- ; 1 . : : ; r - ; . . . .. - .--;-?:' i.. i t "m ; in .) . - -- . -.. . ' n i i 'i, . -GHAR'LdTTEi.. '4 ;:;stfv3r 187.0: WM. J YATES, EDITOE AHD PBOrtTO. EIGOTEENTO vYOM72U- ft DUCCUCCC -r .i.M-nf,vTiiiii Dollabs. in advance V r l A . THE "Western Democrat rCBUBt ' IT WILLI AW J. YATES, Editor ud Proprietor. e .' It Three Dollars pr a an am im advance. i..;.tnn( will be inserted a reasonaoie j" v w a - ----- rate, or ia accordance with contract. lines in leneth will boeaargedfor at adTertiing rates. Bobert Gibbon, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND . SURGEON, Tryon Street, Chariot!, X C, Office and Kerfdenc. one door mtk old SUte Bank, (farnor! Wm. Jobnatoa, raidence)s t - Jaa l, v6&. -. ; J. P. SIcCombs, M." D , Offers Lis professional aerfiees to the citixens of Charlotte and surrounding coantrj. All calls, both aifht and daj, promptly attended to. , . Office in Brown's building, up stairs, opposite the Charlotte HoleL , , ' f . Oct 26, lb08. J ' I DH. E. C. ALEXANDER, j rr.;. l.w-.i.l rh&rlotie. han ooened an office ia rrk Buil-Jinz. oppooile tne Cbartottellotel. wbere be ran he found when not professionally engaged. Ma 31, 1HC9 7mpd Dr. JOHN H. McADEN, Wholesale and Retail Druggist, CHAKLVTT&. v. c.. ( 1 1- on band a large and well selected Ktock of TURK liHUUS. ChemicalK. I'aient Me.licinc, Family Medi-eir.r-. I'ainti OU. Varnish. lje 5tufl', Fancjand ToiM Article, which he i determined to sell at the very lowrri prion. ; ( Jao 1. IS'ill. ; : m m, - i i i i ii -; " ALEXANDER & BLAND, Dontits, Charlotte, N. C, Will wit on parties in city or country whenerertbeir ries may he oIiciiel. f ' . . TVeth extracted without pain. Gas administered. Of5ee in Brown's Buildiag. Hoars from 8 A. M. to 5 r. M. ; ' March 8. 18C9. J. C. MILLS, A T X O II It C V AT I. A . Charlotte, N. C, Will pr"ti in tLeVourts of North Carolina and in the Unite! States Court. OSes above the Store of, Ellas & Cohen, the Cbarlulle Hotel. June 2S. 1803 f mpd oj-positc I W. F. DAVIDSON, ATTORIVE V- AX L. A Charlotte N. C, Office over B. Koopmasx's Store. Dee IS, ly raacricAL Watch and Clock Tili3r, , AVI) DKAIEI IV j JE WEI. R r, FIXK WA TCIIES, CL O CKS, Wmtrk JfaUrial, Sjrtrelt, $L Aug. IP, 1M7. 1 CHARLOTTE, N. C. - : 1 : ' B IL SMITH & CO, General Commission Mercnants, 60 K:7by Slrret, JJoston, Mass., For the sals of Cotton. Cotton Yarn. Naval Ftores. Kc, and the purchase of Gunny Cloths and Merchan dise generally. Liberal Ca.h advances made on consignments to us. and all uual facilities offered. i We hopy fair and honest dealing, and our best efforts to plee. to receivo from our t'rieuds that eu couragemcnt which it shall be our aim to merit. Orders solicited and promptly filled .for Gunny . Ranging. Fib, Boots and hoea. &c, kc. KVrta bt Pbbmmsion to John Demerrti. Esq.. Pres. Eliot Nat. Bank, Boston. LoriagJt KejBaolds, 110 Pearl St., Boston. MurehiooB k. Co., 207 Pearl St.. New York. J Y Bryce Jt Co., Charlotte. N C. R Y McAden,Es , Pre. 1st Nat. Bank. Charlotte. T W Dwey k Co.. Banker. Charlotte, N C. K M 0le i Co.. ChariOtte. N C. Williaais 4 Mnrehisua, Wilmington, N C. Col Wm JohuKtoa. Pre. Charlotte and Augusta Railroad.-Charlotte, N C. i Sept 6, 1863. . Charlotte Female Institute, C1IARLOTTK . C.j The next Session of this Institution will commence on the first day of OCTOBER, 1801), and continue until SOth ef June following. . ! A full corps of Teachers in all branches nsually Laugat m nrst class r eraaie fcbools, nas been cm ployed for the enduing Session. . For Catalogue containing full 'particulars as to ji peases, course of study, regulations, 4c, apply to Rav. K. liLRWELL A SOI July 19. 1869 j Charlotte, J. J. WOLFENDEN & CO., DEALERS IN i Flour and Grain, ncwiiHiiw, W; C. Rafer to J. A.Ouion. Cashier National Bank, New tern; T, J. Latham and Rauutree k Webb, Newbern. Oct If. 19 Cm LARGE ! STOCK. Wittkowsky & Hintels Have reeeived one of the largest j Stocks of Goods ever oSerl in this market, and are rtxViving week ly additions, to that they are prepiredto supply any amount of patronage they may be j favored with du ring the Fall and Winter, j j SSjT Country Merchants are e-pwally invited to eall -ind esamine thi 8ioek of Goods, as they can fen I anything wanted for Mocking; a country Store an 1 at very reasonable wholesale prices. Give u call and see our Goods and -hear our prices before making your purchases. . WlTTKOWdKi' & RINTELS. Sept. 15. 1PC0. 1 NEW' The nnderiguet havo , to prosecute a General i i FIRM. entered iuto a partnership Fire and Life Insurance Bniness. and for the sale of Fertilliers. Lime. Plss 1er and Cement, in the City of Charlotte, H C., un der the aaate and style of f j Burroughs; f& Springs. ine nustness will oten this d. n.l be carried , on in the Aew Building.: Corner of College and 4th r rrng ren,,. fc.retofore occupied by Hu tchisoa .Burroughs ! A Their old SouTniaw - liogc tux best after all. We were present," few ."daja gince, when some returned emigrants, were land insr on the lerce ! from tie Ilondufas. steamer, There- they werc men, women ndebillren1 pale,' poTertj stricken and emaciated. , , A year apo they had departed from their old homes to the new land of promise in Central America: but in stead of a realization of their Tiigh dreama of prosperity, tneir sirengin waa . wasiea py leTera and miasmatic ailments, and their subrtanct was destroyed. They now return with higher ip preciation of their natire land than they erer had berore, and a determination to submit toau kinds of political evils rather than exile them- Beirea apaio. iv. yi. paper. A Card for the Afflicted, to Bead Havins witnessed the remarkable cures and aston ishingly beneficial results or, treating diseases by VACUUM, with Dr. Hadgfield's QUALIZH, we bare been induced to purchase the Patent-IUght, to gether with a complete set of instruments, (at neary exDenne) belieTiiur as we do that the results (from the application of this SCIENTIFIC APPARATUS to the treatment of the many diseases that caa sot. or hate aoT, been cured by medicines administered by the most learned and skillful physicians) will re- ward us for our services. Ao scientific pnysieian I will deny the correctness of the principle employed, 'but must confess Jhat it has not been nsed in conse quence of the enormous expense incurred, ana the poor remuneration for services thus rendered, and in consequence thereof, . substitutes of a very in ferior character nave been adopted. We do not propose employing this truly valuable and scientific instrument as a bambnggiagmsehiae, in consequence of its novelty, but simply as an in valuable auxiliary in the treatment of diseases, on acknowledged scientific principles." " We do not claim that it is a panacea for all the ills of flesh and blood, but we do most positively assert, without fear of contradiction, that it has in thousands of instances cured and relieved many of the terrible and painful afflictions that hare not yielded to other treatment, and we cordially invite all who are suffering to visit us, and be relieved. , J. M. MILLER, M. D. - Dee 20, 1M9 tf. R fL." OKEGOKV, M. D. GROCERIES AND LIQUORS. Gregory & Williamson. (7 Bryce Jiuilliy.') : Ask the attention of the publie to their large stock of Heavy Groceries, Provisions and fine Liquors and Wines ; ., ; .. ' They give special attention to the sale and pur chase of FLOUR of the best quality. And they guarantee the purity of the Liquors aud n ines which they offer for sale. i. : t i Their stock consists in part of the following articles: Groceries. Flour, Bacon, Lard and Molasses, I Sugar, Coffee, Salt . and Soaps, , ... . Iron Ties, Bagging and Rope, I Cotton Yarns aud Sheetings, Leather, Fish of all sorts, Ac. ! . Liquors-. i : ' First Troof Whiskey, French Brandy, New England hum, 1 'Apple Brnnly, No. I Gin, Peach Brandy. - , j WinesT . j Sherry, lleidsic Champaigne, Madeira, Catawba Claret, California !;. Scuppernong, ; Angelica . Port,: Green-seal " ; I Our Goods will be sold as low as they can be pur chased in this market. All we ask is a trial. Dec 20. 1869.: GREGORY & WILLIAMSON. B. HL PRESSON, ; AT THE SIGN OF. THE ELEPHANT, Takes plessurc in informing his old customers and friends that he is "Right siue Up," and having care for hismanv patrons, will be pleased to see I hem at any tlme.; at bis old stand. The tign nf ih Elephant where he. is agiun prepared to supply themjaith the very best t- . 1 I Family and Plantation Provisions add everything frenh and. rood for the Lardor an the inner man with some Dressing for tne outer, at astonishingly moderate prices. I -i ;j Io not pass by, but call in and see if I cannot suit you as well as you can be accommodated elsewhere, as itjis my pleasure and desire to please tho public having made extensive arrangements tor tuat pur pose! i Dec. fi. IPfiO. U. M. PRESSON, Agent. Groceries, Confe tiorieries, Toys. N ns bonrht out the Stock of Goods of gov. W.!5 Haltom. next to rsy-ks liuildinr. where he hopes to receve a call from -Jits old customers and friends and the public eeneralrj". He has received! a fresh supply of Goods in his line, such as " r "' " ; I j Family Groceries, J ConfiXtlturrit Toys, J'rcservcU 'j Fruit, AnL everything in lhat line that is desirable to please tne palate or tickle -the fancy of lien and n omen. boys and girls. i - I Remember the .place between UeAden's Drug Store and D. Parks liuildine. ! ' . Nov 22. 1809. N. GRAY. Selling off at Nett Cost; JVith a view of reducing my stock of superior OLD VYiNKS, LiyttlKS, ic, Ac consisting of french Brandy. $1 00 per bottle 1 50 " 2 00 Extra, 2160 " i JOH Ronrbon AVhikey. ;i76e onongahalaxWLiskry, ;"6o Jamaica Rum 86c Port Wine, .' li00 Madaira Wine, i t j Sherry i Claret " Gin , 5 . - " Scheflsm Schnapps, Xaraschinol Wiue, Brandy Peaches, ALSO. iUinger Preserves, j ; Pickles. ; j .: j Sardines. .Canned Peaches. 2 lbs., I " j Tomatoes; 2 lbs.. $2 00 per jar. I' S5c " 20c per box j 30c per Can ! 20o " And a great many articles not enumerated here will be sold at COT. . j ' ' ; Give me a call and yoa will be convinced that I am in earnest. " . -'; H Second door from the Court IToose. ! t Charlotte, Nov 22. 18f9. ' J. D. rALMER. I ! DISSOLUTION. f I Notice is hereby given that the firm of R. MMIL- LEK A CO., wm, on the Hth Kovemberi dissolved bT mutual consent. ; B 11. DULLER, I - j - . J.A?- Mclaughlin TrisslA I n rl ti Vi naU m.w aaaatit 4 1. jte firm w,a Plese call and settle as we -wish to ; close vp'oar business by the 1st of January.; One ef A mr m . m. Z. mm. - be firm "j. W atter aiuier ea always ba rovnd at make settlements. c ;li2ai i 60e !75c' 76e-- Mi- ! 1 60 &. U. MILLIE 4 CO; A Riwmla f!1mlaf1nT t The following request for informatia"was re cently submitted to the financial editor1 of the PhUaddphULedgerSjM'" " : f" -T'f 44 Will you please inform me of4a; ready mearj of determining the discount of a , currency dollar, in pold when the latter is reported at apreuiiuci' of 35 per cent.; and also of ascertaining the coin value of our gOTernment bonds 'when quoted'at 121 in cajTencythat currency selling at 132 fcr av A. IU W1M e t ' The reply of the Ledger is airnexed i "' r : The process is exceedingly simple. Pirst pet down 100, t which place two cyphers ' to the right, which makes the sum read tea Into this divide 132, aud the quotient '., , " ' ;e. : me coin vaiue oi mr par-en ana u lbis is subtracted from 100; the difference count of the paper. 1 Second, divide 122, first placing as before "two -' eyph njrht of the latter, the quotient w 81 iand is the com value of the bonds." " AD this may be accomplished in a tenth of the time and space occupied lu stating it.' - i Vs.- ; QUOTATION OF COI.f . . s it When gold is quoted at $1.10, a paper dollar is worth yl cenu nearly. " j i When rrold isciuoted at 81.15: a Winer dollar wnrtb R7 i-n;'i J ' ' - 1 I When gold is quoted at $1.20, a paper dollar Is worth 83t cents. 1 1 1 "i When gold is quoted at I1.2G,' a paper dollar . . Sn Jj..J - 1 s j - f -: " i When gold is quoted at $1.30, a paper dollar 18 worth a cents nearly. , ( v nen goia is quotea at si.ao: a paper aoiiar is worth 74 cents, h . ' . r . Wlim'osM is nnnf at si dfl a" r.flrwr rlnll.ar is worth 71. cents. When gold is quoted at 81.45, a 1 paper dollar is worth 60 cents. When gold is quoted at $1.50, a paper dollar is worth 06 cents. ' City - Lots and Iiand I FOR SALE. As A rent for the Administrator of the late J. R. Kerr, 1 will sell oa Saturday, the 29th day of Jan uary. 1870, at the Court House door in Charlotte, the following Real Estate: 1 . .. : I? ; 8 Lots in Square 111, ia Clmrlotte, opposite the residence of Charles razier, Lsq.; . . u . ,i . -- 2 Lots inSquare 103, adjoining the property VT. A. Cook . ; ' I ' : -. - -1 2 Lots in Square 109, . in same ; neighborhood ef above. " .. . ., f , ,, , . .,. Terms Six months credit with interest from date. ALSO, One tract of Land' in Union county, adjoining the Lands of Mrs.; J. B. Kerr, Sam 1 P. n alkup aid others, contsinifie 147 Acres, Terms Cash. . ,.S. - Ps-ALEXANBBRTIT Agent for F. Dec 28,1869 I DeWolfe, Adm'r of J. B. Kcry 4w : Valuable City Property for Sale. I In obediencef to a decree of the Superior , Court ef 'Mecklenburg county, I will, as Executor of Wm. SI. Berry hill, deceased, sell at the Court House door in Charlotte, on Saturday, the . loth day of January, 1870, at Public Auction, the Real Estate of eafl Berryhill, consisting of One Lot" with three small Houses, situated at the Corner of Trade and Graham streets, and opposite the residence of Col. Wn Johnston. . ' ,, ;, I Terms, $500 cash and the balance 12 months credit with interest from date. j . j I WM. MAXWELL, Executor. I Dec 20, 18C9 ...r 3w ' i V f ' my f r Life Insurance Compa: 1 I WITH $12,000,000, TTas paid another loss of $4,000 upon the policy pt JOHN L. SIIINN, Esq., of Concord. t 1 ' This added j to , other losses In North Carolina, amounts to over i One Hundred and Twenty Thousand Dollars. u l The very best provision a man can make for his family, is to get a policy in this old and! well tested Institution. t " ' ! By calling upon the subscriber all necessary in formation will be given - I A rent for Concord and Cabarrus county, N. C Dec IS, 1863 . . Im ' I Finley High 1 School, I I LENOIK, X. C. . . . t The Spring! Term in this Institution will, begin January 1 2th, 1870. ISoartl per Session, - t. - OO Tuition Classics, - -I 25 00 English, from $12 to 18 00 At least one-half of these charges will be expected ( ra advance. For full particulars apply for a Circular. EJ W. FAUCKTT, Principal. II. C. DLSON, Assistant. 8w . : ' I.", i . - . - ' ! Dec 20, I860 W. L. sraiKGS. JAMBS OS BOB SR. i..-w. sraises. Springs, Osborno & Co., C O MM 1 S S ION , M E UC HANTS, 125 North . Water Street, Philadelphia i i Consignments of Tarns, Tobacco, Dried Fruits and Southern Produce generally, solicited. - Prompt re turns made. I I : h We have made special arrangements to sell Cotton Yarns to an advantage, and solicit consignments ef r the same. .'"?';'' , Rr.rEBE5Cxs It M Oates & Co., Barrnghs j& Springs, II L Wriston & Co,(' E M Holt A Co., and W J Yates, Editor of Western Democrat, Charlotte, N. C. Dc 20. 18T.0 So, j . 50,000 Fruit Trees. NEW 'GARDEN NURSERY. We now oflTer to the public Fruit Trees of all kinds. Now is the time to send in your orders, we have a largexstoek of Peaches, mostly Hales Early,' the earliest Tine reach known. Auto. Apple, rear, Stan dard and Dwarf Cherries, extra fine: Plums, Apri cots. Nectarines.-Dwarf Apples and! Dwarf Peaches for Fruit Gardens. 8cnd for a Catalogue which will give a discription and price of all fruits and Vines, &e. Address ' J. LlfrULbX B(J, Nov l, 18C9 . 3 Greensboro, N. C. 1 . n n iii wr. ,..-5 - $ Watchmaker, GV and Jo woler, i fftxt poor to tiu usrmoerat ujice, ens a: J If your Watch needs Repairing. ; Dou't get mad and go to swearing; , Just take Uinto HALES, shop,' 1 .He will fix it so it will Bot stop. , He warraats his work all for. a year, When it Is' used with proper eare." - ' He will do it as low as it can be done, I And do it so well it's sure to run. LOTTS, C. I . January 1, 1870 ; y 'Kan's SuggtsstioTis.5 'SMrTHFrKLK;; Dee, 2$;XBCu f m considered ja, colored pesort at home, yet. V" 4,' . ' " . iT".x Tr"o,r' makes me a wtite . man in public esuuiation, v I Krr ,uruna rraTCI( 1 . tnxa m)ngt strangers, w usually experienced by mes. bwn property. I Wish tn BAA twM. and inet nmm,i in all -i -"rr" . J ? "r-MV ' wJnt nJy own, mysell, and imr 1 hlk rwjsST tlllftirAM - rkik wwayAS cawaa mmj tti a most mouey.Ye white men of North Carolina, you can liave the blacks your .willing instru ments in buildios up a peaceful and prosperous SfntA , 1 am not talking to oJfend . you," my object is 1 J. J. l.i. . y ' it i . ..aogoooi w wen lei yeujunaiy pui can - I ,dly. yoT can make-the most that can f? .." fC the bkek man for you and riuV g' f VV T WW"T P u I white people are good and some are bad: ' if the r Li lu. u f ' .,rf' I. P-er w on bad get control of the I , . y . . . v, , : I L . . , " ij i7 -e.T-j r --v j -- --- "cklc' v,a "u"cs ao put, i, ... ly control the Slacks VA11 to cet this -influence Is to consider that j class their that class has to do aWno the black to Don't niisunderbtand me. 1 I do not mean that the blacks want you to put thdm on a social foot ing with you: that idea has entered the heads' of very few, if any, of the colored people. 1 say you can control the blacks if you will allow ' then to consider you their friends, . But I will tell' you who the blacks cannot - count - as tlve friends of i the black man, or hardly as the ' friends of the white man: i -' :: ' ' - ! H' f "! The blacks set great store, now. by education!. They think their ignorance is bad t n them, and ibad on the State that they-are citizens of. and bad too, particularly, on the better-classes of whites. When it is as plainly to the interest of l j all that they ehould be edttcnted, the black man n I t bin Ira tlit tbfioA vlin T-idimih and' dlftnimracrA his humble' efforts to learn and inform - himself j aud his children must be the bitter - enemies of his race. ; His friends, he thinks would take the pposi ennraoi When a bad white ' man dues some great wrong to a black, the negroes, I must do them justice, are apt to forget that ' there are many good white people, and fall to abusing the whoU xchite mce. And when some mean black commits 'an outrage on a white, if the negroes hear white men abue the whole negro race without exception, they conclude at once that those white men would not act so unreason ably if they were not the enemies of the whole black race. The negro would be found to vote for Southern men, for men of propertyand in telligence, but at the aame'tne the negro feels that his right to vote is Ms 'greatest security against oppression,; and he Js more apt to vote for a mean white man who pledges himself to defend the suffrage, than; for the best .white citizen in the State, who refuses to promise that he will oppose the taking away of a right so dear to the black man. a etu sory the i ncgroLisoU YureA to vote for those who. outside of this con- liged to vote for those' who,. outside of this con- siderationare not his choice. But in voting as .-. ; ; , . , i, i he does he follows the prompt inps of .that human ' i i ' ii : i'.' ' a'.i n..i nature, which would make all the men that God or rrfjttii rt in like ririMinistancftS 1 list as ever creaieu, act, na. w reuu-w uviu.. he acts, in casting: a seeming ; unworthy. vote. YouteU us this question of suffrage is settled we ought not to be uneasy about. it. : Jiut let me be candid: we ask you to promise .that if von rrot into nower vou will not use that power to unsettle it. jlf you refuse to give; us this as- " .:, . - ' . v ' aiiruiiPA wp. nrp. nmitsrai ut cwincriiiofl iihl villi nave an unspoken intention to unsettle it,! U it is ever m your power to do so.. You complain ,ofhe ... ww, w w , mf union gueyou can aiesoive a ine iguea. in double quick tinic itypuTOnt to da o, if the platform ot the ,nservative party declare for impartial suffrage and the leading newspapers of the party support impartial suffrage, the Leajrace would all soon die a uatuml death, t Ve don t object to seeing the Leagues die. We tell you brtW tn nut them to dt'ath and vou in' vour as- nut semblages and, with ours will celebrate their ST ... mf - ( . m death with songs of triumph. ; , ; . ,-;'(:: I ,1 miirht sav more, but pcrbnps 1 have said For Investment; f On the first day of February, 1870, I shall sell al Public Auction, on the premises, that .Valuable WATER POWER and MILL PROPERTY, formerly known as B Ni Smith's Wills, situated on Rocky River,' in the south-eastern part of Cabarrus county. 15 miles from Concord and 22 miles from Charlotte, on the Albemarle road. . The improvements on the premises are a first-class MERCHANT MILL, SAW ilILL, COTTON GIN with Patent Press all as good as BU new, and in good running order with abundant I rplus Water-lower sufficient to run a vast amount I of other Machinery. There are also two comfortable usual ouUuildiags, and a young Orchard of choice Fmit Trees. ' f I '..' ; .I-'- "' . . - , ,.,mr,.v , ,...!. . 1 1 z.. This is one of the most desirable locations and J waier-powersj wesiem norm varouni, bbu 10m 1 - - . ar . ,v . a s e?r a it I oeing no town near id coupcie mm, : k the best count rr-st anda for selling Uooua. 1 newsier power lis amply sufficient to drive a first-class ilanu factory of any kind. " ' 1 f "- ' :" - ALSO. ' will be sold THRCE BJlALh TAUMS or 60, 90 and 200 Acres each, adjoining the above tract, with improvements. The soil is well adapted to the growth of Cotton. Wheat. ComPolatoesr Aei 'The property .win oe soia on a creao, oy. ibsibu menta one-third in SUdays, one-third in 6 months. and. one-third in 12 months. A liberal discount will be made for cask, i ALBERT EVANS, - Smith's Ford P. O , Cabarrus ew., A.C. Janna 4wp4 utjci no Biims, itain joaviTB UN luuoiaie, i , ie acvre uuuAtrj oi vne impeacnmen V SCOeme, ""J aurpor lor bis nommaiions, ana soouia siiner owq some property, xn it. and hope toUdd more furnished by Its Washington 'correspondent, Wme r .Preaident get late- trouble, evsa If It to wlt IoysiW. from which we condense what follows: , : . Tt 1ZZ KW.fJtWl -Th. firsiilt toW t Met. Jitta? SOttie. Of that Selfisk iuterest IB NIDlieafiatrf that- eants'lh'tlia knkmt'Atr2mt,XAm and make it In earnest. , -t . muusuu. rnuu u every poor eise couia. snare in inent Kadicala who atood-befor tba mn .trv I enueu.uunc- t umw-.uj.ijm. nuoneni. 1 year, a want oner ft iitue inenaiy aarice con-i v t Wss hmnbt tnFK ktbntAn nf Mr T?n?ll I i-omeroy ananuwrmoir, uuuer proae ia vyon . is the'dia-1 .ccrnine .the. best'! way. fraecurwa. M 11U people I Mr Iffetfriloch aiid Mr f&tkrA hi tb rwrn I Wendell during this recital with : , . 1 132 - into these two great blessings". ,,1 give this advice to t td whom i was'suhniitted and thui last id. I s "How do you know lhat it was Senator Pome- . era to the the white p a veryTwell kown ! expert in ill, such I0? nandwrjtfngr: ;j .t , ,1 " M be about I white than on the colored.- The iwhites JwTefWtbersi .-nWed tne'offiefak nWtKs 'tk Lik'is ' rnMint l- How do 1 know that jouare Mr Uutler.sirr:., m ' i l . J ' W W SW Ww HBBM VB IBJVeUBBVl U S 1MS. SS SBV VBBV BWWV7V VB mm -mrm -mr - -mm, mw m fBk w W SW"B B S aSSBe.l-B - BV SB . nough.rm B6t ?ttf14. R.Ffrtyman,: J ReTCrdj Johnson. kThey met there. It was JtalL round basket, about as high but not. of so j am one of the lew eolored men whoj have, cast the IUpubliSenators already great a diameter as e WrUrreL . ThU basket ' votes for Conservatives. Consider j well . these me W0UJ , rote for acquittal, provided the has a flat top, with a rim aroend '. it and a door things and therj thu toawtll thiek: of, and pre8iaeilt';wollM-apree 111 pSedgeeMwhose in the side,; which opening shows shelves within. decide if it is not for the good of the State.' fulfillment in their opinSn would avert any con- with hot ivmp, meat, Vegetables, and PerbefJ 1 , i you take control of th(ublact; manj instead of natk,nal calimitV Among the fmvi. dessert, with bottle or wine. mU UXc .A-', leaving him to be used by political gambersand JnB vhl(:h offered 1 for the Presidenis ae- depreasion in the top of th" U-ket holds. the adventurers, j ,u (-? j. Itespect fully t eepunee in relation Tto ej Cabinet were that drmkiftgla.sr all the passenger has tt.du ie ' ! t u. 1). AliTUUlH i I .X rH 170 j Secret History lBpeacJssitl, 4 ? tnterettmj biQ$urc7grmrni under 'iiTffnii&'-. K ! : .?ir'-'..'- -.".' -Muter' f . a v ",;V-j t . ,' ? Uto V iHiri f A Cincinnati paper publiahes several columns I i ihe Torni of a proposition to oet $50,000 that It.. - ilJiL. J! Sl'' ' .' 1 ' f u, wuuiu ; b acquibteu. ..- i ue ocer came irom l persons known to be in the eonfideot V rr-rr r ures i raise tne lunas to cover tne Del.. ... . : . I ' . 1 " Ja r - 1 j,,' ' ' .1 ' - J : Mr Seward and Mr Randall were disposed to countenance the rkising of the amouut.' But before it could ' be done, matiers nad drifted so iar a this. i ' l - l i - ' v. . - l . t j0h offer 1 i Meantime, about a 'naif a dozen of the Presi dent's friends, prominent among them being Mr llandajl and. Mr tJtoper, the private, secretary. - work together as a sort of committee of Iwavs and means to devise meuaures to defeat conviction. iCorneHua W6hdell was "called in, and when !sked Pin? lf ut of the troubje JfJ" "j1 ..WW.?,- s W? lVl V , 1 I "Two hundred thousand dollars. ' "We can't raise; it.' ' - "Then yu can't acquiLV. i- ;;'. A t r ia. .av w v " . '. f Alter 31 r Wendell s proposttmn Jaa been un der consideration for a few days, he was called to another meeting, and; informed that they had decided to try and Wendell :;-'..'.?.: ' . I vr raise-the money. Said "liaise yotir moncy1 ApDoint a man to hand . w i A . WW it over.. I don't want anything to do with yon. 1 You understand. Get your money. ' Get your man. And let.me akme.'l'U4 !''Hjt---f i ; illnder.this errangemeat f 165,000 was; raised. 2ew York operators I furnished nhe most of' it. New York city furnished the ; man to handle it, or part of it, in the person of : K. D. Webster, whose, connection with Thurlow Weed is known. As may., be supposed Mr Wendell did not ap-' proach any Senator, bet left it to the middle man; : , butlxr tIkes.a hasd. ; ':i4 "' "Uutler being apprised by .his detectives of what was going on, it was determined to meet money with money and buy Wendell; : - For a time he pretended to be willing to sell out. An attempt; to have him meet and confer with Butler, was persisted in for some time. - He put those who approached him off, however with the remark that Butler. Was too smart, and 1 1 u wouia not trust nimseii in itHtiers nsnns. 1 -All this time Wendell andhis ai,cwtes were straining every nerve to trap Butler with a direct proposition from Jim side to; buy off J oh nson s friends, made in suc shape and with such wit- nessea as would enable Senator Johnson or Mr Uendrickstdrise in the Senate, expose the whole affair and so force acquittal. U p ii-uj I It is asserted that the President diseoursged the use of money,, and though it was raised, the middle' men' got it, - .44 -df:? :r what to t' iPBRJIDiirt - ritOMTSZD AiiD"DIO.' . . - mtfi, m1r-i .vl si--..- ,rnJ 1 I . . - , . w -p-s - y,, n tr' Vm: I W V VVB mfj 1 JL V' J W VII iitTVlB BiUU Sj J I and through third parties became known at the I Whfte, noase; ; . T,dy 'caniewf know that Ft s 1- . . jL j . M i , - I Cirim- ,.A Trnmb.iTt I I . -VtUtLs Zt T.-.- 1 - - v;etiL , Mr HidtiWn. who wsabftlnp-1 I - -'i ji 5' U - nC axa.a t .J J.- 5 r.. 1 . .. . r - i or vne euecc pom upon miuseii ana upon me country. t I ' HAk1avoAii ernnterf M Af a . ri not tmruaeAh- I i - " - i - - t - ' I hu fce wag anrioU8 fn gard to what Mr Johnaon igbtdo in the eventJof cquiltai MoreoTer fle wanted, company in the matter, The prB8ident declared hihad no intention of doin anvthing fn , 8p;rit j0f revenge, if acquit- .. . .7. ' Z pre8ident.B riews 8nd ertions. ; Meantime the mA- n rnynann v.j I 0U1 ICVlO V : I V WI1IIOVH 8tS j yV-VlV 'wVM V IIIVVVI that the case would turn upon one or two votes, and he urged the President to meet and confer with one of the Senetors who shared the views of Mr Henderson. A meeting was arranged bo tween him and Senator Grimes at the house of ptance in rebttion to tnejUabinet were; that I Evarts, ScHofield and tWj. 8. Groesbeck should be appointed therein., jThey also advised that money should be used in lobbying the death of he impeachment movement. Johnson expressed his willingness to appoint the above-named gfn- tlemen, and . actually didj appoint the two first afterward, i . , r'.-r '-;r- The nature of this interview; was reported by Mr Grimes, and the President waV acquitted by the votes of those who were parties to the agree ment Thitf is considered the real secret of the impeachment trial . by such of i the President's counsel, krid of his intimate ffi iends," as were ac quainted with the circumstances related. They h " be entirely independent of theplao in which' Wendell, Kandal) and others were en- eaced. and that it was arranired and carried out . - '-'rte.- t t , . ... without their knowledire. :4 ) .'& LKTTZIt, , T. ' r ..' ' - my M.Maa..;, -4 j: -tj 7 it 4 The testimony of Webster. Baadall and Wen dell, as taken by Butler, has t never been pub lished. ;, It would be a matter of great interest to see how, with the knowledge he had of the case. I General Butler , avoided bringing out the facts I stated in the first psrt of his letter. - - : Kan da 11, Wendell and tho J 'resident had for a year known of the existence of what is now j staled the Legate letter, which tbey were fully f convinced had been written by Senator Pomeroy. s to cause me pian w Dearoppea. it is to i " L j v..-- , ... r day -considered 'by those 'friends of .'Mr fhai.y.?3no.wv - 1 L - . si nson. who were privy to the affidr. as a direct fcnAl1 h ui a know, Uen, UaUcr; was t to acquit the President for $50,000. theory sign meant answer. - . . ' - -..i. 11 " . I i When WeudeU wai re-caHed a few days later. Butler forced its prod action at the exaabxtioa,- wnica ts, u fuliows:,- ;ts -t v-t- ' - i I -t' Cm flTATaa 8aara CaAjraaa; Waahin-ton, April Itt, ' 1 i "Jtr;Ltftjl want you to seethe P. l! Oe-T . In person,' and ask hha for the P. 0, at Leavenworth.! in penoa, and ask bha for U P. Q at iaveawerta and If he will give Uto yeato-day.ke may eenat em MI sent for you' last ni; L bat eooU set fiad yoa. . Bora this as soori as youuLave read IL ' ' m t trb I isjseaa IS am wkeI wr "rJ vr'v . - . .ill i . J lne TP,t would show, that n end eU was t f000' to S,Te 0U1 further evidence, regaxdiog r ibo letter, when llutler again luterrqpted with ; , Butler said to him t Yoa remember you were not sworn the lust time you: wereesamioed H f To this .WetideU replied that he had thought t of it afterwards, and it seemed a vary queer eir- cuuistance. , ..- .p t ? t i;-,'i'-.,.i.-.Tv a As to the Legate letter, Mr. IUndsll, under ' oath, gave the same version regarding it' that- Wendell had ciren. and. declared it to be : In Viro,- handwriting. ;, Legate was amined. .None of the testimony was al iu Butler's report. ' 1 ' , ; l r1: also. tm I aUudud tout i . i : 1 .. 1 .4 Sect Her Hasban'd to School v An interesting ease has lately held possess Ion ' of bne of the Brook ly a courts. It appears that some years ago a young 'lady holding good . soSial position in Boston gave her heart to e young man who was greatly her inferior in edu V cation. Trammelled by no petty conventional!- : tics, however, the lady made up her mind to marry him first, fnd send hint - to school after-' wards, t She did so, paid his schooling in ' ad- vaiice, examined his reports,' reviewed his lea-' " sons with him, and did everything in her power 1 toi manufacture a docile school-boy out of ner husband-lover. . After going through a long course of educational sprouts, she introduced him k to the society in jcrhich she moved, end, as Mr and Mrs. Lewis, the two were rell received, and - lived to all appearances very happily. A child w bora to them, whom they named Corinnsj and Mrs. Lewis contemplated a happy fortune. About this time, however, her ungrateful hus band ceased to care for her, went after actresses and pretty women generally, ceased to take an ' interest in bis books, and did all a bad man could to break her heart. , v Wearied out. Mrs. Lewis applied ".for a divorce and pending the' couse- queut litigation the court awarded to her the I ttsiAv nf ha, k;i.i iv:.!,....!... iateut 3 woaodJnR. hef to the very q.Ick ; Lcwiil Snapped this child, hie own daughter nnd fina hcr on , nfovt route ' tBroUjrh the (nada,f ad so brought her to this Wb-.A u r-. l'-.- o- .1 tieth etreet . ,fm theJ Wen disco'vefed by a ' , I AttW- Kw n.. r t.t JL. .i .rtnA i nnn t,f th 1W Yrlt wrln newspapers. Mrs. Lewis was Boston ; end in e day or two I definitely settled. U There 'e e m f n . i i .m was telegraphed fe at - the matter will be t kir va L II...K.n. .MtMAft lita .b t. n i iv a wini nf, nniraiw nvinnnM it, -ia aki tnallv.mentuinAd hiMrn. Y train tWss' " - w ------- w wmmmww mrmm mmw mm - ni away they go I t I am afraid after Lewis left ' college he attended night eehnl too muoh. 'ir it.. . 1.1 , , Newt York Jetter tit PkthtJJnkU Trfatru. 1 w V ..... , . - i . . L : ' Tin Mixutm fob .BmuuMWfleeV much longer shall we be condemned to hear this ' horrid cry upon our railroads T On certain Get man railroads about the -ordinary dioner hour a ' man eeta on the train and Laka ttrHfr tne all 1 - ie . .. . TitlMtMnwWTn V fin flMlrw sflitesmjev . i Jft m m fasJ liae atf i tipn, about half an Jumr distant, the said dineere are placed befe each passenger, the oentberof orders having been telegraphed from the static where hey were en. For half an W tt - thereabouts the passengers ere at" liberty to en-0 t.li -...1 k ..r.t .v- empty pl-tee and baskets are .taken . ewaj. ,r Jt n.A .nflnmJ tb.t b- 1 ; mw m y ay-- jw vS bs) B V C V , s mJ WV 'Bv venience or psible discomfiture in these railway . , dinners. One docs not hold a plate on his kneee anda eup of coffee in his. hands. '.Upon tbe - arrival of the train at the dinner station . each . passenger ordering the meal is" furnished with a ion unnKing-giaxs, sna ail the passenjr to .take out his plates, one at a time, sod eat at , his leisure.' The cost of this meal is something r like' a h ilf d lbr. The value to a hungry tired , , individual is al least fire Nlollsrs. , Are the American people so stupid that they ,would not , u appreciate some improvements of, this kind. l?t any - enterprising liailroad x company trjr tnem. ,1 1 Land at Auction" v- On Thursday, the 20th day of January, 1870. 1 will , sell at tne Court House door ia Charlotte, at J e clock, a valuable tract of LAND.' Smiles from Charlotte, osj the Lawyers' Road, adjoining Park 1 Wallis Will.' The trses eoalains IbO Acres. 1 It is well limbers ' and is first-rate Cotton Land ; well-watered sad bee ' a splendid meadow. .',-;;' J ;.' This Is one of the best traets ef taad is lis vicin ity of Charlotte, r . I Jan a. awpd. IRA PARK". , di Plantations for Calo. j;I offer for sale the valuable PlaatslUa which I now live, 3 miles Nrth ef Charlotte, containing shoot -400 Acres oae-lbird cleared, and the other tare- -thirds well timbered- some of it good Meadow. , 'Also. the "Moore place, about Z miles from Char- ' loue, adjoining J P Rose and W. M. tftewart eon taiaing aboui, I'M) Aeree ene-tkird ' eteared and balance wooded. . . : v . . t JJoth the above tracts is fine Land for farming purposes, and will be i Dee 20, 18A9 twpd sola on moderate terms. A. A. KENKLBY.