it ' , " V -1 (' .. . v ..- v3';-f V---V.V vW . ' T3I J 1 ATLii Editor and Proprietor. f(rm of Smbttriptitn Tube Dollaks. in advance.! T H C "WestexTL Democrat PVBL1SUBD BT YATES, Editor and Proprietor. WILLIAM J. jlXMJ Tbre Dollars per annum in adTance. vlTf.rt..rraent? will be inertel at reasonable Tt(, or in accordance with contract. Ohituiry notices of over five lines in length will fcecbargcl for at advertising rates. : SMITH & HAM3IOND UtrfffiTin; their Fall Stock of Drugs, Medicines, . winch t toy are fferiug at very low prices, and retail. Country Merchants an 1 others visiting Charlotte , will'lJ well icu ani gel .piotaimns. .Ku r 29, 1x70. I Wool Wanted. W want to purchase a Urge amount jf WOOL, fjrab ch we ill pay the highest market price. . M.MUURAY, DAVIS & CO. JJpr (ember .". 17(1. " V Dr. W. II. Hoffman, DKNTIST, T-vptt fully informs the citizens of Charlotte and lie public ceneraily. that he h prrinaucntly loca tel in t'harlottc. He is luily prepared to attend t) all relating to Ins prof vision.- i i;.-f.-.ful practice tr uore than 10 years in ,!,;. s,--r,oii of country and nr. the Confederate army , vr'nn duria :bv late war, warrants him iu eatirc j:i.-.'action to all parlies who nmy j.t.- U." -i-rvices. jr time! o.-r Smith A. J!mnionra JJrug Store. OJi-e'li'ur frow J A. M. to i i. M. iUH kcm-e M. I1, regrani. Cashier 1ft National P.nk t.f .'jarlue: Dr. Win Slnn. Dr. J. II. Me- .1 i v. J. Jates, jviitvr luanoiie uemocrai Jah W. l7ti . ly , I DENTISTRY; Tbc ! 1 firm af ALCXAXDE'.l & DLAND is here It revived, at the furiuer Ktaad in I'-roun n buihii'tg, tU-; Charlotte Hotel. Kntire t-.tii-li-Ction i! pur' I. and teeili run be enracted without pain. Tfe f itraago of bur customer is rvypt-ciiuiiy Jnt,r :. i7a ! Robert Gibbon, H.D j-iivsiciAX ami sui:r.i:ox. tlflice o-rrinith Hauiniond's Drug'Slove Er-i-lU'-e on College islrect. J. -1. 17i. "ii J. P. McCombs, II. D., OiT-m Li niniVsixAAl services to the citizens of rrtleisiuAal services to the citizens liiarl c and aurrouudicz country. All calls, both ai'at ha 1 day. promptly attended to. iiSe in Urwwu'a buiiJig, upstairs, oj-posite Ue GLar!itte Hottl. ct lHrf. Dr. JOHN H. McADEN, Whblosalo and Retail Druggist, VllAUl.OTTK C, IU on band a larjre and well seKctel Ftock of ITlin lKCti', Chemical. Talent Mclicine-. Family Xledi- tin-. Taints. A jratshe, l3 C Muns. rancy itlld T.ile Articles, which -he i dermiiitd to acll at the vrry liwel prices. I Jin 1. 1H7U. j I W. F. DAVIDSON, V ATT O 11 X 13 V A V I- A W , ! Charlotte- N. C, over IV. KoorjtASs's Store. ! 1:1. In;!) lv i DR. E. C. ALEXANDER, ', j Charlotte, N. C, llT.r hi .t vices as Thy-dc'ian to the citizens of Cbirloite nd surroundiux country. " tih.-e nearly opposite Ch.irb.ile Hotel. f- lr. Alexander makes a good t'ouph Mixture, bitter than any Patent Medicine. Try iu Feb 7, 170. an PaACTICAL Watch and Clock Hilr 3 r, AM) ltME IX JEWELRY, FIXE WATCHES, CLOCKS, IVaiek Material, Spfelade, $ r. . Aug. 10, I87. CIIAHLOTTC, N. C. MANSION HOUSE, Charlotte, N. C. Tliit well-known Houe having been ivly fur nibd and'rcfittol in every department, is now open fur tae accnniniodminn of the TBAVLLXC mil LIC. CcOmnibusses at the Uepot on arrival of trains. Jan 24, 170. H. C ECCLES. Stoves, Tin & Sheeting Iron Ware. Alwaj on hn 1 the best STOVES in the market. Spear's Chloriuc, ExccUior, Columbia and Live Oak Cookiax S'ore. P.x an.l Parlor Stove. Tia and Sheer-Iron War. Hollow Wrc, Japanese Ware, and varions Housekeeping Articles. All wares nd work w arranted j repredeuted. 3 Order re-peet fully solicited. Via ii, 1570. V. II. LYERLY. B. C. ECCLCS. of Iredell county, N. C. T. ii. : UTIIFE. of M!iCk.Millv. N. C. ECCLES & GAITIIER, Auctioneers and Commission ; Merchants, Cliarlotte, N- C, For the sale and purchase vf Cotton. Tobacco. Grain, Flour, Produce and Merchandize otail kind, Mansion Iloii Building. Charlotte X. C. Krrnaks. r.i T. h . Dewey Co., Bankers; M. P. Peg rani, Caltier, First National Bank: W.J. Yen, E liir -U eMcrn Democrat' Charlotte, X. C. March iS. 170. D. SNYDER & SON, Gun and Lock Smiths, chri.ottf, it. c. Ieler. Manufacturer and Kepairen of all kind of Gunn. Kinej. Pistols, Door Locks, Trunk Locks uud Kev nf all siie. ... The ttent of linn. Rifles. Ac.', constantly for eale or procured to ordr at price low imwx. (to to ine new Jobbing Shop to jjet your Arm. Rifles or Sporting Good, or have your old woik i j ; i ' . j 1 : . -t a us new: Shon ii. I'arU' K.iiI.I!ii r iio.p th T.i.n Souaro. ( - " o - , 7 D VVID XVur II I W. E. SNVDEii. ' - C t-T A T? V ty The Ijouisville Journal My : j Gcn. !rockinrid:e and Gen. Hanks met the other day nt the Ilnruit II tuse, iu .Cincinnati. The two li id n t met for ten years. They rere' younpr men.hera f (Ymrress' together Ci teen rears a so. m iiv iv oiu irifimn. vnc wnre tne tiue ine Other he :ray. th kadcrn in the reat civil war, but on i pposite sides Thev-mrt , after all the 'vicissitudes of the la?t decade cordially, and iJanlts is now at Lexinrton. the truest of Ureck- lnridfre. The illustration is as 'pleasant as it is instructive, and miht to show the. red-hot chaps that there is not nearly fo much fire and brim stone ntionr sensible people as they! think. ienerai liaiiks is a most afoiattie ana nccoui pli&hed man,' and a most liberal politician." VALTJAEL3 PROPERTY At Sheriff's Salo. j I will sell for Cash at the Court II u-e in Charlotte, on Saturday, the Clh day of November next, to satisfy executions in my hand-. One Tract of LAND adjoin ing the Unds of lira. Maty Wallace, Greta Steele u! others. ' '- ' j x ', Also, one-half intert in a Tract. djo;n:ng the a hove tract and J T. Davis mid others, and known as the I'arks and Wulli.- Mill Tract, on which tli-re is a splendid Herchaut Mill. All sold as the pro perty of Ira I'arks. t -Oct 10, 1870 4wpl K. M. WHITE, Slieriff. Trustee's Sale. Tiy virtue of a Deed of Trust executed to me by Dr. U. W illiamson, on the 'Sifth day tf May, 1807, for the put poses theiein niei.tioiitd.. I will; tell for Cah, at the Court House in Charlotte, on Saturday the flh day of Noveudit-r, i I hat valuable Tract ol LAND on which the said Williamson now lives, near l'ineville in-Mecklenburg, cotitaiaiug about One Hundrud an 1 Ninety-Six Acres. ! ' . j - 1 will also sell, on Wednesday tlie I'th of November next, at the residence of said Williamson, all ct his stock of Horses, Cows and Hogs, all his Household arid Kitchen Furniture, all his Farming iTools of every descr: ftiou,,' one Koad W&gon and oue Luggy and iIarlles. . ! E. C. WALLIS, Trustee. Oct 3, 1S70 ; 5w I 'ALU ABLE LANDS As Executor of Matthew Wallace. deee:iseL I will seli al the Court House door in t'HAKLOTTC. on theF!UT SATUltDAV in NOVE.MDER, being the oib day of lha m ;ith. the filiowiii j L Tracts of Land llclonInrr to the Estate ot"isaid deceased: i i i One tract known as the ALLEN PLACE,, adjoin ing the lands of Mrs. Williamson Wallace, Dr. Orr and others, containing C:0 Acres -1 miles from Charlotte. About CO acres of fresh la ml is under cultivation, mid the balance well timbciedj part ol v Inch will make a splendid Meadow. ( Also, the HOVE PLACE, about SlKJ Acres, ad joining M. II. Wallace. Wilson Wallace and others. There is a Dwelling and out-houses on tliis place.. an-l a Gold Mine that is considered first-rate. ' This tract will be divide! if purchasers prefer it j Also, another tract known as the WILSON PLACE, adjoining the lands of Cyrus II. Wolfe and Thos. M. Shaw, contaiui.ii;; 7- Acres. Ahout 0i.cres of this tract is freshly cleared the balance timbered. Also, another small tract surrounded by I lie lands of John Walker, t lie Cxecuroi". containing S X Acres. Also", another small tract adjoining tho binds of John Walker, Aiuzi lleid, and oiucfts, u Lout! 10 Acres i t . f ' I t Terms 12 months; credit, the purchases giving bond and approved security title retained uniil the purchase money is paid, i 1 John walker. I Executor. Sept 1870 CwPd i Administrator's Sale. As Administrator of John Page., deceased. I will sli on Saturday the oih ilay ot Nvembcri on the premises, oue tract of LAND containing hbout ICO Acres, subject to the willow s dower.-;. If i located on Mallard Creek. H miles NoHh-ica.-t tif Charlotte. Tmims li months credit with Seouriiy4 title re served until paid lor. if ; i I - - K. C. COCHRAN. Ort 1870 owp-.I Administrator. I SALE OF LAND. Pv rirttire of a Decree of the Sui trior ;Courf, I will sell at public auction, at the Court HoUsc douj in Charlotte, on Saturday, theAth day of Nivt mber. 18t. at 'Z o clock M., the Linul of tiie late; V iric'iit V. Williamson, not covered by the assignment of dower. ;''!''. I I Said Land lies on Pig Sugar Oreek, adjuinirg ihc lands of T. H. Iireni. Mrs. .Margaret Lejuis'amt others, and contains about One Hundred itijtd Filly- Five (!") Acres. . It will bo sold iu two lots, on-one of which is a Gold Mine. j Tkrms Half to be paid in C months and half in 12 months. ; A. Dt KWELL. Oct :l, 1j70 i'w 'i I Commission or Valuable City Property for Sale- ; li As Attorneys for Isaac Loewenstein, . we;will sell at j Public Auction.' at the Court House door iu Charlotte on Saturday, tlieth ov of Koviuber. 1S70, TWO P.iUCK Tt)UE . HOL'SES-oh Trade Street, avi.inining the properly of Thoa. I'rem aud oihcrs, aiul knwn as the Kahnweiler jT'perty, and wej ure enabled to state that all dillicultioB 3n refer ence io the tide have been adjusted, and a perfectly good title will nitw be jrnarauleeiL f Teruis One third cash, oue-tiiirdin three months antl one-third iu six months. I'li Sale positive uiiles-4 the property is disposed of privately before gale. J II. WILSON. ! . VANCE ii DOWD. ! j j '', As the Attorney of E. S. JafTray & Co., who have a claim on I he ahove properly. I Consent to t!ii ?ale." and will umte in the ti;le, rendering it imdoubled. tet3. lS7f ow - P.UFUS UAP.KINWEU. i HILLS AND LAND i For Salo. i I offer for ale my FAIIM of 11H Acres, fire mile! Vel ol Charlotte, Together with a' G'UIST an.l SAW MILL.'- j There is a pood Dwelling 'and all necessary out house ou the place, and it is immediately on the line of. the Air Line Uailroad from Charlotte to Atlanta.- 1 About 40 Acres of the tract 13 in timber the balauce cleared. ' ! ! WILSON MONTGOMERY. Sept 2, 1870 ' Cwpd ; . j Valuable Gold-Mining Property ! FOIi SALiii. j. Py virtue of a Decree of the Superior Court of Cabarrus county at Fall Term. ISi'.l, I will offer br sale at Public Auction, for Cah, at the Court IIone in Concord, on Saturday the olhof November next, at 1- o'clock. M . the undivided fourth part of that valuable tract or Land known as the lit LI) GOLD MINE tract, situate in Cabarrus county on .Meadow Creek, contaibiug 7SO Acres, according to survey, This Land, Jxides its value as Mining property. which has a reputation unsurpassed by auy proper. ty of the kind in North Carolina. is well tiinbercl, well waterel.' -nd a large portion u ell adapted to t.riculturl purposes. ' j JUil. A. mcuujhlu. - - r -V . . k.- : 1 . . tier m vviu3 cujicnur v,uuo i Spt.26, 1870. r5w ; j j I OTT ir NV P. i A Divorce Suit Stopped. The Louisville Courier has the following; A sinruhif incident occurred ;iti the oBice of an at-tortiey-at-Iaw in this city last week. A couple who had U'D matricd (or sixteen jor seventeen years. Ijad wearied of the matrimonial harness, and the wife had brought suit for divorce upon the :r!miid of cruel and; iuhuuiau treatment. The blid ivits had all been made out in due form ai d filed in the court, and she had called at the ilice. of j her attorney that day for the purpose of urj:inf hint to push the Suit. While seated in the ofiace her husband cayte in. He sat and looked at his wife for some time, , and then said : '03d woman, we liveil together for a bmir lime." The wife rcpliel, "Yes, we did." The hufcband said, "Don't you think we h-id bet ter try it aain ?" The wife replied, "Yes. if you will treat me" rijrht.'' ;The old tnan rose up, lifted lis hand to Heaven, and, jwith a voice tremulous with 1 emotion, repeated' his vows to nourish,' cherish, Jove, h-nor, and protect until death, jhe' bride of his youth, and hen folding her to bis bosoui, and they wept together for joy. hven i he fimtcd hearted: attorney, who saw a pood cse with bir fees 'fading forever from his sight, ras moved to tears. The gentleman then paid tli 0 fees and coats, and the 'attorney was authorized to withdraw the pending suit, and the old people left the oSce haud 'in hand and as hanriv as June bugs. IIoJ . Jefferson Davis. The New York the 20th says: Jefferson Davis arrived ;iy with his wife and children in the . Cuba,, from Liverpool. lie left hera Sun of jest ei t' steamer for Knolaud in Augnst to escort his! family home. and is o better lieu 1th than usual. The names of the hilJren are William, Jefierson and Win nie. he news of Gen. Lee's deat was a greit surprise and shock to him. He w oil i nod, to hear of the disasters in V is also mufii irginia by the lite fl tiunal and d j.ds. Mr. Davis is rf ticent tijiou all na- j'HstKius, eitlier ot the sires entire privacy.! past or present, Thd lino of conduct chosen by a young man during will, in the five years between fifteen to twenty almost every instance, determine bi c. llemember that, ye yoaug character for li meii eu. An L wa man tells of a Stuart, wife that helped her husband to raise seventy acres of wheat 1 be wiiy door iibd t-he helped linn was to stand in the shakd u brootui at him :wheu he sat down io rest nun; tiijtj'ii 10 lliw iieburg. 1 who l ives a dent is s daughter, has to get a tooth pulled once as u 11 excuse for going-to see her. and a wee wants to know what excuse lie. shall nave when bis renna ThJ-I mining f ur teeth h ive been! extracted. legislature ot Indiana is JOemoeratic in th biranches. and the Hadical maioritv in the State Senate filVnnsvlvania is reduced to one. GREG OUT WILLIAMSON. I NEW SljOCK OF GROCERIES' Charlotte, N. C. a- s The attention 'of strictly 'CASH buyers is called to our large si ocklof Groceries and Provisions, such as Sugar, Coffe , Molasses and Teas, Sa.t. Leathe;'. jFish of all sorts, Cotton Tics. Hope and Lagging, j . Pure Liquoi ii ami W ines for Medicinal purposes. And evervtlimg usually' kept in a wholesale and retail Grocery establishment. ; ' Ifjjf We offer Special intlacemcnts to those who buy lor Cash. ! v j GREG OR V & WILLIAMSON, Oct 10, 1870. I ,Dryce?s Uuilding Trade'St'reet. H : : ' Slices and Boots, Leather, &c .. ' - ! v- S. JJ. IIEACHA1I, In the. Jiififmil Bank Buihlht'j, - Has received a verv larire st I ck. of D O O T S , ; S II O E S , L E A T II E R , Shoe-Findings,1 Belting, &c., To which he respectfully asks the attention of whole sale and retail buyer. i Tlie exaiiiinitikjii of this' stock by .'country mer chants is solicited, as it will b soil ou as lavorable terms as can be obtained a 113' where. All the new atvles of Ladies'! and Gentlemens' Shoes an.l Loots will be found in OREAT -VARIETY Keiaember thd vlace Store iu Uaul liuilding, next door to Grujiite How. '- ' :' (ct 10. 170: i 3m V S. C. MEACIIAM New Fall and Winter AT IJEjVTTlE'S; EOUD, N. Goods C. We are now; receiving and opening by far the largest stock of Goods ever Drought o this section, and keep comdaiitly on haud uluioslj every article .1 hat can be called for in j f Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, &c., &c, &c. J Onr Stock of CLOTHING, LADIlsf and GENT'S HATS, BGOT3 ind SHOES is complete. We deal in notjiing shoddy, and warrant all goods to be as repreeiiied. Having never teen uudereold in the past, we never intend to be jiu the future The quality of 01 r goods is the best, and our prices the cheapest. , - ; ', j . ! j Call and examine for yonrpeIve the largest, most varied and best fleeted slock of Goodiyou liaveever seen iu a Country Store. I - v culp, connmi; & ro Oct 10, 1870. 4w Beattie'a Ford, N. C It. 2il. M ILLER &! SONS, Whblesale Grocers, GENLllAL 1'UOlt I t JJ If BALERS t AMI j Commission j Merchants, CoiVye Stf tet, CUAULOTTE, iN. C May 1G. jf - j ' ' ' Kcad his! Read This!! I ! Money saved is money imade. ! S OSBOE NE & SCHIFF, Have removed from cppcclte the First National Bank to the j store foruterly occupied by X... Lowengard, two doors above Messrs LreniL lirowi & Co's Hard ware Store, where they keep the most extensive stock ever kept iu this market for j I Wholesale and Retail. V- - - - 1 I , ' . . They will compete in prices with any house in the United States j j j j j Leather for Sale Depot for SCH1FF & BRO S Tannery tct IU, tiSU. TUESDAY NOVEMBER t "'EeiuiEisceaces of Gen Lee. 1 1 t I -. i - ! .- ..--. - - - -I i ; ! I " The AVashington Star, in an article; on j the death of GeueraJ Lee. pives the following; inter esting, iucideuts iu his life : j) :-.; ; J. H..;V As an iosfance of - his coolness under trying circumstances it is related that during one ot the hottest! fights in Mexico he was with (Jen. Scott making observations, jwhea a ball froui the eneuiy struck a post or tree very near him, knocking the bark and splinters, in his face General Scott excitedly exclaimed,1 "Iee. are you hurt? ' to which the latter replied "no," and carelessly brushing the bark and dirt from his person 'proceeded, with his observations as if nothing unusual had occurred. He had but lew "bosom friends." and there is not an officer in the city now with whom it said that he was very Ultimate. His manner being reserved he was not easily approaehed, though he was always regarded sis the perfect type of a dignified officer. When' he resigned his couifnission in the United; States Army. Gen. Seott was deeply affected, aud remarked to a fellow officer ' that ' "Lee was a valuable tnan, alidihis services were : wortu millions a aay to any governiiient. I His administration at W est l imit is said to have been rigid but' kind! towards the cadets, though with an entire absence of anyj partiality. His own eon Fitzhugh 'was there at the time and was a lway treated the; same as other, cadets, uo special favors shown! hini. Some Virginia youths whoj received appointments there i thought they would be the favored; ones as the comman der of the ost was from their own State, but in this tli ey were sadly mistaken as he was very strict and always a rigid disciplinarian, j lie m-ver allowed any infringement. upon the rules no matter what the circumstances oir occasion might be. ' ' I '- 1 v v : ! 1 In religious belief he, was an,' Episcopalian, and while residing at L . ArJIiigi ou attended Christ church in Alexandria. It is said that he' refused to open leSters ad dressed to him during ! the sce;essioii extileuient until he had niade up his mind to resign his doinmissioii ; liis reason being that, he wionld nit he influenced by any appeals or offers from those he loved. . Very Small! Indeed, j The deatli of General Robert E. Lee has im- pressed the public throughout the entire: country with general feelings of regret, Oldlptiejadiees and party bitterness, if any remained tip to this time, seeui to have been! forgotten at I the aiM liouuecmerit of his demises. The .State; of 'Vir ginia, now jloyal and republican, propiseS to give h fiii a public funeral. iThe Governor addressed a message to the; Legislature to this effect, which was at once responded to by a unanmioiis iipro val, and comniittees of both houses were (appoint ed to make the necessary airangeuienits. All the cities, of the jSouth are jwrappe'd.ii) uiourning for a gre:i(t public citizen, cultivatedJ highly gifted, Christian gentlemtln, who. if he!erred: aud no one believes that lie erred consciously survived the error, lived a t ob'e. diguiifiod lifej and died iu union with the whole people. "Was it tuot a very smal business, then, tor the Collec tor ol Savannah to Cause the iiig ouh custom house t uf the iefe which, in unison with, the feeling ccfm m unity, was; placed at halt-htatj to be hoisted to its original position 'i Col lector I lobb telegraphed the liitoruiut'.on td Secretary iieppeet to lioutwell, . alleging that the mark o: the deadi was paid by his deputies without consulting hiui, and stating jthial -1 . r - - I P : I niucni 1 Lad feelinl; existed among the citizens at hi conduct. . F ' f .- 'r ! "1 j Secretary Iioutwell approved the conduct or the Coll-jctor, for which he may not be blame lessassuming that the! honor was intended to bej liaid to General Lee as (Ommander-iu-Chief 01 the Confederate armies ; but it docs u-it appeal that this is the case either 111 Savannah or auy where else. (Jeneral Lee was a great! citizen of America, whom his own people especially had, learned "tol honor. Mr. Kobb uuiriit: have shun his eyes to that flag at! ha f staff and not bother ed the-'Secretary about it. it is su h ! verv sinall maiters that keep tip the acerbity whud every honest man in tiie republic desires to stjj kbuudoucdi Ac?c J ork U(n ult A lennfiylvania farmer states that ie jcured his daughter ot the Grecian bend by pourin water ou ner. ana noiaiiig ner out 111 f i 1 t 1 - 1 T the sun Mutt bhe warped back again. . j Vacant Lot! for Salei j I oiler lotf sale, nrivaieiv. one vacant lui nciween 1 1 fjov. V ance s property ahl the llock lslandj t actoryj ioating on oth street. The properly riiutit. be sold Oct 24, 1870 tf S. C. WOLFE, jAtfomey. J. s Phillips & Trezevant, MERCHANT TAlLUilS, No . 4 Granite Bote, CHARLOTTE, iN. C. Hats, rTh finest, and best assortment to be lound in tne laarket. Furnishing Goods. TIerino Soirts. Drawers. Linen Shirts, Collars' of ill kinds. Gloves of all k nds. :f- ! Water Pi of Clothing, as cheap ass fhe same clasiP bf Goods call! be fouud anywhere, tall aud see. Oct Jl, 1 Plaster and Guano for Wheat. BARRELS' of Land Plaster and 100 tsack of pure Pacific Guano for sale b BURROUGHS Jf SPRINGS. ; Corner of College and Fourth Sts Steel Ceeek, N. C.;0ct.fl8, 187a "'Messrs Burrouehs & Springs: Gentltmeni Live used the "Soluble pacific Guano I four years On Wheat, (bits an i Cotton.j Ul use nothing else an still recon mend it. Mt crop of cotton this year is entirely sat sfactory. lours tru'v. ALLLN 1 Oct. 24, lb7d. II. BROWN. 1 Cancers. Tumors and Ulcers. IRI II. KLINE, M. Di.. at the Philadelphia Cancer Institute. y:il Arch Street, I'niladelpiiia fa ; an 1. GREEN, .M. D-, at Charlotte. N. C.are loaKing most! astoniihing cures: of; i1.,,,- A . - .' ;I- -V - CANCERS, TUMORS AND . ULCERS Pry qew priiiciples Cancer; Antidotes that removp the lnreest iCancers and i Tumors without an opera,- tjon with the knife, without Caustfc, eatiDg or-burn . 1 r . ll ".1. ... 1: .!.. 4... : n I- I ing meuicines, ana wnu.uui umc )' 1 . 1 uVo otlier ttrutmettt should fcer he. used. i For particulars send for a Circular, call upon or address either of tne above. Oct SI, 1870 Siopdi v. I, 1.S70., Eebellion of Chinese Laborers. j ue nucsiion ot l.liinese labor had . a new d4velopment on the! 4th- utt. tiear Lima. Peru. It! fourteen years over 43000 Coolies of the lowest grade have been imported, sod receive miserable pa v and worst treatment. On the morning in question a great number of them on ti e plantations of Pativilca aidlGalpon rose, at d after killing the w,hitcsi thniost revolting atkocities were practised on their dead bodies, arid delicate women and children subiected to tjamjefuland cVuel torture. They next attempt- ed the sack ot the little village pt Jiarranca, bat a broprietot, Iieing notified In time, secured his faniily in a chapel, aid with 'a triend, opened fire killing over sixty jof the wretches. In the meantime the villagers erected a barricade, twist- c forty' men behind itand wben the Coolies, now .juumbericg 2,000, appr ached, shot the leideir deadjThfti Chincse'Sdl toDMtditej by this loss, threw, themselves i upon the harri- The fight, for a few tiiOYKeuts, was hand to haud. and the whites suffered severely under Knives and weapons jOf :their assailants. o win however, the Coolies fled, 'and the brave d ferjderof the church, having placed his family in a dace of safety, a.ud found; several compan- appeared in their I rear.! nutl commenced ions. spen a vigorous fire i upon fhetnj that id a short all order was forgot let and the insurgents time were iu a headlong; flighfj! Tfwps were seut from Lima, but thej. Chinese' had taken to the ui(.uiitains. A ork fen the 'plantations is para- 3 sed, and the loss cannot be legs than a million dollars. tr-t Marriage in Lapland: It is death in Lapland to inai rv a maid with- owe tne conseui or ner parents or ir ends. When y voiiiig man has rormed aji attachment for a young female, the fashion fs to appoint their i li lends to nieet to peh'dd the two young parties riun ia race togetiier. I no maid I I . : " . i mi " i is allowed, in starting, the third part of jthe rae,'sr it is im possible, except voluntarily! that he should be dvertaken. 'j . " iV-j j' I j f . . Itlthe maid outrun her snitbr, the matter is iuded ; he most neter have her. 'it being penal Bor i or tjie-man to renew; t be pfop'jsalj for marriage iut if the virgin has an affeiction for him. rhnii"h first she runs hard to fry hi truth of his vej she will (without AtluntaV goldeti ball to retard heti sptjed). pretend make a voluntary halt bet; sMiie cauality. aud ntary halt Deloie she comes t the inark,or the end of the race. Thus none are CU1 elied, to many wit limit; t Jieir jown will : and it. i 1 a i- : J! f t (hatis the reasivir whytlie fjtiiarfied people in it. : .' L ... u t .'it. . . . inis. pooricouniiy arc ricijrr lii.t.u heir couteiit- faieii thathin other lauds tthere so many forced j ------- , i: - ir : . - Hatches makeH'eigued love; aud cause real un- lappiuess; Russian Ladies. Th ladies in Russia are I : ,1 . anxtmis to marry trapse; they have no iberty before .marriage. " I are kept con- Btautlv uiideKthe maternal evBlUntil triven ub to fheir husbands, aud then they take. their own course. Almost as soon! as a "ill is borivKin the better raiiks of society, her p irents begin tpre- p a'rejtl.m dowry fche must have whii she goes to, lier. husb:ud. j She niust fairuih everything for an outfit, in life, even to a idozeh new shirts for her Coming husband, j Thej yiiing' tnan goes-to the .house of the proposed bride abd! counts over her Orestes, exainincs . inet lurrnture, ana sees the wholi with his. own; eves tie fore he commits .1 himself t& thej irrevocable barga"!! n In hijjh life such thinrgs are conduct;ed with more apparent delicacy, but t ie fact's are ascertained with accu- racy theibuafttipss being in-the h-rids of a broker or notafyi The triiusseau is exposed iu public before tlie 'wedding day; " j j . 1 . - 1. ... 1 1 - - i - LuxAdr -and Poor ;Liet. In England and U ales there were, ou the tirt oj January, D4, IJ :r . 7 r . . . -r -1.. - . persns of urisrjuud mind, uudpr the cognizance of ie Lunacy pommisstoners. Of these, 48,- 325 were of thb pauper icltwjs, ndjthe commis-' sioners report; that they are saFtneu that 111 ereat niajorify Id' cases impaired nutrition is the cause of the liiillady. j Buddy kcujliness impa:rs mental fenltb. Ot i coifrs, jipou bodies and minds th'us redjuccd, griefs ,sna perplexities act wit nt most uutiiiigiiig i.iuntiencG.. a requires a strong niiid to resist! difficulty i 1 1 i a aud the mind symputhtscs with the body; The following is .reco'ninieDded las a cure for fever and airuel It is a Yankee hotiou. and an pears first in a (Connecticut jjapr:. i 1 i . 'Jake a tea spfniiifuliof unefly pulverized $z' shells, mixed with! nrdasseSi. pu troing tot he'd pu going aiier soaking n t the feet in war in waterv Iwd oif r three doses ol'tcn cufes.' aL A Arkansas lawyer being engaged to prose- cute a suit aga nst'a widowl Reeing that he was going to! be beaten, married tile defendant. Uis- chargedjher attorney, won hisjeasie handily, and collected the money all of which wag outsider- ed a good j''kej 1 1 and then rub siway with the whole amount, bettr j'jike. - which some thought was a still The lifTeied di'vastation by 't.lie t ite disastious vntnii u ot ail ieiiios ot iruinia that flood have goqe to work ;jin jearpest to repair damages. Cat als are being ripidly repaired, at heavy expense, bridges are! being! rebuilt, rail roads n-pjired uid everything ptis'sible done to wipej out the destruction caused b' the heaviot fl.M-d that has visited Virginia: in a hundred years. The ttal loss to thej State will reach many millions of 1II irs. . j Administrators' Salo. As Administrators of the late W. T. Alexander, we will sell at public auction, on the premises, com mencing on Tuesday the loth 'of jNoveber next anl conlLUUing until all is disposed of, jajl the personal oroperfy of said deceased, con si sting; oT6 Horses and Mules, 15 head of Cattle, among thcpi several fine Milch Cows, crops of Cotton, tiornU wheat. Oats, Roughness, 3 good road . agna 3 Cotton Gins, one an2 Harness. 1 good Piano,; lloijseboljj and Kitchen in excellent oraer; I two norse Carriage, 1 Ruggy Furniture, Farming Tools. &e j !; . TtEiis Six months credit with note aud security - tl. II. iLUtt, - JO UN Jd. ALEXANDER. , : AJiuinintrators. - ; ! i: I -1 'hi- Ja. B All persons indebtjpd to said Estate are hereby notified to pay up. and all having claims will prtient them' within the timej prescribel by law or tin notice will be pleadjil in bar of their recovery. JOHN M. i ALEXANDER, R, II 3wpd FLOW; Oct 24, 1870 LAdminiatratQrs. NIKRTEENTn VOLUME N U U D E II QIC. Agricultural. Small Grain vs. Cotton.' From the X. C. farmer. i The production of plenty of tniall grain is im portant to every farming coiumuuity. aud it is something which our planters cannot longer ovcilook without manifest damage to their best interests, and we here endeavor to bring the j matter to thir attention, trusting that we may I invoke for it such consideration that will not J permit it to be longer overlooked or neglected. j - Jnere can be no doubt that if our farmers I would plant less cotton, and trire more of their attention to the cereals, they could raise better stock in abundance, and in the priduction of their staple supplies for the farm realize a creater profit aud at far less trouble and .cost of Lbor, to say nothing of trte improvement to their lands, which would follow a a natural consequence. I Uut we bear fartiiersi sav thercan bare no J success at stock raising, and when they tell u. j of the attention they give to the subject, and the proportion of their lands they devote to grain, we do not wonder. Without the strictest caie and closest atten- I tion to the breeding aud raising of animals, and I the m st liberal production of the grains and grasses necessary for them, it is utterly inipojv sible. for any community to have any cccs j with hoires. hogs, sheep, &c, but with proper attention given to the sulueet, and plenty of J grain and grasses tor their sustenance, it is the easiest of anything in husbandry, sinco to 'a c'-r-tain extent, nature being so lavish iu her futors to the animal kingdon they grow spontaneously. All thisx involves, as a matter of course, the planting'and cultivation of less cotton, bat to the' intelligent farmers of Edgecombe and neigh boring counties it is scarcely .necessary to adduce any arguments in furor of reducing, the cotton production of eastern Carolina. So'wa have any expression ol opinion on the subject, all agree that we should and must plant less; that we hare neither he labor, the material or thecapital necessary to sustain us in the heavy and exhaustive operations we have attempted to conduct since the war While in grain and stock raising-it is equally apparent that we f hall reap a greater profit as the result of our labor,. and which will be lighterand more pleasant, jfor -'t ton growing is-of all pursuits the most iurva. sautly laborious, and taxes ones energies and resources further than any vocatiou a man can follow. The fanner who plant to produce his borne supplies can eaily regulate his operations so as to cultivate and house in good time nil his crops, a . . . . , . . . ., - ,wlHen if a. consideration uot many view as they pI',u'd- , v cry many farmers plant so. much cotton they cannot even tiike time to save their corn, peua and potatoea, before they are pernianently in jured by the Fall weather. Nor can Ife who produces an extra heavy crop of cotton aare it in as good condition as one who plant less, tor cotton like ail other crops must be housed at tho proper tune, or wae mm aamagc is mo rcsuu, and more time and. labir are necessary in cotton than in the gathering of all other crops iu pro portion. Thus it is that every year neither our cotton or corn crops are as valuable for homo consumption or market, ns they would bo if pro perly gathered and preserved. : . ! Hoa Cnor4ERAxCuRE.--A coreespondent, re siding in;Kentueky,laim8 to have discovered an infallible cure for the hog cholera, and offertt it free of charge to the public. It is as follows: Dissolve thoroughly one pound of copperas iu three gallons of warm water, andpply to' tho wash. about milkwariu to the cncclcd auinnl, ,by clipping info the solution or rubbing, upoo. it nu 111 til the skin n thoroughly wet. u henevefvihe of the hoi? he-ins to l.M.k roii-h nod ncalv or f a dark red color, apply the wah immediately, rjont wait until the more alaruiitig aymptoma (voluiting and purging) set in. Apply tho wao every dav until the scales are removed. 1 he correspondent states that this remedy has been tried repeatedly, and without a aingle failure-when the directions were properly followed. At any rate, it is worthy of a trial. , .Indigestion in Hoksf.s Whenever tha evil is noticed, the animal must have a piece of rock salt and chalk constantly placed in his rack, and a little pipc-chiy. m.ignesi.i, or other ante acid; in his water. If worms h i v been passed, give three, drachma of. aloes dissolved iuturpen . I a ft im a tine aud a pint ot gruel. Jiali an ounce eacn of ginger and gentian, and half a drachm of sul phate of iron, should subsequently bo ad mm ut tered twice a day, fo impirl tone to the diges tive organs, t urning the animal out to grafa in the spring of the year, whero it can bo bene fitted by exercixe and fiesh air, will bo found to be very beneficial. "-, ' Anecdotes op Lincoln. .Miss M. Vcot- worth has a paper in Putnam's, for November, giving ra'rs-mal reconectioin of Mr Linoolo, Here are some anecdote said to be new: Jhe conversation turned to Mrs. Lincoln fear thai some of the Southeru women might have hidden weapons to take his life, and it was her earnest request that women fchould not be admitted, ex cept in company of gentlemen known to tho Executive Depart incuts. The -President answered, with Jnucw anima tion, that he did not feci aOaid.-and sthen he added, solemnly : dj not consider that I have ever accomplished anything without tjod. j and if it is His will that I must die by the hand ofati assassin, I yiust l resigned. I nrjt ds) my duty1 as I see it.'and leave the rest with U4 Igoto amusements vtry much against my in clination. I go simply because. I must hare change. I laugh because I must not WCCDJ that's all that's all." The President was speaking of sudden death. "I believe you are ready to die at any time' said a friend to him? . ' "No. I am not ready," said the President, mournfully; "each daj a I look. over its events and incidents, as I think of those I have tuada happy, of thwel have made miserable,! see that i might have been truer to my neighbor, truer to my God." , "Men want women to be angels afore tbey marry 'em, d they V exclaimed an irate spin ftcr. "They'd look well along side of tngcUj wouldn't they ? the great . brutes I'V t t i .s 1 , Au2 22. 1S70.

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