f Ij a j i, ' 1 i i. ict y o r jj i-rtrii t r - N TUB FmTEK'S 50.G. Ph ct-.::,l a, prmt I a Bottla Ulk Wibe o., py . ,Tt oars t tell w j ', tii ; . Ti- W.f, Jfl Of .rti, -J ... . , tv. . .... ' At AM i f ;i t . j J .:.ac. T.Vtft it Iks in tii sijVrsV'g bra ptace l a U:, of auJ-.ir.ns -On tiie F,rk urt airauo. Th kt at aui(, aa wa nimbly giag- Th eUnder Utter round f A glonou thing it our laboring, . OiK WiwrtnujtJjaUaUfeuodJ Print, eomraA. print: tba feireet thought Lvte lunaed n piotara atresia, Tba ranaat form t ar aealpta wrvar Ut aty Um Ujht of keautv gleam. Thou Iwrely. any not mtfek lha power Wfc k o a praaJ art ea eUaW That link Um put auk th present boo, AnJ it kreetk-tbe vaioa af fame. Tba a w aimUy flv .. . Tba ekoder Utlara round ! A f loriou thing ia aar l&boring. Oh, where ea tba Ua he fwwj r Print. comraJas, print! Ca4 bath Auod Tkat aiaa ky hn tod thaaM lirai The spar the charge, that we d-asltimaj Tb hkwr tbt Cd wewld girti , Wa nvy sat tha aaaa f , ' Not tba Lata princely bsJl; Bat bow before tba wise aecreea Ja kindness meant fur alL .Thaw ia at sing, aa w nimbly liar Tba sJoedst lUtars rand i A giariou tbibg it sur laboring, - . Oh. wkate Buy rle Uhe he looad ! J UISCi:LLiAT.OVS. A Y.CMEE IX RCSIA. The followiog m iht oubaUaoceof a afory at related by air. Dallet. at a pub!,o J,D ar lately given bin kt rbttoJelpbia, oo bit reiurn from Rutaia. On Jay lad, apparently about mo teen, preeeotrd himaelf before our taiUa 8M at SU rcwr.jgrb. II au . .0r tnorrwr ibat all tba n.,n4ul J. i-.-t h. v.t .j : . w ' iy !! cs. ler yoj(:i' ijwky ; 1 ; wry c.v j n-iwi tsmj Ibrcrjac. J ! :ra:' cr with aa cutb t. tion." A fc J.iyt af.er, bs ca led ;i:n, tnJ id, "I fvr 1 ihaij :sy fcers ; l.v02er, I'm trtned o e !. IVLct tij ta oCr ct.ua 14 my-T-jem, snd tJ iU: l!ie eaiprof dtwmJ hs to iia n ' ihf curiotiel' bKiltJt iwi'u!i' Liw,' taTi" mijjhtf Gim carriaaitb fuur bortea; tud l'a beeq ta lLa tbeairt and th n,u uia ; nd 1 txptc! I't a about til there i to be teen io St. Peierburjh. bat da joy tbmkcfthat, Itr. l)4l!ar It fin-d ao iacrrdiUe ttal a poruo pmly Ud ahould U ibut loaded wKb aticQ two, that tbe ambamdvr ecarcely Cue Vat to tbiuk or ay. - - fa a ahoct lima, tu atraojt ia.lor n a peafcd. Weil," fa id be, -1 cuoJa up my Hinid la f o Ihndc : to 1 ot tu thank tbe l a-mparw, and bid biro good byi, 1 thought ! I CtulJat du laaa, ba'd boon ao cmL b4ja ka, " la there aof tbiojf tbw jfcu'a like ta eee, keAir you fo back ta Aaien ky toid bin I Jumld like to gat.a pep at Uoaco. fur I'd beard eooetderabia buol tbeur eettioa Cra to lb Krenlto, and I'd read a deal about Geo. Bonaparte but it would n a eigbl oxioe) to carry m ibe'e, aod I waaied to carry my earoioga lo mot bar, Sa 1 bid him ood bye, tud cxue off, N a at bt do ou uaa be doaa tba oexj ajorcioj? I u be eeot ua u eamo max ia rtgiawDtaia lo cany u lo Moaroar ia) aaeof luoae earriaje, ul buiK aa back kgam, ba l' aaeo aU aot i aee And wa are oinj to nor. roa awmmg, klr.'Dallaa. Ubt do toe think or v V Aod tor eooujh, tbe arxt noraio tbe Yaukae boy paaaad Ike eoibaaaadur'a bouaa io a apleodtd coach ajMLWr, watinj bia baodarcbirf, aod abuaiine "rwd kyt! good bef ' Mr. Dallaa afleraatdt b-arnJ I i i. . . .i.-o of L ' i order to wAi (oroou!y U rtfached r. Le : . J It 4 i'..t.t.i-;ii t ;r ;ki t t' i f 't; aiid t ii meo aJo;4?4 -'.ia of trutk hv fr tLe ane pu.'p., ;trr vi !. day d-criUt the uuZ4 trui.k ; kese et a rt of" erdinja) brmhe." l W frfa-srkeitrmr -TJrrrtfWWflT'lril'tfcf aejrrra uitoakaid frfdicameaia. ' Oa oo occanoa it it rvlatcd thai a young mat m dreaaed. and d.oJd nb brao, while in cooereaiioo wnb aoaie1 laJjea, uufurtu oaiely tore bitboae wub a nail, jod a!) the I rao eca;rd, Icavmj Lin au reduced ia at to be ecarcely reeejniaulle ! Al one tiro a bw naard probibilio tba atca aamsi wearto; their breechea Muffed witb U I ; and a uiaa baiiof been taken before a justice, tr iufnoainj: ILU law, tatab'tab ed bit innocence by drawing (urtb tbe atuff ioji wbtcb eocimcd of a f air if ahectt, two table clotbt, leo oapliioa, Hur abina, a bmb, a comb, nijbt ca pa, aod aorae other moor anicb-e. 1 be ladtoa, who wer lb drat U at I lb faabioa io I Lit way, wer wot a hit bhiod h gvntleoiea io tbe aiza to which tbey dutwdtd rarmtefTet; but a bet her geotleoieo of lb ptcarot day Will bavo Iba gallaoiry to fullow the fiwbioa of lb ladiet, aod adopt boat! broecbee, yet remaioa lo be tcco. per i l.tl.e .'. , ia to have O L.vt A wi-1 1! tu, i.. r t. r. w avi:. . . jut 9:t tta a y uuf j LJ cf -a i.-M mi a Tut u it j m:,T. I fi ar'lJ TO mi: r.u;ixio.i:u: : - a -fa and i r n 'ivc lo tsKe i be i..trfiJi iptcimca - of the aooo Yaokee : tn ntil way bia kowa, and hand pUy. eo uuoa be tbe outi of!!.-.. .rf iL.,J tog vita copper, and tea peuoy 0.,. ,B .b M maeb ;imUu- .l" u. ,7 a rox TOtV. U'bere it lb ana, al all food of rporta, ho doe doi hi & cbaae! Al any rata, tbora ia oo (tbtlomao ia Daltiioot bo i decidedly loud of lb aoiuarmeot, tboul.b baa out alwaya Diet with tie aurcea hi eoerjy merit. II baa ofiea beca out, but bat eeUioia batd a fox. H'bea be Ltt a bunt ca the carpel b o ually a ail bi.oaelf of lb kinooear of a fiieod wba ha acveraJ aoonda, and fre queotly, upon bia return, he bat beeo rrtf ltd about bit want of aucceta. A law oayt tgo Ibia gtuikoiao atarted Miwick. f ryh lM'l"mf! BK brs.n of I ' h ; of va Bxiuit, J s 19 1 19, lij lM' r ' .. i rr.lx-f r l r T tf ' d lrts ol LLafiu 'C a;. I f',.ie frlltu..!', kjt l-. , I !tal (UlrocJa I.'., j ' ...,i,an-f-r.t the j lh a fa- i roti f - Saaioa (a cetuaoroc the 4',h of Octulcr. : CHARLM W. H.4KSI& JM-raee, C.Urr.a (, lu i ao kuiuua m mU Ibal thet t firrpan i lu j f i (cocralaaJn.acltoa loail cliottia) lir u m , at 1 1 h iluir patrnnare. All a of a dona la Ibcir e ' laUiil.aHt iU kt WAKHA Tt'X. aa far a c !otirwi itwtr I'all a inter I"aLioi;s COatoaier aotfrtiepaWie r"w"n, thai ; r,?.uo,, 'r' " ba Milt coaainece tba iWUK-ClNOIMJ III Si. !". bwf W - '' ' "' f ' . -" aai ; , :.-Tl'-t a .o-, , ,4 . on l:, . . - ' aU.j . c. - " : via ; r loraii:; af ii- -r iv i a...H Uta erat,. 1- "i " .1 . ".".'.;, ta rI,. t t-, i-i i I:.- i liom lha nncna i j.l ai l winoa, ! v!ii;a0(n lxa.i I i' " !, f"J P'- . . ra ltra( t -" ' ' " ' 4 iatlataj,, t t., i" -it-- v ...a t.-.. It, f, ''' i '; .S , - '. tnfiraari," ..... . . :i ; ' . , 3 J Uook-Elnding. TS1 WILLIAM ni'NTtR ouU iafu f f NLSS at bia aU ur.L a aWa aao tiveart el . " r ic g a t rpriu-vp a innvsnt Iba liraacb tUml. I!a ba banT ta raatlaiWc erdcfe ia ki bae, aaul pMrre hiauaclf ta apart a paioa to ite cote plvta aaiutactioo. iriVdwa WA at bia KtV ar al lb Offira tbe Mocblenbarg JitTcraaeua," wiU raeatr ia aaadiata attciiimaj. ClaHtUa. ia 3,11. CkatUlU, Oct 7. leil. 3if CCr Last A o tiff. TH E euuacriber batchy Betifira all teraona io aWbkd ta tbt )( pre oTAlciaodat ov Bra. e1,e!-l0 hw,.fo' V W trow. U. ,fftl0 bwrd f,o.a biia at Moaco.. ...i botrndt of bi fneod. and h wa euceWul bit pockeu II introduced hiomlf, by tayiog. " I'ae juit con out be re to trade with a few Yankee ootiona, aod 1 waul to el aijtbtof tba K.apefor.'' - " by da yoq wnb to e kit r ' I Wooa-hl bu a nrtaent. alt tba aiteotioo aa ia utuall towed oo etubttudor. J COSTING TO A CONCLISIO.V. Sum CA )a ajo. at tba mm Vb p'Ceot Cily of LaU, to Mat, wat juat waf from A,m1.. 1 WP ' j-.vi ji ' 'ooiea wert eoiuuved-a! that olaca t aViabK and 1 w.ul to a,, ., htm, to .t. 1 d..n, r.,K dS atl a7oa,ai it to hirw onb my sa baudj.w ' Tc. ,l L , oa,-ieaatio . ,Mr. D.!l - - .. trji.cn.pao. A Dumber ia aiixk .. ... . I .aWVw.T:. -carry " : " mi auian ana mri. bmu.me 19 ret irn. tht Via afraid i ..v vm. win vmiurr iniv ar alaa aa la. ta carry Adjodjc ibea ia hi buol. II cautbt a Lx. after di Kiog ia hit dea a cuoaiderable liaw Much elattd, ho ttarttd fiir hooie, but oa bia way ttupped ala publio hee, where he fuuod a auiober of acquaiotarjce. To i bee be related bit adtcuture, and appear ed to glory touch at tb iJr of abowtog tb fioil of hi ritertion wbca btratura ed tbo bouoda. lit bad caught a fui, aod b wat rtftlrirmiiad4o tiMakrtkBotwf rfc Juat a thit atotoeot tha idee of playing off a joL opoa bim oterd tbe beadaofhi kc Irkk. What h tou bro-jjt.tr' An acorn." r X. ok of oxoo of toy about Iba " digKiut Htf aUirnal aTavjar aa I art L.J .a....uJ a I at U i a... I -L.a I a . . , nhwmw HW lN laKVmg IBfl WfC acquaiotancee, tod. after coatidorabie Uou. bia, tbey got tb bar, r moved tb fui. aod ae a little ftlln earned Tivloe ttimaha. Imalaced it with a tare cat. Not baio rjeat ;-' ua iiie coaa?e. ur ha iMri - - eottweflieft1n fierea onee oi,trt"i WJ 'bretv? Wwna-tlat 6arttr tcora V r x - Why, et bo'lora I etartca motberaftd I weot oo to Uabii);roo; lo tct about a penoioo ; and wbo wa waelhere, tbo'i we'd jiat tep oter lo Uotiot Vrnoo. I picked ao Ibi acorn there, and I tbo't to myaelf I'd brine it to lb niM!ror... I k..,--..!!,;-..'? . ffL I . - . I . N.r"I ww ww unanii aaif w liau Tbiokt aaya I, be nuat bar beard a cm ibe coiaiM of h.a iaZ ,1 :L - - liat. Hod. Tblbkioa It iniDrudenl ta ailark tlhodrt oo tb s, be lortned a ptaa i4 ifttog hira a bwiiog," m tb bam where be pot op bie oaao. Takiog a trvxy fri. od along, ba repaired to lha barn, aod leaving bia friend to the yard to at fair : tidtrtU dial about our General Wtahiog. (oa, aod 1 otpeet be aiuat admua aur iiuti lotion. Bo now too am, io brought it. aao i waoi to get at otta. - My Lid. h oot an ay matter for a w- .atrancer t erroaeh 1iSw oropcrorr and I ara afraul ha will take ao oolic of your praionu i ou naj belief keep it. , ,." I tell you 1 waoi lo bat a talk with . , hiut. I eipect 1 ((, tci bim thing or twoabouf Auienky. 1 guaa he'd like a - ftiiiywwJMobeara Ihio or iwo aboat oor railroaJ, aod our fie choola, aod what a btj teell our ateamrt cut. Aod whtn bo uoart how wall our people ar --..geuiitf tt&vinay ba rt will pol bim op lo kjing eoroemiug. , ne ton j and tbort oi ja, I thaa't b easy tilt I pet a talk with '- the eoiperor, and 1 ahould lik to ae bit Wirt and children. I waot tea-how tuch (!ka bring tip a family. - .Well, tir, tinct you ara ao determined Opoa it, t will do what I can for you t but yon meet tpct to be ditappouted. Tlo' U will be . rather aa aousual proceeding, I v-ouUJ adeiaa you lo call on tb vie cboa , cllor, aod ttata your wisbct; ho may poa- - aibly aaaiat you." WH, that' all I want of yoo. 1 will - call again, tod kt yod know bow I gel on." In two or tbree dayt, be agate appeared auu aaio. Well. 1 f talk wi . I can loll corn.haaoid ha ahould tet a great ttore by , ..... iima wat no cnractr io ancient , or modern biaiory he admired to much at bt did our Waahmgtooj ho eaidi he'd elant tt ia hit palace gerdaa with hit own baodj and ba did iifor I tea him with . nyowo oyet. (I wanted to auk ma ao much about our tchooltand railroadtiond oo thing: and another, thai ha invited ma 1 lo coma again, and tee hie uaugln-ref- for ht aaid bit wifo could apeak, better Cngliah , than bo coulJ. VS I went again, ycatcr. -day: and ahe'a a doe know in woman I 1 tall you ; and bi dauglttera are nice rale." nai uia tnt emprect tay to you T ' ; ... "Oh, alio aaked tn a tiahl ofquottiona. Von I foil think aha lh.i.l.r . coiaioj of bit eocmv Ito biopeoed I bat R Ma bad emulov ad a atooV(ouUe fitted coueto of bie oaoied Ray, to takcre of hw oieo th otghl About dtk. andNOrt dTfaming tbertvarat a enemy witbio g'tathoi, b oa in twrn floor fodderuig kiacaiMlo. It wat loo dark lor ibe Iriabanaa lo diacarn any 4hmg but the outline of (be Yaokee, auppoe mg, aa a manor of eourae, llial be Twaaihe individual eouebl, he avjuared awav. I brew biBiaclf iot a ecieotific attitude, lalhog hit oomy to look out for himaeir, gay bim on of hi beavieat blowa. Although be hit hit nark, tb blow bad no more eiftel apon bim Ibao it wutild Boon a atone ot.'lir Rty waa uncootoiooa aho bia enemy wa, out at any rat waa reaolved to have htm out of ibe way. II therefor aimed a Ire inendout blow at bia face and , bit hit war, aod laid Jiim aprawlmg ppoo tbe barn fl'ior. Tbe Irubmao picked himaelf up at eooa at poeaible, tad toad out of ibe barn aa faat at hit lea would carry him. Hallo, Jimmy, aaid hit cooirado, what bave you aoaa r ' v . , v ' M I've come to a bit eft eoocluetoo," Vow thiE jTifc (Xtn ) RtsUttr. A CVioaa Peteion. moat whimwctl petiti.m wtt preeented mjbe Senate of the etat igitlaiur, no tbe afternoon of the STATE OF XORTJI CAllOWA, MEt tUOBl lO COl JtTV. Svptrior C'owrl cf Iaic, Atguit Ttrm, ilaiba fkaaikea I t fiUiioo fcf Ihroaee. AamL Faaika. ) IN Ihw eaat, h apiaariif ta tba eatiaaetioa af tba Court, that fttmoel Klaaaikaa, lha V-Ia. daiit, aa'axat ao bbabiiaot ul ikia Male. Jt talicrt ftrt arnWaf, that pobucatio kt aaada far Mm anaalht, la tba Cltarlwia Jvuraal aad iba Hack- leaLWf JalTrraonta,' for tba eVfeivJaat e aaear at tba atU taowaor VaoH af law. to be bald ft lb Coauly af klcktaabarc,at Iba Court ljo la (barbate, aw tbe foortajUoeday of lebraaiy writ, tba aod there to pkad, aaawer ar dar, ta thai ptliiMa, a jaiBaat are eoafraa U ka talc rod up acaiaat bua, tad lb eaial pclilie beard ta aarta. tViiBeaa, i. ft K'rr. Clatk of our aaid Court, al cfH.,lUe (hmU IXciuar i Aafaat, A. U IMI. aad ia 1I4 CCib year af tba Iadcpea4eca af aaid Stale. J. ft Kr.tm.curt. rrieeadt.tlO. tatf there, Ibat tba kafluvaa af that eoacare auuot be tloaat) aorlhailh. Ail wb wa wot comply aaub ibia notice betatea thia tbaa and tb ltt of Jao . L .. I - . m . nrj tail, wj a aviiKiDeBi an weir mca ar ee 'i couatm. mmW ml alaared mi 1.1. win lAawtfU llu.m ub a oCatr. ia pmuicrly fit Ud MUt W abatl (it a Una taMrrt. ADAM AU.XAXDER. Cm tf tit orWv tuitn lie Jim e Attsmmdrf Sf Dntiert. AV. 8, lSii.. . U ! CTocL V WatcLt itcpalring. THOl TUOTTEU , J I ILL eaoiiaaea to ra- S J pair Cbxka tad H atch. a ia lha varj boat aaanaar. I' rrjacrd ky Ibe ewae . I i.t. luf a tcriiL. : curt of &iU tiirti u !-wrct an laaf,.. -rm te'.i and IfjUns, ' -r ladoaav H aril (appli ed an all kiadtef Mataw rial. Ilia Simp ia io tb Jelr Stora of S P. Aiaa. aadae, aituah 4 fiuuib fioan lb Court llouar. b tseea tba Mjr,.a Hooa " aaUUx CbarbiUe HultU" II oiU kt bia eerweet eetiri I do vol nilhfully to aa aatit aneoorafaaaasL . CiariVue. Am 3, 1 ML - 3Clf , K. B. ilia price ahall ba a WMdcrat aa peaai. 11 e . nai nliaV. 111! .AlA. COACH 3IAKING t f VltlEaabaeribenba. 'w Jki in tntarad inases. r STATE OF. 0R TllCABOU.A Superior CvtrlofLav, Full Ttrm. Wl. Dirorc and Jimea Kauiaty. Alononf. WX ibia eaaa, it appcarin( ta lb eauVaetioe afj tf. tbe I'mrl, that Janata Kaaaary, tb aalattdaat, : w not aa lakabitattt of tbaa butt, B a tkrtrftn arVtrtd, that yoUtcalioa be aiaaa tor thrac avmlba, ia Uia Laacuiu CepabUraa aad VVaUra Wbi( i Cannae, at iba Cbatlutle Juornah" for tbe Cafe. daot Is appear at tb aaat Ouperit Catvt (.! la ba hf id for Jh. (Uwa'r of fjaeotn, al th CWt I tTBtfAHtlMj done al Uaaabarltat . t. rilAA (AMMAN. . , ' JOSHUA TEOTTES. C-ripfff.J,Brl..lbtl. SStf t .. .Jib akot Utmost ui all -" . -y ita variooa kf aocbaa. oid mat branerl ka JUi.C.l rtUc 1 eppoati tbe JaiL I STALL WORK WARRANTED. - ' , -f Ha ear m. ar"- , oa,f ia Lioeoiuloa, a iba second Mooda eaat tba tiiird Blvaaty ia f tktoary aaxt, thca aad there to plead, aoavae.a daraar, ta tbia rxtitioa. ae jueffmant pta arofcsao iil ka mlortd tp a laioat kim, led tba aaid patiua board aa part. aa Haass, r . A. liofca. 1 ttrk al aar aatd laort. aarvanu io Antertky ! I lold hfr poor folk v did lbir own work, but rich folk had " plenty of tervanta." . , . Cut Iban you don't call 'otn ttmnltt' . toid tba 1 " you call 'tm help.n - "I itunna ma'am, vou'vo Vwn . . 1 roUop ! eayi 1-We bad that ere book aboard our thip. Tb emperor clan C:d bie hande and lounhcd aa if be'd kill imatlf." tou'ra right, air," mid h, ; jou'ra rigla. W ecnl for ao Entjluib . Copy, and he'e been reading it thia very , tDorninal" Then Mold bim all I knew . about our country, and ho waa mightily ploaaad. - H wanted lo buriw how h-ng 'l eiMctadtoatayiniheteparia Iloldhuo f d told all tba ootiona I brought over, and 1 1 guteead 1- thuuld go back in the eame hip. 1 bid 'tu good bye, all around, and Tbr W etwrij Ihttrrei, and tt -rwitwiaitione r oua eet itinn By me tacetiout reporter ara 1110 i.taiiwiiio it nig J- t . . The petition, from one of ita principal icaturet, may bo tolled a petition for tbt encouragement of Manufacture. Among other Ibinga it reprctent a ttalo of cetiuaoy aa unnatural, tnd quotet Valtel't Lawa of Neiioqaio prove that no pertoa io anal oT celibacy ran oecuiiy a permanent "plac to aocieiy. ; After rejranltng lb tIiappintniol of tb people i n()t jjanung a National Bauk, and that money i hard lo get ''that there it a heavy atuck of ginion paou 'mat cold aeother ia ap proachmgatid Ibal many a Gallant, gay Lothario' it obliged to gather choatnuta lo procure money 10 pay for hit marriage iiccni uivy rnott retpecttuiiy pray ibut the fro for marriage (icon may ba reduo ad ,Tbt' potitiooert, behevinglihat tha beat way lo procure good cititvna ja lo on couragt matrimony, hope llial ttwit prayer will bit granted. ; Tbt potitionera betne al ao lha friend of edueaiion and good morale, atoo pray that lha tgitiatur will grant premiuini lo difTareot youtha for tlnvir pro liciency in atudy, and alto 10 the author of lite bnt book oo moral chancier lendiog lo cruaie gi-neral taste for reading.".,,. lBom dillieoHkt a rote at to what corn antle th petition phould be referred, it wa al Irngtb diaoneed of by IrantiDitltng 11 to lha Il'juao of KeprMentalivc. ' Sociability, fo dm with four young ladiet and taynp. pt him now-t I't) fchow yoo I cao catch a M!' and with ao ttir uf triumph out be pop tbt rat-.' I'lterly coofouoded, It knew col what to tay, wbil grtoatlkie qaif tly crept ioio a corner. U," ai a be. afur roeovwrmg frd hi eoefoMaio, " I dug a good wbil for that tbiog I m have takea the cat aod IrA tb fox behind." Tb company around erj yed tbe afTtr oiwcb, but their marrinierii araa baigbtewod ben, abortly after, tbry iaatned lb true atate of th cave. Sim. . ' A LorKg LEAP. ; Th lop of on of th tower of Ruthvea hnowe, Srolbind, one tbe'teat of lb unfor lunate Ikwrie, it called lb Jit idea Leap, rcwiB ita name 00 ih following ac count : A daughter of tl.e first Earl of wrie wtt ddre(l by a young gentle- maasof inferior rant itNha neibhorhiMvl. IreqqjiriiMriiiter of the fan0, wba never would giWrh lrt countenartcMp bia pat eioo. Um loi!rog wat ia I he tow,aepa ratod from bia mitra'aj th lady, Iwfon in aoor wer ehul, conveyed hertetfinto her lover'e apartment) bilKaom prying dueeoe acquainted Ihe Connteta with it, woo, cutting otr, at tha llinuhi, a Tlofiht a Lif Pilla Sc Phoruix at aOioa, tba 8d M .Jav 1 Aar tba 3d ladar U 7 ' , " ' A -I . t.a 1 . , 1 i, t, trw I frn II F.'E aaaaWMtta ara ladabted fi Ibarr aaaa loocfudcee of aatd Stale. - - , - . f JH. to Chair auaifeaa aad aaaa! Me aatioa to a f januti. ... rii.eaaa.t ut iiMmmms&fr.fifvA'z utijjl'd faat that at a vary early pariod tm tbctir I hittotjr tfaev bad rntaitad aoBWrera frora tb r fwtgf vf aa oatiataly grave, aitee all tbt daoaptiv , ooau-twM Hit day, prataibad by phyiieiane, had j nuariy laio, ia f.ick eaas toay aiaa pnrraaaast. lj atxurla4taularmeojjiBBatork.aUk,th, aot wkish Ufa iualf ra hoi a oartial klaosiir. Sa I traart In deal bad Uwtt efiioaey eaaanaljlf paova 1 ui H araa act reals test Uita rouaraluoa ta tbaa 1 aba were aaacaaiRl with lb baautifullr phi. jbjaopbieaJ prioaipK apao brb Ui?y ara am. j pjn37anaT op-ui mYiti lbv eoruooaaoHa art. I t UK rtiXMX BITTtUS ara to called, be. j caoaa tbey pasatn lha poast af reatsfia tba aa- i ptnag anoert ai stall, I a f loWiaf tiaar thro". ;at to tMaUtutioa, aa tha Pbaraia Uaaid to ba j rsalorad to liTr frgra tboaabna? iUee diteola. tiott. Tha Pbeniia Diltera ara etLtmlt rr.d.O. jeanpoaad af rooU fctmd aolp ia earlaia put (Jim rm.nli Lyii. i-tft a . "" n ana csont ai Harwo. tTLrert mtv, woman and child, ia tha failed ' arstioot of tUrauatilla. anal lt im-.r,.iJ. RtaU-e. aha paaea a Bille, ill turoy forniab i to daterrainrtio of BLOOD TO f HE thrnnwlva triUi the tollvairr brauUfuJ eeiiot IJEADt aarat tul ia tha miItm. mOx .a- Scriplur lltuMrattawa. N: y"t f"nltl and arUI ba ound a ctrU.n rant. SOD l'J torlnt Illnafratllwa 1 5" eaaaa afaaraoa dtbiUtf ad Ut'llIKBlRI.K 1 .j t ' f" a ia un auicavep af to rnawia liittara will k deOVoa) tlrarad by Iba a-a of a atari botUe. - To preprtaaut rtjuicr in tha opportQnity eiTV dtd bp th tmimaal diu4aon aaf lha pwaa, fiif placing bie VEGETABLE LIFE N EDICT itnta th koaawdra tod reach of eaary iadivi atv . . .. . . PICTORIAf ILLUSTRATION . ,..;: , - . ev vut " ."" " X I) al lit Ji 'ja VIEW IV Tilts IUW.V LAN l , wtr ttu. an utmtna WTTta-rai-aa . DESCRIPTIONS. 0 CUiXl-LT laSATF-Tfi KXCa IlAVI.Ma.H ' abd af BaitwraaM paaoage evonawtcd wiiti Tn f7. 'graply, ia'wul Itittory if Antiqi.'uiet " e wa (ACRCD KCUIPTI RIIH. ui- . . aao - . ;. VIEW OF THE HOLT LAND. . , tKrw, C"iwr. tt Vainsi renaraT..-. roar kandrvd aarra fivo. Kim Piaer. Itoodanma. ly BuuTid, Vim aJ Tu-t ftMart. Tba ailhtcri ber reapiitjVilly inattca Uia attention of t Wer- bihly of retreat, battened lo aurr.toiHo, 77!SL th tTni'lil! ,h Tl'JUU th Tbo ,D? Idy V r war. ?wk , Ih V ilS-kSw "ZX ' ZL2tt& . O I J it . ' ' v wviriiMap beard Uia fontlr. of Ko l.t f- Ifhtttratai Woak. PuWrahl J 1 "l""" . m " TTT - ' w " l'" " wave vwuuiMM 1, k. " -w iw. to the top of ih teedt and lxk tho des perate leap of nin fort four tnchet over a cbavro of nvty feet: and. luckily. Iishtrnt oa t)ie bettlemeot of tb lower, crept tutu her owe bed, where bar aaloniahed mother found bar, and of court apologised for Ih unjun eutpinoo. I h lair daughter did niil choote 10 repeal the leap, but the oest otgiti eloped, and wat married. .NAUTICAL ANECDOTE, The New York Son lolle a Dond aawo.. dot of a New 1 oik ualirmao. It i th boo at of lb hardy tuherawa and cot alar oi ibe North thai the cao tell where abouie tbey are, without any tnttrumenl oui me ioau,ani wun ao oiner observation Iban a onitioy of tba and broogXl from in iM.ii.in opoa 11. a tew yean ago on r-..A.H 11. .-1 . afiaiu uuuaar wa 00 a crotte, and oeing confined to hie cabin by eicknett, he di. rfctea mat tneTead ahould be broushi down lu bia berth for bia inepeciaoa t The eraft beiungerj to Piamuckel aod waeioaand bel lat. The mate of the veaaH. eomewhal of a wag ton counter 01 mo Captam'a inlalli. bility, greeted the lead and dipping it io ina Dalian, earned 11 rjowoio tbe berth. Uld Caoiain Cunker't ctet dilated with at lomahtnetil, at ha asked. "Do you ta vou jjoi inia aanu oy Bounding r ' tea air. ..." ..... w "ThcD-Nantuckct'a ttmk. and wa ara right over l unper'a Hill." , u mat went on tiecK. - Anecdote.- In a time of much reliciout ncitemont, an boneat Dutch farmer of ih Mohawk wat ikd hit opinion at I which denomination of Chritiiatie waa tn lb right way to riaaven. ; Veil, dm," aaid hf, vea we rido our went lo Albanv. aom tay di da heal roat, tnd torn ay dut ia da neat 1 uut 1 ton t iina 11 maket much difji-r . etic whiob roat wt lake, for wen wa gel dare, tie nufor ask ut which way wa come and it ia none of dcir butmcii, if our aeat b piot." -- . . ' .,; .;. -- ,:: htap. id and 12 J, Kaaaa ttret. New York Cily. .''""" j oot. Artan It of haaWl. vtecraauc, and aoalain atilhar lUareary, Anti to, mot .r.U.idefinl be ml. , KM ritrTORIAL fWai hatevar T.TlZuZl. Zl l lr ILLloTRATit.N, rnafK Rlfn itM JSiJJJlrf-' m. . . . . - wvs,ta iiwin rara auia anaa eat rut nianeai ttida sax aumwer VILW IS TUB HOLY, LAN D,t0,r ikl. together i'b naojU aval ,eo..rkahla oh. IT. uini SJ TV1 ... I u .1-rvi i ..a w. -r-.-,T "'.. racaaUy to torn roiaent phtrmav - WMKU.w. n.imi t tara repreacatini tacrad birtatiAUteola, copied fran.Ncnar.ot ptrarTto UelaL atlgtoal : k. r-d waapot, wKh fall .0J 53 iaM to mTwSIc inlerett in, letter. preaa fWilrrtiobt, derated tolcirma Vaomhir,.! " happUy aflic. an txptanatiaa of tho objeeta Motioned ia tbt aarrc left. ' 4i caaaiaatiaw tJtwriH be Aand a vtrr aanl aad nroAtibl baok. ataeeiallv tur Iba oar f Yov l'toru, aboandinf 1 tb anoat value, bia inroTmaiion, collected witb (real care, from ibe beat and latest taurcea. Il may, very proper. Iv. bt designated ewnaion place book lor avert thin valuable, Mating ta ORIENTAL MAN. NKK. CI STUMS. Ae, Ae, and eonjpraaaa .fib. ia itself (awplcM lisrarp s niifmaa aad attsi ktmltJf$. A volOm like Ih preset. I, i fmr perior ta lb eommow Aoanala il tri1 s,str k. al ataft. LTIt ia beaulifnllr krmled ia ne lon prlnier lypa baadtonidy bound ta mutlia, tilt aod ktlrrad 1 aod ia. dri,ltdl.-ii ktt mmJ tk-fttt fuUiNUUm (lor tba price.) ever Unti irwm ass mmnuan iTsos. - V A liberal discount mads la hl.1 I. n. tbasors, , - LrPersont I th eoonlrv, iahin to act as Cnls, anav ebuin all lb nacetaary information, ;L .. W" I ,nr,T mu,r w ubcnbar, . 142, Ntttia Street, New York CM v.. KODLRT BEARS. fuUtsirr. S Clrrermso. joM.in..nj.,. .... ofhUth Hoboolt, lOTAgr noirf nligioo News. nuivrssnn rtrwaieaierjlj'muiiitlera,nd Ibwk. tallera, thmughoat the country, are respectfully requeued to tct at oor agent. - . IT A her ttlU b (site freia frvv mij AO-iiiiitiiorr Papcnllironeh. A h Uaittt'd Mate. " iViittpniwr ST Mjratimtt .1 . - . . . n iiiv .is a hove enflre. iboal any allaratioa er abrWgemeai (inoludine Ibia oilc. and sits u to i...i. 1. sarlions, thill reeiiva sopv f tha work (ay thtir areVJ by sanding direct lo the Publisher. BTMr. Bear will pleas diieet onr eons 10 T. INton, to Ih ctre of W. W. t:t. fi.-.i.j.. anddrpuklt i arith Toarnteertoi BrollM.r,Tf. y! Ciena a eomtxnatiaa. 'Their first oftorttion is fo Inoaea fram iUm.1. ..H.bwekvtto taritot bapariiioa kud cruditio eonaiantly aeilting rwjnd hem eoQ an ranavre me ntroene nree tthtca colleot Inb coovolualimt af the email iateaUnat. . Oih. mtoicioaa only partial!, clean Uwaa, aad have aoch, eolltclcd maaae Vtund at lo pntduee habilaal rottmrwss, aaith all It frtia of evils, ae tuddeo diarrlia, wib Ma tnmiiteaNtngartv Thia fiact aa well knoara la all eeeolar anatoml.t. bo eiamin Ibe buna bowel artrr death od keota tha prejodice of iheae well mfbrmed mc, ajaiuei titta nnari awdieines oTlhe tfv. The ae mhI ettocl of lha V EG ETA BL& L KB PILLS m i cleans in kidney and th bliikkr, and bp Ihi meaoe, th liver aad tha long, Ih" health actio of which entirely depend apon Iba rgo. lanty of the arintrv arrant. Tha brnsd. h?.i a.oa iis re color irony in aeeaey of Ilia lirar and lb lung b -tW it pastas inla lha heart, be wg tho pnribsd ky them, and ooorivhtd by load eotning from a alee stomach, cnoree freely thro tb veioe, renew amy part of tbe ayairm, and biumpbantly mount tb ban nor of health ia th Bwming encet. MI UTAH Y EXECUTIONS for what 1h follewinf are amen the diatrtnini ..u. ' f human ditaaaet, 10 which lha Vegeubla Life .... win anonn 10 oa miaiiiDie: . f : DYSPEPSIA, by Ihorooghly cleanalng th firal nd second ttumacha. and ereaiina s fl.,- r .u hctlihy bile. Instead of the stale and acrid kind FUttrrf, I'tlnlmiin tf tht ItmtL Lm, tt Am, iuj.i. IJ.-.J... J 1.. ... ' "r. r ....... ... ... ,.c..mr, nraitrMutt, . tonptr, ataatefy, Lsagaar adJUttarlay, which ar the general yinpto.n af Dysptpat, will e.n. I aa natural ennatqotno of it ear, Ca. Jiwya,, by cteaaiing Iba wholelenrrth of ibe tn. tfitlinaa with a aolvenl prooaaa. aad without tio. leoe: all violent pur(e kite th bowtla eostiv lihm two day. , fharrw and CUtrt, bv 1. moving th aharp acrid Buld by whieh the com. iilaiiitt ar aceiaioned. and by promoting th lo. bricalive asViretiona of the muonut membran. FttfrttfaU Hdt, by restoring tha blnod to a ra. Julaf eiieulailoa lliro'iha prooost of porspiraUoa maorn aea, and the thorn tolniinn of ill intra, tlnil nlailrucliun. in olUB, The Mt Medieirae hate bee known Ih Oura- SinMiim parrrunenl. iv in inroe w.r.a, a.d i i,,i. ,1,., ,ia . Icwovlrrg local Inntmmatioairomtht mawSa w4 ' I a. .... t 1 'a of j I I1.1.I. 1 t I... u. a ill iff, el an en' r tlot. hA a sua... l tf Uu Aiia. i . . a'tara I c.fcd i 01a doaa, ar iiw wt taia. 1 1 , at a re.e.ir u t Kt4diirrcr2 ar.d krt.al maUit u'.'a Li e l t.M i ..iv ad.aioict aias.1 rteomHH iniaija. ii it atU kaoaa takaj in lLa t.ly, iljal Ihe orijmnor of theat iv.l tC'j a l.mntif afn.tud auk ihisesi- i spa ariit of li;rtyw yrtrs, tod It a! ki irk taia every r:f Jy preaenbed wntia Ua , oaipaeeof la Jiu,ijlcd.cav lie koa.v li-ejth, triad ibe medico al.ub L mud Iht puMic, bii ba a i cuftd i a Very it. fler bia recovery Lad beta pron.ot)s4aii 1 a .. '..,,1: :i . . -I nupiuus.s, a.ua asu.uik.j uupusaac, Jaw mat aneaoe. - AU that Mr. MuCslt rrquifc of kit tobt pimcu! in lakir j Hi Ltf Mtditiawt Irnourdioe tolbetiiuciieoa. It is bh u , paper .aetice, or by any Ikeg toai be bHanl say 1 tneir la tor, lhat a hope to gai am It ia aJoo by tb reaulia af fair triab ADVICE TO ITMALaramWii, lue gjod health etould acver la witbul b kltdacio, a tbey purify lha btoad, etau. (tractia, and ft the aki a bcaulihi, J sai.ay, a olaotBUg appxaraac. , TO PARENTS AND OTilEUi-Pw, a pKlborie baiut, be ara sublet to fji,kui raidioaas, dimnasa of aijlit, ae drawaiata, loa graat afluw of bioad la the head, thea it fraqueallr. Cbildraa, and pcrvone si it. may tat tm at any Utnt.as tbey da eatacj Mrcwy. v asy asgrcditot thai rtoirc j mtni ar ror.nsuoa at aiei.. TO ELDERLY rKESOXa Many W. agtd iad.vidoaia wha know th vaJue af X.; Ltl UadioioetT, saak il k rule to Uk tbt er Cue lioae a week, bt which lbv rtaHs. causae ibal aradoc dtseua, preserve tbtu bJ a 1. . jr . . r . : . 1 asap - tarn anairasiiaa sa agav READS OF rAVII.ICiboaLJal J a ajuauuij aa ana au mwucmca tn ID ass a remedy to eaaa af taddc ilineatt 'fcr if . prompt s4uiuiaU-sUua, CboWra Uartcta,Cc iba atoaaacb, Craaaps, npase, f evaea, aai a alar mi ng swtnptaiaH, hisb too aAea prow i ay sa paup w ta or srertatod. I ACTS IXiR JIOTUrxs AND Kttsr. It it a fact aat&biiabad bf tha auoual kills af a tuny, that easfaa;r of lb eUldrca bora in aff btfijf aiumine am year of art. aai froitul totirc of thit aMrluittv U toauid la r a that trftotor to atetMeb aad baa ah r produce tb tawevatio tt Warms. Aa tax restorer of Iafsaliaa UraJ'.h.i Uii.riticilr. lha LiA Me4iciaa bat lung held dwhtpM raeaUtiu ; ad far tbaltMtt af the ateaudi at . . i . ... . ... aosrsis, ana cootowqos, annooim ) oraaaai' i exist, U it ajloarad la be avptriui la acy ttSa I Tba above Valuable Medicine ar Cx wi ' . ' T. 1. UOLTOV. W j a, r.Hrtiiisstti alii. (urg t . r. ia eal k LTAtSprla; rytirove. i-ckU sale of lbs above Medicine. ferOON'ElVS PATCXT .::'?. A REf " 1 1 ly aai f raj trwc.ciM Bi; trta. latwe. i-inaa ars Ik -'-x-isnra ,J . It ! JS- J "Hodr kadn - , ' eocditbtpv ij; lor simnliili Cl leinvtr tbaparcoaaa aoaaeyvJ retotatd by bimactf r Uitetlin frat-T eamprni tb Urjnt or limilt rtlUtbaE tots Taoie, I taatare Ih aVK.I.otr w daw eorrtlitutKaj j the I'tMioe PUI, I ton t-j pauiiui di:acu;iira nd dueaajswcalai and th Ago Pill, to ear toiermiuedl rVfrnrl egoaa,. lor Partner Hil'arniaUow. Ihe kffiidefr Eitra ilieriai. foroi.hrd SVslia SI ttMIHiinrMlr tiooa. Ikew.raek, t W ma areata. I rtssa nanm ,i.iJ i. A uisgis Mtaewatias a tKt U..i i vetwsv who twenty fir taefu! reeeipla. ati waea af faau a4 eeniliratU. that meat eww very reasonable niiad. that ih, llrrcisal. Clnra ara invlnaki ' roraaleby- --- rs THO J. WOLTO.V. Aft J'eiT York Weekly Tribon rRosrrm-a. - 'HIIIE Publisher af Tat Mew Yota Ttar M. ncarard by th generau patron yr ; kwrty approeal wbnA ba kee catawdsd at Miiy paper, uac It estatbabane.1, aai ai ba alreidp rendond it lbs mj , ealtlioo ia th oily, propose at paiblrsb, e ati ter tbe lath day af September, Wa-KUf on a sheet of mammoth aim, deluding U of Meal r tranailary mtsreet, aad eaitab aaveiy tneOmntry tretttt!oU.',;w'''','',f"'1' Taa TaiaokiF whether ia ita tWil or ff adilion-wiU be what Ha nam imptirtt-ttr flinching aoppottet af tha Penpte'e Right mi! temta, i autr boatlhlt la lU mrJZ t eial tkcorisls. lha infleemMoToni.a aft ImraPf4 legttlation, and th acheai end ophiilrK eIf-eekmgdeegAgoe. It will trrnaooilr voeate the l'aatecTM tr Aaraiciit lascvnirt rtnt Ih grasping aod to a hh;hunf polim Lcaorta Uoteramsata. and tba aaaonal tsar littoo which tbey (ma aroa os, as alsn ap th feeaent eVpreaaing tyeieei of State PrisoaU or I a will adoet the rettoratioo f a tnd uniform KavvowatCoaaEvrvi end ergta erect but determined prosKtttioa af f nteratl lr proTtment. The Retrenchment, where tar pnt caL of GoTsrnisspt I: ..j t.mt live Patronage, will be tealMialy arged. It thia paper will faitbruHy maintain aad dvocate lb Principle and Metanre wbica eopl approved in deeola me n Whig SUtoW th Coaduct of tbcU Government. tmall p wtion, hoasver. er it eta will kt devoted tn IMtVolw awnlalajaaal si asaM Wafkl' Tba prweeedinga of Congrea will b oawfullj eordodi the Fnreiew and fkitns.ii fnicllinaf ny ana mewiy preentcdj and whilcvrr M appear calculated to promota Morality, toaintti Sroeial Order, aurnd Iht Melting f Edfi f in any way eobserve llrt greet df 1N: 1 rofreaa, to ultimata Virtne, Liberty and Uipj nn Place in our columns. Ta Hun t T...n.. .,ii k. u.r..kl .rr Sslardat mornine. tn xna.i.. . mi ktr imparial ahart, (1 bv 4i i- ehes,) and auVdni eubaeriher at TWO IK1I.LARR a year. Sir Pica wui ae forwarded a yr for Ten Pol!' copta fer Firtec IJotlariLind any larger am' jo the lattrr proportion. Piyment i ad mviriioiy reqatred, and the paper Kfr benavcr th term of tnrh ubtcrlpiirms are ipeetf.ila aulinted by a-'llfKl t - ' 7 . i.nr.r,u , Mrf.LRATH.SO Aa New York. Aogoat IT, lt4l . . WVUn VNTER HERDS fog t.ttE at Tim ornct.