of reveaj from tajatiou above the ' 1 siitures in l!. a next tvr yeara, mufces y( th mourit cr i 104,00. Lei us bow ! k t i? o:atcf th Lileiiry Fuud.l know' that oio ppnilouno ar remwkably nat tin about this mattsr, aad eipraea great apprehension lost oar eyetem of Common LI K imlfrfiirei) with-. 1 111 tuch at the onset, that th count 1 propos to lake, 10 far from ditniaiahing this fund, will ob tha contrary benefit iu Tbe anlira cs.ntal of tho literary lufld. It 5'J,175.C30 1, invested, at I have already abown. Tha cash darned annually worn tliie capt lal, ia tnada ilia duty of tbo board to invest from lime to time to that it nay not rctnaia unproductive. Tboy hava therefor bean ia the hal t of purchasing, at tppoare above. a!ack ta t ;..!, railroad. die. aad alaa of fendio to vidua'. al 6 per cent, inter cat. Of c , j no oa band to he tbna dia- 'tinaait nf !' ! rfl OPIO flfl 1 In (ha fiat two years, as wa bar aeeo, there will b at Ica3tt::.,r:.,3. AdJinjaa tbiathocaih now on hand, wa bav tha aom of w337,- C2j. Extracting from it fSO.OQO, tba mmoant to ba paid ia tha next two years to tha Corp. moo School, provided tba xistiog law co ;.:inu9 in force, ther remain $237, 533, to be invested ia some manner. , What 1 propose, l lien, ia aimply to borrow froia tha ainauat 5143,000, to oak op 4be aura appropriated by tLii bill ; and that tba Cherokee bond, amounting to $203,079, Its held io p'ce fur tba repayment af tha name, witli interest. I there any riak hatetar of loss, whan twice, th aum in good money bond ia io band to meet lb debt whenever it i datirall thai K should m repaid t Caa yea find a bailer invest roeot far il,e caab of tbo Literary Food t la U oc t far aafar lhaa lending it out to ia dividsa at tba aamo rata of interest? Does not a great puL.lc work marit a pre. foresee evea if lha eecaritica war equal 1 It ia plain, then, air, that bate ample tneacs to eonatroct tba road. ' " ". , XV t tavo oow, Mr. Speaker, arrived at tuat poi..t from which w cay wub pro Jricty consider lie advantages likely to to u!t from thi enterprise. . Tbo first objec lioa coecs from western gentlemen. Tbey tsy that a turnpike will oot satisfythe citi es of lha wet ; that nothing bat rail road will meet their withes. To detoruio . whether there r much force iotbis objection. : tt become Decern ry Io consider tba com Ml ..Mbotf ;-. nt;'.l I torn CM ! bat :.jr?'ii i ' v.auj ii'r a U c-;:i moii'y bad fur ; i ifi mf - ". eou. .'. tha cuinpaiiSuu i . J mora iu Uvor t BleAdaimzid rmJ, ttia fot bem in t'. rata of tlOO taliafl. Low does it stand botweea ilia latter read and i!.e tux::.ou roads of the apjwr pnrtwa of tha tat 1 Takiof tbe aaual load on your coioman bichways for ais horaot to be 4 .CCD Iba., and aaaamin( that tbey will trmkeaixtcca tuia per day, wub alout as u ub case aa they could tweoty.fivo en the turnpike, after da- ducting the toils, 1 icake tha estimate in far rour of the McAJauuzeJ road in tbe pro portion oi more than three to one. ' Va a road not McAdtnuzed, but graded simply iu tba aaanner wbicb thia bit! propose, 1 ibink tne aarantaga will It tw to one in it ta ror compared witb the common road. Eren if, bowawr, the coat en a turnpik were just tba same with that on a rail read, ud 'l4i,culn bus ' at tne former would be greatly pretcrred y tbe farmers of lb country, 'i bry Gad borses and wagons necessary to tbe proper Culinratioo of their ftrxs, end would there fore rather nee them oa tbe road than keep Ibarn unemployed during the winter.' It would be well to authorise tba board aitner bow, or when tbo work ia completed here after, to vary tba rate of toll according to tba width of tba wagon tire.- For example, oa aom road of thia character, tba high- eat tolls are paid by wagons witb tire under two uicbea ta breadth, aod Iba rata aimin tahea as the width iaorease. uatil it reacbet eia iocbea, after which nothing ia charged, aoder tbe bebaf thai a tire of that width does no injury whatever to tba road bed 1 bare brew inrorned, sir, by one gentle. man, tbat he aacd a wagon wub very broad tin for short time open ground to toft at ntat as to have been quite miry for com moo we goo, and tbat it was tbo rendered ao compact aod that any aorl of vehicle could paee over tt without tbe a!ijhleal dua cutty. It, tberefore, tha tornpika which tnie bill propoee would never be UcAdao ized, yet from tbe character of the aoil over which it will generally pass, with wasona of this kind on it, would never probably at any season of lb year be other lhaa amoolh and firm. It would only bo necessary for ur far me re to keep two sets of wheels, ooe tut this road, and another (or common use, aa expedient by which in tba end tbey would incur no additional expanse. paratirf rluf ojhe di&rent species of in-Ll shall now, air. Speaker, advert to some lemai improvement. No one is lea dis posed than I( to undervalue rail roads; no two ia mora desirous tbat they abould exist ia their proper places Cut tmssppr4qoaiotd with thai region. - Without qne . liaiHi Tta! in titA iind nf una a aiir citizens f t to i So axtont of iheir utility. They afford the beat he armivl,1iuT when ioof. have never been rbond useful Ejr ih uarrttioo of produce Tbefi rail roads of Engmad, as U bat beea stated not long 01000, ta tbe Uondon ituarleriy Review, have been constructed at an er- -Thi of tba benc&la likely U result from ibi work, provided it should Ink lb route to Asbevtll, merely because t am better an are fU i to and won. and ewss in noma iuiaocea under cities. , Formed tbas, of tha moat dura ble fcatenala, ooce mhed, it costs blue to keep them w re irair. Ia ibsl Country, on of lha tiioat tieneely populated, aod ay far Iba richest in tha world, there ta ajrast amoont of travel, l ine over tbo roads. Besides, on those be t eo Londoo sod Birmingbsm. JimL uflt i raon Liverpool aod (lane better, and co , any other, tber ia transported a Inrgs (.uaotilr of manufactured artieles, and all sorts of mercbandos. .These, by reason of their high value, can bear the expense tt ibis sort of cooveysnco. cut I esnnot IcHra that on any rail road in Eoglaad oil J..;v miles in lenib, tericuiturai prodoe , lioua are transported. These toads, now withstanding their grsl eoet, because cap iu'iit era there aatitued wub lha receipt of three per cent, en their iovestments, are Aepl up io (US inanaer referred to. It be- tog impoWU tor 0 io America to follow lite Jjig!ihr fasfawn, in this matter, our road have generally been made of wood, prilk a small bar of iron laid oo it, at an average cost of only $20,000 per Rule From the perishable nature of tbe materials tha woodea portioa one to be renewed el eas once io x years. The expeuss, there fare, of repair, together antfe tbat of keep- in; tLe locvmutive io motion, eto. require tue -nnieitioo of a targe atim of atuoay an- tuJ'y. Though the receipts es 4 La Urg-m yet they are thas prmsipsliy abaorb- d. Uence none bolltnose rose over which there ia tinea travel pay a (air divi dend. Suppose, sir, wa were to const met rail road of lbs length thai this bill pre poeee, what would il cost ! Assuming it to re-'iirS tJO.OiJO per mile, aod it certainly f- 1 notjM jn da ht kas and Ukiag lb t,,i.:..oc to.be Bj9 aiilea, live mdlioos would Ls necessary Jo coarphie , , . . Il aoty, the rt lore, be regarded as im pfacticabla. But it i aatd that il might be . road to tba Yadkin at bad. A road to that river would eot above lw ailliao. , 6uppoe it war even now daubed, there would be but little travel altieg it, and the transportation of produeo at tbe aocuatoov . ad rate woo !d awiihar beneCt the tarater . much, nor coal !e u Io keep A op without Ion. '. i - - . I hava endeavored, Ur Speaker, to make n ceaparieoa of Iba dtai el lraapsrtali en rail roada, and en eoue other epeeiae af roads, with tt view of acrtaininy wbicb is beet auited a our eooauy. But t nope' a Senator will take mj calculations pm trust. Let each aoe examine ihe maiter for bimeelf and correet jte if 1 am wroag. I datir to deceive n on.-. A aiatemest Its bean abtained from the President of the . Faleigh end Utoo,SU Eoed, esbibftiag lie cost of Iran f tU oa from Fetereborg 19 this place. I Kara also eodeavored to " t-.-rtaiB lb like ct on M'Adaoiized rod. ' Takiag lb ardiaary toad, id a good r-J of that eon, for m betaea t be 10,000 IL-, ani thoM wb bar the meaa of know. -. in; saw re m tnat tfet ia aot at at) an ex lragnr,l eriiar, and atMAing tbat twa. tv f;v rntle i aa svecag day's trafel, tba f ,:.'oifi is the reeUt of y aprioa. Iff tiooiog Ibe adrantsges io the Suts from a direct comaionicatiM with tfiar north wl- sm C0DmTerFhaHIav lo the Seaator from Wilkes and Aabe to exolain tbem. aittce, from hi intimate knowledge of that country, be is more capable of dmng it than rotten, it tnia turnpike should be coa- Uroeted, Tpneeaee, will, meet probably. mcei u oa our ooroer, wun a etoular road tfetn KaexTtllo. It i the aptoion of many persona tbat tba mercbaota of Eaet Tea oeaaea would find it to their advantage la nave meir goods transferred from tbe North, by such t routs ss this, rather than by soy one of those now open. A number of her citeo bT0auored . me ,ihel tbay ere snxioaa to see rush a werk perfected. Tbt Lcpenirg of ..thia road would also- giva us good daily line of stages to the Wnl, An agent of tba Pest OOice Department, wb recently examined (be route, declared that, in lha pnweat condition of th road, it could be travelled over in two daye let tun than any ether between lha East and tbe t. . If a lurapika war eompleted, the distance to Kaexville would b paaaed om at tbe rate of aix mile per boar, ia two days and a half at eight petJkWi ' I4 than, $wdaysLIl now reqiurea. nearly sevrn days o miketh joaraey in lha sta ge. W mifiht tbo ilymaka ilthe lotorast of peraons travalliag to tbe oouihef it, i paa aioeg Ibia line, and, Irom neoc, by the rail road northward. From Abe ville, fur lb mi of Iwo or three hundred dollar pare mtla, n good tag rood culd torn k obtained throogb all of our extreme wcotem eoeotre to G aergia. Tbe eooatry beyond M level ; and tteorgi is there great ly improving, by rail roade anawrnpike, bar means at" cornmnniaation with the net of the world. By assisting her, in the man- nr.tv ii tL; ., k .-, I ' if-l 6 ' ... l!iaii l:.u Siiiil- II'J twa..,,T iioil i tl.i.astJ tboufhout all the n'l'litnrir couniiw From Hun coiiite, tviiere I Leiiet tlrr duet oot Xiat a S:n;'o fuj;a or furnace, I hav si-en rpeci-iT'i-m, ollamcd iu severul d. ;" rent ecutioni of lbs county, which are pronounced by tbo beat qualified lojuHge, eqml to any iroo ore in th world. TLen w bar wa ter power enough, in th uiountain district.'1 to move all the machinery io the civilized world. It te only because Lincoln ba more capital, thai ah ia io advance of tbe other counties. Front tbo oalure of things, agriculture muat prosper in all count! be fore manufacture can flourUb. Tb ne citnariu of life are obtained by ll culti vation of ih aoit. The first settlers, there fore, direct their attention, from o'Cewity, xcluiitely to that. It i only when lUe products exesed ths wants of the communi ty, that the turpius can be devoted lo manu facture From ths great coat of getting our productiona to maiket, in moat of the western counties, wa are advancing but alowly. What would, under ddlcrenl cir cimttancea, ba clctr profit, is thus wasted away. : IC for example, w could rcbth markets of the world at only one half of! whal it sow coet,ue,oe county would im prove faster than our, la none would manofacluriog eetabliehmeuta aprirg up more rapidly. Having adverted to Lincoln, let me alto, to illuatrai tki view, still fur ther sail ths attention of the Senate lo Tan ey, ens of the youngest of our counties. To n stranger, the larger part of it Would teem only a w ilderneea. It contain appar ently inexhaufctible supplies of ore, wbicb yields iroo surpassing, perbsptvia bsrducsa and tougbneas, any known. A a county, if you except some of our reclaimed amp lands, its tod is tba most fertile in th1 crate. The clouds so often rest oo it, tbat Iba vege table matter decay a slowly in a moral stale, aod has given il Ibis meet extraordinary de gree of fertility. ' It is moat admirably filled for graatc. Let it be remernleied too, air, tbat lands shout Ltxingtoa ia Kentucky, detoted entirely to grazing, are sold some limes for $100 per acre. Bear in mind, too, the farther fact thal.steck, to tbe vatoe of two millions of do.Iara. is annoally driven through Buncombe county to tbe South. Why ia it, idea, Ibst witbllands naturally as well fitted for ibis sort of culture, and wttk only half the distance to go te market the eitizeoe of Yancy ere so far behind Ken-1 tucky ! Ilia becaws they want lb capital which tL pueseasea. J'ba firataelllara in tbst country carried only tba ax aod tba rifle. Mnt of their lime ia af coure em-j ployed in acqmrrpj a ubsttenct and th eoantry i improved rber slowly. If tbsir lands were prepared for grazing, some years moat elapse beiore tbere woarid be a retorn of profit. The result ia. ttat moat of them aro tioabi ta take tttat course, rboee who naTe adopted it However, tare aueeeed- ad w wall, ibat wtt wilt bo aewegd -te- imitat lham, whan tbey get tba means. Tt fact even of throwing epeo the whole cetera country io ihe world, by mean of a fin read, would tend directly lo traatfer capital there. filsny person from lb East bar assured m that, if it were not for Ibe ditjkulty of reaching it, they woold tike to posset atock, farm and .villas, aa ear 8 .uihero aeigLbora now do in tome instances. Soeh an investment would, in Ibe end, be preferable lo one is tb sootb western Stales. ,; ' , Ths bole of our mountain region i on of Iba meet inviting in Iba world. It sum mer climate la said, by Iravtlhtr, lo eur paa that ef Switzerland; it ski Br It! lao ; there are fountains of icy coldne, snd limpid streams and green valley. Tb lover of natural scenery will find there too, the precipice and the cascade, or be mty ascend tb blue mountain, ad paa along tbeir tope, for mil, or plain aix tbeos aad feet ebeve tb ocwan, witb tb elnodi bnalb binw If our friend from tb East, could visit it, ss I am sura they Would do, if w bad a (be turnpike, they would ebtsia there, perhaps, not lea of pleasure, and (ur mora of bodily and intalleciusl energy, tbca tbey can gad in th citie of lb Nuito. ; . I-; Tbi bill, (dr. Speaker, prepom no x- pwnmerri. The imprevemeol is of tbst spsaies longest known. I need not refer I.,,! J j 1:1 1". l i H"t C i- I j.laia- fit. s- '- ' tber' -hmin.ii i-l r-d t. - 1 i "'''- firt. L Ur o fj i , , ' i lue ' Eastern nierui' that in fiat tlif v wore car ried mainly by WVurn irutos. For the ap propiiaiinn tl'e' .t butiJn 4 tluiiind dullura lathe Viliiur;Moa n-aJ.ae aUo thnsa fur improving the Cape Fear aud other Rivera, the Western dlcU-';atton went almost with out a division. 1 he appropriation ol mora . 1-. a t.U. i ' 1 u y i. ., il fcii ill - J &1 . J U ,uJt 111 : t'.o fuiioA . ' 's V.Mm '' i i u ttf b . i .it WH rji'-vX f.!r, flojdou prisuiiifd e till to amend the HeviM-d biatuiea, enliUcd an Act fvr iw atrniniiir the taking of excesmv usury. Sir. L. P. Miller moved that tid li il be rejected, whicb motion did nut prevail, aod Ihe said bill wss rsad t'Le fust time, paaaed aud rcforred to ths Committee oa the Jo- than JO dollurs for ths draining of lbs dicittry swsmp lands a mearura peculiarly aeo tionul in ita character, wa carried in ill am manner. Eveu if th Stat abould get back only tba sum expended, without any profa whatever, yet I should regard it as a most excellent .measure. It opens new land for Ihe occupation uf our Citizens of tha East. Ths wealth of a State consist io her population, and not in noiuhabited awainpt and barren mountains ; and North Carolina ooght lo make the most ol ber natural sdvautsges. - Aod next, sir, Ihe react lo the Kaioigb and Gtoo Rail Road, two years since docs oot avsry one remember bow il mu oUaincd 1 Tba Western delegation rallied in body and patted it, though gentleman, ia boss Conntiee tbe road lay, voted gainst it, aa il waa mid io obrdiauee to ibe wisbet of their constituents. Ilow baa il beeo with Fsyettevills 1 For six years we have beea struggling to do sometuing for ber benefit. As aooa ss one project iatltd, we at ner caQ, rallied w soppot t of another. Al the last aeratoa, when th State agreed In tat three fitli io th Ftjetteville aod Western Rail Road they said lo oa, ir we fail now we aball not trouble cor friends scain t but giv up lbs maiter for ths present." , 1 hope that gentlemen leprtsenting that Section Writ xeiurraber the thioa. U the last nuic. Ur. Sccalicr. I aiiJres cor friend from tbe Ntgs' Head regioo. 1 know that tha work which tbey bat e ao moch at heart. iha epemcg of the inlot, baa aot been eul-ct-ed. Tbe propoaitioo at Iba Wat Mtmoo to ppmpriat three hundred thousand dollars for that cljtot failed : but the blame doe aot real on lb west. It received a aopport which, tinder all the eircomotanee wa liberal from thai curler. Tha East and tbe middle principsily defested tbe measure. Tba appropriation for a tbrvey wa carried mainly by Weatarn votes. Beside, their avohte project is gaining strength witb as. 1 trust, tbcra&H, that their former liberali ty will not Ikil them oow. - iv U a Senator from any onatar set- ever, tell hi constituent that bill wt be fore bim whwb N paaaed would at a moder- atw coat, hav conferred grrnt and benefit oa the wetler part of lb Btt ; , but That became it would not have directly benefitted hit county, he bad toted il dowat 1 know not, mr, what may bo tbe lecliogs ol lb people rl&ewhri bot if 1 wer to re turn to my constituent with toch a declara tion, Ibey'would tot tend ma bare again- Our citusn in it West ar ocrgotic, Mr. Winston, from the Committee on Ihe Judiciary, reported a bill to amend the 3ih Chapter of the Revised Stetutr. entitled, insolvent debtors, which was lead tbe first lime aod passed. ' v.' Wtdat$dof, Dtc. 23. Mr. Waddell introduced resolution p froiotioi a committee of five to preitara an abstract from th census of th is Stste for the yesr 1810, together with ihe amount a public tax paid according to lha Comptrol ler's report, la b printed for tb Legist' lure ana aUo published with tbe Lawa and Journal! which wer read and adopted ; and Alessrs. Wsddelt, Duckry, Usitber, MitcbeU sod Worth appointed to form said Committee. " " ' - v" ' Mr. Clinsmsa praaonted a bill lo iueor porete the Nothalbh Turnpik Company wbicb paued its firrt reading. . ! , Tbe pnipoftitioa uf lb Comment to refer tb communication of Iho Covaroor on tb subject of French spoliation, lo a joint se lect committee, was c occurred too . Tbe bill lo elb!ub a new county by tha name of Cleveland, waa r jectcd oa ita aa cond reading 20 to S3. Mr. Bynum,from the Judiciary Commit tee, to whom wer refurred several bills con cerning abenfl, clerks aad constabtee, ra- portrd th aarne ta tb fceoate titit an amendment. Laid oa lbs table. Air. Mitchell promoted a bill to amend sn act, paaaed al the session of 19C?,to divide tbe conntiee into school district and for ether porpoee I which patted it first read iog, and wss ordered to be primed. - 7 1 UOVSE OS COMMOXS. '' A kleatag wa received from the Senate proposing thai iba Iwo looa iljoura sis Jit 00 alooday, th foorth day of Jmutry next, which was coocorred iu by a veto f OS 10 bl. r-On mntioti of Mr. JeSarsorr, "t or frofoveo, re aaouid im a rout to tmrr ... ,..,.. m. - A,i, nothcra coooti, and to Iboee of Alabama and UtMtssippi, bortf, by aeveoty voilee, than any ether, and holding oot stronger in ducement to aomoMi traveller. 'All of thia lravl will tbue b tbrowa 00 the Raleigh aad Garten Rail Road. - B vide, w thai! iovitbly, ere long, have a connctno btwe this p'ac and Ike Wil miogioo Rad Rood. Such of the trsrsllsrs sod ss moch of the produe from the Weal, would naturally k Wilmington, will lbs bare fcctlitwej afforded forreehing that ptaaa. Raleigh is ahta within thirty mile of lb navigable water of Ibe Nvote Rit and thiatarnpike will iaevitaUy find ile wey Iber. W e ahould (hoe, ttr.hav it i our power toxcnaage lb production of th middle aod wewerw pari of tbe StaU, for lb fish and other cwmoMditM of tba et. A large portion of tha'cooniry, Ur. Speaker, tbrwagb waiek tbie rood would go, io a rich sntaeral rwgitm. That the mine af precious mettle, gold aod atlewr, ar no mtreo ewd rich, i wwlt kaewn. Oppwr, al, appear to bo xiearty diflWd. It kae not, t y, been moeb anaghl for, be euo th prnee by wbieb Ibo ore em re dueod, it todiou. and reqaire an neb capital. But, if our meeo of get nag to tb board wor improved, wacoold send aba or lo Eoglaad aod tell lham at profit,: . - - Lead w tlto found t manyi places, peeully ia Cherokee bnl Uvm lha di5icui- ow ar, aad from tbo wtnt of capiul, lb star are not Worked. Thai metal bower r, wbieb, of wtbera, eontributc most to tbo wealth of tbe cowntry rontaining rt.iron, ia meet xtenaivwly ddTamd. 1 bold in nty weed a view of the ttitics of Lined aarrtymd by thcoVuty marshal durinf ' of tb wagon and i hre be th prawwt yor. 1 absH, bowever, IrmiW rdsy,tiieoo tM JAdmiied;ib Ba( wnn but a lew item. There kin. ' " ' reVdocnPf thaoMlolUatl((riior bUtfuraelWtbrdiieltooe ! 1 ill bill, mach weight can bet east iro ead igMw b!wnri, forge' 1 for 31 03, at tl rail road wiH bring nd rolling mill, for the wmi(aerr of! -nlyrfkr f 1C7. it, bowtver, bar iron. There ara bmo fifty foorB rwg Rltltti, Tb lb tlaas bald vn!ng tM. sxns (torn aad attar Ueaday aaxt. -- - "Mr. Itoare presented a petition from con- dry oili7.cn ol Halifax county, praying Ihe '"(pasts of a Law, securing lo every (umi'y Ktllie oiate ii?mmaa.buiA wa tssd and referred to Ibe Committee on ibe Judiciary, ;"--;'", , J"-f . A commUDicttum wa received irom lue Governor, transmitting Ibe information re- quired ty a Joint Resolution of the taro Uounea of the Coneral AssemUy, ia relation to th atuir Sod 1 cooditico of ,.th J, rjiyer. wmsit-iitorw yf; BafrSig,r, aod tbey will only rapport a vigorous aod enlightened policy. , Cut Mr. Speaker, I sm able to pot this measure 00 higher, than mere sectional c round. Uur ctat la by for Hi loocett ia the Onion extending mor ihao it bondred mile Irom East to Wt r tod lb ioteresf ind feelings f ier citbtens sre a moch varied as tha sorites of ner territory . Wa are sniud by a common system of Iowa, and connected together by aa ideal a a .1 ss oono-uie eiootnors tuai wa are auj fc , rf 65 lo 00. ctiizone 01 j.onn moi.nsi ana w may . r;.u!l. rm ih. waa eeot rotba Senate witb proposition that it be printed. -- ' ; r ,The bill for (be rcliefof ho Wilmin-ton ad Raleigh Had Rod Company! waa read tb third time. Mr. tVTaytor o3erd tb following emeodnieot viz r Tbe individual property of Ibe fcHoe kholdar ball be bnortd aa steamy totlis State" which mnrytthl by tote of 61 lo 42. The qoostioo then recurring on the peseta of th bill i it third reading, wa determined in th sfljrmattve way, which resembt some of our medero improvement; and portiootef which ar now fcuod ia Wetrn A sis, apparently as fresh and unworn, aa wbea tbey were first laid down. Tbem a ere thirty -eight thoue and miles of such rood, ia tbat empire.sufS eient to tocircl th earth once end a half, and af&rding th beat evidence of it powt ed wisdom. Eoglaed" now ba twsaly fir tbooeaad miles of MeAdamiaed roi Many of our iter State, vwpecially Pno ylvanit, Kaotucky and Teooeesee, , bsve goon estensively wit thi specie of im provement, and ar atill progreaaing rapidly. Look to what Virginia I dinog immediat. ly on owe ftortberw border. (Mr. C the exhibited a map nf Virginia with the turn- pikse. A, finished or in pregrwat marked Bon tt.) . Tbe surface of the Elate well lake pride in th thought. . Cut in all other respect w araeottrogd from each other, la Ihe Lstt, you staod alone 10 in terest and doling ; in the North, your ao ocistioo sre wub Virginia! lo tL &ntb ml W tt, mingl with th eon of Sogib Carol in and Georgia, aod ourdettioyeeerat united witb their. Shall do nothing to change all thi 1 Shall w msk a ( fort to bring th extreme of our State to gibr, aod unite ber ciiiztua in imrei and io fooling, aa well in njmet Ought not th beoTi't, a well as the burdens, wf Gavomment to fall oa all alike! I trust, air, that Iba aoty quest ten which each Sen a lor will ask ia relaiien4to this mwio w, will it Ue2t tb Old Kertb State t North-Corolina Icilatnr. thecktred all over. Nt only ia b engag ed in corMraeting great thoroughfare, but lsnot every cnuoty ia ber border bat it road. . The legislator deal out lh pobhe avowry witb a liberal band in all direction. Th Vwllwy toVnpihe, when completed, will pas through aloaewt tbewbot length of lb Siato, to lb border of Ttnossss neat Kaoivill If wa de nothing, lha travel Northward will soon be diverted in great asewwr from aur territory. Ceorgi and South Carolina aro staking efforta witljik porpos ia new, , The latter Sum formerly, mada V'BP'k p to tb line f Oucob ouoty, tkeogk weder no bligtroa wild ly wf conveying il any diotancw, things I tm to taks car af aur interwst but solaly witk n view to obtain th trad and travel from tbat rtfioa. . The money taft in a Statu .by peeavngsr in of mora vols lhaa srott prmne issagirv who d not t tempt toy calculation. , If w tt ffl anlil atbev 8tate bat diverted eemmere and IraveL Kng from our territory bw wiH rur rail road be kept apf . . To tb Wawterq part of the State, (not withetending ber greater need, tr, yo ha a ytt given nothing. A million of dollar ba been appropriated f"r interml imprvmeot vt of Rakigh, but you bay - Tuttday, Dee. Si. norm or commons. " Dr. J. P. Caldwell picteated a petition from nndry citizen of Iredell county, pray ing thai a portio of mid Coonty be attached to tb coonty of Wilke. Th petition waa referred to th Member of th Uoute of Common, rerweaeoticg lb counnc of Ire VII end WUkee. ' - On metis f Mr. Mtmdiy, th Commit tee on tb Judiciary vr instructed te en quire into the e- 'dieney of so amendiog tbe Patrol law at to increase tbeir pay, and to rawest at bill r otnarwa. N A comaruo'toatioa waa received from the Goveroar, traaainiiting a memorial 00 tit sohjct of Preach Spoliation prwr to J !0 i , together with sundry document of Ceogrem on thl urject. 1 Oa motion of Mr. J. P. tVtJt!, th eommonicatien aad aeeompnying doeo ment were ol to th Semle, with a pro position that they t referred to a Joint Seleet Committee of fir oo lb part of tack float., . , Kit. U. C Jooe presented a petition from sundry citizen of tbe tnonti of Surry, Wilke and Iredell. praying lha erection of e new enooty oot of a portioa of raid coun tie, wbicb, oa motion ef Mr. Do v den, waa refer '--d to ibe Coromittoe en Propoaitioo and Grtewne. . . 4 .. , , Ur, Boydea preeenled a bill loamena (he Reeieed Blatuiee, eaiiiled A B set concern ing the appointment of fl uardians and tbe management of Orphan and tbmr est t tea, which Was read th first lime, pawed, tad an motion of Mr. 0- referred to Ihe Cony mit'ee on the Judiciary. , Th bill to lay rT snd ettalliah a mad down U. f.lu Eul-e frets th line of th county ef Tanrey te Tar key Creek, in Ciirke Comnty, wtt read tne second time snd pasted. Mr. Meoovnhaa preneotad t petition from tb Wake Fore! Colter, kif a ko from th fund of lb .t, which no Hriio Mr. M. refurred lo Ih joint Cemmilt aa Education. Proposition and Crmvance, reported nmverably on lb petition from Lincwlo, Burke, Witk and Iredell, praying a new county to be reeled out of part of said countiea, and aakd to b discharged from further consideration of the sotjeei, wbioh report wss coacwrred to. On motuyO of M r. Reid, ' XsaslMd, That awsb el the Keaart af Ih Board ef Internal latprorsmawt aa raiatw I tb sarin at a Eetiaasrs for aarry lha tty siuvill and Wastara Rail Raad Cetpsy, be (slsrr t in eeaain ea aMima. ' Mr. Guthrie presented a bill eoaceraiug polite bridges, wbicb t read tb firt Um and psd. - Mr. Maftro pretentad n memorisl from tb Sltb Retiment ef Militia pmy in t rw- pal of eo mock of the Militia Law at r- eiriei tasMtaf mwatora to two ia a yar Said memorial wa referred to the commit- to eo Military ASair. ' ! Mr. Poiodettet ereaeflled n pwlitioa from toed 17 citiiwot of Sorry coonty, set mst lb erectisa of a nsw coonty out ef portion of Surry, Iredell and Wilt j wbicb wa r ferrwd t tbe Committee oa Proposition! aad Ormtantn. ! f I 1' 1. 1 1, t tacnri'y h.u Usa l-'l -m e-i l t,-i-: l-it !! ij-nnsi,t tf r, . I ... ... - tats t -i, tnd Mi th . 1 ,1 1:. . ...iiiabi. .'.irporalion wb ar itidvli. J Ut ti a butv I) iui' S finin II. LiUrary and Internal Ininrovrim-nt 1 un:!;tlie auroral aiuuunts sua a.-..i, vilii.it fi'i lUiis fait dua, and th asvuriiy uk.cn for ttmir pnyaiant. Laid oo th lull, oo mot km of Mr. Lilly. Tb ensrosncd bid to compel Militia tilli cert to bold their cummiiion litre yer, wstrd Ih arcoiid snd thiidtiu4,famd and ordered to b nro,'rif. . ' Mr. tarruiger, fiuia Hi Committee oa Internal Improvftnents, reported bill for Ill retiot 04 tne ivsii-ign bill waaiim t Road Company, Inch red the first' .litti and passed..' '9 "..'. ,. ."" uir. a.uoro, iruiu iiii vwi f " Judiciary, reported a bin torn: neat ins ists Besets io certain eases, which wss read ths first time, psssi;d, ordnird to le printed, ' and made thsurdt-r of tha Juv for l mdtj next. , , ,.-, t .r ., ; a-', pLC.t". . Mr. Moreliead, from th Judiciary Cuui. miilto, rHrUd sdversely to Ih propori. lioa to give each magistrate, the 'first tut. . um of the Revised Statute. The Cum niiltee waedischsrgi-d Trom lb further cta sideratioq of the sul jecU . .- t Mr. Waddell, from ths select Comantli. on ihe eul jeel, renorti d an abstract of tha Census. Ordered to be printed. Mr. Morvhead presented a lil! lo rc',e trespat enoa bind and other troperty in. dictable to certain casta. This bill si ea in tirtt um snd passed. . - Tbe resolution in favor of Mr. U'L.t. Hold's retaining kit scat, a as taken up mi sdopted. " A aumbcr of l!!!t panrd their tccctii Mading. ., ( . , - ; -. - - - " : - ., , i . fiatMrday, Deo. Cfl. - " : &i,.1.tn . Ur. EpruH!, from the Committee on Fi nance, reported a resolution directing tb t none I rcurr to prnceed to Ibe prrdy collection of all th ante or bond bow a fit io lb Treasury, other than Clitrtkc bond wbicb passed ita first reading. Ub motion of Ur. Uine man. Ih tan. uttiee on the Judiciary wr tnstroctedl to mqoir hoi her Ihe igitlature Lav powr I repeal th law sivwf bsi.km2 pnvjlegea J jh Lnuisvaia,- Cincinnnu and Cbarlestun Rail lived Company, and y.Mir () aimia..!.. nraaaf j )S fou lim in relation 10 that matter. . , Mr. Shepardjfrom ih S.kct Cosnmitte to aLem was refi irttf !. commumcatioBr from Iho lion. William Caston, rt-btiv to repair l)g the fciato ef iVat-h.n-ton, report.! ed a Pieamhl and rewilotinn, ataiirg that sir. Joba t railer, of w i oik, a native artist, bad proposed lo uri.l.-rtuti lo r-; air ih eutue, snd jvould stipulate lo receita ca ns vhalvi-v uttta t. wiTd it entire eaiiafaciioa of the aofbortztd s-f-nu f tkSi4aid llrtnrfora rerj'iui! j thtj Cvroor to ioform J5r. 1'iti.er that b baa permission of th Le'-'ature to tcako the cxponmeal at bi aa acene, prvi ad b due oot lamotf any pwin .n of thd remain of lb biatue frooi this City. TL re!utinn paaaed it first reading, . Tbe Seoate lock oa the eojroaMd LiTl for lb relief of tbe Wilmington tnd Rah igk Kin uM wotnpo wben Mr. Wtlauw aiovad aa amendment, binding lb pnvntw property of tb Meckboldora in proportion to Hi amount of their atock. O this pro position a loeig aod interest ing debate em to hieb M rear a. Uiltoo, Faison and Coop. or, advocated, and Measra. W sddtlt. Shrp. ard Osuher and Clingmia fp-d it. 1'b mendmeot wss lost, ths vol being CO yeas, 23 nays. Tbe Bill then passed it second reading u came Irom tha Common, Ct to 19. ' Mr. Doekery , Mr. Wtddoll , Scattoriag IIOOBOrCDMSOXrf. Mr. raiton presentrd a Petition front sundry cuizene of Buucnmb and Vaney, praying tba erectioaot't paw county out of portion of said eooiiUee, which refer, red to th Comroiltt eo propotiticnt and Grievance. z Mr. Hill presented kill for lb es'ab'iO. ment aod regulation of Common School, which waa read th first lima, pasted and ordered to be printed. Mr. D. A. Uraktm preaeaud a Petition from wodrf itizwtf Richmond and Rob. en,tt eoooti, eding to appropriation for th clearing nut ef LamUr River, which waa referred ta th Cutnmitica oa Internal Improvement. ' ? f j ; - :i ? t -Mr. Bryaa preeented a petition from ao.' ory eittxooe of Wilkto emmty egtimw Ih reelmn new Coontv eat Taiutna of Tua-woonrreror imucii, WiIDm and Surry, uewrrva to lb ivomcutea OsvPropoailioti and firievancta. ' - .- r.-. ... Tb engnwmd kiQ rcevd from th Snt to alter the time ef holding th Coun. ty Court of Lincoln a rsad tb rim inn aed passed. The bill to emend to Mt, entitled ta art to amend th CSib Chaj.ter of ibe Reviwd Siatota.entulod low 4 vent debtor, w read tb eecnd lim and passed. -y Oa mat ion of Mr. Burf. th Committew 00 h Judiciary ware ;itructrd I mnuii ini in expediency of amending tb Book ' debl Iw, ! permit Executor aud ' Administrator lo Prove tb account of tbeir Testator nd lntsisie,fr work and labor done, aa well it for article dlivrd. n motion of Ur. II. C. Jne, - StaolralL That a trarnnrulim ani mwmmmSi.m tw haodnd dollars, ba ada f HA -r rndrm flns.prt4t tb psasar laadinf s U ,lerf ta Capitol aod Ut Um i'uhlt Tmn. rw a raaaira ta tea ib 0!n,a rlr aad aflae. attandadto. ' IS am i mk ucctiorw. nniforpj tbrouvhout ths Stats was reed th ond tiiand aaveoded.aoaslofia tb Election on lb first Thursday i August. Tb bill then paeaad th eond reading by a vofa of 39 I 1 0. Oo motion of M r. Mill, Ibe id bill then toad th 3rd time, psascd, and idered to b eogroseed. .-. . ' .- ' -' ' i Tlwrtday, Ike Si 1 ICS ATE.' - 'J - Tb Speaker having obtained leave of btenc for on week A. Dockery, Esq. th Senator from Rich mood, wa boen Speaker wre toav Tbe vote ttood tho It -;- Cod -21 1 ' f ' 39 19 .. ,' withdrawn Vt a S e Mr, Speed fraro tb Committee ea Piivt- lege and Elections, lo whom waa referred lb contested election from the district com posed ef Green, tnd Leant r, reported a rewtlutioa declaring thai Mr. Whitfield, lb Silting member, is toiitted Jo bi mat. Laid on tli is Ue, ; , - , ; Mr. Wadihtll preeented a biH to tmend aad explain tbe Keid Statute "for limit mg the tune within wbicb action msy be brtmght end for qotetine h title to lend nd eUv, and prescribing Ih Inn witb- ta wbie preaximpltm of satisfaction may ans. aftd I rvpaal part of aaid ttatuta. Thi bill wa read th firt lim nd passed. - IIOfSB OF. COMMONS,. M, , Oo motM of Mr. . Ilnro'a, t , , I Mtml-d, Tbat lV,,!,a Tmrw u'u. atraatad ta tMrt la tan ilwM. a mm tha D.,i. aoe loll to rVata El.(-H a" ( ..in, 1 i"ij of M(lannUl l.i,U, ml, a o-v tadtb Vydmiagtea aad Balaigk iUil dCa'ittMcd. twl laid catLt I 'Jj. . ' . lastly i itonilav, t)(e. 29. '. v i, V nSATR. ' Mr. Shepard,fro.niliCmmitten Irv tornal Improvamont, reported a renluiion pprnnri,i,ng t3,750 for removing obetrdcV ion In l4imbr rivr, tnd for a orvy of. lb bortet and most prsetiraM route ha. tweeoestd river and Ihe Cape Fear ; which pavsed ita first resdin;? , , - i Mr. Raid rresented a lifl to rertjftta ' stays snd appeals, to far tt thry concern the collection of LVk d- Lis which psxn-d a nisi reS't.rtT, - - - , ,s ' The tea-hitma cxi'HVrnin the drain.