!-- i J. f YATES, e OITOK AMD PXOPRIVTOK. Termaof ,SlrriptimTBzn DoLLAftf. in dTne. CHARLOTTE, N. C, T MARCH 1, 1870. EIGHTEENTH VOLCnE N U II D C Q yi.' - " r V.I . i . Ti " : J " ii i.i a - h i - . . i . a . i . i m: . 4 : i jr - .. t t. ' I . j , .1 I I ; ':' I I r ... '. . . . - - - r K 1 - - ' - r - i : ' v, i- . . t r "Western Democrat Proprietor. j rCBLIBUBO T WILLIAM J. YATES, Editor nd 1 o Tebm Three (Dollars pr tnnun in ftdrancc Southern Inventions. The Hon. S. S. Fisher, Commissioner of Pat ents, iu his last annual report mvs thai one of mc uiuci KmiiviDZ ma ii oi ioe restoration nt i . . " Tceand of the introduction of a new stemf V1 request of wteral BubscnUrs: ; i .i .. . . . . . - Scale of Depraticm of Confederate Money. j The following as adopted by th North Caro- Unz Legislature in 1866, which we republish at Advertisements will be inserted at reasonable rates, or in accordance with contract. Obituary notices of over five lines ia length will be cnargeu lot ai advertising rates. DrJ W. H. Hoffman. j DENTIST, (Late ' LiHtoUton, j JV. C.t) Rspcct fully infermt the citiiens of Charlotte and the public trencrally, that be Las permanently loca ted in Charlotte. He i fully prepared to attend to all calls relating to bis profetaion. A successful practice for mora than 10 years in tbi.s section of country and in Hie Confederate array of Virginia duriug ibe lute war, starmnts him in promising entire batifction to all parties who may Uelr his erieea. I ' jjji. Office over Smith, i Brem's Drug 8tors 02icc Hours from 8 A. AI. to 5 P 51. lUrrBKxcr. M. I. lVgram. Patbier 1st National H itik of Cimrlutte: br. W in Sluan. Dr J. II. 51e- Aien. and U". J. Yates. Editor L'burlotte Democrat. labor in the South, is found in the incr f applications for patents from that part of the country. Daring the past year 46 patents were granted to citizens of Alabama, 11 to those of Arkansas, 5 to Florida, .68 to Georgia. 86 to Louisiana, 53 to Mississippi, 44 to North Caro lina. 23 to South Carolina, 69 to Tennessee, 44 to Texas, 86 to Virginia, and 37 to West Vir ginia. I . i. ' A hill to be entitled An Act to ntoWth a Scale j of jUtprecutfum of Von federate Currency. . . . Hanging: a Husband. 1 From the Davenport (Iowa) Democrat." . .: ? ... : ... . . i liana ia trood at "Ditch, but not a sncesa as a provider. He won't make any money for bim- seu. ana ariends what limfchen mxtM i Shu MorreU's Patent Fire Eneine. DEEF WELL and FORCE PUMP, The beat Pump ia America simple, eheap and dura ble, double-acting atul aBti-freiBg-teaaufacturd in Call imore by Poole & Hunt. Tbe subscriber will take nleaaura in bavins- the very superior Pumpa brought ou and put up for any on desiring. Address . ; : I TnOS. II. ROBINSON, . Agent for Cabarrus and Mecklenburg counties, Feb 14, 1870 j tf Concord, N. C. Jan 1V70 Robert Gibbon, M. DM r I'll WSlcI AN A.ND jSUKGEON. txtf Office over Smith' & Brent's Drug Store I.ei leucc on College MreeC. Jn 1, 1870. j the citiiena of AH call-, both J. P. Itlc Combs, M. Offer Lis pMofcMioual service to Cnarlotte and surrounding country, mgnt and day. prompt ly attended to IfSce in llr n s buildiug, up stairs, opposite the caarioite IloieU t t Oct M, IbtiH. i Dr. JOHN H. McADEN, Wholesalo and Retail Druggist, CllAKLUTT:, y. c. Has on k,ind 4 larpe aud well selected tock of PURE DltUtiS. CJi'-uiic-il, Taunt Mwdirines, Family Aledi-eiii.-f, 1'aintt.Oils. Varn:Ucs, Dye Stuffs. Fancy and Tnilrt Article, which he in dctt-l iuluel to sell at the very lowest y rices. Jan 1. IS70. DR. E. j C. ALEXANDER, unarioue. N. C . Offera his services as Physician to the citiiens of r l . - vuariuiie anu surrounuing country. , Office nearly opposite Charlotte Hotel. ! X Dr. Alexander makes a good Cough Mixture, better than' any Patent Medicine. Try ilJ Feb 7, 1870. I - i - A W. P. DAVIDSON, X T o it . r. VI AlX I. A i Charlotte, N. C O.Tice over B. KtrMA.N.i'a Store. Tc IS. lr. ly I 1 1f r -l i piAcncit Watch' and Clock it - ! j AND DKALKa IS J.Errt.Kr fixk ituy-vfirs. CLOCKS. GROCERIES AND LIQUORS. Gregory & Williamson, (7t Brycet Bui Id fay. Ask the attention of the nnblie tn thi 1ar of Heavy Groceries, Provisions and fine Liquors and it': Thrr rive special attention to tbe sal and Pur chase of FLOUR of the best onalitv. Anil thv guarantee the purit v of the Liouors and Wines which they ofier for sale, j Their etock consists tn part of the following articles: I Groceries. ! i Fleur, Eicon, Lard and AT olasses, j '' Sugar. Coffee, Salt and Soaps, ;j Iron Ties, , Bagging and Rope, Cotton Yarns and Sheetings, ; Leather, Fith of all sorts, Ac. if Liquors First Proof Whiskey, French Brandy, New Englaud Uum, Apple Braiidy, No. 1 Gin, Peach Brandy. i , Wines. ! Sherry, J- ; jlridsie Champaigne, Madeira. i . ' Catawba Claret, ! ; California Scuppernong, : Aiielica " Tort, j Oi-cen-seal Our Oools will bo sold as low as they can.be pur chased in this market. All we ask is a triaL Dec 20. 1869. j GREGORV & WILLIAMSON. interviewed a drusreist. lie tromi8ed annic. I r3 . a: melt a rat, put Hans on his guard, and gave vr,, i i . - . ; uiiwuen Marten iusteaa oi poison, naostnrew nereas. -Kv an ordinance of the f:onvntion I x...a j 1.-' t. : entitled An ordinance declaring what laws and late, and he could risk it for an. hour or two by ?r?-2!ineM re' ."ifor other puTH." the side of the wbuld4e murderess. The next ratified on the 18th day of October. A. D.. 1865. J .u , rr it is made the duy of the General Assembly to didn't eat a very hearty breakfast, and went up provide a scale of depreciation of the Confederate town to buVbia nrovender.c At dinner tim fc currency from the time of its first issue to the I . . U j r. .i i 5 .1! warjanditis further therein de- with rpcaLable avidity. Ilia jaws soon ligbt clared that ''all executory contracts, solvable ia eton th treacherous starch. He "gar6 a yell money, wbetber under seal or not. msds ftnr n'r,-vtj tm. .. j i . . r - . i . , i uwcxi uuuatuji up ita b wvuiiueu UOU-COU- tne aenreciiifion of said fnmnev hefinrA lh 1 I t.f u . .:. , to ; n.f Z , 71 tieieuon wie iioorana naa i spasms. day Of 3Jay. 18C5. and vet nnfilld rront. nffi. T X. . i.: n.-r-. . . i , , -- r- i "c iwa. uu BuonuuH iwga. ins wile k" j "P1111 payable to tbe State.) sat by enjoying the spectacle and tenderly in snail be deemed to have been marl with thwt- I ix' t. nm . , , i, , , i'uKi nans ucruiaueruiu nanai j. trnen derstanding that khey were solvable in money of he had become insensible, she went up stairs, the said cur rency' . subject nevertheless to ei- three at j - r i . . i . i I 1 " hwT.ivu yji, ' viae xumr oca, it 10 UU , lie it enacted I by the General Aiemb v nf ih nm .m..n,i a r the State of Nnith Crr. n !;; --.ki. :J:J:.:-' Li i , , v vv ! . . ; j , , , i . ' : "- vwj oiinuj; uainua, ana again weut up stairs. jjut enacted by the ajithorify of the same, That the Hans had an inkling of her full intent and, following scale of depreciation be and the aui coming to himself, with remarlcable presence is hereby adopted and established as the measure nVminA ho n;irin a;a '!, u: cl value of one gold dollar in Confederate cur- neck and slipped it around the le? of the dinner rency, for each month, and the fractional rwrts I tmUo- 'thr, Tmi : u.: i .1 1. -rx i r . , r- .; ..v. uy wiuil. M, UVIIU 111 CUSir BUU m ioe montn ot Lecember. 1S64. fmm tha 1k . , T . ' " r i uv.wvusiucuio. inc way iua i.auie jib v.j . iu-.cujuvr, ipui, 10 nie isi, uay gi may, across tbe floor the next minute was a caution. ine umr Stream-j-Lertiire by Prof. :amy; h -Notes oa the NewiTcstancst 1 he announcement that Professor T. Tt.-M.mr 1 T.a v. t- i . nU .ti. e I , '.w atn5.cTVtuuic, as wsj ' 7 i " m wui utisea fluourcu years ou lOlytechniC Branch of the Ammnn Tnttitnf I Thimm : ti i..L J... ' . . . - , , t r " -- i "f - nui i his ucca usca DUuilCiV IB attracted a laree audience at tlmf rnnmi in rh I thni.r;t:.M.,.t :.. r l. i r r Cooper Institute. 1N.tr Y.rl-: A ftlr , ?"a P reading ofscienttfid items by Professor TilmanJ tian It hat been the authority to which tne sneaker or the ovAnin wnB ;nmi)nMui P).:.i;.n. r l . . TTr-, r , r , , v i ,Tcrj didc nave appeaicu in l&a lYlth the aid of several laro-A oli. wa riA tn.n. I v? a i rr. , . i,A j . . i--"' : . j .. . -"wtiaiM wuivu uave aruea a aria r ne traced the mnnbriti mirmit r i l it ca 1 ' . . v w T XT w " ""' i ws uiicco nunarca years. uny invrrtira- i -l V , T- ni luu I "ua .. origin, ana of tho order in which lh how it formed ths f irrMtt t:A. ....t i ir " ... .. . , : : : TJ. H,iu",J ',wu were written jumj collected, must i j i . .vuiij oiream. f inis current, be therefore be mainly coufined to, tha first llr claimed, is more than 1.000 times Iarmr in nl. I Ume than tha Alissiasirmi river ft MAiiAa I TVm V. r a j . . i . , , , - tr "- i w, leBMmcoi wi quire wiu y ax r.w- . --ri l - r J?-v"w" I " viwc tue luvenuon oi printing, it x -"" 7, : - p cumS uuHsn mea in tne lormoi manuscripts for many ceo- LLI21L ine snnrps oriri rn-iiro Br "V nrf vi ' J I i. .1 t- 1 . . .i. " . ,1 r--rz'vjr,-':sz l vciore tne, nUi lar--a-e Was born, fleet the current frpm , its patural and norms! These manuscripts vera wt! t tafia Greek, sod path, i evidence Was brouirht tn -show ihnt it m .t.IM... . 4 i moved in obedience to the dmrnal rotation of - As the transcribers were! not fa1wnys highly the globe on the one hand' and on th nthnr I ixIkmi i L. -i r .r..' , . : , ; " 1 ...v.t, uv4 wiuriiiim luiieu to jret ma that oeinir of a. different snecma irrsvit IVrwm I rel un rw. .1 rii ? t , , u i ;r- i r J 1 ""u i " ucy cvpieu, lb WBS ineviiabls the waters of the Hilar sea, it seeks to find an that mistakes should now and then SnA tllllhrilim h elltin'1n(v rtloAiw nwV. !, o I .U . ... J . . . . . 1 . ...rro..,ft mrui. 1 mo icifc ana &s mo uanscrioers corned nn from 1 iwo new positions were advanced bv the W. 1 another It i. r;.iA uL 3j" J' Wte"0,-8 ' flow of the oeeaq. would be likely to contain more of these errors v. .umw uaui UBLeri v ri rvR ill I nil in 11 a mm Am am A . . i. . j n lives. v i . .' 7. l '' ' uvt, twr csbu i ra user itMr WOUId Gulf Stream (as th maps; give it), by which it be likely to copy the errors 6r his predecessors IS made tn aween frittrarA kA J J I I J J 7 . - r vkwi ' - w. B.v u nuira urn UI uuuu I iiu mi auu BOD1C OI n IS own. i I to the Bhofes of Afriea.! hare anv eTiateneA i Thia iiwumM v- r-i vL 'it.i.L- J here is a current an h ofikhoot. snnarentlc: I settling fi m n,i: r f recurrifis m this direction but it ia n.ereJ7 I iliAnrimn.tni, i-.v: vr.X. r . p . . xnis. ne exnniitieif . ita eoiidMi hv iha iikr.- b,, f n. ... .i. . . . - . . , v r - :v " v i m inu mrsi ancivns ox Ibe tuanu- winds or. more properly, southwest winds, script copies. There is no konbt that in son. be said. I'l'vervwhere & on the trh.u I nnnsfT..a f ,,Vr..i .r ..... TQPP . : j - " ' I , i v ., vuuvivrii. 1 , . uiui vi .UI "III IIJ , , DUUI llWmii tUUlf. IV-WIl ; - I. !, 1 I n..c n.I. 1I ' J J- l I - I. 1. ' t , . , s . . . 'I I . i i : jui uuv in nuape, ana every aisn "uicu, ue saiu. ri'remrhere on tht ir i.h nawii nf im.Vir,, .t.' i . of or-T.r. nP nrJ f I on it smashed into a tlumaaiwl noy tlmn nnrih kf iKa tmrvlf fi,..' ' n'l.u-1--. . .1 .. v0'- . aniotguiiy IS . .K.w.n..Vi vi uuuicuciiiic v,urrencr, - -7 - - 1 - - . .Vj.f.vf vmuvci, am ma same. 1 mc iauii,oi me transcriber; of the Greek Usit beiDL' the uuit and measnrft nf ine F'F lurnuure urawa ngJit up arainst ioe irue uuit ctreim. however, flows on in a and the f.nb r ,.. M:i-. ' Wt .... . - . Ii . I the trold dollar beinir the unit and mensnre nf Value, from Nov. 1st, 1861, to May 1. 18G5. 1865. Months January, February, j March, April, May, June, July. August. September, October November,! December, 1861. $1.10 1 15 Dec. 1 to 10th inclusive, r 10 to 20th 1st to 31st 802.. $1.20 1.30 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.60 150 1 50 2 00 2.00 12.60 2.50 18C3. $3 00 3.00 4.00 6.00 5.50 6.60 9 00 14.00 14 00 14.00 16.:J0 20.00 1804. $21.00 21.00 23.00 20 CO 19 00 1800, 21.00 I 23.00 2."i.00 : 26.00 30.00 35.00 45.00 49 00 $50.00 60.00 60.00 100.00 i 1 i i!f'trra Material;1 SpeelnetfM, A-e. Aug. 19, )?C7. 1 CIIAULIITTE, N. C. HANS I ON HOUSE, Charlotte) N. C. This well known Ilou having hren newly fur nhe.t and refit lit! in every department, is now open fr lh aofnmhiol.-itiou of the 77.! YELIXG PUBLIC. CrtOmniUisscs at ibe Depot on arrival of Trains. Jn2l. fn7ii. . II. C. ETCI.ES. b !r. SMITH & CO, .Goncral Commission! Merchants, ;ou;Ay Strrrt, Kostox, Mass., For the sale of Cotton. Cotton Yarn. Naval Stores. A p., and the purchase of tiunny t luths and Merchan-li-' cenerally'. Liheml taj-h atvanres msde on consignments to us. ui in uui inciitties enered. W hnpe liy fair and honest dealing, and our best effort 10 please, to receive from our friends that en- cour.tj-toent. which it shall be our aim to merit. Orders w.Hciied and promptly "filled for Gunny r?itig, ricn. isoom ami hoes. &c., s.e. . j Uffkh. Br l'taMisioN to Jhn D-mrritt. E-.. Tr. tliot Nat. I?ank, Dostbn. I..irmx Ueynot l-. I lo iVarl St.. Uosfon. 5Inrc;ion .t IV. 1117 1'earl St.. New Vrt J V Itryce & Co.. Charlotte.' .NT. K V Ue.lden. Ex . Tres. 1st Nat. Dank. Charlotte. T W Dewry ,t t'o , Hankers. Charlotte, N C. k i ii.ies s t;u.. t harlotte. Wtlli.,ms ,t Murchison. Wilmington. N C. Col Win Joniuu. Pres. Charluitc and Augusta Rail roa I. Charlotte, N C. ! Just Received AT WIL SO IT & BLACK'S, It It UGGIS TS. Corner Trade and College Street, Chahlottx. N. C, 6f)f) Gallons best No. 1 Kerosene Oil, iw " ' Straits or Tanuers Oil, 100 " Machine Oil, 1X) , Linseed Oil; 50 6 Turpentine, . Which will be sold very low for Cash. t r r sjbKawmab h . V it . I "ucium, ui,mjr grave ana aimcuit dis putes may arise botween executors, administra tors, guardians and trustees, and their legatees, distributees, wards and cestujsquc trust, in the settlement of their accounts aud trusts, arising from the depreciation of Confederate currency. State treasury mtes and bank notes, incident to and growing out of ' the late war; and that law suits and expensive litigation may be obviated, j ! Be it therefore enactedi That in all Knell rasp the parti are hereby empowered to form a fair the CeillHir. I noon after was henrd the vnioo nf his beloved wife from the upper chamber win dow, calling out in accents of grief that her dear lord had committed suicide, and the. neieh. horn cOmmeneed rnrnn tsiwarAa iko ing down stairs she met the irate Hans, who ad vanced threateningly, brandishing a formidable fc' O : " switch, with which he proceeded to belabor her most unmercuuiiy. U ret then could j not see 4how it come toi was" that Hans could swallow poison with impunity, and gives it up as a. bad jod. nans enjoys nis custouiary evening game, . S : T - vl - miiiiv aim reibura course : iren as fr I . - Tha rust muff iLiwIa nf ttA , - 1 j, - .1 . 1 - WB ul.uvnvllMb viiiiK'l WUIl'll north: as Hamniertpst. tn Vnnr.nX1 t. I r r, . r ... . . - 1 , 1 1 , j ... .j,no ujibi. iu vunuus couoines makes it remarkable northerly town in the world, it make U ron;1 I that thrt. r... .L.Jii..' . i f-'i a 1 . i . 1 - - ""V. wrif, riiuerman so many sen. and h:ilmv liifliinnna hTn HIQOI l. 1 1 I i:cr . . ... J.' -1 aswxwuww iuiu. i a ia a c as bsik imriuir 1 1 111a tin 1 - run na in arA . a . a. ; a f . r, r, 1 tT f , t - T '- w " I " -wavvo an vug vauuuB CUlilODI Dili IOZTD. of Sr. John, Newfoundland, 1.800 miles south It must be remembered thattha New Testamens 01 nammertest, had been frozen npas late as the was morefrcoHentfy transcribed than aJi other liiiinth nf Juno . k..k- t tT f..4 I. 1... .1 . ... ... . " ... w ..v . .ui. .u UU! Wfl 'II linuiulEriCkL I WtttlLM ItMJtTfir ' ntltt I iu tttnt u-.ll H ; 1 i . ' I J . Bvw (till HLUrCBI UI nriih tha ..4.r..l : 'L'. u 1 t 1 has never been known to be closed by ice, even iu miuwinter. . j. i .'s Tj. Mr iiUaury advanced, the idea also, that the Gulf Stream is much more than its name nur ports. ; It is not a mere stream from the Gulf with the wonderful provision which has been made fir iurTuiuit!i.,. ti.. I.....t. :.. r- ' t stantially correct. "'V j I Even if the New Testament had been ntiarlv . ? . ' iA Load for i Sevesty-eigiit Thousand IIorses. Tbe f United States National debt is ...iu peneci statement of the case on both sides, or as much as! 1,562,500 tnen, carrying 100 -"1 ... u tuoimitea totne determine pounds each, could march off whh, one-fonrth a iou of one of the Judges of the Superior Courts, ..f amile; and if these men Vere putin single chosen by the parties, who is hereby .authorized file, one yard apart, they would form a line 888 to consider and determine the same, aeeordin- n.ile 1,. , I I I 1 "a ciyuo uia vuBiuury evening game, fwt.; jiuk a uicre sireaoi xrom tne unit destroyed in our country, by some terrible civil and has his opinion of a man who can't govern of Mexico, bati voume nearly as farge' as the commotion, stil it wonld have been immediataU uio uuuocuum. , i : i ; i " i I ?lc1 uai-vii icti curicubi lit-cu. lAiionB'n tne I lnirod need irom iaiiu naiftlikn.in. rir stream, as it comes jthrouffh the narrows of Flor- any such destruction, however, there is no in ida, is a thousand times as large as the "Father of stance on record. Even In thj Etla.ipian Chnrc h inn nftft (uu i ie u t,nA , -a c ii " Ti T ' I :-: ' w to me rest pi t nnstendom lor CA.OOU.OUU.uOU.i If it had to he naid in Sntmw I furr-wl hv n mminiiuA ,kub : ! ........: . i . ! , ... .-3. . .n . " . . i,- -r ,j r 7 ,r I v .7- .".Wi0,s '-.v''" 'T3 " u- wumnes, me xioie auu retained ita plaea; and ish dollars, it would present Iho necuhar chatac- 1 tonal current L-m.wn the TnrilL.i l,.i I ft, i. j. - , . r , i , . r i " i i - ",,,".v wiuin I'lnuiii. i " u , ic vuuivii wiin u isct v ereu . at a com Dara teristics here set dowu. viz : 1 heSDaoish dollar I This bodv of.w;iter leino'Af tU ii . i . i I , " i' --VT1"! !v -iiji j ..vV EMUk urn, iuey were sun in poaicaston Oi Silver ia u&nallv esfimnt.l na un nm.na an1 I tht i.,Q t..Lj .i I .I. I e . i ji . J - f r . :. . . ' - . . i. - I v- luupiumio ai.u rucciuu gravity as tne I oi loieraoiy correct Uianuscririt ctmiea of tha s.xteentothepou.id; then?2,5UO;000IOOU weighs GulfStrcam proper re. dily unites kith it after New TeHtabient. 1 . T "f rr""".-. i .. l ! f a Pwu tne Panamas ineiec-l it is oeueved that tha Khirtero iTnll.n a letter rrhni (lantain Slloa T?..f I mnnlir rnnA .Ti:.. . 1 4 .... . . - i . I , . T "i . ; y v-t... "" i .u..v viw,v wuiiuu inu Apusuie, once enter 10 cons, or as much as 78 ships ot 1.000 "tons fthe co-worker iof rmmmlnr each could carry, or as much as 78.000 hnrsV s I Jflnnniexnedit .ww esMiuciit i neu in exisicnce. rsma ra trera nn .lt.i i.L . concise statement,) endorsed his reasoning. stance at an eutertainmeut in England, and tha It thlS be true, tne leet'lirer :iid the tIv nural Inn nun ..U. T..I- . t 1 . ' . . - i i it ,7--- f 1 -v""". tfiiiiati uau carricuj out now eutertained bv fmnfrrit.W'M'nf ihA ! a- 1 n irt0 ir r ..aw ja, a wuiu luc -.lew jcaiuuieiu nT6 IHIWPF Ill I IIP I111T irrnutri tnilCt im amua am I xasm aAM.MI. CO White Lead.' "HO Pounds of Lewis's W hite Lead, 700 of Wit herd's White Lead, 700 of Buck Brand White T..d 5 "vvilson & black; . Corner 'Trade and College Streets. Kerosene Lamps.- I -40 Dnten Kerosene Lamps, a complete assortment, and patterns of eVery description, lower than ever offered in this market, justj received by . ! 1 U'llCnV r. IT 4 " r- u'vy CL ALm AI IV. Corner Trade and College Streets. ta equity and good conscience ; Provided, how4 ever, lhat no piirtof this section shall be coal strued to stop or hinder any person from proC ireuuig in me usual course ot Jaw, if he shall deem the same necessary. i . i - - i . i lru COPJ- i J. A. ENGELHARD. ! ! ' -I i ous revision, if npfc'.a decided revolution. a seri- i 1870. 187a Just Received at WILSON & BLACK'S LUIUO STORE, ! Corner Trmf ,md f.J, A?tJ u'tij v " y v vr a 0 A full and select Stock of Drugs. Medicines and Chemicals. Paints' Oils and. Dve Stuff. an n.l touri nicies, n inuow i. lass all sues. Patent Medi cines of every kind sold n this rr.arkel. Greeley good, aud every person Pivot Action Urkces. virv j wears them. Si Prescriptions carefully prepared at all hours. i r WILSON & BLACK; Jan 3. 1 870. Corner Trade and College Streets. Vacation in tkt Winter Sumner in the Mountain. SEND FOR A j CATALOGUE HARRIS & PHARR, ami. I i At i Old China! Hall, Between Tate A; Dttcev and Firtt I I CHARLOTTE. If. C. Wholesale and Retail dlr i.n.;m m... ru . . ... v. ery and all other House .Furnishing Goods to be found in any first-class Crockery House. II j uui uuuus uitTing oeen selected wita care and with tke ntcotion on our part of ; meeting, to the fullest rueui, ine wains i Merchants making purchases for retailing, and also for the wants of families,. aQ ui picii weonrr lor usn. i i We solicit orders hy thai! or otherwise, and a call irom oiiyers, wnen tney visit our City, before makine tcir o(nnjr purcuases. . i i j Jan SI, 170. ; HARRIS & PIIARU Or allowins 'the Snanish dollar to be fas it is I would no "h.np-er hJ one and a-lmlr idi1im apniu tKn t'ann mnA I.Vi I CT ci.ll 1.!.Ji. i. ' ! i - -v ... -,-) ouv v-ijiii i j ouiau iwun iiiiuugu 1,1 1 a narrows oi Jirrmini 000 would make three hundred and twelve mil lions, five! hundred thousand feet'whitjh divided by 5,280 feet in one mile, it! will give fifty-nine eignty-nve miles, times the circum- -Phila- n I KTJ accw I v.ierai cenaieu i tnousand one hundred and eoual to twice and one-third ferencc of the earth, at 25,000 iiiiles. t 1 T ' t. I " - aetpua orar. 'Stay IX THE Lanh." t-Wi e.iln the fol'ow. i nsr extract irons a letter received Irom a subscri her in jVlississippi. Let thie desirous of -bet tering .their condition" by removing: reud it care tuny. . ):- .; ! r .i "As a North Carolinian. I many of her citizens leavius here ill the West been reproduced from the ft not ftt Inn a r. Am Y, w It I the writers before this period? The question was a ennous one, and aroused the sntionarioua .j - wj.o iiauunoj vi Ktiuiiiii. i uiopiieibiun oi one or me guests, who. having ac but a stream more tjiau double as large, and one cess to extensive libraries, determined to investi. --..jr v--. w .uG vmvp wuniini iui m, maiicr, sn, siter some.' research, ba penetrating the region ofj! the extreme north, reproduced from the writings of the Fathers" and breaking throuh the massive ice-walls which and others all of the New Testament with tha surround and guard the avenues to the riole it- exception of shout eleven - - Self, i if he "bluei eolnr and "nliAjInlinroBnoiir" vea An nn r,-:.t - ' AlJ i'.t ' features of the Uulf jStream were described and All the books of the NewjTcstHmont hV not ekpliued. Prof Wsor Maury con Dared the Cull' alwavs been reur.Lf u t ...t, stream to the 31 1 iky Way.! because its warm wa- ltv. Kven f.fiir tl.A -n j ! " . i , . -I - riu umk-iivu lino pns 8 made by . the myriad intects to j volume some excellent rKriatian? writers and ia a sea ui uret ter at niht was glow Sand sparkle Tribune.- . so 1 regret to see the ! old State. lor a great many years ; have seen and known pf hundreds of fam- have emigrated to all; parts of the FARMERS! Watt, We are manufacturing the i celebrated "The Charlotte-' and Utley C f PLOWS. i We also invite your : attention esneeiallr tn ih m k j Charlotte Female Institute. , CilAHLOlTK, N. C. The next;Sr-ion ofihis Institution will commence on tbe ar.l J.-tj or OCTOUKK, 1809, and coutiuue uanl rlOili pfJne following. A fulj corps of Teeiiers-tn all branches usually tausht in first class Female Schools, has been to- ptyei ior Ibe en-uing e-sion. Fr Catalogue containing full particalars as to etpenses. ooure of study, regulations, &c. arrly to .'I t I. VB. a. ...... . u. UlKHbLl, a SON. July 19, Charlotte. N. C. J. Ji WOLFENDEN & jCO., Flour and Grain, ! cviii:it w. c. j R-fer te J. A. (iuion. Ctirr National Bank, New hern; T JJ L.nhiu an I loantrcci Webb. Newbern Oct I f. I .'. Cm ! i LARGE STOCK- j j Wittkowsky & Rintels INrcreeeive l one f the largest Stocks of Goods eer ffrr in this market, and are receiving week ly vld.ii.in. so that they are prepared to supply any a n mt of ptronae they may bo favored with du ring tlie Fall and Winter. fciT Coun'ry Merehantaare espeeially invited to eal and examine this Stock of tiooda, as they can fiol anything wanted Tor storking . country Store and at Try reasonable wholesale prices. GiTeusacatl and see our Goods nd hear our prices before making vour purchase e il WJTTKOM SKY A RINTELS. Sent; 13. .."?. .t-. I The Snrino Seinn of lht Davenport Female College, LKN01K, N. C.. ' Will open March" 1st, 1870,' with very flattering jTFjecis - . i ! . Hoard, including lodging, fael and washing. $70 00 Tuition in College Course, from $20 (X) to 25 00 ; " lustrumcutal Uuaic, - - 20 001 " Oil Paiuting. 1 - - - 20 00 " ; " rrench. - -, - - - 10 00 Special attention ia given, throughout the whole course, to Arithmetic, ! Composition, Geography, i -"-, omjfinp. opening ana writing. inuorm ior winter: Brown Merino, trimmed with IWack elvet Ribbon. For Summer: Slate-color .uoiuiiqiie; Unite Straw Hat, trimmed with Black elvet. No jewelry 'other than a plaiu breastpin. For further information, address , . . Kv. SAMUEL L.1NDER, A. MV I Jan 1 1, 18.0. 11 w j; President. Seed Potatoes. Just received a lot of earlv lto an.l nAt. rich SEKD POTATOES the best varieties of earlv viaiuci sua ior iaie oj 4 . , j SANDERS & OATES. Manufactured by us. i We also deal in MI kinds of Farm inu- Tools. TTnri : " i I t-tiU CIJVUUKJlGsB bU iJlZ UICL- Willi, II Bl)l AViil tl UAttULINA COTTON-PLANTER improvemeuts of their hones, will, in a few ! 1- . . . 1 . is I . 1. . t 1 i ' . years, mate mem oetter satined, tneir lands rioher, and themselves in a condition ,td- brins: have been iliea who W est, a laTife innioiitv of whom Wnillrl have been far better off if ibey hud l enaained at their old bomeslesid.vi . I P ! Tll ..,i. :J.l- Jx .u. i -.. . Or PUtl to the West, thiiikins to better their condition hands , Ladies are so accusb.ii.e4 to the tight not one in1 ten will ever realize a bettered ..wi;. n,s ot dressmakers that they .ffill to pieces" tion: the expense, etc , atteudiu-a removal, and ?hen r?!evd oftMn. They aKi.ite the loose "Uw ClltUUMWCIO IA Ultt Willi, II HUHUCU IU I II C ' i Luxury The following. Life.f i is esneciallv , . M " - ; : 1, a a" a v - . . l i ery lew laaies Know nowj io (appreciate easy,iiealthtiil dre?H. J hev think their are loose, when a mnn or bov nilt; into one sm would casn for breath.'aiid rei mean-iKlM tirlgfinth any effort ! except to break the lijrht- Powers. Threshers.j Corn-Sliellers, Feeii-CuttersL ionon uins, Well-Fixtures. Churns, e. j In the old Navy Yard, Charlotte, N. C. t Jan 31, 180. COOK i ELLYSON. fortable dress to them is not to meet want of theirs. f it w si great pitvi none preachers entertained doubt a ti.'iTm onf.. ncss and authnrify of particular Voks. Duritiff ttiu TtL.fi.rn.t Inn .1! . .1-1 ,W i i . i .v iinuimoHuu mo Limomoi I ne several Dookt 01 Jfeuasy LreSSe8. were cauraMsrd ouite Vt i.t I 1 . 1 .i.- clipped jfrom the '-Laws of van in the investigation. Jl concluded that bommended to the careful ,uofl me dooks wore of uunuetioiinhlejiutlior- I rj..t- .ci a !.?.. .- 1'ittr'rt.nf mi'oia,1 j! n ' . - . . ivjr. it-u vuiiir gnu licvefntiona. AOC L.. 1:. .11. . - i . . ... nn- wiiiisuiiiuin! nis rjreat inniteiwe tua Bprnr a.a ' ww 1 J r- - , fst ' VaS tVM their dresses httle harm, for thtetwo bt'oTrssrd how ss firtnlv i ..l 1- . i . . . . .. iviauiiKntMi as any in me canon i. e tha nn . tion which receives the univcra.il ' ,,,t f ('hriRtcndoni. 1 :; There is not much difljehlfv . .t . - . . i punier s reasons tor rejecting Juntn and AVtw lotion. Lulher was the great ntodern snoatU of the doctrine of Justification by Faith alone." ana ne supposed (.erroneously; that Janaea earn. .n . .1 .. A.. -1 ... j ... .... 1 4 dress with the bed qr lounge. To be up, they must be stayed up- and to recommend a com- a conscious Liicir mtuin mil iiLai f iiiiatil i.m iiirinpr i Hi.ni.iiH I cj . j - -7 f which Should be the pride of every true Caro- 'lld; k"ovr w,f 1 a lry t " to breathe Iinian 'f i i. - j i I "- ami iuii nv eaeu rtpirnlion, to ieei in the less If they e re j E. HOLT, & CO., ; HAVE JUST RECEIVED djTN BARRELS prime Corn Whiskev. HV 10 Barrels North Caroli na Mountain Dew. i 10 llarrels Old Kye for medical purposes, I Barrel old Scuppernong Wine. J ' Pure Cherry W ine, Champaigne, 4e. 10 Cases Canned Peaches, 10 Cases Tomattoea, 10 Cases Oysters 20 Barrels Crackers, fresh, 20 half boxes M.R. Raisins. 20 one-eighth boxes 11. R. Raisins. 200 bags Family Flour, warranted good. Feb 14. 1870. Holts and others. . i " m iwc uiucvinivn ai HOtlCO tO Contractors & Builders thereafter known s ! f -Tnnr.vi LUMBER! LUMBER!! i Prince Edward's Island Oats. We are Ageuta forthe sale of the Prince Edward's very fine and prolific varietv, and s direct importation, .i ) " ' Jsa 31. lS7a j SANDERS k OATES. j TIDDYS PAPER MILLS. The subscribers beg to announce that our .Mr Win. iiuay, naving oougot tae Buffalo Paper Mills in vieaveiann countv. A. t;.. tht ;in i . . with tbe Lmcolnton and Long Shoals Mills and will j Steam Mill and r Fixtures. ;The Steam Saw Mill and Fixtures located near the Lincoln Depot are offered for aale. Engine 75 horse capacity. The property can be seen by calling at ine Auction iiouse oi . IFeb "i 1870. M L. WRISTON i CO J i - Tl DD FA I PA PER. MILLS." With the increased means of production now at aiiv sv... m. . . J a.' i.,. . 1 . : " viiBni wi oope receive larger share of 1 would repectfullr state that I am no . l . Itnr. . K- k. i. I, r .. OI . f . , , . - -.v f i , - - - - oui ui cvopumera ai iooa. , r. .... , . .v,,v umuT. .-iu uruem . -" "u'i ranpint 1 aivers. Iril with Mr .m.l -:n : . i - j ..... tr. fe"Fy , ,7 . 41 rrr-riTe prompt alien- ean re adUressed to Tiddy ft Bro. , , . OT iu jiui near ' vuarioue. wno will keen a a-ood mnn v i to us at Lincolnton. N. C. ! TURNER. ! WM. ft R. TIDDY. lu i Lincolnton, N. C. Feb 7. 1670. I f - - ..vm y v Jos. B. Stewart's residence.! WALTER S. narloite. N. C. Jn 21. Ib70 ; onr or! j I WILMINGTON, N. C, fD. 1. 1870 The United States'! Exparte I Petition and decree for tbe sale In the matter of tbe j of the perishable property Hornet a Cuba. J ' -By 'Decree of the United States Circuit Courtj November term, 18(39, at Raleigh j I will sell for cash to the highest bidder, on Thursday, the 3d day of Aiarcn. lb,u, in the i uy or Wilmington, North Caroi lin. the following property, vis:' j jThe Provisions and Ship Stores, Clothing and wearing Apparel, Table Ware. Cooking Utensils, the Gun Powder, the Sails add Canvass, and all the Furniture belonging to the said vessel, on board of her at the time of seizure. !Bv order of tha Court. i i.i i . i - Just Received. I A large lot of Plow-Moulds and Bar Iron, ar ' - i . . w a . t . i. xoirnern l otaioes oi tue iesi uraoas, Smoking Tobacco and Suutf, I . Bacon, Lard and Flour, . ' ' Li mi or of all kimla. . ! And a general assortment of FA"MILY GROCERIES, 1 1 - a . L?t va sat ' . . a an oi wnicu win oe soi.u cneap ior casn. t ali ana examine our stock before purchasing'. s tfi?, Those of Our friends who ar' still in arrears for 18o8 aud T!. will please come forward aui settle. jjoney is worm sumetning t us. ' j Jan 24, 1870. f OKIE it ft ALEXANDER. GREAT BARGAINS! ' ! At the Blue Store! Til CnB ffiai ii cmrm ef f h aa lata Ia1i ta a Lin emrA T aav-111 a- u . . iWa. aaa' m'w vi v w 11 iu vni) - m waa sell my entire Slock of Goods at greatly REDUCED m m t.3 .,,.1 , it j. rAu.io. Aiiiiiose wno wisu to purcnase ior ine HoTlidays will save money bv calling at the BLUE STOKEJ A Urge and well selected Stock of ; Drv Goods. I - ii- ALSO, a splendid assortment ot MILLINFRT GOODS, and a complete Stock of j H ciotning, Hats,' Boots and Shoes, All of which I will eell at extremely LOW PRICES. Dec. 6, 1869. j j B. KOOPMANN. freshraent which the system takes In bv haviu? I J .. - t . I ..... .. I " . ' the blood enlivened and sept bounding t through the arteries and veins, to have the aids to diges tion which such nrbeess "ivr.s. to have their nwn strongj olafitic mtiscl,cs keep every organ in place. and themselves erec if they could for a good while! koow this bleed luxury, and then be sent back jto the old, stiffjStraight-jackets, they would fume aud fret and rave in! very desperation if they could not get rid of fheni. 1' ! As It is. they prcfeT to I languinh and suffer dreadfully, ami dieivouni and leave all of their ftiends and their husbandij and their little chil dren, and I ffil nni iiua invi fit ha ' n.v '... tr. l.. them be sick and die! till thev' are aatisfied. If only the sinner was the sufferer it would not be .U . ' i Li . j i . -. . "iuiiu nunc w uiaaQ a great au i auout it, DUl the blijrlitinir of the future innocent lives whieh must follow renders the false habits of our women in the highest degTeje criminal.!; ' !- : est pica for the nocessity of a Christian Ufa was' in direct conflict with Paul a letters ti thfl Ho. mans and to the Oallafiansf in both of which letters the doctn'ms of Gric are aarnestly 'In sisted upon. llevelatioti was probably reject because the great Ilcformtr fil tn spprccfata Us true nature, (namely, that of unfuIfilLd pro phecy.) which never was meant U be understood until its fulfillment. ' 1 1 v ; 'If men could understand pmpheey hfur Its fulfillment, the enemies of jt he priphecy would tfrntrle aoaintf. aud the frin.U !n r.,.. ..r Um "V." w - m m- lis 111 l' V HP 1 Ins wonld defeat the enda of pr. when fulfilled, it would seem tn h fulfillment. phecr; for aone wimont supemarnrsl aircnevJ and bv tha efTorts of th.e whe iiiteret it Iwa tn Lrinf I COLOBv Some simnle facta i concerninfr color will bo useful t6.n.any when decidiu? how' tn dress for a photographic picture. .Dark brown, dark green, maroon, 'and plain black' gswls. with out gloss, will take a! rich black color. Silks of the same color will takej jconsiderably lighter. Snuff-brown, dark leather!, dark drab.' scarlet. dark oranirejeriiiiSonL and slate, will take rich drab cqlor. j Violet, blue, pnrple. iraiNas. j james osaocxa. I Springs,! Osborne COMMISSION ii I w. srarsa & CoJ, MEUCI1 ANTS, cherry a very U V M M 1 S S I O N 31 IS K U II A N T S , "V I ' '"r- j i,MCS purpie. i25rJi irer street, Philadelphia. piBkif?! D,"T JwjU Crrcri i 01'"10 shonldjbe avoided ui dreasinlg bir photographs. Consignments of Tarns, Tobaeeo. Dried Fruits and The hair should never be Veiry wet trUloKsr SAMUEL T JOS. CARROW. i U. S. Marshal n. NEFF. U. a. Dvputy Marshal j Southern Produce guerallyv solicited. Prompt re turns made. . . Ii- ', - v'' I. - We have made special arrancements to sell Cotton Tarns to au advantage, and solicit ; consignments of the same. "' m Rxixaxxcas R M Oatea & Co. Burroughs ft ! Springs, M L W riston ft Co.. E M Holt k. Co., and W J Yates. Editor of , Weatarn Democrat. Charlotte, jj Precepts, saysBiljings, are likcj ex wlieat-s:an!acxa. ni.rxiri v feels like hiitu n. tn themjand nobody wiinta to-adopt them. Letters like fashionable ycuns LdieK most have the stamps before the nails mates' will cold back litit tha tuTfit!. ...... "wB' a, v I UUJlllllVHVt i This view of the matter does no a em tn hr occurfeJ to Luther, who. with all hut oJ rv.mt a Of character, was probably nitit entirely fre from rnme tendency to rationalism si reaction, pro bably, from his former- superstitions. lie did not like to accent what he could nnt orrUm ;n f avw tS m accordance. with his system i and hence Jamet and Re reli tion were disputed by him. I is example shows that we ucd not fearlo. vestiration. for Luther's advenu. views Lara ni I W r"a--TaF vw-wv weakened the authority of either of thee books: ana even rrotesenr liengel a New Testament, with its forty thousnd various iradtDgs, hsa only served to confirm as in onr belief of the snbstsntial, correctness of . tha received text of the New Testament. The differences are an small as not seriously to affect any important Christian doctrine j 4 J: il. UivhS. a i .it' 117miVifojt Jonrval! ' tST There are few more auspicious signs for the futum of this country, than the ,' atateaients of Northern jonrnals, that the rural ;popahtloa of New England is leaving that section for tha fer tile and at tractive soil and climate of the Sooth and Weet. " ' ' . j . 1 . ' . ' T. t . .i. a a a . , . Iluirging set to tuuaic ia th bdest definition lEih 14. 1870. N. C. De 20, lbT9 Cut take toeni. . . i ' ' ! ' 1 1 ol wslizio-;. ... 1 4 .J

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