mNERlS’ & FARMERIS’ JOURNAL.. j: 4 Ji()i/i'oy cHitiuriTK, i\ik( klkniii iu; county, north-c.' PIUNTKI) AM) Pi nLiyHHI) KVKRY MONDAY, BY yolSL AROLINA. vol.. I. >UK\I>AV, NOVKMBKR 15, 18.m m). H. TERMS. THE MINKKS’ AND l AUMKKS'JOI KN Al ls printed and publiHlicd every Moiidoy niorninir. at 7'iro Uollari ami I'ifty ('riilg |mt aniiiiin, H paid in advance; Thrrr UMnrs a year, if not paid until uilcr the expiration ol'nix ntiiiitlm. ADVKRTISEMEN'l’S will U- inwrled at Fifnj cents p«-r Kiuare (n»t exceeding "JO lineK,) tor llie first inM'rtion, aiid !i5 cents tor eaeli Kiiceeedlujr week—or $1 Ibr tJirce weeks, Ibrunu square.— A litx'ral discount will Iw made to tlinse wliu advertise by the year. IJ ! On all ndvertisenientn coiuniunieated Ibr piililicHtiun, the niuidier of ins'rli>ns must b«' noted on the margin ol' tli TO MERCHANTS AND I'AR.MKRS. DyjA US(»V1I,LE FOB SAU:. fB^lIK Subscriber havini; been apjioinled Agint B. Ibr the proprietor of the abo\e etftalilishnii'nl, he will oiler at riibli': Auction, at his residence, on .'Monday, the l.'ilh of Novi'mber next, »nil iVoiii d;iy to diiy until sold, the Ibllowini/ pro|K-rly, 'i/ : 'I’liat well known and valuubli' stand silual il in till' lower end of Mecklenburjf county, iinini diate- ly atlhoCroiis Houds, known a.', the HiKky river TOIIAKO. [There has been u )(reat deal sait in denuncia tion of tiibareo, and few have dared to lilll a jn n in it.i di ft nee. 'J'ho writer of the roiIuwin)( must have had u fnnie of ins|iiration from one of Silvers’ iH'st lluvunn, if nut from a leaf of the real Virffinia weed.] Lynfhlnrg Ilr^diiun. and Wadeslioro'rouds, lendinir from tin interior ol ^ , , ., . ... i • . il j .NorU. and S.uth t arolina to n,cMw and i’an.d. n: , " ■"■‘I--"-'y J-»' l»">d and band, the tract contains 110 acres, ;)(! of which are m w. | Th*' golden plant to bamsh Ironi tlio ia»d; „ ly cleared and under good Icnciii^; ■III more under uiuniiscri|it, or they will •«' continued until i ffood leneing, the jjriater part of which is well inu- forbid, and charged accordinj;ly. Jj’.Vll comniunieations to the Kditors must come fri'c of/milafre, or they may not l>e attended to. t'lIARLOTTE lli>'l'l]U MECKLEISHLRU CULSTY, A. C. SION OF THE RISIKQ SUW. J. I>. RESPEC'I’FI'LI.Y intbrms his frieuu.-i un.i ; . - . ,, ,,,, the public that he has o,K m d the above I HO TEL, tbrmcrly kept by m[. K. I. I).nkins, " ‘ which by some rel-cnt improvements is ‘>.V ‘"‘f' fort to n nder persons eomfbrtabl' exertions made to {jrive entire salisl'action to all >vho may honor him with their custom. 'I'hi' bi st 'I'AHLH and UAR which the market in thr l«aek country can alVord, thull not l>o v^’antln;;. UEi>S and HEDDINU are inferior to none. I nureil. t)n the piantulion is an elegant Oiehard of al)out tJIK) bearing apple trees, that have been : si t out within the last threi' years, si K cted tVoni ' the most elioicc and approved j;rafts from I ni;ram’s I Nursery in this state ; also, a tine I’each trehard, 1 ti(ti lher with many oltit r valuable irint tri-ei. I Immediately at the l ro« Uoads is a neat single j story framed PwclHiip Homo, 40 by 3H (i-et, with i a b.i’ek Shed of 10 by 1J feet, and a tVont Tiazza I of 41) by Itt; the House contains six risims and RESPEt-rFl'LI.Y intbrms his friends and ; '"•> «"l » wxH adapted tor the aceon, the public that he has o,K-ned the above 11Vb“k by some recent improvements is ren.I. red ; •=;' ”.v " «ml. ountin.;.r.H,,n mor.. comfortable. C.msiderable «d.liti.,ns ar.^ ; compl. te. Also a trame.l «ow making, whieh will U> compleU.l in a short '••>i-l>'mse. 10 t.y l. et, w. h a (..rtt.«..s, .-.l.r.«.,u time, thereby rend, ring the Establishin. nt nior.- ->• '•> ‘>.V M . tog. th. r with a ^ « ‘.nd siMieious and commodious than .t has be. n lure- , nmning w.,rkscompl. t... \1«, anexeell.-nt lain NtJibli J*, ^:lloK^‘.hoaKl^ aiui kitrlK-t), |»niK i|iQlly all “tIi.- proprietor pl. dg.-s himself to use every cf. '>«»" n>'nldinBs, together with every m . essary and iinr. initle.l ‘X't-J'uildiii!;. , , • i I he alHive mi'iiti.m. .1 place is »ituat. d on the dividing ri.Ige of the wat. rs ot' th.' Cutaw ba an.I U.M'ky riv.Ti, and is w.'ll watered. 'I'll.' suliseri Is-r docs not h. -itat.' in saying, that there is no plae.' in N.>rth-( urnlina that e.-iii Ih' Ih tt. r eal.-u- lat.-.l tor a (.'.mntrv Store and I’ublic I louse, than Att. ntivc and trusty t>sllers are employed, and 1,^. ^bove ; it is bituat. d centrally to a larg.' s. |. Stables abundantly lurnish.-.l. i ,i,„„i j„ r,.^ard to h. alth, there is no plac. Charloltf, A. Sqri. 'io, lh30.—Itf stat.- that can» it. V'■ ' ■’i 'I'Iht.' will also »il.l ut the sam. time, a com- i |il-te and el. gant aswirtinent of lluiimhulil unit htlrhrn t’limiturr, oiisisting of Mahoganv Ued- 11 HE undersigned having eiit. red into eo. . Tal.l.s, Uunau, W ork-Stand. Writing, partnership in the nicreantile business m j m-sK, S„fa., Keatlier II. .Is, ( Un ks, the town of t harlotle, under tlie firm ol 'Windsor and I'omiiion t'liairs, ilrass I'lre-dngii, WATSOir 1. GII.LrSflE, ' SImvel and 'l ongs, A.e. \e. ,\lsn, 1 large Still IT-siicctfulIy inlbrm the citizns of M.cklenburg and Worm; 1 s« t of Jtlaeksmiili's '; 1 large ai.d the adjacent counties, that they will oikii a U>a>l Wagon; 1 plantati.m W agon; 1 Uidingt.ig; „ , , .. I I I , L r “"‘I Eariiiing ri.-ii-sils. ,\lsi, a st.M-k of Hogs, Frt.-rA and SpUndul »tock of Horses; a.,uantity .il Corn, Ko,lder.\., »uch as ara usually kept in back country Stores, tog. th. r with '■! or likely N. gris s; and many whieh will be purchas. d in New-\ork and I’hila- ' .ith. r artiel.'S too t. dious to mention, tklphiu, Ibr cash. 'I'li.-y cxpet to rce ive th. ir 1 .VII of will Ih- sol.l on a iie.lit of tw.U. tnpplies by the Su|>'ourt in Novcmb. r next, ' innnths, uith the e.xcpti.m of the l.atid, uliieli whieh will b«- .ijHined in the store room tbrmerly : will l»e s.d.1 on a cr. dit of 1, -J, and .‘I y. arj, pur- occupied by .'Vlr. W at .son, iK'iiig an a.ljoining room i ehawrs giving note with appr.iv.d s.eiirity. to his House of Entertainment. 'I’hcy int. iid to ; ('. l.-XltA'I"!’, lull 08 low as any merchant in the phK c, ibr cash. Kt»HT. WA T.SO.V, KK irU. (ilLl-LSriE. N. R. I sliall U- ab:«}nt fur six or right I Weeks; Thoor w>Mi arc in arrears to the tiriii .>f j ^ reqwwl*4 ^ i P. TlM>iii|>»on, and •rtUe their aoeonnt.*. Indnl- ‘ fcnce cannot (>»• oxpi eted. • RK H I). GILI.ESriE, Sur. pnri. nf W hrrltt Hdlmpif. riHitliMIr, Srpl. 'Si, I '■.'iti.—Itf \v A ’ix;i IKS \v i-: i.r v . TK(H'Tf:u ev lit \riytri(t\, Ci RATKKI'I, Ibr j«ist ' M eiie.>urag. 111. nt, froin } a g. n.T.Mis public, Is g I. a»r V to inform th. in tJiat th. y; have slill on hand a vt ry handsome assortni. nt ol il M l(»S in th. ir lin.-, all of whieh have Is-, n ..fa r. in .New V.irk and I’lnla.l. Iphia ; no hesitation in sjiying th.y v. ill .li.’.jiose of aril. It s as low as eiui Is obtain, d in any ot the n. i"lilsiring mark. Is, Ibr cash. W A TI H KKI’AlKIMi will r... ive pniulual att. nlii.n, and the manutaetiiring of silv. r 'I'abl. and T.ii SI*(H)NS, and Norlh- ar.dina ...ld work. .1 int.) any artiel. s that may Is or.l. red. N. n. r. rs^ins whos.- aeeouiits still remain mi. •i Mled, ar.' again re.jii' sl. .1 to call on .ir ts Ibr. th. Nov. nilx r C.iurts and s. tile th.' sani.', . ith. r by cash or n.ile, particularly th.i-ic.if a long Mtan.ling Orlvf.rr 1->, I '.'Hl.— c- iil pur. ha ami they h.iV sTA'n: or \/ni( Mi:« ki.i;mh hc (oi .m v. Cuuit uf I'I'fis anil Ciiiarlrr Srisiunt, Trrni, I'.'JO, Jac/ib fia[H; f Original Attaehment l.v- . n il .III a Ira. I ol (.and, th. f^inii.l Hpms. > „c,i, |ymg oil t»i.: wat.'rs .if |{i. hardsoii’s ( re. k, a.ljoining the of llmry Harris, ,\I. xander IKlsmriie and oth. rs, coutainin;; a Ira.-t ol tour hnn.Ir. d and t. n aeres. OKOr.KED bj ('..iirt, that piibliealion 1k' mail'- tor six w.’.'ks in III.- Min. rs' and I'urni. rs’ J.iurnal, tli.' said .l. li n.lunl to ap|s ar at our r'\t foiirto! I’l. as and •J.iarl.-r S. ssions, to Is h. ld Ibr said e.iunty, .iii III' Ith in .\o- V. ?iiIh r II. \l, IIm ii 'hii.I th. r-- lo pl. a! .ir repl. vy, o'li. rw Is. jii.Iginent « ill li.-. nter. .1 agi.inst him. ^VA>Ti:i>. COR\, T.M.LOW, (UTS, LARD, WHEAT, hkeswax, Rtn, PEAN, (or whieh lli.' Iiiglimt priee in rash will Is' |>aid, .in d. livery at .'•t. ( atharine's .Mills. T. I.. IlISSKI.. _Orr H.KI. ,ltf Jl ST HM i;|\i;|i. \Nt» Ki>l{ SXI.K A T rill Ol I |( K, THE EMl MEHy \ l‘/,A\TEIiS' K*)U I nlriilati il fur thr Miniliiin uf Smth-CntuUnn. E|{( II AN'I’S aii.l nlb.Ts an Ih-U-siippli.-.l by 111.- grue.' at ""T—half gr.>.-.', '*1—by th. doz. II, 7.1 e. Ills. Single, lOe. nts. OruJ,rr 1', l»:ill. ” M«:\v rs. Tin; i;i)iroi{ Hat alrratly aunounrtit^ tu u ratd to htf tiftrrmtnatiuu to M«y/ piofp>inul9 Jur tmjnorniij uml fnlaraim^ TIIK DOMIMO.V. So s(>.n as a sutViei. iit nmnis r of a.lditional mh. tluiilutl siib'.'ritnrs shall Is .liilain. d, lo justiiy th.' und. rtakiiig. Tor this pur|s>'.-, Ih.' pr. sent jpr.wjM.liis H issU'.1. riif Old Ihiniiiiiiin, it is, ‘ (sThaps, us. less lo say, will ei.ntinii.' to ad\M-at. \uguit nn.l d.'l. nd sound r. pubh. an .I.m tnii. s, and will siip|s>rt the existing pure and |mlriiilic adininis. Irali.m, in all ni. asur. s having tor lb. ir obj. cl th. inaint. nane.- of tli.' gr. at priiu .pl. s .it '7li an.l ’li“- ’!»!». W hil.‘ the Oh! Ihiminiiiii will Is thus r. pub. liean in eharaet. r, its E.litor will iif>t . ngag.' in a blind parti/.an warfar.', anil, losing sight .if prinei. pl., siip|s)rt any man, .»r s. t ofnn n, how. v. r . v- alt. .1 lli.'ir tali'iits or prominent tin ir siiiialion in lili-. Although 111. lUil lliiniiiiirin will lontinii.' Who'd break our pile's, und from oar mouths pltiek out The .|iiid vv.' mil with pkanurc there about: .\nd e'ln the mild cigar would from lu t(ir, W’hos' odorous breath disjM'lfl the cloudf uf care. They nev. r, sure, at nipht wlicn all wa» still, Did the clay pijie with geiierou* mcaaiuc fill. And sitting in an arni-ehair Bf the d.ior, The white ainokc froin tlu ir li|Hi in rolunics pour, Observe il eirchng upwards to the sky. And III fantastic bIui|k-s Uliold it fly. The thoughf-ereating w.'cd, thry cannot knov«’, This sover. igii reiii.-dy for inward wo They’re strang.'rs to; the soft d light it yields, And ealm i:ont.-nt that every smoker li tis. May they be ignorant of, until muM|uitfie» Shall cozen roiin.l their . ars, aiul bite ibt-ir nose— Till galliiiip|M'rs hive u;ion their head, Anil by tli.'in Ih- eadi niiniite six time* bled, .Vnd tli. n oblig.'.l a broken |>i|it to g.4, .\nd may the cul-and.dry they u»e be wet; Then may they draw', and pud', and sweat, and w h. I ll', .\nd all their snioke not makt* the inserts sneezi. n Mr. W AR AM) I.OVE. War and 1 />ve have viriouK cares; War sheds IiI.nmI, aii.l Ixivc slicd* t.'ara; War has swofds ind l/ov.' Iiasdaru; War breaks, and Iajv« br. aks hearts. War makes f.s-s, l/ove makes fritiids; War’s soon o’.'r, l/ivr ni ver endy ; War inakirs wrath, Ixive inakef striR-; War takes w. altli, and Irfive takes H)>. War moves Imld, I,ovc morrs sly; War makes u» rave, I.ove makes o» sijh ; War ’» rul’d by in. n, l-ove ’• rul’d by tli. fair; W ar iierdk many soldiers, Iove nettis bill a |>air. A(;RI( I i;ri HAL NELKt riOMl!). inn in the case of v.s. tiie State of .Missouri, ii.eatiiiiicd ulKive : j_ “In the nrgumenl. we have Is-en reinind.d by AertrulfUral.—li Ih oUen aH.sert-l, by one «ni*ot the dij^nity ol 0 «c»ver »cii Ktati*} ol’the r «i i * *i • i humiliation of h.Tsulmiitlingher.s, If to this tribu. tliein...>lves, tliat nothing call b« mil: of the dangers which may reauU from inlliet- | »)' afrrifultlirisf.*). I hat this mitlior' ing a wound on that dignity : by tli.'other, of the otlsand ri‘S|XX'tubl! jKirtionofoUrcitizflls, la* slill BUiM-rior dignity oi the |M‘ople ol the 1,'nil.d l«'li us a W lioli', do ill iiict liiaite little oriiotll- Slat. s; who have s, th. ir will, in terms whieh ^ j tllPl.i=elvf» we cannot iiiisunderstan.l. „ i »■ i- . i i ■ i • “ To thew, we can mily answer; caiinot b«: denieti. But tliia that if til.- exer. ise .if that jurisdiction whieh has do*'s not prove tli«! incapability of their liu* been im|sis«-d ii(xui us by the (.mstiiuiion and laws, Ikmiij; made lucrative when pro(x>rly .rt’the I'nii.-d States, siiall iM calculat. d to bring ^c«iidu t(Ml. Its unprofitableness therC i» on tho*' dangers winch have b. . n indi. al. d : or , b lieve is to iittrihiiled r.rinci if II shall indisp. nsal.le lo the prcseivalion of, 'I" " attributed prnic I- the union, and c.mse.,u. ntly of the indc p. ndencc ['•'•'.V to ati injuilici.ius and mistaken [Kiliry nud lilH rty of these Slat, s : these are considera- j iti conducting it, or lo carelesHllCss and iiwit- tioiiH which address tliemselves to those d. |>art. : teiltion. .^liiong the ca|lital errors of our iiients which may vyilh iM-rf.'ct propriety be iiitlii- ' p|.,,,.(i,.n| faniK^rs may l)C ranked a disro- l>v UM’in. j’lii.4 cli iMr1nu*ul rnii liMeiioiiJy i ■ . i * n* i i t.i 111., mandaus of law ; an.l can tr. ad only that ‘ (Nilh v^'hicli is iiiuiked out by duty." ficiently. Aitlioiigh much ha«already been said on this subject, yet it is one that can not lie too often brought into view, so long as (he pn-st'iit system is pursued. Many of (Hir furiners attempt to improve more land From the Floiiilian. Curionity.—'I'liis couiilry alxnmds nitli lakes or txitids from a few yards to a mile i i ' . . , th;in thi'v can attend advaiitaceiiislv. It in diameter—the lianks are sonietiines slop-, j n ,i i i j ' , , ,, , ,,,, . they would e.xiM‘nd all the lalior and mantire III.;, but ueiMTiillv abriiiit. I lie water is • .i i . . . ir .i .r ^ . on one-thinl, or at most onc-half the oiian- o ieiio ifreat dc|it 1. ciirumstance oc-i ■. n i .i i .u u • • , . Ill ,i ' tity of lanil thev now do, they wduld m most curred a lew diiNs since which sliows the . i. ' . . ' i;.". , . in.stunces obtain twenty-hvc or fifty i»er cent, iiiatiner iti wlit. h tliey are f.nmd. I Ins country is iKitS’d on a p.nujs siiell ns k of till' recent or ti itiary formation wliicii is |»enctnit“d in every direction by Klreain.-J of various maoiiitiides. from the rivtilel to tiie navigable rivers. 'I’he Wain'issa w Inch rises in Jeti.-rsoii county, is stip|>»«'d to dis- char;ie a lar|[r«'r volume of wat‘r .laiiH’s mori‘ |ir.Kluce; amJ the danger if a total failure in their cnijis would Ix? gr«!atly les sened. PROriTS OK FARMING. Improvements, in every branch of agri culture, ought to Ik; followed up with strict atti-niioii to economy ; but unless a man haa t'toM Uu wr. Trfanuty .Vo/r*.—1'tlC J%ii»ffnje «^«.n of tin* I'lilted States deciil«i| Hi l|s lust Term, that the emis«iori of Due Hills, or “Certifi- .■atcs,” b> a .''tale, is pnihibited by that cliiiise III tlie Cocistitulion of the li. States which declan's that “ .No Slate .sJiill euiil Rills of Creiiit." Thecawe w:u« Craifi and fthirx vs. ihf Stafr of'Mi.tMniri. 'I'hi- State ..I Mi«.s»Hiri i.sstieil “ ( ertilicates,” of dilH-r- .•111 deii.immati.iiia, from fifly t«‘iits up l.i ten dollars, to the ain.silit of ; priiVKiiiig, that they .slioiild be n-cei\i'l in |Ki\ men! of taxes, A^c. lo tin" St.-ite, and that River at Riclini.iiiil. 'I'lic akulla is aUo a liirtune at Ins Uick sulTicient to lu?ar him a c.insidTal)le river at Its first ap|H‘anitice. through, (when he maybe at liberty to llissup|H*siedt.idis liargethe watersof l.ake plcas«- Inmself,) let him not l)e led into whim- .lacksiii and the latiioiiia. Retween the sicalorextravaoantoxpenses: neitliershould l.iuntain of the W akulla and thes«' lakes a the y..iiiig man of fortune, on coming to his iiiiiiiIkt of smaller ones .K-cur at intervals. pro|M'rty, if his mind should turn toagricul- 'I’iie water H il.-e[> and tniiispareiit at all lural piirsuit.s, deceive himself by visionary sea>ons, iii(lici*tta;i a c.mstant supply and ; profits, prematiin-ly ebtimuted or anticipat- ilis hargeby suliternine.Hiscliannels. Alnrtit ^ ,.,1, und which art; not t«» be realiz‘.l. It is liiur miles ShiIIi West fr.Hii this place m n..t the w ish of the writer to damp the sun- their vi.’inity, a l;ike of alxHit hall an acre ' jruiiH- e\|)Cctations of such youiur men; but III -\teiit was formed li^st I'riday night.— ' then- are s.‘d:itc and nifkn ting minds, even j V\ e an* told that a |>art\ wfre (in; hunting among siu'li, who will profit as they jro a- di'er, ami had,l the s|Hit but a h‘w mo- l,,ng by e.\|X‘rience, and take caution fr.ini mems pn-vi.Kis|y. Tho earth which was.ji,,. ni'istakes of their Rural c.iven-d with large tr»*es. fell with a tre-j |„,rsi,its will also become agreeable to such, ineiKlous cr.tsh, iukI the tVighleiiod hunts. | and a strong iniluwim nt to reside m the iiM-n fle.l III cHisteriiatiiHi. The s|Mit has ; t.„untry, and at tho same time ullor.l ctn- siiice been visited by some g«-nllemen from ,,|„y„K;nt and a livelihK.l to th.iw' ahcut this place—the\ stale that it is from forty t.i! th. in. BesiiU's. t.» such (H'rsons, then* is u tirty f.-ot from the surface to the water, the constant vnriely—in l.M.king after th.' trees, depth of whirh was not ascertained. 'I'he shmlw, tniits, crops, «Vc. which they plant, iMinks are in-arly ]*er(.endiculnr. The hiuk | and .-x-e grow and thrive under their caic ; w MirrouMtiMtt Uy luMii mtuik ruiges. 1 winch are alw ays proienUng tU'inselves I under s.ime reneweI form, reiiderinjf agrl- “ A ls.ld Flori.lan, who would have Ihoiighi il a phuiliim and tfardening, (lie m-st irillt* to take Ah alhtrator, bt'iiifr out 6«}iinff n*c« lit. , , . . i- , ly. dmovrr.-d a sh)Ul of is-ri-.i-*. •■«' equ.pp.d !';rn eablu and leivst tirc.s,mc of hlll.iull hiiiiM'lf with a hariKKMi, the line o( v»hieh he fas- [ pursuits, tened around his [ktso'i. Pnwntly » '‘tout .«ir i —•— .•aiiic n.-ar, and h.' “ let ilrive”—the |Mir|siis> dart- | (Fiwn thf AVw i.usland Farmer.) ed otl'lii.e a sIm.I, whirling ihc |K)or hari>ooiier | FRANCE ANI> ENiI. \NP Ihro.igh Ih. wav... and he was only ««v. d by Ih.- i yhe Fxlitors of the Ruiiellli de- .S iencrs ro4N-bn akin^. Hr nhould rt’acl “ I hr rilut, aim . ,i * *i • u r i» i i take a lew idea, from Tom Collin.” agn. uKltn'ol Knglan.l is .,,, , , 1 . r much siiiK'rior to that ol |-nine-; :iiid that I h.'aliove reiiiiiuls us ol (he cviiloits of , ' , , ,, . the (.inner country, with an iinluv.irablo two o( (lur a.’.Miaiiitances in Savaiiiiali ii\- , , , i . . ' .... 1 , liiual.“, and ujKin a S4 a I not hall s.i exten- ••r ; One 111 them WHS a gn-at tr.iu( ca(chcr, -- • the pr..|H r olIic.Ts of ihe State might |.«m j geii. mlly silting an.l lishing on a r.K-k in thes' '.'iti(i.'ates to iiiiIiviiUliIs, m .sums less (li;in K-’iHl to iiiiv one* p*r*)ii. ii|s)M stu b (((•rson niviiio Imiii.I with |M-rsonal sc'curity, li.r (lie am.Kiiit loiined ami iiilon-st. ('laig Inirrowe.l (h. se Certifi.-ates to the amount iil'*l!)!> !»!), uiviiig IhiikI and-tf-iiri(y. I p- .III (Ins IhiiuI Sim was brought, and judg- iii. nt r.-«'.>vered, in the lushest Cmjrt of iliu( Slate. 'I'hi' ca.s‘ l>«'mg allcrwanls .•arried up (.» (he Supreme Court of the I . .ta(es, the judgnieni of (ho State Court vv;is n vi'r'i'.l, on the gronmi, that th’ ’on- '.iderati.iii .ill which th.* Ismd given, is .•li'aiiist till* highes.t law of th»* lan.l, an.l (ll.T. f.ire that (h.‘ Iwin.l il.self is iill. rly void. This decides lli* i|i|.''-t|.in «s t.i the c.iti- -titiitj.iiialilv, (ami the public have deci.Ie.l as t.i (h.* ine\|H'.lieticy,) of the is.'^ues of sive as France, |M«K08Nes six million of , .1 I I 1 . . sheep and horned cattle,'than the riM-r with hall a d. zi'ii nsls at a time. ,, ' , ’ , . ’ I I r . Ill I I / I I l r:iiice. in l.ii'dand (he sou beloiitrs ex- One diiv h.-fastened his hand-lni.’ (;i lirge I . . , . ... i I 1 I .1 (Vm eliisively to .li>,(1(10 proprietors: ui r ranee slr.iii:: line, wh.Ks.'h'Hik IS (hi.iwn .>11 .10 or ’ ,,, 1 ,1 , . 1 I I- I there art; lour millions of nr.inrictors.-— 10 \arils III (he river,) to his leg, linding ^ , • i .i H i ,1 •' 1. I , ,• I . II • Some apiK'ar lo coiisnler the snial nuinl>er (he imiltnilicttv ol Ins tackle nicoiiveniciit .. ' ■ . ■. . . . ' ; , 1 ■ , of pr.iprietors in hno and as the prmciiKil t.i inanage. A larye cat-li.«h, weithina I" ^ , r . 1 1 1 caiis' ol (III* agricultural nrosiK-ritv of that le IkiiI, and Ix loro our hsh- i ,. .. '. „ |M.uiuls, sei/.ryl the eriiiiiii was well aware Ilf (he fa. (, he was country, but (he editors of the Rulletin think 1 . .1 . I (he caus* may lie loimd in tiu* lilierty and uostmi; .l.ivvn the n\er lu'^ter (ban a (ow- , . • ,i' i i *• ,i .• • ■ ■ " niduslrx ol the liody of (he na(ion, and in till- and protifti.m Ix'atowed on agri culture, commerce, and manufactures, by Ihe privileged «'lass. Ignonin.'e and pnju- lo Is , as tbrm. rly, iini briii and mi.l. v i.,lirig in Us I rapidiv liiniiiig tlieir way twn'k (o (!i r.pnbli.yi I’"'"; I Treasury, an.l (lie niiitilaled s(a(.' m win. li I lie v are, oi'iienilly, iiiii-t s. o.i put a stop iciil. 'Dir n(l)iliuiial rotiMi ivliic-li it vs ill wticri It sliiil* Im- u ill ciinhlr l}i lujitnr tn rt iifl» r ilM cfiliuiiiiM iiior* ni «cplahlr l»i llir jMitilic, in MiHiiy r(’s]M ( (j*. W li. ii (Ijl i iilnr;;*- Mt hIiuII Ink*' |ilar’i', llir Kilitur wotilil \vif*h t*», (.-aa. Alexnn.l.r. I. rk ..f i-od taste und f.i ling, whieh shall not C.mrt, al olli.-.-, Ih- lih M'.n.Iny "I '•'K'l'-'. ' " ' „„ainsl his |s.hli. al pri... ipl.’s. II.’ will I"'*'*- l> \ \ Al,l.\\.MU.R, .Ml. iimi,,. „„y |j|K,r. .1 prol.staii.iiis, bill Ihmks Im lisli, Its imich alarineil as its fi.llower, di.l n.d keep (he deep eliaiinel, but attempted to a san.l-tiiir, which nearly crosxil tin* , i i. i . . . ■ , V ,, 1 . i" .1 I du e an* lorinidab e obstac es to aericultu- streaiii. lien* oiir bn*;i(lil''ss ac- . . i- • , , , , I ,1 , , ril impr.iv. incnt in nuice, esiicciallv in i|u:iiii(aiice cniwlil hold ol s«inn‘(hm;/«lu.’li i . , ' 1 .1 ,• 1 . II 1 1. I .1 the .soiidicrn d;partineiils. br..light the hsli t.i a .sti.lden halt, aial the ' ^ lisherinan was enabl.d t.i avenge hmis. If /im dinfr Ammah and Vffrrlablcx.—nf. , ^ f.irhis (em|Hirar> iliM .unliluiv. The .dh. r ,(,p i,„t ciijt,,,,, „f Dr. Trea.siiry N.d. s b> (li. 'S(ate of N.irdi C -r. j ••‘■'^'irre.l only a lew nid. s above ( il|i,.|,M)„mes(,c i:nc>cl.i|-?.lia, obs4*rves, oliiia ; and it i.s will ai»\ iur- i * '*> • ^ in tlip Ih'uI n| .summ**i wlmli' art »f hnMMJing aniiiialH iher 1^‘^iies id' Ihe kiii.l. 'rii.'s.* Note's an* | i- slug;.ish, aii.l will lie panting like a veg. iables for particular pur|M>s-s may I*">r in th.’. .H.|.*st part of (li.*s(r. am, re- j^. |,k |„.h*d m (hisdin-ction* (h.i.s^ oarilless alin.ksi ot (he approach ot dan;ter. animals or \ege(ab!es to pnifmgati* t’rom. Our li'i*nd t.iuii.l ol tlies'aniiiials i .j |s,ss.*.ss (he (jualities yon w ish to prop- Ic. t long in a .s|i;illovv part ol the river, and .,j,.,te in the greatest iH'rfeetion. Is'ing “ iiiii.’h of a man,” thought he coiil.l* ot' him, and ny lalsir. l pr»i I . an proinis.'t.i r. ii.l. r Ih. Old Ihmiiuiiin, slionld , lie.(‘SH alti'iid his pr' si-nl mi.I -> iking, a v. lin I. ,vari. .1 and valnal.b' inlbniiiili'in, . .pial in g. n- . ral inler. st lo any olh. r pa|H-r in Virginia. II I .I.emsany a.I.lili.inal ri ninrks sn|M rlliinis. II jkn.i-n,—111 li..|ss ».|| known,—not only in I. rsbiirg, blit in this s. eti.m ot . oiinirv g. n. rally ' I .11.1 to III.' lils ralily an.l disi'i rniii. nl ..f ih.' |s o- : ;i|e, II.' s.ibinits his /'rosmr/i(* an.l Ills hti/i-)!. I Th.' I. rmsol' III. Old Ihimiiiiiiv, w li.'ii . nlarge.l, I will Ih' r' 1 Williirs |H r uiinnni, il paid in a.lvane.', B. . or l'i\. |).i||arsarih. . xpiralion of lb.'y. ar. .Sub- T ap,« ariiig o th. sadsi:.. lion ol lb- o.irl ^ b. lorwani. d l.i her ,d that Sarah It. i.lon and .1. It. iiton, two.,I and olh. r in tins .Slat., Ndrlb-('ar.ilina, & ■. whos.' kin.l ai.l is solieili .l by III.! Ialil.jr. KDW'ii. i'i;.'; I i». /’r/irsZ/iirg, I «. Orl. l-:t(l. J E.lilnr r. .pii sis 1,1. Ty[sigraphieal .!\7,"lo answer, pi.'ad or.T. iiiur, .ir judgni. nt will j hr. lhr. n in llii- and tin a.ljoining Slat, s I., giv.^ .1,1. r. .I Ih. in. | "''■egoing pro|Kisals .,n.' ..r Iw.i ins. rli.ins. W ilness, Isaa.' ,\l. xander, ( |i rk of sai.l Court, .1' .»lli.-.-, th. till Mon.lay in Aiigii'it, I'-.'tO. IS \ \C ALL.’vAJsULl!, C. M. C. fVi'C,—pr. adv. y'-!] (>i“—prie.' adv. STATE or \0lHH.’ \liOfJ\A, mi;. KI.I.MII HI. I .11 M v. Co:nl nf I'liiit tiuaitrr Sifni/in.~..iiiuutl Trrm, l':t(l. William J. W ilwin, n.I.n'r.of") .Irreimah It. nt.m, .k.M. I I rs. ( l‘. lilion sale of | Th.' Hi.irs al I..1VV of sai.l j laind. I di'.:. as.'.l. I I IT ap|sariiig to lli.- salisfii'lion of Ih.' Ctmrl, that Sarah II. nion an.l .!■ ►'. It. nion, two of til.' II. irs al law of III. sai.l J. r. iiiiali, an- r. sid. iil - III piirts unknown : O-'.li r. .1, Ibal pnbli.' li. ' Tiia.!.' tbr six w.'. ks ii. lli.' \Iiii. r.x’ and t'ariii. rs’ j .I'liirnal, for s;iid .letl'ii.!;.nN lo apji. ar al our n.'\l ( o.irl .if IM. as an.l W.iarli r S. ssi.ins, lo be h. 1.1 | Ibr sai.l county on lli.' Ilh Mon.lay in Nov.-inb. r ! liLANKS, (tf tariou* kind.t, for mfr al thin (ffjia totiieircir. It is th.night lliat then will Ik-no diHi.'iill) in supply ing thcirplaie with silver . h:in^e. Rnl, ii(.( (Ins d*'cision settle a much* iiii|Miitaiit ipiestioii ' N it not diie. tlv III the face ol'anv law that North Carolina can | i ri atinu a hank of (he Slate, such as has >H'en proposed (o every lrf*gisla(nr(* I lor l(*n M'iiTM pa-(, and sii.'h as williioain ' lie |iroisI>^e.| at the eiisinng session ' Where is (he ditli'n*iice iK-lween a “ certilicale''’ such as liiat is-'iied bv (he Slate ol .Missou ri, and a issu. il by a l!ank created by the Slat.* of .North Candina ' .Vnd it lhere Im* n.ilK*, the Slate ciinind ofcoiirs.' recover ii|H.ii a noli' «i\en tor iIk' loan (d’snch Riiiik .Notes. Mr. (lasioii's argiiiiients insii|i|sir( of tins vt.'vv of (he siitij.'ct cannot Im> f..r- gotten; and it is gratifying to those wli.i i|.;sii'* (o .sav(* (lie Stiite iVoni the evil i*on- sei|ii('n es .if enilKirkiiig in Ranking, tlinl Ibis decision of the Siipienie Court has come j!isi in lime to warn oiir l.«'gis!at.irs of the dan'n r of KUi'h an e\|>*Timent. Thef. ma.stiT him b\ lunipin at (lie same liiii.* rlapping his hands into his gills. Me jiitn|M*d, and was siii'cessful III placing the lingers of ImiIIi haiids in the lishs' gills. Instantly the animal ilarletl down th* river hki* a rac(*-liors(*, sometimes iiiid.T till* VMi(«*r, and somelim.'s out.— The ri.l.’f neidier stop him, nor get his (lilt of Ills gills, which clas)H*.l th.'in like :i vie*. I''oitiinately the fiight- eii.‘(l animal, alb'r a race d’ upwards of a mill', IkiIIc.I m(o one of mir tVieiid's own fish traps, and ther.' the s|M*ctators, win Shir/i.—The nutnlM rof sheep in FnglBiid i; e.stimated at 45 millions, in France 3t} millions, in Spain only 14 milliuus.—JittlU- lin dt s Srii /ic» .«. ,\n ox's will s(.'t any color,—silk, cotton, or w.Millen. I have seen the colors of calico w Inch fadi*d at on.* washing, fixed li\ it. W hen* one lives near a slaughter- house, it is worth while to buy cheap lading g.MKis, and set (hem in this way. 'I'lie gall c;in Ik* iKmirlit tiir a lew cents. (Jet out all the li()iiid and cork it in a large vial. Ono had piirsii.-.l on (h.* bank, tinally l..und him, |ar>rc si«Hinriil of this iu a gallon of warm Hweiinng in the most |Misi(ivo inanni r it was ill.' last sturgeon he would ever riili*. Atif;iinlii C()i//cr water is sullicii'nt. 'I'his is likew ise excel- l.-iit lor taking out spiis tVoin Ixunlw/ine, iMiiiilm/.et, «.V(*. Alter Is'ing wa.shed in this th(*y look alMiut as well as when new. It mns( Ih* (lior..iigh|y siirred in(o the water, and put iipnii (In* i lidli. It is iis(*d w ith* Kvils m the j.iiirney of life an* like the hills w liich iiiarin travellers u|hiii (heii road : they Indh iip|H';ir gn*at al a distiiiice, but Out soap. .Viler bein^ washed in this, cl'dh when we approa. li th.'iii we lind that (hey whieh y.Mi waii( (.i c/c.iw sh.iiild be wtislied iw ing are (he closing remarks of I aie l!ir less insiiriiioiiiit:*li|.* (hail we had ^ in warm suds, w iihoul using soap.—[AVon. Chief Jus(ice .MarbhuH, in giving his opin-1 iiii:igin'’d.