vrnim mnmd. 'Perpetual lllantt i tl;t Price tf ritcrtrj.'-'fcr "Pcctr.U alxc&rj Circling frcm tl;e Waft t!;e no; PUBLISHED WEEKLY, AT f 3 PER AN MM tS ADYAXCE. EDITOR ASD PROPRIETOR. r L" 1 1 i" ' j . l-v i VOLUME XXI. CIIAULOTTE. N.V. MARCH 1 9, 185 1 NUMBER 15. From tkt RicKmoni Wlig. s The Democratic Platform. Th. " anewiing of Ihe Democr.it of Vir. giiii," or of ib.t portion of them now in pub lie employment, adopted t bt.ii ef arginita. Iim which it mora acceptable lo the Whige, probably ,iha ii il b found to wtaur of their own Democratic fcllowd'tii-nt. W. Caege of iht 3d, that the Ftdtral Unit to lh. foundation, of our' government, i. per. fectiy harmonise J with the e pa rate and ae. ral State tovtreigntitt, would mia toobvi. t. any difficulty whatsoever between th. Fdtral and Sut. Government ; and tier ! no real ground for different in fact, and should be nond in fooling , between (hot. who art withal friend, of th Compromise tb i true friend, of but h." ' --- ' '..-: houtJ rear that in proposing lo inclwd ,,.! ' 'Jter ti... p-t.g Utm-fma- MMI.Oot., iw ,w .,.., ,f p we ..4 um ti tnd Mr. M.eon, that lb tchtmt tt loo mod. of their .dju.tin.at, among tu. triaotle f (it comprehen.iee to bt fore distinct, more . I'-' "d Stoto Rigkttof Dtmotraeg ad peeiiUy rtn i propoie. lo delude .oma ef l 'Wa UUtto .d of Uu. , ,H,t. who eo-oper.i.d wb Mr. McDow.l. sJ; pa lb. ground of Iba quo ammo wnb wbicb n...ndwupa.UeoU.rU..iagnepr.etic.le.d, they .eted. far aew wane than vein, and it dangerous alike la At it wit the gnat parpoie ef the meeting thai w preeien. in tb t'uien and that ia earth to produce n.rmuae.w.ia.ilaiiuia with eroat r - plenure tuch of lb resolution aa will in oar i,piniutt receit. th cordial eoncurr.ee. of th. Whig' Indeed, the fiftl of thoao which we ad. pt, teem, an old acquaint. net ; it embo diet ih. ptinciplei upon which the Whig par ty .at originally formed, and lo which alone it has ow.d it. influence in Virginia. It, therefore, wa should tub.itut for " lh. Dtmocniic pariy," "the Whig party," wt .ball bare at le.al one revolution which com mind, ra.lf to lh. heart, and mentor ie. of er it Whig, .o that might eifely pledge that party to it. adoption, without lh. truub!. of any meeting whtt.r.r Here it lha 6th rttu'utmn of I tie Democratic platform, with the lulittitation af iht word. " Whig party " fjr ' D-mocrt'ic party H nWeed, That tetkat tnd the Whir early. frtm ik aiincipU. fcf paave and brotherhood amen( . The, ar. nv.i petriolic and enible ri pnaitiont of lh. Whig put n ion and doctrine., berriig that lh taller pari of lh. 4th aaaignt the " friend uf Democracy " a position in lb. category di.tinct front I lie " friend. of tht U ntoa and of State rigkti uf tie fnfttltracg, ef liberty, mnd cf law, and might lhur"u be interpreted by anau hypocritical anckler for grammatical accurtcy, lo mean that "lha friend, of Democracy " ere i ctaet of poli licttn. d (Turing from th. fiionJa of the Uni on, Sic. a. heretofore enumerated. Thit in juatict wt du not wi.h to tee dHi ih.n, but w. may aafely and aincerely aay with lh. ret olution., that a da "deaire lo heat all pad. pretent and all future diesenaione C.uaed by the continued agitation of pj'at ittura, and of lh mode of their adjuatiitent among.! lh. trieesa ot in union, and at ait o.fa.r par rm, Irom it. amotion te homan libertr. fioin itai lir and ner.ona whattoever i Juattcoan. tsoalne. from ita kaued of all 1 The Let resolution which remains lo be tfKr. ie Whateter furm Ketiaie er ui e.ertad. BO,;P8J roniain. oma am.r.t,!. ad.ire la iki. (rum it iealouar of rowtr, from ita dread of Iiu-1 .11 .ion and it. equal d.tMUt,oa of a Central DMM. I '" '" iy upon .ecet.ioo i.iti ffon ita f.nuful adheraoce to t irtl f'rinciplaa. ! ot remonetrenca as a remedy for llrgd gn. (ram nt Saerificea io, tka part and from ita prtMt ' true W. eo:v th. first part of the tcsj luti n : 6 Rtnlni, That I appeal, en the one hind, to 8Wtt aottrvif nlira new la IttmW, Ay rrer( te trim rtmtditt, t trurfa rrhtl i bitn dene. It to in. I fnm r-iin, . warn, nmw "- ' l .... .... . ... . .., It almott aeema a. if the .cntlem.o ' " f d 7 " V" L " ' " . 7 wmicm i 19m prtciQut rt r jtvpirara jmr tear, irnfri. 1 r aa " ' mm. ..... ttrr it bi.tckuk n foif, .nd iraic ! h 11 j practice of llii corpt, it more llian Itrrquir- Hart. MoHition coming from tuch a .nurct m.y hi . hrtt.r effect than if from ouraelse. W .hall wail with tnlereet it. efft-eit upon 8oih ('aroltner Th de) ef ttraew, many of whom hi, been considered retool violent to a .till mora iotract.h'e titter, hat a h.ppy parvllel in po.try, whirb w. .hall add a. .ar I Mj. McKe. ; be a not eira.gni or porn. re tti ma and hojwi,, of all partwe, pre taniMntljr !m! lanatitqted te counal tad lo tate tut ceuntrr m erieie ef dargtr. II iw wall that retoluiion reads! IIu t la ! alio reported had written it, and p.hlnhrd it lb .11 the earn.tln.t. sod eb onouce with -vhieh he aided lo lar th foaindattnn cf lh. Whig party in Virginia. Read it gin. The memory wf lh. peel rnhea by like the eind, vocal wil.h indignant deauncianone of " CMitr.T deepotiam," which threatened toer iinjiii-h lb rights of the eoaereign sttlee, aol io unH in one .(rnng hand the swoid tnd ? pnreo bringing ni b ii ' the d' fiance of ttrtniiy, whniher inamtee'ed by a tyrant ir hit tiinle" telling U of " a lute el yuttice aiii l tqit ity," abicb oppooed "pioacup li.fl lur opinion take," and conlend'd thai th. (.diet and honor, of the Republic were alike . - L. 1 - . . - .f .11 tt I mm.iGmmm ' lk 1 a t ii.iivm iiain vi . 1 VI I 11,1... iw inc . . . . . I . . P.t hich had embr.cr etila fmm place , M h..rt ,,u m. ,tt,on ,plT lnor. a wt Ir twi poa.r aa Ihe cneqjeoce of daring ! 1 bandy word lor wool, and frowa for (rown. lo ii.J-r aith Ihoee who be.lowcd offic. and ' ' "' " " kul atraw. ; pi.M. ..ui of "a p.lty piaem.nrntly beat' Our r.ngtb l w..h..urw..ka.e. p. Mntpar.. cm. , ad 10 counavl and 10 sate ihaenun-! W gie tic remainder of lh. filth r- :- n I.. 1. oieitof da' f er." Borau.e the lu in : ri .line adinitHwtr.tion. with the Co operation j Appeal. t tht ethar fctnd. Ie a la ef tlil'ni cl r. I: rod. of both .trt.e. in Conerete, hi. oe ant to r.Jrr.t r.w.r. it.i,u.a t. .mr". ir , , , 11 ,1 j- Jeatrov, the hiliita .1 liia !utaaana loaeatiet riaie mti'iitined a piilicv whieh b.t (hut far " aae-, ' '' . . rl th riMintry in thia criai.." Such ate the iim in .lift that ibia.icellenl rr.ulut.onrecsUa. hORTU CAROLINA RAIL ROAD TUB . .1 tf ..LUCATIUN.. The engineer, ar progressing wiih the locitiou of bia Road with cotnmend. Lie .c tirity 1 from etery quarter lh bighetl com- cn.cd.tiot it beatowedupon lb t. ral corp. ng.ged in lh woth. Th. survey between Raleigh, tnd th Guilford line under lh di tec 1 ion of Mr. McR, ttaieted by Meter. S.undur. and Atchison, was carried on with Ihe greater! diligence J tad belt a more rflioient and energetic corps ia not to Is found. Major Gwyna ba cerhtm!y ohcwa reilivfe judgment in lb ael.eiton of hi Auititni, and Ih. compmy bat been eery furtu'naldi in procuring ilia aarvicet of tuch a Principal Engiiu.r. Tlie whole wo-kao far hi. Uen carried an wiib great energy and fcnouiny. Though the locatio his not been mail al thia place, yet undertattd the pjitin have approached our immrdiai. ricigtiborliood on the anuth east nd ib wet lb party on Ih ut,rji .aat, under Mr. Pr.tott, anJ that on th. weal, under Mr. Mi ltd. U W-dcve H i. now Ct'tl.in thai th. louts through or near thi. Iowa i l!.. belt ihil could be a, leeted. , . AVbra Mr. Prevoet retch. IM'fborough, wo prrttin) lb location mil bav bcrn com pleted from Goldhoiougb lo thia point, with the ctceptio pei hap. of ihat porii. in Ilia immediate neighborhood of lh city of Ral. cigh;tnd Mr. MtRa., . tuppoM,co plvti a that loca'inn from th. Uoillord line lo tbi. place. iVWor Rtcriitr. RAIL ROAtTsURVEY. Thi. work, in the hand, of M.ijor John MtRea, .tai.lod hy Meter. Fey and Sum ner ia pro; resting on Ibis part of the line quite ntufactoiilj. The party hav. Incited Hie Roid from Charlotte via Concord lo with in a few mile, of thiapUcr. l'le w.t weath er, and aume few unr pieced jcurves which they bad lo put in on iceounl of private dwell ings, hate c.uaed tome delay, but energy and industry have brought them forward aith ai much rapidity a. the mo.t exacting could b.va required. To breikfaat nd gr to wuih ; From tkt Grtmhor Patriot. ' ADVCRITIMG. The .dveriiwca.eot. in tht newspaper or new apt pert of a town generally indict, the oiouul of buaineaa, mercantile., inechaoicat and prnfeaeional. Thpy frequently furmab tottrtigei. the criterion whereby to jfi'ge of the Unneet of a ptacJAnd it ii alio a fad, that bu.Mieia and advertising imertaie tt'Pttlttr, Liberal adverliaii e ia xiilriira r.f jlaer .I dealtnj, a hicb th. public are eay .or. "foJfpreri.. Ai. hate befor. remarked, Rieichantt alio adveilia moat trade moil; end Ihe lotuark will generally hold good a. to any otbai cailiog betult a that uf mercbun d.. There are numbrri of mechanic and dca ler.aho ennnot wrew up their courage to the point of kut irding any amount in .(Iver I'll. Tiue, there 11 ri of lh amount paid for adtat using : a return of lh sum pettled miry not be rt'llicd : but on Ihe oth rrhind.a return ef in hundred fold mag be catted thereby. Tht , tkancti art in fcor OUR COUNTRY. Th re.ultiof llnceniut ofl850,ar preN ty ell aaceriained, a far a. Ihe population ire concerned. Tbe aegre'.te nilt bo over 23,000,000 i.f touli. This i. truly eitraor. dtmry. 1 he prngre.a of Ihi. country may bo regarded at among the moil rem.rkabl. evfutt, not otdy of modern liinsaj buT in th. hiitory of the wmld. Th firtt permanent tottlemeni in the United State, wi. mad al Janiealowrr; Virginia, in 1CU7. Thi. con tinued an Hngliah Colony until Ihe Declare lion of Independence in July 1770. The original Slatei amounted to I hi treri in num her, and we have now thirty. one, wiih a ( roa- peel ol incrtani g them, ahould Providanc. ron'iruo lo Nvor ui, in al le.tt one huirdeed. Our Territories ritend from the Atlantic to llio I'dc fic. Thegreatrat length from Es.l to U'ett cstima'id t 3 1)00 milet, and the greatett bie.dtb from N'Hh In South at 1'. 700. The cti.nMKo' area i. 3,250,OOOquar mile. Thit val territory bat i frontier line uf about 10,000 mile, of which 3 500 milt of tdttrtiiii. All liberal and iueeet.folsreah.fi' lh Allan'ie coat and Gulf if Mei- dmlei. will tell you thifc Aa lo the iJo of'tco, end 1,620 milei nn the Pucific Oi-ean running a n.h recol'ecl that you. al.n rik "- Striil. of Juan do Fuca. Ill .urf.c auti ethtng in buying gm:d, renting .lore. jriiricee about one th rd f North America, aid ahope, puichanng gcwnJ, and what nt .!",clu,,"1K M r"' Iil'"dt, being about CiMiomera mi not rum afier all. But t tc-th of ihe Imid of the abol earth. Ihep again, they amy tnd f rotub'y wll come, J The fire! arl clet ofcotifedaralion were n. tfWnimaka the fact wlrcitttlh im.tr a ihail'"- ,n, n 1777. Th preent United oj with them lo come, end art fairly bcfoie j $ Cori.liiuiion, framed in 1767, went in ihrtn ih iiidurrmrnia to call upon you. there nay be soma who have tried it, and, Iriuto they rnniiot luce tile, mid bul(ics inraie dirtctly nd i4r.oLiy to their ad viTnmrni, corcluda they did no food. I lay ar unable to appreciate the beucfil v to operation March ll I7fc9, ifirr being ap pioved rf liy the thirteen nrigmal Slain of ihr Union. Lminiuna, coir pricing, the Slatei ind T.mtoiiet now belonging In the United 8 ate. we.t of lha MieusMppi, purchncd of Fmnce in 1 803 and Ftoiida of Spain iti 1 S10. Joint " T l . ! : .. -i . II I... . ......1 ..f .l..r. I .k.l ""'" Biunmra 11.10 me nin n nj thlitand v.). ,n ab.cblh. tubatanc. there. j?:;::lu";r " Co"R"V' P,wJ I'rfcl' !' of nay be fid npon Ih. mind, of reader." 8U New JM,rrC "'J LVt' Ul'fu,n' ...dhearer. of r.Idmg. Uecaut. riitlom- I V ' ".,,,,ed b-v ,,k M, ,,C0' r,,, era do not ty that Ihey poet.d itmiffht off l!" C " , . , . ..... toll ..ore or .hop , n t tlg .be adwrti.e- 1 h; P'8'" f '''' PP'";" ' ' m . . mi m i I-i.r'M l,L lt.il I,. .i.ma lu .if. melt, Ih adveritaor mut needi conclude, " ' ...v.-. 6 ed of t'tvet, tnd yrt the gti.l!en:rn rhrr Iwlly perform aa much every day. The lo cation on thu end betvreu Charlotte and Lexington, w leara ia moot vort,le, and wiii ho no di.ukt much the cbeapeti dixaiou on thia Hi t uf Kaltxgh. W. hav. pritl con- ft'lene. in th. ekiii wt the Atoielanl t"g near. p.r.phi.e of lb rendu' ion Kit ! Fw ! I'nkhil that Ihraattning. nnkind brow. Nor dart ! rornfijlltnr.t trtxn tiin.a tjtt J It blot, lh; bttutf .a tlu.lt do Ilia maadt : Con'ounda ihy fame aa wlurloinda tkako fair badt, And in no ttuta it n.ttl ar araiaklo. pout in hit pr.t.n.iana, but any one cm per ceive thai he ie a man of eircllent eenee and knuwi fH w.l he it ilx ul. The other gentlemen at.xi.ied tat h bun are no leas f jlifi'd for lUeir potito ns. W'a may ihea lure ronvdfr the (.'urnpany as vriy fmtunnle in every leaped in obuining tuch Engiu' ert. We hate heard alto thai a mure economical el of men were never engaged in ai y l.oi nvss, tut th. I the Coniptny in that ftp- ci i alio fortunate. We li aru too, ahicti i thi; no rfT cl at all ba hern producid on the purjir; inn.d 1 .d tDere ia another olj -ctinn urg'd igiinal advflitin which know a. Iilile how to eniwer n. the above : It u the argument f toil that itf.ir bunnr.i ie eiteoaite enough (.iy do not wmt any mote cuaioin they get at much a. they can do, tu. Thi. i. an en) more prev.l.nt than many are awar. if tub nr Soutbcto liaHera atitl .mechanic. It in plain Kugliab, lh retu't uf mrnial aid bwwHf ti.inet. TU-jr U ft ikwl (y lake proper mean, tuailtnd their bu iiat lo mroi griming demanda ihey could uff d "inploy meiil logieater nuuihert could 1790 ll)0 110 lb-.'0 130 140 18-50 3,029. Pitt 5,306.05. 7.W:i9'U . 0,63-) 131 12 rXiO.OWO 17.li0'. 566 23,110 &J3 At the earn, rite of per centime, the future til iliuw the follow iiijf, reMilla: lCO or lOyetn heoc. 31 115.705 170 er 30 4l.8l'907 l.Uin 0 " ,4..Ji31 . ISUOnrdO 75.01 2. -;50 llHKur50 " 101,1)1,753 fEXTI MF.ST IS SOU III CAROLINA. Tlx National Inl.Uigei.cer, in the court of . moat a bl. a t tide on lha condition of tbingi ..I .i - .i t. . ...t ..i ibe bctt part of it. that they hive not lid a , B4t Ut ,,,( lf ,hie. for .ev uptly m'liy more and make mure eny fro imullir pri jf'i. V r rii Wtii h-d la iheoa re mar III, because il hia frinur-ritlt hrrn a tnuict of niMrtiftea- lM.ntncon.inr. ihn column, i f the IV nut S"u C.rolmi, cue. ihe folloa ing article .will 1'ijirit of other tow na, and (lit J an rii.r from the Carnilrn Juurnal. That piper, tup. a trow of ndterliaimenti. And the f.cl n, pr(. thai the State elmu'd accile and Ihst I H.ebo'ineti of our p at i. ne.rly .1 a at.od n,e (i,r,rin,ri,t ol lh United State, ahould THE UNITED STATES IN ENGLAND. Ala late dinner at Siock port. Mi. Cbdo, wbii waking ipceeb, o.Mrvrdl 'I .onif timet quota the United S'ttei of America, ind I think in thi. matter, Ihey .et ui vary good ti.mp't. pvM any budy diru to t!ck that nta al There it not mom formidable po.er, id every ittii of Ih. word, sliboogh you any talk ol Fiance ted Rue.ia, than tbe Uniu d Siatfa of Americi, and ibo ii not ttatriman with a beid ua h.i shouUt r i be doea not know it; tnd yet the policy ! lb. U. S.aiei kaa bca ( kltp I v.rt n al' aaicuni of armed foict ia eimroce. At the pretent niooieol, tbry have not a liot-bf-bai-ll thia afloat, not a tthatacdire ihe van ti- emioa cf their connnerciil mtrioe. Liat year eh recalled her Let tbip ef war from th. Pacific, and I .hail be very atoxh ttfonir li ed if you titer ne inuiber. ,TI pe.ple ar ell en ployed ind her (aiifton ii li;;ht, coun tries cannot hue if they burden ihrnitelvc with ll- i tieine of th.ae enurmowi armn inetil . (Il.ar, lifir.) Now, maoy peopli .opeat to ih. EigUah Dltioo undtr the tin prea.ion that Ihey af a .ry pugRlCUUt pen . .. pie- ' (llrar, hear ) I am not quite iur ihnt a ai '!. I .ia out quit iur. Ihil my ep ponente do not vomotiuet have the edvtntg over ma in ippialir.g to lb ready -jinmcd runicity ,4 our l.itow country nifn. I te lie. I em rogntciov. myt.lf; but, hat I ant it, in pentode wycounlry ai.il to pre ert their piiKhnciuumeti until tc ait body cooiti to wt ck them. B. aiiurtd, if ycu ein.t to be prrpucd for Tutor wir, you wl be bettor p eparrd in th w.y that l.UHed State ia piepaitd I y th enormont iiubi r of merchant ahip of larg tonneg couaitctiy bu'idmjt to the vial number ufn.imeri turn ing out M Hi build. ug y.rd. tt N.w Yoik iheM eooruitui itc.iiier., finer thia icy lo be : found iu royal navici of toy country en th continent of Furope, commonly .itcndm from 1,500 to 1.C00 ton.. If ih.ipuit nf A mcr c. wen one artuicd, and b.r rcteni miBt eicittd, by her uiercaDtile marine alone, the growth of couioierc, the resuli of a low ttittioo, and i prc.pereu. people her mer ciaiil. wanna .Ion would bo mr Ih.n a much for any ar navy that anil oa lb eon iiuant cf Europe. (Cbeeit-)" drop nf e, riMowa liqu ir in the camp ainca they hjve been i ut. Carolina II ulramin. ! priut, ara no Ivoa tdiout in doclrma lhaa Ik.y ai in t certainly bid never eipectrd iheedop ti'w i.t reioluttoe which io perfectly .mho- 4i the principle and parfirmanc if ihe "i'2 pir v. We certainly nvr Upected rnor.itrss ok rut ;rf.at wcikk. Hi. il.trtn af eo.ivtitinf tl.t ko-ieot aeiiliunnta ol A (riend wh I. ' rtoa'ed up on the pro- p.tr.oi.into...r.p..litio.r.pilal. lo be trtded b,..a f (M 4 (j. Reload r-urteyt, r.m.rk lv tba4 panv fov t ontoiultiioa whieli M u daxiai . , , r . t.v.0f L tn.oi.dufil..l ...t..ul....(Ui.l .a. "f .m fortnight ago fadorac y aa rt ia of U a H'ftilt of Ik. Mute, and of , Jt.v. Ifim chill it fill o Cold'y abort of the Liurtua of Hi f .,.(. i ih Altering pinl of progreaa already attain- At fo the laa! purl of the resolution, it the d. Well we era happy to be aW. in mk. bhikjde l.er putt, t.yt : " We blirr F.nr'aod ou'd icknewlril,?. er art nl. IScw, we do not ennli-nd 1 , , " , . . ,. ' ' . ut at an indrii' inh m KeouhliC. and Come in th., newtpaprr ad.,i.,,me.,.. m jim-iry (((j wvU , ( ,,.,,. b,ch In. titiii. : lui we on cm ii no, uiai woun s . , . . . . .... .... n i , adinir alum bv and coin nv lo : and ll lit Iticir paatac e tlime ahipt ahould fit. on them, Uy a broadside from an J'fhik ,lrumh p uouU ul Ir tt. are ihmk, ruiker In tht dlta'ioantagt - W..I... ........ LI.L..Jm ..ii.. l(. t , .9 a. IS I I tt I I vl " w ww-t lin.il v.m.MMC p.1fU..r.i,h ,,F.y...v.llr, S. aury . I tl,,tC rur ,,,,. h... don. gm d eeivic .l . I lit, . ..I I . .lit. lu..n .,.1 I ' niiiM-iuii. i" Ni.w, we do not cinl-nd 1 dtetiiii meiii. wilt jrmdy Lut w. du coiil) lid, that while. llieli run of aOtrrtit eg cut'om mil thow moi. ' n.l. II, A .it.wl .nif,,,!!! kf t,n. in... flnriw 11 ' il incre .ae that butmeta inatufo'd above lie pittinre pud to the printer. I lit new.pa tjc'i t tnbu n from that wrb whim w hnj (.iar ,,y 0f a J0l.blr f!tndrr, " we cannot i lhe chili off fmm eny ath.a who may have t ic i-.tc.en Hon y d tTired, nor Cta w be dri-' lrn,,loe wbil they ateia." The ret iljiion ' caught cald by aaid notice. Iu a caauai con. . . L IW L!.t l .J-.itl I tn ir mi tne position upon w ntcn ma tvnig ranii to in.inu.te ihil thiie are tboo who v.raalioa who in. rre. neni m in. it iar., par y m Vfgmia originally formed, furl .r ,fneil, ,e Union for unwortky tiv. j who hai an e rrluri.d fim a lour ta lh ytrty prjitdie of wbicb fel aoibieg hq 9. aii at 11 ceiled on to make any weatera end of ihi route, we re h.ppy attoer. We. therefor. It! our friend. ,..i,. ..,.,,1 ih.t wa tkink it er arobab... lo leira th.l lh. Mirvet. aloni lha whole i 1 . . . . :..u. 1 .. 1 . ..j.i . . ... ,.(, 1 . . ictu again inn anmirauio toxhw-i-jh, onw , ,tnCi we hav.anugly mnuniea laa piai- irett-iie il . e ful! reeogm ion f ry due ! (alm .0j. W(K our Democratic friendt, we tine f r which htv er contended. Il( M)U, parmitted lo eipie. th .ppr.heBr had th n.ncmt of e meeting, we, (na j, , .iclude from tb.l plitform ghl, aiiihrMH h-aitatioo, i.eemnviid ihe t- j 0f D.mocriiic pirty ihemaelt. diem of in rean'utito, wiiboul eny oih.r, f , srtB twait, with much intareai, the rei M 1'ifici'ion whalaoever. f ik.a IV.mnetnlie mambail af Coo. We copy, morei ver. cert. in oth.t rlu i grevt end of th 8ni bo nppteed ibe d- iduh. wt b prieeoitby fi lelity and de li.int, in which .coidia'ly unite. Wt have j,,Bltn. We imigme thit Ihey will regirrt patch, 1 iptie nl tht HI a..rt. 01 wraim-r lake tb liharty to Mbttnat ur owa prty it,, whole leiteiof i.tuluiia. a. "word. I; of lit pa at wtir. Go. Muirhc.d apooks appel'.a'ioti for Ihalmf our opp. wnnta, as on 0rdtl Hralio." in meet iiKrging term. Calculated to ivime'imaa puts oa Ike C"i of a partK.latj - : 1 infuo hop ful. md cw.fi J.nl tpifit in all friend only lo oeo k h loo a in ll. We1 . ,.n, n urn a I iur IIOH IICNRY CLAT. I"'" u ,r, I mprt.rninl end nl liuo are ia rapid pregi.ee toward, comple Ileal tnd we judge frum Ih lem.rkl licit. ed though wo cannot mike Ihe it. emenl y luthonly ' thai th. .i.tii lout. i I be ldy for lb letting of cantracia by Apnl neil. Tb Mtei.l corp. of trginevr. have ba gniog ahead in tbe performance of their itt I iw inwn hi nninooro. 1 . . 1 l 1 1 .J . ... v... .1.. ..in. 1 M.imiipii ,1 im n a . . ii.u mi kjuv mrw - .il.ti.ot ..ghl n.me..re,rr-.-h.dr.i , iIld ,',.,. C(f DO dla.fRcl Haernrnte; ...d their town, aie .11 prop. , t m T. . . . ff ; ii rrea.e ', , , , , , lauw tioo ntyrr tun ni tt m 111 j . . if fhng ker ctmiwitrft, for il mi tin to fl .ninth war. Min aould ileur tkt b wkaUr, lor rou. 1 il rn.wirc. thi wmg a Urr nf pr I u'ation in the paat lea y tart. To g'artc oter one of the paprr of Iho. p'.cr t, you . . . . . . . I .1 1 I. .7 .IM ..moat l.ncy ...ai you ae.ru ne d, , i((H u , M hl, f ,h.b.a.m.r and the ru.h of th. '- : Co(lftdf ,.cr broken opW .Ac icod taw iu. ....... -..- .... ...M . t.tutna eruVaif f Xurtk. ktr natural rt. tbe ci untir, and tb. bu.tle and otir of cu.'e- mere g"iog mi ind nut. With ut, however, wa are tlmrtt atl.am id loiay, uere it noi f..r ihr ruttcm of pat- nit medicine man, our adrting column would hardly mak. a llmg ehow. Fit f r merchant and ikrtt i f our mf hitiic ad. irr 11. W'a are gralelul lo Ihtm, nut for auraelve alone, but on behalf of lb eommu aity whM.b our ter irpnKi.li, tnd whieh it ime it ihould repietenl ctdilib'y in tua of lie iltM. Si. Would-da it, bcauae then ah would hate an open and fiee Amer- : ican port, she ouhl do it, m ehuil, becaui inKre.l would rlilt her to ll. Thi. i. lh. language of American Editor I it ..id thai, iu th war of tb. Revolution, ther were mot lorie. io South C.rolina ih.n any other Stat in lh. Union j and it nuld eem, fmm th abnv. paragraph, thai the breed ia net yet riiinrl. Certain it ta, i lh a I'.ililor bit mm of lh. blood uf Sumptf r, a it i.w ui. .1 vi a 1 - ........ ur.tvn iv i lie in'.na. ul in. ureal 1 moniraitni anuoi , ,. . . n " - 1 1.111 11 ...ii.ii. lun nu.i 11 1.1-R 1 ... ri. . ht an u Dunr miiirro 11 tt'itttiin .. .. .. t. will b earned if. tn ihe eu.!.eeTnitu " ... ...... ; , .... th. vit.l ioUre. ef .North Carolina cont. I . : m . . ,. . r niim .or uu.tea. ia n.i vnni.-i cirri " " - prea lb nj ' J .Zr "'V " W h ' I of lh. butii.et. 'l Iheie cu.romsii j dT -".gr.cre, p.n.no mat ,. fcecoH., in. Whig party at il ... . ... ,,,. ttHtn Fri,. ; tM taetwea u. in rtna. in .... igiti..- ... Bf. ,..,..,, 1; had tfn mid. or il which w. m a '. .u j.t we a.se oea) ooiaing i injure ii. pruapfn.. w TI,. k.M 11. ...... . I hft.rl. 1 l.o t 1 1 - .. . . . - . . " ..w. - - - - eirrrite 01 a ir trtU on wJfg g . 1 . 1. U.t ... rt aa va atotni. iv.Wi turn .poo , -"" " ' " ia th Company .re nn'y neeratar) to .ire..y 1 ,... u..l.K...I..-.-l.f,...d.le gr..l eil.nl. Iver admis-lofl mt tho Union. Tku'winJk ,,,,, ,,, 1 1. .r ik flout. I nia aieent wore, me v, w-t., -"... t ...t .1.. ri. ... .v.. .j .,i. . , .. . .1 I 1 . 1. ... I . . . . 1 . J .. L . . k. I M 'wi. nitTwit.tn .w-y i. w reg.r . an anieiicai m, an i . , , ... ..j ... ..j, .e lV alia... ika C.t.l of lie Carted l.r. ..!..... L. k... ..o.,J il . mt ." 'CfHy. anH lh. tpeedy tc t.d tn. K.mtm4 tmt V i - '. . . , . im J it""'". " J .. r-. k. ..LL. . pwiww.nl law.tr a HnMiMi .oaativ lf , ' " " . ' M -....an Uik, tad nH ill attaweia t. i.ttd.', Th en.d.1 1. ab-nil three meee in dr.m.tr "-w. k. at try ewe, arwieh any towl-Ily to ant . fttU a .ai Ma aa Ua pitrio'a. I R.-tteed, Tk a Ik ftdttot !'., I Ik. (wo4.iMat W oar tttaraantU, M pat'letUf k.eat. I atd ana to. opvrale and toeer.1 Kioto 5.eeri. (rt on tid it repreeeal. tb low IHf ot Co lOwrai adouiUd.iuio iba-.oaiUllHionind urroaaded by lb other thirty ware arraa Hit a briHiatt Circle 1 round tht mtrgn. . . . . . e.inp'iahni.ot of ih. migitifw.riil ulj"t.l 1. Cur. (irttntkitrotfh I ulna. known ; lor it ti through llie imlirat tune ahich Ibrtf alone furmth, Ihil iliarg.i. al a mlance find cut, tu (at at Ih. ptpt ia e.o-eiiil, thai lite 10 la iny butinrat II .11 cairied oa in Ittoen.uuio. -. koi ftaa.4 (00 diflVr-a la fii O b ce-lr eaf thert rwHW at iht d raid ka eeae m fWIi.g. b-lwa tboa Wb a,! beautiful pclml of white qrta ta- allv 11k aidd ta erpropnvte 1 nM TM ---- taUtu - r ,- . . ,t. i ek.litalw.il t'f aTTminia. t. . 4 I. p-aa-tfra alt tha PW 7 jf ' fa a4 . th. 14 ed -k.-k ianrl.tl Awuad th tlw I HCB eer" t aad raawtilwee. tatewd-4 t.t-... ..die ofnaltv tpecinuiM of roug gold ttk froai 6 1' A C 1 1 f I' t. S N I IMF.NT. " I ta not in 1 tplendid gnt.inm.nt ouf por'ed bv powerful mHipUea and .Matwi.. Hal rti.hli.liifin't, tli.t the fei p'e ! find ' llir bappmea. nr l.lri protrciedj but ih a plain ay.iemt nd of all pomp-protecting .11 ...,t f.vnra In a(t.e.diBnenBine p?rr tto ltd... of New LTTmt 1T.?lT,T.r7.Ttlr?ivrrT, were and unfi ll, tit. in Ih freahnee and beauty Ihey contribute l prndwe.!' Jatkoom. 1 1 " vdotvaelo w4. Wo-In tad lewtk. lbrtmng todwtaikwar "aiiawai paa, I Ho aiatarliaad af aa( attlal and tk. t framdak a ef eul tl Ihrvagkaal lb R. f.aj. Wei. wi b Coin Ifeldrtgg, iH uw cnWe " Uilkelei " la all tbi. tnd drte lo wtcreo. lq aj t. Ini Ibo aarg...' Tk lITumatnHVof" ri"i bat.eof llr rfl'i f l tf lad of Ikt t ' f ! Ik lit ttiwlatioo, tpi4 wj k ( .eery !ar ia Ih toonlty, frwa Ortgow in U- Ag: w,,r " mvm; bear lh foUctwing ienpi) t C.lifw oia aVsait od iptiMvr 9. 150. Priew I Hear Cley wf Jtckt tV Brwbr. Ci'y of . rrewr-M. (KluUr SO, lfr-M." 1 ej;raaj Rrpoolit. ' h mmmmcmccmcmcmmmvctmcmcnmkm- What eel.Uttid iiuJividual d l ran !. aif; ia ftHif ! Ibo rou4t FtUtift ' ItVIVALOr AN OLD IAMIIO.'; Sum of Iht Yrk row w..r Ir.ial it ening partie.. Th. tlnmo Journal ibbbt thai certifier, r.tpcltb!y tndwrted, ibtt Ih lam. tmu' uf trivet bad bC bf.inhrA aad wa. in th po'ttertttim eif thw Wdy wt- t"Wto axgHI aw ta aad apo lb ikirt, and anaw.r the Mate, or ballet puraoee, a. nobody are. the trim, and without pg I Vf "" ,ky ' r iDCwWveni.nl. - FORTl'N ATK MCAfR. A Huh wwkif, 4 ft y.r. f Jph Wetvat, Pattrtill. Pa., VI Into koit of hit wtr. J tt tika frem Ibe ttMt, bat H bad fotteaatel beeewt OwlTicieaily tt t only lo r4da ik Mj. TIIK bCARCUY OF MLVER. RELATION OF TIIF. I'KITEU 8TATE4 AND AUaTKIA. Wa te.d in lh. Independence, of lliuiieli, "Tin Prigu. Cat'lt .nnouocri, what eaty lo fo etee, the Coirp'ctt rup'ur of tht diplomatic re'aunna Wel.een Auatria and Ihe United d alet. ll ieeeiitin th.l after Iht in tu'lirg reception give I hl.comrtMtoic.tloo. by lb Amannn Benai. Ih. prei' of M. Ilu'eemana, charge d'.ffitri of Auatri., tl t ..hing'on, h.d becotn. impa.ible, and ll It prwhnbl. that if lb geof ttphical poaition oflka wa power, wet different, lh ruplur. woulsfaol Uconfiol ValT oft STrafUl Aaatnao repreaenlalive." letter from V. Mine, publithed in th learlmg morning joar nata. elate that, h.d Mr. Minn, tho Uait'd Slat Agent, nc nterd Hungary or A- C jJoil ItaJ thrtf hynrfred thtnreewd) wdhTtni; amrtT, b welrf b.w b. ohnt . -Fl ,., . ..... '.Jl.. f i!er w.re eiputled from N.w Torn ltd rk. Th mill t.mr Am, tlon. ion out I wo hundred and ninety eight thouaind dollar., wf whn-h I270.W O r. ia America hilf dol'ara. Th.pciO imported in 6oto ia J twoary emmint. lo 1 10,311, a bit thai tl polled t. 1151,503. Th KeoUrniaa cintirm lb public l- in.l three do'laf lt of tkt Merchant! Hack of NtabeiR idroitly tlitrttl I (. tpy. Acenuat lrn me mite., receive oy th Ni.ftrt.eot ihil n. iiuitemana ennna. aed I vtvil Preaident Fillmor.'. receplioni, tppriag nn ef the gtyeil tad moat uncea. ternrw ol tiptomatiate. A qe'i" of tmtU intperttoco la Ibt fli.acial tad cemtaercial rnt'et of ibt U.L ird St. ir. hi. beta etild ia Franc. It b.t Veen decidVd Ibtt geld tbtll Coetinut It U itceivtd i under. ROMANCE AND TRAGEDY. Miry of our rcideri will remember aterici uf i. min ront fd Three weikieo t Cot tea Pinntatiot.," which tppetiad io the Kc putilicao a tle month tioct, er mote. In oo of iho. iiticlc th raaaatie bi.iery of lh plantar, ho beapilalttie tb ' writer to gratefully re. ailed, wit bntfly given. He Un.iid at Nuchrc, a boy. lie hid cone don li e Oho .iid Mmiitippi on a flat bctt, nh hi. ftih.r, aad bia father' partner. I here hot fa her died, and wat buried, and 1 he r the bny ci l.lt by the beirtlctt put ter, with .ul ipictyub.. Naturally thriad, he t -on 'i(Lrd up buiinm lold licked fur tbe the. '10, dd eirandt, peddled koiclr-kmckt, d:-., utittl he g'tw up to be 1 proper ei?e for larger opriul.oa. II. ih.a boeame owner of . cf ray , thro a number ef drtya, than of ne jrort hod.ote them, then of t email plan iittcri, nrtr Natchtj, then of ta ipmenaity Urge plaotitien at Millik.o'. D.nd, above Vickiburg. Here he weal iate tpeculaiiont, ind bafoie tbe craih of '37 luppoeed himecll' to be w.nh . qu.rter of a aiiMioa. Il.iheito hn fenuaet hid weied. lit ut independent, lit then, for Ibe firtl lima, li mited te Cinciooiii, tod tougbt bit mother and li.t.r. abom h I. ft behind long yete belore. lit found hit ft Billy, wbe tapppeaad bim dead, in poverty, and preeidrd for thou tnd thou cats, the r.t.rMi. Tht wift af hi. tiuib bad botnt bim tb ret baaetiful chidren. Thtu, on. after anoth.r. did, tod Ibea Ik if wa. lei 10 lb are. Aaiot.ivaJ elipi- d of pecuniary prosperity, but tal..se gritf, bea be at b etted with tbe bead of oaa of the moat h mtiful and lv!y of oeaiia-kiod. Then cune the fintnctll Crt.h, but though tulTeting teterely, bu energy pirned 10 .em degi lb force of the blow, tad be wtt en' third It rtnio tad add lo bia betuliful plan- titma. Yttrt ptiied 00, tad aaolhtr fnrxily of brtutt'ul tbtldreo td grtwa ap troaod bio, I bout tnd wh wttotifal ajotber bt wa attached by faaatical ideletry. Twt yeart a- ge la.l Auguat, kit b.tut wtt Ibt abodt tf plenty tad tht Itrgt.t hetpitalily. Iaiaidi ately afterntrdt bit farit child a.cktaed and d id. A Bioatb or Iwa after tbte, hi. buuao wtt butard. A few oetkt more, and a lung pending law tuil, erigioatiof io bit tf larte te relate bia properly tid pay off bit debit, ii decided tgnaat hia, ltd bit plta- tanoa ti put under Ibt biaaiar of Ibe iuc- tinner tnd tbe brokea tptrtted atit ato.ed to Vtckburg. litre, iieibir child did. With be leaiiiodir efbn large BoeeteiieB he par chtted tht btiful .t.aaer Mebewk, aad run bar ia the Vicksburgead N. O. Ind. icing it tho Ctplii bimotlf. A fo dajt ga, tht follewiag dupitcb wtt fKrivid ty Ibt tSerlbeia pipere. - lXH'imLLl, UlC. 17. Cat. Cobb, of ibe tleemor Mtbtwk. bltw eul bu braint yttitrday at Yickibarg o. peruaiiry tiaubl tad Ibo death of hit wift. Aooihac dirpatch baai liurim, oA tb- im dili.ititid tbil tot meitiBf, Ibt tteeaf er Mubaak Mak with 3.600 bila of Ctto o board, htlt lying tllb. city I Twpor, it pttg, terror -ttrickaa ebildrea are an tan remit af Ih whole fiaii'ft Wbil dream af ficlin ttrr tqualWd Iragody lik Ibitl SfHofJUU (Afa-) flrfwW-wt. 0-Tk kuma iad it Itkt aaraot Vt with gaad fckig U Will fecdta HJ tattal a( oMful (ooltol.