. 'r "T" A IDT" ; vLiiUiiiiioiz VOL.VI.1 Charlotte, (N. C.) July 8, 1880. NO. 301. I T. J. HOLTOXi Proprietor and JWW, - ' "'TKItMSf"-'': '-- ; - TWO COLLARS, f pid In dvanee. To Hollar, and i'iA CcnU, if nut paid within kfAJvertitajnent inserted tt ths orial ratei, w York unrepresented In the Presidem ! chair? " i ' New tial Cut there it another peculiarity in iit geographical party." They have oleclecl tho largest Suto in the Union fall ihiogi considered) to begin ilh. If this cliival rout party are determined to go about right ing the poor neglected Stale., why not be- J. Miiw r. m. Cochran t appointed I gm with the weaker member. T 1 bat cour. ..1.1 (r ih. Juurnat, and t authorited la rami. hsge if of a very doubtful character which ' - ... M . . 1 . 1 Villi aiwy and giv. receipt in 07 nam T.J. II. WEEKLY 7FTT, a I ua V, I Ralmaafi U Sondy, II Monday, " ii Tuesday, JfllUlOUII 4 ao i io, ALMANAC. MOON'S PHASES. 'mo alwayt battles tor tha strong ; and that pat - . i .1 . - .i . 1 t riou.m mors man quetmonabia wmcn ai waJ IChttfl. thaitoupro--WhBt -say New p. n. 14 Si 7 14 41 T 4 7 4 . ..t .r- iTTiurnUy, 14 Sv 7 7 S 19 94 alVo. 1J -J 84.A'n. 1 worn. - TUC CEOGRArillCAL CANDIDATE. It has frCflUMjtly been urged by the cp- r .1 position, S an argument 111 wvur ui u claim 01 Mr. v an imrcn w tno 1 re.iw.-a .L-. I . !. nil!im aVuf nf 'na Yfirtc fl, IflBl lie . - - - i and that lbs " fcmrurt daw oas never . ii- ti 1 . vi. r.it.: vet lurnisneo i f"u 4 .. -. ... . '.-J. .:1 mJ. I h lilMhlIVl.l tMriieu nnn.i - tanner, treats in sunjoct 10 proper ipinu TOE GEOGRAPHICAL PARTY. W. bats listened moat attentively dur in lbs whole law political wriie, w irj W C a and learn what swrt u arguincnisaw uwi ... . - I LA -.M m the Albany mciicibd., 10 inuuc mo jkw t.U i Old Y ircinia 10 vow lor ma iren uc --- - .(, j. . 1 If h.l f!.t Mil WIRn !) nTMMR ro Titter. - I , 1 wm ara manui.ciurta oui m 1 imj 1 J..-t- .1.. I.... ..T HI Uf W . nltPmirrmuuriiig " He a. rPiioing Nr. i.atwn ana aiumg and abettmir cur ewaie. iixiirecuy an id "II- 1 I1a Will rfinlnn . r fti v' I. ID Itll ffreai iciirimj, wiih uwhv nai an 1. " hjt m . you, friend Ritchie Tl Ancient chivalry! 1, una luunacu iur uie purpoM 01 couiuernci ing tho doctrine that H might is right." ; The knighta of, tho clJen tim. sought out the weak and the. oppreaaed. in order that they might . redress their 'wrongs ; but these knights of the woolly fleece do thing, dil ferently they leave tho weak to take care jbcjna?lye iLW have jwwer that enlist all their sympathies no tru4 that Col. duhnsoo, hke his re nowned proMyp Smitho, i. oVstined to hope long 10 vaut lor the promised Oover Jlr. Pindney,i lit port. Tho following reeotution, reiorted by Mr. Pinvkney's 8e Icct Cotnmitteek passod the House of.Ile prvsentatives 00 the 26th of May, by a vote of yeas 192, nays 43 1 1 " ; ' " K'Wni, That (mgrfM wight not To InUr (rr. In any iy, wiih giavcry in tb. DuUiet of By ibis vole, the South will perceive, Congress claims jurisdiction over the insti tution of shivery in the District. In nhe course of a few years, the people of the South will see slavery abolished in the f ten i miles square. The rjuettiorr-iwinne Congressional Profcctliugi. 7ur.rfuy, Junt 16, 1830. SL'NATIi Th. Chair Uid Ufor. th. Senat. a conimoiiication from Ih. War Dartm.iilcoD. ccrnlof lb. .nroliueiit, oryaniMlion, and .migra. lion of Ih Cb.roke. Indiana i which in ortkred to b. printed." ' . , PaUit ootiic. .Tha genat. nrcMWMed to eonaider th. Mill to refulal. th. depoaite. of tit. public money. , I n. quaaUun was on li. recoin. miliiicnl of lit. Bill to Ih. CooiwiUr. 011 Finance with ittitruiUloiui .to4HiiV4RiWwlirerrwa nj;aliTtd ? and .fur varlon. inenectuaj attempt. littc. w.r. concurred n, and th. Dill ordered to b. aurronaed l aa 40, Nart 8, IIOL'SC The Houa proceeded to lb. conaid. atttiod of lli. rvpurl of Ih. Select Coin mi tie. on the lubjeclof Ilia au;tconiiiiiUed by llaurf U. liee4ur in Uie ball pi Uia llouaa Alter hum m lion on th. report; It wa. decided that Henry V. Yi becitr ahbuld b. cicluded from in. Uoum dur. iriff the remainder of the amnion. ' - ' i UQiic Will 1 no uui mm nm ncoaia wu. flenlimenla of .ytnmlhy and devotion to Wil i Mr. BrW called for th. yea. and naW wfctcll liberty, which ha. always animated tb. People wer. ordered; ih. motion w. loit ea. U7f of the L'nited Stale, have prompted th. adoption Naya 67 nol twolhirda. -,' j ' ' ' -of th. resolution and other manilutationa of popg. The Bill to provide for lb. .djualment of cerlair) Ur ruelinz which hav. been reiwred to th. com. claim to land under in. Treaty aim ni-"w mnic, rocornmenairif an acKnowMagroeni oi I uw Indian, wa syaa a uiira umi ,. tbc lndcpcndene. of Tex. J. lb. OBmmiU.. 1 Th. Bill to tt nd .ihs Penpion Syatem. Order. abare fully in all the. aentimenU but a wia. 1 ed to be .ngrod for . third reading Una day, -and prudent Government ehoald not act aolely on wa. taken up aitd pamd in the affirmative ye. . I ; i i . linn ' t " mo impuiae oi reeling, nowever natural ana lauaa- i iva, uay , ,, f ble it may be. 'It ought to avoid all precipitation, , Monday, June 20. an. not adopt o grave . enea.ur at that of re-1 8ENAT& 'Tli. Chair preacnlcd the ereden. cogn'uing Ui. independene. of a nw Puwef until I (iaii 0f Richard Bayard, elected U- Stale Senator it naa aatitfactury information, and ha. fuliy de I from TVIawarr In ilu nlnf. nf I lie HfiP1. Ar""IJ liberal", I N.udmin. who auDeared. took lb. reQuiail oalh. ' w w . , t t I W V Wl SS) Wl The commute, ba. no InformalUn rtinectln. I nrf hi. x.i. ,4l4UiluUciCcal.mnw eepl uh wtttrr7yySTook"n lite Bill iei chen'g.TIi. or- j - I r . I. . i ll w : . . a j . .t avmvu ituiu mv iinuuc iFriiiu Avcuraini; w man lli w ar broke aut U Teiaalaal aulnmn. It prs fsMwd otiject, lik. that nf our revolutionary eon leal in th. com inenrctnent, wa not trparation and in? dependence,' but a redrea. of.gtievaneew,.. In Starch lat, independene. wa proclaimed, and a Contihation and Arm of government wer. eatab. liabed. fio mean, of .Keertainlog accurately the ganicatioq of bc General Poat Oflico pcparlment. and ancr tome ainendinenla, H wa. .rtierea w ov .nfToaaed. tor lead a third tlm .. , - f - TUeWale oel eonide Ut. Bill loin. th.-present eniliiary tablbment of ths United Sliet; which wa. pidered-to be cngroe. ed VeaS2rJ,N,ay8.. . , . VfVm BxlUVI gener.i cnnm VimrlKiJK --' mere tjrptditnty now and if Mrr Van i ofl Cu4 tied "As Act to apprniiriate, for a limited two, th. proceede of th. aie of lltd Tubli. Land to certain Ktatct," wa taken op and. debated until the hour fur Un Special Order. -" Fwtfit9tio BULTht llmwe, in purtuanc of th. Special Order of th. SGth of January, return, ed Ui. ooneideralion of tb. Bill waking apnropri. aliona for certain Futlilkationa in lb. U. rotate, for the year lfc3fi. - . " Mr. rpcl(fht offered a reaululiiin, which wa a. dot'tod by th. Hooae, to Uk. a reeea each day, during tb. remainder of Hi. Mioo, frunt 9 to 4 o'clock, '' " , i " -: Mr. Hawe. Mid that, a th. Senate had jnat patted a Bill, by a vol. of 40 to C, to dietribul. the turnlu revenue, he moved th previout question on the Bill. lli. motion we nol cccondud only 34 in Ibe .mrintltra. . Tirrr-rFtiddKJunt 17." SENATE-Tb. Hair laid befor. th. Senai. a communication rrom th IJon. Arnold Naadain, reaigning bia teat io lb. Senate.' A Bill aopulemeotary to the Act matin appro. prialiona for the aupport of Government, for th exact amount , of th. popolatiun jf Texa V' llh.dcpoaite. bill wa taken up, idiwiered, and at Ui. command or in. cotumiiiee. li naa neen I niad. lli. 8ecia Urder ol in fay, lor lo-mor. etlimated at tome aixty or aevenly tuotuand touia. row tt 19 6 clock. Nor ar. the p refit limit, of the country which pa, andcr th. ajenefamaiiun of Txa Unowa to lite eortirniHre, They ar. probably not clearly defined, but Ibey Sr. auppoaed to be exienaive, and aufliciently large, when peopled, to form a reapec. table Power. " ' . ' .- If Ih. poiMilation b amall ; if, when compared with that of the United Mexican Stale, amount- ms- probably to not lei than eieht millioua of aourt, the cooieet he been oncqoat, il baa, nevertbele, bee. maintained by Texa with uncommon reto. lulion, nndanted valor, and eminent taeceo. And lb. recent .ignai and plrk2id victory in which that portion -of lb. Mexican army which era com manded by GeifcSanla Ana, lh President of the Mexican Government, in peraon, wa entirely over, thrown, with unexampled alunchtcr, compared with the ineonaider.Ue to, on tb. ether tido, put Mn VVi. tnoved to wapend tie Rule, to take ..: up bia reaoluliou relaiiv. to th. Depoejr. Banks and Reobea AI. Whitney. . Loat not twrMiiirds Voting fori. : Tb. Fortification Bill wa. read a third lint., and paascd. ;-, --' ' ; ''V Tuesday, June 21. T ,(1 ' . SENATH Th. Bill to reorgaiiiM the Gene ral Port OlUc. Daparlment, wa read lbs third, lime, and paed. ... , . ' Th. Bill to iftoreate Ih preaent military wtab. Uabment ef th. United Rutea, waa abo read the third lime, and MMcd. ' - HOUSE. Th. How, at 12 o'clock, porrn. a nee of Ih. Special Order adopted ywterday, r o!red iuetf into a ttommittM of th. Whole, tk atala of ih. Union, and wroeeeded to eootide the Fin froni Ibi Senate, fc t1r.regolrion of the r to flight and eaptored, inclndmr amott; th. pri. J 4evtXM of th. public money;" and aftef beiof oner in. rrcaiaeni nimtcii ana ma mu, may v -mnrfeit. xeiiatabA WltPwaulcl W an Ui. KUleinentof ill boundarie.- , IT. .if.M.J .ImJ. Mrla in j iotnacy I, iiv vueicu j - llnti-h Tlrwie, tn arpeaWT'iiitn prwe ana arrojnincc. tuinuuuvu will be recollected that Mr. Van Huron doee Dot consider himself snfb " in deny ing to Congress the rigkt, as far as regards considered a decisive of the inoYpenflcoce of I ex. a.- That memorable event will probablyt lowed by-nejnniatron which may lead loth, as- InnwlfngTtept by Mmut ,ht ""p"' .mended, wa. read th. third tim, and red bj the following vol. t . .'. J ' " l" Tx EAMoartA(ima,mucianriai Allen. Antboner. Ashler. Bailer. Boll, Bockee, Bond; Boon; Borden, Bovce, Bbyd, BrigR, Bunch, Bynom, John CaJboon, William C Cinonn, t,rr lieve three years will oot roll by, before sla-l. "VTf r! WE ic.rtedtSey i"""" J" T. "11 be more conlorroaua wun me amicai;w rwauoo rn. Child. Nathaniel . . i .i,..,. ... iitiiiamttwa of iriaVl'lUtllA flrTAItWr H mil 1 Ifltfil T . it : . i -I : r F ' TtZ-.-t -.-- ' ver? wilt bd IBolished Ml the Uistricr. It ' ' p, nore coniormawe wun me amicauw ruuii ch4Pin. Cli Ida. Nathaniel Ii. Claiborne, curs, Terj win uw aiwuiHu J - and the cuettion beiniron iu oastaee, oroc I i ,l. i?:,.j a,..- mnA ,h fL 1 nr 7:t .. : r o.. debate ensued , when ... nitcd Mexican State, that tho latter ahould pre- rwH!n -n.rliBtor.. tkberrv. Deonv. Diokw. Mr.WetefcJledrorlli.ye...nday.t whicii ! d8 furmer , ,b, ,ckno.edj0nt of th. .rjhleday.JEnne, Everett, Forter, Fowler. the.Luited SUiei ai Uie jooimoi unuo.v. i Mrict.eteil kt 1 1 S davrISow will i .." tuwr, ,"S "T"'" .-. """7 .T protractodVer If toeri .neoid.be snjaMOMDjw.ia4 a.., ttarkakL-Grtnter. Graotiaiut, Orsvos, ... a-. .L. firrunterv to contend thattu,'J:. V r""!"" ,T, . T lay on the part of iheWexican Uotcrnment, tne u,,,, GrennclU Griffin, Hannegan, Hard. Ha ony one have tne rarwiiery to cooieim uiai VPAS.-Mear. Bucbanan.t'alhoun,tlay,CnuJ.L JTr it,. rvu,r siia. miahi not to a, ,'J.TiZ. ,, i . n..7c ir. JZ aiih O. arroewiee. He surrcnu. rea .uw very fc.-.M be mofcBthreevars hence, Ua iw.k. Kin,r..fiii.Ewinrofoiio.Gold. , "V x T "iam.' - "" ""..- queidioos for wiich ia.fwrt the Ubl H than he is at present when we toko into boroagb, Hewdricks HnbUrd, Kent, Kinr, of A. j Tba nc0(rfci,iq. 9f Tx.. . an Independent Jnutttt iior, Jlopkln Howard, HowelU was tnirrd; endlotd the King w Lnglan4 cwdcrttion too, the crcat aqd growing Ubana, King, of Georgia, knigbv li(livijn thai the people of this country had rencer-1 Koftli,ia livor of abolition to i ! ZZ r,T VSbwi -'V & ' 1 r J.bc. Jackn, Jajato, Jcniier, Jo. j- . i .r....r(hii .Hunt ih . .... . ii i. i',pi",t". tt . a law re.uianne cwomcrcwi micicuu wi, ca.. vrreicuu. vu,.v ... M Airtct I, II WW ww next ieai, Robiun, Rugglc.Shepley, Southard, Swift, all. . wo Vower;.-Sd, brwendinr a diplomatic partyjwhictt naa aarea to conwn w-y tnj Congress should pass a lull abotiaUing j eni!ge, Tiptoe, TomlinKm, VV U. wbur, v bite t (.nt T.t.. .;tW ..t wwi, mutt r or ler. with bis Majesty Vo they tell us of his Uatry w ,be District, Mfr-Vasy 4fOrUo4 TriendlvJetline. towards the wium ' neode of the Suulh rrwv res! sssured, will - t I I it I ' . . . . Inol M -biuMelf salir " in tttvtng tt. voted to rive free nerroe. equal politrcol rights with unite men ; ano io prcvn m snuri from entering the Union as Iog s she tolerated shjverfr within iter boundit lies l? Cot the cuDoiny taclicians nevrr People of the Souththe present is an alarming cruie I Ctep by step, toe I ana tics are making inroads upon your moot vi tal interests I The cri.is demands much, mention these things J thfy Mil the peop.e !inj w ,hould prepare to meet it as be that N. York has new had a; President ;C0JJlc4 uthroiivkif4irioii Vkig m Virginia has hod itirw ii urins oi iiiera i. netted Irotn among tier sor.i ioi York alyr supported our Presidents ( falxhxd t that, io order lo pcrftuae the Union, the benefits rf it niut be equally York aharrd. bv allthe States that New has never bad e President. Now what urLM. ,arffuiiifcnieV.sj8,.ic,w . . . . ..ii. . . ... i . r. h .a im . nv i trw mt as inci;rni Tjy i aitii. " " KAYS Meter. Benton, Black,Cutliberl,Gruit. dy, WalkeOVijhl C Ail Uea JBarensnesv llDLSH In lle llotwe, tlif day wa taken op in debating the Bill making appropriation, tor carUin Fu(lificaLtoo..&r th. year lfcio. - -i Saturday, June 18. ; SEXAT&t-7. Mr.CIy, from the Com rli ittre on nh Johnson. John W. Jihm. Benjamin loot. Judsoo, Kileorei Kinnard, Un, La porta, Lawler, Lawrette, fyt Thoflft Leo, Luk Lea, Leonard, Lewi, Lincoln, Login, Love, Lynn, Job Mann, Martin, Move Mason, arnpaon Ma ton, may, no- taally, by the Executive receiving and accrediting I a diulomatio r.ree'ntativ.-from Texas, which would be a Vecogmtido ai Tar a tho Executive j crty,McCoti,McKnnn Mercer, Millee.Mil- nly is competent to make IU in in. nri ano MonlftHnerv .Morn, Morrta, Muhlenberg, t third mode. th. concurrence of th Senate, in it I pjf, Pjttcrson, Pat ton, Ilute J. 1'tarce. Jame. excculiv. cbiraeter, wooTd b heccwiry ; and, in . p,,-.. Petti.rew. Peyton. Pbelpa, Phillips, tbeaecond, in h IrgtsUtive character. -The Sen-1 pickenii pott,, Keed, Rrnebcir.Joaenh Reynold, ate alone, wtthftut the cooperation of acme other j r jpW Bobertoen, Koell, Aogoct. U. Sheppord. Foreign Ri lalione, to whom wer. refer-; branch of th. Covf rnmcnLj not Corppetcnt to re-J ghicWg gnjnn, Slade, Smith, Spangler, Speight, olQtioesaflRsLefUbtursef power., s ' v t 1 1 Siandifer. SldreriviulWlaod, TaliaArro, Johat ml th mnltrtions co nd a nimber of mernori! anpetition fw" JTie. PrwidcnLpt' thfeljiited ?Uto.b lbs Coo. Tirtonr nuTlCT?rpfeYm of ! .Tliution. baa (li. chart, of tltcir foreign inter. ' th. Indcptndcnc. e Texas, madejlie following eoorsw Regularly h. ought to Jake the initio. " Thoitw;'Toticeyi Undctwood, Vinton, Wagenw, ' ' Wasoinglon, Webster, H"hit Eliha Whiuleeay, T. 1 W liiillewy, L. Willimn, S. William 155. A C,-fi)l iWItWjf. A Convcn-' th Uidcptniknc. Texas, mad. th. lollowingi eoow Regularly fh. ought to aa. uie inuia, i n hittleter. .U, ,iui;riM rtM-rnllv .aaemLled in report: " - . : .. - tiv. in the acknoiegmetji oi in. inorprnaencc p NAYS-Metsrs. Ath, ffc.le, lieam wawnow, tion of incendiaries recent ijt assemiiieu m U.rm;if..nar0rinHelation. towbomJf. .0- Barton io meditate upon the tJestuctm Dtt --.iBiwn. of the Lciritlalore of! .et done it. fn reason which he, without doubt, nrbomirof,u Felrfield. Wa, K. Fuller, GiL the South. A Kcsolution was introduced Connecticut, rmdry enemmiola, and ether pro-j deem .ufficienU It, in any inetence, lb. Prwi- Jowph Hall Hamer, Jarvi, Cave Jobnwm, declsriPff it expedient to admit rgrct in- icilingof aroeiingflh. People, all re-, dent ahould be tardy, be tnr be quickened n trie Uning, Gideon Lee, Loyall, Abijah ManntJoha to. ail alhools. and ColleEes.' to graduate j commending the recognitn of -Pf'f!em . V . rwtwmwii-tl TeV'wewrww '""f B,"":r t opinion, or ny otner .cm, oi ono o. w. franklin 1'icrce l-wcaney, uoane, nofvm, . rtblrtwwwtd whrternTOtIW i i. toll,Ui it to the Jrrv..M dniiriTctatinntotbii reDub- t li. t.l,. Thm.. Ti.rriti V.ndoraoeLWard. - 7 , " yviix. . l sa rv i rvi uw.-i w . - f - , that CVCD the oeroMi themselves have beOTSenale lite following report and reltim irr them, P.hntte I,tonf, aoa.I'eleware, anu than seriously to contemplate sucn a f jhe right of on. independent rower to recog- r j K' ll...l.;r ml ,fin i.- .....r.i.: .1,;. . C. . Haw .! fc of lha rmtrnce of a new I ower. i:irgia, .no iew ...uipunv, i revfuung unio ii li'.ipj;".''".V'f.i,Vi . , . : . . . 1.1 . . . .. ... I . .. 1 I fW.HI 1(1 um. . I.W.I llll. ..IIUMt . . . . ,..in.uw - - tnetirnt;liaTtTTUO cimc ciaimv unu v. i i. imfi. hlMClt man. JiUl wrmixm"-t- w. ........ .. t.. - ------ . ' . t--wrw t . , :irlK. ia Inrnnlf m'ttWL'. It ! luunutru hiwi sniviii' 1 r .. . . a, . a.M aj.-a.BM.laf . t : J t. .(..li.iri S1B1 - ----- V-LL- We Msjwas. k(l Psmtriflf t ( r ::t T.T". --J. i StkA. .... . trt S vl at.i .nKan.iff rfll'fS rrIW in rift '11 ..' a . m m. . .-.is a. ... l-nrttcular citita ana towns wiu iwpm . twh ltrA ,ieraliat.ic. O.C., cenine. , tiu.,- -uided lb. U l- : .i :.(..:.. w.t.t.K.,UrMl ill 1. . ' . . r... v . J .r. -r,4 i ' ...m la another, you have had a President ,j r, -m lt foncero wbat Mr. o II fact of. their c lir.WMinnnrt mil muri: ami liniaanere iraiv i .n n,,mm m ..mil. and una never urett. . - I I About three month only have elapsed inc the i eataklisbntcnt of an inderentent Government in ' . ,inl,iilil which ntr tn to ryJrOtIU.Taaaai and it itaot MurermoocOieJa au a aasiri- eiswty to take car oi m own nuereti. oy CT,a-JUineJojKe wMtajBoerfuon in enaLairg. attBTaTId CtlUValiri ttch tommclclal of oilier : cialhy 'wl'tcthcr'ii will arl'ord those guaranties which of,h.thSa.e,i luiimn;. in. . iui k.iv.ii e " , " . o r' i tanoerpovi, "l xviuooiiwn, m. wt r"3 u.i,t.mre cr eauso oiwar. I lie putny wnicn nat 'Iskmf this view ol ui wnow maurr, iihwih. nvernmeut ot III. uniico ju,, (oocJujJ by rccoininetuunf to uie oeoaw Powcraliaa been Io act ; ih adntrfion of ih. following resolution! - islcnee, without regard to , &mW, Tint lhinderiidenceol'Tex ought bat ha been by lire ubver. i0 fc, rknow twtced by th t'nited Slateww he never . ... . . 1 .... ..nln. . r i :-.r...M.i;.. .li.tl k. tM.lM Km1 it . .. . . ' ... . - . .. ... tM nr..r ir.nri r mil .inficiii.v. . i . mmi i w n .'- .. . - . - saalloo ed liaat UUl from New UampslMraVi Homa Catholic. Mr. VatfflerpocI tlieti j J,,- aeparaii m of on. from another pari bM m IUCceafut oporaiipii a civil Gov.rnmeni, tnsiwfrotnKentucky, Amos Ken. L,!, Q w- hat Mr. Van lluren has ;fa common nation, in ea.berao ddeiarv!Cipabi, 0f Krfomir.g ih. duiiea and fulCUtng th. u. i .x a a a i a jj . a.k ik.utitM sifMHattp in fffija nr. aim ni. i.raiinnani msb iiiuruajuucua a wwoti r il. the United State, cnnfor-.l. . Mr.fUv tWd tbtl4h. committee, hawaahap- i h has evt r eovrrned their ! Bv lo inform the. Senile, had been onantmous in Am all interfere .Kr!r mtictmn ofWiiS rcort.wHe did no know ittberrLtima AftiilufM ill. arffUOrCGl ii.., Iw 4fwt faeeiinfinfr. alwavS. 10 i".. i. iu. eonrcfn oCotTi State. .Hh.t it r'ar rcty irnpotUnt that 111. teaolutlwi . ' - . - . . - - - - - f MM 1 1 1 wvv. w. ....... w- - - ,, : f " ... .. . -- - "... . . . of statesmen adMmsed to a free and ciuigtiw M r, Vauderpoers authoriiy,)!in wr--; bav. not .topped to innmr. wnetner w. new . ; ,wia so scmo ,T J.duni.y T wo,, rHrce in the eliction of a constable of tow nj CbiirchheiTbecoming1 a Preslrt ,er!;MCVrknent ofih. country in practical operation. lht nvM be primed, and mad.h tpKi&Torder nir Mrnntr: lull in an election Of ..J... IT. Pl.aulor tiftpria'arla a Cttnlist. ! ..h. l. . m.rk.tt rilfTrrrar. fn t he in. ! Tl...r.fi. uil. " I m v . "... , - i smiui . vi.vr.v. ..... - , , uu ...... ..... . ' " " - - - - .r . , . . . , I PieiidVnt i tbooe United Slates, Ibey are u- n,, Welsh and al present, i ri.oees ofan old nation whiche altered "rr-iv-T wia iniiinnM'. tnut i ot lis lorernmenu iw moij . .in.mrnnwwpoi' "r- .- m J.'.. " t .ii.w l... i,..t .nrnnp Intoexintcnw. In th. f.r. h, th mbiion. and In wi.h that a resolution oner. , i nose are, x....f r.. .....rO. aa lUat of k. t,im mm d.ra tint, ealluiff on' th. Presi. hd existed for .tree s a sen, dent for a aummunicatmn on lb. ubjeci or any .teni minmiinitv. It Is mailer , .-,-riVdiBs between hun and Urt iMversi reencBHion of it ne w Govern, i or ai.-nts of Tex, on the ubjeeto we conouion, - - w ... a TC Tl. Kt UtKinY what his master doee and t11 irf 21 "sSllU i fcetTsrHii sowpwe t ewWr -rjrerw, r lhlfJ te .Ue V eV-clJtolTbcf mJ Bkrtlwf aMUan ti .Wnat believe.' tt tcotnea the province )''., ' u;,i0D0u aiMeheaMl.-..MTr.--"-- of the Jrturnaliii-to record the oracle. firt, ,,ick0jgement of their ability to esfet'f Mr. Vhj id h. hoped th. reolutioo would U I a a. . -1 I. 1 B-.S ufli trom I rrmonr, (or iiicr.aowi, vi ! teen and is the amount ot an wuicnserms, ; luneo n.i ......... h Pffce frem Rh!e !JHd,Ac. &c. 4c.l!wuUw aJwU Thrl ifalelrnuvaiinaU inay perlidps put jM in relijjioo U w politics rfrtrktl , he capable? "IN is fnm New Yoik. Ilaa he rooilerod eatraorilinerr sei vices to tho tou:iUy T He is from New York. firm, judicious and liberal! He ia from New, York. The geograph'ual. claims of the candidatei are henceforth lo set at naught irfi...w - ;,, i r . - r .ii.riiTtiiuiiniii i MK-niruiu. wu.i.u ii"- " i Fuch arpumenis set at definance all the .V; M .n .!.:.,, l0 all men ' -.. - . ... .... i v - " ... ... i . t . mcr v.Hf. iivu i OnIinra mnA nualiru-alinna ID I HO CRD- . I.. n..ltra ahlrh ahOUlU IHll V DO i ri . .... .: ...v. u ..-. . . (u u ..i , ....... , , - ranee,; we nmm didwtea. Inateail of mukttiff the innuiry, tr t-- ,n . mnn. conscience, but when a .... u iudork ka k..u. t t u U frnm Kw York; I I .... ..." ir:J- k. K..ir.i in nut f..rth a rove- i .rf history : and Ore "'w nvirf i ia sib see . in riaa I w buiuiiu ass viuvi 'e w ' m i compass. There is one thing a little remarkable ven in these stickler for geographical - HHt-1 that Islboi Ifefy should at the first bound, have anrmounted Mason and Diaon's line. ; Iflhey are determined, like some of I our modern pliilanlhroiMeis, JojcsjjU!" rwetiri1fi info svsrf town and t ... . . t !. A oainiet in the United Btatea, wny not oegtre BNrer horns t Where was South Carolina, Alabama and Louisiana T tlas the Em fire Elate, hke Aaron's rod, swsllowed up 'l the little ones t la there oo Sate but Aw IV American. sll those more elevsjed and mora, considera- pomy Ivanis, tlwt there was a liooi which nave,heretoJWe been consider- tTnglatery tield in Philadelphia; by per H aa beyond the control of the surveyors (H)i .orabla to Jackson otod Van Huron, r . . ti . i i : .: . I.....1. fiiMiifn Paw. i :e..w . i .n . .iw.ciira araa naceaaary than .. i. , t.fc J..Ln I tie and wiiii i: oiijuwii. .".-i" -....,, , We see It ststea in leauing i .. , .,,0ir neCMHJirion. iietice.wirw. ,4,m now reported at hich a resolution was pswed, renuirin that, in case Vsn Durcn should be elected, Hie present efTicial incumbents be displaced. In announcing ths fact, the Jscksdn peper addst Rotation io office isxa principle desi to the Democrscy of Pennsylvania. of a complete reform should be given. AUr. Gas. -r-i- . : ' . Wear on. half of th person admitted int. th. Pnnytvni. Ilosfiuli. 1833 wet. foreigners The who), snmber eu 1005, of which there wsr 461 fergnr- - tlmt there was a L..u.. ..i it. liiwration ar. neccsry In conaid. rhif an. oetermininjr, m nri.vi. v. tdgm.nt Of . b. Poww than lhat of a n.w Ge v.rnront of an d pow-er; l - ..- ti.. rramnt of th. United Sutc. ha. t.ken ties formed out of Span iH America, liut Ihe v.mI..il Wiae 38. committee d not think that, on tin occasion, , f-e .dall give.th. Bill aa early uoerlioh if It aoy trdiueuUy4inp4awc wine.oHfc f eacape ttie Preaideora V .to. T '' Wedntiday, June 22. ' SEN AT E-Th. Bill tojerolateths cVpotdtsm- of the Pnbjinja,Mej, cams back frow..lhe..Botta) of Representative, with an amendment Being token up, the areendment w., .lief a nort oeoai., agreed to, on. Senator only (Mr. Morris, of Obics) decidedly opposing it. -, .. - The th 11 to previa, tor me erect ion or a new building for the Patent Office wa token op, eon. idcred, and ordered to b. engrossed for a third rendine;. - -sz j" "rj.": .The Senate then lona op in. message w inw Pretidcnl, returning, with hi objection, th But lo chanc. th time of meeting of Congress, etc- on which a eonatitotional ditcnttion took place. The Bill waa then Uid n tb. table bit merreww After the conaideratioa of executive iiaMWra, tM - C-n.tii adinnrncd. ., ,j '(.. i j . . UQUSEA conaidera hU lime was spent, after meetins-, in discuaaiug and aellung th. priority m bu'ineis. ' ' Mr. Adam, preseated the protest of eertain Cherokee Chief, .gainst the Treaty lately promul. gatoa a naving neen anaa. wun mat nammi wa re erred lo tha cjomtniUc. CJ-One iwaiM- has a bill upon that subject under eaneideration, ' Th. .mendmenU of the Srnat. to th. Bill to reorganize th. Poat Office were read, and rsfsf. red to the Pwl Office Cmmtttee. A ' 2 v . - ' 1 - . , frM Ik Aflli8I ImltlligrnttT, - ' We noticed wilb, hasty brevity, ia .ur list, the J. - fatf in th Senate of the bill for regulating tho depusite of the Public Money. W bad not time then to add that it, pamg. on ita third readinf wa. preceded by a debet, ol great tnieresr, in. which, among others,. dr. Rive, .nd Mr. TaM. m.dge distinguiabed lhmeve by tb statesman. i lik. .nd indeindnl vicwi wich they expressed. and tho ability with which thef .nmreed tn-ww. a hidependcnl Slate, and secondly, th wp.eity ! uken ap. It would be very desirable to have the f thrirrwrulari"vernmen to perform the do-; information which it aaked for, in order todeter. Th. motion of Mr. Clay wa. .freed to. nit .rt In the eontesi which harfnnhap k.t.Min Tetaa and Mexico. It ha it. Intention, .nd taken meeeore. to maintain a trict neulrIiiy toward Ih. belligerenl. Hindi. Tk!ur cTtiien of the United Stat, impelled by The reeolutioa oflcred by Mr.' I "rest on wa. then taken up and .greed to. ; i '- real Oif,' Mr. Grundy moved that th. SenXj t proeeedlto thft eonsideration of the bill to re lc.Ha. taken ;4t4 pmdlto th, consideration of the bill to r apjwly exist. f0 iCjM tiv. Tort ttfficV Pepartmentj but, arti ha. .vod ,,; eonaultalion, h. withdrew hi motion, wil artcr itb at. . .1.. Will .ku.lJ W aaaLakaa na. f war ww . .a as . i I On motion 01 Sir. lieniop, me nuiii proceeocu tKI tl 1. V -. .... r j til BOUWIBI"'. . . ....... 1. tiinr PUf .'""T'J i""-tJ-""-"'p aaaiaaavr i t p -a, m.i.m.bmb iiexa . pretamn ana lyranny, ci... ... lm, it hi been witboot the authority ef their Go eerament. On the eontrary, the Uw. which have been hitherto found heceeaary or expedient to P y.nliUoa of Ih. United. Butoe from takinj part in foreign, wars JbkTS Vcsa directed to.be sof .wretd! .t. sdinurnad. HOL'SE 19rpiM Bui. Mr. Patlon moved to tak. op th. Bill from tb. Sen.te, "to rerul tha dono.it of the Public Money of Ih United fttws,nrrTtwWTmik tt tht Swcial Urder for some early day next week. The main argument acaint ih. pU. fot depe.it. tng with th. sertral Slate, the .urplua to b. in the Treury at tb. nd of thiar, (that ia, til Never 6v. million of dollr,j ix.tni mere wus then be, by caleuUlkw, urptu Id distrikwto. Wa eonelirtively .newered by nWtnf in I, U such wer. lb. ws, thit, par th. bill would have no practical effect; and could oot, therefore, be Hn lo objection, if th. residue of the bill til opinion, and iniversal coneeni in roe ctenam, m by weeeeaiv. recoin mndat ion from the Execo, tire, Ac Whttwa remarkable in tbiadebato, was. that it wa wholly divested of a party cbarao. Mvnd involved in argument only .ucb. consider. kOofif U WSxi'f Jgiad by I regir " ruiija

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