FT "nyi 1 l !viiii 1. S cLKDHJEMAII A OI0.1 OF TIIL WHlGS FOR THE CAKE OF THE VmOX.-WIS YOLU3IU X. CILlRLOrrE, N. C OCTOBER 10, 1839. IXUMBKR 3. T. J. IloltOtt, PraHcrar a4 f sNuier. tkums: Taw Wtara and f itv Cnlt if paid ia adrane. Tlin Ihlltr if nut pais wiUim thrss Btootba, Ana) Taws IhtUtm m4 Fifty Ctmu if 4 paid nlil altar (b aitraUos f Um (nr. ' lis paper ' ducoouoord Mill all arrearages aj paid, ucrj M Um opnoa of Um EUitor. , .. ; ,' CTAirriiietnnt ywer(r4 t Ooa IVJUf pet V "eqaar (16 lun er 1cm, lilt tusd fysv.l far tha UatrliMi. Ii Mil frit uk MMll Ui UML . Coart idrcniMiBCBla an ShariaV Balst cWrcd dred teres with Iba Mo rut Multicaulia, to tltiM cent bigbsri tad Srducuos of 33j wt go into lb eultivatioa of silk oa an eileu- m. ww ooiwio inn u !,- t wvf acale. and was bow amain ' oreoars- . Mr. Pierce, of Mount Airy, who bat been engajttd in Ibe ei:k buameae fbr Iba last eight year, oo the bite mulberry, remark ed that, although be bad hitherto "doubts, strung doubt of Iba adaptation of tba Moras Multicaulia tree to the product too of ailk, yet ba vat oow convinced, fcno experience, (bat tbia wa the food for tba ailk worm, aud to firmly waa ha of tbia epioioa, that be do signed tba Susuing spring to plant one buo- wUcn by tba ytr. ..- . AO K SIX Col B. M-Cat-braa, Mtcklonborr, N.C. ' CbM.W.IUrrw.MiUUrott.N.a -g W.AUltcvCuao.!.C . - WEEKLY ALMANAC , im. Irweaaeta. To Tbur.dav. r Hi 41 1I00.VS TEASES. 194 III k tOJ 401 It Friday, - 11 HunJay, K i JO II Monday, HtUJ) IS TuomUt, S3 34 JS ttssacadayC $74 Ji f ar OrfaaW, ItX). m. KVw 7 9 afar. 13 lirat 1 48 after. rail 2 II St fart. Laal W t49arar. THS FARMER. a toaeBy J. J. tmMr Suit at a nattiof of tkt Ajrieolnual 8ociotf, at -,. Stw Biwmick. A Cirmeft lifo't tlit We for tot I I lor kaVatiyi ' Ana'.mryaraioa, till of (lot, ,1 Uka tta USon ehaifjjr . Ta ploafh a mm, , : ' Ta er aiow, Or ia the kn ta thrrao, 8ir, " ' , 'Atltona to aw, ,r J-.: I alaiatjr aa ' , TiQ Wwf eaa haalUi aaa eaah, Sit, Tb Lawyer laaoa a bamaad Ufa, . Mok Ua a kaat. Our. Ab4 twaaw hit ea ao4 atbtla tUia, llc'a alwira ia hat viler :. , ' Far Im a tmai, , ' A aoaa aVfraa; . i', ' 5 llowjtar wrong, wwat ba, Sir, r Miiniaia Hjarifht ' Aa4 oWty aara hia faa, Cir. - The aVWt atyW a ratilteoMa,; " Bat Una I kola but kwatmng j 1 aahiie a Uwi willing i Ta aaary call bat ranlsr. now brra, aaw thare; Maal ha raaair, ikwa tu manuCtetura ailk dot ha lor hit urn- brella aatabliahroeot io Pbilak'!(4iia. 11 r. P. alau inpartrv auuie aery taluable infor aiatiwo relaiira to Ait mode of preaere ing tb tgg uoiil tba timtf of hatching, wbicb waa ibiai The erjt aera removed Io CJ cellar at aooa at they bad their salui al color, after being laid l wbeo the eufcl aealb r cama oa, the wrrt placed io rooia it boot Era, aod kept tbere lb rough the mtar they vera tbeo rolled up aod put into a coofeciioner'a tbow Untie, corked up, aod ma com King aliabtly auok below Iba top of the bottle, tba cavity waa filled up wild ntrltrd roeta, &c. entirely eiclwduig trtaair. 1 ba buttla waa tlwn put into a arnall teg, nil around wilb ehavmxa, aod ar tcr being beaded up, waa placed lit the Ka aouaa until watiud. Mr. P. aaid that acarceiy ao agg1 (ailed ia batching, aod healthier woroit ba bad aeaa oa where. Nr. Ellia, of New Jersey, remarked thai too niocb can could not ba ebaerved ia tba 11 rebate of egga, ba having been ejtoet wo fwlty aVeaived rn tba aupply which ba bad bought for iimtetf. pot of thirty ouocee, acarceiy any batched : and at Ibey were alt or principally New England egga, ba bad eoaoa to iba cotwluaioa that the Yanlet 44 mot mulct guodt tggu TVra have, no duubt, baea many aiuiilar Uilurrt, but (atd Mr. E ) at tbera will be largo aupply in tba aarkel of ibia year's produce, (here will ba no difficulty, u tba egga ba pvrchated frma tba producer!, of obtaiomg healthy ooea.- Mr, E-alao etaied tht ba bad built a cocoonery this rummer, 23 by 69 ft-el, iba eiperifoca of tbia Maimer, I (eel per ftctly cef.aio wa can- raise, upon a vary nmavraia calculation, from Ida 100,000 MulticauUa rrrri I prftfioee to rcaerva fur aiy owa vaa out of 400,000 1 hire now growing, enough to plaat my whole farm of 60 acrra very thickly with tbera neii ycir out io tell but ta supply my Cocooo- A STRANGE ADVENTURE. Tenoeteea any boa at a conqueror of the beetta of the forest her eccentric, her la tented Crockett; and New York7 may boat! ao explorer of tba aaiahty deep bar ttufortuoate, her ill fated Kara Patch ; but to aid Rip auperannuated old Rip Vaa Winkle, ia reserved the honor of aruducmr ery with folia a for IS.UUU.OOU woriua, a aoa waa wreadea wMb tba uooetere ol intended Io be raised the year after next. jOeeao aye, sod conquera them in a (air My vita ia by w ineana io a bigh atate of :BgUl ta it bull oa lbeir ova ground. Cultivation, jel I fcel ceruia that the above from the Haaiiaf tut (XjC.) YHg. aumuer or worme cat) be led rrom its pro duce bf a the treea are two yeart old ; and oskiiigtbm (XuL) "Soma few day a since, Francis Dnoo, " H ,TnlPf 3,,,r,,V fe"' hocki0ira,.h.Utoo afiahiog '---'"'-r- 7",,-texcureM)a ia ham ica sound, diaeorered &0,Ul)Q wbeo converted into eewing ailk, at coat or ooa dollar per pouod, whieb I an told ia ample wbeo de on a large scale, from which deduct 84,900, and tba sett profit of oiy CO acres of land will be 115,000. I atlow oothii.g to pay m rear ing tba worma, because, wbea the oiulti raulia becowiea plcotiiul, thill mow it fdewo, and throw it, ttema and all, to I ha worma the dioiioiabed eipenaa of which, together with our preaeot Slate bounty, be ing a molt au Qic lent to lb it item. j 'ethane yoa will consider too extra vagaat io my ealriftatuioe. What t methmkt I bear yoa aey, 913,000 free 60 acreeof tki laod ia ooe year ! Impossible 1 Baatsur ed, however, my dear air, tbat 1 waa only a Utile while ago not year more skep tic! upoa Ibie eubjct than the mnet per- Kcl lubdef Io my preaeot etatenieat can ba oow but, having carefully examined factt and practice only tktorg bt ing totally dit regarded t canoot retiat credence to tba mass of evidence I meet with, butb from oiy owoexpeheoee and that f oilier t, war ranting the aatertioa that the above ia on-1 ly a part of bat can be accomplished if eoergy, eoterprtse, aod a small capital, go bam! ia band to work. Mr. C r. Kberta, whose tiocerity caooot be queatinoed, etatea (after a careful Dr. and Or. account with ooa acre that 11,139 83 will rootf proba bjy .be Jiajrrf iaJbejht.pett profit from it, if devoted la tba culture of ailk. when the Or star. Hit, ay sanying. 1 w wssj-aTsxlt jfc4aawsWaay---fi.iBriwi jjw,fcM,1H ' I'shif-.y slf, ' lis Una by ethers' eying. ' A farmar'n lira live M SM live, OUuaiof. whda I lead ii, Eiwigb for salf, and soms ta give Ts neb pour suula m assd it. I'll drain aod rases, ': -' KT tTsdnsisas, Tt fs sy laad fa4 aVasatag i -': 4bm niilliima of worma, Irfa baygUaiBcd j , .... J J II J t I J r " .-l 1 1 WUIUU IHH IM I 7 1H f-Z a4 low, f arm ta An4 hope rroat nta a blasaisf. tILZ; CI LTI RE. (or twelve hundred dollars, aad if the nrin cifde of ecOTKiioy observed to the construe tioa of tbia building war applied to those f aaaaUsr diiaaoaiuus adapted to tmatl cul5 Uvatora, I be eipenaa of erecting a coroooe ry would be very trifling, and every farmrr ia the CiHumumij could go into the busineaa i' bout diverting any kanrduua amuntef! mouey from their ordieary occupatioo. Ti proceediaga cnotaia a letter frm Mr. PbysHk.the owner of High field Co eaottiy, titir rnilaJr Iphia. tba-lugeaLittl! Uie t. Btatra, to Mr. Ma hew Carey, for iae Mlowmg part of wbtcb we make room; premising that altbcugh Mr. Ph)tfk migDt af prrarw oWam tbe price staled by him ur hia ailk wad into anrwfi, yet tbat could aot be done by all oow embark Mg ia tba silk culture, wbeo Ibey all get (airlv oa the way with tba bostneea; be causn tba demand for easing ailk would aot be equal to the aupply. It ta tA the pres ent price of anrivr ii!h, but tbat of raw tJi tbat eulturiatt should adoj.t at the baiua "... Se large a proportion of our readt ra ws dare aay a lull thud of tba whole Dum ber ere interest ad in eaa way or etber io the pMjresa of- the ailk culUirer that wa have supposed wa could Out Ell ao touch apace more acceptably than by traoaferring to or columns the article oa that subject I w3 ".tLtbT. ia ffi "Icvlatiooa of profit Wa the busi- litbed to llae. !rlof thaUkjtou Un hottm, ,blf b u ptfmnt u TV article refcrrd I to by the Natioo.1 Vrnir,u tiwld u pror fof m , ,hli Irrtel ligencer, to the above paragraph, is a lh. UTemwl of perwma f to9V f UKin unknown, that CO.000 worma fed oa Morue .u, , ...Ku.. , "... -Ji "-" MuhicsulirpeiliediirpTiwatrryes- b.rh i we eory Ibe flowing extended par- rJ,blwuWbr, sir, we hava not bat agnipba:-CA-awOce.t v - ' the IwalAh pari of that number duriog the Mr. Phyakk stated, BtiKmg other thing, whole summer but if it were true, atill it the comilete euccesa Inch bad atlanoVd would aot be aa many by thousands at all hit eff rte to produce superror ailk frtwa the ailk grosera pec1 to loae out of ao large teat tu ttie worua Muittctuioiiree. am mi a oomwr at we have Rd this aommer, order forever topultn rest Ibe doubt aod 1 11.000 .000.1 M. Camilla Ikauvaia. en f.tr ripressrd of the adaputioa of tbia tree emioent autboritr upon the oilture of ailk, " "-.-v.-" K,.,u ibmiip ina ius rrenca utuauy mae uu per rau-v notn ins principal isuura id i aiiauei. ceut ol their bole crop. i phia,etpressiveoftrteirop4iMoo,oBatnal. I think, thereiore, I am warranted io of the character of tewing ailk produced by aaving that the cxperimeiit of laberating worms tea on me ieai ot mis tree in iniecw ,ik worma IrmaiMorua Multicaulia at ilib coonery. tie exbibitrd, at tba same tiitt, fi,.d Cocoonery Ut been crowned wilb conv apeeiiaeos nf the silk, and also apecimena nf pleta tucceaa, or at leav"Wiib greater auc- Ilia erry oca Italian, frota Iba thita mul. I rest than u-ually filla la the lot of fredre berry and tba etipenerty of our owo, in ; J up. tba White Italian Mulberry in 'rune prt etveniial particular, was eKltl to the ugeif, natt, having the experience of most caw' observer. These certificatea cenluriea in tbia art of ceo I u net, 1 aay, will be fiod anoeied, togcihpr with hi for it t well known thai the firat mulber- lcltetJloJUlyl.:t5l'y 'r,w ry Jreee.wae iiitnKWd ihara during tba truth of the tot .meote oTwbicli MrnT tiui of the Ciusjdes, by Ciu pa fo, of St. A u called the particulaf gttentido of the meet' boo, and planted three league from Mont would give 4(17,609 0 from 60 acrea ot laod ; and the Rev. D.T. McLrao, of Free bold, New Jrsey, actually raised, oo one tiitaenib of aa acre last year. Cram roots of oriilitceulis plaoted that aeeaon, the eoor moua amount af thirty one pound alevra ouocee of cocoons, U ing about 507 pounds to the acre. Experinct, then, sanctioua tba belief that my cetmiale is only a part 04 Ibe iruia. v ; r With these views, yoa fill easily be per euaoYd that no coatidaratioo could induce me UitVtjtS my trees. ------ In lbs early part of the feeding aeaww my upuruiteodi:ot, Mr. Spencer was decid edly in doubt respecting iba advantages of the Morue Jlulncsulia, but ia bow a firm convert to fcitb ia ita tuieriority. ' Mr. Oa ler, a well known and very respectable tai lor ia our village, assures ua that our silk, reeled oo oris of my improved Piedmootete reels, is decidedly superior in every desire ble quality to aoy be baa ever seea of the produce of this or any other country, from the white Italian mulberry. Now, air, I should not have been discouraged if 1 bad lost every worm 1 had attempted to raise this year, for the season baa been ao very wet, and the leaves ao very aucculeut, that it ta a perfect miracle to me ibey have Dot all perwbed. Pamlico torn Urge tpectmeo of the finny tribe eo taagled in ooe of bis nets. Ilia compa oiont, lour in number, on closer inspection, discovered tbat tba intruder was a well grown shark, and io dismay fled la their boat and plied manfully t lie oar to ita aide, wilb a view of intimidating Iba eci4ully from approaching Dearer hallooing the while to Dixoa (alio was wading breaat deep on tbe sboal.) ta seek shelter with them J but j idge their surprise whea ibey saw that, instead of following tbeir exam ple, tlie daring pilot waa making bit way toward the scene, rolling ap bia aleevea, and swearing tbe d . d cretur ahould not tear ap bia net that fasbioo." Up to bia word, with clinched flsta, be pounced up oo bie adversary. Ilia tbaikvbip, though consciouf of bia power, are ok d unwilling tu risk aa engagement on the sboal, aod made (or deeper water, which in epite of bia rider lis reached, aod commenced bia fiht by plungiog and rolling over, (tbia fih luroa upon bia back when it attack,) yet bia antagonist with bis led arm and leg retained bit bold, aware thftt the loss of it would ba eertam death. For awhile', the chance were in favour of tba shark ; be had the advantage a blow with tbe band spent its Circe era it could be felt un der water ; bia ocrk waa lob slippery to al low clioakiug i bia eyes too well protected by oooy gille ta reader gouging of lay avail ; be waa in bia own ekim-ut and bad ocean. mg in a aftorl out emnjuo suureas, car. neailv eohcitinar lbs members of the Socio. tor aoy at here present Id U1 all the ex Mi Hart aud it ia a matter of jittery that L'bulet the Seventh were, at hia entrance into Rouen, in 14497a beaver lined with ptrienet they bad oft eonuary kind, aa velvet, the moat costly and elegant bead hit only object, waa 10 getot the truth and ornament kodwn at that time. t r V nothing but the truth- There s ho Certain it ie, tbat many apeculttor in ever, not one dissenting voice. v v Morut Multicaulit, without owning or rear Mr. Lee, of Philadelphia, aptika of Hie mg a aolitary tree ihcmselves, actually add effrtt of aperdlatort, who were atrenuoue. thounaiida of thorn at very tow, price tan ly exerting themselves to decry the Morut spring, eoufi kntly expecting to buy them Multicaulia, and Ibe ailk buein?as generally, ( at lower price atill, long before the time of. in order to escape the inevitable ruin which delivering them in the lall. tsut, at tbe would certainly overtake tliem, m the event silk butities is now fully ascertained to be of oiit succeeding io Ibeir effortt, from th no humbug, but rather a eubstantial reality, imprudent colitrtcti entered into by them and the valmMifhe tree having Cuoteqwot- .early in the spring to furnish Itautenw ly risen instead of flln, it becoroet a mat qoiniitiesof tree at 12 rent each, wbicb tnr of great pecuniary impirtance to them tiiey were now enable u fill, except al ao to put tho fall price down, ay, end keep advance of at least from 100 to. 130 perl them down, too s and aa oni meunt of ant. Mr. Im, also stated bis with to pur effecting this object, I am tol.J they have chne, for' itniiiediata use, tun or fiOeen circulat d a report far and wide that I pur- buabelt of coconut Irom worm fed cxelu pote selling elTmy whole tck j that, hav- tively oti the Mwui Multicaulit, aud to mg Irird the experiment fully, ( have found cnritiuue tlie daily axhiliition of Mr. Brook' it would not do, have become tired of and pittiiul ilk machine al hia establishment abandoned it. Hut, air, what ia tbe truth! No. 3, Franklin Plica. lla Justly contend- Why, to far from bemir tired of aod ab-in. ad that ootliing would carry conviction to dotting it, ( fuel gratified beyond meiaure the publid iniuil, with the autna force, at at baving commenced it, uor could I powi thesa exhibition. I'cnplo wanted to at bly pmnt out any other occupation ao like- f.r themselve and toeing would be bo- ly to plesso the generality of mankind a Moving., lie also tunounced that he win this tho whole process, from hatching the rady to purchase, at liberal prieo for egj; to tnanufocluring the moil costly bro- eoh, from Due 10 lea thousand biiilioli of cades, being replete with interest in u It in oocoons. c " , - , i , .' slagw ay, and with prop, loo ( for. (tom Well aware of the deep teepoosititity I tnutns in representing tbe culture1 of ailk from Morut Multtcaulis in sucb glowing colors, whereby many persona aiay be in duced to embark in it tbeir whole capital Me hard tamed soring of m Hfi of toil aud also, of lb just censure I should merit from ihem if I nave knowingly deceived them; atill, 1 deliberately add, tbat every word above expressed ia true to the best of my knowledge and belter, aud that I am (irmly persuaded that tho Mora Multicaulia ia the most valuable tree on earth. Coloring lYaJ. It may not be gener ally koowo, particularly ia the country, that blue vitriol when mixed with lime, forma a very beautiful aa well aa exceediogly cheap coloring matter for walla. Take good lime and slack it aa usual, one and a half pound of blue vitriol, dissolve the chrjttalt with boiling .wtier when dissolved aiix it with the white wash, and add one pound f glue well diststved. . This should be prepared in a glue put if posaible, Io preveut ita being burned or acorched. When well mixed the 6rst coat must ba put on bontaotally or from aide to aide, aod the secood coat ver lically or up and down. Tbe wall will be of a bright blue color, resembling the blue botilee some limes seen to apothecary ehope. By following these directions, women can put on tbe coloring at smoothly and as well generally as men. . : , Cheap mode of Raiting Water eya ira. terwkrtl and Band '" In coaveraation the other day with Mr. Blake, of Augusta, upon tho varioua plane and modea tbat are oow io u fur miung' water, he suggeated the idea of attaching a leather band around tbe ahaft of a waterwbeel, to which ahauld be attach ed tin elevator like thoee used fir carry, ing up meal and flour in flour mills. Tbe lower part of the band might dip into the water, receive a aupply and passing over a pulley at euy required height, carry it Up and empty it into a cistern at tho top, from whence it could be conveyed by tube to any distance and 10 aa high an elevation aa the cittern. In many placca tbia cheapyatem. would do as well ur better than a force pump. Tho cost would not be great and (bechance of getting out of repair would ba very few. could not live very luo in thi plight, and whenever he-should be compelled by la- tigu aod weakness to let go, bis business euU haL-aeUleoV AU . tbeeo reflection aerved only to render mra coot ibe too dar ing native of terra firma. At length, aa a dernier resort, he fell for hi knife ; but what difficulty ia' getting a wet hand into a wet pocket : be did however, and opening it with his teeth, dashing Ibe sslt spray from hia brow, be took bia aim, and burned it to the hilt m tha monster's throat, raking him down to the tsit. Tbe tables bow turned ; relieved of so much weight, and rendered resistless by this operation, tbe shark wa easily lowed to tbe ahoal. Tba compa nioos, animated by tbe example, of their brother fisherman, plunged into the sound aod swam to him, but their aid waa not wanted oow ; Dixon aIoie had survived the bottle. Tbe shark measured oioe fev-t two inches. x - . ; ' ' Should anv of the fallen chamoion'a tribe feel ditposej to make a match, tbe best three in five, for one hundred dollars, to cne off aoy time before white frost, and at any place inside of Ucracoke bar, by depositing etakra at Truxtoo 'a uaok, dry thoal point, it will immediately be covered DJT i VllOS S BaXOSD. ' ' Frmm l AWtiawri A THE OCNC'M TORt'M WRIT. Ia 1627, when' North Mississippi was clewrrd of lbs Indiana, partiallr, the bole of thi country waa then called Yazoo Coun ty, extending oer one hundred' and fifty milee square. The law bad sol taken ef fed tor ibe want of orgaoizatioo, etopt k. the militia. One Colonel Cassoej eommano. ed ia bie regimeot tbe whole couoty, and he waa ill the officer, either civil or milita ry, that lived ia that large tract of country. The country, aa was to be expected, waa filled op with a borde of tr:flinj fellow, snd levee end tbe like. About lots timoibere were- misting two ho risen in the neighbor hood, sod Cut. Catena called a meeting of the eilix-tie generally, to consult upon, tbe best measures to adopt in relation to it Accordingly, a large collection met at the bouse of the Colonel, oa Big Black, ( here Holmes Ljnty bow i.) and called the Col onel to the Chair. Suspicion soon fell up on a young man by tbe name Dobson, who waa not present. Alter coosultiog and dia cussing tbe eubject pro aod coo, it u agreed that Dutieoo, ahould be brought for ward for tnal. r Aa old gentlemen, rather more intelligent than some of bia conteuipo rariea, asked bow the meeting could gel hold ef himt . Col. Caasou drew don hie eyebrows ia a digniGed maaner, a if cast ing about in bie mind previou to giving 'the opinion of tbe court, and said 'Gen tlemen, I will issue au Ognum Tontm W rit, and bare him corporally before oiV ' But what ktodof a writ te that Col. Kiel r said ooe old owo wilb caution. 'It is a writ, said the Colonel, gravely, to take hiio aa well wh v he sint, as where he is, and have him corporally before us.' This was satisfacto ry to tbe meeting, snd six men wore 'dot patched wiih lhi asful writr who returned io about an hour with tbe renowned Dob soa in strings. Us waa arraigned wit. neaset sworn but oo evidence of even a secondary nature could be obtained ; yet, after taking tbe vote, a majority fouud him gmMf. 1 be Colooel then put oa ao asful ly soleuio Visaae, and satd. by authority of the oioth sectioo of taws in these cases, 1 pas sebleoco of dfstb uj-ti Drier reel Article, r 7t Judicwry. JIow important it is to a pure and correct administration of the laws, that Judges should keep their h-inds scrupulously Clean of party politics ! Tho ermine that cornea in cuntact with politicat dirt mu-4 be st-iiaeaV Judges are u area of like pasiona with tbeir fellow bei,w: and no mi ltd posse- tumcient ela-tu-t' to divest itself of tbe bitterness of poliUcaJ strife and acquire an equilibrium proper fur tbe bench, in the same dar.The ex ample of the late Chief Justice Marsba'L bo waa transferred from 'poUiicaMile to the bench, attests hit appreciation of tlie w facts, lie had been a member of C ju gres a member of the Virginia A-ein-bly, a Foreign Minister, and Secretary of Sute to tlie I'oited Statei ; but it is aUti-J of him, dial " from tho Biotuent he put on the judicial robe, he di-rappraired forever . from Lhe political areua." Gntiub'jrvi.gk Patriot. , - ' . ;. Very few readers in this country, com paratively fpeakin, kerr in tbeir memo tie any clear or accurate history of the va rious UMitatiuos thai tuke place in the South American States. 1 We generally Lave a " confused remembrance of revolutionn, ri. ots, battles, and changtn ; but we sec things," a it were, through a haze. Tbe last in- loniiation Irom oue of the republics ss . we have already published Bueuos Ay res is, the atawinati-a of tbe Presideiit of the Senate in his chair by an armed mob I All this is the effect of the want of soie roaHituu'oraJ s-overnrnent,and the abeence) s of rtgmUtted liberty joined to the peculiar character of the people. How envuLlC the condition of these United States when, r ',. compared with the atate and pnjeets of -T tbe ununited south American republic r, J ylU-publica, indeed, only in name ; audi for. tne most part, nothing but miUtary deapo- x . tiains ! AUx. GaitUe. , - i ' luinr Farmer. Cotton wool, wot with sweat oil aod parsgorio, reUetas to eat asbs very asea . , Shorting a ref. A let 'sreeks since, while the Albany and Wurcettor railroad waa progrossiog at Palmer, Massachusetts, the workmen employed tbera were io the bawt of placing tbe powder they used for blaating in a neighboring grist mill for (ab ly.,, Al ooe lime theyJiad two unopened kegs, aod ooa with tbe bead off aod tbe powder exposed, standing in one corner of ibe mill. Two men and a boy were also io the mill at the lime, rod discovered a ve ry largo rat, which one of theta proposed shooting with e double-barrelled gun, which waa oear them.' The others consented, and the gun wa loaded from the powder beg, but the rat had hid himself. After chasing it round the building some lime, ibey at law fired aod killed tb rat, took it op, and were retreating, when one of the party spoke of tba powder. Upoa looking back, they discovered that they bad fired at tbe rat rbmdrio jM--der, end that the. wadding wae on fire, and oa the edge of tho open keg. With great courage and presence uf mind, the boy offered lo go and remove it, which he did ; but just a ba turned hia back from it, the whole ot the kegs explo ded, blowing the building lo pieces, killing one of the men on tbe spot, and wounding the other sod the boy ia such a manner that they, died ahortly after. Af. Y. Sun. A Oww Ckapi Tba Iowa Patriot re. lute an anecdote of the Rev. Mf. Scott, an eccentrio preacher in that neighborhood, ho waa formerly a lawyer in Arkansas, to (hia effect. Wbeo ba firat hung out bis ahiogl, he inscribed oa it i v v . A. M. Soott, AUornev at law, . The tallest man io Arkansaw. .. . Shortly aflcrj the river being very low, he proposed wading tba stream, which be actually accomplished i upon w bach. the tij-n was altered, aod ever after read in this wiet ..V"' ,.- i A. M. Scott, Attorney at law,' ! , Tb man What wadsd tbs Arkansaw. . A Long iVoae aiio aa Mitlaii. Within a few mile of Wilauotowajtbera live a merry cobler who oose is so very long that when be takea enulT he is obliged to a-aft forward thru paert to rtack it point. ' Among ths smd what dire divisiona riaa t ; For unioa boa, and ens no unioo ories Sbanis oa tlis sex that such dU-Mits beran, UOiii are all ft lit teasuni you lo be hung by the neck till you are dead, dead DiuDt oot for ' stealing ho- . set, but tbat horse may oof be atoleo. s TbateveniBs; Dobson was led to a black jack, and hung according to tbe erntebce of tba Uourt,' admitting that be wad etolea ibe bnrses, aod thai ba intended to bate taken Ihem to Red River Raft, and ac knowledged the juitice of bia sentence. This country is no wcH settled, and dtvi ded into tenlr coontre, but the Colonel ai heard toe other day lo ay,J These are shocking titoee a maaoiusl foe tried inree or four days for steeling and the like, then get clear by some quirk in tbe lew, wheo he etole the horse as plain a tne oose on my (ace I will go lo Texas, aod git among civilized lolkj. - Lift in Vcu Orfruni. If in Iba winter e are the gayest people oo tba Continent with more variety of . life and, maotrers than any other city presents, in the Wintrier we are Ibe dullest. 1 ho monotooy of ex istence caused by the very general abeen- lees it only varied by tbe fever aod the ex citing scenes it creates. a proceed to mention one, tbe relation of which caused a chill through oar hearts, and struck tbe 'electric chain' by which wo are strongly hound, tnurely uaMiajrajhrjjlejthe Ckertleet. The Little Rock ( Arkan. Isaac Dobson Ijsapy azctte of the 25th altimo. say " e haye received no new from the la- dian DAlfonioTTho liut weekT" thing appear to be quiet there both par- heart of the beholder with sudJeo botror Or. Lambert, an excellent aa Well as an emioeot French physician in this city, re late Ih it, during bit fiequent ndea through the different atreett, bit attention has almost always been attracted aa be passed a bouse her a poor family lived, lhe family eomuted of a man and bia wife, both rather young, aod the latter good-looking, with a little mfaot amiling itv beauty, and about ten month old. lie wa led to notice them from the appearance of content that lived there.ond their being fiequent ly on the ban quelle before the house. After tbe fever eel to, he stilt saw them for some day, hap py aa usual ; but at length he " missed them, from the accustomed place. This be did for two days, until, on the third, feeling un easy for them, he atopped bt gig before the haute, alighted, and rapped at Ibe door. No sotwer : ailence waa in tbe mansion. He pushed opedlhe "tfdoF and went in. There lay tbe husband and the ifo oo the floor both dead of the fever, and the for mer decaying. Tba child was alive, aod with ita little arm around the dead moth er' neck, vainly trying to draw lha sustain ing fluid from tbe breast. ' Ur . L. aaya that, faniiliaraa be'ia with acenea of death, Both- tng before has ever tbocked bis feelings to half lbs extent. With a1 praiseworthy be oevoltmca ha has taken nioaauret to have the infant protected. Such ia a life in New Or lean." A. (hlcant Timtt. 1 Dtiting. We reniember a beautiful al legory illustrating the power of fate. ' King Solomon waa walking in hie garden, with an attendant, wneoXaiMippalling figure wae seen approaching turn. Tbe attendant ex claimed in alarm t . " Solomon, the eight of ; that being affngm me I kuow not way seiid me,' I pray Inee.'to the fiirthermost mountain of India." Tba k ng, in hi ca pacity of ningician, complied j tha atten dant vanished. The stranger came up and aid, Solomon, that waa thai man doing heret My errand was to seek him on the fsrthect mountain of India." ' Akucl of Dethh replied Solouioo, utkou teili tnd kmtkekr - An honest Irishmao, freah from Hibernia, caught a bumble -bee in hia hand, supposing it tu be a humming bird. " Och, he ex claimed, M tha dvvil bum tot I huv but ius UllfefootUr - ' 'v ties, are in council, though separate ; tho Ross party at the head waters of. the Illi nois river,- and the Ridge party at the -mouth of the same, a distance of some six ty or eighty miles. A wrong statement is, we see, going the rounds in tho New York papers, as to tba murder of Ridiro and Buudinot, which ahould be corrected. It is stated that the Ross and Ridge par tie had a desperate fight, in which Ridge and Boudinot were kiuVd,-and upwards of au ot tneir wamors. -1 bia is a njistake. Ridge and Boudinot were way-laid and lio ; and Do fiVht ho taken place arnone them, and none is artticirtated. On the contrary, it in thought that the two parties win seine ineix uimcuiucs wimoui recourse to arms.' "-T:y-:ry.- '-t -: - lu if Steam&oati In tht Wttt in 1 538. The Alton Telegraph calculates as f.J tows, the list of steamboat lost or consid erably injured on the Western waters dur ing the year 1 839. We copy an abstract t W hole number eighty of w hicb, therf isroa-vsk ; , were Blown up, Collapsed, Burst steam pipe, -BurtuV-,. Siiairged, Sunk, . . Collision, . '. 8 . 6 -' I 2 87 17 :2 Of the, thirteen were lost on the Ohio t 50 on the Lower Miasisnippi j 5 on the Up per Mississippi 2 on the Missouri J 2 on the Illinois ; 1 on the Arkamau 1 on Red river f 1 in the Gulf of Mexico l and S ia j other places. ..!, " ' Of tlie eicht blown up, only one. tha Moselle, was on the Ohio: of the sis Cot- lapsed, none ; of the thirty seven snagged, ': four, were on that river. , . - 05 Interesting tifk roc servers at' Deer and Steam Engine. While the f cars were coming down oo Wednesday, a fine buck made hi appearenc on the track1 and had a trial of speed with the lucoruo- ; -ti ve. He kept on the (rack for two miles, -when bo was filially run jofft or Jiejwould have been run over. The sight rnu-st have been dwpty exciting and highly interest- tng as the line of road is perfoctly straight, every inch of the contest wua . witnessed by the passengers. IVif. Adv. Plentiful Crop. W were informed " hut week at IredcU,jthat the Crops were -so plentiful, that the Farmers in some parts -of, the county had abandoned the Use of tha atandard nicasures, and were actually set- ; ' ling corn by the JUld instead of the bushel. Vt kig Banner, . t ' '- -v ' "V : Health. While disease is ravaging go many of our Southern cities, we are pleas cd to assure our absent friends that tho health of Wilmington i comparatively .,' good, and that such cases of skknoas as do ' 'occur, yield readily to medicine. WiU " '...Am - ..- ., wung ion aascniscr. . . ..";;-. yy '. Sligkt Mittatt.An inquUitira little urchin, in one "of the BeighJoouring lowtif, was perpetually teaziir hia aire to learn from him what sort of contrivance a dandy was,until one day the old gentleman, hr the puqwse of proykltng him with occular tes timoity on the subject, pointed out one of ' the, oiost exquisit of tho dandy race to.... him ; when tho little youngsleT exclaimed, with great apparent surprise, la ! me, Had I I had always thought before this thai A . dandy was watutiuug like hmm OP 10C9 I

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