MIMERIS’ & FARMERS’ JTOURNAIi. IMIIM'ICU ANI> l>LIILISIIi:i> F.VKHY TIM KSU.VV, BY NOJJLE A ll Vltl-O'n 1% MIX KI.KMH'IU; CtH;.NTY, NOItTH- AROIJNA. I WILL TEACH VOU TO rirjtCIC THE BOWKIJf OK TIIK EARTH AM> BRING OUT mOJI TIIK CAVKR.NS OF THK MOI'NTAIN!', MKTAlJ* W IIH II WIIJ. UIVK STUKXOTM T« Ot n IIASUS AMI HHWKf T ALL NATURE TO Of* URC AND fLEABURE.—DR. JOHNSON. VOL- I. Tiirusuiv, FKiiKi ARV lo, ih:ji. NO. 20. TERMS. THE MINERS’AND FAR.MKKS’JOI RNAL Is printed and published every TlnirHdny morning, at TVo Dollar* ami Fifty Cfnti [>er annum, if paid in advoncc ; Thrrr Dollars a year, it' not paid until after tlic expiration of ni.v inoiitliB. ADV'ERTISEMElNTf' will bo insiTlid at Fifhj ccnts per square (notexertding 20 lines,) for tin; fir»t insertion, and 25 ccnU for caeli sueeocdiug week—or 91 for tlirue weeks. Sir one square.— A liberal di»cou>t will be niiule to tliot.c who advertise by the year. O’On all advertisi nientR cnjnmunicatecl for publication, tlie nuinlier of insertions must be noted on tlio margin of the manuscript, or they will be continiu'U until forbid, and charged accordingly. 13-AII communications to the Ivditom niii»t come fVce of potiagt, or they may not b' atli iuli d lo. ciiARLO'rrK iioTi:i^ MECKl.E.iUlUG VUI WTY, A. V. Slow or THE RISIHO SUM. t«ARI>K\' SKIODS. What mxtl—Karl yiaiilio|K; has iiivt'iif-' aM‘d liaIf_\ourly to the lr]M)Hite, aud hud WM. lir.\Tf;u & '0. , 0(1 a cali’uliitiiig iiiachiin', whicli iMTforiiis,. thus uct'iiiiiiilatcd at a ^oni[M>uiuJ rato, he Have Ju»t’received a general aH^ortment of “ witlu.iit tlic p..sMl)ility «.fu ii.isfake,” th‘ ; iciiirak.-d that if it gn'W at that rato it hal (lxtKDt:y AA7.7^A’, of tilo growth of first tour ruU's »>t anthiiK'lir. W iiat a hi- l>o^t ifiiiaiii; nisd dctlinetl taking it away. 1S30, warranted genuine, viz; lK>r savitijj liiachllic this Ix!! 'I'he I’ol- ] , K.winfr account is Kiv. il of it ui the New , .Morctown, on ; Onion lliver, among the Gruen .MmintaitiH, PEAS. KADDIsn. White Marrowfat Peas, I^ng Scarlot Kailish, Early June do. Salmon do. Moiifiilv Ma;;iizini':— tircen do. BE ASS. White Kidniy lieans, Karir China do. ■ CAItHAfiE. Early York t'ablage, iJurly Dutch do. I.utc Dnti h Red I>«tch (Jrcin (;U*eii l>rum Head t^nroy Scotch Kalo Karly t'aulillower, Late do. rut Sir. Early Spriflg 'I'urnip, l.arge N'orlulk do. Hanover ilo. Ruta lo. OXIOS. Red Onion, White do. Vellow do. LETTICE. do. do. do. do. do. do. ItEET. Early 'I’urnip ifect, Dlood ilo. Red rfo. CARROT. niood lU'd t'iirrot. Orange do.. lURssir. • Swelling 1‘arkuip, Uuernsiy do. VVrVSIHEU. Early Curumber, I’ricUly (Iherkinn, (for I’iekle*.) St‘l\SA(iE. Xi'W Zealand Spinnage, I'rickly do. Round do. si:.\DRn:m. Summer ttu.sh S«,iiasli, ^\ hite Muxtard .S»ed, I,«ng White Oehre, Solid 'ellcry, Curled I’arsley, SununtT .“^aiory, I Cohulntijifr .Vorf, inrr,/. — I he siiialn?.-t niachliif, wiiKdi IS inti‘iid!il for the two rules of addition and siditrac- I'hinf' 1 KMbs., inont of it of fimt irntir. , , 'I'his crystal is a six sid?d tiri.sin, very rela tion, is not lar^rr than an octavo volume ; , , „„„ terminated aiKl l.y ineaimot hal phitcs, and .small uuh- , pvi^mid, mirface penorallv ces Hioveable witli a steel |,in, tl.e 'lfra- ; and Ikjihk tionsanj |H»rloriuod with .u.deuulin(Taccu-|^^, tnm-mr-nt, that lar;n> l.^tters. mav, in racy. 1 hp scr.,ud, and hy lar the inost cu- : „.a.l tbroujih it. ''J'he nous instminent, i. alH.ni hall t!.e ol u ,,„r„iieloKn,nis, trans- coinimmlahje nrit„if;o..>k. ; von«.|v striated, vnryin- in length from H lems in muUii.lieation and divi-.on, ot almost, 5 J 7 . every extent, are .„Ued VMlhout the |k..-si. ^.rruinreronce of the i.rism, at tlieend l'reak^»;day when they arrive.l there, hihty ol a nustakc, h\ the sniiple n!volution ,,, ,|,p termination is U feet 11 inclieH ^hen to their astonishment, they found tho of a Hniail winch. The mnitii>i.ei-H arid When this rrys- ^ - • - ■ • ■ mu ti|.hcand in one instance, a,.,I the dn isor ; ,, j, jj “"1 ! ' ''. 1*''‘ I"';*!"’.';'.' ' I...W l,. ilie vMm-t of Key. T. A. .Merrill, »f .MiddleUirv.— \ irmont ('hronivh. Sleep Walker.—A young man by tho iinmo of Iisaac Chandler, residing in Fryc- burg, State of Maine, got up in his sleep, went alKHJt half a mile to a neighbor’s barti, procured a cord and bundle of hay, and car ried them into the woods at a considerablo distance fnjm the house. He then aHcetid* ed a maple tree with the cord and hay : af ter reaching the height of 28 feet, he then placed the liay in a crotch of the ti'ee, as cended about « feet higher, tied the cord to a limb, and then fautened it around his ancles, after which he swung ofThead fore most, so that hid head touched the to|) of the Imy. In this horrid nituation he awoke, and with his cries roused the nearest iirigh- lK)r», w ho directed their course to the place whence the noise proceeded. It was alniut J. I>. HOYI> REsrECrFri.I.Y informs his frK iidK and the public Uiat he ha.4 opvried the abovP HOTEL, formerly kept by .Mr. R. I. Dinkins, which by some recent iin|irovciiieiits it rendered Early Curled Lettuce, Cnyennc I’epiM-r, more comfortable. Considerable aiUliiions arj 'lagnuiii lijnuiM do. Si|uaKh do. now making, which will U' completed 111 a shnrt i do. Sage, time, thereby rend^ing the EHtalilishment niori' ‘It*- .Maninioth .S|uash, •paciou* and commodious than it li&s l»ceu here- | P' jiiht (Irass. I^irge .Musk Mellon. tufore. I ('harlottr, The proprietor pUdgoo himself to uso every ef- I ^ » i »TTi,, ■ •, "T • . T 7~i,' w ' I ^ y t K.—11'« ‘ o-imrtner.hip ot Uitt.U arranged; llien, turning tin- wmch, the priNluct or i|iiotieiit is litiiiid. W l.at always upjiears siM”iilur ami Mirprisiiig fa s|>ecta- lors is, thut ill working sinus in division, iVc. It' the o|>T:itir U; iiiutienlive tu iiis hasiness, and tl.erchy attempt^ lo tiirn th handle young man in the situation described, sus- (N'lided by the lieels .‘M feet in the air. A number of attempts w -re made to climb tho tr«‘e to e.xtricate him, put it lieing larg«', w ithout any limbs near the bottom, and tho Imrk sm(M)th, they proved inefli-ctual ; and fort to render iierHons coiul'ortable, ami unremitti 1 exertions mad. to give entire satisfaction ti all who may honor him wiUi their cuHtoin. 'I'he tx'st TABLE and B.VR vvhich the markit in Ihe Iwck country can atTord, shall nol be wanting. liEDS and MEDUINU are inferior to none. Attentive and trusty tKtlers arc employed, and Stables abandantly furnished. CharloUf, N.C. Sr/rf. 25. H.10._Kf Dtiiker iius expired liiis day. J. II. HISSEI.L, S. c;. IJARIvLR. Chiirlntir, January SI, I^;n. hitil WO'I’IC'I*..—1 '\ A.\r to (Uirchaw- Corn, "'• coiiipanitnelv slow; hut f odder, H»_v,Oals,Sweet Potators, TiirkeyM, whhi vvc li-'lt thut we w*TO indeed going, and t>nions, Rutter, &c. & Charlotlr, Jan. I'J, KJl. J. D. H«iyD. 17 A writer in the Cincinnati .Vmericaii|' , ... say s_- 'I he term lUink is derived fr.ni the j “N becoming composed enough f. rc- Ital.an word banco, which means hinch. M'‘^‘ *"« i^overed his forai. r , . - . , it iss,icalled lc‘canse the Jews, who liist “•‘•'n "hu h he mado indle a single revoluti.m more than he monev dealing a profe.ssion, used to j lx>*^ned the c.rd and camo i-IU, he IS instantly admoiii.li. d ,.l his „ |,.,-|ehes 111 the market places, and :satisfaction of hiinsell mistake by th- suud. 11 .pri.igirig up ot a ,,,,.4 customers. When a ; . amall ivoi\ Uill. employ- the almvo took placc, he has Ik’ch —r: ‘ m..iit, hi, U iu ii w.is broken or de.stroyed; to b'«h«>use m consefpience oftho The rapid mot.oii o| the st, «in.earnages, i„,nhn:,>t, which m'eans i lam^-noss oceasionel by the great e.xertioiw on the l.iv. riHM>l aii.l .Manehoter rail-wuv, ,..,.^,^,.1 ,„t„ j^^nenil use ; '"“^t have mad^ in accomplishing so cu ts descrilH d with great aniniatioii Uy a w ri- in business.” , I' ■■■•dmght enterprise, 'riien.- ar« ter III IJIackwiHKl s .^lajiaaine, w ho says ;— I more than twenty who can attest lo tiie fore going relation as strictly true. Bninsirick Herald. . tiien It was that every jienoii to whom tin: ! ctMivevanee was new, mii»t have l»een sen- (JJ » ' %’^OTIC’K.—lVri.onsw..hingtopurcha«!a that the adaptation of |u.'omotive |>ow. w ^ w i*. J . likely .Nigro07K/., with two ehili'ren, one er wu.s esUbllshing a fn sh era 111 tlic state ^|||^ COIIKV I about r> vcar» o!tJ, anJ liic otbtr 4, ran have ai» I»|>- if twacic-tV, the tilKkl n'Mutts of w liif'h it is 1N-FORMs\he puM.c that she'has lately remo- j ""I*—'‘>ie to o,„e,i,plate, t ),i |.M>king ... ved totlie new building, nearly opiiosit-; Boyd’s ( harlottf, Jan. 2f., IH31—tli ■ ‘'“'t*'* " 'tn|M‘S Hotel, where she still continu's Irt j ’ ! ~ ’ on winch we shot along, sf^'iiied like a Vast Pure Wafer.—ater drinkers are in general longer livers, are less Huhject to ilecay of their facii(ties, have U'tter teeth, more rt'gulur np[«’tites, and less acrid cva- W e see it stated, that it is contemplated to establish an .\merican Newspafter in Lon eiiution than those who iniliiljre in si more ■ ‘ ‘ .1. . . stimiilutinc fliliient ns tlirir coniinnn drink.'*,”"', ^ -n^ is 1, 'I'h.s li.piul is, undoubtedly, not only „,e I ''>•1.1. . *. * I I • . .1 / 1 've belu*ve are well supported. An .\iiht- inost littcu tor niK'Uchiiiir the tliirM, ann . i i ii i ■ . 1 , i.r ,• . I * piii>er in hn^land would, we thuik, proiiKjtuiff true nnl hoaltliv diffcstum, Imt i . * ii . i \ i , • 1” * 11 i iMitroiiimi by the Liberal party thei'f, and the l)cst adjutant ti) ii l>u£ uiul coiiit»rtable I ’ . i* ’ i i of public articH be reci'iveU juaud^ Alinoiids, .SEGARS, 4* « rnritfifo/COnDIAHS; riiii.ADFMMiiA mirAu AM) LOMMIN WHTl.KI) ViHiTVAl. OVSTKKS ami CRACKER.s. With a variety of other arli- clcs, axuoiig which are Chililrtn'i IXJYS, ifr. ije. MACKEREL, I WCR ^ SALT, by rrtail. Cliarlottf, Dcc. 17.1S30. 13 TO h\iIlMERS 6f luuirMlykiis.! carT^ig 1 ftfxH Hurne$% *'• • dr^faKvd. art* h«*rf*hv notth«;d to prr*M'iit tliciii wilh- i . i ai i- \ ^ .i i rih!- time premriUd by law, ir they will b^de- ‘•••'»|-'"»ent to others, who, 111 barred of recovery. JOHN 11. M-noWEI.I., AJm'r. -TO. Ixll. .It-Hlp another instant K-eupied our place. At times It was ditlieiilt to rero^iii/.e or distiii- gui-ih the cuuiiteiuiiici-K nf the lMig contin uous lines of hiMH'iators, as they Keens'd to glide away, liku jiuiiited tignres swiftly ri'lllE Subsetilier, at his for - ■ - M. mer stand, sou.h troin the drawn through the tuU^sof a magic IhiiI.tii Holme of R formation.— V person living Hot thirty niiles from Iloston, henriiig that one of liis nein;hlHiin had killwl an ox, and thir.king that a pie-c of the sirloin would niai.o n gooil Sunday dinner, called a com. |Kinio!i and proci‘-deil, alter the family had retired to ret, lo the Iwni where the ox the greed luid cut Valices and i’ortninnt» au», Horseman's Cajw, I ■m WILL sell mv Plantation in Meeklenbnrg ‘ w.tl,..,iV 1 lit. rr n.Iion it could ii^ve^ 3 ' 1 county, lying im the (atawba river, two miles I k.ne, pledge, h.m^lt to mrniHheNeryartiele in witliou liit.rrupl.mil u.uld mo e to an I „.„rr;.lv c.innienced ojK^nitions when al«ve the-I'uekaseige l ord, known by the nan.-!““* "" Iroat pleasure. W hen we w. re at lull siH-ed ‘ into IK doll. ‘ rh.sed in and fairly l->cked him inside the ■ suiv It as aspeekm the di.stan. e, h.it, ra. ean ase, his arms extended al.ove his head plilly iiK rea.siiifr ill si/.', it iM'caiiK-, ll I mav use tlw e\pre»viiiii, in n li w' .secuiuls, lari;e- lly vi-alili', mid sli.»t h\ u>«, ns th.Mi/^li we wen- j.iguin;; on ijin. lly in a f.iriii.Ts’ inar- ki t cart. In a tri. .• having n aehed the head of the coluinn, it relr>t;ra(le.l, aii.l then exhibited what may U' ternn'd a fright ful display of vel.x’itv, c.iiii|Niiin.led not ns I hin line of ll of Scott’s Ferry, eoutaining Ftcr Huiidrrd Acrrt, ' " ** ‘ of which there is .SO or W) aeres of excell>-nt low ^ ground. The upland is well suited to the cultiirr Saddb- « alirt of any kind of gram, and |>artieularly ibr C.iiton Theru is a pretty g.xxl Dw.Uiiig-llousc, a double liorseinan s i..a|». Barn, and other n. tessary bnil.linirs, and an ex- ‘f!’'"*** ' cellent Frrry, within 1IM( yards of the lious.-, whi h ”'if mands on a Is-autiful emineiiee, and r. n.lers the Darness, place very valuable. There ar t« o or three promising Gold Mines, one of which has been test ed, and lying near lo a yood str.:ain suitable for water works. If not srjd, I will lease. Any iM. r- Boii wishing to purehajteor l-ase, and will call on the siibserifsT, generally in Charlotte, he »vill go with them to view the iM-emises. WILI,1A.\1 a. W. IIAYE.S. Dre.Uim. Iltf llariies.1. 4 to A to 4 to .Ilo ;ij 1^ to -I.* ill to III! 10 to l.’i ‘,MI to 40 20 t.) 31) Smill Wsgon llarnes«, 1 horse, Stnt'c lUrni’ss, \\ a.'ou llum.'ss, four horses, Ci.llars, *1—Blind B.idlcs, si 'lU Circingles, K'iJ eent> ; (iirths, 37 J cent Wngon and Carriage Whips an.i his fc. t pr.ijecting from the neck of the animal. His co;n|)(itiion (led, leaving the pris..ner t.> Is- releaseil from his c.iiilinc- iiient by the owner of the ox, who, U|mn o]X'iiinLt liis Kirn at sunrise, greeted him wilha h’-arty '• iIihmI morning.” I Transcript. XOTICE fMlUE SubserilhT will sell, at pnhlie sale, on 1 Tuesday of February Court, if nol disj«)srd of at private sale previous to that tune, (hie I'ront ami Hack J^OT, on the main stris’t, south of th.' Court-1 Ions.-, in tJie town of ( harlottr. 'i'he lots ar.' pi. a.^antly situat.'d, containing all llie back buil.liiigs n. res- sary for a family, «itii a natural grove on th.' front. Thow.' wishing lo purehnsi^ would do well to call and »icw the pro[nrty. Terms—a neg'>- tiable note to the Bank of .Nev.lH-rn will b- Ink. n in payment. JAMKS T. ASBI RV. _^i(i./nry 12, l-'.1l. I7tf _ TE\ DOLLAIiS REWAUn. RANAWAV from the subseritK-r, und. r su.".- picious eireumstane.'s, an in.I.iit.-d appr.'n- fice boy, t.y the name of .\ildi»nn Kirr, Is’tw.'.’U 13 and I 1 years old, well (frown an.l He..hy ; whi n s[H>ken U> has a down l.xjk w itb a bad eountenanc.'. I do forewarn all ixrsons from employing, trail ing with, or harl)oring said tsiy, as I intrn.l ior- eing the law pro\ ideil in sii h eases. Th.’ ulsjve reward will be given to any p. rson delivering said b)y lo me, in Charlr.tle, N'.C. JAMF„S T. ASIM'KY. NO ri( r. fJ^HE Patrons of the Ami rirnn Vntifal Urrirr- M. Her in this vicinity, are inforin. d that Mr. Jam.'* Webster, propri. tor of the luto . stalilish ment, is urifing a settlem.nl of the accounts of this agency. Thos.^ who arc still in arrears for the years 1H27 and ’2H, ar>: requested to make (Kiymeiit immediately, in order that the agent may be able to comply willi the rc.inest of the proprietor. S'l'EV. FOX, .4g»/ Dee. 17,1 H.10.—13 fur J. W .hultr. Is-fon", wtien overtaking us, of .nir velo-ily Si»hll. s an.l llarn. ss repaired on r. ,i.K>nable to Uj deduced, but to l«> add.'.l. 'I'liere was terms. ( .«r.e «ool tak. n, and a r. asoiuil.le priei a loii.l whlZ aiul rattllll" of wheels ; I eonhl ijivcn. V. B. 'riiose inilelit.'d to tho sul)«erili* r will jj- f„ j||| |x>fi,n' it—a glaiM’e wa A Mr. (Jridley who advertises some land ill (leorgia for sale, among its recommen- « areely"iiM^eni 'i^)i7^nn!' a^it ilim'n '''‘O ph ase call .m or by the February (•..nrf,':n.l mak.. gone—with :i cnipar- imvincnt, as I am in great n.'.'d of eash at this ■ , . time. And those «ishm:r to pur. hasc articles in alive s|S-ed (taking ours at twenty, and its my lin.', would di well to tail an.l Mew the work own alM>ut di>lll>l.‘) (if nearly e>iyt\ miles all and in.-itiriaN. .1 AMIDST. ASBl'kV’. ||.)Ur' Charlutir, N. ('. J„n. 21, |.x3l, til21 seen many nutnbersof the London .fournuls, fniin w hich the existence of such a country as the I'nitcd States could not lie mfern'il. This, whilst it is mortifying to our national vanity, is injiiriotis to tho English [)ct»ple. 'I'hey may, if they |>lea.se, shut their eyes to the fact, but our grf>Hlh in |»ower, wealth and eomuicrcial im(s>rtance must n*nderus, at no distant day, a nation in which Kng- laml will have the deep*?st interest—S>und |¥licy requires, therefore, that they Khonid know us thoroughly—To this cikI nothing will lie more cmiducive than the establish- iw'nt of an .\inerican I’ress in Knglaii.l. W hen we see such men as Ixirds Gn>y and Droughani displaying an igiK.rance of K- mericaii History and of our e\isting insti tutions, which we are almost tempted to think is afleeted, »e may conceive how lit tle is known of us by inon of ordinary intel- lig«'nce. It is lately, if at nil, that Lord (irey has known the distinction b.‘tweeii iImi office of President of ('ongress, during the Kevoliition, and that of President of the I'nited States.—Fndericksbtirg Arerut. The Shamrock.—It wisild .s«>em from an account given by the late Rev. John Hnin), . , ' the mlvanta};‘s of “ Sav iphcn toforcexistingunder valuable; but I never had the extreme pleasure of getting iiean:r than half a mile j in his Pojsilar Antiquities, that this plant, .>f it, not having |irepar*‘d myself with a j iiimmI as the national cognizance of Irt'land, .■aiii«. It is warranted to j idd from HO to , is Trefoil, and of the s[)ocies usetl in hus- ■1(1 Ixishels of Hull i'rogs, to the acre, and ; bandry commonly called clover. It is said I alligat.irs enough to fence the tract. j thut when St. Patrick laidel near Wi-klow . . ■ —«— to c.mvert the Irish in the year 4SH, the I he T5altimore .\nieriean, in alln.ling to , (UhhIs of l.ife.—S(ieaking of these,' pagan inhabitants were ready to stone him ; iiiL's I’.anks ' t.i the Sir Win. Temple sjiys ; tin; greatest pK-as- fB^IIE Co-partneri.hip licr.toiorc exisiing unoer ■ , , " . c 1 1. ,i „ ‘• ' ■•■i'” -•.’•’t s -i I. the firm of (;raliain \ Willin8on, is this ludusln.wis as iiiatiil.-I( d by the An- |j,;. ^ jjreate.st treasure day dissolved. This is now to make known to iiual UejKirt ol the iKiltiiiiorL'Savings liaiik ; —the greatest |Kjsse8si.>n is tho eitirensof Charlott.-, and the neighbf>rlns^l at observes— \ Health tlw greatest case is Sleep, and hrge, that the sulmrritH-r has pur. has..d that well perhaps we could not U'lt. r illiistrale t|,„ reate^t Ill.-dicnie is / Vi.W. kn.nvn hous- and lot m llie town ot t^harlotte, lut‘Iv (K-euiii. d by Mr. 1 hos. I rott. r, a few d.sirs . i, , .1 . 1 ,• 1 souiii ofth. ( o.irt-llouse, an.l within one dx.r ..I >>oruifrs Hank, than by relating all o( cnr- . ('„ii„,ving proverlKS relate to health : Boyd’s n.itel, when- h.- int. nds carrying on the n-iice « hich t.sik place a hhort time ago in ; Tatloriii" Itiiyiiiex.n, the banking r.Kiin. .\n iii.lustrioiis and ^ man'’ m all Its various branehes; and from his well i-eonoiiiical mechanic mail.* his ap|S'uraiice | ' n>man. known abilities III his pr..lessi.>n, and punctual at- ,,i (|,p Hmik to draw from it the .sum of five I , , , „ Uii.iontobus...ess Imrston^ , I d ,|„|lars whi.h he had |.iK,sited . . - , | extinguish a parlor fire, in const'queiice of public lilMfiiliiy. 111.- l.it.kt lashioiis mil Ih-re- ■ ii In i-very situation of llie there an! com-! . r . ' . . . . e.iv.dfr.)m Philad.Ipliia, .New-Vork, I’aris and there some y ears ago for sal. k.'cpiiig. II.- I...iid..n. Till! work will be warrant.-d to tit, nn.l had saved this siiiii iVoiii his earmiios, an.l the workmansliip diirabli , an.l the prie.-s r.-asona- |,^ii,ir about to ,vi.j|t the ilit.-rior of Penn-I , ,, ,, combustion of the wiMxl or coal. ble_ A. U ILKl.NSON. hat WO know thoroughly e uMial , cheerfully Jan. 7, IWl. 4f>0 , express cl.-arly, since ideas will supply | ‘The liest physicians an^ l>r. I>iel, l»r. ' iet and l*r. M.'rrv man.'’ ‘ tio to Iw-d with the lamb, and ri^-’C witli he reijuested to Is* heanl, and mdeavourel to explain iim1 lo them as the 'rriiiity in I'nity, but they could not understand him, until plucking n trefoil from the gnnind, he said, “ Is it not as |K>ssible li;r the Father, Son and Holy (!host, as for these leaves, to grow u|s>n a single stalk.” It is sitid this llustration produced immediate conviction ill his hearers. Mrnnt. cmcernin^ Fire*.—Sunshine will forts. I’lnd them out and enjoy them. i the absorption, by the solar rays, of the o.x- geti ot the atmosphere, w hich supported the SIIKUIKFS’ J)KKI)S, I^'^OR Lands sold for 'Fax.s; for Lands sold under a Writ .if Fieri Fa. ias ; and for Lands hold un.ler a Writ of Venditioni Exisiiias—for sale ot this OtUec. the anal, he had driKwit.-.l it^ on the re- ' , , . • , n , .1...... .. 'i’ i in cold weather than in warm, tiecause the • A \ V KI). : conunetidatioi, of his eniplojer, m the Sav- , ^ layc'heard a’ c.^minon bhil k-1 “t.nosphere is tnore dense, an,I it also affi.rds inirs Hank. Ketiiriunu to tiu* city a short , , * • .■ ii r* .J a crojiter supply ot oxii^en to tiu* lire. 4 (jKNTLEMAN .,ualili. ,1 tot.-ael. the F.ng- j ,,re«-nted himself at the Bank,, f' '’‘'“I'"’'' " | it is said that a |s.ker laid acn.ss a dull ^ IS w:,n:;:d":^;:^;in:rul:::V:Mr:l:;f as l... had .letermine.1 t., uo t..' J nn. wiU revive it, as It will receive and con- thri’^e families, at I1.>im-». 11 A.-aii.-my, M.eklen- the West, he wcailil now take with him the I lu' ri-ditor whose ap|«Mnuice ghi' 'I'-ns ^ pctmtc the heat and cause a •* dKUight” ol bur" county. Appli. iitions will Is- r.-eeiv.-.l by five hundred dollars that ho had li lt in de. tlie heart ol a ili-btor, may hold his head in iai|-through the fire, he Ri-v. .I.iliii yy illmiiiMin an.l Jns. O. Torrence, ^ several years Is-fore. On turning to simlieailis aiul his f.sit on .st.irmw.—Larattr. — *'■** i account, th- worthy Pn-sident told him Tni-t him lillU; who praises all, him less ! Kcoaomical Lamp.—In the alwence of ^ ^ . _ _ __ 1 that he wasentitU'd to the sum ot nrrtn , who ’riisun‘H all, aud hitn U*a«t w ho is iu- j lanipoil, you w ill find that ho^s lard^, w 1 dred and eif'htx) dotlarn. 'I h! de|>ositor rlitli-reiil alxuit nil.—Ih. 'at first declined n-ceiving any tm»r' than r-; is always at hand, will serve as a make xhift, ' if you iiist'rt a piece of knitting needle along 4»JENER.M. Assortment of BI.VNKS, such ; original kuiii, declaring that as that was 1 l'',i.i>i:u l.,r..vvi;s, put around th'! nsits of. side of the wick, that shall extenn^roni the as are re.piir.-d by Cl. rks ot Coiiris, .Mag- ||,, ,|j..,f,Hiteil, it WHS all he ex|H-ct.‘d i [s'acli tr.s-s. is r('eomm«‘tidi-d cs a perli-.-t 1 iMittoni of the lainji to the lliinie. I he heat istsjit.'- an.l I ■«nst..l.I. s, will eonstsntly is- kept | ' j n,.;, , however, tliHt ' antid-.t'' f..r f h- iniiirv arismo I’nMn worms. 1 of the win' will preserve the lliiidity of the .in hail.I at this Othee, niatlv printed oil g'xj'l nnd ■ 1 ■ n \ t' i- 1 ■ 'Vnhitha. suMantial pn,H r, ; the increase was the interef wlurh had l.e.-:i '• ) ■ /"rmer. 'lar-. ( ovnn laDltlUX.