lsoklv tie ' it ami wasvatoaa. The brnkea tie af fcppwr da, t !iAea da tbey asai To mum Ww r tnaatal gas Like t teaiaroliarad dream Aroand a eeek dieaevered chale ta tparkltrf tia Km, Aod earthly asad eea aeV a gala - Vnito tbeea brok tiae. Tot Savante af sor infant bora, ,. . . Tb kitxired that we loved, Far (ram aar arm perahanoe toat -Ta diataiA aoenee removed; " 0r we ke aatcbad mer parting breath, ' Aad cloaed tht weary ayet. And sigbed lo think haw sadly dot Ik ' Caa sever hamaa tiaa. ,. Tba frieai, Ota loved twee of aor youth, Tbay tea ara gona at chngd j Or, warae tbu all. Ihair lot aad walk ' , Ara darkened aad eatreagad. -TWt aarai a 4a a gluteriag tbnwg, .- XVaua told averted eyea, And woedet that wa waea war wrong, , Aad Bwaraa teakmticjfc Ofc ! k to tack, a wU as this Could bear their lot of pain, Did nnt one variant kept f alias, ' 7 I'nclnadad, yet Teiitf- " Ybt bop lh tottrtig LaWI baa ft, " Wba eetgaekwaad Uta ektos. 1 Tbal bop anile aar aoala la Heave ftf lrvtti eaduring tiaa. . ' 7 EJk car, each ffl of ssortal kirlh, . I mr4 in pitying lava, . " . Ta Jilt the bngering knit fro earth, And eprwd tfs Sight sbove. Ana" everj aang wbich reade iba fcmat, ? Ad every Jet tUat diaa, ' ' Tall aa to eeek a beaecaly rart, - Aad Wattoa.4ieetie. ' -I WILL BY AND BYE." . ZnuntM air, yon may at well awear that you will wver da it I I'm out of all patience with the by and bra folk. An hour oftlM present tim is worth a week of th future WhTi I knew a bachelor, who it at wait calculated for matrimonial felicity at every virtue and every accomplish meat can ren der bias r but ha baa been fulling off tha bapvj time, from me tear to awiiber, al way rrw4ieg that be Wnuhl marry M by and bye," till the beat tea yean of bit life are (OMf awl be i ata " raaotvtfig" ad 1 fcar ha, will die the at me." ' He that would gather the rare ofmetiv mony aiuat wed ta Ibe Hay of Tils. Iryuu with only the withered leave aod the thorns why, poor Richard taya, pot it off till Sep. tember. " rfecraatioatiod w toe thief I r.adw a vieil but winter to sea my old friend Jerenuh Careleaa. Vt bea ha put my bonet into the atabK he took rot to bia bars Boor to aee aome fine wheat be bad jui4 threahed. 1 obaerred to bim that one f the board of the Wa waa near falliag, and be bad better nail it. M I will by and bretwaail be. Tbiojra about the urn look ed at tboogM by aod bye" fulki lived there. Nett nmraiog the boy a came running in with aad new. An unruly bull bad tore offtbe board, and the cattle bad euppedand breakite4 on the hie wheat, and old arradle iba beat cow to the drove; waa fbuo dered to that the died. Now two naib worth a peony, and five minute of time would - have aaved tba itfe t old briodla and lbs white wheat in tba bargain. Pawing by my neighbor Nod wall a the ether day, I taw that bia wife bad mad a Cat garden, and the early peat were ahooU - tng above the ground. - It looki well, taid I,Bfihbor -but (be re ta a bole ta the feoce, which you bad better mead, or the boga wiM ruia yoar garden." m I will by and - bTe," aaid he. Happening to go by there Iws ityt afterr! waa deafened with rh cry cf Who, whoee-HPia-boy, eta boy a ' drove nf boga had come aloog, and wbil my .neighbor waa taking a nan, they bad crawl. cd through the broken feoca aod teatroyed tba labor of a week. ' - ntsTra M ASSET. ' The Wlowmg deacriptioa of eingular female, aow livwg ta Buncotbbe county, ft 1 --. M i - - too Ubaemr. who bat ruroiahed other no tice of the roootr for. that, paper. The editor of tb Obeerver aayt that every rel'i. anct aaay be placed upon to autaoieatav ' M There io a wofloao in Buncombe Co., N. 23 year of age, bora without anna or leg. She it 00 ef twetv children, the reat of whom arc free from defect. Her bead it large, countenance good, and trunk rail frnad, except a alight proaMoeoce of ne ahnuLkr. ariaina1. Brobauv. from an ma 1 habit of ocrqual atertwa of the muaclee of the back, eu ta poeeeaeed of ueual Intel loct, aod reade a good deal. la reading aHe oeeopiea a ordinary chair.jaun t la bU at br lefi .mi, and to roe the leavee with here nwuth. Sh ia caoaUe of pro. VreaatAn, a level aurfaee, by advaocinz II rat oae of tb Uehia aod the the other, ... c j it- aucreaaiveij. t um aa a cnair, an give it a pmgreaaiv mot 100 acroaa (ha floor, by meane if the, macle of ber back acting on the tack of the ehatr tilting it a little, and then advancing brat one aod Ihca the oth r aide of it. She aweept the ftior holding t etraw broom bet weea her bead and about d?r. Yet to cannot dtet nor feed her. aefC nor trt 00 or off chair or bed. - Her name ia Heater Maaaey. Eh it enroetimea al Citirt, aod ofieo receive preeente froi a ineoj w Ih aw whoae curiif ji "hmr- 8! wa onew ucedw go aa aa dmnti. 8. C. wiih a ewo who waa to uke care of ber, and ethibil ber a a aunoairy. c aowtvar, reoeivaa do p n 1 f the tooner, aod aooa retuxoed to her Tla fuIIoMlrj account of to ,r Awu ioned Er.ow EtorniS," unlch occurred in 1717, ia taken from Alonzo Lewis a biato-1 ry of Lynn, Massachusetts. , " Two great Storm on the SOth and 24th of February, covered the ground to doep with tiiow, that pcaiAo could not for aome daya pas from one house to another Old louiana-oi an nunarea yesi aoia inoir ia there had never told them of auch wow. It wat from 10 to 0 feet deep, and gene ally covered ilia lower ttory of tb house. Cottage of on atory were entirely buried, to that the people dug path from one tide to another under the mow. Soon after 1 light rani fell, and Iha frost crusted the now, and then the puople went out oflhair chamber wiodowa and walked over it. Many of the farmer loot their aheept and moat of the aheepand twin that were aed,liv. ed from on to two weeka without food. On man bad tome hen buried pear hi barn, which weradug out alive eleven daya after. During thie tnow 1 great many deer etiriw frowh -wood forjfootj;' wl -were followed by tha wohrea, which killed many of them. Othert were killed by tha peo ple with zwi. Som of the deer fled to Xahanu and being chased by the wolvet It-aped into the tea ; and. L?a, drowned, Great damage waa done to the orchard, by the tnow freezing to branches and plit ling tbe tree aa it ft-ff. "Thii aoow :'!brm- ed a remarkable era to Ne w England l and old people in relating an event, would tay it happened to maoyjrear befor or after th great tnow." - ----- -.j. -'J- --'- :.. - . a; ' A lady who keep a boarding house in Canal atreet, New Orleans, advertiaaa that he can accommodat boarder with fami lies. This ia an eicellent opportunity, says the Bee, fur Bachelor, or tboat who be long to th labor-in-vain club. ' ; Pearla are oof gotten, but from the hot- torn of th water: and gold it dug nut from the surface, but from the deep entrails At in eartn. 00 in joy ot uou ia not to be found, but in th intra rd receaaet of a broken and a contrite apiriu Liurolnton Hale Academy. fBlllC next amioaof thi Jnatitotton will cooimeoc on Tueadsy th 5th of J u lyocsw i . ' 1 '. TCmoX, PER IESSIOX. Languagea, Matbematict, Nat, P hilotrrphy 1 and Chemistry, 1 10 00 Cngliah Grammar and Geography, 7 &0 J. A. WALLACE, iWipat Jm 13, 1S31 TIanory of Washington 7 rilHE Stibteribar baviag baaa apaaiataa Iba JL Agaat ta racatv tba aaalriautMM af tb CkiaM af Meeklaabavr Coootv.towardi iba araa. tiawtf Am. fM-nlif mitlalarf Kalifrnat Mitnamant la tba Memory ar Watagtaa, faapaetAiily laihraM tba Paoola af tba Coootv tbal thav will be eallaa apoaj ia a abart time, titbit by aianalf ar bis aa. UKwite ctpnij, for aaea aaaw.aa lbf j tbiak proper la aabaeriba I Iba abject '' ta bWi. vidoal will be aHowa to f ia nor Iba a a lar ao bia ar ber aw aeeaaol, bat any aaialler an wiH ba recmad: bead af ftmiliaa, bawevar, wiu tba amikge af giving what that pWtaa aa aecoaataf all Iba BMmUraof tbair bouaeboMa. Tba aaMf att Iba aotitribatora wtil ba aanfaHy regwlera i a boak, wbicb book wia ba aaat to Waahiagto City ta ba aacbwad, witb otbera, ia tb Manomeat, ia ba prtacrvad ta rutara tgta, Am17.i3. rat AnEAVYSTOCK BE SabaerUMer saw bat on bind, aad will . .OMtiaea .to kaea, a krga aaa wall ftttetei ...T.::.-. ataartmant af - - -anociiuiEs, IlardtYArr, Cnt!erf,Castin. -.VEDMCM.YES Painta, Dye Sf uflli. dkr. Ac- All U wbicb ia tWgwad princtMl!y tur wboleaaw aaaianaa, aad wiB btaaM hm tat CASH, or a lima lo yuncifl enrtocnera. Merchant ia lb m ierior ara rtapvetrulty faiviiaJ to call and (lamina bw Btaca, at wad Ibatf waara, wbkb s-tou raeaiv triot attantio;- q i. ORBELL K. B. Paraaaal and etrkt Ktaatiaa will ba giv. ta to raeeiviar aa4 forwatiiac Goods. raeaitHit COTTON, and ether prod oca he 8torit, Sale, ar aaiaaaeai, a w awaar aaiy Strael. . Brkk Row', fcot iiay alaaaL ryUm . CJmm JO, 1 Wfc - E. L WIXSLOW, WARREN W1NSLOW, NOTT it STARR, V STARK A PEARCE. LYARBROUGH 4k RAT. Valuable Land for Sale. w f nPBE subeeriber thn r JL CirMUki.V.t,..lJ. t I I j J Mantat'ion on Rockv Riv. 1 1 ff !(- O niil ai J f!onJ cord, Cabarrut County, conlanng 690 acre of first rat cotton land 170 acre nearly all newly cleared' and in a mgn eiai w cultivation exieoaive mead owegood improvement, principally frame, Gin bouov Cotton prees, Threshing ajw. chine dtc Th situation it noted fuf health. Terma mad easy. V . -rAuo A plantatioa mile east of Charlotte, Mecklenburg eouo'y, of 350 or 400 aere t '"'K" mtwmwrm, gmq improvernenu ana line Urthard of early and lai fruit. ! of the CharMi and &ilibury Road, vwMmm fk I. mm :t U L . J t AIodrr, 8 op 4 ante frwn Charlotte. r or toruta enquir u A. I. ALEXANDER, relf,ll3f. r '.N ' fjrayctl I -v rrQJi thn mUscrikr, living i m .Lancaster imriLi, II ' H n . I ... I,.,, m ll,ml m ...--. , i nil ouiuruuy Hre, heavy made,' about 15 hand high, eiuht vaara old this tprinff, and cregt fulleu fur and hind legs ar a lil dappled. A -iia reward of fivatlollara win do given w any ono for taking tip taid horae. Any intor- mation concerning aiu nora may ui rectrd it JUucaaiervtil, S. C lo the tub- acriber. - r'dZT.JL'"- JOSIAU TUUMITXWIj top lVwr Totm Tttxe$. THE Citiaena of Charlotte, who ara U ble to pay Corporation Tat, are re quested to call on the underaigned, on or before th firtt of July, and pay their taie for 1636, and aava the eipeoae of viait from ao office. ' By Order of the Board, D.OATE3,T..c. - Til!iE." TT1Y virtu of Deed of Trust, mad to LJ me by John Sloan, I will expo to! aale. at the COurinoua to thsrlotte, oa Wednesday th 6th of July next, the aid John Sfoan'i undivided interest in the ImntVa CSnlrl iTline. Term of al mad know oa lh day. 1 "If. " ALXAi 1 fcS, Tnuu. J.U4 IS, 1S36. 3w - For MZtnt, TtlC ahop formerly occupied by Dr. Thomat Uarriav convenient to the Courthouse. Apply to the Subscriber. -JooaX . P. THOMPSON g aad epenuir, a very MortnieDtoi ' 410 PACKAGES Or Fresh Goods of the Latest Importation ! JTJTE are sow tacaivln, - V burge and splBdi4 ItnerUanr Dritish, and India parchurd ia tha Cities af New York and Pbiladal pbia, fes CA&U. aad abM. befera tha Utt aaVaar. however, eat eartooiera wiH sat that ear prteaa ari i ibada tower fcr goods, that fcrmarty, (ascepi Ravu Our tmeatnt alack Wti aatocted with great ere., Below Wt gita tba aamcaaf a ftvw-af; oar uoodi ' , - - Sup. tlna Blue sad Blaak CLOTJf, Sua. do Adelaide (Waal af England) tiaa. Black Franc b CASSIMLRK. do. tlnoamon Drab. A apicndid aMortmeat af " Summer cloth fat gentleman wear, Ribbed bucktkin CasMNMre, ataortcd colors, do Lioea Drill, new arti-l.) A flaa aMortmerrt af Rammtt 'LSTISGS, A taatf salaetiaaaf &aey gondt far ladies. A apfeedid aaat. af rkb if. SiTka, latcat etyia Croa da Rhma, VoTA Hik SUanyeOa, ana article. Painted Swiaa MssHna, vary baadaowie, A great variety af EogltM aad Frtach Paiatsd MMtiaa. Franeb Calico, 800 piece of Cariea, ese'd. from 10 eta. ta 40 eto per yard, a variety or Raw patters, A mat variat v af Ffencb Cinvbama, aetd. Cols. A iaa twortincnt of Fasey llaodkerebi&, mada of wwing Silk, saw article, liaea fldkta. Long Laws, large stock of Line do. Glove, aet'd Ladiea aitluetbb d iloae. Black do. Bleed Lac Veita, Tbrrad Lace, laatrtiaf Moa. lie. Edging and Jaaerting, Plaid Stlk for Ladiea -V lreaaeayOeW' elyle, Ladi Cravat, aaa'd. Wa bt, tlxt, a fiat ortnieot of J. Tillmtn'i Mni Jin, I. made to erder. Udica SHOES mads by Israel Robineen, to arder, warrsatad. ' Young AXJ, oett qaaJilr, . GilOCEMlMES, Soperior Grata Rm Coneo, Porto Rica Savara. Win, Molaaaea, Salt, Teas, (Imperial, Jlyson, Uunpowacf, &4 Baa .) a. A good aaaarUut. af Saddlca, Bridlaa, Bridk DiU, 'lUartingalea, RiS and Shot Cuna, diuarant qoalitjc. Ail tha abova artieJaa wa wiU sell aa low as aav other Merchant is taww, W ib (ba paopia to emu an unun or iioc af vod, llso, tome prime Darom CTA haeroi ducoKtd to ihote icAo fa fur yAOiu u r : SMITH, WILLIAMS, A BOYD. rfll.1836. Jast received 7.000 pound Porto Rico euuAK, low tor Com, ILV GOODS. cE3 A FfpllE Subscriber lately retttmed from th North, w here be kaa selectea, withrcar and Fasb!6nbl Arti cles, wbicb he oflcr to tb public at r. duced prices. 1b leading one art i Gold aod Silver Patent Lever, Leptne, and Plain Engludiand Swiaa WATCHES, Gold Guard CllAlNS, also, Fob do, Ladies Fin Gold NECK LACE, Gold, Silver, and Steel Spectacle Frames. ?itgljei, (tchUe grttiu Wu, end mxurt,) to suit all age and tight, GOLD KEYS, for Gentlemen and Ladiea. Is AbbmoJf to mi asovk, u ha irr IXCC1VBO fits foLLoWKO AITlCXta raox TB S XOBTM, via I Rrittania-war ia full sets, Fin Plated Can dleaticks, Souffet and Trtyt, Plated Cas tor. Rogers' Pea and Pocket Knivet. Ha. VKeind Sciaenra, best Cloth Rrutbet, flair oVTsble and Tooth do., a variety of PER. FUMERY of th best quality, Walking Stick and Riding Switches, Fin Pistol. iotgtisti and frencb.) SmiT Boxes, Per cusaion Caps,Pocket Cook, Emerson' Fio Raaor Btrapa; Bote and Bruabes, dtc The abov article, added to his former r ock of Walche and Jewelry, will embrace of ISO caa!4 wond land, (ytsf-iyr or on anon credit lo punctual dealers. -:- . THOMAS TROTTES. t laartaua, Aaatr, leXk, 70-tf N B. Thoae tho hart long J!unling Aeeounta wiNv remember lhat jooat xaeo seed money to turj ea butinaas, - A"Xni!cr.Va,a:itrJ.i- rmnC ttutscribor wlahea to hiiu a land lo XL attnJ at a Mill I one of no experience would be preferred. Apply o the KubucrU br. , II. D. W. ALEXANDER, OarMfe, Jnt 23, , r ''1Ilacbn.r;; : I HAVE ttill remaining on my hands, a mall quantity of BACON. Those wishing to buy had better avail themselves of the present, while cheap and good. 1 JOHN fa. MORRISON. Jam S3, 183S, P. S. I hoao Indebted for Bacon, bought herttoort, ar respectfully requested to make payment. J. M. M. t'. " " . DYSPEPSLi ass LITER CO.UPLAIXTS. rwiHE Pat est Veoktabib Mtoicikje TOXACHtC W IIEPAT1C.C, lormeo by chymical analysis and synthesis of eev. ral proriwuiii vegetable principle, art uni vertally acknowledged to ha totally a clipaed tba pretensioot of every other reme dy, and superceded the nvceesity of every other mod of treatment wherever tb abov disease ara found to eiiat, atjsell at in en large ment of th Sjletn and m Janndict. Amonz th tymntomtof Dyspepai and Liver cotnplainla, are flatulency, tournest or bu tuning in the stomach, melancholy, ir ritability, disagreeable taste ia the mouth ; great irregularity of appetite, wbicb is some, times voracious, and at other timet great, ly deficient t thirat, fetid bretlh,- nausea, weakness of lh alomach, scid eructationa, lpitalion, drowsiDes, irregularity of th we la, prtsaure n tb sUimach aikr meals. pam in the bead, dimness or vertigo, con fusion of mind, attended w ith loo of memo. eyi gtjawirittrTbi "'blonma' wCrailtmpty chilliness, eikcOoa of mgnt toi bearing, pain tod weakoeaa in th back, bnconr.dis- turbed sleep, cold feet and hands, tremor, uoeasuies in iu inroai, cougn, paia w nit aid or breast, dtcT7- ' : Dltt PETERS' Tes;etable Anli-IIUious Pills, Are th c be peat and most approved Faill ilr Slediciue ever offered lo tb Public. Tbey ar extremely mild io their operation, neither causing ttckneas of lb Momacn,oor aoy unpleasant tenMitioa ia th system, ss is too frequently tb result from nedicinet given to act upon the buwela. Tbey act tpe ctbcally upon the Liver, when io torpid condition, carrying off a Urge quantity oi bile, prougn lb louueoc of too excernrat function, whkb, if tuflerwd to rcmaio io tb system, would produce either Jauodtce, Li ver Cooiutaint. BiImmis Fever, Fever and Ague, or some other girtavieu bodily Rlic. tiuo. lo all case ot torpor of the bowels, they act lik a charm, la receot cases of Dyspepsiat tkey are acertain cure. Many persons who were subject to violent attack of tick bead-acfte,.have been much beoefited, tod several perfectly cared io a few weeks by Ibeir oae. J bey are highly recommend ed as a preventative aod cure of RiUouaccov plaints. Persona tho ir subject to that distitwng complaint, sea wckricaa, Ly tak ing a portion or (o of tkcra a few days pre- tt"JS 19 emhatting ftff f 4 tH - fl, Will be almost certaiato eecap it. Fetnalea can t.lbciaat.ill periods, without incur, ring any rwk. Their virluea will remain unimpaired-Tor yeara io anv climate. No family ahuutd be without these Pill ; a per lion of them, taken occaaiooally , would be lb mean of pre venting much suticrinf from ickneaa. It ta from neglect of keeping up a regular peristaltic action of tb stomach aod bowels, thus Buflerwg to b absorbed and mingled with the Uuod, unaasirnikitcd fluids, . that moat : diseases art produced. Itt.- V. k-ela confident that no person who gives there; FiJTj i &ir ifkl, Hill ever aAcr feel willing tobtt without ibem. Thai, timooy of thousand speaking io ih btgh. est terma of their efficacy, might be added, but tb very high reputation Dr. P. ba ac quired at th inventor of th " Patent Vtgt- for th cur of Dyspepsia tnd Liver com. plaints, is thought a sufficient guarante to those wishing to make s trial of their vir. lues. They contsia not a particle of Mer esry, or any ingredient that doe not let in harmony with health and oppos diseaaa. Dr. P. having been educated under the most eminent American aod European Med. ical professors, aod practiced bis profession many year in th South, where disease of tha moat obstinate character prevail, coo aiders bimaelf well qualified to judg on the Datura of diseases incident to warm clitaates. Prepared b Psibstlt Pstsks, M. D. P. B. C. P. M. al hi Institution for the cur of obstinate Diseases, by mesns of vegettw remedies, Pjo, ISB Liberty-street, New York, inventor and vol proprietor. Each box coo la ins forty Pills, Price fi O cents. . : nrTie invaTuabTeSiedicinet ara told ia Charfott by Smith at Williams j io Coo cord by P. B Barringer, and ia Salisbury by John Murphey, where oumerout certio eate of their efficacy can be seen. - Vij ZL.'unaiids, Unl itUk L7f I -. yf T-.. -l , f)7, p" flNO'recir..- limilv mit 'ntliirnilllt lnBl Cralttriil ..L- . a "-aiK)s. itdgmeott for tho liberal share of public n.: .i i . .L .1.-. i 1 ' , irvnajQ wiiii wuivii iucj i'bto ucen lavored. They think it not presumption to any, : sk liamtlta iiravevsi ! tf tlbf mtw th latest Spring tQd IUtli. in form thoir friend, that they ire ooredylo J eecut all order, is If tboir lio whh rjeaU P I I wkod dMjatch hev take ih I ney inina it not presumption io any, ar better prepared to give more general liafacuon than neretoiore. I o aecurt eon.' fidence, they solicit a fair trial. If niiMfU should fver occur, it Jd made good by tb. cask or a scorid trial at their own mm. rtaffatla, Jfay, sSStV- H3m - r- m aT ' af Splnulltl Xine of Mens. Salhljury o Raleigh, AV.C. THE SUBSCRIBERS, tnxiouitoaflbrj every facility to tb Travelling PuU., now announce lhat they have completed ill their arrangements, and can witb truth sty, tFgtwiif yoaj wUk m Line earb twng mdtBtogt peer efarr, if y irfi togtion iriA roar d aVir'fli b. ing obtained that great dtdJtruhim a iih i3 Travellers o detention on the road. Ji Is to arranged at to correspnod, io it arri. vala at Raleigh, with tb departure of tb following aiagct, tit l Th Great Duly Una to Elakely, North Carolina, paMi through Louiaburg, WarrerrfoO, ind UU. faxf at th latter plac a Lin of Sttgrs coiumuntcarra with tb Portsmouth RiiL Roa4 for Norfolk-by Blakely, you strik Ih Petersburg IUib rCod j and t y our a m vl Itibilpbiceyoi. have the chorea of two Lines eiiber by land to Washington City, vis RMriiond and t redcricksburg, or by Sieam Boat to XorlUlu j At Norfolk there will U no detention, at there it s line of Stesain Boats for Caltimor io conoaxioa with th lio. : Thia lin also roonoct viih one laa Raleigh to Neabera. Leaves th Mansion Hotel, Satisbunr, TUESDAY and SATURDAY al Sa'ckxk, A M-afler tba arrival of the Piedmont Stag from tha South rrive in fiab-ifk next da? st 0 oVlork, P. M-Letres R. lerili Tf UESDAY ini lATUftDAl at nVlivb. A. U. arriuM in Kli.Uir Mil day by 4 aVlock, P. M allowing suS cienl time oa tb road for 5 L EEh CTTbt Hack art Albany snake, entirely new, and canmit ba surpassrd fur dwit-rt v and ease ; tho Teamt ar excellent, the l fi vers csrefuf sndstlentrv. and the Fsre ks nmtmXrrPV nttt.t A KS. Att tnlrr. medial diafancrs 7 cents per mile, tTPaasetiger from the South, a bo auk 10 take bur Line," will be careful to rsfcr ' SaUtlvrf only, t IX AH Bundles sod Package at tL risk oftbtowocr. WILLI linBINa , josmi l. moi& Jftit Il,l83i ' , xu-t, - The Tanram Raleigh to Wethingttm Ctfj mmtmnti to t!9 60, $fJtur$: Fram Raktighto. Bkiks!ytfigs .".. jj? ItlakeTy to Ptietborg; Rail Rf Falatabwg to RjebowoiLKlM JL. ' Rtcbado!redtrifk.brg,mlr. r romcofT niaiin vjt ., , ' . n.. l' ' .... . J "emnr-fi", mrwt ,.. . - - Th Steam-Bt Far from reteMurrto Baltimore, via Norfolk, ia I'onf DoOot : Ail Apprrntire fHlO th Print ins husinesa, fill b tales at Ihitoffke, ifapplicaiioa b tarty. A coy irom to country pv. JOB PIUNTINC v ; NenflytTttlrdtkUVt(. Otdtr U lAunkyUf reteittd and jmctuelii - ''' 'I'' : attended! . J (State of the Market, aC FAYLTIKVILLE-JINE -Brand, rch, ". SO a W Kail. W fM''t' ... n., . oil tr. I RaUMI Itreawai, (AlftttH- rottMi, Cora, llataee fluwr, I'tatbers, Iran, Molaaaea, Ma 831 Loai; 1) a Hj lai 115 - a I Si . ial" Wheat, lti IM WekMolMgw.a 47s40; - COLL'MCU-JLNE lUean, 13 a JSjNaila, '. . . Beaawsr, 13 a RWalt, In saris, BaURot. . 19ial I balk, tlagf iaa , llaino), 87 a t&gr, L Tow. St a 2.V CottMl, roflVa, toes. S4a3 11a I" ISal7t 0 a torn, - w a -r ITor,Coantry, S-J a l Tllow, li on, SwaoVe,' kitkr. ttlJtJl a 1. 10 II iM Ii in i' i.froi. H'J: IV. Hits " '! Baeofl, Barimr. Cortea, CoUosv Cora, OIF.RAW-JVXEW-X-.iJ 3t a IV.d, -., ' 'WaW N'aibH .i.'jJJ II a l Rap,' . 73 a er r Ira., 4ia6iVrU ' Tis"?