i t ! I ' - iT-!' ;"' ! t ' i" . " -' " ,: ! ... i ... . ,' 1 , j - - ' - ' . ' iV .. H . ' 1-1 I "J '; v ft.;? -v:;- -; ft i i ... v I-;- . x tl i I i J .j f J ... ' t - Js YATES Editor and Propriktor., Termt'of Smltm'ption Thkxc Dollabs, In advance. C II AR j O T T E , N. C, TUESDAY: JANUARY 4, 1870. EIGHTEENTH YCLUnE-'-K D U fc E IV C 4V i i n i t 1 hi- ! I ' - ' ' : " ' : .. V 'I' i I i' - . ;. !" " i- : i ... I . .hi .i r i i ! 1 THE "VVestexvn. Democrat PCBLIFBED BT WILLIAM J. YATES, Editor and Proprietor. o Tcbxs Three Dollars per annum in advance. Advertisements -will be inserted at reasonable rate, or i a accordance with contract. Ohitnary notices of over fire lines in length will be charged for at advertising rates. Robert Gibbon, iM. D., PUYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Tryon Street, Cliai lot te, AT. C, -Office and Residence, one door south old State Eank, (formerly Wm. Johnston's residence). - Jan 1, 1SG3. '7 J. P. JKcComh, - 0?ers bis professional services to the citizens of Charlotte and surrounding country. All call, both night and day, promptly attended to. Office in llrown's building, uy stairs, opposite the Charlotte HoteL t Oct 20,1 bOS. ' DR. E. C. ALEXAN 1J is 11, TIin locatd in Charlotte, hnn opened an ofiGce in l'rks Ruil.L'nr. ODPO-ilfe the CLlotteHotel, where he can be found when r.ot professionally 'engaged. May 31, 15:03 7n;pd Dr. JOHN H. HcADEN, Wholesale and Retail Druggist, CUARLuTTi:,. A. C, IT on hand a lure auJ-wdl F-;ted stock of PURE liJM-fiS- t:tn-mic:i.U. rnnr Mciu-mes. Family Medi- fin-o. iUint.-, OIN. Varnishes. lye JSiutTs, l'accy and T..ill Article!". wtl.CU UC IS tltlc-iuiiliea lO ui me ery lowest prices. I Jan 1. IS'YJ. ALEXANDER & BLAND, Dantists, Charlotte, N. C.,' Will wait on parties in city or country whenever their prrrices mnv be nolieitrd. T-th extracted ivitkout pain. Gas administered. 1 (2ce in Urown's Uuildiur. "Hours from 8 A. M. fto r, V. M. Mrch 8. 1S69. X C. HILLS, ATTOUH 13 r A T, Is A IV , Charlotte, N. " C, Till prAriic in th Courts f North Carolina anl in th" Culled States Court. ():5.-.j ahore the Sigre of Iias 4 Cohen, o J. posit c th Charlotte Hoiel. . I t . Jnn JS. 1S:J'.I Cmpd: : . : i W. P. 9P DAVIDSON, n V I A V E. A jx a " t Charlotte,! N. C Office over 11. KroiiASisa 8iore. !i(K"iJ;iJ ly j . .. pmAriicai. Watch and Clock Lli'ior, jewel nr, we watches, clocks, Watck Jitter id It, Spfetacl, Jc. A Kg 19, 1S:7. ClIARLOTJE, N. C. B R. SLIITn & CO , sncral Comniis&ion Merchants, GO A7'7;' St.crt, UibTON, .Mass.. ' Fr t!if tU of 1'o'ron. Cotton Yarn. Naval Stores Kr., and it purc:ius s ot Ut.idy Cloths aud 1'ercimu ili-r- generally. f J..bral ( ah advances inide on consignments to and all usual tncliiie ,uVnd U e hope tylUir ud hui.tc' dealing, and cur best iris to pie:i, to receive I rm o'ir lrienas tnat cu- curagmnt which it shall be eur aim to merit. Orders solicited and promptly, filled for Ounnv Has r'jsh, iioots ai'i hot-s. &c, &fc. , Urrca bt rr.M!iviTO ." John Demerritt. Es-p. Pres. Eliot Nau P.ant, Poston. Lonn & Keynol J.4. ! 10 Pea.rl t?r., Hoton. i'urcat.'on & Co.. 207 l'carl St.. New York.. J V Bryce & Co.. Ciirllie, NkC F Y AlcA'ien. E.-q . Pres. Jst Nat. Rank. Charlotte. T W Dewey A t'o , '.inkers. Carlotte, N C. I; M O i.e-. .v Co., Ch irK.it?. N C Willi its A .Murc'i:on. Ui!mJr.gion, N C. Col Wut Johntuu, Prt-K. CuarUueand Augusta Rail- road. Charlotte, 2 C. 'Spt U, ISOj. . ' !. 4 NEW GOODS- , f New-Groceries., - We are now receiving at oor old stand. Gray? Crtruer. our Fall tock of Groceries, consisting in part of heavy Gunny Ragging,' Tho Arrow Cotton Ties, A large lot of Salt, iugnr, CotTee, Molaftses. and in faet everything usually found in the Grocery line, all of which will be sold at a very short margin lor ch. Call and examine bfore purchasing elsewhere we are determined to sell. I fy Tii indebted to ns will pleae settle tip. Sept 27, GRIEU X ALEXANDER Charlotto Female Institute, f ; CHAKLOlTi;, N. C. 9 . O r .i ; , . ... i jae nrii retoa 01 mis ir.r mnon w.ii commence the trst Utr of rllllJi.K.'lcuO. mmJ luuiinin- laiil Ci' h cf Jun.' foilowinif. A full corps of Teachers in all branches usually uat in first cla:s Female Schools, has been tui- Wyel for the enduing Se.-sion s ror I atalogu cut&tning full particulars as to iip.-nsrs, course of siiuiy. rei;ii: ii.ons, ic, apply to Rev. li. liURWELL SONv July 19, 1SC0 Charlotte, N. C. J. J. WOLFENDEN & CO., DtALLRS IN Flour and Grain, Hrfer to J." A. Gulon, Cashier National Bank. New- ern; I J. untnaio uul Kountree i r ebb. Newbcrn. LARGE STOClt. Wittkowsky & Rintels lave received one cf the largest Stocks of Good rrer ouerea in tins marker, an-i are rceeiviBz week- I y additions, so lhat they arc prepared to supply any amount cf pafronsg they may be favored with du ring the rail and inter. . Juf Country Merchants are specially invited to all anrexamine this Slock of Goods, as they cn in-I anything wanted for stocking a country Store' ! " : Lnd at very reasonable wholesale prices. ! . u9 v.m nu-a i.t- tur ijju ii m near our rices before making your purchases. WITTKOWSKY &. RINTELS. Spt. 13, 1SG0. , A Novel Convention. A convention of a iiovtl'aiid j-eculiar character was in session at Colurubus. Ohio, Jat week.- Delegates ftom the principal cities of the State, met to discuss the problem of the '-docial evil," which, with the 'liberal divorce system, is srettinjr to be a para- mount quvslioo m the West. lbe cunvcution, bj a voJeof'27i toloj, voted to recouimend the amending of the "municipal code,r so as to allow boards of health to "regulate" houses , of ill-fame. The proposition to '-license" .was stricken out. The desiirn is to try the effect of thej European continentalsystem,wlth some niodificationa. The Ohio papers condemn the scheme to 'make vice "respectable" with considerable indignation. ; Plantation for Sajo. I offer for sale one of ray Plantations! situated 7 milos from Charlotte, on the X. C Railroad. There are about lc-0 Acres in lbe tract, and & rood Dwelling and all necessary out-houses on the pUce, together wiih a hne.Urc-haru of choice fruit ;Tieea. , The price is mo-Jcrate, and terms will be made e&y. pply on the premises or addrcfat Rev. ii. O. Ic- LMiighhn through Query's P. 0.,': or inquire of J. McLaughlin ut Oaten' Store in Charlotte. : i i. c. Mclaughlin. Dec 20, 1809 2wpd ; I A Card. B. M. PRE SSON, AT THE-. SIGN OF THE ELEPHANT, ; Takes pleasure in informing his old customers and friends ihat he is "Right side Up," aud haviDg care for his many patrons, will to pleased to see them at any time, at his old stand. The jn of the Elephant, where he is again prepared to supply them with the very best - J Family and Plantation Provisions, and everything fresh aud good for the Larder and the inner man with some Dressing for thej outer, at astonishingly modernte prices. I i Do not pass by. but call in and see if I cannot suit you as well an you can be accommodated elsewhere, as it is my pleasure nnd desire to please the public, hat ing UiuJe extensive arrangemcuts tor pose. j li. M. PRESSON, Dec. C. lFW.l rat pur Aeut. Groceries, Confectioneries, Toys. N. GRAY lias bought out t he Stock of Goods of Rev. W. 8 Haltom, next to Parks' Duilding. where he hopes to rc.le a rail from his old custoiuers aud friends und the public generally. i ' 1 Jle has received a freph supply of Goodd in' his line, such as ss. . ! f Family Groceries, j ! Confriti'oHrrit's, T"is.lf reserved Fruits, And everything in that line ihnts desiiiihlejt o please the pa'atu or. tickle' the fancy of Meu and! Women, boys and slrls.: I ; Kemember the 'pTnce between McAdea's Drug Store and V. Parks' Building. Nov 22. 1803. ' House for Rent. The Dwelling tlouso, ncxtto the present residence of Mr W. E. Cochrane, -below the Daptist Canrch. is uttered for Kent for the year lt70. - The IInnie"?.nt 4 mtfi Gonial ivooius, goud kitchen and line lo with rruit trees. JEltllY liETHJEL,. j I Die 20, IbC'J. Agent. Imported Ale CASKS lmnorit.I A T. K. for Mle hi STE.MlUUSli, AIAL'AULAY & CO. Dec 2J, 18G9. i ; Store for Rent. Tae commodious More Room and Dwelling above. opposite tuc Court Jiu.-e. (now-occupied by J. !S. Meaits & Sun,) is oilered for Rejit for t tie year 1870.1 Apply to , J. DLLS, Agcut. Dec C. 1 f r.Q 4w . j NOTICE TO THE PUBliia I take this method of returning my sincere and heartfelt thanks to the citiiensof Charlotte and tLe t-urroutiding country for the very liberal pnkronage' oefctoweu upon n.c in tiie p.ist, ana nope that thev will continue to patronize me in the future, feeling satisfied font 1 c:in sell them goods as cheap as they can luy them elsewhere in this market. please give me a call before buviug. I have a large stock of ail kind of goods on hand. I JAM KS II. HENDERSON. Further Notice. I V 1 have a good many Notes and Accounts on hand due me, remaining unsettled, and I now request those indelie! tu come lorwnril between this and the first day of January and make payment. I have been ery inuuigeni, our patience tment cease to be a virtue. A;word to the wise is sulScient. ! Dec 6, 10i'4w , JAMES H. HENDERSON. Lincolnton High SchooL i Rev. W. R. WETMORE. Pkof II. II. SMITH. The next; Session will begin January liOthj 1870 Tuition Mime as heretofore. . No deduction for ab sence, unless there be a contract to the contrary. vases oi protracteu sickness excepted. nuures cuuer riucipui, i.!UCOiUlon, . JU. J Nov 29, 1801 w ; .1 ! NEW FIRM. S The nnder?incl have -entered into a partnership io prosecute a.uenerai i Fire and Life Insurance. P.usiness. and for the sale of Fertilizers. Lime. Plas ter anj Cement, in the City of Charlotte, N. C. un- uer the name and style of Burroughs & Springs. ; The busmtrs will open this day. and be carried ortiu the Neiv Ruildiug. Corner of Collece and 4ih S:reet.,Iiercloforeoccupied by Hutchison. Rurronghs - J. C. DURROlGiiS, Not 15, R- A. SPRINGS; ! Selling off at Nett Cost, With a view! of reUucing'my stock of superior OLD W INES, LIQUORS, Lc., &c, consisting of ; j , j tng Freuch ;Rrandy, $1 1 00 per bottle. 60 J : vo ' ! ; 50 ' ' i Extra J Oid Roiir'uoa Hhiskey, " MononghaU TVhisfcey,. Jamaica Rum, 75c 5c hoc X) "3 00 K(e 7oc 75c CO 8oc 1'orf Wine, j Msdaira Wine, , 1 ; Sherry Claret Gin ,4 f Schedam Schnapps, Maechinol Wine, Draudy Peaches, ALSO, Gfnrer Preserves, Pickles. Sardines, ! Canned Peaches, 2 lbs., Tomatoes, "2 lbs.. $2 00 per jar. 20c per box S(kj per can 20r : And a great many articles not enumerated here will le told at CO.sT. - Second door from the Court Iloue-. ; Charlotte, Nov 22,. 1869. J. D. TALMER Living in WasMngton. i . A Washington correspondent describes a new Ilotel in that City as follows: - , The Arlington is the name of; a'jne.w - hotel just opened here, on a scale of magnificence aiid expense never beJ'ore heard of up the papital. l used to think the charges at Willard's were pret-. ty high, but they looked like positive j grutuiiits "compared td the demands at the Arlington. :: t is very well located,' in the most fashionable part jof the city, aud its" furniture and appoiutnieuts Vmdrml thn Inci . a V c,,' krestinnof a friend, nnd in his enmnnv T wpriI un thcr the other dav. thinkincr w ,,1d two rooms in which a couple of bachelors cqiU spend a pleasant winter. Yes;' certainly,; tfe . ... ' r1 - - lanuiora tiau wnac wouia jnst suit us. , xirst showed uu a parlor and bedroom on the second fioor. Everything was .new and beautilul. "Ifow much for these?" said my friend. j 'Well," said the Ludlord, after a slight pause. fwe ask SiUO a week lor-those two rooms. ''Jeewillikcus' said 1, "doyou think my tiamc ts bchenck, or my inend s Garfield f Oa do you think I'm lieu Butler and he John Jxgan r r t -j -i aull ; lhewandlorfl was surprise ;d tha't we slu think $7U0 a week a high' figure for two looms, and assured us that he was very certain of jren tr ibe apartments for that sum before man days. Several Congressmen had been looking price ex- at them, and didn't seem to- think the travagant, Well, we didn't look at any more rooms in that house. A3 neither of us happened to belong t6 me wuifctcy rmg, or tne tanii ring, or ine racin railroad ring, we were very certain' w cbuldn't stand it, even on the filth floor, if thai was the way the second floor started out. ;Thd whiskey ring is sour grapes" with niost of usj Upon my word, 1 tried to get in once; but thej" black balled me on the ground that I. would tel all J knew about it as soon as I got material for - - i - j a, good letter. Sharp fellows, thojse whiskey ring men ' ! 1 have since learned, however, that $700 a i , ( 1 week is not considered a high ngure lor rooms aud accommodations at the .Arlington, j There; are two families living there at the rate of 50,-; U(K) per aunum each. One is the family of Gcn-; eral Fremont, aud the other of a private citizen of Washington, who thiuLs he saves mouey byv the operation. j j. NEW FIRM MORRI3S & T-V A TTTn XJ1X. V XOJO on; At 'the Actr Furniture House,'' cjwsite Scarrs JJruij S(ore; ! 'Having, on the first of this month, associated with me in the Furniture Trade here,- Mr W. H. Morriss of Petersburg. Vo.,! and lately of Ralegh, N C, we hereby InfnrniHlie public that we expect to carry, on th4 alue JtnvsLncsa-wore extensively than- ever Jw- fore, at greatly reducTedprices. Mr Morrifs is an old;dcaler in the Furniture-rado ; and in addition to keeping cverjy article usualtyfound iu a first -class Furniture EsiaDlitthment. we willtngage to furnish Dvrjeihngs. Hotels, '(Schools. Colleges, .on betier terms tiian parties, "not posted, cau OuyWi JNtw York. A large stock of , All v kinds of Furniture Will be constantly kept, enibracing Parlor and Cham ber; Suits, together with a full supply of Mattrasnes, Metjallic Burial Casej of all sizes and stales, aud Ala- hogamy, Wuluut aud Pine Cofand, at prices to suit the times. . - - 'L- 1 " ' .. j Cttll-at the "New Furniture lioue," opposite Sc:ii r"s Drug Store, and examine our Stock Impairing will continue to be done at the old stand opposite the City Clock, aud Cane Seat Cuairs re boicomeu, as good asUewbv competent workmen. ! ROUT. t. DAVIDSON. . W. H, MORKISS, !. Charlotte, N. C, Dec 1, 1800. ' CARD. The subscriber thankful for past patrnnnce, asks a continuance of the same to the new firm; and now calls upon all indebted to him to come and close up their Accounts, na my old business must be settleo. un. I Claims contracted uciore ana during tne war and M ill outstanding will be settled on liberal terms If those indebl cannot at once pny the money, I will iclose up by Note to their satisfaction. Dec 20, lbG9 tf .t RORT. . DAVIDSON. Catawba English and Classical ! HIGH SCHOOE, Alf'20A', A. C ; The next Session will" commence the 1st Monday in January, 1870. No pais are spared in fitting pupils thoroughly for the best Colleges in the country, sn'd in .giving thorn a tnorougu business euucation Special attention given to Mathematical Tuainixg. Tuition per session oi eexs Iiom to 5i.oo in currency. : ; i - . - : Board in families from $8 to $10 per month ; in clubs at about half these prices. For Circulars ud particulars, address J.C. Clapp, Newton. N. C. . J. C. CL.APP, A. D. Dec 1, 18C9. S. M. FINGER, A.; D. Al L. Oil of North CAr.oLiNA, WITH I ! JEHIAL HEAD & CO., (Late Geo. V. i- JeLi.tl Read.) j Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in Fur and Wool Hats, I j Ladies' J an:r,a 0 Ja oc key Hats. Straw Goods, Umbrellas,' &c. and 281 Canal St., one door Eat of Eroadway, Deo 13, 180y 2m pd Nctico. I expect to be, absent from home on a visijt to the West for some time. During that time I have made my brbthet S. D. Alexander, my Agent to transact all myt business. I have placed in his hands ample iiic&us for the support of my frAnily. I desirej there fore, to give notice that I wnl not pay auy debts con tracted in my name bv my wife or any member of ray family during my absence from the State. Dec 13, 1863 lmpt JU1IN U. ALEXANDER LINCOLNTON MARBLB YARD. I ' ' ' " 1 ! x I'would respectfully announce to the citi sns of Lincoln and adjoining counties; that II have established a I In LINCOLNTON. and nm r.renared to r? fnrnisli i j ', , j Monuments, Tomb Stones, &c, High - Al tne lowest t ash prices. My jFhop is North of 'the Conrt House, known as the Stubbs Machine Shop, where I can always be found, and will b pleased to receive orders. LuicolntonNoT I. 1S69. ! K J. KUDISILL. . A Nortlicrn Mali's Opinion of Norta Caro . s - Ilea Ladies. ' J ; The correspondeut of the New York Tribune writes concerning the ladies present at the late exhibition of the Cape Fear Agricultural Asso ciation tit Wiluuington, in the lollowing stjle "The wives of these gentlemen, as well as the female inenibers of their .families, appeared un- couimonlj well,' and I would say the ladies in at-1 cows, oxen or horses from the most distant tendance at this Jb air Were on: an average far! by shiply telling hint what ybtj anC ' S better educated than the average of the ladies I after we cot hiw we sent him to watch the sh t a Northern Fair. That is to say, only the bet- ' rr class attended, a nd the common people I did "of see. It seemed to me that these ladies have j a more realizing sense of many; things than the l nnnl mnorf a rt K la k I .1,... -..um,iuvu, auu mio uiaj uo iui iuv; iwauu iu meir natural reianaim w-to.noasenoiapnng them into more1 iminediate connection; with com- ttion things. There is much in I thesie families worthy of admiration, and they have some quali- ties which Northern people do hut possets, or which they do ot value sufficiently to retain, for their habits abd taste are simple, j though noting elegant; they idespise afrectation and etfeniiafccyj auu lueir xuuraj ruiigiuus st-uiimciiia uio deeply rooted JI will state what I believe to be true, mat tnejcioutnern people, as a class, would uot attend, nor would they suffer such exhibitions as are common in the North, and even m New Jiitigianu. in; aji iuture progress lot tije Amerii tuu caiuu laue, mey musk ue coussiuereu as tne most valuable I luost stcadiast auxiliaries; ana. American institutions and religious Drinciplcs. iis i l - i now accet .cceptca,are too previous to pe uepviv ed of the assistauceiwliich the many noble men arid women of the South would, uudcr favorable cir-' cnmblauces, -begjlad to render." ! i - y n r.t 1 FasMonablo Women, f .11-: . - - .1 " , -J Fashion kills more w)men than toil ! and sor row. ' Obedience to fashion is a,' greater trans gression of the! laws of woman's nature, a greater njury to her physical and' mental constitution, thau the hardships of poverty and neglects The slave woman at her tusk will " live aud grow old aud see two or tliree generations of ' hen mistress lade and pass away. 1 The J washerwoman with scarce a ray off hope to cheer her in her toils, will live to see hef fashionable sisters all extinct. The kitchen maid is hearty and strong,! when her lady has to be nursed like a sick baby. It is a sad truth that fashion-pampered women are almost worthless j for all the good ends of life; they have but little force of character, ihey have stiii less power jofi moral will, and quite jas little physical euergy. i J hey live lor no great purpose in lite they accomplish no groat , ends, j Ihey are doils, formed in the hands of milliners and servants to be dressed and fed .to order. If they rear cnudren, servants aud nurses do all, save couceive aud give; them birth. And when rear ed what aTe thejt What do they ever amount to but weaker scidiis of the old stock. -; j Who ever heard of a? fashionable woman's child ex- I hjhttjn! 'auvrYirttte unjiOiier of tuind focwlch .it uccame euuuentf a xteaa tne Diograpuics or Oar great and good men and women. ; No one of them had a tashiouable mother.. They nearly all sprang from strong minded wmen, who had a boat us little to do with fashiou as with the changing clouds, j j ''!""'.;': i i i i j 'i a i . j "Why don't the girls go West V is the quee- , tion asked by it correspondent of tlie Boston Journal, whfcites statistics to prove that in 'Ohio there is an Excess of -40,500, in IMlchigan 140,00, in. Cal!foruial43,000, and in other states simitar woportious. .-.rwi ' Massachusetts. P oral excess in Xew Knaland of fem les ovit Will find hiales is 48.500 Perhaps the miniated In these figures convincing arguments. It is snid tlia t five hundred peop! !e mnke a 0 ini iniortaDl le living ijn Ncw; York by fortune tell- Th is might seem a sad comment on a city ' : !!. J i 1. I where education Hii as free as air, and Iwhich pl umes itself n tljc population. But tl general intelligence of its le truth is, that it -is not ig- aht people aloinjl that are easily humbugged inipostiires -a1fTire portion of mankrpd love ora fry uiipostiires -a ifrtre por tflt cheated with' their eyes will pay for it handsomely too. open, they j Heward TTi'll se raid for l ho recovery of a XfcLcllan SAD- CLEJ which was stolen from my wagon in Carson k (Srier's lot on Wednesday morning the loth inst. It is brass bound, quilted seat, and has heavy wooden s;irrups. ' j j . ;) W. L. HENDERSON, Dec 20, 18C0 I : LiaviUson Ctillege Edgeworth Pemalo Seminary. This Institution is again in successful operation. Et is'leminently adapted,: in its organization: and management, to the wants of the people and to the circumstances of the country. Tupils received at aby time. '(". ':; !. .. ' - til . For Circulars address, Ml ; M J M. M. CALDWELL, Dec 27, 1869. J ' Greensboro,! N. C. GLOVER S SPECIITI C, Sure and certain Cure for Chills, Fever and Ague prepared and for sale by F. II . 0 LO VE II, Cdimjst, cnABLOTTE, IV. a 1 ,.Wly suffer with Chills fur a month,- week or !dy, lien GLOVER'S SPECIFIC will keep them y. Try it rrice Dire Dollar per Dottle For Sale bt; ! Wi!?on & Black, j Smith k Rretn, ! Kilgore & Curetdn,- ; Dr. F. SearrJ I' j Dr.,J: II. MeAden. . ' 'Dec 20, 1SC9 ... , 1 ly -. j ; . . ' . ; I FURNITURE NOTICE. Trons wishing good substantially j made Filrni- turo will find it decidedly to their advantage to call at sneiton's vvareiicuse. Near Rock Island Factory, TraJe Street, CHARLOTTE, X. C. Those who are called npon to purchase COFFINS for their deceased friends can be supplied by calling at lmy Shop. Walnut Coffins made in the best style. anil all the different siies constantly kept on hifnd.J and when desired can be furnished, neatly trimmed, within 30 minutes notice. I H . ' M Tjcc20. 18C9 Cm F. M. S HELTON. 1870i Almanacs. 1870. Ten Gross of tne lia aiem Almanacs lust re ceived for the Wholeanla and Retail Trade at ; r Xov. 29, 1869. , ; r . !v TIDDV & JJRO. it nits coutrary,j mere, are ou.uw tktb hcu or up two or three flights of stairs insome large haii men; in New Hampshire G500, -Wiode building where thereis likely to be a great deal sland 6,000, and in Connecticut 7,80(1 ; The--le on othcr accounts. -Tli extent of thtir .1 .? -rr i ' Shepierd Dogs! ' - ' I- ' From the American Stock Journal. ' About one year ago I purchased a remarkably fine Shepherd Brg of your firm. , Thinking it would be of some benefit to your readers to be made acquainted with the peculiar traits of these remarkable "c'o., I send you a few short 'botes or the pcriormancrs or mine fields oon eep that were in a. field, one half of wliich was in oats. We visited him several times durin the day and found the faithful dog, who was wait ing with sentinel-like punctuality, up and down I .1 ! : J . ft ,1. . j ' t f uic UUUUUarj JlIlO : VI , XliO lTO , CrOPS. Clt'SO IO wiiicti oaic ot ftia trust-were browsing Upon the sigh test attempt of any of them to infringe on the cats, he inimediataly drove them back; but the exteutof li is beat beiogl very long, he was sometimes sorely put to it, and shad to hurry backwards aud forward jn rather laughable nian- ner. Collecting his energy- i he' finished by driving the whole flock to the extremity, of the i puMure.j j. nensaiisncu wita tne aiterea position of affairs, he returned to the ! boundary line, and lay uowu with the assurance that, thej must now feed up to him. . :! ""v I !:H': " I Not long siuco, he accompanied a friend to lnicago where he purchased a lot ol sheep up- i warus oi iwo nuimrea ana uiry. ji ntgiit, in bringing them home, they were turned in to, a field, i Tile fences nU beiuir verv 'i?oo J thev broke I . t- T r , ; ; in withsevral other droves, and consequently soon all .cocaine unsed together. I I he next mornin;, without loakin" a sinrle dosr picked but' the whole of his master's sheeD i - i - from amount the utlnjrp. almost unaided, and although he had been; so short a titrfej acquainted : . - ' - i ' with thctu-4-after which he drovo them to their destination singlehanded. u ! . : ; i ii I i My wife says : he is of incalculable -value in caring for the younger children when they are running about the larjn, as she always considers them sale when under tho care) ot Jack. lie will carry luncheon tri'the men in the most dis tant part of ihc' farm, sihd never: offer to touch -a mouthlul. ' There are certain ' petrnHarities of 'character belonging to the shepherd dog well worthy of li' .: IT. ' . tl ' 1 1 note, xie is a reuiarh.auiy sman eater, ana is the least greedy of an the entire race; . in fact it is quite astonishing how many hours lie will re main true to his post without j indulging his appetite; he apparently suffers but; little from hunger or thirst. IJe isof a pensive melancholy disposit ion, and rarely condesceuds td join a romp, or enjoy thai playful dalliance which belongs to "ther At the" same time; his affections iiue urn liiiui uiucpn, uuuer ine uiosv) trying uir- qumstances, is staunch even to death; : and if we should seek in the canine family I for talents aud qualities especially uuuiau, our convictions un hesitatingly point towards the shepherd do The! Bogus Watch Business in N ew York. : We ; have and j wholesa in. tins citv 70 trcnume importers e traders; besides ai large army of retail aeaiers ana tuners wno are , every vear beaten in their business by the1 bogus watch im porter, backed by about 60 dealers id the iroods. Not less thaii.'lu'O.OQO of these bogus1 and oroide jwatches wemsoid iu this country last year, and, as the demand is 'coutinuallv incrft.isinc the : . , ,i , j : r-' ! number disposed of this, current year will pro bably exceed this. Their shops are usually stored away m little hallways, in dark basements, rtrs4ss,.hnostfabul(uSj for, b&ngin an illogiti-m-itei busttiessj conceived and carried on in de ception aud fnTuTd4Jiese. dealers have bo scrujiles about the means ofbMinosinL' of thir' wsrps. Indeed so extensive is the btisin'ess Itransacted by some of the bogns. watch dealers, that one of tbeml on Uroadway h ! J. . . . J' boldly proclaims the charac ter of his trade, and yet.jare Understand, sells from S:J0,0()0 to S4O.OO0 worth1 a month. Poor humauity loves to be duped and swindled,' and like gambling or drinking, or any othjer passion, when! this i. desire to gain a unihon by investing a thousand in a lottery or which is; the same thin; difiercntjy applied, the passion ' to get S250 man, g Id watch for SI in paper, grows npon a lbe actually places himself I iu a position to be sw; luuiea. a, j:. own. Death of E, LI. Stanton. Th s well-known gentleman died in jWs shiner- ton oh the 24tli ult., in the fifty-fourth year of I his age, of disease of the heart. Stanton j alcquircd a most unenviable, reputation! with his political opponents bv the wa? W'which he filled his position of Secreturv of War ilnrin'r tb latA 1 pO: struggle. Since his quitting the department he lived in retirement until he was HprHiinited to the supreme vjourt a tew days aro. ! lie had been for some time in bad health ; but no! one sur I posed that Ihts end wassO near at hand. 1 ine pontics ui .ir ctanton vaned Vjery mncn I wiiu ine tiMies. tie was teire the war an ultra Demoratjtnd is said to have been even a strong Secessionist, lie that as it may", he changed his tactics on the approach of the war, and during the cnptinuance of the same, he was in lull com-1 munion with the extreme Radicals, i j The erreat I energy! of the Government in prosecuting ihe I contest was isrgeiv due to iir ctauton. and to I the Very great prominence he acquired during I M r Lincoln si administration is to be attributed his appointrhent to the Supreme Court. I lie pes; secutcd 3Jrst. bnrratt unto death.! By siome Wr Stanton is supposed to hate been 1 entlST Vttman atiil l.v nlhan an llllitvin I I Either of yiese suppositions is correct; lie was j Tl a Vinriniani a native of ,Culocrcr count v : of hrri - J - - " J " J j fc " ! : " I V illVUli I ml.'. r J tins mere is no uoudi. ;i f During the war. Mr Stanton was ! anj unscm- f pulous tyrant land after the war he dd could to oppress the Stmth. j i ' I j allhe REMOVAL. Wade & Gunnels Have removed their Stock of Books, Stationery, &c, to the stand lately occupied by W. 8. Orifiin A Co., aext 'door to the corner of Trade Ttad Tryon Streets, j rblVlefnte Drag Store, where they will be leased to sea all tneir oiq in en as ana customers. Look put for the Sign of City Book Store., Pee 20, 1862.) WADS GCXNEL1. 'Iforgauatlc . Larrbsca.;; ... i.s.i. Everybody Jiaa heard the term ' "morgsuatIa marriage",' and many people suppose that ratxC risges of this kind are a "pecies of concubroi,, in which the ktugs and princes of, jEurcpo art! fond of: indulging.- This is not the etae, how- ever, A morganatic marriage is just as biodiog ' upon the parties as any other marriage. ThtJ term U derived from the German 31orgCDgab, which means dowry It signifies s taatrimo-i nial contract io which one of the parties is great? superior in- rank to the other. If it be the bride that is of inferior rank, she agrees that she and' her children shall bo entitled neither to the rank nor to" the estate of her husband, and that the dowry wbfch is settled upon her at.the time of the marriage shall be accepted iu Jiea of all other - privileges. If the man be the iuferior he gifet assent to similar conditions.. In the bridal cere mony tho party of superior. rank gives the left hand, instead of the right, to the otherwhence hese marriages are sometimes styled "left . anded." . ! , ' One of the most famous marriages of this class was that of r rederu k vViuiam the j Third, or , Prussia, to the Countess Augusta, of Ilarrach, t upon whom her husband conferred Qie rank of , Princess of leigniti a giarriage coorunlimatcd in 1824, long after the death of the king's most. , legitimate spoils,' the 'beautiful Queen -Louisa.' The princess of Letgnitz is still Hving4-a widow , t since 18 10.' Another morganatic marriage was J that of the late king of Denmark, Frederic the "j. Seventh, who, after beiug divorced ;fronl two v priucesses, married morgan atically a plain dress- uiaker by the name of Itasmusson, with ' whom' he lived happily till his death. lie first encoun tered her under very singular circunistancc. It is the custom of Copenhagen, when ei large fire occurs, for ono of the princes to attend , and to' take the command of the detachment of troops whieh is always, called out to keep order while .f the firemeu eudeuvor to extinguish the conns gration. , J Frederic, the crowned Prince, was rtnea per-' forming his duty when his eye caught sight o& a dressed wax figure in a window ofj a dress- ' maker's shop, in tha second story of a, burning, building. In the hurry ant, excitemcjit of the ' moment he mistook1 this lay figure fon s living person endeavoring to escape from the window. Leaping from his horse he plunged ;into the buildiug'nnd ascended the staircase. " On his way through the rooms, he discovered the owner of the dressmaking establishment, who was be wildered in the smoke, and whom he conducted ' ' to a place of safety. Tjhis was the woman whom ' ; he subsequently married, giving her the title of Countess Dan ner, and settling upon her a large ; dowry. She survived him only a year two. , ' Among the existing - members of princely, . houses who have contracted this kind jof mar- : riagemay-b ineutiooed . Prince 'Leopold, of ' SaxoiTy Prince Charles of liavaria, sndj Prince 1 Alexander of W ortemburg. . It is a son of tbt last named, an ofispring of his morganatic mar riage, who, under the name of Prince Teck, married Queen Victorias - couain, the ' Princess 51 ary of Cambridge. , A singular in- stance of a morganatic uuion is that ofj Prince " Kdward of Saxe-Weimar, who is married in this -manner to a daughter of the nreud Duke ef . Richmond, while another English nobleman, the Duke of Hamilton, wedded on terms of jpcrfect : equality a princess of the grand ducal houso of Haden, whose rank is certainly ns high as that . of Prince 'Ed ward. ' I The only modern case with which jwe sre " amiliar of a nmrganatio marriage in which cbe. - bride was a person of superior rankls t hat of (he s Princess Lhzabeth, of Italy,. sistCr-in-uwrif Vic tor Emanuel., who was married with tho loft ' hand in 1S5C, a year afler the death of' her ' riusband,. J'ritice 1 erdinand to the Marquis Kapallo. Victor Emanuel himwilf is Slid to ' I . . . 1 . m . . . ' t ave oeen more tnan once on tne point r con- ractii2 a niorMnattc union with some lof bis "i favorites, but bs been" prevent d by tho advice ' of his ministers, who omehow or fther deem it better for the interests tf the- ito that he should live in a more reprehensible manner. i ' The Reason Why. ; T V; : From Sack's Washington Letter to the Cincinnati v',,;'. ' Enquirer. ji L People mnst not misunderstand the motives of Congress in refusing to grant a general amnesty, and preferring to pass bills every now and then giving pardons to specially named individuals. This course is pursued for a purpose baser and more viie than mere politics. Not slone that they are thus enabled to drum up recruits for the Republican party in the South, by. excluding U "ho lean to the Democratic party from the Drivileire of amiiestr. The chief ohiecti-ia te i keeD otien the door for oorruntion and britarr.' 'l A general amnesty would yield no money- in- J 1 dividual amnesties can be, and oiten are made a source of revenue to the men who deal them out. 1 cannot say poniivkly that any member of" Cm grcss n.is.ueen p.ua Uirctiiyior sceunng inn in -j seruon oi a name iu an amnesty . dim, put I can say that persoi.s have paid as hfgh as ?1Q0 for,. that privilege. .The money is" paid to Ihe itv- ' Cucntial friends of Iauieal numbers of lbe He-' construction Committee ; and I take it that tkia- state bl ahairs is n t entiroly unknown to those members. Men come here from the 'South to get neir .aisauuuies rcmovca. They .want Ube eligible for ofSce of some kind I hey arc very soon directed io some one i who can have their names inserted in the next bill, and for this in sertion they arewilfingto pay liberally.. Their . monet is taken nor do I believe it all goes into IhA tmct(ft m tho tnn v in first roroira it These are fact" of which every member of Con- ...w mmwmm w.mmmr mm. mrmr - " ' ... gress is aware, lime was when the mere ospi- cion oj-tnis irutn wouia nare cawea lor a scarcn- mg investigation. JJut corruption stalks so , shamelessly abroad, and so permeates every de-.. partment of the Government now from the Executive who sells his Cabinet positions to the highest bidder, to the Bureaa Chiefs who extort "" dollar donations from the starving clerks under, them that it -is dangerous to start an ihmirr," because it is impossible to tell where it will ston ' or to what it will lead. ' One of these days the people will wake up to the fact that greater maybe committed against a nation' by r.-'V thieves disguised in the livery of loyalty, than by brave men - wearing openly the uniform of rebellion. i m.'ll