tTiTT Ta to bs honci (ur'.Tioiii ts action tif the Gaaerel Atwmbly. y will ntiv. er abandon iheir eppee'l to you, long ti there tea ray ef hope toft. 1 may bwchnrg ed with a iupasiiioa to H log roll." It ii bitse compromise, which court into the nearest and dearest relations of lift. It is lb American System, fur it leJ to tba adaption ef the Constitutisn of th United Suit. 1 in not sabaeied to confess, that I jet hope to accomplish something by a jrtrit of compromise. It wat oat ray mtoatioa, air, to have cob fecCtea iba subject of tba Roanoke Inlat with lha forathoa af na Counties. Our ttoelre Tar tba accomplishment af that real vork, 11 oot bawd, eattrely,' bpen, tba af. facta il way bate upon ttt, la a pecuniary point ef view. We art urged by till high ' r and nobler motives. Open that Inlet redact tba waters of tba Sound ti tha lvcl af the (Xaan, which will fallow aa a matter ' af CMraa, tad You ramava from among ut t Boat fruitful eourta of diettte. ' This in;, SJr. 'McLaurin presented a Petition from sundry aititexia of Richmond and Rukson eountift, asking an sppropriatioa of money for the improvement of Lumber River which do bit motion, wat referred to tha Committee oo Inttwqul Improvsaieuia. Mr. J. P. Caldwell introduced a Bill to amend ao act pawed at tha Setiion of 18US lo divide tha Counties, lulo School Districto, tod forotbar purposes which waa read tba firel time and pined, and on ttotioa of Mr. V ithera, ordered to ba printed. - ' . - Tba engrotsed Dill ta aecura Title, and grant jurisdiction urtr a Tract of Land oa Body's Mind, to tba United State, wat read tha arcond and third tiaiea, passed and ordered to ba enrolled, a - 1 VidVy, Dee. 19, SENATE. , Mr. Arrington presented a bill lo repeal in part an aot concerning bill, bond aad promissory note J wbiah patted it first read- view of tha aubjwt alone, ia enough to at-J , The engrossed bill to expedite legal pro cite tba Uehnge of .tha philantliropitt. I do cess, patted lit third feeding tad wat order Hurt Mr. Guthrie nude a rotation of onl r, whether a SiotUuitdor in t.tij Com pany I . I a right, utJr tba 1 OiU Kuto of Onkr, la votu in any question pretexted by tint Bill. 1 be Speaker, allvr stating lUit Hu'.o at fo!!u, t-witt "No pcreuo hall vjI on aay question, in tha event of which ho it imtiicdulvly tod directly inter, ested," decided tbut aa member who It Stockholder bus tucli right lo vote. From this dociawn, Sir. Thompson tp pealed to the I lout aud the House tut toincd the Choir in its decision. Mr. Iliggs than ofTrsd an amendment, taking tba Slockholdtra liable) aa Mcurt tiea to tha State in their individual capacity, in proportion lo the amount of Stock held and waned by aaid Stockholder Thia aoienduient wat rejected, by a volt of 63 to 44. Tha Hill waa further amended on nation of Mr. Brogdeo, by eddies the Governor of the Slate to the Attorney General, of Intpector of the Deed of Moftrejs to ba made by aaid Company for Iba benefit of taw uhiwi , Tba Bill, aa amended, waa than pomd by a rote of 60 lo 63. not intend, air, o tnter into an ari umcot t cd to be enrolled. about the work. 1 hate taken thia occation, Tbe reiolulior.t on Intarnal loiprqte manly to allude to tha tubiect. My coo- tntntt were actin Ukan up and ditcuttci alituaauare devoted to the accouiplitbment ; Maaara. Speed and Cooper addreeted the! TuttJay, Dec. ti that work, and are willma to ttand or lalli Senate in opsoaition ta their adoption : r I SEN ATI with it. I declare bare, that, m Lit af&rle ; icr which Ibey ware laid on tbe labia until Mr. Arrington pretanled a reiolulioo to in a(Ect aaoieihinj for ibtt prrjsci, I will to morrow. ' j raiw a joint comwittee lo report at wbal MU a common data with tbe fcanater ! HOUSE OF COMMONS. j lm tba Legielalure eao adjourn une eft frea Pao,aotai!k and rarjuion, (Mr. j Jr. J, p. Caldwell, from the Committee J bib waa read and rejected. Shepard ; nay, I will go father. I will t on jniiurr AOuira, reported a Dill to cam , Aod on motion of Mr. Moore, the Judt aupport nan or ael cf men, who art dit-1 pel ih8 Miliiia oflicert of MeclkIaoburgou,rycoo,'nit,M 9tn mttucld to eflauue waatd to gita the ga by to thia waifc. . Cotm,- ,0 driu lorM itJ, j esch ,Dd ee- f " h ttpeJieoay of giving to one or 1 nave been eamaaciiat amutau at tna ia-; r. Vf m IttcAa wat read the firtt time and ' inr ntgitiraiea out ot court, jonwicuoo t it t : r . . twt of anaking counltea. Il it urged j y jjr, Mndanbtll, from the Join! Select that it will bara the eOkl to isjure awne of Commitiee on that tubjeaf, reported Dill tta toonttea, in tfie arrtnemeoi ot tna upoo ,t, wijectof I'enUeniiary, wbich that, aw lar a rry eofntitonta are cencaa- ei. with perfect tedrence. The ooatert XtTnti lmproeB1tnti, to whom tha auljett Mjwwcea inoee eououet aai wim w e bad been referred, rr parted oinat the el over all plain and minor catet of attaulia and batteriea, with a apecifitd hue, a bera tbe defendanta plead guilty. . . Mr. Dockery prevented a evolution in read Ike rirat lima and Daeied. ittructuig lliO Uommiltce 08) Internal I r .. .. . . j: Mr. Barimgor from tba committee on lo- proveowma ta mij'iire wio toe .ipaoieocj m j . . i I I i' i f Th-.rehov beeri,t!uco the ir-;ulitH.n Id tUo Ac IV ..unVr fir1bxr of our Gorernmrnt, I'ourtwB I'ici.idomiarwi f,nI, uinhir Jlite f I'c 7, in a letter Kleutiuni. Tho follow it.ijj it a conectjfrw Mg4.j w Waii,icton,w hoM tutcuictlt, Compucu iruro en tiniuni aourcc, of the number of roift received by j divided, and thoa ceuntiee which have a aaanhar oa account of fraeticna. Neither f tha couatiee frea whkh l come, eao be aJaaled ia tha tloute of Commoat, at nei ther of then btve the 1 .'OtU part of the fed tral topalatioa o( tbe Slate. He are in Vik4 to ana member ech, cerely, btcaoie we are eoanUee. Tba Senate ia bated an principles of ta? atiow. I vn3 net atteept, Mr. Speaker, to argue the qoettioo, bother multpty ing new fMaUaa will tare tbe effjet to alter tbe present! arrangement in the SeoaU. It ie tnwgb (at me to know, that my coattitaenle lave tba epinioa that it will. Ooreownliet . btve been united ; fe count; feeling baa jim ; wa have the time tteitca and tbe taa ioterftfe, aod it ia natural to auppoae, that Iba people win reatat every thing that pedicney of the Sttte't undertaking tbe coo ttruattoo of a RaU Road frera Ktleigli to vTtyneiuerough at lata f rrttnt time, and asked tbat the eoromitlee be diteharged from the further consideration of tha subject Concurred in. rate the.Trutteet of tbe Atbeville Female Academy, in tha County ff Duneomha, wbich wai read the fim lime and patted. Saturday, Dc& ID. SEJfATE. Mr. Sbfpard pretcnted a bill to ettablitb free ecbook within the aeveral aatmtiea of the State ; which patted iia firel reading, aod waa ordered to be printed. Propoeri to apffopnate 170.000 annually fran the ae croina inlerctl of ibe Lilerarf Fuad. lobe (hey nay eosceive will have, is the remot. I Prided amoos tha coontica accordant lo i eat oVgree, any aflLci on tha pteo4 arrange- iheir icdarat popolation, f. the euppoit of eaat. Let our Wetter brethren tit ue, fieB KhuoU ; but cq econty to raceive ita Id after the txt Senatorial arrangement m raUatle proportion.'.ntjta it ahaU have eol 1 1 12, mai then aU caate tor tbcoa feara w dl : Wcted aa equal amouot for tha tame purpnee, Immtw abated, and aodtfkuliy will ba tbroan ; hich tbe aetias Juttkea may levy and cot in tha way of ear reheviag their gnevancet. u-cl 0,her lam i tbat at tha next Aor of miking an appropriation for a survey of Lumber river from tha South Carolina line to McFarland'e Bridge and at canaj from aid river near Lumbertoo, the moat eligi ble routt to Cape Faar River which waa adopted. Mr. Moye presented a retolution In tend mvatage to the Common t propoting thai MjrJ'itJ.MTf tented. jl biil X: klJlm. ? ! Jaautry ; wlicTwai adopted. tar, I italiy baueve they aave atrong claims. Take the weal Una wtuch was drawn in . farmer thaws, and the balance of poser bat already gas to Ihw -tl'setom aide, iai the Ilowst of CtMwmCHS. Mow ia il ia ibe Se nt f Tee Ewtbttw e mejorityio thia bnuch t Can wa retain b 1 Every re fleet, ing man must admit, that ia this and of the Capitol, enaewrwr tetee , the Beewfrw will dewast from Judah.n If Ute Eaat abooU be hkt, and I think it wi3, to keep lha baR,(iir n,, ditcuttioa, in which Metara- ant af power is 1 Hi, it mast depart from SI ia liiS. This, Mr. Speaker, w a me! esehoty rtflocttoa. it w ail aimisaioa that I regret I ta cstnpelkd to make, tut it it electjoot ten committ'iocertahaH bt elected in each county, lo lay off the coooty into school dwtncia : that l-,000 be anrwllr ap propriatcd for the aupport ef Normal Scboolt for tbe purpose of educatirtg poor young moo ae trachera ; aod I hat lbs LrgiJaturs thatl select a toperinteodent of schools, who ahatl annually titil escb county in tha State, dte-1 ' jwtt. t ..; .L : f . z i ae rcsoiutiont auinoriwos ids erccuon of a Lunatie Uotpiial, were taken ap, and. aa wpisiaa that is fecaied truth. Tbe teasaot wuThsar eat. The Eastern por be of the Stats is Improved, with the es ctptioaof the public works oa tbe swamp bads, as much as it is likely it will improve. Nearly a3 ear lands that caa ba advantage stttly cuhivated, have baea leartd, aod are bt listed at their "value. . Our papulation 2k ant racreasisg. Cmigratioa and death ' are anking rapid wrosdaoa as ibavtno bSMtstios m tayiag, that lbs average tales, ii that portiea ef tta East, ia which I urn . aerrttintsd, will aot bs mors for Ibe aest.10 years, tha it waa last year." What it the aza'.s of profperity ia the West! Their taade are aot all occupied, and are increts ing ta rakjt, aad smigratiua, disease end (Uaik are not redueiog iheir cambers. For lbs reaaoot 1 have stated, sir, I etn aot at preteot, vte (t any saw county.. I fcivw elladed tw tha fesiioew any sosttit. aaots, aatbat suhjeu l bs Senator from nataertVd declares, tbat thia dstirs to sa abiish aew cuatiea in the West, did, aot sririaate with the soLueisoj. bt tbe people i. t ,L I Crfaai truth, that thit fesling"af ef ipetlfioa ia lha East, was aot got as by lbs pohti ciaae, bat ertgiaates with the great body of; lha people ; and I am bound to pay respect ta the sptaient of my eoottitoeoie, if I kesw theta ; and koeaiog them, I would be tittle lata than a traitor if I d(tabvd them. Mateheadand Moore ad ecu tad, tad Mr.' Ed wardl op posed, tha. measure, wart hid on tLe labie. ; ;; ' . BOgShVOF CQXMOXJ8 Ths engrssesd bill 6 nreveal betting oa rUctiont, was read lha eteood lima aad poatpooed iodefinitcly, by a tots of 62 to 44. Monday, Dte.HL " ' - . REX ATE. r - - Mr. Morthoad, from lbs Commitlea oa tha Judiciary, reported a bill to amaad the I02d chapter of tbe Revised Stathtea, enti tied ' Revenue j" which paiacd its firtt read ing. ' Mr. Moore from Ibe Commtlfee of Pro positions and Grievances, reported adverse Iv to ths till lo sdd a part of Carteret to Uyds County. Laid oa lbs table. v Tbe bill to amaad aa act concerning tbe Scat of Government and Public Buildings, was read ths third time, passed and order ed to he enrolled : The Sernteisok up for consideration ths bill lor the eatablithmeat and bvtiter regula lion of Common Schools. Mr. Shepard proposed aa amendiaent thereto, and alter Tbe Cemmona having concurred in lha Senate a amenumenl lo lite engrossed bill to expedite legal proceit, said bill vat or dared to bs enrolled. Tba bill to add a part f Carteret to Hyde county, waa rejected. Oa motioa ef Mr. Spiors, tha rtsohitiocs oa Internal Impressments, were lakea op. Mr. Shepard moved aa aajeadment by etrik ing 001 'b 5th refutation and iatsrtiog tba following. . . . , , . ... j Mimttti, That lae Ctvwaer sf tba SUU to rsquind is smslov a conptUat Barinesr (e ear. 1 yj route tat a turnpike ted from KtUigU is AvaviUei ales a rouuj riom t systtovuM t tas Tisanes fas by tba Way sf WttastbOTMik, toKratclmff tbe format rente at eaaae aamtaaal f tba Yadkis t aad tbat the EBgiaaar, ia auk. lag hie laaart, hall iaJieals what rsots is pre. brahl as aeeoBst sf cbMpwSM, diraatsaat aad fuilil? of rtMtrmetiaa ; tail arbMhct Uwra ia na. tarwl for saviag said rattle thraughaat tba satils length or las rase, saBiewetiy aaaaaaat tas an. fabla. : Mtfimi, awraaser, Tbat aaid Esfiaaar give aa aaliauu is bis rtftt, as asaarats aa be sts stake tf, What aril be tba east af aaitag aaiii read aarsula) aa4 what will bs tbs eiaaatS sf i4 road, if it ie tiaaaly sraiat j and ia eraW Is earty tbia laaolatias jots agaet, lbs asm f $2,000 is bervby apprsyriatad est af aay ansa mm ta UiS After soma ditruwios between Mstars. WaddeU aed Shepard, tba reaolulieot and amendaient Were laid oa tha labia. The bill to aompol captains to renter their companies raartimea a year, was to? jected. ' :'-::y Mr. Mitchell prseeated a bill to ameod lbs (ttdebspter ef the Revised Statotes, ftaceraing lha Governor ; wbich patted ita firtt reading. ' Huh Sputter Tba will of the Ute Mies Jans Iswss, spiottcr, formsrly sf Pie- ardy place, EdmUirg, late af Stow, ia North Briton, bat Just bsr prsrtd ta ths rrersgs tivs Court of lbs Arckbwbop ef Canterbury, in Doctor's Commona, by George Scott and John Thompson, Eqrt.,"ihe exeutora. Tbe decestsd wae poaseieed of npwards of 000,000 in ths fuaea.snd prspsrty in dif ferent parti of Scotland, to tha meant of i. l,20g,C00, making, together, tbs enor mous sum of two millisne, ths whols sf which tbt testatrix baa bequeathed to be etjoitly divided amongst alt bar raiatioM wbo eaa be found, witht respect to tbe nserfst ot Kindred. About ore years since, lbs tenant became emitted lo 500,000, eome discussion, ia which the proposed f epos tba death of bar brother, bo having JamfttUJlLejBLw i, TiurmLy, Dec IT. wC.NAT,E, Taf biO acaiing aa appropriation for 0o)fdetiG tha eap.ud, aad Ivr athar pur possa. passed is third reading, and waa or. tiered to bawogrossed. Tba lull was eub vqnsatly rs eoostdarsd, aa oxtioa af Mr.. Cerper, and laid aa tie table. Mr. Worth, frea lha joint ee-msittse oo Edosetisa, mads a report, accompsnisd with a Im3 lar tbs estaUtabweni aI bVtter rsgn tatiea, ef Csatinoa Schools ; which wert or dsretf to baas the table and be pritrttd. Tha Rssslutiose oa lotsrosl fmprevs aatats, were tokswXap j whsa Mr. Wad lsB ! rwjwmad his reworks oo tbs subject, and ia a'Spewah of esoatdsrabls length sad great; tbtliiy and eloxjievies, dVbvsved bus visws ia fit tor ef a hbsrsl and jwiioos arhme of and eaposed bv Messrs. Morehead aod oeksry, Ibe whole subject waa hidover for thepreseol. s: " nOl'Sg OF COMMON'S. ' Mr. Moor a presented a Bill to amend the Revised Statutes, aulhrwizina llta draioins of the Ssamp I,snds of this Stats, and lo-i 101 0l1 " o. ' create a fund Cr Comnwa Scboolt; which : coowqwocS of bsr adsftcsd age, fnssriy jaas read ths firat tio and oanaed. 'fibty.) she slipped dowit and brsks her lf. Doak prstented a bill to amend the g. which eceideal aliimately etused bsr ' ?.",!h fchn!t ,J is. R.ia,.,t R:a'r,iiM ami. isatb- I be ammint of srsosis fluty alone Uod Militia i which wat read ths first liine.Hl my ."' f'J sod tbs of kin. Il it a moat extraordinary fact thai. aotwi:hslanding the immense wealth af the deceased lady, her habits were very psno rtout; and, at proof of it, it may be only as cesnry to meatioo oaa (eel t Una dark svsning the bad occasion to gnp atalrt, pawed, aod pa motion of Mr. D. referred to the Ccermittee on Military A&irs. Ml5pMi prsssoied a FiTl id icBswf the Revised bta'ute, sntitted an Act concerning Slsves snd Fres Persons of color ; wbich was read tbs first lime, pasted, snd nhrnd to the Commutes oa tb Judiciary. i Tbs Bill for the relief of the Wilmington and Raleigh Bail Road, being ander drs cotsfon, was,; oo mutton of Mr. flnke, so i smitld, aa to auks lha aont borrosed lbs faith of ths Sine, pays We to anmal instalments ot t my inouaaaa ooiuri ssco, tillaO bspatd. nr. i.uians cueres an amsuomem, pro IstorasJ Imprsvsmsata. The Resolutions, baiting' ibe Company from declaring any ly,s lettuot Bonus, until ths Deltta enntrac ted by virtue of Ihie Act thalf fcvre been disrhsrgd j and authorizing lbs Company to pay Into tbe Trestury of the Stats, the whole or sfiy part of ths smmrot of Debt so contracted; aad as sMkisis such aev- mwnt into tha Treasury, to be forthwith ah- era Ihss kid no ibstahk until tomorrow, M. E. Msaty, of dies hern, was elected ud.-e, tics R. M. Ssosdert, rssignad. - Mr. Maspm prveeotrd a Rasnlutioa for djfribwtisg the Revised Siaiates, abkb waa read the firat lime end passed. Mr. Moors prstsnisd a Bill to amend ths Bet wed Siatets. eoosstbing lUgisters, Wiisb was read ibe firnt i,a. rnased aod 1 bis amendment wtt reeled tr a vote I'aited Sutra. Oe ecrurt on loathe Jujieiary. of II to SI. ' - "h supposed wealthiest ipinstsr ia lbs world (Miss Burdstl Courts) wae nstsnlitlsd to tbat spsellslioa until ibe preesnt time. liters is svsry resaon to believe that the property sf tha dfcaased is ths lreel svsr proved ia Doctors Con)noti t.-Lm 4fapiru " . Fgrry. Mr. Join Murpiy, en ami asa( braosr ef Dublin, charged With hat. ing (brged a draft wf $001, apoa ths bsnkmg house sf Messrs. Letouehe, has bssa tried, found giiliy, and oonieocsd is traasportstioa for life, lis is eeveatjfyesra of ege, aod a reek before hie arrest waa a guest at Ibe table ef ths Lard Lteutessnt of Ireland. flit eonvictioa baa produced a great eicits eent ia Ireland. . ,.t tcltrrtd to tba Cojna.;ttcs Khfitt$ There ire to be four c!ipts Af the sua aett year, and tw of lbs tnooa. None ef the former will ba wttU ia thit eouotrv. and rsa wherS Isrsrst tbev Will solved from ttl further liability fit such . nor bs partislX Both the lunar echpvet amHinl of etid DU so paid. . jii he total, and viaibla throughout Ihe Ikisple, snd Ihs tie win iA 1 y ermreratin, iwonmrpj tr' efcrvary,the other on the 2i ttAnpft. ' v ' .J t'.d ctiou I'' i. each orinciniil Candulute, lor rrem!t nt and Vius' President, at cuch of raid Lieu tionai and will bs found not only useful for pre tent information, but fulura rcforenco. rirat Lltctitn, 17(19. Numbcr of Eire, (ore 69. George Washington received Oil Votes j John Adorns 94, mid John Jay tt. Washington waa elected President and John Adtma Vica President. Seeuui Election. I7UJ. Number of Electors 138. George Washington w. riived 133 votes I John. Adams 77, and George Clinton AO. Wathington ' and Adnma were both re-oW-ted. TAird Etution. 1796 -Nombar of Clectort 133. ' John Adams received 71 votes Thomae JeQhrsiia CO.; Thomas Pinckney 60, and Aaron Burr 20. Adams waa elected President, and Ji-flcrsoa Vica Pretidcnt. " J-WiA Bi&iM, 1900. .Number of Electors 13". Thormu JclTertoo and Aaron Barr received each 78 voice j John Adams CS .and tlurlca C. Tinckney CI. As there was oo ehoice of President in tbs College of Electors, the election devolved opon tbe Uouae af Representatives and af. ter balloting 30 tiroes, Jefferson was elect ed by a majority of one State, Burr waa elected Vica President. Fifik Election, 1804. Number of Elec ton 170. The present plan of voting se parately for President and Vica President was then adopted. . Tboruas Jetftrsoo received 1QJ votes for President, and Charles C. Pinckmsy I f. George ClUitoo received 10J votes for Vice Preaident and Rufua King 14. JcCcrson and Clinton Were elected. Sixth Election, 1 808.Kumlx. r of Elec lora 170. James Madisob received 123 votes for Pieidunt,and Charles C. I'iaek. ncy 47. Georgo Clinton recaived 113 votes for Vice Presideiti, and Rufiia King 47. Madison and CUntoa were elected. Seteath Election. 1813 Number cf Electors 217. James Madison received 1 23 votes frr President, and Do Witt Clin, ton 69. Elbridge Gerry receivsd 131 votes for Vice President, and Jared loger soli CO. Madison aud Gerry were elected. ESskk Eliction, ISIQ. -Number of Ejectors 217. Jamea Monroe received 1S4 vote fr President, and Rufua King ??i.Daniel IX Tomp rotea (Ur Vice President, and Jobo B- Howard 22. il onroe and TompLins were elected. A'iat Deelicn, 1 820Number of Elec. ton S32. Monroe received 932 votes for President, and Daniel- Tompkins 319 for View President. TeaA Eketum, 1824. Number of Elec tore 281. Andrew Jackson received 89 votes for Preaident ; John Quincy Adams 84 ; tlham H. Crawford 41, and llenry Clay 37. Aa neither caodidate bad a ma- Sray, me eiecuoa was carriea lata ue ouss, where Joha Quincy Adams baving received tha votes of 13 States out of 33 was elcoted Prasideatw Julia.C. Calhoun receivsd 183 votes at Vice President, N. Sanford 30 and Nathaniel Macon 24. Calhoua was elected View Presideot. Eleventh Election, 1823 Number of Elsctora 261 - Andrew- Jackeoir received 179 Votes for President, and John Quiocy Adams 82. Joha C. Calhoun received 174 Votes for Vice President, and Ruth 83. . Jackson and Calhooa were elected. Tietlftk ElecUom, 1933 Number of Electors 2S8. Andrew Jackson received 219 votes for Ptesidcot Uenry Clsy 4,9; John Floyd 11, aad William Wirt Maitia laa Burea received 180 for Vke President; John Bereeant 49 William Wilkins 30j Ilsory Lee 11, and A moa Eilmaker 7. Jackson aod Van Duren ere elected. Thirteenth EUetion,18Z0 Number of Electors 204, Msrtain Van Burcn receiv. ed 170 votes for President $ Wm. 11. liar risoa Til Hugh L. White 26 1 Danisl Webster 14; aod Willa P. Maogum 11. Richard M. Johnson received 147 votes for Vice President t Francis Granser 77 ! Jo4aTyler47, and William Smith 23. At neither of tbe caadidatea for the Vice Presidency received a majority of the elec toral votes, and as Richard M. Johnson tad Fraaeie Granger received mora totes than any other two, the Senate proceeded lo eU-ct ana sf these candidates for Vica President. In the Senate, Richard M. Jobnsoa received 33 votes, and Praneit Granger 10. Vaa Bufwj and Johnson were elected. information of thing unknown t others lias so frerjueutly and justly U in rcmorkod, the following j.eculatiwit, wlut h, at the luggettioiis of an intelligent aud inquisitive " looker -on," cojy ior ths ituVmaiioo of our readari t ',- "Mr. Cur, it is ooderstood, will not accept of any appointment (undor the ad. ministration of Gen. lUaaisonl at borne or abroad. On thia point he isteid to be inflexible. Ue will remain, 1 believe, in the Senate of the United States until the new Administration shall be launched and fairly afloat, giving to the policy of the President such a support aa may be conr-ia-lout with Lis own putriotia iiewa and that fama which be bat so nobly and to gal lantlv won.' " Whether Mr. WtasTca will or will not ba ofi'ured tha Department of Htate, for which he is nre-cnjinenttv qualified, it is not for ma to aay.. But I tuay at ale the opinion which son e of Gen.- IlaaataoVt ?irtonttl fiieitds entertain and cipreee bey aay that if Mr. Wesstcb will not accept the office of Secretary of State, or a Foreign Mission, he ought not to be ne elected- Tbe tame language is held by snoie of tha most distinguished friends of Mr. Ciav. Tbat geoilcman I have hot seen since mv arrival in Washington. He haa been ia Baltimore, but I karn has re turned thia day to tLe city. From these signs of the timet,' I have nu doubt Mr. WcasTca may fill either of the above sta tiona, if he pkawi.' ;i .' A SEW EXrEPIEST TO R.1ISD TUB Wa i4aerva ta tbe procaethnga of ibe House of Representatives a resolution sfler ed by a member from New Yoik, making inquiries tuickiag 'he sals of poltie proper ty by order of tha Wsr Department. Il ia said, tbat many articles, of valos.and sh b tbs Governoitiit s.ot have, btve bttn seo rtficed to raise money to meal the pressing demsnds of publ'ia cjedilors. These arti clew thus sold st half price, moat be re por cbased by the next Adtotoistrstinn. ' " From a peWgrsph to lbs N. Y. Sttr.1t appears that tbiae'spedienl foe raiting (unda, bsa not bern ennfiaed to one Departmeul of tbe Government. That paper ears; ft fa ascertained that Aisaa Kendall haa left da foiitOlBM a mUUm of dotluibsaM. Km. daJPa saraav wiada as like bis 1U OS's abas. luUlr Is disfracs. ; With alt bis aralaaaiaiia, hm borabatt, bia daelaratioas sad bia isuiMBea with lbs lot aod emaaat adiuiiiiatraUaa, be terse sot ta he aeaotutely good tor aothiBf hut Mtty to. triruss and extaaaiTS missbaaf. Usbraks dsa Jackaas asd VaS Boras, aad bad as eapaetly or Ntw 1 out Li. tit ., j j Tw.-'-y tlsys l..!-r ut't .Vu. I .. .. ... ii a. i. i . " as ivi, w iim tin 1. 1. 1., n ro in !h iq infant PiiiKOas is born (ir Givst mo huwii "l K 'l'U i.' M il aiij pi op liad T la all say pQ&u statios rsouiring dia. cratwa aod food aaaae, la add.Uoa la ioMwaaa Sifclaatiaas arhioh will be fcnatad set, at asaaare tbat tbs ptessot saas is powar bara asld tbe phJ uc aropwty ta raua uta wins, us all tas paaUS wee aa yet osAaiabsd, Ibey bavs sold baas, esse, harrawa, dradfwg awlMM ban, arorfcrhop. As. far sas aitartcr tbe soat, all of skwh will bavs U ha rafhtead at s baavy ssaanaa." Fraui i Cor reapoa Jest af Ue RsVaaaab Casrgiia. Flosibs, Dss.0, 1810. 5r Three sarrtors came ia st Fort Kmg a few day e tiaea, and agreeably to lbs Geoerare ordera, bava beea put aaoVr gaartl. - They say tbat Ilslle&Tustsouggns will return to a fsw days, bat are enable to ataiga aay reason for bis abrupt departure do ring the progrtta of bit recant pretended treaty. 1 he Interpreters bra all ahteat from Fort King, which may, io a manner, eewsoot for Ibe mtsgrs nswt ibey bavs com. municated. An siprsss bss beea despatch ed to tbs Genetsl, wlo is new at Tsmpa. Ihlfpatt 0 oVIsr , P. 31. Dee. 0. Sir1. Tbe eipreaa just Jrrrived from Fort Kiag, says tbat 13 (dits rams mtbis morning, and eWliverrd op I hair arms to Cf4. Rihty. They fats lhal ibeis are ma ny more tcoiuc ia a (em dtyt. I oil give yog parttcoltrt by net! esprcta. J.httU jViirsr. A nesra woman in the County of Mathawt, Virginia, wat eVIiver. ed.oo tbs29ih Nsvemher.of lhrsscbiMet. Ooe was a perfectly formed child, asd ia now living and beany. The other tsa are a Itrrue natm a, mora remarkable ia every respect tnaa ins notorious Siamese twins. The Iwa children are united from the am bilical aovd to tha shoulders, sidewsyt Thay have each a perfeet formation from tba cord to tbe crews of tba bead. They have four perfect srtns, twa senarats heads complete ia their organization and two chests. The formatioa from lha ambilicst AtwAwarda, is that of a tingle ehitdV:Thett ftarrcCTf fJrcrlVa, 1S19. Nam! CM . nni g. tP:,i; I . ... Mocwn vfCRorai ti imam uenrr riarri9on,'of OhioV received 234 votet for ople intoxii atrd with j..y. 1 jl8 ' buiutfaruoil ouu cnpiured fj,,-,. Jian d'Acre. The BritiJ, a,t.,.. A.,i,.lTu.l l.u ht,t..; -...I . l vj ... aim oirl'ru It fd' eqiiul to any thing the army or nary did. Ropoits sis in citculittiiMi' ' tubiiiiin of the Ps.ha of Ff jpt, authenlio ycl, though, tmijutmoL!, hat got enough of war. , . ' The Frentli are dtbating in theimi. ...I I. 11 1.. ...J . "Pnt. W III lv tnviiiuvr, mi, ii t uriout 0t(.i ments are tubing place in the n members, part it ulurly of M. Tairu; ovvlt oihi mim oiirigliia aw,i nattoa to peoceubls mi-Dsure, u j fj in particular, commands Uia Jmiiij14 Europe. Money piattera wtia u,w Englaod. Cotloa was aligbtly ca ihr u vanes. - , The President steam-ship, np fur lost at one time, on account of W relura here, tarried out the pttr election of General Ilsaausa, eLkk,!, course, arretted public attention. 7 ths stibatanca of tbs news ; but ths crict will have rich reading in the particuhni' the acceuchement or Her Maieny, m,1 the detoi Is of the tokiog of St. lean d'Jy, all of which, with ettreme miuuirnea, spresd before the eyes of the Eritou ItC, aod, of course Ufota llsjaorU. name of Iba little interesting ibangera ba Adilaid Yictoriit ir, Tha French ship Alr.4aba.j4 h Zclea readied Toulon safe from Ihtir,, age af diaeovery. Ia NoveoiWr ti,; were several Uary gales oa lha Bis coaji. Capt. Cioaa,of ibe Rrituii, Faforita, had beea killed to central tnt the inhabitanta af Tangutaboo, Tb ty bdweea Texas and Grrsl BritM said to ba aifrned. Catuss Indtss.Ci kry ie crowded, la exresa. Watrarrt Co., large Unkcra ia Loadoo, bUiri,I believe, of many of our State akcks, 1 failed. Several other large baxltrs bx abm (ailed. Mora troops are ri from Great Brita'ia to Iba Eaat hdst. Parliament had beea prorogtwd to Catc her 10. Little Mwa Matwooa.rtastr from Paria w ith a C JJIr, and gU awki These are about all tbs items of idea, liltls or big, that atrike ny eve. . Baring ii ISrothcrs circular atyt c' American 1 10c as Ala Lams sterner b6. ft per cent. e0 j Illinois 6'a, 78; ladua fi'a, 75 ; Looiaiana fi's, PO j Manlasi it, 61 N. Y. State storks, 6'a, Ut Ctt, 3 Ohia a'a, 01 1 IVmty Waow 5's, Majsachasstto ft'a, 101 g Failed Bum Baukahares,l3 10 to 14; I)o.Wk 6s, II7J. Baatnese to a arna'l stttat hi beea duaa ta ladiaoa atocka, New Tsi Stale and City, Ohio, PewnfyhaBia, aoi I'aitsd Stages Book ahares. ,: -; . - -,Lettcra from Amsterdam slats, uWjl the arhvaia of tubmcco lavg ken ttjt, pricca are wall supported eaeVcf HtVy. land, aales bava bee cgktcd fatild 28 ceots for goad ordinary, , , Private tetters from Eoglaad reprem tha state of thinga Ihsra to be dacaKr bettor. Tha mamifscturing district) ova doing better. Taa enrrsnt rate of Am an inland tulle by tha Ljwdoa bsalt msl per cent., though sums ocsrfiaiiou ttn e&ctrd at a lower rata, s he geseral a preaaioo was tbat Iba revenna woald alsv a cnsiderab!a deficienry. Tha British, in the S' Jean that bombardmsat, bad 1 8 killed and 42 eceei duke EptUaiJ2.0U01ty aaticwta of a naaaaiae ; G00 killed oa the rampart number of wounded tmknowa; l,f prMMsters. The booty oa the wells sf km were 12Fiaoutited guns, 42 not tvmi, mortars, A.e. ia proportion. Thn new Kina of Upland bat ben tv aitgn rated. There hat beBBaeartbfiii 'in the i!nd "of 'Zaoter'"A poliliral ea pi racy hat beea detected in Roroigoa.- C urrttpmdenes of A sr. laUl. mowssos's -first Iruxcinx? Ths followiiig, wbiek' wa cut front tbt Nsw York Evsning Pst.wiH thw sW course lbs gsnaina Wofsoos irtead Is f rje, nsw that Ibsir party has been brttea- to ting to fie tVrrtt a tenmiot leaf fag that is to carry out lbs views si- ibe writer, tba data of whose letter be. ia all arobabilitf . iba, aotorrnut I'. Browesna, baa already openly promt's ntnistv. lbs eutal diviaimt sBroertr- tha abolition af bsrsditarv Bmnrrtv--a' Churrhss and di vices, and ibe-like!- ton Atli. President, and Martin Vaa Buren 60 Joha Tyler received 834 votes for Vice Preuidont, Richard Af. Johnson, 40 Voles, and Littleton W. Tazewell, 11 volet Harrison and Tyler elected Ilal. litg : s i... , A Siagtkr i?rl. Tbe following bet, or rather amgular proposition, ws find in a lata St. Lewis Gaawtles A warm Ilsrrisooisa msda tha follswing preirotitiua tartar. which, however, waa aot lakea opt Thai ba would pay $200 to any maa who would agree to girs biut one kernel of eiTtfS for tbe first neete tote Uarriaoa got over Vsh Barea "s abuls vote, lao for ths second, and aa an in gssteattisal progression. , laers esina aome littiseuriositv taknow what tbs result uia ht be, tundrv graint of eoOsa were weighed, end il waa aeerttwsd last 3.000 grama of Java eoOes weighed a pound. ,-. , s Buepaslng, tbeo.Mhat Ilarrwno runt ahead of Vet Bursa Oy votes, the amoonl of eotve 10 be pauj aver wnold sxcvsd 233, 000,000 petMs,' eorth, at 10 eente per pouad, tha pUseaat kagntello af t-i3,000r 000. - . , The gsnllssun wha deeliotd (he let was probably vsry prudtt. , ' . The priociptl dulvaf buaUhdstndwivst it a tsndarcttre for ths aood of aeh other's soult. The hutband stiautd kad bar inthe way to sternal life, Vy bis eoon-l ancf ev- fa, by her b'ln-1 ' ! two Ik, with one organization ef the male . TWf were living antil a lew me- ien't before, tbir biilh. They most have possessed wa hearts and two separate put nvmary argaes, with only ons t-i of mtrs tines snd lowsttremitics. They have been kept in epinl fir piwservation, with lbs intention of pntacMing'lhrm in a museam uf soma medical college, arid ennenenily bavs not bean dissected. Old Dvtiinion. Demf nni Dumb Printtri.K riirtom aotmtnl ia given, from Tubingen, 10 Woe tfBiborg, af a aew printing eetebhshmeat, lately opened by Theodors llelierad. All tba rsmpsai tors aad prsMmea, ose biiadrsd sad ninety sit in number, eleven of the for. mer being worsen, are deaf asd domH, snd, btve bswn editested st hm cost for the sin. slay steal m which ihey are anwasctged. The King baa eonfrrred oa Mr. illalgsrad a rarga'gold medal, of the order ef eivil merit, for ibis great reclaaalioa frutn the social and eaenl wttte. lime. The pain which hi IbIi when we tra fimt Iranilantsd from our native anil, when tbe living bntnrh it cut from Ibe pa rent tree, ie soe uf the most poipnsnt whkb wa have to fndurs throuah- life. Thara tre after grieft hib wound snore deeply which letve behind Iheui srsrt never lo ha tffaed, which bruise Ihs spirit imj matt. ! timea break the heart; but War do a feel to lrt!y the mvit nf i, libf ri. ty oii,fu I epr i in r. of u-'-r ,.. ."ftt'.n, pur' i mi f 1 !-.' 1 . fkt Ihtn of tU Dmrnil -.Wt i permitted to make Ibe following sitnrt from a private letter received frma adsos guialied political writer d" Mssswkifs". dated CiirutilW lltlt. - TVall, lha tVhift bavs brwtaa se, hat I f -ina malUir. Wa mnat sow fall hack Ml eipha, and lake a fteeh start, sad bs at oo , tsma ap SithesmcUiing worth batwf. as twit le BHMr.g h JU and. WhalshsuW ay to flingmf to tbs hrsec s mains UH lag, thai ia, ths tag sf soatsl sWoarary, is S llnetion from aaara aoliUaal daMararV. . af r l.llaal dnraoartcy, I sndrMand the ea,nlity af a3 mew before tbs st j hy aoial dewoei1. I derataitd tha riuliiy of atl mm Wfora aw-" iat -araatjasaltar aaafWsul aaa Ihia aacMbrtfrt ! f taesnd hi noU- Is M ant the graat war sf emary la rraliaa tba aoil aWwraef f thas, U4 ea throw out ha lis, and rl!f rMWHIAa fBrfl.J il. lu.iL MtfM.iaa)se to ba IbStiaw. Tha mvi1 of the old rT'r i f t, and seed i Maw 1 era! is sartv sra matter Is buey tin., v. n ,l.t." Arknnmt. Tbs l.erifalors of Stele eoevsned at Little R-k oa tt ult. Tha Sonata argsituyd y '," Mark hard Preaident i and the Iltr ed Georg 11.11 its 6pW. Os t O Govfroor Yell wat inauguratvJ. ! '.. Cennt If SaulCEirehM.-V o population in this $ut, by the Ceneuij" llkea it f04,43O, theeing abnyt mir as l Immm tJC in M rent. IS th I4 " years, in the si'i;icl report of ihaMsf thai it .! MM .10.000 V. t. Of '' wrr I r- i .rr I 1 1 f'l. JJ..r,'o lV!Vli-, 1 n --rr Y

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