inters t a TAiii r s .iwsra and s--v ru.. W eo-y froos t- 5j; - 1 I ' sit ... ii le- aJtanu.aof I. 1 . 1 c! tw.L.r f.l tyj oi. t . 1 m i .1.4 fr .m ! t.2 - v UhiaJ the r"(K of tbe .r l; (til put.i cocuJe".' ). I i Tifi t ot Ike wr.lrfaBay j.- . 1 i reaJr for weal they ir c."'.i, ar. J .ib Otu n th South, b hr two to tb habit of CUD OtJeneg a Tarsi il CeaJUewl (ot toSoUia. imJJL-lhfl msy b etcv;derd a st ta treasonable. . : .... ... 7; cer iitef 10 ue ceoai 01 EjI hi stall ooldeier u ' Georgia tojte Ut nn iaa. I heard froa Marorioj la put lu'.a tit po5$rooo Jl D 1 , of C- speak .to the Li ef our reader tfet able stew oa every j fo'o effict : . " Mr. President I titia New York ibe last uoiKtr; tod at I passed up aeJ do a tot .equipages tuai i.a mi i.i'j ... . , - . box. i;'.t v.-s Ui.-s o; srs u 1. . : lhr u. ana i cae g:tt !.!- i ; - Sod lUt wear ci folly wiA tb ag tbil 1 a: L'-i ijy b laid, aa, J..r iruxe, tea we lit u, see botne ajiia iia grea'.ft d ;.: uu a yrJ of cvi'.aa cloth, the cj'.vj Mttxiacliou, at the thou; tit that, when '... f uiosi, of py leu eetili cr nivre d.dier fioia o,hfm, ara rigid. 8d tbej ' u a. J.uoa laahailacUa tuhx la Ui ara ro3. i ) w iioa cimii, cotij i wucr iir b juj Betas . 4. j i Bi.jlM C4.J i 1 a rvUia l' '-," iSTMn, kucli.uj; ihe tJ.-cta cf a Tar... , wkIJ, rc l.ety tj brui ? -4 reiuia Aa aivk af crery rati tj'jesi.ja of public C03 cera. it J bei a at r r:- i iLit Live b artMvtertanv ii i f ; t U U..-.V 4 u ! 4 j t : :::ch it r-. : . .4 j i t" . 4 :.i.J to U.8 C; ::i !j tali if r. a a ( ' S : -a 1 j . a u a. 1 it : t 1 fuc.onc. tl it tf B4 iwrtna as. it eiI ja thia. Without tLa lil. throw lb a .!ar:-e u.ii.!v of nyA to'A to the cua; be au!J Lera at heart U ihit iLey may !the hsnJ Ik.."j as 10 uo, they Kut exctS-i tao crep, tha qiwuuty fca ucrrattd. It ha rn at v. we know that hi!e l.r l i-J ! . : COL : The rr:!.!' . i .1 Woa read, eti .. IVntoo ruo aaJ iktiMUwtJ t!.-t j stronj tad Uecided tcrtr,, at i. , 4. oft: . !a co jt of lb I'aioa baa It ! BmJT, ob.rfinX Dora fcsauioaUa U donounca larui aa ,,.t t04 ,v, oUlC4l of Wrttlb ttMj r ao$tnoa,tQaa ta irjpaa. j teijtM M e,try de. thr tojtry r m il baa kwf coo$titut4 coa of tha bob my j, to. it could be that three boo. bora rery Li ere (oUe, wtca that - aid asiacbtef nakar , j-j thot; neouli aimed tlerc. dor it tha Eaquirer baa paraded before tie but Utile, produciai nothio-.aoJ Tetanm- public, to ternf) tl of weak eenrea aod KtkU waker kitUectT Be bad jot tha kick ItHa bis ova head, probably auoeal.y, poav aiUy bq! aod b could oeear at oter it. It ia part of bta tytitoa, beo oca ba boa takaa tip a (attacy, atrer ta abaoduo it, ami baa it baa takea bold open the puUte. iod, it tbeo aaaumaa Ibo sanctity of a Ro Bjtab iaua. It m toe bolj to be touched to queatioa ita ditioity ia LtUo abort of sacrilege. Alacr arita aeraral other Sua- drad abeurduiea, be baa eo rolled tbe Tariff ta this bo!y catcjrorr. He artU not think twice oo tie subject bimre.f, test a ray of light ahuuld peaetrats ta the beuigbted re ios itibabited by bis but geseraliua read- ara. . x,- . We, ef late years bars devoted some time ta lb inteetigatioa of tbe system of imposture, o artfully constructed by this iodcIitigaUe political cheat, for lbs delu-1 atoo of aiaoiiad. Aad ataoof other aub jecli bass bad our atteotioo dravo to too Tariff. . We aa it Haled, broadly aod rowodiy , that a Tariff was uocoDstitutiooal s looked to the Coostitutioa itself, aod fouod there tbe assertioa flj'ly cootradicted for tbe power, full aod unqualified, is ex . ' pressly gireo to Coogreas to import duties, la bet, tbe coor.dgiiooal right of Coogreas, " la tbii parturaiar, was "aeeor quratwowf u3 id the lata Judge Barbour, ia some of bia f abstract vagaries, at us bled opeo it. It vaa capital for tbe so called Virginia ., School aod it baa bteo used is that way to the preaeot day. ; ... ,, The coostitotiooal d.fJicultT remoTed, va bate looked to the efTecu cf a Tariff Opoa tha- fierib abd the Soutbee lar aa e ctHi.i aacerta.eead wodaetaed them. ioj the luiuriea that the rvit of tea world ere aiaicg at! After aoase ipecu!atHa that three little light ca bt bad puud tue, 1 ereot tbrougii the coawercial part of tbe city ; there 1 saar a aha if covered iib bales of cotioo. I eat to another, d there, agaia were p.!ea of cottoa ; no a third, I fouod rice aod tobacco. - I passed oo, and still I found cottoa, rice, aod coiloe egaia cottoa every where." Aod I aaid to nyaclf ihe wood or ia explained theae people bra oa sicbaLgts. It is tbe oi I cbaofe of our products that auaiaioa the 1 Our great ataploa &ed ibea, clothe them, aod bd lbswBttUtsf ; Tbe Judge colarged aitb sooa eotbusi asm na this tie' of thing. 1 admired bta zeal for Soutbera intonate aod bia waroitb to . raatatatDiox tbe ricbta that coined founded oo Soutbera produciioos. Ue lirteoed to aitb deep al tool too, aod moat of bia bearers, probably, veut bom witb a roQticiioo that l bia natter baa yt to ba ert right, that it is mituodrretood ia tbe oiiddle aod Northern States, and that Ike Souib ta entitled to radreaa (or aaatua die regard where defereoce atid gratitude are due to ber. It certainly u aol diaagree. hie to the pride of a Soul hero man, to tbiak 44 . i.'U- UoaA and lA-rat. AMLvaj i 1 & break doe a any esuUiaba.'eu ia tbie ccuo- j lcr.t cMh fn m ttc-ro. , ! of t!e Iloo. Svoator's peculiar tiotts try that coawe ia eowpetitwa 1tb theta. la tie ear KM), U was stated o tb j 5l fcijwt Cruuce, jet we cou.e bea that atject is ooce, ttkcteu, they i Boor ol tmgrcss ty a tucniDer trera j li4, vt a i;..8 eurprttud tbat c ue e&t aUuiirers, a.i all Lis roeusuice eck ts reflMtwrat tbeasselirvf for tbtif I Csroliaa, tlat the 5ouibcrB States PPU I Ccn. Jaciuon's ftoiteJ loeiea, sod accumulate iunoeoae gaiua by j cd to eojia-e ia tha cutturo of t'ottoa ; and ; uijj UU buu ia a eiactui such price a el suit ihuta. These it wjl tlwegl.t that if tly coiiU procure; j recomtacodj liot, L crt'!i.,i t) - it .44ix " 3 tJ u e ajeat t'.J s;L::.5 t .. j. ... tit j i v.. '.. . U..J . 1 4. . eury Lm leva bcv I !,jiiJ on a berd tf e-:e c. f .:i:)f.:. -'.a. . ' The i.Ue cf t. : 0,!e Ik jartaieut ( r t'a aieest beads, prerieue to tbe Tariff of '16 "- Mr BaodolphoCefettowgL'r'. . tuea that arer hrod aSroied that the ia . creased tariff would doetroy the revefiue. aod reader a resort to direct tautioa ae : CtaaST to the support of Gorerntnent. &Ir. Clay aod Wr. Webster both admitted -tbs pnriabrhtyaf fntir KTesotrrAltdTrBt SMOt " Tbe speech cade a lasting iapreaatoo as eay roiod. 1 one gte aa accouat of it to a friend of mine, a planter, wba frequmtly rieite tbe North ia tbe summer. U soul ed, aod aaid bat I shall net repeal but a led oie to stats the case repeatedly etoce, rery much ia tbe boguigrof Jude W. ba see. thai ell lb. predicUoa. of tbe 1777," . .1 , T-I. . .TTl Z! which a would elicit. I was to New York. New Yorb eubtitiiog oa tbe prodaclt i. of the South ! be eiclsimed. Pbiltdel phis jnd Boetoe, too of courae J If that be lading ouch pricea the consumer tuust pay. "But aitb a duty tuCcieoiJy bigh to protect our people aaiuat this dii'ue ro abroad tbat ia wteaded t projjee scarcity ia tbe end, tbey 1 uautediauly CQe7ae in eooipeliiioo aiib each other aad loroiab the artiulce wao'.rd about as cieap to tbe consumer a the toroigoor could ever do, aod ia oaoy ioaiucrs cheaper. "It ia astouibro to a bat eJtcot (bia spirit of ceaipetiUoa is carried by lb peo ole of ibis couutrr. to bat a g'gaalM wa deriakioz is a rail road ! To cut tbruugh lbs bdl ocd nks the valLct fur aa hundred Billet, so as to tusks a ruadaluMst oa a dead level, with aa iron rail co each aide to suit tbe aboela tha are to rua upua it, aonewbat like cabiaat work, accus to be a work for a geoeratioo. Yet, wilbia tea years from the opening of lbs Hi a tad road for travelers is ttua ouarter, there aie tee a lb routes Crora tie city of New York to Bootoa, aod two Lcyocd ihsre, East ward ; each keeping the other ia cheok for the beooCt of traseliers. Yoa a r to eee a aimilar cootcat ia the rwaJs Wading from Cbariaetoa to Sasanaaa. Cut the saOMi tptnt is not fouod a aetive ia older coue iriea. Il bat beeo carried to ihe oatreaie, ood crd tLf-T tniitl soccwd boweter, aoong ear BJafiafaciurera. ' At South, erea tJtb., rKeire ooackoo.k.f 3 ZTtZTtr would probably abew that ooa balf bare sunk tbair whole capital once, before suc ceeding. ; . H Tbe principal ketone for plain cottoa cloth, amoooting ta auny millions ef capi tal, are so engaged i sharp riralry, not to obtain 8 or 10 eeats per yatd ia additioo io tbe cost, which ia supposed to be secured by th tariff at the eapcass OTlSf SomhT but t got a pro&l af at cant aad a ball. -l-l . . . 1 1. L . - -f . ,. . . e rt . . I ud y wrw trjin wuis.9 nui w ;JS77 in a Sew years, lbs great difficulty eras to ' dispose of the immense turplu rereoce : Those articles, whicb it was supposed, tbe iocreased duty would exclude altogether, or render Tory dear, vera bought cheaper; than ever. Aad during tbe greater period of tbe bigb Tariff, lbs whole country, tbe South aa well ai tbe North, enjoyed a da crea of national prosperity, unprecedented in ibe 1 annals of aoy people. Tba-TarnT nsy oot bare been, and wo do not suppose if was, tbe sole causa of this palmy state of BiUoooJ affairs. But that it did oot exert a banefol influence is manifest ; aod that on tbs contrary, it was a potent auxiliary ia las creation of national wealth, is greatly corrtborated by tbs bltgVt which baa cose . over us siocs it decline; almost to lb point of admitting articles frt of doty. As to tbe operation of Tiriff opno tbe couth, and Virginia, pariicolarly, ve coo few that we bate out been at! to discover it injurious e&eis. All tbs article ' consumed, wars obtained as cheaply, (aod ' xaasy of then more eo,) sfier tbs Tariff se before. In what then eoneiited tbs injury T Aod no tbs other bau3, what benefit doe Virginia durtte from tbs one aided free trade at present exietiogT Are her pro ducts favored in foreign countries, because rf ibo adm'utioo of thtwrs into our porta? Let tbe duty upon our 1 lour, amountiog to probilmon, and upon our Tobacco, 6 shtl 1.0!js eierliog the pound, answer. ' The cot loa of tbe South is tba only staple of much ' importance, which received abroad and .the sias indicate that that is only admitted temporarily, until the production of that sr. tiSia ia ladia, no rapidly oa Ihe increase, an be ntoereat to swppJy lbs Iiab da taand. . . . ' s .. There ia so subject eo complicated, snd lbs efiects of which are sq uncertain, -ss that of a Tariff ef duties. The eff-cts of aa incrsas or diminutioa of duly oa aoy srti e'e, have "oot one io too times beeo antici pated. 6o lar from if? io oi-e case out of tea, just lbs opposite e&ect from that pre dicted baa ensued. Tats one striking ex ample 1 1 The Tariff was iocreased opoa Cof fee, lbs ptics fell tbs Tariff was reduced, a&d that which before sold for tea cents earx wr air p r - j -r mktek oesd, before tbe tariff, to cost 0 csote aud ajora. Tbey are, actually eeUiag at less; teaa 9 ceaua clotu oo w&icD toere is Wwettt weeldae-sreHtoeariuir batsdrtduVf -TlirMer Uincdas too year ago, when the empef could aot furbiih ibia cloth for tbe eM cottoa we a Unit one Sail ebal it now ia I erlc, trn ,f ihor wer no tariff; for wl bat we bred npootweeiy year ego, wba j.. i ihem ia foreteo warketa waer tbe crop wee scarcely a fourth f sad he ibex Je eaual duty for mil. IbCjiuniNiito eoold oot b bought for lets than 12, or io that proportion. . Uasy similar instances - tai;at Its adduced all going io tbov tha tincrtaio effects of a duty snd explcding that axioai of ih political eeonowists, that , ' Ibo consumer pays lbs duty. 0 the way, - lbao ibis aiuiin, lhtrs ji no greater follucy , xtant, at least o for at it it applicable to . Ibis country ss has bea smply tested by . iperioce. It nay be, tin our peculiar ' position contiitute as an exception to tbs rule Col we inclio to lb opinioo tbsi lb axiom itself" in pltutibl abvurdiiy Jiks eaost of ihe otbsr snomt of that refji d eyetem of political j'iscliery, ycleptd Political Ccaooray. flick. Hit. CerrerjonJcnos cf Uj Scnr.miE'pa'uIieta. . 1 BorroJt, Not. 2(J, 1641, ' t?rira. H-lilor t Have yoti a mind fo Lear bow a Miltedviiie iprwi sounds io New Yorkf I fWI so vlror a temptation . to iv you lis result rj' my eperi)re from personal trial i ibn, that I ebail 1 io!d to it and rj ymi the trouble of radiog letter, crea if you Jo oot puL'r.b it. . , 2a cosh jjcuct cf fs'-.'6ra, fcci.'i? m we hved fifty years sgo, heo lbs pries ef cot ion waa less ta value thin the crop of green peasT Ia 1T&1 there' war aot ona thousand bales ot cottoa exported Iron all tb Lotted Siate. Yet, at tbe eloea of Iba last century. New York wee aa important place ; io relation to tbe real of tbe union," probably aa much to at oow, it we awke due allowance for tbs effect ef new canals in ber own Stats. , Tbsrs were greet fortunes, loo, ber ia those days. The equipagei era even more splendid than now. Pro btbly thsre is eo estiblishment ec in Sew York equal in nwignijizeor to several that existed her at that tires. Tbey belonged, ton, to people who bad never troubled lijrro aelte about rics, or lebaoea, ar the iodio that waa oaoa raised to South Carolina. Bat ibero was a great trade bsrs is cottoa produce in Indis sad manufactured thor, yielding, perhaps, greater profit thea soy sucb buuness now. A greet change bat lakeo place since, tbe cotioo being now pro. duced io our Soutbera States, add chiefly manufactured at tlis North, ft a curious fact that this change baa been brooirhl about by invent ion, for which the South i prwcrpolly indebted to others.-"; "T77 " First came th cotton gin, tbe intco iioo of a N ortborb mao. W about Ihit, at yoa well know, it would be impossible to prepare Iba present crop for market. Thea come the lovention of Ihe poor loom aad other improvement ia machinery, which reduced the coil of manufacture so to low that manual labor, cheap at it is in India, Completely otftdooe; and we ere enabled lo send btcfc to that region, aod olb sr q wrier of lb world, million of yard of cloth made from car Soutbera cotioo, arid (bot extend lb cultivation of it. , f, M It is supposed by some that Ihe improve meots ia oieobtriery ehicli hive led to ibis are due almost entirely to English inven tion. If you investigate this subject you will Cad i hat, ernce tbe attention of our Northern Stains was turned to iOsnufus turr. full 1iare of lliea inventiont bat been pniduced by Ihem; some of the moal im portant of iL'm alirtcxl aimultaneoutly wilb tboss io Eng'and. The retail of tbero sll is, tbsl cotton cloth is oow wale and. sold for eonstdrrabla leu lbao it cost teoy five year ago merely to weave it. Ttk, for loslsnre, tbeeolloo theeiing, or Ihe drilling used for Irowsertf it used lo eoet 13 ccot per yard for Ibe .eeatin alone, it is now told freely al 8 or i enla, leaving, at that price a moderate prof.t over all cost, both for the uwtenal attd manufacture. M One advantage that hat resulted lo lbs whole country from the share which tbs people al ihe North hsv lakes in pro d'jeine those change is, that lb United State liave bad lus imrnrdist benefit cf the inventions. Had lbs manufacture beeo foreign, lbs advantages would havs been mads lo turn for a long lime solely lo (orei'it account, tfy (hat bind of exclusive monopoly wlikb, forego capita!ista kna bo lo eecure in distant uo rL-t. Our people not only enstge in rivalry siih ih furrijner, tut ith each other. U'bile tbey fj'iieily pursue their owa inlorett Ihoy ire m fict cniirrd in s etnicele thai leodt tr UKty couiJ procure; f aaJ recomtacodjiiot Loul4 find tl.ia iitt succeed hi M; hn of Prci.t Tlr vent cb-ec- Now. the chan-'e of seed or oJ lluat may , ir i,. t.u iLe tnuL!e to ba aoccssan ia Imlia lo give eucb Cottoo ; tUf0 to J,cgwn, Aunual i2eage, as U wnntcd here nmy bed-do a success-, jo, be will ad thai it cooUine sug fully a the ijenieois at the South, audj .estl"0M upuB the ame subject, t!nxt important results wouia en?ue vitauui ,jtict I(B ihse ia lie mcitoge just tariff to interfere. Tbe fact w.1.1,, to Coupes. Ia tlat Message, Coa. questiua that the pmenca of Northern' jackloOW : Ii is ibeught practicab! purchasers ia the 'markets of tbe South j t90rganiM'ocb a Bank" (Natwnal Bank) ol great importance in proioviiu i-c wjiB iba jtcccsaary ciCkcs, as a braocn rwts of tho planter from tho coa.biaatiuns ,h iXartnicot, based ca lis smong foreign stents lo depress pn:cjr, as. Ui enj intj.mi deposits, a i:Lo. tbiugs iwware. liul Its coosumpaoa U - , nuLn or Durctuue nnwertT rJt pow- East Inda Couon in Euland m fol gtun- ,hs imtlt jjj, ing oo that of our crop, of which Dearly j md xU eX9eMM 0f wltkrh may U tyo-ibiids or now sold to EuglaaJ. Cut j ih hl gaviwWCf ly allow icg U. EnS!acJ ia prepating to apply coro kw: Jcff t) j to prttata legujauou to wr C'wUon, aud .but it out. , 4, , UMJdcratq premium " It is less than irAibess in tb bouth, then, t jjhW raiiaM t., -attM 8C, tnd will to discourage our wauUbclories and sock" Ml t t0 u,,, the irouU to throw the country inio dopauduuc oa. u IWJ jiwBng0 Oom abicb tb ebove Eogliuid forclollist Juacl i, taken, a great winibirity bo. "If this compeuuoo of our people with tTW tlli$lcheTwe end the one pn.Jx.ed foreigners, ia buying ibo crop at.d furcub- b pj ry ur 1Geo. Jacksuo propo lug supplies of manufactured goods, aliould wJ u UeM Mtuju;j te places of dcpoail be put an cad to by changes 10 trads, tie 1 TnfM,r- lifauchcsj Mr. Tyler's pUa truth will be Ibea realised, ibaMbo South "J eooientpUtassi agencies, at place cf dope, has not been the Uiirfariia iBjswa but has received foir eiuiva!aaU tor.iw Ljrj,,, Jackson withhold from ry thing. It will be found that tber ,r U- vttto MLe loam aod trulh ia 1L0 remark of aa old irgiUtao, 0 1m r. f iJt9 u,. Ty. wbosaidjifkr Li w'lwt orop to giv to b any such poirer. sioMcfwmhagamiiUlioNorthrotateT G " jKk' ropocd thai hi agenc'tca Sail they caa do Utter without as, than , ldlS ' tT,- ,BXMliiaJ we caa do without them." - 7 ' " As ta rice and tobacco, said the Bos. to&iao, tba lattur is ccru'mly aa important articlo ef cornmerce. Many people who deal ta it are comfortably off. But, bile larg fortnnes bar teen md-from" it ia Virginia, it aould be diuicult to point out depoeit f so doe Mr. Tyler. Geo- Jack son requires thai bis sgsutie shall reaiit lb rttoda of tho (lovenimsot ; so do llr. Tyler. Gee. Jackson recouuaeoded that bis ageociea ahould have authority to deal ia exchanges; so does Mr. TyWr, Il is tras that (Jen. Jackson did not propose ta any that hare tnma twm U fts ui jj rtiScatci of oVp.t individual dc ccpt ttr or thrs th nufuctor of , M t bv Mr. Tyler, but Snuff; aad Iboa war Mlsaded, chiefly,) J fowt M Voceesaary eoeqoewra. oyjortooate purchases 01 reai estate. r ,.. .l.. .,..ri, ih iiMt.. J r a ... j - 1 . ir -.1 t' i u t. o: i I. .1 i'.rZ T.1 anount to scarcely tpree e (be cost of clotbioa for oegroes, and oa ill bod tba aarae to b true of tuat an4 othsr articles. -.''' nTa bouth, thereto, srs exasperated upon mistsks; for nothing caa be mers erroneous tbtn tb beltrf that because a bifflx duty io laid by law the" foil aumuof oi it ia to be collected, of course, from res coosuraer, soil ihaltb avanufaciaror srs making isssveosa profits.' Tho wbol tusi of cotton marrufacturs 10 tbia country, takea rm the average, bat not been profiti Ule, Most of lb companios find il difficult to earn six per cent, and keep their mills ia repair, u Ihe result could bare been fore seen, it would oat havs been thought best to engtgs to'il extentivelyiOrjo seek pny sdvaac of duty. Now, a great amount is involved io Ibis interest sod cannot bs ta d from destructive loss, without the kind of protection that 1 speak of, and which, really, eottt nothing to the country. " Some people st lbs North early fors saw danger from thia iwrce, end were op posed to npy iocrcsse of tariff Crora ihe Crst. To'tbev jou'tbat I do . not, speak lojosr It la this, allow me to election sn tce dent which occurred in my presence, when .Mr. Tyler, now Prcudcot f tho t'nited Slates, went lo Boston, a ooa of a Com uiitte from lb Senate, to examine Ihe Branch of ih United Suite Bank in that place. In converting oo tho variout inter ests of different section of ihe Stale, a rs mark of bit, led some one to ssy '(Jentte men from Ih South hive sn impression Y 7- T.1 wl-cx. it is shown that tber ts aa s rs nrwon- ... . xports oi tic CQUOryi rc mm tytiuai onisrenc ia tncra. v ny, uura. surplus cf Oie country! I allow C&(S2W p"I iSEJl eurplusof dointstio manufactures exported ! . t v If -K a u t-ma k bulk ia prsportroo to U value, aad ;wUn ,U7ricd by lb ktter, we cannot who a4 to its transporiaiion t HicwifwBr1d,d he thought other, get nothing f.H of it thsa . ,hen p.,, fcy ,. ,0aw.r pay for their lubor. Tbe rice that is n-j ... ... ,.hmn,.h.n.t nnAn il.i. - j ., ,1... . . e i..i4- ... j -i c" TlT'l ' -rV- 7C i J V.I. ( bj y honorable Senator." carried cy our ships Trorn Ibe islands of the , . .j: :... f-l.i .t. rn,; i... -l - Ur ts the ortn of a ry pretty mar- Iy,b4..cnateJU do with the equipages " thu n-iartor lima tho rice of lb Bowhero ' 1ffr,B uc,,,!, 'f Union of tha big generally. IJwito innwro into tno excn3r-tno-iro. ducts of the Weeliadiea for oupjilie from Whr;:r-Tritfltd plums th eli'jct of exchanges, ho should A CHIEF HISTORY OF CllI.S'A. China is an mpir of Aai! tb snout this country j th exchaag of Cuba so-1 popuioo and aoctsnt ia th world, being gar, carried by -our ships to the North of I t.CO mile long snd 1,030 wide. Pofni- Lurepe, for rfHurn ia hemp, duck, andMHiaa uom ,jvu,uu,w to ewi,iw,iw. iron ; tlzi of tbo peltries and meuU frorafTr capital ial1 with J.l to ils West coast of America, which are , babitaai s Nankiii 1,000,090, aad Cuotoo bare carried throagh ih Pacific into the -1,1 00,000;.- China wodiKas tea, 60,000,. China ?sa, to prcor less, sils, and eth. 000 pound of which r annually expert. or commediiiea, sou mase torn atiniate n irorn v anion, ioo ooiy piace wmoa i of th cofil-e and apices of th Indian Archipelago and coromerc with Itrtlixb India.- He will come, then, to tha eonclu. iod that Now York doet oot owe ber birth reisnera era allowed to mil. - Bilk, est tun, rk, eold, silver, snd alt lb aea- riaa tf life, aa found in Chin., .1 T?) !" and manufactures io many broncho ar m as th Duke aot for t'.e 17 t '- i o r .', a poeit.oa dcuauiJu'g as .-f'-;.j of akiilCulcBt and euor- r n .uie .ctu torn six aecka nr ly t:-.a i. a:!i tl t. late iucuinheot. Dr. NvLmu. A.cjs.cs forty applicant for ll.s vacawy, iaJuJ.rg several gentlcoxo of knoa o ac J Ined alii, iiy, was the jourg ot j-bcw cf (Le Prc$t. dent above alluded to, gt-utleman of ami. ahlo disaositico as repwitays, but of as vary retuarkaUs ijunUticaliow, Mtcr gu ural or acquired. Tb Post Master General was of coon noticed that Hi. Tyler iut la appointed. Yielding to the navesMiy of tie case, 2c. TV'kkhlie neertblcis iouui oxao of re. luiyii)- himself from thee&Uro retpo&&.lw. ity cf aj'poioiinj aa u.cieol t;"-nt oaaj iaiportai.t route, it bisa uitiu.u i. a rcu: into rise tevrioiM. Tb nua atdunti L been LfUotrcd oa Mr. A.lexaodvr, U n proUbly to do all tbo work, bil i! kw inifioruiil acctioa wub the lauie aarj,a given to the Prosidoat s B Ls. The sp;otucuu bata btcn triij wiihia a few days, and a racaacy baa bee auSi red to xiwV for aom s ia tbu tuod important root l'i public interest during that period btog entirely dre jv. dod, to idvr to uui. arraogcnieot iu gitir; a bandsooio peai'.ioaj this jouc gentleaias. , ' ' - Th instince jot cited is not it oo!y ana ba which th Post OJke Depart meat bas been rendered th ojodiuut, asdor tit present aduiiniMrtirioo, for rewording tb rrsouaJ fnsid of tbo Prsiuin.U A Bef offica was ahtolutoly crea tad for a aoa oi DufGrt a yeuih cf ouwteea, raw frsu College, a bo was asat tu4 short tuw wrxo w id) a baoaooai salary and tpocs pai J l odavor to collart iksperato delrt dad t tho Pest Ottc IX partmeut in Los isiaua, lUtskiasippi and Araan3,arMi wbi bav foiled th exertions of lb Pjtfrvt Allofnle;- Marl Cooti rhf r. J sjieti.t agt-nu of these State for Ih lost Ua or Gfte yarv , 7 ' - I might enumerate many ainiLt iostances.' I bav given enough, bowevet, to prov th xileac of Ui evil wbkh I aglr t is fci W9,mm?; .Two of tbs rnowt rtmarUUo iioi a living (svs tbe Saleia P.eMer) are t Duke of U iilliofjtcn ami John Qnucy A aax.. TVir pl r cfgiTatfie-Mi m ill career bve been wiJoiy ti iA-rrnr, but Ih union mt homely, tlau b not no c . man virtues, of ioifoiity, purciualiiy,fai'l fulce, and telfolnj in cd-rt, their pr tic is iSstiticaJ. I he lvi.oSif ,i purarep from tha Loud. Chronkln, i luittates i trait or tw ia U'ellingtou's tlarcctcr t Tb Duke of Wellington i alwayt.s b fotHid ia bis seat from il opeuiag i lb IJouxe, and if at lit twmrMnceraenN each sittiag thsre ahould be o other Tar pmont to bear prsyers, It, al haft, b tuff to be lliere. Though it w paiufuSly evidc tbat hi iron frame beus lo totter; "tc bis mind rwbmyr c;utl to tb co-h-'j f grar aad important afHiire, still I terupuloos exactiws of bis habits, bi, dulous Bttemino, and bis manifest atisie. combined with hie bltnt strsightforwa", ns mtke him amxrt fnm bi cl)nicf a Itt.le remarkat'is L loo liiai iuw x orji ones rwi otto oer oirin '!v vi"" j mm m-v rum hi m or fftwth to ih products of lL South o! liigH perfcctioo,bul ttationary, as improve- the House ef ttth." C, "f lo prvinute lb intercrt of Ihe ecu- much 84 to tliostf of -other rcrionx. He' motifs are now prehibilsd. Ihe trororu will coDtcdo ibat rl.fl nrujucor. ia any part 1 ment i a dea'auttd monarchy.. Revenue, of tho world, is in but oeor nlisht without ; WO.OOO.OCO ; nriny, ew.OOO men. The ! th carrier and h ppdwUy lhea-willlwhgion is similar to Budhiah, Ih chief claim nothing more for Ibo South thsa all god being Fob. . Tli Chiiift inculcate) of uj at tho North will cerdiatly admit loT morals of tonfucius, their great philo. behcrdu?. ' '-" ""ophrf who-was bora II. C. Tbs Aod one word more as to ihe tariff,! great wall andjan&I of China are among said he, If th tu.stukeo belief that it jibe rniehlieet works ever ochievod ly rr-ally inj ires any body slou!d couto it to! man. ITio forc!r commerco of China a be aboliahed, and you live len years lo tee mounts to 35,000,000.ot 1 10,000,000 an. th conseauunce. vou probably will Cr.d!cually, th wholo of which i tnirwicied Ihe concluoo of those who will look back with oppointed sgenta, callrd Hong mer tb.m. Cni l. .i ik. V.L i. j.. Ir ....i-n. r.t hmt.ipv i lliii ' irvlintit." I'nmioiiera are allnired ta lire af soma great advantage from a high tariff al tho advocates of a protcciiv lanil bad icerlain stations of "iaflorar-WWUBPT'3T f""" m . n 1 . . . . . . mi. ..... i.i ... f l A dtt.ilwf Inn liv dl mm rt tbetr expense, it m not so. - I he cireum stsocs it probably forgotten now, but alien lha early movements 'ers mado for so in crcsse of duties, a remonstrance against ft was forwarded to Washington from IV at tbam, thea lha principal eat of manufac tures io Massachusetts." - ."I remember thai remonstrance, perfect ly said Mr. Tyler, and have oltoo thought of it since." , - , ' M The North, probably, want little, il any thing more, than what ia equal to a duly of twenty per cent, kvisd agreeably to the compromise act. . They would fix higher rate no snm articles not of gresl imp-irtance to the South, but take off a much from other, leaving the average Ihe Mint, In lha Middle aud Western States tbey would want aoinciliidg more on Iron; but the country, probably, would lose noth ing; by giving that aid for lb preseut. , , " But, if you suppose that Iher i any thing objectionable io (In, lot u imagins tb whole mailer commuted to the mating" merit of Ibo Southern State, and the tariff abolished. What would L lb result lo ihernKlvet? Thar our groat interest may require aome sid from a tariff. Cut too bsi been protected by a duty of llireo cents a pound, equtl ts ona of thirty or forty per cent on tb value. Even undr Ibis duty, it bas beeo brought la from f)e no mm, ta a return for exports, and used profrably in making court stuffs. ,Tx is lo be thought if. Her crop may pro bally goioEuulund. IJ'it uli a duty an dor iwuuty pr cent, si high would g"nerl ly b ct lb)i two a po':nJ, there it known their true Interest, it will ba said they would never have caused it lo be laid and if those who imagined themselves ag grivated by it had coolly examined its op eration, they woald not bate wUbyd to rcmovo"t. -, .; This was Hi omotiot of alalia said ara our diKtiteioa of tho Judges speecb. Your readers may be omuacd lo ed how it waa met, if they are enlightened or eon vinCed. Home of I hum will possibly be surpristd to know lliut the crop of cottoa in out day could err-r hart been eoinpured to the crop of gr"rn peas. . . Yours, o,c ; ' Q. A Mtmeriscr in Phlladclpliia exhibited a short timo fijto having two subject, one a lady aged about 19, tbo other rgirl about 10 year of n-. IJa beat Dr. Cullyer, for he magnviid thrm with a look, dix. peneing witnmaniuIiilion allognther. In this condition tbey alere prrcutod for ex periment and Ihe imonctiou of iImi commit. Ice. A via thnwt in'o the arm of iht el der fomale made hor jump to her flot ; an other experiment mule ber ruh from the stage, leaving htt mind and faevlnti vilk tie worthy operator. " I'pon Ihia th audi ence iruixtcd on havinj their money re turned. In the scramble ihnl enunl, Ihe oiajjnctiKodlady made hfirnppearaaco.and on declaring tlmt eho liad lcon os humbugged axany of lltrni, having nico'vod no coniciHntiin for her attrvice of about a week, the au.huico kindly votnj her H 50 1 ami io cti ltd the Animal Maiint. ism liumbtiy. ' ton. Tho chif f trada ts with Lnclsnd. The firsl American ship reached China in 1701; now Ihe annual average of t'nited Stales ship visiting Canton ts 3.'... The revenue derived from foreitjn enmmerce by,the emperor varies from 1 1,000,000 to 80,000,000 According to A!r. Dinn, o- pium stuuglud into chins, to the injury of llio I'eoplo, amounted to iU.OOO.OUO on - ''., f LARCH TRHtlS. - Oa portHMis of tho Timbered Ijai-, Bear Lake in Ilydo, Iclooyeg tho Slate, Ihe Treca are of a!iiit iocr! ibl sixe; snd it is not to bo wondered f, storiding as they Into done for ; undiiturbeJ, snd imbedJd in suit of r passing fertilily. A Cy pre: wa recet' found there, mdaau'riiig ' font iac cumforome, which gives a dianvter about U ffct! Only think of a True I' enough for a Horse, Ftiiblo, wirh ro ttovgli ini Je uf it, to odm.l ef tire o ( Wo wer Bwurod loo, ty a rerv nf tab! gmitluman, thai 1 J btuhol of O taero raied by a neighbor of tii is ,: . hollos; of a Cypress stuniu ! Hal El J The sdionlejes of paying for nesC pcsjind disndvintnge of rwt paying i thcmafiiiy be wen in whnt Mr. Ann B iv riilalive to i!w lute Maryly elects 4....: t ' i i i. .v.. r . t . .AM.i! al lv, aui.miiH;u hi v,uuv,liuu nil j ..i " - ... , , , l BUttiiy for several years past, much of 7"" J' -i.:l. . ;a u.:u ;i!.i is.. 'ue i mm re says to it appear. nn.H saas tiiu ail "jew v wv as tv IB iwini 1 1 a way to Ixmdon. Tbe Chines language hit nearly 40,000 characters of h tteis. llio Cbiuof are eminent for sgricultnre, and one every year the Emperor plough a piece of land nimwlf af preaenc of hi pu)le. Iiiclntll'i Htporttr.' - , Cunton, ot the lime it was attacked by the Brilith troops, contained a populaliiHi of about 1,1100,000. It was surrounded by a wall of about 30 foot high and of great thitkno, and had within its enclosure o- tr 80,000 troops, - -7 Tsuon on Drknhtnnrti. On Sunday last, a man, who bad taken loo much rum, lost his balance and fell on the pavement in tfarsh Uarkct Space ' While thus prosfraKMl a ling" came up nnd bit off his noso. This i unqiiexliontbty teaching a strong Ictioo. Unit, Patriot. ; SingutarXTrtt- Tl.rrtj h a Irco no the rood from Wyurnill to llillnborouh, tho trunk of which, a d w fxl frm the earth, brnhu off into two d.ntiiu-t rind oiitiroly dill!:rcnt Iret'i, tdo onQ'- boinj on mk, the 6!h',T S chuiiii i - . . - 1 nnear Hon. Win. Cost Johnson Im lost hiaV lion. We snid ho mild rfever hav f good luck, becmio hr iirf not fmj (ot paperr Now Col. Thome, the wtcf candiilate for Governor, aittny$ ptfid ' Uit a fln. Mind Ihul bcreaft;" tTial rr riaJ.fir' Sinn ptipib 111 Doaf and Dumb Institution I Pi I'di'lphia, on a t iMl to their li tonus sq aiked. amons other ouritiuns !fti Irob Iheir knowl.lo In the soU"! What ar Yunkttt !'! Tim n",i( ' put fo Ih ymmc!i.t. Lut hi not kiw"1' Okked liernnli-ri when one of theiM i a little Cotwidorution, iiinde B tigri I81 1 knew, and lok ihe pencil ani wroi I'Mtlvrn Statrt famout for malirS fr! Hhtntl'gh .'.,.,, t ' ICTMr. A. CD.i-.on. Contract the Tributiiritm to Ptini ('hum!, l'" U hiKt wc.'k, that " m In I kiM ,!" ' wmii ycitr, elirio.t wiihia 7 .hi ffo1; ins, Viveiii y J ' r t" t 1 ii i' iv lC Iwo P-ijc nnd ;!il, u-ii!i a ",l ) Ir) Itnnl Liv, 1 J 17.-f I