MINERS’ &, rJOURNAL.. VOI^ I. PKINTKD AND PdnLISUKD LVEUY IMONDAY, liY NOBLE j;- irOLTO.X..../'HA\UAYnT., MPXKLKNBUIU^ ('OIJNTY, NORTH-CAROLINA. MO%DAY, OC’TOIi:« 11, 1H30. NO. 3. Mtmbera of the Gtneral Asmmbly fur Iblltl, AND 8IIi:RIt F». Aniim—riotncnt Marnball, S. Joscpli Wliitc, Win. A. MorrU, C. Jwrpli .Medley, fhcriir. Attkr—John Kay, S. Juincs Horton, Cal- Atain.iJi/ri'RAL Ni:ij;cTKi.Ms. tiiat the prices of al! flio [litriiiitls of agri- cultiirc arc equally l:'j)r* to J or ek vateci by tiie same r aise al iho wlffi limp. It is without df,ul)t the b>t |k>1- Frum the Oxford (A'. C.) Examiner. " I'ATIAIEKS’ ARITHMLTIC." Profits of Agriailti.rc. If tho great; j(.y, t« cultivate every artist- (o wtiirh his Orr, i Frdiikliii Ihul ever lived in the country, l.is | ..Jn „„j ,i,c climate me d. It «ives f» Weaver, C. Natlianiitl Ilarrirwin, uliorirt'. j oh.sorving eye would have noticed, uiid his ; (,i[u gn n(i\aiilag(; in the npvl.-f>i; if one or :. W. Mc^fe, c! Rond, | jiidginutit have Holved tli'j , two articles are depres.'W'd, his whole depen- ilcnce is not i:ivolved in it It gives liiin Jtint-a Btrl if— Jforeo AIoi --- - Blailrn.—James J. M’Kay, S. John J. .M’.’lil.: fijllo\> ii;g dill'.ciilt prohleir.s; Un, Saltar f.loyd, O. Saiiiml Cain, J'lieriir. I , , i , , CruMfitict—Wm. K. Hall, Jolin J. tiaujc, | I'ariners are more iinpo.';ed on tlian ; an ndvnnla;'0 in cullivatiou; 1,? is not obii- Ccnj. lyonard, C, No ri-lurn for nli>-ril!'. "^“cWumuV—f"**' *’> 'l«-‘‘•''"iiiiercial regii-j fca-ons, tliroiighout I lie year, nnJ h( Marmadukc PowdI, C, Joxh. Williamwu, shil’. latioiisof foreign nations; never have much ' saves licth nionev and tinic. To m profe«- Car»T»/—David W. B«rd.n, .S’. Tlio. .Mwnhall, i . i , i . I' ■ . . John F. JonoB, C. Absalom Fulford, rIiIT. money—yet every iiidu^ti ioua, jTiideiit iar- ,^10:1 i.s the adinosution, ‘ CurrHurk—^. J. Lindsay, .*f. W. P. ))arnard, ; iner prow. rich ! T. Kimiiionn, C. iMac Uaxtrr, bIiI!'. Chotran—William Walton, A', i.corp Clair, ora «!oI!ar a d:iy, \et remaiii.4 jMKir; the Win. Jackaon, C. William )). R.i*roo, kTiIT. Vkatham—Joaeph Raraaay, S. Nat. (i. Kniilii, Jocepli J. Br'ioka, i". Horace I>. Bridfen, i-iitr. g*!hir ifj> the fragmcnta," so r.pp!i ahlo as to the fariuer ; particularly the fniunieiit.s of lime—now, with tiK) ina;iy, un^alh^red up .i,!;! uii.ippn*- fauiu r c::rii.s liii sovci.tijcii ccutd a day, and j priated to any u-ie—like tli" fracnK iUs of 2. 'I'hc nu chaiiic receives his T.j cc;it? grows rich! hi.eir f;l,ihies mid bani-yard-, which witii M'Null, Ale*. Buic, ( . John Hlick, shft. 1 .. ,c , . , , , Camdfn-Ciikb Pcrkin«, 5. Tiio;ncs Dozitr,' Mcrehant.^ j.hy icia!!:, lawyers, and fur;iiei-s ar : arc seutt 'lod, and Iht ir pro- Ahnur M.Grandy, C. Luke C. I,anil., ►Iiff. 1 (.(henj, receive their t!iou-and,s [,> r anniuii, ', ious .salt? eviiiK^ratf 1 ir:lo thin air,” when Cattc'll—Jainc* Kerr, .V. Littlejohn W ynn, ! , . r i Sc-jJicn Dodton. C. George WilliaiiiBon, ahtf. I £«!'• i 'vhde tiic farmer scarcelj re- ^ thrv niifcht have formed, if “ ;nithered Ujt, a, ci'V s as ma:tv tc:.s yet die^ rich I I a i,i.nU .;f coi.iik.-sI coiifainin- iuc-diuitsti hie A) ^. fr.Haston, r. Jamctf C. 1 olr, shll. • i * ^ i>u;^iri—Sttiphcn Miller, »V. Willinni Wriglit, How arc llios? strange rcsuU.s j/joducct?^ ! rirlii ^5. ' •'» „ni ,.,.u m,...! . --- \\ m . Wixu.ta, C. W in Kcnocd.-iy, siilf. | nrcount for it. T hose who afe d«lcniiined . ’ . .. j . i , Eflseromb—I-oiiia I). Wilson, .V. Il.irdy How- , , ,i., , r i, i ' corn crop will lie short at one half, er». ;ray Little, r. John Parker, ahff'. to bring every thing t.j tho ot.:!idard of dol-, I . , . , , rronAViii—Will P. WiUiaiiia, .S'. Wra Prancli, Inn, und cents, pronoiinco a{/i iciil'uie »> be ■ muldle, i: .iit.if.rn, and we-t- Gid.-on (ilenn, Henry (J. Willianid, nhtf. „ r. ,i i„ .. i.„., .1... ! ern states ; and as corn id Ifcf staH of life (•'ranrillf—Win .M. Biutd, S. Jaiiiea 8}k ncer O’Hrien, C. I..eslie (jiliiiun llatf$—Win W. ( oo|ier, .V. Win W. Sit d.nan, . . , , , • John Will.y, C. Jaim* l{. Uirtdick, .hil'. j taiiicd by ajjncullurc.Plare.stliciiiiaUie hxc. (.Vrrne—yalt Moye, A'. James liarjxr, Eli- jjjy opinitm of these calculator.'^, n;rricu!- a)ia I'zzle, C\. JoJin W. Taylor, ahlT. i ' . /,'Ki//..r/—Jolin .M. Ihck, S. AII:ii Pcoj.ltj, turc i.s the proper piirfciiit of such only as have not sense enough to pursu.1 any thing ,. I wliollvunprontablc,«hcnlhefactth,.tnear.|""“‘“‘^'^’ "l-'K . ’ Iv all'thc wealth of tho cuiiti v ha. U.-en ob- I ••»«'•* of the c«ntry, a sul.- Amon Wcavir, (\ James NV. IVwik, mo.M Tiin NKw-votsK c'om»i:rciai. AuvERTisr.a. We taka plea.sure in layinp liefore rtir ••enders tiie t>lliwiii^ extract.^ from a letter froni a jiersonal friend, a highly rospectable and iutellijjeiit American gentleman now in Pai iM, who Ir.Ls home a di>itingui.shed jKirt in the emancipation of (Ireece, and who feels it^^ a.i a Kiiigiilar instance of giKxl fortune hat lie \vr« enabled to be a spectator of the "kiri'iiis events of the la^^t week of July in tho I'rench capital. Ahfr.l, * *—Iwii: new pnfceol to fjive j'ou some nccount of the M'mkI v, imi)ortant,aiKl intf resting scenes of which I have 1)*h‘ii witness witliin th«' l.isn four d lys in this cajiital, and which will prove, or have proved, the oveitlirow of a pnvoiitil inomm-hy, supixtrtcd by 10,000 linyi.iiotf, by anobie fleet, and by a weM or- j;ani/-.wl inten.al and exteiT.al «ystem of ad- iiiinistrali.jn. Yes, the unarmed, the un- or,v(aiii7.'d, unguided popi’.n..';G i>f I’aris have brcken the i!c-ptre of Charles llu 'J'entli— driven him fioni his capital, and conld to- iiii:rrow, if they ciioose, lead him to the scalliild ; b»it tli^y display a.« much modera tion an 1 wisdom to-day m they have ros4>. lution and heroic courage during the throa past (lays, and are willii.g to i>urrender their [xwer iiiti>t'.>' I'.aiid-j of a g.jvernment which, though tie.l down by the lK)ud.s of a consti- liili"ii, will he of tlse form l>est adapted for tiiein—a irKniarehical one. I’.ut yciu want no sj>eridiUions, you can make them )our- s*'ir ix ttnr ih'Ui 1 can—you want facts; so here [ give you a iseriesfrom my journal;— Moif.liiy, July 2(5.—Surpri.se and indig nation ar« on every C( iintena'ice. 'J'he mad Kin;? of l-'rr.ace. in a voice of thunder ha.s thrown down Uie ;;!(uiitlct of defiance to his l»eopl(>,and sworn to he a despot or iro'hing. I!e h;m dis.solvcd the chainl»cr—^arbitrarilv llalifttx—Uham .MatthewK, .V. Ju*.«' A. P^’nani, TIkm. Niebolw)n, C. James ^iiiiuKKiii, «ht). Hertford—Jacob Harr, John II. WJisek-r, | Ihic (-'artfr, i". Rieliaid (J. fowjicr, aliif. V.itiite must be sought for. Tliere are ma ny wjj’s by which a gcKxl fiirmer may ol>- vialti the evils of a Myircitv v>f corn. lie , , , , , ,1 ■ 'r 111 . I altered the lows of election—and .‘suf’pended shou d Jt ed 11.. wh jle nrnin of nnv kind, but I , ... ^ ' . ^ ; the hhci-ty of the pres^s. I ho news circu- let vliat corn he docH feed to stcM.-k, bo | rapidly, but ounuot rcach the common 'I’lio niischijfs which kucIi ralculnticHi;* Ifvdf—WmS Iliy, .V. T'lo*. S. Sm/I-.ton, I'os-; are doing in fHir (joiintrv, firht indued me i' ‘ , j ' r/anri» f. Ilenrv S. Sm ne« r, wlifl". i. ,, ,. , i. 1 tatOCS n:id t»llv_'r rH>t«, f W,y„o,;,/-Wm Welch,S. Nininn fMmonslon,! aUcl.tion to thu 1 armcrs \ ’ JIJOH K. r^vc, Janifj bhir. \ ArithmHic. J5itt hav ing Uion im.re j ^ ‘ IruUll—riiikiicy Cnhiwfli,Jofcpli M. IJogb, L i * i n- *i i l ,t a ''-atsfcr hon«es, by wliirli at loa^t a tliird Riciurd Allison, c" Huam Culdv. li ^hft'. t«meJ to hand!,ng the plough than the [K-n, • . , „ r ,1 yoA«»o«—llillory Wilder, N. Joviali Holder, 1 -ni ultoirether imab'c to d> justicc to the | 8‘^ved. borne firnwi.s ii/;cr lJiic»h ter i JUllOH I'roun.l, cohand all, if you pWsc, and lai.v- •d with cut .straw, fjr hoi-ses; and wah po- and boikxl, for cows cconoiny ta grind ultogether miab'c tod> justicc - - .Wor l>a.id would tnko it | “P Owen « Cox. c. wiiii;,... HuKginN .m; u[s .lIsfKTTTie mw 8-imi- ;■ '■ ,].,. thiuc. ana .UO.V . f\ I.. C* Alt.>% VI. W .tt>n .1 rTr\r\i'i (.*1 * l>oople at oiice; mensnres have been taken lo j)i-evr:it this; the .Moniteur,the only [wi per coiitniiiing tho decrees, ej^nnot be had at any price. Fiuids have fallen; cver\' one is agitated ; too ni'icli m to know how to art; biit mcctinss havC been hold, mer chants of the highest re.spcctability have sworn tjrywill i>ay no taxe.sunder the pros- rpt nriHnarri-v tnknn {.» and the more dreaded charge of the kiiicn arc shedding blood in every street, kit tho fury of the |.eoplc only increases; they hu\u attac:ked, taken, lost, and retaken laany posts. ] follow«>d a body lo the rallyiiiji |iust of the militia ; more than a thoiisa:!'! were assembled t w hen the rolling drum aiul rapid trump of fiset announced the eiu'iiiy ; a whole regiment fded out into a s«iiiare ; anotl.er fdlowed, and a third;—the Duka dc Ragusa waa at the head; the militia^ hardly formed, would not budge; a fiercw altercation took place; the regulars prcKon- tcd, but pauSL'd for the fuiol word ; at that instant a niaiv knocked the oid nf the tJon- eral from his horse—“ fire !” was the crv , and bang! bang! bang I from every re>;i- nient—the luusketr)', too, of the iniliti.i rattled; the people tied; the militia weio driven hack, leaving many dead, and tlu? troo|)s held the square; but .soon they nil- lied, fired from b(.‘hiiid the comers, the cif- izcii.s bbz(?d away from tlic wiiulovvs, |>ave- inrnt stones shcr.\ered front the house titjis ; the place became too hot for the Duke, wli> wheeled and retired. In other (mrts of thni city siicce.sa is various; the s*>ldiers ar« brave, well lound, and well ltd, the pet plo numerous, infuriated and detcriniRed. '1 hi) Hole! de Ville, an important |iost, has been carried by tho jK-ople, lost, ond retaken : sf» have many other po.sts, but still discipline prevails wherever the soldii-rs can march— they gain the day. Etcnintr—Success i:i douhtliil; the [leople have cat down tri'e*', tlirowii ilown lamp posts, and talcen up p^ive- incnt stones to form barricodors to prutecB them against the charge of the soldiery ; broken bottlc.s cut the horses’ feet, anl thi' [javement stones showered from the hoiisn top.? arc dangerous. On the whole, thr* soldiers hold the place, but the people swear tiie night shall bo a bliMidy one; end though the promises made in the proclut:aliun Ihi'* inoming of a leader lieing apjxiiiited, hav» not l»een fiilliiled, they vill have them ir» the morning; they have no n'gular supply of powder or provisions, yet slack not lht» fight; they have made a singular scene of the streets of I’aris, particularly of tho lieautiful Bcidevards: iiiajestic t;-eos aro cut down and throw n across the rosd to f-rn* butwark-s, the branches filled in with [nivc- mrnt stones, overturned carriages, broken boards, .signs, &c. .so that one c.atsnot j;et along; cvei’j shop has b»;en 8ll^^i.^nll bii- annoi-ers and tlic theatres have lieen strip- i pod of their arms; ?.nd I could not but l.'iu^h. all Iho edit.vs of constitutional iwpers have pledged tlicuisolves lo one anoti.or to iss.ie t "7 ‘'“r n“ ri,,.;: V. f.Uiu, :uithemKlslofafvay,tascetv.-ore!lowatug- V. Iliiani WiiVs'c’. Samuels. Shci.lurH,-liiV; 1 ^ows and hii .stock continues t> iiicrciuA', j “7'7'’r ' ni!,,r ed toshivcr ' nnd manly prolcs.taiions, and AV-..//a.,.rrr-Wm II. Me.re., N. W. S. Ur-1 I •1’'^ ^ ‘ ; „,„ne.:ir.toly tiie poiiro, v. ilh anar.uul force, kill-, *rhoi.ir.i! hill, Ctahricl llnla'.cj, i \ ”, ' niijht after nig!u ill tli* sU'; t | ll-.r-ir Imusos luhl carried **trthe i ;r*o«-lols ri Vai.h.»l.. .V 'I W MXMico, nier.t, d;i;;k and raiment, wlnle the larmer ^ (>,e s\.stcm of cconr.inv ir.to ail ■''i,V =•:'C il11'“-«■'» >■«*«»' .lo’in M. f'. Jc^huIl A. 1 clU fliH. ^ ^ fut Liwu ci 1*1;;, hi, lus it .1* ^ ^ I ns well as I lie com cr h, \\c lla^n no /•ffV«i,«9i.»-H.nrySkmu^r..V. Il-i.j..Mulkn, wants a new coat, the in.iiu.iy oi ^ cjiniKisiiro during tho v inl-,‘r, and, *^'/7"rnn—(■aldNv.ll, fl. PoU, '■''I'l’'**'-''’ j to'n'ther v. ith vr.ur h(^n?e,s, c. me cnt in the Kieli iiond -M. Pearson, KieWincSI il.T, h’.itf. ^eiv f.-'W thin(.s whi; li lie cannot ohUiiii on insultii!^ and |)olii!ig the soldiery. />Vivi- ins^—I'lio s-torm c •' \'tir has hurst upon the citv—!lie people l^ecome more and more I'orio'i? aiid loud in their prr.tcstatior.s, and dispby i‘f di.fcoatent; the .Minister?, doubled all the fruard.s; cannon were placcd on tlie IjonlLV.in!.'?; whole regiment.s paraded in the sqnare-i; cavalry' galloped up aad down diors have iT'fused lo fire ; the rest are tired of killing their countrv inen, and kniK-ked up with faligtie. 'i'ho Swiss anil the K'>y- al (Juards will, however, be steady tothelast. Thursday, July'20.—The night lias been .1 dreadt'ul one ; the citiz?n.«, moi-e nuiiter- ous tlnui ever, more buld and iinrnnltting in their attacks, have forced the soklieiy tv> shelter themjelves in the houses or el.se- wliere; the latter, though enc(niragel by the pnii.ses, the large.H.ses and the promi.sea of the King, seem clisheartened ; the moral infi'.icnce of their situation must l>t' consid erable; a whole undivided ma.ss of their cnuntn,n.en present to them tho hand of fiimidship, calling them brothers if they carc W. WinVc.-i. Snltiliiil Slone. !ibl‘. — ~ ’ ' , , i ' i , ' I shouted with entbusia.stic liKMLsnnds, vive ■A.,:r;/...Jol.a R v .V Da.iUN. Datein.^n. ,i,r„ngh life. hen I . ■: a l.irmer api^^ar ^ t'lcm.-ehcr. r.n cur rca-.. An e-, .rnHH; - ^ inl mtry »re VV*' > ; i Lafiyelt.N vive le Sauveur de dei« mondes. ^ \.' illou ll.r rii;t.%uiion o( ^.,,.,^2,, -(i,,, j, f„nat,.,| 10 oV/orfr.—The people are rapidly c.-ir- C. Win M. •|ie«Foii, t.hll. [ i!,iid; of .Siloinon's iit.‘cripti‘>n ol a g.wd , strung :!ati:i-.d u!..''ul l.ii.d-. !c*ur lu>i “’s :ind tltie ile;i them, it will iie a iving every po.st; the troops retreat in ron- [ v/ife—» I'.cr huslKMui is kn iwn in the gr.tc!., two men ln'iag iVcfi'ienlly cinpio>i-d i' t- ir- .T'.nc^ . .S. \Vii;i.-in llorlon, MoTili'nrt Molic Will lliimi’t'’!'. «lilV. , _ ^ ... \Urr'n—i. II. Ilttnl.iiv, S. Joli.i br.igjr, ^ ..yhen he sittclli iuiioiig tiicd-.iers,'’niiJ most! if;..-;;p th.? icntici jius fallow, and it is oli n '' llS‘'j;abH!lSh,“ Rl.odc5,[con;ially do 1 congratuIuiO ihc pasiCi^ors of ] in" .luciently d..ne. though the co^t iannot ■ ' jx.-K j !«• U-ss than I’,'-, to 11-. jrr acre. Wc:-e j f.toain applied in place 11 a'l-con-u’eiag r.-.oM Ti;:; a.mehk w i .u^mi r. j horio, .Mr. Handley calcn’ iti-s that ’I’he practice among farmerdofconniilnT I ere U.wr d:n lands mi-ht l*o plou-rlu-.l at John \V. SiisKcr, (C:il\in R. Illttckinon, rtili. I t,u(_h a I'rii!;'J H«ir..4’lmil. » I.. Ilinlon. S. Nat. Knm’. ^ Kunuul iiilnker, r. >Vin |{. Hinton, fiilK r,>M;oif(.n >ir.Mm:roS. , liarli (■ 1. S|uii;l>*. l-'iiyr'lrrillr -{.mU!! I* II. ury. /ii/ i.fi)n---S.inm 1 T- Suwjir. Sii!i»l/inii--i'hnT\i 1 l'iil>> I. _ H I'id. /fi/^s/wroHcA—Wiiliani H. Phillips. //-i/i/mt—William !■. [.onir. I-rom a Stati.stical \ iew . f the '. M' here’ d; prii(leiice is pla- i to ridicule, v. ill lie reali-v'd. or iviii two or tliH'C liloi.dv iiiy!\t to liijr’it, anl a h!(«>dier day to-morn.v. D t-.'/.'.'■'f/ 'V, ./-///2'^.—There has Ix'en ii"n'(' liirhling. :rui co-.i'-idenih!" blood shed Ia;;t iiinl’t : n;u,kct.y iM'tled, t!to he!!;; ning on.’, .iiid til,' cio'.v.l (.f jjcople weir in lu- nr.ilt. N'-w in thi' stn-ets are some armed. fu'.ion; cntluisiasin is at its height; tho most determined and brillLant valor is dis played : tiiey have carried ‘.he Palace of tiio Tuillcrios. Noon.—The jie iple are victorious; two reg'ineiitsaie firing off their muskets in tho air under ir.y windows, and sliaknig handa Episco]>al Church, which has li t 1 111ly l>ecn I **'“ ‘ published, it apjH'ars theii^ are 470,0('.(1 d ; ecd upon a «■ , r ~ •-n In sclio .1 i.-i in;(-,.di: il-hr..\ ' voii:':T inetn-! some hoiisi's and ai-c-liiiiig th.'ir ki.st this denoininatioii of 'liristi;iriM in tho I'. 1 |,ind.s ofcrop.s tliero is much nioi'e proba- I h'hith'st I. eh.ig ( t :o. 1.. ^ ^ _ are I- .,.'.mi-; tlie nr.:;,s.-ip;inod met).— ti,dg's I'n.iii the window ;, while the en States. Tho increase Muce last year !n“ , | (luctiiation ef prices, contempl.itie.g tho ll'.t!en.'.“. f otlier p.'i'j.i.'. ',,.,1;.i. rror i-'i^n; th-' j sia-t;,- a.id not levs hinve citizens ai lH>eii 37 t*f the whole nnnd.er, I*'',-. . ; , j, j ninety of: Nothing i-iw'r.'c-h .- e.!i’’-'f'nv b-M'"'’! ‘ even v.herv allaeke.l h\ ther.ol- t'leni from the ftieetH, from tho opjx Wn are whlle^(;^V;^»ar.•e.Mo^HNllHT^.^as, I‘■''-I"^ , . r,..-‘.r n-;-!,-rv. -v f. ' u!l.^',v . a-.d f.om evrrv ooV.t whence t and .1.209 are Indmn*.. ! c,r.«ps v.,re ,nlhv,ii;.l; I-r it .vld.>iaoccurs j e-.nte.n>;,t. , , ^ . some h i!f .iiiiieil, a'.l enootiiaoiiig ea'-li oth-I with the pc..pie, who kiss and hug them, tit he iiiK'ps pai-ad' the streets, I and run to bring them food and drink; nev- e I er wa.s .'■•nch nobie eonrag'., such covering coino iaudabli3 the 'rise p;.ti. l a! iriilitia isns>o;n-1 wor-t extremity,ihrso failhlid f-llows have is tumvU : the Poh te •hniijue shut tlnmselves up in the npp'r stories of voii:';T inetn-! s,>nie hoiisi's and ai-c-filing tlifir hi.st car- enthu- a.ssail