& FARMERS’ JOURNAL. i‘iuvn;i» VM) iM i{Lisiii:i> i:v i:itv m i:i»i>iT)AY, in nobi r a !«'iiAULmKr «w tountv ihohth-car(>li«a* I wn.l, TK« il \0|- TO l lKIll J, T1IK niiu KI.S OK THi: KAIlTIt AND BIllMi OI T HOM TIIE CA\F.lt.>.* OF TIIK MOI N TAIS-. MI TAt.S llji.K HIU, OlVf: Sl'KrM.Til TO OUU llA.MIS »Mi HUHJF.CT AM. NATfRir TO OUR U»E A.ND PLF-AJVUZ. D*. ^OH.NKON. I. wr.i>M:!SDAY, Ai a 1ST 10, w-,"****' to iirm yi>ursclvc!».succrsstully,iiml go fitrtli Si I'aMlK't’s’ tioiiriiai ,.„iiqnt'riiig, ami to cnmiuor—be no longer w EM,'iro'’.c>K.n, f\. Jri.Y 10. I from llie fairest portions of our oRrth, its 1 so intimotely interwoven itwlf into tiu; hrtij Murn/in-rfor marriii^f* which havoc would bo Ii'sh doplorable. But no jits and custoiiisof society, as ‘o eecupo half rf-nts pT square (not i xctcditnr^MI lincs,^ !br tin first iiiwrtiuii, and !2.’> conts for cacli smcri ilwij; \vr«k—K>r SI for llin i’ wf«ksi, tor (mu square.— A liberal discount will bf iikkIc to ihusi' who advertise by the yoar. I i'Onalladvi rlisfnunt.i communicatrd for (niMifalum, tho rumibi r ot' iiisrrtions must U' iiot'^ on tin* ni.irijiii ot’ tht manuscript, or liny will U’ contmutd until forbid, and charged uccordiiigly. jTi’ All communications U> the Kiiitors inu^t conir free of pogtage, or they may not b»- ;ittrnileil to. A o. Ccmnission Merchant) ^ Fonrurdtnf; A:^e>its, FAYKTTKVlLl.t., . OFf'HR theii srrvi'.fi in r\i ry br.Tnrh of th ir Business. 'I'licy liavi^ lartr*' and oinvenii iil Ware-tlouscs, and are well prepared to r« ci ivc Cotton and ollitr I’roiiucc, which will be tlr«ard- pj or sold, «!i nwy be Uu i rtcd. f^x>ds and .Merrhandm rici-ivrd ami tbrwarih d and you will suImIim' its tnc'iiiir.s, aiiii tliii.s 'I'he parties, t..gt th'T v itii ii nunibcr of the b»'rcd ainoiix it-victims. It hasextinj^uisli-1 lowili/,eii3, there is a roinedy, an liAlli- obtain the only bhnidU-ss and |)ros|H'iuus young pfi.pio nl’Ih.iIi i;» tiir iieigii. cd the spark of genias—it lins put out tli« ; blc aj-"cific : nor is it a nostriini locked up victory whirh your sufii'rings demand.— borlioMl, had been iuviti'd lo the wedding fire of devotion. It liit'f driven the states- within the secret recesses of the physician 'I’hen, and then oiiK , will .'^uiiihfrn clouds of another couple, and had .>.H*iMLIed at tb> mail from the senate house, the judge from breast, for which you must pay an cxorbt- and Northern ligbt.i unite tiiemselves w itii limi-ie of the f.illuT of the bnle, where the j the liench, ntid the priest from the «ltar. It | tfint price. No. Bo far from *co.-!ting you the departing utorin, an.l form a glorious nuptials were celrhnited. After tht« cere-' has reduc d to poverty millioni of families, | any thmw, its general application wotjid b% covenant of |n‘ace, litM'rty, and indepen- m.iin had taken plai-e, a\o\jng gentleman, broken the hcarU« of ii.iilfitild H of wives, to the L'. H. not only a sjivlng of many m»I' deuce. Tor, /« a.i.turr(l, \ou will n\er >ne («f the iitie.si.-4, pro[)o.'icd a )oung lady ,and sent many a hapless \ictiin to a pre- |iros|¥ r an A:.ricultunilist.s agtim, tlionf^h pre*(ent, to Im* vmrrnd for J'un, and they | mature gra\e. the whole prohibitortj sij^tim ict rt dvstroyidf ii[i together upon the iloor liir that. ISut the enemy, how wide soever bis until you ceas«' to U- t;nitlewen farmers,! purpose. 'I'he ma^'i'-trate, >»ho it seems 1 nuige aihl inluinian hi« warfare, Itocorntfl ((//»■ firmers,i;,vi()niKnarmers. worn _v ' was willing to contrihuto li-- diarr of th*,- more formidable by his artifice. Ilistemp- ^ in" farmer*, go In the .'Sarth liirmers, lire in i lun coii^t-nteil to gratily the '♦unior of the ^ tutions and delu-ions, the trearherous arts | other r«‘medy under henven whereby nian« /Cl/Vi farmers, wj/irru/irfyr/-farmers,, roiiple Iwr us to a„n-e to ni.iri' tliem a ' hy v.hi. Ii he llatK r'i his victim from the kind can be saved from intemperance. i^onni' tartrn lotiUf^'ii}f' fanner--, dress i/y» /f/i i worth—a .vcund contiai t !»'hnved tn pjitli ot’ nctitiide, and the syren song by. Will you not, then, byond bv fT- o’til ifaxh nwiiy Uxnitvrs, min'itifieint Ik* inarried to the \ilue ol a and which he li him into Ins linil r iubra'e, re»dve to contribute your rnite for iio no/Af tarmers farmeni who woik by , m thi.s w.iy the “Inn'’ proc’»ded lur some surpass the powers of de^’cnptioii. 'The | conferring this great bleSMiig’ Are not (leputy, and co«.#J/wr i.'i[h moiui *iine. 1 tie magi-.trate, it apjiears, at la-«t I'lciii.-iiini;, I’at.il harni bv which he binds ! those who drink nuMlerutely, prepared to tanners who nun themselves and their |x>.- l»ecam«; riiib'-r tin d >il the >|,nrt, and in- iIr'fat uities, tnfiti\:it»'' tiw heart, pcr\erts nmke tlii' small sacrilke to the cause ol* sjivlng of many I lions of dollars, but would confer a greut aiMl incalculable blessing. 'I'lns remedy 1 need scan-eiy tell you is nbxtinencri Mat tthlmeftre fortper. And lot it be held in everlasting remembrance, that there is no with |>rompin,-w to or.lr^ on i.and j frity. Mi-tak. me not; tlies.' «n- nnther tornied tiie %.,ung .-..nple that .1 they imt-is- nnd p:ira!i^.> t!,e under-tandii.g, is a mat- i philaiitbropy and patnoti.sm, of ubstaimng * ^ ° " ’ jteniis (.'I abuse, nor are th y intended to ted m thi ir lieniand'to Ix-inirii'ii lor liui. tir i.f the prof.i’iri'iest a^tu||ihm•'nt. Mis altogether! And will not those w ho drink —- —— — — I characterise the whole \ is)iii.inr\ ol aro- he w;,old m.irry them m earni-st. '1 lii\ tlnwerv reatli-^tllplf^ the stuie'; by their | none rejoice that the set time has arriv’d IN ^th?.M^'ctuI^bjMn.Va^ i J"'* bim to do it Kli.-r hi- r. ;«:.n-d jVisrMM.f. an.! lull th.-'ofisci.'n.-e .nto a fu- ! wIk*ii their abstinence will Ik» no longer .i it bccom.'s n«-cfs.sar^- to have all a. couiits due uit " * l''a\.r it to iiiy re.i- tntn.n to tii. ni. (ihooL'h tl.i y c.iit, n.l it wh- t.il r-’p until tii*- imiid is > !itangl*-d in liis negative virtue—a candle bid un'ler a bnsh- dosrd liilitr by ca-sh or note. \\. S.\111H. d.Ts t.i mak'' thi- apphratiofi. ^ ocr bur- ‘all ;n lun. ) ho .i'tuall'. pi..n.'unreil tlitiii Iniii.ir. .1 tnousund lijlds, and the who!.'man i el, hu'. w ill .so shine as to induce ethers to C'harluttr, June'Jl. tO '(lens, I '>n\ Will'•till »\i't, an.l you w ill ^till “ husliiin.i aii.l v. ii.,' an.!, as it «..u!.l'•fcm, smkH ^ hurriil vutitn to irretri. vable ruin, item the torrent which tlireatens to sweep N.!!. .\1! persons ha»inj no^taj.'accounts due 'has. f.ll'.wnii; in w y fal cii.si'i uiive ord* r m.t until tii* y tia.l -fp.iwi'i-d and p tin-d 'rin ii !>.'I.ite !i-'*.ees !iis error. 'I’ben the . awav the minds and the tnorals if thc fK.’c» nji to thi' I«t day ol Jul). ill pU .isi- call juJ s' ttli —tli.’so who ..ri' tli" ruu:'“i dL-'Cen'Ian!- ,1 . ii. li t ' tiicii ow ii h.'Oi. . .lid tl,. \ lj« ;;in tn . hairis « hi. h a:ijH'al '.‘d :it l',i «t but jjarlands pie ^ It is but three reujns ha^rk, ^'ist wc d tliciu, »s the account* alKr that dalr V. ill l.r dut tu ' i . . .i . .i . . , tJi*; coiici m. i Y liorsi:. (the iw..!V: on the l.'ro.>a btri • I. a li« vin'. uortii ac«luftiii t vurt-lluusf, la.N ‘ fcj apain r>pinid for the. ri'.« ption et‘ 'IfiV' . . A Bo.\rilfr‘i 'I'lic stahKs ar^- i «tfr.-"i\.. rtt:;.., a dry, gram and jirovc.Md. r of Uic b'-f, [■: ..t.n:, Kul acrvxd by J'joU h.jslkr-'. 'I li'. h u-'- hi- i. . ay cuialartal'li- roriow, .'-crvc* a ;;n,ii Ui !i .iid ■ fc^sliineiits; and the prl[iriitor ; nd hi- ' um!', «itl otuit nothin!,' m tiair ^luw. r U> iii Lk> it i • ' quilt and a;jr» i able. I'lu ij. I). R(»rv. v\n,i I *•1 itM-il >)n the evciaiii: of the f>nmf .lay, will b.- sold tl.r l»i!'r«ty of iJi'! ilcccas. d, cons*»tiii.j of a \ilu- able oiJItjcti'in of i.«w ^nd .Miic. liaintous H' KIK5'. Thrw members ol tin 1. "■ai ptoit'i.-i.rn who « i>h 6j lurni.-h iK.'ttimIvcs with a cnili f fioii of standjril works ao-iid (iu '\tU to avail triciiu.rl'.iv of Itas 0{>;)0fttti:ity. 'I'eria* inadf knov»ji at the time of kal-'. \V* MUTl'l 7'*'^fist.iciacv—tlie i;;'ioratit,-.r til'- innl' r-’ind it an\ thing iii.t' timn In irii; nl il .wf i- are n.. tJiiiorphos'1 into serp* iits, i told a of intenif>eranre n,* nact d w :t:i - —’— - !• I 1 ' iliK’ati-.; r iiildieii ol piiii.-, wh.', «lul"' ••ni;irin.l I'.r f iii.” I.i inns ii'iw. ii.'W- uho'i'bn uth is p. iMin, who-..- t'uch i« de-| ruin the Knglish nation. The rmni^try iir.- th' S are lui.km:: d.iwn w nil i'i.i:li'Mi(it iip"ii i v.-r, ili.it th. v were (.-.•illv ( aught ui th>- '-trui tion. Vaiidv he'■truygies in the:r nau-I |K>tied a heavy duly on spiritous liquors,— tll'>^'■ median;. il ... .•Uj'Uti .ii' w hi.ii c"ii>ti man iij:j.' n*-..- , ii l«s ;uii' in.ill. r f '■> ri. m'.mis eml.race, s« i/.e- th. ir si.pis ry li.>rm in : and al» and mnlt-lieer have L'eiierally been tut. th v.T% h'til- .r..l niU'i ol S'K.iety, ( (1, con,. • n to !>■'• the ni. t’l'trate with a hi* iierv.M.‘s trra-p, or alt. nipt*-l» control subitilnted in lieu of “ thirst-killing grog.'’ !n:i ' • it. I, 01 pn luatuic- t*-w m.ir" A//* and /. r;/n to ‘ th.- fu ,” tlinr billow v motions and traniph' tiiem un- | Almut Ihc s;iiiie [x ri.xl the liussianf' wero HI*.I pr.i’.B-'i iii.il > 'ti^ti ii.;i-. ivliirji l)\ till' tune wa- g ttiiig rather b'lr- ik-r his leet—alri'' the rr»'epiiig folds ha\c | exc'-sively addicteri to drunk'nnes!;—gov- • ir-:i|i- ,ire iipplii ai.l.-, .i.'iisoui. , :h «i whi';h w.i-. rendcrcsi n.>t th»; leiu'in le.l liM hoiv, and impri'.'.W-'d every 'ernment asscsj-c.i a heavv tax on gin, tlioir 1>' ?• so t.y i'i.‘ c.iiitmo.d ralKinu «'f their hml-; gra>-piiig Ik? is en\e|o|M .i m their itavorite dram, and sobriety tuid civilizati..n .•mr.irjes. 'I'li'-y vv. n-so, ii ^iv.ni t> un- c-untless toil'', ami \ i* Ms, c.mpjering and j have rapidly udviiuccti in tliat cxtcnsivo (It r !:ii.il, how • \ cr, tlx tr :;h 1 th*old tiite shuddcruig t«j torinrnts i;orriM'as hell. i empire, sJ^^ nt a nia:;i‘.tt.ite an ti.' a knot 'I’he d. ".r.-nt to in'amy anl to rum on the 1 I’.ut we a.s citizens of the I’. ?. pr fer that with n. i-ue th.it he ;inn. t unt.'* wu!i !",. rv strtr.in .f inf.ixicating liqu.rs, fhotigh I o/;t/iion and not legislative pt//n//ii jf ill-t I • m. I, vTe learn, have gi\ i. up ..fteu rapid, i« tiot perpeii.iicular. Fnl»a- whould lay the axe ut the root of this great all h.ip*V' (I a 1 _al Kp;iru-; >n short of tn bly not one hard dnnker in a hutvlred ap. jevil. We de-ire to see the p;itriot and fho piehen.l the kast danger w.'ien be U’gan to I Christian rij up, and w ith a persevering that “ .oily IS s* I m gn at dignity, ’ and “ h 'I'he fn»ti.s,iction reimnd-' us of jnotli* r I'lH ; Juid not om; in t'ifly can, by looking . finnness, and a /x-al that nothing tan abate, full ot word.'.’’ 1 he city i> bcsi.gi d, and ' wi>.e saving, which we wool.! orge to tlie Uwek.‘iierify the diiy or the month when he drive this detestable monster from the union, tlier IS no vvi.sc man to d»liv. r it, U-cauaC .considerationof thcycningciHiple,atidwhicli to.k^hc lir^t step m the downward roud to |aiwJ free ourcititens I'rom a bindage, moro thev ^ ill not hear him. ‘ U oe to tliee, () . (^. i;an.tul h.»w you nietbdo with • .l;.^- intcinpemme. It require.s tiiiit tu jx rvcrt tyrsnnicul than " British imprisomucnt and Ian.', whenslothfulm-ss an 1 ignoranco ha\« i t.toLs,' a inagistrnte’* tongii*- lieinj n danijer- the iiatunil t;»»te ; to silence the rcm.Hibtran- Algcnne slavery." brouglit t!»■.• to fk-cav—and thy ri/Aan-l,5usinstruiiitul fur tbos»; loineddle with, who c**s of conscictu e, to ov.-mome the seusc of' ^rid now, fellow-citizcns, have vou nci children, naughty children, spoiled ciulilren. .^ily (k.-«n! to b« *msrfiel in fy^’—i slmin'*; todeitr thelirst alF-ctions of the father, brother, son or neighbor, who, lik« i't: V. h:.f . ■.:> ;i‘ I t H'it.lfr a! i iiiak.'th'‘.ij( I!m a t ir till- contagion ha>> son r ;ill .1 i.'ses.'I ii,». r 'ii.^ *'. in r i'.' i*. n.. i whit "ill 1h- the •’•.:mate rijii t of it, wlm . auilivin. ’ I 1-Hr that wlinthr k Wi • Sffit'. • .^r,. I,, ,t f.iii, (j on (,) yuHrd a^am-a a Tuesciay ol August Court, at iJi.- 'ii^ inoral or ;.livsical pt btilencc,'’ do not ^e^• ,ak a“r^rau ".*, it appears ai.phcati.-i L. th. l/>g'islatur.;' .Marshal '1'. I'oik, dcc’d. muM iiu; ciiA*Lt.sTo.>; cot Kii-a. Tlin SOLTIIKRN AtiKKXi/n IIIST Our intere.ttn—our own inUro'tn—vilieu »dl wv. attend to them? Tiie ajriculturiri comniunity, weigheil erpojl ous picture of En;:lanl in the 11 th ♦ 'jfitury frcin the i-eii, itt'erns,ot ^'ou’i/ Dj-tmtiirn ' I CIII|1' rancc ivjci' of Swifleii: Kn'^hind VI th 17fA T. nfi.ry.-F-i gland is undt nial.iv th'-'iueriiol I'l.iml y rfejrrcM tbal »n inordinate thinrt fijf ardent | honc«, to have some •ccunty, ^ovvn by the d. ad weight ol igii..raiH^f an:l j ar-.',-n:il ot .S. ptuiie : wnii tr’«. r(, »ipinenc:e, has been lreiuciitly called uiK>n ^ ^ r,urot>' tlie kiiigdom • I 1?.J • -to up and doing,” and the t.w "I'''*'**''’.s, ln,^l ,,t Ki't. .I'l'. Hi* i '1'niy rt:sp.rtided to thc'c calls, nave i.n.v 1; ^ i^,,„ M.jr,, t!ie re-il'M.. - light enough to mak-this our d.iikii* 's more , ^ M„„ r\a,the stav ol ll> li:oid. tl.i ur_. visible. tMichu our actual siluuti'.n. of I rani e, the puigatory ..1 (•|.(. .H>ti .i., WiUi a knowledge lK,rderii.g on tne om-1 ^ ,,.,rali.‘e of I'r., n,en. 'I h.' w..man fines of darkne.ss, and a supiii'iii' •' wu" •> ^ but—th»-ir iKMUts is aii.l; h.-r '.-u.-. the knowledge of this trutii caiii.ot ar^A.--, r> often .legen. i- Eli;;land i^e\ . tn fTWy.—The i« pn.,1 C».™r couu.1.. thr i;,llo.i„s cun- \ -t Dicture of En:!lanl in the 17th Century , ] .. -- - >a«'rr. k, nki to yi«»M tlie aUK* nay aUQS a nrw auu ' aci.iito a Jt.urt«li; and j chain which w to bind him beyood the pr. . I t t« py of yotu , of dchvarance. At eveiy »tep hw ^th te- iliw Nos detrrcM tbal an inordinate thirrt fijf ardent, honca, to have some •ecurity, that the chil- » i ..ofriOi i* created. WhiM t»»« uiwi^ct-' dren who i|ill bear your name aiid icherit ' ' " • —‘i-*- aiid.kn ivour profwrty, will not be ppinted at ai* p.. ^ent'our th.nkt loy.rtlwf the ab^ | day adds t» new the eiu- iiuiiii'r in wliicii V'jii have acii'liti re i* I iiuUy ruiu' -I yuu to pr> ■ i r.- w , • i' ,ratK.i. l.di'orx f'li.. Mill, r- aid I »rin.r»’ j comt^s Olore steep wi critical. Jiiurn.it. ir,'i to the r..!i‘ r il li.. soUUlliKehg i..'rs T.b/r ,.l • i"f 'U.m. Y 'ir- r.t;ully. I! .1 \ I.tVUKU' \ t. H\UltV I 1. h’tuitnt. It 1 I lll.i;K, Itmttttt. ards? Come then and fe*>lve to flee the “ rir ot-inoringand “ brain-durtracting” bowl, as you would a contagious diatetnper. Come and resolve to banish from your lipa and froai your houses, the intoxicating draught. What, drink none? Yas, 1 my, drink none. One dram is precisely that quantity more than necessity calls for. But say you, orO they not neces«ry as an appendage to ele- jranee, and the proper expression of friend ship and hospitality T No. The laudablo practice of a great number of our most re- sjiectable cititens, who have ceased to fur- ..pp.ire.nt inti.tcence at tirst. And | „ish this article for their guests, as well as „ 1 ,1 .CO.,.! the .THMt ol.-tacle m the wav of its remov- i their families, and for their laborers, s.rntrhetm^ “■ l‘=‘«r‘’'‘d«redit no longer a breach of hos- 1 , ,1 ^ ,i„. ..vnsdiiU . menof then in.iividinl danger; th.1t intern, pitahtv, nor an indication of a pcnunotta 'o„" :' " 1 .:ln^ ;,a,i a. n„„ .-K...Kk. frcn «.i, .1.1.^.., ‘ ,, , I 't ‘ ,;.r an ,.„traii. • into their own houses,: a,„i „ur Uib!e.s. But snV you, are they not of ..brai.««. iM^ ■ • 1' ’‘"c«“ 1 .«.■,h.«««r ■ ■ ' 1 ,„;i n«..1.v ...1.1,.d,iu.v..». «»• i»iir«»«>' shoulders to the wheel, we nr. :11c - riUi the most mtlate.i |»eitmatit.. aii.l^i/n- AIMHtl s'i. ir urav r> oin ii .n >:. 11'• • In iK-holiiinL'I'le cii'toin of »tl'T nations, . ,S i W It .Old VS ix'om prevail ' ,,„„,,„ii.es Mirpn,^ u^ by ri,-ir stiou;:; parable w ith lhi;. Its most dangcnuu. Like a be nigbfed wanderer in the gl.ici^rt ot Swit*- erlttiid, he wplks ujwn the brink of de«tw- tiofi and ki. iws it not. Or rather, he is a man in a delirium, who would stand and lau;:h and sing i*n some impending crag of the highest .\lps, at the moment he is aUjut to plunge into the aby ss beneath. I know of no Cf»emy t.jdoineirtic bliss com- ate.- intosav.igfiie bum! Z-al. (under actual gri. vaiice.s) wr are ' |,roh.ihl\ oi.kn.iwn in dreaming away oar \ury e\i:>teo.^.e, j m-upfr.itabl. pud.'ah- coinbatir.g m this oisturbcd rcjMis. an mcu- ; it ii,a\ wc 111.e sai.l, bus g.:neraled by tlie cruditie-s ol j.. ... .!i-trihule.; Ii. r lar-e-,- tiou. y\ e an; in the pursiiitol t.i • e.ia'hiv's pri tiiM'in, but tin s«; iii'-ular In’ing-' ot sleep, and negl.rting the si., laii.ia'ifi..- , ,i„. .,r,,j» r uv ol tli. iii wher>' tiic of wakefulness. ln..tead . t ,'.Min. oui l • . thouUlcrs to the wheel, we nr. . ry . g out , ajcamst txjth the Law and the IVopnUv. a^, ^ il^hcy were diabohcnl in themsclve , or a^, ^ if they wore marked with abeced.inan ig- ^ norantc—and are catcclnsuig e.irh on the very alphal)et of CoiislHutioual C'ui ftono.'ttmc will show. Great God! what taxe.s are h av those which we hav^ iIhh voluntarily put | ij(K.n ourselves? If we study to mcrca and vary the products of m with tlmt .Tt/rrc.w, which, wvft Ik it.i incritahk r/i taken up ui discas-un, pres:Rrviug the .frcn! tiij-ed igr'jranre, or tiouiities of earth orernainr irtni'i.^ j j ./ • , it H dreadful, we admit, t., he tax-! to stumble, sli.' is roru-ted enough . ^Without repic^-ntatiori-or to b- gru v- 'ike her up, sc-t her bdore «'^estr_a»d .she «,isly taxed—or to \)r. unjustly ta\ (!. But It IS more dreadful to be alarm-d h> im:ig- •iiiitra'-t w itli th"'" ol CJ.uiitrv , an.l ' turt* is it' iiKentive t.i ap|)etite, Arc.? Are they not •'I’ake a giKisO, i/r duck, or s.ime such j of the admonitions ol thewnii’or the siig- and di'gradation. «ith evcr\ virtue, anil n.. vutue wi!' cry as vou cut any purt otl Irom her, a.id will 1k! almost eaten up b.-foro she be the man who takes Ins drum at stated |>e- 'I’hc cas(?s in which they art' abso- .-rary as medicine, are extremely as luxuries, they are not only un- but ultimately injurious, exclu- I! fixed habits of iiitemjK'rance to aiiioii^ III' 1 _^|| pi-actice it. « nu ll iiii ir habitual u«c sti lrcf|ueiitly leads. Other promment e vils are limited to par- • „f lives aimuallv destroyed,; Tins every physician in the I . wi!l tell ! tieular spheres. l»es[>oii-ni i.virigs his in.ii ,,,.e,„,„.r:mre, in the V. .‘^.,'is ( stim.ited , you, who is not prfjudice.d hy the love of th* ■e, 111 nil , ..u, - r- J in 111,111111, find the numlier. ihoui. And reason, wi re she on her throne, tbe same vice, to Ik- more than •JOO,(tnn.— , a voice as loud as i»ven thunders, that I. , , ,1,stressed, and impoverished by'u.imnuonced and unbiassed, would tell you ;ir, the .luK'kof earthriuab'saiid volcH- - - >Ve will turn our attcntiun sooner or later force it.selfu[K.n every thadi- utal to ii,-. .:ts, whi. h ' ,„r an(\ intire.^tcd plant.-r; Uuiig well lui- ,n j.Mn!. ns .Vc. ,i."i .11. iriues, iia-> ■■ y ---I 1 I 'annual expense i - , .hdcpi.date >n plants I'ndir its withering intlueiKc Toutli j the increased price of grain,, corriiptorH of the morals, and fiiC destroyers Dr. NV illich oh'erve:-, that its viv.ieity, nuinhooi) its i occa.-ioiK'd bv the distiUati.m earned on in ; ,,f the jieace and prospenty of our cmintry. . 1) raiiny cai