cue fil troops., V'"i - ' ; ' i UYoiir approval, ilr !i lculji approval of this cal tiou is most : respect ru 11 solicited.-- j ; v. iThe ilistinghish gd ability'- with which you dis charged the resp nsibe and arduous duties of Adjutant General of Ithe Confederate army qual iGes ; you; above every Mother bfiipcr of the late Couledorate; Suites', toxlecide hoW far such caleu-i'a-;ioas may appr(jacli tc accuracy, ';,", ' :. '- ' ' -v.Vtj'i thereat respect and the highest esteem I havq the; honor to be1, ,our obedient servant, ''"' 4' ! i J Oi" EH1 J ON ES, M . 1 ). , -Secretary -.and T;easurer Southern Ilistorical 4 Soe'ictj',- Vrofcssorj Chemistry Medical Depart j; merit Uiijversfyy cf iOnisiana. - ' Near AlLEXAKbitiAv VA., Aug! 29, ISO!). Dr. Joseph UTovcx Dear Sir: I have had i ' y .14 . i . - i -i - . . tocnts in -respect to the Confederate military forces daring the late war, as well as the casual ties incident , thefetof bud I have come- to the conclusion fiom .iihyjgneral recollection which those jstateiiicutsl lUve served to enlighten, that tliey must be regarded as nearly critically cor rect. Most Of itli returns fiom which 3 0U mast probably have deiivtsd your iuformation, must huvejpassed through ilje files of n;y "-office in the Clmfederacy.'and f j;eVrcn ee-' epu Id be made to altf he-recordslaf thatj fiicc, tliey would," I have uqr doubt, enable you to give nearly a complete history 'of-.the strength and operations of our armies iu detail. .. The files of that office which could' best afford this information, were carefully bded up,; and paredj on our retreat from liich md to Charlotteyi Krth Caroliuaj where they wtu-e . unfortunately ! finafiy captured,, and, as I learn, are now in Washington, - where-they are properly . arranged iu a separate building, with other records appertaining to the Confederacy'. I presume that by proper management, reference mSght bc; had. to them. Indeed, I hud at- one if it befalritd assm:C that the total mortality of :i:803"5 was Tally ejnajtdliatf ;of .1 302 then' tticftotal deaths in' theodiederate ArriiV 18G15i letter of the! 2d inkjj Zpd bcgyou willccept n:y before Kitty cS;i!d sa .Jiic lobitis.cn, aud best thanks jforl'tlie sluue. - ; t aiid she was sorry; . ami it mast have been I hatq closely Ijcxamined your several state- a very iMiighfy'd Ljt nether d.d hot believe time contemplated to bake an effort to renew mj aorjuaintance with the lecords by a personal ap rjlication to the authorities in Washington', but I finally abandoned the idea, . - It would afT-id tne much pleasure to furnish you with the inform! tion in the tabular form you have suggested, but it would be-quite lm ;pfssible"'tWr- me to dojthis without reference to those reco.ds. I cau only stato from'' general W c dfection that during the two last years of the war the monthly retnlrns 6f our armies received at my oflice exhibited the present active forc3 in the field nearly one-half lees, than the returns themselves actually ' called for, on account of absentees by hickness, extra duty, furloughs, de sertions, and other casualties incident to a cam. paign life.. These returns were kept with great secrecy, in onbr tt1 prexent the cuemy from be coming acquainted witbour weakness: "Another disadvantage was awojfelt in the limited number of our suitable, weapons of war, and I t'clicre il will bo found, on examination, that the most ap proved and I run! arms in the hands of our troop J were captured from thle enemy hi battle. The?.?, t and niany other inciilcnts of a like nature, if brought to light, would exhibit the greatest dis parity between the two 'opposing forces, if not alike in thc number of troups, as 'ou have ex hibited in yViur table., at least of EuHieient im. poftauco to satisfy every unprojndiced niind that wc were eonstintly laljiring, throughout the wa test, under cyery possSbly disadvautago. t ' ' i I perceive by the printed jirospcctD.3 of the ;Soutlicru Historical jocifty' which you wera so kind as to send me that time must bo given, in collecting the rieeessary facta which are to bo the basis of lliis impoQtant work, before it shall be prepared and given ' to the public. To thht cad, it will be my endeavor to contribute, from time to time, such '. fait an ! may be enabled to collect, and as may Lc deemed of consequence by. the Sopicty.' t With great, respect I have the honor to be your obcdient-scrvaut, . ;.- . ; ! .Lj- , S. Cooi-ca, , . '- A-Very" Singular WilL - '.' Wslerday we beared of and read "part of th most'siugular will on iccord." ,The maker of the will is represented to be a shrewd business man, who has accumulated Ijuito a large fortune. lie exhibits no other signs of insanity than may' ba derived from- thelextrcuie ecceutricity ' of h'u will, althougu it is pitbable the courts, will, m due course, be called upon to determine" the ! ff!rcsu?n 'Ctner tne testator was ci souna ana . disposing mind. - The will disinherits all the natural hcir$ of the maker of it, and devises the entire property in trust for the establishment of an infirmary for cats. . A;most'elaborajte architectural plan for',, the necessary . buildings 13 attached to and part Cf inc wm" - Formes areas or I .at, sweet Tat holes 6f the most ravishing nature to beLcpt veil s'x;kel- Th v4ingvniMiw v'onUivaucc5 arc provided fur-securing to the rat a chance of escape so that the cats ma' not lose the pleasures oi tne cna.se oy nmiingincir prey come too cr.suy. h" 'JLJ0? i "'f' 4 M1U V nocturnal amusemynts Tor tne cats. inc iruj- , . , . It- . . - tees arc directed to s-cjlcct the grourtdj fur'th'u novel infirmary, in the ino.-fe 'popnloiH part of some grtnt American city, and tha devises are to be protected by a . jmpctent firce of nurjc, from the ravages of m un and d'ig.H. Xo persoa of the male sex is cvcV to be admitted within th walls, and no female who has children or ii ur.cter tuirty years old. I here are iiunureu.4 of minute directions which we have no time. to note. One Avould suppose that, in the foregoing fra visions liic testator na il exhausted all tho ccccn- tricitieaof one uian, however unique his nature; but the last provision of the will seems' moiti' outrageously Lr.aru-. than any that go before. Says the devisor: "1 hiivii all my life been taught to believe that every, ihhig in aud about man was intended to be useful and that it was inan duty, as lord of sinima la to protect " all the leMer ; species, even as God protects and watchca over him. ror these two combined reawns hrst, that my body, even af ,er death, may continue to be made useful; and secondly, that it tiny Lu made iiistrumcnt.-iL a far as possible, in furnkiu- ins; a substitute for tl.b protection of tho bodic of my dear 'friends the cts I do hereby device aud bcdueath tho intestines cf mv body to b made up into fiddlosthiigs, the proceeds to La devoted to the purchay.of an accordeon, which -i ii i i i :.i i. .... ..: auditorium ol tha Cat In firmary by onc.pf the regular nurse, to be Be lected for that purpose exclusivelythe llj)ing to be kept up forever and-ever without ceaatrori day or night in order that the cats may have tho privileges' of always hearing and enjoying that instrument uthieh is tile nearest approach to their. tin final voice. I f any iouriial can iive us infuiuati'm of mon singular will then th: il wc would lil.u to have it. Coluuihai 'Ji 't"d.. AViiat A Lmti.i; UtiY T:oui;iit Au.iut Tiiimis I am a lit tip b;y about so many year old; I don't know wlidfhcr I'm a good little boy, but I'm afraid not, f'oi 1 .mctimcs do wicked things, and oneo I cut sister's kittea'. tail oil with the chopping ki. ife, and told, her ad can;e aiouiraiid bit it' (iff, and swad-nved it djwti I'm afraid I had. fc.J thetl frho a?ked MO if I knew where li irs weni to and I Slid yes th.it they" went t Xew Vdrk and wrote fur 'news papers; she taid no but a Jake of fire and brim stone, and she asked be if I would like to go there, audi said no, fori didn't think there .would be 'much skating or hiding on that. lake, and the boy's could n'tj snowball either on thoic, and she said it was more thin that, jubt as tho' that wasn't bad enough, 'for. I d-m't think they can play basrc ball neithcr. Then she asked mo if I wouldn't like 'to be an angel and have a harp, and I said no. I'd rather be a stage-driver and have a big horn, for X couldn't, play on tothor thing, bo 1 should nbt like tobean aggcl, Jor their wings must be in -tho way when they go swimming and play tag and leap lrog. ana Dft- sides it must-be hard to Hy' when one am t ce- 1 a customed to it. Hut it would be jolly to be a stage driver, aud.haro a great long whip and I touch up the leaijers, mih! ?,iy '-g'lang there wh::t I arc you uom . t -