MlNERlSi’ Si FARMERS’ JOrR?TA£. PR1!VTF.1> AND PHIIUNIIKI) EVKRV W EU.MJSDAY, BY hiOllLE IIOLTO>....rHARUn I f;, Mill KU:>Rl>R« rOI'NTV, NORJ IIH AROMNA. I WILL TEACH VOU TO rifcR(,E TI!K BOWKIJi OF THK EARTH AND miLVI OUT rnoll TIIK fAVEKNS OK TIIK MOIINTAINH, MEIAI.S Wllll 11 V. lu, (;n K STHE.VUTII Tfl mil I1AM»S ANI> »r:iljrx'T ALL NATIIP.K TO OUR USF: ANU rLKASC;RC.^DIL. JOHNSON. VOL. I. \VEf>I\ESI>AY, M W 11, 1831. NO. 33. AGRICULTURAL. (From tlic Southern Agriculturi.t.) Ohtfrvaliont im the Apathy tehieh ptrradrs the com munity nf thf Souihrrn Slatr$, relating to thr im. pTovfjiienl of Agriculliirr. Hy a Ki'htic, Columbia, Janum-y 10, IH31. Dear Sir,—Altlioiigh this is iiddrosst-d to you, it is not inteiuled lor yovr ; J'or it is very evident, that you are sufticicnt- ly alive to tlie necessity of eflorts l)ciiij; made in these southern statcc:, fur the ini- prr)vemeiit of their agriculture, to render such u pa|M'r of unj ust- to t/ov. Its ohjort tM'ing tho l>enefit of South-Curolin.t and nei^hl)oring states, I Ijcjr you will iniK rt it in your extensively circulated perHxhciil, fur the public good, which it may prcHliice, if attended to, and I do not mistake the i;or- r»^etnes8of the views it hi Ids fiirth. Notwithiitanding the vnluahic cominuni- Cations which a few imlividunlH occasiuiiully Fend you for |tublicati(>n, it must b*conl’e'«- ed that we are uiiiverwilly deficient in dw and efficient exertions fur the amelioratnig of Hir eonditiou, by extcrMling knowledge, and alFixing scientific basis to our agricul tural |Kirsuilg. It would seem hy our apa thy, ui this rep|iect, that agriculture wa.>. lo us scarcely even a secondary ciinsider,ition, a pursuit, the ol»jcct8 of which, ignorant men may he allowed to prosecute, as tln*se are Imnnless and cannot aflfH t society ma terially either in good or evil! Indeud, boum; who consider themselveji the lietter cla.s8 of society, appear to act as though the tilhng of the soil was an abject nml nierely me- rhanical calling, nearly uaeless ami only al lowed to exist by sufferance. It might be thought an hividioiia retAltation in me. who lielohg to this tilling cla*i of n»en, to point out the conw-quential airsof the cits, w lieth- er lielonging to the cHmter or the various ftnrjf. U'e might acknowlelge their un- d'Mihted Mip«;riority over us, hy the greater, or indeed, the almost exclusive couuleiuuice they reeive from legislative enactments. Do we not s‘e, in fact, that ninety-nine hundreds of the laws |iassed, are for their b*-n"tit, and that po«ir agriculture is h'li to shift for itself, and never receives the jini- tectingandencouriiging helpofgovVriitnent, no as to enable it to nn et the other proles- 8IOIIH on nn e(|ual lisiting. I must have been nuich mistaken when I selected it is >i piir- wjit enlculaled to pnxluce l>enefits to the ciKintrv. It IS at all times, a hnrd task fur a man lonciiiiowledge his errors, and almost persuaded as i am of mine, in this eaxe, I can senrcely bring mvself to confess it.— Still I allow that e\ery circumstaiK C dem- on>trat > clearly that iny choice was fiMind- eil in error, since the coilecied wislom ol the c«Hintr\ declare i( so hy tlioir al>solute neglet of the one, and its extreme watch fulness over the welfare of the others. In fa t. are then' n»l oxtrnsnc and richly en dowed institutions, with well jiaid jiroli'Nsors, for tiie proiiH’tiiHi of all uv*tul knuvvletlce, in divinity, law, coniiiierce, and nicdi iiie ! S^ur»-lv, if u;;ricu!lure was of any \alue ini this c«>unlr\, us it is in some others, estab lishments fur its promotion uould have been formed, or at le:i.'t, some proli-ssorship at-1 tached lo some of the other institutions, in- j t' iKled to exalt this negle. led object. W hat: are the luuiking iiivtitiitions,tlie oHi-ers, Ihe t;>rlifi i»tion.J. the light houses, and the na- j vv it.self, lull fstnlilishinenls for the prolee- | tinn of commerce ! \\'hal are ull the olli- cers of the judicial ileparlment, with high R'llaries, Init for I he cnmforlabU' sii|)|x>rt ol tho incumU'iits, together with the promo tion of the g«>d they may do, i>errhanee, to such of the comniunity us, iinfortiinal ly for the gn'atest numbers of iheni, lia'edeal- iiigs with them ? It is admilled that despis ed agrieulturi' is not ex luile«l from aehaii e of tho Ik'ik HIs that may accrue from these t«‘v«‘ral favorite esiiihli^hments; hut then* is not one, that I know of, supported b\ pcnernmenl for its encouragement. W r have, it is tnio, some O n agricultural sh i- • tieti throughout the stale ; hut witliout th“ fostering IkuhI of power, without funds, what can they do ! \ el they di) Sonie good, nhout one hiiiulredlh part, probably, of wiial they might d'l. It must 1»>, howe\cr, in- fituatirin on the part ,/i' those |)orsoiiB who Keep them up; for wimt Ims ItfcoiiW of the «’mf‘'d Agru'ultiinil Sitciety of S>iuth-(’aro- lina ? It has died of iiiHiiition, and if the ex- istenc*! of such societien had proniisrd aii\ Hdvantage at all to the community, would it have iK-en sufli-red to perish thus iiiisera- bl>, as it hiis, in the very arms of c>ur as- eemhled wisilom ? Notwiliistandingall thes*> unaiiMweraiile proofs of the worlhh'sstiess of ngriciilliire, my habitual and rustic obstina cy w ill not yield, and it continues refractor) lo the su|M'rior s«‘ns«! iind |H)lished reasoii- of the followers of tho more favored professions. You must not suppose, Mr. Iviittir, from nil 1 have said, that 1 blame these valuiibln citizens here alluded to. No, they take Ct'ne of theiiist'lves and ot' their concerns, and if tl«‘y do not carrj' their views further, F exculpate them of any siii- i-.|iT intentions; and, indeed, it would seem «trange that (XTSons, who from their habits and pui'Hiiils, know little or nothing of the profesKiiin, the neglect of which I deprecat‘, should take a ver) ac.tive jarl in proinotuig tliem, a dozen or so; hut tiinusand.s are wantel, and would uiuloubte(JI_\ grow luxu riantly in most parts of the rioiitln-rii States, and add to its present oruaiiient and fufuie bem-tit. Tha euint iiii>;lit ho said (.f mmv advantage. If l»e has a varic'tv with small are only one remove from pauperism, groan* ears, which lie deems good in other resp«;cts,: ing under the pressure of onerous stale and he [ilants it in the rovis with another kind ecclesiastical taxes, answer the question- willi fii-p'o earrf, litat llowers at the same lime ; and, at the time of tlie tassels apjwar- its interests. 'I'iios*; most to be blamed, assuredly, are the very professors of tho slighted art whose cause 1 would attenijit to advo'ate. They are most uiuioiihtedly tliose whose business ami duty it. is to procure lor thi'ir profession the assistHnce it needs.— U hat is it that keeps them so blind, I w'll not say, to their own inlert^t; Imt, as I do not acknowledge niy.self convinced of tiie contrary, I mutitsay, to the very best inter ests of Iheir 'ouiitry ? flow 1 regret I have , „ . i . . not the skill of tliose iR'longing to that pro-j‘‘onceriis as it filfUM-s ; and ilie in( ii-,ures very much injured bv the coloring matter i timents? It has been by degrees that Fug fev-iion whose chief buriiiiess it is “ to make fJr increasing the populutiun ot a co:!iilrv. other ii.ost valuable objects of ciiitun;; bu'l 1 ing, larefully cuts away the male (hivvers it ia needless to enumerate tin m lure. 1 ; (or lass,-ls) of the larL'e eared kind. By \V hat wouUI be the voice of famishing ar tisans, compelled to contribute to the ag grandisement of imperious lords—what would b! the execrations of the despairing wi/uld not have you think, Mr. i.diior, that 'tiiis ojK-ration, large ears are produced of yeomanry, fleeced of their substance to I would adviH'ate the benenuiu'r (me , l:ns j th(- small eared kind. Thert; are some j pani[>er the pride and vanity of a devouring oi Society !it the exp'nse ol aimilu'r. A kinds »t eirly corn, which, though excel- priest-hooil—what would be the language of Slate, like a t;iniily. c:ui rejrulute its own | lent in ollu r n;s])ei is lor green corn, are j these, if they should dare to utter their sen- where it may Ix; liesiruhle, is sun ly an ot)- f their red cobs, 'i'hls lie iitteiiiptcd to | land and Ireland have been enslaved; but remeily la-it summer hv tninsferring tho I strong as the chain of bondage is, it may jeci ol general iiilerest lor Iliat particular | corn from the roil to tho white coh in the i Ik? broken as by an electric shock. I'hc country. 'I'ho l^'iielits aii-iiirr t,i.m it, as ^same way, and lie tliiiiks with success.— j people of Kngland and Ireland are not suf- also li»r its augmentation of iti livide il hs ; |I»> iiKmted .some of the red cob'I'uskarora,' ticiently abject to be borne down forever well as jMiblic wealth, hy the e\t .I loti and i—wliit h he tliinks tiie best early green j like lieasts of burden, and senilely to ex- improvement of itsa^riculiuie; iho si-i.ur-1 corn, iu the rows with the largest eared I haust their lives, sinews and property, to ity thciehy ohiained of p.ihlif; li“iii;ittlily,: whit;; coil sui-ar corn ho c(.ull find, alxnit ' furnish salaries for kings, princes, ministers, ptcniai as well as iiiliTiiitl, arc sun ly oi>., lialfand halt'. As the tassels of the sugar ! bishops, priests, &c. They will rise in tho jeets ol siieli ptdilic concniiinent, that tin- com i.’iat'.e their ap|)earaiK;o, he carefully j desjieratiou of their remaining vigour, and government alone aii Hiidoinr|,t ti.promnte. jeiit them away, leaving tho whole to lie sup- terrible will be the day of their vengeance. Is it not true, that lor out; that re- j plied l._v the pollen from thi‘ tassels or male , Kings and thrones will be levelled in the inovfs to this Slale tVom abioad, at lea.>^l dowers, of tho red cob Tuskarora. 'J’he | dust, and a haughty and usurping priest- iirty reinoM- from il ! V> liy is it ,>o / l.^ t ^ r suit was, he had the Tuskarora corn on ' hotnl pro.itrated in shame and humility. m(.‘ not Ik: told that tiie ni.iicr lands ^ I the llu: white coh of the su"ar corn, as he de-! [^tew-Heilford (.Wu»».) Oax the w ii|i[iearthe liettercausC.” I miiiht then do what 1 think far ii.ore riglitcoiis, make the lietter really ap[>«’ar .such. It might, perliap.s, Ik: shown with .some ap- l>earan(;e of rexsi^i, that a Country without inlinhilants, whatever Im^ its capabilities, is a very l'i>or >im’, ev»!ii liir the favored pro fessions. 'I'ho Cl nimunity might, perii.-ips, be made awa.-e, that to this neglected agri- eulliire they an? indebted for ever) tiling that renders civilized man rsuiM rior to the ■•■uvage. That not only their fiiod, clothing, Slv. vVc. hut their very exi»ti!iice as a |«!0- pledi'|K'iidalmi>ht solely uiK.ii It. The ' at . ^ city of Charleston ilst-lfniigh* [H-;--ei\c, to " ost altnict. iuir popiilalioii. sired. I Vom his experiment.-! the Kditor its utter astonishment, that w ithout tnecoun-1 hen agrieidtural men an: coiiiliirtahly sit- . conejuui-s, that any variety of corn may at fry back of it, if would Ijc only a miseraiiie jiiated, earr\ing on their o[>Tatioiis with ' pleasure, thus lie Iranslernid to the cob ofj AI.OIEHS. The French have conquered a kingdom village offisliermen, and that as It is, almost I their prop«'r iiulustiy and suitnhle know 1-1 any other variety that llowers at the .same ; Spam, with a.s fine a cliriiate, its sole de{>endai!ce for sujiport and protec-1 edge, they are loo happy t.)w ishloraehange,, time; v.miI thal if a lai'co e irrd land can Ixj the entrance to that land lion, at all timesand under any circum.slance, tlie advantages of which are, at least, doubt- fuund t'lat flowers.«t the pniper time, the \ ‘'j. treasures, the central i^giou i# to agriculture. Anil, pray sir, what do i ful. Our soils are good, so is our climate, j smallest ear'll kind may be made to pm-1 are going on a a you think would be the efject of such a | hir lands are cheap, and easily ohtaincd for j diice larsfo ears hy ihe libove process. }|p ‘'>•1 P'i>ts. They have compelled strange revolution in their knowledge and i tiie .si-ltlenieiit of numerous familie,; why has not e.vtciidcii his exjieriments to d,e *‘‘xts clean their streets, and do not modes of thinking, if it could lie oj»eratcd ? i tiieu go elsew here, to encoieiter, most pn)l»- i iinproyeinent of the coh of field corn; but,: making thwn wash their shirla Do you supjK).se that they would again, in ahly, an unhealthy climate ? Where is the ' lm> no doubt, thal, hy the name proccss, the . “ in time. 1 hey have run up a their cxcluflve wisdom, Rluiioirto the north, I *l’ "ho -ay, “it cannot be] thick c««b of some kinds may Ik- improved. I avenue through Alters, and ven- hardy*T honest cultlvatur» of th« rfotfcoining ht“lp‘l," w hen tno i.-iiiaII»---T r-xrtiion e» pre-'Hiipp>ie tlic'thick cob kind were planted in town* have slain tho from Kiirope to their Iwnintahh .ihorrs^— 1 vent it has never l>een inade heri' is the (he row w ilii some otiier that usually has a inl'ested the streets, and re duced an establishment of dunghills as ven- urope to their Iw/iititahk Would they not rather make grMt exer-j "Wf'’the love of the very soil that; .small cob, and the tas.sels of the latter cut „ , , - fioim to inchice emigration fmm foreign'| witne.-ised their hirth, and the sjiorts of their I olfas above dii-ected, would not the desired have built an laiiiLs toour almost de.serted middle country !'iiifiiiiry ; tle'ir luVe of their chiUlrea and ; variety of corn lie obtained on thesmall cob?, ordering the wealthy . loors M ould they not, instead of going to the ! their posterity, when they .‘^iifli r things to kji. j-iii.i" '■■■j _ib ! put down their names on the Iwx-hst, north, to l>e made diiiies of for their money, i g'> on thus to m lain destruction, without] 'I'WO PICTl IMCS. jsubscril^, as becomes patrons of the come up w ith soi ie of worlhv foreiiTii-! taking one st p to avert the iiii;.f mling ca-j ha'i- ot\en il.iughl that nothing i 1 hey h^ave arranged a circle ot einto fonn eslahh.slimeiits which may here- ilaniity ? Wl. ti.e will youdr;;\\ \our (.ower : ""uld In; m.ire beneficial to the citizens ofj pr'Vate ^).xes in the theatre, to which the after pn>ve n>t ouU sirtiires of profit to j to .suppress iiisurn ctioii at home’.uid oppose | our repuldic. tlian the delineation of our .several Harems have keys, themseUi s iji.lividua’ily, and to liie revenue 1 aggression from abroad, when \on will have j government, its institutions and cx[K:nses, I and whore they listen to Italian songs, learn >f their native State, hut also l>e the ver\ I suHered, bv your own iii'Iol' iar oiiii analh\. coutrasted with some of tiie monarciiies of i I’*'* delightel with the romantic loves ol things, without which tlie govermwiit it- ' the ppirreds of \i.ur labor.« ; h.ivo voiir pro- ihtIv to citizens who arc free, and who in- j miinicates to the Algerine cofTee-hoiises the self, will, in time, \amsh awav. They i fessioii placed (in a footing of trui-k sj cc-; tend to |K>r|>eluate their freedom. j news of a world of which they hitherto would e.stahlish .schools m which' the most lability, h\ placing n on the tiiat leads The limner wlio should altempt lo .sketch j no more than of the news of the dog u,s«'ful art of all, in mv obstinate ojiiniijii,! t'J porfection, and thi'iehy sa\e \ our coun-: the picfirts td whir'.'we have alluded, would i *^tar. Ail is gaiety, gesliculation, and lh«i • an l»e learned as wejl as others. They I try. )r go on as y ii have hitherto done,! roprt'^nl « I’lCsuient of the I’nited States j |'*“rch of^ intellect. It a great three-tailed woiiUl not onh form soci*-ti* s for the pro- »uid vi«ur loss of fu edom au! iudencndti'ce u> u plain dress and of uiiasfiuniing and re- i hashaw feels disposed to exjiress the shght- motioii ofagrr. ulluralkn..wledge, but iiau';is at'hand. publican manners, with a .salary of only j dislike of the new regime, they order them endowed hl.eralK. without winch their ! It is passing strange, that, with inferior I Iwtnly-hve thousjiiid dollars a year; while ‘o b*> sliaved, dispossess him o his tur- exerlions can U-onl\’of .small avail. 'I'hey ineans, pn>cecding fnmi .soii.s and climate.s, his .Majesty would be burdened with the «n, pipe, and .scymetar, and send him to wouhl establish expenmental farms in whicii '>ur Northern iieiglihors an' far excee ding ! trappings of royalty, ;uid dniin from the "i‘-‘ manual exercise under one ol Iheir ■ ■ us in the successful cultivation of those : hard earnings of the poor a salary ofj things for w hich we are si eminently situa- ; hundred tbovmud di Utint! Next in order . led ! 'J’lu'v arc i?iitci ing larifely on the cul- ; would Ih; t xhibiled a V’ice-I’n'sident, with a tun? of the vine and the si'k-worm ; they | motlest salary ot five tlioii.sand dollars jier | \a!uable plants and useful aiiimals mizht l>e ' have extensive llot'ks of sheep; they raise ; anmim; licside whom would stand a I’rince returns from the drill a changed man. im|K.rled from distant countries and iniin'd'a su[x-rabundance of bread, meat, ' Kegent, holding a .siilary of tn-n milUon ' ^^ ofli;nding Mauritanian, is disciplined to our climate. Individuals, who, with the i and muU's, li>r their own use, and with the j^i'C hundred thoiisaiid dolltirs ! The next ; parade has inducted^ Im’sI p,,.v-ili!e intentions, i*;e coni|(elK d to ! siirjilus of them they drain (.iir purses. All ' figure in the gmup would I)c an American ' '’*arch of mind for the ol ih 'se we might raise, at least, as far as our I Secreiary of State, with a salary of .six ! 1**“* ^ays. The French are distilling hran- consumption may render il iH'cessary, and \ lhous;ind" dollars iii.scribed on a tablet in his from sea weed; are teaching buH-.iliM?» cease e\|>«'rimenls for the want of means to prosecute them to succes^f'ul issue, would then'by not only Im- saved from inijiending ruin, but incalc.ulahle advantagi's would U iiisumptK _ . .. ., , _ , .Some of the articles, such as wines,' silks,hand, who would be surioundi'd with three draw their cabriolets, have already form- olive-oil, wM)l, (.Vc. might Ik-, before long,! British S(;crctaries, for lh' Home, Foreign, a suhscription pack of tiger hounds ; and, sej'ured to the community by Ih'; siicc:'s.sful ! niost profitable objects of exports. j and I'f.'.onial departments, w ith each a sa- j t'xcept that they are scorched to a cinder, re.sult if ex|>eriini nts, the failure of which I 'I'liat time is past, w hen we might I’.nve | h'ry of thirty thousand doUars a year ! | more serious evils that they must n’sted .s;itistied with two or three princi''al i Then you would see the .\merican f^cre- "ait a week for the Paris news, and have staple objects of exp(>i-t-'., without aimin''at lary of the 'JVcasurv, with a salary corres- able to prevail on Potier and an increase, eith.r r of them, or of our ix.p- i ponthng to that of the Secretary of State, Mademoiselle Du Fay to join their theatre, iiliitioii. The World is progn'ssing rapidly encirch'd by seven I^onls Commissioiiers of are as happy as sultans, hnglish jMjHr. W e ! ii> industry and Unfiwledge, we must not re- : the British Treasury, drawing from it about | should Ihrn have .•^)iiic right lo cou'jdain, I main behind, and this we shall surely do, wvvnty thouxond dollarn aniiually ! Next ' During the late war with Great Britain, ou very giMKi grounds, that nil the praises ' uu!es.« we make now the most vigomus ef-. \ou would lieliold our Secretary of tho Na-; a dashing U‘IIe who is now a good wile and liestowcd on our iiPval officers, consuii? and 1 forts to n'>ain our pnijwr lank. See how vy, with a compcn.sation equally moderate,, an aflectioiiate mother, found her progres.s ministers lo distant counlrici;. n,-o only half'lH>wer is'u-cumulating in other parts of i encompass, d by the British Admiralty— suddenly arrested as she passed down Court- by an of .slender fortuni', was men'ly i>eca.sion’d h\ the necessity of his allending to the objects of his iumiediale want.s. Such a liiilun: generally deters oth ers from ultempling the same thin. cultivated there,e.xccpi inhot-housi's! I w hile the Southern States are s. ar( ely ever tho't pniductions of the .soil, il in'i'l be planted, I -ill the depai tmentsof the two governments, ‘ an honest 1 ar, with a canvass l*at and bluK m.-.-o.uii. Ill .'i.ios an-s. ill. ii> -»ii iiu. i and carefully and scdulousls .•iillivated, b«'-j a contrast equally striking: and the sum ribbon bearing the name ot the “ I. S. frig- of 111 thedislrilmlion. It has Ik-cii for \ears fore it can |>n..liice a prcfilabh' harvest.— I total woul.l U' li)r'the su|)pi>rt of the Amer- ate Constitution, “[> reconnoit- pastasoun;eofvexalionloreasoniiiilo'meii. We have all the materials fur ils sucoe.ssfur ii-mi government almut two hundred .ind‘'«>d >'cr position. Without tmy apolop- to see such umeasoiiable derelielion of pro- prolu. lion ; Ictus not l!imw them awu\ ; I (hiiiy thousand dollars i>.‘r annum, while land-lublieriy ceremony, tie eucirclea prolu.'l loll ; Ictus not iiirow niem awu\ iiKmly ttiousand dollars i>.‘ —, - ■ • . i j jirieiy. Sevi ral plants, w liicli, hut for this I "u the contnii), let us make uncommon el- that of the British government would fie her waist with his muscular arm, an wad- inliituntion, might at the po sent lime, be in I futs to raise gradually, though energetical-| niore than four tniilions of dollars! extensive and profitable cultivation at the ly, afiihiic which nia\ s rve to | er|H'tiiate ^ alK.ul sixteen times as much c StHilb, ha\e Ineii sulli'red I.) jx risi; in hot-, A^c. at the North. 'I’heveai'e niaiiv plants whi’h migiil prove sources of pros|H>rity lo |K)tterily, and which therelbre ought to Ik? supplied from foi'eign parts at public ex|K>; for they are sUi h (at least some of them) w hich cuniioi lM.‘iielit the in dividual who might ini|>ort them, although they may lieconic indis|icnsuble at a future day; and the exjiense of procuring them can Ih- but comparatively trifling. As one of lht:se, the cork-tn-e may Ik; particiihir- ized, and the want of it, when the vine is extc'nsively cultivatcil here, may lie a se rious obstacle to its further extension. All the Aiwricaii Farmer, has Ih'cu w>veral 1/«t.v answer the question. .\iid it their an- to her, anil now otieii amuses ner trien indi\idiinl may iiniHirl fiir curiosity, or the years in the habit of improving corn bslswer U' not as di.«tinclly her.rtl as the by relating the anecdote, lieiiefit of luH cuuiilry, a smull iiuiiibcr of|crowi/i«' diflcreut varietiej, with decide.l _ lliuiuler of hcpven, let'h" c .■’"'/•'"iv i>, ho Tranncript. ing knee-deep through the water, landed . , exp..‘iided for JfSensitive on the op|)ositc shore.— our appn.ximalioiis to perlection ; a fiihric | salaries in that country, as in this. U gov-' -'1"^ vexed than grateful, our belle curled which will extend, not merely over our-j t,|-,inient Intter administered in Kiiglaiid her pretty lip and said, are an un- selves, but over our latest posterity, an im-] than in the I nited States? Some things pudent fellow,sir. “ Helay tfiat niy dear, perishable ii'tfi.s. lure cousideied gi>nd in pn'portion to the ' said Jtick, “ By the jwwers make all money they cost; but the r.-verse often fast again.” huiting the action to the wonl, nn.vcH IMK- any rate il l‘‘tod her a second time, and re-fordmg is >a.llv Ncriticd III the government'of I':ng- “*« P‘aeed her again where be first lai..l. ■ P. rhaps nothing can l« otll-n'd as a 1“^^, with a good natured lH>tter criterion to the g.KKii.ess or liad- “ An ve love your moorings so well, ness ofanv government mid Its administra- '"'a>‘.v, «'‘oke my bmnaclc but you may lion, fhan'fhe general condition of the 'ay aiK'horiHl there toctermty. pie under such government. W hat char-! The aliove is a “true bill.” The lady aclcr will this te^t give to the poveninient has gmwn wiser and less sensitive since hnpnyrnnrnt of Corn.—Editor of i of I'ngland ' iAtthothrrr milhon.iofjHiu. this lecture upon squeamishness was read B Ann'ricaii l''arnier, has Ih'cu m«veral!/«t.v answer the question. .\iid it'their an- to her, and now often amuses her frienda These are not limes that will allow of n-- mis.sness; fi>r as truly as il is that wo are now too passive and regardless of our i-eal intere.sts, .so truly w ill the din-st calamities await us, if we negl.-ct any longer to rise and lie loing. Bi lieve me, though these are only tho admoiiilions of A Kl STIC.

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