Tlir. MlMHlS’ AND I'ARiMKRS’ JOUUNAI>. CHABLOTTE AND CAMDEN MTAGE.—FARE f5. PASSENGERS pny. ” Ingr in advance $!*, ’ can gf) tc return, 16() luilou. • Under tbt- pre««nt arrange., iiie atnvK will^u twice a w»'fk, ni«rt>n|f at Cliariotte witR the Stajjes to fc>aliiibury, Kaycttc- vilip, Lincolntoii and \Vilkcsl»oro’—«nd p«*»ing throufh to Camdcin in IJ days, will meet thr Qiarleaton aad C«lunitiia Htuim. Pai«cn(;cr» mar go from CWlutlo to (.'harkston in 3| dayH, •nd return in tbe saiiw liin«, wIktc thay can l»»vc ■tai^eH to any oi'tiie Sj>rinj', and tiirougliout tlir Gold Rofion. 'I’he above Staf^e Irtivpa Charkittr on Mondays and Friday*, at lit o'clork ; arrives at t'amden on Tuenday and Kuturdiy nij;lit>i, at H o'clock; Ii'uvph I'anides Sunday and Wednciday morning*, ut .1 o’clock, and arrive in ('linrlutte on Monduyjt aud Tliuraday*, in tiim; for tlie atiovc St«({f«. The Contraotor pld|rps liimaelt' to use every (ndeaTor for tho comfort of PawcnKera. lie ii tliankliil to thow; wlio Imve linrftolorc patronized liiiii, and ho|>'s they will otill liiil it iiafc and roin- turtahle to travel Iiih lino. 'I'hc «la('e-fari' to Cliarlcston ii rcduccd, and accoininodation much iictUr. I’llOM. BtJYD, Candactor. trFor aoatu, nppJy at Royd’a liotol, Charlotte, at tlic PoHt-( >dice, i'arnden. Frb. 2ii, lft3l. 3-2 CHARLO'r'rK llOTi:i^ MBCKLEmVHU VOVNTY, N. V. Slav OF THr BisnrosuM. .iTo. Bo vf) RESPFXTFUI.iiV infomia his friend* and tli« pulilio that Im Imh uprned the above HOTKI,, tbriiierly by Mr. H. !. Diiikin*. which by winu: rtcent iinprovuinuDta in rendered uuirc coin:brtable. Conniderablc addition* are now making, whieh will be coiiipletcfl in a short tiino, thereby reiiderinK the l:^;:tal>li*luiieiit niort KjHiciua* and coiimiodiuuii Uiaii it lia* btcn here- tolbre. 'I’ho proprietor pl dgeii liiinwlf lo u*e'e»cry ef- fort to rrndi r (Hthoih emiitortable, and unreniilti'd exertion* niiule to i;ive entire satinfaetioM to all w ho luuy honor him »ilh their cUHtoiii. 'I'he Ih'hI 'I'AHr.K and hAk winch thi- market in the hack country ran allord, »hall not be wanUug. UKDS and ltKl)l>l.\(; ure interior to none. Att»-nlive am! trusty Ostjprii are employed, and ^talileo abundantly fiirni^hed. CharUtr, A". C. Srpt. 25, IhSO.—Itf >1 IIS. coilK.V I.\Ft)RM.S the public that she has latrlv ri ino. vcd to the new buildini;, ni arlv op|>o«itc' Uuvd'* Hotel, where *hc still continues fior CO.SFKrrjUSAKY SlX)Ri:, ifr. RKI.KJlf_>N"IlV WILLIAM UniUKTT. Llk*i *now that ftilN where waters glide, Farth'* pU oimrca fhd:: away ; They melt in time’s distrtiying tide. And cold are while th' y »tay ; Ihit ^y* that trniii reliKinn floW, I.ike vtars thiit f(ild the ni^ht, AniidHt the durkept gloom of wim-, Shine forth w ith swectebt li4;ht. n. ligion’s ray no olouda olwit urc. But o’er the iliristlttii's soul It shed* a radiance calm and |nir«', 'l'hnu(;h tempests round him roll; llis lirart niny bri'uk ’iieath sorrow’s ^tro!ic, Hut to iti latest thrill. Like dtnmondK shining' when they’re broke, Ueligion lights it still. on a larger scale, and respecttiUly Hulicit* a share ! lU(Uire of his nc KUII5I THE AMtall'AN FARllKll. MF.MoiANDA. J. S. Sldnm-r, I-Jgq.—I jir»|>o.ic nt con- vciiioiit liiiips, niul iit Kuch CDitiid'Tulilo in tervals as shall not sul>j-ct inc to llio inrju- tatioii of ciniiiiiii'; an tiiidiif piulion of yciir columns, to olltT to your rradiT-i (witli your Ht'rmissioii) .some desultory essij s anil I'arts on Hprifultur*-, under tho tith- of the North Carolina Farmer; uiid I iidopt this nuiiie licrauff I know next to n>»tliiiig of tlie ag riculture ol'any other State, e\ci'j)t the con- tiguiHis part of Vir;>iiua, not liir from ihi: bonlers of » hich state my little rarining liu- siiu's.s is cimductt-d—and of Nur(h-('nroliim Itself, iny eviicnenre iind oksorvatioii is lim ited to a very few counties. Thus niueh l»y way «f allay ing ex|iectntion ; yi | I ho|io my {Ki^K'rH will have some value, and tlio’ adaptisl to a (larticiiliir |Miiiit, may, as t!io alinanar mak.(-^^ »iy, “ wrve without sson-i- ble tariation for the counties uiid htutes uil- jacent,” In this sige of improvem'.’tif. every man owes sonu'tliiii^ to the puhlit Mih'U of u»o- lul knowlcdgv. A few, according to tin; doj;i{Crel of l)r. I>onii(>, “are born, iiK-rely to eat up the corn,” and k-iivc; the wi>rld none the U-tter liir tlifir having lived in it. I have Imt my mite to ollJ-r, jet a Ki-nw of public duty itiiiicis me to U stow it. i do now anti then hear tho.m; w ho arc not much troubled witli kiHiuledo>, object to hitok farming, but this is ik.t the era of time, or nund, when such objections n piire much to confute them, learn every thing thinj' frfiiii his own I*istart'spiiininf, first in I’.n^^lund, anil Ui/iiiff, in HK>h ,• t'.itgUJi *iHt thvir cloth to Ihtland to ln‘ iti/fil. ICIei^lric stroke, (at 1^‘vdeii,) I74(i. Firt! i.i);;iiio« inveiitcd, in Kiti.'l. I'ltigravnij; and roilin;; pri;.s.s, MOO. i'anmt in niusir, 102A. fiartlenlit!' i.Vriuliirt l into K/ifitanrlfrcnu Nfthcrlunila, from vhciirc rififtiihlis trcre a furt^ijfiier, whom h» rti^aids as his supe rior, by pliicin;; his right hand on his mouth tr 1 li bieast, and then tnahinp u doc^p bow. \Mt> II yt.ii visit a fiimiiy in Icolaiid, yon iiiU'^t salute tiK'iii accordin'; to thi'ir age, and rank, iM'oinnin^ with tho hiohesf, and (lesrelidiiig nccordin" to ymir bcf.t juilg- mei;t, »o the lowest, not even e.xcepting the servants; but, on;f leave, this order im]K>rti‘il J[yr ijoiuhm tahlrxviililwhen'is ciiUrt\y r-vcr«ed; (he salutation is first wrr%'firisl ciiltiratnl iu Enfrl-.ind, iim.'ikmrl. ! tendi ivd to tlie s‘rvant., then to the chil- (>«*, opricotK, frooMcln-rrii x, cahhiifrfg, sal- 1 dn n, and laM of all, to tliO inistreg.s and ludt and aardi ;i roi>lx. nwts am' ^ iiiusler of th‘ fumily.” in'rotfurcd, Ciirritnt.i c>/'| 'I’l.e leprosy i)r vails in Iceland ; owing to ('urint.Muit hrovfiht frcm ifanir, ■ rancid foisl, witnt of cleanliness, and clothes IHuins, 15U7. ISvaun, ficas, ^kept wet by the iiiiivcT.^al einploymcnt of dj-c. IfiOO. I fi«hing. It is th; most honihle distemper (iauje, lawn niul thr**ad, at Paisley, 17."*0. iin:i:l nt to man. (iazettch, Oxford, ; l.ondon, KiOO. I “In its primary stages, its symptoms (Jilding, 1*27:1. I lire inronsidcniblc, and very ambiguous. CluiM windows, llrst in Knehiisd, 11 *'(>, j A smull reddish .spot, scarcely larger than lirst iHittles made in Kngland, l-'i.j?. I/ook-1 tho point iif a ncedl;*, breaks out at first a- iiig gla‘*»es, l(i7!l. i Uiut the foreliead, nose, coriicr of tho eyes, 'ircimm*r,v»igation by Mngellan, 1 •'>(»!. | and the lip« ; and, in proportion a-s it incica fi'ro/irit first /u'nnlid in /Cnt'laiul, (ircen «i\e, 1777. (Jrc« k, first stii''i'd in Dngland, 1 liU. tJold coined, 107H. (iiin|H>w’der invented by S'hwartz, i:jyo. s,'.“, other piistuI-,.K niako their appearance on tlif* bi-cast, anus, arm-pits, fc, wliich gr r.eniily dry uj) in one place and bn iik out in aniither without pain, fill the disease hascoiisidenibly nd\anced, when they cijv- Harxlkerchiefs first luudo in I'ingland,, cr almost the whole l»»dv, oive (he s!;in a I w" a|)|)earaii.-e. stilii'n it, and teunin- Ila(s invented at I’aris, 1101, first ninde in i'^iir!and, l.'ilO. 08 likewise the western friths, but it U m1- dom that it surrounds the whole island, v “ \Vhilo tKe masses of ice remain in a state of fluctuation, somefitnes at a distance, aud »metime9 nearer the coast, the weath er is very unsettled, and the winds ore cold and damp; btit when they are. driven into the bays, and the salt water freezes around them, the wcpihor becomes more steady; the cold increases; and insalubrious ibgs are carried over the whole island. Tha confloquenccR are, that the winter snows are longer in melting; it is late before the frost leaves the ground; vegetation is moro liackward and scanty ; aiiid tho summer sa .short, that the peasanfs have great difliculty in getting home the siiiall quantity of hay that may have lior n prfMliiccd. Add to this, the d(.‘va.sfations coininitted'by the Green land liears, which arrive in considerable numbers on the lee.” 'I'he innniier of eluding the Polar Bear is curious.« II'! is a very dangerous anima) wbeii his naiitral ferocity is increased by Imiiger; but the Ici-lander almost alwaj** es :i|H « from lii.s pursuit even when unarm ed. As the l>ear comcs near, they throw a iniKeii behind them; (he animal power fully attracted by the smell of perspiration, instantly stops, and will not quit the mitten (ill he has turned it inside out, thumb and of public (•atronage. .\moii;; her assortment of article* are tho-rollowiiijr, and fresh t^upplies will l-e received as •tleii as nccessary, to meet tlie de. Diand* of customers : -1 ffrni'ral assttrtmcut of CANDY ; Ahuoiid.s, Bnizil Nuts, I’ecan Nut», Raisins, I’i^'x, Grapes, Oraiigi's, «V-. •SEGA RS, 4. a rari, ty of CORDIALS; Pilll.AUKIJMII % IIFKR. A.\I> LOKDON Ho-I-rf.Kl) P«)KTKR. »VSTKI«S snd RACKFft.'S. With a vari‘ty of other arti- rjes among wliich arc Childrrn't TOV.S, J(c. Ac MACKKHE!., FIAJI H SALT, rrlatl. life somefimrs in shillin'; scnlf's-, uhich full 'ail. hen he gains upon his victim ano- oiriil-.'* dust, soiiiefiines in iiif'lignanf tmnor-i' (h>'r niitten is thrown him, and so on. lliinpuni! niistd in Enfflnnd, ■ uni\ Fwellinjjs. 'I'lie |>:ifieiit, in the mean-1 •*•*■*** I’*’'*'- 1 tiiin', liilMirs uniler lasiifiide oI’IkkIv, aiucs-1 A story is told of a traveller, who riding /ItrrinfT pirkli/tf; iiiruitrd, I3»7. 'fliisii, mid lowiic.-s of s|iirifs. \\ hen the . over the heights and hollows of this rcmark- Ifo/m first ii.ird tn /■^if'laiiil, l.'i'.’.'i. J'lir- malady l«-conies invi tenite, the brci'lh,' ably uneven Island, one dark night, was at liiinidU fhtiUomd apaiiitt thi.ina* a irii k-'\\Wn\i Ix-foi-e wa.s disjigrceabli-, now gets leiigfli puzzled by a height, which his sa- td wild," uormtcooJ u.nd Inforv in Imr. ; iiitoh iably fi lid ; a siroii; iiiictioii.s n:atler : cacioii.s horse rc'fused to mount. However, Indigo first raiMMl in 'arohna, 17 17. | is |h i«^pirel; the hair, iilreiuiy ' hanged in ! the wiiip compelled him to it; and the gen- Insuranci- on ships, l.'wid, j color, lalls oil'; flic voire grows hoarse and ; tiemnn did i.ot discover his situation, till the Interest mentioned, f.*r the word u- ' nasal; and the fac lx;c')iiies terribly deform-' fore fi et of the animal stuck in a hole, which sur\,l()»'l. ,(1. 'ri„! lot,k is wild and haggard; the , he foiiiid on dismounting, was the chimney Iron first cast in l')iiglaiid, lo l l. pallid reil color of the l>sly is only n-Iieved , of a hon»e ! Iron wire firnt draw 11 111 Knglaiid, l."i(H. bv the iiio't dis^u-tiiig hIV't®. whii Ii, l>e- Jewels first worn, by .Vgiies t^orrel, 14U1. coining ileejH-r, putrid, nnd viruli'iit, niit on-[ Efrcnfriritji.— l never sec an eccentric Knitting btockiiigs indented in S|>ain, ly ullci t the iKiiies and jtiir.fs, but, as they | man—-:-jK:ciulIy if he be a young man— ^ ; spread o\er the f,iiii, deep ri\ines are forni-, »\ilhout sus[>eeting him of a spice of aflec- Knives first made in l.iiglaiid, l"itj:i. >.d, which fjive it an elephantiiv iipfx-ar-1 tatioii. Nature is a whimsical old dame, J.iiM-ii first made in I'n^lniid, I’jr);}. ^ aiiw, whence tbe word elephantuisi-:. 'I'hc ! iiud now and then tiiamifacfures an odd fel- .Vi«gnif\iiig glasses, K. Bami, liiOO. 1 lingers g«'t (|uito stilfaiul cns.Led, and the 1 low, but such works are rare and therefore B them. Oii'.-iiian cannot -Maii^andt Uiirtsfirht tiriRight toKiigland, naiN and other |«uf>. of th" bolv fi.ll off by |'he most likely to Ik> counteH'eitcd. 1 have g, nor indeed inin.h of any :i.y ll.CulumlH.s, degrc»'s. During the ni»li(, the p;iiii ut is | no luiticnco with those young gentlemen, m exjicrieiice. hach must { ^'li'p Ijy Ge». Lilly, harras.sed with terrible dreams, and he is j w ho in company afi(H;t alisence of mind— igbbor, and that ii' ighlxir s *'’^*** | oppn-ssed bv ilay wuli a tedious tiit luiich'i-; w ho, if von ask them a question, sccin so information is the worse for liemg put into print. It thereby liecomcii |>ub!ic stock, a standing record for fre«)u?nt n'fen'iice. Hy tiH aiiH of a lxMk a man tieconies pos- si-.xsed of the e\p«;rieiico of thoinands, and his benefits are th*‘ sauK- as if he had him- Mdf lived and ex|»eiinieiiled to the atfo of \^.1.1. 'in ... A* . r . .Micr»sc'»pe, .Solar, 1. 10. ; ly, in whi«-h he is often tenipt'-(i to niaki- profoundly w rapt in meditation as to be tin- AnjUcM fml made in Enf'land, hif a na- way wiih hims(.'lt'. He gndually surren-j miii'iful of what i.s |iassing arotmd them. hrf tf Intiia, art ioxl at hi.i drath, d'Ts one |Hir( of his Ixsly nfter another to I Vaiiity often makes a man ridiculous, but nnU rtropwt/Aj/^ Ar. ^rrrf/u'/i^, 1.»(»((,//»c , ll.r insatiate mala'Iy ; and at length death, never more so than when he afF.-cts to bo anrt'xtor of thr iirim tU Lord Milton. | tho long wishrd-for deliverur, cotiie.-j sud-: eccentric.—N. 1'. ('onxtiUation. JljierH tirst in Knglaiid, Kil)*'. denlv and |sits an end fo his m;s-erv. | I ai>cr firxt made in I',ni{land. l(i!»0. A« the leprosy is inf'.-ctioiis, ali.i..vt eve-1 I'ittle miiMls endeavor to .support a con- ( harlotte, |)ec. 17, 1m3(». WATt’llKS dt sfC;WKLKV. REMOV IL. WTRCJ'l'TKIl X llr.N’TIXGTOTr on,D infhrm the Piifdir, that they hare remottil tlieir Sho|> to tile houM tbrnicrly ocrujiicd by K. (.'Utrrpir, lUO yards north-east front Itie t ourt-flousc. . They fiave just received some »legant G(K>f)S in their hne, which, with their toriiier Stock, makes their a'sortinent v»ry complete. AUo, WIMTVKV *iicJi 38 cti'craut Eix/uittM^ aud t*lume$^ rrd and white, \.c. .Vc.' All ol* which will bt- sold an low can U purrha»« d in any of the South trn inarV'-l«, for cash only. RKP.\lRfN(i will rccx'ive punctual aU( iiti.m, and the inanufncturing of silver 'I'abli and Tt-a Sf’(X)NS, a„a .NrtrUU arolina tiuld W'»rked into any nrticl. * that may bo ordered. CharlatU, N. C. Def. iM-'iO. POR H.VLK-A very t iHfgn and well approtid I JACK, eight years old, i'roin itlie tx'st stCH'k in the L'nited St.itus , Aiiii iwo J INS KS S, Ixith in foal. 'J'lie price ol the Jack is ^fJO, the Jiimevs *150 each. Any person wishing to purchase, arc rcque.sti'd to iimke application (early; to fol. Maurice Smith, or t.ranville, N. Ca.olina, wfio has the disiKming of said jiroperty, and can shew .Mules got t>y said Jack, four iWt t»-n and eleven inches high, that arc under three years old. ,'twfM iSTATE (tr nortu.c xrounJ, .*tEc’Ku;xni R(; cof.vTv. ftuprrior Court of Laic—t\ill Tfrm, 1^130. Jane H. Whitley ^ Jonathan "r. Wbi.ley. S fjrt|fttti»er» at no distaul tierirtd* •u&rcd fttiv^fioii» of tlwNie thiiigti which girc micji utility aiKl einlioliisliiiient to life in the pre sent a«p, as would iwc-tii only to iiiaJvU it worth |>os5»'sniiig. Air liullooiis,. in>tilted by .’Mvnuolfier, I?":!. Air puiii{Hs, Ifiri l, Algebra, first known in Euro|ie, 1 Kii. .\rganl lamptt, 17p5. Arithmetic introducod into Kun>t«‘ fVom Arabia, l»«l. Arithnietir, decimtil, invented, 1 lOi. Artichoiig uitroduced into Kngland, 14^7. Aaparntpit, 100“*. Auctiui, tho first by Elisha Tato, C.’ov- emor of Fort t«t. George, to sell his if.HHis, 1700. Bank of England, establi.shcd, 1010. Biirk, Jesuits, first u«ed, HioO. i nnrom^ters invented, Iti-Jtl. j Hayotifts, at Hayonne, ItliCt. j /h rrfrxt umd in Enffland, 1 I'.fJ. | Hiaiikets fii-st made in Kngland, KUO. i Hhie, Prussian, discovered, 17tt l. I*nmp», 1 4-jA. Kiee, firM iu SKith-(;aroliim, 1702. .synipti . (.econK- vi'ilJe lM:foix> the jS'isuii I1.1.S jcach- ^ , , ,, . |*'d the yfars of iiiaturitv. In cases of .Sul cloth fi^t ma.k! in Kiiglaml, l50:i. , fection, tixj, it generallv hi Hlieep uciit friHu Kiiglmid to SjKiiu, Ki.'J-l. or f5*ur years ehij>se l,ef;>r 'any TUi,(ions! resf-rvc, is a great crime ^ »Mip first made ui l.nglaiHl, 1 >J1. break Kit in the t-kin. It tiicn procectfs ; person who hfars the image of his sujK-riwrity hy a proud’look and an high sfoniarli. Tho conscquencc, is generally, f!,r,.t. hatred or contcinpt. In fact, this proud. J feet ion, tixj, it generally happens tlial f , Ki.'J-l. or fJiir years ehij>se lK‘fi>re any tu], u , . , - >«'t in the t-kin. It then proccms .• r - - ...lagi-01 mu ^^■aking tnmi)iets invent, d by l\ir her, wilh slow but steady pr igresv, and it is |x;-i.' 'laker, is entitled to our attention, and in- jT' , , c ■ V Cor (lie iierwoi) who is iitHictfd with it, ‘’“‘■benevolrnce. Inferiority is, of it- BjiectacieH, f>y ..piiia, a Monk of IVa, to dnig «Mif a wretchcfloxistcnce to tiie pro-1IxTden, w itlnHit ourendeav- , , Inwteil term of filly or xivtv \ oar®. \'ery a^'i;rnctte it bv ill nature or ^mnmgw’heel at H. ir,;U» ^mpl-aticully h.ive the irHiabiftints ..f the i * ' ^ntei to Qu. en IJizalx.-th, m l.)«tl, ainl nifkaton defoliations, Uie iihiiih of ‘'I'lie ‘ ** o»' Ulu^les, when A- liowcll says, ‘she m.-ver wore cloth hose first U»ni ofDiatli.’ 'I'ho Icelandic ‘ Mk- inquired what he could efTwt by onymof. ^ j Ihra,’is scarcely Ickb sfrikiii». It i)ix>perlv I1**“ Could make 8t»ipMU hteraturc, l.i'JO. ,sioni(i(s a ram'id, putref\ iiig corpse, thnu ““ ‘‘■yv'* ««adi » raw I'^d foe the King s Ix d, 1 ‘.*.31. ' «hi. h there is nothing a i>.Dis..a invetenite-'enamored, and a n.ligious man ' i„.2 te rn I ’>■ IKTlcctlv ‘ ‘ • I re^ M.I.I... >’ •• KKSinnV l OK IlISTFMPFR IN DOGS. TelM« >1« invented by Jansen, l.'i;*0. Tvhacfofmt uxtd in Eitfflaiid, l.'tsjj. Turnjiikes, l(jo;i. Tuiieyii first brought to England, in 1 .-ivy. VincnaiidCaiie.plmitedin .Ma.i. iia, 14;J0. W’e»*er>i, two (roin Kraliant, sOtled at Vork, “which” says King Edward, n-siiib|es. * * * ■ ' I . ^-'fonnt-4iry,yu/y 9, lb30. “ \t first, I conl'ess, I -.Iiu(Ii!Ted at the ^^4- idcu of six iiding ri winter in l'elan(l, but ^^’'eral numbers of the Turf what was niy; when I found the j ^ reci|xjs for curing the dis- teni|>eriitur(- of the alnios]>hen! not only I‘‘‘"'1'^'^• hrivo one, I think the Ifr.ater than that of tUe prec/'ding winter' certain euro i ever trii>d, and 1 have •>nii;, i-riissian, discovered, 17t» l. > ora, •• wuicii says ivm^ l^il«arl. “ mav ■ i> ■ • —' . ^ . 11 ; - H'M,, bv Italian method, lirst in l>rovo «f gn at use to us ai«l our subjects,'” ‘V I'He hvrl ('' 'i'"'''’' no^ r l^s" dlToverl. veilr Entdiind, |."»ti‘(. il.WI. , ' bved m either in lienniark onlor theno fif-' ^ ’ ’* I SwriU'f}, I I —- ■ I‘'tw!‘cnrrr.i' "’•'■■■'■«cfion of of the^^ .V » i" not a r. sident n.adp for Ih’ree .no,"[h “C and Mmers’A. Farmers’; r «nt o ap, at our next Su,H-rior Court, to t held l'>r the county of Mecklenburg, at tl„.. ( ourl-Tlo,^!^ in » liarWtte, on the tith Monday alh r the tlh \ioT^ dy .n Marehne*t, and pl. ad, answer or d. iuur to HUid I ‘•lirmn, or the same will bo tuken pro rt.n- icHho and ht'Hrd I’.t parlc. W itness Sainl. Henderson, t’lork of our cai.i f ourl, at ortice, the t>tli Monday after the flh Mon dy HI N ptember, A. I). H30, and in the 5itli year ol our lrid»‘fH‘ndencr. T C.M.a.C.!.. ■I'nt.T.'-pri^jnlv. m.l 1 siii:niF|.’s’ 1)i:ki)s I^^OR Lan.k sold for Taxe,; for’soM 11 '"a >'» and for r.mds ^ UiU jtficf iixi-onas-for,. IfriadfrM mailt with tjcimt in Eneland, Huckles firhf worn. W halubonc first brcnight to England, 1071. 'V ithin our own temeinbraiice, Steam engine#, Railroad.s, and inventions aiHl 1111- j teen years, and h.-tvi> never lost one yet Uurving 111 W(K*llen, b'gan (ofncounige | pfoveinents, without nniiilx-r, very far e.\ the mauuiactun! in EnRland, l(i7‘*. leecdiiig ’ Co»»ch, Berlin, invented, l.'itiy. Calendar of Pojm! »regory, l.")7!), Calico printing in Flanders, Ki70. first in Enojand, 177v*. Canal, first m England, 1 Kfl, “Nothing .so materially affects (he cli-i"‘‘*' '^i!-|'nificr. As soon as you dis- niate of Ireland as the arri\ul of tlie float- ( '• ^yning on the dog give him one ta- ing ice from liie opp.;; ito coast of t J icon-1salt, and 90 land. (Jenerally towards (ho end of* w in- sucfessioii, and tho ter, and sonieiimes in tlie beginning of Mim-l ‘*'•■''•'‘^0 will be wlioliy removed. The dog mer, it issi'en iiioviii^j towards the const iu ^ pleases, and there is no 1 EI, \M) iiiii.'^^ses.whiel.aivn .timfrequent-1'‘“"J’"''' gttthig Wet; alflKiugh it is \ slinrt . V.o .. 1 « ' *■' and more resent- *“^‘1* "s dry as possibk'; I I'. * "'1 1 " ' ” islands with mountains, c;is||e>-, and | Newfbund- ('andUs little turd *,./,«/, e. . r * T'"."’‘I" 7 ' « "»' iee. 'I'hev ai*c so |!>iiii(er, and I have cured bll mmon 1300 ’ •‘‘'’estuigbook alxiut Iceland, lately piibli.sli- (hick (hat lliey Imve been known fo inna- ”* "itli sJU. If you think it worth* Cannon invente.l i;j.3(» i'‘'I by Perkins and .Marvm, of l!N.ton. U e ground in eighty fl.thoiKs’ water. 'I’heir' 1"“'"'!^y*'"''«!"»•»'« work you may do Cilvrn ami ('auhHowi'ro ' """ l>""' it- ! "ecelerated b\ (he I | remain one of your subscribers, and Enidanil. h„ Coimt ',!. ,rhcn a iiris- I ' "I" '*'* ‘l-f-ir rapidity, I servant. of any former age. JKTIIRO 1H(»\. om r aft! r the battle of Mulplaipirt, I70!». i himiK ■vs IM China ware. Cinnamon, first CKx-k makers, three from Hollii CiMil discoven-il Cards invent! Cloth, troolhn, fin:l madrr.t Kindal, 1 , I'dand. i»n is nearly over, then rack of?; ; w hen clvar, l#oftlc it and win) 'V hen kept a few niontiis it is “'I'•"-‘r |'ri'“lion.-i, and ex- ,i | 1I1 . ; ^Olen cVnr, bottle ii nt^Jwiri) ( txirhm iiMd in Eiif:land, an l'"sed, as lliey ure, to niimorou d.iii;;(!rs U to (he eye ol i^pecfator , -- art nj jHirhumrnt to jircvint mtn ridin' in •'■uni (he operation of |>h\ sieal can-es, tiie\ i'_ that eiin f.os-1 ihrni, an ijfuninatr, 1001. j h\e under tlie praei CofliM! first l»roui;ht 111(0 England hs a , tii' ir cointnon pn. ^ ■ S..„ Mimes. :ev.en.l.l i r. I of |)h\ Meal can-es, they j,to spikling clianipaigne. It can b.' '•lieal mlloence el one of „ ' con.monlv .s', o rat (imf i ,, t it is made. - "I tiie .K-ean tlml, I( i.s bnf little known, but it is nevcrtlie- C,Vcr, (thin rallul lanc,) firH mailt in l j;n. Hresden china inveiit( (!, I7;I*J. Ihameji'i--. fir-t jiolishud. 1 l-'i.