. MINERS’ & FA rWILL TBArH YOU TO riEKCC TIIK 10WKL8 Ol' THE EA»TH AND BRINO (MIT FROM THE CAVERN* OP THE HOVXTAIN% MCTAl ’niCH IIX OtrF. STIlENCiTII VOL- 1. RS’ JOURNAL,. PRINTEU AND rUBLIMIIED EVERY THL'RSDAY, BY KOBLK A IlAHLOTi 10, ME liI.KISlit COI NTY, NORTI^CAHOLINA.” I T« OUR luxu.s and m.'IIJKrT ai.l nature to our ugg aNO rLBASuac.—o«, johnmn. THURSDAY, MARCH ,17, 1831. NO. 25. TESmS. THE MINERS’ AND FARMERS' JOURNAL I» printed and puUiahfcd every TliurKday morhiii^, at Two Dollar$ and Fifty Crnti per uuiuin, if paid in advance; Threr Dalian a yenr, if not paid until aftrr the expiration of nix riionltis. advertisements will be inserted at Fifty cent* per wjuare (not esceedin); SO linn,) for flii | firiit inacrtioii, and 35 ccnts for cacli Hucctrding j week—or $1 fur tbri-c wcckii, for one 8]unrr.— j A liberal discount will be made to IImmc* who I VICTOR G* BLAMilN, llAMIKAt'ri’RKR OF JEMKl.HY, AC. ONK IXX>( ABOVE TU>: SULIIt't'it Ol'l IL*, leave to inform liis frii-nd« and tlio pulilic, tlmt he has lati Iy comiiwiiofcl the alvertl»ebyUicycor. IL/’On all advcrliscmi nti I ,n«imrcctiire of JKWKLK V, from Norlh aroli. communicated for publication, thu nunilxr of! (iold, in tlic French IHshions, at the inoMt luod- ' iTiito pricfs. \KW FrUNACK. He i)HM also erected a new Fl'KNACK, for nu lliii;; by nliirh no purtielc of mrtul can bu lost, oven if a crucible happ«'ns to broak. 'i'hu pc'.trooagc oi' Ihv pui»lic i««ei|iectlitily so- licilod. CUml lr , Mi.cU J, Ml. TAI^HA;i:, >A> PFXT A drorrrg ij* Commission Mvrchanta, KO. 4B, WATER-STREET, I> EM-YORK, WE t’«NST.»\rrT ry I insertions must be noted on tlic margin of the manuscript, or tlicy will be continiiid until fbrind, and char^cd accordinKly' (ETAll communications to the I’^litorN uiuiif conic froo vipottngt, or tliey may not bo a^trndcd to. *Sulwcriber8 who coiniuoiiced witl» llie first Nu. of ihe Jtmrnal, arc inlbriu- co t.iaf the flrit 6 months are nearly c.xpired, nnd after that time, those who have not pnid for lh( ir mbKription, will bi; rx|iectcd to enmply witii ntir | termn, that is, il not paid in tlie specifn.d time. versive of liberty,—find ori;;inatod the tlisortk-TS wiiich nowiffict the Repub lic, out of hatred to its Lfcarator and Fath er. Yet such is thu lovo' 4hich hiiulH him lo the Hoi) of hi« birth ! Aoininted hv thin love in his last iiionient*, the Ijil^crator yicldai hiiiiteir tu its inlluetuu*, mu] ('utru^tsi thu precious dejnmit of liis vrnomlilo re- inuins tu u town which givo«thf>hT i(! iIk>s(? wlio a few days Hgo 8olitit(>d hi^ expulsion iVoni the couiitrj The Kchpse of 1806 wnR/u/uiiu New England, and attondrd wiUi nrriuiistances u hicli huve jet\ an abiding iuipn'ssivu ujiun all w ho saw it. The following tl*|uent dcscriptiuii of it is extracted frora n private letter written by tlia *»!" Stlionoctnffy, N. Y. ' “At the iiiHtiint the last direct rav was intercepted, nnd iiii* ol>scuralii.>n bi'canie Qualijicationa if Jttrorn.—GreatdiHi-1 ‘ ALCHVMY. culty is always i.‘X|)criencud in this* State, in ■ The professors of this science asserted obtaining a Jury in the trial of Capital the opinion tlmt the baser nietaU contain eases, on account of liie great latitude which same constituents as gold j containinat* is allowed in questions pro|Kiundud to Jurors ®d, indeed, with various inipuritien, but touching their fitnoss. It is usual to ask capable, when these impurities were remo- a Juror iK-foro t(*ndering him to a prisoner, ved, or remedied, of assuiuing all the pro- il ho has formed or expressed an opinion, pcrties and characters of gold. Tlicy dis- us to his guilt or innocence, and if he an-; tinguislied by the name la[Aa philoaopho- swers in the anirnmlivej he is deomed in- j r*W7/i, or philosopher’s stone, the aubstauce comiK'tent. Now , but few persons, if any,! jK)ssessing this wonderful power ; and tl>ey hear the thoumnd rumors which are always , usually describe it as a red powderi having :iflout w hen a crime has been p‘r|)ctruted, j ® pt:culiar smell. There are many str«tig’. more es|x‘cially, when that crime is houii- “'*d almost incrcdible, stories on record, ot cide, without funning some opinion on the ■ men who had this stone in their posscssioit. merits of tho case atid as a : u itter of course ' The fullowing are r**Ut^ upon tiie authbr- tilniUt. The li)llowinif iitb meu will coiif. r'a i ».iital,le tlir the St.utheru Market, which they oi: I trcnd)le on its axis. The pros-ed an opinion, as to the guilt or inno- fiiTar by acting as A|;enl» st their rrsiM'i'lit'c luca-I r r on tlic mo«t aceoniii'odating terms, and at the was hu coniplctl, that 1 felt in-| Cl’lice ol the pl isonrr at the bar. If the tjous—Col. A. Alexander, Mi. Srir; J. I»awtaic, ' lon-eyt iiariet prici-s; and aho offer faciliti>>« to { stinctively and in Kpite ot' tlie dictates of|-luruf says i-s, whether siich opinion is P. M. llukory Urottc ; «x, 4*. M. H Aifc Hail. , llieir ciiktoiiiers and otl»cr merchanbi, in the sale i)f any priHliice eoinmitted to their care. IIUlSE, SltiSi AND ORINAJIEA'I VI. PAIXTI.VG', Paper-Hanging, Glazing awl Gilding. ^TATHAN B. CARREL tenderii hix thi.nk; lo his I'liendfl Ibr the very litx rul eiirourajje- mrnt they hare (,'iven him in his hue of biiKiticss since he ratne tu this place, and renpeetiully in forms them and tiie piilihc, that he hiu eoanieteu himself iu buauiess with hia brother. 'I'lu' buiiiieks m future will tie carried on by .V. II. .'(■ Carrtl, who tender their Krvices in Uic above branches of business to the citizens of Charlotte and tiic aur- ti A'fir- I'urt, Jtin, t>, 1^31. JjOiD'jyiliT CAI!KI.U;|.; AIAKKU. BK .S leave ic.iiicct- fullv ly to iiifurm his friciiJa iiiil Ihe public ut IcfTc, t!.;it hi • (.hriii't Mmiii/iftory, on the nnin strci t, a Irn hucUred yurdn northeast Court-nouM', ). now in loinpli le ojicrnlion; j expre.ssing it. It will Ik* easdy seen tiioi-c-1 ‘‘y ^'*1 writers, by Dr. Thomison, in his fore, how very dtiTic»U «t uiust be, under History of Chymistry, being No. 3 of the >ii)cli circumstaiiccs, to willect the requisite National Library. MHudn'r of Jnnirs. An Act was passed by ■ “About tlie year 16.50, an unknoim Ita- tlie Jjogiblutun! of Alalxima at its recent came to Geneva, and took lodgiii^at session, in relation to this subjiTt, whichjthe sign of the Green Cross. Aller re total, a tremulous, undulating rha'low, a j makes a pro;K‘r and obvious distinction be-1 maining there a day or two, he requested kind of indescribable alternate pitvulencc tween opinitjns liiunded ou hearmy, and ' J^uc, the Landlord, to procure him a and intermixture of ligU and shiide struck i tlios« fo nn d fi-om a kimrledge of facts, j man ncqiiainfed with Italian, to acconijwiiy the earth, and played »in its sttrfUcc, which |This Act provides, tlint in the selection of( hint through the town, and point (Hit those gave to the most stable objects tlie appear- i Jurors to try (>orsoiis charged with C’apital I things w hich deserved to be examined. Do ance of agitation. It apjcurcd as if the i crime?, the Court shall enquire of the I iuc was acquainted with M. Gros, at that moon rode unsloa!ily in her orbit, 8'id the j juror w hen swoi’n, if he lias formed or ex- ^ t>"ie about twenty years of age, and a stu dent in Geneva, and knowing his proficien cy in the Italian langtiage, ri'quosted him to accompany the stranger. To this pro position he willingly acceded, and att(!nded the Italiun every where, for the space of a fortnight. The stranger now began to complain of want of money, which alarmed M. Grow not a little—for at that time he was verj- poor—and he became aj)prchen- sivo from the tenor of the stranger’s obser vation that he intended to ask the loan of my reason lo the contniry . a t««ttt ring sen-I t^Tiucd iijM)n his own know ledge of the I nation.—Some who were present, 1 ubserv- liief't, or u|)on njmor ; if upon rt.mor, he *d catching hold of whaiever was near shall 1m! sworn in chief, unless challenged j them for sup|>oit ; whde other-J suddenly by the prisoner, Ini! if upon his inrn knmvl- I leaned forward, and iii.sensibly threw them- flge of he shall 1)C rejected, selves into an attitude which indicated that [Raleigh Hegistfr. they li)und it diHiiuit to stand. It was in- , —•— deyd, an awful moment : «verj' voiro was Koxrivdo.—f)n tlie invasion of France hu'hed in silence: and ?\ery inind uMiud troop®, a party of Cossacks ' money from him. But, instead of this, the abtsorbed in tlie grandeur the scene. eiitered a litllc \ iilage called Ciiguy near Italian asked him if he was acquainted with At the commencement of this sinndar I I^^rville, w here they pursued their usual any goldsmith, whose bellows and other |ihenoincnon, and while the siiilUec of the Itmd plunder. They ' utensils they might be permitted to irse, and r=.;co.m.V.u.: . hi:.i.:;::re ! eanl. ap,K.ured to be viole..ly agitated, tiie 1 --If > rund habitation, and having bro- j who would not refuse to supply them with I.. . t ■ ■ * . ■ \ (.11 t . ... - - fl .1- i I! ..I. A I t. -I.I 1 U'rtti t liA t no ' fit a ^Ii o *■! i^'Iac « «ir> «•« i#»_ tnl into altiniate and distinctjurchcs. ■elves, Iroin their luu^exporicnc«in'liu»ii;(«, that ^ ^nd I • :» pn jiaied lo exoeute new work of nU do- j light and shade were irrogiilarlv inti'riiii.v- tliey will be able tojjive general i ‘ « i - » i -i - lt»o?e who may encourage thrin their emptoy several huids, wl tlieui to dispatch large Job. of Psinlinj; at thorl ! He hax in his ciiiiilyy jfoed notice. I'heir prices are as low as any other pro-' K itii his own unreuiilliti;;, aiikiduous and ino»t fesacd workmen ol tiie Hruslu 'J'hey will lLr;iish 1 ►tri t ailcniion lo buitiiicss, !:t flattcm himself that Paints, Oil, Ac. and do work as low as th> v cun ho v i!l bo enabled to rrndi-r general nitistiiclion pon^Wy afford, if r«q« i d to do no by thiir cm- j lo all ..'ic.'e that may favor him witJi their |utron- ptny***- As they ha^'c dtit ruiincd to locatc Ihoni- spu. >rdTs fr^iii a dialiincu will be thuiikfully Mlvea in Charkrtto, they icsptcl'ully solicit a ' rett iv. d and pronij’tiy cxfculcd. ^are o( public palrouaKO. ^ j llIJl'AIKIXti c f cvfry kind done on the short- B- &• E. CAniJKI.. |ct;t ncliee, uid o:i the niohl n^oderate terms, Viir ULtrL^n i. j^fricd CTl Mm 1 any Ka.ilh isi liic placc. Y IIOITSK, (ti e I’ot't-ollie") ! »«rv^ttiil, on the I'roBB utiiel, a lew yon!-* ' luirluitc, Marth I, l.JI. lly tho public’s hunib NATHAN UROWN. lotaa _u.iu-*estoi UieCourt-llouse, in Ij>xiiiiiluu,.S.('. - _- , 7 , ‘j is a^»in opined liir Ihe reception of Tiuvelli rb \ ' [itom Ihr Boardert. The stibli's are cxtcn-ive, roomy and , liOl.IVSU S Wll.L. dryi jrein and pnmnider of Ihe IwM, pleiililiil, Vg rcccivod the (iactta d»^ f'artiia- and «?rved bv ro.h1 iKwtlrrs. The In.ufe hai ma. ! ^ j. ,, , . ci.ntaiuillg among Other DV coitrtortable rooin, serves a |;ood table and re- , . • 1 • i> 1 . 1 freJiments; and ihe propn.K.i and hi. lUmily lli'l'g" ll|' pril.- ipul articles of Kolliar» H ill otilit Dotliiii^ ill tlu ir iM>\vi r tu It \'» ill. 1 li’urc mMUC ol tlictii: quiet and aprteat)lv lytf n. I». KOI NSA\ II,I.E. !. I a\er thet I [lO no .lher proi>»"-t_v but his own workmen, as an attendant. Tlic Italian put a quantity of tin into one cruci ble, and a quantity of qutekmlver into a- CVI'IC'H.—The Co-partnerfhip of Hnrrll it lioikti ^as expired this d.nv. J. II. liis.^iKi.r,, s. U. KXUKI'.K. C’nirloltr, Janvari/ 24,1^31. t-iliJj TfcOI’IC'l'i.—• WANT l.i pur. haw t orn, 1.^ Foddir, May,Oats, Sweet rolalces, TurKeys, Onions, llutter, tVc. Are. J. 1>- iJOY D. ’CArtWo/fr, Jnn-!!•, 1''31. 17 ken down the fence which enclased the ■ the diflerent articles requisite lor a partic- ,'^rour.Js, they nuirched towards the house.; ular process which he wanted to perform. At th^duor tiicy were met by an old man,! .M. Gros named a M. Bureau, to whom who endeavored to point out to them the . the Italian immediately repaired. He i-ea- inju>tice and cruelty of their uiisoldicrlike dily funiished crucibles, pure tin, quick- stout Iv the arches of shadCjAt:un to f,,rte ' liut the lawless horde brandish-; silver, and the other things required by the arches of li^ht towur^thc horizon • i "*S S[)curs over his head, declared | the Italian. The goldsmith left liis work- Hie riKftion was*at Hrat ve^ rapid. TliC ■ determination to pillage the cottage, j shop, that the Italian might be under the alternate archcs Were narroW^snd followed j —“ said the old man, uncovering leas restraint, leaving M. Groe, with o'lc «f each othen in clobc succc?*». The mi>- M*'® '' ' ' tion gradually di«jiuif!iod?>hi. streaks of l“>»« resiicct the dwelling of a soldier, or Kttlit l,ecanie less aal'leiis f. r a- | dishonor yourselves by a cnmc.’ •• ho gloLinlS. (damp and cool; the swallows de.icendetl top'*' t hi hearing that name, which is sy- red (jowder inclosed m wax was projected the earth,Hh^niditbirtls began thcirrtight; and virtue, the Mvage into the amalgam. An agitation took and tlio Laic stars U.k d forth lhn>!igli the H'r*-'"’ thcinscUes at the hero’s feet, place, and a great deal of smoke was exhal- ycll.:kW oiki sickly shatlcs. I'l'* pardon. j cd from the crucible, but this speedily sub- It ap^'ared’os iflhe sun in the midst of . ■ . -- - " whole being poured out, ... I Anerdive of Lufatjittr*—Durui" the tri- j formed si.x hcav\’ ingots, having the colour ul of the e.\-iu!ti!ster', ( tPiM'n^ l^i-foycttc i ^ gold, , had ix'iM'atcdly nnle out and addrc.v-sed I u xhc goldsmith was called in by the i groups of the p..'o|)lo assembled m the neigh-, Italian, and requested to make a rigid ex- i lioriiig street,'?. 1 his venerable patriot as- smallest of these ingots, siired them that justice would l)c done upon I goldsmith, not content with the touch- Durini: the total olis* oration nnd whilst ! I>'isoiiers according to the laws ol the j stone and the application of aqua forti#, ex- my piipcrn in the ehar;;c of Juan do Fran.'i.^eo j iiiher part *)f the hemisi)here aoiH-ar- i vengeance should not ho in-! p,«)0(] tlie metal on the cupel with leatl, and ed dis.iiallv onaoue. a fflorv sliowcl it'self »1>^>>> ""Cby popular violence, | ,Uscd it with antimony, but it ^stained no his no6iitide splendors had lieen siuldenly e\tiiyf«rishcd, and was to Le rekindleil tio mpn?.—Many of the iiiliaj>itauts hen; wen* izcl with iwrror; some birtike forth in the lands and iiiiiKsof Arro«, situated iu iht’ Pro- i siipplication : H( ;i:e fainted, aiMl some were \ Jdce of Caraliotvi, nnd nomr- furnilvru, as speci- thrown into convukioni'. f» H in the inv. nforv which may '« funnd ainoni; Mirliii, a citiien of Carlhairena. , i n- ti. It i - my d- lie that tCe medtl pre.-.cnte.l me ed dismally (>i>aque, a glory slioweil itsell by tlio Co!ij,'resi of lio'ivis, in tho nsine ®f il.at I in di>ergiiig i"jys Iroin Itehiiul the moon |x >;>!«•, may be r. tnrrd iu my o^i-n name, as a tin? r-asteni side, almost irislaiitlv eiicom- plcdre ol the true ulleelion which I retain I'lr lliat jig w hole t)rli, anil brijihteiiiiijj con- liepuh'.ie e\en 111 iiiy l»>t nionieiits. |r -. . ii i i, .. 7. It \» my desire that iho two worl:.‘ pent me ' tmuall> on the west side of if till Elicid 'ii- Itieni ral Wilson, and whieli ilirii.. rly | ly the sun m his majesty broke loitll, lilt r- allv chasing awnv the darkn^, and restor ing brilliant light, and life, and beauty to tho world. Ikit the ci^ntnist was too awful, andthotnuisiticn too sudden, to be enjoyed. bv I'ly fVi'.iid tieni ral Wilson, and whieli iiiriiii rly h'lonifed to the I.ilitdry of NniKJi-on, eiitithMl the H.K-ial Compft by K.weau, and the Art ef War by .Moiiteeueali, may bo presented to the I nivtr- i.ilv of iiracoa. 10. li is my dewin’, after my d 'ecBSf. my remaiii't m-ay be depositi.'i in th\' city of Carueas, my ii:itiee pljce. 11. Th'* sword j'ivcn me by the jjmnil .Marshal SAI.H-A V ry lar(,'0 and will appro\el ' J.ICA', i(,'hl ycarii ohl, irom Tfie Ix ft klock'in the Cni'.ed ,/y.ViVi-; V.V, l-olh in fiMil. Tin pnee of the Jaek is S-l-'iO, Ihe .liimeyi Sl.’U eaeli. Any p^'rson wihliin^ to purf ha:.e, aie re^iurs^ted to ^ make application (early; to Col. Maurice Smith, ^ of tiranville, N. Carolina, who has of said pro|ierty, and cun bIicw Mnl Jack, four tiet tin and eleven inc'ic are ii^er three years ol.l. .V.vfJfi ^ ^ Kxecntor* to r. n.! r thanks to I (itn. Kot-i rt Wilson lor the rxkI rotuliu l of his lUSl-Ultn I. jttd.iird \Vil«m,wliu hm ^o ruUh'uliy ^WINf to |»rr«*nt riin*c‘Jonii of the 1 oj't-jnt^- ' \V ii.-nin of his Aids.] , ttie dl5K,*m? 1-f Ayau'.cho [(Jen. Sucre] 1 dir-ct my Kxecntors il. a m.t bv' said *■' Widow, that hhe may preserve it as ‘les l:i"ii, that “ inoof of the loic to him wliicli 1 have always !iirotes..iid. OWINO topres. nl direc'ions ol the I’o:-t-me>. ; t,, m„menU ol my life ter ticn'-rsl, r«-s|>etint; ncws|>«i>ir iioataye, i-i.;^ AwI^ ' until his lile was iVst sacrificed iu their de fence. The jic'iple iis on the jnevioiis day generally cheered their champion; but some cried “i)ow:i with Lafayette.” The old soldier remai ked that lil)crty hatl never been sccun’d by a tiiinultiious interference with the laws; and at length, when irritated for a moment by some hisses, he exclaimed, “ W ho are you in that corner 1 I know the brave defenders of libertv, but your loss. He found it pt>sses8cd of the ducility and specific gravity of gold ; and full of ad miration, he exclaimed he had never work ed before ujjon gold so perfectly pure. The Italian made a present of the smallest ingot as a recompense, and then, accompanieil by ,M. Gros, he repaired to the mint, where he i-eceived from M. Bacuet, the mint mas ter, a quantity of Spanish gold coin, equal in weight to tho ingots which he had brought. and the general m-glcct oflhe conimunily if pay ing tlie saiAe, 1 am coiniK.Ued to uvuil iiiyKell ol tlie law in tiiat respect to he.ve the jxHtljige i»i adtanct 'J!#' Tiie periHKiiaiucd by IJolivar ns Lxch: utors, are Gen. 1’. llriceiio .^linidcz, Juiui and the present ragged rtnte *’f sniall j I’nineisCO Martin, I’relSft WT .MTlgdatB- change in circulation, make» it ^ „„^1 J )r. J.hw The Kditors of to reoniro all Euins under c i e dollar to p«i»l in , . _ . »u \i n ’, .jp W .M. SMl’J’ll, I'- V. ; the (lacetn, in «:omiiienliiig ii|X)n the '> il!, ^ ' . ■ j thus express tlM-mseIve : “'I'he s-ii>iliility ,>I>.\EY ! MONEY ! MOPiEY I ■ of our iead'‘rs cannot tail to Ite e.xcitcd, on I^iolding the generous (li-inten-stcdiicss ol tndv gi'Ciit Ilian. IKirn in opnli'iice, and' heir fo a con.'iderable Rji liine, he h;ia iioth'uiK left but the lands aiul iiiiiic.s of Ar MO>iE¥! In abunila TO OW.NErS OF #1Hu7m1NI:S, I’LANT V- uii(!tfed**'t'he"nii'id''for ”the'''hHIUanc^^ “fjTo.M. Gros he made a present of twenty cheerfulness of the other: and the awe I rememWr to have seen >ou ■ ,,icces, on account of the attentiwi that he at our uarricaues. j^^d paid him; and after paying his bill at the inn, he added fifteen pieces more, to I he fi>llowing cuiioiis sen- gj,j.yp entertain M. Gros and M. Bureau which was at lir.st impifsseil on the coun- teimnce, seemed to linger even after the sceije l.a.l changed. 'I he si'lemnities of tliis scene led me to reflect on the situation tif Adam and the feelings v hich he must huve luul, when, for the tirst time, he saw the sun sink lieneath tliO horizon, and night eii: ne—a night ixv ver l>efore exiierieiiced, and of which the -dwratiou i«as utterly unknown. Hut w hat an* nil tln-«' phenomena v;hich now interest uml a-stonisli us, conipari'tl with the closing wene, Ihe linni catasfro- F r-OM] M1M.S, !’1,a: TIONS, ANAJUTIirU I’Kori’.K'l'V. TIiF.sul>»crilH'r liepn leavt to informhi. Iriends kiid the public that In in daily i isiti il by cap- ituiists, whose funds are git at, and wholiie de«ir- roa, which he iiiherilcd from hi^j^incestoi's, and some furiiitun', tlin most valuable ol tcnce is InMpiently used in schools tor the Jays, and in the mean time he or- cone-tion ot stainmering: ■ dered a sujijwr, that he might, on his re- “ 1 hcojKilis 1 liistle the thistle sifter ^'f^‘'tum, have the pleasure of supping with t;d a sieve lull of unsifted tliislU^? and it, gentlemen. He went out, but 1 hcopolis 1 histle the thifitlc Kilter ^ never returned, leaving Ixihind him the sieve full of iinsitted thistles, where s *he ■ Itisnced- sicye full of sifted thislh;s that 1 hcoix)lis, ^ B„reau 11’iistle the thiAlc siiior silled !! ] continued to enjoy themselves at the inn It is hardly equal to the following from i jj|j fifteen pieces which the stranger had tfie fiiiubus, Hen Johnscm. I exhausted.” * * * , , I 11 I I I i “ twister, a twisting, doth twist him , .stranger, meaiilv dressed, went to phe ol nature, when the sun sIm 1 b(' dark- ^ „„e twisted twist of the twfcter, conversing for some (Tied, nnd lMi';ting, untwist; then tlie twister, (.ijy,„ical procejwes, requested who, twisting, untwioted tho twist, (ho tin- j furnish him with antimony and some twisted twist'miist untwist.” j other common metallic subfitances which ^ - j then fortunately hapj>ened to be in Mr. India Itiihhcr.—ThiJ^ valuable product, • n„vin’s lulxiratorv. 'I'hese were put in the star.s of lieavni fall us a ligtn'e cnsteth her untimely lig«, when ehe is shaken by a mighty w ind !” ous and anxious of pnrchasinKwhcli Horiharioot ; which lie returneil tollio>eMlio by it had properties^—improved or unimproved—who wit-h ,.;i(|)iv'ssud their esteem uiitl gratitude. The lo become proprietors or |«irtnerH ol (tolJ.mininK , (,j‘;j njtiions. in which he c«-ii!d hu\e cnmnaiiies. or would loan or invcbt leonev at reu- • i ' i.i i; , i ... ,| interwt satisfactorily se. nred-wonld h.- nequired immense w.^al'h, di-,tuUit.-^l w ith- vcst and advance their money in any way, provi. j in the .-ame iialiniis, tlie gills w Inch tlK'ir d-d they were iJeeured and Holisfied of reali/.iiic a gratitude proiiipteil, and i~i«il% able to lea\e fair and reasonable interest for the same; there- l)i.fhers and isepln.'ws, whom he fore, those vvho wish to sell or morlKaKcpw^^^^^ j the n .-iilue of the patri- nr irot partm TF, wmiM «io II lo apply to tin i iiiii ji *jj HnUcrlbTr. rr mail, li.rwanlinR every necesKary niony which he had already divided among information and instnicllun, aceomiianied with an | his kindred. No less admirable is the di- advance retaining olliee fei, of live nr ln dollars— I reel ion that, his mortal ivniaina should lie postage in every mstanee to 1)0 paiil. j cwiveyed to Caracas, his nalivi^ country, 1'*”^ tlmtihis legacy d‘ love shoiild be coli- )*»/ / ’ *■''* l'li“-‘‘‘"here reside the impia- ’ . .. ai I -nihlccnrrnio?; ivhoiuv aiinio^ their thru.sts (Ll’The Stmth and North-tarohna and l*«‘orgia . , . i i P i- »i ^ ‘ . , , ^ ,K ...nj I'ACoPenrv, unn hmchnif him with nam-ff will publif li Uic abuvc oiio inonlh, and 81 nd i *• * i • i i • I'cl,. n.^im : I'uluinny, by allnbutin^^ to hin\ Ue>igi.s ^uu- in their bilU. r.-—Thi!4 valuable product, i n„yie>s |al>oratory. 'I'hes »wn by Iwi C’onrlaiiiiiie, in then placed in a mel ee of sjv oral sp«'cies ol t i-een | ti„g fnniace. As soon as these metels were ^ t!i America. It ilows from ; the stranger showed a powdor to the es UK a milky fluid, which mkhi hardens ^ attendants, w Inch he projected into the cru- iiece-sity of posting | upon exposun; tothe air. Various attempts ; j^gtgntly went out, directin||r’ A bill for altering th^'iiimlep ; first made know of unitiiJi: parties in wetllock, is before the | 173*5, is the juice of several sp«'cies ol li-eeB j funiace. As ioutli America. It ilows from • the straii!?ei Massiu hnsetfs L gislature. The bill prt>- | grow ing in Soutli poses the alteration of the present mtule, so I thctreesi fur as to do away the iiece-^sity of posting | upon expt ^ ^ lha,i;artiesat the('l\urch door, in aspee-'h j have iH-Tn made to transintrt it ' the servants to allow the crucible to remain ^'livered bv Mr. Fakm of Adams, that ^ in its fluid slate without imcees-.. ! in the furnace till the fire went out of its gentleman slated, that the young ladies of i plication to tho rfllB is v.irious, Liit until re-1 accord, and promising at the same his tow n wert' so averse; to the prai tice of ■ cently, no advantage has |)Aen taken ol one j return in a few hours. But, as he postir\g, that they all went to Vermont or | of its most ri imirl New-York, to get married, and, from an ticity. Two in i estimate w hich he made, he arrived at the fact, that in coii!eiucnce of the existence of the posting system, Massachu.-ett« paid Vermont nnd New-York, yearly, alxiut $15,001), (which wns thus lost to the treas ury,) merely furiiniliiigthe sons and daugh- terb of Massuchiise'ts iu wedlock- markable properties, its elas-1 promise, Hoyle ordered nioin ciiemists ol Paris,, cover to lie taken off the crucible, and Messiis. Malier Mul (Jiiibal, by an entirely : that it contained a yellow coloured ueW solvent aiwl a very delicutc priK;e.ss, Imv of veil into-snsiiendeis, gurtei s surgicnl ban dages'I'lr niiiliire-. iVnctnr.d or di-!'''''ted liml's, i^c. lesMiS. tvaiier ;.iui viiiioai, i>y that it contained a yellow coiourea tw solvent aiiil a very delicutc priK;e.ss, i (Missi'ssiiig all the properties of pure live Kuci eed«;d i:t .yi-tning it into thn ads ' iji(Ij. ijohter than the weight ^various —'I'ln-'J subsequently wo- ,nateriuls put into the crucible.” Misi t^lruhtion of thr refatire tnihte of thin^t i9 f>’ir t>l' fhf iri'ftyf nf o**r Ufe,