i 14 i ; 1. J t M-dT i t joy "i LtlOt OF TIIC MUICS FOB THE USE OF THE nJOV-fK. VOLOIEX.l : CIIAKLOTTi; N O, OCTODEU 17, 1830. V X.1IBER4. ! TEKMSt TV PUUrt tmd Pijtf Ctntt if pud a advaae. I TVm (Mm if Mt paid UJi. thro saalh 1 Aad 1W lGri sad ' KmIiiM i mill aAt tha lifrtUufl of lb yar. Na HP" I AiaCMmUMi anld all erroaraps are paid, ; M Mm epos f the Ed. tTAdv.tianU Inaertod at Oo Dollar pav seaars (II liars r irta, U nad lyy,) fa t-w i In loarrUo. sad ti wan far oack cwiiiwia, Court advrttaaM ai ShafiS,' Saba) tktrpd S3 par eeaL'ktf hert and ddoetta f 33 for etoL mill bs suds fro. Ik Nfaiaj fit-, far J- rrtjtrs y Um rer. -..' Accvrt ' Coll. M. Cockr.ll. MaUlcsbarf , JLC. Chaa. W. llariia. Will Grove, H. C. R.W.AUiCword,II.C. . WEEKLY ALMANAC. II laurlay. 19 I riday, 11 Saturday, -4 KumUy, SI Monday, S3 HedMadayf 33A fTi i S7i" 33," 90S SO 115 far Ottekr. 1839. Jfw T tfor. nm IS I 13 after. 81 11 SI far. 99 I 4)1 Fim U .Bag arlbIt will k nmiM, tli at a abort ttuM mm Dwrbaaa Ml aom whav tu Ptnnnlrui brokt iat mm mltieaul &M aad de-ow-d (uO dollar worth f tract one eight; aad Um wtf of aa editor who a. aoanoed the ftrt. Hate that It a OfHtrf Ui IwU tU atfia M fpa ia 4y a t T W aolnr apoa m iiopanaat Ubm to Uvk iMaealM fcrla the fUlawiaf aaMMiarMra. "r m Uo- Matnt Woolmaa ipart that Tret, ' TO MT DVTIUAM, - ' Tcf . If aWaM rprf tlal JVlf Darhata t tfn thorn traea, II un aot UxiT UsW boaM, ' But Ui ibM (raw ta Aa4 labf awk ta hri " Taraa font ova nut or aaad ' . laal alaee UMm ta uua poi l ' Th ke 1 " aiarga ataad, T BKWta aball bam Vwm sot Tkw T aa4 ihlfty tnaa, -' My heaa noat ahoiiiy ersvat , TW ttnd aot, if Toa plot. My Kolticauli aWa, . v farbaar lb aiitlait aaaatSj crrvp hai Dot UlUd, kit tstir crop of tbout 3,000, tt U rit pMc, to vktcb will ba odJed tbo adiiilioeal tipesaa of tnp portio( tbooi tout 2U0 biiaa. Tbit bt co aiJera a grvt Urpiio. 1 aanr4 Itttb in oayiot tbat fir or tea nitltooa of tivet could bo ouht ia thia unowdiato aUey, (OLio,) a tbia line, or ia lU (all, for pcicta ringing frao 50 ccata to ooa dollar. Hot will tbo dtoMod ceaao ariw tbo eoajtoj ttaaoo. At Um rata thoy havt bercaard durtff tb hot fio jean io Um L'mwa Statea, Iba Jamaod a LU aot bo aupplie, aweh lata tbo nai kot ovoratocknt, for lb Mil too j-ura, I apooA adviaedlv and vitb koowledj of facta. Tbt treat ia juat awtkeoioj to tbo iuipor tanca of ibia aobj-ct. .'r Tbo iacrooao of Iraea durtoj tbo last tea too baa aot mot iba cinoctatiooa tod bopoa of tbt ttlk eutturut. la many placet tbojr bat Bttcrly (aitot fron tbo uoutual Bofrie4 liaata of tbo aprui j. la eonckiaiga, 1 om y tdj tbat I do not owb orar &O0 treet say atU, tod tbat I tipeel to ba a purcbaaar lor tbt Mit iwe yea, u 1 an preparing to twiid t cocooocry in to it Biatt. 4 l - i rrt irana aa4 bar ta apaia I ChJ atya iboM Uti-t plawta, . - Ta Ut ovtaia aiJy abara. Ta-at aot Car fcfla apart, ' ... 1 anofht tab fnUfUl Iraoa, ' laaUaty rMhiRfJoy, I anel my fotona BMita, With ran thuat twijt I'ra Naiad, . And arwdad rtk at aaad - Fra grua aad tabfaM carad j TUmi Ut, oa ! iat tban ataad. My hoeat arotwd tSaai twia7 Aa reaad a Bagful (Hand, EM wiff aittlt JhU aaa aoia. - r. TJI vaalth thai auke Ma aaad. Old !rnU ! Ua get Umo taaa. i majorat apoi And baTa tiua I For wdita ! eluk at iuo. . ' Tby ajautb-ahtll barm lbaa aot. MURIS MLLTICAILII. tILK ClXTtllC.X, Worm 3Iailtlclj. Uoiin't Silk Fakmci," of tht SSUt SrfrU ooutaiot tbt WIoId caudoo to per. toaa growing tbo Uulbmy at tht Buatb t , Grovart at tba Soatb atioald ataadily kaap ia iaw ana mort iifraortajtl fact their tm ate far atlperior ia anairty to aura, and beaea abeold comuiaad a proporttMatily aattar ptiot. Tba arieaa obtainad arilk a fur Uia omU aitad aad poorly braocbed tiaat of Um North, aught aot to tM pnea or um larg vouuora ttam. Dig battat a quality they ougkt U yield a let tar pfieo, aad eaasot (kil to do at, aalaat prcma. nuaiy lorett talo aufaavv,-, ': " . Th Editor of Ota JWroal f Jht Amori tui Silk. Society, Mateo, Hi bit September number, that tbo gro ware of tbt llmicac. tu, need be twder no apprebeotioa of tbeir being injured by tbo iocletDoocy of winter. That tbty ought not lo bt takeo up, but k(i etanding. Neiiber tba Iree, limbt or boda, ba injured by tbt anoter. Tbat it it brat not lo lake off I he cutliogt intended for I'tanting io the Sjiring, till the ground it got ready for tbera io March or April. W hero unripened wood remain oa a tree aftor tht fall of tbo leaf, it ought to bt cut n(T before tbo eartrt cold tpproacbet, and buried io tbt grouod in a dry aituatiopr; if pottible, oo tht oorth tidt of bouae or tenet (but not under treeai where Iie Sua neter abinet w winter. Lay tbr cutting! tidt by aidt, but Dot toocblngiacb other, 1 -i m , ... , . iuhi mi um layer w ii a iioa uira oarin oot inch. Tbeo lay oa other cutting! in the at rue way till you bate dttpoaed f aU you ha. Then throw oo earth covering (he whole about a fuuf deep, and forming the top of the pile hit tbt roof of a bouaa, to throw offtbo wattr. Tbt etrih oted will be takeo fron tht ditch which you will make arooodibt'pilt. . Cart mutt be ekca that oo iniortticea be left among the cullifiga, a the confined air io thorn would produce mildew and the Ion of tht cutting. Thia onripeoed wood, takeo from thia pilt in tht Spring and planted, will grow and maka aa fnie treet it tbt beat matured wood fat. M,rr I : 8ILK AND TREES.' A Cincionati oorretpoodenl of tht Na tionilf (itMttt tnaket tht following rt markai ' ' ; " At torot tvideiict that wt of the weal art willing to back our euggeetiooa by tub initial proof of our ainctriiy in thia matter, 1 may mention a aingla iiuiance of a recent purchatt of treat by a geatlemta of Ohio, . and which llluttralae tht deficiency of tup ply io Ihit quarter of tht country. Tba gentleman reierttd lo it mow trading co coonery to t vary tltenaivt acalc, but out having lima to rttat treet otit p-iug, from ' ehouU or cattinga, for focding hit -irin, it compelled to purchatt ibeta of tbt tu,.. tner a growth for that purpott. According, ly ha ttcoatty purcbated of Mr, John 8. CbapattD, of Meadt county, Ky. and tbt w'jr ptraoa 1 know of ia tbt wit From Uorrut HUk Farmer. From LtUtra lo Oc Editor of tht Sill araacr. , -.-. Mr, (teagaa wrilat m from Gettysburg " Wt bavt raited two1 croot of worm. and art now going oo with tbo third. WeJ fed entirely oa tbt mulUcaulit, and loot a average of ooly 13 worm out of every 1 000. Utr cocnoot weighed 7 Iba. ta the 1000. J kept ill for tbt egg, which tre aow depoat ted oo paper, from wbka Uiey should not bt rtmoved, but suffered lo batch where tbey art laid, aa ottart never intended them to be removed.- Growers should bewtra oil sickly worm, a Hit gn of oot that tickly art tufTicieot l dcatroy a wbol co coonery fulL They should A-ed oo a Icaa rate : 100 good eocoooe art belter tbaa 1000 bad onea. Tbo tf at art wotlhleaa, aod it it impoaaihlt to reel badcocooot iolo nercbiotabio silk. Many prraona have goot into tbo busineas likt tht young far mer aha ploughed bit bortet it a trot tilt tlevea o'clock, aod tbeo let bit plough aland tnt rest t tot um. mMonfgmtry( AZafaavi,' Avf . 29. The ovorua grows finely in this couoty ; Ihit it tba first year tbey havt been planted, consequently art high. A gentlemao told ma yesterday ba bad bats offered om dol lar each bit whole crop of trees, of about 4000. I have oo doubt they will be bisb Ibtt tail,' for tbt ptopit trt getting very much io tba apiri) of planting sbout bert. Cotkockiom, Ohio, SnL 3. " I wsi a lew days sine at tht pleasant village of kcwxKDl, Ta. J hare Ibt man ufacturing of ailk goods, of almost every do script ioo, it earned oo Itystemstically and profltawy. Bit riedmouteeo reelt and twisting machine containing 129 spindles, were ia successful operation, all carried oa by steum. Oot of Ibt baod looms weaves sevea tibanda at a time, many of which tell readily at 73 cent per yard,' Afj-irt MtiltUmJU-VFm uoderstaod that cooiraclt havt been lately entered into in lui county, for Iht taw of the Mom Mul twauiMt at 1 1 1 cents per loot me souring ibt roots, cnaio sulks aod all tha branches. Wt bav also been ioforrrjed, o titiquea tionible atttbority, that JlrE. Wnkin oesr Gsatoo bs recently reused 9200,000 (or hi lot4fMultictuhanpsr growing. Ta tba Cditot th 8Uk Firmer. BliKfto N. . Sept, 1. ; "Tbat porrioo of tbo Community who msy bt termed eroskert ta tht stlk causa, will try ta make it appear stl tht Iree ia iba country are for salt J but it is far from baina lb cast, for very many large (kids, besides tbo still largo, number of smaller lories, art designed to remain permanent, rtor Hit purpoet of the ailk culturt. - la tht vicinity of Ktchmond 1 visited teverat dis tinguisiied person i in tba ailk culturt, and to my satisfaction 1 found things firmly ad vancing io the right way. Mr. Curtis Car. ler bs oo nit plantation a cocoonery 130 feat lung, 30 (bet wide, aod Iwosloric bigb, with a collar io which lo keep bi leave frsb. Mr. Carter aad just begua to gath er tbecocoxmfrmnteropofworoshhsd ted, the production of nioe ounce of tut . and tad met with ticellenl success, lie was selliog his mulberry treet to his neigh, hours sod planters who want them, io small lots of 000 or 1000 treet, for their own oee, snd Bav in most narl about fillt eenla eanh. II bad auld 20,000 trees, or mora in this retail way, lo be nlsnted next year for tht silk Culture. Thomss Pleasauts 6t Co., of urllona Arsmal, btve made tood begin ning, and laid tht foundation for a perms prot buaioet. They hsvt a Isrgt number of acres planted with trees si distsnctt, to remain aialionar)', to furnish leaves fr feed ing neit year and yeait after. Tht Arse nsl Buildings they will occupy for cocoon eriet ; tbey trt very spacious and veil adap ted. ; ( t Un my way through Virgiuia into North Carolina 1 found tbst the planter pretty generally were in Ibt spirit of beginning iht silk culturt ia a small way, to maka it a collateral branch of their farming, at em ployment far their weaker labour, which 1 consider tht proper count. Tbt planters sty tbey tnuit givt up their cotton growing io i-rntasurt to tht more southern stales, and begin to think that Silk will ba tht pro psr suUtituta to givt trnloyment to ibeir infirm labour. . Tbt fow trills tbat biv mada hit given them impl proof ihst Hit t-Hberfy ,n flourish Well tvnn in their tr-ro-ooi ii. ,,k1 tba lilk-wormi cm bt ?ml? tvta by their celourtd non. httioa. I iuaod thai tht ladies ef wealihy faouliet'wert quiu io Ibt spirit of the silk culture, and were turning their wwo band to tbt buKOcea, sad speak of it ia Hi I roe light, aa being every way worthy tbetr most earnest attention. W'beo the Udies embark ia a worthy enterprise, it ia pretty sure to be carried through with spirit aod is a pro per manner. . Ia Virginia aod North Carolina ia the most favorable portion for tbo liik collars, tba morua multkaulis trees ire being bought ia smsR lots by the plsnters for their own asea at CO coots per tret, snd soma very good trees for more, aod many tale of luda st two ceott each, but of retail quantities, and io this way Ibt treet ire fast getting out of market, i am sura tier are bo more tree at the south tbat tht people wunt fur their own ust Ibia yea. Laat year (bt tree wire confined to tbt sea ports sod cities, tod were tent north for a market ; but Ibia year tbey art being sent back amongst the plsnters, in tbeir proper places, for use, where we shall, to a very few years, hsvt a return from inem in raw stlk r silk fsbnc. C. 8. How mocb I mis it thrown away by boon farmer when Ibt weather will aot permit them to work out of doors. Aod now wrll (hit time might bt improved! Tbert are maay days tod miny boars of wet weather in a year in which it it impossible to do work oo a farm, aod wbeo these are lost, as they art by loo many farmers of mi to quaiuunce, I bey amount to a considerable sum. M 1 1 roe is money, as my grand father used to say, aud further, M take care of tht pence and lit pounds will lake csre of themselves." Now if this is good advice ia money met lets, it will surely apply to economy ia lime, to l boss hours and half dsya when lb rain drive under cover. .- Well, how art tboee hour lo be improv ed? I will tell my brother farmer i get yourself a set of csrpenter ' tools aod make a work bench, and if you cat plant a board and drivt a nail you will find enough to oc art ripe, tbt juice will bt crude, tbey will be unpleasant ta the test, snd w ill aot keep so well aa if suffered lo grow longer. The sigo of ripeness in this frail, is Ibt fading of the leaf, aod abrukiog of the stock. This ia remarkaU ia almost all bulbous roots, especially I be to ioo and potato, that tbey receive tbeir first ooarishweal from I be root, aod finish tbeir growth by what tbey receive from lb top. Lirv.tiK.itK. Pcnjletim District, S. C. 1 139. Dtttrpyiiif Lict em cQUU.Mt. Jsbex Bess Jr. of VVatne, informs a tbst hi recently tried an esperimeol for deetroy iog Lice oo callle, which was very successful, lis look old beef brine, mads of salt with a hula salt petre, and pat it on the becks of b cattle, and it destroyed both lice and nits. Tbt remedy baa no bad effect on the cattle, at, tobacco and other applications for kca fasve, but oa the contrary tbt est Ut lik it it lend to tasks them peaces bit, aa they m ill aland aod lick ooa another will apparent niisfaetton. The remedy Is simple, cheap, and easi ly obtained, aod well worth 1ho consider stioa of those troubled with fousy calves or callitt 'Main larmtr. . -.- . eassswsB Soar Ltr, ba been accidentally discov ered by a soap boiler lo be excellent for gar den walkt or boost yards. He spread in a wet slate tbt black aulphurout residuum of the ley tubs oo tbt alleys of bis garden which would oot raise any grass or weeds sftsrwsrds, oor permit any growth witbio soroo inches or the place. Delighted wab the discovery, bt bad arly put a covering of iba tand over lb refuse to obtsin th fi nest walks possible and having bad occa sion lo re part bit yard, bt used tbt like soft refute, instead of mortar, which soon bar dened, and cemented the stone so well ihst the heaviest esrriagea occasioned no dissd- justmeot. SillirnvnU Journal. . copy all your spare time, 4 b i tools will- cost but fiv oralt-dal. lar sucb aser moat aceassryTMl tbeo you will b able to keep your out buildings, (socet aod many of your farming imple ments, in good repair. If your barn or ata bit door breaks' down, mend it immediate ly tbt Crat rainy day. If a board ia loose, put a oail io or replace n. ir too want soy plain, useful kilrbeq furniture, such a a pme table, benches, dec. tskt those occa sions to make them. But it i unoecessnry to multiply Iht Ihingl thit might bcrmade or repaired in such time. Every farmer thai looks around bim (if bs w oot m lbs bsbit of so doing) will find tb woodwork on bit rises lamentably out of repair. ' Beside, every farmer should accustom himself to th use of tool. When b wsois a small jub done, il wastes as mocb tin oueo as n is worth, to g tevorai mile if. tor a carpenter. ' 1 know some farmer wbo havt not a htichet, drawing knife, aager, pisnt or work bench about tbeir plate. Tbt eoosrqueoc ia, their joba and re. pair generally go undone, ind tbey have nothing to do in rainy weather, it this economy f Yet such men will carry their grain Bvo miles ruribtr to a market when they can get twocenla more on a bushel, f FOOR RICHARD, riOM THI S0FTBKBR ACaiCCLTCailT. XI'LTIVATIQXJJEJBISILPDTATOES. Fmaioea delight most in rtcb loam, but oot too moist. Wet land produce loo much top and watery fruit, which will oot keep through Iht wioter,and is slwsys strong aod unpleasant tu tbt tastt. v try dry land produce small crop ind knotty fruit. uod Inst it pt to bakt (a wt commouly phnso it, should also be avoided. For thi crop, tht earth should bt well ploughed, to ii lo pulverise ind clear il of weed. It abould bavt nothing about it to ahade it -a gresl error in Ibe cultivation of potato is, too much billing of them. , I hive found, by miay ycirt experience, that if potato art planted in a mellow aod, lby need tesrecly soy" hilling. They will bed themselves it tbst dittsoca from Iht surfaes of tbt ground, which givss them tht great test advantage lo procure oouriahmcot. loit oeptn, 1 nav ooserved, is generally O Yet! , O Yea ! ! O It ! ! ! rflllE sabaetiber has on basd s aambar of J. Molea sad Aceoanu da oa aod brfors the Srat day of Jasaary, 1633, lor wkicb he moatatf lb saoosy. A word to lbs oiat it ssffieieot vet. e, isw. . . , u KOT1CE. 117 ILL U said, a Totatav. lb at K. , w W . vesiber pest, all tba srapertv bcloorinr la lb estsis of Hagb Harris, arc d. eoaaktiog ot Cor, FedJrr, flay cd COTTOX, UOHIEI, VATTLE, KNOWLEDGE la rOVTER. -CartoM UluMrliom.k t a taeetiog wbicb look plae lb other eeoin for the purpose of formiog a Noclb Lnndoa Ms cbaoic "a Instiiotioo, Mr. Baaia Montague, s illuatraUoa of th maxim that knowl fdfe ia power, related the follow iog anec dui. . He was walking a few month ago io Fun laud Place when be observed a large crowd of people assembled, and found that it was io eoostqueoc of a large mastiff dog having a leaser oo io bis gripe. Several persons tried, by spilling th mastiffs ear, aod by biting and pinching its tail, to mske it let go it bold, but ia vara.- At last a deheste and dandified young gentleman csme op, aod making bit way through ibt crowd into Ibt circle, requested to be at lowed to separate the dogs ; assent waa giv ea amid jeers and hmghier, when the dan dy slowly drew from bit pocket a large sourT Box, snd basing taken a pinch him self, inserted bis finger tgaia ieto tbe box. and withdrawing a larger piocb ikliberate ly applied it to the mastiff nose. Tbe tbufT operated to powerfully oo I be aoimala olfactory nerves, tbat it not only immedi ately let go its bold, but made its escape as fast as it could. .1 be daody waa loudly cheered, upon which ho stopped for a mo ment, and aaid, " geoileanrri, 1 bav merely given yoo a proof that Knowledge m row This reminds me of an incident I once witnessed, in passing up from Norfolk, Va to Ballimort. Tb boat atopped at Old Poiol Comfort, (Fort res Monroe,) where au officer waa to embark, wab hi borse. Jo vain were the combined efforts of all oo board to compel the bona lo atep ever tbe gunwale. At length, after alt tbeir efforts bad failed, and tbt boat was about to start from the wharf, a soldier csme running from the foH snd, clapping a bsndbercbief over lb eyea of th hone, bad him quietly on board ia a twinkling. Another proof that knowledge it power. l"rwioVc Cow. Sett m loard a StnmbotUlht Louisville Journal fives the following ac count of an occurrence oa board a eteam- boat. . v---.'v... v-; -vV-: oamtJttng rneidernVoeeorred lb other ,Xet-rvedi Article. . Oot Road Wagon and Geering, -Oae Gif and Harnett, I Oru yolt tf Ott mnd Carl,: Omttt ofBhekmitl Tool, ; IltAutkold and Kitchen FimUurt,' " Farming Vtendh, " ' : bsaidas a Bonbsv of obr sxlieWloo Icdloas lis bmmimi. Tht sale I cooliaas from day to day. nuiauasoia. j trm rasa ssowo e lb f sal. U " : ' " '." , - , -. - " KEIL M. rnTFT, Admr. Oct. t, 1839. ' . : : , r6 - - V. B. AU Iboss Indebted to tht Sal ata of the da. eeaaed, by Note or Book Account, are reqoealed to eon Mrwar asa msks payment tot So aubaeribsr unmsaiawiy. as long indulf eae will set ss givs. Alao, Ibos having claim anroal lbs sstala ars required Is pftatal tbsm wltkia lbs time oreaeri. btd fey Isw.orlbisnotM will U plead io bar of itiasaf fssdUnraHf. ' ... ... ' KOTICE. wlLl stO o TtostftyiK Wit tttot, J L. f a tl d i. i . mr unin uwiw n voirmn, - - 7 or 8 LIKELY YOlNG NEGROES, A arw tel Cuat AfiU Jroas, "' . 1XD1 I ' MILCJt COIT, lh rprty of Joaeph kf oCoanaogbry, dss'dV Tftas mad known oa lb day of aala. P. C. CALDWELL, Admr. 04.5,1839. 14 ' TO Mi.VTEllSi. - THE following REDUCED PRICES will btrsaner b eharced for Primias T ooa purebaatd al BRULE'S Raw York Tvp Food. dary. No. 13 Cbambsrs strati, and Na. I City tlauriaosl , Pics, 39 etat i pound. Small Pics, ' 0 do. LongPritacr, ' 49 do. BurraoM, " -i. ... r -.1. .j.l-j-.lt.-., .1 - a l 9mn- vjut mcoysf imiwi oepm in puuu. i n-,.,f) : , M d nnut oy tometbing wnicb I shall venture to call instinct. If th earth in wbicb yoo pleot potatoes should be bard, ind not yield to tbt preaturt of tbt reels, il will tbeo be necessary to bill Ibern, but great Car mutt be takeo not I bill them lea mocb I never let them be covered above (bar inches. and Ihit hilling must bt given with discretion for if ibey have bedded tbsmtelvee (at the will to mellow land) four inch, and yoo dd four inch more of esrtb, you tuffocsls tht fruit. Tsks an tximplt potatoes, jusl si they begin to bloatom, begin lo form their bulbs. If you leivt then bow, Iht trail will grow rapidly; but if you ibould add earth lo iba hill, tbe young bulb for Ibt want of that air which can pervade four inche oftirth, will eeast to grow, and oth er will aproot abort them J and tbit will bt th progress of nftturt to long ta you cootioot to burden Ibcm with earth. Therefore, lo procure ao early crop of potitoet bt tur lo givt them your laat tarth at tooo It tbt plant it big enough to receive it. Wbeo tbey know (excuse lha expression) tbit you bavt loft your tarlhing, they will brgio to vegetate, ind increase with great rapidity, but will makj no progress while you keep burdening and sidling tbem. Tbut much i to tht culture. - - A word relative lo Iht lime of gathering (hit crop must coocludt these' remarks. Evtry production of tht esrtb hat in mstu rily.. If you bkireM potstoei Win the - . . , - -I- Miaioa. C8 . do. ; Nooparad, 84 ' do. Agate, 10t do PsarL '-- 140 .' A - - fXnamsatai Letter and stbor Typs ia proportion. iHM tr us pries oo ersdit of au SMoUia but ws wish st ibis Urns Is sneoarst short ers dit or eb parchsi ss. snd will therefore, make a diaoooal of I par aaol fcr New York soceplancea at 90 days, sod 10 per eaat, for eaah. " a lavs rsoaauy edded is sor formsr sxtsnoivs saaortnsal, ssvaatyvs dilfaraat kiooa snd sitae of Ornamental Letter, am bracing Condanaed, Ex tra Condtnatd, Extcndtd, Outline, ftkrioton. Or. aamanlal, modera thia faced Black, Ao. 100 saw Flowsrs, tad s great variety ef OrsaotnU, forat. log ahogeUier the moat xlaaaiv Snd slegint a. tsrtoieBt of Printing Type ia lbs United Suits, tod aboolaltly sn narivalled on. W akw flirnUk svery srtids tbat It aeetsssry In s Printing OtSe. .,' KTPilnttn of Nsvrtptprrs who will MblUh ttiU tdvsrllfaineaU thrst Utnee befora Um Ant of rtovtmbtr, 19J9, stndisg M on of tht public. Hon a, will rtetiv payaMMit wbaa tbey porch Oom tb Fttodary four timet lb mount of their bill. . GEO. BRUCE 4k CO. Srat-4,183.. , ' . U day oo board a steamboat bound up- frem New Orient, between a gcntlemao aod a ruffianly blackleg, who were engaged at game or, poker. Tbe betting upon the game ran op lo 19,000, wbeo the gentleman exhibited . the lour ace, "ion certainly bold the strongest cards, but 1 think here is a document tbat can take the money, said tbt blackleg, making a motion for tb baok bills with ooa bead and drawing a bowie knife with lhsbiber, and pointing to- the nr. scnptioo, M7anr from ikt lorn, "1 ihmk yon ar mntakea in your calcula tion," retorted the gefatteman.cooly pocket ing tht money ind displaying a cocked pis tol with tb inscription, A doltful ownd-" Tbt discomfiltcd bad oot aootber word to ay, AJvantagrt tf God Conduct.- Tie Bangor Whig relates a little incideotrbr rather a tenet of incidents, which has a moral to it. Oot of the mechanics io that city fast had, during tbe late bard times, event handsome order for articles of bi monuf-cture, for shipreot to tbo West In dies. They csme from a capitalist in a neighboring town, and while tbe artjzan found sucb orders especially pleasant and convenient, at a lire when hit neighbors aero lying upon tbeir oars, ha could dot exactly account for the preference xiven him. Recently, however, the secret baa com out. Tbo gentleman lo whom the mechao ic hat been indebted for kit extra business, was in Ibe habit of noticing our friend while an apprentice, n bile the boy waa not ten libit that any body waa taking particular oot ice of bim, tbii man waa observing his good conduct ind industry. . Without toy cquaintioct between them, tht capitalist was resolving ihst sucb an apprentice would make to industrious aod careful man and when tbt boy psssed hi minority, and com menced business for himself, ho reaped tht sdvtnlage ibove ststed, fiom the care of ihe interests of hi old employer, ind from bi own good conduct. Wt may remark lhat thia is by no means a rare instance of effect following cause but il is worthy of comment as being so directly forcible be to afford sinking confirmation oft general principle, l-tr rrierpofcA. - - - -, IIYiNfrrf, JOURNEYMEN CABINET MAKERS. Noas ad apply km food wsrknea of ilea- dy sod ndusUioo bakil. J. P. PRtTCHARD. CWfa, Aug. J, 1839. - 46-( 2 Wrapping Popcr. JUST rtotired sad far mh st thia Oflic a supply of Wrapping lipr. Abo ftw mm of Wiiusg Pr, Candid."1 You've visited my daughter a long time,' taid in anxiaua mother to a young geutlemso of our acouaiolaoce the other day. What are your intentions, sir Honorable, entirely to, said tht gentle man, I intended backing out, at coach men y '. ' r You do, do youT backing oot, ba I and pray, sir, whst may bt your reasons for de ceiving tbe poor girl io thi way ! ' V. ' I bavt sevenl said our friend, j N Wttl, namt ooe if you can, yeu imp of oatan you little-wauled, knock-kneed pale faced, no whitkereiTdolt you thing, you icrap yoo' Your daughter, taid he, interrupting ber, don't wear her bustle right.! ha sen it oot tided. Her dress maker tells me tb It bedded in a doxen places, and wean two pairofttayi her fatso teeth don't stay io well aod tht put csstor oil po her wig. Mtdam, I csn'l stand such csrelctsoesa youll let rot off now, 1 reckon.' Tht old woman did lot bim off, for io two minute b and ber daughter were sten freaking it down tht (treet, probably te tear out Iht eyei of tbt dress maker. . Let every firmer who hat a ton to edu eato, believe ind remember, tbat science lay th foundation of trcr thing valuable to igriculturo, , - Among all tba sUurJies oddiuea, aikd crudities thai cbwirhiie the day, no pro ject baa mora of cither quality in it cub. pomtjon, than on started by tb loeufweo' of New York city, via : tbe getting ip a petition lo Congress tbat it would pa law to extend tbe right caudra ink boil Island I It is sorb an cut uf th way . thing, that it would hardly gain crvxlence, yet such ia tb ctu fact. Petition of thai import are aow at the office of tbe , Aduuni-tration newspapen in the Ctiy of New York awaiting aignaturea, and aaid new.pa(crs urge the people to cunm foff ward aad set their names donn. , . Rhode IJand, it is known, has never yet adopted a Slate Constitution, but de rives ita being from, and still exercises all tbe functMO of poveninirul under a char ter granted by Cbarte 3d, in the year 1674, constiluting certain person tbcreio named and their euccessors, Th Govern- " or and Cumpar.y tf tht LngUtk Colony of . Rkodt Hand and Pruvidenet I'lantahont, in A England, in Amtrica To-be a ' freeman or n voter of thi Company, it waa neceseary to posses a fiwbold 19 the val ue of one hundred and thirty three aod a third dollar, or to be the rloW ton of a freeman. 1 lib law L- now io force, conse quently the right of suffrage in limited oo. But what ia that to people of other Bute. '. Just nothing at all. No State of tbe Urn ion, but ha the principle engrafted upon its Constitution modified, to b sure, All -require tome qualification varvinjr io degree beutowjng the privilege of suffiae. - In this Slate, tbe freedom of vote tor State Senators, is based on th possession of fifty acres of land. Rhode Island only applies the principle in a differ ent way. As reasonably could the agita-k ton of New York go np to Congress, and ask it to alter the Constitution of North " Carolina in the particular feature adverted. - ' to, as to auk for its interference with tba " -law of Rhode I-lund Hii. Chronicle. ' We saw. a dav or two sen. box of .. w v - -jo y - ,. reeled ailk made by CoL Hugh Craig, at Chesterfield C. II. The silk weighed IS ItTanoiTrKfci some of those who deoominate what thev are pleased to call the silk fever and Mul- " ticauua. nuuiia, a " humbug could bare seen iU It would have scattered their doubts to the winds. Col. Craig has been engaged1 in Ibe silk culture, on a small scale, for experiment, the last teveral years. Ho haa made 13 or 14 pounds annually v for lour or five years past, and this year he .calculated to make 100 lb. for which be ' had pRrvided aJuridanf folia ;but through an oversight in putting up his eggs he lost the greater part of thenw He sold his silk last year for 15 50 per pound, and could have got 0 but for a slight defect in the reeling; and he thinks the cost of rnaking.leas than f 2. But as he has prom- . ised, at our request, to furnish for our col umns a statement of bis experience in the busineas, wo forbear to enter into further particulars. CAeroie Gaiette. , !; An Innocent Trick with DtUcum Con tcqwnct. The Cincinnati Sun tells' us a capital story of a young gentleman in that city, w ho resorted lo an uinoccnt trick to get a kise all round from a couple of vount ladies be was waiting upon home from a fashionable party. . At Cincinnati, aa well aa here, and "elsewere," the girls have a pretty and innocent custom of kissing each '' other on bidding good night, arid in fact upon many other occasions. The gentle man in question had waited upon the young ladies, two of Ihe fairest flowers that ever bloomed amonj? the buckeyes, to- their father's residence. Knowing . the little parting ceremony was to be performed, ho watcbed bis opportunity, and just as tbeir . -" pretty lipa were on their way to meet each other, he poked his face in between, re ceiving a delicious kiss on either cheek for his audacity, or ingenuity. Only think of it; exclaims the Picayune, a double- ' barrelled shot from Cupid, and both fired at once T We bavo a mind to make a reg ular business of seeing the girls home, two ' at a time Wouldn't it be delichtfult - Singular CHrrumttance-4)ik Thursday. the 80th, a Mrs. Stone in Louisville, left " : her child lying upon the floor .while tht) went a tew step lbf"I bucket" -f -water. Hearing a scream she turned and taw a. , hog running across tbo street draWinc the child by it foot. By the assislanc of some men who were passinsr by, tbo child was rescued without very material injury, but not without some difficulty aa , the animal seemed little disposed to givej up its prize. Tbe child waa about eight months old and1 entirely within, the door ' when aeized by the bog. .1 vV " '". t A Hot TemperaSi Walter Scott yv, in his Diary, that be waa exceedingly di . verted with the following anecdote ; Col onel Blatold us that at the Comioeuce ntcute!' uie battle of Waterloo tbera waa soma trouble to prevent the men front breaking their ranks. He 'evpostulated with ooe man. W by my good leltow, you cannot propose to beat the French akta f lou had belter keep your ranks.' lh man who was of tbe 71st, returned to hi, place, I believe you an right air, but t am a man of a very hot temper I' Thetw was much boo bommie ia tbo reply ,V Afa-riin.--A renowned pliiloeopher of antiquity told his disciple, that when they should have acquired constancy enough to bear those who injured them with the ssm tranquility as they did thos who treuled them with civility, tbey might believe thqr . bad rondo toiao progrcsa jg Ytftuo, , ' . $.,

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