" U ' : : : - ' . - , AND TRUE SODTHROH. Hisfrllniurjus; . -.EXTRACT FROM A EULOGY OX 3IU CALIIOUN, IVlivcrcd 1-j the Rv. AiwmiD WHne.et Yorkvillc, r. C, on the Jl Juno, IgpiJ. r Mr. C'xtiioc- was-listin;ruisfcd "jeid"ncc ofmind,: Those bo-were ai all coi.ver s.int witb Lis character and rTutelhet, will readily '. concede Ihnt he was no- srvilo imitator, and that lie relied much.upj.kn ta-If, that is, w hile on the one Kb nd he was not resumpfuous, so on tlie oihtr he . wai free from that infirmity whicK depresses with melancholy thoughts, and disqualifies for happi ness and for the busiiwiss-oflife.. It also conceded fmt Iher was "a. ram quickness of perception. - On certain oceasions he waa. greatly misunder . -tood; and this mistake waa quite-natural, on ac eount of Are being so far in advaneo of the age. TJw conciseness of hs style, tho close argument which he Fustaiocd. hie logical deductions rather than illustrations,' aad his total nvokfanceof pro .fixity, as welt m Ms being ia advance of the times, all had their, influence.. His- far extended vision, liis rapid and loly flights, secured him a place f among the ' grea,t thong they suojocted him on evrlaio oceasions to be misunderstood. 1 he quick ness with Which lie could ascertain his obj-et,nnd discover tbe roaiS to- it, was fully commensurate with his perseverance and boldness in pursuing it. With n mind fertile in resources, a courage which nothing could daunt, and a genii boondiiK oven obstacles raised by. ordinary men, lie was tost m grandeur and sublimity to those of a contracted sphere. But whtn liis views were espla-ined, ev- rry tfne was taften, by surprise, felt that tRey were perfectly nataraF,!nn(f wondered whr fie haov ne ver thought of them before. If to quickness of iippreheosion and-resources of information' there oe added prolbona sagacity, smslm ken pteaiKness ot purpose, Ute entire subjugation of an the pa ions which carri havoc throah ordinary mind, and often limes ly wasro the fairest prospects of greatness,- mmJ jf , these things- const tute a great character, then was-oar departed statesman great. - Another characteristic was simplicity aad ener gy of style. Though air admit he was a speaker of vaneif attainments, yet there- was bo effort to poor Torth nigh aoMading words of vanity, aor'stir- - rlied rhetorical flourishes for eflect. Tho chief difficulty which a-liearcr had to encounter,, waa to follow the logical tramof reasoning A: keep pace with the rapid ennaciatfon. The ideas flowed quick and last, and hi order to give utterance to thera, there . was oroetimeff not ranch retard paid to perspicuity Too many words and too roucft illostration,have of. , t-n the same cfieek as excessive brevity, sometimes . x much brevity which isa-Vways hurtful. But not withstanding the enunciation was rapid, the illus tration brief, and the sentences short and compre hensive, the words were well selected to plenms the rar, and the thction pure, Aamsoaxzing with the kIkmti ot our larrjrimire. In his best efforts, we see exhibited piirity, pro 'prtety and precision in the choice of words, and in their collocation, clearness, unity and strength, nnd the proper application of figures when neces sity required their awe. The intellect with age; did not crow dim, but apparently increased in brightness. -r It has been conceded by the contem poraries of fr. Cklhotm, by those who acted up on the same stage, that he usually repressed ra titer than encouraged the luxuriance and strength . of imagination. It was said of Burke, -that his T fancy became raore vivid, and burnt, as k were, J ' brighter before its extinct ion." This -was probe Lly true of the statesman whose removal we lament I Ii4freattC3rt, showed the activity of a mind restless and brilliant, and his last encounter in de r bate, when the physical man was broken down, showed that there was still tho fire of intellect which burnt brighter if possible, and which time nor age had quenched. A distinguished trait ,n tnc character of Mr Calhoun, ; was a! determination faithfully, to dis charge hb duties' without regard to consequences. His ambition was to place himsclt in the 6itnation in w hich he con&J do most good, not disdaining a ous rivalry Immoderate and unbridled nm- in power, exposed li'm to the idest hocka of pop ular indignation, and prevented him from occupy ing t e highest post of honor, which might have b en hi--, bad this boen his chief object.: It was his fortune ti be wilfully misrepresented, as well as innocently misunderstood ; he waa not .' exempt from the fa?e of all public prominent men. " Politi cians of limited rtnge, sectional and selfish, for the sake of popularity in their respective Jocalities represented him as actuated by inordinate ambi t'on, as having for a quarter of a century advocated evei-y scheme which promised tho extension of slavery, when it is a well known fact, that he and I others of the same political school, opposed with lue uimosi venemence, ine acquisuion ni wrriwjry. But now that ho is no longer a public man, his tory will do justice to his fame, the re-nction has already commenced, the glowing testimony of Gov. Fish of New York, the noble resolution passed by the" Legislature of that great and patri otic Slate, and tlie records of the Historical Soci ety, alike' honorable to all concerned, give indub itable proof, that jtwtice will yet be done the head nnd lieai t of Mr. CjitnocN . ' Mr. Calhoun was distinguished for methodical hvbitst and diligencif in the improvement of time. Wuhout this, he could not .liavo accomplished so much, and performed what he did so well. Averse to all sensual indulgences, lie husbnndod precious tunc, which in too often-wasted or thrown j Pur.-What have you got to sell? - C, (measuring our friend from head to heel, and evidently suspecting a hoax. " Gent very grave, sedate, anJ business-like, anxiously awaits an an swer. C. satisfied,- says smillinglyj Pertatcrs en terno A ' I ' ' ' - v ' "- . Pur, (Craning forward, and looking at box in J wngon;-oi any fggsr - : - -, C. ( seizin? taters' in one band and Uernups' in t'other, 'shouts) Is them - aiggsl Ki yoa- seel- lim ;aiggs i jo, oir i ; ' It would be an endless task to recount the dia toques of tho various individuals who were 'sent; up' by our Dr, to-purchase eggs ; suffice it to say ' that after "tendm' his load" during market hours! our unlucky jokoe, badgered and baited with aj constant recurrence of the Inquiry for embryoj liens, not having Succeeded in disposing ot any of his 'roots, concluded to "hitch up," and put fori home and " a market." - - j On the outskiri of the "settlins," and on the Cracker's road homewards, stood .a hotel, kept by a very worthy, jolly personage, . yclept Mabin, Now Mabe was" the soul' of good nature, and very attentive to his guests, whether of high or low de gree. The boys did say that he drank it hq' did not, how did lie attain his rotundity T' ! Our pcrtaters was acquainted with Mabe, and as he never omitted calling on his way out, he lit! Of course Mabe was innocent of the "string.". . ... . m i u r m . - a i. - i x. : ir- . . a . . . , away, by men in public stations. In a choice j MDe,,pearing wneeis, roiis nimsen owonuw -pij and well selected library he spent one portion ojl zarro,' and hailed, as oar friend was hitchm old time, on his farm another, nnd closed the 4a'y in he family circle. Giving to every duty ' its appropriate time, ho found leisure, where other less methodicmrand with less to do, were hurried to nnd fro. The . beautiful tribnte paid to his domestic virtues by his early -associate and elo quent compeer, in tho Senate of the United Statos, was doubtless well merited. ;' He. was ptain nnd unosterrfatioirs in his manner? and mode of iving. .Whilo hospitaWe to stran gers, who were ever we'eome to hs home he was frugal in his own personal expenses. Tem perate and abstemious almost toa proverb, he knew nothing of the cravings of, the 'voluptuary. For tune and witltout Iamily infliience, he was thrown upon his own resources ,nd upon tlieso did he rely, nof upon external appliances-by which many are published forward. . j ; JIe was distinguished for kindness and urbani ty of disposition. Free end sociable with his friends.afTable and kind to the young. having nodo- re to. hi'd intercourse where he could not receive or impart happiness. Finally, he was a character of rare purity in nil the departments of life. In an age of detrac tion, and when political -calumnies weren't, he was spared the charge of immorality in conduct. An orphan vat an early age, and exposed to the temptations of public life at an early period, it is somewhat remarkable that he was net seduced from the paths of virtue. It is a tressed privil ege to be descended of pioos covenanting ancestors Bait for a short stop.' SakJ Mabe Good morn in"r neighbor. v C. carelessly) Good morn'n. Mabe Wbat have you cot to sell? C. ( pricking- up his ears, and advancing up thQ steps towards Mabe) Hey 1 Mabe What have you got to sell there? (point ing to tbe cart.) 1 4 I Pertater8 paused a moment, and thrusting his hand into his poeftet, drew forth an- ancient jack knife, the blade of which, from its numerous a'p plications to a grindstone, was abbreviated to the length of about two inches. -Opening it, with a jerk, taking a firm crash, and poising it threaten ingly, he slowly and impressively said 'Pertaters end ternups, Mabin but don tyersay afggs, Ala-- bm! tA yet do, 1 II sample yer gizzard 1 . . ' i' iSPOONDllIFT. J ,Wmphi8jiniUt?.v liHEW iDRDfii STORE. wliich God made with out fathers.t I. I- 35 timorous..' From lha Now York Spirit of the Time. Pexatcr cuid Turnnpt. About a stone's throw (by telegraph) to. the J southward of tbe Empire Stated lies a country sometimes known as tho "Palmetto State.": It' dues raise a (air cropw of spicy yarns, en this 100 REWARD. rvN SUNDAY EVEN ING, 1 1 th of Aueatt. on the j road between Beaty' Ford mad Andrew Springs, Esq j A POCKET BOOK, - ; : A quare black morocco poeket lxxk, bound with Btecl-- coatajDin? ' i i ' is 2,700 DOLLARS ; in note on various banks,' nazing from 5 to $-20 a amount ; and beside, one $3 and one $1 note and perhaps 2. There was also a 3 1.2 cent niece Mexican coin. i Two of the Twexties were on toe ' Georgetown, 8 C. Bank new issue, - j i In one of the pockets there are Five Twenties on tbe Charleston Bank. 8. C. i j 1 The t tier Bills are nromiscalonslv mixed, and ate not recollected. '. ' i . t The above reward will b paid for the delivery l Ine rocket Hook to Janes Johnston, .q., near tbe Col at uus office, or t thefubsenber at Concord, SS. C Concord, August 13, 1850. v 5-tf one of rj- em.' -a is something of a village, end noted as hemg cambered by a wng ot a young doctor, or perhaps it were better to aav that it contained a brao new, bright, and polished journeyman saw- j bones, just out of his" time, and who loved a prac tical, joke beyond all things else. Notwithstand ing he was pitiless, sparing neither age, sex, nor condition, and as ready to hoax a friend as a stran ger, he never lacked assistance from his acquain tances whenever he sad concocted a All are ready to assist a guy; consequently our, "J'iIs . was ot no loss lor coadjutors. , Premise ,3d. The parallelogram which consti tutes the " square" of the "settlins" afore written is devoted to the business portion of the place, and contains several hotels, groceries, and what not, wuh "quiet retreats for the "novereigns, who rrr -stack -cCrv. stand, (between Springs & Brawleyfs corner, and the new brick buildingi) has received and open ed his tew and hoe stock or - I 1 Saddlery, ! - t - penerous bition has caused much misery in the world. Hut .imbition controlled bv beneolence, and lovo of justice, is innoceht, desirable and beneficial and is a'ot to snrinfup in noble minds. Avarice is an unnatural passion that-disgraces and debases the soul, and seldom fails to' " eradicate every gener ous nrincinle nnd kind afTectioni" it impairs the understanding and controls. the genius. - Unnatu ral passions bring with them, a train of evils, nnd punish those "whom they have enslaved. But a generous rivaMiip takes nway nothingthat belongs 1 toothers; it merely impels its possessor To lie equal, or snperior to others. Enmity and envy are marks - of a little mind,but emulation, without mixture of malico or envy,- is a noble principle of action, and lence. I .' i The Senators, (Clay and Wel-ster,) who knew Jiim long and knew him best, unite In bearing tes timony to his public and private worth his one n.ss of purpose ardent patriotism, and unbending integrity ; Says or.e, (Mr. Webster,) after an ac ouaiofaneo of tLirty-seven , years, nnj whom he had often encountered in debate t "His wa : the elevated ch iracter, resulting from unspotted integ. '' rity and unimpeached honor ; if he bad aspirations thev were high' and honorable, and noble, there was nothing grovelling, or low, or meanly selfish that cn me near the bead or heart of Mr. CALrrorir !Firm in his purpose, perfectly patriotic and honest i in the principles that he espoused, and in the mcas . urcs that be delended, aside from mat large re gard for that species of distinction that conducted 1 - W , . , ' . .1 lie, I ao not Deiieve mat ne was jmouea wun i selfish fwllng.' The testimony of the oilier eena tor. w!k had known him longer, and the" author -of the noble sentiments. "I had rather be risht than President bf tho United States was, if pos sible, still more pointed and specific. Has it of fice or elevation which he coveted T With the knowledge which he had ofhiimarr nature aad with a genius steering among the loftiest, he could have reached the goal, had this been his object. 'He had only to spread the sails to catch the pop ular breeze, which would have wafted him to any port. . lieing cast ia nature s largest mould, he was Ynumed for a leader, not so much ot the - masses, as of the intelligent and . intellectual. , In sentiment in si vie and oratory, be was no servile imitator, nor did he follow in the wake of any dis tinguished political leader. Superior to the petty objects of a grovelling ambvion, he broke thro party ties and personal considerations, disreerd- m ing alike the frowns and enchantments of power, popuJprf-'-'issundselfish aggrandisement. "I am eoneri'ssT he. to do my duty" whithout JookingVarther'fII3'?ln,59,or'yhf, his single ness of purpose;, and his determination, never for sef advancement to swerve from the path of duty, called down upon himself the influence of those tlwro most do congregate. Of course the ''square' is the market-plnce, and in one portion of it may always be found the farmers of the vicinity, with tho pioducts of their vegetable gardens, and fruit plantins. The "Cracker brings in his load, plants it near the walk; and waits for a bid. An earfy bid was our doctor, and he generally "raked a worm" before breakfast. Sauntering round""tbe market one morning, be espied a braw ny Cracker 'tendin a load of vegetables, upon the top of which was displayed a placard, fastened n la finger post, with tho following inscription : PERTATEBS A0 TERXCrS One eecond and all was nrranged. With specta cles upon nose, and face elongated, with every ap pearance of an anxious inquirer, the doctor bus tled up to the owner of the "fruit." . Dr.- Good morning, stranger. Cracker flood morn'n. ,1 V Dr. What have ' 'u got to sell ? . C pointing to ta placard) Pertaters en ter- nops. x - : , , . Dr Kjt nny eggs? , 1 : C. No, 1 didn't bring none, j ' . . - " ' " " With this the Dr. boomed, and making for tho first grocery, lie 'put the boss on the lay.' Tien broke for the Crocker, and a colloquy like tho fol- lowing ensued : f , V---n.- Cood marn n, 6tranger.: . . C. (Jood morn'n. . ! . Ben WhatyougottoV.il? 1, '" . C. (ngiin pointing to placard) Pertaters en tcrnups. , lien Got any eggs? J C. (looking tety) Aiggs? Aiggs be d- d! . At int rini, the Dr. had inserted himself into another 'quiet retreat, where his instruction were duly repeated, and were carried put by Ike in this wise ; Ike (approaching) Good morning, stranger. C. (eyeing him) Good morn'n. Ike Wot ev you gotj to sell C. (pointing, and eyeing Ike very sharp) Per tators en ternups. s j Ike (anxiously) Got(7y eggs? C. (looking fight at Ike) No Aiggs? A, no! . Meanwhilo tho energetic Dr. had accomplished his fourth eye-opener, and enlisted the proprietor of the establishment in Airtbernnce of theuoke. Shalv, taking along with him a boy who toted a pair of very large baskets, presented himself to a a ai i a our vegetable tender. enaiv otjese, rubrcund, coatln, fine teeth, age 30, weight 260 Ibs.f boy age 40, weight 110, mouth open on the back, se. vera! teeth, lips resembling a railroad embank ment, eyes (of course) spread. . iiutsider uood morning (umiaiy. C. (curtly)- Yes staters ? . O. No. Hive you ; : Cv C (short) Ternups? ! j O. (deprecafingly) No. ifive yod got any U. (wraihuil'y) Aiggs en be d d to yer 7 No, Sir. i -- ("Outsider leaves. Appears another of the Doc tor a crowd. Examines cart and Cracker. Sees box in front, and fixing his eye upon it, re marks , f looil morning, stranger.- ; ; J i. (slowly; uooo morn n kept in similar establishments, an ex amination of which he respectrmij . asks of those ia want of any thing in his line of business. . . v , , iUxnw ftlocirriWo silver, brass and japaened; hard - soMet SxaiaBUM j Bits double and single re'.n, snaf fles, and other qualities ; 'large lot ofVGiKTHs; Saddle Tkf plain and Spanish; Coach, Bb?gy and Wagoft j Collabs.; Horse Brushes, Curry ComUl, lie? be. f ' SADDLES, from $5 up; ..double and single HARNESS ? I BRIDLES riding and driving new style; almost I every style ot MARTINGALES ; TRUNKS of my j own manufacture : all of which will be sold & low as can be afforded. j . ' J ; .- : j A new kind of B1T9 for MULES. 1 Good assortment of Leather, Sheep-skins, &e.t kept si i wavs on hand, i I Orders executed at the shortest, notice, and the work- ! manship unsurpassed. Thankful for past, favors.. The public are respectfntly f solicited to give me a call. , :.-.:( -j - j i : ':- R. SHAW, j Charlotte, May i0, 1 850. - ! ; :4fl' i iirxcdical Departments !i milE refmfar coarse of Lectures in this Institute WiB X commence on the First -of If oyetnfcer, bA eontinoe . . . . . . : in.. . . j antil the last ol eoruary in vvnioiuci vjuiiikui Jil onened and ready to receive students by th,e First ef October. The Medical Department will be under thtf dlrection of the following . . , - , m l ' i. CCWOUEST' CROSS, M. D ' Profssser at the Insti- I tutes of Modicine, and BTediealJurisprudelice. Wi BYRD POWELL, M. D., Professor of Cerebral f Physiology, Medical Geology anUMineralogy. R. S. NEWTON. M. D., Professor of Swrgery. M. J. HULCE, M. D., Professotof Theory and Prac- ' tice of. Medicine. i i i -..';. M - - i . i J. A. WILSON, Ms Professor of Obstetrics and 'r Diseases of Women and Children. J. klNG, M. D., .Professor of Materia Medics, and J Therapeutics. t . i - h- - Z.i FREEMAN, M. JJ., Professor or Anatomy. - V J. MILTON- SANDERS, 'Ak 1 Vre&ssor of Che mistry and Pharmacy. - j r ij Cllnique Jjeciurers, 4, Medicihk PROF. H.i.J. HULCE. SlIkgkrt PROF. R. s; NEWTON. . J Z. FREEMAN, M. D., Anatomical Demonstrator.' Tbe feees for a full course of Lectures amount to$H05. Eich Professor'sTicket, i $15. Matnculator'a, $5. Demonstrator's Fee, $10.: ! Graduation. $20. Those desiring further infarmation will please address therr letters (post paid) to the Dean ; ana students arriv in in the city will please call on him at the ConKneicial Hotel. ; j WEWiuw, m.w., Daan of the J aculjy. JjTtw Department. HON". E. W. M. KING, Professor of Theory and Practice of Law. . 4 , i JOHN DELAFIELD, Esq., Professor of. Commercial .. ' Jurisprudence. .. t ,.f , ' I : .j. 1 Tkrms $50 r Session All communications pertaining totius deparrmentimust j be addressed to . Jk. W. Al. lvlilj, itsq.. ..; Memphis, Term., March, 1850. "' ' . The Faculties, for intellectual abilities, moral worth ana jprofessional acqniretnents, will compare favorably I yrnh the most distinguiihed in our country. 1 he ined- : itaLfacultvconstitates an anomaly in this or any othes- rcu&try all of .thera are able lecturers and the best of I ttachers. i t J' ?'- : r i- r'-"" - Those who will contemplate uf geographical position. aid the extent of our population, can have no doubt as to te elligibuty of our situation for aa enterprise! the 4.M.t 4 . 4 11. : 1 1 - .11 r l. . jijuu. as lu uruu. UKiDuiug mil icmuui -v lug jri, we deny that ant othbb city has koii. 1 . " - A common error exists in the minds of many students ttlative to the place of atadying mediciiie : Ihoae who iitend practicing among the diseases of the .West and Juth should certainly educate themselves at a school Mhose I acuity are practically aeqtuunted witn tbose dis- DKS FOX & OKir inform . the public, that they have opened and have how ready for sale a6 the old sUnd of J, II. ORR, dee'dnearJTeT7portk Ji-A. Sadler's HoteL a very large and general assortment of . ' I, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Djff-Starg, 'I Perfumery, Patent Medicines, &Cr . : h . I j: ...... fi !.-,' - - 'j -. j - " l all of I which were carefully selected by one of the firnt in the 4itie of New Yort and Philadelphia, t : : .- Their stock Is entirety new- and warranted genuine. Tf it such additions shall be made from time to time as the wants of the country may demand, due notice of which will be given through this medium.- . ) J .j,: 1 To Physicians and country merchants they think they can offer such inducements as shall secure to them a libe ral patronage, 1 , - . v. - i ! AH tbeir preparations are warrantef to lie in eonformity with the United. Mates Dyspensatory. ,.: 1 Pbyeicians prescriptions neatly put sp ! Their stock oonsists in part as follows r Alcohol, J ; Ajbes,, j , ;,- J -;;',;:. AlumyV '' Carb. Anrmonia, Muriate bf 1 '' Aqua " forttta, ! conc'ntr'd Acid, muriatic - sulph.; nitric 1 pyroligpeous acctie prusRic oxalic bnmio citrio : tartaric Annisaced i Antimony , &C. 1 "Barks -all kinds Blistering Oint. Bronze -assort,! -Blacking , Camphor- . j . Kalotucl ... . ; - ColuwiBo root 1. - Cloves- iColch iruna seed root Cobalt ' " ' 1' Chinoidine -. ' r- IChallj Mercury :1 Digitalis w Diamonds ot Ola Kreot : 1 ' I ziers, Leaf, gol(T J? silver f dutch mettal Leads, all kinds j Chrom. rrcen dry "j " ; in bfl .; - yellow dry j " in oil BIueBmalt ( Frostings.all colors Kaint ltrushes , Sash Tools f .m...ii ett .' i Varnish. Copat'li f - Black it June 22 i Jaran EUteriun-V-iSt: I Cane "wood ; Ext, asisorf. if rCopperas j : Kiums !! ; Rod Sanders &c. . . j! 1 i j &e. :: , : :- .. U.L C. J. FOX, )! ,r''lJl ft M; M. ORR. , PATENT MEi)IQINES. :j$ i- . , 1 m 9 hmon&q&9i HI That the public may be aahsfed W the permanency tf this school, we feel it oar duty to state, that tbe 1 ruA- ' tre and Faculty form a ukit in action, which augurs veil for its future s iccess 1 and that the peculiar internal organization which connects them, cannot be inlrrp- E. W. M. KING, President of tbe Memphis Institute. .1 CHERRY PECTORAL: U '.'-'j';"3W:afc'CeurWs J-., couons, cox.b?,ii 2zoAnizi3rx:8s, nnoir OXXZTZS, onoup, a.stxx T7ZZ00PZZ7O - OOTJOSC OOZJ8TJXXFTZOZ7 FOX 6c For sale by Spencer's Anti.biUioua Brian & Rsa; ; FASniOIVADCE TALLOnS, HAVE JUST HECEIVED entire reports of the latest London, Paris and New York FASHIONS, And are prepared tq make . up 1 SFKIiro AKD 8UMMEH FITS, According to. any style preferred Ul; nails : mHU, fif-'i . f Which; is to say 4 , j ; j . NO FITW-NO PAY.; They promise that their work shall be done tastefully with despatch, aad according to - j : - ; " . I J?he LoUt Styie, They will receive the fashions regularly from the most 1 reliable sources, and are prepared to suit the taste of the U I B"J I! i 1 The Ifortti Carolina Standard.- i v ;:i " ) ::i I- .! -"'i . - i ("''."' .. - Rnonnramvt'hv (bn rpautta nl ttu tat tmuin. and determin. ed to spare no efforts to advance and build up the JMftocratie . cause, the subscribef will issue tbe Standai after the firat ot November nextWeekly and Semj-Weekiy, on ;th following t9rT'. I-'-- ' . i ! :'.-r. For the IVeeklp paper,-i $2 50 m ad vancft- - - For 8ni-Weekl)f, .- ' f 4 in fcdyanos. What we mean bv an ad vane nevment is. JTi payment made when the paDer is suberibe4 for. and renewed every year. In earery instance wher tbe paper is not paullor in advance,. $3 for the Weekly and $ 5 -tor-the Serai-Weekly will be char, gcd-Oi -f I" - i . I-. -- Tha Standard, wiB thus be one of the cheapest papers in th State; nd no one, who choose to avail himself ot the advanc payment, sa compkiia of the price. . J J The sobsenber1 will continue u evote all bis atlflnuon to his paper, and 'will endeavor to Anke it "inore useful td his party 1 ...I I 1.. I. ..1l j..nll as heretofore, to lteniocraer, (Southern Kichts INews, Mste Keiorm, Agncuituro vaiuaoie caustics 01 ai sotui, ine Mar. Ar rangemmtrwitt also be made for the latest Ttlegraphie news by which'tbe readers of die Standard will be furnished with in-- clves ." keta. Conctessionaf and Legislative Proceedings. &. Ac, tellitrence far in advance -of the Northern papers, . . The present subscribers to the Standard can avail ihcmscta of the? advance payment, fey settling up arrearages and taking a new- start; and those of them who iwey wish to totnsler their subscriptions to the Semi-Weekly, can eaaily take, advantate, ;ol the advance payment on that, in the sam way, AU ihey" have to do is to examine their receipts, see hew! much is dim, and transmit us the money for arrearages together with po or. vl es the etmrrmy oe. lor tne mnnng year ; ana 11 any of them should be unablejto determine bow they stand ou our, book, ve will cheerful! inform them, it applied to. ' The subscribe earneetlv appeals to km friends, ia all parti of the State, to assist him in thie enterprise. lie leelsthatbecaii duruig tha late campaign at his own' expense, jaflected om i good for his party and for the State : and the appeul he mk'. on this occasion, ie as njuch forth benetit of die llcmocracy generally as tor himself. ,, . . X. I-'. suoscnuerg, ana gentlemen senaing urTmrwn vi will pleaae difrfinguisli, opposite each liunw,-betwcO Wot kty ; AISOBROOK L KfOBIXSOX,. ; , 1 J-. JFaahUnuible Tatlwl ' -1 AT .THE OlD STAKD MAR KEIl'l HOTEL. J" j ALT, the Enropeon and American Fashions waj ' just receive. CUTTING and MAKING as usoal. and entire satistactioa to hi promise, jia .- and no we&k permitted f eur oi tbeir hajMlstkat. docs . not please.: Charlotte, April 27 l850. A- P.TAJ.9O02OOrr, JR. M. ROBIXSON." fOTICC ' Having- jaalified as j Administrator upon 39 thiff Estate of David Maxwell, dee'd; F hereby notify. all persons having claims offainst said Estate to present them vjtiiin the time prescribed by Uw or this JSotice will be plead. in bar. A LJ i . S . 'a i 1 I 1 I 01 recovery. ,i u ' I i l ; ihi i : .1 ,WM.:MAXW;ELLi Adrn'r.;1 Anei 61 1850. 1 i-A ' I I ( 4-lf and 'Anti-dyspeptic (-,-- ft nd Ague Pills ; Dr. Dr. Hull's VeceiaMo Fever' Dr.l Murphy's Sugar coaled Vegetable Aati fever Pills, for the ino mediate cure of Agua and rever. it ror sale by I. . !- : FOX & ORR, Wholeeale and Retail TMiggista, Charlotte, N, C.j mWOArnreirtices, 2ed, 1 r W yrsL to Itam the i.1 ! I abinet JVtaking tuuHnss4 1 te-ooys win oe epr:i- ed to remain with rtteir employe muti'iaey. ,ar " if it be needed, they wilt receiv private intructip.n in, tbe rudintof agpod English education " . I fy- Ptotie t)Ut boy pi tb best moral cnaraciertii i"M Address; D.U. JeBerson, Ash connty, n. July 201 ! j , i ... ; .; , , 4 1 j INew nes TUSlT; opened in STiim' New BptwriG, first floor, tje 1 largest establishment of th kind ever 11 the town 1 Cnarltt. I Our assortment of I ; 71 , nuifuue the public patronage. . ; i:. '1 Vali atbraikas's nkwsdildino, upper corner. ' - r!-- f -'--t JAMES BK1AW, : f - j- I). L. SEA. ; ' Charlotte. March 27. , i - 37 ar not: to be nrpassedi in fact, they are what, with all truth, may be endorsed prime iijerior ' to none. jr. ' l ne intention ol tne propnetor is to keep sue n a noose as tne friends of " law and order" may visit ana enjoy tne luxuriea w lite to tne heart's content. 1 ' -i ! TaenNbtie can be furnished at all hours, with tb a -. A ........ r lull 1 Hi'- ma to tho coding idtnummit,.-.' -i--- ..: ..i) f. Glad, ta see my old friends, mtid ever- ready to make new ones, welcome au to tb new Kastaurat. 1 : i-1 I TERBES.'' CAROLINA INN, 1; CniRLOTTE, Jf. C. May 3, 1869v F- j ' . - ' ' " r3 1-5 niBr-- ?k .!. 43 t JEWELRY, JEWELRY. THE and 'HE SUBSCRIBER has just returned from the North ad is now receiving, and opening a- ' ':i RICH Alt VARIED ASSOBTMElf T 1 - : l of lewclry. He has elected his stock with great care, tnJ ha purchased a more extensive on than bar ever before been opened in this -place,. .' . - - ; .Among his variety will be found . '" I : ; -1 Gentlemen and Ladies': GOLD AND SILVER, LEVER AND LE PINE WATCHES; GOLD CHAINS, AND KEYS. I 1 Fpectacles, Pistols, : Razors, Walking Canes, Penknives, . "Tea Trays, Tea Spoons, Butter Knives, - Perfumery; Medallion, Fine-Breast pins, '1 " p:ar Rings, J I Finger Rings, ' " .Bracelets, " J . 44 Hair Fins, ; ; i Ladies' Scissors, " Coral Necklace, j 4V : Thlmhlca ( AND A VARIETY OF FANCY GOODS, PLATED i WARE, SOLID WARE, SILVER PLAjTED j I CASTORS AND CANDLE STICKS, 1 . ' &.C &,. : - I AH of which h will dispose of on: accomodating ! Gold purchased. THOMAS TROTTER. .j Charlotte, Sept. 2,: 1849. .Iltfl ;T lIOIfSL ASI) SIGN PAIXTIS C lnd. Paper Hanging . ! .. J.W. RA1NEY & CO., Having entered into copartnership, tender their servi ces to the public in the above line of business. They hare permanently located themselves in Charlotte and are prepared with all the tools aid implements ne cessary to the prosecution of their business, and haying been for everal years engaged in it, they hope by. unre mitting attention to merit a liberal share or tbe public patronage. ! : j ORNAMENTAL,5 SIGN, FLAG AND HOUSE PAINTING; AND PAPER HANGING, wilt be promptly executed in superior style and at mo derate charges. Specimens of their work may be seen In any of the surrounding counties of Mecklenburg, Union, Lincoln, Kowan, Iredell, Caldwell,' Manly or Anson. C7" Orders for Signs will be thankfully received .and promptly and neatly executed and forwarded to order. I - J. W. RAINEY & CO. N. B. ; All letters 00 business, directed to Charlotte, win be attended to. : ' i April 25, 1850. 41tf. PIPER MILL Excellent Paper.fl niHE Subscriber has secured the services of one of th JL best makers in tb South, a practical machinist,' and will fill orders fbr a superior quality of NEWSPAPER, ; HE above establishment, situated on Main Street, third Lot North of the Public Square in the 1 own ot Charlotte, has been constantly kept open by tlie present Proprietor, from the 1st of January, 1840, to tlie present time, for the ac commodation of the puKlic ; and will continue to be kept even lor tlie : same yurpose. 1 he estab lishment has heen enlarged and 'improved to a very considerable extent within the last two years. Tlie entire building is in complete repair and is so constructed that all the rooms iiave abundant light and can be ventilated at pleasure,; 1 s The STABLES are not inferior to any.belonff. ing to a similar .establisliment in Western forth Carolina; and care will be taken that they shall al ways be supplied with an abundance of good U rain and I'roveiider, and attended by faithlul and experienced Hostlers. '; I: '!"' j f - "' ' "'-j1 i 1 The Subscriber will use every exertion to give sail taction .0 an wno may patronise nis jiousu ; and hesitates not to say, that, from ten years expe ricijice, he will "be able to keep up the accornmoda tion at the' "Carolina Inn, in a style not surpass ed by any public House in the interior country He takes this opportunity to return his cordial re spects to a generous public for past favors, and ie spe"ctfully solicits a continuation of I heir patronage and confidence. - - ;". f -j ,; "I ',' ,, 1 t) ROVERS can, at all times, be supplied ' w5Hj convenient and well enclosed Lots, free of charge, and furnished with Grain at low prices. i The Charlotte and Camden Stages arrive and depart tri-weekly. V I 1 if i JENNINGS B. KERR J -Charlotte. Oct. 1849. : i J'ti.:. -.! H--C - 15 : . j Mansion house, Iienoir. Caldirell Connty, Wo. Ca. iTHE undersfrmed, having at length completed the construction ot the above named establishment, upon an . r - . . . r r. : ; 1 -f extensive scale, ana in a sivie 01 connon, convenience arm ei- egailce not surpassed in Western Carolina, is determined that the promise trom witnout nail oe equajca oy tne penonnance rmun. : - : ' i Ilia TVWo atiall be abundantly fiirniahed with the best which the market aflbrds, in the preparation of which he will com mand the services of a first rate Cook or Cooks. . j J Hia neat and comfortable Private Apartments shall be wait ed on by cleanly and attentive servant. I : His Bar hall be furniBhed with" moderate supply of Choice Lipuors. ' . - . . ' ' .: ' His excellent Stables shall be under tbe care ot a trusty ana OCT'; Adjoining tXe ; KesrWrat Is eu complete I j FAMILY GROCERY wherealmoet very article dbiljc used by famines, such a Sngar, Coffee, Candles: Soaps, ke., will be sold as cheap as can b afforxJak My customeiis must be accommodated-. , Also. -K H 'I that re CANDIES mnd FRUITS, certainly fresh, kept . constantly on hand T j NEW JKM. rpiIE iSubsrciben have associated themselves together. t " A tor th purpose of conducting the 1 Carrlage-maiing 'Business, 1 IN ALL ITS VARIOVS BRANCHES. And they wish it distinctly understood, that all New Work and Repairing entrusted to them will be promptly and faithfully executed. , , ' v. ,- ik; I hey respectfully solicit a share of public patronage. All work warranted. .,- r -:.' : 1 11 .. 1 . ,J At Dwight's pld stand, immediately opposit the jail. s. JOSHUA "I KLrlwrjSK, j M. L. WRISTON. Charlotte, Feb. I. 1 29 COD OIL. TUST received from Rushton & Clark a pure and gena- tjj ine article, tor tne cure ot fuimonary complaints J! For 'sale by ; v .-;-" 1 OA t UKK, July 26.il 1 r FOX & Wholesale and Retail Druggists Executor's Notice TTAVING qualified as 'Executor upon the Estate of J, Jl H. JBissell, Dec'd., 1 hereby notify all persons having claims against said. Estate-to 'present them within- the time prescribed by law, and all indebted are required to make immediate payment. ; I July 10th, 18.50. E. H. BISSELL, Executor. experienced Hostler. FAMILIES m " t"""'a ." t " . .r, , ' r I - .1 the Deauniui viuage 01 hi.wir, wucm ukj Jenencca nosuer.. ...... FAMILIES wishing to change their abode during the Sum r Months, mav find ample accommodations at tb 44 Man sion iHouee, in may -enjoy a delightful ebmeie in the vicinity ot th finest Moon- tain Scenery and the best Mountain Koadsin th state. - r the Subscriber feels justified in sayiuir to bis natron. k. K milH not bet true to himsell. it after bis liber- .1 rwr.ii.tn in hnilHinff and furnishinir the Mansion House, -v . . - . r ,i ia. be should tail to give aausracnon wr mo worn w u vunnj uw era! expenditure in its management. Lenoir, Aug. i; 1850. together wHliFOOLSCAP and LETTEIi, Wrapping and Envelope Paper. r J. ;., r ,: Book' Binding, i 1- L. M. JUTTLE. i 4 Connected with th Mill is a Book Bindery, where bind ing of all kiads will be executed upon the shortest notice and in the neatest style. BLANK BOOKS of all kind constantly on band. Lincoln, N. C, March 20. ,GEO. MOSTELLER. I ' HOW IS THE TIME. . Secure the shadow J . --li -'', ' t . Ere it snbsUnc fade." Shakspeare. 1 1 U DA GUE RREOTYPES i TAKEN bv .W. II. DeSHONG, on the roost approved plan".. He is now osing the Transparent or in visible back gronad, which I decidedly a grand improve. Prtna wishinora reeo tonea Jiie jiae iiKcnossi would do well to give him a call h guarantee a perfect likeness in all cases. Likenesses taken in cloudy or clear weather. Price one-third lower than, they have ever been! known in this place before: ! j Rooms may be found at tb Court House Charlotte, July 31, ItJitf. "DOOKS--BOOKS.A11 persons who have borr 1 1 rowed Books of j Wm. J. Alexander, Esq. .either Law or miscellaneous, win piease return tnem as soon as con venient to iu. C Uner, my authorised agent. . July4. - y ! ! I WM. M GR1ER I I, TOWN; ORDINANCE. T has been ordained by th.6 Commissioners of the Town of Char5ot'e,that no one permit a GOAT. CO W. atit-je.i', nuuBt, huu or stock ot any Kind tf be on the streets of alleys within tlie Corporation after dark of each day. under penalty of FIFTY-CENTS a head, to be recovered from' the owner. ; i ;lt has been, also rdnined, that every master or head of family keeping more than One Uog shall pay a penal ty of one dollar for .every dog ove;r and above one. All other dogs kept within th Corporation shall subject their owners to ONE DOLLAR penalty, for each dog so j These Ordinances will b, rigidly enforced. ! ! . .' ' j v S. A. HARRIS, 1 own Marshal. July 26, 1850 2; 6w. r ROB'T. P. WARING, ATTORNEY' AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, OFFICE ON "MINT STREET, . , Charlotte, NC. , TTTILL attend the Superior and Inferior Court holdert I y. jnibe counue ot Mecklenburg and Union. - All basiness entrusted to hi are will be punctually attended to. - Attention paid to th collection ol claim in this and the adjoining counties. i! . , r, , v -" ' 26 r -KEEN FUNr A li t. OR, celebrated Chinese Powder for beautifying the skin, h Also, Nymph Soap-. Just received by t FOX ORR. 1 For th removal aad permattenf ear of aUDiatasM rising ; froco-an impure state of tbe Blood; or habit or tb spltnu i Among the many and important discoverie of this gen eration, is'one whose am will be written, a j with a sun beam, Jn th history of the past.: Sands' Sarsaparilla stand forth Ion, ad by it own works proclaim Its power that mot eloquence so irresistibly affecting ia jtb appeal of th suffering for relief, has been answered. Thousand , of eases of diseases have been cured by this invaluable jn -dlcine, such as are not tarnished in th fecords .of time ' These things are not iotn in secret place, or in somo un known town, but ar performed in our principal cities and public places. They sir brought before th world to sub stantiate beyond doubt, tb healing virtues of (this prepay, ration ; and th facts pnfolded, al though gigantic, are as plain a th Kflfht 0 4iy. ' i ! . Th Sarsaparilla is combined with th most effectual aids, the most salutary productions, th most potent sim-' pies of the. vegetable kingdom ; and its onprecoaentoa suc cess in the restoration to health of tho who bad long pin ed under th moat distressing chronic msJadie, has, given it an exalted eharacteV fiirnishinr.a k does. Svidenc of it own intrinsic vain, and recommending It to th afflict ed in terms the afflicted only can know, U has long been a most important desideratum in tbe practie of inedido, to obtain a remedy ainhilar to thison that wOald act oo th liver, stomach, and bowels with all the prtcioo M potency of mineral preparations, yt witboot any of their deleterious effects upon th vital powers of tb .system Although possessed of powerfal healing properties, it istn- . tirely harmless, and will not injur tb most delicate coih t stitution f hen in perfect health, no eTct u produced, by its use. except an increase of appetit i but when dis. ease U seated in tbe trame, and carry tug fast its victim a - long the path ot life, then it mysterious lnnuenc is ie:t r and seen ; it enkindles new life and vigor, and I rjnga health ": and strength to the suffering oid diseased. , j f f SCROFULOtJS AFFECTION OF THE EY5t U .; ; ,1 j - , f - 1 WmviKSTsa Ky- Oct. 2D, 1840 ; A,BV& D, Sanbs tGshtLeiixw : I would not bava pr sumed tor writ to yu, if it was not, my duty to let the. oubli know tb almost miraculous effect your Sarsapa rilla has bad upon m.. My lknba were covered with uU ceroua sores, so that t could not walk daring jtb wbolo Spring and Summer, s In this situation commenced tbo. us ot your Sarsanariiia. and after taking two bottles wasi entirely cured. I mst also tell you of another wonderful cure. My 'brother 1 was aflicted with this. scroiula in bi head, s bad his physician told him th loss of bis sight was inevitable, and permanent oimaness seemeq 10 wmi iate. Three bottles entirely restored bis sight; and w ean not bnt recommend aUsimijtfly sfflxtad to as Sands Sarsapar Ma, ! i i j - ( - . i Yours truly, BENJAMIN . BLU,i!.it. U frSPOPCL&RlTy ABROAD. t .. ; 4 I'.'f. f,From South America, j ' . I . . .. I Maraeaibo, Yeneajela, Apr a 12tk, 1849.' Mm SUnrls Oantlcmen : I consider it auty due tbo public to make known 1 tks great benefit I have received by . sing your valuable Saraaparill. : About thros years sine I was attacked with Rheumatism in my shoulders, an al- ' so in my legs, and so sever was tb pain, that I Was urta bl to sleep. I tried sill of tbe best medicines I could bear of without recoivBlng any benefit, until through the advic of a friend I procured om of your Sarsaparilla, ana aiutr using four bottle in the course of fifteen days, I found myi self entirely welL 1 bsve no hesitation in saying your s...n.nii ; tk boat medicine I ever took, and can coo fidantly recommend it to my friends and the public, -v, .iij i r Your'obedient servant,! 1 ; ? 1 ', -; : ; ---r..: j m.jesukuw. Here is another, nearer home v " l -; , I - 'JJ " j - ' f NewTorlc, Jas, '8,18m '. Ummmrm sundsJ Cestlemen. I have great pleasure ia acknowledging to you tbe great benefit have received by tk- nM Af vonr Sarsaparilla. A subject of pulmonary dis, eafe, I made a voyage ! to Europe, but while there contin ued to be afflicted. A few weeks after my retarn, I was mi,mA witK a Violent hemorrhaKe of tbe lutgs, and from 1 tbe debility and great prostration. of atrengtb that 10110 wed , . with th protracted difficulty of respiration, I amentiraiy -7 , j relieved by the nae of yonr SirsapaiiUs, which I dr 1 il..i.iwih.i...i..u. tiuoverV in tb beal- ''t UOninpviWk wo uwij .araaura . . iog art. i I feel that 1 aav not lor touriee yoij 'ji-. so good health a at present. .. ' -. ' I, ; Prepared and old. Wholesal and retail, by A. B. D, SANDS, Druggists and Chemists, 100 Falton- V1"'? WillisiBi New York. Sold also by Drug t tjj .k.rl.An k TTnit fit.faa and Canada. ' PrlC l par bottle ; six botUes for 854 - For sal in Charlotte bf FOX. y- '."Jp. t' ' i i 4 i - ' : , - r