MINERS JoVRNAli. VOL- I* PRINTED AND PUBLISHED EVEBY MONH/lV, BY NOBLE 4* //0Z,7ViV..„.CHARL0TTE, MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NOkTfu^ASLOLlNA. C»mmunic0f*4 f«r tie Journal. THE WORLD A~BARBER 6HC«*. Our natiiMi's ri(htljr *' kettled up,” No one » dovbt can harbour, Tbat all the Trorid’a a baf bcr shop. And evary man a barber. The rarraar he’« a barber’s flricnd. And ready in a trice, vir. To latlwr witli a raooauncml. And (havb iu wiUi a price, sir. Merhaaici^ (h«f are barbers all. No lackeys at tije play, sir, They lather when iW work they call. And (iHtTW na Ar the pay, siri ^ The iloctor, he's • barber loo, lie latheni with a pill, sir. And many applicanta, or few. He shaves them with a bill, air. The lawyers too, the cruel letches, Are barbers all—let them aloot-; Tlicy’U lather you with fina specclics. And share you to the bone. The merchant, he’s a barber alw, And whb that him surpasacs— lie lathers with fine calico, And tliarea the prcUy laaac*. Our Congress mc«ibcra lately hive Assumed the barber's station. And withoM* i-*»—, to sHave With double compensation. - -..T ' w It !• wcjl known that aninwts in s Rtate of nature, when by noine swret impulse they feel tbeir ewiapproaching, always re tire to the most hidden roco^s, ^here, a.* if purawMl by a drwidod dvniuu, they await the fatal iiHMnont aolitary and uuaecn t hence it IB rare to (iud a wild aniioal which haja diod in tlie niKn flelda. A remarkable circum stance UluatratiVb of this [iriiieiple of iii- stiucUve forokoowledge, bus lun^ been fa- niilias. in Callendar ^icy, in tlie oaMem > MONmV, OCTOBteU 18, 1830, NO. 4. jjrey Charley,'btit 1 would yot wty a word on the score a[ taming wild and vicious horses. Somfe ten or twcBty years ago, no matter which, I huiUed the deer with au nuich zeal as any body, and as much success os innut of my nei"hbor»-J had a friend more addictcd than myself toiyort U' all kiiid^, OS good a horseniau os I iever saw in a sad dle, and the very liest sIki^, either at a liuck, Wf of which a number of sheoj» are yearly , j, or at a snip*;, Mt to graze. It necewarilv happens that . ” " .. . ^ woodcock, or |Hirtndqe, lliat ^vor 1 folluw- eJ to the field. I lutv^ see^ him on his , rihglbe wsoo a tew die •fair strae death. Cm these ocv*sii.>iis tlta dooihed aniimd in- varii^y fbfepjte lU comnutioiis, and wan- de/« (kajBock tuwaairae «ide of a steep hill faciug the north, where, under the shel- I ter of a siuaH plaiilatiun, it pationtly iicM { doM-n without tMting the {tasturo oo which j its.carcaiic is soon lo be strrtcbedf fi^od fur I tlie fox and the crow> Seotmiin. The place where tlie diitrover}- of print ing WHH first made, has long U-'en a matter ; ***ato, known as tl»e “ ^««ond O, of contention. In Mallinkn>t’s work, |hiI»- jhord of h >rse«, ahmiKt entirely wild, fiich lishcd ill 1/140, on the pmgress of tyjxigni- ^ retitdc near, or arc ac- pliv, ho enumerates 100 tesfim'mies iu fa- . j , n i i vor of Mentz, as the birth-place of Ih.s art; I*""”"** t.Hu.fry allu.k-d to, set yet the latest author who has r'stiined the |‘'ff“t a we -tn.' contrtiversv, declures difideilly in fav**''*'^ ('•••“!n’d yimls of them, a*t never ceawsd Ilnarlcm, and iiasigns tlie «* hich has until iliev reai'hed tb» wok1 —it Wa.s I be. ii vnri(«j-lv »»nioweil >ju (jBttciibiirg, I nnil S^cliulier, lo I^ivn-iK-e (.'ofrttr, >f liuurlcm. hunter, “ Bhick Ravm,” fciyiwti ilecr, one with each liarrel, both g.lSnS^TtiU 8|ieed, I have seen him fUiHh • covey, and when two hirils were in Ibi* act of crossing each other, lire atid Img them both. M e were once iHiWiing a wounded dH;r across the old fields, an tlH»y wei-e o:illul in a section Tlio age of the chosnut tree is .said to ri- val that of the ouk, whilo it is nf*t inferior ~ in the durability of its wood. Tliere is a Of Langtifliirf*.—The following rules hare chesnul tree at Tot north, in (iloucctt-r- VAKIETY. been given bv critics, in reference lo the lihire, England, that was known o« u UxumI- ricntlv to go to Chn languages of Lurope. If you w'hiII addresH nry mark in the reign of King John.— ; | «i,.mv»Ted bv a look the l^eity, ni^e use of Greek or Latin, lor Thiu tree was tlien U'heve«l to be ni'ire than , , then he nientioiK'd to me ll,e sefrel, I am now alxHit to repeat lo Y'Ni« aiil w hich, by the by, is no secret at all, for i have told it to many »(lierM liefnre you. \\'hut think you, suid 1m*, of lukiiig tlie w ildest of those horses, and taniing him to-morrow, hufH- rlcstoiiihi? next diiv? now, if we attempted to go near him, he would bound to the air, and put to trial th« strength of his fetters, and now at the severest stri|)e he disdained to move. Every thing, how ever, was ready for our purpj!-C', the stable «l«v)r opened, ntKl more hands b* ing culled, we determined to have our prisoner in by main force, and, nohn* rolenn, the “ cream” was s(x>n, for the first time in his life, sta' larly Denmark, >*.. are told by him that each grain of w heat y»»lds eight, and bark y between twelve and fourtw^n. Ameriuin Farmer, The quickest method of procuring p;rai»eai is to graft into the boly, near the grouiul, or, which is preferable, into the roofs large vines, in the following year, if flia gmfl has tuken, fruit will be producel.—• Thus every farmer who has wild vin*-s on bh-d and haltered. We ixiused, each drew 1 n‘«y. l>y procuring eutlings of 'a hardy foreign or native kind, ami pnym— a long breath, and the word was, how are we to approach him7 He was d«!S[>erale, and f»r a mom''iil, the issue seeincd yet doubtful—one of the HtuIlH h»d a large iron ring, liistciKd to the tnsigh ; we ()uksi;d the end of the cord tiirr>ugh Ihe ring, and all of us jKilliiig and urging, the poor fellow could resist no longer; he rearcJ and plung ed i wv seized the chaiu e, anil his head was soon draw n down and firmly fixed. K'-*- a little attention to the graf\ing and training, be stxin aod amply •upplieil with gra]>es f(. r the market or wine.iiiHking. T\imips.—.Sow strong wood ashes over the ground about the time they are sprin;.- ing up. This will cause the young pliint* to grow sooner out of the wav of proJluce a large crop, aii.1 - sweet and ' rANALS IN TIIK L'NITnU 8TATIX -rt.-(fconi- Canals and Rail-wavs are conlriUilinrj ,„g ,hc,„ N„. ,l„> miHi activity couW filling our state trensiirieg witli IIm» •*“'*» avoid his heels altogellier. j fUQijey ; this is a small object; but, by tlicir A handful of tow wts ordered and prtvur- | magic jiower, they arc bringing di-tant pla- ed; the most fearlew of our bovs was se- ww'h '-‘her, placing a market nt , , , , , 111 llie door of everv' citiscn, and ineieasiu;; let led to go in, and as lie cm.1.1 no longer fijHi.iic, of trade an.l coniiiK-r.-. Thu-, move his head, was .nrected lo use tlic tow j ,j„.y raise the value of real estate but lowc r ill hlopping up Uitli ears effectually—this ; the jtrice of foreign articles, and place tho d..n.-, he w as l. ft t.. himself for auhile; he | means of subsistence more c asiU; within th« , • I • I 1 I 1 rfarh of ever\' indiviniials 1 his nither HhH.k mo.t angrily his mailed an.l uneonil,-, ^ eil mane, uawilling to submit—Isit wc soon ^yeahh ; and even though, il ioes iH>t fol- saw him droo|v—liiseves no longer Hashing I low , tlial the state is impovcrishcl by iiiaiii- their natund lire, had’a dull and dizn- kx.k, , look of incredulily—with : and his {K»iiitel ear no krtiger erect their antMuity, purity, and majesty if WHryears old, making iU age ariliia tin» iisjys and sir« Ives, can we ih.i I |,«.sel_\ and heavily kIksaI. An b. ur isis^-d ; ul least answered llie ex|s-c(:.tions of rea dings, spelt in Spanish, it is slow and grave; alsive 1,10(1 vears. 'J'ii*! diameter of its ' K't some of them in tlie largt. |inhlur(‘, and j awav ma^ Italian; woman, Ireneh ; dogs, > trunk is 15 feel, and it still bears fruit. i (hen make up the fence !»• l»ij»h for lh.ir sease Welsh; but if you would atihirht anenemv, 1 , * i i.1 or the devil iLmself, make'"use of High , MV^o Jocor,di^^rre r ' Agn.-d, .ml to it w. w.-nl-by «m Hiscairn calculated the force at w hich the «! r» I li*art rontrart.') in oixlor to iiv^ure lin* Stka3I Exgiwk—like the trunk of circulation of th*; bl«xi«l, to Ix? eqiiul to 117,- lorccd within tho ciM'losoirc. CM'lrn they ^ua^htwrtt oek, Uw. nt rarh contrarliH>; and Borolli, ^vould coiw to lh« ami halting, wKild or pick up the finest needle. Wehaveseen «t 1-0,000 ll*i.; whereas Miiiiro c;ilculale« ,, , , [ , It in one place crrjjlung a solid cube of iron ^ jt at not more than/re ouncca/ ! gr»sind, li«.k aUait them, wheel into a thin plate, aiAhougli it were «o much ' • wax; and ia another, tambouring the fuieirt .j>cadl*.jrjrit nwifii i^yiigili^i^ 4 pcTwin waswrj- [i;v2li»!ip«l>er. ! suddenly, aisl run a link without ««opping> I Isit flu*)’ were in at la->t^a^ l»‘ft them -tMr^nfrtcrwllt-—nW WojijJBIf i«i Menf a volume (1 poems to a lady ; when tiic , 4«. , ing of ft thread, until it should be re-c««.'|ady returrK-d the bo,^, he asked her if slie ® l»rei«n-d, wlh u Iwg lineat- neeted. The( is no combinalri>n, probably, did'not ihink Ihe figures of the |mi« fry lieaii- ' lached to it, we siillied forth »> select a pr»)p- of human ingenuity, where science, af-fJted tifu|. ‘'iVy are very /lant/y,' siiid *!.e, !er Mil.j.-cl for our exw-riiwi.t. A cnam to the dady [luns^ of life, has achiwed|if„r I was able to see by th**iii how iiian> Mallioii wxm sh w«l himself wor- greater triumphs than in the sU*ain engine— hiH*s i n*ad in a minute.* s^lio hud noticed and these are still progre*ive. I only the figures whieh denote llie iiuiiiIst N»f lines. Kxipii'ile taste ! Inhabitants of the World.—Malte Bnin 661 0 -fM) 110 II - l.V) r>(i 4^1 IS 30 0 cstiiiiateti the wiiote number r>f Ihe inhabit-. ants of the world at si* hundn d ami forty niilliuas ; of which, ‘22S,HM),000 are'Chris-; tiaiis; 310,000,000 Pagans; 100,000,(MIO Malioim’lami, and 4,000,000 J^ws. Of the Chri^ilians, he estimates that lh«Te are, 110,IM»U,000 Catholics, 7I*,0«>0,(MM» behsig FKUM Tlir. AMrSK'AS tARUKS. TAM1.V(; WII.D AM) VICIOI’S Hf)RSE.S. I'aruh, SnuthCarolina. J. a. .‘Skinner, I live in the csm- j see them, ami even when oet of »i;;lit, the ing to the Greek Church, and 4‘^,ouo,Ih7(i try n»-arly all the year, and am wbui iscaII- I “clanging lio.f” wn» h« nrimore aixl more Protestants. I d Carolina, “ a small planl«-r,” (though ^ f.iuilly, till at length, dibtj^- hud !«ilcncol V- . F nwasiirc six feet,) and am a lillle of a far- the tumidt of rctniat. \VV now N gaa to llncknrni trf a Smn llubbh.—Newi.m ' . , . , t. _ wiL. n. succeeded in detenninin« th- thirknea. of nier, th.aiqh plunlini; and farming are here appr.«ch tin* cream, as Il^as «x.n after-- very thin lamina; of trans|»an'iif suliHtaiK e.s, regarded as distinct oeeupalions—I reliirn- ^ wanN railed, and the inoda%f adoplt.'d was by ol>scrving the colour w hich they reflert. rvenin". when the “ daj's ; lo mount one ndi-r, [wirsilB our object at A soup Uildde is " ”1'' ** was over," aisl while niv wifir, who is ; lull sjsvd, in any direction he might take, and IS obs(‘rved to n flf'ct dilUTent e>lours ’ ■ ' ... . ^ . from diffi iY iit ,«rt.s of it- surlm-. Imme- e.sintcl one of tho Is-st kn.llers in those ^ and wh' n horse or horseman flagged, to iiale!y k-lore the bibb!e bursts, a blark j>arls, at all event!), has the length of her -.lurt a fi->h sie, wiio iiiiwfe^istcly eoiilin- sp«>t may Ijc oijservcd near Ihe top. At (mHjjand’s *‘s»t to a notch, was fini.'-lnag a ue>l the race, soIIkiI thecreaai was ul'.v.ivs -i"'" ^mvc e..,, mutual iK iH'fil, ‘-Tnivfls in tho I'nitfd dilioii t > coillt nd wilh—thiM we falifju-d Formation of Shot.—It is Ihe colifMivi* Stales, by (';i|itain l’:i.-.il Hall”—on wo read him, and hn.u;^ht hnn altn>»it lo l t uB come principle whi-n gives rotundity to gniiiis ol plnlosopluT of the (|nartcr-d(;;k, near him. I'.llorl iiIVt cffitl, wasniaile to inl'fllm a S,ull.ern Uevi.-w calls him, catae to throw the iKs«e alns.t In- .Hxk ; ami many the drojw become trulv jjlolsilnr, an! Isfore li'ufirt tho inrrits of the constitution, con- the slip, and nianv the tiimlilc pnKluced h_\ tl'ey reach Ihe eml of their fall they arc jcrturelhe|ro!):il>lcuural>ilityoflhegov rn-, the f.iilure tiMTi-of. Onci-it wu.m fairly o- bardened by cooling, so that they nMaitt, —the chapter, v. lieu end- ver his lusad, ami hung ujB^u hi breast, Isit their shaj>e. w-emiMl a long oiw, and I hid his miij»‘s Capillary Altrartion.—\ w eight Is ing ‘v's oflicer gs»l niglil, not thinking hini al •usp.-iMhid by a ilry rope will he drawn up- together orthK4»\ ii|)oiriiic suhjecf of “ po[> wards, through a considerable height, if the' fl-.lm-,” or repiil.lu an institutions.—‘ n.is—these Ibals, however, were not ul- ways.o...>er..rined,..,.piritwasgivmg r.'.jy^ for the water is, in this cast;, so pow- the nunils rs of the Amerii an I urf Ke;j;is- way, and ours was increasing, as wc were ertiil, that the tension produced by several ter anl .S|K>rting Ma*{azim', were tln're. I , more luul more successful. A fortunate hundred weight cannot ex,*l them'. | ,„y wn« al- j trial, and the mswe encirclcd hit neck ; he Sralr of A/iimuzTi/^.—Tlu- following i« » ronmiunicati.«, heail. d » Tam- , ran off, and the slip knot Wiui at his Ihnmt a scale of tho averaRe durati.si of animal ing Wild iuid Vicious Horses," and furnish- —piickly wo wen) at a tre.', ami the other iife, extracted from tho works fjf the most |,y a corres]»ond‘nt in Elizabethtown, i**nd of Iho cord was made fast to its trunk, celebrated writers on natural history. A ....... hare will lire 10 years—a cat 1()—e goat ... . .. • i i .u- fl—an as., 30-a sheep lO-a ram ir>—a ‘''“o “ l>«rse, an.l nothing dog from 11 to Uo, and some, tho’ not of\en, ’ more dangerous than a wild and vicious one, more—a hull l.V—an ox (acurious fact)‘«J0 cannot hut regrel, tluit your friend is —swine ari—a pigeon a turtle-dove ‘^5 ^ a wjcret, by which the first may' be made docile and true to his collar, and the second be sulslued and made \ pr.ivcil to a demonstration, in Ihe wnate, las! winter, that the canals of thii state havo --- at least answered llie exis-cl:,lions c.f rea- vav ; he was compl.-li lv cmiqucre.l—the 1 sonable iiKn, as a source of public reveiiut- asc of hearing, upon which he had so of-! J" , , , , 1 tnere are m the I nited .Slates 13|. iiide-i tendo|»end.*d, was entirely g.mc ; Ihe senti-j„, ,anals, and other artificial lanigation, md that warm-d him of his fwt;s’ ajiproach, i nuw completed—l“»v;S in progress, and KH could s|M.>iik no more; he was p*TfcclK j projected. t)l railroads, 11 miles complete, .k-af. A bridle b.M.ig ,mt he was brought •'•‘‘I C97 projected. , , „ 1 ' , . .11 I Slate*. Fiiiislii'U. In progress. Pr0jcctc»f. out, ami “Jim ordere.l to mount him ban-! t,,, EnrUnd, Td 117 « back—forward he moved, or quietly Mt«xl ; >>>w still, in obcilience to the w hip or the bit, as i»,.nn„yivai,b, either were applit'd. I never saw a more ,, otiptrTTTTIlH»lf flrtpw, c»r mw i»ior« ibnrouglily ; Hunth C'aroliiia, siilMhH'd. I have Iru'd repfalelly the Hame . ' •' I Oliiii, Ac. ,Vr. ex|>erinM'iit of stopping up ears ; taKing a- ‘ ——i — way tlie jxjwer of heating allog* iher, and! \Tio>. m-ver kie-w it lo fill. It wouM l*e ca«v for i Whtg. . . .u • 1 I Our reader;-{'cnerallv will, no doulit, l>o me to trive y.Hi authority m cornd>.ration | of my own etp-ncncc, but the Inal is .so in,o aetual result of the dibits uiueh hav.j easily m.ide that all concenied mav jud;re i l>een made to e«tabli'h, on the cousf of Af- f,.r Ihems. Ives. In niv own mind there is I « col»ny of emigrants from ainont; our ..... . ' . - I frt*e black population. It is* a njaiter no d.aik that this is the ;ocret of inany ions Isid inale the water nilash, throUjL'li ■ masters of Ihe hi.story ol horse breiiking, j iiesed the wonderful elfeiis of enterprise : the deserted rice fN-lds, as fcr as wc e*ild [ and p‘rlmps our friend Drinneii, may have aiul industry in other instaiices, can Is* in- known all ab 4it it. Ihy of ihe eodtest. We hadfive hors»-’!iK-n, and our plan was to M-|innte the cream frt>m the r^sl of the henl, n»l drive all sit IhjI himsi’lf; this was no “ !oy's play,” but at la*=t be found himself uIoin-, his com(ion- cn’diilous as to the prnrticability of aecom- plishmg the desin’d object in this nsis*ct. ^ N'otliing is wanting but perscveniuee lunl Dimmithtd Protluecof iirain.—Froeh-: lenergy, to ensure all the lienelits that tho Is'fon* il ciMild lie drawn tuught enough to sc ure him, lie gatherel his fi>*t wi;ll under him, and making a leap, |ias5ed through the -a pKi .ridge 25—a raven 100. • Fashion.—A writer in the Nanfuckel En- •piirer recommends, anK»ng j»her alsimina-1 olK;dient to his rider. I hardly cxpect a- ble fashions, that Issits and shoes 1^ ma'I/' | to rule any thing less gentle than my like gloves, with toes to them. ( ulli-as ^ r, i.m , • iriTUiD rulsim BhK;s were the article—he : '-'>''»'nut mare Kitty Hanagan, or drive any went harefW. ] thing less tractable tlion my old fuvorife it was now loo late to hope for lilierly a gain; it was gone forever; no struggle could nn laim it; we wen- sure of our cap tive, and having well secured him, were as willing to rest as the vaiiqiiished steed.— Thus we left him an entire night, captured and enthrallotl, and as we thought sidxlueil, tsil morning cam*’, ami ihe spirit mid lem per, which to us seemed broken and de- stniyed, we soon found wore only changed land, a Danish w riter, has iastituled a very minute inquiry into the decn'a-e which has taken plai e in Ihe pnMluce of gniin, as com- piired wilh um'ieni limes; and has udtluced a host of curioas f.irLs to cstubli.sh this cir- cumslance, though he confess* s that, in ev ery instam'c, he cannot take ujHin him.'^lf to Vouch for their ueelirary. According lo the b«K)k of (ietiesis, llie *;oil of Gerara, a town of the Pliilistme.s, yielded o:ic hun dred for one; and, according; lo Her.idotus, the lunds iK'ar n;ib\|on, which was irrigat ed b\ runuls dniwn from the Tigris and I'uphrales, pnnluced liin-e hundred li>r one ; Theophra.slu.4, however, n’cords, llial with yf'TX little attention, liliy for one could be olitaincd, and with skiilul cultivation, one hiindied. Varro lellsus, that in Hvria and Myzacium (the pn'-M'iil «iie of Tur.is,) Ihe Soil yields seed a hundn'd fold; Strabo re lates the same thuig f)f the lam! about Le- ■ iCitititn in biieily, anil nlso fi|M-aks of the li'O- renluple produce of the nabyloniaii territo ry, but that it was ciaifined to l>arley alom*. .\iebuhr, in his'l’ravels, atlrihiites une|ual measuri' of fertility to the etivinais of A- lexandria; oliwarv ing that the hard grain, called hotirra, [irodtices one humlred and fif^y for one, and that at Takama ns ninny as two hundrt'd, and, at liino^, e\Tn four hundn^l siK'd were obtained fi-om t'verv' grain Hown. .Sisinondi re|>orts, (in his sketch of hiislwndry in llic Tn.sran dominions,) that some districtK relnm one huiiiln;d aiul one hundred and twenty fold, and Iliat many Pirfs of Sicily are of still gnnster fertility, rechlnml is of opinion that llie Hneienis pursued a more |i*‘rfect system of hnsliandry than ourselves, and lliiis endeavors to ae- count for the amazing fertility of sik’Ii soils as were of a nalurally pnKluctive cliaraeter. He considers that, in lhos«» parts where there has licen a di-ei-ease of this fertility, the fault is ascriliidili; to Ilit; hielviiidman. most s'ingtiine anlicifxttion could promise. Wt? give bi-low a prt of the stiilemeni mado before a committee of Congres.s on the '.JOtli of -May last, by Mr. Di'vany, whonow hokU Ihe ortice of High Hher»fl' in the colony of Liberia, ami was formerly a slave Ijelong- iiig to the Hon. Langdon Cheves, ofS'jutii t-'andina. After .acquiring bisfreeilom, ho worked at the trade of a s;iil maker, for some lime, in Philadelphia, ami alsiut si’vc:i years ago he removed lo I,il>cria. He ia now engaged in businew ns a merchant, ami e.sliiiiates his own sales annually at a- bout lfr‘24,000. His projHTty, he sa^s, wortli about 8~0,000, nearly all which ho has acquired during his residewe iu the coloiiv. The following extract fioni bin statement, which wo presume is entitled to lull conlilence, will give some i.lt'a of tho pn sc'iil slate of things in that countrj-. 'I’lie morals of tho colony aie goo«l. Ho had witnossed hut one fight, and that was with a colored man from the English Colo ny of Sierra Leone, who had abused tiio Amcrie.an Coloiij ami its goveniment. No instance of capital crime hiul occurred. Ho knew hut two [s*rsons addicted to inleinper- ance, and witli them the habit is not carried so fiir as to be seriously injurious to their families. The ctHirts are well attended. When the laws of the Colonly are silent, recoursi' is had to those of the United Stalefl, so Ihst no crime can, through a defect of this kind, lie coniniitted with imjiunity. They have a Biiptist, a Mt'lhodisI, and a Pn'shjterian chur»-h, th(* latter yet unfin ished. Mw-tings are he!l three limes on .'^inday, and twice during Ihe week, aiul Sunday »clio*ds are attended by many of tho natives. The natives in the neigbliorhiMHl of the Colony are adopting the European dn‘ss and costume ; several trilies have put lluMiiseives under the laws of the Colony, and manv of Ihe children allenil the si bools. mid not lo the land; nnl that when' due j'I'lio;, gave the master of one of their schooli ]Kiins are taken, the sod will l>e found to 1m- I a salary of SiriO ; this he diil not think suf- ns pnKliielive as it was in foi nier tunes. As i licic'iit, and engaged in the hiisine.s.s of pub* He beciune altcrnnf»'ly fnrioiw und‘■u!I»'ii: n-gnrds the nnrth.erri fl'ines, and jmrli"’.i-! 11'?‘Mrveyec- in e/i!i'--vju'>nc? of which tbo