AGRICULTURAL. Salt as a Fertilizer. An inquirer of the .'New York Tribune wants to know how much salt can be used pel acre with benefit, anJ whether fish salt in as good or better than common salt ; to which Prof. S.'T. Johnson gives the scien tific answer as follows: A to the quantity that ma be applied per acre, that depends upon the crop and the climate. On asparagus, several hundred bushels may be used without harm. On ngar beets and tobacco, large applications will often promote growth, sometimes won derfully; but the beets will not yield their MUgar, aud the tobacco will not make good smoke. On grain crops, five to fifteen busbela per acre, and in England, larger quantities have been used. More can be safely employed iu moist climates or sea sous than in dry. Ten bushels is perhaps the happy medium adapted for an experi mental trial. So much for the quantity that "can be used per acre." Now, something more as to how much may be used "with benefit." Salt acts upon the crop, for the most part, in an indirect manner. Il does not contribute greatly to the growth of plants by its own elements, sodium and chlorine, neither of which are needed by agricultural plants in much quantity. It is therefore frequently of no perceptible advantage. Sometimes, how ever, a moderate dressing produces remark able effects. In the soil, salt, like most saline fertilizers is capable of working chemical changes that may be useful to a crop. It dissolves or displaces one or more elements of nutrition from combinations which the plant cannot overcome, and ren ders tbem available. This fact has been demonstrated by numerous chemical inves tigations. Heiden, Pet ers, Jones and Frank have each made comparative trials on vari ous soils as to the kind and amount of mat ter dissolved from them by a given quanti ty of weak salt solution, compared with that dissolved by pure water. The results differ according to the soil experimented upon, but the general fact is that salt considerably increases the solvent power of water for lime, magnesia, potash, oxide of iron, and humus, especially for the two first named. It is plain, then, that cer tain soils may give better crops for a dress ing of salt, because the salt by its indirect action is equivalent to ah addition of lime, magnesia or potash. If, however, these are sufficiently supplied by the soil itself the addition of salt is a detriment, because it makes these elements soluble, only to be washed out by the rain. When we have a deep and heavy (clayey or loamy) soil, which contains at a depth below the reach of tillage stores of plant food which are too slow in becoming ol avail to crops, we enn use salt to make them more speedily servi ceable ; we can iu fact manure the subsoil indirectly by its application to the surface. The fact that the ocean is so salt ; that in other words three-fourths of the mutters dissolved in it are chloride of sodium, shows that soils leave little retentive or absorptive powers for the elements, sodium and chlo rine. Direct experiment confirms the fact that of all the saline compound found in the soil-water, common salt is one which is in general least fixed or absorbed by Alter ation through earth. liy virtue of this solubility it is adapted to penetrate parts of the boil wheie no tillage can upturn, and where no manure can be put, and by its chemical action there, to feed the long rooted plants, like clover, beets, tfcc, which otherwise might be insufficiently nourished. These remarks upon its mode of action are mnde to explain the fact of practice that salt more often gives no result than a good one, also to show under what circum Ktanocs it .nay be advisable to try it, and to make evident that our knowledge of the conditions that govern its working is so in complete that experiment alone can be de pended upon to determine whether it will operate advantageously in any given case. 'Fbdi salt" is neither better nor worse than ordinary salt. Lard as an Unaruent. Ibis well known that rubbing the body with. hog's tat has the effect of reduced the temperature of the skin in scarlet fever. A gentleman of our acquaintance has used the fat portion of smoked ham with beneficial results, and writes to the editor to dissemi nate the fact for others' benefit. A cele brated German physician recommends to incorporate one or two grammes of carbolic acid into one hundred gramm s of lard, and with this to rub the whole body, excepting the head, two or three times a day, accord ing to the intensity of inflammation charac terizing the case in hand. The effect of this kind of treatment is to produce a pleasant feeling of coolness, to keep the ckin sol'ter, ftnd after each application the temperature of the skill falls somew hat. The carbolic acid operates to destroy the germs ami Spores of the disease. For the Tootiiacii k. An exchanyegives the following application for the toothache: If any of your readers suffer from tooth ache or neuralgic affections arising from teeth in any stage of decay, they may ex- Cerience relief, instantaneous and permanent J saturating a small bit of clean cotton or wool with a strong solution of ammonia (hartshorn) and apply it immediately to the affected tooth. Mecklenburg County, North Carolina. The First National Rank of Charlotte, Plaintiff r. James Pagan, Defendant. ' NOTICE. The above named Defendant will take notice that in tbo above entitled actiou a Warrant of At tachment ha been issued returnable to the Superior Court of said county on the 8th Monday after the 4tU Monday fn March, 1874, and that said action is brought to recover tho sum of Seventeen Hundred ($1,700) Dollars due to PlaintiiF from Defendant bv "V5- , VANCE & BUR WELL, 1100 4 w Attorneys for Plaintiff. Ink! Ink!! 9r,8-!?binwl WritmS and Copying Ink, at Not. 8, 183. TIDDY'S. Snow Flake Flour. Just received a fine lot of Snow Flake Flour at J. Mclaughlin & son s' Nov. 17, 1873. Curry Comb. Card and Brash.: There: i a world 'of - comfort and- down right luxury in a good scratch, both for hu man people and for domestic animals. : Posts and bars for rubbing and scratching should be put up in pastures and barnyards, and kept'moderatcly rough so as to take hold of the skin. But our principal object in this present writing is o insist on a more free use of the currj-comb and brush, upon-, horses and cattle, at all seasons. These stable imple ments are not used as often and regularly as they should be by the generality of far mers. A good dressing down of the horse each morning with the curry-comb and brush is fully equal in health-giving power and elasticity of movement, to quarts of oats. It is a grateful attention, repaid many fold by the animal which is the stated recipient of it. But while bestowing this care upon the horse, as most persons do, knowing itsiene ficial effects, they very generally seem to forget that oxen and cows are equally bene fitted by a daily application of the card. There is no room for doubt on this subject, with those who have been accustomed to bestow this attention to the dairy ami work ing stock. A free use of the card gives re pose to the animals, enables them to enjoy and digest their food in quiet, instead of raking their bodies against posts, trees and fences, as opportunity offers, for allaying the irritation, produced by an accumulation of dust, hay-seed and other irritants common to the stable and barn-yard. Even young colts, calves and yearlings are greatly bene fitted by the use of the card; while its daily use is a step in the breaking or training process by which the services of the animals are made more readily available when pro perly matured for labor. It seems absurd to scrub a fattening porker, but those who have practised it con cur in its utility. One reason why hogs like to immerse themselves iu pools of stag nant water is found iu the fact that their bodies become incrusted with dirt, causing an itching which the pool they ssek allays. This irritation renders them restless, and retards the process of fattening very mate rially. This can be prevented by an appli cation of soap suds, aided by a splint broom commonly used fur eleaning stables and cross walks. A liberal application of suds, ami a good scrubbing daily, will allay irri tation, and give that repose to the animals which is essential to a steady and rapid ac cumulation of flesh aud fatty matter. The labor of preparing and applying the wash, at least once a day during the milder por tions of the season, will be amply remuner ated in the increased weight of the animals when the Slaughtering season arrives. LADIES! 'Tis a fact we all know well, That the "Singer" will excel! All Sewing Machines in this Town, Or any other place around. This Machine you should try, liven if you do not buy ; For then you will know, What we say is all so. It hems and fi lls as you will see, And as can 1k- proved by Mr T ; It does not refuse to work and sew, But is ever willing and ready to go. The "Singer" we sell at a trifle per day. So against our terms you have nothing to say; Then save your dimes in time to buy, A Machine that will last until you die. The best families will testify to the merited repu tation of the improved "SINGER" and to the great superiority it possesses over all other Sewing .Ma chines in the market. Among whom we would refer to Rev. R IT Grif fith, R Y McAden, Thos W Dewey, Win Phifer, M Steele, and Mrs P Query w ho lias used the "Sin ger" 8 or U years, of Charlotte, N. C, and Sir Stimn son, of Statesville, who bought oue second hand over 17 years ago and has used it constantly ever since on all kinds of heavy work and on line dress goods. Agents wanted. We trust all desiring a first class Machine will call and examine for themselves, or send their order to II. C. TUIiPIN, Manager Singer Manufactory, Charlotte, X. C, Oct. 20,' 1873. P. O. Box 11. Wanted ! Good industrious men to sell the new improved Singer Sewing Machine. Agents can make more money by selling this Machine than at any other business for the Singer sells more readily and gives better satisfaction than anv other Machine. Call on or address II. C. TUIiPIN, Manager, P. O. Box 11, Charlotte, X. C. Oct. 27, 187:1. ' Superior Court Mecklenburg County. The First National Bank of Charlotte, X. C, Plain tiff, James Pagan, Defendant. SUMMONS. State, of North Carolina :2'o the Sheriff of Mecklen burg County Greeting : You are hereby commanded in the name of the State to summon" James Pasan to appear at the next term of the Superior Court of the County of Meck lenburg, at the Court House in Charlotte, on the Eighth Monday after the Fourth Monday in March, 1874, then and there- to answer the complaint of the First National Bank of Charlotte, X. C; Plaintiff, in this suit. And you are further commanded to notify the said James Pagan that if he fails to an swer the said complaint, within the time specified. the said Plaintiff will take judgment against him for : Seventeen Han Ired Dollars with interest thereon from Deeemberl, 187 2, and for all costs and charges in this suit incurred. itness, E. A. Osborne, Clerk of the Superior Court of Mecklenburg county, at office in Charlotte, this the 20th day of November, A. D., 1873. E. A. OSBORNE, Clerk Superior Court. 1100 6v State of North Carolina, Gaston County. Superior Court, Sjrring Term, 1874. C. L. Claw son ex. Sutton Gold Mining Company. ATTACHMENT. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the Defendant in the above entitled action is a foreign corporation, and has goods and chattels in the county of Gaston, btate of North Carolina, and that an Attachment has been issued against the De fendant for the sum of Twenty-Seveniiundred and Sixty -Four Dollars and Ninety-Five cents, and a summons issued therein and delivered to the Sheriff of said county, returnable to Spring Term, 1874, of saiu v-ouri, w nuui was reiurnen oy nun "not found," i it is therefore ordered, that publication be made ; for six weeks, in the Charlotte Democrat, a news? j paper published in the City of Charlotte, is'. C. I notifying said Defendant of the mons and warrant of attachment in tiiis action re turnable to said Court on the 6th Monday af t r the 4th Monday in March, 1874, and let said Defendant take notice that if he fail to answer the complaint of the Plaintiff, at said time and place, judgment will be taken against him for Tw en ty-seveif Hun dred and Sixty-four Dollars and Ninety -five cents with interest thereon from the loth day of July' 1873, and the costs of this action, and the property levied upon will be condemned to the satisfaction, of the same. Witness, E. H. Withers, Clerk of the Superior Court for said county, at office in Dallas this the 24th day of October, A. D., 1873. E. II. WITHERS, Clerk Superior Court Gaston county. Nov. 22, 1873 6wpd SaVe the Largest Gobbler. Now that the- season has arrived for selecting the male turkey to preserve for breeding fmrposes, the necessity of picking oat the argest and most perfect as regards form and vigor may well be urged upon every body who keeps this very profitable farm stock. ' Let it be constantly borne in mind that size is a great desideratum in a gob bler kept for breeding. The largest males may be used with safety, even if paired with fair to medium sized hens. Administrator's Notice. All persons or parties having claims of any kind against the Estate of John Parker, late a soldier in the U. S. Army, are hereby noiified to present the same, duly authenticated, on or before the 18th day of November, 1874, or this notice will certainly be pleaded iu bar of their recovery. D. W. OATES, Nov. 17, 1873 Cw Administrator. NOTICE. All persons indebted to the estate of J. II. Stew art, dee'd, arc requested to come forward and make payment, and all those having claims against the said estate will present them within Ihe time pre scribed by law or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. AV. F. GRIFFITH, Nov 3, 1873 6wpd Administrator. GROCERIES, &c. The undersigned have received a complete and full line of Groceries, Confectioneries, Musical In struments, Toys, Christmas Goods, Cigars, Tobacco, fee, which they are selling low for cash, and to punctual customers. A. R. XISBET & BRO. Call at A. R. XISBET & BROS and buy Coffee, Sugais, Molasses, Teas, Cheese and Salt. Call at A. R. KISBET & BRO'S and buy French Candies, Toy Candies, Sugar Fruits, Stick Candies, &c, &c. Call at A. R. XISBET & BRO'S and buy Accor deans, Violins, Guitars, Tamborines, Music Boxes, &c, &c. Call at A. R. XISBET & BRO'S and buy Toys of all kinds for children. Call at A. R. XISBET & BRO'S and buy Torpe does, Cannon and small Fire-Crackers, Albums, Vases, Work Boxes, &c., suitable for Christmas P1 Call at A. R. XISBET & BRO'S and buy fine Plug Tobacco, Smoking Tobacco of several brands, with a large quantify and quality of Cigars. All of the goods mentioned can be bought at Wholesale and Retail prices. Xov. 17, 1873. A. R. XISBET & BRO. Daily Arriving at N. PRATHER & CO'S, w. Fresh Supplies of Goods, Consisting of Canned Fruits, French and American Candies in all the new and rich varieties, Bread, Cakes and Pies to suit all classes. Weddings and Festivals furnished ut short notice and at reason able terms. Eating House. Our table will be furnished with an abundant evidence of a bountiful harvest season, and with our enlarged room and increased facilities we feel confident we can, by a persistent effort, please all who may favor us with their patronage. Call and see us. Meals at all hours. W. X. PRATHER & CO., Sept. 22 1873. Next to Market House. New Stock of Groceries. The attention of our friends and the public is re spectfully called to our large and well selected stock of GROCERIES, consisting of everything to be found in a iirst class Grocery House. You can be suited in anything you may call for in the shape of LIQUORS all grades and prices to suit. Everything sold is warranted as represent ed. We can sell you the celebrated B. select Whis key at manufacturer's prices, freights added. Our Holt's celebrated Rye, and the celebrated Lynchburg Rye are among the most popular brands of old Rye Whisky all of which we keep in large quantities. Coopi r's, Lanier's and Balie's pure Mountain Corn Whiske, Apple and Peach Brandy, French Brandy, California Brandy, Maderia, Sheny, Port, Malaga, Muscatel, Angelica, Scuppemong and Flower's Wines of the best grades alwaj-s in store. Imported Ale and Porter, and Champaigne al ways on hand. Give us a call. Oct. 13, 1873. GRIER & ALEXANDER. Cigars and Tobacco. J. M. LEAK & CO. Have opened an Office and Salesroom at Xo. 4 Granite Row. next door to the Express Office, where they will keep on hand a full Stock of CIGARS, CHEWING AND SMOKING TOBACCO Of their own Manufacture. Wholesale and Retail customers will do well to give them a call before purchasing elsewhere. J. 31. LEAK & CO., Jan. 27, 1873. Charlotte, X. C. The best Water Power, Gold Mines and Iron Interest in the South, FOR SALE. By virtue of a mortgage to us executed by Ad miral Charles Wilkes, we', the undersigned Mortga gees, will sell upon the premises, at the "High Shoals," in Gaston Couety, X. C, on the TENTH DAY OF JANUARY, 1874, for CW, all that valuable estate and property known as the "HIGH SIIOALs" property ia the Counties of Gaston, Lincoln and Cleavcland, N. C, lying on the waters of Catawba River, Long Creek and other streams, containing over Fourteen Thousand Acres, and em bracing the largest and best Water Power in the South, and including Rolling Mills, Furnace and Forges and other Mills and .Machinery, and also embracing several valuable and productive GOLD MINES and inexhaustable beds of IliON ORE and LIME STONE and other minerals, besides rich and prxluctive Farming Lands. The Air-Line Railway runs two miles through this property, cutting the ore beds and near the water power. The Central Railway runs near and convenient to the property upon the other side. Sale at 12 o'clock, noon 10th January. 1874 W. P. BYNUM, THOS. GRIER, i MortSaSees. Nov. 10, 1873 2m F . SCAUR, Chemist and Druggist, CHARLOTTE, X, C. Prescriptions prepared at all hows of the Day and Xight. Keeps constantly on band all kinds of Drugs, Medi cines, Paintc, Oils, Dye Stuffs, Spices, Green and Black Tea. 6zc, &c. June 9, lb73. On Consignment, fc;nnn Yds Bagging. kJKJKJKJ ig,000 lbs: Clear Side Smoked Bacon 12,000 " Clear Rib Dry Salt " Which we offer to the trade on favorable terms. We also have in store the celebrated American Xeedle Cotton Gin, for which we are Agents OATES BROTHERS, Cotton Buyers and Gen. Com. Merchants, College Street Knives. Our large Fall Stock of POCKET CUTLERY" has just arrived. Call and make a selection from the best assortment in the State. Sept. 8, 1863 WALTER BREM & CO. . Cypress Shingles Supplied in any quantity, at reasonable rates. All orders left at the office of ALEXANDER & BLAXD will receive prompt attention. July 7, 1873 tf - - - " ' " Stoves, Tin & Sheeting Iron Ware A good COOKING STOVE is a household tragcurp unit w w.-rn1il nrlviiin tiiosft who have not yet procured one, to call and purchase one of the cTori'i t,at tnni- tUa nrominm at ttip Fair of the CaFolinas without delay. For full particulars call on the undersigned. I have also on hand a full assortment of custom Tin and Sheet Iron Ware, Hollow Ware, Japanned Ware, and various House keeping Articles. JOBBIXG promptly executed in a workmanlike manner. All Wares and Work warranted as repre sented. Orders respectfully solicited. D. II. BYERLY, Jan. J, 1873. . - Charlotte, X- C. A Positive Assertion! - That the best FLOUR in the City is at J. S. WIL LIAMSON & CO'S. Every sack or barrel war ranted. Our terms Cash. Xov. 17, 1873. MRS. QUERY Has the Handsomest and Cheapest Stock of Milli nery Trimmings and Fancy Goods in the city. The Ladies are requested to call and examine the Beau tiful Millinery and all the Latest Novelties in Fau cv Goods at very Low Prices. " Hair Goods a Specialty at Sept 15, 1873. MRS. QUERY'S. New Clothing Store. JOHN A. YOUNG & SON Respectfully inform their friends and the public that they are now receiving and opening an entire new stock of CLOTHING at their Store on Tryon street, Charlotte, fourth door above the Charlotte Hotel. Their stock has been selected with care from the manufacturers in the Xorth, and is so varied in style, quality and price as to suit the taste and wants of every one. It embraces every article ne cessary to make the Gentleman's wardrobe com plete, and they ask an examination of their goods by purchasers before buying elsewhere. J. A. YOUNG & SOX. Charlotte, Oct. C, 1873. tf A CARD. I respectfully inform my friends and those having business with me that I have removed my Office to the Clothing Store of J. A. Young & Son, Tryon street, Charlotte, where I will at all times be pleased to see them. J. A. Y'OUXG. Oct, G, 1873. Cabinet Organs. I would again call the attention of all who may ever expect to visit Charlotte, to those beautiful Organs, which for beauty, excellence, durability and cheapness are unsurpassed bjr any instrument of their class in the world. I keep constantly in store a variety of sizes, styles and prices, from the beauti ful Parlor to the "magnificent Organ of Church capacity. Come and see them, next door above the Market House, Charlotte, N. C. ASA GEORGE, Sept. 22, 1873. General Agent. L. W. SANDERS. W. C. BLACKWOOD. SANDERS & BLACKWOOD, Grocers, Provision Dealers, Commission Merchants and Cotton Buyers, Corner of Trade and College Streets, CHARLOTTE, N. C, A large and well selected stock of Staple Gro ceries on hand to which we invite the attention of Wholesale Buyers. Strict personal attention given to orders for pur chase or sale of Cotton, Grain or other Produce. In all instances prompt and accurate returns are made. Advances made on Cotton consigned to or stored with us, or shipped to any port to our order. Or ders for purcliase or sale of Cotton for future de livery, faithfully executed at short notice, through a House in New York of known responsibility anil integrity. tW We are Agents for the celebrated "WIN SHIP GIN," to which we call the attention of those who consider and appreciate quantity and quality of work. Sample Gin on hand for inspec tion. For further information applv to or address us. SANDERS & BLACKWOOD, July , 1S73. Charlotte, N. C. AT THE GREEN FRONT On College Street. We are now receiving our full Stock of GROCE RIES of all kinds, such as Sugars, Coffees, Rio, Laguira and Old Government Java; Mackerel, Bacon, Breakfast Strips, Lard, Hams, Cheese, all kinds; Soda, Candles, Starch, Sardiues, Crackers, Wooden Ware, Lead, Shot, Bagging and Ties, Leather, &c, &c, all of which we are offering to the Farmers at "Granger's" prices. Call and see us before purchasing. J. S. WILLIAMSON & CO. tW Messrs. J. V. Xethers, Capt. Wm. M. Stitt, Thos. D. Walsh and Capt. John L. Deaton are with Messrs. J. S. Williamson & Co., and will be glad to see their friends and promise satisfaction in every respect. Sept 22, 1873. DAILY STAGE LINE FROM Charlotte to Wadesboro. WADSWORTII & DAVIDSON have opened a new Stage Route (carry the U. S. Mail) from Char lotte to Wadesboro, daily. Through tickets from Charlotte to Wilmington, at lower rates than by any other Route. Express packages taken on this Route at reasonable rates. Sept. 15, 1873. To Merchants Everywhere! The Wholesale House of WITTKOWSKY & RINTELS, SEND GREETING: Too well and favorably known in North and South Carolina, parts of Tennessee, and Virginia, and too long established (since 18.17) the Proprietors deem it unnecessary in again coming before the public and soliciting their patronage to go into a long flourish as to their immense stock and com mensurate WILL and ability to sell Goods LOW. We therefore content ourselves by simply an nouncing that our business having increased $200,- 000 in one j'ear, and Charlotte having additional Railroad facilities warrants us in still more increas ing our stock. We shall have in store by the 10th of September a stock of three hundred thousand dollars, (300,000,) consisting of full lines of every class of goods that go to make a complete assortment for a Store, which we offer to the trade at competing prices with any Jobbing House from New York to New Orleans. All we ask, come, and we will make good the above assertion. Merchants in Xorth Carolina have the additional advantage, that by buying in the State, they have no purchase Tax to pay. We also have a retail department, where we keep everything from common to the very best. Also, have a Carpet and Millinery department. WITTKOWSKY" & RINTELS. Charlotte, X. C, Aug. 11, 1873. 1 w Woolen and Cotton Machinery FOR SALE. Two setU Woolen Machinery (Jinks' make) a3 good as new. Also, a lot of COTTON MACHIXERY. Apply to Mountain Island Mills, Wood Lawn P. O., Gaston County, N. C. June 23, 1873. tf - - 12,600 Pounds " White Lead in Oil, Paints, Colors in Oil and Putty on hand and offered at low figures to cash buyers, by SMITH & HAMMOND, Oct 20,1873. DrugSlsts- TO MERCHANTS Visiting Charlotte! You will find my stock of PAPER. ENVELOPES, BLANK BOOKS, PIPES and XOTIONS as cheap as any house in North Carolina, and you are in vited to examine my stock. .-rr J. K. PUREFOY. Ledgers and Day Books. . . , e n 500, 3 LEDGERS AND DAX JJUUlvo, irom -s to 8 quires, long, broad and square, at April7, 1873. PUREFOY'S. j. Mclaughlin & son, Successors to K M. Holt Jb Co.,) Respectfully inform their friends and the public generally that they will continue the Grocery Business On College Street, at the stand formerly occupied by E. M. Holt & Co. Farmers and purchasers generally are invited to call and examine their stock of choice Family and Plantation Groceries. Country Produce of all sorts bought at Market prices or stored for the owners at reasonable charges. A large Stock of Goods is being received for the Fall trade. J. McLAUGIILIX & SON. Aug. 11, 1873. - NEW BOOT AND SHOE STORE, Having received the most of our Stock of Boots. Shoes, Hats and Caps, TRUNKS AND LEATHER, for the Fall and Winter Trade, we invite all to call and inspect our Stock before making their pur chases as we are confident that the quality, style and price of our goods is not surpassed by any House in the South. Thanking our friends and the public generally for their past patronage, we hope by strict and person al attention to business to merrit the same in the future. All goods warranted as represented. SAMPLE & ALEXAXDER. Sept. 22, 1873. , . W. M. SMITH. W. 8. FORBES. NEW FIRM. SMITH & FORBES, (Successors to S. P. Smith & Co.,) CIIA R LOT TF, V. C. , Wholesale and Retail dealers in Boots, Shoes, Hats, Trunks, LEATHER, &c. This House being the oldest and largest Establish ment of the kind in the State, it will always keep for the inspection of its Customers, at Wholesale and Retail, a well selected stock of Boots, Shoes, Sec, bought direct from Manufacturers. Having a purchasing Agent always in the Xorthern Markets, we claim that we can sell Boots and Shoes as low as any jobbing house in Xew Y"ork or Baltimore. We will have in Store by September 1st, 1000 Cases Boots and Shoes, which we intend selling at prices that defy competition. Do not fail to call at the old Stand of Smith's Shoe Store and examine our Stock of Boots and Shoes before buying. We pledge ourselves to please. SMITH & FORBES, Successors to S. P. Smith & Co., Charlotte, N. C tW X. B. We have two large Shoe Stores ad joining, one exclusively Wholesale and the otber Retail and will givi- our Customers the benefit of superior advantages in the Shoe Trade. Aug. 18, 1873. SMITH & FORBES. . Ayer's CATHARTIC PILLS, For all the purposes of a Family Physic, Curing Costiveness, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Indiges tion, Dysentery, Foul Stomach and Breath, Erysipe las, Headache, Piles, Rheumatism, Eruptions aud Skin Diseases, Billiousness, Liver CompIaint,Dropsy, Tetter, Tumors and Salt Rheum, Worms, Gout, Xeuralgia, as a Dinner Pill and Purifying the Blood, are the most congenial purgative yet perfected. Their effects abundantly show how much they excel all other Pills. They are safe and pleasant to take, but powerful to cure. They purge out the foul humors of the blood; they stimulate the sluggish or disordered organ into action ; and they impart health and tone to the whole being. They cure not only the every day complaints of every body, but formidable and dangerous diseases. Most skilful physicians, most eminent clergymen, and our best citizens, send certificates of cures performed and of freat benefits they have derived from these Pills, 'hey are the safest and best physic for children, be cause mild as well as effectual. Being sugar coated they are easy to take ; and being purely vegetable, they are entirely harmless. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer& Co., Lowell, Mass., Practical and Analytical Chemists. tW Eor sale in Charlotte by Sept 1, 1873 y SMITH & HAMMOXD. WILSON & BLACK, Have now in store the largest and most complete stock of everything pertaining to the Drug Business to be found in the State, to which they invite the inspection of Country Merchants and all others visiting Charlotte. 50 Barrels Kerosene Oil warranted, 10 " Tanners Oil, 10 " Linseed Oil, 5 " Machine Oil, 5 " Varnishes, 5 " Turpentine, Low for cash at WILSON & BLACK'S. 200 Boxes French Window Glass, 2,000 Pounds Putty, Sept. 15, 1873. WILSON & BLACK. Cutler's Pocket Inhaler and V A 11130 LATE OF IODINE INHALANT. A Most Wonderful Remedy! The curative properties of which in Catarrh, Bron chitis, Asthma, Hoarseness and all Diseases of the Throat and Lungs, are superior to any thing hitherto used or known, affording relief in some cases in from five to ten minutes. Approved by the most distinguished physicians of all schools. W. R. BUR WELL & CO., Manufacturers' Agents, Charlotte, X. C. Pet 13, 1873. TAILORING. - John Vogel, Practical Tailor, Respectfully informs the citizens of Charlotte and surrounding country, that he is prepared to manu facture gentleman's clothing in the latest style and at short notice. His best exertions will be given to render satisfaction to those who patronize him. Shop opposite old Charlotte Hotel, next door to Bar ringer & Wolfe's Store January 1, 1872. Property can be Saved By using Pratt's Astral Oil in your Lamps. SMITH &. IIAM310XD, Sept. 22, 1873. Sole Agents. First National Bank of Charlotte, CHARLOTTE, N. G. Office in ilcAden's Xew Building. Officers. R. Y. McAden, President. 31. P. Pegram, Cashier D. W. Oates, Teller. Board of Directors. R Y McAden, JL Brown, Wm R Myers, K M Oates, 8 B Alexander, S A Cohen, It Barringer. Deals in Bills of Exchange, Sight Drafts, Gold and Silver Coin, and Government and other Securities. Tan 1. 1873. Mince Meat A lot of nice Mince Meat just received Also, some very fine Northern Apples' Bread and ?S.S?"f cUoMri A" hand site the Market v,. o. liULTOX & (ft1 Nov. 24, 1873. A. HALES, Watch-Maker and Jeweler Kext to Tiddy's Book Store, ' Is receiving a large addition to his stock rL of Ladies' Gold Watches and Chain? gSS"1? and Silver Watches and Chains, LadieV Setu r bobs, Breastpins, Finger Rings, Gold and -. Tliimbles, Gold and Silver Spectacles to suit er person, Clocks, Accordeons, Harmonies JfKjh Goods usually kept in a Jewelry Store. ' ' Very particular attention paid to REP rtv, Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, and all wcw-t ranted for 12 months Give him a call Var" Jan. 1. 1873 D . RIGLER r iVo. 5, Granite Roic. ' A lot of very fine CRACKERS of all kinds f famity use fresh and good. Ior -PICKELS by the dozen or gallon verv MINCE MEAT by the pound. 7 A full line of COXFECTIONERIES W ceived at D. M. IUGlSs Feb. 3, 1873. tK8' CON TF ECIONERI Es7&c", Opposite the Market House. Just Arrived, A large stock of French Candies, which we warrant pure. Also, an endless variety of French Confw tioneries of every description, and would be pleased to show them to our friends and customers. Also, Dried Beef, Beef Tongues and Sausaee of the best quality ; Smoking and Chewing Tobacca Cigars and Snuff. Ground Peas at wholesale otrZ tail as cheap as they can be had in Charlotte. Every day, Bread of the best material ; Cakes all varieties; Pies of all kinds; Rusk, Buns or Rolls to order ; Rye and Graham Bread, with many other articles not necessary to mention, to all of which we invite attention. Sept. 22, 1873. C. S. IIOLTON & CO. Drs. Greene, Lindley & Bentley's GREAT FAMILY MEDICINES, Prepared expressly for and adapted to the Southern climate. "Compound Extract Corydalis" is the nmst powerful and efficient Alterative and Blood Purifier known, prepared expressly for Scruf. ula, Secondary Syphilis, Eruptions on the skin, and all diseases which are produced by bad or unhealthy blood. J "Dr. Greene's Fit Cure," cures u kinds of Fits, Spasms and Convulsions which de pend upon irritation of the nerve centers; often stops the Fits from the first day's use even where tbey have existed for years. ''Medicated Honey," the great reme. dy for Coughs, Colds, Croup, Asthma, Bronchitis, Sore Throat and all diseases of the Air-passages and Lungs. It does nut sicken the patient, is pleas ant to take, prompt in its action, does not injure the appetite or imoair digestion us most Expector ants do. Our "Neuralgia Specific" is a per. feet specific for Xeuralgia, Sciatica, Rheumatism, and all muscular or nervous pains wherever situated These Mecticines are prepared with great care from perfectly reliable drugs, and for the especial classes of diseases named upon each bottle. No one of them is claimed as a "cure all." They are identically the same which we have used in our practice for years, and in thus recommending them to the public we know whereof we afflnn. They are safe, reliable and efficient, acting quickly ami thoroughly. Try tbem and you will wantnoothers. Ask j our Druggist for them. For sale by Druggists generally. Prepared onlj hi DRS. GREENE, LINDLEY & BENTLEY, Charlotte, N. C. N. B. Cancers, Tumors and Ulcers treated as heretofore by "KLINE'S GREAT CANCER AN TIDOTES," at Charlotte, Goldsboro aud AslieTille, N. C. June 16, 1873 ly 6mpd TAKE SIMMONS' LIVER REGULATOR. This unrivalled Southern Remedy is warranted not to contain a single particle of Mercury, or any injurious mineral substance, but is PURELY VEG ETABLE, containing those Southern KJB.d Herbs which an all-wise Providence has placed m countries where Liver Diseases most prevail. It will cure all diseases caused by Derangement of Uie Liver. The symptoms of Liver Complaint area bitter or bad taste in the mouth ; Pain in the Back, Side or Joints, often mistaken for Rheumatism; bur Stomach; Loss of Appetite; Bowels alternate costive and lax; Headache; Loss of memory, wun a painful sensation of having failed to do something which ought to have been done; Dehihtj;,U Spirits, a thick yellow appearance of the Skroanu Eves, a dry Cough often mistaken f or Consumption. Sometimes many of these symptoms attend the dis ease, at others very few ; but the Liver, the larw; organ in the body, is generally the scat of we ur ease, and if not Regulated in time, great suUenng, wretchedness and Death will ensue. , This Great Unfailing Specific will not be loan the least unpleasant. For Dyspepsia, Constipation, Jaundice, BiH Attacks, Sick Headache, Colic, Depression of fcpm. Sour Stomach, Heart Burn, &c, &c, Simmons' Liver Regulator, Or MEDICINE, is the Cheapest, Purest and Bt Family Medicine in the World. Manufactured only by cq; Macon GafandPhibdelph Price, $1.00. E2T Sold by all Druggists in Charlotte, JN- September 15, 1873. THE BANK OF MECRLENBUBG, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Authorized Capital, $500,000. JAS. TURNER TATE, Presides THOS. W. DEWEY, Cashier. F. II. DEWEY, Asst. Cashier. At the Banking Hoie of TATE & DEWEY. This Bank, chartered under Act of the Assembly and duly organized under w . fte. State of orth Carolina, with ample d pared to transact general Banking USI1 on furnish accommodations to all its custom liberal terms. . , frt rteck, The Bank will receive Deposits subject w and will allow interest according to 0f all Deposits left on time, or issue wnw Deposit bearing interest at the rate oTer cent per annum on all sums lying "nora thirty davs. . , , c-nk !ote Gold and Silver Coin, Bullion wdo W JfEy bougbt and sold. TIIOS. W. Dhier. Jan. o lots. TRASS PETER MA I LETT. ' MALLETT & WOOD, Insurance- and Merchandise ifroters, NO. 58 BE AVER STREET, (Corner William.) NeW 1 Insurance effected in first-class CoropanK. kinds of property, at the lowest rates. Orders for Merchandise solicited. June 23, 1873.