t - . ' " ( . I j t "J. I Y ITEV EniTrtR and f rm o.Sutrrfrtinn THTfK DoLLAB. Proprietor. j in xlTUDce. I IT H E 'irUfaYin HP) PlTinrTn ! V e&t1 1 L cmuuiat prnuHEi BT! .YATlIiJ, Ulior nd Proprietor. i TIt- per annum in lTaneer 1 e ! j . it;,Linnt will be inserted at reaonab t or ii tToranco with font net. ol.itu.iry notices of over fire 1-nes in length will : Vcliaife. for t a ircrusjng raici. Dr.1 W. H. Hoffman, DKNTISTL il." rJ l.lnrolnlon, X. CJ) npP'f"' 7 'iu(vrn ,,,e citixeniior 'hrlottend the puWic L-ener1I. tlmt h h ponnmieiulj loc t.J in ritr'',t- rM,'y I'rvp-red to atteuJ 14 ml! call 'relating to b profemiou. 9ncmTnY p raet te more than 10 jmw in Ihi re:oi f f.mrrj and in the ruiifelernl army ui" Virgin- .luring : he Uie wr.! armiii him iu ,,r.t:iit"ff f niire .lisrction to all parties who tny ,f .:r- bi- t-rric-s. i i ;3- e orer Fmllh r.rem" Piug Store Hllic irp friuu f A. M. to 1 M- K:iitr.itx--j M. I. I'ejrram. rj.hier National r.jk f tUarUiftc: lr1 'Win SUn. Ir J. II. -Me- i n. n l J. Vales. K4ittr t'harlolle Deinorrat. 'j:U.17 ! ly ! 4-:I ! HI. A . BLAND, Dentist, j . criAnLOTTr. rr; c. SH-rritA"t it A'rJTflittlrr if J.''Hlit. " -f 5i-o af herftnlorc. opposite t'liarlotte iii.trl. : , .iM.on arranteI. tlna aOniinilrrd. !. "4. I i. Robert Uibbon, Jt. D., IMIVICIAX r.M HKiShON'. jl .e" 'Vfr Sia.lh i Ureiu'a Urug Store i;r...m-r on College li e. .'I. If7t. ! j, M. D., J. P. McCombs, tlf.-p Lis .rvrconl pt-rTire to the c.iixena of t'urliie aI Mirroundiag country. All calN. both n (;..raiid ilajjToroptly aiieti'Icu to. wii--- in lirvwn's h4il'lingt up niair. opposite the l"nrl4te Iloiel. - - j ttct lr. ! john! n. wtcaden, Dr. Wholesale and Retail Druggist, cn.ui.iTn:, a. j c. , on hand a Ur?c ami w, II aeli-cteil arock of PL' UK Ii:t"iS. Chi-m'.els. I'aJvni Medicine. Family Medi ci. i I'aint-. O.l--. Varin-hoH. byiSiull'.. Fancy and T. :i-t Article".1 wdirii lie ieierniinel to sell at the trrv liwi"t price. Un I. lKtK- J W. . F. DAVIDSON, a x il o n . v t is . vv , Charlotte N. C f; mt :. j KiwirM ,.v Mort. r-e is, j- !. DrJ E. C. ALEXANDER, Charlotte, N.:C, OT r hi- a--v'a riiy;cian to ,ihc citizens of CUa-i.t- airl fyrronii'I-nx country. U'tiri- ii..Jt,y ojip-..t.-i'hrl.lle l!n?el. v iir. Al.'vii Ivr link;-" a jrood Cough Mixture. 1 "... ... i- - It i'uuiii Mullcine. Try it. raArTf cal Watch and Clock Ii?, j . I AM I.KA1.KW IX j JFAYKhRT. WATCH ks. CLOCKS. Ang. 10, l.c; 'CHAKI.t)TTK, N. C. MAN ST ON HOUSE, Cjhirlotto, N. i C. T!i: n--11 kmiwn IIoiim harini be"n n- Tv fur- n:!il and rrfi;:rd in i-v-rr d-p.:rim-nf. is now open fur tLt ai--n:iodalioli ! tin ! ti:a 17.7,av; rrr.ur. r "tlinii.hU!-'H at lh m-pol on nrriTal .f Train. Jvi Jl. lkti I I I II C. F.Ci'LF.S. B: III SMITH & CO, General Commission Merchants, i "I ' i i P..r the aal tt Cotton, j .Cm ton Varu. Naval Stores. &c and the parui-e ot iiiiuuy ( lot ha and Mcrclian- di- jr.-iiMnlIyj J j ) , . j , l.thrr.il t -h advance wade on conigi!nu-nt to n. and al! iiimI Ufil'.iir offf red. ! hopr by fair aud lioiirl dinling. and fur hcl evri to plee. to rrceivc fro:n nur trii-uda llml en rniimgrm.'iii which it skull h- nur aim to lorril. lrdrr ol.rttvi nnd prmopilv tilled tor liuuiiy f-i M Fih mm44 aad Miwt. e.. KC. H:rra ct j 1'kr hij-miv to Jln r-'n',Trii. l".w.. Pr-. fcl.ot Nat I'tank. Ponton, lrinx II.-vu.il L. tUk P.-arl St.. I ton. MurcU.u A '.. iT IVir: St.. Mew' York. J V- lirve- C.k, ChurUne. X C. ! R V VrV lro. Kmi . Pro. Ut Nat P.ank. Charlotte T W Iv-Wfy . Co . ltmkrn. t UrUllc. X C U M Il4lpa. l.'n.. CtmrUt;t. X H illiim . htrrh x. k i.iiiingtnn. X C Col tt'u Jn Vi.w.t Pi- I'bi lone niiii .uj:iiia Rail rwa-L CiiJM'imic. X C. j Frpt S. ; j , Charlotte Fomalo Institute, eilAKi.nn K. s v. The next S-ion of lhi Institution ,ill commence .r:,.; '-' i": "' i I A full rorp of Teacher iu all branches itMinlly J aul in lirsi rla-n Fetaalf Schools, haa been eiu- F..r t4talaiif containing full pnrticnlara aa In eij. -na.-. .ur of -ju It. rt-gnlat m.. Jtc. apply to ' t U:v. liL'ilWKM. SOX, July If. I S SI ' ' I Charlotte. X". i liARGE i STOCK. t -Wittkow3ky & Rintels receiT.l one of ilie largest Sfocka of Cortd eTer of -rod in.thia market, and are receiving week ly 1 1. 1 ;.. ili at they are prepared to supply any a-i'Hinl .r j..,ironig they may be favored with du r",rt:ie Fall aad Winter. ! rri ouiry Mt-r-hA?? ayfe epeeially invilcl to eH an runuar tin Sock of liod. a they cau 6a I ny:U;.i1 w,oj.! i- i. kiii;; o.uatry Siora " ' ."ry rea.iihl wio!e-al. j rire. ie n4 a call nifl f nor OaaU and hear our prire Sofore niakiag j.mr pnrehaea. l.i'f-r I ni fit" lh 7. 1HT.; , M .0 A r Mf iTrKtMVSKr i RIXTKLS. 1 - Home rnreRFULxr-ss. Jinny a child pofg a,Jr!lJ- w'" " tliertt ix a want of prajer or virfnc at ht)Uic ,iut gin , beC:1U!,e bme aci.g FiiiiHli'ne. A oh ild need fin lcs as much its flowers need nnbfi;8. Children loot little bc- vond i)t. present niomont. If a ibirijr plcaefis. I lcy rvt ;ijr tnct-k it ; it it diipreaMw. they are prone to avoid it. i If h"ine in the place where Tacca an? fur, and words harsh, and f;iult-find- iujr i evcr ill the rsceiidant. they will pctid'8 I many hours as iM.s'.bIc elsewhere. ' Let every father aild mother.' then, try to be happy. 1 Let theui talk ti tlwir "children, especially the little .ones, in u-h a way aa to make them happy, j EDWIN GLOVER, ! Watch llakor and Jeweler, , PROM rAYETTEVBLLE, ' l .-- . : ; , - Haa retMove! to- -. . . i . - j . ' f II A U L.OTX E, If . C, L AnI taken the Store formerlj oorupied hy Mr iWk with. adjoining Mrs. I. Query's Milliaery Kiorjj, where he intemla carrying on the ' Watch and Jewelry Business In all its braitchra. : llaTing had an experience of thirty yea,ra in North Carolina he coujider? himself cutuptHent fodo'any work in his line. lie will-also keep on hand a guod stock of Watches and Jewelry and other gooda usually kept in a Jewelry Store- ) He rcspfcifutly fohcita thu patronage tif the citi icn of t'liarl'iiift and ricinify. j : All work dnn will be warranted fur I. months March 14. lKTt). ' S ' First National Bank of Charlotte, UllAULUTfE, A. C. JL Offi re m Orrirtaa. - i R. V. McAden. i a. President. M. 1. Pegram, Cashie G. lirenixer. Teller. ' Boaro or DikectokV, R Y McAden, K 1 Oatea. T II ISrem. W'm Jnhnxton, H Uarringrr. Wm n Mrers, S A Cohen, Peal. in Tlllla of nxchnfi. Sight Praft. C.ld and Silver Coin, an-1 Oorerninent and other heeuntie Jan 1. lTO ' . ' j BARRINGER & WOLFE IIjiT" a l.i re stock of lry lool!. Clovt-a, Hosiery, and Trimmings of all kind f 1 j r i Barrinper & Wolfo liar S:ik. Fancy aul lilack iiuwl.i, 1'arasols and fiue Faiia. I ' Hardware, ' Surh n f!imM. I.ntks. I I i.r-j. Anvil?. icPf. Ham mere and Screw1 Plate, and P.la-k".irnh": JStdlows of all aixes, at P.AUHIXGliK & WOLFK'S. vi 'J , j-... j" r Shoes, Boots, &c , And don't, f.irgft if you want a pood Fnihrella to go lo 15a.rriugor & WoliV'a and get one Alpacca L'ni- hrella are the best. ! i ! Aprd II. 1M7. :j RAUlilXHEll 4 VOLFK. SMITH & HAMMOND,!. ; J SnreeuH to Smnli it llrvin.) J Wholesale! and Retail Druggists, ' (I'ltUlifr 1 'it fir. tj,finsili- t!ir .filnsiiu itU-C, (IIIKLVTTn,-N. V T. SMITH, M. I)., .farch -'8, 1870. II. II. IIAM.H.D P.Al'.llKbS (ri liA MOI.ASSKS. ! STj5 0 Uarrela .. t. Mlasrf, )r STF.XHOUsn, MACAU LAY i CO. I - 1 .". : . ' Yarns and Meetings. 1 nal?i V.-irii! and Sheet iiiga from fi tit rent Fac tories, lor saK-at F.iciovy j rict"'. ' STKNIIOcSi:. ;,MAC.VLLA1 & ( O. Baltimore Bacon. : VI Hhdd. 1mIi iiuo.e liiicont tor -alu by .sTLMlOLSh, MACAl UT A-'l '.K I87U. I -f &. CO. M. HOLT & CO., 11 A VK JUST nixLiVKU j I SO P.'XKKKi'.S prtue Corn Whiskey; Hi ilarrids Noiiii Cafohna Moiiula'n 1'ew, 10 I!arrels ttld bye for medical 4ir.ot'e.5, . 1 Uarrel old Sciippernoiig Wine. j i Pure Cherry V ir. Chaiupaigne, Ac. V) Cac C.inueI Pcachea. j ! Iu CaeI Toiiialtocs, I 111 Ca a ,tyters f i I'll Hai-rel Crackera freh. 20 half tioxra M.U. RaixiiiM. 20 oiie-eiifhili la.st-a il.K. KaUins. '20$ bjig Family Flour, Hobs aad others, "t warianiel good. j T 14. i: i ' ' i Tutt's Vegetable Liver Pills, Cures )i-easea o'l the Liver aud Stomach.! Tutt's Expectorant, I A il-..iHaui eure for t'ougha. . Cobla. ete. Tutt.s Sarsaparilla and Queen's Relight, Tue great Allertive and LMood Purifier. ' Tutt's Improved Hair Dye, Warranted the bcMil'ye, in use. ' i ! Eft. Thee raluntile preparation? are for aale by Urii!2.i'i rerM where. J ' ! Fh 1 1. IK7t Tin !...-!; Notice. GASTON & JMOORE, Su-ccssors to Wiley Al' (iastou, I j Stoves.. Tinware,. Zinc, Tin Plate. j i i e contract for Koonng. epairutg ana all COtlKlXO STOVES on baad of all sizes from $13 . ! . ; I . to-JI. lo which we invite attention. ' i 1 L OASTOX & JiOOREl , Next lor lo r.rem. Brow u & Co'a iJrj Golf Store NvJ!aroh 21, 1S70. , . . : , Preserve Your Eyes. J These Leu--. a. manufactured by the. Philadelphia Optical JiiMiiute.'artf superior lo any other lilasbes iu ilie luurkrt. Tiiey confir a britiiancy atwl dis-liiM-'lness of iaioo,itot louul i)i ny w'ht-r ilass. . Tory can he used equally well without tiring or fatiguing the eye. - i sir For ?ah? only at JOHX T: r.UTLER'8 Jewel ry Store. Main Street, sole agent in CharlDttcX. C " i ii i - i - I ; ' " j 1 I II I f"' ""I ' I : ' j ' I .'I III ill! i i I I II .1 II I I il I 1' I 1 II ! II l II m III i "rT" ; :7T rrrX - - 1, i ' XX' I, - .X X 1" . ' I ' - ! ' X : : i ' ' .i "V '' " ! -:: 1 ; .j-X .v-,.L , I- ,..J. L, -i.-im,.-'-..i-i. f ? -,.- :'! -i . - w j . ,. . - . . !'.- CHARLOTTE1, N. C, TUESDAY,! MAY 37, It CarrierPigeons at Sea- j , AYhen the probable ios of the. Imran frlrani ship bity of jton w.-m" firft suirjrested in the jew5pspers, on account of her - uon-arrival at ;Liverpah stmie one in this country proposed the enipl5yment of carrier pijreims as eea 'iiie??e!irr8 ;of didtreM. - A prominent -London journal qc :votesj'M.Ine article to thic pripraitioii. and nrvkp that a test of its practicability be made, lf.it certiiin, or even only probable, that- had thi-pe been anitaldy trained carrier pijreons on the ity f Biiston, we phonld now know the story of her f ite. The fact is one of no elijjit i merest and importance. ! 1 j j There can be little doubt tliat the missinjr steamer is finally nnd forever lost,;. Whether die was destroyed by colltdinj! with an ieeberw when a few days"4 out from Halifux"--as Mr Ih man, Jber owuerbelieves -or whether - she was consumed Iy fire caused by the overheating lf her etlines. as has been rnmoi ed. we shall prp bably never know. And, if anythinir. it ithas dreadful want of knwlelire that jiifensIfiVs tlje aiiLrui.sli if lliofe whose dear ones fornied a part Vf the precious human freight on board the fated ship. ' j 'j:: " ' !';;' j In jordt-r to en'pi-y carrier pipreons for tlje conveyance of ineaes from vessel in distrewj it would be liecessajy to tablh larre di'Vecits as hoifues f.r them atone or two of our important senpnjjt, from which they could! be taken ly biitwnjd ship.". In case of siecitlent or perir.fa slip ot w.ifi'r-prKif p ip"r attached f ne of tile birds jjwoiild be swiftly borne to the cot fnwii whiclthe pijfeon c.;iue, provided the: distance were iit tai ureat. and the bird could be induced to fly jjrom the shipj KiVe bundled miles is a mx flisht for the carrie pijrein, though sea bi ids can doubtless traverse a Ionrer distnuce without touching the waterjlnore than once or twice. Iut the petd of the"( carrier pireon is very re-it.' At the an nual pigeon race In Ii. hiium laftJuly, soie l.ld()0;were sent from llrussuls to a place rieir Touloiis. ")20 miles distant." There they were ltst r. and the winiiiujr bird reached .mussels n tw wi-ntV hours from the time, he was liberated. ' ing iiiclinatioii I to food: help ils Imwels. ifneccs n Kn:land. 'etirriera have fluwn '200 miles In j sarvjwith i.ijccti ns of oil. , Soap nnd water, and I three hours and a halt. I - ',s i't'nvfiry will beias steady as the " pTtiwtli'of.a' I I'seful. however, a carrier piaeons niiht be prpen -ho-ike plant, if well treat'ed, Of course if in wne case.", as where a ship wns short of pri- i the child was ?1 ready. dy in?, nothiiipr could save viions. or b-r machinery disabled, they. would j it. or if it has alreajily effusions inUhe lining of a'all uothiiig. probiblyoii. the twenirence ofa the heart (ff Vraint it is much letter that it iiiiddcfi disaster. The .outbreak of fire, or a cd- l should die., Rut if the above be applielin due Ision jwith an ictderg. are accidents! so terrible j timeinnder the eyes and direction of a competent rtrthr nature that they leave li time fir aiiy ; -physician. T villi iirnarantee jhai not one iu a fhouhts but those of how to escape.!) And it is hundred children will die of scarlet ! fever.l I probable, that some such sudden and unexpected know that this'will startle sonie ofmy readers, late b-ji'el the City of Hoslon ; smne disaster thjit ! especially thosi who have lost jchildre-n already. wot.ldjJhave rendered the writing of a. message j bnt. t shall go stil farther. inafntain i that'a aud Attaching it to a bird utterly iinipossibft. : childj will i nevjnvcret scarlet fevcif if properly liut if she went d -wn iii a storm at sea', and be- i treated. Tf a' rthild' has I correc.tlv I mixed blood fore sie had half crossed the oceani carrier "eoiiN taken from this ;s:iln --might.;;. well lae word's 'of her passengers (o blollg those it us th4 last in the world t icy had let. ;l . i SHERIFF'S SALE. I w- Isell tnrcash.at IhetWrt lloime in Chariot e : iday the 2::d day of .May inst., the lollowoig ! an Moiiday valuai) le LAX US and CITY l'ltol KIITV, viz : j Onefract of Laml. lyinr on the west side of Sugar ) Creek, ii'ijoining ihe I. ainls of David 1'arks. I. . J think even joiu-s nnd orhera:- Al.-. five aiid-a -half Ciiy Lots, j JjPnjon nice S inclmlShg I'eaidenee and al? improvements, adjoij:- 1 . k ' inglhq property of Mrs. Sarah Voting and others, ,nat -all the properly of W.F. lMiifer. I restoration of cl ! One fiHCi o.f Land, adjoining the lands of Daniel fteconnt of the tkCJee and oilier, aiid.oiie IrHft adjoijiing the lands j dirorllv L. A Lee and others, all the property of J. Koss. One a ores. iract of Landi : cnntaiir?ng clevru - hrndred J Ht'.i"ining the lands of I'r. S. IL iVatson. J. II Irwin And ithers. the properly of James; J Aia x well. i One Spralt ef A. (J ricr. Iract of Land, iadioliiins ihe lauils of .1. I. land orhers. and- one li-uvt ailjoiniilg .tlie lamis Xcal und others, the properly of W M. One jlract of Lar.d. ' adjoir.Inir the binds of Mrs. Mary jf.-ilhicr. Oroen; Sterle and others., and - cap ita It iideveHl in a tract known as the I'arls & Walks Mill Ti lict, all the property of Ira l'arksi May tl. 1K7. i II M WHITK. Sheriff. A h V' 1' I li. MOKRISS- & DAVIDSON, 1 tit AV-if Fut nitHi f nnt.i ' i jjtfxitc S'mr " I) run ,S''ov. i 1 j Ilavi'jig. on the first of this month, associated with mo. iu the. Furniture Trade here. .Air W. II; Morris af I'cte'rshurg. Va., and lately of Knleigh, N ('.. wo hereby Inform ihe puMiethat we expert to carry n the abe'ye business mure extensively than t ever be fore, a! greatly reduced prices. -: Jlr -Morriss is u old dea ter in the Furniture Trade: atuf in addiiidu in fceejiing every article usually found in a firsf-clafs Furniture Estahliahment we will engage to furnish Dwellings. Hoi els, Schrxds, Colleges, tVc. on better terms tintn parties, "not polled, can buy in A en- York jl A large stock if All kinds of Furniture Will bc'jjonstautly kept, embracing l'arlor and (Jian ber Siif'a. together with a full supply of iMattrasses. Jletallic Burial Cases or all files and styles, and Ma hogany1; Walnut and Tine Collins, at prices to suit the titles. . ? - I . Call at ihe -Xew Furniture House," opposite Soirr'a, l'rusr Store- and examine our Stock, ; I'ep ij5ring w.ll continue to be done al the old standi iippositie the City Clm-k, and Cine Seat Chairs r- hollonied, aa gOOJ as new. nv competent worKirren. lliltJT. F. DAVIDSON. I W. H Charlotte, S. C..' Dec 1. ISt.'J. iMOiiitlSS, Tl.. 4ulteriher lhankiiil tor .:ssf ratronase. asks a coutitiuanec of the game tthe new firm; -and now ealla upon all indebtel io h.m lo come aud close up their Accounts, as my old ba-'ineKs must be fettlod an. Claims contracted 'before and during the wa and still outstanding will be settled on liberal terms. If thos indebted cannot at once pay the money,,! Will cloe up ly iOie IO ineir eniiMacix'n. s lec Z", tf KOiiT. F. DAVIDSON j j! WILSON & BLACK, 1 Druggists and Apothecaries, Our tUr brli-ir S'ruli' vr. M tcutiloy tf' (.'.'f,' nk,tv' in Sfore ft i bire and cornnlete stock f ! l'nlre Drugs, j ' Mclicines, i ...J'alinra. r : ' ' '''"- j Dye Stuffs. ; reifumcries, Flavoring Kxtracts, ' ' . f pices, ic. iJ AUi. a lartre rcV of Window Glass, Futty, Whi te Lend And evlryth-ng kepi in a arai-eUsa'DIif ( .slOhE i All t ihe above article? will be soi l very low, a' i.r V.M-ti l.-jii.'i.i riistfi! tiie late Uecbne sn I II- Jf i,v vfc--. r - prices. - I ,1 Snrtil indneemenls to Country Merchants. I We iavite onr friends and ihe pnblrc generally to ier na'a. call. ! WILSON BLACK. J Scarlet Fever- How to Cnre it It always begins with loss of appetite; then fever and sore throat; then red patches; the re- covery,' or otherw'si nutckor slow death, accord inr to circuipstanccs. ri To arrest Its course, and to prevenfits hivaes, jrucdicincs and manipula tinn!f? fifji'finA hate been tried in vaiu; for more children die of .scat let fever now than one hun dred years norol lint whv? Uecaiise that ' noth inp is as yet known as to what scarlet fever is; audi what is stjll vforse, there was!, until recent ly, no need feU of such knowledge. It is as un necessary for a jchild to die of scarlet fever its it is that itshonjil be blind with cataract. Jet lis seel At any time; before the body has finished its ineffectual strojirfrle we are able toTielp it, not by wonderful uiiedieincs, brtt by the - knowledge o anatomy and th4ipplicatjon of comntoti sense Wcconsnlt th sympaThetio jnerveTand do what it i cpuimands us to do.i We mnst jrive' . this child salt, when! it wants it; we must p-ive it acid when it has fever, and anxiously craves for it- no vinejrar. but lemon juice, because the first coagulates albiimcn. the latter does nott on ac count of the surplus of oxye which it contains. To mutate t lie jsoof.hmp: unicous in the intestines which is now waiitiur, and toS jriye some respir atory food at t lie siune time, we add some: gu in. arahtc. To restore and relieve the f njured nerve wc: apply moisE J warmth.' In pi act ice. we can fulfiljl all this with he' I follw;iiir manipulations: Undress the child, aud brinj; it to bed at the first' jsirn.of sii-jLtuss. flive it . if it already has fever, nolhinjr Jiit jpourish warm letiwmade. with some ru m arable I it it. j Then! cover its abdomen with dry flannel Take a well folded bed sheet, and ut it in WuTinjr hot water; wrinr it. .out dry by uieans of dry ttiwtds. and put this over the flannel on the Child's abdomen. 1 hen cover the whole, and wait. jThe hof cloth will, perhaps, require repeated heat, i According to the sever ity, of the c;iss -and its stages j of progress, perspiration will commence in-the child in frtm ten minutes to;. "two hours. The child is then saved; it soon j falls to slecpl Suon after 'the child awakes it, shows slight symptim'S of return-' $ it will not catcii th disorder if puff to bed with siekrchild. Thi is still more startling, but (nothing is easier pf proof.'! ThPame is also true I of whoopmir enjugh cholera infiintuni, Arc.f ! of wlioT)inir "enaihi ; cholera infantum. Arc. i I i rof'erl to Professor Vi feasor lV(nNiemeyers treatment of I -whooping cough; ill consists of equal '..tempera-. Tun a Tunm VV"1 UK '-Lrreesaiiu , regulation of jpprOpriare digest ion. j lie Wnr- rants', bv followmir this Sinp'e conrso. every case of whooping eoiigh to disappear in three weeks. think even this time could Ie shortened. ilf. crnm arabic t and heat are. all d in cholera infantum oti.lv digostion is hpre;more-diffienlt-on intestinal linings benig injured - -.i - : I.. 1 IX JSlOXS When you see the sun !risingdiefore on get out ofjbeil- it is a sign that 'oii would not do for a farinerj When vou see a liy; throwing stones on the tree( and spentingjmpudently to old peiqiTejt is a siirn that us parents don't care : umch fiir him. i ; Wiien you See a gnl .' throwing kisses ann ll4..n .... 1 . . . .. . . . . l.AH . I . . .) ... ! . winking at the uz Vb I lie iiio i; i in iwm nil riiki n . 11 is a si !rn that slie is tM vounj; to be out of sight of her maternal relative When you aee 3'onng-rentl iMiieii and hid es whispering and! giggling and writing notes in chinch, it is :i iin that the man who teaches iroiKI iinanners mnmeo. ro give tuemi a van wuen he come along the hist time. Jed do, the ;ej:ipitji of Jiipanj is. ptiou, the largest lind niost popuh without ex- cent us city in the world T ..olt,iii I be ritt imiidier nK 1 000 (HID dwellings, and 5.000.000 hnmiin souls. Many of the streets are nineteen Japan series in length twenty-two English miles. The commerce of Jeddo t;ir exceeds that of any other city in the world, and the sc along the cpast is ciistaiitly white with sail of the fnithet'ii portion of the emnire. where they are laden with rice. tea. sea-; ! coal, tfdiaceo. silk, cotton and tropical fruits, all of which can find ready market in the Aortb. and then return, freighted with .corn. salt, isin glass ami various i -other produetio'ns which have a 'market in fhd South.' , I" ' :V GROCERIES, &c. 11. M. PUKSSON. X'JTt. If-iotr Jirure's 11 irk n-Vdiun. i Has receyved a large Stock of choice ! Family Groceries, Which be is eetling at fair, prices. - He does not'profess to ell below cost, for eTcry body knows thai if he was lo do that he eoiild not lire and pay his mt; but he pwmhcs-to ell gools aa low as I hey can be bought in this market: His Ktoek emliface everything usually fouud io a Grocery Storestieh aa 1 ; . i 1 ' j Bacon, Lard, Flour. .Sugar, Coflee, Molasses, Salt, &c.f. A elioiee Selection of LlQUOIiS; for medicinal pur poses'.1 nnd oiherlarticle too tedioun to mention. I Call and examine my fioola and prices '. : Juf received a lot of fine; WHLSKhYivniade by Mntx of Liucaln county. ' ! X May 2. 1H7U. S Ii. M TKESSOIS. Agent. V I Sheetings and Yarns- Ifc IJALKS DIVINGS VI LLfc SHIUTINO and Sheeting. ' , 10 Hales Varns. assorted numbera, ' i For eale at Factdrv prices lr 1 ; v i STlNIIOCSK, MACAULAV i CO. April 2-", 1S70-, IP ! fl "If ' "I I J: Tntt s Sarsnpanlla and lear. the skia a.d imparts a beau- 1 . ! ; I I Oneeu a Delight lears tifnl romplexion - - 1870. .I'i'X-l-' Cotton Cultivation i the'Cfntrnl lroviactp ' I 'ttice E sties' f Plant. ' ' ; :.L,. From th CalcuttaEnglisliman, March 8. . So rapid ias been th e ex tension of cot ton cub tivation in this country that the latest retarns from the lioard of jTrade in England show that more cotton lias been imported ' from India do ring the past year than from her preat rival America. -s From America 1,035,811 bales were imported, and from j India L490.674. The American bales are heavier than the Indian, but. if equalized, the. result is -Still in faTor of India by about 200,00(1 bales.! Another favorable feature in the return for Indian cotton is, that a much larger quantity of U is used on the Con tinent ofKurope. and the demand for this mar ket maylaioNt de iid to be io - its" infancy. According to the Iatestl returns, however, frooc the central provinces, ihe cptton crop of the pre sent; season from thai part f, the country is t:l.l.. .' ! i. u: .1. i. j ;i . i-.. ! . i j . -l I iiiteiy i";uc uoni uau in quainy, aaa ueucieut in i quantity notwithstanding tfle lucreased area cul tivated. The increasld Pof.h irovinces-f-nirly double that of the western !province8--ne.irly previous year rmay Injlp to make up tbe bulk of the crop to the 'same quantity as j last year, but the best central I mdian coitotj is ihe produce of the provinces. aud a deteriora'i m in itis quality is likely to jprejudice the other descrip tions1 of Indian cottoii Thb cidtou prop in the central irovioces: has suffered durinir the nast yearfrom seveial causes damp rain, red fly and ir.c umi worm ueiug iue , priucip-ii. i lie uamp and j raiiiyi weather ia Depember, just as the plants were in boll :md m blossom, eooiled the I color and knocked )lt the blossoms. - More rain a i w r ft - p ' w i " . fullowed.at the begin lung of the year and again on the ltth of J.-iiiusiryL which further increased the damage already done. II Duringthe: damp weather the .process of cotton ;: 'cleaning, is also stopped, and by ths delay- the color is injured. In many parts the cultivators estimate the loss of the crop at fifty jpeij cent., but Mr. Kivett Ca mac-is inclined fo tadce a iniore favorable view of the out-turn. The cultivators, he says, spread those r -ports h....r . r mi LiiDu iiic in uc, nuu liiauv on theiri arej.iitow in a position to be tiiitil pHees :rise. able to hbld their produce and as this is genendlythe case towards the close; of the season it arcounts for the quajitity already sent to' mar- time or ainouul ly 23.391 bales.,against 70.1 175 I in 1 809. Altl.ofigh there trtay be some force' in flr. ("ariia'8 irguilient, iit appears just as probalde that the deficiency iri th crop has had as great tin effeel us. the desire for high jirices, fir thojrefunis fromaIl the. districts are unfavorable, and Mr'. Oiruac; will not venture to give ah estimatie of th'i jrob:ble out-turn. What the borer is to the cofftje planterand the shen.knj poka to the rice growe. theibolt : wormiappear to be to the cotton grower. It prefers corn, but if corn isf not 'availably. It attarjks the cotton and as the corn . cnp js generalliyr carried before tlio'; j cof tinii crop, it' ilways hjjs jto fill back on the laiter'. I Like tlce borer and :sheuka pokaj, ir is , als extremely difficult to get rid of- in. fact, the Oulf remedy sjugge-ted jappears to be to let the land lie idle fo- year, jexposcd to the sun and rain, which destroy fhe" eggs. ; Another peculiarity Inf.. the woniis that in a wet season it attacks the indigeiems plants, nud in a 'dry season the exotic, varieties, as each dcsenption i.irnhifspecutl vircuufetances tlief weaker. Iii Aniei-ic:itfsoxs of defieessucii ss planting al ternate strips oforii and cottin.J keeping the latter, plouuliinir up i he gr iima several times ana exposing tempt ing baits iii i thi shape of inohisses, colwlt and' vinegar mixed.! have bejen tried, but without suc eess, The j only reiueqy appears to be that pre scribed for jthe tiheuka kn : to urn the affect ed crop on It he. .ground f and!, let the ground lie fallow for a' certain time. T This fs more than the cultivators can afford, laud the Cotton Commis sioner should encourage sny experiments likely i-.: - - i i . . i . - . to eradicate tius lajst ti me cotton-growers. Draw Pcker " on' the Ohio. On a recent : pleasure! tnp.1 savs the Indiana- jaiu! ceniiuei. we were amuatu at ine uescripitou if. 1 . ' '": 1 : . t l" . .' that Ian' 6k geiitlemat from Illinois gave of a gajne of ' blnffor. drawj poker. JKrom his iuuor cent biannep' we were' ce'ufident thai he knew no mm e about! it than h isl la tigUagc indicated and we formed a very favorable opinion of the moral ityj of the cpmmunity iii which he resides. Here is (he gentleman's description : hTherc are ftiur well dressed young ifipu at ih Lb!e; one of them had bunch of sihall, n'cel pictured paide boards air ut the size! of an eiivcloj e, though not so large; some had pictures tf men and some pictures of women, and some had only spots oh them j " some of the spots .were red aud some black : he mixed them altogether, and laid them down and said rcuf;" but! did not see any knife j the one on the; right to take off about a dozenj the. fellow who had mfxed them then put the dozen at the b ttoui of the bunch, and thc-u coui tiieured throwing them-around with the picture id down.-giving each, including himself, ait first i wo and tlieii three. Kach then lok,ed c.iro t'ully at his pastebiairds, being : careful thai none of the others aawj his pictures, aud . then each put down a dullaf and said he' would bet lie bad the best pictures! jr the best p tsteboards,, aud I don't know exactly which. 'J be man with the bunch' then B.nid. low inany imre paste boirds d'you want ? and they , each' gave back two or three, and received the same u umber oft the bunch, j -They all hjoked carefully again, and t wo of them said they Would -pass out but they sat stilly 1 1 he other two each put down a five dollar note' aud one id" them said 'Kings up. dueees downj btJt 1 didn't see: anything go up or down j tlie Other saill Thr.e queeua. ami be took the money. I si)p se one of them must be a lunatic on the way to tlie bsyluui. aud the other arc his friends trying to ,mue him. 1 hope they will ke rp quiet until we gct into prt."' Ve exnreaa the 1hu4 that the old ereutlettiao arrived sale at his liouie' it the luorul city vf l hitagujX ", J.'JJoys,! said Uncle Veteran he examined the points of the beast, - "I don't see but one reason by that mare can t trot her mile in three unn- lilt.' i mci l'iiicicu OIVUMi .lUr ;nd inqflirej hj.'l replied, -he distal for so short a time." mp utea." They gathered around to bear this orae- f what is it Ty istanco is too great ket being so much smaller than at this last tear.! 'I'n to the end of January the sent forward was on! at - I a l i. ' -af EICnTEETiTD YOirilE -A I U C E It Z22. Agricultural. Substitute for Ilanure. The following . receipt fur raising potatoes ia worth the price of any paper for one year to luruier a no is snort oi ma u are. il u as gooa aa the superphosphate of lime, and will not cost , half as much. , It haa been tried two years, aad ' is good on dry land : , "Take one cask of lime and slake It with water, and then stir in one bushel of fine salt, and then mix in loam or ashes enough thai it will not be came mortar ; it will make about fire barrel. Pjit half a pint in a hill at planting. All man. ' ones containing potash are particularly soluble ' for the potato. Ashes contain more than an? ' 1 r 1 . -r. - other natural fertilizer, and should be freely used and carefully saved. Any farmer seeing the aualysis of the ashen of potatoes can readily im agine what fertilizers prod ace the greatest e&bct, and what the plant most needs. j . Bo.Nta and Asncs. lionca and ashes pass ) Wlood is still the chief fuel in the farm borni, .ii .i i e .u i. s n ' u h iu in iiiu as oca u pi city well uuuer stood; They are prised for the lye thej jlcld; and if there is s surplus from the soap-makingi th 'y help the kitchen garden at the back door. The bones are generally thrown to the dog and loi t. -1 Now, if the careful houtewife would ears ' th s bones as regularly .. as the ashes, ihe would 1 prtcticoa wiser economy, and help ber kitchen' irurdeil lwilw Tuut lL.na in tvnrfli t !m gal-den twice as fast. Bones are worth twice si ' mjich as ashes for manure, if dissolved, and the ashes will reduce them. Put both Into a barrel in the cellar, if jou please, aud after mixing thfem half and half, keep thenr constantly moist wijth Roapsuds the hotter the better. - The : su Is should not be poured un in such quantities ' as Lo leach tho ashes. In a few mouths the bones ' wi 1 be disintegrated, and the whole mass may ' th :n be mixed and will make an excellent fertii izr for the flower border or the kitchen garden. ' . -j, ... ;' , -. . - Milk 'If you desire to get a large yield of milk, give' your cow. three limes day, water slightly salted, in which bran has been stirred at ' the rate of one quart to two1 gallons bf water. ' You will find that your cow will train tweuty.fire ' per cent immediately under the effects of it, and she will become so attached to the diet as to re- fuic to drink clear water unless very thirsty, bat ' thfs mess she will drink almost st any time, and ' ask for more. The numnut of this drink is an ' ordinary water pailful at each time, morning, noun und uight. Your animal will then do her ' lest ut discouutiug the lacteal.' ijCr The pest of our orchards lays ifs eggs In tbif moiiihs of June and July, depositing them in ihJ bark' near or just below the surface of tbe soill. These eggs sooir hatch, and the grub im mediately commences to' eat its way into tho tree. puliing its castings out of the hole, and by this sign we inay" readily detect its presence. At this time the Utrrrs arc very easily destroyed with a wire or a sharp p-iintcd knifo, but allw th'bui to penetrato the wood several iochee and it becomes quite difficult to reach them. As . tli08c borers live two or three years, ealiug con tinually aud penetrating the tree farther. and farther each scusoii.it must be apparent losrery one (hat they should be destroyed ,bc for a they' have done much damagu to the trce. 7curti i mid Home. . Girdling: the Globe,1 Cleoursphers must shortly be driven to des pair by the incessant boring . aud cuttings te which the earth is subjected in this period of startling material development. The greatest kiiowh dgf. of. the planet will be at fault io kacp iiig pace with the changes which canals, rail rmds,itunneU aud submarine coutriraucea are daily working. , . 1' ranee, elated with . the snccess of the Soes canal, now nrotioacs to cut auolher front tha Ilav . i - - j of liiacoy to the Mediterranean, avoiding the Straits of Gibraltar, at a cst of $120,000,000. Parties are exploring the Isthmus of Dariesj with the view of, discovering feasible canal route between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans at that point. . j Kiightiid is laying , the spawn of future enta mercial wealth and power in submarine cables to the East . Indies iid South America. The primpieitiou of Cyrus AV Field, recently made to Cotngress,' to establish a company witbi s capital of, $10 000,000, for the purpose of laying cable from an Francisco .to China and Japan, if successfully carried out, will complete tbe gir dle of tetegraphie lines around, the earth, nnd give ns itutaut communicatiou with all the iu-. portatit centres of trade iube world. J i '.... It is the glory of modern science to hare tarn ed into sober . reality the visionary dreams of ptietie fancy in a former period. Pack's feat ofputting a girdle around the earth iu forty se onuds is buugiingly luwf compared with tha elelctrie flaih. . . . : I ' j More than thisj The sj-stcui by which trains are moved upon thousands of miles of railway, alttJ'ft with the precision and accuracy ofvlotk wirk. by iiicana of the telgrajh, U being trans ferred to (-omiucrcc. v The ships aud tho i fleets of ihe world wilfbe moved in future tolhers mot est coruer of the earth, by instructions from the counting houses of Loudon, New York and other cities. Another coil will thea be added, to the magnet which is drawiog ... the talent and capital of the country into cities, and rero'utiou-. izitig'the social and political coudittoo of the wrld faster thau the philos.phy of the t hour Lata ever dreamed of W'ihninnto Star. . 4 '..' . a m i i . .. Has that woman a call to be a wife who thinks more of her silk dress than her ' children, and vis'ts her nursery no oftcuer than once a day f Has a woman a call to be a wife who ealU for a caslhmere ahawl ' wlwp her hus'i.ia 1's notes are being pndested I Has (ihat yroiuan a call to bef a Wife who sets reading the last new ouvtl, while her hubaud standa before the gbss vainly trying to piu together a buttonk&a shirt bosom f ' if ! . ''',' - .: ' ; l,; -i fl A jTopph'h felhw sdviaed a friend, wot to marry a p,r girl, a he would find mstriinonjr with piiverty 'up hill work Gmd said his friend, I would rather go uphill than down bill any time . '." -.'..'- . 1 I- 1 i A printer's Peril wishing to kiss bis sweet heart, said : - "JlissLucy can 1 hare the pleasure of putting my .impriut upon your bu'l. aud vicinity. Fb. 21, 1S70. Urr'i 1.".. Is7t. i April, IS, 1870. Ami 2", I70, 1m