jQRiS’ & FARMEmS’' PRll\rBI> VIMI) PUIILWHKII KvI;RV VVE^^ NOIuiK Ai IIOL%S'..«tlfARWmj^ N6RtH*CAR6UNA^ I wil l. TK\^n voii TO I'lttCK riiK «ow ici.s oy rur. kahtii and imiNo cut nrm riie t avi.uns of thi; moi t.TAl^.^, wiiii ii w iix ti\ k s^iiuiiiTii to oi.-u hanus^nZ^kviuect aiXniliuiui to ouu osj; and njisxat.—on VOIi. I. WEI>NE«l>iiV, Jhm: 15, 18.H. THE •Wnern'^ A‘ PartnrrH"^ Jmtrntnl Is printed and publiiihrd vxcry Wi dneoHty morn- ing at Tm Dollars ami t'ljiy Cfnti per annum, if paid in advaitct; JVirde Dollars i year, if not |mid until aftw the cxpirution of mx nionthfc ADVERTISKMEN'I-S will be inartcd at I'lfty cent* per «quar« (not excetdinj; sJO liiifp,) for tia- firut iDiicrtion, and 25 ccnta for cach biiccii dini; .week—^r 81 tor three weeks, for one nqiiurr.— A liberal discoant will b' niado to tiiosc who advtrtiw by the year. Iki' On all aivtrli«cnn:ntH cvmriiunicated iiir piiblicatinit, tlie number of iiisertioiw iniut be notid on the iiiarfrin of t)i>' inuiiuaeript, or they will be coiitiiia(.d until forbid, and eharged accorditigly Bl' 'AllrmnmunicaiioM to the Editorti muff l ome free of postage, nr tliey may not be attended to. int; it—ntriking bis fi ct against his abdo men, ami bitiug his .sides. I itnrnediiitcly adininislncd my rniiirdy ; cxccjjting the 'il, which could not Im; procured. I shortly alter turned Imn to |>ii.'i!urn, where lie .soon exported to tlie latter, wliere it destroyed i Itvonuparte.—'I'he first authentic traces 60,000 pi-r.sons. Many expired ten miu-.of Huonapurte’s pohticul doctriiie.sare tobe utes after tlie ai’cessioii. Heu;e i* «!\t.;iidod * tiaiiid in u pan.phlet published by him in to many parts of the l*er>4iWi Gulf—to I’>ah-; ItUO, when he was twenty one years of rein, Bu.sh.-er and Ikiridora, at whicii lutter ;ago. It is a letter to one of his country- l>o;;an to eat, and tiie next inornitig was well j place 1 -1,000 per.'^ons died in a UjnniL'lit. ] men, a deputy from the noblesse of (’orsica CHotij^h to pur.-iiie his journey, withf ut any From the Persian Ciulf the C’holen; e.vfend- i to tii(5 con.stiiue.i/. assembly, the conduct of si;;ns of I'neasiiiess, except w lien his sides ! cd tnldiid 1.1 two directions, foil nvin;; the wliieh he hlunios. The lollow inj; is a re- werc lou iieil, wlncli liisti'd bat a few hours.' ' llor.-ies may, by altenlioii, U* pre.-ierved at all litiKM from a virulent attack by hols. A table 8[MHiiifiil of iiicKoiy ashes, with a handful oi’salt, mixed with their meal tw ice 0.\ IMJI-S IN ilOKs-liS. J. S. SkJNNKR, Lf(J. ' »V(>,—Having seen in the I'arnicr various roripM for the cure of bots ui horscH, njne of which have given f>ew?ral satislaction, if we may judge from the inquiries which are Ntill made fur remedies, 1 .-^.'iid you one, «n which i have pructise*! for more than lialf a century with invariable .s'iccess. I rc!eiTed it from a (lerman veterinarian, who came to this country with the Haron ytculK'n, and was attached, as farrier, to the general stati'of the main army, in the years 177''and y. Ho may l>e remember- , . . , , td U SOUK? of the military gentlenion ^f ishould the sunptoni continue that day, under the .iiKUiried a^Hdlation of i'*'*: J'unt &ixe, a nom di guerri', given him b\ line of commercial iiitcrcourv. On the! tiiurkable passage. “ .M. Paoii fancied one iiand, it a.s».ended tho I’.ujitirates, tra- liiuiwilfa Solon, but he badly copied his versing Me»o|M>tuniia itito tuna, and th:-■ oriijinal. He placed every thing in the 1 igris, from Iixssora to liagdad. (Jn the hands of (he peo['!e nnd their ropresenta- othtT, it made its way into I’fisia. In tivcs, so that there was no exi.sting bufr hy a week, will a.'iljrd perfect security. Whe-j !rii>ir;.z, of which the j)opuUition wu.s 40.- plca-Jiig tli!m. Strange error! which sub- ther its o|M-raiioii is projdiylactic or reme-1000, there died 10,t>00 in theftrbt llw days, mit' to a brute, to a mercenary, the man dial ijof lesi con~.equeiice than to Iw a.scer- j Ispahan escaped incoiisequfiicu of the cara- wiio by his education, tiie lustre of his birth, taine«l of the fat;t, liir which 1 do rut hesi- vans being |)rohibiled froui eaterifig that his fortune, is aluiio made to govern! ^n tate to vouch. Sliouhl il, however, be the I city. l>uring .sc'veral suocvssive y;ar>., the ! the end so pa!j)ahlc a jK-rversiop of raasoi^ latter, aiid that the ashes and salt dc.stioj j contagion invaded new C'.ia^^ie^', or r up- cuuuot fail to causo tho ruin and the djss^ the eruca! in their inf ioient ot.ite, it may be , ptMrol in tho^e which ic. li»i 1 picvtoiish Iuti )n of the Ixxly iK>litir, al'tcr having tor- Advertising —T ses which can justify a ing to the low and vortising hw terly destitute licacy, woul* necessity; an out of ten, tlic' inong the meanest mankind- Is it should hesitate to left^« of a wretch who earnings at the grog s!^ prive* h«r of both ? Am heart broken sufferer mi degrading announcejment i to the public, “ DOt to barbqr on account ot'hor b himself Ims ik> niot^j tlian the wine h« The Savannah Georgiarf'^ves an ,ac* count of certain experiments made in tho scourged. Mosul, I5 ri, Aeiii.ih, and A- Mented it with i very kiiwl ofevils.” lepjHj wen* infLCtcfl, and also l)i»ilx>i Kcr lievuc Iltu-ijclo^cd'Kpie, and Antioch. It had thus* rtaciitd the i .Mediterranean on one side; it also, in the 1 lluonnpnrlc'n Jlabitx.—ilis partiality laboratoh’of Franklin College, to ebtein op(Risite direction, reached t!ie bor^* i-ol t'.r the baih he mistook for a necessity.—! inflammable gas'lVom the ferries'«rf the f'a-piau. I'iimlly,inSeptend)er, j lie would usually remnui in the bath two i tree called Pride of India. It as5feN It reached the Kuf^siao city of A.stincan, hours, during w hic.h lime I used to read to ; tained that a pint of the berne* vyere capiti well to 1k‘ af'fjuainted witli what phy.-'icians term the pathognornoiiic diai^noitic, or the symptoms indicating tlie pai tiuular disease.-, anil no other. In tiiis stage of it, the ani mal ndocted, e\er\ four or live minutes, gradually rais?s its tail abovi; the horizon tal line of his back, and then low ei-s it with a twitching or jerking rnoti )ii; nuikinglat the mouth of the Volga. In K'ilO, it. him extracts from the journals and pani-' ble of yielding from eight to ten%»fton9 of three or four stoats ur stages in its passage downwards. 'J’lf a-^hes and s;dt ina\ then tlie Baron on his entering our wr\ icc. He was a man of great t>kiil and celebrity in lii.s profession. The ingredients arc simple, and too mild to produce any injurious cf- fwtH on the animal to whom tiu y may Ix: aduiin»«tcrcd. They oops'st of imw milk, In iiey or molns.ses, common salt and water, an>l linseed oil. The manner of prejiarmg and adniini'tering is as follows; a>t soon as tlie diM‘a.«« (th» ^ympt^ms of w hicii are un erring,) is ai»cprtaine.l, drem h tlio patient, liistiiig if pojisible, with a quart oT fresh inilk, saturated with hHiev, molasses or sil ted to, tor the grow til of the w orm is ver\ rapid. 'i'hc ninnner in which bi.’sarc produced. revived in Persia with violence, and, aros.s-Iphhts of the day, for he was anxious to ' g«od carburetted hydrogen gas,^^ which ing tlie Russian frontier, e*iiercd 'IWili', hear and know all that was going on.— burnt with a beautiful, mild, clear light, and, the [Mtpulalion of w hich It diml’.iishfd Vi '-m U idle ui the l»atli he was continuaUy turn- was without ^offensive smell. It is ttated 30,(tU0 to b,00O by deaths or migri^ioii. ing on the warm water,:to raise the temper-1 that the light was as powerful and brdliaiii.'' In pMietrating the heart of the Kur^ian iiture ; sf> that i was sometimt's envelojied ’ as that obtained from coal,‘oil, or any empire, it puisued the course of the V^a. in such a l>nse vaixtr that I could not see er substances commonly employed for the Bflwecn the Cossacks of the Don and to read, and w :’.s obliged to ojXMi the door, purpose. has lieen a subject of almost as much dis- !cow, scvenil districts wen; ravagetl in s^c- ISonapartc was exceedingly temperate, and , cussmn, the b“^t iinKle of getting rid ofjcession; in that city the appearance of lie averse tonll excess. His flatterers, proba- j Such and so well established isthe confi- thcni. -\ ommunicatioii on this question, 'destroyer was annouuceil on the 2f-th luf bly uiuler tlie idea*that sleep is incompati- idence in rail roads in England, that three made .some yars since, b\ a Mr. 15illings, i .fpti.nil)er, having tniveUcd from Astrac;»i,' blc witli greatness, ha\e evinced an equal calials are about to be filled up to make rail to the agricultural hocM ty of Mutchess, puls I yoo miles in le.-^s than thrte months. I)y disregard of tnUh in speaking of his night-1 roads in theirplaces!—Tlie power of steam it at ri'si. He states that he t'x>k some of i the 10th of Noveinlx-T, 5,507 cas;s wit watching. Huonapaite made others watch ; j has etiected wonderful changes on land the nitb, atta lied to the hairs of a horse's legs, by w ii:;t is usually called the hot bee ; bat hci them by tlie warmth of his hand ; placed the verniiciili under glas,s, and f d them wit!) animal lxid: in which situation ar; to be preferred m tlie order stated— "*“> ^rew rapi.lly, w.-nt through the variou iian.slormations >f pupa. A;c. incident to the inyrt tribe, and terminated in the pertL-ct hot b*;f, or lly. .Moiio.v.v Lrwis. but he him.self .slepi, and slept well. OH'?, more th.ui one halt’. In JamiaiJ.! orders were that I should call him every! that a locomotive engine will travel on a returned, iuid the deatlis awKiUntcd to '^,- His j and water. Actual e.xperiment has proved. l'i}l,the malady had greatly declniedjin : morning atseven. 1 was therefore the first j level rail road, with perfect convenienco •Moscow, but iiad ap|>euied, to a limited I to e/iter Irts chamber; but vcn,- frequently,, and safety, at the rate of twenty mdcs an extent, among the troo|»s marching to flie | when 1 awoke him, he would "turn himsell, I hour, and draw 150 tons.. W hat l*urtiier reduction of Poland. 'I'h* jwition of (he and say—“Ah! Boiirrieime, let me sleep j improvements are to be made, we caiinot i>lolxi whiclt-ii has ravaged includes v^ n- i “ lp]iger.” \Vlien there was no very ! say, but enough is done to prove the ec(*n- ty degrees of latitude, and one hiiudretl oi^res^in^ •^sinesa, 1 did not disturb hiniiomy and exi)edition of this mode of trans* longitude. ’ T nigain wRbiglit y’clock. Ho in general I portation. It is less than one third of a The w riter from whom we j^ve b)rrow-1 slept sCT'Off'hour* out of the twenty-four, jcent |)er ton per mile, making a liberal al- (.»r THL I.MJI AN CIKjI.ERA. : ed these particulars, i(!mar^i|^ut, with the LM'**ides taking a short nap iu the afternoon, j lowance for wear and tear and all possdhlo if Among thfif^Jrivate instructions which From an article we find m the journals, | «-'turn of summer, thyjtjpn troops will [ we take the following particulars ^.spect-1 P.Jand,, I^na^rte gave me one was very curious: , ^ I I 1 i-ind probably over Kuroae. il&c^lls on'—“During the night, said he, ‘ mgthid terrific plagur-, whos.- wide pro-| goveriimeul of IWtain, which ichamlK;r a.s Ktddom as p««.ble. gres5 13 not Icsse.xtraorduiary thariits uior-j tality is great. , tl>e mtiictton. to^^hffatot« s bi>th fcr ! to cqfnmtnu»t _ Indian or l!ipasinr>.lic Cholera h id al-: chiding i?, HndTSffTiing trie^ sf^ethud of] iv ; hut when \i?u bring me bad news rouse waxs, till IS‘17, exiite*! ia Illn(rKt«n as a ^treatment.—FalHmvrv A^iKricu’s, [nie instantly, for th«nlli‘re is not a raomcnt comparatively mild clnmitic d..sea>e, af-1 , to Ih> lost.” This whs a wise regulation, li'Cting a small nuniberof |)crsoiis at certain ] Ej,»U-ih nnd iiiuriran .Xdrimpf rx.— | his advantage in it. M-nsuns. In the Au-u-t of that year it! ,t ^ ,ruth that l.a- long sinrc .rowu nito ! BoLrntmc , Monoirs oj yai^kon bri'k Sry liable to receive awuke me w^iea you have any good news ftHup's both ^r [to cqpuitniiUKte^ with that .hci* no hur- L^myc him at rest for two hours—at the expiration of which, having previoiisl) pre- pariMi *oine strong btme, by boiling a- much coiumon salt in water as cun be dis- •olveii in It, drench him as U'tbre, vMth a finl of It, when cool. Afler a s-iinilar |>e- riod of tv»o hour* give him half a pint of Iins«»tl oti, and the remedy is complete. Tho rationale, established, as 1 conceive, by a procem I shall |>resiently state, is as j^l>w^ It w well'aiicertauietl tl^tt buta (le ft r«»y the Iifo «f a liuriK*, by feeding ou the int‘gunients of the stomach, and tinally per- f miting It. Pn.fl rriiig, however, a sneet- eri'vl milk, to a llesh diet, they detach tliem- h Im-j. fiuiii the iiih-stines, and glut the h.i- v.Mirv Nvrage. XV hen witiated, their vo lume l>e« oines enlargrd, the .skin extended anil thin; in which ^lut', the strong brin- liv dis-solving destn>\s them. The ofc ni- . tmn of the oil IS to slK'Hlh ill*' wound> lliev the cour-se ol the river to that citv. soon | am] vu|K'rstition pn vails. • r~ i -s — - - . . ■ r i » have mthctod, to anl the cathaitic efli rt.', ( extend'd across B( n;:ul, and thi n retired ’ ,i,|^ rause a similar elit ct will Ik- produf-ed ration as they descried its first l>eams iu the earned, at a great expense, trom «ert'z to of the salt, luid to i arrv olf rcmaming im-. >’>r .s.iiue time to the we-t.m bank of the | ^jj t|„. rarious relations of civilized lile. r.asterii sky, and nnderiiig that homage | *•>« '‘cre^^ and.liimna; m IJ-nai‘', such was ;,^,pi^.u|Jurt■^lr man- whirii is onlv ilue to Him who made the |undertaking bo exjxJnses.—U. S. Gazette. A Rail Road has been projected in Spain, Di> not! to extend from .lerez to Puesto de Santa -Maria aud .San Lucas. A liondon journal says (*f it;—^The eirtiinated cost 40.0001%, and it is proposed to raise that sum in 4,000 shares at 50 dollars each. It is under tho direct patronage of the King and Queen, the former having subscribed for 60, and the latter f.r 40 shares. This list also contains the names of four grantlees and mto I ! out With unpn.-cedented malignity, .j that in pro|Miitioii as tlii-iR'edom i commcning fn>t among the inhabitants of;y|-,),p Pr«..s h invaded, either In taxation,! F.arJ;/ Rl.sins^.—Wc know of nothing so ,1 his undertaking promises J ss«irf, a town 100 miles N. 1^ ol Lalcut-1 estahlishiiieiit of a ceiisorsliip, or any conducive to health as early rising. The i Ix’ a profitable one to the speculatiprs, ta. In thaiu month it travelled along ; o||^r caii'.e, the intelhrtual darkness of ig- j Peruvians worshipped tlie ri.^ing sun ; eve-1 “’o®* beneficial to 5^|Wln. At pre.sent, the cour-se ol the river to that citv. It soon .-ui.l vnri('r«:tiiinn im v:iils. From ry iiKuiiing prostrating thein.^elves m ado-1 the sherry wine wliich is exported i-i JiUntM'8. The process or fT[)oritnent on which the aforeaomg th*or_v is f'uud. shall now hi- st.it d. S'liie years'incf, when travelling. I btofipfMl at the house of an intelligent and r''|K’rf iKe mn-holder, in the village of Poughk»'**psip, county of Dutcht .-.s, who had that inorniDg h'^-f a hoist- by bi-ts. 'I iif K inedv he bail used, by ad' ic*- of a phvsi (iangiv Its maligmly, that. Ill two nionths, 15,000 Ifanv protil of the corn'c.tncs («‘rM>ns ii«*ri--hcii. Ihnie it gradually ex- |H)sition is required, it ran be ectncs^ sun, the mon., the stars, the earth. Ihit : successful, it vvill prolKO>ly le.-id to the in- lound (iitiii::!! n-r wor.-hip it not, save as the crca-. road^ in other district5, i iided iiurtli and w«-.t to l.uckiiow, I)i lhi, j„ ^ lieit>re the I.ondon Lite- lion of a mi:.l.fy hand—though we kneel i are equally wanted: corn in A-iM. I'k.c. In the ariiiv under tlie -'lar-j u'ntiiic Institution, on the sub- not to it with the homage to be rendered to , is almost valiieless', quisof lla'itings,* 'j(iM.-tiiig ol 1 ••;0(iO troops iiip I\ity—none who would vvi.;h to enj y the j delay in transporting it and *>0,1)00 tuliowf rs. It 1 'truv t-d in twelve 11 was tiiere stateil tliat “in AiiK-rica, w hen' gn-att'sf of all blessini;s, that of health, but : coast, lavs 0,000 iiiLii. At thi> time tlie ther-| not taxed, 1,4 jO,H0 adver- rliould start tVoiii their slumbers when iMomcti'i ran''ed fr.iin OO- to 100^ Th' : iievvspajx.-i-'i ti>euK‘iits were msertfd in ei^ht newsjia- “’I'he morn is up—llie d. \vy morn, Ttalij.—The Editors of the New York Cl an, V' as spirit of turjientine ; vv inch I iiifd 'Or w as mot .1 anil •'Uilo'. aim:;, and tne at- , ju \ ork, where 4I'0 F.iiyiish and ^Wth liri-ath all ii.ccnsc ami «ith thci’k a!! l)!oom, i Mercantile .\dvertiser have a letter, dated of m'k c'ss. To satisfy liims'-lt, whf-ther it I mo .plicre a dead calm, 'i h' Cli>.h;ra now cont imed, in the same space I-au^uii{r away the iloaJs in playful scorn,^ j Venice, 3d April, which says,^‘ Owing to pajK'rs cont lined, in tue same space wMuld l>e p(IV( tive under an) circumstances, [ din cti'd it'cl>ur^e along the iH'ccan, fd-' ,,|,|^ l.Ui5,t»LHi—tl.at the twelve he h id t.ikrn from the aninml some worms j vanring, in many in-.taiuxs, »» the r.itu ol ^ j,;ij>,;rs ctiiitaiii ir.oro ud- afii'i hi'di ath, iuid immersed them ill a cup I hi!''' " •'I''mil"s a (la\. ra- yj-ujsomeiits than all the newspapers of' Aud liviii!!, as il'the ciiitli contiincd uo tomb. And yliAving into d.iv.” Kv tho:'C the present political state of Euroiie, my journey has been quite an interesting one, ct:'C per.ons who.se habits are seden-1 pmticulajiv during the last fortnight, on who arc afilicted with dvspeptic af-1 ,„v wavfrinn Rome to this place bv v month- fn’in the daty of it- ai)[a:.ira*>:r' in J’n-Tland cm 17 dollars air iii'icitcd m V- l",' ^ ( alnitta. Tl.rongh tlin count.T of its birth ; j;,, one d..llir and a half: and ') ''‘f , of an overpovvenng .\ustri: It h:>-l the sime diHract.-i ista s wiii.h it Un irticle which co^K im uallv f .r adver- ’'.Vnmcli mdulgcnce m! ,,o„a, the last strong hold t \ustrian force. IimI.I, and apix and to have siillficd no in- r.>ii\enii'iu'i' from thi-ir mimersiuii. I gave liiiii iiiy n i ii«'. and he di'trrniincd ty In of the Patriots, sleep,) whii h it is hardly in the range ot i |,;js been taken—and to-day a vessel arrivt d a nieasuri'J rate of pri' still M.'taiiis, havin I Uiti'd Siati lollars. 1 t'l uiiich they wiTc att.iiheil, and iiiiiin r>ed the w liole in the pn pared mi!k. Th' ) ini- iiii'iiiatelv (luiltcd tiu ir hold ol' tlii; fragment i>f the stoiiiarh, anti gorged the liquid. In this silu.'.tioii tlM*x lemained two hoiir>. M ithiait t"U( lung the fiesh they hail quitli'd. W hep cxtiacti d, tlu ii size was more th in doubled, and tlu-ir skms so thin licm exten sion as to nnder them semi-transparent. They were now plai ed 111 till! brine, pre- pareil as (iiifcted, and at the expiration of two honis, they were not only lili lcss, hut nothing n-niamcl of them, but their head^ and skins. The I'ollowing fact, vvill fiirtlicr serve to vhew the complete «tlieaey of this remedy. .\t the lii sl .st.ige of a jouiney, in the month ol .lime, Iiaving travelled moderately alM)iit t . elve mill's, my horse n fusi'd his lecd; to whii'h I paid hltle attention, Mip|>o!^mg he li.id Imv'h Well li il U'lore I .'Ct out ; at the n \( s|,ig(>, (if ;ihui;t the same distain'e, he t xhibited the most violent sv inptoins of a it developeil ;i n‘w and alarmin„' feature, I .j,„i j;,,. it ca|.abilit> of heinir transportcil hv sea ; d,(. manutliclnnT for it broke out in ( andi, tiie capital of' ; „ itiieiit the tempting aid Ccvlon, ill De. einber, I'l", with evtn ,,f an advertisement, and the general eircu- gn.ater violence than on the Continent.— lotion of new»iiai>ers. tluv cannot e\'pei.t to lly the 1'fill of .'^cptenilx r. 1 -1 o, Miiuri- the coiuUrv at lar^e aciiiiainted with tins was i.d' Tt'-il, and in Deceniher, the ; .m,,,,.,.,,,,; ••'jripat li.irgains” tliey are adjacpiit Isle of P.oniben. During the last ,ij,posed to oive theirei|s|oiners; and where ^ax inoiitlis ot'tiie same year, the ej'idenne o|,>|;ie|es are thri)wn i.i tlie way of ilisiteiis- had invaded the Indo-l 'innc c P. ini.-ula, the iiece'sarv inli>r!iitition to thosi'in- .'siani recei\ing niiTc than its proportional tercsted, bnsiae.is pn'i"':tionahly langihsh- sliare Ilf inisli 1 Uuie. In Imnkoi* ahne 'I'jn' hliertv of ti:e Press is one of the 000 individuals died. Uy the end of April distin'niishinii bli'.ssin^s of oiir happy Ke lt was annonn-ed in .lava : ni 1 ^'^'O, l.'oclun p-ihlit" I nlettered i>> th** shaeldes of op- China and Toiiquiii were invaded, and in Drc>>io Ih'ccmlMir of that _\ear it entered t'hina at Canton. Pekin leicived th.' enemy in I",;!, and during that and t'le iie\t year w ues -ind mendrin- T!!Our!f >-—ThPiI'P.owiajj r.niqiicrninpo- Lombardy is not less than 100,000 men, 11^ waits .1^.^ -irticlisof Uuutini;iIon,'.i’l.,'(curi.r |ami tho vviioie army probably exceeds at oi'the -Itli u’.Ma the shLM.i' ol'.i eautii'n to t.je nuiilic. \Vi..T. as my pir.k. lay pn *!y toy, r«iv \vi: my S>;irali .luiic. Has litl her lionif, ai,J iiiT employ, 'I’ll iDVi' n'lK'iit n.;aiii: Tlii; i-aaliuii's ihoroioro to forevvara ■Vil pninl- not to Irast Ti) hi r till' wortii i>i' an acorn, »>r l.iSf it all tliry iiiu^t; I'lir Till dttv rmini,-1 nut lo pa) 'I’ia salu’' of a s'iav,' O;' !.t r (•onrr;ii ts in any v.-.ry, t'akis toinpL-lli'd I'V l.iw. UOl'lIRT ilARPKR. a moral tin; inortahtv was so enormous liiat the poor vwre interred at the t\j Ciise of the yovernmcnt. Ketniningto nomhav, vve irust trace its roiitt; tov\an!s I'airoix'. In .liilv, 1^’Jl, ])re>>io!i or intoleranr.-, it i!n|>arts an.l intrilectiial r.ifiiieneo tlirou;;iiout all fiasses t.f Mxa.'tv , to which other n.itious ol the eart!i an' Mrangeis. Onr fatlii rs at- taiiu'd tin- us this h.ippy triumph of tree prini ip!e,—he it our task to convi y it un ad',.;., rated t this moment half a million of men.’ PoU.th Heroes.—Rotlonski, one of the richest proprietoi-s in. the Duchy of Posen, had enlisted as a cauiionier in a brigade of artillery. In the heat of the late glorious action he was dangerously wounded. Tho commaiuling oHioer seeing him tall, ordered liiiii to be carried out of the ranks, but tho brave soldier, })crceivuig tho momentary inaction of the artillery, roused up, bleed ing from head to foot, and pointing to the cannon. “Friends,” cried he, “to the work, I am not dead.” Rodonski has re- c'.'ived from the geiierallissimo the military c ross. Vn* attack of ti;" hots, .‘'iieli as great i through tliemtercour.se iH tvveen l?oni!«ay *;,ale; -!iL:s, rolluig Oil lilo earth, and -iiavv- i luid .Muscat lu AruJ-'ui, the contagion was A rprni’NTrnou'!’. \\'hi n I.iivol'S.: iiiiirri. 1 I ,uly .ftnny, U hose WHS V V r-nily |wiuiy, *■ i i-hci r her," ^ays hi'. “ iiue oUl f’lale, .Ni;t lor tl.i; :'.. hioii, tiut !br li.e —j To didicate minds the unfortunate are Tl.ofi.liowin.-'toa't v\KSi'ivcnl.ytvni.r.»i-Tnnson-objects of respect: as the ancients i.:r.ci' h Iili r 111 'I'oinpKius couniy, V on a held sacred those places which had been lii.'iiiituiinti/. ’riioH 1' a rn-ri i shame vvbu h nei nt oet a; •..in •— ! blasted by lightning, so the feelmg heart ati.iuis ry !Hl (>;■ hiliMin.iany. not to In' cou-| M \S('\i! Y-Alay n.ilh-loih.1 .'.own t.i hah 'afflicted aS touchcd by tUC iiutrcil in the lunk'st \ a i.u.i, uiJ iv-n a'pt ikt n!»or!>-n ! band cf Ued himselt'. chdilrcn.—Athdumi.

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