TIIK MIXKRS’ AND FARMERS’ JOURNAL. rriHiH'nt has, lUerefore, bt en recmllv *1»- inorf l>> pre!>*:rviiig fh«* pwblir vesticiM iihfiitly buih, aiiJ pruvi.iiiig iiiah'riult lo l>e |)lact;»l til (k‘|)ot Cir faturc os(>, llwin fo in Ten iucoiisrdert»l>ie ivMcrvatiou relatiug tojuiirtiial itssiisliiiH’e in iriPasMivs ulitt-U, n'st- tiieir u»s|)ectio« laws. This authority Imiv- j u»g solel) hi their own uicritti, could nt'vcr in;; entirely passed from the States, the' be cren icd. rii>ht to exerciiie il li>r tlie jnirpo!?e of pro-1 1 am well an'arr that tliis rs n suhjtH't of lection does not exist in tUeu); ukI, coiisc- much tU’U*'ivcy» >u accooiit ot llio exloiuUut i4’roi4sii>g their ith the uitl of queutly, if it be not pusaessetl by the Gener-1 inteix'sts it involves, as to require UkiI it , Ct:*»;*rt*:‘s, in h few yt!H»s, the i»uveruiiieMl al Ooveniment, it iimwI he extinct. Our ^should be ttuK h«f wrlli Un> utmost cawiion; will U- i>r«'ptmnl, in e;^ of emer/^'ney, lo pJit»cal system wooW Ihiw pru-sent tlu? an-! and that, while an alxuidoninent of tlie |H)li- ! put afloat a powei fid Navy of new t;hi()s al- omaly of a people stripped of the right to j cy in whirh it oi igiimted—a )joli y ct>e»ai j uiost as srx»ii as ohi ojwrs* eou’.J Ik- >T|Kiiml. foster their own imluHtrv, aiid to counteract; with o»ir (JoTeriiiivMit, and |uirsinl ihroufih TIm- wKlilix rilioius in thi« part of the scr- themo»l selfish and destructive policy which | sth'cettsive adiiMiiistratimis, is rn'ither to U? i Tiee j!«{i;;csleil in iiiy kist annual message, might be adoptoi by (*)rcign nations*. 'I’his ^ e.\|xxted or desiie.l, tlio [*eo|>Ic have a rijjlit | whit Ii are iKiti *l more in di tail i>i tlie re- Mr - ■ 1 1 ■ . ....... . * . _ Up inust ' I on the subject expressly delegated to t'ou-, Thai our defilM rdtions oil this inferesfini; j like iiiaimi r, exhil/its a satisfiu tiiry »ie1^ of gress. I suhji'cf shiuld be tini:illueufcd by those |Kir-j the inn>.>rf:int biaiu h of the (Joveninienf fn (his concfustrm, I am confirmed as weft I tiZiiii conilivtrt that arc hieident to fn'p wi- tuidor his cliar(;o. In a'i.ittioii to tlw U'H- by the o|»inions of Presidents Washington, stitiitions, is the fervent wi?h t>l' niy heart, efits nlrwuly M.>e»nvl by the op'rufions of Jetii-rsua, Madison, and Monroe, wl» have ■ To make this great fpiestion, wliieh uiihap- the I'ost tUlUe Oepartnieiit, eoiu-idenible iinprovcnienls within the [»rfs-nf y':ir have U'f'ii niade by an incn'ivse in the aecmiitno- dafi .n utT»rded by sfage .-oochev, ar^il in th each rfrpeatedly recotnmended the exeicis** ^p»Jy so much divitles and excites the public of this right luider the (nHwlitution, as hj- . i‘»im>, subservient lo tl«' sliort-sight-'d views the uniform practice i>f Ctrtigress, the con* j of taction, must rfe 4roy all Ikijt? of settling Inim^d acquiescence of the States, and the ^ it satisfactorily to the great IxKly of tb« | rr‘jiifiicy uuil cclenty of the inuil, lx-hve‘ii general aiiderstancfcng of the people. ^ people, ami for the general inten'st. I can-| some of the uios.t iiuiA>i tuDt i>>«iits of the The ditficulties of a iBore expttlient ad- i not, thert'lore, on taking leave of the sub- ju.‘»tiii€nt of tlM» present tariff, although great, j.jccf, too earnestly tor w.y own fwlings or are (ar from being insurnx>witable. Sotoe j the roininrni gi«*f, warn you against the »re mtwilling to iinprore any of its fiurts. I Wightuig coasoquences of such a course, becaosc thry would destn>y fimj whofc; oth-1 .According to the estinuites at tlie Tr.'as- «T* fear lo ti>uch the objectionable (Kirts, i m-y IX-jKirtment, the n‘cei|)ts in the trea^u- lest tho^ they aji-provc should ht* jeo|>ard- j j-y duriiu; the pn*seirt year wiH itiiiouut ti» r-f. I am persuaded that the advocates of | tv^■eRtv-t(>ur millions one hini'lrud and sixtv- rni..ii. ruder flie’ latest e'i»tracts, impn)venieiits lw»re licen ])rovided tor the suutlK'rn section of iIm; coiinfry, and, at the vanie tuii«, an ;>niiual sa«iiig iwide of uj>v«ar(U of seventy- two thousiuiddollars. .Volwithstandiiig the exiesM of exiH Ti'Ufnrt' b»*yond the « ui rent exl ill unequal degrw's; and the [K'culiari- lie Twawiror, for the faithful discharge of ties of many ofJlu'early laws of Maryl.uid I his cllkial duties. A Kesolution by Mr. and Virgim'a rcn.am in force, notwitlistaiid-' WnrEt.KK, having for its object the estab- i»g th-ir repugnaiK’e, in some «-ases, to the | lishment of a Medical Board. A Resolu- iuiproveiiients which liuvc .‘jUiJTrscdcd them tion by Mr. .M'1'aiii.anu touching the pro- iuiproveiiient in those Stales. Hetid«'s II ri'inedy liir these evii.^, which is Icudly called it is respt ctfuUy ^ubniit- teil whether a provision authorizing th«: election of a Diiegate to repri'seiit the wniits of the citii’.eiis i>f this District on ifie (luor of Congiess, is mit dik' to then!, and to the chaructcr of onr (.u.>eriiiiient. No |Mirtion of our citizens should be withi.iit a pructi- ral eiijoyineiit of the principles of freedom ; and theiT is lunic more iiujiortynt than that which ciiltivales a proju'r relation between the govenifirs and the gi.verned. Inijir'r- f-ct as lliis iiiu>-t Ik- ill this eas?, yet it is Ix'lieved (hat it wouKl l»r greatly improved by !i ri'prevenfation iu ('oiigi-e. s, «ith the same pnxilegi's tlirit are allowed to that of th- other 'IVi ritori's of the Tiiited Statt-s. 'I'he (•eiiitc.iti.iiy is rc a 1\ for the reeep- tion of convicts, and t nly awaits the inces- s;»r\ legislation to put it into o|M'ratioii; as oiH- objix t jfwhii'h, I U'g leave to reeal to your atti'iition the propiiety of proviiling >uila!)lec(;ni|)‘iffati)i» fiir the olVieersrharg- ed with its in-ij¥ction. The iin|)»rla!ice *>f the priniiple» involv ed in fhe inquiry, whtth'-r it wilt Ix- proper rei'eipts for a tew years l>ast, nocess;irily i to ri-churt'T the Hank of the I ’liited Stales, th. »« cfMi^cliog view* do injiislice to the |„ne thousand and eighteen ilollar*, which , ••'*^''"■'■*•‘1 “i the fuifilnieiit of existing con-1 n qnire* tliut I should again call the aflin- .“IfnericaJi peopfc, and to their Ke|)resenta- 'will ev.;eed bv aU>ut''thn.-e lMuiihi-d tlious- Irafts, ami m Che additional ;\pcns«s, be-! rioii of Congress to the sjihject. .Nothing liTes. The general interest is the interest d,,lUtrs, tlie y«{in>Ate i>re£:eHted u> iln- l>erio»ls ot' eontnufing, ti m»*« t (has K-ctirred lo lesstn, in any degree, the of euch: and my confidence is entire, ttiat, j anmiar rC|K»rt of the S-crt-iary of the ' •'"* treated bv the ripid growth to ensure tlie adoptiin of such nxidifications Treasury. The total ex(«'udilure during extension of oirr nourishing country; jiftlK; ranlfasthe general interest require,-, ,ti„. year, exclusive of |mblie debt, is esti- i>‘‘* **“' »»t>-'6*ctory assurance is given, that It i»only necessary that that interest sliouki mati-d at thirteeu uullions scsen hmiilred i revenue of tlie Department will be«u^erst(^ aiel tI>riv-two tlroiisand three l„uxlivd and ! ^*’engage. It IS an intmnity of our nature to mingle 'eleven dolJars, »ik1 tliu p.ninont oinKcmwH i s}t>tem recnitly intnKliicd, oar interests and prejudices with the i>l>e- \,f public debtVor the suiiiL p n.Kl will have |sulijects its receipts and disburseim nts ratiou of car rca^inintt powers, and attril»- ; b».e„ eleven millions tlm-e huiidn-d ami tif- ! regulatiom lias entirely fuitilled lU Bte fo fhe objects of our lifccs and dislOic-s , (y.f„nr lhou>iiid six hundie.1 a:ul tiurlv (Ld- ! It givxs full assunince of the |.um'- qifiiiities fliey d»> not p*>s,-«s9, and etRt'ts |:i|-.s; learingu bahuice ni tin- Tr«isurT,on Snuisuiission, as well as the security of tliey canrr.t pnxfuce. The etiects of the the first of Jaiiuarx- ei>'htecii hundn d and ;The ettitieii- pn-j^L-nt tarilfare doubtless ov«-rrafed, b->th thirtv-one, of (ourinilhoiis eiuht hundn-d and iiidu*try of its oflicers, and fhe ability in Its evils aj»i its advantiiges. Hyoneclass and nineteen thoasand seven liuiulR-d and aiulcnergy of contra*, tors,justify an mcr«-as- of P‘as»Hen), the reilcict.^ prK-»-of cotton eiihtv-oue »lollars. I ed conridcnce in its continued prosjK-rity. aifcf'ilhcT agriciiltunil products is ascnl)ed i In connexion w ith the condition of our ! 'i'he atl»-nti'Hi of Congress was called, on *r 1 .fly ti» Its lufliHficf, aiKl by aiw»ther, fhe finances, it alR>rds me ple.isure to remark ^ f'^rincr occasion, to the necessity of such r ducedpriceofmaiiutacfnredarticles. The ti,m judicious luid ellicKUt arran'ein* nts “ moliti:ilion of the odice f>f .\ttoniey prjb.ibiltty IS, that neither opitnonapproach- have been made bv the Tn asurvlj^-part- *'CiK*ral of the Tnited States as would ren- priely of h-unmg the whole, or a |>art, of tlie Literary Fund to the Trustees of the Uni- vi-rsitv. A bill to construct a Rail Road from i'avetteville to tho River at Campbell* Ion, out of the funds of the State; and a bill fo prohibit the circulation in this State, of the iiaiik notOH of other States, under $5. A S( led joint committee has been raised to eiu|uire into the cx|iediency of selling the Cherokee lands, or such )>orlioiis of them as may l)e «!eenM-d prop‘r: Iso into the ex|)cdicncy of nitmon'alizing (’ongress on the necessifv and proprietx’ of establishing a Hnineh of the .Mint cf th? I’nited >Slaf-s in this Sta*e. 'I’he bill having for its object to conq>«l (^uukers, tk'c. to Ixiar arms, or lus an equiv alent lb* reC>r to pay a capitation tax of 8- •'»• each, has passed the Senate by a vote of nearly ihnc to one. 'I'he engross«-d bill directing the Sujm'iue Court to Im- held alternately at Kaleigh and Stall sviHe, was yestenlay iiidetinitely post- |)oned, in the House pf Commons, by a con siderable majority. F'T>rarli‘ ftvm the nirimpondrnff of tht Eilitor of thr Stlthrrn Sprctutoi, littlrieh, Drc. G.—'I’liere does not scetn to Im- iiiiudi commisoratKUi f«‘lt t'or the fallen t'ortuiiesofoiir I niversily ; :uid little or no dan;;ers wliich iiianv if our citizens appre-k>ncert among the real friends of the Insti- her.d from that instiiiirion, as at pn-srnt or-1 lulion. It is loo much with it, as we find gruiizt'il. Ill lh- spirit ofiihpniveiiM'nt and j olleu to be the h.t c>f our neiirhbors, as (h>v- couiproiiiise which di-4lini;uiHhes our coun-,''rt.v advances friends recttl#-. The able and trv and its iii>ntutions, it beconii-s us to in- eloiu. nl ap|x-al from the Tnist.fs (writteu |Uir', whetl>.-r it be m>t p« ssiW*> to secure j nodwibl by .liulge Kiiffm) di>es not seem to thealvantag. sali;>rded bv fhe pre^-nt Umk, have pn^lucid the elicct that was anlici|OT- thnnigh the agcncy of the Bank .if the I’- l»'d by ll»e SH«giiiiie friends of Alma Mater, nited State.-s so niodifi(‘d in its principles I To »lo any thing, there is need that stimo and sfrtK'fure as to obviate constitutional j with the warim st eli>- arnl other objections. (pience, of her dista-sscs—plead her claiiiji, ft is thought praetK-aWe to org:ini7i- such and ofli'r her pniyers. Kven this, 1 think, a bank, with the riecessan, oHh ers, as a ‘ "ill Ik; rain, so tar as the sentun^nt of tne branch of the 'rrea;nir\ D. i'»artim nt. based | l^-gr»hiture ia yet indicated. W.- have be- .n tlx' public and indiv'idiial d.-posit s, w ith- i t'T'' Hie House of Commoiw, n-‘t..hili..,« on out jKtwer to make loans or piircha-'e prop-. ihe subji'ct of Natumal I’ohtics—alxHit I e/i» ortv, which >^iall r« init lh- fuml.x of the |—lnten»al Improvements—Tariff, aiMl tti (loveninK-nt, :nd the cviH.-ns s of which ma) 1>«‘ jMiid, if thuiight advii^iibU-, by allow- C's the truth, and that both are iiidciced by „ient fiir secunn^'the pocuiiwiry ix'sjx.tM. more ade>|uate to the wants of the j ma) Ix-j-»iid, lint influence of interwts and prejudices lo . bihtv of the public oiriccrs, anti the inort; serrice. This n-sulted in the estab- [ 'ug 'Is ofl'u-e wUich I have referred. 'I'be decrease of punctual i«iyinent of the pulJic dues. 'l'hr of tlie utlu e f»f Soli*:itor of the i ppvale iiulivi pnt-es extend* throughmit fhe commercial revenue cutter service has b en organized, i * anl tin-earli-j4 ineasitres werr -Not l« ing a V .rW, eiiibracuig not only the raw mate- aial r>laced on a gootl f'^iting, and aided b\- taken to give efRct to tho proTisioM of i|,e | .-^ockholders, (lebtors, or property, an rial ami the rmn^acruml article, but pn>- an mcrea.sc of iiisucctors at c’xi>osed points, which authorized the appiiintiHeirf uf|>^w oftict rs, it would not be obiK»\iot like. You may dclutr tiieui,ifyou cIkm-m-, in your newspaper; but 1 will not, lu this In- rs to S.-II bills of cxt lmnge to ter—and ln'sides these, I know of nothing iiulivi.finds at a mHlTate pn-miiiin. | that will elicit delxilc in the .\s«-mbly. prdected : these the pr.tducfions of our »-iI, oar mines, and our work.shops, essen tial to national d«defK-e, occupy tho first rank. Wliatcrer othT sjiecit'T* of domes tic imlusfrx', liaving the imiKtrtance to which Iflimilim »»ten st w.nilrf be gn-^Hy ,»rouH4id U augmented. T!ie su[»ply of goid and silver, slaving in that brati h of ttie service th-rebv fcudence of the Tarious kw agents */ lT»c Iho jreneral medium of exchange, has been g(i^.etCd. In addition to these improve-, and of all law procw-ilukgs, greatly interrupted by civil couvidsions in mpnts. the svsteni of expriMJiture for sick '''l»®ther ctvil or cniiurial, in whu h the I’- llw ctKiDtries frf^ which they are princi- seuim n Ijelo.'c'iii'' to the luen.hant service »'*ed Stales may be intcirstwl, allowing lo pally hTiwT(. part of the elUct, tiH>, is j ),;i^ [yen revised; and, bv ln'ing n-n-lered ' I*''**’ time, such a compeiisii- dfiubtless ow ing to an increa.se (jf operatives i uniti>rm and economical, tiie t»ene(ils of the would enable him to de\ ote his uii- and improveiiH-nts in inachinerx'. But, on f„„(j applicable to this object have bt-en ase-' 'hvidetl a(t« nfion to the p»rblic ba-iness. I the whole, it Ls quesfioriaMe whether the r**- fullv e.\tcnd*-d. | think such a provision is ahke due to the ducfion in the- price of lands, pr.xluce, and i '[’lie pro^iH-ntv of ourrounfrv is also fur-' l’“^'*c to the oflicer. iiiatiiiCicturcs, has been greater than the ap-1 t|,ep evinced bv llie riM;rr::Lsi-xl n-renue ari>- ; Occasions of reference from the dif?erf-nt prr iatifO of tlie standard of value. jVoin the sale of jMiblic lamls. as will I'xecutive Dcjwrtmeikls to the Attorney \V'hil« the chief object of duties sh >uld , appear from the re|»ort of the Coimntssion-' • 'Cn^ral are (if f'n-qucnt jccurrencc ; and be revenue, fliey may l)e >tn adjusted asr to ! er of the General LaiMl ()lRce, and the doc- pronq)* decision of fhe questions so re- ^rage manufactures. InthibadjuslifKUl, nut^'nts acc^inijKinv m*^ it, which arc here- lerred lends much to lacilitati.* the patch ho vever, it is tlK- duty of the Covernuient „ fraiLsmitted. I Ijeg leave to draw your business in thos».‘ Departmeut'. The tv- lo be suid d by the genend g.xxi. Olgects attenii.jii to this rc{K)rf,“and lo the proprie- [ P^^t of the S.cretJiry of the Treivsury, here of niiti'Mial irnporfance alone ought to lie (y ,,j' earlv appropriations for the appended, shows also a branch o| the •„.i. ,j r objects whicli it s[»ecifies. 1 public service not s[>ecifically entrusted to Vour attention is again invitrd to the i‘“•y (.ll'icer, which might Ik* a.IvanlJge.Kislv suhjt-cts comicctejl with that [)orfion of the jcoinmitti-d to the Atloniey (;ciK-rU. publi«.- uitere.st-s entnistcl to tho War !)•- I But, iiMlependently of those cousidera- - •• 1 - , ■ , r partment. Some ofth*‘in were r«-ferred to 1 tioi*», this office is oik-of daily dul\. Il have r*‘ferrel, ma\ U- ex[>ected, after j„ (Ijrtner mes-sage; and they are pro- ; iras origiirally organized, and its er.’inm-n- tempornrv- pn.t.-ction, to com(.ete with for- tl.e re,K.rt of the Secrc- sjition lived, with a ri.-w to .^casi.^rral ser- ei-„ labor on e.,ual terms, merit the same t^rv of War, herewith subnuUed. I n.-fi-r vicf^ leaving to the inruinU-nt lime f^>r the at(»,nition in a subordinate degn c. you, also, to the n pjrt of that ollicer (or a |cxcms! of 1h.s profes-sioo in private pr.ic- I'he present tariff taxes some of the com- kiK>'.sle'lge of the state of tlic .\riiiy, fiirti- ,ticc. 'nie state of things which warraiil- firts of lifi- unnecessarily high: it under- tications, ars-nals, and Indian aflairs; all*)fU“;l siK'h an orgaiiizatKin no long»-r exists, fcdies to protect interests too |(N'al and mi- wlucli, it will Ix-[K:rcc ived,have Ix.-enguard-'The fretpient claims upon the servire of nute to justify a geiienil exacti iii; aii 1 it ed with zealous attention and c.ire. It is ;this ollicer wrnild render his absence from aUi attempts to force s«jine kinds of nmnu- worthy of y.ur consideration whether the iihe .Sf?at of GoverniiKnt, iu profi-^-iioniil af- fiicfjres for which the cou!ilr>- is not rii-!. arinniw nts neces-san, flir the fortificatioas ! lerulance u(Mn the courU, injurious to tlM- AliK:h relief will l»e derived, in .m>fn-of tiiCs*- on our ii.aritiiiie frontier, which ait; now,! |mblic service ; :ind the interests of the (Jov- r‘-s[K-cts, from the iu-a.sures of ytjur lo-st or shortIv u ill !>t c-jinplete.l, should not lie | ment could not fiiil to be prrnnoted by charg- , in n :idiiiess sooner tiian tlic Mnlomary ap- ing him with the gf-neral superintend'nee The jjest, a.s well as fliirest mixle of de- pn^irialions will enable the f)« j»iirlmt-nl to [of all its legiU concerns, lermin^T w hetlicr, from any ju't considera-, prrjv ide them, 'riiix precaution .s^ iiis to l>o ' I’nder a strung conviction of the justness tioiis', a [Kirticular intere.-t oujlit to receive tiue fo the geiwrtil system of fortiti’alion'of these suggestions, 1 recommend it to [irot.?ctiiKi, would Ix-fo submit the que-liiin which has Ih *'ii siui' iioni.d by (.'ongresH, ; C>ngr??s to make the iirces.sary provisions singly for d lib(-ratioii. If, after ilu-exarn- and is r»‘cMiimeiKl*-(| bv that maxim of w is- j for giving effect to tfieni, and fo place the iiiaikin of its merits, uiicoiinect!l with «-\-, dom which tells ii.s in jK-ace fo pr*-pare for ' Attornev C»*noral, in r-gard to compen.va- tr:iii.-.ms considerations—such as a desire w:ir. j tion, on'tlie same footing with the hearts of to su-ifam a genenil sy-tein, or lo purchas*-' I refer you to the rejiort r.f the fiecreta- jlhe »«*verdl l-^xecufive Dcprtmerrts. To surijif.rt f^>r a diller*-iit mlere^t—it should ry of the Navy for a highly s itisfHelorv ac- i this officer might also b(! cntnisU-d a cogTii- rnh't in it-i fiiv >ra majority of the K -pre- count of tlie inarifier in which fhe com erns ' ziince of the ca»-s of inwdvency in [KdJic MfiitHtives of the people, th-n-can l>e httli- of that I)i |i;irtiiir-nt have l«-en conducted j debtors, especially if the views which I danger of wron:f or injury m adjustm:; llie during the pr. vrnt \ear. (hir iKr-it,on hi ; subniilted on Ihis'wibject la-:t v.-iir shwdd tariff with r»-fi-n-nce to its pn.tective e(i:-ct. lel.nti,,,, to the m.^t i^.wertid nations of the m-ct the approbation of Cm-n-s;s—to which If this ohvKMis y ju-t principle were iKmest- earth, a.vl the pvesi-nt con.litir.n of Kuro,,.-, I a^,ain solicit your attention, ly a'iliere.1 to, the branr besof indii.stry w liirb admonish us to cherish tins arm .,f our n;i- i V.,ur attention is rr'st>ccffuilv mvitei to d. sr-rve prot. ction would Iv »ived from th- tu.nal defence with [K^rnhar , are. Sepani- ! tli/; sifuHli.Mi of fhe Di trict of' Columbi i. preju hce excile.1 ajnunst them, when that ted by w „l.vsca.s from all (Jovenim. nts I'Uced, bv the Constitution, under the ex- ehjsivi! jurisliction and contn>l of (.'ongress, would ho KtrengtheticJ by having in their j |iT»rt!it\yiipyn"" the Bank of iIk- Tmted States, thtmgh is suing no |KipT, W(>«ild check the isj-iie-i of the ^tate l>.inks, f.y taking fheir notes in det)osite, and for evchnniie, only (Ml Ion''as! -.i. j ■ . ' . ’ they continue to .ed. eu.ed with di*a|-iK,infn.t.it; for understancu.g In 'tiiiK-s r.f ,K.!,lir em. rgen. V. th- c'paci. 1 ‘ M- ' t'A Hjcy ftcpf an «r«r^ ro.v- tiesof s,K-h L in-4ituti.; ,ni«ht U- enUr-.. * --th’r Ih- Newl^m slage, as •.M.slative i.roM-ions. " ' • solate during yourabscncc ; ami I kuow tho Miaittnvrs to mlhct on her umieee.srfary yM* will «.««, n.>iuni to fier embruce, and with all the incn-used ar.lor .if renewed .iff-ction. Mere, tisi, are yonr brothenof the Rrgitt, r aiid .Vur, distraught ed liy legi.slative provi-'ions Tlu-!^ mig2t sfi..iis ai'- made, not so much as a rvcommei.dalion, its with a \iw of calling the attention of Coiign-ss ti> the [his- sihle nio«lifK-afi»«is of n sy'^lem whii h can not rontinu«- to exi-.t in its (>rescnt form without iM-e:isi>n:il colli.'.ions with tlie liH'al rtulhorifies, and |KT|x tual appn n. iiMons and di.sCDntent on the part of the States and the peopU-. >l legislative ailvices I’ve not a word l» sji\, but refer y>u loour friend who re- tnri.ed m to-day's '•tage, ami will gue von the latest ml'onnatioii.— >ur fegi.s|atur*', upon fhe whole, rs a weak one—though [>os- s»-bsinp some able men in N.th llou>»-». Il woidd excite y>ur Kyin(>;ilhv to s«-e willi what ‘h;uI civility’ a majority of the mem- Is rs tHTUj.y their s«-ats.—This in r»-hevM In conclusion, fi'llow-citizens, allow tudee«l %ou w..nl, to mvoke,in U-halfof vmir U lilH-ra.ions, i ™ «r,piire ,.,|i„. „ th-,t Kj.irit of c.mcil,ation ami di «n.en;st-! fh . ^ . ■ ovsters got their liearls—b\ pattmy.— I Is rs tHTUj.y their s«-ats.—This i« r»-jievMl , by an oc(asii>nal vawn—indee«l you w..nld I •;.ht eduess whieli is the gilt of [Kitriolism. In-; i'’_" *'■** der an overruling' and m*-n iful rr,vid-nfe. , , . . " ’'P*'* “*">'> " "h .1 .1 1 1 "hat cliarm III the foreifroiim i>r ra- tlH- agenry o this spirit has bus Hir lM.-cn ,he-L. signali«.l in I k- pros,H rily and glory of ,sir , l-lo«-d cHintry. .May its mlh.ence 1--' „,,Mvrdom-lKit cteniiil. AXimKW J U KSON. this district is certainly entitled fo a much greater shar»? of its consiileration than it prole, lion forms [lart of a system by which whose |Hjwir we might have r-a.^.n todn-ad, p'.i tioiisof the CfHintry feel, or conceive we have nothing to aupreUf.nd fn.matli-mpts tlierns ive3 to Ije, oppressed. M'hat is m-' at corMiue-t. ft is c'bi-(Iy all.acks u(K.n o»ir r:dculably more im,K,rfanl, the vital prmci- j commerce, an.l ham.s.inV inroads u,,on our has \el rt’cei^ed. Th-re is a want of uni- ple of our s> stern—that prim-.p e « h.ch rr- coast a-.raiiist w Inch v.e have f. g-iard. A fornuty in its laws, partic.ilarlv in those ..I f|u.p arqoi.-sceace m the will of tl..* ma-1 iMval (on- ade.p.aU tothe prole^tion of our i a p-i.d character, v>-iiicli incr.^a.s-s th- ex- j..ritv—wou,.! U- sr-nm- from t.ie d,-«:n dif : con.rn- rv-, a|„a;. . alloat, with an accumu- ! p.^..-,. of tle ir adniinlMi.ition, and subj-cts and danger »o «niHi u is .,x(s,sed -n tne latio,, o| the to give it a rapid exi.-n-, th m-op!e to all the inconvciiences which a Is of nuijonties, (^UMjei), not on id'-;itit\ of convK-tion, but rm corubinitions ofsiiiail .vhifh ^dl inuiorities, cutcrcd iato for th |*eop:e to all ttie mconvi Mon in o( m-. d, hirnishes the p,,;^. r by : re„i|t fM«n the o|K ralion of diir-n-iit Cfsles -u: h agiMcs-ioiw may I,.- prev.-n-1 in s.. small a territory. On dilK rent si.le purp ;c ol -d or ft" !1 .-'I. 1.1? attrnfiou of (he Cjv -; of th, I'otomuc, the same offenc'; i-punish- j .iway with philosophising. Vou will jx; I gmlified to learn, that fh- \nrhi rn S'p^rtu. I tor holds her own ln-n-—imhs d there is a talk in tin- I,-gislatun-, of having an ai t [mss* d obliging every- man of sound m>hm* and discn-tioii, to ftecome a sul>s4'rilN'r, :uid what strengthens this rejiort is, that the .Senate, which has iK-en eng;igt-d m s- ret Session, i.s l»elieved to In- (Hcu|)ied with the subject. \ fileol’the .Sjh-c. heie wmild lii- cilitate their i[)cnUions, and fix the niat- li-r. Senl me a load of North River o\s- ters, and a --con- of canvass backs, if to ls> had.—.\di'u. I'hr pro[Hhtrii Rail Itomi.—We have not room for a full acciHint of the jiroceediiigs of the Town Meeting on Thurwlay last. From Ihr Itmlugk Rigutrr, Drc. IG. I.KuisL.vTivr.—Since our last, a niimlier of im|M>rtant projKioitiiMis have b-en [ireM-n- ted to the atleiitiou of the Iegislature, the most material of which arc, a K»'solution l)y .Mr. I’k.viI'ON, instructing the Commit tee on the I 'niversity to cntpiire info the ex- (K-diency of establishing a Hoard of Com missioners to Ikj denominated the ('ommit- tee of FMucation, who shall havi- the entire j manageiiicnt of fhe finances fif the I 'nixer- nity ami such -'omfh>*n Schools an may herearter lie establiMlied : .\ls», info the e\. [K'diency of granting to th- I niM-rsity the aid which its siluati'iu at pre.-.-nt requires, on cowlitioii that the 'I'ri’astirt-r will convey to the said Coiui.ssioners all Ihe faids of Ih.-SuHi e it to «iy, that aft. r cnsiderablr de- I nivei^ily, which, together with the Lite- l.ati-, the meelmg determined to instmcl .nir rary Fund shall constitute a genend fuml Ivepre-a-ntative, in case the Legislature n-- fur Kducation, out of whif h the rniversity | fuse an appropriation, to iinK-iire the |mis- and such other .S hools as may Ix; her»-alter| sage of an act aiilhonsing the Commission- established, are to Im- sup()ort*l. A Keso- ers of Faycttev die fo o[M-n Un.ks ol'siibsfVip- liition by .Mr. Wriiii, instructing the Com-1 tion for a snni not exceeding m iiiiltw: of Fiiianre to eii.piire into th- ex|>-. | shares of .'!?lt«l eadi, and to''hubscrd)- on dieney of [wssing a law directmj: the Pub-; Is lialf of iIk- Town, for the whole «,r any he 'I'n-asurer not lo issue anv of the Treas-; part of the .St« k, ns niav Ik- d.-(ei mined oi» ury notes that may now Ix- iu his Otlice, or ! at a liilun- Town niei firig. that in fiilure may l>e paid m, and furth*-r ; W i- do not hazard iiiuf h in asseiliug il to enquire into the cxfK-diency of |)roviliii" i as our Ir'iief, that the (,-nsuing vear will n. I by law, fiu- pnx iiring a supplv of cop|K-r, | pav-: a-.xay Iwfoie the Kail »ro;id will le m gold and (silver Coinage, to supply the placf’, I'lll r.rd succ«-ss|m1 operation. \s an evi- of the due bills now w) rapidly retiring from j dence «.f its practif abilitv, we have pleas- circulation. Ilesfilution by Mr. ,M | ur- in staling, that a gi nl!cnian who hti.s to enquire into i!k- propriety of dimi .ishiiig ' completed a e,nfra I for constructing a part til'? atpoi.uil ef th" bond r-quired of iIk-!'ol>-: of !l,»-«p.,;) i;,., -,s her.' n

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