. I ; . ! . ' ;'.'.'-.'- ' ': . '' ' xvJ ' K" : '. '. .' .- -r . . ': . . ' . - i--- "... - . " j ; ' j ..- ;. ' ; ' ' ' k'..H Y' ! " ' " ' Y' ' ' ' ''' ' ' '" ' ' '' ' ' ' . - " ; r i 1' ! f ...... .....y ..... ....... u-j;-- 4 -- . -1 -- -77?Jj 1 YY -y--.-' yY: y;;- Y; - ; 'Y. ,.'-. 1 ; Y , . ' ; ; : : --;"r ' ": ' t- i..-r -v.; I -; I'.'-V L.lIY'r-' tss-- y,'.-; .rt'-'-.l.t 'J .-x-.r-A.-iW.--,:. ' ' , ."V : ,-. '.': I ! I : - - 1 4r LZ-L- '; ' . l . ..- : . f " : ' . . ' : . "V V .;-: : ' r . . . ,;- .t . 1 ' f-t - . 1 " - 1. - i. .. . , r, - . -v . - 1 A J Editor and Proprietor. Ttrm$ of Subeription Thekk Dollars, in advance. I i THE "VSTcsteiTi Deinocratl , I PIBL1SHEO BT " Deep Preaching. Yu pometimep find a man who CHARLOTTE, X. (;., TUKSDAY. JUAKY oA l87b, ni A Snake in a Ball Room. WILLIAM Teekj TLrte ATES, Kditur and Proprietor. annum in advance. AdrertMnnfnts trill be inerteJ at reasonable rat, r a accordance with contract 1? uenonunn-I A-v-erv in tjr Act Jr.. irJ . ... 1 J -v. vvhui; U1M CAL11MI" ISITflltT I't I U T f jd a dT preac-her. e heard F?ch a one. red at a ball not n,any Uiile8 from this city a few e conies wp flid nnr. nnrlorofinH him J I r , . - . ? : . l- f 1 - . . V - . Z ' ' LC l .uua ncvs ii was u.iv wc.iue 01 ins creai prolundltv of I Vounir ladv nhn h-.tA 1 1 r Itinilrvhr -i ni.n.ntian Iaa . 1 a ... -1 I - i - ...VU(.U.... ...... a.uw.g. um pecauee ne l iu:agmea-no matter the seasoii-if !. Tnr?.nt K1 inpfsnhTCio.il iritftrnf aH 1 X-' I j . v. w, vu upuis luuaujuDusaaiaurm, a suake in unpleasant thoughts in abstruse, high-80undinr iarizron. iDroxiuiitv. ! Albrl!,;n ..i. ..- - irvi l- i , . b . j v. a. a w uiie bug if as rcai OMtuarj noucea ofoTer ! lines in length will 1 O j S , , , Biarcu auu Utoiressea J ieeiitip a sensation as tljough a . v,u.,u.. ,,, u;Up, anu aouoiteps wonaered E serpent bad hxed itself beneath the folds if her Low (me KtitA hAfi.1 miiU .11 V- 1 n u , ' . -- .. .... . 7 , 1 , J : Uf- vrnujpiDg tne lows of her dress tightly Dut ne reminded us of th anrrkti vnr?j f .1 -.i i . . . ', u.,T. ,- . , . ' v. u bv.smuwa mum, Jur assisunce. A hasty con- .YrT re,.r? 10 8U,n Preacnen in Ins day. suJtatiou amon- the gamest of theladies Was ujr Tci.Mjurj wciis; yoA tninK they are Held, when H vras determined that a voun- dis wondrous deep because they are wondrous dark: eiole of JRnU., t . ..1 .i-ii 1 . . - .1 r. . -" "- wa uicacui wioum; ae ,, 01 uicir cuipu- i cauea 10 meir assistance, lie was quieklyi tri b charged for .at advertising rates. Robert. Gibbon, II. D., PIIVSICIAX AND SUKC i:OX, T.ydn .SVrc, Chnrtutte, X. C, O.c anI IU s4'ltncc on door noutb old State Bank, (furnurty Vmi Juhusioa'a rcfidt-ncej. Jan l, lfci1. y Iltss i J. P. McCombs. M. D.. (I!f.r hi T.rrt'...'... .1 ..ri "... I., ilia i!ti.na A - Cbailjtt -n l t-..rr,und.ff e-Aiirtirr.- AU calls, bolii j lotte fur ,Le nplenIe of tMnc in )nu d n.ii.J.L, up aiairs, opposite Uie J Curi 4tr HotiL ,-- tci -s:, 1,-J. - , . DR. E. C. ALEXANDER, A Popular Commodity. K. M.SP.KT & LllO. are the Ant iu Ph.r. bhe spot, and being a man of uncommon courage was net many moments within the circle of hau PRIZE CANDY. Ifariu; lrej in har!oiie. k:m opent-1 an office in Turk" K.ill 1 it-;. t.p.o,ie t!ir ( li.n loitt Hutcl. h Lcre litem found wtit-n not proftssioiiaHj engaged. Mjjt .11, l"ol Tiud Dr. JOHN n. IJcADEN, Whole-sale and Retail Druggist, (ffj .:." rv.. a. c.. ii .- 'i, f.xu i i ..-.t- si.i'i "!.'-d h ck of rrur !' !". --iu-:.. i T? nt Mt"i.cin's I'ai.i.ly McUi ct'. I'tiit , ..-. tit n '.i.,. 1jo S'ufii. Khtu-y and T..:i-t .Ar;.r. ..-.! ii.c ii i u-lei lu.uixi iu stll i.t im- .1. i u Of whici tbey have told sixteen hundred doieu I.nie Miihin I wo ihoiiHib past. r i . . ' , i.acii uox couiain4 a prue or iouk sort, more or I valuable', besides Uiug filled with a tine aaori j ncnt of CanJy. 1'iura tuinisi vi Turinui anicien, !ucn as Hreaut J'in, Necklaces, fuda, SlecTe-liuitonn, Watriies and Valch-Chains.' " . This t'andj in mauulactui eJ hy. Wihhank, Holt & Co.. of rhilidclliia, and each box is guaranteed to contain a prir. of Koine kind bepidrs the L'undy. everni times the .rie .iid for it. .ind onlcrnto A.M:. MliLT &.I1KO.. Charlotte, X. t' cud they wilbc Cited at PhiJadtlbia jiricc. A T C II I Li Li 3, Charlotte, II. C, Wit: ri-t".- ;h-::.- t'..iiri bt .S'orJb Citolina and iu -he t'niicl Sr t- ': : i. tin I'iir! i J. w. F. A 1 DAVIDSON, t ;i f: v . t i. .i Charlotte N. C. oj j'Oa.le tii:o.ui:ttii:s and liquous. Gregory & Williamson, (Jll Itl-yijf'i JjUtltltll'J,) Ak the nirifioi) t.f the iib!ic to tbeir large xfock of ifp.ivj (.iiocciies, I'lovisioii.t and tine Liquors aiid Wines Th.'v pir special atfention to the sale and risr- "V vi me iit( U;lUtT. tn."V viuran!t- ;h piuiiy of the Liquors and Wines which fm v r.rtcr tor mi!?, j i iieir stoc The.PDpe of; Jlome .in private. little idea of the simplicity iu which i the Pontiff lives. The -King ofjtaly",, lives -worse than a denizen in the third-rate boarding honse in New Xoi-k. The furnitnrft of tbo T;; t 1,1 be despised by a Canil street broker, and a dry goods clerk would despise the horrible Milanese ciggrs which his majesty.! eternally smoking. All of whiub is generally known, and IS , Mew commeudable.ibecause . it is dnn "vfue luippverisuert exchequer. Yet inere is no reason whyjthe Pope should not Jive m fcij ie pccoujuig a kins but his own dialil.. nf pomp and natoraliv siuinla tt' T.Mv;nni,. gilded saloons of the show nart. of the rinbi ft tnn pass throuU a door carefully . guarded by twn oi the nobid frnard wii.ji"irir.wf.l"A v Jooi,'; jr. jths Raleigh ISentineL t&K - Ji J-fla Pattersoni Family. Mr: tor.- I was lately looking over 'The Mapoleoo Dynasty," and on one of its pages the wi i.uaaoetn x'atterson reminded me that near my owu home in North f?a mil 11 a hoar -t...i vj 1 . . . . . - -1 - raiuivaoii nera had Intely died, ihe last repre sentatuo afanjily that W: long lived in our miost, attended our church, and whose blood had wnere oraeriits aud. olhcers m rif;nr r- . M.Avauw' LU. Another robin j is aJlotttd consits in part of the following article's: Grccor'ies. 1 , . - l - w ..UVIrij UBI ?Jl Mr f L n - v.i ucvduu. ilia ta.11 in i ripni-iv..fa ,,...1... . . 1 1 ... snake, aud wound it firud. r..,7n.i kx, t..r:- , 8 u Mi5 araa worn. . T v. ...o luuu, tt,i- lCg Alis .M-tlfat fel.eulust let fro th n.nmont" 1. 1 . . i c . r ne jerKea, and to make the act as onick s TW.a. able that he would pronounce the woids, one. two, uiree, aud that the moment he pronounced the hu-t word she must let go. her hold and that ne doubted inpt that, he could i withdraw th snake before he would iiave time to strike. All stood in brent bless horror awaititi?the act of lif er death, and the moment the words were pro nounced the doctor jerked out the louirest iibd most diabolical looking bustle that ever was sein "Ihe whole affair was soon emlained: the f;ist.V. : t- .1 , , . . . ' . 7 . Dili's im i.iiiiitd-rti..i 1 i 1 - i iuucii)g and it bhilted its position in such a way that it dangled about and induced the belief itliat it was a snake with au enormous head. The doctor fell down in his tracks and conldu'ti te induced to undertake the capture of another snuke on any condition. Omaha 'IlcruH. I i i- , j j : Iy Polish parents are comneiled to p-iv lionas to the amount ot 20U roubles that th- children shall tpeak only llusian in school. ! j to the rrnnin nf" tha . a : -i. 7 v chambers, prelate ii! his violet robes. TKe next is the antechamber where the Mnnsmnmi; private chamberlaius of h is Holiness, are in at tendance. You tap at-the next' door laud it is opened by another Uonsirnori, who, assured of your riglit of entree. hils silk s 1 "7 J 111 me iireaeuce. l ne room stnkps vnn iy. 1 here Is a large bookcase tilled with works mostly bound in parchment. A nrie with a velvet cushion aiid'exuuisite "lin.l ' M..tA K t'i .'. ' - . . "r' J va.ju tt, iu jituiDasier,' jon , a bracket, stands singled with; tharef thef Bonspartea There is mucn that is h'gh'J romantic in the history of -c-bvh iauy, ana some future novelist may here, find abundant materials ibr a work of action. i; f , ,, . ' ; - - The Pattersons were Seoteh ' TriaT they emigrated to this country some of them, settled iii Peiinsvlirania. and flfterwarda Mr,0' x North Carolina arid settled in what was then Lnity Parisni hotv Guilford theur settled in Iltmi(Vre anTtNn. .. ..... .. m. 1 ttersiu, lidher-in-law bf Jerome Uona- parte, iie Was a merchant aud; amassed ' very considerable wealth, and at the beginning of this the wealthiest meu of Bal century was oue o timoie. i ; . j 7. At that time Xapoleon was rapidly ruin In power and hid name was becoming famous - rn in our Western world. ' He was now First flnn. singularly bare. There is no carpet on the stone ? ' 'a - ' BW Fim Uon' floor, the articles are w Ud by ho 10 2 t fiyA0 V" fS iiioj way i uisiiuction, ne loosed to the navy as tfce place for his "'vounrnsc l.n.tkiF Jermne. j Jn Jl SO 1J Jerome '.was sent to America witha fqhadron-under the com tun nd nf Cm f i f iij.uiai.-r, on jt uraCkft. sriimis 1 -i 1 . . . . ... .. hiiit.H i 1; L .1 . - 1 v- i"uJt."u u x' iai te . u 1 nt rirp ii-inir ir Sale of City Pronertv. 1 ! Ou Tuesday, the tsth'day of February, 187 0, bvl r- Lard an I .Mo!ase9, .Salt an 1 Soapy, on- v-r r. i.n! :i vm;'s More. AO ti kbit t ra avi ical -l i v. ii AM. lEAT.KR :.ri'.:3.-, iv Ji;:ir.). hm: v.ucnis, clocks. Aug. lVl 8.;7. ri!AIt!.tTTK. N. r. .um ii", i.at;ginj- ani Jiope, 'ij:ifn V.-im mid Sheelingi. , Leather, Fi.-h of all ?orts,'jtc. Licuors. Pir-t Proof Whiik. y, So. 1 tliu. 1 f T . . : . ' . if"""" alette oiitiio Superior Court. 1 will sclil kt iubLc auction, -at the(hourt Hounedooriu Charlotte v1'lble PrFrty: in ihe City of CWlotteJ on i 1 rvoii Ninot L-i..M('a z .... . .1 . . . n . i , - w , . f w . u rt 3 iuu iTMiufi ( ni: ina jta j r 1 . : j Mrs. Mary Springs, cbnfainin.r h8lif nr J;i,. ux "ds botwjeen these CMcpaitments. with the !-9. I I wounds and ageny oUue ILedeemcr fiuely painted avable within auc awiuiiyf leal trv. i 1 here is a lit tinhino holy water stonp at the door: i ."i in . i . t'J. ponrait oi uiej rope hangs over the mantel shelf, on which theie is aljiuie, pieceYfthe Louis yumze penpd,; in ormpluj and two statuettes of Ot. uoseph aud the Uood fchepherd. There are no curtains .to the windows which'-ovei look the Vatican garden. In l)ie Centre of the'apartuient i& a large writing u.sk, such as stands iu the private cablet of Louis XIV, at Versailles. I -It has two Iarje conipartinents, filled, with ; 6igeon hi !. in rali!,.!. ..... 1...L. I'.l . .e . I - 4.. ., me oui,uiesoi papers. j cruc: quarter of thd world, cruised for several months along thejAtljinticjcoast of the' UilS and after- wards put: int6 iSew York Harbor for son, tin.. He mingled-in society a irrcat deal in Vnrt x uuuoeipnia ana jJaJtmiore. and on pn..(. f If. 1 . .1 I . I . . ' , T . v nis trotner s reputition hef was every where re ceived with honor hod attention v: T Ti..n:. he became at-Atiaiuted with Miss. Patterson, and a strong attachtucht frtriATTiflfr;a.? her in her n.-JtivH i;itv in iw i i Qrt-i ' a ii... I good Dwelling and all .' hucHary out-b j Tekms $1,(h cah! and the rest p Flurry. Madeira, Clan t. Wines- French Brandy, Apple Urandy, Pvacii Urandy. i ciippcrnonJ, 'on. Held !i Champaigne, .Catitwlm ' Cal.ioraia A n telica ' ti reen-seal pnu aud two years, bond and good security required. van hi, ip,u ow i Commissioner. The iiikstLitid is a very common one rf ohinn with a rmncet b a l w... "uiiuiv -V'l UUiliB irodueed himself., IJw. uncle receivtA Ida pblitaly at Jus door brought out a purse of roU eonUiubg. as he said, several hundred doLr for each of his relatives; and simple Ike -wu ea pleased with the. shining coin and hi mftj cli ancle'a suavity of manner that ho oever dreamed that he was receiving but a mere pittance f what was really doe him. Without ing his hephew the hotnitalitv of h bade him adieu. Such was the mmtin rf t opulent merchant, fatbef-in-law of the Kinjr ef Westphalia, and hia simrlahsartad. nnaor,hiiL. cated kinsman. . r i , . , ... Ike returned home much tolraiedr lint m of the family, of greater Dcnetration. were maS angered and complained, though to do purpose, of.thcir uncle's conduct. Notwithstanding this, they were slwsys proud to claim him aa tbaie kinsman'and boasted of their near --rrUAmAU to the mightiest (Jeneral of modern time. . IB his late days "Uncle Robin " as hm a ni, sally called, lost hia sol dependence, an Ail i son, and ho was thus betnu- irv old Min .l deaf thrown, to a considerablttaxLfint.iifvnn tl. charity bf his neighbors. One evening ia Oeto . beit 1804, 1 was riding throueh the section of , country iu which Uncle Robin liyed, and oo an. old log by the roadside, down in a deep raylne, I last, saw the poor old man, sitting perfectly dese late, his hat lying on the ground, his haads folqed on his staff and his head, white as froat, resting on his folded hauds. If won thaa. old blue coat I had . stan him wear to Old Ala mance on Sundays since my earlit recoIhivtiwA. As I passed on I rmiM tw.t lilr. tkl this man's bIooL has mingled with that of the Bon.tparteif ! What a ooutraatt And yet Dot ' happier in his cud was Napoleon than thie poor od man, thd last of the Pattersons 1" 1 . OflLruao. ' ' French Peasant Life. . -A correspondent of the Pall Mall OaiaUesayt I am living in a village Soma fortv mi 1m annth from Paris and eight from the noarest railway statibnXjt is probably a fair average represent, tive of those numberlejis villegca. which stud the ner in ner n.- tive ty in Dec, 1803; Atthat tive ol those numberlefis villegca. which stud the time he was but iiTneteen years of age and h? French lundscabe, and in which dwell theeultl. had married Without his mother's consent, and, vorn of that chessboard looking country which as waa.-afterwards jseeti,: id direct t opposition to offers fiach a contrast tobnr own broad fieldaand Blacksmithing. D- General R. SrjITH & CO I lie undermined informs the nublic that 1a !.U openea a rsiacKmith Shop -at the oil stand of E. fMcKce Jiiminon. 011 Church Street, not far 'from 'ike ! H0"1'1 Jioils,'t wbere hej is prepared to do any sorii 1 Sniith-work, such as Ironing iV'acous. Bur .r... r-.a-- Onr Goods will be sold as low as iIiav ,-,. v, . I ri-tpes, and Shoeing Horses. .11 - " - . V I 1 - I I , . .. " f I i t . a.n ,ut U4 fH'tl Ut'RTm nn tMTtmr.tlv oMn,i L 1 flf r:tLr nhnnt 1 ' rt ! to. 1 !.- ti.-M vi "r;v ""vrr : . . """"" " ' lu5 P'"31 or. 4 us i w,";r:::.r lu,a-. i covered. w,th-.a whrtekuii.cap: nei . i ,-'-- M Ul a VII llT-IfT1 1 II tin Olll.iln.r. Wl. ? I V, . 1 1 - . - t "jiu.iiK oiiwii. i 3 i oeen reau ii"'. an Jan 3. 1870. 3m j W. A. ROSS chased I.-e 1:0. . . i I lin.I t 1 Im.l ak . 1 .1 I t -I .. ,Vt aim u Buiieu rag ou wiiicn the pens have been wiped this many a day. A few books of devotion and Italian papers are also there. His Holiness sits in an arm chair, not meriting the title of easy, for it crue!lv terminals in unuuic- oi nis oacic aud is rigidly - constructed without regard to comfort. lie is attired in a simple cassock of white flannel, with no insignia .et AH we ask is a trial.' GHKGOr.V A WILLIAMSON. Fo C ill mission lnorr.hmti . . . . WW, i.v . ..-., i.- . !(, orthe 5a! u;i i .,(,, ... i,iu.n -v... c. Ate, aud Ii,,- . ur, j..-v-i iJuiiLjl Ua,;,! MereJ.au tj ir-iera;!y . J Lilx'ral t'ahj 'Ivn'nfi niadf n ousignments to D. "r all n-;ii f..M,ii oj"ored. W hep? by rt..r nod b.uir d.:.lirg. and cur bcM r,",rl,' P'''""i r -0...T- from our trieud tht vu curacei "i.r wj,:t a ;i ...,, uur to Jp,rs hIt,,.J pr .o.p.ly t,i:.d fur Gunnv t j. j.., i ,. .r., ,vc. t . . . Jn IN-.n-r.-.-fL K GREAT BARGAINS! At the Blue Store! In c-LKoqi;,,! -e of the I.ito decline in rold. I will k of Goodi at crre.itlv IH'tirrrii o- J - purchase lor the bLL i r i so., my cti!.i'.fo i ... t . . i .. .... i nn r.r. .-au iiio-e wlio un . t.. w.u mtc iuoii-y by calling at the A Jal i"- and Ht-11 selei-lpd i..L r lli:!iii.iy STUili:. Rsmoval of Saddle-and r ; Harness ': ShopL I Dry Goocs. cplendiri as.i tiin ut of 3 MILLLXEUY i-rinv i.jn.)..,, (JO IVaH J V lirv l 1 'IC1''-ll. i'-u. a J a 'oy ,v t.i t.-I.Hiik, Ronton I'k iii .t.. Nnv iork. o 1 Tl' rr"- -t. I'lhk. Ch.rlott a . LuaT4 I .inlArr.. V a . . I - - . v v - iiL.lNl4 x Mlirci.iHo.l. U ilinim-inn V. i. l'r-. iu: :uti--I,. i C. Col Win JyH I,!.") r-.i I. t'h ir S. i ., l.ij. C. Augusta Rail- o4ijjotte Female Institute, ch Aiii.tiri r v i r x S-4iou .1 i'.;- 1..,,, ii ...... , . ...... ..I ; ,, finimrnro I I i I 'L'.f ... i .. .. ir iu.! corn y. Toiu-iu-ia ni all branch aUiii In ;,r.,i I ,ll.-. .-soho..:.-. F.-.r it i' 'tie c-ii. :i::n-- f..?i .J -- .... iu;iri 8" 10 t-oui -.. ..f ..iii iv. r. t u! n ..-.i' v . . l . .. :. , . . ... . v "vj ui. i4. ih liiU.I-1. MI.N, j Chailtrfic, X. t i1-'.', aud CfUtiiiue - - ti"iiHl!y lias been cni- e pctiiir7 Julr l'. 1; ALSO, a tiU(Ji.s. unci ucor'id-jte Stock of Clothing, Hats, Boots and Shoes, All of which 1 will sell at exjrcmely LOW PK1CFS Luc i.. ibii'j. B. KOOl'xMANN.' ' Just i Received . AT WILSON & BLACK'S, i: n a (; f s r x , Cvrntr Tr.i,h nn.l Collar Si reefs, Chaulotte, X. C. Ml Gallons best No. 1 Kerosene Oil. ftraiis or Tanners Oil, Machine Oil. " Linseed Oil, " Turpentine. Which will be sold rry low for Cash. W. E- SHAW ! aa removed his Saddle and If Store in the Mansion House Basement, under the . t.i Jee itive, waere J.e will be pleased to See 1 hose wanting Saddl.s, Harness, Bridles,' Collais, I... - - .. iiipairmgoT all Ports in his line dnn. n J..: m . . . .1 ' uoni-e. i runKS covered ami rtn. l (i i W. K. SIIAW. Jan 3, lc70. las and bt side his ' oi en brnk i n metal snuffbox, and let not iny lady readers be horrified-pa common red handkerchief.. Hav ing made the usual reverences ou my knees he motioned me t;i approach. As I recall now lie ehect produced upon mc. by that inteiv.iew lido not wonder that half fanatical young men, fresh fjom collegei should. yearn to qie in' his defense, as of old the Ch istian panted for the j crown of martyrdoin.-ni,y Gl,ix. r f i. . i .i . . i . . . j . " : -1 r u.s proiner s WWhes, Although the artnb,m, t X . - , O- aaa w ua was mutuaJJNapoIeon ' determined hot to recorr uizei the marr aj;e. aud to streiiirtlion hi iiiw posittou he wrote to the Pope, Pius VIT. jaskmg mm to is.ue a bull annulling it. In asking this request Napoleon remarked. "I have ircqueutjy spoken to your Holiness of a vouny brother, nineteen years off age. whom 1 sent in f iiig-ne to America, and who after a soiourn of a miunth. alibilnirh.4 n. ;.t i . I T!,,.. . . : ... .. . - , ' 7 "T. n,iiiuncua j rut f bis ii i, i -v.c .on piujiuniun oi me population inthia -uaugaej or a merchant -0t-the United States P"" ot l'rance, perhaps, ainouoling in number "oojuai, itjuimeu. iie js luuy conscions of i to a fourth oi tho number or proprietors, who are his fault. J I h.a-e jsont . balk to. America 3Iiss I Merely 'hired l .brers and aro hot also ownara greeu hedgerows. Of the litVaud the agtirul ture, of the thoughts and the ways of the in Labi, tautsof that land, the ordinary travW hA rushes past it in his train and confime hia f4 to where his Murray guides him, has commonly no conception. -hOipexhaps it may not be with. out intercut to your readers if I try to tf II what 1 see and learu ol the penle by livin? amootr al ' .. O VIJ till. We OfTer lix) 1(1 iKl. i'M J 7. x Vary low for Ca J. " J. & CO., WOLFENDEN nr. l ki: i Plour and t Grain, ! ICM'BBRI, . CV H f-r t J A, i ; i i. ti. C...l,i..r National F.nk. New. beta: I J. b.ii aaui and iU.iw.fr... .v v.... i O.-t IS. j -.-uu. iu.ijj ojtvJwli.. i 'I !- I I ii.if !Ivi rci.f . .. i- - - ii.; ff.i i'i 1 . i.t...-s f-i.i .!.!-. ' ,:,i-y n i n . - I'.r.e Ih.-i S 1 1 viy -:t it u c..h Wittko'aliy & Rintcls .JIM-LI Tl . i.-.-l r . I F - .... i mr.. i l.ivv are in i.nm t. ...... J ! 1 , . I I I witu du- j White Lead; I'ounds ol Lwi'a White Lend. I " of Wii herd's Wlote LeadJ of Luck Lraii.l White Lead. WILSON :HLACK. . Corner T rafts and College Streets. ?crseno Lamps. ! in Uoien K t ocue L;iturs.- a in! p itu-rn of . every description., lower than ever o-crcu minis market, Just received by j ! WILSON & 15 LACK. Corner Trade and CoIIcze Streets 1 i niIDS- New Crop Cuba MOLASS i 150 " Sugar House ; VJQO " Flour all grades, 1 IoKn) Pushels prime Corn, 2o0 Tons Peruvian Guauo, 1 2,000 Sacks Salt. ' ALSO, f - i : i. A full Stock of : ; x I I' Groceries and Provisions, j Which we will sell low for Cash, or to prompt pay- of , iug huy.rsH Jan 10 j 1R7r WILLIAMS & MURCIIISON, Water Street, Wil.miutox, N. 1m ; I 1 T ! I Just Received at WILSON & BLACK'S J DRUG STORL', ( 'ornrr Trtulc ami Cv!rffe Strict.r full and select Stock nf I)r.. mj:;I.' . ... - - - .- ...v...i.iiir3 nun . I amis. Oils anj llve StutfM. Snn Window Glass all sires I'.ipm i.t; every Ktn.l i-o.ld rn thi I tvot Anion iiraciw, very wenr theiri. I'rcsci"! tionn carefully prepared at all hours. T - WlbaON St BLACK. Jan... ISiO Corner Tradeand College Streets CIil'uiw-hIv Toilet Articles. os tr.arKet. Gretlev good, and every person j Dissolution . of Partnership.;! f-Tjij. prtncrj.'iiplher?tof)r3 existing under the naml? and firm of DULS & H1LK15R.: was dissolve ou the first of Januwy. 1S70, by. murual consehc AU parties having claims against said firm, wiB please baud thnn in to either of the ; undersigned t ana au persons indebted to them must come u'n and. i piiiimi, aj uie ousiiiess must be settled at an early day. Lithcr of ihe Partners can sign in llqui uatiou. i .nrnii Tin k 1 ! ; I j C. IllLKLK. r - Ia card. .1-1 In withdrawing from the firm of DUI ? HrT.irr!T! I. return my thanks for the liberal ' patronage our fi lends and the public generally have bestowed upon Us, and would respectfully bespeak a continuance, off i-ieir cui-ioru io my toriner partner. J iwespecllully, i 0. IIILKER., I NOTICE. iiy virtue of n Decree of th Snnr?A r.t - , .... V. VU. Ul Ul Mecklenburg coipnty, we will expose to public sale, at the Court Idotise iu Charlotte, on Wedil PMlll V I Il A Oth day of February, the following valuable Keal isiaie, io-wit: : . a ithci ot i,aau known as the Hari-,n Tr-i. situate on Six Mile Creek, in the countv off burg,- containing; 100 Acres, adjoining the Lands of .--.uorria, .l. Harrison and others. ! J A second Tract, situate on Six Mile Creek, in said county, containing 250 Acres, and knoan as the Matthews and part of the Torrence TractJ iiid.n.r,;nr. the Lands of T L. Vail, J. Y. Bryce and others. , These Lands lie in Providence settl euicnt. mid o Tf regarded as of good quality and well adapted lolhe production of Cotton, as well H8 cereals. f . TcRMs Nine (months credit with interest from dale, with bond and approved security. II T. B. WINCIIESTER, J.-M ST I TT .1 i ian hi, ion) fnv Lxecutors of N. M SiitffipM f his wife. -f- J aO a bull iannnlliiif th Iseveral falsrhoods in l'attersoufc who cals hei-se jaws the marriage is; null, d es i re fn u i y o nr f ol i u ess ui.ti riage.. j r a jmieon useii i.niM- riir-rn . . ,m -..L,. .it i , . , , pu. i io-c nan funciiMii'ii niter au acquaintance of several molithsjand Jerome was prouabjy not Mcousdious of his fault' in ih.;t uia not chtMKsei to wait for the hand bf a Princess. nus V U rehired td annul the marriage, saying he had noipover to. do so ; whereupon the Ko peror took the responsibility on his own shoui. ders and Refused toj acknowledge the, marriage uu coiiiiiiiuiiagacrime near akin to that greater ?ne of which he whs guiltv a few years ajc ward the divbrciii of his own wife. Ryifiliza- h tli! l.iUaAj 1. . J . . t . . y . uuiV.auM ociwic uau one sonuearing his wnfnauicl' T"i s(n settled lulJaUiuioreaa a lawyer; but a fterwajrds a Widotid his profession to attend to his larglestatds. One of his son's Napoleon J erotneRoniparte, graduated at the West Point Military Academy in 1852. I be- lieve El it cieraivoree Senate of J rauce aud by the Maryland W la- J' 1 4.aitcra.;ii aieu a lew. years aaroJ was proclaimed bv the Itti'n..rinr : . ' J ... iar.ai . t.:. . t. ' i taiLiiiiure oraucn oi stated before, V m. Jerome Bern iipjii tc, ti arohna. Notice- - i Thecredirora of McLeod & Steele are hereby noti- ..v-u .uitwiii iipeir cmims to me on or before ihe istjiay pi ebrulary, 1S,0, either in person or by a'1- I ! JNO. II. LONDON, Trustee. Jan 10, 1870. j ; p. o. Rock Ilil! K C. Ujj.J be laVored viivuea, am oprcial'.y invited to lock t.f linoi).. h- iI.pv Mr -4tttlg a country Stoie ! v i..;e-i..le prices, sre uurMJ.ul.4 in.) !n.r a.if price bv-.'vire iu4ltn- y..ur pun!iHs. - f. . anu Flower: Fruit Harh' t iiruo ara Lverfyreen Seeds, tb ilircciioas for culture, brenaid hr n.itt ti. . j ........ !Ut ia the Cuiiu- i n?s wanted. ' f l's of filher for SI: nrrrri;.! he u... , . ---- i --i j '"jii. .-ii-.il. t ruits. Plants, lbi I.s .'11 il.u -..f.i. . "T- aavv a llaill,vs 4 lbs. Lai ly Rose Potato, prc i i 1 t . . .- Strayed or Stolen, T From my premises in; Gaston county, near Spencer's Ford, about '1 niniifhj arm n I . .. n XI ITr i . . ' t . -j-- "t,". uvr.ee .'i n i.rj, neany .vn., t..u oouiuj ncars on nis lore shoulder, and about Pyears old, tolerable tall and i w in good order when lost. A fair reward will be paid for his ivwTery, or lor in.ormation as to his whereabouts, auurcsseu io meat lallas, r C ; I Jan 10, IbiOJ Jpd t JONATHAN R-IITNE. W: in. .at c.u.pleie and judicious uortmeut , .A I Smull ; w.c pi t n id bv mail. paid, for Si. 4 se in :H.: to ' ,r?'!'P en;.-, e l mto a partnership ter -. i .MM-ntJii, : d.r la n on- rt Life Insurance of i erli City ot . j-repa.u. .ev liariiy framnt everblwHir Japau lloueysuckle, fiO eta each ?p,Z l 'TX U'1 Cr"ry. r upland or low- l'l;:l rllllliri 1 . . ' ,, i " , " l , r ". rrepaiJ. wiih i ir.ti-in.aisi..j;je Io li.v .. . .1 - . c- i. .. . -. aiao, '.iraac oil V 1HI I;1 Lin: p. TM Ch trlotie. N C, un- r. I I V'f Of Burrbughs &Si5rinT3. cj t n this d.iy, and be curried rnrf oilege and 4th' 1.1 lid Clill tin. .uirtctious. on. Old Col.lllV ' Vliron.. . 4 C- - 1 1 . ... . . .. -iiu.-rru ..ntei.f.use. 1 i.vuiouia, .Va.ss. Established lec. 2,, LV;. 5m. 15. M. WATSON. in i ; 1 1 , n m tho ;,w L4..l.:;vr. , ' "; iiot ik-ci. 1 L SriilXG-S. J.JIKSrSB0BXF. L. W. SPRlXGS- Springs, Osborne & Co.! r n yA 31 I S S I O X M E C H A V T s 1 c., V. J. LutlKii a.ia w!f on He has on rr- t io P.Lir I .1 Iiby Hutchison. U..r,,.KLS v V " ' ' Si J4 c. i:rKKtfiij;, . 1- orf Water street, Philadelphia'- K. A. SPKINOS. f Consifrnmr nl Vo T.t. . , .' " j j . NOTICE. j . .1: Hiving ooug.it tue infereFt of Mr C. HILKERjii e firm of DLLS &. HILKLIU I will carry on tfha General Grocery Business. I At tlie old siand. I return my thanks to the friendp mnd the public, for the patronise they liaveso kindiy hjestowed upo?i the old firm, and trust that by gtricf jiiuentin to business, 1 -shall receive the coiitinuancfc oft liieir pafroringe, and shall try my best to give satl iffactiou. 1 have now in Store a general SKk'of Oroceries, such as Coffees. Sugars. M'dasses, Cheese; Iflour, Meal, &c, &c, iii fact, anvthiug that is gen eiially kept in a Family Grocery Store. j I will buy and sell PrjJuee of all kind, .t Yl,i. ifarket. price: and all goods sold .will be delivered Ij-ee of charge to any part of the City. I would als inform ihe nublic that', I Ii If . rt V,Ci j orjras.oa a Steam Grist and Flour Mill, and a coi.it pdeiit .Miller ia attendance. Any perton hsvibi ! Cora to grind, by leaving notice at the Store, I wiil .send for the Corn and return them the meal free ffom drnynge. I tdodl try always to have on hand! a supply of fine Grist eoual tn il. ri..Pi.. -.i . . - - - i - n hmj i.in.ic Urist. tlivi vil! If l r.l . .- i . . -. - m. .an in tug aaiisrac ..wu I. OJ.ll IIU1 Uti Ul J KUU. If J i , Jan 10, 1870 1. JACOB HULsj '. v Cotton . Seed- I Highest cash p-icc for COTTON SEED delivered at Raleigh, Marsh Creek oa fcaleigh & Gasion Kail-' roan, at my Miil.j t V. K. JkJiLLLIi. lUleigh, .NVt.1 Jan 10, 1S70 lnV , i! ; ." .. ( Notice. ! h: Ail persons holding claims against Mrs. Eliza R.l t,ureton. ucc d. are notified to present them to me'J or this notice wiij be pleaded in bar of I heir recovery: auu an uiaiuis Que ine r.staie must be pain forthwith,! I i " T. K. CLIITON. Jan 10, 170. 4w f r ; . Execufor. ture in 1S05. But so far. allusion h I . J iu lliu !v.u Lrt it . :z - .. mo raiterson tannly. As Ittersoti.l f.ither-iii-Iaw of lad near relatives in Xnrth -f: -Among these were his nlnnhnws IC!.r.. aud llobin Patters.. ii. Tlov very respectable ; biit wifhout business capacity, ' n ' ' energy, iina illiterate. h Itobin was volunteer., m th? warjof 1812, and being the first soiuiier tne writer evpr saw, he looled upon hiin with all. a boy,s,curi(i.sity, venerating him as one of the heroes of the past', as -on Sundays the littla nA ,L:.i. t.i: -IJ r : .. .... ...v, v.u .uau uui u.,3 oia iasninned,8piiced blue vi -aw Pa nil u is pew in the ruiddlu aisle at Old Alamance. Ihey; were a very simple hearted people, and -Old lie," as he was railed, was very; ecceutnc. They had nicar relatives belou.r. mg to the. gentry of Ireland, and ibv thAil. of some of thesje relatives a 'coiiaidejrablc sum of money ieir to ine J'attersorg of j Amer ra T was sent to Win Patterson of Hnltinmr n h distributed: but he was wanting in t!..i : mindedness and hoiWtv r.f b: ?..nr".f , I t ,j i " r"' 1 jiu:iiuru relatives, and iickedlv r aonr:.fcriat, d tb Io tb his own usej kei p'lntr the wh At last, fearing detecjtiou, ho wrote t his nephew !. obt it.- that he had received a su:ii of nmi,v v... Ireland for his Xortli Carolina There was ho railroads in th.A ,br. .r,,i - - - wr m . M niiii upon the reception ofjthe Baltimore uncle '.latter. "iKe volunteered to! fro for tl. .rhb. , - I , if - -- iirHuiC. a t r J-. i '.aDT n0W 80! CMJ lted for luui.ij was in reuueed ;Circui,iUncesand noue oi iiy was in reduced " mvuiueia couia iiirn.Mii . ,.i . . , . j ,. .. ...... . ru.v VI VxUanO- . ciotnes suactetitly decent for UV 75Trf SACKS Chesapeake and other Guanos.' I The iold lady is still living iu Guilford b., a'. - - - . - .a wiuuv Jf? Y in store ami arrivintr. for hn. . I th STI'Vlfirr t mini, tri7 r-.. 1 I Jxn 3, 1870. : - .. ' new crat jhc wak to war on this (to h'tn) REMOVAL. Fori R H07AL. Iv n i n r., . v,: fej-e troU ntpn. 1m Sou. he rn Pi odi.ce genei ally, so'Ucited. ' turns nmde. e hive mdf rintsnrd Prompt re- hia m,pntri au I fri.-nds nana a tue i.op l;:r:::i"ilvsm'i;f' Mock. of Groceries at low W. J. LL.VCIv. PT3ec:a! arrenpemenfs o jell Corron con'signiacnts of sue n.i.r-. t i 1 ' f JErtErxcE R M Oates springs. i Co.. n....i... I. Wr:ston fi Co.. K M trn . j ) w t v.... f !..' .... ana , ...w, i.a.mr qi ssicra Uen.ocrat, Char'otte j au u-is. tJist ot niyreiidfci.es. being a part of .p..v arii! t rtsi.ie. lney arf aa desirable as any unimproved property in the City. , f j There in on. one f th- Lots, a one storr briUt ntul.iing. wjth two rooms; another brick build ing which can be easily converted into a kilcheif I j 1 would prefer to ell ihe two Lots io one person; but they are fco Situated that they will make tw HL-MuriU'r-rl. - a i Jan i, 170. PIIIFF.R.! ORIEIt & ALEXANDER Grocers and Commission Merchants, Are now opening U large and well selected stock of tiroceries in the bouse heretofore occupied by W. J. Black, where we hope to meet all oar old friend and many new onesl j Cail and price our Goods beore purcaasiug elsewuere. ' - . . j j i We do. not pretend to sell cheaper than you can bay in New York, but we do say tua we can and will sell as cheap as any Lous-e in the Ciy. : Con scious that we jare. feUTicunded by IJ veierar.s iu cotnmerc who jiave witnessed the riniygand setting of many bright luminaries,: yet we hope, by strict peiaoaai ancuuon to DUSiDess. to merit the confi- I wbtiderful and j?xtrdoVdinary journey. She can i reiinrp i:i:inr .irinc i.n I. ... . , . , V- , J ."" 7"'? fuviucuia in rcgaru to the uengiH, w u,e i I'Ltrorsons. their bustle in pre- P i ' "fe u Jurney, ana the heighb .rbood gossip. At length . Ike saddled the old gray beast that had .drawn! his plow manv a d.iy, and with an old leithernj waUt, jogged off on this long and eyentlul journey. j Afier several diys of adventure on the way ttw nils phUties ted orth Carolina relative arrived in Baliimore. ami with orrr v. i . . ' " - viwn air, urexsea to tne new outfit about wbjicirt here had been -eirrh a butle, the crowning piece of whk-h waa a blue jean, tpike tailed coat, set )ff with brass buttons, he trotted up ami down the atrtets of the ilonu a.enul Oity.iunuiriuir for VTni. Patteraon th deuce ao liberally; beatoWed by a generous public. i W"1U,J 'H.crc.naut' ae tather-tn-Iaw of a I,oa Goods deiiverad lo.the City trade fre of; charge Part- 1 ludiug hie Way to hia uncle's princely DtciO, lSoa.j i OKIES & ALEXANDER. rcaMeDceJhej01edUliJJta.,.. i By our lut l"e e have always before their e-ye the hope 1 and thf possibility of becoming proprietora. and meir uunioer is mi small that they are able te secure good WM"es. out of which thvran afT.r.I to live well, and yet gradually lay hy some thing.. Between this claaa.hn, ami the hum -blest of tho proprietors thero is no great differ enco in the mode oHIte. Their morning u.aal is generally soup and bread, at midday bread and wine, or a bit of sausage, and at night aoop agaln.JTwo or three times a week they eat meat0ii this diet verv hard work run )w. ...I I is done. But it is thus moderate brana is in operation the motive of saving, which affect equally Jaburcrs and small owners. The former save thatahey may become owners, tlTe latter that tlieV ibaV enl;r'M tl.ide' nrnn..ri;. 1 - ia the pBioirof the French peasant. fv .rrn.a is t he demand thXthirty to forty years' purchase is commonly paid for small proneties in thia ueighborhovd. - To acrtuire land it is frnnnfl the case that debt is incurred, and this necessa rily causes, in s.uno iiistanceStNdiflicultiea ending in foreclosure aud sal. ; The amount of land which is deemed snflioieni. to maintain a family in comfort is eight to tea acres, which ciubhs them to kerp two enws. But as much as seven tj acres ofliht are cultivated by a single family, with the help IV a pair of horses Thoe wlio hav hot the moans . or keeping horses of their own hire them at the neccaiMry season , from aNjeiirhborintr farm. n from .another small proprietor who keen, iham for letting out. The larcrer Pr6tertis or f.rmi have hori-e tiower threshinir machines on th smaller the flail ia used. Bat it is obv ions that a travelling steam threshing machine flight be rtadily brought into operation, and perforw thic work more cheaply. Those who have not oron. erties of their own t occupy their whle time,: hire themselves out as day laborers. Thar im also a few who have no properly of their own ae4 work for wages only. Ilalf a cioWn ia tb " dinary day wages at the preset time, the rite hiving recently risen considerably. ltnt .ra also said to be constantly advancing. Of society, besides the artists who barman tm be residents, but who are out of d.rsinTTJav' ii is true we have n'd, much. Buf r-f an iif-raaan iu the ba k yard, under a sort or trellis of vine I which leads 1'roiu the tacit dn.r cr ' the In the cookery cupboard, which U cslLd k ilehn a li.i tie c'Ouversarioa. party is often improvised, ia which tlie h"Ste..sf Inking op from her culinary bprutiufl, the resting on a bench, and any noiioi, pvarnui or si ranger woo drops ia from the village, take their eou.il part. It U a I fe of extreuie simplicity, and absence alike of filse pride and fnlsa Lumility. The easy yet self-respecting equality which makes its t baraa ijpjrtly the naalt of the slighter barrier of social diotiuctions on the continent than among Mi. but eomething is abo doubt leas due LntK character of the hoot and hia familr. llahiiM. self is a n.au of some standing in the riljsge, beingowner of several housea, besidea the aubc He ia extremely intelligent, and uLeaa Jivalv La- . , terest iu agriculture as well as. in politic. HU wife is frank. lookiotr and frank anolan fK; . daughter, handsome girl of twenty, who play the piano really well, waits also at the table ' d'hote4, with a word always ready in answer ia any harmless badinage, thai may be addressed to her by the gucsta, most of whom are old habit use; aod the son, two years younger, divides) bbtiaae . bet Weieu shooting and painting, having caocbt the , artiatio lever ia the atmosphertf that surrounds htm. i ' ' - . ' H L. - ' tST Misa Jeff, of EJiaabetb. N L eo to being an old maid. She h itr-0.ii1 I 1

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