MINERS’ & FARMERS’ JOURNAL. PRINTMI AND PirULISHKU EVURY TIIL'KSOAY, BY NOBI>: * HOLTON....* IIARLOTTI5, Mf.OKLIiNBlIR^ C OHNTV, KORTH-C'AROLINA. I WII,I- TEACH TMJ TO PIERC'K TIIK DUWCU OF TIIE KAITII AND DRINC OUT mOM THE CAVKRN« Of TllK MOyKTAl.V*, MBTALR WHICH W11.L GUT KTREVCTII Tfl Dm HANns AM> RUBJECT AIX NATURE TO OUR U«E AND rLEASVRI.—DR. JORNION. VOL. I. THl RS1>AV, MARC H 10, lH3i. NO. 24. TEIUM8. THE MINERS’ AND FARMERS’ JOURNAI. Ii printed and publinhcd every Thursday jilorninfr, at Tieo DalUr$ auJ fifty Ctnti per oiinuin, if paid in advance; Thrre Dalian a year, if nut paid until aflcr tile expiratiuli »f nix iiujiiliiii. A1>VERTI8EMENT!4 wili be iiuu rted at I'ifty c«nt« per w]uarc (not ezct cdin^ 90 linin,) nr tlic firat insertion, and 25 centn fur vacli succcuding week—or for Uiree wtfkii, for one wjiiarc.— A liberal discount wilt be mode to tliouc who advortiie by the year. BIl'On oil advcrtiHvincntii oonununicatod for p«iblicatioa, tlic iiiin>t>.r of inacrtiuna muat be noted on tlie margin of thv manuMript, or Ihev will He continued unlit loroia, vn eifliri^ Vc^iniriy. B7An communieatioaa to tlie Editom nuiHl come Owe of pMiage, or they may not be atlundnl to. CIIARLOTTK AND CAMl>hL\ STA;E.—FAKE #.5. PAS.'SKNGF'R.S pay ing- in advance ?!•, ’ can go A. return, 1(M) iiiilcit. misc;kllaky. Import of *Many a man, fiuvH tlie liong lt.Iiinil Star, does i»it know' the Under tlie prcaent arrniiffo- I im'lllling of llis own nniDC. 'fhn Elitor of riiarli Kton mid t-’oluinbia SUi-M. I’a*5cng( r» 1 j oUlif'fnei>d, wlio seai-chcd oiii uiithorilics, r'ci - ■ ^ ' • • - may go from ('harlulie to fhar!cii(on in .Ii da)*, | corrected Boine errorH, and imtK' niaiij' ud- anti retun. in the «in.e timr, where Hu y can have , culalo»ue h, no mean-, so Htairea to any oi tlie Siirincf, and tJirourliout the ' , . -i., l.’L tiofdRppion. 1 c«ni|»lcte as It might Ix*, but w* are proinis- 'I'he nTi)Ve Rlage leaves CImrlotto on Mondays 1 fd unollior Hsit wlicii loislire io fumid to prt*. and Fridayn, at H o’clock ; arrive* at Camden un ' pare it. Tu. «lay and Saturday night.., at H o’clock; Icav.» ; AndrtJW— Strength, («!•.■*.) Adam— ‘ COriPKTITIOJI I* THS LIFK OF TKADK.” SrE.ARtl it WOU'IMfjTON RESi’Eriri;LLY announrr lo tlie poblic, that they hare imiu'd their new Voarh Gig Shop, in Charlotte, at the old Btandof Mr. .Miles ilill, • ftw hundred yards north-cant from the Coiirt- llouiic, and arc iiuw prciiored to iiiauulocturc Coachct, VharioUet, Iharbons, (Jigs, Sulkies, 4’f- ‘V'-'* of all dcscriptioua and qualiticii, and on terniK ax moderate as at any uianufactory in the Southern States. The best of timlicr will lie made use of in all articles manufacture*! by them; the paint ing and truuing department wdl receive particu lar attrntion, and executed in a workmanlike nmn- nrr, aad tliey will use every endeavor to give dur- abiUly and beauty to their work. Kepairinjr of all kinds executed with punctual ity and de.^luh, and on reasonable terms. The advertisers respectfully solicit a share of public patronage, hoping tliat by a strict atti ntioii ! endeavor for tlic eomtbrt of I’aMenirors. He U i inoillttain; St. Jeroillfhas it, a UirHliitaili of Ujankfut to those nlio have hereloft.ro patronized | Ashur—Ole thut is linppv. Al- him, oml hoiH.‘9 they will Flill find it sale uiid com- . ® \ »*i //i, ak- \ 4 lA* i „n loriMv f. lrav..l by his line. The slape.fare to | phonso—CHirhealth,((.othic.) AllnHl-ojI (Saxon.) hy his line. The stage. C'iiurlehtou i« reduced, and accoimiiolation much litlter. 'J’HO.S. UOYl), Contiactiir. S^Tt'or Kcats, njiply at Uojd’s Hotel, (’harlotto, at the l’o»t.( Mlice, Camden. I'th. 23, I KM. 22 |HjacP, Aiiihrobe- iimiortal, (Oreok.) Adah—an asseiiiHy. Alexan der—one tliat ttim( awnj' evil; one tluii as- aiists men ; it is a (Jrcrit word, ron-?si)0[ul- iiig in sigiiificHtion to the llobnnv word Sil- Foil SAL1% I ornon. Aunh—one who answers, or sings NKtjUO WOMAN, aliout J’Jor yearsof responsively. Aniic—tlH’fjriicioiis. Aga- t; niuiiihti. Tijcffim—tliegM)d, (tJrtick.) Agnes—from the Ijiitin, .\gna, “ a lamb,” mild, gentle. Ca tharine—a iK-autifn! derivation of this name | Olid a iiiiilc chiid It) n unian han bt'ea accustomed, all hci life, to liousc* work, l or iiarticularR, apply to the editors. Frb. 10. lh:n. lil'J i !% C>TK 'lie Co-partnership of Bittell if Itatker hue expired tiiis day. J. H. BISSEI.I,, S. (;. liAKKKU. Charlotte, January 24, 1831. 8itiii} Q'l'IC-^I'i.—J want to purchase Corn, Toftder, May, * *at?, Hweet I’otatiiCH, Turkeys, Onions, Hiitter, \e, »Ve. ). 1). HOVl). Charluttr, Jan. I!i, 1^31. 17 SALK-^ very large and tvell approvid JACK, eiirht years old, from llie best s)r>ek in the (Jnitud JlMyiuYU, liotli in foal. Tlie I'rom the .Selii.iicctady, (N. V.) W'hig. Pt lrifac1ioris.—]\\ making the excavations for the lirst inclined plane on the ruil road, in the mngo of hills Ixirdering the valley of The PKBBii.—Id diflliiion of politicul in formation, the periodical prew is tlie great instrument of modern times. 'I’ho wish of Archimides is realized, and a pluce w the Mohawk on the south of this city, and j found wlicre the world can be moved. On- at tlio depth of 30 feet b^low the uurface of. ly a century and a half has paBsed away the earth, a iiimilxT of (letrifactions have since the introduction of nciwapapers, and ln;cn found, .\mong them is the lower jaw j during many years their progreas was slow of a huiiiiin iM'ing, with the teeth entire, and doubtful. In their infancy, there waa little to commend them to public regard. They were rtere chroniclers of paiMiiig e- veiits, recording every thing with equal gravity, whether trifling or important.— j'here were no enlarged views, no interest ing speculatiortB, no elaborato discussjj^. to busnicss they will be entiUid to receivc and merit the same. N. B. The Blaekimithmfi Butinrst will Iw car ried on by I#. &. \V. on uk cxlnuaiv* Kale, in all it* Tarlou" braneites. C*arfa»«. JV. C. F»b. 24. IMl. 3«^14 CHARIXri''VK IIOTi:i^ MECKLESBLRV. COUNTY, A. C aiaVOT THE RI8IMO 8UW- j. I>. BOYD R hts/fend».A.'»tl mn'Ki-, tW IK rly kc|>t by .Mr. R. I. Dinkiiih, which by some recent improvements is rendered more eoiiilbrUhle. Considemhle adilitioiis are now iiiaUing, w hirli w ill be completed in a .slmrl tiiiM-, thereby rcnderiun the K,ilabli»liiiii-nt more ■[•ucioua and commodious than it has lu i u here- totbre. , ■|'hc proprietor pledges hinisell to use every et- fort lo reuder persons coinlbrtable, and unri'iuitted extTliofis made to give entire satiitraelioii to all w’ho may honor him witJi their cuhtoiii. I he Im-sI T.\BLt and H.\R which the marktl in the Imck country can alTord, shall not be wanting. oimI BEI»I»IN«; are inferior to none. Atti ntivc and trualy Ohtlers are employed, and Stables abundantly furnished. Charlottf, A. *'. Se/^. ‘Ai, iP.'W).—Ilf WATCIIKS Ac JEWKLKV. price of the Jack is S-ljU, the Jinnin s each, .^ny |H rxon wishing to purchase, are re«pic»led lo iii«k application (early) to Col. .Maurice SinlUi, of Uranvillc, N. Carolina, w ho has the dispot>in|r of said property, and can shew .Mides got by said Jack, lour tc'.'t ten and eleven inches tiijii, that are imd.'r throe years old. SwtJti iIOL.>K, AISU OK>iA)ll::.>TAL. PA1>TI>G, PajM'r-JIangin/', GTazitig and Gilding. 'J’he itliors are piece.s of wood, evidently formed by the hand of mnii for some useful purpose. One of these latter wo have ex amined. It nppcni-s to have ln-en design ed for the hajidle of some implement like that of un a\f, or h hatchet. th^ofiinfon «fEminent individuals, that the I maturity, their character gradually n;gi.m of eountrv conijKwing this part of | changed, and they became, what they now the valley of the Mohawk, and in which | are, the repo.sitories of all that is important this city is now situateil, was oiice covered i in the progress of human aflairs, and of by an extensive IkhIv of water, which ulti- j much that is valuable in sctcnce and litera- matcly found its way to the ocean, hy for-1 ture. 'J'heir duration is now beyond the ciiigapnRKigothron-'htheliillswhiehbound- reach of fraud or force. In India, in lc«^ ed it at the Cohons Falls. It can ea.siiy lie land, in Australasia, at the Cape of tJotid conceived that thef» irlics may have been ! Ho|>e, in the regions first known to history, lo.st in this lake, if in reality it did exist. , mid in those which history has yet to visit, Poihai^s, bv the upsetting of a cnnoe, an In- j these [leriodical messengers arc s‘nt abrooil dian with iiis imploineiit.s was pi-ecipitated to instruct, to restrain, and to punish, into it.« bosom ; and, by the continual dash-• Knowledge is diffused with^ certainty, ing of the waves, thrown upon the shore, | promptness, and economy. The conduct where in time they Ijccann' deeply imbetl- «>f rulers is scrutinized, the course of their . ,, , 1 ■ -I- • [ ded in the bank. ’ Indeed we are informed I policy is iiivestiirated, a moving map of tlio IS fuuml in a reek word sigtiilvmg pure. «'u ii» un, o.um. mutiu hc iiiiuiinv»i | ^ ^ , p. i - ' ® - that there are many indications in the ap-I community, and literature, sciciiee, aiKl the pea ranee of the e?Vth composing the hills I arts, arc carried to the remote.st verge of where these excavations are being made, lo sustain the idea that they were at some rt?- mote j>eriod formed, or that they received verv consideralilt; ;u"ceHsinis, ly the wash ing of the waves. Clara—prolmbly from the Latin clumx, bright. Daniel—judgment of 0»k1. De mosthenes—strength of the [icoplc*. David —dear. Elisha—salvation of tiod. Ele- azer—help of (Joil. Klizalieth—the oath ofthe Lord. Eunice—“ to conquer chariii- iiigly.” I'phmim—jne that grows. Eve —life; the Angel Itubi says of man— “ tiad I not heard him as he prcKt The frail fund tr«’iiibler to a hres'-'t Which she had doomed lot-in and stride. Call her—think what—bis life! hiahle! Yes—such the love-iaughtnamc the first, 'X'hal ruined man tn woman gavi', Kven in his out-cast honr, when curi>t, Hy her fond witchery, with that wor^t And earliest boon of love—Uif grave.” James—tlie supjilaiitor; Jacob the prim itive name of James, has tlie same mciuiing. Jtjb—he that ci iee. Jonah—a dove—ano ther meaning is, he that oppresses. I.-^uac —laughter. John—the mercy ofthe Lord. Jemima—handaonK! as tlw diy. Julia— down^-, tender, ^(»rc«»k.J_ JdHi9|it^-^l he came lo uns piace, uiiu j ■ v«eorgf—» ... .i.v. them aiid the pulilic, that he iias oonnccted | bitter,(lleb.) Magdalen—exalted. If.n bu.ii.essw ith la. brother '»'hc bm.^-ss ^^^l, (Greek.) Nathan— lire will be c.irrifd on by A. tf. y « »rre(, .Muif. tiv» " \ v.- i , ,u *1..?, ...... io L above branches of the Giver. Nouh—n«t. Nicholas—the J'ATH.VN B. CARKEl. tenders liis thanks to i - . -j,. lti»friends lu* 'jinJ'o'tTiiisinw iTiore Uiis nam» was jilted by a ‘ tnale flirt, siiicc tic'came to this place, and resiK-cUully in^ . iJporge—a tiller of the eartli, (Greek.)— loriiiH liiiiifelf in tuture , who ti nder Ihcir services in llic above branches i //> i \ business to the cltueiis ot Ciiarlotte and the sur- conqueror of the [X-ople, (Ureek.) roiindinc country anUillages. 'I’hcy tlatter them- —a lover of horses. Peter—arock. selven, from their long exptricncc in bu»ine«.«, that I friend. Rosamond—Rose of the world. ihey will l« able to give 'Th ^ llachel-sheep. Saul-^tlie desired. Su- ihosc who may encoiir,ige them, lliej Jia\t in . ivacui-i „ i-i their employ several hands, whieh will enable sanna—a rose, (t.reek.) Susan a hly, tlicm to dispatch larj;c Jobs of I’uinting ai short j /Heb.) Sanili—a princess, the morning notice. Their prices are as low os any oUier prc^ Timothy—honored of Gotl. Thco- lessi cl workmen ot ihc Bru.sh. They will turnish I uirt ’of God. I’ainlH, Oil, ic. and do work as low a* U.ey can «OI-e t'H M" |Hjsibly allord, if required to do so by tlieir em- dIovers. As they have aetennined to kK'ale ihcm- Pliiiip I'hilo Fattil Ilcnr/mfrr.—\V! copy the follow ing from the I’ort (libson (.Mo.) (’orrespon- dent of Jiuiuary -d : A rencontre took place at Rinhiey, on the i;Hh inst. Ix'tween John IJriscoe, Esq civilization. In republics they are tho safeguards of freedom; in Monarchies, they are jealous sentinels, prompt to discern, ami tearle.ss to announce, approtiehing dunger; and in all governments, they are the nerves which convey sensation through the jiolit* ical body. Benefits, when common, arc rarely appreciated, and the natural elements anjuiid us arc among the choicest blessings of life, which we enjoy without reflection, but which we could not lose without de struction. If the [leriodical press, with its dressed himself to attend a wedding. Bris coe endoavon.'d to avoid any contest that evening; and observed that the dispute could lie lietter settled at Lake Washington, uaiiivl ft” REMOVAli. TROTTER i m vriN;TON ^OL’M) inform the Public, that they have riie Old I'estaniciit name* ai-c, most all of them, derived from the Hebrew. Boston 'I'ran^eript. of that place, and Dr. Benj. II. Moyler, of 1 “I™*- Lake \Vas!.;n.lon, of which the circum-i stances were J follows: f ^''7 bv Zl- The D.K.tor accosted Briscoe in the eve-1 '‘"o''' '>«"• 7 j... ho, piihl,. tion and information existed in tho old world, how diflerent might have been its destiny, and how rich the lessons ot exjicrieiico tA “q-l HfMif nraeimy HfQukl - ~ sotneoftboW memorable event* which have come down to us in “ thought* thut broatho, and words that bum.” A gazette of Sparta or of Athens, when Xerxes was ujiou tho Hellespont, or Leonidas at Thermopylir, wfHild be a treasure far beyond tho niarblo monuments which yet look out U{)on tho niins around them. The hopes, the fears, the efforts, the sacrifices of Greece, would I be before us, not distinguished in the iin- ! passioned strains of her poets, nor in the eloquent but partial narratives of her his torians, but as they marked the approach ing danger and the alterations of popular it on tlic s|K)t, M". B. still desiring to put it ofl’, even till tlie next day, after the wedding was over. The doctor claiinod instant sat isfaction, spit ill his face, at the Ki.’iie time attempted to draw a large duelling pistol I'l-oni hi.- l)080m, but was prevented i»y the bv-slanders. Briscoe, iK'iiig imarmeil, ran into a store, where he procured a shot gun, mid coming out, cried to the company to clear the way. At eleven paces distance, both raised their weapons ; Briscoe’s snapt, and DiK'tor .Moyler shot Briscoe in the arm and abdomen, and had drawn another pis tol, and was in tlic act of firing, when B. plovers. As they - selves in t.harlotte, they rcsiRCl'ully bolieit a share ol public patron.igc. r-Miri'I ,1 ' ^ The annexed article taken from the “ ,\t- N. n. All kinds of Jot i neatly execu. .Hiblished in London, gives, '/ V6.T'>!Yh31. 21 i in our opinion a most fiiitliful «lescription of ! the actual condition of Engl; iid, at the pres- V JIOL'SK, (‘I't I’ost-officc) I —Mtchaiiics Free Prtss. • ‘i'’ll ifM, on Ihe t ro.ss Hlitel, a lew yards sloi IticCourt-llouse, in Ijrrin^tmi, A.C. “ It has been long predicted that the cir cumstances of society in England would at last lead to that fearful result. We have been visibly api>roucliing the crisis for a considerabie time. Thedistiiictionsofclas- is again njK-iu'd lor the reception oi I ravellers Boarders. The stal>l. s an^ extensive, rooiii> and dry J grain and provender ot iho best, plenlilul, nrOL’M) inform the Public, that tticy nave and served by g-jod hostlers. 'I'he houw- has nia- rtwiattd Iheir Shoptollie lious.' tbrnicrly ny eomtbrUble rooms, eerve.i a goinl ta ilc and re- crowina more marked . I V.., » inn vards north-east fieshineiils: and the proprietor ond Ins tumily SCS Il.lVC Otiii oaiiy j,iuniiig humv ■ i.*, occupied by p , > „„„i i^thing in lluir power to make it most' On the one hand was wealth accumulating tjuict and agreeable. l-* i aliovc the demands of luxurj' ; and on the l:»if It. P. KOI'N^AVllil.H. ; „ti,or, jiovcrty sinking Mow enduraiicc. iTl.'!.-’!*’!-' XO’riC’K. While one co-ste was rapidly absorbing tho .Wl.NO to present d.reeiioi^oi the l’.s,i-mas-' produce of ‘'•‘^c.|untr>. the power ofprcserv- froni llic Court-lloiisr. They have just received some elegant in tlieir line, which, with their fiTmer St-H-k, makes their assortment very complete. .\lso, MII.ITARY ■ucli aj elegant fiinord$, Epa»lrt>, and I'liinirt, ritd and while, Jte. Ac. All of which will Im' sold as low as can be purchased in any ot the South ern mark'’!*, for cash only. W.VIX H HKI’AIRI.M; will receive punctual attention, and the inanuraeturiiig ot silver I able and Tea HPtMI.NS, and N.irlh.' ■rolina iold worked into :iny articles Ihnt may l>e oidiT»‘il. JIM, a.iu »«= ... ...^ s. •■7: feeling. And with equal interest should we had rccocked his gun, a^id pro,mred, which ; a similar monument ofthe litera. MRS. C’OIIF.N INFORMS the public that she has lati ly remo ved to the new building, niarlv opiKwile l$.yd's M*iil^ffc‘patr*imgc’.'* "Xii/oii'i; her asM'rtineiit of articles are the following, and fresh supplies will bo received as ol\» n tut necessary, to meet the de- mantle tri* •wMtmiK'rs : .4 grtu ral a.i.torlmrnl of CANDY; Almonds, Brazil Xut.s, IVcan Nuts, Raisins, Figs, Gnipes, Oninges, i*tc. SKGARS, tj. a rarietyof CORDIALS; riilMI>EM'IIIA IIKER. AND I-ONIM)N UOTTI.Kl) I'OKTKR. OVSTKRS and CRACKERS. W ilh a variety of other arti. cies, oniong whieh are C/iitdrrn’» 7V>1»V, Jl(e. ^c. MACKEREL, I-UH H i( HALT, /v retuU. Charlotte, Dee. 17, IH3I). l3 SHEKiri' S J)KK [)S, ~ I^'IOR Lands sold for Taxes; for i.ands sold under a Writ of Fieri Kneins; and for Imnds •old under a W'titof Vvndilioui K.iiioniMi—tor sale at tltia Otiiec. 0'teVV;! mVri',’n s|H*cVin^^^^^^^^^ ing the means of lifo was rapidly diminish- aixl the general neglect of ihe eoiiiiiiunity 111 (mv ■ ■ jf,g in the hands of the other. 'I’he contests, ing tlie same, 1 am eomiRiled to avail niyselt ot . ||n>|-pforej were betWOCIl tllC OVCrftHl aild UU- ihe law in iliat r. sjh ci to fed. Out of this stale of tilings hut one ' uiid the present rupijed **tutt oi wtnnJl ti» aJa/i a Clmnue in c.reulatiL, make* it necessary lor me suit could lie e.xp^^cted lo flow—a de.-,(ierate to requiro HoUnr to be paid m I to Hie aristficnicy ncuesit It spiTie. W.M. S.MITll, r. M. commenced vigorously In Kcait. Its MONEY ! .MONEY! j signs and prv>grt?ss cannot be mistaken. - this time went oft’; the Din tor fell, mortally wounded; he dleil tho .same night. B’s. woiiiids wore slight. An inquest vviis hold over the body; and the verdict on oath, was, that Briscoe had acted in self-defence, and was justifiable in what he had done. The English ivipers relate a gallant ac tion, followed hy a summary and somewhat irregular inetluKl of administering justice, which took place lately near the Island of Ascension. ’I'he British ship I'ulcon, of twelve guns and thirtj’ men, fl'll in with a^ ^ im-sst-u m i» pirate nKmnting thirty guns, with a crew ^ l^^/ts assigned them. But two hundred men, uml arter two hours ;ind 1,K;culiar opin- a half hard lighting, succct dcd 111 making J R.dings, of the general state of society, and of the moving incidents which ture and fitrtunes of Rome, when domestic discord or foreign armies shook her power, but not her resolution ; when her citizens retreated to the sacred mount, or her great (,'arthagenian enemy swept her eagles from the field of Canua;. It is impossible to k>ok on those great events, familiar to us from infancy, but seen through a mirage which distorts while it magnifies, without being sensible of the absence of many of those particular traits which give life to the pic ture of moilern times. The orators, states men, and philosophers, are actors upon a stage, dressed in theatrical costume, and MONEY in ahumiancp in Market. That it will spread to oth?r counties, and unless a sjieedy and radical remedy l>e a TO OWM'.RSOF i.oM> Ml.NES, I’l-AN'TA-‘ j^pted, ovor-n’m the face of England ulti- TIO.NS, AND OTHKR rKOl’t-.R TV. ' ,nnli-lv w«». fur ourown n.Trto. n«tMM «rt* jftwiT, amt wf>o fiff* fiwf. • tWrpMrV lo VnnrWff tnr npprcneusions lhal ous and anxious tf purch.ising wholes or shares of observinguiid well-iiiforined individuals feel, proi^rties—improved ir unimproved—who wi.l. government w ill to iH-eome pro|.ri. tors or parUiers of »iold-mining sviliptoiMS, leaving the dis- coinimiueH, or wfHiId loan or invent nioiiev at rea-I • ... i * i i Konahic interesl eatisrae.torily necurcd—would in* circulating throti^h the systoni. votit and advance their i.iom y in any wny, provi- | 1 hat will |uiet the |mticilt lor a time, but lied they wore seonred and BiitiHfud ot realizing a when tho niulady breaks (rtjt afresh, it will lair and reasonable inteiest lor the lianie : ^*H're-; j||j virulence which no lore, thc.ic who vMsh to «ell or niorlira^t properly, I ' ■ ^ u . i* • i orgl leash partners, would do well To apply to the S1*^;"«'S cosmetic can abate. It is for the Hulk-erilNT, |MT mail, !*orwarliitjf ‘very necessary convenience (>1 tti6 minister OI the (lay to inliirnialion and instruction, accompanied vvith an postpone the hour of reckoning 80 that it advance relaiiiing ollice tee, of live or Icn dollars— may fall U{>on his successors. PiTT prac- (Mstage in every iiisliuicc to Ik' paid t;i;o. w. Evi;i{n’T, Ural Esliitr, lirokrrt', Allornri/s' (Irnrral Agrnt, Ao. 33, Hutilh l'(wrth-sl. i hilaililjihia. II I Tho Soutli and Norlh-t'arolina and (.eorgia [mpers will publish the above one nionlh, and send in tlieir bill;». Feb. 17 1 in W A K K A iT l)T: KD^ FUR SALE AT THIS OFFICE. ticed this |H»licv, as our present ministers can certify. But it is neither honest nor wise. Of its humanity, in a cu-te like that viiiich calls forth these remarks, it is unno- cessani- to speak. The hand of authority can of course, crush the “ incendiaries of Kent;” but it ought to employ itself in fl'cding the famishing hundreds whot% mis ery has driven them to despair.” her a prize. The little crew was in no small difTiculty, aflcr the capture of their disproportioned antagonist, what to do with their prisoners, wilt* as soon as they hail an opptirtunily, shewed .«ympttnns of an attempt t(j ov er[)ow- erthem. On reaching .\scension, tlieofri- cers of the ravm. »u- on »in>rc in companies of twenty, in the long Iniat, apjiealed to all, and swayed all, little has been recorded, and little can l)C known. Ofthe general facts we have enough, and more than enough. Armies, and battles, and victories, are forever before us, as tlvou^li w’O liatl lu.ltiing t.. learn, tint the .splendor of conquest, and the utter disre gard in which humtm life was held. All and hanged them on the island, rc.scrvintf I is wanting to complete t*ir knowledge only the pirate car^tain L,f a,u.quity, these publications would have th y carriid cll lo licrmuda to i)C tiien. \\> «v„«,|,t bnve enforad tlu> '■ ■'' * j privittp nwelimgs of those who, twenty Too big a boo.—A man lieing alioiit to i centuries ago, were as anxious about the purchase a young horse, was feartiil he j cares of this life as we are. Their domes- might prove skittish, as the phnise i.s, nnd ' ***^ circles would have lieenopen to us, their in order to test his steailiness, or strength 'parental and filial relations of nerve, directed his boy to go a little way |disclosei, and the whole constitution of ofl', la'hind the next corner, and he would ^’**5'*'■’®'’®aled. The meagre detaii.s ride the colt ilown op|>osite to him, when *** manners and customs now gleaned from the comic writers, would be disregarded, in the general view pre.sented to us. Time W'ould lie annihilated, as Ihe steam engine is at the pre.sent lime annihilating S|>acc ; and nations, as remote in age and position, wouUI be brougjit together. the lxiy should itart .suddenly «Hit and cry “ 1)00 I” and if tho colt could stand that, it would ha proof enough of hi.-; iK-inj; firin and well broke. The boy took his station, and the man mounted ami iodc;i!ong; but when he came op[M>site the corner, and the boy jumped out and cried “ bm the r .lt threw him off. 'J'he l iiler pickcd himself up soon, however, nnd rubbing his shoulders and shins, asked the Imy what he did so flir. “ hy, father,” said the Ikjv, “ voii told me to say boo.” *• Yes,” Hiid the old man. “but then* was no need of sv. inir ■so h a Wi: to such a litl'.i' h”r«e.’' .Among some eTcellent precepts to far mers, which are stored in a paper published in N. York, are the following: “Keep plenty of cows and liees, as the surest way of having milk and lioney. Confine your cows with good fences, but let your bees ; !;o Inrge."

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