mNER§’ & FARMERS’ JOURNAL. fKlVTEU \.\U PI ULISHKI) KMOKY H i;i>M;si)AV, HY KOIILK Ac HOLTON....t;HAttL.OTTi;, .lll-XULIiMJLHG C;OU.\T%', NOKTH-CAROLINA. I WII.l. TE*ri| YOl' TO nt:K(-E THK HIIWKLS OF THS KARTK ANI> llKlNti OUT KUOM TIIC fAVKRNs OF THK MOIMAIN.-., MEIAI.S WHUII WIIJ. fllVE KTKk.NinH TO Ol lt ll\M);i AM) KITlljrcr AIX NATURP. TO OUR USE AND PLEASURE.—OR. JOHNSON. VOL. I. \V1JIK\ESIIAY, JLLYO, IHlll, NO. 41. THE A: FarnM‘i*«’ Jimriial I iii^ (Hiti)ftlie constitution, treaties, mid l;i\\s j du»ilry of our counlry without (IpNtroyinu or ins. 11,1..^ now;, aimtln'r w ith John W cslcv on his of the I'nitcd States. 'I’l.o rxpresscd opiii- injuring any portion of it would ,.r. .«nt ! - •>' “■•J a,„l a fowrth, {..KKl ol.l Thomas IJoston! ADVKHTlSiniKNTS willjM- ins. ritd | li^.leal thissccti'on aiuht ^MMnVto m'.' to fol- I reliant a.ui th-- onsumers, hnve adv. rHc i..- conts i>or square (not t’vrrt'dinj^ Jin^’s, Mor tn» i * * .1 i fort j»ts, u.iul the tfovi rniiienl when she Uvm lu-r da- first iiiw’rtion, and contw for cacli «ucc(fdinp | lH‘CO>?^ry Coiise(]UCin:o, that fhrio , iju|>orU(l iiurchariiliif miiKt obsrrvt; ui week—cr SI lor tlirt u weeks, for one i«]iiart'.— I mi”ht be a ditl’fi-cjit decision i.'J eacli t^tate | way th.-iu various» will be iiiltttMl. A hlxTul tliscomit wiH !>•• igatle to tliom; « ho ot'tho Union Upon prt*cisc|v I ;e COIlsti- [ Till w liicU of jiCVt rn:mnt must :iiu\r on, ,Hid ri v. tutional question. Jf the dectM(.iis ol'the ‘ 'h' ‘h«t rt 'idrr!. t!.o op. r.tion of advirtiM-lythcyar. 1j Oiuilladvi'rtisnnoiits coiiiniuiiicutcil for publication, thf- niinitw r of insi'rl 10119 ninst U- nnlrd on the niirqin of ihr inmiiiscni't, or tliry v.ili be coutinuid until ftiruid, nnd charfrcd accordingly 117* All roninninications to tlif l^itors iuu>t conic free nl'pvfttigt, or they muy not be attt ndid to. TO THE FREKMKX OF Lincoln, Mevkkithurg ('aharrus cnunlie.^. Fki.lov.'-Citizkns :—I am u candidate to rP(>n':»ent you in the next t’on^^ress ol thi- I'nitrd States. Viewing me as sueli, you have a rifjht to inquire hv what (Mjliticul prin ciples I am governed, and to be iiitorrni'd ol my sentiments and views as re;;anls thc-se leading subjects wliich ha\e di.strarted, and I tear, will continue to district the publu- councils of our national ;ovpiiimt nt. I have taken this nietluMi of piviii" you that ihe K hole }Tuverniii’;itdl laaiiiiiirry staootli, L ir iiionious and uiiobstrucud. A 'I'ariiVljtv ol soiii^ APFEAI. OF THK CHKROKEE.S TO Tllfi PEOPLE OF THE UMTED STATES. M'hereaH, it is incumbent upon us as cit imts of the Cherokee Nation, individually or the good eld lights of Scotland. 'Hirice ^ happy IS the ina:i who lifts the Uihle as if land collectively, to erprtss to the people it had 'Iropt from Heaven into his hand a- lone, and whose ejes ai-e aniiointed with the true eye salve that he may .see.” A P.VHSAUK moM 1111: “ NOCTIJS. ’ t^hrphenl.—W hat s,iy you to a mule ' ■Sorlh.—'I'iio \ oung .\inerican in his di'scrijjUoii for iliu |>ur|osi'» of rmnm’, i,iu*i k-i mo't amusing volumes, " A \ear iii Spain,” question State C’ourt.s .lsould be liiiiJ, tiiu toiistitutioii and laws *tf the I’nioii ii;'.f lit be construed to mi’iui one thing m one State, and ainitLer tn o|nru(i.>ii. It is 'ilic d jiy of tin. If ,'! h.tor-* oi ' lias exhausted the subject, thing in another State—“ all unifonuity in our toui.iry to see oni »t !«•' iuffici.i.t lo; ,sl„i,/url —hatVvoii wull sir ' construction woul.l thus destro\ed.”- n.-eo*sa.c,. of our g.-v, ..., ^ ' ‘ ^ „ I . I cxiiil* no.'. I!ut wl.. n tilt rti>rL.-iii.U;nii coi'U^ I'. , i iiau. j iiiun , s.i>3iif-, uiom North-Carohim, in her State t ouits nii Jht is bi>t to U- dyne, what ih.u ih hif. d'“vontiy, for there is soniHthing abortive in recoonise a law ol ( oii^ress as coiistitu-i jjntv / It KetniH to mu it would b to i.alcu!aiL'iln- (.-very tiling it diK.*s, e\eii lo its very bniy. tional, and the Courts ef Virgijiia or S»-utli-1 t>ur fit or injury it iiii-lit U to the u-;ru uliuri t, | (i,,. ^ontrarv has soniethiii'f Carolina ^:cide tlu. same to be unconst.tu-; I '-r,y and whole-soul.-d^l.ut it. A jack tiona!. 1 he Jiidieiaiy ot the >tati^ iM^ht tut to tint begins hn! bray w iih a modest whistle, ris- roliise to tarry int.) edcct the laws ol the' ■ ■■ ■ of the United States our views in relation to the proceedingH of the executive of the (Jeneral Government towards our people, and the arbitrary course of the State of (ieorgia in its assumption of jurisdiction over the Cherokees, having for its primary object, the extinction of the Cherokee Na tion as a distinct |K»litical community, it therefore resolved by this meeting—•' 1. That in recurrence to numerous trea* ties into which the United States have en- ten'd with the Cherokees, the United States, by treating with them in their national ca- [incity, ha\e recognizcd the right of the Cherokee nation to “ govern itself,” “ to manage its own affairs,” and to exercise system productive of tlie li a.-i t vii uiid iiii ^'umIi »t iiig grad'iallv to flit* top of his [lowers, liko ' powers as a soverf'ign otate-^onsciUPiitly, I'nited Stiiti'#!, and without that ap;>eal to I j/oihltotiitcouiitr>. Tnat liit n.i i' -toftln ..jtli. (j„, i,io rexsive eloiiuence of a well adjust- «t“orgia, being a component part of the U- the Supreme Cjurt uhicli the :joth section ^'rnStat.-s li!y «iPxi.d by tU u.i.,i„ui o,«. pradimllv declin- aiithoris-vs, these laws ww.ld be cntin U an- ' . i,,,. -.i,,. ,, , , ,, , . I .1 ■ . I >.iiou:d l.'iiTrlon'in iiiv o:>u..on bt iiiudiiicd uttoid m_: oi a iiaiiirai coii iii.'ioii, oui int. mun. nulled, and could not Ik* executed w ithoiit a , , oniiiienccs w itii a vok e like thunder, and resort to ti.rce. 'I'his |io,si:i..n iiia\ be ilhis. 'j'l „f i„tornal l inr ivm. nt han pro- d,,.,,, as ,f sorr> lor what he h.ib done, he Inift'd bv the follow mg I’xamples, (ain| in ! tiue.d jrrriit ji-alou>y m dio^.1 .'•Uaii • wh'f; i*> u n ui\ing the examples my h[h>1oi^\ lor ii-iti''1 nited States, exercising jurisdiction over the Cherokees for the purpose of governing them with its laws, is ii flagrant violation of, and in direct opposition to the promisea tops hk- a biilly wiien thr^.ttled in the 1ouj protection stipulated in said treaties. ■cut (1 in 111 iMiiit-. J'hiy arordiii;.'ly [ law iiiip»ii;e tl.i- irv-rt-t i« nulln h upon tlic rol. li'Cl'its or i«t.>r cuhloiii house olhci rr. ot lIu I .ut- cd ;ati illiiii lli> ir I. rriu»ry. il t: > y tol- U'l.'t ihf Julies on the iiii[>ortatlou of ll>r* .^'ii iner- i lninui^'-—On' dor prc.-ei dn to cii.el.«r,';e the duif's ot his o’iitf uiul. r iht- laws of tiis Lnited ^'alos, and li- is eondeniiitd and punt .lied U fbre a State ()nrl t«>r vioialiriij Uii-'cfUU- la*’. Jit^’tal llir :;iOth weticn, thy d' CKion of t!i' }«late C .’Urt Iiy to tr.u,*iK.ri.aion. nc.. ,H.rily rh.^;,. ns a line s,« cdi and ha: not the cuiage to l'>ld right to this territory, anrf Con- '*eunly . ^ ^ . tiic articM.> tran>|Kirtt d, and all w ho coiiiiuiiie tin ;ii fnif'li it. ' are i»»«n;iallv ill!.•rr^l. d in whalUT pro.!u'.r« Shriili>n!. — !l-nv' hiw ' haw' Thlt’s II,.. CiV. t. -i t.L- ;. n. r i! rniuvi.t t.,;, a ^ ,y,„.r/. eoii>.Ututi"nal I irlit to uppiopria'c inoiny l r na- ‘ tioiiul i;ii;roM iiii'nt, would xiiu tn be adicil'. d , both by till' .'■ s and in r:il l.ox- inn. ..I :ro... , tin I'af t, tiiul I VI r\ jdimniktriil.oii ha; iii.iili appr iiriatioiis ibr sucii ohjr W. Tliu! !(n .en> r.iM lu. , , ii r i i 'i . Irniiicntmav ha»e nnprow.-na i id niipmp. l'»-ll MM.Ily .le,^-ri bed and acute . r ap;j!ie.Mioi;sol pal-l.c mooi. ■ in w. y i, . i> 1« U, biH it was reserved for the editor ol ry piot>abif. .\ly o^iiiiun i» tliat th' ru,v p:);« r (he I'lttsburg (.i,iZ'-tte to iliu.'trate its inci- and -»•. luiltfV to be pijr.Ui d, woul.l be to abiii- yvorklll;;-i on s-iV.luie dt.->posiT!'>ns, hv a Oon all kind of eUrav.,«:.t appl.e .tion of ,b;.. ^ v^l; wondn fully adaptnl tofre.’ze “ r.t ..a;e my loid ol J'aluubv." 'I'lie j.aii^s oftlii." ungo\( riial le passion t, (lid ti.1 apply froiu Uim to tiii>’ ll. Kiiriila, revenue lo » it.s uf intern... iin|ri>vi n;i i.t HIV Doth pr.»etitibl’ a:.d i Ajx c.. i.l, i.ti! n h would proluee a i.iti .n,l ui.d conii;.i.n iiawnjj always in M .v ihi' Htii. t t rt^Md t • L;i vafl'ju* liit'-rmti ui the dirt»T>-iit .S (• -. Tbc n.'Jit «iibjeel to uhlch 1 • h-^U ii;ul«- yi/ur u;» the bl'Hid and make the ti-i lh chatter. ' .V Ix'autitiil sfj'ui A, if u .v>leci.-ni be not ii.’iplii tl til th> epithet, was o:;ce sitti.'ig in a vvigwain h‘-r hti.sbaiid, ( i(iebi> 'i w( '!tp[hjse) who was passionately information, and I do it willingly,'kxause j ‘be language uf the coi..' c, nvIio re|K)r- it will atlord you an opportunitv to reflect j fcJ •'* ''J be townd in the context if.sell.' upon those sn^ects, and will enable you to make, dclilx-rately, such a decision lus t!ie | j, that Uiose lu..:i oui;hi noi to L.; iuterest of our common country requin s.— I am a republican; my jiohtical principles were formed during the administration of Mr. Madi.son—with him and with that class of politicians who supported his doctrines and defended his mea-“ures, 1 uniformly ac ted. Tliose opinions have grown up with niv i:rowth—U^n mv guitle throughout niv i aI * **!*■ brrucii, i/.*3 o: i.i* ciuic i. vun political life, and cander coiu|.els me to d. ; ^ eomlus.s.-. aiiy .«^uu could dare that in them 1 still have the j lim, nnlhty an an j' l.'oi.’resi which coiifidencc- '■J '‘nco.'sntut. .nu!." ,, , . . I ••The i;\ceutne ot niii of the''titc» in a ni( 5- Our national legislature exercises a juris- d.eUred it to b, l.i, diction for certain purposes, over an empire junion, tlio i.’.nd bi.ioin!inj; to tlie l.’nitrd ^ _ — th? operation of its laws are felt from , MaIi » within lur t.mtory is mw i.he prop«Tty o. i trniKti i» r.,l .ii\f i > the cxpede im .i.iJ n* .^^^ity I enutni>np d of her, uft* r a long and btiad- ?laine to Louisiana, and from the Atlantic : ^ 'itIik of h«T no\erei*:n authority.— I of e«tafjli..hii}" a branch of th.-1 . >tai. *' .Mi;.i m j fast ".i/A' at her Uncied chiirm.M, the abori- to the ll(Kky Moiir.tams: embracii.jj; within its. circle diversities of sod and of cliiirtite, with a tew exceptions, imprecedentid in the aiuials of modern hibtory. The iin \it- rhje consequence is, that among the [kjihi- IaU£>a thiy^x^iout tljis wide e.xtcnt of coun- Irv llirrc mu-sl be a diversity of pursuit, o| ieeling and of interest. Gejicral legislatim w lien applied to, aiiil ojieratiiig uj)on, either directly or indirectly, tlie various punuit3, ft-^'liiig*and mterebt ef those who comiH>H- this great nation of active and ciR-rgetic freemen, might well lie ev|»i ri d, on sfiim- 0Cca-ioii5, fo create jx-Iiticai exciteinent— and in fact it has already pnMluctd that *tale of U'fling on the part of tluj«?e who U-- lieve their ini* rests have sufiercd by the unequal, cons«'qu' !illy, unjust o{'«'rati'in of foino of the laws of t.'ongress. It is beyond the power of man to make a system of g.n- prnment like eurs, or any f)ther, c»(K’rnte with precise equality—nor is inequality al- !'vi ry Slate cannot exjiect rttUional—the fortiicr by immemorial o> eupancy—the latter by treaty guaranties of the United States ; and that the establish ment of a military station by the State of (ieorgia, within our acknowledged b;unda- ries, fijr the purpose of arrc.sting our civil officers, confining them m jails, and for the purpose of forcibly taking pos.session of our gold mines, is an iiivasinn upon our territo ry, w hich the treaty of the 27th February, I'llJ, had secured and reserved to the 'herokeea. 3. 'I’hat the survey of our territory, au* fhoriz’d by the late law of Georgia, into sectional districts and now on the eve of completion, is a violation of the law of the United States, enacted in 1H02, forbidding citizens of the United States, under severe peiuilties, from entering into tlie Indian ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ w.._ - - » ** ». V tit .7|n^iiiii^ II Vi VI «lllk* M ^ ^, rci^al oi the\*.'iih wctioii of the J aU.cial act. Our j urotH-riy, *tiiHuUu *..Jn*tr/ ^r- i I’lie^iifuible rauiiMMU 1 inlilTil f W**rok«5» |X*rn»anent (frotec In »v submitted great pai.-i\tiies.s thuii prohibited by llurleiurtu of ih-; Staffs froin I of the airirut a.* well 4H to the i--->ph if tn-- . i i. ii ,^rtbrmii,g th. irJuty under tne law *ot lb I’nion, ^ go»d r.^ion ofthe S .ith. tl,. a-I'\" ciuliuod lair one‘, Would V.Hi imi- uilliout the |o«(ibiiity uf r.'dre»» in any conUitu. j dopU.wi of »ucii a inea»ure 1 tin i>ee j;u v>-.;l :oui;- tate this subimbslon ') und ou coolly enquir. lional or Ir^aJ torm. In thi uiann;r Ihu Utie of i ihip I'niled to 3 vajit domain, w hich ha* cwl j (,,!>. th'li., pfT.tlcrixn, t nd. aw. .1 *o lav t» f.’re the nation nun) inillion* ana w hiclijusUy belong, j yo„ j,. fijgf » r «b tl.i inn'- ;ai rru'..r t.» the i« .>i th. wral would bi lielia- j, ^ w i!l ad:i;il. niv m. w» -iiu ofth- nr.n xvays injti-tice. i,v. ry .......... ■ ^ to shape the measures ol the t^eiieral tio\- j crnnient to suit its own particular interc't. | ,,f ( i pro;.o-':! in Th‘ causes whicii pp-vent it are wati-d in the natur* of things, and cannot U- «Mitir ly cf.imt' rui fed by huiiiaii lacans. Mutii tl lor- b'Mi'anre theretore a duly obhaa- t .rx upon all. The roiindatior.s of otir . i.n- vt.f'ition were lai.l in a spirit ..f coir.pronils- i t'^lh.i of In- Counlry. and wa- banc:i,,ned by hu ... f* : #u » I‘ I**'* m hiii otiii ui rhaid'lvr. I :iC« r i';» m!lu- H i I l'* h*. . \ liic Juiiicury ot IJie Lf;it» d .aartcd ir- v.ii.> have the iiianag''n»ent of o'lr in- | i-m I. uc , ;;:id tor ibrty y.-n* l:a.- be. n i:x..reis- r.f'ii' to a.irmiiistf r it in thi.-* spirit. If iny j, ,, jt j'iri...ih ti.Mi o-.. i ih.- M^ry kufjeii nutter p!;rt!'->n of tlie I lilted St.itcs c.nceivu that tiK'V iir- aligns vi-'l, let tlieiii with firmne.-s, Ird aii.i gii ally impair' Vo« thvi^f, f.Mlow-cit.i. n>,. thf evil ter.den* lef, the p. rniei.’Uk .-onm.-]Ueni ei wouf.J rkMiJt Iroui 1. ifirlatioiiol Ihi.- kiii'J. It uould be UU' l'{> the hoiidr-in winch the M-!o:> arc in Id in uni >ii. 'i'fie di-a.strouri eoi.s-qu. nc ' t!iat wi>uld h^M- rij.ultiil lr..m the rr|» :.l ot ill- ...ii>ii rete.Tid lo, no mm ' tr,„. th.'c'.i:.ciU «f th. nalioil.l can 1.11 . li.t It appear* to me tney woulu b- .lUeh 1 ,„vH(,cation that w. ai. . it.,-‘ uk o. t ttiat It uould sri. v.,- and alHiet any i^tiiut, any j ,.,rt'cren{i oi ..pitiiMU ti.I. r:.l.-d, dear tr;. i.d lov. r of ii.c IiUtU. . and ((lory ot ' ^ j,,l,mul cai.Mi >•. th- p« )pl. in th. ir f\' r. .!?n hi.' 'iJntfy,towitn ^ i fiavt al.vay* «iipj/..»et ,^1' th' and lh» ..nly ju.!>" * ot It a .lie rule in U'cidii.g eou»tilulional qu. -tiu/is j propri.-tv or nnpr.iprii ly, f^>i nel.i' or inn.r • risio-; out of a law ot ongress, lo liave r. ;eren;.' | rtcti..»fUi- i^jMl. a! ojunioi.- >l th. eaiMli,;.it. s lo tl.i; in- n . n*:ai;i d in tii. (Mivsa(,'C li*'' • '/ a» | ,r ,jffra"-s. 'I'li' f --iilt, t’ ll.iv. i I'li. n ■, i>- .1.1 lo t.;- tiiiie w III I. the Ua w a.s pais. d.— ;wiihy0.i I: you should Ih1i>v. in. worthy ui..: »o tar ai rej;ardii the uet i„ rii'ihal st ilion to whi. h 1 .:-;>ir. , and I ijkil tiH i.;«in V* Jii' il \.)-ir ntatue i.l fim to aet. and il in the . r joii'i.Ki wh.eii f hn- i;u.n you U|«jn L.."-*- iini'ir’.iiil |« Ii -m,';, yuu o\.-r n-y ». n'lm. n; .ii'l .•;ii:.i(..iL'. lo t' d f . r. Ill t'rom thosi. w hi. I. th- IftMinraM-n*! ! m i.rLfta.n*, »h ) ha* h. r. t .Iir. i. j.n nt d tij* ..i - ■ Nir.. my 1 e Mii.'.ry I.d t ittt il'g flit cau^t■ of this outrage, wa.s flattered by tli. reply of h* r hii.sbaiid, redolent with .iti'i'tmn. were too li'autiful,” he said. *• ,iiid l» --t o.7.frt .'hould tliink >oii so in part lo he r.-j^ aled ' It w.-. (lurii.;; the tir»l I oni^rts> at1‘r the a- dociiouot th. .n»titulion—m%ny of those «li) H'T' m. nib'r» ot I hi oiu^ntion who lorintd the oiislitMlioii .\‘.T- ai-.o iiiei..lH,ra ol the lir!.! on- "Ki-. (:i til'ir \M-dumlhe !iw ori^jii.ated and ■I, ami a-. ■,11. li rcc. U'd th-; a;>pr'jb.'*.io;i 01 iht M-hu h [►■htici.ins of y. I. td.iy bay i.-. un( titu- i lionnl. \V ill you b> In n- tlu.n ' or w iM you b' should y.'U ni.ik«- a j.u'.lic . \pr ^.ou «.i' y"iir v. ill lo th .t cl!-, t, f I ,»n but (.I'.iiii'.- it w ill !>. my bii^iij' .V. and my pieu-iur. t^ipv^r^U' 111 h n ( 'Mir as V. ill |ii’ - . rv>- > our inl. rc-1 j.i;.l lie ■ at i:;t. of l!ie (.• opl'j ‘if ll. f 'liil.'d .''tat. i am your tciend ai. : fclKiw . itir -n, H. smi’i*. ^t'rotn thr 1 ttinuinjh .\’nrnfi' ■ A M'ri 1:\\i\ Ur. IaIi'’ —'I'lie tn;i!i coiiNevdl m the f'lllnwing extra. I, h s.. lt:ipi)i!\ . ..:iceived tion a.5 intended by the parties to said trea ty, ha-s b*«n umonstiUii nail If, and tv the inh^y of the pevjtle of this nation, susptftj- ded by the present Chief Magistrate. 4. That although the Supreme Court of the Unifi d States has refused to grant a bill of irjuiK'tion a: prajed for by the Che- to,.. I I -f vur I rokee Nation, and althniigh it cannot redres, I'.e >..ttsfie,l, 1 shall >,t;il K.U- ^.,u future wrongs of the ( herokee th .ugh ofli,r. mav luve mki le\>.- At the «anic ;tme he ackn.wle-.lg, d that her can- ,Iurt ha.l never inspire,! a li . iiny ol j.-alou.v. I '‘'’“i I Tin.- h.-roitie ef the fon-going, w.n.-h | '''“'■'T"'' V wotild make an ex. .•lle,.i ,,c-ri...To,ni.- drama,' '« •“ ‘^vor ot the lat- , has U .-ii H. rn in IMtsLurg. How the ca- i lt..^troi,he-.h.M...-h-s>l.i.lN w..uIdelect.ilvi‘^'-:*‘""‘ society, .sejwrated from an audience :'-yV»i;i. Mrur.'J.urml. ' |-‘h^rs, capable of inanaging its ov»-n afl.irs and governing itself, it lollow.s that ihev n„ch, lor.' Hi rr«-, —An old Uclielor T '“’i* uitmi... b. wa^ .,f a set off Gcii-'avsuinptiiK. of jurisdiction by tlmi , .-ral M ( lu.e\'prop.;si.i.,n to tux bach, lors ' ‘’'V territory is an ei. ' inst.a.I ..I duy pro,M,, s a, f..||ow,-hear |,H)wer, in opn viulat.oti him. *• L. t . s. ry one that is tire.i of coii- i i|i.^alf. lieitv pav a certain f. c to the state I*'"' Fo'iotinced by the highest Judicial ■ lor a duorOe, a.-cordiiig to his abihtv ; and ^ ^ i - r t o It will n-.t only Mi,M de the necesMty ofj ^ I..XII10 ( ta\e> wi!l;;i\eiMe the excltisivc'privilege of uii- , n.arry iiii: all lli.-s..wh.MMsh to I.C unmarried executed, and on the people ot in tiie I ini' lii II*'* Vifi » » .-»v v*\ kit%. y, lit d yt i ungdogs, lA.ftiicre will Ik- no t.ecd pr^'nie Court namely ‘‘that theUien-kees ves' ,,f n,n kind. An.l if (.’ovciniiicnt ! dent, w ho is to “ take care that the laws l>e ti.v -iri.-n- . - - „ ... nt'd Sial.s. 1 will pi...!;:, nn-^-lfl'*'^,/ n... o-ri-.™...",■" ■“> uXU ':irr; o":;:;,; •«'•?« r,«»;• - '•»; • • - -r.? ’*•“ 'n’";- them- .\'w..smad.-bylh:recomn.,Mi.Ja.,nad.Ts, I don.,t.l.m',tthal itwitllH-a.-c-p. nra.elul’.-xhibn..m.s-tlie sale ..f a w ili- bv .reprewnfafit es and (. hict tlon of tiles.: m. 11 to r.j> the btriloii in question table to them, and gr:lllf\ ing to all I'Uf thoM |j,.p whull took place in S''® points de- an.i .Mr.J.'ii; r-onuad .\Jr. .Madi.on I - ■ ^,|• vi^joii i.^so ..liseun-d, as I.. ,1„ som- tiii'e .inc” th.> h'li-kind oflici ' C’ourt, to revive the • j prev. nt tl.cni .seeing .ts con.eliness.- for diV(M.s,ng of Ins worth-1 '-rce of tn-aties, t.. pr.ifect the lilH.M ties of K I ' -urs, ^Ki.i. i I,,,, rill. “ >\ ho'll buv a w He, ' said he- i ^ let tejiiperain-e and reason and iic.t |>u.--.ion and threat , ln' the weapons used—let it !»*• a tiMiily -in-titnti.inal ilriigg!'- for what is cr.n>liliiti.n.ill> iii;ht—let us beware of iinl- lifi' ation iiml di.siini'm ; for of all jNihtical aa sfr.yi,;,' advocate s lor .Stan njrhts tmy r a.soi.- a'.i!.- p'lliti. i;in at thifc diy . an j rot. ss to I;.. (ien. Ja. kion has ts .-ii ..nd I Is li. v - now is iIk bv tli'.se who have ofliciJited as high priest III the dispensation of' this political heresy, imoiinls to this: 'I hal any one Slate has a rt::l.l ti> a law ef the Unitcl States. Or, iti other wurds, that a minority may '.'..verii and c.iiitri l a innjorifv, whenever Mii.\ sliall think pro|)cr so to lo—a prttict- ■^l; s'» faN( and iint' liable, .so iinqii'-slioiia- blv abs inl and at war with all tli- precon- n.iv.i mill e-talilish.'d prit.ciples ot this goV- rrnii ' I t. that I am at a loss lo account f.>r 'lie c.,' that eo'iiil induce n-af-ionable, in- . !li; nl. hi|.'!'.-iiiiii'Ied m>-u fo put their faith :ii IK h d.)( trim s, and iipon sueh fall.icie.s, j' op..rii7,.'> the union of the States-, and con- ''■;i|.iilt\ !ili the iiuiiiIh.rh.’Ss |Hihtual bcne- !'• - I'ml r(-.ii l I roiii il. The insidmus and l..i!clnl . n;-( ts I r tlii.s principle was I i;ir,ir 'tffl (lioint; tl:r- latter sesnon ol tll'J In t ( oiij'r.'ss, in tin- alti. inpt ina.lf to repeal the •;.")t|i '-i-eUi'ii of th' act of (' to establish tli'- .'ii'!ii-nl ( 'om t'i of the I. lilted States, p,e-.' I in f. .iuiing the adniiriis- tratioii ol (1 id VV a-liiiit!t';ii. ’1 liis sei’- .ion of t!ie :i( t I'lV-.s to tin- Sii(ir'-nie (Anirt of the I ml'-.l Hu.tes --upi r\ i-»»rv juriMlic- .\ndre\v .\dair and S. Watie, Secretaries. !ifi ation an.l .li.siinion ; lor Ol an ,,en. aa. .iion n«.s .s ... ..... . .s .... ,„tolenble ooi.ressi..n hi lesies ihat of ni.lltlicalion t.. IIIV nuiid IS rhoir.-..I the Aim re an p. oi.l' . I th.-r. or.- hojs •* Why are .so mativ g.K.d fx-ople s.. much - a fine wile, a hand-..ine wi|.- ' *• An-I , 'I'juit we cc.idiallv aiwove of th- re --f; at the veiv , o..l of our happy form of py- .Ily pot at rest ih-.-.uravaBanl .lelusion .,1 nulh. j •"« '>>“1 they have l.ilt one l.ihle and all no, r. j.nned tlR husba.ld, I ‘ ‘ ^Vaters,^^ Prniiieiit. The d>j-trineof Iiullifieaft.jii held I ri'.ii..)M .ind all Its (H rniri .us ton..c.iiieiir. S than read it m tli'> s,ime l.iiiguage lievaux Hit m. I Woodward was I’residont and ' ■ .1- . . i.._i :.... any mm 111 the ifoveri.m-nl; thit In- w ill prt-iervr I they Ix'long to difl'Teiit s'-.Jts, ami havi'dll-. I \ lo ’ • » ' lilt- I'nion entir., and coiii'-.pi'-ntly that th.-great Ill la'hor make ihe JV/iiif Miili.i tfiinli of' Uoihvay ccnrni-\' "I.*" ", ,u.d primary intcr-r.t. of the country will be pro- , , , ■ ownsV'teni, rc iv d h\ ««/•, .—Tim produce ..f' the Maiich «'hunk I , mo' I by hii continuan.c 111 othcc. . . . T i- i, . . m i, i i he nre.sei A»it'i.>our ri-hi lo hav a full rxi«..ition of I tradition from their fath'-rs, than to make (. (aiithnicite) .Mine, in IVnn.syhama, is . my i-olilira’l vi.;w»’ |). rinit me to rail your att. r.. their system bow to the lill'le ; or in other convi'ved fo a village of the saliu! name m j (Yiendlv lion lo a few-other mihj'-ct-: ii.sjn w-tiicii, no doutit, I iimii^ j(j,|ly, views th'- wagons, niiimng on an iik-‘ it will l« the duty of your repr. .seiitative to a.t. j ,, | |^. i|„. „„.,lnmi of Ins svst' in, and to t ai li tr.nn of fj wag. 'I’hi rharU r o!‘the (’riilJjU .Viftt* .'* IJank Will •iioil-i i ^ . n . i ' . *• .1 l,.-xpir.-; thc.,ue,tion u then prescnl.d, .-hall j “"d, ot cmirMS it vvdl ap|«Mir to hiiii to l.i- cars atta-iie.l . ont,lining the ('h--rter of tliat corpfirnfion be r>-n.-wed ? Aly : it. .Inst as if -V, fs, aiKf t , should each are emplojed fo draw b:i,' ■ mules, which _ k till! V'.lgOllS ipiiiion most d.-ei.iedly n,ihai thi- t/-.eiil con. erin [ |,nt oil dilli’reiit colouH'd glassc.s, ,\ puts on w hen emptied. I’rofi's.sor Silliman ;;taleH, ol the (;o'.eriim«nt cannot be siice.-s.tiilly iiiiri ^|,^.,,,| jfj^.cfudcs, 15 vellovv, and (' blue: that ih*' imiles readilv perlorm the dutv of prop..rly maim^ed ‘one looks tlirougli Ins o«n gla^s.-s, at drawing up th.-.-mpU wagons, hut that “ hav- i-r./iiiiiciciJl fxiM’Cu ri;y require* iiiai me iwiuk j •i ‘ i i ii * ii - .■ shoulti U- rt-.cliurt. rtdjor I Ihink tiiaf hjrnaii m- i >* 'vliitr p;i|M'r, and ‘U( li con*'s m^r ( \|nTiniccJ llu: rointort o( rifiin^r w.i'iity cannot d.'vis. any luli-tiiui.: so well adap. i that lie is right, not remeinbei itig lie down, th'-y appear to regar.l it as aright, I . .1 A.' . ..i .A. exr. ^ x>i t p «rri%.'ir (I 'I'L. .... a t . \ -.i ii IleMln ti, That the foregoing resolutions pre.sentcd to the Editor of the Cherok. e for publication, and that editors Ol me saiii*; name III • ' .. , , , I , , friendlv to the of the Cherokees be an tiK-lined railwayj .* w:igon* there are I Itisolrrd, TJiat the proceedings of this iiUHiting Ih! signed by the Pnr.sidenf and * lee f’residentd, and attested by the Se cretaries. A. McCOV, PrrsiJcr.t. GF.')ncF lliPKS, IvArTKMKi':, 'f'lios. Mriiniv, TtKiw .Munriiv, PuiK.iN, Vicc-l'rituieiitf. I. il tl) th.j tinancial 0[.« ruti0ns ot our jrov.Tiiiii. nt, I 1|;,„ |,,.j on. 'I'htis, to .\ it ap- and 11'llln'r tiald lior severe llieasuios, not .^>'0. I'Asnv, (s r lar n th. pr.-sent iiHlUution, and a th.'sam. time so , .|.,,ll Hi |. .IH^| j iv .-n the sjiai ix-1 vvliipi.illg can e»ei induce I v . »• difi.liv and univer>ullj( suit., J to the coiiM nienee ^ .. il I . I . .1 I .1 i> I.chota, (Jicrohre I^ctwn, ,,i iheMii/.en- What Kuiiid,-. or eh. ckk roni;re.w * •"*> Ji'" t" argue oil th- .subject, and it tticiii toch-vciid 111 any other way.” May Ul, may plac- U|sjti tl..- eorp..rulioii in order to prevent | i.s ll:ipos.^il)le lor any one ol them toeotivin. c th.-m from ahii-mu the power thi.y miisi neees.sari. j anothor that he is wrong, eai h one fi els a 'I'h'' e 'itor of the Ko^ton Patriot thinks ly II will li.- (or th.- ass.^mbled wisdom ofj tioii next to alisolute ..-rtatnty Unit it is n.i w..iid.-r .lucks roll up iheir.-ves in a ‘‘‘'|{uUlT|l“of pr.,h. j'^nglit. Hut I), who has- ,,., tlum.ler slorm, niu-o »!imi(h-r issoV.itid to pjhcV wi Hi*; piv.'Kin. jr.,,.,. j - II' ii 'i 4 I » . moi'fnr more li.lIWuli‘solution. 'J'o tortn a s. u;id ,n, aiiit who IH .st.uiihri;: hv.kin;' ^ ol tills town infoi iiis and judieioii*'f'arill', such as will suit t':; j on, during the contest, vf>ry Wi ll knows u;- tlmt a few w.n ago he lost n valuable and diver- ifi.-d ot our thrivni!; an.l enti r- (i,„t .,p,. ;,1] wiolig. lle,S4-c-: the |h-c- ! hiood of I’lf'tneri goslri.r.; daiilig a thunder or priMii» peopl..-, to rconcile ho|.lil.: i,iter-.ti that | | ^ | {| | , . j, | ^ iu'..-H^arily exut in ditie-r. nt |.K.alities, to raise ’ - j . . u'- irily hucli a n-M-nu.: n T'attrnint' Fowlx vith potatoes—'I'hert* is great profit in focdiiig geese, turkeys, and fowls of every sort, with jiotatoes and meal mixed; they will fatten in nearly one half the time that they will on any kind of corn, or even meal itself. 'I'he potatoes must bruised fine, while hot, and the meul the want.-i ol our «.iveinment I ‘"'"ifs for the difjerciKc. 'I'liiis one pro-' ever in the eveniii'T, hefi.ic the yho’.ver, and added, wliui lli« mciS J'j given to them. tiouovi.i ti.c rtlu'.c C'.-'U!*: in .luvbliws^row-j may i.-'iuire, aiivl 4t ih; »an-v tunv ibsUr th-.- «i- i fcstof rcid:; tliu IJiulc witli John Culvi:i on iij th',' !jv.rii:n;: th'-;. \' yl! .'I.'ii-kI dead .S’oc. of Arts.

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