mNERS^ & FARJttERS’ JOrRNAl.. PltlXTEU AWD^JBLISHED EVEnY JIOymAY, BY WOBI.K A HOLTON.^^rARLOT-rK, M1X;KL>:WBUR«; COirXTY, NORTH-CAROLINA. TOL. I. I WaL Xr^OH vov to PIOC-. THU U01V«L»^. TI.K or Tl«JIOrNTAIN*, MWAL. WUym WaLOtV» .TREHCTH W OU« HANM A»D .U.J.CT AU. TO OCR „« ANDtl^aiJ^Dt. 'lp!_ ]WO]NDAY, NOVJBlWl8Kir23, 18.m NO. 9. TERMS. THE MINERS* AND FARMERS’ JOURNAL la printed aud putiliahed erery Monday mornine)^ at TW DoUan and Fifty C'etUt per annum, it wd in advance; Thrrr IMlart a year, if not W* until afler the expiration of «ix inoiitiif. AUy ilRTI8EMENT8 wiH be innrrlud at f’lfly ecnta per aquarc (not c^cccdin^ 20 Iiiir5,)4prtlic tirat inaertion, and 95 ci-nta for each «uco«^ing week—or #1 for three wooka, for one Mjaare.— A liberal diacount wtU bo made to thoao who adrerliae by the Tear. CTOn all udverliiicnu-nta oommunicated for publication, tlie uumb!r of innrrtiona niuat be noted on the raarjrin of tlic moniucript, or they will be coiitiiiucd until ibrbid, and char)^ accordin|;ly. ID'All roinmunication* to the Editora must come free of potlmgr, or they may not be attended to. MfiCKLEKBllUi COUNTY. ■ Ttm vtn>rl IfFTOBWli joc*nau DECORATION QF INDEPKNDKNCR, By the citizens of Meeidenburi; county, (thi-n in- eluding C'aharru*,) North-Carolina, on t)ie iiUtli day of May, 1773. Estimating this tranractiim oh eiving the priiiwry iiiipulNe to our nattHMii Iiid'pen- fc*iice; as directly op«>rative in pitxlucing the declarmtion sulwefju^ntly made by tlic liegiNlnturr of North C'arwliim; then hy the I^j'i.'ilaturB of Virginia; and |ierfjftcd on the 4th of July, 1776, Iw our N'ationnl Con- /»r**«s; it boroine« a matter »f high inijx.r- tnrirc to r-vtablish the fact, that (Ik ritiz;nt of Mecklenburg cminty, through their d«‘l- cgtite*, on the 20th of May, 1775, drew np, mirned, and promulgated a deolamtion of lmlept>n«ietice on the RritiHh givomiiK»nt, and tranHmilted the aame to tlie Congntw o’ the U. States for their approbation. In claiming tluKa. the (tatnotic arhiove- moiit if our forefatlicrH, we wish to derogate m.light from the patriotiHm anl energy of any state, or of .viy iiidividtMl on earth ; but at the name time, we feel bouiHl, by the mot»i aacred obligations of tnith an«l jiinti«f, to guard this our birth-right with vestal vigilancc. To every ingeiHinus miml, the difficulty is at once obviMu* ol'c^tabli*hing by potUicr proof, such a tnuiMaclion, 5.'i years after its occurrence; wlien no record of the trans action could nl/ivMliy be ke|rt ; when a lon« revoliitionar\ war suiier>enel; tlie placi; of door, iu the town of Charlotte, and received with cVerj' demonstration of joy by the in- habitaaUi. I was then solicited to be the bearer of the proceedings to Congrcsei. I Hat out th|i following month, say June, 1775, und in passing through Halisbury, the Ceii- eml Court was sitting: at the request of the Court, I handed a copy of the resolulions to Cot. Cannon, an attorney, and they were read aloud in ojien Court. I tlien pnicead- ed to PhiladL'Iphia und delivered the Doclu- nitionofMcckleiiburgladcpcndcnceofMay, 1775, to Richard CaiiwrH and William H.x>p- er, the Deicgntcs to Congress froin Nortli- Carolina. Certified before John Weston, C. C. O. and James Oliver, attorney at law, HIbert County, Georgia.” The foi'owing certiiicates, A:c. are in niy Win. 8. Ah'xander, late of Cabnrniscoiin- ty, has certified, “ that he wa« in PhilatJel- I'hia in the spring of 1775, on a iiiercantile concern: tlint on the day (iciieral Wasii- ington loft that city to take command of the Aiiiorican army in the north, lie met, in th*; great concoursc on tliat «!ay assi-mbled, with Capt. Jitmos Jack, of Mecklenburg county, who iiiforiiiod him timt (luit county had ck;- rlan'd thomselves independent of the gov ernment rif (irout Britain, and that they liad scnit him on express, with their decla ration, to Consjress, and that he hod doliv- crfd it to our representatives.” 'I'lie Rev. Humphrey Hunter, late of Lincoln c(Hinty, in a biographical >iketch of his own life, written by hims(;lf, on this subject states, “ that orders were issued by Col. TIkm. I’olk, that a delegation of two men fromonch militia company should m»H't at the Court iloiise in Charlotte, on the l[>th Muy,J775; who accordingly met :— that Abraham Alexander was ap|K»inted chairman, and John M'Knitt Alexuiiiler aiNl Kphraim Brevarrl, Secretaries ;—that aft« r a full discussion, a number of rcsjlv«.‘s were i entered intfi, after which bye-laws, &c. were entered into for the goveniiiient of a stand ing coniniittet? tif Public Safety, dtc. A se lect committi.-e was then a|»|xiinted, to re- |M»rt on the emtuing day a full and d linite Htatenu’iit of grievances ajtd a more formal Dei lanition of IiHle|K'ndence :—that on the •iOlh May, the delegation met ; the select committee r» [)orted a statement of grievan- its «curreiHe fora sea-Hon being in the oc- ^es and a formal l)«M;laration.of lndeiK?n- cii|)ation of tl>e enemy ; wlien ail the dele- Jence, written by I>oct. Ephraim Ilrevard, gales are in tlie silent grave, ai«l when the vulidily of the transaction has ntrrr been callej III question until Mr. JetF rsuii. iuJL «>f hiB r*wr.»ly putrtished, proooiinred Chairnian, ami n ad hy him tothf; l)«‘lcgates. The resolves, bye-laws and regulations, aaM»re>«wl hy John MeKnitt Atsmnder, and nil appn>v^, witliout a di*.s-nting voicc. it “ a sjwnous anl unjustifiable quizbut „as read at the ( V«rt difficult a« tlie task may ap,H-ar. we dnad (|ou*r d(ijr to a vcr> largt and approving not to met 1 the . l.m.-8t ». nitiny. assembly of*thc citiz ’ns. \ co|)v was giv- The firM priK>f wklueed, is a eertifnate j„ ci.arg;' to Capt. James Jack, to be sigiHtl hy (Jen. (Jporge (iraUm, William prewnte.l by him to CHigi«ss. On the re- Hutchison, J.Mias Clark and Robt. Robiw.n, of Capt. Jack, he rejiorted that Con- Rmi-addr* s.«^d to, aiMi iH.w, we pn-sumc. in mnnif. sted their iij)prt.batiHi, Uit the |KwssiiKi o( ( o|. \\ illinm I’olk, of Ral- , iloemed it premature to lay the proceedings ci-h. In this tiM-y slate “ Wecertily anl j l» forr (.'ongress. 1 was over 20 oti .sir honor declare, that we were presi nt in | years of age and a deej)ly interested sjiec- thetrtvnof('lmrl>lte,mtbcrHiiity of Meck-, jator of this transaction.” I'Milwrg, on the 10th of May, 1775, when j Cien. JoHeph (iniham. now of Lincoln two iiersons delegate.l from ea. h captain’s c«Hinty, certities, “ that on tlie ‘,Mlth of May, Com|>any in said county, met: that these 1775^ liesides two persons from each iniii- pii.l Delegat.1. continued in ^ossion until the ,j„ cf>mpany, a mn. h largi-r nuinlKT of cit- night of said day : that on the 20th they ' ,2,.i,s attend«Hl in Charlotte than at anv foi- again met, when several resolves were form-1 „M;r iiM-eting; the news of tlie l>altle cf cl and signed by every member, and were | J^xingtoa having pnxluced a high excite- read uiMfer tlie shwts and huzzas .>f a very I >n,p committee was or'^anized in Lirgc assembly of the citizens of s:iid county; wliich resolves went to declare lhems»-lvcs and the peo|>le of the county, free and in- the Court-Hoiwt', by ap|K>inting Abruhnin •Xlexamier, Chuirman, luid John McKnitt Alexamler, Clerk. After a full and free d‘i>eiideiit of the King and Parliament ol j discu.ssion, the tjuestion was taken and thcv Cl rent nritaiii. M e do certify and declare, resolved to declare themselves inde^tendeni, tliat in a P‘w days after, Cu|it. James Jack, |„n,i |i,„( (heir prK!ceding9 might be more of the town of ('harlottc.wasengftged to car- apiK.inted u select cotr..iiittee r> tlie resolves to Congress; and we do know . „f vii. Ephraim Brevard, W ni. that Capt. Jack >xccuted the tmst,’ A.c. | ('annon, au attorney, the ether not recol- Certificate of Capt. John Simesoti, ad-i le led todraftadce!flnitiononnde|>enc!ence. dressed to Col. W m. Polk :— Sai«l committee retired, but the delegation He st.ites, “tliiit towanis the close of | continued their delilH-rations und tmnsjieted Isisiness of more local concern, until the hum, and the lato Col. John Carruth, were of the party who went on to iklisbury, and they and two others of said party took Booth from Charlotte to his place ^ d-'stination. '1 his was the first military e:|)e(lition from Mecklenburg in the Hevolulioaaiy war, and it is Ijelieved to be the first hi the Southern States.” Maj. John Davidson, now of Mecklenburg county, certifies, “thattwo meu,chosen from deposited with General William R. Davie, to revert to Mr. Jeflerson’s interrogatories for the use of sonK; future historian; and and exposition throughout, and promKinco afler the decease »>f the Genera!, procured that this too is “a spurious and an unjusti- and deposited with us, by Doct. Samuel fiaWe quiz,” and thus throw a disreputable Henderson, now Clerk of the Sui.-erior Court vesture over that section and those citi»;ns of this county. The resolves, Ac. are, viz: who deservedly stand pre-eminently distin- The following nsolutions wore uiioni-1 guislied for originating that fearless and mously ordained : I patriotic declaration, which only been 1. Ihsohfd, That whosoever dirertly or indi- and hereafter only (^an be iniftatM. uiitil reclly aU ttcd, or in nny way, form or manner, | despf)tisin ceases to oppress the human race. eacli militia company in tlsecouuty, met in ou..ta.anccd the unchart, re d and dangerous in’ I If Mr. Jefferson were livinir I should feel Charlotte, and after the niwtinir or dele-a- ““f dain.od hy Great, j Vn ^ mwting ti(Hi was nigularly orgiuiized, a motion wiis made to dc.hire ourseIv(‘H iiidt pendent of the crown of Givat Britnin ; \fliich was carried. Doct. Ephraim Bre^’ugd was then appointed to draw a Doclaiali^n of Lide- peudonce, which ho did. J^^ Jack was then appointed to take if on to iJoagreas, with diiectiuns to deliver it to our n?pre- seiitativej4 from N. Carolina; wircn Jack returned, he stated that our iJeclaralioi! was highly esteemed, but that thr'y thought the message prt^niature. I am coofident that the Declaration of lnde(ien(iento, made by the peo|>le of Mecklenliurg county, wa« at least twelve months b« foi-e tlifl* made by the Congress ol the U. States.? Isaac Alexander, Clerk of |ie present County Court of Mecklenburg, tjrtifies :— I was presrmt in Charlotte, o> the 19th uut I uii ciuiiiifu ny ureai nriiain. u j . ■ “ ... is an enemy to this country, to Aincrica and to the-to investigate his letter, with that inherent and iiiali. nable rijjIitK of man, ] reprehension it appears to merit; but he i» 2. Rrsaivrd, 'I'iiat we, thi' cili/un.t of Mecklrm-1 now in the silent tomb—calm be his repose. u w i * n® disposition to disturb the sanctuary wtiicli lia\e connccted ua to tlic mother country. t, ^ • i. r 1- ?? onil hrruby ol.^ve oursclvtn from all allepinncc to t " . . !T I* tlio Hriiigh Crown, and abjure all political connco-1 '* * .Shade bleivlod With the highest huiitan ♦too, contract or adsociation with that nation, trbo ' attaiiwnwita* Let U9 rather vie^Mr. Jef- have wantonly trajnplcd on our ri»)iUauf liljerfiea I ferson’s denial of this our birth-nght, as the and inhmnanly abed tiie blood of American pat- result of a kind providence, enabling us, be. riutK at IjexinL>1»n. ^ ... .... . . 3. lle^lvrd, That we do hereby dcclare our-1establish our just m lvf* a free and independent |H,ople, anil of right j flaim to these (tatriotic deeds jf our fath 'ra oujflit to be a Kovercign and seli’-poverninjr aHsoci-1 and of placing them safe where misfortune a;ion, under the control of no i>owcr other than our; cannot tamish, or even the malignant breath irxrasar.:;! soicniiily ]>Ied);uto cacli otiier tHUpiutual co-ope ration, oiu- lives, our fortimesand our sacrod iMMior. 4. HitulrrJ, we now ocknowli-dgc the eiis- lencc and cfmtrol of no law or I '^nI otljcir, civil or military, within this rounty, we do her by or- ilain luid adopt, as a rule of life, all, cr -.b and ev. •inH yoth ..f Mnv u l.nn ■ r..milnr ^ wheri'n, ncv rihel««, the more pcn>etuai than tne snort I •ind .^Othof Maj, 15, when a regular crown of t.nat Hnlam never tan be considered deputation from each militia company in as hoMinp ri;his privileges, i.mnuniiics or au- n w. p.i[»cr public at ions . Mwklenburg county, met to «j«isult and I diority tlicrein. take measures for the pcace and faiKiuility I \ That i( is furiher decreed, all, „r ,i,e cui»..., ,„„i .u,„ uf.0, 10 cl.„ui. ■ tation, declared themselves nlMpved from he acting c.mforniably to thete regulations; and eat inheritance of an American citiz‘n. JOSKPH McKNri’T ALEXANULR. P. S. Should not some measure be taken to p*»rj)etuate these evidences of our Decla ration of Ind!pendence, and render them more peq)ctual than the short lived exis- ? VAKIEI Y. their allegiance from the king of breat Brit ain, and drew up a Declanition d their In- dc[tendence, w hich was iinunimnwdy adopt ed ; and employed (,’apt. James Jt:k to car ry Copies thereof to Congress; nrlo accord ingly went )n with them.” Certificate of Samuel Wilson, l(Mecklen- burg county, who certifies, “ thaiiomefiine in .May, 1775, a coinniittc.'c iVoin lie difl«*r- ent militia com|>anies in this count', met in Charlotte, and after consulting tn;i iher, publicly declared their Ind'pf't»d«pce f)ii (ireat Britain and her (iovernnrtflU: tlii.s was toi»‘ Uilore a large collecti* of |)co- ple, who highly a|»proved of it. I'vas then and there prt:s nt and heard it and from the Court-ilouse dojr.” CiDr.R.4-As the time for laying in t.’ider , . . - r. — has comr, I would ob«‘rve, that Mustard f”-- p';'-V"- .„„d. IVace, iathe cbarnelor or.“committ-oma„,” to than Wny other thing I have tried, issue prorcsa, hear and determine al! mattera of ' put a half pint Common mustard seed into controversy, arrordinjf to said adi|>ti.>n of laws, ' a l>arrel of nlw cider, last fall, tuid let it re- and to proicrve p^ ace, union and harmony in said i „,ai„ the fces without drawing (,tV, till it county, and to every cxertKm ta ffprtud the , 11 i •* i * * 41 love of country and fire of freedom throughout | U8«Uand it kept it pert-ctly sweet America, until more m-m ral and organizt J gov- I —1 ernnient be esfabUshed in this province. more like nK;iy>w old wine: the cider tiisted These resolves having been concuried in, | little of the mustard, l>ut som^ gentlemen hye-lawR and re^nilatioiis for the government ] " it,lhought it was improved by of a Standing Committee of Public Safety ! flK* lasflyear was the first lime 1 put were enacted and acknowledged, &c. i seel, I cluiiMrt jay that it will ahvavs The whole proceedings of the Dck;gition, though interesting, are too long for this publication ; but to show, inaccordancc with (ien. Joseph Graham’s certificate, is to IhmnA; Booth, that niunici|jal authorit)’ was a.vsumed and acted on hy tlii.s Committee of have the same i fleet; but so simple a tiling is worth try ing- —for iny cider was decided ly the best 1 evfr drank. Sicit Peach .'■ometime sine*, by a correspondent in tho Certilicate of James Johnson, rf Knox county, 're;ujessec*, the original ..(which is j Safety, I will only copy a ccrtificaU ! !«pe«* of this ^ty' that ccrtaiii facts had isses^ioii t(f Doct. J. G. -M.'Ramsay. jjj posses.'iion, viz; May, 1775, |Hirsuaiit to orders is;,uod by ’ol. ThoH. Polk to tho Captains, toop|M»int two mca front each cninpany to n present thom, >»ho drew up fhe .Mecklenburg dec lanition of liMle|M'iMlence : the .xaine com- tnlttx; also ap[iointetl iia'ii to secure all liie mihtiiry stim's for the ns«' ofsnid c«hiii- ty, I \v:u under arms war the head of tin s'Ie-l committee relumed; and l)«Kt. E- phniim Bn van! r^ad their ri'port, a.** nearly as I can re-ollert, in the very words as we have latterly s«'en them in |>rint:—this re port was unanimously adopted ; the whole proceedings were then rear! iit the Court- House d(M»r anl received with enthusiastic line, near Col. Polk, and distinctly heard jrlie*‘rs. 'rims far I state from j)crsonal him read a long string of grievaiH'Cs niHl the said D«'e.laratioii, and the military order above MtatHl.” 'I’he late Rev. Kiaiu is ('uinmins, in a h l- |er to the Hon. Nathaniel .Macon, states : •'at length, in the same vear, 1775, the males generally of Merklenhurgcfiunty met on a certain day in ('harlott', and fniin the head of the (’ourt-Hi'Use stairs proclaimed Inde]K*inbnco on Kiigiish (lovernment, by Col. Thos. Polk, their Henild. I was pit's- cnt and saw and heard it; as a young man, ! was an agent in these things. Ca|»t. James Jack, then of Charlotte, was sent with an accmint of th-s‘ proceedings to (’ongn-ss, and brought hack to the county the thanks of Congress for their zeal, anl the advice of Congitvw to b«' a little more |Nitient, until Congress should take the measures thought to be best.” Capt. James Jack certifies, “ That when kni>wled;'' and observation. I understood afterwards, that Capt. Jami's Jack, then of Charlotte, went express with the proceed- iiig» to CoM^i-ess, and that on his way, at SjilislHirv , Mr. Cannon, who was one of the committee who drew tho Declaralion of lu- (iejiendence, prevailed on 'apt. Jack to have tho pri>ceedings puhliely read, which w as (lone, and genenilly iiighlv approved of.— Rnt two lawyers, Joiin Dunn and a M R(M)th,d‘clared the proceedings tn'asonable and endeavored to have Capt, detain ed ; hut he being well nrnx d pa.->«‘d on. .\s soon as iiitellig(^nc(! of this n>ached Char lotte, the chairman of tho committee of Public Safety onlered a |>arty of 10 or 15J horsemen to bring said lawyers from Salis bury to Charlotte, which was immetliafely elKfted ; and (>n investi^tiou In'fore said committee, Dunn wasdisciuirged, on giving security, and Booth was sentenced to he re in |)osa»‘i He certifies, “that m tlie munt^of' May ITTS.Tlrcl'e *-en(> iwvend nwtin^ In Char lotte, «i vari'His subjects; !>ulao tliinsj I do (Misitively remenilier, that pin ilenlairg comity did meet and have i»Coivpntion, declared Independence and aiot a man to Philadelphia with the procee|ings.’ I should have been gratil'n^ u> have re ceived from Col. W'illiani PoiR of Raleigh, a statement on tiiis subject, fi'ftn a pamph let published by Mr. Gales, inRa!ei;;h, in IS^'i. 1 find ('ol. Polk wasp*c»‘nt and bears evidence of the Det:laraio« >( ludc- |K;ndence by the citizens of lleckienbtirg at that time, as a fact; but w^ tO" young to give the proccelings in det;ij[l. The fact is what is now denied; hi.« certificate, Od it is, is therefore importint. 'I'liere is now a |>ap.T in my jD6s«'ssion, written and signed by J. M. Alextider, and pur|K.rts to be “ extracted from old min utes,” Aic. On this there i^no date to shr.w irhrn these extracts we* made: the intnxluctory part is similar, as bra.« it goes, to that phK. d in fhe hand of^ien. D-avie. The resolves entered into, aW in this ex tract noticed as follows: “1^. We, (the couiitN) by a solemn vote, di|K)lve our Hl- logiance to King George, mil the British natiim. :Jd. Declare oun-clv^ o free .and independent people, having a light and ca pable to govern ourselves, as a p»rt of North Cantlina. 3d. In order to hfe laws as a rule t>f life, for our fiiture eowmnicnt, we form a code of laws, by ad>pling our for mer laws. 4th. And as theretvas then no officers, civil or niiliUiry, in iHitcounty, we decret'tl every military otficer in the county shiHild hold his former commission and grade, and that every member present shall act as a justice of the peace, li««r anil de termine all controversies, &c. 5th. Main other laws and ordinances, &c. &c. .\fter reading and maturing every part, all p:ls^- e«l alKiiit r.2 o’clock. May 20,1775, Ate. \'e. All sent on by James Jack,” Ate. I hold these p|)crs, certificates, Ajc. sub ject to the inspection of any one dc.^irous to examine them. I’rom the |>receding certificates, it ap- [K'ars most prokible that there wert' drawn , lately come to NORTH.CABOMNA MfX-KUrNBCRG COCNTV. S .111 lliisc may curtily to all whom it may concern, I "OUKI l)C that the bearer hcreot; Williuni Ilrndcrson, is al-, prodiK lowed here to be a true friend to liberty and ha.s , 'I'he Boston C' ►igntd the ajiFociation. Cerliricd by ABM. ALEXANDER, C. M. ; . , • Of tht> Committee of /*. A’. ^ ^ , . . puinttHl in burnt Omitting a variety of documents tnci-1 ilcntally bearing on the subject of our Meek-1 lenliurg Dt'claration of Indei>endence, I will iMin'ly advert to that which must alibrd tlie i>jtn i> Hi tifut >\iiiLii ijiu7»i niioixi ii»u j fjcucrjillv highest gratification to ever) citizen of the tl»e Resolutions were agreed on, they were inovnl to Camden, R. C. out of the sphere publicly proclaimed from the Court-House | of his iiilhience. My brother, George Gru foUows:—The) pot without watc ced in an oven o Trees.—It was mentioned lis knowledge, whicii wen? the boliH', that |K>w«;ei.-il d about the roots of |M>8ch t great preservative against od by insects, worms, &•. >urier in a recent notice of this subject, cor oborates the above opinion, ience ; and adds that, trees and are universally healthy oriiis at the rix>t. Apple JtUy. —It is not known, perhaps, it ouuht t(» be, that a[>ple.-4 make an excelk nt jelly. The process is ari are to l>e [mrei, quartered. tlie core compir ely reniovHl, and put in a State of North Carolina, by placing before them that res,.Ue, or law, which staiwis the first Icgi.Mativc act on the subject of Ameri can liHle|X'iMlcnco, in the I nited Stales.— This 1 will ciipy from the printed Journal of j weil's^tew^' "ho the Pn>vinciai Congress of North (’arolina, ^ t held at llaIitax,onthe lthdayof April, 1770.; ofa„e„„ istob^ On the Sth of April, a select comnuttee of ^ irprevi,.^“'to'u,ihng,"the^ seven was appointed to take into considera-: proper consiaency, and an e.xcellent jel- tionthe usur[«itions and violences attempted ] prdduct. luid committed by the King and Parliament I T J_ of Britain against America, &c. &c. On 1 ]Vi7/otp Bark\-lt is stated, in a letter the l^th of April, the said coniuuttoe re- that Vhe French medical men ported a lengthyd eclaration of usurpations, I In jq administer, with violences, ty rannies and cmeltics, &c. Acc. j success agMiist intermittent fevers, and oflercHl the following Resolve ; j bark of the willow, 'riiese gentleni>n Kr$otrnl^ Tliat the dclerates for tliis colony in , assi'rt that it has r lore power than Peruvi- theConlim ntaK’onprcss, S' empowered to concur ; IJm-Ji. with the dL'lcc.T(oi of the other colonies, in dcclar- r, closely covtired, and pla- over a fire. When pretty juice is to Ije .«pieezcd out which a little of the white added, and then the sucar. ce it 1 jel- Gin.—Londo ty-four millions ga 5 miles iu length.' Rochester, X. ing liidi'pindrncc and forming (brcign alliances, rew'rvins: to this colony the sole and exclusive rijfht of forming a constitution and laws lor this colony am! of apioiutinif di lejrati-o, from time to time, to ! '•YV'"! iiicit tlic dclcifati's of the otlicr colonies, lor snch i Vear in r.t piirixwes as shall l>c hereafter pointed out; which a riVer a yard deep was ininiiiinouriy conciirrrd in. [XoTF. The word Kcsn/rrrf, was used ns the en- acting cIau?ctocvtry lawjiassctlby thisbgislat’.uc.] The resolve so highly extolled, «>f the j d,cstcr is situated \ irginia IjCgislature, wa.s on the I5th ol j eleven miles south 1 May, 1776, over one month after this, from ■ villaco, which, foi which it evidently emanated. Here, then, j busit'iess, may soot we see a document, printed and promulgat- „-as not settletl unti ed to the world under all the Rolenmities ofi |^st war; its progi a law i>a.ssed by the legislative authority of; umii about the year a State, on the r,Hh day of May, 1770, and ; rapidlV im circulated by tho members through every |,jay. ItnowconUiin section of the State, and being X\\c first print- inhabitants. The ed declaration made on the stdyect in the I nited States; which I w ill venture to say. editor affirms that twen- lons of gin were consum- glaiul, “ entHigh to form twenty yards wide, and up by a select committee, a declaration of iiever was leprinted in any publication, his grievances and a formal declaralion of In-! torical or [HMiodical, previous to its insertion de|)cndence ; which, if so, was tho pujier st*nt on by (’apt. Jack to Cong^'3s; the original of which i« b;-* ‘a us, *hi«ngh the death, shortly aflerwartls, of D>.. t. E|»hraim Brevard, the chairman of that committee, and hy the (Kcupation of Charlotte Lv Corn wallis, where the IXx-tor lived atwl where his jMqiers prolmbly were. But lie thi.s as it may, we have an autlu ntic cojiy of those resolves and b\o-laws mentioiMHl in so ma ny of the certificates, in the hand writing of John McKnitt Alexander, and certitM-d by him as Clerk, w Inch had been by him in the ( ataw Im Journal, ofOctolier 19,1S24, at which time, it might l»*‘ safely assorted, it was n't known to one j)erson in each 20,- 000 of the present citizens of N. Carolina; was taken in Decen lier of inhabitants and thirty one.—Si \—The village of Ro- in the tJeuess'e River, >m Lake Ontario. This |K)puiation, extent and rank among our cities, aljout the close of tho ‘ss Wiis not very rapid 1820, from which pcri- rovtnl until the present a i>o[>ulation of 12,000 rst census of the village 9er, 1815, ajid the nmii- iien was three hundred t. Bui. Iion" Di'txses.--\t the “celebration” Ball the other nigl t, I overln'ard a gentle man obst'rve to aiu ther, “How very long that young lady’s d t'ss is.” Iong, said tho he very shortest in tho and it has UH>n lately suggested by some, | \ think'it is that there may not lie another copy of the | room. You dont ta le, said the tiiiit, I mean Journalsof that Ix-gislaturt' to be now found, i jt’a fjo,,, m In order, then, to invalidate the authen- j J ticifv of this first, this hold and patriotic re-, jvir. Francis G raijger, we unilerstaml, de- solve of our ‘Li-gislaUire, wlucli stands and ! ^ ,^e side of will forever stand, the fii-tcor-1 . 1. i . ner-rookof Ainenean In.I.'pendence, how i Anti-.Masonry; thti hol.l that associatioiM easy w ould it l>c. ('V'’rc thi® copy burned.) ■ for keeping r yrcrfflare utdawful.

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