MINERS’ & FARMERS’ JOURNAL. I»RI>TI,I> VM> i:\l,KV WF:>M>I»AY, by NOHI-E »V IIAIH.OTTI;, MK( KI.KMtl/lUi IVOKTiM \HOLlN4. I IVII.I, fKV II VOU TO rtfRfi; THK ROXVKI.S OI TIIK KAHTH AM> IIKlMi 0 T »T.OM TIIK, ('♦VFRNS nV IHK ■MOl'KTAIN-', 'MH’AI^VMlini WIIJ, (,UK HTIlK.vnH TO OUR lUMW ASH Hl'njKCT *U. NATUKK TO UUH U.se ANU Pi.l£A.SURK. UR. JOHNSON. vol.. I. m), 40. Till: A: rarmri'!^' Journal Is priiiti-il and pulilti^hril cvrry Wfclnrsciay niorii- at 'I'ico IMtars and i'ifty ('mix |>cr annum, it'|>aiJ in advance; Three Ihll'iis u year, it not paid until allcr tlir ex|'iralion olVix inunllm. Anvi:i!TlSK.'\IF.NTS will Ih- inj. rt. d at huiii ccntt piT s.|uare (not cvr.i i din" "JD lines,'! Inr the I rom (hr Katei)rh Urifi/tlrr. l>o«l. The plough is frcqucmly u*l, timk- iii« as nianv furrows,hs will l»ri ak up tlic . idirvs tli..r.ui^rh!y—prtiH ar- i.la.it. ,1 on ll.o *''«‘"ng more dinicult to con- mutiiU-of tlip lx>(i, Im luecn tlio com, as soon I'A""^ of hducution.— hnr Sir I, r on . Ir i i lor ih.. cuHton.8 o( „ur pro- ; lor .V I.ro. 'tv I..HlKi;to ii,ca.n-,arKlun abundant crop close our eves ug.mmt improve- le iiMimor in wliH li I iiilii'att ii_ | ;„u i,„ i..,. imMils, tlic most Imiitficiai. Wetukoitfor Uon7.1u- nu,ul..T 0,- "«cnt of wi.at h.> In-rn ni> pn.ct.c.- lor .cn | Hool.i>n,an^.a,u, k-.rptwo ot.., >vt^ttrilmte tho hliu.incsa wl.icl. nthe margin of tl„. or f.volvo j .Mrs iK.st. luui li,o f.-.u t ot it, uN-ot (v.dvacrcs iM.In.n- ulfr-, ,na.ui;..te.(Tby our planters. Tovvar.ls be ront.nm J unt,l, ami if you ^hould !..• of q.in.on ih.t any nat. 1> plant.-.! in r..,t.|); at.^s an.l oU>lh-m*lve8 of (he .Mcat uni)r..vr- ‘"fj- , , i>«>rfiuin.-.cnt uni.oM.inc.' L.oc.ups i..r .u.-.tanc..- ti.e lot » > ^ co.istat.tly H.-vel.-p.n- in L- Lditnrn nvirt coinr i.I.tcc in \ our ux'hil |.uih.il, _\fU uic at pl;.nl.Mi in I'iO, \vrf->'in JinnaiA, I'-'i. , ■ ii •••■ • / of ev.-culin^ocrtain things, than that, w hich w.' hav« Ihh II ucrii.stoiiHMl to. 'J'o this cir- iiiiistiuicc wt^ttrilxitp the hiiiuliK'ss which fm-of/■«.,.Iff, or th.y .n«y not Ih- .itt, to. ^ j,i,' THU i»r.lfr^ n AV'IN't! A'is’cialcd llicni-i h'l S in thf I’ractifo ol’ .M lilMl 1 N I., j ari' now pri'pnr.-.l to uII'MwI to . .i!!.- ni the ditViTfUl bran, in « ol lh ir I'roti * I ri'nn assnduitvto hn^iiu's^, and jn.Kt'Tation , in tiuir charges, 0>e\- to in. rit i IiIktiI pi- iroiiaire. Jl>(IN M. H VUKIS, KLl'LS A. U Al.I.At r. June ?, InII. M'ComIrs n'tttrhrs, Jt'iriiUrff, »%'. TROTTF.K Ae III NTIXiTOV A HE ffceiving tlirir Spring Supp^\ of tlic aliovc article!*, connislinp m (Mrt of tiol.i anil Silver I’attnt Lcvtr \V.\T' iil'.S; Jiiild and Silver Lcpinc 1o. ; ri.iin Eng'ish an.l I'lciuh 'lo- i n'i/A a general assortment uf Jl'.W I'.LR V, ' AVIiich will hr sold low tor Cash. In a ft 'v dav!= [I'roin tin; .'viullu rii A;,'riciiltiiri.>t.] On th> culture of Corn, Sireel I'lilntorii and Ontit, anil Iht manugrmrnt uj ( altle; by a Hice liauirr. (.'oojKT Ilivrr, .Ian. I'l^l. PtarSir.—’ C[llt*St *t the IIIUIIIK-I 111 n IIII II • 11*111, ii>» ■■■• U f I -.It.' f.r.t iiUrt^n and 2.'. r.-nii. fi,r"o.in. su.o.. di„« vision crop, an.l the inanu-.Miicnt of iny cat- -» jri'nle^^'the p'rodictiou "made "bv^the ’ ‘’'‘'I can Ih; no U.-ttrr jnannfr ucck—or !>l lorthrcf w.fks, tor onr ^luan fir, I v. ill n.)W end.'avoiir to do s.*, bv liicic- proqJCiiou lUdut oj ui« ^ A liU-ral di,co„nt w.IIIh-n,.-,d.. to those wlio ] . ,,vin-r von a plain inatter-of-fa.^ stal.'-J''U ndvt rtis.'liy thryi'ar. II.. Onallad\i rtK. nicnts " ,.® , .• . i- coiniminkali-d 'li.f publication, tlu- n.iu.b. r of "'C"t ol wiiat lu's Ihtii ni> pnic tic. lor 1. II , Koot-i>nfntorxmu} iiisrrtioii. must In' noted on ' in:iniisi ri(it, or they will forbid, and tharpcd acordinj;! I. .VII roininiinicalions to the Kuiinr:« iii'iM Loinr n i.i.uc m \ ,,iir n-cliil louili.il, \oii uic ai p';in('.i iii I'io, i.i j'tiinur>, i'«i, [Lj, - - j |.laiit.'.l in oat *. Hfr I (I'l.i.it uin'.j/tiii'V iJr^vi liVH >'* 'y *1"*’* cn.ps of the .sjiine !u:vi, it I , hii»v*vtT, nii » to iii) ■ i*!>*■, t*» ih* »r mIii'IIiii;;. I lie-*-'lar*^ Uiiuis ul'f |l*r rico l.itui: a poitioa (if It i--a m-1 .>i-yll"" aii* not iliri'slici, liUl ii.-ii''d iii t.i-- hlra^>, u,,,,.,. ’Hic'. liiiHMlu.;r no new cla\, hilt il'.' 'iifHler pait a ii.jil > only "Oil, lo U'iisfi! lor h*»r.»'a> and iiiiil."-, i.U' r tin \ .j,of ctiltui^f, Imt com. nt tli* iiisclves (. // ..f it \wi-. >L. ce,!hi^l_\ |M>. r and s!. ril*'. liuve U . n cut up in cn’ ol M.—'rs. Sik Lih j,g Iiuve .lone U.-fire them, ,ul\f-ni turrii'^i ijis all Miti'Jii 111 it. It w.i-. and M.mn s straw Mill, rv, (ccrluiaK th'- ,.y,,, t|,p i^osj ions fannercaii- nnpo.'.-iibl''at lint li.;ir, to t 11‘Hii It uioie oc-l I li;;\c . s. r >*''-n,) as'-H>n a tl.i* .>al ,.,,i U-gai iiitm‘>t on Ins 'aj.ital in- than si\.«r .'ijjiit Ini'll. I-. of.-.un jicr aciv, ,ire l.ik'a id), the slubbi - is p|oU”!i.'.l in. Is mrt the eullun*of (’c»o//, at the I |.Hdat.>( , jK•a^, an.l .rii.i ill prupoi tiMii. I *i.- and tlic . .illlt-an-|k niic.l c\i i v iii"ht niKiii j,an unprotitabls on*'. If so, I pii vi. tis plan had U'. a to cliuii>r'the (!• id' it, iiU'\:n^ the |n'iis t verv two or thiw prudi iit for firiix rs to limi N. B. C.sea requiring cousullatmn. ,ui l Ora t.vo ..r tlirc; x . ars, aii.| little .,r no ks takin-care to turn in tli.- ,|„.,r atleiitioo, »eri.Hi^!\ to th.'n.lPxhicii..!. fl^g.^all ti. Iiiutiuie W.is U'. il. 1 ii. los. d oid\ -o m.ucIi with the pl.iu;,di wlieiK u r lii'- |- ii is m..v«‘.l. ' -i,,. ,i„. as v(.i' ni.'c^v.n to pUnlc.l—'uy an , 1„ t .is \m> the wl.ole lot m w.*ll iiMii.irt'.i, Vine, the .Sdk'N onn in.l t!i-laisii.^' ai rr and a li.ilf t.) cadi hand. lh-tn at- ' U f..,,- th.- cuttle are |Hit into the t.»riii.}>en In lleor-ia ai:d Aluban.a, tin' ' Charlestown, and that all the i-os*1iiiks nieiit of liic .1IV diiii-r-- so (nncli iVoia Ih.-1 m wiiitrr. 'I'his lot renmiiis l.illow, nil the ' oi'.nfrpriM- li.iT, -'.nr f-it‘i. an.l we turned on their U. ks and died. 'I'he ycii- -an.K land, I v.dl-ivo y.u i«.tli in duail, I .,i..i.lh uf March, uli. n it is brJv. ii up b> „i,,d to |. ;un. has m. t s-.ith a suitable - ' '' .f.ul.Hit« 1 \ce(.iliii;;l\, whether _\our pa- tl.c plough. AbiRJl the lit t «.f Apnl, th- ij„. ..jant. rs d Ni.nii- ticti.e will U* sudi-i-nt to enable jou to hiid U.ls are nia.k up, uniet tixtiJo r thev un- ( l,.uvr all to U-att. inpt-d I.) oth.rs thi- end of the cliapter. live le. t apart, very lurp", an.l pM lt\ J .jm| |„okers->ii ^—ll.i>c tlie\ detor- I'.arK in the winter, the rice stubble wa.s (he potatoe.s are iiiimediuteU p!ant. d, irA// j iii the cul- ho*'d oil’in tli-li.-l.ls a'ljiiinini'the el i;. lun.l, ,/Af frrouwl in u'rt; th.‘wed is alt „j'(v,(ton at an_\ pri. c, an-1 .piii.tly wiil have Mil.lTAKV ;iX)DS of all kind*,— .„..J out iiii.l 'jii.ia.l in pr.jp.ii-I whole, aii.l alwut t. n ui-fi.-! apart. tor Utter tiiiW's I We hojie not— Biilanii "■ AKi:, ^ tion of about an a. re an.l a half of .Mubble ui..ke a I’ull n.p of r.Hit-pitato«-s, it is iii-1 ^ \VaU-h'^r!'Tor^rf%in-d at I'litir Shop, will b. 1 neccssnry to k*.-p the ti.-l.i |)cr- ' ,j,irii j„to the coiite.st, irrantcd to pcriofiu well. I Ms‘) th. n tui ii.-.l it in dec p. In March, all ; k;« Sly clean Ironi ^'ra^s-—tho |‘l.mi'li an.l ^ j i,, a-ii.itain whether there I till-winnow 111-from the ricei r»i» wasspiead : h.rf-aie theieforefn queiitl-, us.«il,—no . r..ii; j \aluable articles wliieh will , over th .■«;un.' tiel.l, and the ploU;:h u^am I sutli-rs so tnii. Ii fnmi f;ra>-s as the |K.iat.H‘. nMiiuneratioii for their turii»-.l It in, Uit ver) shallow, lu Jane, 1 n.-»er iK.-rniit morr viih s t.. I*.- cut than ti,,.,,, Cotion. i this tiel.l \as plaiit.-.l III slips upt'ii l.ir-e , what is ub--.hilrl\ iMH-es-sjirv to plant the .-lip ‘ ^ . I ix .ls five leet apart, the .•^/a-.on was favour- erup; the puidutlioii will lif- lunch It-ascii'il Tkvmler Fatal to Goslingx,—A writer ill the American Farmer says, in a late thunder storm the lightning destcndiid in a field, within les.s than half a mile of my dv^elling, and killed two laboureri and laid pr.istrate aiid injured three more. But th© «!fii:ct in iny fow I yaid was very remarkable. 1 had two briKid:! of goslings, one nearly a week old, on the groun.1, and another, two days, in a baj=ket in a house. At the instant wlieii the thunder tell, which it did with tho m.wt astounding force, the woman v\ho had the rare of the iiiwls hap|X!iied to be look- in;' u{)on tho.se in the basket, and .saw them, evpiWr- WSli.“^ilhSj“1inji*'*tllrnW after, were f.iund dead also; a nest of e;.^'9 uiider a goow, then in pmgress of hut. h- inff, were all kiilt-d. You may rely on tho coricctness of this statement. Though goslings are easily raised, and live more than a century, they seem to be endu. J with nerves of utK.immoii sensibility, or to have systems pf culialy tavourable to c!cc- tric impresbions. [.\ rf.‘S|icctable gentleman in a neighbor- ini; town informs us that during the cannon ading at the l>att!e of Hunker-Hill, he was feeding a hro«Hl of goslings aU^ut Ax miles tleman was th( n a boy, and wm rriuth puz* alcd bj the mysterious ocrurrence. Sakm O'azcttc.] warranted t May -J, 3-2 A'!n:n \' .'INS.— W'iih the excen'i.m of th. » i.iiis of .'Mana l.»'iiis;i, l)u li. i>f I’aiiiia. .mrs |Mrti. iil:irIy .>f the late eniis- TUK »ATI «»AV C Ol A Wi.i.KLY JOUKKAL KFANS 1.M I;KA1 \ Ki:, \(.UI I I/ri KI«.‘ able, and the >'ie!d was lar b>onJ iii> e.\- , if t’lic- vin. s are cut, for as Ion:.' i' v.ui cn- MAM tAtll iU-S, Ac. .Vt. [x-ct itioii. ’I lie .saii.c Couise was ai.opLil tiiiue l.t cut tli.' viin-s, tin- ;.'rowHi Will Iw ne lcr.,,t A.ir-wi inuUed i« Ij.I.w, \ V..C s.-co„d vear, wit;i the evept.ou thattii. ab-.v.- gn«iui iust-n.l of beiov^. .M.uiy j-r- and thrcneup.n iu ,:.e i ..,ud -Sfu'.y,,wui....w...^ was put u,H.n If.e lieid the lust sons cut th.- vuun all siiiimi.-r to 1- . .1 h.igs oriu tl,.a a.inam, half ua,:yir.,adc^,.u. , of rcbriMr> , aiid iiuinedutely o;its weiv and ..ih'-r vt.H.k, w her.‘l.y the ,m,tat..-., an il, lll.it VlTh.NTK.S i.re.r- t.n:iy.r.M.'pl^"*“^-> »* lilic.-n ii.clics apart, u:id , lui. h lojur. d. l.i thi-. niaii.H r b. th iols are I tcdi.. thisi*>puiur «.chiy pu..iKaii. h-.iir. i \o bush. Is ol s.-«‘d to the a. m:—a whk] k.-[.i m g.KKl c^di.i.n, an.l ci^u.lj introduced. I rom time nulling, a.-, it c.riaiidy ds.^, oii.- cl tl..- iiion .v - j. K.p \»as pr.^iiic.l. In .luiK-, t;w .ml Muli- \fi\ full . r..ps ol |K.tatotk aiij' cuts alter- i b.'in the practice of all o pidM.! \t-hH-l. d ol ui.ornjalion to (m r-on-, vs■ I j,|c lnt*-d iii, aii.i slip.-* plniite.l a.^ talnie, iiatcly. ♦» -^.yri»v.> .rfl '’‘-•pin -i»t| *i,- oc. upatioii^ w ill not (x-riuit ih. nijo ''y i iln> j>i>jiucti(in was tar b*-tt*T K^xproiliifTtw i'n»r!ft3»ni»eJflrr^*iii_> • their nif. r', hv wav of honor anil C‘Hn[il Lr fci^b^rr^lf mno?Mi. TuT/anru '.,T ’ prcce.liii,,', i.iid t ,e .piaiitiU iK-.i.ly d.HrI.ie , „;iist say. t.iat imttl i^ithm a l.-w .yar- \V h'-ii tlw cl. ir:>e of legt ititu*!.' ((ur a iiKsl- rate .Tuival. ol an aojuaiii t>i.- r.irlii'tl an.l curr.iit -N «.». The S V'l'l'l! 1>.\ V ( Ol III KfJ p -i»i d on til. ' >uic.-, and th.; I.iiid w Inch w.;-- at lii-d ciili- (ouii.l th«-«t*-ck inciea-e \ci j iriM. Ii, L'liii p.ilcnt .Nai-ikh J iii'i toiiipri •■* />. ,„jprrd lii.t Worth plan*.ii;.', is imw an ex- ,n |.uuilM-r an.! ?i/f. aii.l 1 a’li-.ili-U'.1. tba! t.,:u.:iiis ol Uit thi.-. ^'lui-ii 1: s-.d, \ I. l.iiiig aiMiiidaiit cr..|.s, an.l | i|„. ,iU ^ iu i> v. rv A correspondent of one of the New-Yori l»ap«.TS communicates the following key to tlwj pronunciati.wi of Polish Words : “To put an end to tiip gejieral complaint of tho iinpombility, or, at lea=t, the dilHciilty, of pro nouncing lonK- t\>li«Ii iiajDC*, 1 will make tliv liil- luwiDg brief rrinarks. “ Af we have learned from a Frcnch paper the name of the brave .Scrzynecki to be pronoancej Skrrjiiieljiki, I will only add that thin, rxprrsm d * ith l^iglich charactem, would be wntt. n Sker. 7liinet.-iki, or Slicr»hini;l»ki, tli»- accent rcirting, as lu iiio«t I’oIkIi pblly»ylableii, on the pcnulliinatt. In a niiuilar maimer pronounce the c in ail ■,i..-n>;, an- pn.lial.lv th. iiaiid-oin. -.t in the roli.hnun.-rt like t« in KngliHh (as IMock, r- aj ...II. A- .n'.,,. 1......... ry U.lhJ ~^|L» •?.,'«“““?*: Sf*!*; Tit. wilh "f id P'i.l sihn, It may 1* .1; si rvmg ol impiirv whcdi.-r an improveiiient in tlie liaz r^ad Kalish;) and iattly, the l'oli.->h cz liHe cii in church (ar,Lovicz, read I.o«irhor Lovitch.) “Thi* ii all that i« chiefly to lie noticed about, prouuuacing roliih nanief.” 7>irrTftt^entx uf /»irtTA-^»i“p*‘'t:'^nran a fesv doi.rs from us, relat.-s the tollowing ;— t* /oiirri'y' ^ h*-lt*T KeKproilllfTtw i'n»r!ft3»ni»eJflrr^* iii_> • •>*^;"\ifthei M ill, Ti\7. anru '.rT’prcce.!in,,', aiid t .e ,piantit> iie.iily d.HrI.ie , „;iist say, t.iat imttl i^ithma f.-w yai-. \M,'-n tlw ch ir;..- of irgT .titu.te i- ^ sou of his, m th. eariv part of ili.'se ason, laiiiian-1 will, whit it was ton- this m.-.!.- was a.Jopt.-d. . f,gy,. |^.o„ v.-r^- imii. Ii « ;■!>• ’.•'ii. but u- f'.r l.avuig no .M.inuiiifciit | ^ ^ gar.len, iiiteii.lcd foe I I hue c.mtu,u'-d th- same ii,. th.xl ''tr |,v alt. ndiiig t*. th.-i'..llow me te;ii. Ihav. ..f W ,,-lii,...i.,n, it i^ the h.d.u . f Am.-ii. ju* : {j,>«i after it was ciapicted, J [mir of \v n'n.*i paiJ it a vi.-iil, aini n-iti^ ,.i--a', iiic nil i.4‘‘ i' i.n th.-ir h'-ait->. i -b' Mi.l I i-itainU iiave as liule t.i do as [n.s- , ^ -iMf with times that iia\.'not fn ni t)» iiig stiff and utininuay.-ahie, i, n-.w ■ thr y wnl Ix- wty pi' l.il>l'- wiiliui ,|„ -j !„, pnncipli-,h..wevcr, w.nild j .jompl'-tr-ly loose antI ur*li!c. .Not h ivm:^ ' yar-, i.’iiu |H-ndenlly i l tacir gr.-at ^(,n ,] t i, if, ui-'I.-a.l.if the uniiieaii- j'h*' iii'-ans o| s.iving m% i.e.? .:hatl, I have n, niuiiiiring the li.-li!-. v,ur . .jIIi', ii.-itherman nor wo- I in‘1, to aiiv evt. lit, u 1 it as iiianui.-, Iwi I ; 1 >,i 1. t t-ix c'lw . whii h «iih ti; - l u t >f a lueriiiai.). aiul tb>- ■im a'l Ii'.1 that, |..r'•/•I// I in>l, it wotil.l U-, f -' ularlv •-t.il;. d, and tell f.-.l, until c of a simiileloii. we were to wilif,tilute •1..LI.HUN ANOiuri. ;,„,tr,,l,loto III- winnn,.inr. • "lu-t h-!C ,, jt., ,i„. j,,,,! l,r,.i;-ii |.alun> ..1 the iolu^.s Vm.7>..»i(-I. iM-LLioi.Mf th'* t-'oacn-s.il lliis li. Id hi\ ^ f, „ liour« iverf .lav. 'I'ii.-v T.ith. r of "ur ...iii.lry. ilis fa. .- is one I--. II r. :;ul.iilv planle.l m tiuiiiea . rii iiiitil ., M„lii. i.nt supply of iiilk aiii biitlt-r ,.it'ily opi.-.i. an.l iiln j.ly utiiv. r-«ilK , vlui.il 1: enry wtvk, aii.l itu.lml'. laniT lii.ti'iN i. 111 all if* J. {•artii- iil», 1\ 1 Mi-R.iViMiArs, » .)M':itcE, Ai.m. I i.TiKic, l'..'U...rlC M AS' I ,o TLRM, )■ irf . I '| KRFM It -'•r.- , 'I'hL I H tl'> ASO i i-'i' f .'I M'K' T ii'irii.” I A:-.I an ml’ r*htin:.' 'la'iip • |a.| niicn th.y w.;re pi,ml. a in slips, j-^ ^ frtiuilv. \vhd'> thecah. s U . onie know’ti.—'I'liis wouM Ix a just, |s.rv.i,lmg ' an.l th‘^1'- w.is scarcelv a:i\ .liiti-p ii. >• |„,7.. A- stat.-.l U-torf, tli.-st-n-k .>1 'l" i j.iibl.sli* rs hav. a!i. fii^ti.riii" --'irar.. I m ■ ' i- ih' ir i:\i II. Tl I.. I.'. ;• n.i . . to iii.ihf Ii.' I.' .,c.itr\ilii H,t- II l.a . .. t 11' . .1 'J'hP p'll.li-!.'I.Ml. :«iiv.*n'ol v. ry U (1 111* Ml' ■ i,r. —aii'l ii t(,c,r pnMlii. tion and til it i.| aii\ .■tl..-r p.ut (..iM.lii,, .ii. iis plan;..l m ( I' ' ■**' (Jmii.-a Coin were nt v.:i nr'iiured w itii -tuo- Ijic .if wiiMiiiw 111 J «/.'(/• the first _\ -ar. I ti- «. I1.-I-.. fa. il.'11 - o; uoiaiii.ni'inibriii-i.I'll aicorn w a- pl int.-.l 111 .Vjiril, pri lls tiucic, on ai.d -t'.f «/*/—will* h «;\cn Iii J-- "■ ail all llie ji ... I .,_U i... which. li.Mf ollut i- luriii-li.il wi:.i i., ' i „„ 1 u., .t /,Hnd i-.M- r. and .Maga- ^ in til.- all.'V s, IV .ir siv »U in . .I‘ e„. ■ill. OS IM irii. .i:ii. have menlione.l this .arciiiii.'taii* 'I'. l’'iiili>.tMr.>iiitri.dlodi'votepnn'i»:';, a?.r. valuable tli.‘ tiuiiua , is allur.hd t.y an .ibiHidJi.i ^,,1 t|,j ia||, l.cfon- lie ,'nii. ip.il ,m|- rs i.i Ui. t ii- , „ .. . . - .-.I.. .. liiriil ,lii il U IT .1 ' • ' ' . 1 till- all.'ys, live .ir siv »u In » d* ep. .- that 'oil plea.M-il with the teiieni'Mit, tiK>k porsession, ,iiid commenced buildmg a not. I’.elnie, however, the nest was compl'-ted, a pair of blue birds arrivcil—lai.l claim to the ca^e, aiMl aft.-r a hard battle, succectled inou.st- in;; th'j wrens, and forthwith eomplete.l a nest on a plan of their own. Hut th« mak wren was a bird of spirit, and iwt dispotxHl to submit t.aniely to the injury, some davd after, watching his op|>ortunity, when his antagonist was away, he entered the cage, and coimiK iiced rolling the eggs out ol’ tho nest. He had thrown out but one, w hen tin- blue bird disc..vered him, and with loud cries made an immediate attack. 'I'lio wren nought safety m a neinhbourins cur rant bush, and by his a. tivity in d.Hlging a- iK.ut among the branches and on the ground, . , i : /oi;r,'—Tl,« in. reas.' of I MicciM-dKl in eludiiighiseiiragedadversary. milk.-il, and turn. .1 into the w.iitl.' nirhi m , ^ | >i,,t( s wilhiii tm I 'l'i**' •’lu*- I'Tfl gave up the chase, and r.'- :uid |MMf>elual triliiiti- to his meni. rv ; an.l itll.- Iic.l ujM.ii the 'traw ui th.- iorii-ti'-ld' j.in'igiK-rs, altli.>ii:.'ii ih.-v niiglit sinil.- with ,-ll th.- wii.tfi , the\ are, hoiv. ver, |nit into in. reduhly at tip llouri'h .ili.nit " liir^iinau. t!i* I'.iriii-peii at night. I'roiii M.i\ till No- , n^rav-n on ..ur li.- irts,'’ wmil.l li.iiiiiv (n'r- ■■.-Iiibcr, th. y aie |ieiiii. d every iii^lit uih.ii that it w:i> «taiii|M-d ou tlrit which ih..-oat land. 'I'li.- . alv.-an- parted only djcy say tomir li-aii'.—Mirci.ry. Ht iiii'iit, and all .lav into the w.mhIs wiih j ^ th.- cow It 1-. important to have the cow-- ! , , 'n ■ ilk.-d, and turn. .1 into the w.^kL- rnrh, in i ^'''' ill.-iii.'rnuig. 'I'.i II.ilk late, part the. calv. '. I*"!”*’ i i , during th.- .Iay,aii.l k.s-p il,.-m m a Miiall, 'I''’ l-‘ ' proti.s oi ih.irworK. io i;.t-|.rm^ as manure on ,,7i.,tiiie. IS the most" . fii-etual m-Hle to laihls. j iiijure »tH k. 'I'hc alves will not li-cd wh. n I jion the san.ifi land, I plant corn, I )t..m the cows, ati.l the cows hang |K)t.ito«->., |K'as, an‘1 oat.s. '1 he oM plan wa-*, t;.ncc and do not go wit- I'l plant tlie c-rn 111 lulls, live li-et apjirt . a. h rmij,,., j , , ^^,.v, UI..I tw.i stalks lelt to each lull; tl..- ,o i«-rti-.tly convinced of the K.haiilau.- u'? !^n ^ ) llir 1 riu.-u ol l.itetaiiir'.— .\. s^.n I’f"!’’ ^ t li.-i ...tiiLi (.an b. i lV* Lied, a preiiu.aii .if om; iiim»hli) doi.i.vks v.ll Ik au.ir.l. d lor ih-; l>. bt nriH 'Iile. T!:- iillt i.M II V. till !-hall J* f.1'!. 11. .1 t.i 1. .'1. III. « v..irl, ^iiall bt iidiiu.d at iIk, tiiii'. ol o:i.,ri:i;' 11.' j.riiiiiiiin 'i ll. piihli-h. m arr a'^rrcof iii. dit>i.i'> fu. lll^t.ll:g til. ir pai- r in *I'k m -I'-.'i I'imi'.-' iU" • r'.:.iding 'it a du.tilr.'i—lhl> f>b^lil' I*- u.il Ik f m c.i.d III tli.' loufol a f.'W Vi’ K--, v»h' n -.-i' h r.iiineni. iit.» will b* iii.idi. as . aniiot 1 il. lu l» |" i 1. tllv (■ ili.-fai l'Ty. I ii. I iibii-ii r-n M". ‘' 111'ir c.i.iiitri l.o'h^- tfj l^'rr 1(1. a.'.'V.' Ill'll.'. II I' IV 111-. Iljl " I t >' ■ I r«.• 111' lUvoi • iii I* CIj'KX ,lU (1. All f r‘l« r- ji‘ 1 »"//»»/, • *it t imm tJii- I'lui ol o'ib*i/i'iti.>i,. III.,-' Ill I'l' ■ 'I t'l VS.JiillU .Vlill Mli ^'.'.. Miy l!-'. I I. UI. W h.i is til. re, who ill th.- '■an. lu.ii'. ol liis iiiilden llioiiiilils, would balaii. .• a iii.>- iiM-nt, ill lorimug a partii'-i-lup |.jr hi". t«'- tw.fii a i!.iuii!\ 11* 11';. tiioii:.'li rolK.d in tii.- /iii.'-'t-nii-. .j1 l‘i i-ia, an.l tiiit..il ov.-r .s.> brightly with iiativ.; or .'ipntlic aiy's ver- iiiilioii—ai.d ;i plain v.mii:; la.l\, n.';it, mo di ami ..ll‘'ll' to ll.lV.' tn-i II upwar.ls ..1 llireo nulli.iiis, which i' 'oiiiethm^ iiiori- th 111 the entire population .,f til.- ('ol..ni>'s at th*' cotnnieiK'.'iii«.-Tit of the K» v.''uti.«nary war. 'I'Iih sh. vis wilh wluit I. ,iid strnl.'s our counlrvi'^ a.lvanciiig |.|..ii:;h w.i ii« .l III iM.fli direction^, or li.th-1 r. it V I- pl'iiigheil ati.i cr'is- pl>u^li».l.— j Ti'>-. ..ni't.ilk^ w'II' b.iriit til wit.tei, and, ill'- oniv ni.inui.; u>.-.l vv.l^ wli.it .une tiiiii 'ho i-i.itil.., aa.l that was put nit.i tin- c.rii hill- Ih iMri- |.|aiiiinu, hot it was nevi.i i.ni.iigh t(l (»\* I h.ill tli. li.'l'l. 1 "I tl II ) • ar-, my 1.10.I.' has U-en the l.il- |ou in:' :—c.irl\ 111 th.' vv ini' r, lie' . oin-lalk' nil' pulled up, ami I lit th.'all.'V', th" 1" a II r coii.litioii Ih.iii lli... ....i . . ' 1 , viiii'l.gra--. Ac.ar.'Hllh-..'.ln.-aporU..n 7, ,, y„, ,y^rk.,i. I f..'.lu.'.itU -h'-.e will 1m-.-.anclv ..is p iit ol he coi n- ofn.'.'Mraw i>. .11 ned ...t .laiK . a,..l .pr. ad ' ‘1;‘I ' Iry rciiio,,-as I-'; .i\. r th.'eijiii laii.l, iiiilil it ha- 1« .'imJ.iih'■ ” ^,„,\v,ll |K-r.. ive, sir, that I hav.> not •' , 1,1,,,. ,iil i.M T the lii*l(l—the calt!'-ai‘- 'I I" j. „.vi.|i\.ni a iirolix n.-dmit ..f//;//iii>.!.',’'‘‘"'J-' , ' > j ' Id'nidkuig.inlv a lew cow^ that an- stabl.-d '"f i.,1.1 li d wi ll, that I shall her. aft.-r n.lopl it pr-'babihty, hv. t,. tln> 1 epul.lic lit .uinm.-r a, w. 11 as m wmt. r, and never »>•'' I-""- , , .•,1 I « I curfh. Its \V(‘il UM tiH* most aiiu nanp>. s.narato tlic iilvr»s ol Cli»* lu rnl st«K k , y*''**’' , . *'• I ,, I r u. Ml II hall a .•enturv mor.-, .lur pop'ilulioii mu\ III.Ill the cow.«. 1 have .loiie ••1 III a l.'W in- ; n i i 1 ii. i,-..,. «lu ,v- sol.l' I'lich irom lorlv to liltv nullK.ns, an.l l«v Maii.i's, and the cal I'S l av. ' L .-.lual to that of'|-r;m.'.-and Creat-ISi-.tain lor t'iglit > .11''- " ' ‘ If impr.ivem''nt in th.' ii.-elid arts .h'iul.1 IH. h..u. il „.xt fiflv M'.'irs k.'.'p r-a. e v.ith the „i,prov.-, ahhongh w.ii'k. d . _ve:v_ d.ij, and .ai.ie m ih-'la.st fiOy, inlv ”n*n \oil a prolix a.'.'omit..f f.' .1 ..(1 It .'\.-ry .lav. In the rmg, ||,;iiij''mg tier provi-iiiii « r.'p. I 'll th. .'ul'ar.‘I'.'inov.'.l, and ill" w.-ll-iolt'-.i mu-i do j.ri v i.msly pursued — I tlii'U^'ht ii b: t !'•' " ‘M’P •' Iiun- Iroiii the -t iblr an.l I’liii.p' n is now allh. ii;_'li it iiiakc'* a hia;.' st.-iv ..I I .nil'll .lilt, .'iiid an I .pial ipiaiitilv i^'il t i.':n ii ^ nnoht .'.-i' wh'-i. in 1 .iiiU r from t:rl., or luiif ai i.‘, in tlir. e .ir Imii h' i| ', I.\,|j.||i, by following vvlin li we !■ 1- lor the coiiv. iii.-iii'C of piitlin^ it tu th corn, l,ou.'lit l('?.sthan live iii.nilh' provi'ioiis; 'I'll., .-.traw left by 'l“'j hv t7ie pr.-sont iikmI." I -.-Id.iin buy a ' ' ‘ ' ' nri.'ii larg.’r si.sk 1.' t, iiii.'lhg''iit, iii.tniLti.-.rwith a lull mm.l ^ '■.> ihe j |,r,.s«ni , ;n.l i'.-'.ulat.-d h. ait' ' , | i-O'.hel, and supiK.rt _ 'ai; ma.le wide and Hat, hut not high. * , loriiKilv. In We should give as vv.- »v.i;d.i r'l-.r.e, - l.imn plant corn Iil-I.jp-- the lirst ot May; ^^^,,in, i f.irg.d t.i s.ij oheei-fully, (pji. kl>, and wilhoiil In Mtati.m ; the Ik-.Is an; five |..'. t apart, an.l ‘he corn i „„ ,|,e ' i|,,. ,.v*«,it .d tutiire ilisooverics ' 1 lie man for there I-, no gra.,.-Ill a Irtjiiulit that .slicks |.!.inl.-d two h i t nnd a hall apart on an.l mitriii'ins (.nxl. not only j . i y,.„,.,,..,,i to nredict -i tew vears U. th>- lini.ers.--.V.'«"-u. : l" 'l; 'I"’ 1'I'*UH>‘ st.- k an.l i-ultrv, but for n.-gr.K-s.- '* ‘‘ 1' V‘ ^i V'f U.th. hn„ ,s. 1,sail well up,V.m, lour .,t live furrows. it .-.niallv inip.rtatit ui a pro-! ^ V"‘"f fV '*> “I have lived," sai.l Dr. K. I). Clark, ,'^tin mg the gi.-un.l at this tini.-is very U-ii- in a ri.e iiild, to have the low “ to know th.-.l the great secret of iiuinan .li.;ial m k.;ei.mg olftlie cut-worni. U h.;n , . i. , . ^y,.n drained. ' I*! I ;o.i.,c. ..It:...,....,. .i.-fl.innril. 1'>‘"' _ Iw.mld have Im-cu \i'>v,..l ;u ii viyuHinrv. '.ver ol 't. ain, . r rather iiy the •I t!...l I'.ivv. r III propi.lluig I'.Kit . an.l c:i 11 i.ii'i’'rii.‘ pr.'-eiit g'iK-r i li.iil ha-, wilii' I'd w oil.I. I III! .h I I’vei i.'s, an.l pohli.-al i.-vi hill' ll. of in. ai.'ul.ihlf iiii- rtaiiei- to the iin.l ha;ipm''>'. of the hmii'.n ’iinilv. ’I'ii.' sin ce.-.ling ..ii.-s —our ruii.lr.-ii nnd .-iiiiiircn's . hildr. ii— are .1* tiiH'il |H'rhap‘-to w ilm ' s .n'cunein'.JS not h'ss »'\trM.iidm.irv. .lu.igin;; bv th.' i-t ( -11’*‘‘*'*> 1"‘'*^'"*1 to sa) wlmt will b- ' the evf'tit ol llitiirc discoveries ! 'I’lie nmn I" liappm' ss is thi': n ver ; ullei your energies : th.'corn has tiiur nr live leaves, it i.s thinned, to st.i;:iiat-. 'I'h.; .il.l adage of “too many an.l only «me stalk left t.i a hole; at this irons 111 till) lire,'’ .'oiiv.*ys an aboimiiabl.; tune the rott.;ii manure is pvit around ihe lie. \ ou cannot hav.; too luaiiy : poker, corn, and ti.uchiny it ; th.' earth is Uaul.-d tongs, ^*id all;—Keep Ihciu all yomg. , up wiili th'j lioe, mukin('. a pretty larg. ^ visuHitiry I sincere ly hope, that \our cfllii l'i to pro-1 p,, rt..,i;7,i,.d^ and from its fre- mole the agricultural iiiterest.sol our native I ^ c.vtrrinrdiii.iiy a pertbrmance state, niav hi-amply rewarded. |,;i.(|, in |iartii.-ular plucex, to b« a \ ouis, AiC. A Kit E 1’i.AXTfi;- ! nov' liy.—,SVf/. /i- e tiirnoJ tocxamino the coiiditi.m of his m st. The egg had luckily fallen on a boft beil, and wiLS ii.it bnikcn. \ftcr a careful examina tion, he took it in his claivsand returned it >af>-ly {p the nest. The CiMt of Miiil.—Jxiat liefoec Na(^le- oii .set out tor Helgiuin, he sent tflitjie rle- v.*n-st aitiz;in of his cla^ in rafis,tatd de- iiian.l.'d of him v^hctlu'r he would J*ugagc to make a coat of mail, to he worn uii.U-r the ordinary dresn, vvliiHi !ihn\ild lie abso lutely bullet-proof; and that, if so, he might luiiuu his ow n |irice for such a work. 'I’hc man etigagod to make the desired object, if allow ed proper tinie,-aud lie nani. d I "i,(U>(> t'rancs as the price of it. The bargain vva-i i-onchided, and in due time the work wa-t priHluced, and’its nuiker lionoun'd w ith a s.'eiiiid audience of the Kn>|ieror. “ Now,” said his lm|>erial .Majesty, put it on.”— 'I’hi man did so. “ As 1 •am to stak.i my lileoii its etFicacy, lyoi. will, 1 suppose, have no oiijections to do the same.” .Viid ho t.i.'k a brace of piatuls, aiul prepartd to ih.i- cliarg.' one of them at tho bn ast of tho .'toiiished urtinte.—Thr-i-e was no retreat- iiig, hov.ever, and, half dead vvilii fear, ho >t.*oil the lire, and, to th.* iiihmte credit ot liis work, with |>eifeet impunity. But tho lliiipcror w;i.'' not content with one trial ; he (ired 111..* second pistol at the back ot the tr»'ml)ling artist, and aru rwiirds discharged a fowling piece at anotiier part of him with similar elliict. *' Well,’’ said the Emperor, ‘“you have pniduced a capital work, un doubtedly—what IS to be the price of it f’ Ei 'hteen thousand trancs were named as tht^agreed sum. “ There is an order tor them,” said tho Emperor, “and here is a- nolher, for an eipial sum, forllu* flight that I have jjiviiij you.”

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