Y ; i' is t ... j v- it' a-, a -i-' n. i I .. !.. ...S way V3I J YATES Editor and Proprietor.! 7Vrt of Subiniption Thes Doliaks, in adranee. : CHARLOTTE, , N. ; C, T MARCH: 15, 1870.: EicniEENTn voLt ricK." o u b c h c is : n Fi . a ii t ii t s a m t a s1 a j a r-1 am" lit U EST) AT the "Western j D emocrat rrBLIIDKD BT WILLIAM J. YATES, Editor and Proprietor. o Tcsxs TLre Dollar per annam in adrance. Advertisements will be inserted at reasonable rates, or in accordance with contract. Ol.ituarj notice of oTer lire lines in length will be charged for at advert tsing rates. Dr.. W. H. Hoffman, DENTIST, (La'e r Lincolitton, .V. C.,) neree(fullr informs the citizens of Charlotte and the public generally, that he has permanently locate-1 in Charlotte. lie i$ fully . prepared to attend to all calls relating to hi profession. A aucceAsful practice for more than 10 years in thl section of Country and in the ConffdrJ. array. - - - . i i . . i: ;M prnmiing entire satisfaction to all parties who may lire his ertices. f OfSce over Smith & Brem'a Drug Store Office hours from 8 A. M. to O V. M. lUrEiirsrrs M. T. Tegram. Cashier 1st National IUnk of Charlotte: Dr. Vm Sloan. Pr. J. II. Mc- Aden. and W. J. mtes. Editor Charlotte Democrat. Jan CI. Ih70 - 1 ly W. A. BLAND, 1 Dentist, CHARLOTTB, IT, C, Hw:rrsor to Alrj-ituJcr fc Jilaml. GLrE'Wuicn will Unite Even Polisheij Steel. -A Turkish receipt for a cement used to fasten diamonds and other precious tstones to metallic surfaces, and which is said to unite eren surfaces of polished steel, although exposed to moisture, is as follows: ' "Dissolve fire or six bits of cum mastic, each of the size of a larze pin, in as much spirits of wine as win Miiace to renaer k nquia. in an other vessel disolre in hraudj as much isinglass, previously softened in water, as will make a two- ounce vial of strong plue. adding two small bits of truni ammoniac, which must be rubbed until dissolved. Then1 mix the whole with heat. Keen jn a vial closer? stopped. hen it is to be used set the vial iu boiling water." Office m heretofore, opposite Charlotte Hotel. r:ii.riion warranted. Gas administered. Kobert Gibbon, M. D., IMIY81C1AN AND rfUHliKON. Vf Office OTer Smith & Lreui's Drug Store. Residence en College Street. J. P. lie Combs, M. D., Offers his prwfMional services to the citizens of I Charlotte and surrouudliig cmtntry. All calls, both night aad day, promiIv attended to. tirfice in brown's huildtiig, upsiuirs, opposite the Chtrlotie Hotel. Oji -G, Ip'kS. Dr. JOHN H. McADEN, Wholesale and Retail Druggist, VII A HI. V TTE, X. V.. U rn hsnd a large and well .""elected stock of TCRE DKU(;S. ChemiCiK Tatint Medicines. Taiuily Mvdi- eiu. l'aint, Vinhe!. Iy StuH., Fancy and T'i!-t Art !. wh'.ch he i determined to sell at the vry rjw-t price. Jan 1. 1KTO. W. F. DAVIDSON, A T T rt . 12 Y A V I, A W , Charlotte- N. C, Oliee over B. Koopmaxn's Store. Im is, it.;y : - ly ! Valuable City Property ' AT AUCTION. ! order of the Supeiior Court of Mecklenbnrg county, 1 will sell at the Court House in tbeCity of Charlotte, on the 1st day of April next, at lzo clock, all the City Property belonging to the Estate of the late Alexander Springs, deceased, viz: . i ': The valuable Brick Store Houses now occupied by Messrs. Nesbit ft Bro , Messrs. Hales, and the West ern Democrat Office, adjoining Granite Row, and is one of the best stands for business in the City. One-half of Lots 10o and 106 in Square 13, front ing on College Street 99 feet, between the new build ings of W, J. Black and Burroughs & Springs. Lots 3i4, 355, 370. 371 in Square 52. - This pro perty contains the late residence of the deceased. South-west half of Lots 193 and 194 in Square 27. Upon the property is a good 2 tory dwelling. One-half acre lot on Try on Street, adjoining the residence of J. T. Butler. Terms, 12 months credit with note and security. ; M. L. WRISTON, Feb 21, 170. ; Commissioner. 1870. DR. E.-C. ALEXANDER, Charlotte, NC, OTr his seviei IhyiCiaii to the citizens of C?trhii and urrouudrg country. )ilict iicarlv ifHile hrto(l tlorel. I'rAtt iLNU Icr uukii good Cough. Mixture, bt-iijrr-ehan iny Patent Medicine. Try it. Feb 7, 170. 1870. HARRIS & PHARR. ! , AT ' !. Old China Hall, ! Between Tale t3f Dewey and Fir tt National Bank, CHARLOTTE, N. C, !.: Wholesale and Retail dealers in China, Glass, Crock ery and all 'other House Furnishing Goods to be found in any first-clas Crockery House. Our Goods having been selected with care and with the intention onur part of .meeting, to the fullest extent, the wants of Merchants making purchases for retailing, and also for the wants of families, all of which we offer for Cash. . : - " We solicit orders by mail or otherwise, and a call from buyers, when they vhit our City, before making their Spring purchases. Jan 31,1470. HARRIS & FIIAKR. . FARMERS! : Hi We are manufacturing the relebrnted 1 "Watt," -The Charlotte ' and -Utley C " PLOWS. ; We also invite your attention especially 'to the NOliTU CAROLINA COTTON-PLANTER Manufactured by us. Y, Weal.o dl in all kinds of Farming Tovls. Horse Powers. Threshers. Corn-Sht-llers, "Feed-Cutters. Cotton-GinH. Well-Fixtures. Churns. Ac. Iu th old Navy Vurd, Charlotte, N. C. M J-n CI, 1870. . COOK & EU.TSOX. Vacation in the Winter -Summer in the Jlountains. ' - i SEND FOR A CATALOGUE: I Rewnstrnction NeedL'lr ' In Oneida county, in New Yorkltbereis what is called the Oneida Community." f This cotii- munity numbers three or Jour huhdred mem bers living in a common building, and its cardi nal principle is that every person has a perfect right to make himself or herself happy in the manner that best suits them- consequently there j the great ' Massachusetts Senator, from Heiniaiscenccs of Daniel "Webster. ;wnon ao Great Ilea, Ilarry? ;.i I . Agricultural. Ex-GotI Perry of South Carolina, is publish- I ' Vomen. of coureel rBnt they show the same I :r" ZT 7Z I ing in the XIX Century,:, a, Charleston Jlaga- diversity of taste that is seen Id the lower ranks, u? l-a-S8- C1 1 wwwO. . -v - . xlucremiuisceDces of the old-time Statesmen of ftic oa tne wb'e worse mistakes. 'They, Ihe more the science of agriculture is a J- tt, tt j n; t t i. ht' t. k 1 " i iuw Kcueraiiy snow tne tnanaging 01 otner Tauceti, .iuc more wo Dceotne. convinced or taa the Umted States, i In the March number we u. .ffair. ;wtetlp, .t.. , ,;,, . iecesaii v of a rhan ..W . r. find an interesting article on Daniel Webster, 4 John Howard, the; great philanthropist mar- This is a lair that holds good in the vegetal! as 1 is no "marrying or giving in marriage, in the proper sense ot tne i term. A writer sums up the manner of intercourse when ; he says "they lire together like roosters; and. pullets." All property is owned in common, and ? the . "Com munity" is thrifty and prosperous!: As Congress has almost completed the recon struction of the Southern States, it can now af ford to devote a small portion of its time to the '.'Loyal North," where many such 'communities" as the above exist. ' Society in Now York,1 Ohio aod Indiana,' especially,' needs Teconbtructing." In those States several communities ( have been organized the total Membership numbering; about eight thousand. ! '.if r "' j ' ; While the Mormons are being' the co:Is," let not these societies go unnoticed. .! ' ; iwe extract the following which j ried his nureer She was altogether beneath hiin well as in the animal kingdom: in tbehumaa ts t s in social Jife and intellectual carjacitv.; and.' be- well as in the brute creation. In-and-in treel- I . .: . ..H ... ' 1 . r aM W I f . . - f . . I fild&S this. wa n ft v-f irrt va Iii1a l a wto I intr vill nnt rli vlin Arrant .. It t? rlaft wen ( wun uenerai inouipson, on punaay hut twentw.fiwa :a If n.!iAM.i..u.; ri:. Mt;nn .v u : : Tenin?r, to call on Mr Webster, in the iCity ot Un .n.. r,,l . :j i:j Mfitii--w - t 0 . - ' l iMuwMvnwB, vak sui wcic . uiHi i ifii M 111 1 aiwfia 1 Miti ii 111 a k? i. aw. flh 1.1 - rr 1 -1 gum Diet 'of 184C, 1 hannv tnorpf Kr iinf.H Ihtyw 1nti 1 - A nPV infucTrt h.o ;nf1nAnMA 'mm m .wT two years aftcrwardsi 4 :t '.:i! -' of climate" invigorates on r health. Tbetscrtt' Peter the Great of Russia married a peasant j we may not know ; but the fact we do. know, girl.. She made! huji an ! excellent wife and a I Hence ,the old native stock of all kindj -of . sagacious Empress, s -if it! . 1 I this country is in too wretched condition we Cnd Humboldt married a poor girl because ho loved j it e luivc been growing from the same family, Dei;, jt course theyrere happy. : j from the same stock ol the larmlitLer ta cnaspeare, loved -ana wedded Jr 1 aauhtCK, sua. to r.ioiwtr till the ' ir.c..:u:us 'hauled over, nearer home fcW ashington. It was in the and the great defender of the constitution had said to the Geheral that he would be glad to see us at any time; lie was then a Senator, and re sided in a plain, neat housed with his family. This was my first introduction to ; him, i nd the firAtiiine 1 had ever had the honor of seeing hfm. lie was seated in his piazza, with tils oat, off, and his solid, bulky figure, ! uot very grace ful, in his shirt sleeves, reminded me of some substantial old farmer, who had shaved, aod was clean dressed on Sunday, waiting for Monday morning, to go to -plowing again. He . immedi ately i Ordered refreshments, , took a drink of brandy ana water nimselr. and put on his coat. Then he commenced one of the most brilliant conversations I had ever listened to. It was a sort of lecture on the history and, progress of the United States. General i hompson, whd is pirn-" Planting Fruit Trees. : One of the great comforts of a home is . the fruit grown tn every homestead. , 4 Let uot this Spring pass without a large addition Jo the fruit self a great talker, and a very bad listener,! was irecs everywnerc pos&iDie on every iarm, lawn so much interested in the d scourse. that' he did or yard. AV ho plants an apple tree makes pru- not attempt to iuterrupt it or put in a.wdrdi : . dent provision against loss of health, misfortune Mr Webster stated that Talleyrand, after his in business, and old age; also you will keep the return to France. from the Uuited States, was Doctor away from your children; and yourself.; asked about the war-like aniritnf the. Americans. The planted fruit tree will be a beautiful minis- He replied - that ! they had a great eali of ! it. ter to its owner s pront, improvement, neaitu hf .rave vent to it onlv in makinr war aramst ana nappiness. it win stana sentinel over nis. dwelling through, Wiuters of adversity, f when Summer friends have fled. ..While its master is sleeping, the tree will be growing. J It will be ndustrious for. him through all seasons, convert ing air, and earth,- and water, into shadow .for his footsteps, perfume for his parlor, food for his table, fuel for his hearth, and timber for his use. It: will serve him contentedly through life, and iiiiuLter to hiswants when its life is ended. ; but gave vent to it only in making war their vast forests' cutting down the timber;! kill ing the wild beasts, and cultivating the soil, then marching on some wilder and remoter region, to conquer that in the same way. Mr Webster said there never was a people more restless and colonizing than the people of the Uuited States, lie expected aftirthcy had jrot" through jwith California and Ore";on, . they would coiue round and colonize old Plymouth agaiu. jj J Whilst Mr Webster was iu Colunibla, S. C daughter. - She was faithful to her vows, but we I thing is po more to be endured. Our -stock has could, hardly say the same of the great bard so oegenerated that something must be done himself. - Like most great poets he showed too Our potatoes rot or did till the Vemedy was sp little discrimihatiou in bestowing his affection on plied: our crapes arc diseased : our fruit iufferf.' die other sex. . .. i 5 1; r 1 i ? ; ! t; ; I of almost all kinds, and in various wavs our train. 1 Byron married Miss Millbank : to get money I the wheat, in many parts is running out. j There to pay his debts.. It turned put a bad shift. I is nothing the fanner nourishes, either animator; Robert Burns married a farm girl with whom vegetable, that is not ailing. We seemtobsi he fell in love while! they: worked together in a 1 cursed. " But if it is a curse we have brought it: plow-field. . . .He, too- was irregular in his life I ourselves. . ' ' , t committed the most serious mistakes iu Couduct-1 Now look to the change that is being wrought'. iog his domestic afiirs; 1 1 i trf i f- I The potato is renovated. . : A new. infusion was? Milton married the daughter; of a country J given- uot W. infusionbut an entirely new squire, outlived with her but a short time. He I creation-f-a liew seed, and from abroad, M Was was an, austere, exact mg, literary-recluse, while j the case in the inception of the original diffusion. 4 she was a rosy, romping country hiss that Could J And what do we see J . A miracle almost cer . tamly a revolution has taken, place. . Wenowi have potatoes again. We may put them to the 1 earth in confidence. No rot but , the finest 1 tubers: and so prolific ; not the. racy old times surpassed thciu ; indeed we have the old times t ; back again. . ' . r i Clover deteriorates. , Raised long on tbe same land; the same s6ed used, it will run outj wilL not grow. 1 nus we know mrtns ana eections .1 not endure the restraint imposed upon bers and so tney lived tolerably happy. Queen Victoria and Prince: A Ibert ' were cousinsand about the onlv example in the Ion uue 01 xjugtisn inonarcna .wnerein f tne marital vows were sacredly observed and sincere affection existed. ,:;;;..a44 -i'-W Ji ;-.- U m--. -I Washington married a widow with two thil- urea..,; xt is enougn to Hiiy or Per, tiiat sue was it visited the plantations of Col. Wade he ampton tOuR YOUNO Men.-We have again and again and others; who j had their negroes all j dressed urged upon the young men of the South to re- clean; and prepared to receive him in the cotton main at their homes and , build up j the waste fields where they were at work, i lie conversed places of our land, and we would now urge land-- with them about their tasks,- visit ed theSir cabins holders to offer inducements j.o the active; ener- and examined into their imodei of; living;- and getic young men to remain 'here instead of being treatment. I saw bin in the .evening after his compelled to g6 to the distant States and terri- return, and he spoke most favorably of lth.e in stitutiou ot slavery.;.; lie said - at .Dr.i viibbss o Aug of thr ; - College, veryflatterin Weeks : PRACTICAL .Watch and Clock T&ir, .su- ikli:b ix JEWELRY. FIXE WATCHES, CLOCKS, Wfck MjteriaU, Speetaclc, $c. 19, 1G7. CHARLOTTE, N. C. KAN SI ON HOUSE, Charlotte, N. C Thi well known Home having been newly fnr- rnhi antl retttil in eery !-. iriiiu-ut, is nuw oen txavelixc: rrnur. CTu.Oain;bue at the Depot on arrival of Trains. J- 21. !7l. II. C. LCCLKS. B it. snuTn & CO, General Commission Merchants, bi AV. Street, BojsTox, Mass., tar tarn saU f Cuttuu, Cotton Yarn, Naval Stores, &c. and the urcu9v of vmimy Cloths and ilerchan- t j;eneri:y. , Liberal (.a.-h advnnecs made oa consignments to us. and all uual facilities ouerrd. Vr bp by lair and hgnei dealine. and cur best fTt to .Je!, to reive from our triruds that en- courjxraient whh it saall be our aim to merit. Order elicited and promptly filled for Gunny ipgsue r An. Uool and Mioes, &.c. Itr.rKK BT I'KKMISSIOX TO Jahn Detaerritt, Ljkj., rrea.-Lliot Sat. Bank, T.oston Mrm it KrtnoIJ.. 110 Poarl St.. HoMon. Murchiaoa & Co., L07 Pearl St., New Tork. J V Hryce & Co-i Charlotte. X C. 11 V Mc Vden. E. , Frrs. t XaL Bank. Charlotte. T W & Co , linkers, Charlwtiv. X C. K M One Co.; Charlotte. X C. WilIiant-4 k Muruion. '.Vilnuntfton. X C. ', Cl Win J!iattt.i. lrp.. rhjiluii and Augusta Rail road. t'hirloUr, X C. Sept ti, INi'J. " The Spriiitf Ssion Davenport Female LENOIR, C Will open March 1st, 1870, with prospects . , , A-ifes per eton fj 20 Board, including lodging, fuel and washing. $70 00 Tuition in College Courte, from $20 00 to i!5 00 " Instrumental Music, - - 20 00 Oil Fainting, - - - .20 00 French, - - " " - - , . io 00 Special attention is given, throughout the whole course, to Arithmetic. Composition. Geography, Grammar, Singing, Spelling and Writine. , Uniform for Winter: Brown Merino, trimmed with Black Velvet Ribbon. For Summer: Slate-er Moimbipie; White Straw Hat trimmed with BfaCk elvet. No jewelry other than a rdain breastcin. , For further information, address Rkv.' SAil UL LAXDES, a! Jnn 17. 170 11 w . President .4 tories to seek their fortunes. We hail with de light the advent into our midit of both European and iNortnern lmuugrants, while ouryoug,mcnr the bmie and sinew of the land are,, allowed to go! out from amongst us without an effort-made to.kecp theni here they are' not offered the in ducements that are extended to strangers. ,';.. table, in the presence of the whole ;party living there, that ,koo'- chauie could be ; made which would benefit the slave." These were. ; his; very words; aud I have no doubt he was sincere !at the time inJ expressing them j; The -abolition slavery since nas proved tue trutn ot his re mark.- - "''-tV'.W'k 'Xtiu First Store, Four Story Brick BmldinffV general inompson teiu a good joke ,ottweb- ri.it ci..-. -n i 'u; . -kt r i i stcrs professing sympathy with the boutu. He KsiJUV'ir. oCCf, jl(LLLLJ L Lt7. JX v Vy. . ' ' ,w - . T . :.i .. . worthy of.. hint, and 'that ithy lived as married I that can raise uo more clover, or at leant not suf- ucient to m:ike it reuiuoeratiye, aua tneso farms and Beutions were once famous for clover. Even,, if manure is used, it ill not remedy the evil, or but a slight and transient extent." Is it not the ., , in-and-in practice that thus enfeebles and finally ; runs out' the plautl We have the authority of science to say that it has an iuflucnco. " W cannot disbelieve this; wo must accept it. what she tuounted the horse behiud him and they rode 'are we to do 1 ' We are to do one of the simplest , . home .together.. ' ,4 A i 4 - ..:.14j-."'-''' things, to : reach one of the 'most important!, . Hiutpty cnange ineseea nni nccessiruy ins aina , , though thntH a benefit, but get from abroad,, ; et a foreignized seed, one' acclimated to foreign ; ses; bred to 'new conditions. ' This will be a . . new thiug to this 'old worn but soilworn out in its uses .thr the plant, this degenerated thing., reuce union is formed, so will it be . folks should, in perfect barinony.H-" i John Adams married the daughter of a Pres byterian clergyman. Her father objected'on account of Johu's be ng a lawyer j he had a bad opinion of the morale of jthe profession Thonas Jefferson married Mrs. Martha Skel ton, a childless widow, but she branght him a large fortune in real estate. : After the ceremony I Wish! I were ? RicbJ I wish I were rich, I would buy everythin Ol cried Char!ie- f - j r ''t r Thesun, moonsn'd stars ?' inquired William. at I . . XT ; , . t , i . - - - I its uses .tor fi '-No; everything fhat can be had for monty," A . , rir. :e. ; -That's not happinessf said' William. , We are receiving in addition to our present Stock! 2,000 Bushels Virginia Valley White Corn. f .500 : !!. ' ,-:: j f i' -Seed Oats',! . 10 Hhds; Western Bacon, jj ! 2,000 rounds Country Bacon,: -j St0 Barrels Flour-, all grades, , - 80 " Sugar, nil erades.. F j 80 SacJrs Coffee, all grades, ! '.f'", ;v j ,.'.35 Barrels Molasses,- all grades !' ; ' - ! 150 ack8 Liverpool Salt i i . ! I s 10. Half Barrels Mackerel, r- .-.P; ". 20 Quarter Barrels ' . !,,., j - j 60 Kits' Extra Family Mackerel. ; . We solicit a call. ' ' Feb 21, 1870 ' R. M. MILLER & SONS. said it was very strange that the Southern people were prejudiced lagaiusfhim Jfor he was fvery much of a Southern man iu his habits, tastes aud character.'-',;.- lie" was fund of society j and- his friends, loved good dinners and good wiues, cared very little for money always spent 'it freely 'and was generally in idebt. Whilst Webster was a member of Geueral Harrison's cabinet, it wastc- uiarked by General Thompson, at a dinner party 'Get your hat, Charley, and come with me to Zlv Wornson s, 'said his father: k01 please not; pipat 'he is such a disagree able, miserable old man, with his cross looks and gouty foot, hobbUiw;about 'and groaning.-' "I think you' would like to live vith himV' said'his father. ;;: :' : ;j f; -i , ''-'"'; ' :." ' "1,'pipa? ; I would; rather live, down in a coal-pit." ' f "Vpl here. (No doubt the plaut's nutriment is also affected.) "; '""' V ' , .-. , j We need go no firther. The other grains, , and alt 'organised beinare subiect to the same . laws of deterioration. It shows, aud that rxx'ut-, edly, ' i Jiut we are t be constantly rotating with the seed as with cropa Vtua II tenia. f ; , '4 "With him yon "would have all that can tx bought with iiioneyfr : j TP ; ' -' ' l recant, i see it won t do,' said Uharlie. -1 Just Received, . : A large lot of l'low-Moulds and lar Iron, Northern Potatoes of the best braudi, . Smoking Tobacco and Snuff, I Bacon, Lard and Flour, . ' Liquors of all kinds. - - ' And a gentrul assortment of FAMILY GROCERIES. all of which will be sold cheap for cash. Call and examine our stock before purchasing;. ! ZiaS" Those of our friends who are still in arrears fur IJSC8 aud will please come forward and settle. Money is worth something to ns. .' . ' t Jan 24. 1870. GKIF.R & ALEXANDER. r n "In this Sign I Conquor. The Wavinj Banner of Health rpreadt Triumphant. IIEINITSH'S 1 QUEEN'S DELIGHT. A Ureat and Good Jfedieme The New Theory of Health 1 Me Li fe of all Flee Blood The Health of all Life it J'urity of Fleth Without I'yrity of Blood no Uh can oe free from lhteate Ietnitth's Queen's Delight an Antidote to Diue The great American Alterative and Blood Furijier For the Cure of all those Distant which - may I traced to a filiated condition of the Blood. . l, . . : . :' v t i. ' The Theory is that Blood is the Life of all Floeh" and if itt.pure,' the Life of all Dteense Life and Health is ouly to b niaintaiued by the circulation ol pure arterial blood. . : - Cures scrofula, Khenmatism, Hepatic Disorders, InSauiatioos, Fevers. Liver Complaint, Consumption; King's Evil, Carbuncles. Boils. Itching Humor of tbe kin, Erysipelas. fkin Diseases, Tettrr, Roughness of the Skin, Pimples, B'otches. Pain in the Bones, Old Ulcers. Syphilis and Syphilitic Sores, Indiges tion. Inflammation of the Bladder and Kidneys, Pains in the Back, General Debility, and all complaints arising from deficiency and poverty of blood. The QUEEN S DELIGHT should be used in the following cases : Liver complaint, female coni plaint, salt rhrum, sore breasts, sprains,, scrofula, mercurial eruptions, scahis, sore heads. 'stiff joints, dyspepsia, piles, skin diseases, sdre throats, let ter.constipation, rheuiiiaii-m, swelled glands, ores oral! kinds, ulcer, gout, ringworm, ore legs, prickly heat, venereal sores, lumbago, spots in the skin, wounds of all kinds. This medicine is of Modern fvifnu. n,.t;in received one of tbe larsrest tock of GcwmU ! i,.. .t,.;n.l m.h rM.;.i. ..:- -.1 - ever .rrred iu tuts market, aad are receiving week- I jusfly celebrated Compound. Ita extraordinary heal ly a.l I.i.oik. fu tlmt th?y are prepared to suptdr anv I in ,rn ire attested to Lv ibna.n.r. lonage Ibey utayo fvored with du- 1 is freishtcd with letters beariup testi'raonv to its i inter. I trpllrntrharrlprml wnrthaitkiimlii-in. , 1. .... - v. . uci a Chsrlotto Female Institute. CliAIlLOlTK, N. C. The next Srsivn of this Institution will commence on the fir.t dj of OCTOBER, ItoW, and coutiaua until 3nh of June following. x A full corps of Teachers in all branches usually t:i;bt in Erst rlas Female Schools, Laa becu em ployed for the ensuing Session. For Cttatagtie coutaining full particulars as to expm.-s, rutiix f Mtidy, rceulations. &c, apply to ;:v. U. LUUWEI.L SON, July l S Charlotte. N. C. LAR3E STOCK Wittkowskyj & Rintel3 Hire ! T- IT a m - :; a a -vmi-r. '"' At the Blue Store! C J - Id consequence of the late decline in gold, I will sell my entire Stock of Goods at greatly REDUCED, PRICES. '. AH those who wish to purchase for the Hallidays will save money' by calling at the BLUE j bTOKE. A large and well selected Stock of H ' -Dry IGoods.! .--:-;--4 ALSO, a splendid assortment, of MILLINERY GOODS, and a complete Slock of ! ! " Clothing, I Hats; Boots and Shoes, j AH of which 1 will sell at extremely LOW PRICES. Dec. C, lbb9 Ji. KOOPMANN. II V "Above all," added their mpa, 5ihe favor of uiHi caunoc oe oougnc wit n nioney ; . je content Of It as lrt.i with as mtieh it annht." gives, and seek to use 1870- H & B. EMANUEL. 1870. ' "We would respectfully inform all that we will very cUortly begin to receive our large new ' . f O Spring Stock. For the next Jo days we offer the balance of our WINTER STOCK at prices so low that no one wilt j Boots and Shoes, Trunks, Ac, &c. I i Genuine French Kid Gloves, j $1.00 j. Hair Switches, .' 2octs. ; j Best Calicoes, . . ti j ' 12h Shirtings and Sheetings very low. j ' c , . . , II. A B: EMANUEL, Feb 21, 1870J! Trade Street, Oates' Building. o w. BADGER. i; 1 BADGEH BADGE &. A. C. TfROH Havingptirchased tbe entire Stock of J. D. PALMER. would respectfully inform! the public that they will keep constantly on hand at good stock of Groceries,; Their Sample Room will be furnished with the bes of ' -' ' i-! . f r.. u I LAle, Cider, Lager Beer, Wines, BRANDIES. WHISKIES, GIN, &c. I Second Door from tbe Court House. Give them a calL ; BADGER BROS. Feb 21. 1870.1 . , j n iii-' riv '.TuW V'dru ht. WtoJvA J "Health. cannot" be bought with nioney some questions, which dbf not now; remember. X' VW ?JWn?ty lc as a patriot: - Mr l'oipsett relied that. that Was AVilhain i f : i -f v . .; a yievf which 51 r Webster" tiever took of any question. He; viewed. exery thing as an advocate and never as ai patriot. Qn the sulgect.:f the tariff he changed with the 'changed interest :of Massachusetts. j W hilst he'represerited tbe coin-' mercial intereets ofHoston iti the Houe ofRep resentatives, he was a free trade man, and made one of the ablest! arguments against', the tariff ever delivered iu that body.1 When he became a meuiber of the! United States Senate and was representing the manufacturing' interests of Massachusetts,, he-made -equally as ; powerful an argunie"nt iu fiivur of ihe tariff! aud the protective system. .. i-.j--..---. '-.-i -":"- "'.., J Y In appearance, Mr Webster was a very re markable mau. . II is head was very' large, and his face full, . His eyes were those of an ox, the largest l ever saw iu any. human ; head. 1 His complexion was. dark, aud 1 his ' hair 'jet 1 black; He was a stout utan with a massive figure, above the ordinary height. Ho-used to say that his brother, who died "young, and fell dead in court; was the finest figure of a man he had ever seen. J udge Martin, of South Carolina, in describing Webster's personal appearance to nie whilot he was a member of Congress, said he always re minded him of those French revolutionists whtse talents and crimes . were - so : conspicuous before the world. But it is a gf ea mistake to suppose Webster had a bud heart." Colonel Prestou'a . 'Mrs. Partinoton oj Courtship and Mar-RlAaE.--tDou't put too ranch diffidence in a lover's word, my deal girl, i He' may' tell you that you have lips like strawb erries sn4 cream. cheeks like a carnation, "and ryes like an asterisk. But such things oftenefi cduie1 from a tender head than' from a teiide'r; heart. ? I'like to gd to weadingSy inongti; At-nKe'to near young people promise to Jove; hn.r, and. nourish each other; but its a solemn thing' when the minister comes into the chancery with his surplus on, and goes through the ceremony of making' them ''mart and wife;, j It ought to be husband andl wife,1 for it ain't every husband jthat turns out to be a tnani I declare I shall never fofget wheu Paul put the nuptial ring on my finger' and said: ! 'With my goods I thee endow.', lie kept a dry goods store then, aud I thought ho was going to give me the whole there was in it. .' I was ynyng uud simple and didn't km w till afterwaid that it meaut onlv PoniinTcan The vote one dress a year." t ; More Fellow-(?itjzens. The Bepubhc has formally declared in favor nexation to the. Uuited states. throughout the country shows an oerwhefmrng remark that be was wanting in heart, was nearer 1 majority in the afilrmative. The town of Santi the truth. His iiioral qualities, I have lliought, 1 ago La Vega ami Astua led ihe demand for an- . . : i .: . - i -p - t : j t i i i. :.. I ' it i 1 . : . , ... i a i, i9 i oaxation. n e uave aircaay negro leuow-cit.rens amount of at riu luv Fait an i t"sf untry Merchant are epcially invilel to i are coming in from all quarters, and all bear uuuiis call an I exnnnne tfii Jiiock f Good, as iher can 1 takable evidence of its great populariiy. j nu 1 anv:hinr wantot for ra.-Lin- & rmmirv Store! lie wire and ask for "Heinitsh'a Ouccn'i Drlirhf an I at very reasonublj u iifile.IM nriio Given call aud sHf our Gools aud hear our price- b?foro makiug your pnrchates wiTrsowsKr & rintels. lUrch 15. 1ST0. i I aud see that his name is on it Look out and avoid base imitations. ' ! " ' " " Wholesale Agents. FISHER & II EINITSn. Col umbia, S. C. and for sale by Druggist vaiya here Fb 8, 1870 lyu : ' - " ' ' ' -; " '-1 ' i '."'" - " ! KittrelTs Springs Female College "I;'.;. " Vl FACCLTV: Ret. C. B. RinutcK President. Professor Ancient . Languages and BcIIcsjLetters f . . , . , ? J. E. Blaxeksship Esq , j (formerly Prof, at It. i College, a., ana I'res t l.aroiiua reniale Coi I leg. S C-.) Professor Mathematics and Phyai- I cat Science. . -I , -. -i i. .- L' F. Whitakkb, Eq . (formerly Professor at Golds- boro' and Davenport 1 malc Colleges,) Pro tensor i ofMusic- 'j! '.-.'..-;,,; With a full corps of Lady Assistants. : 1 ere very niucli those ol Jjord Jjaton. very strange that a man of great intellectual et; dowmeiits and high cultivation should ever be a bad man or a mean man. Such a man ougutito have wisdom and sagacity enough to know that it was better for him to oj ' honorable and 'good iu all his actions through life. " j Stoves, Tin & Sheeting Iron Ware. Always on band the best STOVES' in the market." SpeJir's Chlorine, Excelsior, Columbia and Live-Oak Cooking Stoves.,. . " ;.:., ;.',. j,t iii'-?? Box and Parlor Stores, f. : , f r Tin and Sheet-Iron Ware. ; K Hollow Warej Japanese WareVand various - Housekeeping Articles All wares and work warranted as represented. ! BP?- Order respectfully solicited." : '",1 IT I Feb 28, 1870. ! ; "r: D-. II. BYERtT. i Removal of Saddle? and : Harnsss SJhopj in buperabundance, and President Grant wants to give us Indian feiJoyrjcitizen.. and Pomeroy "a-idjWdson female fellpw-itizenn. but the climax will not be reached until we can Call the thorough bred Poa,inicans men and brothers. ' f ; ; s A poverty stricken Frenchman being amused by his wife one, night with the cry, Get up, Jacques, there's a robber in the hotixe I" calmly answered : . lIusH don't ictt us disturb' him. Iet him ransaek the: hause, aud if he finds any thing of value we'll then get up and take it away from htm." ' ::h'','U ii'.l!V.XJ - The officers of this InMitu:ion.enratnlate many frieuua upon ine fiaiiering patronage it irb; which it has opened its present session j We are auihorixed to say to those w ho. may wish to educate their daughter! or wards, that time wiU bt given apbn their bills until anot her crop Las been made. Charges madefrom time of entrance.' j The friends tf the Cl.o-arc determined to do all lilCJ CSH IV 'luiliviv cuuvmiivu. i . Tonus moderate. We invite comparison terms of any other First Class School with the Address. 'Ftb28. 187a Rkt; C. II. RIDDIQK. . Kittrell a springs, C- j SHAW Sc ANDREWS Would respectfully inform the public that they LaTe formed a copartnership for the purpose of carrying oa the SADDLE and HARNESS BCSLNE.SS in'all iu branches. They can be found in the basement on- . M-T f. lV.llo. Krsm'a n.nls .ra Rlnr at the sign of the BEE HIVE, where, they vpUb j ecoud husband up n a first-class T City. pleased to see those wanting, feaudles, Humes, Bridles. Collar, Ac ; .c 5 :. " " 7 . 4 . Repairing of; all torta is their line done at short notice Truuks coverad ana repairea. i How ido I look; Pompffy ?'1 'said a"1 young dandy to h'w servant, when he had fiimhed d rent ing. ' "Elegant, niassa j'yoti look bold as a lioii. rBold as a lionPodipey 1 How'du yoo 'know ? You never saw a lion-L" rK)h. fesk; tuassa, I seed one duwu to massa Jinks', in bis stable." "''Down toJeuks', Pompey ! Why, you great U'ol, Jenks has n)t got a Hon j : that 's a jack ays." ' 'Can't help it, massa ; ydtt vk jnst like hitij." '14 ? i .i t -.. ' i' 1 !ai n " ' '' ' i - ' - i if :4 ... " ! f,jA -widow at Desnyinesj, lowa argues that life insurance is the dnry of all wen. ! Her husband was insured -fori $20,000, which will et her TThe Grape Zone Kinds. of Grapes- .. The, January nuabcr" of the Planter and " Farmer contains an article on grape culture in Virginia,' which 'received a premium from the,-, ! Virginia .Horticultural and. Pomological Society .' . in November lSo"9. The(articl is interesting..' and well written,' but It claims' too much for the i good old Stitfe of Virginia." e, are ready iolK,K admit the great fertility of her' soils, snd the: .? excellency' of ficr cliinatcs, but we canont con , ; cde to hr the excluaivu'eiuiiicnce ofeiubracin , a all the territory oil 'the "Atlantic Slope suttabl , i for grapes. The 'essay ist says : . r t These two States,-then, Virginia-and Call t foriiia, eu)br:ice the whole, grape fne of the Con "4i tinent, as far as their longitude extends which ' " is about six .degrees each: . and both, enjoy iq l like mauner the ameliorating 'effects' in jtlimate ' v Hiat result from the exhalations of the ' oceans 1 which wash. their respective .shores, &c,'; We think that the grape zone of America extends I farther South than the State of Virzinia. If latitude be tfie guldtf weLalLJiid-on cxarai- natinti that the celebrated Vineyards of Ios .L..i : -..i:p i. -.i- i.l. ii-i xugeiua m vaiiiurnia are near me caiq paraueu.. Tracing 'the line eastward it will be found to . touch thj Atlatitio near the extreme Southern. border of North Carolina, throwing our entire State within the grape zone. But better test 7' iu deciding this point is reference to isothermal tf- ' lines.'; Trnciug the3, line. , which passes through :, i South ICaljnjrnia it.will be found deflecting south ' ward Bo as to embrace a region -on the, Athntio , . Slope more Southern than that indicated ty the, . parallel ef latitude. A A3 m til linliAft Ihafl ViAPnllArM Ar lnt!fnTa ience. So far as thai F.b 14,1870. W. K. SHAW, F. U. ANDREWS. FiHy-four murders are recorded rae having tiAsn nTti mt t e in : t fof altirinor January, hcxr York had the largest number, eleven, and Illinois came next with six. isothermal une n ciperie goes the great body of the entire South is well ' adapte i tf grape. Cultare There is niw grwriag ' -? x and flourishing in Columbus . County, ; N.- C. S "" ! " Scuppcrtiong vine which , has borne one bandrcd-.-j bushels ot gfpii in oiieWaion! , And. thet ears. numerous other vines throughout Eastern North Carolina which have b irnc nivro than fifty bush : eU'in one season. , Had the .rpca fruni ths f ' first mentioned vine been maj iut win, they - would havo produced more than- threo hundred bA galWns cf excellent wine which at twu yers of ' - ' S . a ' 'W " M . a age would have pn-ugiit cJ fter gjuow (ijne of ...... n n .I.Vktf It I 1 1 . t A.t M All I I .1 .1.1 1 l A n . tttyat that pnee- Jhts wouW harLern ttO as ti e gr s return frotn si single tine covering lew than so acre 6f ground. ' After that it wui require several treatises; yea many7 thiik books : j :.i .i.- UJ WDTIilT tt) IU W U'J uui live in iuo Wy , Ultil1 : u'l-x, '! '- 4 ':' ' i,k : '. . "The writer of the essay which is really a vat.' nable one in many respeeta recommends for the Ltltudeof'Virjriuiaiha following sclectiona goic tfi tnaktt up a vineyard -cf 1,000 vines: 150 Con. cird, 50 Ionas. 150 Dchwarcs. 150 Catawbas, " 150 Norton's Virginia. 100 Ives' SeedTn. 50 Hartford Prolific. 50. Black Hamburg aud 53 Uetbeuxut. Carol' na Partner. -. . , , . . -f , ' - i '-'fa . "WOMEN'S KlOUTSiN JIlKNfcsOTS A bill , proposing an 'amendment, to the State tvnetita- . tion giving the women the right of.sufTrage has . passed both 'houses of the Jlitttiesofa lCgisliture,' and will probably be signed by the Governor I When the amendment is submitted to the peo ple the women will have (he right to vota upon it. i

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