mNERlS’ & FARMERIES’ JOURNAL. FRI>TKI» A1VI> Pl'HLISIlKn K\ KItY \»KI)>KM>AV, IlY NOIIM: .V llARI.OTI i;, >1K( liU:**!!! ll; OHI\TV, ^^>KTII-CAKOLISiA. I WIU. TEACH VOO TO PIKRCC T!1V. BOW Kl.d OK Tilt l:»HTH \M IIKJNCi OIT H;oM TIIK tiVKKNS OK THK. MOIM'AIN:*. MKl \l> «HIUI W 11.1. IlIVK 3' UEMJTH r» Ol/K HANOI AMI fCllJhCT hlA. NATUIIK TO OUR USE ANO PLKASUR*. DR. JOHfl.SON. VOL. I. \vrjK\Fsi>AV, ji;m: k i8:u. NO. :i6. THE MINERS' AND FARMERS’JOI R.VAL If printed and publulird c\tty WediiciM’ay morn ing at Two Mlar$ and Fifiq Cents iwr annum, if paid in advance j Tkn r t)uUar» a year, il' not paid until afU-r Uie expiration of nix inontlis. ADVERTISEMENTS will Ik- instriid at Fifty centD per square (not exceeding’JO lin*-*,) tor the first insertion, and *i5 centu fiir each KUcrtrdinjr week—or 81 for three w«:kK, for oiio Ri|n;ir;'.— A liberal diseount will be made to thoo' whu advertise by the year. I/' (>n all advertisfiiiciiu oomniiiiiicated tor publieation, tlio number of insertion:* must be uoltH] nn the margin of the manuscript, or tliey will bo continued until forbid, and char(;ed accordingly H.T’ All communications to the Editors mtiKt comr free of poitace, or they nm.y not be uttendi^d ti. FOR THE JOl'RNAL. REPORT OF THE SUGAR CIir.rA' TK.M- PERANCE SOC iF/rV. Nearly two years since a few imlividuals in the congregation of Sugar Cret-k, inllu- cnccd by motives of fricndshii) and j;nud will to their lellow-citiw'ns, rosolvri to t'orni a Society for the siipjircssiun of inleinpt r- aoce. Knowing the stn*ngtli of thosi' pn jn'li- ces which plead for habits long estalili^lu'd, and the extent to which a love for anient I'pints pervades the dillerent orders of tin- conunumty, it wa-s fully e.\p«‘clud that the attempt would ine«‘t with the ndicul- of some, the false rcasoiimgof otlier>, and the silent opjiosition of still more. Hut lx-lie\- ing, as they had g(X)d mason to do, that it tln*re who to promote objcrts oppfts«>(l to the vitiated inclinations of men, wait un- til the voice of approbation be In aid from all, that no iK'nevoleut design woultl ever U' accomphshed. they determined to g-) for ward, shielded by ihe consciongness of good intent’ons ami a noble cause. 'I'he constitution adopted requires th(>s«i who sign it toabeilain from distilled spirits, cxcept as a i:?edicme in ca»e of Ixidily in- firmitv, not to allow the use of them m their faiiiili'oi, nor to provide them for the ciitcr- taumient of their friendB, or f«>r (H'rsoiis in their employ ment. At first about 'JO jier- sons sul»s«’nbe«l the Constititiitioii. fciince that tiirie the number has increav d to 73. AiiHHig these we have heard no wlu.s{)er of ^:^lel that the jtfaud tU^' h»vt inkon if in- conmrtent with liberty, or health, or friend ship, the piwecutKHi of lawftil bu8iae«, or the taijoyment of doiiK stic or social h»p- IftheBclf-demal be too great, ouglit not th»»»c who submit to it, be tin; first to complain ? On the contrark’, the>- app»*ar tn rejoice lu finding how ea-sily aiKl satisfacto rily ?hcy can live without harboring and nourisliiog a know n and acknow lodged me. iry to health, happinesfi, or elf-gi.v« nini iit, religion and hie. The evils predict' d l'> the enemies .il thc enterpri.-rf* ha\* not n felt; whil.->t the gofnl eff“cLH aiiticiptrd, if nyt fully secured, have at lea>t Uen luipj i- ly showiu In »*timating the U nefits w hich have rr. wilted to society, it is very diiriciilt to M(H;ak ,witii pnvision. Ohaiiges in the habits and ’mariners of [M'ople, either giXKl or kid, are generally grailu:il in their 0{>trations. and otV*n gain a umtorm hikI growing intliw iicf before they are much obHer^ed. And it ir, not always the events which exnt; the most att ntum or prMluce the most, that poss‘»8 the greatest moral power or lead to the happio^t results. \Ve not Ijeing able to |)oint to any gri^at or glaring arlnevement, (whie.h was never aimed at) the inference Bhotild by no means Ix- drawn, that no qixxl has bc«;n ellixted. One thing is certain; that the immediate and perceptible etK'cts of this Sot iety are considerable. W here its influence is chiefly felt, the desila*iiig «mi- «*s which lejul to mteiiiperaiice ha\o U-en restrained ; the temptations to drunkeiuiess liavc iK'en very much removed; tlie incen tives to sobriety, and order, and Christian virtue have been increased. Neiglilxjrscan now shew to each other the evuiences of hoBpitahtv, and aid cach otiier in tnuisact- ing the ordinary Ixisine.'ss of life, w itliout any thing to do with tiie means of intoxica- tioo, or the marks of degi adat lo/i and vv relf:ii- cdiiess ; and we may add, with as iniieh gixxi livlmgand liarmon\ \ rontentmentasdram- drinkers irdifiarily eitiier ltd or express. ISiit what is coner ived still more iiii|K>r- tant, the remot‘ and im|M-n:eptil)le el;;;els of this asMK:iation may, and we trust will, Jx! much greater. 'I'liis leads to the true design of Tem|)eran e H*»eieties;—not so miirli to correct evils w liir h nln ady exist, as to pr: \ent those winch may oeeiir in fu ture. To relbnii the intemix rate is in most cases, a hojKile-is alfeiriftt ; but to pn;vent Oien from iK'coming mi, is by no means iin- practicablo. Human [Kiwer is not sullicient to dra;^ the drunknrd from the vortex ol ru in, but timely and prudent efiort" may keep Iwck multitudes, who are swiftly approfieh- ing the verge of destnirtion. No truth is o.a))able of more clear demonstration or con firmed by more melancholy expc’rience, than that the habitval mi of ardent f.pirils leads to the formation of these habits ol intoxi cation which destroy thousands and tens ol thousands year after year. And while the ondimimshe*! use of them eontmues, and human nature remains what it is, we can dis*:over nothing whicli will free our eotin- try from the rav:igcs of tliis nioiisler which all giMxl men profi ’^s to ublior. But h t e/i- |'riiis is a (|n*f;iii)n for t»’m|H!riile :uen to an- the pre» rvafion of reason, health, propei- f:re ubMim-ncc only prevail, and the face ol , »wi r. It rests witli tlioiii. 'I'h' y have tlie fy, re|iiitalioii. HIk ity, life and the souls of society would Ikj clianged at once. 'I'he ^ power and the only power so far as liumaii | men, would Ije freed from an intolerable muhiphed and strongtcmplationswhii luiow | means are coiieerned, to put down intern-1 burden, uiid U* felt with rennovaled [tower, crowd til*'(mtlis of the yonnj; would com-| (loram e. 'I'hey can do jii't w liat is iieces- Among other resolutions passed bv tlie parativcly cease. W'hcit! povert), and an- jsary to be done; cleuns* tlieir own hands Society, tliev have adopteil one expressing I guish, and wretchedness, now bi'SKj o\er ^aiid Imuses entircK of the |K,is4Hi, and thus their uhhorrfiice of the praetiee so common I whole families in every village and neigh- , llirow lutcmiM.w-ate men upon their ow n le-; ninong candidates for oHiees, of treating Ik*- I Ixirhood and city, m the h ngtli and hr'adth -iourcos and to act by thenihelw-. I/ t this fore and after elections, as inconsistent with j of the Luid, iiuiustry, economy, fs-ace, lion- j U' done and tlw monster must godown, w itli the spirit of onr fri e institutions, injurious | 01, and joy nn8|HakalJe might rise up as i hid>nrtis struggl*s it may Ix', but with iix'v- i the moral-! of the community, and re- j the memorials of a glorious teformation.— itablocoi lainty. I ntem[x'rance cannot |)'igonnt to the Itelings of decent and sjU.* •Vnd in all this advancement of truth and ^ p.rt ;ts,lf. ’j'nke from it the countcimricc n.en, goixl principles, who would be injured?—| and support which men of soIht liabits give, ’ liOs«; liberty wouhl Ix* iiuailed' wiios«‘ 'direct!) and inrlirectl\, iuid it is dm lined to repataiion tarnished? whose property stjuaii- e\tiiM tiuii. I.» t the iine of di«.tm tmn on-1 1\ U'dr.iwn; let ull e».-u>ii'to inanulactui)'r ordruik or vind ardent spirit> but the droiik- j ards, and how long could they e,\i.;t a foulest, and deadliest enemy of human prin- ^ brotlu ; hMid cany ing on the tralFic ol aUmi. [HJrity. In most of the plans pn'jisttd aisi j mation.' ’ Is it by their lulnir and |sim\it- ■ proM-cuted for the improvemmt of >»«h iet\, 1 anee that the fountains of it are k'-pt How- much money is e\|x‘iided, much toil sus- | mu in tli*'land ! Is it by tiieir liindh that il j llxiract of a letter from a g*'ntleman of tamed and many privatioi's subiiiil'.iMl to. is im|KirtctI and traii'i>ortel and-old in con-iii„| intelligence, near kn«i\. To bless onr coilntry with s-nunara s of junction witli oilier thing- as uii u]Mi|ogv for ! ^ ,|!,., j„>|j.,„tn.r of the l)i- learniiig, to improve it n itii nsul> and ca- ; its eM.-,tcncf and a .s;dv o fmni it'* doiiiiinon ' , t„,|,,,( Soutli-( Urolina I atml and nals and bridges, to defend it with lin t> and , Limit at»\ d- '•-•ni mer haul to tlio-u- c i- ' ,i,/( '„m/l/(riv,d:ited 14lh ,\prd, 1 ^.‘11. arms and vesscl.s tna-ures ni abundance are tomers whoc.m-e f.r nothing .Ue, and wo.ild j Ireely «'\()oiided and the ol \ear:^ he net surrender Ins ki'iiu ■wiiu -iianie dur . t ""r I'r.-nt rout, to markii, ihe cheerfully endured, lint m the miprovt;- and eonfuMon ’ ’i'h n'iiiav i>e e\i»ptl».ns Hiwr,; .uiwill »s ilif dangiTt of itie ! ment w hu h the advancement of toiiijx ranee m p 11 ticiilar a-* t.i th( apjil.cation ol'these m''"*' '' Orlcnm to Uie ,\i would secure, no funds would iio wasted, liot remarks, b';t taking dered ? or whose happiness endangen>d f In (ins mar«.'h of sobriety nothing would l»‘ lo>t l»ut the stn-ng holds of the darkest, and on u'l'.iis! OF rm: sorirTV. l>\\ I'renrdtnt. .1' >.s ^ \ I icf I'ri ni'Unl. U AI.KX tV..SVtVy. ( N» F. M’.Nri'.I.Y, AVr, .SVc’ry. .1 .\. M'NI.FI.V, Treasurer. •i\ \ (u;aiu,i;y, i Al.KX. lJtll!NS(>\, ' yUiKiprrg. .lA'v I’. iir.Mjj-;]{stN, ^ of tl\( ml to iairo|)i‘, our cilir» iji» are , 1 1 11 1 .• 1 t I I 1 - ,1 1 umiiM ll ; lo link 1 III tnr a iiiori-tiiiiiiii'iiii-I tllon^ands and millions saved lor Ix-tter | ur- e;, it 1.-, !» Iievcd I n t will suM.nn tin m.— , jvi-j,uic rf-t ■.ftin- worlil, ai.J..i) m uhi. h ' (h.!M*8—no tolls endured to agirrandiZtf (lie ' Intenijs-rance lKin^. as a l'tird( n iij''>ii liie t! \. !u' of i,i:r pi'xle c will nut 1» »iiak I.) iIm ! lew and degrade the many, but laU.nrs of ■ jx tter pait of tli.' 1 oncniilu!',. .uni -j in:>es 'jHjrtal:-n. an'i .nr nn|»irt. I,,.’ riM-i» il wilh | I .rtir ill! IV. »i! at l’>" i>.;*.'ri-e, 'H.' hive Containing their own reward, ami e|'. j ||.,iu tl„ lu tiie aliment onv*hi( ii it h ed'; forts rr;duundmg to th- freedom and ^Jl'el_\ and ci uM it In lid without rereivm^' ci.;- ot civili/.ed men. .Nothing is m ••di d 01 ' rij|.lii/ii li"in its 1 M'tenee, ih*; e\ d wutild U' can Ix.' desired but the moral etli-ct% ol’ tie' mure I' leriMe. Ilnvv niaiiv faiiiej' wa'te lx>st moral principles. It e> a re;'..riiia;i"ii uw.u llii' lire:ul fn in tliuir own childieoa- to IjC e\[X'eted and secured b\ the firevi-; tie'prit;* of liieir into\i aiion ' Ilow ma;iv leiic! of truth and the |xiwer of virtue. It , iiu-'l'ain'' eomert the hi rd e.mniiys of llieir is in vain, w(; know, to apjieal for aid an.i own vnvi > into the means of t,rm^;’ig lu ne oncourdgeiiient to nu n socontract^'l in their nrulal violenei a*id sham*'and ti n.ptaiion views anl so s»*lfisli in tlieir prineipli..- a« t» j around ilie t tmilv altar ' And th- 1 vtent to be unwilling to .sacrrfice any inelin ition or wlucii tins Miikiai' fund in nion- v and ino- “ I r>- • . h»vtj the iu4Jiy lostituUooji Vihivh. f • utuch tfc^* lr'*‘ _ . d^m our |untry and rai.-e atui di.^uify it- . tlieir eoiintry and ttiechun h sInn ] t- >1 an »v r' fs rrfnt. nfiHnjC inhabitants? Give to them the cmitiollmv; interest aUmt aii'-wenng, is n t wlieihir 1” /, v e: fmd il.r ■.u 1 . . . • > i»u i:«jt !•« Jo |K*wcr, aii(! cvcrv insiuulioii in itu* liMxJrruic u^* ot i.** u imii' ni the ' ^ ^ .nntrv ir. the couatrv would be pn»>trat''d, ai«] ail our . ih-trart ^ Uit wix ther il d.« ' not c::ll uito .,,,, It . 'ii .m ihr at « temples of honor moulder into tii« dust.— !e\i--.tene aoJ kis p in av live o|>eration, a rond will tcmi.mii-. Uj Ok- "t;r*n W( t’arrv (xit Ui«ir principles, and the cloud of tram of .-aa-. > w im ii beguile and d. stfoy ’ «hr r.^tnm. n . incn'-• sur work» c (iothic darkne-ss would swiftly shut out ev- thousand.s wiio might »4h* rwix> b. vir- ery liglit blit that w hu h leads to l»arl)arism, tuou- aixl honorulde uiid iol ineu.i. js if ^ . ,1,^, turnj.ikc* at cind tlie voic.uio of nn-.rile jxiur its seor*'h- j so u tv ' Is n n t a pirt ol f itr'M*i-'n t • t(e>t l'» iiie>i .mJ , mg lava uj)on all tint 1.1 fair, :uid uikjji all prev nt i vi! of t!*«- tir't t., ;giiitu !• . vvlien •> l>"d t > a brar.i li that IS lovelv in the land t»l’(xir cfxle.-ir- v»e h.ive t-ower to d" so Is 1! not an untail- , I , ' , nv. .siurb s Litntiiili.iii ppiiy there are t!n*« vlio 1 mg rnaractcristie o! « hri'tian Unevolence „,i,tvmi.l iiir distres, aiid wn teh'diK, to chci.k h\ oil prudent mean*, th»i vicj ' , alxir not only t> nJhviule wi u lnle»:ro\ tbeir iuhjeets and wa^fe war rtvir*. purmiin: jin ;ty mu« h tlm pnnrnt n>u'.e f( | t t.» remove til-.' iirisiucing wi:h tli*- mtei. ,ls wf the . i./niiumtv ' ili- Sim>-li >aJ, atnl ti-rmnialniR .l the ■ II ' . 4 1 II . t k I I t .1 .North 'nroiiiia ajid i'rnneM«4 ' 11,-. r> and d.--ra.lalion.— And v,,ll n .t tho^- wtio have mihil- d : nrj'.lry ll;!;r (h • .,ia jii iiii)i->iUiil o>ie, what rhaiiii-*! nl tr i i-: A ill 1.-4'* UH i‘ii. ’ i!y, vi ita 1 ur ;i! -Sen, r> l.'ii- t--t Hisrki;, and a'V rd liic ■ r. . r l^nilil.''' I'.! till- ri’i iili'iii of bur ini(>ortji ' I '«• 1 iri ' iHHI's oi.r alli tilina to 1 !»n(l rfini- nmnii 4tiMii Ix liv. >-n n brancli r llic O- lii.» TiWi, anil till- .N Ji”' .'.riiluia lim. A 0111. 111.II' l;s • V .mil "i! I:, ri'and report' d U- |i i« iMiA |.r.i;->nil th rl l> |.‘;j»li’, from all n li.iiiK i.f till'.’/entry in'-rt^^ti.d 111 the con- vei'..!. 1: imiiroM-inml, t|i..'il(l luet t «n the tif'.l AS' irir V u .liir.i-, lo I'f i.n »hi- i;i n«* snh. - I I I 1 ' “ j*' ■ •" •''K" I’Hii i‘f xliiKOf i iMijH ra- interest tor tiie g»xKi of otlicrs, and delight . rahtv tmi, i' kcjit uj>. no man ' >m tell iitr.d ; i„,„. ii ,.trllr^ t.' ei-' ihnt n is . -.M iitial t-> all not in ellorts to »tay the niLseries around he u ^asters uli the iii|ustice aixi lrj>id and n • rn-i(iat ilic Ss..'.'li (.'.ir..iiaa Kjil Koud Cotn ! them. Had all men been of their siamp. ; idlciicss .mU fu!selio.»J and lel itnv v; hu h , I’’oli.sild r- r - '"lat th» [.roix^.td con- whet« wtMild have Ix en our civil lib- rtie> vtand foilii as the loalliaDtin broidof drun e.timiinMion ot me . , I I 1 1 i «u* 1. It . iiiy .(•■Ills fi.'c opinion, that Charle*. and reh-l.HJ3 privileges? Where w.Hil.J kenne,s. J u«i e 1;.. issn- fr«.n wl.n h all our Kur^-ai. mi-j •' V* • J.i.jIiJt' rr Ui«»U , Mei i (Ctrl', from Ihi .Mutiiuiip. line outlet to 1 , , 1 . .. . .1 1 . . .1 »'ii u'(!i u* lu twliijve that lltv/n-ejfiM lK.wcr, and every lx>n€vo.ent institution m the nKxh-rate n>-- ol s[,„,ts is vv„.i,.^ the ^ the couiitrv would be pn»>trat''d, ai«] ail our . ih-trart ^ Uit wix ther il d.« ' not c::ll into .,, ,, It . 'le.m ihr |ii>mt at whth your ■ ' ‘ t;r*i« Went." i;ui k« of intt-rital examiiiatioa*, ! . Ill ' - kept et>»urtjntly 111 1 ery liglit blit that w hu h leads to l»arl)arism, . luou- a(xl honoruNe uIrI lol ineu.i. js dt ^ t„rnjiikci« ami oihrr ruad* iJkiuM rt- ! Jiri-etiiiii, whii'h w ili ulti. , Il of ^oiir Uiiil K lad, aiui i (.ov,er to ,lo so is ir not ;;n unUll- 7-; '■ ' ^ « >“ i n I , I I , I I I tfv- ?5urb 5 II ai>w lo nu‘ouil be I menfs. Rut happily there are t!i.*o v^ ho * ,ng rnaractcristi,- o! • tiriMian Unevolence ii.rou-htV.I.iml.ia, andal.m? | ran feel for the distres, aii,l w n tch .!in, to 1 !ir,.k h\ oil prudent mean*, to*i vicj-- ,hu ■J'*;;pr and Kn»n. , of others, iuxl lalxir not only t i nJl' viule wi u l»,de»:ro\ tbeir iuhjeets and wa^fe war rtvir*. pnrmini: jin;ty much tlm pnnrnt route f( | their sorrows hut t rauv! of tli^ii III .\nd in no cao.T*- whatner is tli ir b>- -pint, utnl are j«>virix-d b\ the pi»*ci o, -.•n-inc R'ldio.Tiial improsTmci.i*. It n Ic-iice im«i nion- ixa-ded than m true religion, Ix* willing to -.urmount obsta- Ik-Ii.-m(, il-' our iivr. thr Krrnrh r>n>ad, can Is that rtf temijeraiK' , ami III none would the ' cles and endure privation- to In nwde in- mail naiitsUr in .Nn'(>r.ri—a v.lUjjr ufmn it» proper eKerf be more ,sjrnm. -trument^ m blessing the,r feUcw men w hen h nU, 1. ^ tlm. KK. mil,, from the SalmU i.ap. I ' . I , • I I.- . I 1 11 1 1 1 » » 1 1 . .1 SK iiii lx.*ti.iii:.> ■■ .tax iiidnohlRli, balth«tpi>iiit iiently and exteiihivoly betx lirial. Il a lor- they ix i-d all then Ix lp r Aixl vvlutt an^ the t. it unly n achrJ by ks ls. Miould your eigii des[x»t were to siaogliter tl.irt_, of for- j tlithcultK s to l»t oVert oiiHt ! 1 hey art* siu'h c.iinioiov, therefore, sji>tintir ihe road u> Saluda j tv thfHisand of wir citi/ns \earlv, what h-> w lil crumble into tin. dust wh never th-' that p"int will In ■ >nn'a d.|>ot fnr th*-(iu|>plv 1 lieart would not lieain with indign.iiion, and | d' t inpt rale men, winch ii .w fo>>li r ; '' *”V eountry^ and vvill wiihm one wh.«- hatHs w.Kild not Ixt nerved for a uni- ardent -pints, ar.- vvadie.l m inn.K . m>.-- ‘sLidTmer eim„.unT- ted aiul determined resistance o» sm h cru- \ud what the privation.- to be s'lhinif.eil t > n,, atnii^hle., the lenmna- el devastatifiii ? Y et intemperance Kw«r«!ps ; Nolinng Ixit those w I.n il spring from the i,nn .'f voir Kail lloail vull he within miles of into an iinlimely grave, year after yrnr, , xkur /yrc of dram-firinki:ig—and tins « n- n iiaviciiij-|,raiuh ol the Ohia” this appalling number, arxl eomiianitivelv tire a'eslinenre w»ll root «.t frt iii the l>o-' In iiHditioii to the above, it may lie im- little eniotirm is felt at tlie awful havoc.— 1 ,-m ni of an\ man. I portant to notice the folhtwiiig cominunica- Were a desolating e|ndcmir to mark it.s fu- j j, jj, ((„, ,|„Hj,;raie use of nrilent spirits' tmn concerning tlio ivivigatioii of the Ten- ry by the death of 80 iminv of our jxjpula-i to brutal mto.\icatian, and al!;nver, from Umi Cincinnati JMiiy tion ill successive years, what eiinsternatioii;,I,p ,.\oer*i(s which ace.,iii)Niiiy it. 'I'he |— would spn'ad throiigbout onr Ixtrders, .tjiiI | ,,f drunkards m the land have. “ l-:ntrrprist.—The a beautiful li|;ht what eflbrts wHild be nmde to stoji its ties- j ^^av. The\ ^vert; not 1 drau«lit i.i*anibo«t, meafcuring UK) fert k*ck and work, and sprt^ads diseas*; and moiiraing u- , jt j.ra(,uHll\. I hey have , ^^y. W. A. RimMy, of that ptaee, la inten- riiong thousands ol the .survivors, and yv* jgoiic into it by the very steps which ihous-j tltsl tona*ifato thoTvAnewcerivrr.from tht'Mu»- some think it strange that attempts .slionld 1 „(• nnxier;ite drinkers aiv now taking' clcSl»olft-i h'n»x^ill«,*diff«neeof.»«0n>ilo8. Ix; made to cher k his |X)iluting and dendlv t„v^ard« it. ami wli.i are still IxjUcving them- eaWUtfld b> carry tnu^ht, is fitted np «ic,..-,j iHir f’oLiiitrv info liio |*a\iiK-nt f»t | wciirily to lh*'iiisr.|v«^n aiul their . will, wp cinulit iK^t, b** ^h(wr’n|(lyi;ro«4ed,and tribute of one niilhoii ol dollars to .some law- I ,.lu|,J|-on^ and to all they hold dear on earth, timd to proilm-e a ni-n ora in the a^^ricultural and less and merciless tyrant, would not the na- j „„iy m' uitirr ahslinrnrt:.— tomim rciai inicre«ts of that cntcrprihing town.” tion U- tlroned of her treasures, and Ix- la- j ,„„y ..(Pai jh.> .h clarati.Mi, but truth j — vi.'ii «f her bhxsj, Ix lort; a tamo submission , „,,t ,l,.stroyed by ihe elaiimr raised a-j Yotrnff Napolron.—Kver since thf nlxli- would M ol In r il»>gradation ' And yet to tlu'! j,.,,,,.,, Take the rutalogue of ; ratnHi and exile of Naixdeon, bis son has ruthless (kiwt ol ardent spirits a tav "t, a,„i u,,t , ontain names of mill-' Ik-cii veget;iting in eivnf^irative ol>sriirity, several millions is directly or indireelly |>.iid .( onco as temperate, ns hononiitle, us at the I'ourt of hiv grandfather, ll>e K!r.|w- every year, anti the hands ol our own citi- j „nd as eonfident of safety, as un_\ vv ho ^ ror of Austria. hon his f.ither wiis driven y.ens ,>trf tched out to •rx.n t the tributt monnj j plead for the nm* of spirits ? it w ill lie info e\ile, lo was but live or years of and confirm the «.v7/r/x/tri/i. i;,(^ t,, hmgh when tliey come within age: for the last sixteen years we have It IS all in vain loe\eijs> ourselves by | the vweep of the devouring vortex. It vmII heard of him Init ix'casionally, and the ac- alleging that the evils of mtem|x ninre are ! Ix! to late to pUwl tor harmless ludnlgenees count.- have lieen of an extremely, vague th«* necessary results of invineil.le eatiMjs,, when their children have eiiKsted for life > ehanet' r. Wo used sonu- tune to hear and cannot be removed. 'I’liey are voliin- mulcr the staiilurd of this enem\ to all tb«t from him by our own travellers, as a pn:tty, tardy pnshiced, and Ix-ar h.wn U|x>n their | is gtxxl. And alter all, what Iwnelits are , rosy eli. uked Ixjy ; of Ute wo have heard ageiits a fearful respoiisihiiilv. It is not, lieriv'fl from the «!«• of s|)irits ? IKx*s if of liiin ns having received a commission m contended that the race of present drunk- I piomdte iii.lustry or eiiciHirage ec.moiny > the iirmy, and the title of Duke of Ueu h- ards will Ix! reformed. l!nt they will sxui ! Ihx>s if pres-rve health or stndt. Tiii! lecenf revolution and suh^e- leave the stage of action ; anl who will take j tic traniuility ' l>»x‘s it add to wealth, >-e- .juciu comiiiotions in I’ranee, have brought their places ' Another hand as far lost as ] cure honor, or enbaiicc s.x-ml enjov ment'! him into still more infen-st, as me w ho m i\, themselves? Should things remain in their IKx-s it uphold civil rights or religions priv- by th- chances and vicissitudes of desliny, former course doubtless it w ill Ix- so—byt i ileges? Ilu« it nny tendency to make men be re ;loreil to tlie I'mpire of his latlier. should the noble etlorts now making in w-! wiser or Iw tier, to prompt to the discharge \ \ 'a lute letter bus been received from e,i^ part of our country only increase as j of any liify, »ir restrain Irom the commis-■ \ lenna, vvhich s|H-uks ot him as haviiii; they have done, t^id with orresp,nihng i sion of any Tiiiie ' W ere the ir«! of them ||.;eii pi t iiirr«Kluced at tin* court of the, it will not l)t‘ so. generation entirelv tiiseaide.l Irom every habitntion, I'liipciorot An iti ui lor thi* fir t time. \\ c cim|>anitively solx;r and of virtuiMi* princi-.not a solitary obligation to moral reel itndi , are incl.ned to dniiU the c.jrn*etness of ploH may lake their pi.icoa to the joy of all I would Ix! impaired 111 the least. t)ntheci.n- tin . no fir le^ r' i;ui is his fust commg to goo'l nion. And why should it not be so? j tiaiy, the :iicrcd motives which plead lor eo";*. .X-'ielms (..»• time held ii comrhission in the army, and l>een old e- nough to figure at court as well as in the camp, we are disposed to believe that he must have I>een before this introduced at the court. Be that as it may, the world is most iiitere.sted to know something of lii» inlierent traits of character,—whether he partakes of the genius of his father. Of this, however, we hare as yet seen nothing authentic. He has been educated |>robably by the Austrian Court, so as to bo used as the circumstances of th' times may r»!miirc for tlie benefit of Austria. He has Ix'en so secluded from the world, as to ren* d>r it diflirult to determine what his real character is. It has been amusing to read the speculations of ditTerent travellers: some have awarded him a great share of genius, v^hilo others have asserted that he posses- s*fs neither talents nor a gool education: the prolwbility is that neither the one or the other class of these itinerans had any means of know ing much about him, and wrote merely for the sake of preparing amusing sketches. Others have suul that it was the [jolicy of Prince Metternieh to k«s‘p him m ignorance of the world, and the world in ignorance of him, with a view to make of him a more pliant instrument for the use of his grandfather. This we appre« bend to Ix; the most probable conjecture.— Should tho French lieconie dissatisfied with Louis I’hilijijx', and drive him from France as llicv have the other Bourbtins, they nii:;ht Ix? dn(xn>ed to rercive back the son of Na- l»oli (iii as Kiiijx-Tor. In such cas‘tiie Ans- trrm tiuvernrneiit would er'deavor to turn tlir* tide in its own favour by assisting to put him on the Fp'nch throne, and thereby ■eciire to it.'eif an iailuence in tin- Freix li affairs. This however, is mere matter «)t’ s|x-( ulation, and must de[X'iid on the irre- sisiil/le oixiratioii of events w hich cannot bt^ foreseen.—lio*ton Caitiiicl. firoton .\tonumi'nt.~^\yc learn from tho New Iond(ji> (ia/ette, that the iiH.>nuiiient, erected under the [Kitroiiage of the State of (’onne« ticut, to the memory of tho brave men wlio were nuis>am*d at Fort (.Jriswold, on the Cth of September, by the RNtAa under Uic coniiuind of Beiie- dict ArnoW, is completwl. It is built of rtxigh gruiiite taken from the spot which has lietin consecrated by iIk* blood of tli«‘se martyrs to freedom. 'I'lie monument, w hicli is ll^|(^;t ill height, is ab(jut 70 nsis fioiu tlie shorA, t>n tlie summit of a hill w hicU rises gradually from the river to tlie height i>f llWfeet above tide wafer. From the top of the mouumetit, sa\s the tiazette, “ IS presrnteil ojh* of the most sublime and extensive prc>spccts that can be imagined.” “ fhi tlie south and west is pic>!K-iited tho Ocean and I»ng Island Soiuid, with its HiiuresaiNl Islaiidis, and mi the north and east the country around. Oii tlie east, south and we«t, there is no intervening land to limit tho sight.” ncrdo/t'.—During the revolutionarv war, eighty old (Jefinan soldiers, who af ter having long servt^ umierdiflnrent mon- archs »f Europe-, had retirfed to America and e»nverted their swords into plough shares, voluntarily t'ormed thenisclv es into a company, and distinguished themselves in various actions on the side of lilx-rtv. Tlie capUin was nearly one hundred yea”^^ old, and had been in the army forty years, and present in neventeen battles. The dniminer was ninety-four; and the young est man in the coqM on tlie verge of seven ty. Instead of a cockade, each man wore a piece of black cra(>e, as a mark of sorrow for being obliged, at ao advanced a period of life, to bear arms: “ But,” said the vet erans, “ we should be deficient in grati- tude, if we did not act in defence of a comi- try which has affordfMl u.s a generous nsy- kim, and prott'ctcd us from tyranny and oppn'ssion.” Such a iDiiid of .s«>ldiers nev er tx.‘fon‘, perhaps, app«?ared in any Ik'lil of battle. A friend of ours at the, on forward ing a package of cuttings, roots, A:c. writes —“ I als* send vmi two varieties of th«‘ White /Wir/7;rrrv, which vou vvill reiiH'iii- bor, are always red when tliey are i^recn /” (iaiCM f Farmer. The Ithaea Joni nal mentions that a com pany of Mormonites, ((lolden Hible l*il- ; griiiis) passed through that place a few days since to their land of Promise, in Ohio. I'riiey nuinl>ered altout a hundred, meu, I women children. j ,\ eaoutchouc (India niblier) tree is men tioned as growing m a garden in Philadel- I pliia. 'I'he Baltimore AmericAn says there j IS also one in the gank'ii of a gentleiiiaii I re.siding in North Charles street, in that city, it somewhat resembles the fig tree. I IIorf~rnidi.'th.—One drachni of the fresh- , -nraped root of this plant, infused with four j ounces of water in a ebiso \cs^'el foi eight I hoors, a!il m.ule into syrup with d'Aible its j vvei;»ht ot sugar, ij an iinpnived recipe for ] removing hoarseness. A teu spoonful of fliis ha'»ofu*n prnv-ni suddenly eflectual.

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