m^TERi^;’ k 'FAHIIBRIS’ journal. ' ' " ! ""-- '- - J—■! 1 . . .' !J-iIU!l‘..g!!U!e L Jgag!g!aPWt"«»g»'i-I* .. U X . . _ | « ■■ n.J —1|——— AND Pi;ilI.lKil|:i> L'VKRY TIILKSDAV, by PJOIfMJ 4k il>l*T^~CHAUI,OTTr>, iNK KLKNRI/RCi COt NTY, NORTH-C.iROLIMA. I WILL TEACH VOU TO PIKRCK TIIH B0WRL8 01 THE EARTH AM) IIRI.%0 OUT KH-Jni TME CAVERN* Of THE VOUNTAINH, JtETALK WIUf.lI WIIL niVE frilKNT.TH m OPR HANDS AND RlBJKCr AU. NATIRK TO OU* UM AKD fUAil'RS.—BR. JOKKMm VOL. I. TERMS. TIIE MINERS’ AND FARMERS* JOI RXAI, Ih printud and publiahrdevery Thursday uioriiiii?, at TV-o Dollar* and fifty Ceiitx per aniinin, it’ paid in advancc; Thrtr Dullurt a. ycur, il’ not paid Until arter tlm expiration of six iiiouiIih. ADVERTISEMEN'rS will bn iiiKcrt •(! af !\fty cpntB ppr Mjuare (notoxccc-din}; 20 linim,' Ibrllic firrt inwrtion, and 'ij cont* for ( urli nuci;f(diiiT week—or for liirer weeks, for one M]iiarc— A librral diHOoimt will be mnilc to tliosc wiio ad\vrtiiu: by the year. O On all advrrtiwiiii'ntK rommunicated br puhlieation, the niiiiiU r of inarrlitjiis mui>t bo noted on the inur);in of llie manuiicript, or they will be continued uiitil forbid, and ciarg«d accordingly. IC/ Ail communicationii to the UditnrH niiiwt coinc frrw of pOKlitff, or ti»ty may not be attended to. THL R8DAY, AI*RIL. 7, 1831. NO. S8. GALI>()NS LINSEKDUIL for nalr, by th« barrel or gallon, by March 11. 25 N. B. CAKREI,. OYSTERS, (The last tupplt/for Ike Seamm,) JL'j^T received at the (Jrocery and C'onfcction- ary of WM. IIL^'I'ER &. X). March 16.1 Ml. AS CHEAP AS ANY OTHER. WM. IIT'NTER & CO. have just reoeived from (,'hajrleftnn a fresh aupply of new artirlog, among which arc— (V>ffcc, Suj^r, and Tea; Freneh Brandy, (Jin, Rum, and Wine; I.«ndoii Furtrr, in bottlei; (•MheSLpitemie, Grct quality; Northern IViat Tobacro. AK CHAMPAIGN WINE; an aMortinrnt of French Cordials; Lemon Hyrm>; ftaiainr, Fir*, end Alnionda; Rel Tferrinjra; No.9 3 .MACKEREL, by ti.c bbl. or reuil; RiCB. iLC. &c. ff. B. f (X>UB, |Nit up in whole and half baj-relt, firM i«alitv, for »&k. - Mtrrhm, 183t; ■ liMTICFW HAW to purcJiaw oru, Faddfr, IIar,Oau, HwL-et PoUtne*, Turkey*, •qMjlfl. Butter, kc. Ac. J. D. ROVD. CUH^tf, Jam. )9,lK3l. |7 IIOL'SE, SK;> 4!MI> ORNAME.NTAL Pttprr-Hanipag, (Hazing and GUding, T^’^.VniAN ii. CAKKEL tenders hiH thankii to his I'nenJii ti>r thr very lilicrul encourage- (From the Utmesec far ner.) j (-.t on(^ to the im|)ioveineiit off heir minds, HORTICULTURAL LXPERl '.iE.NT. and ciiitivution of tlioisc graces which, in a Mcxars. Edifor.t.—I- wish to coiDmuiii-! pvatpr or lesH degree, according to their calc to tiic public, thjwigh vour [i{i|H;r, tbc ] respecfivo station;^ in hfe, will rucoinmend , ^ . . result of an llorficuItiiralo.x|ii:rii.'iitit, which ! thfttn to society. Sucli a woman, although XeeK::r,cf.hi::l:;;"^^^ tti.|stnmybencw foso,neofy^ „ot leaned or accomplished fi)rn.» them and the puhlie, that he Imu connected '‘("'.‘"g “J ‘".v liuitJ according to thi- modern acceptation of the hiiiifrlfin himinoaiiwith hiu l)r>)ilicr.'I'he buiunins Rar'Ien that tho niice hud giri.l^-d two of,tenn, will be found to pos.ocss judgment, in fuluri «iil be carried on by A". U. «( E. Currrt, iny youiig pluui troes, takin;j off a rltig of | ofMid sennf, and a corrcct taste. With re- w lm trn.ler their m rviees in the above br»nchcH of 1,^,.^ „cHr I lie (rfi.uiid dhout f^ior or live in- stKH't to hor dress, its » uiifitno.'^s” will never a «c„,lc.imn of ,,V acquaint, hi m.de an apology for not seeing her si lvc, from their loniro»p!rience in business, that aiice o!)servocl to hio, tliuUlic trees iiught | lricnd«. Mt»r dmno.stic, or other cnfjage- they will b«; able tocive ifeneiul KutinfRetion to ull ] bo saved by splicing ill picccs of Imi'li, .so J (iioiitH, ni!)\' with propriety prevent her thoi.' who may cncoura^n- them. 'I'hey have in i as to connect the rxils with tlie top.. and , from re( eivinc tiieir visits; but if she choc- i f-'r'''"'" I'l ''t« i'-,! r “■"" f n.rtie-, 'I'heir prie. s nre a8 loc a.s any other pro- * priHT.-ded by j busuiess in wliieh she may happen to be iitngfd workmen of (he IJru.sh 'J liey will furniwh |»®cc» ol llli'l*^’ f the Kiiiae > engaged, «bo uiU uevcr bu M'iitaiced of. I’aiuia, Oil, fi, arMt do work ai fc»w as H«y o.n ' tre»>, wjrrospotiding ill lortjjiii the width j I{i»tli at homo and abnxid it will alt'ays be P.H»ii,ly aiford. if i.-.juired to do ao by Ui. ir em- [ (Vom which the iKirk had lx.?n itiiiuved, lictatr;d bv a !»ense. of i>roprietv, nreservintr ploytrs. A« tlif'v liavc dotcriniiicd tolocaU; thciH-».....i k..i w. lit I *k « *i * i- i. x » ‘ Ulve, in Charlotte, they re»pect«ully Kolieit „ | ;»'W ng 't them. I (itlcd the n to the a proper modiuin between (lie extravagati- iiharc of puWio iMtronace. | iKxlies, (which were i.wjuI an mcli and a | cos of |'a»hion, and fh:tt homely plainnes'" S. B. & R, C.\RRf;L. ] halt in diameter,) by rfatteniii'' them, and Jthat usimllv' denotes an ordinary iiiiiid. N. U. All kiiul^i of Job Paiiiliiiff neatly exeen- j euttinn; squan: in at (1«J eixls, so us to make 21 ted, and at hliort notice. C'harlollr, FiU. 15, Ifj.'il. CAKUIACI.J MAKKIt, jJjKtJS leave rfnpoct- ,-JV HOUSE, (til.P«.Krffice) on the CroM ftreot, a tew yard* north-wcitoftheCourt-Houae, in Leitngtixt, S.f. i* affain opened for the reception of TravelU ra &. BuarderR. Tbc stable* arc extennire, roomy and iry ; frain aad provender of tlie beat, planti&l, and acrved by goc^ hoatlera. The houiic han nia- ny eomfurtahlc rooinf, ecnrea a good table and re- frc^mM'Dta i and tlic proprietor and h t«niW TlVclU- Wn.i^iK%Km nuiet and agreeable. ntf B. D. ROUNPAVILI.E. TriTiKM^'E ilo filC MECKLESBIRO COVSTY, A. V. SZOH or THE RISIHO SUH. .1. I>. BOY'I) «E.^PWTKULLY infbrnm hia fVit-niU and the puldie tliat In- liaii opene^l the aho\e IIOTEI.. Uirmerly kept by .Mr. K. I. Dinkins, V hirh by i>ome recent improvements in rendi-red ntore eomfortahU'. C«nsiderable aildttioim arc now making, which will lie e.ompleti'd in a Hlmrt lime. Uiereny rendering the EstabliMhnieiit more •pocioux and commodious tiian it ha» bien here- t«#f»in'. Tlie proprietor pit dge.^ himself to u»c ercry ef- (iirt to render personii eomfortable, and unreiiiitti d exertion* made to give entire sa1i«faetinn to nil who may honor him with their cuntom. The Iiest TABLE and BAR whi. h the market in tlie l«ick CjMintry can afford, shall not be wanting. BEDS and BK.DDlNtJ are inferior to none. .\ttentivc and iruMy tkllrrs are employed, and i^tahlus abiindaiillv fiirniith^l. t harhtlf, N.C'.Srpt.a, 1^30.—Itf WAlX-'ilES «fc JEWKLRY. goMl joints wh(?rt; thebark wa«i sound—tii d Uhein fa.«t with strir^‘;, and bilk'd tlie dirt over tliein. 'I’Im; result wa^, the piece's united at Ixith ends, and the tn'es have con tinued to grow, as. though no accident had .... ,. bflallen them, and now bid fair to iinKluce fully to intorm luK ■ friends and the public at 'fui* the next sf.-ft.son. 1 have since tried | It i.s the difh^reiico iK'tweeii lore ahd pa.s- largc, that his ihc exiierinicfit uptrti an nppic fr‘o with | sion, that this is li.ved that is volatile. They r Catnuge Miimifactory, e(|ual sueeess. .\s sitiiilar accidents hap- j that marry f!.r inonev, cannot have the true TintjryardlTorO^^^^^^^ ’ waives satisfa tio^.of marrlagu, the i^q.Msite means oftheCmrt-Hou«-,u»owincompleteo,.eraJion:|^",‘^ «-econinieiid the procc'-s of Ik'hijj wanlin:. O how Sfirdid man is grown! his Shop* are (ItteH up convenient for the purpose,' »phciiig, as bj il, trees so injured, ma\ b*; Alan, fho noblest creature in the world ! As und hu IS prciHtrvd to executf new work of all de- ^ .s;ivwl. tJ. Cl.vkk. Hcription, to onler, on short notice, and at the mo»t I (Jrctrc, Fib. 1,1 *•.'?!. reuMonubIc prices,—A ith *ofiic'dcj;ree at li-ajit df i bcruty, certain durabilty and despatch. /ir .i /• \ ‘ (From the (lem .'w i nrmer.) Me has in hi* employ good workmen, tn^'thcr j I'HF I’EF William Pt;iu on Never iitarrv hilt for love ; but see that thou lovest wliat is lovely, it' love be not thy chief motive, thou w ilt soon grow wenry of a mar riage state, and wtray from thy promise, to scareh out pleasures in for'oiddtii places. a (Jod on earth, and the image of him that made us; thus to mistake earth for heaven, and worship goM fur (lod. with his own unremitting, asHiduou.^ and iriost strii.-t attention to businewi, lie flatterB himself that he wifi be enabled to render general aatisfaction to all those that may favor him with their patron- age. Orders from a distaoci: will be thanklully raceivcd and promptly es«cutcd. , REPAIRING of every kind done on the short* m( iiotioc, and on tiie most moderate terms. Tho BUxeksmtlhtnf! Itufine»$ is carried r>n by AlfVcd llafncr, on tiie must extcnsivts scale, in all itj various br:ve'ju, and on terms aa Huxieratu ua any .Smitli in tbu place. Dv the public's humble servant, NATHAN BROWN. ^'kariatU, March 1. latl. 10t.S:i ijTATE OF yORTH^VAROLlNA, ' . HRCKLKNBI IUI tOt \TV. Superior Court •/ Law—Fall Ttmu 1^30. Jw»e JJ, Whitley / '•fcr • »Jta.'i.od Juiiathan K.'Whitley. ) fN this caw it appearing to the fatislact'on of iIk' Court, that tlie detendant is luM a rvkident of the State, Uicreforc ordered, that publication be made for tliree months in the Western Csrolinian and iMmers’Ai. F.mners'Journal, lor tlie delcnd- , ant to apiieor at our nexfcSujierior Court, to be held tt>r tho county of .Mecklcnburg, at the Conrt-tlouse ' ill Churlulttt, Oil tlie 6tii .Monday atXer the 4lh .Mon day in .March itcxt, and plead, aiiiw cr or demar, to said Putition, or tlie same will be taken pro con- ft.sHo aMi lu'ard ex parte. Witness, Sami. Henderson, Clerk of oiir^id Court, at otKce, tlie (itli .Monday aiier the 4th .Mon day in iScptuiibiT, D. te3U, and in the 55(h year of our Independence. .'lAML. HENDERSO.V, C. M.S. C. L. 3ml.’»-prie«’ adv. Sl.'i} overllowing, Rii^IOVAI.. TROTTER IHiNTIMiTON WOl.'LI) inform the Public, tliat they hove rrmnvfit their Shop to tlie house formerly occupied by H. 100 yards norlli-eaht from the Viurt-llouse. 'I’liey have jiiat received some elegant (itMIPS in llieir line, whieh, with tliur foriiii.r Slock, makes (heir ai»ortmeiit very eoniplctu. AIm), .mi.lTARV .Siirh ai" elegant Sittirdt, Kpauirit, and I'liimrf, red and white, A e. A c. All of whieh will be ^old as low a» ean Ik: purchased in any of tiic South ern market'*, for crkIi only. WAI'CH REPAIIMNtJ will ree i\e pniietiiiil allention, and the mnniifaetiii ing of silver Tiihli and Ten Sl’OONS, and Norlh-Curolitia tJidd worked into any article* tliat may lie orderi^d. Ciutrlmr, N. C. Dec. 1H30. |»OS r-OFFI( K INO rU’Er OWIN(t to prrseni direelions of the IW-inao- ti'r tienerul, respceting newspa|n'r jioslatre, and Ihi' ( eiieral negli et of the eominnnily in pay mg the Maine, I am eonip'lled to a%ail myself of the law in that r -'|H( t to have the /wstngf in admtire; uni! th pn '«-nt ragued ^tate of small eh.inge in cireulalion, makes it nieessary for me to renuiro nil iiums under one dollar to be paid in W M. SMITH, I'. M. SIIKRirKS DKKDS, STATE OF .\ORTII CAKOLL\A, .Ml,( Kt.KMilKi; COt.>XV. Laac Price, and others, i p.i. f ('aurl nf KquHy, Nv- Thof.. Greer’s heirs, I temUr Sttiion, l'i30. Robert Irwin’s heirs. ' IN this '■a«« it is ordered that poblication bo made six weeks in (he .Miners’ and Farmers' .lijuriial, giving iioticc to James Grocr, .Mcxander (Jrecr, Andrew Herron, Samuel Roach ajid Mary his wile, James .Moore, Robt. Moore, Jolin .Moor:^ William Moore, James .Mooro, jr. Moore, Dickson and Jano his Vitc, John Anderson, Muicrva Andersor., Knbt. Irwin, James Irwin, the heirs at and representatives ot Tliomas Greer 'jm Robert Irwini' \viio are mode parties to this suit, and who reside l>eyond the limits of this State, —that they cornu tiirward and api)(,"ar at our next i (Vmrt of hiipiity, to be W-ld at tJie Court-llousc in Charlotte, on the tith Monday nller tho 1th .Mon day in March, A. D. 1;31, and then and tliere aii- 1 The fullnw ing forcible itjinarks are taken \ fejy years sin: e, u fiirmer removed | fr„m tlie address of .'Mr. M. M. Jackson, at from Uiis ccmnty to i«ie of the uorthsrn | tlie late anniversary of tiro New York Mer- counlies of the state of (Miio; his rcniove | catitiln LihrarV As.sociation was in the winter, and lie took, w ith his other iiicvoahles, a hive of Ix-e*; afiii at ttie end of his journey he locali'l in :mi ■ Id log hou.s(^ and, for tin; wantof abettei | hu e, “ Death It constantly invading (ho ranks of our luerchants, and consigning to the tomb the r^ulent, Ind the honorable, the e.niiehlened and the just. Who arc to fill he [Kit his Kwarm ot bets iuto tiie {'..•iri-t, their places'* Those who are just expan whore they remained till t.priug > ding into in-nli.xid. Those who have not Among the many cares ofa ,iit(.|com|4eted th« ir cferkship. Ves, gentle- tlje wilderness, he tbrgot liis k-t's, aiwl nt;'. I mfn, it will soon devolve I’lwn you. to ful Iccted to place them out of doors, a^ i ' 'e|lili the vsmous ir. cn'inuitted to vour custom; but with the retoru of spnng, nd cJrarge, bj tl.os;,, nfio ha\e f/oue vfore the o{K!ning of tlie wild llower* of the w il- you. It will s>.«.i y~>ur duly, as it ou v~^U> improve the inoral.s—to promote the v»rfue •to proti'ct the right.s—nitd to preserve me oji^ning 01 tne wiiu iiower* oj me wii- you. It will s>.«.i v m." duly, as deniess, they did not forget th;ir duU-.^mt j i,;is Ik^u that oi it uj wlmsc step \ ^r^tlier;d hone^ evo^v, duy ci' ; arr* advancjftg, to optuiig iToWer,'’uiT rl liie niTO was full to improve the moral.s—to promote the v»rl They found ahundeiit fias- sage betwnm the logs of the iouse. VV lien the hive was full, iii.slcad oljau arming and KOing oir, they men-ly rf^nidved a few li^et from the old hive, attached themselves to a log 111 the same ftnjui, and went to work ; others attached themselves \p tlie otitsidt' of the hive, and continued tfteir ojierations in open view in this mannrr lir several years. When the family «aiited honey, they went iuto the room and broke otl’what comb they required without molestation. Having abundent room in tlit gari-et, they never let! it in swarms. It is probably that the room was nearly dark, but of this I am not informed. From this circumstance, the inhabitants, when they build their houses, finish olTa small tight r(x>m, in the garret, ^^ther convenient j«rf of (lie house, e.xclusively fip«li*jd»cta, with tim bers or braces to wliich they enii attach j ous examples! 'flie i'RA:;KUNs,fhc IIf.n- the comb, having a tight door to the r(X)in | rvs, the Sm:RM.%Ns, and the Fui.tons, arc to exclude mice, &.C., and 1 understand j names which will forever brighten history’s they are not molested by tho bee moth or] [»age, and remain tmtil the end of rccordod iniiler. I could much enlarge ujion this j timo^X^tacon lights, to guide the footsteps subject, but time dose not |ieriait, and it is of geniiiB'to iisel\ili*Bss, to greatness, and to quite sutlkieiit for a [iractical man to im-1 fain^'' ?To industry, fu'tntiess and jiersevor- D^UKe theirs ilocs our cooutry owe its • • • the integirfy of our free institutions. Who arc our most eminent merchants? Who are the men that have honoured and elevat ed the cimimercial clranw^ter? They who were oncc obscure and unknown clerks. I 'J’hey whofse ad\ an»’emMt has been effect ed by their own pcrst.'vnrance, by tlieir own imhi.str}-, nt»d by their own irrepressible eiK^rgy. Who are the men throughout the world, the most brilliant in oratory, the most priifouud ui legi.>lation—tlie moM re in iwned in war—and the most celehrjted in lett«.'rs! Men who wore the archilects oftheirownfortuiM.'s. .Menwho.seardor no adverse iiifl'ienres could repress ^ whose resolution no obstacles could enfeeble; whose industry no laliours could overcome. If we looh to our own happ7 country alone, what noble, what animating, what illustri- prove the hint I am, res|K'cfully, yours • I liiilpics, its ii'Lvtitutions and its laws.’’ WOMAN—AT lto.MF„ j Thp rail-wuy and the steam engine ap It is said that the character of a woman ' j>ear destined to produce a groat revolution may be known by the mtoriial nppearancc j in the affairs of the world. What shall we swer. piead or Uinur, otherwise judgiiicnt will be I of her house, and the dress and manners of j s,iy, for instaiico, to the astonishing feat taken pro conitsKO, iVc. By order, I her children. Il the furniture of her ajKirt* j wrought the other day on the- Liverpool D. R. Dt'NLAP, C. .V. K. ments exhibits an air of extravagance and j nnd 'Manchester railroad’ The Maje.stic shtiw, nithcr than comfort, we may iiiler j travelling six times between those two pla- that ^ho is a vain woman;—and that her ces: thus, going over n distanee of HO mind, and her dn;ss, aits equally tantastic.! miles in a day—and conveying backwards If tHe ornaments of her house, however and forwards 142 tons ' 'rin;re aro ten splei^d they may l>e, ar- badly arrangt'd, j such engines employed on the rond. or iiicongtaiously assorted with those that | l?ut a pri>jecf is now conceived of rail- are mean or common, and more esfiecially I waying the Isthmus of Suez., and carry- ifthe dni|)ery of .\rachne is sufiennl to ing over it vessels of the heaues* burden hang through the walls or cornices, it is a , from the .Mediterranean to tho Ued Sea. PROSPKC’TI S. THH rtBI.ICATlo.N OK THE NOUTM-C.vnoMN-V JOl'UNAL, J’lo I Iitiia rl l^ixibut, IS ABorr TO ni; contimei) ky T. I.. IIVI{\KT A \V. F. STRANGE. It i.ex|ieeted the Joiii.vAl. will be made a vehi- i:|i' of iiselnl information of cv-ry deser^)tion, iii- chidmg the |«lilicsof the day, nnd in polities, ad- voeatiyg so far o4 Ihoy are sc|>oratilc, measures not men. Tho JoinNAL has hitherto b'en a wafm sup- “ pnxif strong as holy writ,” that she is j A [wificr to this efK*ct has been read bel'ore Such I the Society of Arts in Loiidon. The ves- delicient lioth in taste and neatness, a woman would as likely as not wear black stockings with a white dress—roses in her ilio JoinNAL lias niiiieri.o oeeu a w arm buii- i .t, . i i e |K,rter of (Jeiieral Jackson’s Admmi.tration, and Iand a cap to sa\e the trouble of It is not tlie iiitenlion of tlio Euitois to depart from I combing her hair. that course. If her childn'n, notwithstanding the fash- CoMiiTioNs—The JouRNAi. will be puhiidied | ion or richne.«s of their clof lies, are dirty or amphibious carriage—and the steam walls wiUi good lyjic on an im)ierial sheet, ai Tnai'-K | can-le.«.s|y dres.sed—if tlicir minds are uii-j her gently, crew, cargo and all, over the sels are to U* jilaced upun the rail-way out of the water by means of Mortm's jHitait .aiKl then lrai)‘!|»>rted to the opposite sea by inf-aiis of locomotive steam engines. Hy ‘jucli slips the ves.sel beccmes a sort of Dhu.aiis |« r annum, jiayablc in advance, or Ko! r Dou.ars uI the end of tlie yar. .Vo subscription will Iw received for a less tune than one year.— •And no siiliscription will Ik: discontinued until all ■irrcaragcs arc paid up, unless at tlie option of the Editors. Advertisumentsinserled for Fi.Ofy Cfnt.iasqnare, , . , J ' for the first, and JWnfy^/itw CVw/s for every buh- H;|0R Lands M.Id lor Taxes; for Lands so d I A undera Wrilof l-ieril'aei^;andlor l.:.nlR a„U Ccmnmnicali.ms nddres.'^od to unl»T & \V rit ol VcinJilitmi l‘yX|H>uap —lor Rale |«;«iiit»r8 oa the business of tlic i Wire iiiUHt Ik- ■ttliistMKn \V AKR AM'KE DEKDS roil s.\i.i; w THIS ori'K i:. post paid, or Ihey will not lie atti'rdid to. 'I'he funner fuhscribers to the Jour.xai, will In- eon.’ideri'd as coiiliiniing iht ir siihscriplions, witli- out a formal notice of their withdrawal. rultivated, and thi'ir manners rude, the mo-' plniiis of Kg>pt to her native clement. It ther will most geiu!rallv prove to be Ijoth ignorant and iiidolentAr wlttoh is worse, wholly indiflerenf to the well-b('iiig of her -liildren. The opposite of all fhest; may Iks ascrilied to the woman whose house is neat in every part, as far aa she is able to is said the dilTiculties of the enterprise are not greater than tho.se w hi-h have l«-eu en countered in the construction of the Man chester and Liverpool Uail Uo;ul—and that the I’acha of Kgypt lia> actually employed an engineer to inspect Morton's Patent Ilornt If our succenors go on the next firty years, and with the same accelerated velocity as we havo dou« for the last fifty years, what prodigies will not be perform- ed by human ingenuity ? If we extend the calculation further onwards, where will be the limit of scicatif;. improvementa T Wo have ftome into the wprld a thousand yeart too soon.—Richmuita Compiler. THE WHALE- The W hale, in attempting toescape, some times exerts prodigious atrength, and in flicts upon Its pur«uera not only danger, but tl*6 loss of •ie« property. In lbl2, a boat’s crew, belonging to the “ Rcaolutioii,” of \\'iiitb5', struck upon a whale on the tiiargin of a floe. I^pported by a second boat, they felt much at their ease, there being sfcarcely an instance in which tho as sistance of a third wa« required io such circumstances. Soon, however, a signal was given for more line, and Mr. Scoresby was pushing with his utmost speed, for otirs> were raised in siguai of the utiuoet distresH. 'I'he boat wm now setn with its bow on a level with the water, while the harpoontr, from the friction of tlie line, was onvelopod in smoke. At length when the relief wa.i within a hundred yards, the crew were seen to throw their iackets upon the nearest ico, aud then leaped into tlie uea ; after which, the boat rose into the air, and making a majestic curve, disappeared beneath tho waters, with all the line attached to it.— ’i'he ciew were saved. A vigorous pursuit was commenced, and the whale being tra ced through narrow and intricate channels, was discovered considerably to the eastward, when three harpoons darted at him. The line of the two other bt>ats was then run out, w.icu by accidental entanglement, it broke, and enabled the ^vhale to carry off in all about four miles of rope, which, with the boat, were valued at £l50. The dar ing fishers again gtvve chase; the whalo wa# sj;en, but missed; a third time it ap peared, and it was reached; two more Imr- poons were struck, and the animal (icing pelt'^ with lances, became entirely ex- h«usi 11 |and ielded to its fate. It had by drawn out 10,440 yards—abHit .SIX nalo.s of line. Unluckily through tho di^ngag. i.ieiit of a liarpoon.a boat and ihiinren lines, nearly two iniliUi m *eieactaiiliwl and never recovered. Edinburgh Cabinet Library. Schohxtic Pedantry.—A correspondent of the Christian Register has sent the edi tor the following story, to illustrate somo mmnrks against pedantry and a u.“clcss use c^f technical terms;— There was a very learned member of an ancient University, who was a liachelor and a miser, in addition to his pedaiitr}'. A.s such, one single chamber formed the w hole of his accoimiiodation ; and he had his coal bin in the window sill, the top of which served him occasionally both for a desk and a table. One day he went to a coal mer chant to order a bag of coals; and when the |xirter had got the bag on his back, he inquired of the learned Doctor where he should go, and how he should disfiose of it. “ Proceed,” said the scholar, “ by rectilin- cat motion along the street, until you come opposite the seminary of learning; there cut the area at right angles; knock at the foras; ascend the gradvs; enter my cuhi- eulum ; and below tho fenestra., vou will jierceive a pir, iuto which you are to evac uate the bag.” “ Dut what is a fenestra, Sir 1” asked tho astonished porter. “ A fenestra ?" replied tho Doctor, “ why, a. fenentra is an orifice, cut out of an edifice, for the purpose of illustration.” The porter turning from th; learned man utterly astonished, said to himself, “ I must ask somebody else, for it .seems the gentle men of the college arc too wise to teach any body th'3 way to their coai-boxes.” Tlie following paragraph from a daily pa[M‘r s|K‘aks volumes on the .subject:—.\s an evidence of the greajhutili^y of the Unit ed States Hank in preserving a healthy cur rency, several brokers of this city have asserted, that if tho Bank wa.s only put down, they could clear ten thousiuid dollars* a yo.-ir by dealing iu depreciated pti))eri Thi4 is an argument which comes home to every man’s door who has any monieil transactions,—and who has not? [P/iifa. L’rc. Po.tt. Valuable Recipe.—When a crack is dis- covered in a stove, through which the fire or smoke penetrates, the aperture may be completely closed in a moment with acom- |K)8ilion consisting of wood ashes and com mon salt, made into a paste with a little water, plastered over the crack. The good effect is equally certain, whether the stove, &:c. be cold or hot. Hinder it w). It matters not whether site Slip. Whatare we ciMning to next! Shall dwells 111 a jmlaeo or ii cottage, order and neatness are conspicuous in every thing n>und her. In the dr*'ss of her children, she unites simplicity w ith taste, and attends we nifitil or raiheay the It^thmiis- of Pnna niju? Moving bodily the wh.ile mas;: oi vessel and cargo from t!i''Mevicun tiiilf tn the l’u«'i!i'-—itiefead \ little wrong done to another, is a great injury done to ourselves. The ssverest pun ishment of an injury, is tho consciousness of having done it; and no m:ui sutlers more than he that i'-' lorned o”“r to the pain of