. j . i ' ' - J 3 .... j. J . :d r;:r rrx- :.J ' A A . 1 i - j . Jt 1J li :;umbei: ic. .1 t';-::r.itleci ' vt V, w f iv sal: t 4 , .! L' '' k.. i- t if1 cut : 'J'' : -I 1 t i ; n; 1 - V J of . f. .. ! i ia a.' Cam ova) 1 ' ' ' --' ! C evy, k.tJ 1 i t .i,'i 3 L,e -i -;r J L. . -- i! : el t Sa I .-J .a b UU l : 'i .- .t jt of L'.e enwiiug Jseatry ASil i : in jag. 4Tk H Wadoeadav, tl-e MJ" - b , j E It. ,... .JiLtji.L'' IWirton .L . , " AC . v;t. I lifwtr, N. l' r.I'KLY AI -MNU'. 1 1 f , 4 l ' '. . Ki j' .. j Sju-J'.r, '7 V 4 T4r. :) vYedsrJaj7 K'4 43 :c vs riuL4. 7 134 47 77a 7 134 4? ,f . a. 7 4 swf. 4 Cl rteo. t iJ . 1 UU1B. extensive hau: or 2tz IMafr. Co! J ."ine, Vc Mtt IL Qrr, Aim't. f M'iUin B 4fBrt -. J Jut 111 n -Uiitmt, . .: .1 1 h it-HB, mi 4 llantttjr Ml Juuigr ittl. Corerr lol , lltr.prorruiCBts cw th ('ttf4 U mhs mI cmftl tivf41 Lutt la l.i Immrn of I'bvlolUc, ' 1 tract ofLaiid, ifc vhnoi'tjr af TiM j At teinrt Ui U Cm. at'( 3l .n Aa lttat la a 8 Mill m Kof ar M inlrmt ii lh fcimU", Altu&aVr an4 EUir '.( i V;.ut JrfUj..A inttml la ih Vii i irj Mina l'd ; Aa iutft. lha Elm ,; A Wui ia l Jiaaa Mint; n to ' mi in iht I'hit Urn IrartJ All lcf U ibr tol, in !.ir . i- ... ', &!utU cf vnrlov. ldmlsJ r'mrirj '! ! pftK-tlT nne4 In ll . tl I1 r rf 'I'rnl uitJe k llr Mil VViUuai 1)1 !i V. MTfTpwMi, J, J. I. rkl 4 1. W. t,l . ?!.. m4 b; Jii. IL lUs to u4 4Maa4 U CiMiiKili--:-- .i. T'?s n. ! kncva) a tta 4T af Soie. v it a' IV. Hurrtn. irt'L, I T ! I I. I t.ACS WfkJO; fTT.tirt, V- ' J. V u-H tftNK, J " " U. W.CALDA I LUTVaa af BWU S C- n RW V ruiiita4 fioi 47 to U. anil) 'l t! all tolJ. ' - : , Public Oalc. T ' ILL b. .-!4 U 4 t of J.i94y a rt, i at lU Ui -:J-or6f Jon. Pai 4r'4., tony, roDvrXiiAY oats, - ' ' A1.01T .. . .Tift f WHEAT, f . ..i. i "i t- "1 f::Li:i. C44 i.4J HsTfWI, ' On MtfElatlmnk ToJi. ; AND ADidT - 0,CCD 11)3. of seed o in tii.'.f tt afr(: I'.-tr.di, la ilea Iha :'? to .o t. .a b-'-'tt !kU a (' .! in U: C::.J tj U IX i 4 brtj' U a., toii.c-l 1. .lnbancf tU 4 l'.i.iiwit" and a t K prwo io lia C sort, aUer a lib ItM an4rt. I !. A of iih HurWaT. AltJttiJ., tJ,Cicri f laa i'ouu'i luurl, ia Chartun. , . - . UJI.W UuN, ClauMa. '.f.T.I5il. - ut . " VA of DacasiSer cti llw u'jc.-iLr a .J ttiia of lb fiiIMifr u: r i tniifo r HT0V2Z " A Trut fcalc. Y tirine 1 D i of Tiat Id na tirrl4 Jr Aacrcar 31 aig omarf, 6jf aurpoasa tint. m bicoimmvH. I aiB arocweal la Mil al l)ia taat 4. o- rf miJ Mueii Ti om tta 2lta teaUat IU K..k.aiifc proatrlf, tut ' fJ 3 iiuprovcd IjOt ix af (iMrtuUa, 1 iaf aa Cullrfa abaat, at tut a aa4 5In arT ! S lycgro-Woinan -COWS, r l - aTTvW tAW4 and Ktltitu Furniturt, uti Twtuaa attirr trlkka. Trrm auda kim a 4 af atlc -i - . i . ! or i nntiwrii Tn 71 u lea, )nni and wt ll bro krul liarnrM, Two fine ana bloadrd Cells i- " tilt tto k f CATTLE and UOCS. AIM , Ui Tamil lutsil, Qu Wagon, '- - - mtmrig arr, i(t. ; -. ; - Ut wi5 lira (lutlaf Uook4 of bia Firm,) 5 or 4 ri14.haudi prlratclr. Oa Iba aaia 4av, ba !!! Ua pfiir fiir aal. TEX or T1YELTE Ilags of Cotton. A araitil of latlva eviniW aritt firao, tlx porciitaar j:noj Uo4 aui t(rprorc4 aacaiity. 1 , A. r.RAUAU. ,W 27, 1:11.. : 413 r ii. a:)::::ys ! T """C'vXD ihUm C PuWk, t.T ba ku a- V a fsa (aiJ to Or Ui. bT B uf , be on4 at .l tirnca, qc'cm frfea uoa!'y. (ii jh. J acf ba !ua,fwait(4 ia ealunj br ti bcirj ateot fitna loao,facli caa aaaka liuir aa ,n!ui.l t k-ti..f a n S Pott Ot2. a hirli tjifwulcifnt be atlended to paixsttMuijr OS bia pirl. Ha tieema til rtiltrcn. t-i aa aoitecaararT, Lminj practice. tl u Uua soa nioiiitT aboat tour fear. IJ twdtf GZct So. S, at th lUa- (ion ITtiMCa CkmrUil iWa. ia, l4l. 113 tb near., (U trrf aaJ C ;.- biealibt aoiija of aUch eai.raf ! rT Uritt of Um aiioart rjaaav "l"t WooO, afciti lalca Ua rtd euJo 1ji tha .urr of tJ tw aa4 tha lacfa bc&ra U aaaae luta tUa baarl. aa. tbaa aorc4 bj tiiaaa, aad ooftht4 by foo4 rEDEa-VUS5I AXD STATE RlCUrV no a T3E ivktiiiii isriioJ.. It it aaycj of Slukpr, thai nja j-jJmeolJ f a preel tfliturnce.' ite aupcel of a qus:iod variea accurst: NEW GO03B3. owuiaj Craaa a ckaa aloaaacii, eooma freely tUiV ' ij, pg.t;oO eftia oUerer,acd b4 oj io Ua faamwaattryaartaf tteajal r-etinj-il lake, OOCOteiWt to " ' bionTd. J hiomlf, toa aid eo! t2ec:fJ roi . r . Tba UiowiBf aiaanose U sutrtaaiBf ar ilba itiflj itaetf bkb bt eaiJna,lwt I of kamaa o'lacaaaa, to wkicli L Vcfeuuia Ufa ( from ttM 0B istern:, U ti aia ai.:ej . Ti ara y0 kaova to to iafaiutua : by tU , ' ' t SfLTSlA. bj taotoatWy ekaaamc tie firatt- , j, 00 BBOjaa to, ,r cfa (9 jriaJn. FMUn,.riipiutimiiftk,HrmuI4 Ap-Uam particular cjuniooa tiircctly an (lua,aTiWaWJra, Ktaaa,fX U;onitte. ajitboul tLeir being seottl.'a of ttmprr, Aautp Ungwr a4 iUrtaacaWy, wluek , tf, isctMaTStCDcy. The ad? oca tea of Stale ifc. .yaiptoa. of D;.pa, U1 - j J,;btJ at llit Soo'.h ar ditpoaad to lock k, aa a aatotal eoaawwiwa of ua eara. Caa- :"t . . ., , W.rbyeiaUf lHbok Worth of Uae j 47 P sa aieiua. w pow-r laaUoa ua a aoltto acecaaa, as4 auaoul io I ul wua vfriiicu j iucj k.iiiu. Ti ncr ; aa aw porraa Kan ma awwaia raun HE Jubacribaf ia reeaWinr ia iba bocaa . I aulua two 4aa, Uurrlttm ao4 CiWrra, by re aoer! oeecpiee ly N. B. Taylor, ia ad&tioa i aaMriag tsa aoarp acr4 fluida by bck tkcaa aoaa. to ail funucr htoek, aa aaaartaBI of DRY GOODS plaint) are occaaioocd, aad by pnmeliof tha lu brlcttiTa aceretknw af Iba aaoooua axtDbrana. I em l ull hrnit, by raaiormf Iba blood a a ie iJf cii calalioa tbra' iba prootea af aaraptratioa ia aoM eaaea, and tba tboro a4oliaa af all iota. tioal obatroatiao ia alken. I ba Ul Uedicmea bit baaa kooem to cure Karanaliaa aexcoaaent ly ia threo eckt, aad Coal in balf Uat trna, by renotisf local inflamuatiua (raet the aQeicaand If y HOVVV& tiitt ba tokaa ia aicbaarc, o4 1 lifmoit of U jwoto. Dnjmtt tl all iiailt. by GROCERIES. railaUe to tba eNaon, foe arbicb tit kioda af Ceca- WA Crd. Bfcgro Illiring. J Wltl. Hilt oat la tba Wat bwd for tba toraa f i Iv. auntba. at tlx Plantation of tba 11 Li4 Hnnnf. 4'4, on U 11 dat of Jaaa. ry oral. aU th btT.UOi: UUi(in to iba Mj. aor I It if a mt raid duniacd. . , " . , )rt e.isu., in . - 7cffro IHIirinir HAVING altoiocd Um aarriccj of a touor Lady af va axsoauilutv ia aty tola ia Ton o ladiae a Loaiwinf md ba prutidad j! .. ;a Lady af 8-va ajrooa J'. ' a A tuawaaf aTutotaaa f j . v - ; ftmjjy, I picpuaa to t batTdar aod pnpila. r fwr wwui. . Tai'wa in tb eaainoa bnarhtaof Ceiab I UJucaiijo, per acatijo of Cra mouoi, Ilif bet braoebva, M . alawck, T. . ' -'."y Uraainfid TaiuUof, . ' 1'raocb Lanjaae, , , SvaMM to muaamea tbo ilk af October. . fc CUAELICS W. H ARRIS. urtu, CtUtrm tt.Sfft ii, mi. iif 18 10 tl 10 10 awdiato attantraa- raarlatte, Va 3, 1611. PICTOn I Air I LL18T11 TIOXl 'a v . ; V TovaT - aO a rtMn oi ei fafi Trrma of ! latlra I.' c iii JuKf i,iri b-Jo4 aud t'trtrai lu rill' IvtlY HVri ' - v wira rcu, urutrriw irmi-fwrja, 1 . . DI'-SCRrPTIONS -C0IEFLV EXPLANAT02V OF THE , KXGIIAVIXGS and af aotnanm pvaap oaaoeclad with . Grcfraplj, X antral irutonfip AnHquilltt i.lCnED fcCllIPTtKES. , I "3 Kcward.' a i- AN'AWAY ftoaa t' wWi alnwt Hi 4h af N U-1, a t'o man rnd J 1 VI, trt lorr la u.e ealata of J Jib Vi rUi e n, J iii'f, d'd, oluch r. liia ia n.i.tr"d by Wan. H K1 - nd J .i e iii .iv,. la b tit 30 ' t ' o( , f eonii.k.nm, abo il ( trrt 1 'n. I tf A t..: T!it.ja rew4 aill bt I " !' ap Krlrftnii.tlJ and all peiaimi ir 'nri4 nA to ,!. .f si tmpluy aaid boy, a ' 'U U tniwrctJ aioal aay paiaua lia ' ovr.nMAM h tuotti:k. t a .,?.', P,t. 1-11. litf " liooli-Uhultns. - WILUAM 11U.NTEK ou!d iofirai bia cutucr aad the (Hibiie irtarally, that ha Mill ewUooea lb CCXJK Iil.NUINU !LiI. NESS at hie old Uid, a f eWt aotuliaat of f yjlVL ba H.rrd oa tU 3h ImcmL tar 11 Bt"tb Kuu " ,u " Ut,pJr " www bir.artafl miW. ft(..l.iU.te lb. n.hi of (1,. 00 ' 10 I" codpti-l lalliUCIwo. , - Kuwi t. rwdJhN f:OKOWbrte.cir,f fo UiA j ' CTOrdara left a bi 8faip,or at Iba Offioaof fan an4 AMpliiM Utdrrvm, (mtuora.) euaaia " MitHaubur j JoHaraoniao,- ut rccatrs im wnf w Mr, naawa ana traa.' 4.- r - DAVIO IltVUl.KSON.Caara'iaa. ' o. 8.1etl. ;., i Il ' 10r s.u,e. : , EK pvuao of a Order of tba Court of Plaaa aad U.iartr 8a.i.oa, a?d at 0nbe Tarn for Cabarraa rvunty, I ill atnoaa U Publi Sato, at lit I'wjrt II'ium in tucua, eo Ilia lat day of JaaaMTy, lelJ, : ,.,-. - n. .. . 1 G likely riegrocs, aoaiiatlt of Aim, R'aatra aad Clidrea, aold (nr tha pureoae of itinioa aBoe tha brira of Mi ebaW Oarman, Jr. deeaaaad. A nadit of lfVd MMith tll ba firaa, tba parcbaaer firing poad itb apotwdeaeurkr.'' "-.-:,. r ,. --V CILBWARIXCCf. r- ! 14 .' . WieiBrr. - . CaUmt eary.V. C , IV. SO, IS4L ,, - ov THE JIOUaNTAIXEEi:. ffJHE jtatiWr bli Uia iba aad Ac inal'irrni psrlKM af NortQ Carolina c brard to the I3tb 'onf raaaianal Dtatrtct, Caanpn. ad of tU eootitiMaf Irdc!!,rimy, Wiltea, Aaba, aad perl of i aUaali, to ia caxd of a aaarapepar, and ta ful'y roaiyctrnt to it anppurlpnipiama to ptU to in toaa w r ilkeabmata a f V'y ptt ander the ibora titto. Whil tt y etbu l,trict fa the Stale baa oitliiti H tr r aaeta turd organ of infbrT.atiom, tha Tbirrtaotb ia aav tir'y aVtlitote, and dvneadaat aa Iba btr. by la ibi eti Paraly, exit brraa trie prop! are aor ?' aad mlittf la aopinnt aaa I It aaot be becaaa a lau trial baa Bor bn ajiada. l b lutiKiiln rxpn-tato Make tin trial, and onrirai. t.tinj'y tbrwa htmattf apc t!ie mil and libr. titty of tba IVa Tboummm! WUiga of tit tuklot htt rapport. , ' ' - " Iunn j the lH ronbrat Cir tba Prraidrary, lit aubtcriticr lorn bia hneiW aid I elevate Ore. Hirrion aad ba ail rwlinoe ta adaorat tha p:iar Ii ih J af Hi "Tii party, Ur lb 0. ailta af a proapacto anil nut permit )iia at aay. la pnlitira lb paprr arill e lemperaiv botnn. It ill ina'toulj diariiaa all e, w itiona kroaf bt bo. (art Ui pecplcataioing awaearea ahicb it mil d m anr. "4 appforinf rack aa amy ap pear fir a, r Jitdlai of pally raaitderationaV Although llie Moantatnaar frill oear a cbarictarS ttncilr pati'ical, pontoai of itaearama will be drroletf loapraadmf lalurmttloa A frit limn before lite ! trx-ie fcalura ailnrh aiaat render Iba pvbUisalioa arer4abl. Ta "tba bone and ioa of lb Minntry lb aberibr took i'hout lra M lid. ' lirary rtrrtinavill b anil to rendrr lit paper, tcreplable I liw rrnaral readar, by giving aaa at. teniina la br bjaa, aaab aa Fortiga ad Da, in(ia Jioi; lit cu of awraiity nl ilrtaei ll arte and aeimroa I'a4tla inratttn, A. A. ll.il eKiurb of fraaaiaa. Tne iiibacribrr r. nMl llie eiilimaoi in ijib iwnn w rry aim. If t alunlld Ui to giro oeitafaetti, ba oiU be eootcot to (in frit Ulr eoalUenca aad Mpport. Ot M t hi Mi I t bl way a- a m p'ttait. Iv thai mrk hef f ) Will M . eii-,H "I MIIIU .Al-'HiUI-T,,!!-!, OftlPD mtid k;,- f a. i . t . . .1 Ii A - - 1 - .... I r iarraj 1(W 1 1 1 1, ffluq Bal VPrd nc, y , icn.nrad. ra .. . . 1.U. MTiLAP, It, I il. 114 TVlLLbabi. '.ll.11.t l,ut. xy T 'be ani g 1. A . , , ; '' 1". thr torai af t miha at i, t r, r, 3 m.l of ('!ii'i,.ii, tli i W tiia aiUt ut I t. ('4111 '. ii 1. . . ' a I r;xvNri:ntf;ar.fia. . tit l'Jfjftnk ul i'.'tC'.t, ' Tl-UMS. ' THE MorXTAlXl.r.tt IB ba paWULtd at two omuai ia adrtac-, paid at aay liot wita- tn lhrr! m-Hiil t" tle tia of bar.h.g 1 twa a.4'a' td trig eaia tf p id ktUft la ti. pirati. of l'iaft a Ihre d itUr if payneat U 4. laird aniil Um d af lb T.Jamo. I No aaUeiima) take tor k Ikaa aa fr Ia4 a ftilii't to ardre a diaaattnttaer at the eod of ilia par, fill to bwkad apoa a a ae (! ItwnC N ptMr Bill b diarooibiiKd, Bnka al lb o .t,..n at iba fcditw, oolil all I'im'U" aro paiA I T Any p- rana pnxwlng 6r rooai!Ja auk. iti. ft shall rorrna a lnb opt gtai 1 "N par oill bo al af .i!e Plaie a) ' rwymeiil be nate i" iar. - -j - - ALUI.U a. nur.iS Ae . a. I it. jm iitiN'n.Ti r f 5 UI K Mbnrlng aark bt beea eampikd from Jl tbf tyanilnn PvMwial It.U. atbich orlh ia Una eoorrffy iwtll 1. ?i0 pir copy I tTrrory pian, soma and child, ia the United ftlalM. alio anaaeaaea a tiiblf. will Barely fatauk tltaruaatra a ilh tba blletiiBg beautiful strict of Betipture lUuatratiraa, .... . . .. 990 Pictorial Illnatrotlous , ' l '. . , OF TUB 81IB views or mi; holy land. . ' Nut. BRr,' it Tir Pat.icTTo riif b'ii!'K ff ft ,r' naadaama. ry Bookd, Pt i a?f Trt thUr. The aobaerb key raapartfully InnUa tba aitmiioo of Oaryy BM. Teacher of Fil.batb Eckoal. tleada of i. aaiilira, aad roikaellrra, ihroogltoot Ina I'aitad Stale, to tk above Aco, iliHp, and i)eoaiii:y llloatraled Work. PabMied and for aale, at No. l23,Kia etrel,Ne York O'y. Ite ftaturra are brtiae dff.nad by the title 1 83tl PICTOniAL ILLlSTUATIt NS e Tttt fCRirTTRrs,r", awruta or VIKWd IM THK MOLT LAND, tortther H Ii many of iba aaoat rranarktule aa- i jeci aaentumcd ia lue 0!d and Ker TreUmeata, repreeeatiitg aacrro O'awiaat avwna, oofneo iron artctaal rkalcbna tnatfa 00 Ut apart. Brim tun itw inlereaUr.t Ittar-pra deaoriptiooa, aWaysd to aa Tp!atMtkM of Dm ebjectt uaaatioocJ la lit ataredlttt, ' .'- Oa enmlnaiion tbit oiU be fonnd a eerr plea- eant and profitable book. rirrUlly n lb peroral f YoiM TrarLa, aboaatling ia ih anoat nhia. Vie feloraiaitoa, eafteetrd with great aara, I roes the beet and UUot aaoree. 1 1 may. rary proper. ly, b deeigaatod a eommoa pla boo fer ewry ililrr alMM.rlting la ttRIRNTAL MAN. Nf.fiS,(t'8TiM4, A Ave. tad enanpriara oitb. ID ttaelf aaaantrlt blrer rr.'igiaw aad aaral A volarne like tba prottwl. Is ki eo. parti ta tU eomrana A ' f trail aroer to aa( of date. STlt la beawiifully prtatod la aw laag primrr typo haadaomrly boaad ta natlia, gill and hHiered I and la, drukly, Ue at aad crpra1 pi'iaiM (tor the piioc.) ftrr iiwrd (rm Ut daterima Praet. IT A liberal diaeoaal atad to boleaalt ebaaar.' gyr.raoo U the eooatrT, a-iaMpr to art at t(it, hi aktaia ell tba annnry taUufiailwo, be ad Inaainf tbttr br'ter to the eubecriber, ft. Ii3, Naa.au Birwt, Near Ywh Hy. , uuuiJir efcAKa.rBniaa'r. lVrgymra, P irtiatrodrtrte tnd Taarbert af Sabbalb rvhnhtl'Agtte' Religioa !. a nan and frf .odiralaj 1 rartnaaotora. aad Bona aalWia, Uirii;lMHil Uie emnUy,ara reapeotTiilly rnoretad t art aa oar agenU. IT St Wirr riK to totra fraai lie aafra yettaeat far CAbllta rrasooablea biaeeirbbora., far. two baaing Prod oca la dapae of would do trelt to and iuau4. --. - II. W. ALCXANDC3. Km. X iSil. : v - , Uf - . m new cAsiirr) cnABi.Es c moss . co. B C aoat reeelin aad opaoiiig a epleadid Is aotlaaeatef , "). ia tba brick atora, torttarlg occupied by B. AJ Uer ria. Tltair Good war oorehaaed to New York aod PLUudclpbia for CASH LNTIRELY, by aoe of tba fire. They Cellar tbetsealTae that tbeir Stuck will be Iboad cbeapar, lhaa any crer efTer ad tor aale ia tbit ptoe. Aa tbay inUod to do aa aielawiTaCASH bL filMSS, tbay bopa tbtt aoaa will erjwt to purchaae apoa tic. l AarrieUf, W.Z0, IBil. Vf ' Commi9iin afcl'orwartliiisr :rAT FAYKTTEVllLB. lt. O-'' Til E 8uberibra beg loaee to ety to tba Cba lotte and other Merohanu of the interior, Ibal they twr.tiaaa to attend to- tba abort Rdataaa ia -all -it Waocbea, euooactad itb a I.AKGB AND COMPLETC ASSORT. ED STUCK "OF,; : Ilardicarty Cutlery t Paintt, , Dyealuffi, Drags aiettlciuea, c Froaa oeTcrtl tear' axpcrieooe, aad a praaupt at- tantiaa to batineae, tiiey bopo ta aaarit a portion f Ilia buticen from lUe Sou tbtt n accUoa of Ibo State.-'' -.' -!--: it. v :i- Mrtsra. W.VY.Lti-n. . f .cnor Spuisa. ' ' Cii it. E Mora & CoT I Reference ; M. W, AttXAXDER, Col. B. a Girrntt, . ; KB. COTTON and other PRODUCE win b received fur Storage, Sals, or Shipment, aa tba earner roe? direct CJ.4iU.4L a Orb SO, iodl. . C.-B - . . ' tT2otTir UtTr Fills V PhfCnU -j nittcri. . - THESE tnedteiniia are indebted (br their aim to their manifest and aoniibl aelioa ia pa ri fy iog lb apringt and channel of bia, and aodo. ing thra vitb rrnawtd too and rigor, and to the aadoubled fact that at a eery early period ia their history Ihey bid readied avfferere from die very targe of aa anlimrty grave, trier all the dorr it r.otramf Ue day, praecribed ly pbyaicUna, bed utterly fktled, la wWb caac they tl permanesf. ly accerrd that anirornt fDbynent of bralrh, with oot which lift iHelf it bot a partial hleaaing. So great inaVroi bad tbeir eflieayy iarariaaly proved, that It tcarerly Ifa tbaa vinculo ta Iboaa who were unaccounted ilh Iba baaolifaUy phi loropbical prineiplr apoa which they vera eoev panndrd, and oya which they coaeo;aen(1y act THE PIJU'.N IX r.lTTEUS are to o&Ud. ba eauea Ibry poaaeae tbe power af reatoriag lb ej. piing osnber of health, to a glowmg rigor thro', ool lie aonatilatioB, ae the Fhni m aaid ta be rawlared to lilt from tba aabea af K vara diasol tMav. - Ta Phamif Cuur an entirely vawoUble, enmpaeed af rooU toaod only ia aeruia part 'Of tha weatern emintry, wiiica trill intailiMy cur FEVERS AND AOl IJ af aU kwdet will aevcr fail ta aradictte entirely all tbeeffocta af Merei. rr. infioitely aomier lliaa lb anoat powerful prep. arataon'a af Karaapafilla, and will raianadiatefy rara tha dctarAintUoa of BLOOD TO THE HEAD; aevcr fail in Ih etriart latinVnl la 11 IrmtUt I and will b (band a eerlaia reaa. . r ,, J 1. 1:. I I rciy ia au cane 01 ' 1 a aiwiuy ia artaucsrsa of the anoat ioipairrd eamalilation. Aoaramadr Ibr Ciraiiir ed IHmtfr HULIMA TISX. ih aOioaey of Hi t heron iiUer anil ba Oamaa ttraiad by tha aa of a tingle bottle. Tha proprietor rwirr 1 ttieopnerlnaity to ae animal cfinnaia at In per so. wr ToleblUhrraof rafrralhroaclM ta)lhlall4lta. .Viarasat r Afjrafiarr, onpytng - s-irs saJua, arillwtul any aliarailon nv anrtafromi (,alduia Una awtfteA and nva it II Insula to. smUm, snad foa a "Tt of lt (f;'ral tf ibr ir rV J kr aaadiag d to 'b rblHr, tTr. Scare wiU ' 4..H ear ey to T 1 II Haavto lhrvof W.W. flaa, tha.l-i tad 4pa ta M ai k Tn"4 A PftHhrra, N. Y VIUtANTi:n DEEDS rc HIS AT tlUti'Ul'.T. Cracior aodeUeDrtbroinrllakMiMrandUaiUer: Ibey aperala awal dclighlfullr oa Iboaa important organ, and beooc bar ever beea found a eartaia , rsoitdy (or the arurat aaaa of GnctL Abaj rl'oiai, ; by dialodging from the torauig of lb boweb lb 1 afimy matirr to abick ibeaa areatarea adhere; Atthnut aad Canmnetira, by relieviar the air rcaaebj of lire limp froaa tba atoeaa, wbick area ' light cold will occasion, which if Bot removed beoocaea hardened, and produce iboaa dreadful diaeaaea. Scarry, VUtrt, aad isreteral Serea, by tba perfect purity which lb Life Pill give to the blood, and all the boatore; Sterlet ic Era, (lea aad Bti C'ameiajinr, by tbir altoratira of. feet apoa the flaida that tVad tha ekia, lb anorUd tola of bich occaaiona all ratir CtmpUiatt, SnUett, Cindy, and trArr di$tgrnmbl Cmnpltx uat. Tba aaa of tbeae Pille for 1 very abort lime, ' trill iff vet aa entire core of Salt XAeaat, i'ryti. elee, and a atnkicg troproreawat to the Caterer tf Ut alia. Camaua VtUt aa4 aacavza, iu alway ba cored by aaa aoaa, ar by two, area in tba wotbI caaea. P tiff, a raawdy for this moat distressing and obtiat malady, tba vege. Utile Life Pill deeerva a distinct and emphatic recoauBeodaticm. It i wall known to boDdred ia lb it city, that tbe originator of three invaluable Pill aaa himself afflicted with ihie ooenpUiot for epwaldaofliirlyirf yrf,liid tbit bt tried m taia ovary remedy preacribtd witbia tba whole eoctpaaa of the MaUria Mediea. lie however, al length, tried tbe aatdicna wbkk ba jn sffitrt to tbe pablio, aad ba ru cured ia a my abort time, after bia reeoverr bad baaa prtmoaneed not only improbable, bat abeokitxly kupotaibla, by aay bav All tba Mr. Mofiatt renaire of bia patiaaU i 4a ba partiaalu ia lakiog tka Lid Medicine atiicL. ly aoetirding to the diracUoaa. It ia not oy a aowa. Mpar ttotiee. or by an thinf that be himself atay aay ia their faror, that ke kopat to gala erediL U 1 aiooa by the reasue ot a ttir ui&t. , ADVICE TO FEVIALEa FamaJeawbe ea. lue good boallb abould aerer be witbotrt tba Lift Meoieiaoa, a they pariTy the blood, remove Ob. trarntoas, and giro lb ekia a beautiful, clear, healthy, and blooming appearaoee. V - TO PARENTS AND OTHERS-P oraona of pletborla habit, wlto axe eubject to lite, beadacba, gidiUaaaa. dimneat af wight, or droweineea, from too great a flow of blood to Iba bead, alaould take it freaoeally. Children, aad perreao af all aeae, mar take then at any time, at Ikey do aot catrlaia raorcary, or any iogradicat that require 00c Qoa- ment ar raatrlctioa at aict - l;t. . TO ELDERLY PERSON8.-V.ny bealtby igad indiridaal who know the value af ilcaTal'a Lito Uodieinoa, aiake it a role to Uke ibem lea ar lb roe limea a week, by which they remove lb eaoaee thai produo due, preserve lbir beallo, ad keep off Iba iaGrmiliee af aga. . - - ,. . HEADS OP PASniJE3 abould alsraye koep a aaaality af Iba Life Modietnea ia tha booee u. a remedy ia eaaea or aaaoea innaaa, ror oy ineir proeapl admiaialralioa. Cholera Alorirta, lioul ia tha ataanacb. Cramp, Spaaan, Feeera, and other alaraiiof eoanplalaU, wbick tea eltoa prove aalai aaay ba awaedily eured or prevented. FACTS FOR MOTHERS AND NTRSES. It M a bet aatobliahed by tbe annual btlla of anor. tality. that ooe half of Ih children born are cut off beroro allainiag acraayearaaf age, and the fruitful amiree af tbia aaortaliiy-b foand to axiet ia Ibal foal stale af the atomarb and bowala which prejdaeea tha raeeratiuw of Werma, Aa lb aaJ reatorereaT lalaatiaa Ueallh,ia ihia critical state. tba Life Medicine have tong held a distiaguiabed repaUUua; aad for toaiawseof in stoasatca and bowala, aad eoarolaioril, alrjwugh Woroaa aaay aal txist, it ia allowed to be eoperior to any eibcr, ; Tba above Valuable Medicinea are for tale by T.MlOLT0N.Af. Charlotte, It. C ' IT A KnrlalSl. El Pueteaeater at nick. ry Crsva, Alcckbriiborg Co. N C, it egrnl for the ale af Iba a bore ajedtcin. .' at oitb watchful risilaoce rrery (lea it taker; (Ley (tart, ieaiBeJ wiih aogcr or Clied with tutpicioo, at every rooreroect tbit stay steal to ibreileo.aa inrasioo tX , Siala sovereijoty. ' To lucb tui eiten) bat . tbit diapoailiga been ctrrieti, tbtt atwercl ailfibutea of power iodiapaosebla W4 Go. tmstctU tare baeo denied to tba central au. tbority at Tatbi0"too, . Objrta of creat - national icnporUoce, aucb at lit etiabinb- mcot of a aound eurreocy , tba refutatioo of forei o traJe, i.'ia protection f domettic in- . ttreita and ioduttry ajaiosl fopeigo grea tioo, bara beea abandoned, because tbo . power oeceaaary to tbeir attainroeul hafa boeo withheld from tha Genera! Govern meat, and it ia iaibotaiUa for tbe Siatea to eierctee it. Dut let eaaa ariae io obtcb tbe iota reata of tbe South require tbe ioterpoetttoa of tbe Federal authority a eaae too imme diately relative to be cbtcured by abatrao ' tiooa aod bow promptly ta " the general walfure " doctnoa - rirtually admitted a docti ine Obich, in tbe epeculetiooa of Slate Eibte poltiiciana, ia denounced, aa tbo .moat odioua and denjeroua of all that are axribed to tbe , UauautoD acbool. Abo Cullowing extract frua tba recent Bleeeagf) of Jo. McDonald to tbe Georgia Legisla. tore eibtbite aucb Cate. e aball not dwell ppoo tbe labored ioeeouity with bicb tbe Goremor atrirea to reconcile bia ootiont of Stale eorereizntT witb tbe prin ciple of federal power, tabicb be finda nico-x 1 . 1 1 - . - - ni - . t ? ecu oMigea to rccogoisw. 1 oe paaaagw ai- , SPOOSER'S PATENT jriY.ciai.v- .MWCA.rs, a ded kr the an Blaring ha. sU.LTAUa.aa Utti Nt.VIVUU) withia ll.e hnoetkd aad reeeb of every andiri. datl ia Uia eonmvnity. - Unlike tb boet of per. atctoue qiarharlfe, whtcb botit of vegetable b grtdients tha Lile 1'ilto era purely and aoun.r rtr.rrtli (, tad aeaiaia eeiibrr Mereary, Antl avnar, Artenie, one any ether anoeral, ia tap drat whatrver. Tbf are entirely eompoecd af eiirtna tmm rara and powerful plant, tlt vir. toaa of which, though tung knewa to aeveral la. dtaa tribe, and recently to eume eaiioent pfcaranav east ml chamUia, era altofatlier ankaown to tba ignorant prttenorr to eaedaral tetenrw end ar arwr Wfur aJmioiatrred In to happily efCca. airKM a aumbin.lion. Their nrat aparati.ta ia to fcmsra from the enat. ef iba tanach and boar. la, tit vartooa knparhi aad ernditi raiani)y teltling around threat and to reanov the hanlrnvd treat shich ollct ta iba eonviiliMima of the email lntM,va Oth er wisilicinna euly partially elatnaa these, aad save eorh w'.lreia4 Mta. bahiad aa to peadaaa kabtloal mstirrMsa, iih a 'I ita traial ad evils, or nsdaWa diarrlia, wl'b It tmtstnawt daogavw Thia foci t wr" knmww In all rsgular anatomist, who en nun is hums a bewsl s0r oVath tad aaxK Hi prsjiilir f Ibss. well w'VmH arra arsm.t tha aas'k atii-lnst nf lb ar- Tb as. od a .rlaf llie 1 1 1. 1 Alil.E I.IMv TILLS to tl'f.tt the kid;fj 1 tnfl lb bU Jcr, and by a alM Titrn. rf A KK tha ban raaVaad chaansal family and go aMdictooa ta Thcee exd, ictaea are the re mit of a lift of 1 tody and eiperi mmi the propria. --- .'w warrant tbeaj In effert a ear, or tlie porcha mooey will be reioraed by himIf ar Irareuieg trcnl Tbey aomprisa tU llrrrien ar Ftmilr Pill: tba Hi. gciaa Toaio, ta reeiora the drbtbt.tod ar brokea down constitution. the I let Id Pill, to car tbot a in Pal diUicutliee and dieea.ee aeeuliar ta wean aad the Ago r.H to rare laleraiUloat fc rare and gaea. t or further tororaiabew, tba afllictad are invited to poaeeaa tbeeaaelrta ef lb II resist and Eiira I t;giat,furnUhd gretie at tb prvpriatora otiiea, a, Aalor Uoaea, ew.Yerk, aad by an tie agenaa. 1 baa papers eoataia talurmaUoa atoardingly inlerceliag ta lb tick aad lavauda, together with twenty lire aaefid receipts, tad a niajta of (beta and aartiSealee, that en list ovte very rasaostabl wiiad, Ibal lb Ilgeiaa tjedi. eiasa are tavtlvtbto. , . THOS. I. H0LT05, AptL CbtrtottcJ.a.13,1941. WANTED,. IMMEDIATELY, I -a knra frari 14 to It yrara af eg, aa AppreoU. aee to tbe Taikxiae Baaiarsa, . . J. 4 D, JAMISON. AaeUlMl. , ' . 3-nf. Ml LIT A R Y F.Xr.CUTlOXS f talc ol . '..11113 IHHUJ. , . ludee to (ba. case of a fu gitjte charged w ilh negro ateuliog, wbo, takinj refuge io Netr York, aa demanded by tbe Goremor of that Smte asd refuacd i v ; ' ; " Colliaiona of tbia aort among tbe State aaay Iv expeeted aa lae ea llie dutiea of tbo Geoeral Governrnent ere de voire d npoo tbe oSicera of tbe State GorernmenU, ebroe of trbota ma; be foand occasionally weak and trreeoiuie enough to eacriCce tbe ere at priociplai vbicb noito tbe Statee togeiber, 10 local excitemeota and low aectional pro- - jodicea.. The duty of delivering fugitivea Iron juttice, wttuoul iiitcr irutnalton, it created by tbe Cooetitution of tbe Union, and! ia unknown to the laws of cationt ; eo that lb Statea, aa tMepetiderrt aovereijri tioa, tronld bave no right to demand it of each elber,. except by compact or treaty . Tbe constitution nowhere require tbe exe cution of ibis duty by the Statea.' It ia tbao to be performed by the General Gov ernment, and it ought to be required to ex ecute iu This te tbe true doctrine of State right. U'bile it jealoualy guarda again! the coeroaohmonte of Federal pova er, it requires of tbe GeneraLjCoremmeot tbe airict performance of all ite cooatilB t tonal obliseiiona. Tbe Cboatitotioa does not require of tbe States the performance of reciprocal duties essential to tbeir aafe ty aod prosperity, while it diaarma them, if aggrieved, of all tneana of red rata. Oa tbe demand by tbe Governor of ooe State upon tbe Executive authority of another of fugitive from i?e justice, wbo mar be foand there, the latter tviebt, witb tnocb propriety, require proof of tbe authority. either by tbe expresa terms of tbe Const t- tnttoo, or oeceeary implication, to require of bin tbe delivery of ea absconding felorj. Tbe aathortty for a demand would be no flueationabla, but it muet be made opoa the Gaverosseot created by tbe Cotntitutioa, and no ttpoa the Slate Govern meet' oa bom no duty ta make a surrender as im Board." ; - l. tm make oe objections to Gov. ilcDoa- aid's cooclution. We believe it ie a eor-' rect onct If any State, on tbe plea of Stat ' sovereignty, or any oilier plea, manifesta atsposttioo to disregard a solemn injunction of the Coaatitution, tbo power of tbe Cen tral Government abould be pot forth to ea euro obedience. Other wiee, the CootlitQ tioa itself is a nullity, aod tbe Govern meat estsbliabcd by it no Government at all. , , . ,We could oith that the plain com moo erase view of lbs coottiiutwoal fuadiooe of the General Corerornant hero set tbrtb by Gov. UcDooatdv-eaying nothing of bit ' mode of argument might prevail at tbo South 00 vther 'question of great national importance. The time perhaps will toco come wben such views will prevail thai i,' whew Sottihera interacts shall tavor Ibenu A triir will become quite eoostttq. tional when a British duty it levied oa American cotton. Ia the tneao time, bj should not the quest ioo be put upoo its real basis 1 It is a quest too of policy, and notu iog more. A conciliatory spirit on all sidsa might adjust every thing to 0 very short time, 1 be &orth mtJe its secnCce vbea the eomnromias act was panted, aad not tbo North only. The lliddle aod Wwitni States nude saoii:'.crs at ths seme linv- The whole poliry ef tba I'nion, ia ee tor as it raapects our coonsercial rvlatioos arith foreign countries, ard tbe tofluaoee of tbe esmo oa our deceits btoroota, to at tbit ttjoneat luodrlled according to tbe part (co la r view of Iba eoHoe) graaiej 8tat. Tie iVarAnsmertf ofevi fTotecttveersjlasa,