& FARMIBRIS’ JOURNAL. 'Ji I*R1XTEU ANI> IM.IILI.SilKU Ut 1:KY Till n>I>AY. BV NOBI-E & HOI.TO^.«XH 'RMVri I.’, ME.KI-rMirRJ COIJXTV, NORTH-CAROUNA. I WII.I. TEACH TOC TO PIKRCE Till' BOWtI.S OK THE E*RTH AND nRING OUT FROM fllS CAVERNS OP THE MOUNTAIAS, Ml:TA»Jl M'jllCJI Wlli CIVF. STRENC.VH T» OfR ||,\\DS AND SITBjrcT Af.L NATURK TO OUR US£ AND FLCASBttE.—OB. JOHNSON. VOI^ I. TUI; RSI) iY, 1!IAUC’II 31, 1831. NO. 27. ij— (From the Virginian.) TEHMS. MANAUK-MENT OF THE MINERS’ AND FAKMEHS’ JOt’RN AL | Is priuU-iland published cwry Tliursrfay iiiormiij;, I jjcriiis to care. ’'I'U truu, tluit .some R*w »t 7Vo Doi/or* anrf Fi/Vy Cfn/« per annum, if: jK-r.-'on.s attempt to tlieiii, but it lias paid in advance j Threr DuUert a year, if not, Ik.'cii v*;r\ st'ldoill tint 1 have seen otic fill- paid until atkr tlio expirution of cix months. i cd, or jMiriJiimontly stopiK’d iVom wa.sliing. VDVERTISEAIEN'I’H will bv iiiHertc d at Fifty Some [km'soii.s iiiukc u sloiie wall across a cents per square (not exeeedin,^ ‘JO line*,) for tlie [ . wliicll, althougli tli.-y llluy stop soiiie ftfHl in>KTtion. oiul 25 cents lor each Hn-ceedlnff:'^“' '!'> .' H tllPV ail ->M r I'.o -joid puri>«so ; week-or $1 for ti.ree week,, for one s.pmr.— 1 ‘•v''*' jl'** .lams tl.o «alor cut.s . , 1 . .1 I "i!> '‘•‘J t'lirth, and llic nullv comimics to A liberal difcoiint will U'made to those who ‘ , , ’ i i .i ,i , . , „ , wasli, uiitil tlie eariii uocoincs ii-vcl witli tlie adveruso by the yeav. lU On all «dvert,«e,nents ] .j.c .luti.s li.ay stand l.n conununicatcd for publication, the muu! . r o! j V(>ttrs,‘\ ft wl«-ii tllfV are iciliov- insertions mubl be noUd on tlie niar-rin of the j ,.j ,i„. as a fHJi tion manuscript, or they will 1k' eontinuid until a forbid, and chargcd accord injriy ffirAll.communication, to Uie EditorH niuut eoino rtiMotpMtagf, or they may not be attended to. • ft I k GAI.LUNS LIN.SKKD )I L tor s^ale, ^\W%9 by the barrel or (gallon, by March 14. N. n. CARRKX. ovsti:k.s, (The last supply for the Season,) t'ST rcccived at the (irocery and 'onfeclion- ary of W.M. 11 L'N'l'ER Jt CO. ary March 16. 1?31. AS CHEAP AS AM OTHER. Ag liii, I liavo :-4*en stakt’s and waltlino; acr»^ pdiiuii, wiiich are no better, if ar gooil, aj Htoiii*. Hy .'iireaditig rnan'irt and plougliiii*; dec*,) a siiiull ^ully may l>c iiti>|>p;d ; Imt n ;;iilly of Diagilitudc CKIlliOt Im: stop|H)H witiiout biu^li. 'i'lif brush should l»c inrjit', (in fact a small (n*e i. be.t m a lar^o gtilly ;) tlir lap siiotilu be UinDfd upward tiit- ^'iilly, aihi the liiiiLs ttiiich may be cicMutud should U3 cut down. Ail evfrgrt'cii ol' the rt'sinoiis six'cii's is always prefeniblc, as such con tains th! ;;reutest quanfit v of nutritive mat ter, a;id w ill tlie bi‘tter hold tlu; ilnfteil eartii . and iKaliii;; matt'-T ; but it' such cannot lit : had, thf'ii uak or any oilitrr will answer. 1 .Vt'ter, by this aud other means, a gul!_\ ! has been made rich, plouj^h it down, plough I it deep and eulti\ate horixontall}, and it is ! sate ; lor to k'-ep land I’rom waslimg it is I ni.-ce.-sarv, and all that is nc-ees.'-ni>, to IR NTER &. CO. have just reo ivcd » ¥ from Charleston a fresh sujiply of new articles, auiung \vhich arc— CoSts', Sugar, and Tta; French Brandy, Ui»>, Rum, and me ; I^iiidon Porter, in buttles ; Goshen Cheeses first quality; Al!i! CHA.M^A|\/n': an assortment of 1 "W'|Urc.s iuid plou-h d.^-p, Friuch Cordials; Lemon Syrup; Raibins, Fidii. and Almonds; Rid lli rrings; No.2 &. 3 MACKEREL, by tJic bbl. or retaij; RICE, A,*. Ac. *c. N. B. FIAJL'R, put up in whole and half barrcl.s first quality, lor sale. March 'Jth, IMl. _ ItO'rK’K.—I 'VAN'l' to pnrcliast Corn, 1^ !■ odder. Hay, Oats, Sweet Potatooii, 'l urkeys. Onions, Butter, A.C. A.C. J D. Bori>. I Charlotte, Jan. li*, ls3t. 17 | CiriRLOrTE llOi’IJ- MECKLESBLRG COLS'l'Y, A'. C. 6ZOM or THE RISIKa StTM. | j.1>7«4»vd RB?PEX'TFULLY informs his frienik and ' the public that he has opened the abovi HuTEL, tbrmcrly kept by .Mr. R. I. Dinkins w^h by *>nic recriit iwprovruicnta ut rendurcti^ u>m!«trDi(iir. aumioiA'ti'r' now making, which will b»' completed in a Uiort time, thereby rendering the Eitablishiiier.| n^ire so that rains lua) isiiik us llist as they I'.ill. 'I'liu j,'reat inirfl’orlutM; attendiii;; {'ullietl lands are, 1st, they have njt the capacitv of clothing tlit.iiiacives, even when out of i007, one hundred and fiv« men ware set-' ami of our improved coii.stitution of govern- tied at .lame.stown. Helinl the inmitli of Seplenilier, fifty of tho cuitfiuny were bii- rit'3; they were soon redurd to tliirty-eight lior>Kins, determined to aliMidoii u country so unfavorable to huinnii life. Soon, how ever, one hundred and lil’iyiicr.'-ons arrived under faptain Newport, aiil the nuiiibT of j «ill antioipate such a work with great the rehmy wa.*! Ji.MMi rer:ue(>l (■ l\ty |>er-^crcst.—yWo/i CV/iZ/nt/. sons, and were uriually tiiieii o. ,ard his i S({ii:uii'(ni and t«t sail tor Kurland, uhenj tiiy were met by l^ord Delaware, who' persuad(!d them to return. ^ In the year l(i'.il,:.'.‘t». ij.*foti>an €150,. I OOll hail lici'ii ex(H'nd(Hi, atnlliitm! ti.aii (tOOO (XTS uis hud been s iit fnm* l lugland, its! ,H.,.i!alion d.d not cxe.-od jK/raons. | „ 7’//c /V^r/«s.—The li^t eimgrants to' „,er8 Fancy,” “M.diJe Not,” rncnt and riational cliantcter. We are unable to state the precise mag- ntfu.'le of the forthcoinin" work, but have rras(M) to iKslieve iliiit it will Ix? an octavo of >;o(kI nize, and will he out by the first of the coming March. Our literarv' circles •k with great in- —■■e— i/1 a j\nme.—The New York ^!l■rcan(ile Ad^XTtiwr gives the following s^K'cimen of names attached to Ves-iels fro- •ineiiting tliaf port, from NorIli-Can>lina:— “Myslcrious Scotch .Miistcr,'’‘‘Crazy Jane,” ■Miller'H Maid,” “Catch me if jou can,” 'J’he Far- .Serisitive New Kiif;laiMl, uUmt one hmwlr«»«l in num-1 }'innl,” “ I).. It,” “ City of Genoa,” “ Cull,” bcr, nrriv.-d in the f.dl of 1607, aifl «.'ttled | » l»o„pjf’s Clioic**,” “'Siiup U.wn,” “Pan iKrar tli» river ft?a^'aUulo-. .Many, and a-, MatanzJis,” “ |{eit ('ontented,” “ Cruinpel,” niong them the pnm iiHil men, .lici the fol-1 u ^ Fiver,” “ W hat’s that to you,” “ Hi- lowing winter, ami the smrvivorK, in the „|.faN,” “ ilaid Blows,” “ Hon as” “Over spring, returned to Kn-land. l-i IB’iO, oae i ..ves,” “ An-i JJ. nuukum,” and “ l*ol- liundred and twenty men, seeking rt'luge 1 |y ( iVrtni reli:;ions |K'rseeutiou at liwue, Initded ' on the tiWn !*hore of I’lvinmitli. 'I hev de-! i barked on the 11th of Novcu.l^r, and, L««. I ho-« who are liiit aeqiiaiiited with (he Imsiiiessol the Post /ndian AJair.—It is reported, on author ity of a gentleman lately from the southeas tern part of Alabama, saya the Macon Tel egraph, that tlie inhabitants of Pike county, ill that State, dissatisfied at the lengtli of road they have !»ad to wagon their cotton to the Chatahoochee opposite Fort Gaines, detennined to remedy the difficulty by cut ting from the eastern line of their county a road of twenty-fi»c miles, direct through tlm Creek territor)-, to a populous Indian village on the lianks of the Chatahoochee, (thirty-five miles below Columbus) and there lay oira town.—They went to work accor dingly, and had proceedefi with their road to a stout brook within three miles of the Indian village, when their operations wc-re arrested by the Creeks. The cutters went back to Pike county, and, having obtained there an armed fiirce, returned to the Indi an lands, opened the road to the river, and laid off the village into a town. The Indi ans are said to be highly exasperated, in tend to apply to the General (Jovernment for redress, and declare that they will, in the ineanuhile destroy any buildings which the Alabamians may crect on the site of i their village. fore spring, one half of tlieir nurnliCr had , .. . . . . i fallen victim, to .lisi a^. At tU . nil of “ Blark S,dritn a,ul or Life in .tion vsas thn^; 1'/ AV-o Ortean».-\ correspondent at New l..nn. wh. n we state tiuit troin ttu> 1st a „ bill “issued there last •ebi uary to i.is ,i„e, f-rHj.Jonr ihou^nd ^ thrrr hn,,.lre.l^ ,5^,,, lecoiv. d. Of tins „umlx-r, nearly run, , lor While gentleman and hulies tif colour. Admittance, one dollar. The Hall to com- der the auspices of the I'mted States gov -} The shrrw.lre;.-; displayed at the Post- i ocU k.'^uffalo Journal. eminent, and m Its eighth year, eontaim'.l o ,.f New Vork,"in judging oi'the con- a R.,Hui^ . « ,1 i mcm? than IWMtO mhalHtaiits, enjoying ipnts of a lell''r bv insoectiun i»a3Preat ■ ^I"’’ h. alth hUertv aii.l i.le itv V ' tisemenl a jK>etical account of the origin of II. alth, liUcrtj, and ple.itv. ^ ^ ^ S«M. I lamp is kept constantly Uirnmir, and all let-,.... „r«nh.o._ ten years the entin; |M>|>ulat hiindriHl souls.—'I'iiry pers«-u-red, howev er, aiil their deHceiulaiits now glory in the piety, the fortitude, and the putiiutniii ol the “ pdgrimx,*’ Lihiri.i—This colony was esloJJisliea ' (i,pec da\s.—V. Com b\ the friends of African colonization, uii- IhoisMind haie lieeii njceived withni thel.tst Adr. Mh inst. 'I’lie postK'-j'ions of the Colonizatioti cultivation, and tliercfure they wash tliek'.' eohr, now cxicml 1 ter-j not heavy rnough lo be wci^rhcd, are . deejier ate»cr) ram ; -.Jiid, notoiily s>j much "‘•'"‘ly ‘"i'’ hundr»«d and Hlly mile«., »^.,ng ' held up I., it, in order to ascertain, by their ' parcel orieaves.whh the XeVdo" pl7t'vahmt surtace i.s loot as is contained ui 'the gully, j ; i «“'* eoiisidi'rable extent iMtu j transiMirciicy, whellier they c.ntiiiii one or wuh a thorn for a pin and a rose for its hvnd, ’ Uit a turn row must U; had on either .side ; i interior. Liberia is on the coa^tof Af-1 more enclosures, liven letti rs iVom other yd, the deail clay therefnmi is depo.sited 1111 «>ear Ca|K- Mesurado, and the town at' Post-OrtU-es, which have the appearance of belter ground, to its daiirogo; and other •***• ^ *•’^11'“'* 'lonrovia, m honour of b»-ing uiiden;liarged, ai-« here exainincni, iiiisfortiincs of minor coii.'itiration laight ■ .Monroe, the Presiileiii ol the I'mtcd and llie mistake corrected. A striking case I Connell, says, “ this celebrated Irish noMe- be enuiiicrated. Z. I>klji.Mond. !?taUs. Am.CJ-.Utt. ! occurred to us the ( tlM>r day. We receiv- Arc. The is right. O’CiMinell Jnniiufy 1, ls3l. ^ — j ed u letter, which had originally been mark-11^a “nobleman"’—but not one made by • ///.'rft>riV«/.l,tfcc/of-Tlicrcwas,onenight,' ed filly rents, liut hr.d newly I'een rated at kings, lie is one of nature’s iioWeinen” ni'.EO cuK\. displayed a court a mask of particular .s{ik'i- j one dollar. It was quite a small sheet, and, i h.ive b«‘cn in the habit a number of j dor, in which the King hiiuM'H’, ii*ri> . ii. I to all app«-arance, no moro than a double \ cars, (says a writer ill iUi eastern paper,)] acted a [wrf. Six per.soiia^s of the fii^ffiest ■ letter. We handed, it back to tin; clerk, , the King hiin.self l*iog one jf,. mmii, 1 and a» the follow ing as the most graphic:- iipacious and commodious Uian it has been her«- for tliree years, and cstabiishmg the fact in toforo. _ m\ own miuil, that by tins m«,tiiol tiiere The proprietor [iledjfrs himsel) to use every ef. j .j u„,j accumulativt! incre:we for. to render ,H r^ns eomtorlable, and nnrem.ti. d „„,,r„vemeia, I Con.muiiiCiUed the cir- e*i rli«ns niadt to !:ive entire M.tiflaelion 10 .til j ^ ^ 1 > •who may honor him with thiir cuxtom. T:ic n»-*t. ™V offleloctmg the bett lur of two that grown rank, the King hiin.self lieiog one . mmii, 1 and a*ked him if he htul not inadisa mi»take. ^ 9^. >vj for tLc i.i: «.(. . •% in Am ally to impror« to a very coilsiderable in-j disj;uis-d in the character of siivaus or «s-j negative, rfxm opening the letter we cruMe. Allor pursuing the experiment I tyrs. Their dress e«Hisisttfd of caiivitso 1 found it to rint«in pn^«:i»:ely thinc notes, coats, pitched over, to whii h wo«>l or flax ] wliii'h mad*' his estimate correct, was attaclifd in ItM.s,-* llakc-f, to repii-sent the chanuter whicli ihiy had a-vsuined. Tliew wejv to^ctiicr with rhaiiis, \ras qui'e land Tonned a pageant whii !i'eT« iU.‘d ^ener-11« Amirira.— W ■ have wmi the famous Imi;, and I liiviteo him to a thorough I al curiosit). The Duke i.f Orleans u»d { P»-ll cast at the I'oundiy f Mr. .lames P. [Itiintirr oj'lht Constitution. xfTK-vVii.K. ARf !i‘2.— 'Ji/ir hirffcst Bell He made him a suit ino«t magnificent all but— \ country Ed in speaking of Mr. O'- —a free man—a patriot-and will be a Lib erator. W c have heard »f a traveller who put u,>ntn.i iini, bit »tiu tw long lor any room in the house,' was compelled to rai»c a window immediately at tix; foot of his bod, through which he thrust his feet. In the morning, (as the tale goes,) a floi k of tiirkies were found quietly niosting on his legs.— l.ynchbug Rep. A mutch f.ir the above.—A traveller who 'I vULK and UAK which the marki t in tlie buck I tlici 1 “■ i 1 • eonriiry can atford, sliall not b.: wantniif. UKIJ.'. i oxiifriment. W e tfn,k each .Kir field of e-' ihe privill:e of' hi- rank to appn.a.li the ] Allair.', 111 ('li.‘r: v stn;ei. for the ciiiHila of; V’0 size, aiul espe- hi!l, w iicn^it is to l-e su.MMuled anti liM)l>I.Vi are interior to none. Att. niive and trusty f>stlcrb are employed, anil Sla^ll«^ ub.inilaiitly furnish.-.l. t’hiirhitti, .>.t . i>/rf.2j, 1^30.—Itf IvATfiiEs f:wklkv. UK MOV A I.. [ual quality of s.jil, anil ricluie.ss, K mg ! silvans w ith ;i lor. h, in older to discover 1 the City lla!l side b\ side, plaiite.l tln,iii on the same das, I who the maskirs were. Itihappily, their 1 as aecompaniii.ent of our ci!y e|(K.k. It is and tiilud them alike as wo uiiil.l; tho ri:siill | dre.-vt being hi;^ldy mlL'inin;al>le, the whole ' not only tlie largest N'll' ( vcr cast in this was, that ins, r.jin ordinal) !>.‘'’il, [iroduci-.l' group was on firt'in an iii'tant. Link«*d | countr\, hut Inrg'-r than any other which 11. arl) loity iMJsiieN ; wlnl mine, Iroin the , t.iijether in the nmniier (I..A riU'd, there was : has Keen iiscdatany tiim-in Ai.ierica. ’i'tu isdect'(l and iio|iroveu v.-'’.!, gave me about! little ebanc** ofe'M a[>e; yi t the general ctT I sixty bu.^iiels }>;r acre. loftlie |>erisliing gr.nip was to i>uve the King, j j e\en while llie\ themselves wt^re in the ago- i AsjHira:;' !-.—I think an ».rr,r [irevails ] mesof a.Ieath s> jKiiiirul. 'I'h«? IhitcheoB of Wn Ihe nii'tiiiMl ordinariiy a.lopl> d in culti- l>crn, who was s|>eHking wilii the King at I v.iting this fk-lii-ioiis Vfgijtatjif. ’I'iio oh-i the ni'UM.'iit when Ihe acciii.'ut t.K>k place, I |.‘> t M;eiiis to be l.i grow a lotii; blaiii.iicd j i.ad liii; presi'iice of mind and n Holution to 'st./ck; whicli to 1k'vure IS mMtiii» to the > w rap the iinhap|iy monarch iR her mantle, ! su|x;rlicial Ituy. rs—but at tli'-table is lotmd ' and save him Irom a death Which, in his TIHyiTKK A lirNTIX. ro> . . , ,, ,, U'OI I-1) mlormtlie 1‘iiblie, that they Im;. ' lO>‘ts n.U.-t rrmw.t l|]. ir ,'ihoploth. hou»e liirmerly ill.' deep and the growlli Ik' com|)arali\i'i\ o'cnpii'd by fi. (.Uhfj/ie, 100 yards nortli-ea.'t ' slow ; mv rixjts have ImiI a su|Rrlieial co\cr- from the ( our!-11.las,-. ' Uig of earth, ’riieir gnnMli is early and They hsvcjust r. r,,vrd some eU^^rant j j ( ,i„; in llieir Inn , which, n ith th. ir lormi.r .s|oei4. , ' ’ . , , makis Ih. ir as«,rtment very eomplete. Ali«), | «“-'der, siiccu.fiit, w»'l| llavorel, and Ihe Mll.rr AllV C«KM)S, . w hole of it eatable. I cover m% lejs m Fiieh a« f hirant Sirnnlf, t'.pnulttt. nnd f'liimrr,' winter With manure, hilt rake It .jil'and Ibrk r. d and w hit., &c. \ r. MI of «l.ieh w ill b- ^Id | . r.juiid in the ?iprin;r. as low a» ran fn* pure hast (i m any ol Uic S«itH8i. ; ® \ /» i jn ern marW ts, , only. | 'V/- ^ \V Al'l II lilJi’.M |{ I.M* will receive punctiiar "■ 1 ^ '"■.■.■..jiu-i att'iilif.n, unil tin' iiiaruiltii tilling'of Kiher Table I Ill.STUIiU Al. .\i K\J( )lt.\.NIJ.A. nnd Tin Sl‘0(\.>;, «nd .\orlh-Cur..!i'in i.olU 1 A eorr‘S|K»ndenl has sent us several pa- worlo (I into any ..rln les lli it i.ia\ t*e ordered. t 'hnrliillr, iS.t'. IJer. I'-.’IO, c"iit!itioii, however |>uiii'.'ul an.l horrible. a |iublic liousf? in the western part of .Massa chusetts, and ordered hiu sIcih] to lie |Hit in the stable. Feelmg anxiously for the com fort of his four-footed compaiii.m, he after- HWL-r'al iVsVn.'i^^^^^ inquired of the hostler if he had put a half inches-!,eight inside ,n lii.' dear,! "P “ '‘C ‘ '.reefed. “ W by yes,” f..ur feel one inch-^ xlr.'tne height, im lud- said ( urrvcomb, “ I ve ,.tit up oru ce„d of in;r the head, five fret f.Hir inches—and Us him." “One end of him !” exclaimed Ihe traveller, and “ what have you done with the other (7«/, as you call it?’’ “Why, hang me,” said the hostler, “ if I coul.l get tlio whole of him into the stable, so I left the other ((nd out in the orchard.'' .A -V , rni;r:'.plis winch we take plta-nre in com- — I m'lnn ating ti> our :eadi*rs- IJcing domed II' iiorsF. ((he I fi-,,11) uiitiicDiif; soiirc'-s it iiiay Ix! worth on the I roiiH stri.'t, a lew vi'rds i . .. i-.i . . , r.iucConrt.lIouHe inr, A C.;>• " !•> v. ish to |.res«-rve IS atviiii o|M 111(1 tor the rce|it,oti of 'f'rn\( ikrs A [ lii.-torK il lec.ir.is in a small coni|mss, t.i re- »!..ar.ler.s. Tli.' stabl.'s are eU.-n.HU.-. r«.n,y ami ' i|„. dry; )>riiin uid |iriv. iider o( III.’ liC'-t, pltiitilill. ' i- ,• # ai.il s. rveil liy jffHHl hii^'l. r i. Th. hi.ii^e Jiin. ny eoinlortibli! r-x.iiip, -. rv" a (.""xl tabli- .nrid n - fri‘■■biiii ;.ts; an.l the pr>|.rn t>ir mid hi' family will onut notiiiiiU m tliLir ,;oivi r toiiiuk- it ini,-i quiet and ii^r.iabli I'ltf ^ ^WIM. to iV. y. Eci. ,/i>i,riial. On^'in of l/.f Aiiriiiit JJoiriiiion.—The first attempt to pliuit a colmiy in th:; I nil.'d rMalf-• was ii.ifli r the a'l-pi.'os of Sir al- I!. Ii. ItorV'i \\ II.I.i;. t. r l!alei._>li, to wboin t^u. (11 I'.li/.rdieth liail grant.'d a eharter fir that purpose!. The first parly consisting .d'a liiin.lred and ten |H-rsi.n-', landi .1 on the islnnd A' R. an- I'e, 111 I.")'.'). '1 h'-y wert! I'liiiiid by Sir I' i’ran.'is Dr;ike, in ihe lullowiii^ \e;»r, re.lu- '.l to th.’ lowc.-.t stuti! (.1 di'tie-.., ;uiil by 1 back to lai;;- post^orri(■ I: %>'riri:. ijn wilt da. iiimis of Ihe rosl-iii.i .. 'lA reH| .•elinc 111 WH|;iii> r | il l^ketol llii I iiiiiiiMiiiily in p,'i\ - ti r (»enrt and the penc ral in» the same, I aiiTcoriipi lird I.Mivail inyK. II the law in ihat rtw(Mi:t lo linie tin- imnlagr aifr'inr.r; aiid'the present ra'/;r'il ^tlltl ol siiiall . . .1 ■ elL.nge in circulation, iiiakei* it n. f .>.ary lor j re.jiji;..-!, ran to r-i|iiire all sums under one .lollnr to ln' pin>l in ■ I'lt*''- In l.i''7, l{alci|^h sent oit a greater Hixeie. U M. SMITH, j iiuiaii. r of Colonist and when in ITiUO, ^•11 i/is ' 1^1 - I > I w «'•"* ‘ ' “ "ot Slll^l\ Ik S n vc:iii;.*c (if liifin \v;h lo U- ruiiiid/’—IJa- B.IOIt I.anils sold for Taxes; fi.r I.ands u/il 1 k ieh alter cxpfaiiliii;: I! 1(1,1111(1, almndoned K nndcra Writ.jf I'leri I'.ieius; and l(,r l-.niij iIk; i Dterpiis.; m despair. Whether the v.I'l under a V\ ril ol \ enditioni ExiKiiius—(iiriJale \ weioiit |’;11 f.vo tons and s half. Thu C4»>‘t of this immense moimlain of iK'll-n.etnl will probiibly exceed by a (rifle Ihe appropria- tion made for it—namely, I'lf'oen liuii.lrod dollars. It is a 'H-nitiful iikhIcI in ils sym metry, and ils sinHiihne.s.s tliror.gliout giv.'s might ha'.e been a merciful dispi nsation. evidenc.* of ils being a |K'rf. ct ca^t—a rare Aiiiitti. rof the unhappy maskiTs plunged quality by the by in a ImmI. and a creditable himsclfinlo a cist.‘rn of'water, which chan-i one to the skill if the founders. When, eed I.) lie near. TIk? remaining four were ' once fiirly sliui" in the cujiola of the Hall, | •'acob. It would puzzle stuiic •so dreadtiilly burnt that they all die«l hi it will U-c.ime a piM ol.jeet ef [iride to our j P^'/P. ’ learned than the farmer, to or.'.-it ag.iny.— Sir Walter ScoU's Take eiiizens, whose a>lonishnient, v..' iinagin.', 1 of a Cnindf:thcr. will ln' not a litlle^excit.Ml by the lM»)inin;j —j sounil of Its tongue as it tells forth the hours Author of Junius.—Wo lately C'ljiied an . heads, item lidin an laighsh |iu|ier, intimat'.iig 1 J-,Pcnin/T Journal. ^ lliiit lord(.'lialliamwas n.iw KupiKised toljc the anilior of the ccl.hrated letters.,f Jun-' On V.Vdiios/i.a^ ,s-veral jv-rsnns «ho were ms. W e have Iwrsom.' time known the fact, I engag>‘d in «learing awav t!i‘ miid an.l wa- that this siip|>oratioii has I.Jiig siice been ter in I Jm-slre. i, n| w hich Ihi^- is a great anticipated by Dr. Hi njaniin Walerhoose, M"'”''''.' " •"'''‘"''I •'T''’'i , , ..fCambiidge,ttii.llhat he httst.me and a- pnrtie«, aad U.-ing provi.le.l with shovels iP ''C' f>l iiitcrinetit across some pot- gain, expr.^!dthi. opinion explicitly, both l..'gan sh..vrl!mg upon each oilier with ap-1 ["nn, and through a rye field III this country and in Kngland. W q uIso ; paivnliy the mosi . v.piisite satisfir'inn.- ‘i«’ !eeensed had kept o,«n a nar- uiKlerstand that h.'has actually ol this time, 'I’i'e e.,ntosl lasted alioiil lillee,, mimiles, oil th.' eve of piiblicali..n, a volume on the j "h.-n on.' pnrly g.ive way, In'ing ol)!ii;ed so ,-:iib|eci, which has l)i'en shown in inanu-'lo lo li.-m having their ey. s coniplelely script, in pa.>-ts, for several years |»ast, m i pl»xt''f 1 with ihikI hy tiieir more skilful which the n.M tor assiiiiM s tli'is I anta-onisN. The ni)p'’:»rmc.‘ i.f ihe CtiriouK Ortkofrraphy.—A farmer in the country lately made out a hill to a p«,'rso!i wh.) employed him, and whose Christian put live letters together, n.me of which are m the wonl .lacob, an.l make it sound af? well as “ (irkvp," which wr.- the way the farmer s|»elled it. (yj~ Thi-’ is equal to s|)elling (’ofli’c with out any »f i.ie proper letters,—Kaughphy. Scrrqw for the dead.—A rich farmer, w ho hap|K>nod to Ixj a l>achelor, and who also liapjH'n.'.l to die intestate, was carried ri'vv C4irt |)atli for the convenience of his agricultural pursuits. ,\s the funeral pro- cfssi.tn, con.sisting of brothen=, their wives and childp'n, and a few neighbours, ap proached the li«-ld, one of the surviving II HI* l»»l 4» -•.■'li m« rw «SI lu grt 'Ol II 1 - . . • thtit W ill. Pm, Karl of Chathani, wan the ilividuuls may l>e imagined, but cii'inol !«• I brothers cried out to the company— ‘ I'reakdown ihat are rye there, for now bro- thrr Jo is dead,it will fall to 1/.1. [iSetc-Bedfyrd {Alans.) Gaz. onhj iiiaii am-iiig the great men of lliiglaiid : desi-ribe I! 'J'his i.-liglitild exiiibiii.iii col- wh.‘> ri‘uld have” /’(//and vrittrn tin; letters I l'‘eled t.igrtlir r. and highly amused several of .lumu!-. He lias taken up the gn>at que«-, hiiiMln'd sperlalon.—Cuzetle. at till . tllfiec. WAHKA.N rioi-: i>i:i:i>s H'U WALK AI Tlil.' Ol JK.r. murdered, or inc.irporal.'d ■.nth liie ."iiMiges, h:is nev.'r li-'en kii.iwn. I nd.T Ihe a>r pic.'s of an ass.H-,iation to c.iluM/.'! Am.'ri'-,a. on Ihe l^th d > taken up the great que* ti.m (ill entirely new gr.iund,aiid instead of viewing the subject as all others have done, he has, it is thought, established iiis Jiy|Hi- tli.'sis by a patient and lalxirioiis induction. U e unilersland from those who have seen the iiiaiius-ri[il, ihat Ihe work is not confin ed HH rely to that .pie>*tion, which Iws so l.mj/ e.xercised the powers of the lir«it men | nle> maliu'iiat f •ver.': to the ili' casrd state of of the iii;e, Imt as an historical treatise on the blo.ul. lie rec.imniends the use of .sk- remarkahlo events and characters in lM>th /i«c medicine^ ; and says tiiuf yellow fe\er hemispheres, from the year 17ri(i (o 178."), .1ms, in iiLJtaU'jcs, been ciirxl hv this and though bist.uicul, .Iiinius is never en-1 ireatiin nl. Out of one luindred and fir'v tirely out of sight. 'I'he inoralof the whole j cast's of fev.'r'in tlie Trinidad hospitiil. j'riiis is ni.'rely a metaph.uical dtscrip- ti.Ill of a A !'iy common al)air~.t newspamtr figiit Iwtwe.'n [xilitical editors. I IS, 1. (!,r,cUc. Ytllinr Ferer.—A Dr. Stevrnu, in a re- cer'ly piil>!islii .1 tre»lie on f. veis, aitrib- A ft!w years ago a couple went to a coun try church to 'k? married. When, in the course of the marriage service, the minia- ter asked the bridegroom, in the usual form, “ W ilt thou have this woman to lie Ihv wedded wife ?” he coolly answered, “'I'o be sure 1 will—I’m come o’ pur- |)os('.”—Tatlcr. if May, I IS the L'reat priti'.-iplcs of our indejiendency,! tr.d in this wtv, n't otx' p- m-! fi'~! .1-! th Ih Cure for Consumption.—A M r. if I,.iii(l.»n, believes he lijis discovered in I'.tyjfirol'Nitric Acid a certain cure fot I- !eetl!i(|'\''e .li-''-i.l'.