.J .. ! , V 1 O'l I" ' ri t i t. i It m f-t i: : 'n - o:,:..:.j.s. r!r. J. O, li. V (;,, i i,3 jiiusimioj ih fob ).' IVamUa and Rusoluliunt: " ' "f i hrrtat, Ti.o Cur riwrt of tin United Stale, ; t I .t f ..itm, t- i . thd Kprtfttt&live I a .',' w Jtnj baviuf lb k-Jl Mtttfl't1 ef t --..I i.u(l ftum lb ..: -jti.e ef Mud M .', (' vco HI enconlones v- : ti Ilia provinlone r Hi , Coil!;;. lotion, both ef the United ttat anil th ' but of iw Junwy, in'l J.:.,.;,J o' ire to oc cupy their pkcss, iu .do of til twrtuummta. r unit I'd, Bnu ti mi ma iiuaruAO tu i;ia Dt if Eimilvti, That tli ict aforesaid wn pilpbla million of thai cIkum el' tit Comita. i tioa of tim L'mu-d SUtea, wiiick dacl-iri-e that the tim, pUeoaand rua net af koMine elsatienafor tiaoitora end lUpruiMotoiivaeakail be praturjbed in mob duw ey in- irfwinuuire uiereot. Rttoltti, further, 'I'iiml Hi praeedunt to at vanince null aU (It cuatoua uul laws MUliIuh. ed fut lh government of Legialative bedtea, tad it' earned eat into practise hereafter, orweld be ' directive of lb fundamental principles sf Re. puuheea Lonromaut, and of lb tight aad see. eriuty f th Statoe. . . . -.. . -4 litmlvti, furtktr. Tint It to lb duty ef lb nwnl Lezihhtare f tb Blales,eompoM8g tb l'niaa, indignantly to crew ea Ibto f ret attempt of factious swjorrty io Congress, to trample OA 11 lwe and all precedent, t g iu power, to fa. ten an e4Jojrneeau.ra lb ptcpla la badiaoe t 1 Ueeutive dictation. ; v " Rtfolni, furt&tr. Thai v will stand by Mr ttrta Mate, Nt Jarasy, la th itMrtwit of ur i;l.t, and oncralubu br on th briUunt icl.ry iKa bt ac unv, and tb illi.rln r. b'k .h bu thertibjr gio to tu teal and Zuia. 1'ici of lb:ecaliv paarT .. . i Tbew RciKilotiotn wert rnfrrred to t!i C !fel Cmmttte, heratofur rMd chi tb i.' cl inattef in ibtn mbrtasd. . i!r. C!dr II, froia th Select Commit, fc oo Ibat u! jeel, reported taill l tUtcb t pH ft lb euunty uf Inrdell la tl cou. lw tf IVitL.. TK t tl J .l ... ! r un oral, kcooiI tod third iiuea, putcd.tod orderad to b ceroaMd : - - ;. : Mr. Wiutoa, frota Cwwtiitte n lb JuJiamrjr.u wbm trrrred th p. , tiiioq (torn thlibt Cnut, concerning UostetftatU," reportad jainal WgiJting on thd tabjtfcu, Coaourrad in. -' Tb btU ! prVMt rllioj uooiiurtd crop. wi read the (bird lima and frjstd. " Mr. Raid BMamtnl bill I idcarpurat ibf Br CrSl tlanufaetotinj CumptDy in tb county f Combei UoJ, wbicb tt iA tha Gri lima ami nmmfA. -' ' . A uicg to minisiiirnni ins?mat, roucurrtng to tL Brwpoitioo oftbia flou rtof tit in of bi Ctefllaacyi ibY Ourtrnor, tod tb doeumeoi accompany ing il, on tltubitc! of Fnocb SH)l,a,lw. . la JMtrtSlrcl Uoomttt,nd informing .1 fl . C (I I M II I IUI y vjru.iv, kjfiuiu. JI1IB IIUI Ion J, od Cooper forai their brtt h of njd , Commute. l!eir. J. O. K. tt't!Urrt, Cu:hm,Kerr, Smit! ad Ftrrov wr ap- jmtrd M III part of t bit Uuu. . TLs folloarinj bill r rarb rfad lbs !,ifd lime, patfci keJ oidunsd to ba- g- 8 : "'.,-- , ;,' , ib bill pnrttiKn for rettorinf to lb r't'it t itizot pertuo cot.f:td f i LMlnMan jtiinav-: I T . '' 'I j.n I !i I 'I lt prt-vent t . II -m i. a i ,tl L i.g ui;4 puili'J, Tb edrouoj I,, II hiuI.kij au jiiri)ii tiua for coiiipli'u4 ilo ( ., Mt.d of theSiBia, ad fur uilmr -u ; kj cad (li ftrtt liin, ud fiumij. t , , ',' 1 Vrf.,. V'-.-- , '.-. '.4 . Wediuidtttj, Dee. SQ. 4 M; IsrATE,-;''-' , ', Tb Scnal; tpenl ont tim in conimit ton of lh wholtf, Mr. Spruill tu th ehaii,, o lh reoluiii)U rcluhn la litniibsr nvr. winch a read tha accbad tune, nmudixi tiJ pcd. ' .', . f - ' '. 1 ; Tb Bonn retnlvtJ itwtf iuto commit tf lb wbolo, Mr. Edward in lb cbair, ind look up lb bill for lb labliliui and batter recitation of enuuniin Kbuola; lb propottiuo of Mr. Mitchell to ttrik out all after tha ocimj c!aun atill pend in;. . AAr om tint iprnl in lhtcNiid eraiioo tbnrwjf, ihe comaiitle rote, and b Utoad kav to ail ajfujtu ,, . j Mr. Spwd preaeuted a bill to aathori lb making a turnpila rod from Utvitl to tb Cliowin liver, and to incurporat oowpnnj fur that purpote. Mr. Mtlbar- mid a bill to loeurpurata Iba Lull lUtor Minufiujtuiioij Company; which bill turn d their flrat reading. n t , ,5 SZ1. "I TUnrttlaf, January 7, 1111. ;. TO ocu fkiends. ; . Having procun d tha aervico of Dr. Daniul Axburv, tho Editorial tcjartmcnt oi ma journal ai in lutura W unaer hi charge. W'a have Jong becu onxiuua (o obtain tlie aid of one who c'ohIJ dovota mora (tin nd attrition to lltat dcpnrt ment than oursulvc. ' In rccomineiiding dim to your notico, wa trust that our rea dora m ill find our aheet in fut are more use ful an entertaining.' ' '.' ; , r , T. J.UOLTON. ' TO TBtE FniEXOI OF TUB JOl?KSAL la appcarinir before lb public, in tlta TUencroiMrd bill to make election! uai ! carmcit v of an Editor, all will nattirallv ioro,tbroui.hoottliSii,p8d iiacoad;Mr)ec, B0 poition"of our nolulcal orin. crclfixo itssios. . radio, 37 la 7. : - " 1 Mr. Albiivbi moved that a meet" b tent t lh Coinnun, akinj ibeir concur rwoc in reteiudinr; th : iululKia adop ted l adi-Kira on Monday aeit t bicb, wa motiM of ur. tsprvill, wat laid pn the table. : ii'jvsc or cujiaoxs. 11 r. Iloka obtained lauf aboc from and after ibia day, for the reaida of lb SeMton. . .. v Mr. J. r. C!Jell nreieiited a Memorial from be Agricultural Aowciutioo of Iredell ciplea, and the course ve aUall pursue Wbig ; bare been. Whig we are, and VTbig we iuteno tojie. Ail cur cnorgica will ta exerted ta matmain. the bigb and nob! atand, ahicb the Whig Party now occupy before Ibe world. Vbcn alver aily and dcapatr accntird our lot when tbe uoitcd exertions cf that rccklca party, xlcpt th Democratic, tlircaterred Jo do- t The fullgwtog articlo ftotn tho IU I jih Ilci ,tur of tha lai iuu(., avutiiina Iho lutcst irdurroation from tb Lrgi iladuo f b'TA'f E LCCIdLATUKC, No ex(iclati4i ii ciitertaiiif J, o fir at can collect pulli'f mniini'-nt, that the Legiklutur will adjoutu on Mutulay ntixt, Ihouuh tho Bunate bav rvfunoil by a tlo. cidod majority to rcttind the Koaolutiun. : Notbim tlffmita biu been don yet, on joo the lbtU ultimo, cb.ctd, by tho Le tlieaiihjtciof the lialtiighaiulOajilon Road, j itduiuro of Illinois W b a &iiator'of tl Tito hill to alter tbo tiine of holding our t United Statei from tbat Elate for x ye i BfAtf .fill ..MifnL ... i 1 1 l.ns. I county, praying for a Mineralorical and , : . ... ,, . , b (Seo!o5ical aurrcy of th S ate : which a I Ved a w,,h rcgardU-M f the fear. rcii rrud to tb Coairuitte on Agriculture, i wi toinbutationa around us. A brighter day has dawned ypoo our coiiutry." Jht dark and ominous cloud, that loomed hea vily over tho political boriston, baa rolled away, and he aun cf our proorwrity a. gain beam ui bia aplcodoN Cut, let Os remember, that "eternal vigilance," ia the onTy aaieguard oT libciriy'-Ww will epoii' crenr encroach meat of powerw Lctlitr by tb Exeouti? or by Congre, W ad boro to tho Cimttitvt ion, lelioving that it U fhe only landmark by which the Slip of State can to guided from tlie shoals of nxo archy, and the whirlpool of despotUm With regard t out course ; we wilt be ln Sependent tramrbollcd bv no man or act . " . - "'""" " 04 motion of Mr. Cardll. the tloua reaolred itcUinta a coiuimtiee of the whole. on the aulj-ct of Common Subool ; and af ter luoie tune urtenl therein, the Comotittee roae, reported progrea and asked, leave to il again, which a granted. " ' I lu Uiroa adVairned nit 3 e'elock. r Hr. Ptaditr, from tb Cornmitta a ChHOwno r wbobjTts Mt.jHct bad bw r- tnrred, reported that tnajonty of aaul Committee bad inatiocttd bin ii ak tliai Ibe Committee be discharged from Ibe fur , thee cooaideratioa of u muck of lh lUort of lh Biiard of luloraal IaiproUH'0l a relates te the -payment af lysine re fur turrev of th l ijetietill and VTestwa Hail Koad, which wa concorrcd in. Mr. I'uindf Iter llicD nrerr.td Ilin!ii Sou to pay fur aorya for the Fyettevilta j VfVi ur watcli-word, an end tora IUJ llnad m hicrwa read the enwarq we willv rfftpneo.plteiPMtra& Brat tun ana ( , . tinn. n. . ,rr m. A nnr .n . - ' l wMaw waw at. e v u-ra liwv ! Tb bill t aiMMd an act. ent(ibf4 an art la ttccod the 5911 chapter lb Reeiaad " Blatotea, entitled Iruwleeot debtor. ' ' Tb folluit)g cnroitetf bill rcired torn tb Eooat, r each read tb Cm . time aueel ptmU. '.. ' -'-- -' A 141 to tonJ tb I Oil ebapler f the Hatrrnd Siatotea atitled Reeou.w ' ' A bill M Btteod tb 53J chapter of the Ccttaod Statote . eooceriwng the Governor. And biH ba incorporate Iba Nar.tahata Tumpilt Cooipanj of th oontie of Ma con ind Cheick. ; ' M(. Duydea, froo lb Com'aitte on TA Dcatioa, reported a Raolutioa direoting $ Ijsb of SlO.000 1 b mado to Wk For. at Cnfln' R.iii ITMnlutuia Wa nail. edopird) and ordered to b grid. ;? Uoaker, with five thereof the feraily, with The Bill toatuborte lh lajio wff and! toe o)fn oi roooing toe premise, v't'j fttabiitbing Turnpike &od lrr Leila I.yneh in Buthorford coaoly, I lh Wid dow Sail r OuaeoaBbwCoanty w read the thirJ ticoe, paaead and ordered to be crpreaeed. 1 M " , , t)a toot inn of M r. Carrtrger, y f 1 finlft, TaU th lb CeoiBJ Ball B allwd Wledy eeeaiPf at 7 'dock far a ateeuaf to fan a UWrary aad liirterleai Sector f Mertb Carol.. -i : ,7aeWay, Pr. 29. ' ';;,6ESATli"r;-, .' The reenrolioo W rltio to tb Statu if Waahiogten, paeeed ill (bird reeding S3 I 19, ad wae ordered I be engroeewl. T tr-ILfur b wtaUiehmeet. and better Mnntnlinai af ComraMMI SohooU, WO aaMfld nf lciitf .A "ptiydwiani la'Albany .. - ... IV -1 J 1. . I. . rd'oe reotto of Mr. Cbepard. by king 0f th doeeiae of fin and Literary Food for th eupporl of Bcboola, ny a ,toi w ' . " " ' T.-Ueaera. Arrieft-. fl-d, Cep.r. XL werda, Etbaiidjt. Taie". . Hilb Hoab Vr. Jhw-. Ukie. Wia, lln tOTI' 6p.r. . ro.U. Vb.k-r. Wb.t.l4 IU. .i.l-r, Hareraee. U.H.". bWeher. Witeb. II, Ble-m. aletehwd. alontewwT. Mvere, Orr, I tiaa. tt ertb. , ' Ur. Mortbead trm lb Commute on lh odienry, to wboot waa toforred tb Rewnlutio inquiririg t tb propriety of tha Ww eraotinf Banking Hi Irnze i bie S"1 lb Liieil!, Cm- einoatti, and Llnrieaiow uau aw "" pany, reported adversely thereto. Con curred in. Mr. II. l reportod Jj b.H coaeeming the Baake eetahliabed, aad tbo wbicb may bwaftr b taWiehed M Ibia Plata, withobt araeodmantj and !eeJ re ported adfraly to lh bill concerning th eollectioti of debt frets lh Bank f Ihi Eiate. Uoth tb bill wer aid on tb tiM. , ' -'- 4 0 motio of Mr. Maof, th Senat r aolved to bold evening Saaiioni after thil KOt'Sfi Or COMMON'S, i. , Th bill to amend the Reviead Etatotee, entitled an art for the preventing fruik and f'9idutKnl oaveyaacee, aad to rjal lb 21 . -tinn t tMjf, Waa read th aaood Urn jn I f . I. - . 1 ' ' Tb I il to amend lh Ritiead Statote. envli'd at ft riffrm)( 8le aid free j Both Matroird, roamed man, (br lit - Prone of enlonr, wat raJ the aecond lime durtnin rf hw daughter whowaa p mem t ) pud. s , .,..: . ; Ibo with bim of a church cbjir", ; Mr. Morrti prtraebtt-d a bill lo authorize lb runkiag oi Turnpike Road iu iliecua ty f lleudertoa which a read (he fret Urn and pa.", '., j ' i ' - ' Mr. Bryan preteoted a Bill to approp'iat" 1 100 Id ibe improvement of L:wie Foik Road, which waa read ibe fiiai lime, and paed. :'.', :-,"!''" - ! '. Mr. Siler preaMileJ a Pctitica from (be Tenneeae RiicrToropik Company, pray ini an alteration io lh law ia certain par liculatl therein pcilUd ; winch waa, oo mwtien of Hr. 8. referred to the Cownuitce oo Ibe Judiciary; . r , ". '' , ' " - , SlurJering aa lurr Sl'.Wc learn from tha.l'vrUnM'Uth rime that in South amptoo, Va., an Moudtry night week, were uccssiVety butchered, Sir. Seott, an aged on of the houaehoid eacaped, which Waa a little nrgr girl, to tell tho melancholy alory. Tbo neibboraoo bearing tho now fro o lb girl, repaired immediately to the premier and found the bouse burniog ekiw. ly and lit bod tea of tb etaia aa they had been murdered. Mr. &ott wae a worthy old gentleman and reported wealthy, and th bop of pining bi money led to tb perpetration of tb murder. Th auepec tod peraon ba bee apprehended and eo cured for trial ; I met a f blood npon hi wbiakeraand th discovery f the clothe that be wor on tie night werw evidences f bi guilt. f--.vv.V ' we will regret at i lirt one thin iVcertatn, V shall make ditrera attempts, to please oarauvea..;. i , ASBlIVi, s : llore'a oar KT gentlo reader end a merry New Year to If your aweet hearts prove (also futgot t&em, and if they remain (rue lore them the' more. .Them's our aoiioos exactly, so make the moat of ,m.' t 4 -il yr Vif -'..' - FSlnotber )-ear lias rolled away, and with jt, thonaod of beings whos hearts wore warm with Lis I purple current, have passed to th grave io ailaacov Their pieces are now vacant. Many io the fresh nes of youth and innocence, whilo ga.ing on the bright and happy vista before tliein, hav felt tha icy hand of deaths Many aged, whose whitened locks spot of three core years nod ten, are seen no more! Their eyes have closed n death and their voices are bushed forever I Before roe passe a youthful form yet, bia face bears trace r sorrow.' lie, tb '"gallant and loved, is alone ! A lt short months ago, aad a being, fairy -like wa before him rjoar was the to hie heart, bright was th ey that beamed in tenderoes Upon htm. Sweet was the voice that whiapered u bia ear i" Word of, love, but alasl like a dream she passed away J AnJ why fuoks tUatBtothooo Stat Elections to tho Grat Thursduy ol Au'uit, end (o mako Iho timo unifui m in every Cvdnly, haa pncd the Senate, and is thercfcio, a law. The Whigs will nt, hereafter, have tho Loco-fuco nmjuritios from KJgeconib, Nuah and Wayne, com irtg id ttjion them iu advance, dtiuournging the wavering, and inspiring the dutihtful with delusive confidence but every elec tion will be determined on ils own merits. We hopo the Whigs will tako timo to pass the Reaolutious submitted by that staunch Republican, Geo. i. O. K. Wil liams, touching tuo wrongs or our suiter .State, New' Jersey. ', Such an expruMsion of opinion is due to that disfranchised num bers of the Union, and to the principles of tbo V hig party. 1 - ; , s. In' tlie Hodsc of Commons, yesterday, Rcsuluttisis wer adoptod requesting our Senators and Representatives in Coni'rens, to ur;;e upon tbo attention of that body the expediency of re-opening the Inlot at N'ag'a Head, and the jnstice of remunerating tho claimants fur Hnoliatioos committed oo oor Citizens by tha French Nation, snte rlor to 1800. A'ost of the Administration men voted against the Nag's Head Resolu tion for reasons, no doubt, satisfactory to tbcmsolvss. A motion to stnko out, the word rtipitil aud insert inttrvct, gave rise to a very spirited and exciting debate but it was Cually begatived by a decided vote.' "'"' r . -j -i:- Svprtme Coerrr-Tbis body met in Raleigh on the 26th nil. and the following gentlemen bav undergone an examination and been admitted to Superior Court Prac tice, viz i T. UTttWll, of Halifax Ja cob E. Hunter, ijf Gates, Sidney Smith, of llilleborougl), aud Alphcus C. Eiuctajr, of Guilford. ;.; . i And, th following, to County Court practice, u-Willuua J. Elliimn, of Martin, Thomas J. - Wilson, f Ktokes, I. N. Tillott, of Eluabeth City, A. C. Blount, of Newborn, R. E- Troy, of Columbus, i Walmr A, Iltuke, of Fayettovillo, Ken. I clta H. Lewis, cf Edgecomh, John W. ; Burton, of Lincoln, Edmund W. Jones, of IvU'iiion, Henry A. Gilliant,f Edenton, i Tliomas D-.Meares, of Wilmineton, Den l. Ferrt'bee.of Currituck, Goo. Davis, of ilmuigton, Jubnson R. Hargmve, of Apwn, and W'ilUam 1). Myers, of .Anson. -rUcguttr.. .. . r,j fl f j, ' tV-XuIaina-lt U aahl IhartliS T2e- toral voto of Alabama will be lost to Van Buren after all, inconsequence of the Elcc tors having voted ei'eo aeee, and for frcsi- ocot and Vie l'residcnl at lb-arao tim, instead of by separate ballots, as prescri bed by the Constitution. Ay. Oi."" V , Jolml.i' .!jKerr(Wlii)ustlict''doni Tno IUv. (! f ."; I -( iilt. by ih'i .c;;i-,atiiro of M.iry.' Vn. I.m ! " hin t, to be a Senator ot the I'nitcd States, St years. from thut .''.ate, to iiil thu vscanry occa. sioned by tho doce nio of Dr. Ppcnc's, -Th' joint voto was fir Mr. Kerr 71), biauk 1 U, scattered totce 3. , ' r " '. - 'j' J X SEW SENATOR ITOM ILLraOtl umu:l McHoberti (Van Bursq) was, the, ears front tb 3d day of March next, when the term of "Ir. hcnnlor Kubtnson wilt expire. The stuto of tlia vote was at follow i For Mr.' M Kolicrt77 for Cyras Edwards (Whig) 50 vote. Hat. Ltd : , ' KCMTl'CKY 8ESAT0R. , Hon. J. J. Crittenden waa re-elected to the Scnato of tho United States fiom Kelt lucky, laKt week, for ix-years from tho 3d of March next. Tho vote stood for Mr. Crittenden 100, for Mr. Gutluie 2. ib, . . i. . i . ' i Courtney, of I'.:' ! . . 1 ofin ll.iiiMand Ci' ..Olnl, 'i i" In thi end'nty, a ti e llb all., Ji- S. iUtY. wife ef Mr daogbter af Ir William MotiiniiK, m u year of bar eg ; - ; - - The fflarLcl, i.c. Bason, Reeewajr Urging, Bale Ruiie, t'-elTt, I, Cut lop, 1 t'ern Fluor, - ! ; laaibcff, tUlEJtAW-Df:tT.:jCUI Si)' S t" Iron, , j a v n a t'ji-ard, ; II 1 li a .Mulaws, 4'i a I 111 Ini tiate, . ' ' , 31 t m liuie, l 4 a lusurar. 10 a I i ' U a li'-'i.Saii, in scU, m -i : a t da biulic), ' e;j 5' dJ , li.UUow, ' ; a l'i J compliment lo tbo first day of the new year, neither Hods of CoMoort sat yesterday, . ' - f :.' V-. :,-f '" ' ' Tb first day of January dawned upon us, however, in the midst of a Snow-storm, which in the course of the morning turned to sleet ( o thai a duller and more cheer less day is seldom see at any season of tho year. The weather proved a damper, of course, upon the usual sociabilities and greeting of the day ; and even the Presi dent's House, thrown open on tha occa sion, welcomed less than its usual, throng. There was nevertheless, wa understand, a goodly company to wait, opotf th rEt nexr, comprising, besides a numerous die nlav of tha fair sex. Members of alt' the Foreign 'Legations, leading? .Members of longress ot both political partiod, end strangcrs.i-JN'Uf. Js'ef. ' ' -' ' Francis EI. Rives aud George C. Dram goole, Representatives in Ibe present Con gress from the .State of Virginia, have both publicly declined being candidates for re-olcction."' . , .. - Francis Mullory (Whig) has been elec ted a Representative in Congress from tho State of Vircinia, to fill the vacancy oc casioned by ib recent resignation of Joel Uolleman, V.Ii. ; ' ' v , Bieen, Kale Rapt, Sgirig. Kuliae, ." Celten, - Cvfc, , Cra, f I'Uur, . CAMDES-Er.rfc.MBnS 30. a a I-' lrB,Swot, . 10 t 141 do. l:nglub, ' ti a Sf; l-iacv . 1J a l. tlale, -. I a li Surer. ', Id a K' ali, iu sack, (3 a Id-. buU, . 1 a; iTallew, , I (3 a 8 Ci5U ' 41 a 6 . 10 a I J 11 , ' tl a If a Jl) . The Clir-valier Joathim Cesar de FI. tranier Morao wa received bv th Pre. ident on th 30th ult., and presented his Kdtcrs credential a Mmutor Resident Portugal near the United Slates. Ulobt, ,,' COLUMBIA DI-CTAlUrjl yl. -ftrrariUap ll a STOorn, , . C3 a "0 tlale Kiipe, 10 s l.'.Oal., '' " - ID a 13 Itacev, reond, ll 121 lon. Sweilee, 6 a T Uultcr.MwiUy.la a Ui do L'ngliib, ' IS a eettan. . . salOj'Urd, 10 a U Maekural," IO S K',MolaKS, Ceba 7 a Hoar, toaalry. It H) ska ii W '' CUABLI3fOSr.DECIUIllEB6. s Baeen. - . 6 a i:t,Urd, - , 11 a 13 Barging, Item 0 a r.,:dektI.Na.l 13 a U - do ' Tie (Di OI! ' da JVe.911 a Id I t Il dw' i.aaei II a NaU,cut,' 00 a CO I Hi Rice. , I?) 3i ii 7,SI. eaeke, k! a OJ Sj a f ll de bulk IU a CT 00 a 00 da T. Wand 09 a CO 0 a eVtJarars. - t a II 9olaaseas,Ciiba?e a 81 Leaf sad Lamp U a 17 da K.0.3da3i;ieas 4) a tl Bil Rose, Coite, epUad CttUS, . : Corn. y. ' ; Fbiur, . Iron, Bawia, de 8wadea. , I'dite of Furniture. I WILL axpoas le subtle Sal at Ihe Coort IIimim in Uuftuttt, an Tuesday af the oast County Cuurt.iqsiiitityof Paraiiure.coiMuting uf 'Sij lorfd Beatiretuf, ; Fifty or Sixty Ucdtcadt, and aewfal ether artleles allaew. Term mtde kaowa ea Iba day of Sale. Jee. 6. J.P. miTCTlAlU). 3t BCIUADC ORDERSr to iholtoUibotwii of lb f fowds C .llili-flJ vAp.,1 Ii" ea t 'imW f tmdncss upon lior from db prevailing inbtttaiioa which lead female toeommil elegant and refilled sui tide, ah i aaid to has bee ao uncom monly intelligent and promising girL ' Tb rib wr coniracted wilhie half their aatu ral circomforeoce, and the heuldcf bladee wer aotually rapped ever ach other I Tb chest wat f course xtremly asrrow, and not half lb natural rooraNwas kfUfor lb aelio uf lb heart, and'U inspiraiio of air into tha lung. "Tb eonseqtienee wa Death! ' " - ' '- "'A Uint to Cir!. W hav always coa eidwrwd H an ooerruig siga of innate vulgar ity, wbe we bear ladies, take particular pains to impress with an idea of their igMrane ef til douwet ie matters, an v ssw ingUce r weaving a act ta incase their deticat band. Ladies by some carious kind of hoc tf pocas, bav got it into their beads thai the beet way I eatcb a basband ia to show bow profoundly capable they are of doing nothing fof hie comfort. : Fright ening a pieoe into file, er murdering tb king's French may b good bait for er rain kinds of Hah, but they must be ef thai kind weuatly found to very ssalowwe'er. Tb sorest way to secur a good bosbsnd w to cultivate tbos twcompliahoictiu which aaake a goed wifv c- ik. it ? . I 1 ' i V Estmvlarw Domaeei. .A terdict?f 14000 bat been recovered by the father of ' young kdy at Wofcwater, Rum. against bosom I it too has gone f She dreams, end fondly clasps it to her heart t perhaps she hears it call her mothef s it tittle cheek ah then bedewa with kisses, but h t she awakes, no child is thero! away in yon der church-Vard lie the infant of her love. ' iy Mr. Benton introduced a bill in Ihe Senate to lay a tax on bank notes and eth er paper used for circulation in th Stales and Territories. Mr. B. delivered along speech in its favor. Ths question wasdt once raised whether a revenue bill, ts this was, could ba received, as th Constitution provide that all revenue bill shall origi nate in the House. ' It wat finally decided, 32 to la, that tha bill should "not ba r. eelved. After oorn further debate, Mr. Beoton requested leave to-withdraw it, which wa granted.' ' Mr. BI gave notice suhseqtiently that he Would ask leave to move this bill as an amendment to the ffrtt revnn bill that should com up from ibe llous ef Raprescctllivea.' What next is to Cora from tb G rest Uumbogger. - - CySe Mr. Clingman'e Spoech, . j , rTTun't fun, but thii is no fun ts the poor fellow said, when be saw tho consta ble com smiting upon him with t warrant in his band. . T , ' T. , ' . deiuuicf Xortk Cero!ina. If snnears from in Abstract of tho Census of North Carolina, published by order of our Leg islature, that the number of While children in the Slate, of five, aad under tea years of avs, is 1BG.433: tho number of Slaves, 46,1)17; thai number f fro persons of color, 22,724 ; tbo total Whit population, 487,298 fib Federal population, 657,933. Of course, the total population of the Stat is 750,032. Rat. Reg. , , ';s .k ' , , YT Dlcilcadi Tlie Bank of ill Stats, and the Bank of Cape Fear, have declared half-yearly dividends of per ccnt.eaca. Te Prist Sip.U is known that the Delegation to the Whig Convention in this City, from Wilmington, oa Ihe 5la of Oc tober last, loft with the Central Committee A splendid Miniaturo piiip, full-rigged, to be presented to the County, rrprtttnttd in fhe Contention, that should giv the largest merewsed Whig vote, over the Governor's poll, in proportion to population. The matter ba been looked into, and the Com. mitte hav decided, that to Brarr Coun ty, beluoga the honor cf having given soch vote, and the prise for well doing, though several other counties rubbed her very close. ' The Committee will deliver th Ship, To anyorw autbortzed to reeeiv it. iBKBrg. ' . ' . V- ' The mail of yesterday brought news f it ' J .! tl t'.i:. r IV. i no aeain oi iua una. t en iiruiiuj, one or the fvenators cf the Vailed States from the State of Termassce. 4 , ' ' - - - , lli eulogy of his personal character rrity be well Cntrust-J to his colleague, by Vhom bi decease will be probably arb rmtinced to tho Senate to day. His public life is much mixed up with the records of his f late and the United Statea for more than th last thirty years ( so that (here are few names mora familiarly known to tbo Pcopla of every part of the country than his. Sat, LutL ' ' , v . LATER FROM CANTO. The ship Liou, Captain Martin, arrived at Newport tho 24tb ult.in Ihe evening. he left Macao l.tu July, bound fur IScw York, but put into Newport- for, supplies i 1 and repairs of sails and ricaing. - - ! 1,1 I. im fi lMtti4tilbf.ffH0W be llila weeiiMrl iwaewwef- p, -v - y days jater.' The ships Adelaide and liter-; cnant, bound to tno tnitea states, were detained by the blockading fleet, and ta. ken to Cap-sin Moon Anchorage, expect ing soon to be released. ; The shirr'Wasb ington, boend to Europe, was also detain- ed it was stated these vessels bad laden cargoes at Whampoa, after the block ado was ootuicd. ' i be ranama was at ham- poo, and would remain or coma out with out cargo. ', ' . , .v 7 . ' ihe Chinese were' in ntgri spirits, not fearing Admiral Elliot or his ships of war. The opinion of foreigners at Macao seemed to be changing with respect. to Jie. success of the British, and it was thought by many' that some two or three year would be spent in mating captures along the coast, which would have little effect on the Empire at largo, and after siren de monstrations, the hostile fore would will), draw, and leave the Chinese at liberty to again resume trade with foreigners. , Tho British bad captared i number of Cbhieso juuks, and taken them to Cap-sing Moon, letting the Chinese crews go at large. -; ' At a C ':GKORGlA. f;-" -'I- Cohventioo of ihe 'Harrison and Stat Rights" party of the Sutto of Geor pia, held at Milledgevillo mi th 17-th in stant, tho Hon. William C. Dawson (the present respected Representative in Con erest from that State) was nominated as the candidate of that party for the office of tioverner'at the next election. Could not our friends in Georgia hav found a suita ble end available candidate for that erne without' depriving tho country of lh bene. fit of Mr. Dawson's service ia Congres t --ib. " - ' ; - ' ;. MARTLAXU. '"t" Tha annual aeseion of th Legislature "fif thia Stat waa lo begin yesterday . Amongst the first businesa of th session will bo the choir of a Senator of th Uni ted Stats to fill the vacancy occasioned by the dctth of Dr. Spertc. .fluf. Initt. iff :V -ATTESTI05I " Independent Greys KT OU are commaadt J ta appear al . JL tb Cmrt.iiotna in CbarbUe, aa Salordav tlie. '.h iaatonl, at IU 'clock, A. M-a rnied and cquipted.se cording la Ibe CoiMtitntioa ef Mid Company, ta Wiater Uaifora). ' Bf eederef the Viptain. -. r- . - , w. m. goss,r.& -J Jeseery 9, 1810. ; List of Letter ; - ffTk KMAIVINO la the rwrt Offiee alCbarlatte, JlV -e Ibe 1st ef January, I84I"":, r A Mws ta Alasaadar 9, JJra. Vita D. Alexan der, E. W. Alciinder, t. U Ahxaader, Taee. a Aate, Weerge Anew. .,. - - . . B Mr. L. V. Crown. W. L. Black, 3, BreMdl. Q. G. Baaliek, VT. $. Baaker, 8. M. Bladk, A. Ba ty, J. Blgttink ' 1 '- CGaVCoa, Miae M. Cliambara, aVCraige, The. Car, A- Cebara, E. Caldwell, alias J. T. Chambera. ' D J. C. Davls.i J. W. Pakarrv, K. r. Daeid- an. Sire. E. C Pane, ft Dana, 8orr Doli. J. Diekkaae. Dt. M. Deoeaerty. tare, trwavia, Ur O. R. Dvnlap, Mrs J. Uavtdaow, A. Oerawia. - f, I)t. J. Krwiw, Jeh Elweed 8. '. F W. rioely, BanL Full, J. C Frazier, A. Fknagaw, Miae bVtay leeter. N ' . . G W.GaWM, Rent. Ustlick, Brieto Gray. U David Hyatt. Mra. Margt. Heederaaw, Jaa. Heath. Joe. Uat ea, f. UiU, Joe. W. Haaptoo, tlBJlatV, - x I" ' ' . ' i Jtnae Jowca, Robt JabnMHi 3, Raneona Js obe, Ur. Urf Jonea, T. T. Jobnwm, R. at. Ja- atkHM, Jaba Joint, ur. An 4eeaioa, n m. Jerniema. . . . L-rd. O. Lambert, alias al. Long 3, M. Law. lf. D. Lawia. al-U. Mnan, J n. warria, . . eirwr, u. Mills. D. MeRae, J. ft. Maar, Miaa Jrae Mahaii, a. r MiUm. si. McCibboBV. R. H. Matanre. U. M'Ctengtiern. t. H. Miiwtll, J. Montgomery, Mm Margt. Meere, ; . . . .. (Mm titrnan. rmas urr. P M re. Mare raUatwaa, tL W. Park 1 Sawna Polk, W.Fihwaw.rfweria Paika. 1W. K. Read. Ned Rtcrnan, . Read, Joe. ao 1 A. VT. Rtcbiao, J. B- Rodgm ' 8 Oaa tShorby. Mr. Praca Batitb, Hark fautb. R. R. ftraitb. Wav Bioew, tww, Asraham Seatt, Jn. R.BaaepU, aire. E. BcoU, & Siser, Me. eta atrkk land. TO. A. Tadl L. Tkoiwaa, Jab Todd, B. TarlvlMt. ' ' . VVT. T. Wier, R. Wartew, J. Wabatswan S, Mettbew VVsUm , Aarwa Vfdbeiav Mil G. Wriftton.-. , v ... Y-TSe. Ttvel 9. ' . ' - l.'5 U. B. WILLIAMS. F. tt. . - - ' . . ,i -- ... ' - , - . . ;'". t? ' HEAD-QUARTERS, " I Concord, X C, Jan. 1, 1941. I Te th Calonele ewasiaBding Ibe Citlewliig Pcgl. -rncutt in Ibe I ltd Brigade tad dlbpiiiuva el' Norlk Oarolioa Mititii V .-.. WtAtW are, kf tfaeee W4rv oinnwadd to pa J. . rede year reipceUr Regiments fiillowf Tke Rcs'tnrut of Militia 1 Cabarrua coantr at Concord, on Thartday Ibe 4lb of Marcb next, 7 be Kcgioiewl ol Levelry eompoatd or III Coonliee ef Meckleukarg, Cabarrua and Mnnlge. wry, at Cawcord, o Tliundty the 4ib ef Match nr.fc , ... .... - ' The Rrriment ef VolonteerS eompoaed of lb CuonUe of Mecktonkorg, Cabarrua aod Montgo. sserj.M Coacof,, a 1 karecay Ibe 4th of alarcb neat.:- m a - '. ' , . 1 ba Kortb Ceeimanl af Militia In Ilia ooaate of Mceklenburg, at Cbailatte, oa 7'aoadiy Um 9lA of Marcb acxt. 1 ' ' t ' . - Tbe Bnntb Regiment ef aaid Coeole, at Hso. tos'i ea Tbarsday the 11th ef March aaiU Tbe W cetera Rceirlirnl of ShliUa la Ihe Iran. ty of Mentgontery.at Eke Iieara's, ea Tueeday tlie ltita of aiarea neat, Tbe Lestera Regiment ef MiUti of said Coos- ly, at Lawreaaeviilat ea Thursday Iba, l&tb of Mireb neat,- -;-vi.r) - - , 1'be abuvw Kepiments will Senear oa tb day above mentioned. Equipped as tbe law requires, at l e'dlaek, A. M, ibr Kaview aod inspection by ue Urijaittor General. - - . ? : yBrig. Gtm 1Kb Brigwde ti. V. Afiitur. -The follow inr OtBeers kav bean appointed sad Coaitmauotiad to opiMe lb 8toU of tb Brig. dier General ef tbe llik Brigade ana 4lb Diviaiea f tiorth Carolina Miblia. . ' Mi). WilHaei Barnnger, Aid de Camp. - M.ji Willi w Alexander. Brigadt Inapertter. Capt. RoM.& Yeng. Brigade Quarler Master. Dr. Charles 3. Pea, Brigad bWgeea, All Odeera and Privates are asnaaranded In te- epect and obey tbem .eeenrduigl. - - t WILLIAM I S1.AHS, : Brig. f. Ill flrige.fi JV. V . ib 'ilia. - Strayed or Stolen, - JL Nertb f Charloita, en tb -xOfb ef Peeerobar but, a brawn ' HORSK, IS ee IS year eld, and skoal 16 bands high. Ne particular nark reeot. tooled. Any peraon giving todbrwiaUoa of said ? bona, an that be can b got, ehell be reasonably tswuded. f james Tx)rcnraTV. Aa.4,1841.- - -If NETVFIR3I. BLTIItWC Ac JCHANO. fBl E N D E R their , v-' aarvicea to lh eitizroa of Charlott . aod tb poll io in gen rl aa - No xertion alall be Wanting on their part to giv general satis faction to those who may iavor thera with their patrona-o.' All mw don ia their ettabliahoreot warvantad to b mad in th moat durable mannar and bitesl fashioa. ' ' Good Fits warranted on all occasioca. CkeWerle, Opt. U l&lO. i'.' . HE Babaoikera weetd laxej uweitisssssf Cbartolte d tht iwK'" i vara! Iba lby ti baee remeeH frees T. 8. Aleiaaeert, eU stead f Ibe eMitb east wine ef Lerov aWtor. brick k i rag br Utry 01 astiawa to carry ea tbe 1 BCTHt-SE JOJLV-. Ptt. S2. 1 N3t a IVdrrtnfe Dnd$ fnr xU C