rntati.e of the coootTtJ aiaa of the oa , , wa entirety independent of, end ia Tacl , cooniet check to. Ibe eoofederand eowr 4 its S ate represented by the Congress- t.J thai through him Ihe pHy P"r traidd il U lit LncvU'P'"?) " tha rk. i....'.r .ill. have ihe loberent msM to otrelcb. pervert, disregard . X.n-rn the nuraoeeoflhe CooiHHKa. Tbe 1 .....- W.Jrra c:iaa lor iu t muni idd ba ba a Democrat") what the Ra- ' Ckurth does fur ibt Poo. i : (he ,:.ki ia eioound authoritatively, and in ex "uhdinir. 1 re-arrange til the old land rarki f rhrteliaa doctrine. II tb ener20CT of ' occasioa may require. Thara ia anothr . king analogy btweoa the Lecafcco part; . ibi dy, tad tbe Roma Catholic Church. m Popedom, it m eiilk mooiw Poibi whether the Pod, when ia ibt full exercise J f power, or a council of tbe pteiate w mef,., n ' .1 . ' . . I 1 V .hjrl Ckurcb. UcodoweJ with moetaulhori ii'iit sower aa ia Loeofocodom, k ienol i - yet decided, whether Preaident of the pr-f pB)i. eutberized teebtaie aiirerliMHneaU aad ure iy, with 20.000 office ia hi beetowal, or core aofaacriptioBa. tbo echeroee ef the party m council aewm-T UlaJ ara titled W tba greater Qbadienc from lh failbful. Wa oi.ina a piactical o Ltioa af tbi avettioa will aver bo etided to oncaa.itia Iba other.. Tbe faithful. he in council, will take care never to io . u'cate any dogma that may conflict with tbe miatant of biw who hit tbe bestowal ul ci .onicaUHn the one case, or perqtimits in the her. The history of the '(country, for the la) . ) vear nmireawhat w ber eay to be true. Vhrn did Geo. Jackson ever fail to disgoon ntirrcs into the adoption of aoy " peculiar a n" H' bist And when ba trampled upon ir t'oiielrtutioo of hi country, the sad and 'em warning of the Whigs were met ith Arn and ileruiou by bis craven snd tyco !nutio fullowers. .AV bat Gen. Jicktoii 'ef- e'ed by iulimidation, by operating on the ;fra of hia leifemen la Conjreae, Van Bj rn and Plk tfT-cted by an appliance of " ihe -.ike aire principle of public plunder." Even i')ler, after bis treason to the Whig party, vat rewarded by tbe Locofocoe, in their al i jwing him without censure. To control Cmi -rftt through the threatened exercise of i!;3 .n.o power. But cow, of a eudden, their im ll.l mA lku' lt.rt In fcfinfl ilirtb a i tbe champion of Congretsioital ficc; Jom ; and with tba intemperate tal of r.en.l lt,fo,c ,,iC ,n g.;(.t)Iie,., r his death . hvies. they not only contend that tbe Presi- s - Jr . .. i '. i ii . . t .u .l .-. fesme cpo u elimliii2 fleet. II' dent shall not interfere with the cucstitution- ui tl function of Cangiasj, but thit em hin died w Washington, at l.lf ai ten o'cUk, prrsistinff in a certain opinion, it an utr-mpt P. ., on V i . - Ui'i ini., in tlio 00 h vrar of hit to roreaiai me action ot i-ong.efj. "i' r ... ti a rrer thev eflerl th adrueacy of coiistiiu:i. i). i .'. . . , . r .u . 0 ' b ' lnay are o entirely out oi hmj .tmira la unka the whule sfftir iJ;c- k'.fV'J '"d i" p,? "ninti..; of l.ieii'ence. 1 ua. Unlet tney can play ihe Imn Lfllif we jjive i .-ruj lelejraphic dip I'ctie re il.an their late Convention did in lhi .Nre, cejeJ m (;h lrf .in. The fuel intim itis i t them abindnn the buriieta, ' d..f ihe . ... , , m r .l . ii i i ., . . t of in ll 'ie a iIhihIi Ii limn sulimg i')de of that nol.le oiiihuI, nod ' put a Cj ( t ' kin on their rcureant limbs." We .0it Ion, dated Jjfv s. 5, P. M , n the followii- piue foithe preeM. We will cn mme . wotd : . nr review c-f this ex-eraWe plmfjrm here j ., r(eJl(J,, Tltlr do-ar-...!, ,11 of ,'.. 'trr. iCui. Ilvi. ro'.iJi'.o'i i. co:.i!ui4ii:(t very trmt:al J-Vohi iht Buffalo Ccwwrri.il. FALLING OF TABLE- R'-'V" ..... i- This rock, ao memorable in the KtliiJe biiol . t . 1.1 Ihe Falls, fell i!h a " treineiidnut crash, which shook all the " reeion found about in liUfdjy afternoon. Tba portion that fi ll was from 150 to 2i)0 feet long a:,d fiom lill i,i 70 feet broad, making an inrgnUr fini- circle, ihe general comformi'ion of wb cii n nrobabl well remembered bv th.'te who t.ava ben on Ihe toot. Il was the favrita .11.1 I'm I.fla1araB)l i.,n. TK IiiilaU 1 bTTA l . ttif J " -a - I iyib e eras ft ii hear J at the distjiics uf I rre miles. A carriage, from which the i en detached, stood upon tlie v was tea led in.nle. Il ( ho-tri had rmll, and a n.g away, and hid b.trely 1 1 io ji-t nul i nJ ruah lo ihe i-ile lh r iJid nut I., I,, helmo I lie unmcute mm fo I. A g"ntii nun Mr. M l i':r f Rr.n.k! v n,) one of the oar ntra uf :lic lin.iri H lie i' h i Ijdy and ihe yui V. wi re on.lrr li.e rock, heo ll cmiienci d fi In ;;. A inina which Mr. M j-tdej t aci'i !.ui lim cam, i, .n alien ihev liiirniej ,1 pi id i.t lo leltrr i iiey bad tcircklv Urn out two iiiBu:e be - f it the whule wj prrcun '1 J intuthecbatm Um.wi Tliere ba beert a s' iti p--r f - p j Mine patt, auu irrai.ui.1 , ..l, i.i nd. Calin i.' p. rio l. the fall before In-: ljp' i.l 4 J he gradual')' felling i.f lh- frka leoda strongly to confirm lite theon id: t'.,e cnt. aracl hit " Wuikcd in way" u Imn ihe mou'illin lidge at Lewitlon to , 1 present lucttioa. And it nuy be lb it in " i'ii exHira of lim" il will be frond al f eot ol I, kc Frie. With th "proffrrss" mule biiIhh our re. coPeclioe, bowever, ii will Ue son.e nme first i and our hope of living to see such a cunsuiii inatioo art ool over s'rung. We bar ea a tetter Ir'.m i'entlerran f tin ci'y who wst at the Fell a ( mm ui after lh rock fe'l. He aavt thti ih portion that bruit ufT wat sb.ui fif y f.ei wide 1 hd on hundred and fifty iu ici gHifrum l.set 10 west. A BCXARKABLR MAM AJiO A UKMi.K r . CLE A wILY. There ie how ia Tolsdj a mm inriuni,. m height 7 feel 4 inrbe,.and weiji. u.j u'!y 311 pouad. He ia a nt iveul .S 't r isnd, aad aervtd a a prieal in one ol ih Howiaw Legtoas during tba Isle Umnaa io. turrecliun. .Ilia farui! at bom, Cf'lslt' tit hie pireolt, three bro'.here and ll ret- t, alert. who average height 1, nrly ; feei. FtlbaA tawjee, ,' ' i .eeet breber, i breflatrt. p the elbea O'.aVsal ststsr oeiglil. 7 asst.ral V lb other tsaesjff"'- ISTEIESTISC TO TKAVflLf R. A wfiler ia .Worr' v.? Yler, aa eacallanl seriruhurel BfsUatla.1 en .l.la,.ai.l i KoHisr, Nw York, tttt h,.i al U years, i ( Jo , Si - : i H . " - i - 6 1) 1 - 6 x Tie ""-tj i - i - ij dasWvaei ia whiskey will cur un ,..r ,loa mtd lo pay l ie respect due lo ihe w isd ky th collar or other pieces ' ,IU.irsin iVo-aasd. A'l lh F.secutit D.Ti ib-b.rn,. .wilrrea.t,.i.f,u,ur,(B l jf ' r,e...I.,.lul Mtn.i wet. tog, or skin lhf hv wccaried, ohm..,,.) bia.ef will Mcur the cowmiasd ua ..f! ih.P0" " ""' ' ,,ri h we sot, and aclw-tlly heal Ihe wound wha! to' "f (inverninent r I weir mourning T tu t.i m ftb 1 , .... " I. tv 4 r Is I lea, ilL'Ttm- I I 'lAllf. WEiLNESiUY, JULY 17, 1S50. LI trWH,l,Hl THOMfSOX mi in Ballinior, aulbarixra ie i Es.. sawaf a-! nnU aad eubeccipliwtie, aod I great receipts. ITE. W. CARR. Esq , it oar fnl FhiUW- roK wovmnob, C II ABLE S H A X L Y , iF W AKE roc STY. lT Wert aulliori--d to innonnca K. C. DK VIUSUS, Kq-, at an lnJpiienl Candidate loft rat in t!.e Uuu-tof yoinmoot ul ui ml Lrjiaia lure. CAN Dl DATE FOR SHERIFF. We are aitthorui te announce, THOMAS N. ALEX l.NDKIt, y a candid U for re.elce l:un to t'.ia office of uentrot .Me.k!i!uuurjCen7 i' an ui d.vt i:s Tu:i c a da v. u va 'r -.. I'ur the StAit'e, Kirrsf iiAulim-.r.R.K-q vjr josrrii w. scott, c,. joun sniMrocii.l - i:!rr(ioii (lie 1st of Austt. Death of President Taj lor. It it ailh the dt-epeM regret thjt we lur to ttnn'Hfrf to cur rulers lists ween, tin d a'h if 7. i.:t kv Tat L -k, PiO'sidcnt of th rtljipj Sia'c. We liaJ bjrrly heard of hi? 'te. m,v chronic dytentery , . it.d to cive nur rrt-.Vrs some idi a of the fa I . f q a few nuua'.ta atu.iW4riU auwlui i!p4tcti "a,d- r..,.j t . . i... i. ... .r. .... . .1 ik. I.. " .11 irn OCIO'E 'li niin, lei-cm .an." iniianv II. U l..UltlrU ' ,"' ' (v he rannl .ui t,v u-,ul ir,o:nm J uii!o;. . he t.n n liri Tina i.no.cjutt'r fu' uti Lr anotiirr Lu'iu um e itut , At Im o'i lo k t' n mnrmn; the Prci,!nl ia in no bc.ter co.J.tion lua c i-i'rcniely critical TH a'-r-v ilifpiUhct wers frqm cur R.ltimorc Coirtapondenl. A fi w arii oi mi r the r r-cep'ixn """"g IjraraiJeit y our Hmi'f'im ajTi' : 1 lie Pr fidi iil in dinger uly ill of rlironie rly Bfiituiv IJe vas ,n ci (reni o jnr al J o cli'ca no I n nr.. mi, but ,.. u .n.i.1 !. r !i lie. lJ.tll llji cn.i.." . a lale hunr. tari oth"r romnanicai on. from llie idler rh'ircer eaine in hand ha lllowiug m is rfcaivid l.i re al Ii.tf pu.l j r M , h.vni; I ' Wi.li.ngtoo at tiii inii.u ei pist'i ,i'cui.k : I ' Al 20 miiulis r..-t one 111 ihe Senate, ..(TkiiI ti.l.i.g. sire rc;n d tiiil iln rrnrfiMil waa ap pr .jcl.inj i is end Vr li.ii l r, who u .a spak .ng. ji. sty In Vlr U . t,.lcr. w 1 o iiJ I1.1 iuJ called st lie ro-sl.ll's hn'l.e I a I I-' I'IrV II ..'i.lO'k tnd tit ntf.r".'U ,l.t i? I re.iin' wis hellrr. l.ui endoubirf .r.!e:i j-n-e now m.li a'. J ,. (fieil ciUm hi r ,.ii ij - i... ... .-. ... ... n .......... y.u,,,,. j,,. ai.U iii.isiciai.a Bate. I. .a oniuion i;i .1 no cqu.u uui l lie II ti-'e wit Uelutir; on t' e reanition In f ffnatire lie.t''e omiI I e 1; iljiimi arT.ir Mr '.Buvlerl of Virjini'. r.ii.rnipie.1 tie .roeeedin(t .eolr Ihe ewtlsewtte ifrwil.nn ares fmta tHwt ll.if I reai irii i.j"'l i.',t su,i.ro uue hor. I.oti. Iln .set ao'j u'i- d I met u.e V.cn I'r-1 1!. r.l on his wiy to the Pr. I il.nl, who piilel Inst h "S Ihre al ten, sn cnilt eot ee. l',e I're.'.i .nl. i.iil .arts told hy Ihe I.1 tsic.ane lli .t l.o as leu. r An onUsor.h's i liane hae nrr o-rorr d. ' ir disodr is cti.onif drnl.ry. prsceiJ. Lt.ul.r. morbus and rmnl tint tvcr A few in. -.lies r-f,fe ft o'r'.n Is last u gjlit, its ('''owing, ti ,g ti.fl laleat ii.let.ia, ii.'S, came to "At time o'.'o.-V. I ra'le.1 si l! Prssidenl'r bfHis. and irc-l t'o. J. fi rsonllirie, who ft.nl I'n PirsMitiii w .a U ior. .. 11 ui A l,. .i.oriaah wa tin ta''!e. ari,l h pu'a- oi... nn.tre.J an.1 I nrly with ly p'.ni.l eTn.,loi.iS, tot lint th.'re were hQNe Al half ptet i!;'.t o' In. k. I relM aain, end wit' ad mi'led. ir VViftr.ne'.n, a liu.'.d hurreun ol thr Army and much con hi 4 in hy. llie rVsiJent'e iai ily. lo!d me tiiat t-oi g'siun had Ueen p'n'e, an. thit erery ten nimttr llture wfe erfirla lo vowil freee b.le that ro-iv louai ess bad r.rir'y gone I he case was cone ijnd l.wpe.ese " The neat inriinir.g l H u'l h rk, A. M , the 'e'egrspli 1 1 a 'i. hi , r d I he Hi'.Ijm ln.l) lidirg iha tl, I' A l tSi isi r .us , ' (' XI .' wi. result in a ihe hearts niv it ki w a -i l.o nmir, rii a r' i in iv n :r,U ' r.-M 1 1 .p n er ,. H mi., lh .1 ii in iv r i! l In our U nvfil l .i.l. Wi.il, .I lh u-irnU ar.' ni lurmi g I'M ! ,d e aire, i, i14i heleinal ( .1,, i-ll i'm-u .1 !"'i ul.' i wi etniil tii'1 slitl the l.i'atlt of our t'Ut.ry tis so" a' line tiis;o:r.iniiin rl r.'itiijenre may U" rlinijlv I. fl't'iici' frjjrj-r.r n if'iTrtm-rrr rf-ewtr. pieweaja-dieisiiatitaoe.,i.UaUt null-I'd Wuu.d (he rnnniry I b 'seed in l.i di-alh. Th Fjiera' rf lh' Pfsid'iit took place ihi Silurdey, th 13 h tnai.nt. K.ery pnpirt Ctntnl Rail Roil ""Th. Stockholder, of the Ce-ntral R.il Rad met ia Salisbury on the tQtb, iattint. We Ictra 4hl mj iulereetm; iuetiog he'.d. The Company wtt. fully orgauiied Gut, Morebead wa eleete J PieieJeiU, Mr Gywn, Engie"i. nd Gew. W. Mean, Di reclot far Cabarru TotJ Jftckerobtirg Cooe lie. Tbe nirteyt will b commenced tooa t.poevible, end it it the intention of the Stockholder lo comulei the woik at (he earlieal Dotsible matweut. Sliced the wood New President. .Millard Fillmcri, Vico Preeident of tlic J.. Stetea atsumed. oo the I Uk watanti i4be w preaeneeof both Houer. of Congreae, l . : f. ae.Lltta I Was nalk .( .Tirf required by the Cootlitution of tbe United S.atoa. I T" The Cabinet. , ' tl i taid that Presidanl Taylor's C.bint ba resigned. Tint it to be piesutned, but w expect that the old Cabinet will bold of fice until iheai'jiurnmrnt of Cong re, or an il the new President ha lime In select ne. Respect to Frfsidcnt Taylor, i Next wtek U-iog t'nuit week, wa suggest ihe propriety of the citizen of llli Coun') making arranjemonl to pv proper rerpect to the memory ol the late l're.ident of the United State. ' .Gen.B.M.Edfy. Among other tppninimei.lt, we notice lh.it our old friend, (Jin., Ha Lit M. Ldmkv, was lppointed ' by Pieaident Taylor, before hn leath, to t'.e Conaul.hi of Paler m i, in Sicily PsH" It it presumed that ts (Jen. Tat lor was Pfoscd 'o tbe Compromise, that il wid now pats at Ic sidfiit Fillmore will um hia ttflj nice in its'fa"or. The Jl order of Dr. Parkman. CoiifcaaloN of Profcaaor sTtbater Dr. Webster, who wasiried and convict or the murder of Dr. Parkman, of Boston, has made a fuM confession. Th l casaeci ied a great deal of interest al! ovr-r the toon ty, and in some place ao muc rxci'emenll -aa caused by it tl.at of the witnee.ee rrs abuaed wi houl alitit. l.iitleSlil etpo- : .ll.. .1 ,mA Iina nri'ired cu-'ulri'l. But a change mul no i'U, ulai e. The confession w obtained troin - . 7tm by bTa artirTluil sdvlsef.llie tie Putt am. lie. W.beier hrl oreaentcd ,u ih.' (ii.vernor and Council, rlilinn st-fling fort' I- ( I.! enee wl.irh Of I il ion waa With- ' on I 111 ltll of JsviMs - A tl' Coofes Jiaan 411111 IB M.IIK WQ Ullll. I'l. in. r .njist.i.ni, Ml " shirh he ststrt ihitt he had made an appoint- ue,,. ...h D-. I'.ikmin-.hat hd had w.iiten' w n.,,.l 1 1,, inlr.jl.iel .Ml. in I n. te and aenl it ur'tealed by Illlefi 'ld. i . a, . . i He aive II' I'jrkm.n w lien smviner al lua . eis.iM... -I w...s...5 room, iinmedia'elv commenced abueing him , ii., ii . i ii hen he told Imn he could nut pay him. He tl.rn sli.tes : , I Mr. a .,.,lj..l ,a .1... l.itl,jsl Ammrm At l.ass.r.1 , . 4I.J . line lis wi. ii- j ana gc.tiriiisting in in. irwai v.i...ijtn mcnaemg n.moi-r. inrBaung '" (.,... m,.A I... .... ...la ... . , .... .. m. w r.,.e I sis.fl " - " 7 ' " - ; ... so, rung si. nanu.e.1 ,i. wssaau a o, wouu; nd J mU hiui 9 ft mutant in.ni Mow i h al! tit C4r' "!',,cr 1 '."" nor ,a" Hrl n ,p isrliait die ill rl wr ...:,( tew ll str m 1 1 aa . . , . . 7 l i UJ m tnj RPajfi, inn I'ter wji I Ol IllnfJ I If m orc u! iltti IrioK- lit ftvl .1 f'ny uoii the p nn TTre w bo r'cond u'uw ; h4id oot mf ?. I atwfvr I duwA otri Imn, aiid Iu arid lo ! ltfn . ftiiMtJ fl.iJ If.m In. nivjlh, tvr.fi I gtX a p n; anj sTifrct it twjf arrX immi aintttofiia ami fi lilted ii to Ui niaH, tut I'boul tTtJCl. nil I aprnt jui tujfjtilca tt mUtrnmim .uk.. Lut I foo "J 1,9 wn iVoljId'j ft cad In mr !... tnd coi,.,..,n ,.. ,..a,0l.v.ly lo the! . ,,,, lUr ,., .u u, ( Ufre) onora and He.lte.1 im, li.e dooia of His leelure room!, ... ... t s.- - r"r tn.t of Ihe laboratory tie'.ow And Ihe what wat I te d .? It never OT'irr.ii lo nie te ge out s.id do clare whit had !K:rfi i..l o'.laio aseietas,'e. I saw notl,tne t.ul ihe al.crnil.re of s tuecreaful niorriavi.t sr.d eonceaiinei.l of lha body eat Ihe eae Itiml, and ol I'llatiy ant ue.Ou lion on Ihs e'btr I ha firal thing I did. tt to n at I roold do anything. wat Iw draw the bn.ty it.lo the private. rooiM tu:om. inf. nli.'ra I look on" i lie cly lies, and began pulling iliein into the fi'e ; wiuclt Wit burning in Ihe epper lso.tr. I. ws. I iiey were s I coiHined thrr' thai af em... n. w ps;rs, puckel bos k, and whatever rt.ss eoi.iaii.eil. I did net efnnne Ibe psjrkete, nor nnuovt an.ih.i.j, e,iM. i,,a w.lrii. I eaw lhal. ar tl.a cli.iu of il, hanging nit. I lank il, and Ibre iti,rsrle lind.easl wenl lif'tn.' rulge. My noil muli u a. lo iU Body imp lha sink which stands in t:.e snail nritnie room; by selling Iba bsdy pir, ita'ly erert sgi.ii.i ihe Cnrner, and liy gelti'tg upia ia li.e si .k ni)w-:t, I aucceeitd io drawing 11 ep ihert r. w.a c'ti.rely itia.ucoitt-'rcd Itoa.q-itck- y done, at t work of lertiule andnet;terate neerearly The only tutliuoienl waa Ihe km't Ion ml by llie nPl-ert in t.e ira chest wi.tri, I aetl for retting a tt I ni .do no oae ef Ihe T'lrki.'i kni's, ss rl was called al Ihe trial. Tnai had long w en kept en nr natnllei iew m I aiuhriuirs, i a curio-ja orna n.ni. fy dtiighiert freijueni'y clrnd it; hsnct tha i.i.ris nf ml tnd whiitne fuod at it bed sis,, brooghl it lute Boston logs! Il.en'v.r alieath -rp ire.l. While diainnibernig Ihs boilr, a siresm if I oahitsals Baler was ruuniig through ihe sink -arryieg otrlSe blwod in a pips that p.sesf down hrwg i lh lower It'ssetlwrv. There moat bare iseii a leak in Ihe pipe, for I lie er.linr tolas was .tamed i'rne,iats!y sreund il. 'I here w .a s firs hwrninf "! the tirnaet of Hut tdarr fiV.rtTeey Lall'f a sa mlet.ken in lhii..l,g ll.era had tosvav kews. a Caw Ikaaaw.. its iual plulii .'l xt kutdlad doe, but I b.d dona n myself ewversl I wee hS done it thet slay ft Ilea porpate of makaiig et ig lit." "Tbi near srif nnm were par mmrhir firr ntte thai day, twd llie fast he pad on , I a),d arst si t mi neat aigtMawwaw wbeasVao tarey wcreewei. umai Bern ol lbs si'reantiee tears p it in l,ere I utters sa thai i J Ihe pelvt, tnd time of lh liin's, pstbape, were til pil seder lt ltd of 11 le lor. lornt laltla. ia whst is tailed Hit well a deep ink, hoed nub lead; a stream of I s hilutle eras lariitd inlw ll. and k,4 renting IbrewS n all I n day aifbi ; Ihe Ibores war pit mle a sma'ter sell. in lhe IstBar I.Ue'alery.wwhirh I Riled wiMwaUar. rhtngsd ml trier the twit sf Ihs eta era e Men ft- tf b Ma ti. .11 d..d ,f in a-ier Wwii IwUvraiatTTainirwi I HI'bXI frilrf a leaf liair nm i il tf fiiw. ,,Hd., ,l. ' i: ... . . M ' " tw wi MfTVM t.d ihe.. . ,n,rr pwtatb. ah.eh U h&r5TZl ",,4,u" V ' ba .ppoirfed by Ih. Cba.r. ta eu..r.r Wtlh ill ItsT.Vir I'T'"!! T'M '"J ,X" Wsbtvorhtd tttisd1 bhhI ef Ibe f..t.'l'k '"'''t,ea appuiuied by Ih peopl. ofl rCirbhrb .. .i ' .i ..III.. L.i LaV Mituk ?Td la fce a el Me i .r, u.-flif iwe m r.. K,'. ti wm one f 1 r ' A3 r total A friMi "mWMtf loaf I eeainf IhaiRMial tia ZtZ4 .. iou.i.4. ai .Wt,iu4 t. the B" I to aa Uia twa aotae either fro Ika laaia er ia tote 1 1 ibiuk ba Utile elae by Be ur. r. eauj UlU. I d aa e!4 aiet.llie ft Ijwf ", labM dwbr4 it acroai ilia faea-aad ihrgu jh ine ai( ..7..M J Mil (Ikoi b mr Bnekal. I e a kaoe ml I aui Uua ratber Ihaa put ibeie ia lue ratber Ibaa put lliaia ia im fi.r I b.d c.uUrl fur a a.o.al b.l .1- rJ.Ur BMla ef Iiiiwii af them areata kata ea Ilia wrttf. er mj MMieea ie r. . lite etbarprma iitlereMre aad I fcad aotyet lirea aiKilaihoBjb te ibe flieeliOB aale what aeeeaat I ebaoliira af ibe ebj4 er reeujt af aiy itrria r . ... . . n n II with Dl rarltiB. I arwr ea me ejeufe "- hmt tMkrs af by LUtterWId j Beeer kaew af ita f I iittBraw wm I l' aa8 aVr VT . J ,i Uwat 1 bare aa reeeJl tiaa erf aV I tad tilStf r .1- L.x -Ilk Ul. eiaaMiM tla inurJa I iiaiud tov teoeaa at the ert f, butaialaacbati(eiatbadiitieafllMteii aod lad aa plana at ts my future course. On 4 urdiyrvanmf 1 read la aoliee la in I rae i. letpwlinf hia disappearance. I wte than 1 uienterd with the caaily ef immadUtely taking aemafrawad as tha ebaraeter af say interview with nr.Hrtman. fut 1 eaw thai it BWt become kaawa lint hart had eueb t pnUrviaw, at I bad ecpeAatod ii 4.1 h an nnacakyt Bote aa Tuesday, aod an Fik.') bad niyerh aIW al hia hooee in opr day. 'and r4 Aed ll.a trraaevawBt, aad bad tbrr bees wn. iud bad probaUy baea evcrlMU ay ine aiaa rceaat. and 1 know act bv beef many persona. Dr 1 P. aXht Ua been aeva tnterinf aiy rvbma. or be maapcrona be night hare told by the wty where hi ska (in tha interview wauld ia all probabili iv liknoivB. akdJ auut be ready 10 eipleia rl. Tl.l qnralioa esanflted m anucti; but en auaaay wykouiee waa taken. I would inla tloslua and Iw lit first lo declare mvaeW Me pertea, aa ysi bb knta-B. With wboro Or. I. bad evade tbe appoint. si. I weu d take the greaa mat i ate invnn: lur io tbe rolUee la pay bias Boay. aad that I bad pa it. Accefdiufly, I filed Bpou the Sara ky la kii ; Iba amall aela tnd adding inlere.l. wbich il an urt-1 "al arrnne'flily If I bad tliotijlit of tin corM oarlirr, I ahauld not have deposited Pal lue check fnt iDll ia Ihe Charlie Rurr Bank an Si riay, but elioold biveeiipptaascd if. ta roiaf a far o make Bp Ibe turn which 1 eat lo have praleat ii f h.ive pud lha diy before, and which Petite Inter I had by me al the hoar ef interview ; it had nci occurred I ma lhat I should ever al.ee l'i ndoa cencrtled ia proof af it. er I should have da .Bojed It a large Bole, and let at be inferred Hist it le go it wb the miaeing aiaa, and I should only hive kept lira em J I one. wi icb wat all that I euu'il ns-teod lo have sua Mr ainr'e Ihoueht Bat een letilineiit and safaty ; swrylhingtleewaa iaetdcntal tothiL-.l in a eUle le tonsioer any ullerMtr pecuniar1 internet Mvney, ib'mgh I Beaded il ao mncb, ta of ue account m iti ma in Ibat condition of sind. I r i i i A : I . J . . . i ... . : ...I. ( lit Parkma.i, in order to fat the pneeeaeton . of the iiolre and eanetl my deU, foot only should ool i.av oopoaiica iiitec a che ejus aett aiy. but thou'd have mida ao.ns thew ef tStting and having t!.a money the morning before. I alnanld ben" drawn my money from tha bti k. and takes. eVteaSie le menlioa lo Iht cashier lhat I bad a aunt ta stake ap on Ibat day for Dr. Parkman, and lh same ta llcsehmaa, s bea 1 borrowed the 1 10; I shnald have remarked thai I waa ao enaeh tbort af a earn thai pay Parkman. I bertewee) the eaenc ef llenibiutn at mere pocket money foe the day. If had intendad Ihe honiiside at lr r , I sboaM set sea made the anooinliSMifil ssith l.im laia .m - ' " " -r-.."" " " " porsons ( swuld alinoat cetlaiuly knew ef it: and I should not hate invited him I ml loom at la beat Bliea The eellc.s weuia 1st lull oi tiooooit ttia trr, ane aa ' hnur when I waa moat like'r lo receive ealle fieifl ',ers. for lhat was lbs hour, just after lh leelere, w"'eu pwwnense.n, w...ews ..... urn w. .. -7 : raome, were tlwayt directed to eall. 1 I looked tuloinv room aa Suaday aflefnoon. Af- " ' "'' " -w wiaiw.. us... .... p.- ....... c... .. r . 1 . a. t . . 1. . 1 . I . .- , . . , , I, J and soma or ttie lini'aj from the nppor Bell, and threw lle-n into th Vault aad privy. I look the frn,bf 1?" 'I1..'" , tnevt, ee imisu. my www iwspseseiwM astsrrs i'.at Lie waa not dona till after the secernd vieil of lb. ' oKcert. which was an Tuesday, but Kirwtai's lslt : ' . ' ",.,,, tHii j, Wlul h. u, uw,. aoenar li.e perforation ef tlie literal had been made ly Ihe ' kaife. At Ihe lime of remesieg lbs r.cera, ea v,itUHd,fl ul M k(11jlm, 1Ba ln. , fl tH . I'.e furnace b low, having brat picked down Ihe tab lea J-o .seof the limSe, I cannot reweiwU-r w Inch ' . ... A. - er how tntny wsrs ceweameif al lbs tints, i hit est , bld udj maH th ,,,,. Th, u, y,t d er,rt to reetivs lb ibsr.a. llPigh I had n . w. . . ..... e. .... cmclu.l. d where I e'.oolJ B ully put the b I. 1 he fi . ... uJ uu u ,fJl,JM. , u, ufc,J f drawing Bp Iba pirtt in lim vault. Whenever I t'lould rl.,,....,.. Ln. I.. -I - .r lk.M an.a ml a..M 'enough. 1 bad tee.fuMd double wi-jecti. ordering . . . ' ml making th cr.pMM I h.tj UIik in ' . i . . .t , t ' a.. , lt . to bold Ihe plantetnd other articles winch I wiahed ts protect from lite salt aster snd sea air, tnd llie hooka It be use I there in obtaining soral'ine plants from lbs sea. ll wat Una praviourly intended see or tlnnii thai togriwled tnd mile I ileclf ep wUh the I id't of Ihs other api.liealion. I dou'el en now to a T,r;ri ua -Trwy Would lure ea tpplied ; I had ant as. d the heuka at the Inn nf lite diecorery Tht ol il thai i.td been JR thsJiboJs'ory for aotne I uue The bag ef laa breugnl it 'on Monday was net acd, nor inlrndtd le he oset; II bulimged le s quinl ty oMtine i.y wis s long lime sgo, tor tip rnneuling in tanning, soJ was snul ia by the fa mi ly to got 4 axtl of Ihs way. ls being ee.it in j i-l al Iht tnus Wit tndonlsl. I was not sware Ibtt I had i. it U,i knife it the eheet. The etick found ie lha a.ucer ef ink waa lor making course diagrams on ei.rfn i lie U'ln-h ol hie k-ys ad bssn aeed Utng age i.y ma in fruit ttreel, asd Ibises care Sea y by into t drawer. 'I lie i.iirh acid on lha ttairt were not seed to re late srxtte of hlueJ, bwl was dropped by arcident when I'te bfirs called fjr ate ea Friday, lha J l.b. I wat in doubt whellssr I wsssadar arrest, er sin toer t more at net search of my rears bis la be fi, ins uiitr io pHiies.e being hardly arm apeall ing than the loruter. Whs I roaadlbat w wtnl aver Cr.gies' Itndga, lbwie',1 Ute errt.l bhsm BroSeblu. Witsi. I feoad Ibat III ttniige waa etoppntg al tbe j til, I Wat tura my let. Hefors leering ihe carn.gt I lie k s dose ef strychnine iro' my pock I and awal.,w it. I bad prep net 4 in lit 'htfst of pill before 1 left aiy l.hersl.try ea lbs U3 l.ihosgi.t I eaejld not bear Is survtvt sVlselwn. I though! at was large dose. The easts ol my n'l.uue eyete n, probably, defeated Ibe action pi.iniij. ins eni.u er Ihe pna.ii ware wrriuie oeywnc steecriptHNt. It Wat is epHtlloe at ins i ni ega, an seloee went there, tmi moot sa verely ail.re.r.ie. wrote Uil oae of ihs tnosv iwous lellera prudseed al the trial lha one mailed al Ktet Cui'mdge. Tba laltla buodlna 'referred le ia lbs loiter ih.laii.cd If llie j.ilnf csnUined nly s eeriiiw wi none ae.u, l Of o.nneelie Bee. I h .0 eesn 4 staled ir. I ntwtptper, Ibel I had earcbtsed a .jiianll y trf uitho tc.de, whieh tf I pmtme.t wit te 1st see I In rsaiovmg Uood e'eiot. I tai lut pswt ta iw kept uaiouJied, t iJ it nuy h ihvws, a ttiorw toouis oe eeetsion, wktl it rsilly was Ihit 1 bad pwrehsetd. I have drew, op. in ae.rale ss, mt eiphtasrusej er-itre aee-l ntrrnrWrwwi.k. as -.--t, asm i on i niirsuay, lite irja, tn ss tb atsreaUoa. t&k.UllkAH saeui the ditssot .1.. l.l..l . a, .... , ... leg vauit. I lliiuk lhal Ptiura, in kik tesllmsny si lbs Iri.l pel low wrongly my wordt lb ml String eel I led III VI- I". Wh.t.rer I did sav nf Ihe kiad. ... a the hope I snlerleinwJ lhat I .kx.lJ k. .li. . . pacify lr. f , and make some trrsngement wilh hira. and wtt said m a der ts q itet ftum, who wtt 1 f rewarded abate a lb til M, . i(m tummm, Mtf.' a ..... "TV. I i-ir fiVvii MtH bio , i--.: .7. B7 T. r. IF ll Iff 3tMl li,M I tl.,k tl rtica ita u - T-.TJL m all rUU Jat it are WaUler, .a i4 -t ' truih an4 jiulH la .T-Sw i-d l Wf- G-' d"1 nf ivh djrl lu U L t,T- . .it I..:- LA . Aak . wouia be ef rreat ai'J , III! MniHi inn.; - . - . . , l. -r . ..i.J eaferenee auk I. mm T At a J -";".'." . .b.ih.rhiT : L'."T Il-i l7. ..a fUnr. .Ma mm.uk bal Vlttt UHYT VtaE. Jl .:7t,l. or Mcb Tt'-aibt lliae ee ef y : a. -l.:.4 I awm hm4 iff TmUX9m MM in !. bjiii .Mi ( m a. ..s .1 iL. an ,aaatti.t Ilia It a V Jal ui il' jir ies k ,' - .traek. Ir. P. waa titreeaeiy aaeare ana ana.p- teat per baa beast a avast aa on'y clilUBitreh-ii acquired Ibe dbolrol v le have aetjulred early. . . . I:.. 1 aV-aMltinf ""J IIM. 1 W mBch inaulf-d-tnd I haea safer wwr any aaaetuna thai I aught I aad tne eonsl-ascs at all I tbie." --;.,.- i cit yea aotirVd Dr. rarkasaa ta meel ye si a carta .a Jtoar. end told ham ya would piy b"0, wbca ymi kaew yaw M boi me mawej i- Nb," be replied. " I did aot loll bias I would py hist, and Ibere 'aa aeeVHleneelbat I told huaa. tieeot en aerfi tswra eooae inar bi oieep-rer tat altov I rraal OMof mines is use tnw ustwo i list I bad pare bint, tbaee wa.dt ware of tU wiser a Ule tissue ef raleebesde lo which I waa eommiliod freeB ihe mouiant I had bvfB le conceal the homi. ctde. . awvrf had a thangltl af injuring P.ikmaa 1 hie wtt tccouipanard by the stateaueul ia which rroleeeor Wdete tllranpts lo eiplain u TeHrbxor. ing Lttll Ce'd. sending tW blood, snd of iewjuiiiBg abnwt ftsvt frmw thatvavh. After reading tla statemewl Uf Pstnom prwceb'd ta argue ss lo Ms traihfulaasa, ssymg thai rl was made when the writ of error waa still p ndo g Al. Ibat Prolaeeor tVebsttre aelaie was wsrth srvsrel thousand del I arm. snd Ihst he was not ia each a strait ss I eeta- mit eueb a avim deliberately. The nrreieaj Met turn from f re fewer Webstar. Df!rstic hi inaocvBcs and praywf far ahsatate pardon, ha aiid. ae get np by bit f.wity, who were UBWtverin in their belief in bat, miiooeaw. Baljt hps confession was eemtmnniesic nr inase snaeii s week sine, lie cone laded i aaejtting ba bWjiiK ibat Ibe eenfceoiea was true. 0 . j . v . . ....... PsyrLoi.k upon line) Hnival of Itrlisittji. Re. Mr. Firmtnjf, lha Sta'jorf Minis er of the Meih id si Cnulch, uf Charlotte, i hold mg a protracted meeting at tbe present iime. Divine aeitire haa Uws nbeerved ia ihe Clmrch, mnriting and etrenmg. bIiw"i daily, for near threw weeks. A Bomber have put feased religion, while a largo portion of the congregation arealill ahowing a deep (ntieiy in .regard to tha eaaiiMtuf thetr1 toailt i he meeting ar numrootty altenued. L-e' aVeaf, VU .. waTAud then upon that ! ISrligioiu Inlrllicriifr. We were mil aware of the eileul of ibe rrcrnt R vivel of Rel gitm io this place until w taw iba following iu tba ' Soulhrru Chris tian Advocate. it waa an eiuaordutat) Hiloouring for an small a uJac a bias. We tranfi ll to our column in order thai those who ar uot tesdets of the ' Advocate flniy ailllW W III tW JVahSS ssisessss, sees aM.i bte cnmmutuiy . CuARiryrrs rr.. Si C. Cosr. We have a ibis charge a blceerd t'tital of llie wink of tbe Lord. Ojr nieeimf haa already ro i linued, wiihoul niinitlrral help, for 10 !) Tbris liav been a nber tf cooversume many other have been puocifuHy wakn- ed, aod a olrinn tnieieel prrta.b- Ihw Coat greja'inn. Lp In lh' rial ihet hat been about 50 acci seiou lo ibis Church lb pre nl tenr. Joaell. J. J. FLHUING. llorrti .. 13 A ief. t.F.N. TAYLOIfi EtnT WORM. " I IKKLTIMT I AX llVIMi I AH RKAOV T ttir ti s'laxoxt. I utva aMiKsvoa Kit To Ultl lltanr. MV DI1V MX t.'ol VTKV I an soMII TO LKAVK MX til.tl fKirhUS " Pstienl endurauc sml Christian fortitude jialruitic fileti'y lo (.' Hioiry rdenl pen tibililtes lheee, nuhle old hearl, were llie distinguishing virtue nf thy; rharseier im leaa i luetraiai in thy III', than Ic.ltd and porifi'.d at Iky rod.- .' Iltgittr. roa va cmaLorra aovkaab Plank Itoatl .Tlfrliiif in l'ion I'Otlltty-. s Accnrding to aiett. a noli -e, lh Citian of Union Courtly met i i lha C.Hin Hoosh m. Monro on Tusdtvof July CHrl and or- gmia-J by rallmg Mj , D A. Covii.gi.et f lh (.Iwr, and J. II. S.rwarl and J. T. Dial fi I 8rcrelarr. The Chair then called cm J, A. Pol. K-q , to riplaiu lli i.l'jci of lb Ni'i'ling. which he did in thuil but tl.iq'ieiil and aid qi inner. After which, th Ch.tir innoinled a C-m mi'tre of fl', V ai J. A Pwl, CM. Jots McCdlwm. V. J. J. W.!,arrrs. CdVr. C. Wilson and Kli C. (iiier, K-rj., in draft ret idution for lh nvrluig, a in, after "letir ing a short lime relumed and repnited lh' follow ng t W heir as, The people nf Union Count) deem il proper lo lake auch slept will beai promote th inlsiesl id Ibe County, by bating triaikel in tmr midel. Br it Ibetefor ll. Rrto'ftd, Thai wa hail with j-iy the proapii uf having a mora Hilimal couonu ninaiioa with lha peopl of Camdeu and the agrriHjiKinig eountry. , "na. UtiOltt f, I hat it of winet vital mpuriaiesw lo lha people of Unina County thai such eoemecliiMi should oust. " 51. K-tottkd, That w belter a Plank Road will b.-tt rfT clthal connec ion, from J"?'?'! thJo ai'in winch it wotiid ntts would iiuirrv fa 1 y 1" " r,M",P "' rarly complelion. l h tltmUmd, Thai wa will beaililf EX as...' TM!.,,,, lU enntastaf Camdea m sock a, clieiei'Viod we 'bJieVi'hii'w aVa'll hate IH'rri.rnmd our part when wa ahall hive met th'trr wi lb Fin.'trhlrt 'dieidd the 1. SUIe. 5ih. RtJn4, Thai wa deem it .ntt ri pedient not luevlrtt al prrol any ptnicu ar rouie. 6 h. RisoJttJ, 1 hat cmnmiilea of I h ret ' II L .a- at. . . ... Dr. . wo etenot. au. aenca. amaiar. aad 1 , .-lf tl.a: tM r'taa ....,. . i-i.-.i..... I ... .,ea i ihj.r.r7;rr i. t,r. - ...-t.;i - r .rvr'., - b.a. ealttu.4lirol.ina , .. .iXsao'r'' II A. I () V I N(. 1 ON . ( k m. BfBt a HI HI"- ' I " '.t " ,""""t in vnair appomle. Ilu.hlntvsr gat Ultf r advice lo on nf bin fit"- U II liltM 1iaa.mwlVa-atl . ' . . - f L. .t sJ M a a a e T " --Mil iirl h-ww ajrwa ir e MM IV W Iw '" II uron, Jmi1trS.iifi7thrt J, t.JliTtii Cfeicmt dry.-.-V. Q. DJM ?- f.-gi., a CJiiiiu .tii' uf cortciufu d.nce. J.T.Unrr, $ . - i I owrniiKB. tirrat Fire In 1'liilatlrlphi.i. '(Ttnaiarflad IW Iba Oitliowe AmerkiB ) . ' ' Ptiii.ADKi.riiM. July 0-f i. P. H. liiwnr lirK ' Iritis OF LITE. A tremfid.Mi fire i now llgin hr-re.aad haa e iiendra t.er el i. at fHie ohm qn. toll g III IMaiZ W IO l BUIHJltd .... ... - I... ...I aaar Jea I Ka a. aa 1 iiafejaevw i w - . nii .11 k..a.eal rl..aar 'T -' u- -v WVMtB JVb uui "" a a .. ....n r. hp., a. . .tl - , I'tttLA tik'LrtiiA, July o, P. M. , The1 most desiiuciivo r flagialiuii tbtt r- r. l. i as.w s . . r i .l:. ft.i L....L . ..... . wave ws.tjii..vis in line at' v. Hie w,wi. s.wt BI half past 4, in lh 4th story of a atota ia 7..a ts sTlal a sav at aaa A t aaitks " kA kilttelal las saJ.a,. i W XIX I IO MWiMveeiiw rw v vseav ev as y sbbsbtw ing purpose. Whin it a tJieCi vrird. it had alrradf made eontidrtab! headway, iha flame pirdii g in every dindion but abort time elapsed h fitl lite large buildings Ihrntigll In vlr tirenl wi envelup-'q ' tlintet, while lha ona adi lining Kuiltl w on fir a wo I a lb ten S iiih.. . Ib-fora ike fit bud reached the ground fl .it of lb build. mi in wIim h it oiigtiiaird a q uiiti't tf.sfl. petraon the fl'ai aod second flmr er.pl. nkd with fratftrl irpoi I ann eraab, rending wall aiunder, and thru ing fl.keisof cotriutasiiU'e materlsl sereial quarra JNorth, Booth, h,t tnd West, emu i.unicsling lh fir . a U'g number til bouses, whiltt Ut'lawaia Avena ' filli i Citrr plrirl) "Vai b liiiin t bring. Another rlplnol hi wa eceedinj;ly fsial. followed" by death of nieo, worm od chd. lien mi IK-lawn veim. When tbii'liat 'iphwioN iccurred iba rash for life a as lr. nfifl niemesi and byatandrr, luahrd away from lb twinou eitt flsgfalion, tnd aa il ty endeavored lo ret beyond tha reach of da, w .... orr, several wer kn.ks4 uowa, aa u tiend, and hundred ran wser Ih'in, causing g and ami Iw ba broken. Th loj.iri in. flirti-d ar 'uf vet saixnit character ia flight, aoru ihrw ihemsrlv mlu iba D-ils, ware, whilst a targe tiu.iiber jumped votun'. ilv, to abn-ld ibenivelve iritw tba brick aad cinder thrown frmn lb boruing alora ; du ring whicb). arvaral person oar killed. A airman wa burnt lo a ditp J a yowifc in n as fully burned that ha di'd on raachio he hswuttal. Among th killed wat a young witl f A wastail atttseoWe winrw deaaei natat i thai risnred-d were without nuinber. Tbej h e eiends from the whaif from Bear ttac to Cpllnahill ' ieei, mring aorihwMlwarJ Irntw Front near'.Racw street. B -lh aidVsnf New i reel detiind I bene- in Prenatal, east atilerto aoulh aiifw of Calluwblll, wot Wat than 400 building ar in a the. Fiamee mil r(ins. Lot believed will bt cotifiiicd w ilbia lha a bus limit, . .. - e-j seaw. is eM.i. Fire aiiil liurning, but cot A srd wilki m ill pri viotMly de.cribs d. i auppowd 13 ui 2(1 ai killed urobibli as maw womJed. ll It iipieeih! in lb cHifuiorl which pre. veils in tell ahoar iha tuft-rer. Rnlgasy 4 "ill, eilenove flmr iwercbtni. WngSl i Nephew, sail merchaal and t war factors, aiitoog thtulf rer. ' Along Front aad Water alrrele li.e larg dwtnng wait most, ly tatcued by pwsr fainilwt ; in aonsa uf lh k.us 23 so I at familie resided. Thru snlT riii r ohssI acute. t is repotted lhat una woiiisa we foaitad dead wiih a ehtld a kmgtide uf her which waa alive, anJ another repot! it, lht'uV woman eud f ttj cklMiea were found in nn ll.iu-e Imrnl n ilrh. ll is niru io get in real I eel, aH triti.a inst klieee ai liei true j slm-Ml Oonstaoily petsons srs bring rtiis-d t IT, eilher killed er maimed by Ihe felling wills. Tb lue m r..o4Uy.e.!iiiu!ed al one milliott klJ a half of dotlj-ra. Itirh fcLrlrii. A few dat since, a g'olleman and It-'y ft'sh from Versnottl, t iilrd tr rfy for tat haudab' pu'psee of gaimg jtitrd lor lite." i. t. unrne.l. After Ihe rereirmny waa ae'y aeifotim d, lCCutdtlig-JuJlf'lhltjdjjrl!' lh newly married cup trpiiJ loiins-a our ft wt eta hotel-, sod ..h bwJg-ngt f.r Ihe night. Inread of ehuHiug iT h l", k blew mil lh ligbl, and waul le) Isv.l. Ii thnrt linve the dittgreesU smell uf b gas begin .piead Ihrnuah Iba ttiitltv, wd lb s-itnuls weie drspalched ill all diet li.Mi tu find out from wbrnc it prtfreV4 After ssiiite sesicb, ihey trart d the wb lh yot in of iha hat py r. lipl, ai d kstt s kw g al lharita.tr. ahtca w at lucked. Ikrt ait t ,. ,- . htm what wjt ih mailer. -' " Mallet I nothing. M hat tl ) vu di 'Vrlting in fur T II gisjie," Tbe rn'l nl gas alill ii creaard, tad st lit) the dorirrsiiff hurt! opea Ian drpif, and ahul ff Ih , tha imji all the h colding like a g.nsd 'tin. Why did m ant shut idT your T sr.quirerl una uf Ilia servauls. tls! ee,! what iaal I hainl ga. I blnwed out ihe light, thai' all." "Well d,J W auiell iweii'tl atrange. ? ' , . " Why, e,H replied the ar ho bill I anmntseil il waa a Bsia,raf CtmWf rtr gtllingm rriid.Sif.lk ff..af. fV. Tha last b iter wriur frnm Calif'"'4 "ol giv in uch eitciHiragemetil to tigree' Uat willing lo Ih MiMilgotiiefy Adei'in o Hm m fees. ea 1 7 t.ZJiTZTS sat In t'elifornia nnteee he it yewi.g snd '( lsaeealet lea,4e y-raVetlr deapsMl. mar SI Ihs d-l snd Se tteskst law dow " tajriti.f. even lhn h re aiak bl ear sr kaawa in srsras. anal arTa. iswaai watiniry e.-- hetmepo. tlidb t, b bad bet 1st stay at bswtl ' llie teit,"aTaayi'i (tuMi'f t"t added tha follow ing i Aad if h. la lawyer tad bi n eat, er alaeci. hv. atav aad sliek la M ss In plana f lh trew. ana pray t.d last mo . end wUdasf fals sstv not at A hisa lo Iki bwde gold and dltappoiRlminl Thai N Orfrant Uwyer, f J ,f..,.l.l la . a.u..I.U C.ll..- w belt n 1 - - .w. - Uiafiia,