MINERS’ & FARMjBRS’ .JOURNAL. JNTI'.I) AN!) I’lIHI.l.SilKl) KVKllV MONDAVr 15V A'O/J/.K c‘i*ARI.(»'n i:. .MIX KLKNUI’IK; COI NTV, NORTII-CAROLIXA. vol.. I. r»ao3» J>AV, iX'TttaKij 2:,. ihiuk NO, 5. THE FAK.VKU. BV T. O. »■». iSKNOE.V. L«'t monied WockliradH roll in wcoltii, Let proud fools btrut in stall— My hnnd«, my huiiiei>lcd atid iiiy Ii:;a1lli, Placu me alwve tliwrcat. ->iiM s ■no.'ss. ove tli«|Kr I iifvcr fawn, no^^i^ior fnin, To plcuc old Siiiinoii'8 Cry i * But Iiid('|M'iKl('n>'(-‘still maintain. Of all U ncatli the iliy. Tliiu Ciiii.'innatiii at lii* |>loi:)i[Ii With mure true i^lory hIioik', TJinn ('■'hsr with his laiirel'd brow, Ilia polaoo and hin tlironr. J'rom thr fiiia Yoik CuintfJulioii. I “ >j;rnci'iM! Ii!n iie\ j )\ .'T llie jiiill-,” I “ D.) I Sj)li sll it tl I in;; ami M oiii;.'Iiis I Itiul taken Bit imp'll '■iVtT wilh milk, lie was GOING A curuTi:«'G. r. vnN.vtiAS Ht rrr.iir(i;i.i) \v:is ii )>rrco ';i;)ii3 youth. Ho wastiiiiL-tor'n yc;ir»*ira''i',; t.-rrlble oulli, wiicii I’atty liiid Ijicn ill the practice of i^haviii^f tor n- |(,n !iis uK^iitli ari'l saitl, liijvc six iiioiillis, of ciic\vin;r tobacco for j “ l) >n’t'•Acar, I’anw y. iiljiul a year, and of swr:uriii: for aln/ve two \o more I w )iit, if 1 , years. Coirailcrinir tiinso early u.ivanc:’s ! sai;! he «itii a i;tn>ii;r eli;> i ill ijentleinunly ac inirenienl ;, l{iiriiul)>is 1m> I 'I’lil!” said lli! I gall to tliiiik it wari lii;;li time to .show soiiif; i:ijr jjcr |i,n,j ((, l,;,^ nKmi; ‘ parlicuijr Httoiition to the sorter >r\—or, ia | “ 1 Hay,” c intiiaied In I his m.vii language, to go a cotirtiiii;. | tnaki; iiiiv jieiillPiaaii ' how you njilas!) • Haniulws tm.lv this a.s a liiut in diwlosc I flie imr|ioM> of Ids visit. Now, thought he, |o\or,and look- is the (iine. I5ut while his jnd;;ineiil viiid uhieh hc> I advance, his pal|>iti!tini'hem I held him iNick. Generals and GtrtentHtks.—Of ull the corpn of words of milituire, General Mo notony may be considered (Jtwral-in-chit l. l‘-\t;ry l>ody knows bini—he i«) every when polittli, ct.vcred I tlo nevei thel*.'!>s made a ile-.p'Tate ell'ort,, Ho fil!clh the iiuihionable world with hi'* II.; hal buccefide.l tv his heart'rf ronfeiit , ' sjil.ishd in this w f nfi. r tidiia so na!.«s. Hiti* hvvenrin^; a aiirl niovetl his chair halfa llxit i;e.irf>r that l.ij jicd her hand of I’ntty K(c!er. She, by |»iii* accidoiit, as is sii[)pof!'d, iinned hci-s a fiH>t nr'arer his. 'J'liis xf?enK‘d eucoiinicin^', and tlio lover refK'ated, .still hitchiiiK half a foot at a time, and astiii'f sheep's eyes in the in tervals. 'J’hey \ve;e now witliiii goyi w iiis- iH’riii}' distaiii-e, when I’attj broke out, li's v'ry str;'.n_^c !” Vv hat's verv stnin"C V' ciemnndod Har- n ji' Ip if, Piittv,” r*“ 15ut In”— *1, t'.j-iin aiijily- I*'s eri.n/;h f > tr to hfivo his _ Tumult, pi'rplrxity and care. Arc amliitimi'a liji; . flbl fUw 1 iitrnS'r» never dara Dibturb my peaceful coL DliKt with fair rnmpctcncc, I find What monarch never cun— Health and tranr|iiility of mind, licavrn'ii choieol ;;ill>i to mini. ; in the MCi'kly ojx ration of scnipiiiy hischin j ninch pains to mak ' III liti".'’ I “ U hy, that dad and inaani niiotdd go to —a;id he wdl might, f>r then- wa.« no ob- ( “ I'heit' you’re niitftak' , lti>moy',” said and leave iis an alone.” I sta;;lu ui the way—luid u« it luiswonxJ equal-1 she—“ no frciitlonmn wiU ut .dl.” | “ I think if very curi^*i^ but”— Iv well, and was much tlio safer inotle, he j “ iJo you think ho ?” wii-l m*, with an in- i W iial he uas ao'tng to say, it is iin|)Ossi. lisiiully prefurittd Hhaving v. it!i the ha(.k of! credidons air, “ sure now, y iMiiu-it • hie m.w to t( II, tor I’alty ii.terniptfd the im- the ni/.or. In chewing toUicco he fi«j:.d it I*’ j 'kiii. Ilowsuni'\er, if you thinlv s.., I portant s|)ei ch, if tlu ic \wre any, at the nilher mere diflicidt to succeed!, fjr Ibi; ' the siiino to me, you know, bill I | , ry t.p of l.i lonLMie, l,y n- !dn; him if he nitiJ'^'-alin;' fV-ct of th! dni" made him w i-h ■ thought'— . | w.-ts not airaid to gu lioiue alone, iii'.ri tlij-.ii oi.c • he had iii \.-r uc;iiiiivd the ' “’I'liere! yoii’Fe ;p!ashin«: the milk n^rtin”’ , l i. loraiiv oth; r circumstances .nnd froni j tr-f-.mplislimei.t ; but pers4M'riiiice ow r-, Ami so in liict ho was; I ul as llie ^hini> :niy other p' l s. n. he x\ ould have been aii:ry ' c.iirr evi rv diliii iih\, and at the dal" of oiir ""x air.‘!id\ ial:ei! finm his U/jts, he th',u/lii hjt su'’h ri ;iir>ti(m. l!ut as it wa-i, he es- //nefcfjmyry.—Of the inferior "'"r>, he couh! tak • in ai one (jiiid tiie full ;>'•> extra me w.M.-i.J now l« uv.-!e.-s, and |.,j,v;d to un-wei UKi^owliich relate lo the ri///«r «/■//« (/wA half of atluerj)«iiny pin;:. As f ,r thi ac-' i’>.' luiti.orre:;rets,uLfil p.ace. '1 he milk ] “ \ are the iiioat etctJknt and useful. 'I'Ih v l omplishinent of suenrin'.;, ln> iny a natural was eani^ in, soon ptrain-d ^ind s. t away are, in fact, abnu»chyi pinlosoj.iiy,andai’e turn tint way, he i,ucce^di d wil!i..ut tne t i c ji I. And Tatty having lUiis complet 'd caiwWe of uiilimitifl impnweincnts, fioin n iea-t iliin uliy. the «|.>mesiie l!il)-»:s cl a eu nin;', kiMnUedge of the laws of nature re*p tin,' I’xi* if is ori>' tiling to bo r. p;v fleiei!! in h-r check'd uproa, which she bad the mineral, vegetable, ,uid animal kin;;, tlie^. ewry day mutt.-.s, uni an .the r to.">f>";'> l'>‘‘ikt go-to-mect- (knns. Tbeljusincssofhiistcindry al«)»c-rvoii come « fl' with tlyin^' co!oui-s in f!ie grand die»s, and !:|i,>'.Tred .o.s nlaf as a pin. to rrniind a fKTsoii of hisd •|K-!ideiK.-e u;»m alT.iir of ccuiting. iJesides, it ge.ier.dU s > It'naMFiluis had concPi.rd hi;:h 1|"[K‘s Provii“fM;e, and his gains have no conni-x- happ'/iis, that in j>ro|>orfif)n t" the dillu u!t\ Ix'fire iiuikmg liis viyit, the iife-Joiii o( I’at- ion uj|h tuiy person’B lc»s. If is the com- of siiece.-,«, is fhatlisgmce of the (lel'.;at— ty’s retjucvi in n-?«ird to cnrryiiK: the ii.iil: iiKKi uiten*st of the cominunitv to w ish him t!.c M-oirs and ieers of the yi.unsr iii( n. and i did n't tend to lesscri.JiC'Hii—|.>r Ir: glory, and the journals l)6ar witness to tho fnlness of ins fame. He is i»o wonder—y t dotli h(! absorb all wonders. Having i>o proper place, he is, nevertheless, ni ull pla- ce., pro|)er and impro|M^r. Without a voica himself, he, at some time or other, ninkca use of the voices of all men—and (nnrdcn- nrz moi, won omc,) women too. vVithont a family himself, he is an heir-looni in rio.-t fiiiiiilies, an occasicuial visiter in all, and biH attendants and progeny, are 'I’able 'I'alk, Soiree clutter. Album verses and 4th of .Inly orations. All of «Inch may In; classed un* tier tl*e two penPrat head* of Oeneml Flip- |Wincy iind General I>i:lliiess. General Monotony is s:ud to >jc the legitimate chihl of General Ignorance, but wime have pit-- ferred the claims of (Jeneral Drowsiness. General liulolcnce, indeed, has disiJiited the legitimacy of these de.luctionsi and in sn doing has virtually urged his own pretn* sions to the parental name. l>e that as it may, of all the Generals, Monotony is tlie greatest, be the other v\ boin he may. W hat —ji-it a bit—iir.v Ih>, though—no—() no— ! are all the other (Jenerals to him 1 In all yt^i .,!• rathiT 1 slioiild ay—t>'it si.mehow ! things they render him tribute ai.d do him ipr4lierl havean ideor tlui—ifsoU-yon've honor—whether their lalxirs fend to an od no obj.'Cfion^i”— ritjttunrliim speechification, or merely to an “ (certainly net,” said the vexations girl, | impious bon mot from the lips of (Jeneral “y>u tan sleep with (lie bn\s jii.-t as well 1 iMerciny. General Summary, indeed, had .IS not: tie-re’s o!.h liill and IVte and Sjin ; some claims—his “ tithe of talk,” however, -that is—peiha).f—not at all in III.-' Ik'1.” “ Ve.s, hut I';! (|iiite ns lic'ves r;>1 ii]>,'’ suid IJarn.iba', l.e(iiiiiiii;^; to recover from hiseni- ' if vou was soon foregone in the weightier Majesty of General Intelligence,—one wiioiias lieeii t'amilinr with every mefropditan, and who with (leiieral .'Miscellany, has eontiniied from the time “when the m'Miiory of mail ran not to the contrary,” the dullest of tho doll. Hut “ orisons to the stars”—the ct.ld of the comniunily to u ish him tl^o m-oHs and jeers of the yi.ung men, and i did n't tend to lessci).4^Hii—|.>r li: , i i> I’l ' well, beause, in |»roportio:i to his stK-cerv'., tlie a\orsion and-coateni|»l of t!ie young , rcawmed to hinisolf; sit. ha\e la. h:'rnis‘meiit—“ 1 -■ay,lattv. I d qiiito its every member of it enjoy* greater (ilentv. ; women. “• : k.'H tliis liU'i ty, if the hal not i..te nded to iieve-i t ii;i il yni vc n > o.yeetion" I'riixtly. It is nit however .40 much on account of I st.iy with m*i Sm^^ly n;;1. I'm a f liii-i “ I ln\ nt n me. r ]>u'd I atty, — ^ I the iiltiiiiutfr conser]uetii-e I's if rev'urils ob-1 .'liite fidlcr if ever thejc «.i» oiie. '1 jjc-, | eho.-■^e I > set up. , .i i ■ i i i Jfi/r of a Rallh-,mkr.-\\T. PunkM-, one ' taining a w ile, a. L acciurt of the pr ■s.^it j w ^nt sav to me- as tliev .IhI 'lorn I>,i«.|, Hurn.,bas taking this H,r a con«>:.t to sit , davs are coming on, he skies l.«.k cl. ar r.f the ke>i->rs of tho Now ICnglan.l Muse- mortiiication .itt .ndlnr it, that a deti at is ’tuther dav, ‘ yon g.,t the b.i^!' I’.y goi ly 1 »>1' v itii h.ni, dn w Ins chair close to hers • and bliK.my, the winds chatter gaily over n n tl^-‘^T2r ^«g the .K of Uattle- u.nallv dn-aded. V. iing men in this ,-e- eouldii't go tlwt/’“ I ‘ V'r’ fvt r^ke", Hh^h ar^Xr^ exhUnted, in con- ,K.i.lieaii cm.trv take tl^- hkcity of going I'ull of thrs. «m...ine i.L-^, ran,..!„:s Vi.wle lgm- .Ms m the mo.t rapturou. ; and (.ei.oral Lnferpn.sc and t.eneral Klee iM'xiou With the lhMmnl and of tliat establishment, mi nM>u, uiu! with a ^cyy ttiarming llavmg intnKlui Otraf'ather brtJ'-I . in* the lid,aUrtilnn inch,ami grtting them'—whichtnraiisnothing i.ior-thanthit they , . , . , n i , i , „ i i ..r -.t m suik-ientiv rout'd, to 8ct their rattlea g.). ' have wt m> uloue v.itli tiiem from some nine panwjn s wig «ot liMise in fe, nnon fituCj uml >'«»''d. H.i'. mg .^nid tlii:.'.ii. \.i».icd In.na • , • / , ' o C .ke.hrbuz^.f aeott..,, factorx.-^a ’ to .cn o'clock at night to three or four m , fell plump "u.H.n the d.^o n'. h.-d ;^c.v. ; ^.KKhugh. en.l v.as aUonf ...ppmgo, . w attach p..c.scl, b^awk-r, at his ell-rW, a.k.sl a qn.vtion, the morning. I S^nire Nass-al s.io,,^ at cl.rrch so ns to | Oa.Utc. wU»cli.>ir.I>iinlHp,iH>lpn‘ci«cly understii^ It wm to cratify thi.^ sort of “sta\mg'' tum«i h.s cyi, t..wards the g,-ntle,,mn, vumfv, t’.ai re».lv^l ^ ,o st.v al. ,a said .he. af'ard, b\ no rn'iuis—that i>—I'm not a- niid «h'-ie he v.as gi.ing iro ('hri I mas. I at ai!—not I—*\cept 1 d.iiit cxactlv In short .'he talked »( r\'tliui>r that eanu present nKigh to cord the finger imiii'-diaf' U ; in a iiio-t promisin;^ short time an excision of the ll'’sh, melu liii'r SiK b A oil'", .11 th" opinii.n of larna’Kis, T.xKrw Trrn ni i,l bv the ijokn'.=!. A corrcspiindent of tlic CuiicorU, N. II. writes :— ung man was driving a fiiir year I old bull along the banks of the Pennigewas- Ilampton, last .M.iiiday, the I animal turned and attacked him. 'J’he iiian slake from the fence and stood manliilly u|>o:i his defence. 'I'he bull pur-h- ed violently at him, now n-ceding, then r»> tlie woumis, uas inixde bv a phvsician, wlio w.is riitts KwNt. I |e jmlued b> tho gen-, upj- rmost, |a>t giv log l,ar.,a;.as an «.p|^r-^ hke Ik i (.it.i ^w.. .1. j newmir the attack with redoubled fury, en a!«o nn— rilx-d a los«- of hi.iri'ts ..f tiii ir'n- era! of her maitti. rs. Patlv ua- Imiitv n-.« and then fa pap j.i a word vuiiJe “ l oli po i tlie tienin watch ims gone to , |,is.„iv,.rsarv toihe euith. ' - . . 1 . . . ' . . ... • . , I . . ...1... i-leep, a;i l 1 m 10,1. G >'hJ mghi, ^ ^ tiiK' aiHl sweet oil. .Not onlv the linger, a ii-iy, hii_'bing. romping la-s-.f sc\ente ii she sli)p|>ed to fake btx-ntii. lull the «ho|«' hand, swclli I cx.-'mnII'i^'K , —liiil'•!'tVolir :t>id f.m, readv lor n game lit I'lUt it was n(.l so much tin’ tha' n:'conipaine«l wilh a pricking tx iisilii n,— -now-ballmg. or sliiiin" on Ih'! ice, with the |j,(. yonng man lliou^bi a!».ii! at that j nie- or, as cominonlv termcti, the seii.>iUto:i nf miii.i:.; Il l's ; and, ever as her himior hap- tiirc, as the/ont/.u". Aud Ij-’i' okeil ir en- U'lM" asleep. p'-lieil 1.1 If'iiil her, di'-pxicd to uive a kiss or ,|,^;,\on'd f, li»ok un^lltc■r^bl•■ fhi'ig^—not •AlHHit Hii'ciiK'k in Inc evening, Iheri' wa*- a l>o\ d ( ar to forwanl swains. ■, \;ic fls »lriij;hl I'n ward, I.Bf cat i f th ' cor- a |)irlliil Jitricture alx’Ul the lungs, and dilli- liiil to lie gtiy end free and iVolicks-Miie, nei i>l his eyes—by soiii-'nailed sfeiihng a cnltv of taking a t'lee iii'.piration, t'v ther was om- thing, rnd to t»e ea^iU “Aia'^d :^lanee, by others og’ing, ^d hy otle'j's a-1 ^ witli the pi ii'king sensjition over the u hole with,” u aanother. Vnd I’.iriialn'’ iViT-. join a'iti.iii slicep s r\ei /he latter is «\st'm, and an ague til, that gave (, ailul lerfu ld riH-konod witlnmt hi.'h >sr. wh''ii he t u, ii the mo.st appr->prial^ten:i. lijr v.hal i itions of a tree ditliisioii of the juisoii ih(-ught id’ achieving an e.i y vietarv with (jtii.-r eves can sheipca^st tl^ii slie^ps eyes, j g'l the cin-ulation. I’attv K'c'er. Had he Ik ; :i U-ifer ac- I’lnt t-. .Hirstoiv. 'I’M-v. ning past a-1 ^ ,i i mt , . . I irge ilose'of pnim reiievdlthe pu- i|uuinted with th.'capric'es of the liuie trod way in ; ii^t.e.it.ii.; apples,i«ldriiikinir .Mr. |ri ».ie of tlie —and a contiiiiii'd use of ('-ii,id,'ip ini^dit Iiiat-kno\Mi that the mo>t Keeler's ne.v ei!er, iHifil lie liour 'l nine i i i j-.p i v,,'i're teol'-'*!''’ s prol-nbly .ven omo th - I. rulency to f,„ wanl Mvming W is ofteMim. s le,s ea- ..'elH'k, w hen tho old p.'|.pk, nv v d by the ; lau’ghii.g— ' .‘7' parovy.ins. .\„ appl.calion of salt mIv v..s-;d. and won than l..e 1. v-htul and ,Ip.i',- „1 .l.'^p, or a hi:k,iM sasp.c on ha .j, ^ , led b Mr'rar,c«ni‘.t.inflv U> lh(‘ IvukI di'nitirc ilaiiW’U r.i avJ-i'miUi n«*u liail romr a tnou«;lif . , no ii*n I . » .1*. „ ..1,1 . ... . . ;.i.. ... saiiu* ua\. r,,] l.ii, and arm, has kc'pt the inlLinunniion nnd'r \crilv wijiposo n linnp ul hiitti r would not proj.er to adj-.nrn—r.v I .'fivlW/c. or wiih if »ubjectiiii. The limb is sidl \er\ much swollen,—the tontne coati d, und a slight Jl" tins ns it iiiny. I’liinahas rii.l'erfn ld degri'e of fever exist s but u liuppv n cove- re.v Ived to go n coiiilin'r to I’ativ Kerler. ry IS fiillv Htifi'ipnti-tl. Hr was >trei'.g‘Ii':ii'd ei'ii i rerolnlion, b\ It should l>e ric .Heeled that i an •tic w;is meetm:: Icr iif i linn h. and oli>erving thal ill'jertcd us skiii as the lb sb wasi'iit oot. >|k> hiu;.'hi,l outright, as -.hc' - iw Inin iitti'r Ho.lto.1 Tnir’ Ilrr. lh>‘S''n>ioii holding up one side of the meet- — ' lug lions-'. 'I'hul ver. Snndav night ha\- In Chaile.stown, Vu. en inni. ne,-.d.!e mg pnf upon Ins Ikh.Is an csfia coat ol •wariiiof lii'es n.o'C'ilaiii''d that a m* hud a tierce '- nil.lining .Mil or 10 W. India hoiiev in his c(>llir. but li’itil day,—gi'fcfT I’nlty strict ('h:irg “ to s> e to tlie 111*'. Now was tho li\iiiir tini'lf If the coiinige of llarnakis I’lilterf. Id. Ile h:id not yet p ipi e 1 llie )|n;>ti' n to I’i tty, ^ h. tlier she would .''1a\ w ilh him. of -n'C( ss he h.ld b: f >n' eiilertlin d, he tell aniazlnii dillident bow l^e iiipoitant mo- ineiit had C(.:iif. ’rii“ n- ider iK'Tliaps. iis'.iy l'’’-‘"‘'y. „ , .1 that the man U'af a rctnaf and plunged in- ‘•S.ay. Pi.tly, ,f..y—didn I yon promise ' ,,, mej'islnow ■ 'J’be bull followed, but the man n'ached the ‘• I |,:,i you iiHiiht set up here—certainly. polite shore lx tbn> him. He had not ‘•Didni \e jnoiiiisi' t'» sta\ witii me, ■ ti,„o to escape, h..wover, liolore the bull wa-i , , • „ , , I nt his heels. He then n treated, plunging • No sncli tiling. Harney—I n-ver make ' ,i,„p J,” come so nmeh exhansled that tlie bull over- ' iiiit 1 t.ioiig'it took him in the middle of it. Stilltheyoung • t» 1 1 say ye did. but , i man, fertile in exix'dients, eluded the at- “ liiif wont ye s!ny with me now ^ i no I tnr iing in the water.— yomv: !i llow5 will laugh r.t me so it I git ^ „ erul,r„„t turn so rapidly as the the hilt''r succe('ded in seizing ii)«ni laii, then lea|>ed ir^ion his neck and grap pled him i)y the horns. l>y main strength lie forced his head under water and drown ed him. “Will ye tliou^h ? V. ell there's some comliirf in that arfer ail. I’.nt I slu.nld batr aniii/insrls to tit the bag—it sounds so.'’ N' lthlhal he ('tiered her a ki^-'. think'ng NKW KI\n or rKIVTKR-S PFVir,. \\ !■ understand one ot'the Hoston editors has lately received a i>resent of a shark.— if his lipseou'd not .s >flon her heai1 o:ie way, j 'I'his gill wo consider of moro value than 1 x.'l'.if.'ver lu'iH's '» another. Hut Patty was not I all the larire sfi'nwlx'rries. plums and goose- liien 111 a liiiinor li>r dalliance, and telling [ |«'rrios. which the country pnMluces; and iiini he iniglit perl-.aps pn'l’er a Ixix to a l)i^L^ ; everv editor siioidd lie I'uardtd bv a sliark, h;id the ll;'t of her hand upon hi.s ear' alligator, Ixci constrictor, or mad dog, to II ‘ 1 ,• .1 I I . I I'.i, 1 .1.1 I I. I ,.,..,.11, ..I n,%rti,n;tv ■ with siii'h ll'('t that Or a whiie it com-^ k('ei) iIkmJIc ntul cunons at a respt>ctabl(? I,,,,, iiickb.il . made Irom the (aike.''t :M(I('ol the wonder that he did n^fthe o|f>or!unit\ i , , , . , . , , ■ i i-.i ' ‘ i- i i. ■ i ..i . iv,. i. i •lili.inl ■ M' oi, iii.i t 1 I 1 1 1 ,• I , , I.., r i„, 1,,;,. iileteh di'.n e oot ol Ins head all idf-a ol the ihslanee (rom Ins eJitori.il eh m't. e had '-illoiiK of Kn.'at iron |iof—and bavin^r rnbU'd Ins hair o| s|M'akiii;: to tne point w lien lirst a> nu t Ik r I ■ In flin'e overwitb lhes|t4ls(d'a newly caiiuht mink, aloiK' w ith the mil!;. Now ib 'lrnfli i.;, |‘-•'i’ davs they C4irri('d etl' the w hole. aind u\ getting tlie bair. to cive it ihe agree,ible smell of inusl;—he ihongh be had l«’en ihinkin.; ol the n;att('r | hen I».tniai is ncovered trom ihe as set out to nei>:hbor Keeler's on this most for sev('ral w('ck', h(' was as if v. re, taken founding etlei Is ol the l.ox. he I und hiin- Tl.eoride of the Governor of Canton was ' important e-viH'dition. , all of a sudden when the entieal moment ; ^If standing ah.n.' iimi.lsl th(^ niins of his r(v-Piill iniicli olfnded becau-e ibat an! When be nrrivel, I’aitv had jii't done >ame, nnd hecouhl i'(,i in a inom'iit re ..Ive | hopes, like M.ii.us ;.mid t.ie .nnis ol ( ai- iZTl lient the iu,K,n the tiling. Of corns, th-' ,.'lden op-. tha:re. The lire wa.s in-k;.'.I hnrnmg ihe iiiiifbt ln^mutuullv^ advuitii-'eous as he barn with two brimming pads and thonahf porfnnitv wn:. l'«st, U‘“idi • lie wi-'he.l to Camile wa, nwa.o-, bnl 1 .itty h.id di-ap- U. rin .. would be ..o detnmcnt lo b.s sm. .o meet Inake the m(.is, (If his sli.'e/. e>. S l.'Ime ; ^ nred. I inding In. ean. e to I. nopeless. heavy li('art. he soon nieasnio.l hi.s wa\ ince of Giuiton anti Kiiglund, might U> a.s- r> ing the milk. Hut she prevented his ot- , il.o oKi folks had gone. n. .... .. ^ noelHted tOL'ether but to class the “ (V. f('> bv Mving as sinm as she b'beld Inm— w as e\|>ecfed ol him to show bnnsi'il a man, lentinl Kniinn;” with the prorincn, of Great “ Harney, how glad I am to see yon—you his heart went pitapat, so tint tl'> llmnipings home, Hritain or France, was alK>iiiinablc I l have coiik' just in time to carry m this milk ' could |.lainly be b( ard at !i rod ^ I flir in''. Oh uiv ! In»\v lirod i am—Tv*’ KM' U) VrioN. bad seven cows to milk all alone, and no- ‘ Mv d -ar hearei-s,’ said a .Vortii f’aroli-! body to help me—n ems ns if I shi.nl 1 ex- nn pnMclK'r to his llock. ‘ il is us h ard f.»r a pire !” ricli man to eiif('r Ihe Kmgd..m of Heaven | “ I vv;vf» just eomia to lend ye a li.uid," ni for a (’iimel to pass ihn.ngh a needb 's said the galhuit IJarnabas. eye ; but,’ continued he, ‘ \ on pndiablv do " Was yon so ? Well, that's a g.md soul, niit ’understand ibis. I will eiidt avoi to and I'll do ns iniich for vou wIk u I can't bring If within your compn‘h('ii>ion. If i- help if. ’ as hard for n ri( h mnn to enter into th( “ That means,” said Hariialms to himself, stiiions lover, ‘thill she'll Slav with me. I 1. nowed she ht'i'e ?” . . ,, I C'lri si'O as far into ; “ .''^onieliiiM's—but now I think 11 i*, I •>'>* ' it in Contemplation to guard the d(M»rof our gnn-ef w ith a pai-ais t of iatllesn;ikes. yiinti:cl,il Z/K/t/trcr. A friend of mine told me, that for twenty vcirs he had not passed a single day w ith out |H^rusing a |>orti.)n of Shakspeare. 1 heard a I'l'tuichman make a similar confes sion ; but the winrd whoturm'd his hi'ad was Voltaire—as both were j>ersons of wit, 1 v\ as on tho verg'- of conversion to the wis dom »d'a study so exi lu«i\e, and that s[iar- ed 11'arion the toil of ndjii.stiiitf conflictin'^ opinions; bajipily I r(memln'i'eil the ndag« Pattv heard the door clo>c iM'iiind distance ; , him with a s-him. and returning t.> covoj up .•rid Pattv wif'kedly asked i.ini if Iv did not if he tire und make nil sRt>, she hnd no 5(X):i. , , . , • le r a imr^ri'W ergot tothe Ir.te scene of action than throw- that pr.-.; s deliverance In.m he mnnofj«.« X." ll"^u:S(:; h!s Ih... more vio-' n,:: herse^i'mto a chair, she Inughe.l all alone | boo];. ly KnMieln,^ VnfIv than ever, w iiile h. answe.vd, “ 1 | till Mie cried, and was only reminded that it , extremely well, but h« bad an utter dt tes :,nt 1 didn t know ■ was time to en.l her caolnnation, by linding | talion to the nnnu ih(>ii>;ht 1 heai'dsomelhin- Kinirdoin of Heaven a« il would lie for « ^Ac'i lo fff) tip n s'nooth lark tij'pir trie, toil would nlop' I come. bv w hich we ik'signafe a^' m.i'rid"reV,'u'rdnlinni.d in f'te mghf." 1 the candle >pnfteririg in tho s.K^kei; and the the S('veral feul^.n>s of the face ; he declar- ' Ivriil^sl wasniisl" P::tfy ; | tire Hlr. udy'tH, far g'notoh. worth tu.y ed, that iK..>tnomh, . beek, and cl.in, com- “ rnny 1m> 'twasonlya dea' i watch." jaltetilpf at preM‘rvaM(';:. “ A death wal( h'!” e.\c|;4me«i the siipf r- | --- do _\ou ke.p «l(>at!i w.itchc.-, j ij-yc,,, ^vould have the Stute prf'sperons. of prii',ci|'l(', 1 |hm 'd iJ’e iiiokI nnei'IIlb sounds he had ever heai^-— PhiUiihli>kiii .4 Num. fonm/yil •I .-'uul li'.ap as any Ixdy else.’' •.V(>a'er wliuf time of iii;;!;i it i' ' pnn''ii a’ men. Til l!..'' U'ti'e, discontent seeks tor com- ' l'«rt, eowaiiile ' i'.- o ir.;.r ■. and b;isblulno« I'.r .;;l.!'ii>e.