MINERIS’ & FARMERS’ JOVRBTAli. PRINTEO AND IMJULISHKO KV EHY M KUNESUAY, BY NOBLE & If>LTON....lHAMM»l''I'l-:, KLK'.NBUiUi t.XHrNTY, NORTIKAROIJNA. I WILL TfAI.H VOI! TO Fti^^RCK 1 UK DOWELti OK THE KARTH ANIl mtJM. Oil KROM THE CAVr.llNB Of THF. UOl'NTAINS, MCTALi* WHILil WlLl. llIiTK STRI Nf.'l II TO Ol.S HANDS A>'l> St'BJWT ALL NATUIlt T* OUR Vt-'K AND PLEASURE.—I>R. JOHNSON. VOL. I. WEONKSI). .V 20, NO. 43. THE lYliiicrs^ & Farmers’ Jfonriial Is printed and published every Wi'dncsduy morn ing at Twit Dollars and Fifty O"'* P-f unn'im. if paid in advance; Thrrt Ihilira a year, if not paid until alter the eipiration of nix mouthn. ADVERTISEMEN'rS will be inKerted «t /■’i/lv cent# per iu|iiar«‘ (not ciceedinjf iiO liii«i*,) Ibr the tirst inw!rtioji, and 25 wntH for carli sutc(cdini; week—or 61 lor tlirt e wcck^, for one miiiurc.— A lihfral discount will b«! mad.! to (liwe who advrrtiae by tlir year. ILf't»n all ndvertiseiuciiU coinmuiiicatcd for publiualion, (iir i'.uinb4 r of T!>e boiinl of directors, as sooii as con-1 i» the same year, lie t>ui«l—“One stcji vonient alter each annual meclina;, shall so- in a jrenoralion is all tliat we can ho|x^ fui-. loct Huhjoc.tfl lecliin s at the next annual It’the presont shall ailopt caiials, the next meeting, and assign them to pro|«!r persoin. ' will try rail wayd with horses, and the third A rt. 6. 'riie ineetin;r3 6f this Institute ' ;»enci ation use the steam carriajfcs.” Hut shall he opened with |)raycr. I adding, “ w hy may not the present genera- Art. 7. Rye-laws not repugnant to this * tion, who have already go«jd make constitution, may U; adopted at any regu lar inectini. of cllizeiLsIiip should rest. In framing our own government, and under the new order of things in rrauce, it was an important question what siiould give a man a right to vote. A certain, though small income, was decided »n by cur legislators, us the necessary qualification; and this te.it l;as the ex[>erinient of using steam carriages on much of reason and justice in it, liecaus*! a than /” /\nd further, “ I do verily believe | comfortable income is the visible rcftrescn- Art. H. This constitution may be altered that the lime will come, when carnages j/rj?/cc of industry and gHxl charactor—for or anir,^( d by a vote of two-thirds>of the propelled by steam will Ik; in f'ciierat use, jit is certainly true in tliis happy couiitrv, hii^'rtbi'iH Iw niar;rin of tin-! present at the annual meeting, as well for the traii.spt>rtation of passengers : t!iat all w ho have health, ran obtain a de- niaiiu»oript, or tJiiy w^ll bu towuauid until I provided snch proposed amendment or :il-' as goods, travelling Mt the rate of ill'teen ; cont maiiittnaiice, e.xcept the lazy and the forbid, and chargid accordingly I tcrafion Im' made known to the bfjard of di-, miles an hour, or three humln-d miles per ! dissipated, tt I* All conimunicaiiona V) the Editors must ronie i rf'ctors at fheir stated inocting, nevt precc- i day.” These facts aie derived from a pub-1 So far therefore a.s this principle merely freeofpwito^r*, or they may not b: attended lo. j ding the annual meeting of the Iiiititute, iication made by Oliver Kvan'i, dated “ Kl- extends to excluding vagalKinds, if is a good and receive their coneurreiice. Ilicott's Mills, on the Patapsco, November ] oiio j still it doex not touch all cas'-s; for I 13, 181‘J, und printed, (at .Mr. K’s ej[icnsi‘,) wealth may be inherited by the la7.y and riie fdllorting gentlemen were elected \,>ry after, by the pr*‘sent editor of the . ilissipatod, and thus the pri\i!ege ilenied to LCATIOS. . . . . . . From tJi« Hillsboro’ Recorder. KOIiTll.CARULIM ISSTITLTE 01' IW- \Vr Jiu\ . »* HI. ii.iiretui, y Hon. Kridcruk Na«h, ^ l)f. Walter A. N'orwood, Rtroruinc Stc'ry. W J. Hinj{liani, Currrtjiu,tiling Hic'ri,. f’rofi sMir Mitoli. ll, ^ I’roli sior Ho'j|)(r, ■ I^ztculive Commiitec. I'roti-.nor I’iiilipH, ^ The meeting then adjourned. ofhcers,andcon.stituletiic board(>1 directors: “ Uegister,” as an to the Ild vol.' a vicious bcgnar, may be liestowed upon Sirrnion» J. Ikker,/Vodrffnf. ' of ttiis work. Hut I lie copies li-11 short, the equally vicious rich man. ni. M’J’liect.Ts, I). I). ^ ^ j und oil of the I5d vol. have not tiiis now in- : It ap|K?ars to us that the proi)Cr qualiti- A.Wui. ^ \ ut-l'icttdenis. teresting aiticle added. .\iid the editor ■ catiin lor voting is to have some regular well lememli^rs to have heard the sjime OU I and constant cm|i!oyinent—to perform a ivcrl^\ans,inliis(theediti*r’s)l’atlier’^housr, d •eided usea«a citizen, in the way of some sometime in ITS? or declare, that |»ermanent trad."*, busL’ie^s or proffwsion. “ the was then living wiio w«i\i!d see* This shuts out ljothe\treme.s—those v.ho ' till'Ohio and Mi.s.--is.ippicovered with steam are idle Ix cau-e they are rich, and those i hiiEts, and the /tihl born who would travel who are jKjor because they are idle. — fr in IMiiIu.'lc l^hia to Boston in one day,” bv —•— I he I’oanl f»f l>in!clors met in the after- steam boats or wagons. The remembrance | rruin tic Uennes.^re FarmiY. noon, aiKl made the lolloping HpiK.inliiients; ,s |H*rfel, U'cause, king a cLil.!, lie long j on ni.vAoiNt; si;tus. A,.... «a.,,auv.. .... . th.. aim inl im.t- regaitJed .Mr. IW, (who was a friend and i ,1„ „„t know of a more common er- ihechHU. The obje. l8ofthe meeim- were co...numv.nent |n.,pient victor o» his lather,) as “ cnukar_ ror tlian the practice of changirig seeds, exi>lained bv Mr. B«-njamin .M. Smith, of Lrctur,. on liir nnp«riltiions of the prcsrrit ol suth opinions. I Ins remaiU ot ^ jariners do not wish to change van- l^lilton in ail aupr^priat** and hi'fhlv inter-1 nwdc of trarhing; in oar jirimnry sch'X)]*., and ih>- i •'-'ans was made 111 a conversjition con- ( t\, or of cluinging animal.'^, when the breed ’adarrss On motion thr*'foUowin-' ih.m, H.siKotd Vj the c ruing I ltd, and Rumen's steam boat, j, of the same, believ in«4 that tlie transfer- * J r ' Kev. Win. Hfxi;»cr of tli( rnuffJilv. . . . i -i jK-n«jn» were appomted a coinniittpe todraft j i^, „ „j, a p.^riuular ref. r^institution, to wit ; l*rofessor Mitchell | ini o to (ne t. iu iiiajri.f rraJm;;, aligned to " It will 1)6 rcmemliercd that an adverti.se nent ap|K.‘ared in tsrveral of the newspajMirs 111 thiii State, requesting the attendain e of leaciiera uikI the fhends of education at Chapel Hill on the 22d inst. the day prece ding comiiicncement, with a view tooryan- i*H a aocietv having for its object the litfu- moll ol* knowledge on the subject ol educa tion, & tin* improvement of common scluxils wid other literary institutions in our Stale. At ibe time and place appointeil, there w.ui a numerous and highly res|iectable nieet- ing. Dr. Simmoiifc J. Baker was called to w Inch had just then arrived at ihiiington rj„g s,;c(js or f-ti^k often, from one farm n'.S n*'l?s,) trom I’hiladtlphia, in w hich the . another, is of importance to the growth and Hooper of the Umversitv, Uev. W m. \ r.l!en»~)d, i: q. of IliiUborough. ' ’ ‘ \ 'jf iudividuaLs of the animal or veiietable M Green Benj M Smith and \V. J. Bmg-i On I.\P(nnis and-.Sjiptiii for the diffusion of up and down the Christiana. I ms was tiic , [^inndom. U hen we I iw’m The niwtinif then adiounied to ' ^ Jolimtcn, t.,q. of steam boat in America, if not the first ' i,,ive hal rnv corn and Thu^v mornmc at 6 o’clock. | Oxford. tl^it ever was regularly titte.l for the ,|,at thev are run out,'’ ,1 I he corresponding 8*»cretary was direc-1 application of steam. She had three pad- imyy |„„„ j,.„ Thurwlay morning—M*>t according toad- , f„r th.' u-c of the Institute, jfiiirnnK-nt. 1 he committ^ appoinU*d ”'■ j,Annuls of I^ducation,” and five copies ■ middle : the v were di|iiK'l into the water j they are itnx laimiiic tlieir own dis'rracc , •> 1 I 1- -..I '..I.. ™..I I .. „ 1. ' ^ . U hen wc hear farmers say “ I my potatcK-8 .so long ” or that “ their flocks . ^ upon their fiirms that lle.s at her stern—the largest being m t’le they are much deg.-nerated,’’ then wc think of the “ Education Upporter.'* land forced outward, by a crani:—the two ■ abjure virtu i!lv s;ivm>f that thev are not Kruflrrii, That the s ereiary prrp:vre an ac- small paddles di[)]ting as the large one rose. f,t to superintend thcirow n Hocks; that they ' »ur extensive ( ollection neglect them so that they rum them; that eoiifil of tlir pro • rdiiij'.- of tjic ineotin" and of thi From the Greensboro' {A'. C.] Patriot. Oi'R sTi;)fr SPEECH!—Thia number conv* niencc.9 our third volume—or the first vol« ume after the termination of our second year’s labor. Two years ago, we were al* most entire straagers; but our acquau!‘ lance has become much more e.xtenuve since that time, and promises to cement the bonds of friendship so inveterately thufliiiiO herself shall not hie able to sever (hem. IkloTcd Patrons ; If you were not scat tered over the L'nit^ States, and we chain* ed here to this beautiful spot of crention, wo would a,nd to our brother of the New« bcru Spectator for a score of his best tur* ties; we would order them worked into soup ot the “ very best” kind; axtd we would then invite you all in, shake you individual ly aud heartily by the hand, and then aet down to a long table and spend three long- long hours in drinking wine and soup!— NVe must, however, forego this pleasure, and treat you as well ai> we can with puifd and politics. 'I'hough it has been confidently predicted that two short years would terminate our editorial existence, yet we commence the third year with a well grounded prospect of living—not only one whole year longer, but fonver! It is true, these mortal vestments w hich now chain us to earth, may mingle with all perishing things, before two years more shall have stamped their impress r>ti oiir brow of care; but if life and luck hngcr twelve months longer around us, we intend to work such wonders in the morals of tho people and the politics of the countiy, as shall render oUr name immortal! It is now'well nigh reduced to a certam- ty that our patrons and the public cannot do w ithout us; and we are prepared to ackuow U edge at any time that we cannot very con- venicntly do w ithout them. Each ne w sub. scril«r we i-eceive stands good for at least half a dozen well written articles on the sub ject of the election, the postoffice depart ment, the cabinet, or some other ah.s«irbing subject. VV hat efiwt then do you supposo would grow out of the reception of fivo hundred new patrons all at a clip? Why, It w ould “ inject more of the centering spir it of fii-e” into our quill than ever gave im mortality to Bucephalus! Our Pegasus should smite the earth w ith his hoop, frora w hence would issue a fountain of waters to wash the sins of the government, and restore Its fundamental maxims to a purity not in ferior to that vestal deity which burns to redness the checks of virginity 1 Tins being the case then, our patrons will make the discovery’ for thcmselvrs, that the impoilaiice of our paper dopeiuls upon the resources of the pocket as well as of the brain I The remark was made by some wit or wag of the tliirteeuth century, whose narao we have now fiirgotton, that the effcctof an empty pocket upin\/)uthfiil !,*eniu.s, is similar to that produced’ by tho falliijg of the “ poisonous dews of autuuia upon the dying vegetation of the world!” If imr delinqueut subscribers wish to Ihj dunned in a more modest manner than this, they must employ somebi-dy else to dun them ; for we make no pretensions to grea ter rnhnement in this necessary and hlirhlv important science, than we have displayed in the above paragraph. But seriouslv oijr press runs most proiligiously flull'lbr want of grcese , and a small portion of tho “ wherewith” from each patron in arrears would add much to the comfort and con- venience of our situation. \\ e have many subscribers who always prefer to save a dollar each year by paying in advance; il they still wish to pursue tho same course, they are admonished to feel alMiut their p'.ckets U-fore the expiratioa of the three months, or the pabliciition oi the thirteenth numl)er of the third volume. NV’e are tlius particular, that we may pn vert any misunderstanding, as we are dotcnuin- cd to si'ttlc with every subscriber accor- of din'ctor?. ' | power on bisird, to clean the docks at I’hil-1 across an anecdote, tiie other da_\, sheep at shearing time, as they lind do not j Thecoii-rMv.ndin^ secretarv shall U- the ' adelphia—and, pliu ing temporarv a.vletre. s' "hich proves that this was tho e:,.se iii\ery | iipxiuce eood w.K>l,are getting old, or have In conclusion, we niiM bid you tUrev/e!l ^>nnn of coinmmiication with'other s- ic-1 atid wheels undei i(. he propelled it, b\ the >• relateil l.y Herodotus, j other bad in.iiits alwiit them, and put tliem | mifil Saturday next, when we'sliall return t'.V-ud individuaN. i engine, from his works to the S,;huvlkill, | " lio is call the I'ather of History. 'I’lie by tliemsi'lves for sale, ai^l ix'sorve those of T**. the bo irdtif d'irr, tof»vhall lx rntni'- (lH'lween one and two miles, we l>eUeve,) inhabitants of the island of Miletus, in the nood points only to hrct d from, they will tel the opneral'intenM; of the Institute, U.ver the ordinary roads—then launched it. Ixnian S,a, having been li.r a long time ; soon tiiid the advantatjo of thei.i and in’ with authority to ilevise and exemte «ueh ; ami, with a oaddie wheel at (he stern, drove aUlicted with internal dissensions, at length system. So with the p--1at.K-.s Lt theclioi- nieiisures as ’may promote its objects. that iHiriwwe submitted the follow mg consti tution, which wan adopted. ONsTITlTIO\. Pbi;vmbi.i We, whoM* names joined, pletlging our » alovis eHi m >t»‘ the Giuse ot'popular etlucation, agree j to adopt thf follow ing coiH>titutioii, an«l to o- | b V tljc bve-law8 made in conformity with it. Article 1. Thi* society shall be callel j t)i'' Nofih-C»n»lina Io«titme ol IMueatioii. I Its obj*Tt shall liT, to difflt*^ kflowKlge on j riesare sub- m ^ ^ pi..ces, a shon sketch;.f Mr. .iiey are too lazy to gather thcir seed corn li.rts to pro- I Ihe Miu.' U. r. qu, ^ud to publuh tla-iu. ‘ , 'vnodiedat Lon by Older uf tin; liuArd. \V J. BI.\GMAM,.SVmmry. I'liiin Sdtii' W tikly Kf^x tt t, of n viL ito\i>s. At a Iiuie when the dcMre to make rail iondonin 1 ^W.), while j,s they ought, and wish others to do it for explaining one ot hi:'i mechanical invi ntions , thejn. To such men wc think the |)roverb bot’ore a public —but kn.jw not wheiico i „f Solomon will apply; “ Yet a little sleep, itisderiveJ. It asy-rts, that m HS1, he j a imic slumber, a httle folding of the hands projected the idea ot a steaiiilKKit, fommen-; sleep, so shall their poverty come as 'red itsevccntion m andearried it in-loae that travaileth, and thy want as an to etleet (at I’hiladelphia) in 1 i'•(I. lu panned man.'’ The fact has l>een long es- tlic subject of ediM-ation, ami bv every pn>- f nw«U n:neh u.ttyi*.'*ts the mind of enh^'lit- * he put » motion against tablis’.ied, that by a course of bieedmg de- p r mean's to impnAe tiie condition ot’com- j ened itKiividuals in «nery State vf tho I n- the I hanies at London, mu\ tlie notniiiated “ in and in,” that is, by breed- iiioii sclnK»ls a.id other hlerars institution.'! ion, ami some lliiriv or t'oity roaJ« are be-1 hiled with the idea ol steam : „,n, from the Ix-st animals, and rejecting in o»>r Ki.iti'. ' i "'fi iii.ule, 6r aliout to be begiin—we have ot war . lluTms own poverty and d„. |Ht«rest, a flr.r:k may lie greatly iinprov- Art •». Mimbrrx. \nv person of ccKdl thought that a few dfsultoi v facts and re- patrona^»nti>jp*-1mm. maoner, some of the finest moral rh'anic ter, nitertsied in the .subp rt , marks on thi -. lurcnuin, (amon;: the ni..st . " •* ’ o..t:iin .n mib- hrfeils of E.igUiyihavo been produced—the of ed.K ati.^, limy bi.Tonie a mnnl» r of ihis j uii|>..rtant of ni.Nlern tunes.) may m.t Ik- "'stenee, and dra;;gf*d out a weary lile, tot. same rule wiU apply to com. Now if by lubtitute, bv M«niiig the conMitntion and unaee p!al>le Muur readers, th'>iigl, so much , ■ • subject-f.r railroad., ^ ‘5 making an annual contribution of one lol- lar; or by paying the stun of ten dollars may become a memlx'r for life, and bt: ex- €inpt4'(l from the annual eontribntien. .\rt. a. yfectmc'f-—The annual meetings of this institute shall be held at Chapel Hill, on the altrrnooii preceding Commenrement. at such hour as the directors shall appoint. SiM'cial tneeting'J may be calM b\ tho di- p ctop', of whi. h due notice shall l>e given acquin lijLS ln-en .siiwl on the subject careful alt-ntioii to tlio rules of breeding ing in from the Is'st stock, a progressive improve loiioiiiy, s.it'.'ty, powf-r, sjiecd. and u^eful- _ m-! stiUife shall lK5 a pr*'-ideiit, three vire-pr iiieiit.'-, a eorn'spondmg nml recordmc sc- advanced eve.i w ilhin/.co year. we think, associated with iti-ain |x)wer, are committee r>.)om c,l the society ol art*-, tnent is made, ami tli.s improvement is de- al)out to acomplish a much greater revolu- .Vdelphi, and evplainir.g a mtKJel to ; nominated hi-erdmg “ ia and in,” then when tion in the//-/«« all'dirs of iii. n and nation.^, the company, he was attacked with a vio- f;,r,ucrs sell olf their Ix'st stock and breed than sleum, itself, has yet brou-dit about m «lmo.'t immcdi-; from the poorest, the course with the .sajne the conii.tion of thing's.'* I ^'•*1.'' caused his dt atli. To this account is ; propriety, may be called breeding out oiit. 1'li- mnkiim of rail road^r m their now •Ktached a dqM.sitioii ol Nieiiulas Ornck, Vtt so it is. the butcher wishes to pur- improved state, is the result of (he csjH ri- . before U lihaiii Little, a |ustiee ot the jci.ase some fat sheep, (and the liest shct:p ,«rr of scientiSr and practical men, chiefU ' Berkley i-ouiKy, A ii jrima, and are (he most disposi-d to fatten) ami the red within the last five years ; and •- >' ' '' /■'‘.' "’S (,r’y Ahe l i'^t of w hnm shall ac( ns (rea- of hK-otr.>livo steam w a-'on, s.-ems to be- ces-arj to give a detail.-d aceonnt ol it hen>. ' ^^ects his s.'ed. some of which fails, S Uil an'exe. utive coinmit(ee of (hn-e. ' Ions; to oar lute eountrv man, 0!iv,r A'ra;w, | briel remarks, wo ho|« . though all said to be owing to having b.-!eu X, shall constit.Ke a Is.anl .f directors. , decea.sed. earl> as tho Near 17M, he familiar, p-rliaps to a tew ,K-i>ons, will in- | fami so long. His ,H.tateHis are di \ iinl.intv of (he Iniaid shall constitute .tjeclap'd th'* ntinr of .\tntm, and suirgcsted ^‘‘’'cst many ; and (ho opportiinitj was well i jn.l put in the cellar, tho largest are .A lll«ij I I tt- * _ ^ II* A.] I I -1 _ 1. A . 1* . 1 A1- ■ and . _ lames farmer allow s him to go and s«'lcct from Ins U the niiblie ioiirnals. jeoiiomy, s.ifi.ty, powe r, sjKJCd. and uelul-. Rumsev inlormed said Ornck, m the year (l,;Krk such as he chooses, leaving the refuse »r, I oillars The officers of (his m-!iies.s. in making and liKing them, and .«.u:t-' **'*’ “c was “projecting a boa( to i i;,r him to breed from. upi>n the tw? a«/o(// .Mhe c.uriiigcsto (hem. have all mi^hdly I lis tields of corn ripen, is ffather- ■’ I steam is well known—or, at least, it is mine- fi,(. sold, and from the poorest he d. some of w hich fails, but it en on the dug up. niaioriiv ei me D-.'iiiu 'iimi tviu-.n'ji' ,.... Vr .i '' ' 1“ . ‘ . • ’ • i i " t picked I on )rum t0 tranar( bnsmeso. , its u.sc lor/;ro/«//(!!•,'hi 1:^0, he . =*uiteil to ulier (hem. up by (he boys to teed (he pigs; the women ‘ Vi,e otFieers shall b-'elected bv ballot, a1 i^'titionul the legishit ire of Pennsylvania a,m,mini.) ' Im.k for the largest and be^t kind to boil, tl.e annual meeting of the lnsii(u(e. for an exclusive right (o use ,ltum wago,,.', J„un.al Vf TntZc. “'‘l’ time none remain but the Vrt..".. /Vi .../()fc,T.v.-Thereconl-iin (ha( State; and. as steam, its:ll, was niNT I't’m liMtTA' T these are planted, and ,„.r Mcret irv vhall give notice of each meet- , then ver\ httle underst.MKl, he was regar- ‘ iHxause they do not pr.nluce a tine crop, as i„rr. fthe ln-ti(u(e, and of the Ixtard ofdi- 'ded as pn.tty nearly insane. In l-'04 he i la a very clever lidle hook lor young peo- to kind and ijiiantitv, it is saul (hey are run petor^ iiid also keep a recnnl of their trnns-; had praiticalK shewn the correctne.ss of his, l>l'-‘ called Louis;i and her Cousms, we find oat, and (he term is very projK-r, since they ar'ions He shall rrceive all the mone\s, opmioiis, iii (he building of a laree Hat, or the follow mg remark: ‘ Gok] farmers have were raisinl upon (he (rue oi>t and out sys- -mddi-bur&o the same, by order ol the board scow, h.uiiig a steam engine of li\e horse , alw ays b eii held in high estimation. I tem. If the fanners wdl sekn:t such of tlicir power on bisird, toc lean (he docks a( Phil-j came across an anecdote, (he other da\, sheep at shearing time, .is they lind do no( j ding to the strict letter'of our terin.s. adelphia—and, placing temporarv axletrees'"hich proves that this was (ho ea.se m\ery ! p t,(! wheels under i(. he propelled i(, h\ (he ancient times; it is relateil bv Her. ' ‘ iigine, from his works (o (he S»;hnylkill, | call tlic l ather ol Hi'-(i>ry. -• snres is nnv ei...,..M^ ..a v ..j !( ! i( down (he ^:lmvlkill and up the Delaware solicited the iiiteriiosition of (he Parians,: ees( selected for se,-d, kei'piiig the se^c- ’l'ril\ lxMh'eir duly (oai'p.iin(-sme siii(able 1(0 Philadelphia—tho weight of the scow, inhabitants of an adjoiumg i.-laii.l. When ra! kind-separate : let (hc^e be planted in !^«>is..n (o deliver an address b«’fore (he so-i with its engine, \c. he p.stimated as equal (hose, whom (he Parians selected to iH,-r-, go*xl soil and well (emlfd, and Wl> yen(ure '.tv at e;uh anmial mee(ing; (o .selec( i (o 2t)U barrels of Hour, or 20 tons. Il was l'>nu the ollice of arl.i(ra(ors, arrived at i to say (hat the sec.ui.l crop wul convince the ^ ’ t„ (li?li\er^lec(urcs on i ob)ee(ed that the motion of the scow was Miletus, finding the whole s(a(t> involved in man that the [lotatoi's aix- not run out. I nii)eteiit mtrsons v-. .i • i i ',„1, suhtectscoimee(ed wi(h e.hiendon, as weak, and (he futures, Innns: rough and ’xlreme contusion, (hey reques(.'d jH'rmis. Thev Iiuiv deem eviK ihen( aiwl um tul ; (o i temporary, caused much friction ; but Mr. -sion to examine the condition oMhe laiuN .•ollect siich facts as may pn'iiiote (he gen eral obf«'C(sof (he IiistiiuJe, and to provide ..ndable acconiniodations f«r the niee(ings. 'I'Ik V shall repor( anmiallN (o (hu Ins(i(ute, and shall havi' |«.wer (o (ill ali va;T.iicies in their own body trom among tho iiieml»*i-s, and make b\ e-law r I in The ( xecntive committee of three, shall ,K\ansoneredabetufb3,000toruiiasteam Whenever, in their progress through the ' not so generally known as it iHii.hf to be, wagon, on a [coiii'non] level road, ?;£■»/».:; ; i>"land, they tbuiid any lands under gtxjil (hat |toumliu alum pos>'.esses the pro^'rty Iht m-iflfit horin: that u'ouW /yAK//(C.7 ^ cultivation,’which, by (he by e, did not hap- of puritying water. A large spoonlul uf and at about this time he suggested the use pen in many instances, they wrote down pnlveiiri d alum, spriiikled into a liogslic.'id of steam wagons to (he Phikidolphia and the name t>f (he owner. On (hfir return ..f water, (the wuier stirred round a( the Fiancaster Turnpike Hoad Company, shew- to .Mik(us, (hey called an assi'mhly ol (!ie time.^ w ill alier the lapse ol a li;w hours by for tlieir own govern-' iiig (hat one such wagon would d.. the work people, and placed the direction of alKiirs | precipitating to Uie bottom tho impure (wr- ! of 10 common wagons und .OU horses, on-in the hands of those, whose names they | ticle.s, so piirit\ it, that it will bo louiid to that road. Ill 1*^05 he published a book found on (heir li.^( of good cultivators: Ix-1 [His--e-s nearly all tho fifshuoss and clear- by (hemsi'lves for sale, aivl reserve (hose of ‘•dad iii all the needlul habiliments,” to travel the world over for you;” and “ tell you whether (he earthquake of war will (onihlo Kurope into desolalion—whe(her a (orrid suu will burn up Afiica—wi;ether (he islands of the st'a shall rejoice or be drowned—whether the southern republics can live or die”—whether .lacksun returns to the Hermitage or runs tor the next jue- sideucy—whether the iiext Congress shall assume a lofty tone, or dabble ia filth, in imitation of its predecessors—whether the next legislature of our own state, is better or worse tlian those which have cue be fore il—whether nullification shall be nul- litied by public opinion, or die a natural death,—in short we w ill tell you “ what is right and what is wrong.” The former may praise itself, and the latter shall be ground in vurJIint-miU, free of toll. Simph tvrtjn! of /lurifi/in^ water.—I; is Flies are a great annoyance to families in the warm season. The best method to keep rid of (hem is to darken your room by closing the I liml:;and to allow nulhing whicii, w ill attract them to stand exposed after meak. ' > estimitinii will tt'iid (o throw h^ht I that he should have double price if running i This anecdote s(ruck us paHiciilarly, be-1 tei ti.'n li.>m the tuto ot niuFquitoes. One willattractthemtostandexposcdaftermeak. *" »!,(.,•( olVdiication,and aid thefadh- j with (hat velo itv, and nothing for i(, if i( | cause i( exactly coincid.-.l with ••iir ideasol'|apf licadon of ihi^ wa^h will tiee a per.'on ; This is a sure preventative, and is worth « IS uuclor 'iii I'm dtsthaiJic vl' liis Uufy-1 slivuld uvt wvw« up Iv Ihut vclwcity.” Aud i tiic Uuc liruioi’iilos ou wiiich tliv prix ikijes, loi -.ncxuI livnri, lVv.u Uieir uUwks.'’ i hundred receipts for Uotro^ lu- theia-