THE MINERS’ AND FARMERS' JOURNAL. ♦conquered and expelled a King, prtftrreJ a Kinff to their Revolution ‘ I will nut huve it Huid that the Iklgic Kevulution was a dream !’ M. he Blaroniks pn'test- ed, in decided terms, a^nitmt deliherating on the articles ot'the London Conference; ns a nation which dcclarcd for freedom, should mimiffer the Holy Alliance to ‘ im pose iipm it cither impotence or neutrality.’ 'I’heae sentiments are as manly ns they were probably unexj)ected; and come with infinite force anl an appropriate grace, tnmi the lips of a Patriot. [CMrlcHton Cou. The American census for has l>een completed', and the result |Miblishcd. 'I'he population of the Ihiited States, which was y,«S7,tKI0 in 1820, was last year 12,97«,- 000, or, in round numl)rrs,/Atr/frn millions. What a prodi^'y is the growth of this li**- public! When the Revolution commenced, in 177(i, it had less than (hrre millions of inhabitants, and now it has thirteen! Th-n it was oa n level with Switzerland or Den mark in political consideration; now it is the second naval power in the world!—Wc nyoice in its progress, for its strength and Its glohk belong to the people, and to the ('.aui« oi' truth, justice and froedom all over tlje world. It is pleasiuit to olwerve that tiie HtatOd in which there an- no slaves are ndvancing so much mi*re rapidly than the others. The fact rend«-rs the evils of slave ry more palpable, and holds out the pros- jM-ct of Its diiiimishing every year in relu- tive impfirtanre.—The populuti'iii of Scot land and Knglund, in 1''11, was ri,Ur>H,000, or M)0,0(M( less than the l iiited Stales last year ; and New-York alone has very nearly as muny inhabitants as Scot Lind had in IH’JI.— Lomlon Morttiftff I'hron. A corresjwndcnt of the MilhdfjrrilU- He- cortUr mentions the following singular in- fctancf tjf .sagacity iu a Tig :— Some si.\ or tight pigs wvn; in the habit of \iMliiig the stable every tune my horse was led—I w;ls a-.toiuslicd to see one in |wr- tirular, put bis snout to the horM.“’s knee, lightly rubbing it; this operation of course, cau-scd the aminal to throw his head out of I lie trough. III order to bite I he pig, and llien'liv l« a niouthful of com; at I d.iubietl th! iiitcul of tins, but a frequent r-|ittitioii reinovtul all doubts, and when from ii'C, the hors*! seeintd not to pay at- ('■ntion to lhix, the pig chiuiged hiskm.-e for home oilH*r|Kirl eipially wnsitue ; iuid when the op«‘ration of tu kling Tastd to accoiii- p!l^h his purpo»»‘, the cunning pig resorted to a htill nvir' eiritient mode, that of biting the Lorse'b leg. f?infT‘lor Tranffortntiifn.—^Vc were«;r«iay hliown a t'ow I, whwrh, we are m*- fTifPtl. an#! Iwive er^rv reason to U'lieve, has utnWgooe a moM run el met.imorphosis.— Tiie fowl, originally ci cood luinmc Ilin, be- rainc in«lisp«iscd, it setMrts, some time mice ; ami, as w as Hip|>'>t«ed from ht my n-|H’atedl_\ Iu k»‘l topn'ienl it"* sitting, loot it.- Iratliers. W ithin the month, it Ii;ls put forth a U'autiful coat of new fi atliers, of a moh chamctrr ; is |« rtec tly resU>r'd to health —and, to the no little il.-to|||^h^|ent ol all w !i(» have wen it, now pre^ ntti the apiK'iir- aiM-e of a handimme Rot>at* r / 'I'he liict ot this singular transforinatiori, whu’h would not otherwise b*- cn-dit*sl, is atte.'ted bj se veral of our most re'iiHi-table inlmbituiits. \^Chnrltgton Covricr. A singular and not uiiiiiten'sting s|)ei'(a- t ie was pnim nted in our streets ihis morn- ing, by tl'v ap[>earance of the (io\ernors ti'iiards of Hartford, (^>nn., in tln ir ancient coiitmrntal uniform. 'I’heir warlet coat.-. baVe the antiquated cut and the jieculiar (beingsof “sixty years since;” their breeeh- iil and gaitered li gs looked as il tlM'y ] uurched out of one of (’ol. Tnmiitull's Kittle pieces; and their wliiti; |)owdered IiK ks (for the costume is pres rvcd through- cMit) sjjone from under tlu ir blat k U arskiii caps, as ir dressed by a regiinenial |H!ni(iuior of Seventv-M\. 'Ilie eorjw marched e.\- tK'inely well, and thi'ir apis’arance alto-! gether was highly military. Ai/r-1 i>rA- Amrrirnn. .Iain«^ Spicer advertises, in the National (Ij/>'lt*-, of I'hiiadelphia, that lie has dis- eo\rrod a mode by whu h the I'nited Stales mail may In' conveyed, without evposure to th‘ depredations of roblx in. at the rate of one hutulnii mills jurhottr! 'I'he iiuHlel is olli'H’d for e\liil)ition; wliicli is doubtless the last we shall hear of it.— Vir^inmn. r.Tlniorli>i(iri( I'trfi^ntumrc.—^^'e hail a view of a K>atl, going out into tin’ country In ruralize, a few «liiys, comiHised of the liillowiiig matters:—\ A/m/ h(»rs> and single wagon,—u man and his wife and two cliiltlrrn,—three other Indies, and four other rliilfin n,—iuid a hiral girl, making in all, twelve souls, U'sides the hind horse and wagon.—N\ e pitied the chiblren—we pitied the wuiiH'U—wc pill' ll the hind girl—we nitu d the man, and wc i>ilK'd the man’s wife : but more than all, w>- pitied the /iir/*/lioi-se and wagon.—('ntylciJl llcconh r. 'I'lic Mayor of New-Vork lias issued a proclamation reiiiiiriug all vesw Is from any place III the Mediterranean Sea, and all \cssels from Hiiy jMdt in the Haltic, ineluil- ing the ports in Denmark, to |K.-rform quar antine. 'I'his step has been taken to giianl «gaiiKt tiic iiitrcdvi' tivii of Clioloiu MorbU'** From the Charie.ston C'oarier. Nohle Sentimrnt.—In looking over tlic Iicttersand (Jorrespondenccof (Jen. Wash- INOTOX, we experienced renewed pleasure in the peru.sal »f tho following noble and highly characteristic reply of the illustrious American, to (Jen. (Jatks, w ho, upon a rep resentation made to him by Wa«hinjton, relative to the treatment of American i»ris ClIARLOTTlOji ivEUNt.M»AV, AKil ST :U,l8ai. KLIX:TI0N RETlJItNS. CariBfll.—JamcH Kerr, I.ittlctoii A. Gwynn and John T. (iarland, C. (iatrt.—VV illiaiii W. Cowpur, S. \V. Smllings oners at Boston, (then occupied by the ... ' , *, iPhata Mathcwc, *. Thos. Nicliol- Bntish,) where no regard was shewn either j,^,„ j, j. c. to the rank or state of the prisoners, said, in answer to W'asiiim;tox, that ‘ they (the prisoners,) had lK.-en treated with indiscri- Frnm the New-England Weekly Rteiew. Till) GEORGIA (JOLD MINES. Extract of a letter from a Gcnllvman wjio has re cently visitt'd tiic Gold Mines of Georgia; to liis friund in C'oiintcticut. “ 'I'he Cold Mines of Georgia, a.s well the veins as the stream deposits, far exceed in value what 1 had anttci|jiited. It is not much more than a year since any gold was first discovered in Georgia, and only a few months since veins have lieen brought to light in that region. In Habersham a vein wa.‘- opened siine few mouths ago, the one 7'(iw7i uf IhiHjux. William I.. Lonp. UuyutHiii.—L. W. I'urliaiii, *V. N. Ldmonntou . , , ,, a; Jo.oj.h‘'‘-’‘‘'M«|lo‘’w niinate kindness, as he kno\v ol no rank tliai i John Cloman, i •'****> which of course would rate the whole was not derived from the King.’ ‘ Vou af-1 is.xc-Hunoter.— 'SX. W. Cami.huil, .'f. William ' mine at the enormous sum of f?l>0,000.— I 'I'his mine is now ow ned by fijur gentle- I men,tnoofl’liiladflphiaandtwoofGeorgia. - ., , , , . , „ , . - *-...j....Sumnor! certainly a very fine vein luid notwith- one more honorable, than that which ilows ^„j 'rtioma* McfJclici-, jstanding the high price, if well managed, Kxl profits. 'I'ho only fear is, ners Ix iiig unacquainted with , mav fail of success for want you ap|H'al, judge lH;tweeii America and you. Tnder his Providence, those who influence the Councils of America, arc de termined at the hazard of their lives, to hand down to posterity tlii)«o ju‘:t and inval was not derived from the l\mg. ‘ l ou at-1 is^K.nmtuver—M. W. Cami.huil, .'f. Willi, fed to dispise, sir,’ said \\ AsiiiXOTo.N, in i S. I.arkinu and Wni. Jones Wright, C. rej)ly, ‘all rank not derived from the same I A«fM/w/vo;i.-Janic» T. HayK-y, S. Ritha one more honorable, than that wliicfi flows 'I'tioma* McfJclici-, from the uiK-orrupted choice of a brave and j Rockingham.—RoUrt Martin, S. Bfnj. Settle ' w ill pay goo free [K.-ople, the purest source and original jand WiUon Hill, C. j fountain of [K.wer. May that Cod, to whom "J San.m l T. Sawy«. B ; Wc liavp ri'ceiv*d a ctnmuiiicatioM siirni‘d j of the necessary skill and management.— "Jim L'mr,” tlie profenscd objcxt of whicli is to | 'I'his has been the cause of several failures have a callcd iiioctiiif' of the citizt ns, for the pur- j in North-Carolina, and we may look for the poHt nf ap(K>iiiiing a diU gate to ait*pd the anti, j same in Georgia. 7'o manage a mine well, uriirt onvention to be Luld in Philadelphia on tlii. | something more is ncccRsarv liesidcs a lit- uable privileges, which they received from 3oth proximo. 'J’l»e writer’* si!;nuturc «a» unfor- j tie smattering of knowledge picked up from their ancestors.’ Seiitini«?nts like these are lunatc, or he ini({ht have »ccn iiiit piccc in jiriai. | books or from a few days observation ex- surely worthy of all emulation ; and cannot Any uuilii.rined notice for a puUlicinitiinjr for ilie ! |H>rieiue and practice in tho bu-iiness are Milk too deeply into the minds of the Free- j puf|iose tpecificd, will be chterfully iniHiritd; hut' nece.ssiiry. It ofti-n hapi>ens, that the ores men of this country. If in the annals of | »uchan anonyiuous call, wc approiiind, «ouldnotl of difU rcnt mines rejjuire a very diasimikir greatness, there be one character more lu- miniHis than another, lending its mingled light.s of genius, valor, and a lot'ty patriot- i.Mii to our natiiiiial lii.'torv; and throv. in:: be attends J to. It is frequently asM^rted that the tariff on inip»rls ha.s had tlie ctfott of rcdurinj th- price of cotton (management. Several new veins have, within a few i weeks, been opened in Habersham, but Hall County rather lower down, seems to be a mto the shade, from its ‘ exce.-Mve bnght,’; o pro.cnt low .Ute, W u have uw.a1rd an ar-' mines tUm Haber- tlie UsM.-r luminaries, who, 1,on, time to | il--l.ject ... th.. we,.k. papc., whuh^^_ Hal«rsham is the for de- time,haNe set their watch ni the p.htical |on the K..eed..,, ,y. I liniiameiit ol our country—it is the chaiac- "umlKi ol pujlishcd m the National la- oiK>iied in ila'l You mav recollrct ter of Was„im;ton! -I'.ut « ,Hn can '. over Uk .ignalure of ‘‘ ho,« todo justice to that cliaracter^' ' Sou'h-Caroiina. I‘o l.iM, s.ui during la^t winter, m tlu. pa- it under what as|s.ct we may, its ^urpasslng | ;;-;7 j represented as a surflice mine. The old flaii.ilton,” I ■ \ • am! addresKid to the citizoiiB of South-Carolina, I - - or,« I “>' subject of the cxi.sting rxcitc- i accounts of “ Llord s Mine then 1 I , i r . .Such plain ,tatem.,ia5, aiul I 1 iie old moral gran leur ovcr|^>wtr» the "“'“1’/“'^ | j, att. niion ""“3 ‘N ‘in'! family, m about awes It into reverentia wonler j,,., j,,, ,,,,,,,j growspde as It contc.nplatcslh.. c*'- ^ prp^„,ati.;nol the Inionofthe We think I somctliing like 3000 dwts. of gold. ol \N .\^.III.\,T0N ; and \irtue fjcls that i that the prrse.a low price ofl'l'tw l':«l noid.-aof a vein,andnevcrdream- v^•cre superfluuu.'j to ofkr It the inceiiMj ol cotton wa» pr.^luced by an over culture of the sta-“'d of looking for one, while, all the time, plr, and not from th»- passage of the tariff laws;' they were washing the gravel tliat had been Olid that tthatflvrr inccnvcniciire we flifn r from I formed by tlie falling to pieces of the top Its praiav: A Koul auprenic in racli hard instance tried, .\Imivc all )>ain, all passion, and all pride, The rai;e nf power, the of public breUh, Till- lu^t of lufT', and t!ie dread of death.’ .^lueli speeiilatiun e.virts a* to the cause of the siniTulitr ap)H’arduee of the «un a few wt eks past that nii awure of government, wc mu«t look else- where for the cause of the pri*ent c'«pret!ion in pricc of of the principal products of our ioil. From the fliciiinond ('o.-npiler. VlVt; I,A BAGATKId.K; The name of Gen. Houston is familiar to all (Hir readers. The mysteries w hi ;h hang ivci tlM! fact of his extraordinary retire, meiit from the (•oyernor’s chair of Tennf's- M-e, anil seeking un a.s_\hmi among tho In- dtans ^cstof the .Mis;iss.ppi arc not yet .,.,^, n.m-uam., uouoru dissi;.ated—perliaps never will Ik; nor ought | u„d,, ...ujaothe uijury of standing crop^,Jcc.4.c. to fje. But, iK.tmtlistanding the singular I n.xr .« said to have been higher last storie# which were in circulation at tho I ^ ^ver known b«;fore;'if »o, we time, yet Hamuel Hoii^on wa^ still alfuw^id may pxp ct lo ficlif'orcoHSiiferift'Te'tfajnV^e iJ. cbij^ aluable qualities. J he i ;,(;tfueii-r. Thf mails of last wtek were nearly all of th! vein. 'I’he vein i.s a grand one—it shows out for a half mile on the top of a high ridge, and ap[>«rentlv rich along the whole extent. I am decidedly of opinion, it is the best vein yet discovered in North Aiiiorica. I have seen and closely oxam- but wfiauverii miuht have b^. n, we ihiiiii It was i .^11 (ho best veins m North-Caroliiia, a very tf.K..! »*tfn ot wet weather, for we have had preference over any of I' It in abundance. Thr inctssaut rain.« uf the weik or two ha\c 1>cmi uiij.lcasaiit and irijuriou.s, I rainiiif; ihe ^tliuains to an unusual height, destroy- lirid^'ea and inill.danib, overflowing UHtoni them. few days before I was at this mine, Mr. Elord was oflennl 8^0,000 cash for it, and can get a much larger sum, but will not sell at any price. He had deter mined to put it on lease to some responsible person, and bo finally done so to a gentleman ■M J»rotiiw who (mm hwl ttrach rience in the business. As yet not hits been done iu South-Carolina in the gold bu'^inesB.” “ South-Carolina pro First flistrict John Blair. •Jiid do. I>. Arnolil. :trd do. Jajiies Siandiler. 4th do. JacobC. I:«jcks. .'Jth do. H tlliaiTiUall. tilh do. John Ikll. 7lh da. James K. folk. hth do. Cave Jolinson. lull do. Wm. FUigtrald. to ptRLii'Ss many vaiuaui*^ i|iiaiiiies. 1 iiu > ,et{ueii-r w orld admitted fiiiii to b»* a gallant soldier, ’ stopped from l.i-h watrr*. an anient friend, a geiK-rous lieiietiictor, and j —♦- ^ hr was ceitainly one of the most |H»pular ! 7'«-Tinr».r^.—Wn i usi ('arroli. ha.s locn rc-c-j hably, has as mrmy mines as either of her '»ov*-riiors w ho has e\ er Ijeeii in 'reniiessee. ** ‘'O'ernor ol fViuiessee; and tlio followiiifr Bistei-, uiwl her rich planters would do well ..1Trrr^'." ^ retin-meiit was rweived, it is uniie.-e.suary ^ ,„tn,birN—fV Ar.iold in tlie plaee of Prior | "‘’“I*''* ^ Cotton crops look bad in to re|>cat. Alter having soj«HJrn»‘d for some , f.ea, and Wm.^erald in the [-Idce of I>avid ' '•eorgia and both the ( arohnas. time HiiKMig the lndiaii.s, he fias rctiinied to j froekett, boU. tbr.-uer memb- rs. Nashvillo. He has di-clin*'d an invitation to a dinner given by soim? of tin; citizens near Na.ihville on the 'Jd of July, and tlie next thing we hc«r of'this n'liiarkablc man is the follow ing eccentric i'roclamation, pub lished b) him m the Nashville Banner. U i* eiidors*' neither its charges nor its abuse of the UejMjrter or of the ’I'elegraph, and our only imlucement torejjublish suclian article, IS to lav before our readers a literary iiior- ... ceau ol'- a mo.>t singular de.scription. The j ^Uavie. Buiuier says it inserts this priKlamation uf | A,,fH,intment,bythe iVt»i,/f»/.-^;eorfo B. Tor- an ex-governor as a matter ol businos, U|.- ! trr, of I>ennsyl^anl;^ to be Governor of the .Mieh- on the same priiK iple w ith other notices of ij;an 'fVrritory, rtrt I.ewis Cass apiKiiniid Scere-; ruined a w bite silvery color, and then a a private |K-r.soiial nature. With us it is '“f)'“* i singularly bluish tint. Some |M'r.sons dis- Iio allair of business but simply a literarv 1-uoius f.yon,of.Michi^nnTerritory,to lK.Com-j monied w'ith the naked eve a dark six)t uijon '-'is^ on tJu part ot the Cnited .States tor afe-: I . ,• ... _ . ‘ AT f I L’R IC ri lEXOM E\A. nichmond, (IVi.) .4//^. 15.—For the last two days, the air seems to have been loaded with va|Mjrs. I For a short time on Friday night, the Falls ' of the River roared more loudly than usual, I and had a sound as if the banks of the ba- j sin had broken down, and the waters were The lion. Joiiv Gavle has been clcct«d Govern-] rushing through in a tliiiiidering cataract. Karly on Saturday morning, an unusually dense fog covered tiie earth. On Siiturday evening, the Sun exhibited a very uiicoiiimoii ap|M?arance. It first as- phenomenon was observed in the city of New-York, on Saturday, and marked pe. culiarity in the aspect of the heavens ui suD-set, for several evenings previous and subsequently to the evening mentionod.— The twilight of Saturday, however, was tha most remarkable. The flame, or, ratliari the curtain of vermilion that lighted up k. portion of the heavens, was rather soutU of west, so that instead of thinking it to ba caused by the light of the departing sun, wt» for some time supposed it to proceed frora an extensive conflagration at .Newark. Tho reflection upn the w aters of the harbor was remarkably striking, 'fhe water, and thc> various objects upon its surface, and itd shores, were all tinged with red or dingy cannine. 'I’he moon was very peculiar in its apj>earance—presenting a lu'ti«less bixly of a sickly, w atery green, like I he inside of a good citron melon.—Com. Adv. Information has been received in thi4 city, from such a source as leaves no doul c on our minds as to its authenticity, tlit.c considerable disturbances have occurred among the slaves in Southampton count) , V'a. The citizens of Northampton ani Halifax counties had turned out to quell tho rebellion, the extent of which has probably been magnified. Let it be remeniljcie-i however, that Caution is the parent of safe ty.—Ruldgh Register. A general Anti-TarifF meeting of tho State of (icorgia, took place in Athens on the 3d inst. with the view to u|.pointir.j Delegates to the Philadelphia Cnnventior, which resulted in the selection of the f'ol- lowing named gentlemen for that purpose, viz: .lolm M. Berrien, A. S. Clayton, John Cumining, \\’m. Gaston, Ilich.ud Haller- sham, Alexander Telfair, ^Villiam Cum- niing, Wm. H. Torrence, Eli S. Shorter, JamesCamak,.Iohn Floyd, John Wingfield, M. B. Lamar, S. Harlow, .fames H. Coup i, Joel Crawford, Warren Jourdan, and Sea born Jones. 'riie Richmond, (Va.) Whig, of the 11th inst., says: On Sunday night, and Mon day morning last, there fell in this city an-i the country around, the greatest rain re membered f'or half a century. In Kin;^ W illiam, &c. immense damage has bec.i sustained. There was a general sweep .f mill dams—of so*ne, we understand, which have withstoixl the flootls for a hundred years. Fences, out-houses, wheat stacks, were borne oflT in many cases. or of .Maliania, by a larjre majority over his opjK). cunofity* ‘•A rnon.vM\tu»tt Whoreaf, I have ruceiilly .seen a publication ori- i;inaliii|^ in the Cherokee iNation, ea!>t of the Mt»- iKaippi, dat d “ I'th .May, iN'fl," and Kittntd •* 1. S." ulin'h *aid publication, or letter, has been re- ublisl.ed in bevrral .icwspaper!', such as the fven- tucky flc|Mirter, United Sules' 'I't li i^raph, A c and as I presume it will find a j;enerul eireulal.'m, not- w .Islanding the ab>urd |HTaonalilirs whieh it euii- tains ; aiiii it nut the tirst wliu'h has found its way into the puhlie prints, u ntainiti;; ridieuloiis and unfouniled aliUi.c of me : .Now, know all men by theM' pri'B'ntK, that f. Sam. Ilnuston, 'Mali* missloner on Uie part UI un- » muru i-Hniis lor as- ■ i - ,• • ... . .1 » 1 ■ certainmK the .\orU..,rn boundary line 01 the State i ‘’f'. . f S‘"ist>t, the western horizon ol flliiioi.-. I was highly nhimmated with brilliant red Minuirr to l■:n^l,nri.-Thc Hon. .Vartin Van j niasst.'s of vapor. The same nifflit the Moon Huten, .\l mister f’leni|iott’ntiary and Knvoy E.xtra- { a.'^sumed a bluish ap|x“arancc. ordinary to the Court of St. James, sailed on the j Ve.stcrdav, the simarosoas if had set the From the Rail-Road'!Vdvocate, Rorersville, Tenn. SURVEY OF THE SANDY RIVER ROAI>. At the Convention which met at Estill- ville, Virginia, a few weeks ag', a rcsolu- tiou was |iassed inviting the Pre*ideut of the much States, to send on an Engineer to make a survey for a road from Sandy river, in Kentucky, by way of Estillville, Kingsport and Pactolus, to the North-Car olina State line. e are gratified to be enabled to say that the President granted their request, and sent, immeiiiatclv, a ve- ry able corjis of Enjriiieers for the jierform- ance of the work. Lt. Col. Long, and Lt~. Dancy Berrien and Vanwych, together w ith Messrs. Johnston, Reeve and Harris, the commissioners appointed by the Estillville Convention, are now engaged in mukin »* the survey. 'I’hey expected to arrive a” Pactolus on the 1.5th inst. Contril unions have been made in this and the adjoining counties to defray the expense? incurred by the commissioners, and those whom thev may employ as assistants. A jKitition has bften forwarded from North-Carolina to havo the survey extended into that State, 'fliti road will, if completed, b(! of great servico in enabling us to send our praluce into tiie goldinining country, and our iron ^c. into Kentucky. And, ultimately, it may Le highly lieneficial as a feeder to the coiitem- [ilated Kail-way. evening Ix'fore—bluish in its tints; and as llith iiiM. in the packet ship 1‘reMdefiL, ('aptaiii i hamplm, tor lAuidon, from New-Vork. lie wu-s , . aeeompaii.ed by the IU wly appointeil SH'erelary of j •* graillially ascended alK»ve the long line lK'!>ation, .\aron N ail, Ksij. and by his son, Mr. of vapors, it iK'canie silvery in its ajipear- •lohn \ an lJuren, who is to otfieiate as his private ance ; and in the course ol^he fon;noon its I ! light upon the ground, or flintr, or white ! C„nrr„tw„.-At a ii.eetiug held in I i-'liil'itcd a bluish apjK-arance , ll«>toii on tlie Irl inhtant, titleen deK^ule.s weie ,,, .« 1 I 1 1 fill »in' iiiniuiii, iiiicni ui iviian:, wt’ic ! LjOtUptlt.T. iriMirnor ot tne state ot 1 enne.ssti#-, «to t.ereliy , . ... .. . ... . . .V t i.,, _ .... leclarr to all Jr./s irWiwerr, that they are j ['1'!'^ plieuomenon ab.we des| , |lK)d as uithorued to aeeuse,di:lamu,ealumniate, traduce, : j lar as regards the appeal.liice ol the .^llll, blander, vilit'y, and IiIh'1 me, to any pnnnl or pririlr to whoniMM bV pDHIlltfU putilish, and no irme hoh hinor, for e or Uw fahrtralii articles eonneeti nor will I have recoursa to ntii/i/ieurioii , , . , whati yer, « here a eonvielion would not «eure to | joarn, snys the Rullimore ' departure from tlie or the eulprit the dignity of a i«MUtet.tiary residenee. | ,Vom a private source, on wf.ieii we have ^ diliarv CiHirse of IKltlllT. ■And as some muenuity has already been display. : ^ „ ,,,^ei.iDKD «ilh | Inlrlli^ The American Peace Society cflers (ivo hundred dollars for tho best, and »hio hun dred for the second liest, essay on the sub ject of “a ('ongnss of Nations forth ‘aini- cablo adjustment of national disputes, and for the promotion of universal pcace with out recourse to arms,” -’'lanusc ripts to bo sent, by the first of April, to i). J]. Whee ler, N. Y'. with the writer’s nuino in a seal ed paper. WEKKLV ALMANAC. ed in llie rxhthutun oi' the K|K'cimen!), and othi is may b«' induced to invest a small cajiital in the businesa, Iiom feelings of emulation, and an itch ing atUr exiK'rimenl; He it known for the rsjir- eiiil eneoura|;enieiit of all scoundrels hereatVer, as well as thosr who have alr. ady iM-en eii}ja(;c-d, that I do solemnly proiiosc on the I’sl day of April m xt, to give the auUior of Uie most lUgiinl, njinrd ami in^cntmis tie, or rnlum,iy, a handsome gilt eojiy [hound in uht cp] of tho Ki-ntueky KeiM)rler, or a snug plain eopy of the ITnitd States’ 'f’ele^rraph | [iMiund in itop] since its eommi-nei'inent, (ii\tn under my hand and private seal, [hnrint; no sitil uf office] at Nashville, in the Slate uf'I'wii- nes:>ee, illth July, IK!I. SAM. H()l .>TOX, [I.. ».] Ndf.hvi.1(',Tonn. HUl. raty the I'reuch tiovernment Ibr the settlement of the claims of our eiti/ens U|«m it. 'I'he sum sfipii- latcd to Ix; paid is said to be about five millions of dollaro. It is due to oflii'ial promptitude fo state, that the SherifVof W'ayiie haslieen the iirst, this year, to settle his public accounts with At Uic .August Term of .Mecklenburg County Court, tho subscriber fiaving ijua'itied a odmiiustrKirr on the estate of Win. Porter, dec’d , notice is hereby given to all persons indebted ta said estate, to couio forward and make payment; NHW-VOlfK, AVGIST IS. Solar Pbt nO)neiion.~'l'ho Sun yesterday ailcrnoon, from half five until seven ““d mg claims against the saiae, to pn-- sent tbera for liquidation, within tho time pre.-icii. bed by law, or they will be debarred of recover v ALE.X. I’OKTER, Adm’i. Aug.21, la*?!. 3'Jlr o’cloc k, presented a singular and unpleasant as[>ect. The whole suifuce was gretni, as the sea-water or Brazilian emerald, emit- the 'i’rcasun'r and Comptroller of the State, i ‘1“^ liiiltigh Rigistir. j *'f heavens, as to create ati optical —•— j delusion. 'I'he great orb of light seemed ir/ifit ncj't?—It is said that a tniKlel of to have left tlio skies, and to h-ing in our a tunnel is now rxliibitiiig in (ilasgow, to^ own atmosphere, suspended like a balloon at j soMundera Unto: \endiiiom IJxiwnas—lor sale convey the mail Iwgs iVoiii London to Port.(- no very grtal di tawe fro:n the earth. ' SHERIFFS’ DEEDS, J'^Ofi Lands sold for T«.\C3; for Lands sold under a Writ of Fieri Facias; oud fur Lmds mouth, 70 nalc.®, ri I'-’ muiutcs! Com, Adr- ! Warrantee Deeds for salt; at ihis Djffice.

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