1 ' 1 J n i A atu :rr.v.i.i7?l;(.i;cjj w rxr rrci: opUuxtv? it)? rows u always stealing mom tub many to 'tiicixw." omm xi. CHARLOTTE, N. C, JANUARY 14, 18 11. J, J. IIoIlOU, I'rufruUr aid I'ut.i'lW. TF.llMSl i . ft DiBr end Fiftf full if paid ia sdvaner JJ CvOii' hf ot ' within three monlli. iai flrtt DUlir$ asd Fifty CiuU if nut paid tul sftsr the pirllao of lli ror. No piper djaetinocd until all arrearajt are paid, (tcept iti opl-ea of th Edibir. . . gTAihrcHinenienti Insetted at On Dollar ft .vw (,16 '' '''" fx i-ltistsiliinjiul Ui oeati Tor fcb cuntinitenco. r-uit nisulilwinenu aud SliorilTe' Sah-s thrt-f4 jfc: enit. hijberi and dtdaclion nf 3JJ per itrt U1 k end 6am -is Irjult pi iota, tuc ad KTUjersbjOieycir. ": ' " . " ' ' , ' AGENTS r'.4 ftlt3.Poclfii.MoklcoboTr,N.C. . . , On W.Uartia. Mill Groe,N.C. SPEECU OF HON V, B. SIIEPAUD, j noi be reaiized, nd iomemm of our distin-' councils will preuii at Waabineton. . a-jaiiiiM.il i ,. , . , "i' rlbetJij and ye, iir, w ir .doptini thai notic. Tl"r cluw-d tlteif lutouri,' Ijow mr Ly itaam p reioluiluo rvcommenqing t,t-Q.. . ., i I j ... " r-"""" MumjiuiM ,. "i iotiuii aim ja?. air, wa arv aui'iiuna tna pik, ttd.' . 8 r tt r pt rbapt h!l a bundaoina paragraph) North Carolina, (hat U.o o.era.mt at 'armour, 04 ara do flhtuf onjcr (ba.r .naauingion pwi'icin Ha duly and, I banner, iitt only a j 'if, I hara no 'duubt, if ibia uatUr u pr- j- Ilia tj tiern li an i j -arly rtprMw.ua a ihrtn aa apprvpriauta j th. minority of all nnwajmpur, and beynj litnl Im anon "Tha jfotulu.nau from Dtmcoiobe, in ad-' MZ''U-' 1 i!J therefor, tay to .b draaams ibaSuimta a fj davaann. ihnuuii- lwlBien,br ihink ftuclt an acbitvuiH-m WEEKLY ALMANAC;- ' ) toV jr 4 1 56Fb!, . , , is .,. - 17 Si it'.. j J o-. v , i- - - - - Xaian llTued. , 7 94 5 jg Wcducadiy 7 I a 0.ru" II II owe a. 30 8S aaera. T ScBsa ia Bicbitmd Va,) art? tlici described by writer in one of lb papen of tbit citjr. ' Tby "relate to tha . i . a a ' Hi i .if-.-' t:"M id woicD :anny flakier receuuy ap- pcircd ia tb? Theatre of tbst city, and tbo first briefly describe that iceoo J ; 1 - , -SU Cntei about Uka a Mr ant Tarr tolas. ruaalouaint apirit. and cut htr toea h altar and IkiUiY.ud twajd bar body to and fto in a triy Lu.i t-tt a caetioa to all luflimnib!a vauat Hillaiara, pay-badd or not The lorely araa. Hra who (raotd tha aaoa lookad o enchaatad, ui aMda air briebl ilb tbair ami! t to. wt cnad of axa ahoutad and applauded aril thair ovjbl, and to baaOUfoJ aaoainf araaiaa, pre I tutu an ailra flirt at two, which art tbeta vTt&'t yeifcutaf'uBT odolizhl. aiado htt bow fia carbia dro,npad, Iba dear fanny Uppio j h'r n rini.Toar-nattk-an apoa Ui ahoolocr, and 'icra,dea is lp tbooaiad aV4JTi etmoaBOw l aa r.' ; fi it tbo awksnea aaid no, asd lhay clou tad and acteaivac, and lLafB.cd for bet la icaia oot nd . j -1 "At tbu noiMM, ia aa oUeor bora!, opaa k ay paU to ta cold, bilioj aioda, about V. tlom ant a poo aroman, koiiiiwg la bar tUied boaam bar aick and djisf baba arbtla op. C4 a rod pallal of atn hy too hirrin littlt onturaa, bar ebildran, too. . Ber ra ajaa "TT elk wilf hioa.icr cbeek aanlwo na "DT ist wCSariac. br baa.1 bilc wilfe loa rory (au nl tUrasaa of lila. bttll k Uoly, oh 1 bo tn,t. uurtnt Ihil baart ta to DJ-nr of a mo. ibti't iova, a aba rued ialo tba ioaoeont faco of tn djrini babe i ko fiat floirad tba toar from i;a wbicb bad kaova luU bat auro- and twpmf lbro;b ntaay wearr day bo Vep lii rttrtat wia to prayer autca eaaa ap uoia ta riiy fovataina of pmatien and rif. Tbaro tua'Let aoar ta a;antbia, aa kind band U ti aa aoft voio to aootha ta phaieiaa Iralhj ut, aluritx aafsl ara caoM aot t mat n the C)isg rootaaau of Mr poor ban ; ana aa Lifiiciartd and vavad ia ita fair orn, and tt ntaof tba notbar aonaded ta that aoliury room, 8 'MthaTajbay of bar friaf aba xalaiind, a if aioca bid aand tba U bm, my rt btb' - to aloescra aa to pailat f atra amraiar. J a their aaaaay aloioMrt Motaar, W too. trcr, (ira oa aom arata '--4a th tan wind no la 109 b tb creric aad ah. alaapad th ifsi ti'.i to bar boaoaa ) atlbtaioaaaat,adaav est aaana, a atraagarrorith ba wealth of tfcoav aslh, ad kr iaf at f (old aad oiliwr, aud bar !a rrtcafiil bow, aad took tb priaorly mum thick bar for a bw waMaapieaM labor. At tb apaotatar gvn their laat ahoat, th Wk'i ioaocuit aptrit ifd it flight to Its. , tad lb motUar jd ia dnpair apo all tlx nmaioad be br of lb Kul britikr whom ant drill; lorrd. . " ' , ', propor, Mr. Speaker, to" atlud to hat ha call tba Naij'a (IeJ imrct on tliin flw, and appealed to thmn tu Vula for tti! bill. It ia rua, ba aij, that aectimt of tha Stair had nerar received any tmrtinn of tha favor of tha Plata' ; novertbeteat be hoped thiat diii would rtceir ih lama aupport rrout ihat intere.t, which, at the hat aeition of tha Leifciiire, it hd given to aimilar mrasurtc. Uotoj ona of tha individual ihutapeciaJly rofurred to. 1 will atata frank Ij tha reaanrta why I coooot respond to iba senileman'i appaal, and kid hiin id piling Ibia bill through tha Senate. ' A ' : ; It i ool my purpoaa to diteeae tha mer. itf of thi bill. I intend mervly to avail myiolf of thw opportunity of awing tba feaon wbv 1 bava adopted the couras I intend 16 pornta Ufotj ibit aud all aimilar niearures. 1 tutd mr remarks mare!; a "i?!itnrnr tnd In j Htification of mr to! ii'oui'", v it hoot dwi'nirtif or hoping to ! n.;;a-oc utn m utticr. lu doing eo, biV tlgb cbanga of sauia odiouaona. Itdeoriva voir iaf tba rovrai)iow .I. ... .. , "'u";u",1 " ' '1 r T,,Ma 10 ttt iha lh,l f-oC cboiea of action t and abould iht r"""" wnamira, inai u ur woraina fi;Hioin2 cf Iba lulot at Naa'a rnnl. f ISI..1I, r.mil. m.hit 11. ,h. r..,. I ll.. 1 - 1..1 1 " ... .. ., - , r -r- -1 " great whig revuluiion Inline. 119 other.fru than thin, wit will bare paid (00 dear for tha ablatio, ' '-' . i--.. ,,Jf,., . North Carolina, wiibia bar border, baa all tha element of a ercat Stuto. ' need oothinjj mora to ba ail ber warturat Gieoda biU her to be, tban that ber couueita ihould bo guided by aa enlightened Mll'ioiereat (hat iht) Watt, which bat tba power, abould treat lUo Eatt.not at a coni'itred province, but ata cboriebed and valuuMo portion of L I I. -..1:.:- 1 . m ' . t mo ouj pontic, ciuiiicii 14 a uir loare ia the booourt, the emoluoienti and favour! of the Covernioeot. ,v Tbia ialha revolution 1 with toeee in Nonb Carolina ; one more worthy of ihe atteutiou of our ppd and a-iao men, tban all lb petty oCoo-aoakiog-vtbivb tee irto have obaeured lb intelb-c:, warjiod the jj.l. menl, end narrowed ih mind of all who move in tbi infected aimoapiiere, -' IV ben- parbani " eubieel tnywlf to th charge -of '.w ,ki rroIu'0, elfcvfcd. and not till - . 1 1 Via a a Iba nu .C a . f-., at.. 1 Ccorc'ia 5i3,-;The IJacon Telegraph !aH that at a lute terra of Iho Inferior Cmrt of thttcoonryrono of tho preaidin g Jafgrs appeared 00 the Bench -w ith Silk SiKluaga, Silk lUndkercbief, Lc. antic J bia ewo family, or ootno of bia fiienda, of lb pradoctldo of tbeir CoeootveriJ.-r Tba next day, another of the odgea, A. Ei Eractt, 'appeared in a full nit of SUh, (iacliuliog eoat, re it, pantaloon, atoning? pxket handkerchief and atock,) produced t'id maaufactured wholly in hit owg famt- - . f CTCBAXS. Crk Jamee Wellborn of Wilkea conn. rv.ahoaeled aa Preoidant of the Electoral Culleje of thia Stale on the 3d ult., waa do of the JofTiraoa Electore in 18W. "no of tba Elector of Penosj Ivaaia Joho Ikaoo, , an Elector in 17 and 192, and of coarae voted twice for George bi(rtoo. vTwo of Hi - LbJclore of York, Mef. Burt an Van Cortland, ere JroVraoniatt Elector in lsOO. iVitRer, Sir. Mrrntire, wa an Elector of 'retidrot in i(03 and voted for Mr. AJau. two. ; 1U Ytlut of a RinsU ler.The Port. W (Maine) irrus ay, the whole mini. k of rote for BpreaontatiVa a Coflgreaa llwi the Washington and llancock dia- at l0,394. Mr. Lowell (dem.) has '.191, Mr. Xoye 5)3l, arattering 139. Kccenary to cboic 5,193., Mr. Low. fktberefore erected by ont rote, rfraVrai-.;. -0nral Jackooa baa to aaa the nmt an a be lorod rot of 'See (or epinir.fi' aak,' a I moat naani ooalv alarud Pmidaot of tba Coiled fcoetj tod the (bllower in bit ftetepe teat Boamraouefy rrjKtd. HaL llfg. Tit Baptist Thff r.nrt vr cf rp, WiatiortB in t!, t"o!t d bhI Bmi-k Protm'j if Amn 1 i1 4"1; i Aprcbet M)2I ; t,t I i ' , 4" "; W BKfflbri f-7,'.--M. , ejjolinru. Myexcue,ir,boeer,iiIlb, that a juatiGca tiit of the Cnurra 1 iotmid now to Mjraua ujwo aul j?cia timilar 10 ehr atfr to the on andar d.cuni'o, reader aoch alhrtton indi'tpmiable. " v ' ' ri 4 1 intend, ttr, to vote at:u!nt the bill now on your table, in every form and thape, in wmcn it can be preseutuj to Ibl body, and vat, air, I do o with the sreateat reluclanco. Ine friend of ibia memo re have, however. left me 00 choice as en Eaiiorn man. They have, by their conduct, compelled ma to vote asaintt ibia aod all titnilar B.eaa orea wbith may be brought bafur tbi body, orX fnlililoii ti my own home, which o are tolJ i a crime worao ihao that ofbelnf; a tftM, wro 1 iodfB2 merely aa an iodiridital, with no other rightaaml iBterrM to protect thrth those pronal to myscii, 1 would act diRVrenily. " Hot, air, 1 ropraent I be rights and intorert of the peo phi of Pasquotank and Perquimona.' They have for a abort time 'entrusted to me, a their agact, the guardiaoahip cf ihoae right d I m tro grosTty Tmtmesr to laem, were 1 o permit any personal rala'tiooa, or party managttitil to ioJuce toe to vo'e for tbia bilL ' ' " , , All associationa of rneo for rturpotct cf eelf govtrowenl, partieolarly bit democratic Ggvprameott, are compromiaea of piivsta and local iotereate fur the general welfare. IV hre, bewerer, ibis private or loeal inter et doea not conflict with the gtral wel fare, it ia the duly 4" wim government, to proroote by alt the moan witbiu.ite reach, the iminldual nt wet. ' It it moreover the scruples ; h ihoaght there was ool poyr given ia tha couttitulioo, eves to Luild ligbt bouse, and Uiit rore ii.ft?ncahly bound to grope our wey ia the daik A.rekr t enotber gaoilauila wa full ofuniatelligiUo jargon about pa) mg the public flvU.and re- ducio4 Ine Unit. Ua iumd aao com riMHy acrvthterea w-:i& it rnporict or nr. Cellioon, that be had sHNtbar time nor iotcb tact to devote to the busiiieee of btl Owo people, "i . . - In thit picture of our alTaire at VWhinj too, I felt perfectly tatiauVd that noiuin could bo done there, and that if a revolution ever took place it tnnt commence bere ; thai 1 be LejuUtore of North Carolina must be induced U take bo icterevt in the im- proreaietit of tbo States and should apeak to her eerveoiein tbe 1 odoral (lovernment in eucb a lone Ibat eh would omnmaod Ihe utrof a just and wr pjwwwmn dutriburo its fat-inr, that each section of its territory or portmfii of its inhabitant may feel it. blesaingt. " It shmild imitate the eun wbrch,'whi't It extract da a from tbe poorest at well ta the richest aoil, re iuroupoch elite ita fertilirtng shower. All government ere lyranaical which pur- 0O tildfrraw ad il kiiU to tbe portion of the country that may be oppressed whether ber tyrants Dumber one or many.., ; .Yi'J . "1 ' Whoever there ccaaet to be oeympatby tctweeo the ruler and ih ruled; wheor lhoe who bivo the power tteat with ijbo reiBptj or iodifJtenyitionof the rible tod latcreate of tbo rHwptolljitLgov. eromoiil is tyranny, call it by what name yott will. Aad whenever it iodiffreoca proceedt front igaoranoe, it ia odious and contemptible tyranny, uobecoiuiog free man to tolerate, or oveo a maa to endure. Cofortunately for mankind, this latter feel ins ie too often Ibe predominant one.4 Set fisbnese ie the ruling passion where ma act in maeaee, and 10 tbe altainnwit of IU object, troib, jistice snd bumaBity w f ajue'-'ty diaicgarded. , ' .' , I a a ootdvocat for indiscriminate liber- aliiv of a Bublioebaraete'r. Nalional liber- upon the tubrct of interna) improvemeuls, since I have keen a memoeroi me uwr fore of North Carolina. I am, however, forced to change soy position, and I thall state frankly and opemly tbe reaaoii why I do It it buceoeo we of the Ee neve bcn met hy one Western brethren with ao lotense eelfjahneet, tbef Bieeeds Boy Ibinj I have hitherto met vatb in the liistory of legialalimi. ,Viv' - y ' t aaid that tswotiM vote tgamtt thia bid with great reluctance, and that reluctance it unfeigned. I have beeo for many yeeri t advocate for whal it called interosl improve, roentt, from t deep eooviclion the! some eyatem for the dewlopemcnt of o-jr reebor. ee is inditpenable for our character t wll s prwrpurity. 1 hsve traretled much in the other Btatee of tbe Union, and 1 havB been often drp!y mftiM and pained, to hear tin reflection which art frntly made upon my native Stair, and to know Ibe char acter which she heart abroad f a character aot materially or parmsneotly changed by a momentary fTarTSHceoce ef political eieite. ment ; for, beyond a fo barren praie, ff. Carolina co ner hop f..r any Ihmg more ihsn the JarbaU'e portion in a division of Ihe pp ii's of the Firil Coaerlioent. Awl.eir,! wi'l HI those gmW.i! t.t are makmj '" iniRl till t'l'l II: ' b'e.-. t' 1 t'i' r 1 r, B" ! s ' 1 -' ' 1.. I to !' ' .'1 this f.fe' to f i.'.e then, cab the son of patriotism, &a the lo ry, prosperity and kaapiousa of :! good old North State ascend tn tnuirpb, or be toy tbioglnore tba t ton;.-,-,.- ; ? - 1 r I'cply convinced of lua'Uutb of these st blunonts, al'tor eight years tervice in the b.-ills of ouroaliooai kgislature, I aV-terium-ed to quite pctt where 1 found nothing could be done Ia advance the great work in wbicb the Eastersi part of Norih Caroboa is eo deeply, to vitally tnttretied. t I there found tb whole f our Elate di-k'ation, in cluding our Sznvrra, our worst eoeoime. 1 b.irarcaU.oMtjjEaS?ei oart of .North Carolina fata mere bagatelU iucompsrisoo Head. L Aod, if we no faiL the blame must rest tulbly aod sjicluaively with our Senator. , , . , - r-it I aay, if we fall pow; the blame will fi with our Senators. Jt j perfectly wall kuuwn lo every body at all familiar with Ibe mode of doing business it sVashingtuo, that the Senate it Ihe only one of the two ooaioe ttiai attend to publie Lusiocat. All importunt bill, except those otherwise di rected in Ibe CimstituiK.n, originate and art perfected in tbe Senate.7 J be House of Repreeentativet it nothing more than 1 talking machine, where pamphlet eneecbet are prepared for electioneering purpose. lo thirronditioo of thing, since our mat ter had been referred lo iVethingtun, we bade right to expect thai our Whig bre thren, from Ihe West weald bvo bed tbe generosity to yield ut. on the floor of ihe Senate of I ha L'oitea Stale, at I earl one advocate of ur claim. Il may be said, what cm w complain of, since both the grntlamtn barn trpreaeed iheotselfct ratoraLIe to the re opening of F.oanoke In let by the Geoerat CovevnueotT i Cir, wo are told, by Getwaf Iltriisoo, our present apostle, thai promisee mado on tho eve of an ek-ciion, ere not worth bavieg; and that vol of the Legislature will hereafter. not indicate tbe opinion of Ibe majority of tb body, but of a fraction of a rany w hich, by boldqeea, intrigue, aod cunning, can par their opinions lor lh wulies of Ibat party. Should H be periiated id, tbe people eo lb eea board bad as well oot send member here. Tbey are now geographically io mioority j bol wheo uaiiera are don oneulv -whan tnemhera act upon their individual aeose ofl right aad wrong, we have tout aecurity ia lb power of decency tad lh tens of bam. . Not ao, however, if mtut obey king eeocua. ftleo will do many thing, backed by a majority , bicb they would aot dare to do, abrn acting oq tboir pa imli vidua! responsibility. : The whole Van Cu ren party would sever bavt united 10 eject ing the Jrey,memberi from their teats, if many of litem bad Dot full them. solves constrained to do tbe bidding of the irresponsible and secret junto ibat controll ed tbeia. , . ;-; ... . The great reform of the Gerernmeol, biob a UMijority of tbit AsseBibly united ia producing, baa eucceedei by greater Irk j nyipb thno Geo-Jackson's calubraied re form. , I trust il may out bare similar ia- j sua ; lo f, ren ot it, a abould at leaal profit a man whose previous poluicel Itlo duet oot by bia dulls, and aot embrace ibeao erfoi give eh assurance sjf good cowluct ought i a e have coodemncd. , s a a not lo be inittrd. t ' ' ; f 1'eo.Jaksou'sadmiBistralioBcameioby At one of lb re'prrtenlativet ofhUe great ! ao immertee ojujority ; it Ss soon very per intarett, I comptaia of the thirj don, and .cepliblc ibaVTbtsiuiuieuswsnsiority.tad tbe of the mode pod manner of doinj it. ' I tar ! entire dispertioo of bit political opponents. to the coqntryLl!iat tho wesl has not acted relieved biniJ)oui tll.re'iii" H flt.l inJivitiuala diLtLiiaiatmmA tlto varioua re in good fuiib in thia matter ; lhat tbry hafa MAMB .ViAlrisl aaai.e..l !a.a.... d a t . T." -.a Willi party arrangement "d party piant, tjeopard!2d(1bgreaTel interest of tb EMt-,ljjBieJiMd-tl lb party was orgaoieod up. Oaeraoliemsa was full tfci,ia:ilUlionaJ.irn ta of iNorth Carol mi. for the BoorToa Ihaorkcitilaofuiicoodiiionttl lubmiasioii part of North Caroluii, for the poor oa ihaBrioriiikofjiJicoBdaioDaltubmisaiou ana pituui pitasure ot givin aa oQce to to the dictates of its clmf, or those whose- a western men. " " - j turned ta epeai for btm. - One by one bis llov wee thia fx'raordinarr craniailr old friends aod oriinarsunoertert ware produced, in the election of oor Senators t jd:iwoot,hy newand ioeresnpplitatloo?st tarers told bim be waa born locomm aod.aod wvak and wsverin. . to li rry erst io It waadme.air.bythattrmtsnt machine call rd a raucue a power which baa grow op as tut country greater than Ihe cooatituiioa rrtcrr-.bu wimtipntrcl Ijsfid suiduihi do ctaiofM to Into hi ibe courage or dam to citottey, ; it rouset lo madness, in th bo cm of its unfortunate veiartue, Ibe spirit of party a epini whicb eradicatee from lb bototd hit rove of ouctry, knJ mfjMslnto it Ibe uttereal bstred U oor political oppo nent; which make ut regtrd oar neigh bor and ear countrymen,' who nee embark ed bia f irtun and hie life io Ihe earn vet eel of Sia'e with eursctvts, as our wotet ieneroy, if be differs from 0 upon tb mod lr '.l.-.1.. . . 1. vi aaiiuiaj iu amp. . r" jLKUareofthia anfurtonat infirmity, ariful and tunninj faieo alwaya aooml the t'iB of party, when they wish, fur a eelf. tb relief of tb Raleigh and iUatoo fl Road ( tha other for Ibe conttruclion of a rail road from ftvcituri!! to the moustsiee. Thrs were prijci in, wbicli liie Yi.f Xtv end western part of the State took i deep inter!. The very strongest appeall were ruade Wlbt Seoat cd their behalf. Nei ther of IbfBj however, c.mld br-nrfit my sectioo of lbs State in toy form or manner whatever. The ertlir country Eaet of lb Doaock had 00 more connrxioo with thorn than thoy eould have in a rail road to tbe Bioofl. ilyself, however, with other East era friends, in tho spirit which t hsve jtist proclaimed, voted for thm, and, through our votes, they passed ibis body. We at tached to the kittor bill aa amendment, pro potini B aobscriptioo of ?30(O,OUO to Ibe Uoaook Inlat Company, which wtt rej"e- ted. - W did hot, however, withdraw our support to lhir irreesores, but coal mood their friend to tbe end. We were told our amendment, wte rejected, becaaet the sur veytmada of Ibe inlet were wB enfltcttri2 eharaCler. Le( another survey be made. With these feelinrje, I thit boi.'T two reart aca, Smio after rtrr'h purpose, tn tmpoeeupootiher.5 "Hie erriVal here, two proposition Came before ri"." ia dinger," hat been th cry sinco'espresJy refused ta snake an advocacy Of: the Honaie for Ibeir eousid 'ratioo ; 00 for j me utrtn 01 in AiDiny I.ccncy ol by poo ! ag a lived a coDdilioo of their election aod the greatest aad Biosl unp-irdgoa'ais coma waa cootsivcd lo be, Ibat of tbkkiug -Sua a.aali m "i ' ' ; 1 would advise, tir, ibote perjoot wbo are marching en in a similar caraer.te psuae awhile, if they have any other views tba tell aggrandizemutiU Tbe people of North Carolina will not draw wn in tb pelitical karneea , tbey have sot beeo fighuog ia tbe leal coo 1 est, thel a few aoea may gal ofiiee, but that tba Coostitutiqo alone ahouU gov ern and that every freeman abould, opos all occaaioos, have tb full and ttoqaahGed right to Si press bit eeniiroeule free from the dictatioa of a caucus, or th control of any eelf constituted body. UI the two gentlemen ectfctnf br tbi eaucir. 1 bava but Iitilo to y. We or tbe East bate 00 claims upon either of them. Tbey Br the coaiiaece of caucus wbicb an individual at a Ct porsoo lo fill Ibe calx iaet appoint meal of Attorney General of th . I'oited Siatea. , -, , Gta-' Hsrrison wilt dcubilcss be moch obliged lo thtiin fur saving bim the trouble of thuikiug for bimae!f,upoa thit imporlatil subjne-t. 1 do not knew wbal Ibe peculia claims of iba individual ars; but I suppoet, from the known constitutions! opiuioot of ' lb geuilaiuso, who proclaiuieJ bit roeriis, . tbtl wbea our Sooatort proceed lo siccuiB tb instructioo 1 tbey will addr lh Preei dent some a bat tflcr tbit fashion' W are tutboiiztd to present lo you, tor yonf Attorney General, B geiilleruau of diatin. guiabed abilities, who ie a pure republican aod JcOersouisn democrat, of tbe luts.t fasbion, tod most epproved model, revised and corrected by Daniel Wibaicr.',' liy i:e by, Mr. Speaker, if you will par. -doa lb digreeaioo, 1 will roentWo facf, wbicb mav be of service lo some persons present. ' 1 am lotd.ihst iceoioua Ysnhea iovcotioo, called the ' Democratic Jt flur. toniso Republu-su Dye," to much' in re. quest List summer, is gelling rraree. ' J tea it stated, tbst tbe supply it, HokIoo 11 near, ly eibausled not, il ie said, oa account of llm number of person using it, but from tbo prodigious quautity of lb article wbicb it lakee lo make a democratic Jrfioraonlea to pullicaa out of a Boston Pudersltst.' . I und, Mr. Speaker, ao urpieasion pre. vails bere, among some iodividuale,' who believe every thing fair io politics, that th improvemeot at Nu s U'd ts one of tb usual political buaibog' employed only for electioneering purposes. And whenever!). subject ia mentioned, tbey are: ready with) some atala jest awne paltry witiicistn, wbicb, if it proves nothing more, proves at Is st ibeir owo 1 poors nee and folly. 1 lies , 1 -1 . a itiar.i.r. i.bi anmr.cr avirvai no uiauc. .1... ib.naMAi anintiatawa. n wn - - - - i 1 -J ; iiCnt lu TVnnmnimt tt ttrBeatwr w rrpws-tH ine io reaw wav art ewrremt cau trY, 1 b. . j 1. . .i;ki-.i d la b pneiicabl, w wdl rr whh jml becoming srquamted .wiie ach other, and ducl.b.nild fc.cju.ted by .0 enl.ghuiu lUYtarally la lh. work-1 of eschanging yiew.-.h. third night of - f SBIf B fNf . - . ' S . "- -- t- - . J.- . SB) T. lr . r- - . ....e itr.svetswsl tA Tb rtmmrttl. lhl aUBaa7l nPta. A fllfl fri! lil inn 1 atmjlaf nffl Tbcvo yy'wZ We, and -a.aeq-iieaced in. A ..weiirvey ..re tummonedto t canou I sfscid. wh. I ner HIS ronon I .ll lOSI coma oco-rairvu. 1 unmm waa pmicuim iciiiiirioji fawn wan oaerbts report Tb w.ik it said not only 16 be practicable, but a grest deal more ao, and at much less eipense, thto eter vat auticipatdd. " Co it rcmemhoreil, Mr. Bpaker,h dis cissions upon these bills assumed very saurb a party ebarJCtertbo pppositlori to them came almost entirely from the Van Cureo p,rv-we of lb east were mting with the est'ero-whjgl, tnd relied oa their promise and known sentiment in favor of internal improvements. , - S-- ,- : - ' The proooeitioo Tor a western rail mad hue fiiM, from the condition of the times. I am sorry for it. Tin L't,hnwevef,ect ed in good faith, throughout the transaction, and e pooled, on our refirn here lo be treat ed with eimiltr fairness aod liberality.- We were mot by Ihe Governor e Mrsvige, referring in sui jci 01 nonnoao unci 10 the Fedwrsl Govnirnment. I menn, Sir, r attach no blsnro te the Governor's reference L'mUr (be eircunalvces, it ,i perfectly prnper, and is a work unJ.HiVedt within the conn pi-tonry of the EIrnl Government. I taketii'S opport'inify, wilh g n-at p!iiref l..iru 1 irv lettirn.mv to t')i Pilrioii" n nd fib!, spirit of Governor Ii,n."-y, II M, fhroe'i-A t B-!uimi'tratiri, : ruy and mvanr.es. Well did Natlnuio! Hacan tb bright- j bsviour. Eastern interetl it not 00 of the ! st name ia our bisloryj a man wbo stands 'conditions of tho bond. - ' ' nuriayffa. LTJ'lf Kr1" C ftTl."'' though many hate bim, beetoto he lov- j measure ; but, sir, baiVe"o'a?fj8i'ft tr ed the- people say, Ibat he attended one j pect eometbin? more than cold and lifslcss caucus, and would never auer.d another r fnemlahip f " We wanted that tov which for be (ootid it no phc fur to booest mao. J binds one lo its object, and Rubra itt pre In my region, lit. f5peaker,tbe peonlaj periiy a part of iu eiistvoce. , know but little about thit businett.' I wilt, j jr. U.ujum letU us b" discoverrd, tit ilieroforc, doaenbe the one I witncased, thai ear aso, that the improvement at fa porta wbicb bava been mad upon tb sub jecl but eodowed wilh a sataral etgacity, aoJ I jrinat wiadotn, thoy pronounce I ho opinions ot Gatriot, C wnn, Csrnsrd asd I ulion, nisro fjolisbnesa. .. Who can be a a totiished that North Carolina baa become a by srord end jest, wbea aucb eoontel pre-' tail la ber Initiators! : " " '. We are t'd br men of iba gaua s vjrwto have made il Ibeir busioesq lo et amine tod thoroughly investigate the sub. jrat, that en inlet of fifteen feet water st the) foot of Albemarlo Sound, to perfectly prac licablef that il it a poiat oa tb coeet whersT on it pxwt Deeded where more ebipwreckt knnutlly btppea 'lbta ll any othsr point 00 lb coast of North Amsriea. Tbat aa inlet there would doable the value) of every acre of land oa Boa aula river, or lb waters of Alhamarlo would facilitate Ihe draining of ibocoantry,ud,cooaaqen: ly, add incalculably to its health; thai for want of tbit inlet, two millions of lbs pro. Ateoirf 1he Stat finde ft trty to NorfolkT" through lh Dtamal Swamp canal, upon wbicb Virgioux levies a tribute, and as moth nor seekt 'tbe ocean, tbrcugh tb. most tedioat, expeoaive, and ' dan gtrous oavigstioa la lbs word; snd ye(. 'I they may be belter informed for th future. I intend, Ur Speaker, to talk very plat ly about this caucus mailer. It baa easum ed ta itself tbo right of deciding tba most important qneslioo which eta come before the Legislature in del, it ia tbe govern menta qwioa in wbicb my eoaetituenii fell a dorp interest ; I tb deeisioo of which I bey looked with greet anxiety- and Ihey heve a right to know bo tbe ittua at bronght about. ' -r Before we bid rrrt warm in our trttt-s before geuilemeo from tho diflerent sections tv I s ! a f! 1 j : ' : s'fu'" c. t .a I ...,t of a c-rfr. ' Ptirrover, position was presentee requiring e lo pledg himself to vote in; tbe Legislature for tho individual who mlhl procure the largest voe ripwi bil'oNng in eaoeut. " Wt of the East tsked for delay, for tlmt Id think opoo m important matter. ' Wt tiked, why Ibis indecent haslet , W ask d that tli Legialiture might decide tho mailer onbiaeod. Our, requests were all refoaed ,' and Ihe alternative wet prrented of aoparating from our political friends, or p'nngiag headlong into an ahvee, the depth of wbirh we could not see.' We elm the letter, hiving a generous confideoc in lh jisiic end generdtity tif Onr poti'irtal ssao ciatee. Tbe result will tho whether thi eiKililence srtdfcrvrd. 1 " ' . In which of Iht chronicle' of wiedoro, Mr. Spesker, It it recorded that the law- hhLmi tdsb t rid atalai aki innH.a.1 ts, KHinrt:i vj. . tu twiiwj wnv a ' tri'' uvwwu w have inspired a Itlile of that divine evsence, ara required to pteilgeibmIv to perform lomolbiujf, tbey know not what t I'. whal have we been wsri'ing ajainst ihe Van Pureo ptirty for the last fo ir yrl Cecsn' to prty jlwry gate t? the rights ef r.i ircois'ituenis beceoso its mM! hsd lis ' sj' rendered sit nehl ef in !,i r pinion, i 1 and I'lmJ'y obeyed ill's d cii(u , ..vnctimes ii :!.! of the liicii-n cabinet, snd rimciiineslhe Ihfr hw ' of k'-' ei kus. 'ft.' f were c'Sod cal!r t!ii I ' r il ire'i 'n s aid evnry orprohrinut tpi wi l . tbef, that a fert.le or iadi. 'P wiser rJ2at, stis heaped opoo thtsr devcted interest wat jrTbrt catieo took t borid for ilrrir good bt-4 aTTrtbiair-innsretTsvblclii appeals,' not only to our plats pruie, but lo oar human, ity, doe not excite ae moch attaotioa ia th Legislator of North Carolina at tba MrapoVeTtrwt Twer 08kbW7o sxKUtls tbit great work oareolve. we would urge iu execation' by lb general govru mcni by tH means io oor power. Bat, even bars, lh moat paltry party arrang. -ment steps in tod clsimt pritrity of interest. , Tbt district of Edeotoo, in tb hit poliii. cat contest; gar tbe only respectable whig mtjoriiy East of Rowan, She, tt least, had aome claims opoo ber whig brethren for eympatby and aid ; and yet, air, thes claims wtr arootbered in a caucus, tud da nied a besring before th Legislature. . 1 would bave preferred, Iir. Speaker, tbat eorao -other Eastern genlleraea bad brought thi matter before tb attention ! the 8enat and tho country. There ara several hre wbo sre as tealout ts mysslf, iu lh cause of oar improvement ; od, per. haps, tbey would oot bar expoeed tbem eHvw t tttoTTeTir-orMctry-rtlci' I kno awaitt m. t bay said bat Kill, air, about tbia road. ' I wilt, however, cooclodo by Hmarking lhat we ba givwo cordially to th Watl a Governor tbey bava ecized with a atrong hind both th Senators if Ihey no tike what little money tuay ba id tha pubho Treasury to make a road over their mountains, tbey will hove realized my description ef a tyranny a govsromsnt that Ink no sympathy with tb gvred a government tbit treale with conleanpt and tndifll-rence tha 'wishes, tha (belingt and the in tr resit of a lar; and respectablo' portion of its citizens."., i '. ; . Head waa constttatiooal, aod be called the fathers of th republican church together lo make the revelation and yet, iir, did toy one ever bear of bis opening bit mouth up on tbit subject, during his long term ia Ihe Sobate ! lie of cms to bivt bed faith with out good works ; wbiob, il is said, availeib aotbing. . Ur. Graham told ot I quote bit laogoage Ibat ba Ie in favor of tbe project, but kmiwebutlittltaboat it. II baa been for many years a prominent member of the Leg islature, where thia subject bat been mock tgitatcd ! be bs been culled on frequently y WTTt vwtw ppnir rr, wine .nape or resomiioaa, uve-l and yet he knows but little about it. . I aball bcliev thee gentlemen to be ur frieodr, whu t tee il reported in Ihe Na tional Intelligencer, that a bill baa passed, appropriating nine hundred thousand dollars to opea Nag'l 11 sad Inlet ; and oot till Ibeo. I know, Mr. Spetber, it will be asserlcd iliat disappointment it Ihe Iroe sourcs ef my piSK.tii languag. Those who knew me, will do 0 justice j snd from tbos ebo do not, I doa'teipsct it. 1 do not, bosv or, tir.nn-an ta be deterred from my courts by any Considoratioa of (his kind. I have teen, for monihl past, from i?ns too'patpt bis ta be mtsuaJurttood, thai 1 bad noihiog to evpect j I kn w, tir, the decree had gone firtb( from the self constituted orsnt of insgnanimou party, that 1 should be pro scribed, bseous my brothers had though! proper 16 think for iheiTuwIves on gemnal politic. I did out, boaever, suppose lhat the proscription would beesienJ -d to the whole UittorOv country. There er. mai.y gentlemen ia that region, of e ynl c'aims aod eri'ial abilities looitlior of ibo noninrrt; . ' . .. . . 1 f . ..1 i ."I ! ', drsnrvet to bs recordBrf. I have il . ' . . - ! . . - I " . 1 . I . . . b' . . . . m n .1 MWnM i..nl .... An. 1 . . ' .. .. I I Ih.k .. ' . . A . u . , A K .... j , ,if rf.tlii!!'l'f 11 . . ." I'll . i.'l a ... wt... I -j'.. ..... . f ,,..vr ...w rrmcui. Our r j'.'icut fneuis wi.lt thet, that a tert.l or tadignam lancy eould , lutioue ott ta lubjari 01 na s llad ; tuai n'v be la cocr. aud wb:'; irr . tJsz! heaped upon fat if tjevoted interest wuloo tri.,i,z tnd beneato lucir A l'kenmettoH.-Thv Cincinnati LJ. gar of the lltb Nov. relate! the following t Somtfhin i'xfrT()riidry.-Yeeterday morning, as wo were returning horn from our cilice, about ta o'clock, we were sud denly s!a;!rd hy ta explosion immsdiately' ow r O ir l ead. Oa looking up, we discov. errj m tl-e air, 1tjJ fragment of Gr, fly ing in d,i;'uieol duectiooe each of wbiclj' looking to bv t if they wart particle of a hot. it scoins the Ilawfiek's s!.h a are (',( ; tier that had bursted asundsr. Tb moon favored region cf North drr !,,.-; n J I frane IVkt blt.sod tbettart ill seem, havs o daubi her. immrD.o ictcrc -t a! i l ss if i!ifyhadlwindlediway,aodnaught Weshinj'on will It motf secure' waul.-j; coulJ be seen but ih fiery frtgroeott flymj and guirdrj. , . J , v J , ' ' ; J about tbe efcy.' ' Thes burnt for a few mo. As il is my intention that tay eont;tun;s ' mea's, and then griduatly died away, Botil lull se bow hi'h they stand in the favor j tbry cooid be teoo no more. A tew tvi., und b.T ction of their whig brsthreo in cad sieve after the explosion look plaeo, tb cat aannblc4. 1 will msntion ta incident J eanh sbm k l.k ta aspen, and lh moon wut':h ercurred, wbich from itt noveliy, ati hea ane agsm snone ionu, sisiim immu. I lin r from the s Oil of th thock Whit co..d bave bes !he raee of tbi wonders fol orcurtric T Cen any of war grest ey . trglogert1 fbrow " bgbt tfpoa lit eCilt .

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