'She 'ISSesIern c nt o c v erf , (Shctvloilc, 'Ft.CS-. V - c . i -J 1 , t I I I Rates smd Regulations J'urtlt T-mmamtnt at the MrckUnlunj Fair. At a eiDf ef the committee appointed by the .Executive Coaaarilfee of tbe Mecklenburg. Tadkiu sad CUba Fair for the purpose of getting up a Toaraauneat, beUl in Charlotte. X. C, on the 7th daj af October, the following members were present, aia: Jai. H. Orr. Chairman. Charlotte: Alfred Youag. Cabarrus; Pinkney rotta, Mecklenburg: M m. Eromenoti, David-on , College ; Allen Jones. Bock Ilill. S. C ; W. U. II. Gregory. Charlotte. N.C. The meeting was called to order and object ex plained by Chairman. I to motion of Mr Jonea. it i unanimously .re setted lhat no intoxicating liquors le allowed to be airaak by either Knight or Committee uti day of Tonrnaoieut. and it it earnestly rtfjuertcd that no af plication be made by parties fr entrance who are unwilling lo abide by the abr-ve resolution, and any .Knight violating the above will be objected to At the .coronation. . 1 fallowing rnleawcre adopted for the Tourua- aeot, together with distances, ic. : The etire Jinjaure to be run 121 yards. The litns allowed will be ! fecondt The posts, ring ami bar lo be CO feet apart. 11. A po! 0 feet -1 inches high, with 7 inch head, supported by a peg 4 inches louj; to be cut by the Kiichl Cut" and to count 1.1 10 inches from the grouud lobe taken in -Tierce l'oini" and lo count ' ' AL A pol 6 fcetf incl.ea .iglt. with 7 inch head. tupportel by a i.eg 4 inches long- -la be cut by the 2d. A ring Z inches in diameter will Hang i icci elt Cut and count '2. 4h. A rin 3 inches in diameter will hanz 0 fert front the ground to lc taknin -Qnarte 1'w.nt II J tu count 3. 6th. A pot2feet 10 incl.ea high, with 7 inch . 1 re-to-g tbercou. lo be cut by -f rout Cut -nd iiead lv count Kth Kara -1 fft li i crh r i n the hnrs lro perly will count 1. 1 rcan imagine lliat in their proper snrrounrt- Total count, 3 runanf 12 point each 30 point". ;!' ins. in the solemn beauty of the Church, ihev The regulation cavalry -ubrc to be used.. (Knights j wi uore iu,piWitl than in the aitists e rerredto (alryTci,cO iUtndio. where a lull, broad li-iht fell on ihem A Knight will be ruled out an lotion.: . I ,. it,- 1 i i i i i i Jat. lr he ridea alower tl.u li Mconda to the , the bdty open window, but I d .ubt whether ronnd. .! , .- j I heir j hileot teacliio -will ever appeal myiv 2L If he a'.rikes his hore with his aabre. " ,,tr, nrjy f the heart than once it did to oursJ Sd. If he loca hi. eahre on therun. It ; was the close of the reception, and the Knirhts will be reunircl lo make an effort lo se- J , . .. i i . i . 6 . , . ; 11 Mudio r.is ill and almost deserted, while the cure each and every point. . - , . . i .. ,. ,. ,' , i . No Knight to have His count if he fail to come toll lat evening liht ivas lading lioin the calm rest lime, but not to eic'u lc him" from hi other nles. i in niouutain. when a lew little children came Dy rcjiie-t the Chainuan of Chief Executive Com-f l'm.r foi ioin! ones, with little jo- ill the ABiuee will act a, Chirr iUiftial. and e.uh ei'.L. r! r,:Cei!, r i!,ie ullire ,'ie.. Wellt silently jpf CiaUce lw act as bub-Marshal on day ul lour , . i- - i - .i i l1 I . i J , near the toajotie unre, w Inch, in the subdued fiameut. -' ! . , , ,. , J . , , , , , , Uegalia to be u.ed by Chief Marshal blue handj! I'lit. lilted i:s hhiuiiij; head ab.ive them, and Across left breni-i, to W tied! at ji.iit t u.it .i Ji u hue j; looked loop: and wi.tlully up to the interceding ribbon and rosette, with hiie roiettc on left rhe.i. ,x t s. and downward to the pierced feet, as it Kegalia for ub-Mar-liaU-white band c.,S, left ; tii,Iv tryiii- to Comprehend that love which breaal, U be tied at junciiuu with, bine r. 1.1. on atil i . - i ! - i ' i 1 1 . i -.i JbJ-e rosette, with blue roie on h it c!,eM. , aid ufcule the .lory ol Heaven to seek wit h locked hat for both chief aud si.b-Maj-slmla. j fveary steps tor such as they. 1W little thil- There will be an entrance! lee f S-" clren ! t ould we look on theu'i and not remember Every one lig t riJe i re.jue!'icd to notify j w'nrds, uhosaid. "Inasmiieli itsjc have done one of the li..n.illee in writing a- mm.ii a possible, j u ,,ie k..ifct uf h h uut(( .... n -- t r -i- . i Knights wiU be nuirert to appear in eosturac, j jin-I at I will t.c Mii'.wci Jo -k-ci ij.e t-jinie. Knight; will llu-ieture iut'nrni t he Scej elarv ini 1 n itdy the dial actvr Kiiei- uu h they intend to ' r . , J , . j . J j ..: .. . : ..!.....- ). r.iio.i ; ;n .......1 i.. i The nutiiLer of Kniglii; will h limiit-d. j .oniVIiuicutnrv licket.i HJ tiveti t eacM Kuint , for three d.- to tin Fair tirniiti'l SlaMf and frrl will be provided fur the horses .of Ktiizht4 Ti-iii.;r f.r 81 'r d.-tr. ! The reefi'iil ii;hi k ill croa n tLe Queeunf i Lnrt m.il I'.r.iuv. j - TW three next sucreful K.ogli.s will vru .the Maids of It r. J f The curoiticn will takclnhro at the Mansion f Jloyse on tbe eeuiu 1 iV d v vf the Tuuruauieut, After hirS there wid he a "huice. Suit. it. 1" prixes v. ill be nvtmded Lo tie suc;es.ful Kn'ihl. I Thre will l.e n f.wftinjr f the TtournTUKCJit' Ciui nitlrc uii Muiidav. 17th ol'tK-toher "V. 11. II. GKEC.O.'IV. gecrctarr. i Foreign News. Ti i- t.,t...l tl.-r lt;io-.r,.L r..r,K. .1 T-.r.l I' J...na. that while he wo old be iad to u.alu; ji . .... r,rv..-.. ...I! t...-..; i i..r a. iu ..r. A ' ' . j A Dote from the lV..s.an g.cri.mrbt informs the Towers lhat Tana ll.i.ale.is t- ho!d out ,iujUI starved. Iu that eveot !iui.vds ..1 ihoii-j i .... i t : iii ti . i. ii; iniis inu.-i uie. i ruwou Tin we un.4)ir iu iwu; Paris a single day after capitulation, a.- there U : nothing edible within two days march of l'aris.j Keverlhekss l'rusia must i.r. secte tjie warj fi nd the hold lug power in lian.ee will be au - erablefer the results. ( ; ' I'art'.culars of the battle U fore Metz on Fii - .day lDth have been rcceivtd. 1 he French nut do j n sortie in torce aud were lriven ij.ick with tre- niendous loss. The - Fi u&Maus tiKk a iUiubea of prisoners The French fire from tLo forti&catious vfii Motx ct.ntiuiics incesiitlr. The I'rane-Tieucrs I ,avc Miceeedcd iii stealing the whole as.nomit not being uniformed the IN uiaiu d u..i regard ! had he not beeu jMlowed by Mr. Chase, one d them as regular soldiers W Frauce and shouij J, uUj-u i-abiuet, and stopped in the; 'very act; Jieui on sight. 1; and finally, that tliis itisatiabie robber, as one of Tlus rattle iu and arouud.'Mctz are dymg by the Hoard of Internal Improvements, g.ive 1. .u i wired" 1oui the -ritidiL,r.-.t. 'J heir bodie! lUO.lHitl acres of (he lj lorul i K-ople's Lud at a auimt be Luried fast enough P prevent an epi-i single duli. lo a. mvthiial coii.p.iiiy iu itw .rlcniie. Not wiih.-stuuiiig the huid Irosts lhe Vork.v ot which Lejis sijpp sed lo bi a very huge .disease is rapidly tprcding." fl sli.ckholder. '1 he chaiges are no doubt true. The Chinese governuicut dtfcliiieiove guar--! Vot a ijhit better thau Bullock or ntei s a-ainst l.uilhcr otragcs. All Cthohe'l U arn.oth, and but h of these adventurers have Luildip-sn ;ckiu have been destroyed. ! grown immensely jich by bribery and Corruption " t ! : . -i iu office. Thepeoplouretakiiigstepstorelor.il CHINA. A desprf, h from 1 ek... s.iys !ba.tj! C ju kuowhd-ed abuses which have disgraced ?nore outrages have been eomn.ittid uj rchpio.us . a wUkv 9 aa j . mi 41111 in r w a a. . . . 1 ... ' j ' t .1 I . '! 01 .oeeii jr., aim uiv 1 iiaim- pun iiiiikih , refuses to interlere. Ii.-jk: lh.se icjH.rtsjj ae hfifin cx;oggcrat. d. l.ut e are o.ry o sayj 4hat recent manilestatjons lu.lVkin ud uhcr .Cities icau us foiiinifc. tu iirrwsc. Jhe Shippkg .of tte Wo Id. 'The shipping of the witl.l. neeor.'.i i' to th le-j Huieau YcritaSj the Fundi L'omN. i co.upoMed i j.f 54,0l s-uliug v-.el, ti.eaMiiiiig m the ag-it grejrate 1C.O42.-10S tons, j and 4 lii'J steamers. M iiicasunng 2,4J3,4oi tons, I he n..t m.p rtai.t I -nations in the list are an follow : Enl wid has J3.165 sailite ecU, ncaiviriiig.U i'.'8 I'i'.l tons, und 2 52C McMiner, lucasining 1.5."4.7U7 tons. The JJuited States has 7.0115 viiiing vessels,1 lneasutitig 2.400.-107 tms. and 31)7 sttamersj measuruig BIH,218 tonsj . ln. e has 4.1MIS sailing vescU. n.easaring SHl.iOS tons, and 2SS steamers. iiitBnring 1 tons. The Noitli Jfiermau Confederation has 4.323 saijiug vessels.' measuring 1,017.041 tons, .-.nd 127 Meaniers, measuring 105.131 tons.! Norway has 9 072 jailing tcamtIh, mc.isurin OSD CSJ ton, and 2(1 J iatui, iuiasw,j: jnij u .s i mailing vessels, mcasurinsr I'O. j4tl tou. and Sb teameia, measuring CU.pS H ji p dn h .H 2-036 saiUug vcsseU, me-uring 543.007 tousi And 148 Bteamers, measuring 93.345 tons. SAVE YorR TREr.S. Some yars aco. when 4hj caterpillars were di stroying all the fine shade Irtes, particularly the elm?, Pinart Yankee in rented a simple method to check them. Iti thia : Take a piece oF heel 1m 33 make a trough .of and Dfil it closely ono.iid the tree; then fill .with train oil and the caterpillars refuse to take the responsibility of swimming over. Frm present appearance, unless Knauethingia done to atop their ravage, we shall lofce a great number vof ornamental trea. i Art in North Carolina Paintings for a New . ' Yoik: Church. : : Correspondence of tbe N. Y. Journal of Caa erce. ' LenOIK, K. C; ?cpt. 19. 1870. What think you, M r Editor, of an "art item" from our iouutaius. and ot.New York receiving fine pictures from North Jt'aruliua ? , f. Our little village has been pleas.intlj excited by the fiist artist'a reception ever piven in this region, and the octMrjoii , litis been as much en crhaijs, as it Would have been in other beauty -loving lauds, blc.-sed like ours with d.catuy mountains and air which you .only find here and in Italy. 1 lat w ek Mr OerteJ kindly opened hiKtudi to the public lor thiee das. and not wit liMaiidinjr the aluio&t, ciudant rain, hundred f people, in cluding many lriui jatl.er diMaut towns and villages, avaiit-d tlieui&ch es of an oppoi tuuity so rarely offered in tins fcountry Ihc p.iiiitinstxh:tited are five Iar:e pictures intended for the Church of the Heavenly lict (Dr. Iluwland's) in Forty-ninth street, New Y. rk The central figure,- i which is eiht feet aud a ' half hi-h, reproeiits our Saviour as our ; re.it 1 II ih driest in Heaven, and th other four are l .pi,;,, wMh tipllltcd irdorin laces, and ...i. ' , . v...l.: ...i i..i-0 ,.r i ... Hit.-, , i awe, Mca K oi punt V jii'tu oi Kiiowieuc niuuc-u i wit in u it ie veu tit eternity . jSut 1 need not at i ' t w a . tempt n description, as the church I have men tlolJCj will be ie- pelied eai ly in October, and , , vturvgl ;,.. be ecu in the chancel end.. PH framed in richly carved black walnut. lue now t'to list ravs arc fading, and o .ly a I. r touch here and there hows where an . , eacl staii'J. or a caitooti for a new picture is Imnir on the w..ll. So ue must eave the studio, uiier length of das iu which I wUhing its gilttd tu complete his great a nd beautiful designs tJUZEXJ UnfortQuate Florida The terrible mi.-rnltf to which the pe.p!e of North ('aroliiu hate beii subjected for lhe pit ars e,(aulc:J to 1U(1 iympiluz.uh , - . ; ' 4UC PV1,I" eui ;or our si.Mcr Ooutneru I stales iu.it have al.ke been cursed with vi.e oiD ecisaiid robbed Ity the Viihans liiat havw been un- : fortunately (iiroito t. loe p dilio'd Sdi taCvJ witli- ,. jii t J . e l.uu jMSt. 1 looo.viii lro.ii u Juie ; number of t.ie .Uei.dian (Miss ) (Jazettc e ;j jilaius the state ol all a us in Fioiida : Thre has Lech a nar jroiiii: on in Florida 'jr a oiir time between Governor Kecd and LieUtcuaul Goyeip.or GJeasoii. j- lt giew out ol .leed did pot "t.iie lair;" a if spoils. D.lU are n-uea ol the deepest- dye. and they I : : i I I ouai relied because 1, ecd wanted Hie ,lioii j. ; n.iie'" ol uhat had been ti.len from the Txotk A ricct I0,ailliU ui charge.vhas been made ao;:UlJPt liccd, airn'mg Ueui "that he received a b b ,.i live thouand dollars to cail the U-is- . i - i n ,,. i . i ...r ,o..l ..... I.. - i. ,....,.- f... Hie M,s.,oC 0 c ,,,.1,1 certain ra.Iioad bills; t It.. L he stok l.iickclt il lout' :tlloUaoil doll. .is li.iiiili-il lilm . ,., i.i.,i :.i. js..,.,, 'I ure : tlo,i. j; Mimj tuveu hu..j d.,,s belonging to "'the jinking lued ; paid one hundred and fiity d,l i tars lor pi intuiir b ui ls and djected from t lie treasury seven hundred dollars for the work ; th!.l he forged -a statute authorizing him to re ceive the agricultural laud scrip winch Congress -jc to Floi iJj to educate her children, colored and white, and u.k it to Washington and would llu. ,lat,. ..J tl pae the State govcriinient .Mirll III I lll ll.'lllil 11' lllrll UTI... Will .li'lL'.' houciv and ec.a omv the rri! in the Intnl.. Whal A.ecJ Uun,;ck, W'aruiotli and others have wril ,-.,,, hu l(Uiest tax-pay e.Vof the South, fi m tivVer , Lt;i,!vercd,but the tax payeis u.e deiermiued to heel that the corrupt lud.cal no' loids it over them n longer." SjIoCKlMI Tkeatmk.nt of Clban Lapies. An account of tliesli.-ckitig trcatintut ol Cubli 111 ladies by the Spaniards in Havana 'a invars 111 our loner-iH.ndcuce frouitl.at citv! On the ult , twenty prix.ners, all " w..u.et and cliil- dreu, reached Havana by railway, and were led from the dvjx.t to the female prison under guard, and all tied, even childreu only five and six ytuire old being lightly pinioned by the aru:s. At the bed id' tlie sad pi occasion 11..11 died two haiidsou.e vouug Ladies of eighteen years, both handculied. Onei was the daughter in-law of 1'resident Oapedes. the other the daughter of Gen. Fijrueredo, recently garroted at Santiago. '1 he ladies veie all members of the best families 111 the island.; As thete uufortunate cieatures pa.vsed ihn.ugh the streets, the Spauish mob jeeieU ana tlireiilencl them, and in some V i iutuces attempted xiuicuce. Such oiitraues a!i these ought toarouse the ind:guitiou of Tlie Uivilizcd w-rld. V. 1". IIW,. . ! 3 llrighaul Voung stnuda f.-ui th among the dejit..r in the Uauk of England. He holds all this uuey in hia own name,' ult hough it was paseid into his hands as tithingvjind vceived by him iu hU Capacity as l'reoi.lenl 4" t ie Church of the Latter ljuy Sain is lie tend, red his re signation as trustee the other d.-.y, but there i no intimation that he iuteuds to. give, up the money. The po.ut of the juke is, that when he resigned, he got the people to p..fcs a tote eudor ing his actiou aui Iruatee, knd then U accept his rtiizn4tiuu. , . North Carolina News. , Tim bnVmess on the N. Carolina Hail Hoad, wa."cl had fclaekened duiitir the Summer months. Is now rapidly reviving, and the travel hum Greenaboro Jouth never has been fo jrrcat. The amount ol uiied i'ruit sent from the N. U Railroad Depot at Greensboro up to the 2Gh ut.. was 12b".S71 lbs ; and Iroui the ltichmnud and Danville Depot at the same place 233,715 lbs. Givtttbboio Jitj'ulfiC'tn. : V j Nf.w Siiehiffs ai or.n iriERirrs.. We learn from our exchanges that eontefts are jioin iiiu ev-ral eoutitiet b-t ween thetldand newly elected Sheriffs. ;In some instances the Sheriffs elected in Atiirut last have been svrurn in by the t'oinuiisfdntiers :nid are performing the du ties of Sheriff. We b't'liove it is enra'ly held bv the le-r.il profi'Ssion that the old Sheriff sire entitled to In. Id their offices for two j-ears longer. The Stae Trea.-urer holds the old Sheriffs re- pponsible for the tax lists.! It is the opinion of some of our left lawyers that the old Shentts in turning over their office to their successor can not turn over the tax;lists. ' The old Sheriff of Htiucoii.be has been turned out and the newly elected Sheriff sworn in. We aie informed that the question : will he carried up to the Su preme Court. A; decision in one case includes all. iatri'jh i$taiiiirl. J - Statesville -Kailkoad. We are p;lad - ' stun i.is P'jr- toi be able tu state that ( 'ol. Wu. John.- chased enough iron lor tins roau to re-lay "KM whole track. ork will be commenced shortly at bolh Statcsville and this place, so tlrnt the road wil be completed and ... i un.m.g order by next ouiy or .vugu.t num.; j Fatally. - Stabbkd. On Tuesday last the Coroner summoned a jury j to hold an inquest, on the dead body of J. CJ Rogers, who resided uearjl L-enesier, to inquire into me cause or "is ; decease. It. nppears that on r riday night Io- 5 ers and'. Andrew W ise became engaged lit a Upon examinaiioii it was found that Iiogeis Wasl out iii tln Ii-fr loiinil.- - Tilivsii-':in ' v:;s I Ti'tl J : .... .;.. '...:..;. ti..J .i .r..i ,.ii... i-,.trr III. n no, in i vi iMiiiii iiii; unn.-u iu uir. num. ! ... .i,.. t: .;,!, r..l. l.i.. i .. :..t::.i.. .,. ' i ' S lioiiiietrii i nu nuiiiiu ii i'iic , uui ini i'nm--i day the victim expired. A pout mortem exami nation jrevealed -1 lie fact that the knife had directly penetrated the skulljand that the semi circular wound ; was inflicted ' in -Jerking the weapon, nut. Wic escaped, . aud has' not been aircsied -A.i'iiJe J'lumer.- Ct?" .Marion rourt.w:iK in session-, last week.!? His Honor Jude ("loud presMiiiir. 'i lie trlali of the Uulheri'oid pirties. charged with Ku Kluxinir, was continued, the State not being re idy' from some . irregularity in sending tie case up from llutherlord Court. i. Isaac .Mooncy.: convicted of larceny, was sen tenced at the Sufterior Court of llutherfoid eoiinty to two -years io the I'eniteutiary. ) Jl'UGE Clauxk. The Goldsboro Messenger speaks favorably of Judge Clarke at Goldsbo.rj It savs that more: business has been done in one; we. k by him than was done by J udge Thomas, in twt weeks heretolore. j r- e are soi ry to learn that anotner de-,,; 1 1 ". " .1 " , T liberate and strenuous! attempt is being made by - 1 . . .t our neiirhbors in South ( arolimi to., persuade l.)r. 1'hillrps over the border. The Chair of ,Matliematies in the University of Sout h Caroli- I na is again tiff, red to him. We have 1.0 ohjec-jjj (ion to their iruitim him. but we greatly object to their .''-''" him. jl)r. 1'. is a Moith Carolina man, and we trust has no. intention of deserting his own State for any position, however flatter ingly tendered, in any -other. When North Carolina has nourished a man lorty odd years, j and by giving hiiii of her best for mind and b idy , got him .to l e a litllr lit b fryer tfmii. common in both respects, i it is our candid -opinion he owes it to her to st;:y and let her have the good of his good raising. ir. Pre-.-Lytcrluu ! Mirrox. N.C.J 0;t 1 0-fV"7?Wer. u"'"1 IW, weeKK.ago( .0 r: ,101111 r.as e ... iuej iieighlM.rh.H.d of Uinggold Depot a. had two to-.lt 11 . . 1 ..l t . ii 1... I.' 1 . .1 baccobirnsbMint upjust as he had fin.sh-d curing,, the tobacco that was in then.; and on last Irtday , ii. the same neighborhood MnJIenry Stamps had a tobacco barn burnt up. ai.d;lullof tobacco. and on List Saturday in the same neighborhood .Mr dames Lindsay had a barn burnt up with about 0!)U sticks of tobacco in it- j I Caswki.L Cot ht. In the cases of F. A. Wiley. Capt. J. T.! Mitchell and Felix Ib.an. bound over for "probable cause," iii the, murder of Stephens, the States Attorney saw no evi dence ho which he could predicate bills of in dictment, and, as we; understood, the parties were formally discharged lliULom Kceunlcrl Great Earthquake in Asia. . Oct Thrtr Tifumml lJe"'e KiJJnl. A correspondent f the Loudon Timed writesj from India: ! i . j ; The Um:U' P:.lhlic IJishop of U;it:ing. oul the co.ifiuesof I'hihet, (Miina aid Hurmah, sends to India a terr.hle account uf aii e.irtli.juake iu; that region, aflecting j an area of one hundred; and eiu'hiy by ninety inih The event occur-j rl mi ihe 11th of April, and his last letter i?! dated the oOlh of May. C.mstdering that the missiouai it- there au communicate only hyj. Siiaughai, the transit of the letter has been! "rapid. Last year i, it may le remembered, tlicrp; was a very destructive earl lupiake in the adjoijj-j. i'ng llrilisli district of Caehar. A-sh ck at five! iu the in. .ruing and a s' longer tdiock at noon were fallowed at sunset by an eartlnjuake which leveled the whole town! and killed or bruised: half the jMipulatiini. ;The missionaries escaped to their garden, and only one of their servant-p.-risle d The larire ; and spl. ndid Lam iseini,! inhabited by ihiee thousand ' Lu.a, Icll witli j a cYash. ' ' ! ..'!"" - I 1 ! - :; : t ' - - j - . The t'hiuese cfiicial reports, which Dr. Chaui veau tells us are!a little exaggerated, estimate the l-'SS jf hu:uaii life at 413 Lima priests, 5? soldiers aud 2.513 'eoimnotj people.' A series ol earih.i'i .ke shocks were feit as far as I'uug- r ii.o.itaiig, w hei e M rj j T. T. CMier met Seer moutaiig., wl Suggutsuiig. i 'l uT iliage s U,. m-.ny of tl tlie .epau.se .vmuass lUjir.-tu lou. auu nuttiv t.iiiirs are acsiroea, ana niyot tlie aUltionties auu lite so.uto.s h.Vij beeu buried und r the ruins 4" their houses thatj rubbers, hke wild beasts, run everywhere.' To conclude, iu the! bishop's owti woids. 'the im-i p rial highway from: 1'ekiu to L'llassa seems,! and is said tt be now, totally impracticable near: K on LT-dze-tm by the tall bf a luouutaiu and the sudden upheaving ol a new one. The Supreme: t'ourt of the L'uited States inecU on the 31st of October.! The case ot Mrs Myra Dradwell, 'whose petition for a license asau attorney in Illinois whs refused, will come to the proper ownership of a do- The partes t I At!aiJ:f e6tiir ,f the jMonroe- Uuhty uuthrtfy, finally clinched lor'a light. ! Jhcv vcvv Mm rl discussion )k"as appIiklUo sepated.-: As ltogers stiaihtcned up, he ex-! ;tUhe. .!",d oed the discuss m of ,he hea ..i..: l ..T .....i u-ff M'V presenting sample or the;liehl and 1 ret.d- ! sinful cru: ii iri--l -it thi lr.iiis oi tli iorrnr with regard ;f ! ;:;;(; u 1 I V I ul 1 III V t I , L l til ; 1.111 . .1111 : 1" ( i n T. VJ..;,- up coa writ of error at tha ternj.. A gri cul t il r a L v S -X:; "'I Rye as a Fertilizer. Rye will " growfi aud often jicld largely oh a soil contaiiiiur not uiore than one and a quarter per cent- ol organic matter. j It' f rds a fine Winter pasture lorjstick, shoud be sownj in the Fail, as sou s the sun'sl heat has so md cratcd as not to kill the younr plants.' n ! After rye has ! advanced jii age and growth sufficiently to stool out, it is njt d imaged by jhe tramping td" a rasonable amount; of stock, (itazinir it to a rejasondible extent in Winter ami early 'Spring is said rather to ,' increase; thanj to dimtii'sh the yield . - K: : ; i i " ! If ft is not desired, by the farmer to reap aud thresh out his whyle: crop of rye, hogs and cat tle are greatly benefitted if turned in upon it. The rye straw !i' allowed to i remain upon the ground.- shades it fhu aiding in its fertilization by preventing erapiration aud it he escape of-Valuable! gases troui j he soil. ; -If j ! ! Resides this, jthe straw piakes a positively large pddit ion to the organic inatter pu the sjjil. It als impit.ves its physical properties. Turn ed under it re.ndi.ss tbe grouudYulverizabIe ;jnd pcrmeaWe to the roots of plauts and to the raiii. ' In graxlng laurl,Tit is all important to remem ber 'thai tramping! it by the stock iu wet"vveather is injurious. : A (luxuriant I rye patch bears j Winter' grazing with less injury to the soil thau 1 other crop we are aco,uaiuted with, i i ! j g,ulJ the farmer , prefer fp save! h!s mip c UlJ raiu! ajwavt bears a fair ! ..il: ; 1. Tli i " i i whole price j u js L.portantjto be careful n tbJe selection ofgee;, for sowii,! uc, 0 tjie re ,VUI1(t io the najt kets hasy Xeen cut too early, or frjoin other Ciiuses, is defective in germinating poVe'r. i Aiier irel tin? a start in rve c ult ure, the n,er fchduld save his own seed from year to year. i Culture of Wheat. well wheats growh j by! hmi. j lie preferred he Riehl,. which is a plump, full berry, and yielded better with him ithan any oher variety. lie , . j . - , , i i j i li i sowed part of his llJiehl at the rate of one bushel r.nd part at the irateiif one ii bushel aud a hair . J rii . , i .. , t , per .aero. j. no. laiier oeinougni. iooiiiick. seeu- ing, as the land where only one bushel per acre was sown yielded best! ; He - had ! f'ouud the Tivadwell wheat best adapted to - heavy land as it stHid severe Winters better.!; His! wheat that wis driiiied list year, stood .the Winter much if better than . somci lie had sowii 'broadcast as an i . . . i t i ' 1 i . clxncrimeiitJ' I i ! .Mr .Ikioot tlid kiptj'.Lelleve the wheat element was exhausted from the soil! tnore than other element. . Thought the crinkling of wheat this s season was not due io the Hessian Hy, b;it to the injury 10 1 ne rap-roijc oy 1 ue irosts. j Aie inougiit fiiru.ers did nit sii:ii,mer-failow Enough for wheat. A great deal depends on the .weal her after sow ing.1 Where. a heavy rain copies' after sowing, packing the' ground hard, it prevents the wheat lioni getting a g.(id stait in thfijFall.j j One field of tweiity seven acres; grown by hi 19 this year, J wasan almost eiitjli0 liiiiureon the part that was ' srtwu just oeioreja jie;ivy rain, jWiute , tne ot per . liall. which was di ilk d m, produced ;is h tnds.m.e ; ....... . 1 . 1. i ! . ' . 1- ' 11 '. ; 1 ! 1 I ' .! 1 1 - t A 1 1" 1 T ) V ' 1 a, cropi as lie had ever raised.) lie had some ! ...... j i . ajei opj as nu uai) ever raise r. i lie nau sii rier acre.. ! " Jr r j pi ni w ueat wuicii wouiu -yie:a iorty uusneis acf-0 I j 31 r 1). E; lIogirs, eif Wheatland Comtnended the Hj.pewell whe;jt, 'which 1 had gSveu thirty buhe!s per acre. J; j . I '".!.. ; i j I M r jQiiinby wo idered fh-t fanners h - 1 wv 1 1 ad ever discarded the old fa jkliioiK d ' Soiiles jwh alt. For iiiaiiy years it wat.t farm. is C 'lild rovv most jnofitablej wheat that lie had grown it through j the weevil panic, and ; though ;hU cr.p Was pot alvas as heavy Ml hat of his' neighbors who raised ired wiieat. it lil yays sold lor mot e per acre Sometimes he ioh II pore bushels of Sollies wheat s got of .Mediterraaieaii. The thau his neihboi; l.)iehl h id done vi ell; but he did not! think it so -profitable as the Sotiles. Mr Slocum advised Hot to iow Soulos He d lit longer t lian liis neighbors! iaiid a st. a.i- b0 smutty ind shrunken t,hl.t he tilij ii;. 1,0 .I.oUhf ..1WJ; h.t.l 1.1.1 KJ j.ly growing Q.i.alier alid less-plum p. foi f ,d 't);lt th the fe nfjiill variefie: w, j.lt .,rtcr a fU years trial.1 JUrlJloot. Jon firmed this view.! j ' ! r P een 'or ics Several members! re?narkei that wheat did rod (iiiiut so badiy as thirty of forty years sgo. Threshing by machine cleaned the smut from v heat. ; v iTransplantifig in Wei Weather. i Mr.- UatlilMini. 1 anexperiuced hurlii-iilturist i j of Marietta, Ohio.fM't hes to the Coiititry Geutle- ui;in f ssettingjoiitj plajits iii cajiiy weather: ! I "Cur jraideuers have hid a Ihard time of ii in finding an opportunity to set plants, j I'Cter llendersoii. 111 Ins excellent work. f-(jr itdeuin r for profit, .inculcates ithe idaa . ir i 1 - i- - IJ i of settmy; out iluring a ratn.t of the necessity lie says 'fwo to the bs who shirks at such a tine)."! - I think it the arroiieous paLO of the book. j -; i have '-bossed" the setting of 1 75,000! sweet potato plants, dur ing the past 31ay Rafter I! two - ihowers. i We; set all da duringjthe hottest sunshinc.y and with excellent result' j Ajjy ! he ijth, v dl injrt admit ! of setting during rain, and I have; always noticed that plants set at such times do not j thrtve, be causehe soil is dau.aged by being worked while wet. T his season we were caught jjby a light .-hower. and although! I did tiot consider the ground too wet to work, the few rows set, during a light rain, to finish up the lot of plants prepar ed, presented Ihe poorest appearance for two wccks anti nuiu. ui any in u.e uoiu. - : t ' - i . : - 4 : r , V ., ' !i . I -i . - : ..' . . 1 . ! i". . I ' . 1' . .. : . 1 ; c ii ' : : F:-f-t- . . ; Wirx Ct.TTtiv PbANTKris1 Gkow Krcn. We regard it r.s : utter lolly for us-to toil the 3'ear round, and belike the boy who h.d !tweuty Gve cents, and purchased a pocket book with it and then had iif.thiog t- '! put iii it. I Therefore, i . ----- j ;. f i ij1 ...;..! : ! I : ' iii order to become wealthy, we must: not be de pendent upon irny jsect ion jfor the prime articles .f j.eelfSaiiy,; but we must raie'tlieia.!! We think we haye shown conclusively that it will take at least half of thje c-itton crop, at 21 cts. per lb , to pay the espeiise of these articles of prime ut-ees-siiy that might be produced a t'hjme Now, supKiee eotton sliould deeliue to twelve cents per pi'.uiitl, then tlie cotton section jwill bti oiij the low pjessure. We then shall be exactly as the boy with the empty packet-book. ; With 110 pork. Hour, farm Impleui nts. aud many of us with no credit; to get supplies to run the coming crop, as p4cket-book!aiid all will have to go to cancel past accounts, j Iii order to sueeeed.jwe inust not ouly liaVe the joefcet-biiOk; but must have e-uough ui it, at the eoinuieneeiueiit of eaeh year to ! run that year's crop ; thi will enable you to meet the expenses of the faruj with much less loss than if you were 011 credit, as I thosa: who oper ate on caih can purchase'eheaper than otherwise. I - I ' - - 3 i - J (' 1 1 i I - Teachir-gs of a Scottish Clergyman. A few weeks since I spent a Sunday in Glas gow, and ni tended morning service at the la mous rnthedral of that city.- The minister, the Kev. Dr. Rums, preached an impressive sermoii from toe text. 1 lion shall nt muzzle the oi that treadtth pUt the corn. And the laborer is worthy of his rjewjird." Wjit bout attempting to do jus tice to the" admirable discourse,; I . cau . perhaps report its inaiu drift. ' -: 'j. j ;;-! He said this text was often used in sermons in behalf .f securing a , pnper support of the ministry. lie slmuld tiot tlius use it, but take it in its literal meaning and enforce the lesson originally intended by it, and announce ?as the subject of his discourse the, kindly con sideriUion line from man towards animals, lie said no-subjeci, t lies - practical developmen t of .which uiatle. men belter, was i foreign to proper religious iitiuctiou aud this remark would be his only aioloiy for;bfinging this subject before his congregaJiou, if any oMe'felt an apology "was ueeiJeu.; j . ; - lie then went on care of the animals. to' speak of God's beneficient lie alluded to the wouder by which God had provided ful variety of modes' for their protection, by peculiar. guards- in their structure Jrotu the special danger to which they were jexpoSed. No uue couId:.-haye any knowl edge jof the wis0 provisions of the Great Creator for the protect ion and comfort : of animals with out being (deeply impressed with the kind pir- poisesiol AliiHghty towards, t nem j ; I hese apmoats so wondeilully cared lor uy God.ihaa beeti; made subject tu' man. iow, wheui ajkiug commits autl rity over, auy of his sulgebts ti a governor, he has a right to expect, and ccrjtaitily d ies expect, his wishes in reference to thse sutjects td be regarded.- What would be though! if a govprnor vi'ho 'should habitually disregard these wishes, either 'maliciously or thoughtlessly, and certainly would come under the rj.ykl disapprob;ition, and should be repri manded. Ill' this isi true jof delerated human jhow tnuch stronger the case is when puthority! delegated fro'in the Maker vens iind'ithi? earth. How positively jltv towards sinv of God's creatures become viewed in ti is light.! lie then alluded to the thoughtless prevalehtcruc4ty to animals. by those whosej car they ! had been intrusted.; j lie gpoke Lf the pat ieut ertduring of the auimals in u4ns service, especially jthatj of the horse, ille had seet a hofse panting, with bleeding Riaesj iojiow ai can tne voice oi tne oue who nan so cruelly spurred alnd taxed him-; and he had often! seen ft he affect ionate 'eye of the dog turned up ti)-t lie piaster win. had a moment ago brutajfy j abused ihim. lhtiU he saw" -horses over-driven . i I . . . land oivev-burddned. I M any 'good men seemed lti- lifFerkmjb; oil this subljeof-jaud bet-ause it was so, and .because this evilb is a great uie,die had felt that fhej subject should be brought before them, and he earnestly urged that it tuil.t result in each lone present practically become more, con- siderate i and kind toward animals, especially those; diSmGrdic animals which become identified with ouj daily life ' :'' --j'' j M -.-J' j The seraioii was hsteiie fo with tnu'.-h interest by jare .audieueej After .the-serv ice, I saw 1 . 1 111 and th,aiiked hiim for! his diseoui se, and told ,i it dn-ht to! be published as it bampain doc umeiit. lie replied that1-there was a Society fr the Prevention of.trruelty to Animals in Glasgoy. a id at Last ohce;a year he'had deter- -1 . T. . ! . . , j ' i. J -. ... mined t preach a' sermon' 'in-furtherance of its mnueuQc 1 This briii gs.rufe. to' the iu;actical part of this letter, which has been penned with the hope that iiny cleigvman! who: uiav happen to read it may pe mocd ui like in; 3- , like inaiiuer to devote at least one serenoii a year 111 uehult ot the ends oi the s ociety ' . - 1 - 1 1 i . . .. 1 11. S C. Some of the iXewt York prirKirs find fuuh .with esidelit ' M ri'iit for iring ' direct i from Adiniral Fa rr;i ill's funeral t!o :i chtini:iunel dinner. Physicians Use Them !in Their Practice. : i - i v - .; - 1 . ;i ji; 1 i ..: i - ; -, It itS almost uni ven.sally 4Eie case that Physicians condemti w mt arc jge'tierallv known as Patent ledicines" Alrhougii Dlt.i TUTT'-i j LIVER PILL IS A: jPATENTj MEDICINE, yet its colnposi- tjion (jthe relult of yeiirs of LtudyJ is known only to llimselfJatJ so piilp.-iible nreilthii'l'Vtln.'ible curitive properties.: lliat very 'jmaiiy1 f the first Pliy siciun's in 1 he Sou 1I1 and West have ado'ptcd theni in their prac tice, ind rtconiruend kUem ( their patients. Oct 17, l70. 1! Shoes and Boots, Leather, &c- S. B. ETEACHASI, i I ' tfe JVntn unl Jiaulc JjiaVdi'tij, j lias received a tfery large dock of arris, - s n o es,- : l i: a t ii e n, 0 Shoe-Findings, Belting, &c., To, which h respect fufiy afcts the attention of whole-- sale ani reiu.l oiiyei- i The exatiiin.ition of thisfFtock by country mer- chanls is trolicited.' as it will be sold ou a a favorable. terms as caii be oblatned anywhere All tlie new styles of lad fee' and Gentlemcns' Shoes aid IJoots will be found in ORK AT VARIETY, lieniejiibtjr the jdt.ee Store ih Dank Duilding, next Moor I urauite liow Oct 10, l7o. ; out Mj. S B. J1EACHAM. j Grain and Groceries.; r.USHCLS Of rrince Edward Island Oats, j foil Seed, 2ol Iliishels Korwny Oats, for Sce.h 7-j l'iifckages oflNew.Mi.ckerel. 1870 Chenp, 60i IJoxes Chees'e, very fiue Factory 4i Goshen. Gool Uy aiid Corn Whiskey for medical purposes, Oood Applei Rratidy jfroui ivastern North Carolina. Oc Iii, I : i Jv. M. HOLT & MJN. ... 44- '-! . ' -UU . : MQLASSES ANI)LKATI1KII. tinrrI irenniTiftl Sew Oi I.'miis Molasses.. 2,(KK) Pounds Hemlock; beat her. cheap at Oct 10, 1870. j . K. M. MlLLli.ll t SoXS. Baggipg and Ties, S'lKXHliUtf K, MAOAl'LAV & CO S. t Oct ,10 1870. n. p WARING, - At tor n e. y at i aw , CHARLOTTE, H. C. Office up stairs in lii-ick Duilding opposite , Dewey's IJaiikL j j! : Oct 10, 1870. New Fall and Winter Goods j 1 '- AT liKATT IE S i Fdllbi j N. C. : AVe ate now receiving -and opening by fr the fargewt stock of Good ever ; brought lo tins section, and keep constantly I oq hand alaioet every article that i-;iu be called tot in H-"-M! '-'t N ' Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, &c.J &c; &c. Il ! Onr Slock of CLOTHING, LADIES' and GENT'S 1IAT?. i(OTS and jSHOES is complete. Wei jekl iu nothingj shoddy, and warrant all goods to be'as j-epresetited.j Having never been uuderrold in the piistj, we.; never inteud to bo in the future The jality of our goods is the best,! and our prices the cheapest.:"; I. .:. j .- !. ; -:. ?! H .' . Cnil H.id examine for yonrseWes the largest, most varied aikd best selected stock of Goods you have ever seeu Iu a Country Store. 1 1 , . i i ', CL Lr, LO.NMJU & CO., UCi lUi ioi U J W , 1 ij ; ivtitiiv a vru, s r. A .. i 1 .; I' I! ff I.' 1 v Fat People, i Not long ago, a gentleman ofthree afnre, who was scarcely hick iu his life, thought he w! fleshy, and began to batitamize. lie sin-eoeoc I famously, and boasted to his. friends th.it ,t had got rid of ten pounds in a few weeks. A I ttl. alter he was attacked with a painful and dau. gerous malady, from which he has beu suffer iug more than a year. If a man can Bleep soundly, has good appe. tite, with no unpleasant 'reminders after meals' the bodily habits beiug regular etery daj. bo had better let himself alone whether he ias big as a" hogshead or as thin aud as dry as a fence rail. . -- . .-' ' '-.'. -: ' " ' Several cases of Uright's disease hare been reported by medical uieu f reputation a a direct result of practising llautnm'a plan for pet-" ting lean. The very best and safest way to get fid of fat is to work it off. T. his may be aided by'eatiug food which contains k large amouut of nitrogen aud a small amount of carbon. Nitrogen food is that which gives strength, power to work, us lean meals ; carbobaceuus foods a re those which make fat, such us theese, potatoes, rice, corn, peas, beans, tapioca, uriovr root, corn starch, sugar, syrup, and all oily, and fat food. Haw fruits and berries largely eattu are great aids to reducing weight. ., llut, after all, she great reluuce shonlj be en exercise und work in the . open air. Uarclay, the great Knglish ' pedestrian, who pcrforrned great r feats than Weston, lost ten pounds i 11 two or three days' walking, and was never the worst for it.. llulF Journal of Jlralth. GREGORY & WILLIAMSON. ' X ' NEW STOCK OF GUOCKHIESX- Brtyct BmlJiuJy ClIAULOTTE, N. 0. The attention of strictly CASH bujera la nlhd to our large slock of Groceries and Provisions, aucb an Sugar, Coffee, Molasses and Tins, - Salt, Leather. Fish of nil "oris, Cotton Ties,Uope and Hugging, j Pure Liquor ami Wines for Medicinal purpose. Ami everything usually kept in a wholeoalv and' retail Grtjeery estnblisliiimiit. 1 $f We otTcr vpecial iiiducementu lo thoe who buy lor Cash. ' - ' ! GREGORY & WILLI MS0Xi ' Oci 10, 1870. liryce's lftiildiug. Trade Btieet. : ! ! I 1 All Afloat Again. A. R NISBET & BROj Having completed tbe large addition to their Store House, are now filling it wiili a large and well aclecled' stock of Guccries nud ('ont'ectioiieriea, and are pre pared to give superior iuducenu-tits to r.li buyer, Wholesale or Retail. A. H..NIS15KT Jt lillU. . JUST KKCKIVKD, 40 Barrels Molanscs, . i M . " ?ugnr, . ; . ot) Boxes aNoried Candy,. 30 DagJ Cotfee. ' ' -' . A.' IL. KISBLT & BT.O. JUST 'UEOKIVED, . i f!0 Gro9 Matt-lien. i 20,000 Cijrarfc all qnalitiea, ; i is) lloxes ItHisin. " 1 Also, a largo assortment of Snuff and Tobacco, smoking and chewing. ; ; i Oct 10, 1870' A. R. NISnKT & WU). Read This ! Road This II MONEY SAVED 18 MONEY MADE. OSBORNE & SCHIFF, Man h fai luret s llnnir awl jSmlilh t, Have reiubved from ppr,!te f lie First Nnliotinl Dnnk to the store formerly occupied iby E. Loweiifrd, two doto-x above Messrs. I.reui, brown A Co'a nurd ware Store, where they keep th tnot esteiiatve stock ever kept iu this market for ' Wholesale and Retail. They will compete iu prices with any house in tbe United States I Leather for 'Salo. i Depot for SCllifF k DUO'S Tannery; Oct 10, 1870. I '; . House and Lot for Salo- I will sell, priviitely, n.y House and Lot on the corner of Ilill aud 1. Streets. A-pply to JOHN COllilACK. Oct. 10, 1870. GREAT INDUCEMENTS Are now being offered at . ELIAS & COHENS Dry Goods Establishment, Where can be found a complete slock of Dreas Good, Clothing. Hoots, iShoesi, llals, and all goods iu their line in such great variety that it will be iuipopiLI lor any 0110 to examine their J Extensivo Sock I ' Without conehnling that .the inot fastidious ents pleased in style, color and quality. Their , Dres Goods Department consist in part of ' X Emprcs3 Cloths, Surpassed by no house in the State. SILK AND WOOL POPLINS, ' In greater variety than any Mock Ibis aide of New York. . 1 FRENCH MERINOS, REPS.aKn WOOL PLAID, Cannot be described, but we are) always ready and willing to show them to all wliojwish to see A Splendid Assortment Of "such goods equalled by no establishment In 1 11 State, and would respectfully all the attention of all to our .... j Flannel Department, Coni.ting of Opera, Shaker and plain Flauoels iu all grades and colors. LADIES' CLOAKS, SHAWLS AND CLOAKING., in every style ahd quality, selected with much taste aud caie by competent judge and buyers of many years experience. We hare added to our already large assorted Stock a mcgyifierht stock of P u r s, Wliit h were 1nvjht cftettjt tjir7 In aoV rJtrtrp. We can duly say lo our friend and customers that we respectfully reipirst them 10 call and examine our stock before, purchasing elsewhere, as our Unequalled Stock of Dry Good3 Can on'y be seen to be apprfcl4'fd Ly all adibirers of fine and wel' selected g'KJs.J i We beg leave fo inform W IlrtLC-SALE and RE TA1L IJLVEUS that as we hae bought our goods almost exclusively for Cash, ijid Laving one of our firm always in the New York and Philadelphia markets, that with such advantageous facilities we claim the right of stating that wecan UNDERSELL THE MARKET, aud ask all f j Wholesale and Retail Buyers To examine our heavy slock of jail goods' la our line, and wiil guarantee satiafactioa to all in every in stance. ICLIAS & COHEN. SeptUG, J870. I . ' 100,000 Fruit Trees, For the Fall. " Viuter and Spring I'rud of 18,0-71. AT THE NEW GARDEN" NURSERIES, . GREEXSBUlld, N. C. ' Goo.1, reliable aud active agents are wanted te cauvuss, for whicli a paying commission will ba given.' Our slock comprises aearly every variety suitable to Southern culture, ior further intorma- tion address Catalogues free. Aususi 8, 1870 J. LIXDLEY & SON. . j Greeesboro, N. C, 2m 1 1 .m

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