J W fctg Jieellwg B,""'rl c- At a numerous and nrertble meeting of the citizen of Beaufort County, at the v. Fnm tU Jtulmuii Kht. BEXEY CLAY AND MARTIN TAN These two men, the oneu President of - ... - . I .1 B I . . J I. t Iab ma a Crt-lou in the town ashing., ; UW i nitea ewe. Hir.nt topuhhc notic on Wednesday lection, the other u aifable Statetmian and ,rum the 4th Wl- on motion of tlenry, Uratpr, iw nis comprmor, .u. . rgr A. Aiii5.ni. Em.. Gen. James 0. K. Wu. bams a at called to the Chair and Wb. C Ebom, Esq.,,wai appointed Secretary. The, object of the meeting tM briefly and lucidly explained by the Chairman. Upon motion, the roUowipg gentlemen were appointed bv th vnair to prepare apace in the public eye, they both axe, scarcely could we find two men at all known to fame, more unlike. Mr. Clay is tall, of manly form, command ing presence, and affable, unoilectcd roan ner Mr. Van Buren rather below! the auddle stature, foppish in his dress, with tU U sr.rl of tha ouUio landa, and tur. , ALL THE WILD-CAT E AXK3 in j fieai fit BaUimtrt Vtfioi. IN NEW YORK, a tnux-ndous atmuiit i - i r . i .1 n- i Ration, vit: Willie A. Blount, Henry sniooiu, nippani ana aiiecicu. AVKfiwon, Jacob Van Der Veer, William r. is niwayseasy, natural ana a. greeaoie sir. an uurea eaaniecsri io ue ao, but the very etiort be makes to throw reader it to the nMmbera of tbs futi Ixpsla. 'Michigan were created by the same party..- JMTU a gist, atwiaw. luluraa, la apply to any Konrn 01 luiem u un praranrnt tlwy way Omiiav- Ifjlhia fend fUuA, expnanly rivao to the Ueiwrsl XJovrrntiiant to supply m Treasury, be withdrawn, it follows that acw indirect Vac moat ba UW by Confron to supply lbs ocAcieney" , f , " The Globe s tears mislead ill judgment Bi,nrt snare of W vears from, thirteen to and bring it to untenable conclusions. It TWENTY t and h Ranking capital of does. . follow, that if this land fund be toe gt,f) ourjU!? the some time, was in distributed among all the States, to whom crMaPi TOUR MILLIONS FIVE HUN it belong, instead of being given to few, nRED THIRTY-TWO THOUSAND that indirect taxes must be laid by Con- W0 HUNDRED AND THIRTY. gress to supply the deficiency. This ought xijje DOLLARS 1 ! Mr. Willi", oue "of the editors of the Corsair " ho married in England a few vears siuce is now on visit to that coun . . i i i... I li i 1 1 r iuin HIMPrnillll'll. iiw 1 111: ftu.ll oT Banking capital wu Muca ty me sanw rf jiullinwf tu . , try M( furtushes a scno. of letters for the niim .k -..-t-.. r.f.v, rnnb.1 Monument, of appropriate size and matert- (j,. From oue of these kttcrhcli IN OHIO, the numlr of the Bank. , IKJ Uue ,v, . vn M AllMf k.'. was increased Dy liw same pany, w uib ; i t m B.. . 11 UUl'UW Ul UViVllVW VI lira I . g. Corxkn, Richard II. B.r, Josepn Puts nndJosbua Tajloe, Futures, who, ft.T retiring a short time, reported the r .n, pmn.KU atwt Resolutions: Whereas, at a' mretn of the W higs ot ' Etleeeornb on the I0h of August last, it , ii..i..U'v: f-fl.. .l,.J ' was reeommenoru lu iw uiji iu uwm ConiririMl Du4rict to appoint delegates to attend a Convention, to be held in W ash tn)Ttin,Mi Thursday, the 31st of Oct. next ; and that said Convention be authorised to appoint one or more delegates from this Duihct to a Convention to be held in Hax lisbwrg, in December next, for the purpose of nominatin candidates for the P reside n ey and Viw-Tresidency. i W heTeas, we approve of this object, and bebev it to be well calculated to ascertain cerrectly the feelings and wishes of , the people of North-Carolion. Therefiret : 1. fiJsT!ut tb.Ch4irm.nrftliisB.srt. ' he aimiat S SrWritas from stch eketioa ers. I eisct, to it? tVsufort County in mid Dm. J trie! Cwwjoo. ' ' -, X Ktmhid, Tkot it is tbs Any of lbs Wbij BertT k sailed is Qiril upforl of a undxUte fct tt fr Otbct, i w ill support wlutow. or easAOsU auy bs aosaiaatcd by tbs National CwVcaUosj.-- , 1 Ktmi, TW ISO dflfgxUS frow Bxufort CobMV Hnsnss spoa tbs sVlr ttat to lbs Natioa. 1 K TmUM UftW ftWIOTUHff VI . Uimt Clv as tbt eaotiiiits of tbs Whig par. ' tr. Bicism. ks w rairarmtly slUd4 to 4is. rttaootiiofusIisssuty Brtogbtap It tko school of Jyffirssa ass MmIuoo, ho baa - hmtm a SrpoUioaa ftosa his youth ! poa orery i ha has onaessl aa arorat attasbmeat to I'pos tho eatat4 Msooari qarm. of thai blato was op. suavity into his manners, destroys that charm of ease and naturaJuess which ren ders Mr- Clay so fascinating. Mr. Gay has the happy faculty of making every one in bis presence feci at his ease, and of drawing him into conversationin Mr. Van Buren's presence, every one . feels a degree of restraint, which prevents the easy flow of conversation. Mr, Clay meets bis friends with a warm and sunny smile that mantles his whole face, and seems to guh up from the deep fountain of the heart -Mr. Van Bureu's smile is like the polish of marble bright, but cold, and confined to the surface; . Of Mr. Clay himself, you never think till you have left him ; but when the music of his voice has ceased, and the charms of his conversation no longer prevents you from thinking of the man, yon admire his open, (rank, can did, independent; undisguised manner of expressing his own sentiments,' and the pleasure h manifests in listening to the views ofotners on subjects wttn which ev fry one knows he is perfectly familiar. leu see at once and icei; that be has no concealments, but that ho converses rath er to gain than impart information. Of Mr- an lMirea, yon never cease To think while with him; but however &eo and frank he may appear to be in conversation. you are never the wiser for anv nunc thnt falls from hia lps,fnjd fiiij 5t podible to ascertain rue, real opinion npoo aur sub- . fomei tj iho appants of alawy, it was lUary i. Imt m mo M tamrs M the CMLMt 01 snlcauea. For ta aoblt tfforta tbw, be has btea . , knarttv im saioamiflf sVbhhowI br .ixMitioa. iM. Ikoota tmi snnnj ibe Ut m with Great sVitaaa, M was Um leader of tha Krpobiicaa par af tint tta sower of tbo Brrtiali Lion Ma wu - ss tm tooalry'a mem m Baeialir( the peace Wtuch 6.lwd Um ll w. A Ivw fs-ni stnea. WM a aat ? ttmt ra U)re4toaM fe eiU arer, it was Hry Cky bo held oat tbs o!ia brmcb or swc. im 0ITI4 a rUlaot mlo ttoa boui ky aa antttanr. unat sod tYTannicj r-Mo til IM. jaXPfm.frocWL of the nrha of Via oU Kutaa, dumui tor afcu of Um jmtix lux. Ana, uoa s U ex eanoo, viwa is Ml 4rmam ofaMitioa Bnt sua. It SHIS' a Swfa of iojiiracttif tbs oiectioaa, wis mo voMaof litarr Cl.y U1 M Um iMrrprat to oUO, aaa T a wTtT rdwaa, uU a va4ttoa of tha Booth, tktAti Ua prafiaaa is aa hoot of aafi--tbrfbr, to - uc. aib and no doubt would be the case, if the pi scut system of prodigality be continued by the Federal Government. Indeed, if 30 niillions a year be expended, (the sum with which dir. van Buren baas out,) not on ly the whole proceeds of tbVjoblic lands will be exhausted,, but ye shah be driven inevitably to an increaje of the Tiitilf, to escape national bankruptcy and dilgrace. Ina Globe s reasotiui is bused .on the supposition that the peoe of thi'sountry intend to toltQile the cotitiiiuaiiei of t$ia moustrous and cornmatng. extravagance. In this I slsLs its error. They seind feel tliaf if the Governircnt is brought back to an expenditurepTlS or even 1ft millions per annum, (ah in tha rxfrcuwgant days of J. Q. Adanw) fchere will remain the whole land fundkr distribution among the States, and room fur a large reduction of the TariC And they have intelligence enouL'h to see. too. that hbe true wwe in- vojved w, whether, tho "Governments snail continue to hold thejand fund and squftntkr forHy millions a year, or whether the expenses of ILiOiifirnniou shall be re duced to an economical scale, and the pub- uc uoniain imir cvnunon jonertiance im the whole ConfedeswrwhaU be dktribu- leu, tu is 'right tmd prcoer, among all the sv1teS--acaha HAij. v .V' ' - tjos) vi DBBcasrM vnvomis.' MODERX LEMOCR4CY. The V icksbutg - Wtyi torrifidk s an ex tract from a speech of Gen. Brown, 'one. of ts"iposln. trsde.foe'Con-ress iul Mutks6ippi, wriicrfytm min to be com- In six vears from the time the same par ty came into power with Gen. Jackson, FOUR HUNDRED AND NINETY NEW BANKS were created in the Un ion! I . These fiicts are sufficient, oue would think, toVal the mouths of those bimsrv demasocues,' who to about crying by the way r we and in public places inat the Whig party is the Bauk party, with an eternal silence. If shame were any "r -t j fc,... .. ..k. -u,.. r... v. uw..v.a w. mm ftwwvi 3 w 1ft. J - . f .. , , Mm flaw it ia A I A.I I'.l - fc- - ' " muftu v uw : a wira neari, bjiosbj open nanujia iaon) Mr. Van BoreVs head sm be wiod Jwt hit heart is cold, and" bis hand and bsjh close as the fast-locked firtfprif chest. .- tHiirounded by and emoyui hu the lux uries that wealth can procure, Mr. Van Buren will discourse most fluently upon Drmocraej, tbtf oppression of he poor. fought, in defence of the City 12A of Seoteniber. Iel4. the twenty-fifth anniversary of the engage mcut was fixed upon as a suitable period lor laying mr corner stone of the structure. Ycnterday being the designated day, arrangements were made for commencing, with appropri ate form and solemnity, a work thus sacred to valor and patriotism, and which, by its enduring record, should proclaim to the fu ture, the sure reliance which these afiord ed to our beloved city, io past exigency. The committee xharged with the general arTangcbients in connection with the pro verv oronertv invi ted the attendance of all who had been present in arms, or in any way engaged In . . - V. ... - . - o " I UJ.x .K. .M h,.r the deRncv of Uaiumore, oepenir, 7 V7 7C7 ' (1814. As compared with the array ol their heads and be stiU. , . - .bu1. H but a rem. flltTf art (i iVJeraisfi f-The 'ewtnant, indeed, that time had spared of our Hampshire Courier furnishes us with a brave tU-a-oders. .eyencies uxiumng very impressive answer to this enquiry, i those from the city and cighbonng towns, It states that on opening a file of the New a goodly number were present, to witness Hampshire Patriot for the year 1811, it .the interesting ceremony a ceremony wthenarrsofthel2RpWicaacandi.ideeply interesting to this veteran baud, jn.. c. s.! oUifnf ta he chaum that specially, since it was to lay tee &rt year Je(Tersonian Republicans, r ive oT aione, 01 a .viumuiicuw hi iwumi m v"" them are now Bving---They are, William ' involving the destinies of this fair city, in Plumer,noW a WhigT Daviih L Morril, 4 tb rougn-newing mcntney nan a (Whig? Josiah Sanborn, a Whig Sam. home a manly part, Iwenty-five years be- u...-..- . . . ....... ?bi,;J w nicn looa. pwri u iiw w. w more, bad each its appropriate banner and designation J and it is worthy of remark that the flair of the "27th Regiment," ! perforated by mora than one British bullet. a W hi" Not a Louofuco among theiru But Ihf leaders of the Administration party m New Uaniptdiire are the Hubbard, the AVatdrono j and the Cuhiuan, who, at that time were rank Federalists. Facts like SHkinr look fur ealiroraneo bat ta Vr.rj CUj i. Ktmimi, Aa- RcooblMas oa.WUijMs m flsrtbrro tan aila ."oatikn fiIinf,'o no swoor aonpart tba r-kUic of Mrtio vaa Bo. era. li has cans mta sown f i mm tbrrit mi hm om. m sar ooow toy set worthy or bm tiMrtryfrttifttHla. tm 1SI$. abdat mtht Xew. Yorh UfuJatafs. he mu4 to uutraci iiw co. - tot tnm that Stata to oote tfvasl tho mimm smm of Mmmn, BKaaaa aha mm a ibnitli in( MJt tit eui Wi b&c plr!)rs to (tilm IB U luout-p sf mm iaaMMMs b'T.i-f auliAia km set xc kl his coMunpUeot . of fVt. lit o) lb kriaca VdfrJ Pivitit4 of a p-"T. 4 aat of his eosetry. II m bbcb BOTpiaf a sna as offii satariooaty ia u atuat; on b aa has oasVara Ih Baaiio troa. eary l it rwaas" of a.ti.aoao.- H stilt awaiol ifoa (Mceaniry Dt oHiua lSunnmmrr, whiCD - m, brbat iwy oHiaMl ascvant in Kaecatm FnavojtaJ A.ak. radar his aonatwttatioB tbo atpaaniitMwaaf tbo GovoraBjcot hats botb OBontiaaity mttmvmi. Ha hu rtwoiMraoad ynoipljiai hmi fryjnitum BJW ohich 01 Bfu cnanmy aVpnr Um tM I-VV of tbeir sharo of the mvwut bass, tlm m bait itft has bota Bura. - oa b ao oat iastaaea of sVroiioa to m eous. t7" r ttw paltf star ahkta haa jiocetod at mM nnfi$ Lm mm m Hi-mfai l. ISach a ai. a tmmH mm to noma tbs aupport of Soma. Bataaaa v, f ; ' The atv R4utions were read srpa.. ra'My and wuuuja4j aoVted. The tun ung aas ably and iircibty adcinoaed In W uiie A. Bloint, En who up"a eon. ctiMioig'his reoiarka, 4red the following rlid. TW wtibas htti a lib pb-smre 0M Mob. Wl.w J AhmtArt.oi Mecklen. fc.ff , bm hato BBraaa at tnt Wbif CadxiaU far tmrraar, too h lTia( has 10 bo os bo B Seo.n! af y ha a fWra, (ratleana of hi(V aa4 chrnaraaa a.nf. hxadmia UkMito, astes. rl. tos BlraUM. and aaanL 14 trfmHtXtmK aat wbobi fawoua can tba tat aso tWtf mi um fttato waald ha BjUit w tj aim,' wt will eWty top. i awn auai oi a a aMSMMtea. . I'bts resuSutioa was also The ll. EnwAv Srtnrwas present, , and beeig ealied on, addretsed the meeting; juf ira bis speech he was frequently inter t ru'xl by the cbter of ; the people. lb Wales were then, atinted by'the Caiman, agreeably to the 1st Resolution. , On moi'i of Col. lushuaTayloe, it was : KtmiwU, Tbst Um pronrndmn of ttii taort. a pu.IW la tho W.afatt.gtoa H fai(, aaa tlia( Wliif paooraifti lb hUU so laaaastW U Bub.'b tba aaiaa. t ,..,. ..w Te thanks the rnreting were tender ed fc the Chairman and Secretary ! Ot itj ii.in, the mcetinf then sojourned, ' JJ1E0. K.VlfXlAM. CJUrao. '. Tl IIXUB C. fcaot. HtcrellJ. :- . t-J rairsj is dcaa. This in"ular iaH JiV,dul, after pasainff fimiuiA iunumera. m U Barttnwrphfsass, aud a avwt eventful wh', nas neeu onciared by tne c6rr of the cifyuf New Vwk accidentally kiWL" He was f.nd lying, iu the itwdrha Cificn rroin a cart, the sheia f whjrh iaKr er rum. lie was only able to 'fc'll Uie iikLtkIubJ w ho tmA Lun that M lu beart was broken." fio it is to Im medihat here we take our final -at of . ',""pw,g tl confer haa had aui uuim ikwhuvjim pivieciea nia re. Biains from the resurrectionists. Ulaetm . Xinxngrr. ", - . 1 - , i Ptfttntmt Q"-f.n. Tb Jfalloei Cautte propounds the following matlie. Cnatkal Question : If a man is too pnor to fftsy f.r a Owpsipef, bow many dogs , can he aTurd to ke p f. An answer is re- - &' '-v. -. w ;;,:-rrt fhlwaaig KTnark; "Iu tin; company if hicll iT7uter, fsaid GeirBrown,) tBe DViifjcrtitfvoAijtfiwJii:n the captain or ders iu wt ail st.p ; arM if MrJKM Buren were'te-mMrrow t5 say he woaMik iopveradvtoe and supporthe Sub-Treasury scheme, 1 taws' ufftnre drop tt and mif no sw uooid it." Weitioly are and the arrogance ad .rocracr oKteA ,UrPn!f. . M 041 coteinpora. k... a.. ,i,.l. ,.r a. j i ... r are, at this shameless avowal of a ala- JialP ameliorate lb. conditio; of tho fl "iment, worthy oil y of tnt serf of Tf ' I iuntal satasutiJ aTUaue-atS If SI Ot Okas sUbS rftVt eawiJrw 4Tavsaa asta. Jvw ami VI prised, beuiuse Geng-rovrn-has tsjly tnruwa into language a docUinawMchhas been long acted upon by Ibe part fuf wnicn he is a conapKWoua nem).S5l which talaely cliyjiie to itself Jl appellation of atmocruiur. it is taj tiling else but dem ocratic.1 It is MsenlBUy louse MJef- lei a phras, Bl.Vr'ari, Irwumn. lew tvorj Hung-vco the xnvih're pf tiUtvittio. (as nanus of .tNar'anta-n ttte taoguajjsof Uen. Crowl a.the Captain ofthe cornuanv.' Our whole svatem is KvJluriuuized. when the neooJe. instead of .... rescrvuig to tnetutKlves the right of uvea. tistiHiiol paasicg judgment upon the ac Itows gf fcSeir rulers, permit those rulers to saWntfthe tWmaru, and to compel them tBiari', r MiV as they may deem most coinpixibieamh tne public uiterest. The "denioeratlc" Wfty, faUcIv so call- ed, when they ourrerxiered tlH-ir powerful ot)jectiootq the bub- Ieasury Kheme, at the bidding ot Mr. aa Buafn, surren derod the highest privilege and the dear est right of frevmtn; . Can tkey be tur. M " -aTg ""'- irf humility and I kiiidfiesa to tnose Jes la too red, lor tne other." Afrft'kj,T4n the cdhtrary, makes no prmfrmtum of lympaihv for the poor, Vvair does he charge. rich wtb arrogance ana tprenoo txit dayetes bis ever se ine mind in de viking measures to eiiable tne poor to beawie rich, aai tlie rich to enjoy tbeir good fortune, to give profita- . We einployruent to laboraSd capital, sjidT? an onpttua lo tfi; nuies of jne country 'fieri UTat UoTlhisTne readers fjr ne uhptMaut 'sertrce to the poor as sreU as t& nth, (has be would by ev ening lha etivy aud hatred of the one, anil the prejudice and hostility of the MtUcr. towards each other. The frotpmif tf tbe people occupies lLlajs iwhtt thtvrofrrMr. f n 6u'ti's Ir.'CUyV adUre&sQH tntar uiiuVnaandinss, and trusts Mheay good seose.Ui sudsta the mrawres be propoaes lor ue Jencbt Mr. - aa I5ucn appeals to their prejudices, and re- ties on tbe magic power of a single word iVfSuxrurj to sustain Am and his nor y. Mr. Clay relies on tbe iotclli ene of tne great bdV of las Ptvplt-Mt. Tan Buren on the hdelity, secured by imtrrttt, of bis effiee holders, Mr. Clay will make any fwreunal sacrifice to serve a friend, but tie will not turn on his heel to avoid or gain an enemy Mr. Van Buren will serve bis friend, if he can thereby secure bis services, but will whistle him down the wind if he stand ra the road of bu ambition, and take an enemy by the arms, if he can thereby advance Ins own interests. The one has ardent personal friendsthe other devoted political prrtizana. The one pas ses through the country as a private citi. zen, desirous of avoiding parade, but the reopw ctery wnere rasn in crowns to sea and seize him by the hand manifesting wbetever be goes the warmest attachment the other travels with all the xrap and circumstance of official station, and rrwetii the averted glance of the People, while the faint, forced and heartless greeting of his ofuce-holderi fall coldly on hit ear. The one professes to be a Northern nan with Southern feelings" the other is an Amtriean with American feelict, The one is the noble ship of the line that car riesber flag on her mast-rKmd the other line ousptCKKiS looking craft, whose colors you can never clearly make out. , Tbe one is a Statesman, whose views are bounded 0Jy by the limits of his country the oth er a Politician, whose thoughts never ex lend beyond himself. The one is the eld er rill the other the Corrupting Walpool oi our country. i :t i. g, V Publte LanJ7kt tnt iiwTht agitation of tbt system of plunder upon tne oiti lairrrcs, which has been car ried on for years by tbe Federal Admini tration, in its di-pooition of the fMihlie lands, is beginning to excite a good de cree ot I reputation amonir tbe depondanti of the Executive. Tlsty justly apprehend, thai the public mind, properly enlighten ed and brought to consider the question in iu true light, will render a verdict of cotv demmtioa upon those who have been squandering the common property of all io mates, in buying Hp tbe votes of a few, tmaerve mat tne Uoverament paper mt Minion, aa uaTins; oeeper liner est than most of its aaauciatrw ra a very krg rcTcnue, is proporbooably ' domtcr nated, and, as ii its wont on neh ecca sions, it displays its Maunchausra attri- butes U crcat advantage. j In its list numliet after ranlinw and rav ing, aiid it touches the sulijuct in this The pUa of the Oppoaiiion aow hi to taks ikiu a ra a at.n.rin rnmmentr uoon the i was borne by tapU Leter,tbe tame ren- unblushii pretensions of the Admuiurtra- tmu who, as ensign and regimental flag tion party to oe legaruea as tne uinerNors of tie JelR-nohian principles. Lyttkburg tiugt-f ld e witnessed an inter coms experiment this aftrrnooji oiuboard fthsj KevaAue Cutter lldnalton,CaoU blur- gWfWbicb was tntenoea to uiuMraie ine uraciivahihty AY raising a vessel by means isf ftjliklpcal bags placed under her bot ttiih, adH tilled with aUuuepneric air The Dags were each of large size, capable oi -onuiuiiung ow cuumi iwi "t ut tl hey were cosiruwu b means of ropes pa Ifig under tlie ke,ai aiVrwaruV tilled by two tbrcing pumps, propelling the ,ir through lub into the cvUiaincal tkl. Tba Uiis fe- snade of Jhtee parts of stout cotton jcanvaas, pawiff air and water tight by ajeana of India rubber, and were pwtpart4 fry MrJ" airrtrKobui," uuoer .ttw dirvcu-u ol tne inventor, nr. McKean. 'Um tutter was raised conaid erably by this process, but the trJ0Uere niade for a largtr vessel, and whenluha. led a large portion of them rose above the water. ; Theutihtf of thuaptiaratus, thus adapt ing a well ttuown pru.ipte in pneuuwtics to practicai Use, must be obvious to every onel-It wilt enauc -teasels- watt-hug draughts ol water Io paas over barred har bors, as New Prbnuis, Mobile, Utracoke iuk'(, dvC Wlhul lulittutiii.'. It May be uacd fif other purpuoes, as raiamg a tea sel sunk in several Ulhoms of water, Ace Caftfor. Children and fools, they say, speak tbe truth. A story is travelling the rouiais, alncb represents lhal a'ioud lady , ui welcoming htr frinos, said, 'Do make yourselves at home J I'm at home myself, and wish you aU were)" Tins is nearly as good as the story one ol ttte most tiiatiU' oflicer, pailantly bore it, during the battle. Ibe morning was auspicious to tne Srateful task in hand. The weather was ivorable ; and at an early hour yesterday tbe city aas in motion. Tbt various mil itary corps constituting the Fin Lihl Division, with "such other companies as were in attendance to unit m um vekbrv tioo, marched from ditS-rent poinW, and formed upon Gray street Tha office r and suUiert a ho served in defence of the city, in 114, took their places is line in north Calvert street, with their rtj(ht rest uis on MiNJument Square. Abut nineo clock the military moved upn lkltirnore street, w iih their right resting on Calvert street, where the hue of processinn was tunned (under the order of Major General Steuart, Chief Marshal) in tbe follow in a txdt'r iiba t onunaivluig and otnet Uucera we make the folio ing extract. , 7 The bust and neck of almost every Uuly within reach of our ev es might have so nr. ed as moueisror sculpture, s rom tuc ions; to the chin, English women from seven. teen lo thirty are almost invariably superb. We lookod in vain for a hollow cbest or a bent back, or what is sometimes called t, u thread paper look ing girl." The should. t era full were dazzling, and of the health iest tint of white, and tba carriage of tha whole bust graceful and stately. Within these limits I think (and my friend thought . with tne) li all the perfectioM of the En ' 'gliah Venus. Wa looked at fvaturetv . , I ke re wu scares a classic forehead or . - nosa in the room. At the feet t bey wrra ratherof useftd thanof ornatnental propor tion to the 6 cure. At tne grace of the dancer jou could not find in all Franc so UKidkrvol a dancer as tba best at &u- mack's. At tho- complexioo ruddy and' coarae ; though for the best of reasons, that probably every lady on the floor bad been on boreback three or four hours every day in the season, exposed to the tender mr. - cies of a riding-bat, and such sua and w uid' as pteavies the cnrk of utgliab weather. - We busied ourselves compoamg a v enua from tbe national beauties. The. French funnahed the limb.' and grace of movement the Greeks and Asiatics tbe nose and fore head ; tbe English, hair, throat, neck, and Uid 1 the American, complexion, f ct, and w-aa a ... a -at eyes, ine month was still to 00 provmea but we agred4d share tba honors of that k-ature betweea us. AU this of court might be disputed on individual exceptions, but it is cunuus how nearly universal am . :. thtte perfoctionv to tha nauon to whkh w ' name them. : - la tbe course of the evening t fouml mv self vt--cu in the quadnlle to the Q un ' , most beautiful Naid of Honor. ' M is a ' daughter of Lord Rivera, rather tall, and cortibuiuig a moat majestic eubonpoint tiC ' figure w ith a slibtneas of limb and a tion. demess and staiihnets of neck seldom see ui such gmceful proportion. To the 3U0 a year which Maids of Honor tecciva fof J reat, the Queen, my parur inRrmed im, ' baa added anotner hundred, thinking th sura insufficient. You know, probably that '. on their niarrisc they receive alto a dow. ryofCl.UQO. Then ther are the Ladie in Waiting, who are of the highest rank of nubihty,aod tbe Bedchaniber rwewiva also 300 a year,and are generally-. prised, that, eiuUddeiicd by the success of juttht'd 'utffu ui Massac buactts, rath- . . . . . a.B mr .a.iai a-L ai.ia , .B Kial ------ Su .aa lu 1 1. that daring attempt to control public opin ion by tha lut of the Executive willjthc leaders gf tlie party begin already to p ranch tne anuatioted doctriue of Nr Kibrrt f)l mrr and other apologists and defenders of despotUm in the old world, of "paaam stift8nMua und o-rwttanct V to the pow. ers that bet ..This would have been call ed Iftrjrusi in tne days of the Revolution, wnen our lathers took up arm to repress the assaults of the Crown upon Popular Rights. : We cannot perceive with what propriety tlalo defenders of Executive oiiMiipo.ence ilifuc contemners of the right of tlie people to ' march,' when the President cries halt,' the advocate of the slavish doctrine of submission to the ill of one man we say, we cannot per ceive with what propriety they aime to ttieniscrves the appellation of deroocrata. There bevcr was a grosser or more palpa- me perversion w a term wiocb bears upon its face a ligmfkatioa ao broad and well- dcfiuRdV-' ' ' " ' :-. ,' - tr rcmaxkable for bis biuutneiai now, tens ol his tsi bond. Hrt mother had long bee evutxiuig a vuti irotn a neignuor s lanuiy to tea. aimouii ine conipaiiy cxnecu-a was an out ol town viaitcr of lbs family aforesaid; ai.ai in bonr of tbe occasion. all tbe uteeue bad been prepared and con saiuod, and prepared aain two or ihiee times over. . At kngth navinl all ri -lit and being fvaitui that tier rabur woulu be lust again, the U.iy one d'uy despatched h r ton to luvite the totuutuiy to com ttiat af. tetlKwo. IJt; acuuittjeatiunsoil of the Uies- sage as follows: 'Ma am aays slie wants you and your company to corns over to our house tins afternoou, and says she wishes to tbe liord U was over. A. 1 , Uttputck. ' Arntii, Sept. 2. .Virarvlviij Except. Mr. Dugas, a hiuhly ,restectable citi zen of Augusta, precipitated buiwelf, head . Fran lU Oluo fUatt Journal MORE FRAUD EXPOSED. j Tbe JtUmor raised against banks by tha iako-w oeo tssoers is wnnoui sincerity, and i deliberate and wicked fraud upon the in- . ' . . puuuc racis mm 100 nunvrous ana tig mrictfrt toneedconiment. Tlieyhrwmor than sutlicicnl to fix a bunung(and indelible of ThirdTJivisionTM. M. on li HfhrM Udi w nora were placed tne omcers sna suiuiers of the Revolution .officers and soldiers wounded at North. Point and Fort .M I leu ry 1 officers and soldiers who served it) de fence of Baltimore ; oflicer of the Militia of Maryland, in uniform, &C Ac. ' Thus formed and oatituted, tha Pro cewHJU was put in motion abuut 10 clock Iu line of march was down Baltimore street to Caroline ; dowa Ouxiline, to Bank street ; down Bank street to Bond street and thenr to tba wharf at Fell's Point where steamboats were lying in readinrsa to receiv the eonatttuenta of tha extended line, and transport them to the spot select ed for the site of tba Monument. The steamboat bearing tha vert" rated name of Carroll of Carroiltoti, was apvmwrtately designated as that which alxsjUJ carry to (tie ground tbe wlicers and auldier who had borne a part in the drfenr of Balti more. sh other Blemltt,f capacious size, received th military and other eon- stituents of the line of Procession. The streets were lined throughout on either mdo with p!phr of all ages, apeetatora f tho. uiipoaiug pageant, ana fair face and bright eyes arer turned approvinrly from a thousand windows, ppoa the line, thus nv ing to its patriotic work, or to aasiai in tbe attendant cerera Ate. Tbormharkaimnat Fell's Point was eompleted abnut half past eleven a'cUk k, in preawue of a niiebty coticourae of people, a large proportion oft w born then proceeded to tbe gruund, by sniibtsita, railroad ears, carnages, Moa borae-liack aial on foot eve as best they might to witneas th hiving of tlie Corner tstone, of the North Point Monu. ment. The corner stone was laid the last ray of suiiliuht shone for an instant into the cavity wherein wu deposited the record of tne iii tne appropriate ceremonies were performed, and the corner stone now rests .-e-t.s. .a - .a ce. 1 twae au take tncir turns ot acme for two inonihs together. ,; My pretty and aUe infonnaiil (rate m these household statistics very good naruiv , edly between pastoral and 4m sfor 1 ' is she was dosa-hr contiec,trd wuh those who had lb best opportunity of knowing, I asked her a question or tf : t'sxhjuuj th peffnhsl qualities of het M.- jetty, tbe thought v tctona fancied m r ielf very beautiful, "whkh shews hot, and a very good. hot sr man, Mkich b aas not d-cio.dly," and that she wu vary intpatirtit of a dufrrevr of opinion a h n in private with her Ladle, hbe admitted however, that she u Rtwruus, forgiving and cloverer than most girls of her age. '. nea alone w ah two or three of her nunds the said, the Queen aas no mors hke a Qutwn titan any body else," and was very liMKi ol a tut o lun or a bt of sranlal, or any thing that would not have done if other rafla wer prearuU" As far as it went, shoui'J think this might be relied on U the, impression her M ajTrty makea upoo (bos who dairy associate with bey. - lb re moat, from the third story iooowof '. " peace until either the great day when the the Central Hotel on Wedisssutiy uwhl but, and although be fill on pile of wood, escaped uuiiijurcd. He wu at the lime labouring unoer th idea that he hod ta kcu ibe Yellow Fever in Augusta, (which place he had ret-eiuly I. ft,) and wiabed to dcetroy hiiuaelf. lie was taken back to his chamber, but with that cunning ao pe culiar to insane persons, eluded the vigi. lance of those placed to watch him, and again jumped out of the same window, solid earth shall yield and crumble, or un til, in the hmg lapse of coming fegos, gran. it itself shall pay its tribute to lime, and tbe diMhunwd memorials oTJo-day jpeak, like th boo of the Mastodon, to a future and worohjting generion, ;. The comer stone was laid and then cam the Oration. It was delivered bv one who had been a witneas f the battle and had shared it perils one whose inher. itance was a father's fame, won in the Grtal mark of shame upon tbe forehead of every , alighting on his head, be did not escape .Battle tf frtrdum; and who, on theoc knavish dcmagiigtw who has beerensied in propagating that belief that Ge Whig party m the Bank party.. Tkrg kmom bet irr. Locofocos have ever made it a point of party tactics, in and out of th Legisla ture, to attack banks already established with such rank, indiscriminate, and un founded abuseyand to propose such non sensical and impolitic laws at to compel the Whigs to disagree with them, in order to get up lan accuMitioo fit to their fraudulent purposes.7 Bui whenever th " Locofuco party has bad the power, it hu treated banks by scores and hundreds. - The brat Bank of Alabama, with a cap. itd of some TEN of TWELVE MIL. LIONS, wu created by a Jackson Van Bureo Legislature ! ;.? ' ' Most of the Banks in Mississippi, their capital airiminfwgtoBomnTWtLVIiW FIFTEEN MI LIJ0N3, were created by the same party!! . , ,' , ALL THE BANKS in Arliansu wer created by tlie same party III ALL THE BANKS in Missouri were created by tfn sstne party! I! ALL THE BANKS in Indiana war created by tbe aame party U 4 t V - as before, as his head was dreadfully bruis- ; cuhhi now celebrated, Mid pi ed,aud several boues broken. It is, how. hloed had not 'deteriorated II vr, thought that he will recover Whig. roved the was elo. queht and appropriate, graphic and inter. eating in a word it wu fitting to th day. A (nrsr ikirf as Au pirn Falktr -I An old man in Illi'ix.is, havins lost hit hon es, discovered them, some time after, tied t6 a tree. He waited until a person came to feed them, raised his rifle and shot him i'v-.ii ai'wKiai.iiiuu. um oiu nan Fradi-Tbe rogues about Cincinnati hav a new way to defraud. According to the Republican a plan bu been invent ed of making six notes out of five of the sauie denomination, by cutting or tearing tbcin into pieces, and so uniting tho parts u to make a . sixth bill. Several bank 0OW t'P" appi liutes so mutilated and BlleiwdifiavlaTf!lvirte,' thief -to he- hit own ion, been precnted for payment and refused. (f- her t.3,000 which he ssid sraa J a 1. a t . I . fl a a a. The fraud may be taxily detectod by th aiminiKoea lengtn 01 tne bi(U . , ... if of a ru-Tb whole use of a hat he bad made by horse stealing and stated that there were fourteen men in tint vicin ity engaged in the same business. Twelve of them, upon his information, have bmm is probably not generally known it is of apprehendtii, and are now in the Atlas jail. more ? live than covering the head. It; !Pik county, III. Sixteen stolen horses when "a person fcU ovrbtrd, b had the! have been recovered. ' . ',. presence of mind to invfanlly'tak off his ' hat, and hold the brim of it to his chin so . Q"1 Work- -Th Engliih govern that tlie hollow would be Upwards, it ould I DHn,t nM '"'''y caused a steamer of very p him above the water as long a ever j brtJ tf"'f'u to ha built at Chatham, for heould hold it. This has been tried, ',n fwrptme of ascertiiining tlie shortMit and actually proved correct. 1 f ; v potwibl time in which a. vessel can be ; a . V. ' complete. It wasexpected to have hem', Quite p severe shock of an eartbjuak flnished in, about eight wrkt after the hu been raeantly full at Cincinnati. hoc! was laid. x I svriraa jafa)ta-fmv-W hav -..I- I I r ; . mmvrtj hw mm wuwriiuwv Of luanFcimir wnna calico prima from tb Malhanx-a Works, in Kaithwark, below th Navy. 1 ard, oa the Dclawar, that show tbe ex. cclleuc which our naxmifacturts hav at laioed in this branch of art. - The pat.' U rns are fanciful, and the colors remark ablv bright, clear, and apparently durable, especially the green, tbe most difliiult t ' make a solid color. la the respect! tliey peem equal to any imported. Tht proprietor of these works hu devoted much lime and money to acquire g knowl edge of this art, and has attained a degree perfi-ction which will enable him to com- tete with th be4 specimans in th mar tULtJgtr. -. A iiIorfir. Mr.Wm.RowLvn.U, of h jpariah of Orcop, hat now a to brood of eight young grew batched by a gander in April hut the giw-e, whilst sit ting, was taken ill and died t when the dead body wu removed, the gander took , possession of lite nest, and actually con-1 tinued sitting till th whole wrt batched ; and they are now a fine blood of birds ' raMrtv f.l fr tha I.I.U lt.tA I i.m Junrnat. CoLmatrs, (Ga.) 8rr. HAIraraJo, or MultiMtd f Vftm,tH Monu Nmltilv 'w Dr. D. Cooper, of Harris county, 5 this State, hu exhibited to -us a stalk Cotton, of superior staple, which he as sures us exjinmiine .grows to the height of nine feet, thickly studded with bolts, from tbe ground to tlie top, presenting the ap f-aranc of a beautiful ayhjl cockade.' he Dr.. computes' 'that upwards of 3000 T lbs. to lb acre may be raised, and that it is worth from three to five per cent, mor- inan tne common fetit Gulf Cotton. W are inftirttied'jhat larir sale of tha bmmU ' have been mad at fflg em each. In some instance, the sd hav been 4d at viuu per bustici. ibis beats tha Mont Dr. C is iVtoroughly convinced of tli ' snperiority of this Cottm, and is taking great paitu to disaeminat it throughout ' Ui cotton growing re (ion Stntinti. A.y.-.. Z , A . , JiidRft Wilkin, of th United State' T .a' -m mft rv . i1-irn.i .-oun, ni inurou, recently dccid-1 i-u uim ine iei.iiinony or ao alhsist Wit. , nest waa'not admiahle, . . . .:. A.