THE MINERS’ AND FARMERS' JOURNAL. We have been favored by a gentleman, from tlic vioiitity of the sceiio of uction, witli Ibo following list of the imIividuaU butchered, which however dors not comprise all, sever- ul huviiig Iklleii whoso names could not be proc’ured: Joseph 'I'rivie, wife and tliree childrfn 5 I.atha Friuicis , * William Kccsc aiid mother Mrs. KlizalietU Turner and two others •» Henry Brvant, wile, child and mother-in-law i Mrs. Whitehead, three daughters, two aoni and one grand son 7 Trajan Doyle 1 John Williamit’ wife and child 2 Nath’l. F'rincis’ two chilJrcn and overseer 3 Thomas Burrow 1 I^evi VVallcr’iSchildrrn, wifcJLayoung lad}- 10 Francis Fell’s two daughters W liurwcU Jones’ (lau^.'hti'r 1 William \\ illianis, wile and two otluTs 4 Jacob Williams’ wife, 3 children A— Driiry !i (laiiwcll Worrell’s wife and child !2 Mrs. Keberca Vaughan, two sons, and nitxc 4 Jojiies ijtury and wilo 6'J As soon as the alarm was raised, express es were dcs|*titched in every direction fur assistance, llie adjacent counties both in V'^irginia and this Stale turned out m mas.fc, reinfiiroeinenbi trcrc Arriving long al\cr n- troc-iticfl ceaaed. Detachments of the .Mil itary were also aent from Hulifa.x, Nortli- anipton ai»i Hertford in this State, and from I’etcrsbur^j, KichmnnJ and Norlolk in N a. Three companies of I'. S. Tro«pr4 were also promptly ordered from I'ortn’v) Monro^, commanded by Col. House; to »Inch a large botly of Maritws were addi*d, under com- inanil of Commodore Klliott, w ho had just rt turned iu tlie Sloop of ar Natchez, from a futiguiiip cruize. IWfore the most of these detachments however rearhed S. ulhaniptoii, they were met by dcspatchc.^, informing them that the necessity for th ir presenie no longer existel, 'i’heir proiup- titu'le however, in resjionding to th** call ofdiitv, is not les-s worthy of (traisc on this accirtjtit. Most of the insurgents were well armed and mounted, but do not appear from the? nceounts nctivfil, to have evinced much r.Kirago or intrepidity, in th*-ir stvenil skir- iiish"S with the uhite.s. It is a singular fact that ill the sevi-rnl rencontres which place, not a sinale vhite ^ras ktlUtl / IridH'd, in one in‘>tance, where a party of blacks was attack*d by four whites, it is Rtated that the latter succeeded in repuUiiig thiMn, after killing thrt'e or four and taking w \ernl prisoiiors. By Wedne-idiiy night, the whole band of insurgents, with the ex ception p‘ihaps of two or tlin'e, were either killed or c.i|>tured. The two leadcr-i were ♦■hot aiiH their heads placed upon stak-.s iii the piiblie road. 'I'hough inai.y of the ar- co.iiiL') dilU’r in their details, they all ron- C’lr in one point, viz : that the atiair is at an en.f and no imspiclonlsenterfaiilpd of Its h.ivin;; l>oen a^ general thing. Wf tni^t tl»«?n'lop‘, the great exeitenii'iit into whi h tin' eiunitrv has l>fen ihrown, will qiiu kly subside, whilst the prompt manrfer in which thus outrage has Ihhmi ntK-t and the r\irnpl.‘'» mad*', \\ ill deter others fr^m mak ing '•iiiiilar attempts. It is vi ry gratitying to us to have it in oiir jM)w«>r to state, as wc can do n[>«>n tJie BUthoiity of a re.'*pe table name, tliat tln*r*» Wi re riiiinrriius instances of iin’>rniptibl«’ litii'htv among some of the slaves who wer*' ii|>{>Iied to, to join the Unid. They not old)' r' I'usjHi but at the |M ril of their o«n li\e>, rf’>cufd their ma.-ters and tht ir fainilic: from (ortain di'strwtion. It would Ix' a lilx-l on the lil>"rality and gnititiide of the eomiiiiiiiity to siipp>*', that such honoi-abh' inst.iiM'f's i)f devotion to principle will fail of tlii'ir inented reward. Ff i s,iid tint one vhitc uian, at least, v».«s fiiiiid iiiiiong'it the diail conspirators, •liNgiimcd and blackened as a ingro. IT this U- tiMC, the fate which oveitiH)k hini w:is almost of too niitigatt'il a idiaracfer.— W e can think of no crime m the w hole range litiman eaormity St) heinous, as tins. Cir- eiimstanres iiuiy bo addiKvd, by ban' possi bility, in lAteiiuation of asiinple murtier, or e\cnof him who should place a fire brand in tho midst of a |k pidoiis town—but for the inftTiial villain who would joinoiirslaves in Mich an unhallowed and dialHili al eru- Kidi', there can b*: no such thing as o.Meu- uatioii. In closing this hasty aecouiit wc regret rxcrodingl) to state, that .^lr. Siir.i-vKii un e.‘.|cpmel member of the HaHfax niin.t, WHS accid'Mitally shot during nn a- larni, hy a brother inendier of the ('nr|is. 'J'hf circumstance .spoins greatly to have exritfd the sunpathy and legret of the cir cle, where .>lr. Lee was l»est known. Till’ folIoHlnir nildilionni ii.irlinii.irt arc from the \ irgiiiia |ia()or. I’rnm Uir Rulmond I'nqiiirrr, .li/f. 2C. \ letter was rer^ ived on Tiic.mliiy morn ing t’roin Col. Tre/vant, w ho lives at Jerii- K ilem, in the comity of Si^lthampton, sta ting an “ insnrrettion'’ had broken out niiiong the blacks—tliiit several white fain- ilif's had lx’,en destroyed; that arms and uinninnition were wanting in Soiitluimpton, and that a considerable military tbrce might lie n'ljuin-d to kiiIhIiic tin; disturbers.—Je- riis ilein is about 70 miles from Uichmond— C((|. 'l”s letter wfts written on the Ulst— eviilenlly in haste—without giviug nuinbers, names, v^c. It was .sent by ex press to the Aiilhoiities of tin; ’.own of I’e- teinlnirg—tind hy them despatched to the Mayor of this city. It was n*eeived on Tuesday tnoniing, and laid boforc tlic O'uv- crnor. The council Using convened, (there l>eing no other member in the city than the Lieut. Gov.) the advice was given to take the earliest and most ellicicfit measures.— Arrangements were immediately taken by the ('hief Magistrate for the purpose. Anns and ammunition w’eit; despatched in wagons to the county of iSouthampton. The lour Volunteer Coin|)anies of i'ertcrsliurg, the Dragoons and Lafayette Artillery Company of Richmond, one Volunteer Company from Norfolk and one from Portsinoutli, aud the Regiments of Suuthampton and Sussex, were at «nco ordered out. 'I'he Dragoons of this «ty, commanded by Cajit. Randolph Harrison, took up the line of march on ■'I'uesday evening. The Lafayette Artille ry, commanded by Capt. John U. Richard son, embarked ut o’chxik the same even ing, 111 the Steamboat Norfolk, to land at Smithfield. Ue presume that Brigadier Cieneral li)pi>C8 will cominaiid the detach ments. Another express on the .same eveningfrom the .Mayorof l^etersburg, requested the Gov ernor to send over arms—which were ac cordingly despatched. No authaUic accounts have been receiv- e] of the character of this unexp*?ctpd trans action—of the nuinlier of blacks collected, of their desigits, of the mischief they have done; whether they are the men! runaways who have broken out from the Swamps, or how many slaves of the neighboring plan tations have joined—whether they have got together tor mere rapine and robbery, or for what. Hut that these wretrhes will run the djy on which they broke hnise ujioii the neighboring population, is moot certain. \ terriblo rctribulioii will fall U|H>n their heads. Dearly will they pay for their mudness and their misdeeds. LiUi r.—W e have later accounts, but they are still rumors; still deficient in authenti city. It IK said that the leader ot'tlie blacv had Imcn shot at the bridge at Jeru.saiem— that aliout 20 nogrcjcs were on thcir inarch to their rende/vous, and attacked by four whites—li killed, and several prisoners taken. It Is said there had been a skirmish b‘- tw*Mn th>; largest body ot' the blacks, and some liiw militia—that the negroes had llcu into a Wood—and the w rtter of the letter, uho gives this account, believes that as suoii as the troops are up, they would l«e completely surrounded aud cut olf. An am ple retribution will U- their lot tor the bkxMl which they have shed. Rumor had .stateil the lainilwr of tiicir victims as high as 70 i-T ‘“(I, perhaps nmre—hut such stories are sgrtatly fxitgi'iralul. Wo have no doiiU it IS in the picscnt m.staiice. >iic fjf the last e\ states, that most, if not all the Mackji were runaways, w ho hud broken out of the swninps, to rob and do mischiet'—tiiat iV-w, if any, of the plaiita- jtion hands, had joined tiieiii—and in one ease, he he,ird of a ma-ter of one of the e»- t.itos turning out w ith his slaves, to meet a party coming to nttac k him—that two of the assailants had l«een killed, a third vvoiiii- d>*d, and the rest ran of!’. He heard of .sev- cral others U'liig killed ejstiwhere. Hut it IS e.vtnuiiely diilicult to get at the truili in ail such cases. The tiovcrnor rcccivcd a |eft?r by this e.\pr«;s3 ye.^terday morning, from General rpjio-., ul' Siis-^'x. ticn. Ep[ics lielicvpR that in a daj’ or two all will Ije tranquil; that no mor** troops will b«! neceasjiry, and (>crliaps those in service niiiy i»e distdiargtd, though there was a paity ne:ir Saithainptoii (Amrt lloiis«!, and a bi.iall one near lielltield—that thnigs look well. ImUkI accoutxt.—.\n express anived Ixst night, little liolore 1 Oo’clx:k, with dc.spatch- es Iroiii I’ctersburg for the (jlovernor. [Oae of the letters is from Cupt. ]). H. Branch.J He uil'orms that a letter had U:en received from Jcriisa'.ein, written on \\cdnes»lay.— The wiiter is siid to be an intelligent and n-|jei l«l)le man. lb; slate.s ;iiat he had seen tiie Ixnlies of all, or most of the whites who had been murdered in that neighbor- IiochI, amounting to alsmt 11*—nio.stoftheni irumcn and r.'uldn n'J'hat a skirmish had taken place onTucstiay between the whites and the blacks in that (]uarter, ainountiiig to about U!—in wliii li no lo*>s was suslamtHl by the whiti's, and several of the blacks killed, and 0 or of them taken prisoners, and thrown into jail. I'apt. H. understands, that the bl.icks are in two or three iletach- nieiits—that they have perjK-trated in all aUiut (iO murders; tliat they have a considerable |>iirt of'their force; that their spirits are broken, that their object st-ems now to lie to skulk, and that they have lof.t all further intention of' conimitti:);' lurtlier depredations. He is of opinion, froin what he understands, that no more troops will b' required to repress them; there being a sullicient nuinlier to ellect that object. 'i'ho F.xpreas who brought the letters from Petersburg understands that the Rich mond Dragoons arrived in Southampton on '\’ednesday night. 'J'he story of the lea der being shot down near Jerusalem is sjiid to b! contradicted. It is sugge.sted that lie IS a negro from North-Carolma, and his name has been quoted, we know not on what authority, to bo that of Nathaniel Turner. It IS supposed that most of these marau ders and murderers runaway negroes, who had broken in n[>on the white |iupula- tion, f(ir rohlH*ry and other mischief. 'I'here is no app(!arance of concert among the slaves ; nothing that can deserve tho name of insurrection, which it v\as originally dc- noiimiatcd. There is some story of a lew | . white faces bfiing senn, or fTipjxjsed to be I seen, among them. No particular account i has been received of the detachment near I lielfield ; though there were rumors of soifte I of them having been cut or shot down.— I'he number of the banditti has ')een prob- ! ably much magnified, if it be true that on- I ly forty were engaged rn tlio skirmish near j Jerusalem. I 'riiere is no doubt that any further dan- I ger from them is by this time over, wid that j they will dearly riio the day when thev ever j dared to break in U|Hjn the p!ace of the j country ; and to shed the t>lo«l of any one; particularly the women and chddrt^n. Frnm the hiehitiund Compiler of Auj(. i}7. Still Later.—A letter was received yes terday by the Governor, from ( ien. Epfies, dated at Jerusalem, .\ugu.^ 24. Hu states, , that it is ascertained that forty-six wliites ; have been murdered ; soiais of them horri- I bly mangled; some say tiiut fifty-tliree are j killed—that the number of insurgents were, I according to the best intelligence, reduced j to si.x—though it is not inipixjbable they 1 may attempt to rally. Twelve had been j taken; several had U-en apprehended, not [of the rioters, but suspected-^fiftcen had I been killed—the rest, with Gelfr'rdl .Nat. Turner, (a preacher and a slave,) and M ill !, a freeman of colur, at Iheir head, wire trying to make tiff. (ien. K. states . that he was disbanding the militan,', and ' had no doubt of re.storiiig tranqtiility in a : short time. I It appears by the Allwny [af.ers, that since the o|K'iiing of the .Mohawkau Rail- : road, the tiavelli;rs on it have amounted to bc-tween three and four hundred a day.— Gne jHiriial savs—“The income of this ; company from present apjx.*araiiu«'s will be I about Jj!l 10,00U a year ll»r paj.s* ngers only, and the stock instead of being worth 10 per cent, advaixe, is wortii U or 700 [>crceut. \cw-i\trk Aiiu rican. CIIERAW, Al’O. 30. Awful Calamity.—Our Town has been visited with a calamity which must be long and severely felt. In consequence of the successive heavy rains which have fallen for two weeks past, our river was discover ed to bo rapidly rising as early as Friday morning last. It continued to rise until 5 o’clock on Saturday night, and at half past I John Carmichael and .Mr. Angus Martin, The organs of veneration and self-esteem vv^re very deficient and thereby causing a flat bead.—Greinville Mouritaintir. Forgery.-^The Augusta Courier, of the 15th, has the following:— More Forgery.—Georgo M. Ringland has been detected in forging notes on Mr. seven o’clock that beautiful fabric, the Bridge over the Peedee, yielded before the destroy ing flood. Not a wreck is now remaining to tell when; it stood. Such was the over whelming violence of the Hootl, that nothing could withstand it. At the vc.y moment of its yielding bjfore the desolating flood, two white men and two negroes hud enter ed ami were passing through, but notwith standing it had Iteen reduced to a conifilete wn^ck, having been crushed b» fbre they could reach this end, astonishing to tell they were all saved. As to the amount of dam age suptaiued by the crops it is impossible to say. The low grounds on each side in some places for more than a mile in extent present one vast sheet of water. We learn to a large amount—say 5*15,000. It haa ruined the House of Jos. C. Eve dc Co. of whom he wM a partner. Rinf*kind has ab* sented himself (’tis said) westwardly.^ Ho had maintained aiKunblemislied churactu^ previously. Dandien Imeare!—We are informed that alady passing down Broadway,(Nevv-York) a few evenings since on her return home from visiting a friend, was rather insolently accosted by a young jentleman, who endea vored to detain her. 'i'he lady, a little ex asperated, after finding her r.moiistrancea of no avail, drew back, and with one well directed blow with her clenched hand, (wo dare not say fisi) laid the young gentleman that every bank from this filly miles down j fuH length upon the pavement. 'I'his was the river luis lx;eii broken—ot course the low | t^piritcd if not lady-like, and proves what wo grounds are completely inundated. But it j have long contended for, that tew dandies would rcfiuire more time and space than we | have, besides their stock of masculine im- can c jmiiiand to chronicle the disaster. In pudcnce, as much of the man about them as i extent it certainly snrpa.sses any within the 1 memory of oi»r oldest inhubitaiits. j [lie publican. 1 the women.—N. Y. Standard. CHARLOTTE^ ' >\ i;i>.M,sD vv, 7, ' Kl.lXjnoN UK'II ILNS. j .Is’ir.—Jolin li ly, V. James Calloway and To.ui r W itchir, ( '. I Ihtj.lin.—St .Milli.r, .V. Win. Wright &; ; Jo'. (»i!li s]iie, C. Mncuu.—Ja.«. W. Cuinn, S. Jas. Whitaker, Sr. I and 'I'liunia'. Talhaiii, V. Unnloir.—Ix-.wis ilchiionjr, S. Jului P.'J'homp- j »T)n and A. ThoinpHdn, C. I 7yirf//.—I). N. Hiltiiian, S, II.G.S;AaiIl and , C'burle* .M’C'lfc sc, t'.. I Wii.ihtUfilun.—Samuel Diivcnpnrf, S. Wafi'rs Ik'civwiUi and I'riali W. J-wanntr, C. j In the M'trjjaiilon Congressional Diilrict, the I lion. Sami. 1*. Carsoi) wajj rc-clccUd by a.major- I ity of 3DC7 -Carbon «0V, Anthony Ciyin’ 1315. I I^nrgc Sijunth.—Tlit Salisbury Oarolini.m min- I tioiiciJ a wcrk or two ap'> tiie prodiu-tion in tJial piacit of a l -t-'e .'vjuash, >.'> |vuml*.—- I U’c have »■ rn oin' t j bi'at it, vvhicli grew in llie ' garden of a grnil.-nian of this town, the prt wnf Ki'ast.ii,—utifjhin" fixly-nx pounds, iw.nsurinj I upward!! of Jir.f li et in cirruinfcri ucei, and ncar- ' ly two iK t in liiamcter. Wc believe lV eouinioii • name of this F;>ecics of vegi table is ‘.Maianiolh i wjutt.-li.’ Tlie ap!'''ll.;tion is vtry appropriate, ! aiid we doubt if any scction of tlie country can produec laany lo coniptte with tlic j Ttie Murdert in i^nuthampton, Va.—Wc have devoted some sjKice in tiiis week’s j>ap» r to tlie di tails of thi, recent horrid inassacrcs in Virginia. I'ioui all aecouiitH, anil llicy arc various and eon- 1 tradictory, it app> ais tlicrc was no extcnrive and , orgaui7(.tl plan luf a general insurrection, but that il vvaii the work of a few desperate cliaiatters in conn ( tion willi an oullawed gang of runaways I’roin the Di.wnal Swamp. They ]>a!’scd ovti the I ni'ighborhood like a scourge of inurdor and rapine, 1 wiili llip'inost (lia)iolical fury, aiid a fiendish en- ' inily against the whites, tbrcing into thcir ranks the more well ilisjiosed blacks as tbfy parsed alonj in tli(.ir lilooly carerr. This saa^'uinary act of tlie.-e deludeU wrtltlics, tnuhl create linlings of intcuiu' syiiipatliy for the fate of thcir unfortunaitf tielinis; and what renders the ati'aii more blaek and tirmJiikc, tliese victims were princij^ly un protected woiiien and ehildrt n. 'I'he occurrence of tlii.s melancholy afl'nir luust tend to draw the bonds of this species of our pop- ! ulation more close; and cs|**rially to interili t tiie custom (■ perniittuig roloied per.'-ons to prraah aud liarangur to a collection of (daeks ^ii the Sab- i Iwth,—a cuitom which pceVailK rnftditff Ihlstimo. . We b’lieve it has griierally been th« tr-e, fhat in all atti-inpts at iniurnctien i:i the wuth>:rn states, the jil.ins of organi7.utiou for inuriicr and rapine have been coneoctfd and matured .it prorcsscil rc. ligious meetings; tliis vsas espceially the ou-;e at the great iiili.iided insurnction in Ciiarli'bton, in Idi-J. The Frederinksburg Arena, of the .30t!i ultimo, mentions a runioi of a second di>‘turUBnre in Sur- ry, a county adjoining S>ulhanipton. The Arena savs—*‘\\ e have conversed with .nn intelligent pas.»enger in tlie I!iehnioud sta;,'e, who ktates, tiiat late on Saturday nigJit. the Governor rceeivcd two expresses from tlie disafVccti d di^^triet, tlie nature of which cojiiiuanieations not b en made pub- lie. It. wai, however, generally believed that an insurreetiun had taken placc in tlie county of Sur ry, and that several families had I'allen victims.— 'I'ho Uichmoiul Cavalry, on thrir return to Uie city, were nu t by uiders troin the (Juvernor to march to Surry. We givi’ these |>iirticulars to put an end to the exiiggeSiti d rc;K)rtK which art; in cireul.ition respecting this aUeged second dis turbance." The ofTicersand seamen of the IJ. S. schr. , . . . , . , , I’oriwise, under the command of Lieut. I >ye have been visited hy the most des-^ subscription tructive freshet known smce the memory j^e relief of the sufferers at Fayetteville, of man. I he crops on the river plantations conflagration of ihat town, are entirely swept-planters, who expect- contribut.l, two hundred dol- led to make ..UO bales of cotton, will not Aj^.e^tiser, was I make 10. I his wiUi the loss of their pro-jtransmitted from the : vision crops, stock of cattle, hogs, d.-stnic- { ^Vest Indies to a gentleman in this citv, and j tioii of fences, and injury to the soil, w ill , remitted to the proper authorities at make up a sum total, whicn we cannot at i p^ayejteville jtiiis time estimate. We believe that 300,- | _ .J 000 dollars will not cover the losses sus- 1 si£D, tained b\ this (lortion of our fellovv-citizcns I In Nevrbern, 24th ult. Charhg G. Sj>aif[ht, Eaq. in this I)istrict alone. Amongst the mju- i Attorney at Law, and Representative elect of that ries sustaiiK-d is the loss of our fine Bridge. 1 " ‘‘‘ ' It embraced Ibur arches neatly constructed I In ^orkville S.C onthe 27th ulUmo, Mr. JoAn , , .-1111 . i aged about .M years, and covered, two ol winch, the longest, are 1 taken of}’. W hen it ple.isps our IlatPCuJy Father, the Governor of the I’inverse, to visit us Editors of newspapers in the United States ami l^lnada will oblige a bereaved family, in Knglnnd, by inserting in thcir papf rs the following obilua- . , ry notice, in the hope of its meeting tlie eve ot* I w ith afiiictions, we know that tlw'j are just I .Saniud Abel, brother of the deccaseii, whose place ' and wise, and iKiwing our heads to the dust i of residence in the United States is uiikuowu ; we say, “ thy will be done.”—But when it j “DIED—On the 23d day of January, 1'31, at man to seize upon pi»rcr, and visit 1 N’oi thampton, (laigland,) Scsa.v, only daughter of us with curses, wc have yet to learn the j tow*i, aged ;5o.” Icsjon ofsubiniti.sion.—Camden Beacon. UFFKI Y aF\1 \N VC The late f'reshct has been equallv e.xten- Istl’ri.MB’K, jSunlSuni phasD*. Jsiveand destinctive. It is agreed by all ^ ' Ins'jslscts.l ! oiir oldest inhabitants ierably higher I licrod in our river. jhy'the river planters is iiiiiiii-«!w. a iie iii- t ■•-j- Full, 1 divi.lual loss sustained b^' some gentlemen , 5 loll-ast, 27 11 7 morn, ■in this neighl)orhood cannot he tlmn ' ^ ** i ■■ i .thirty dollars. The bridge ha.s j XlH ailll Sheet-lroil Ware ■ hrrcn more than halt swept away, but will, 4 Uve trust, lie.s[x-edily repaired. Tho bridge ^ ^ • at Cheraw has gone entirely. We have j J. f^rjI.NEK A- CO. I no riKun for a detail of the disaatrous par- I KSPECTFL'LL^Y inform the citizens of ; ticulars of this most devastating calamity. Charlotte, and the public RtncriJly, ti; [Camden Journal. j New Bridec.—e are informer] that, j the New Fret'Bridge acnjss 1st Broad Riv er, near Honrv S-.-henck’s store, on the new , Road, leading from this town to Lincolnton, was completed on Saturday last, and is now i their custom, n'aiiy for the pas.sage of travellers, wagons, cVo. The bridge is spcken of in high terms of commendation, and as creditable to the undertakers. We trust the conteni|ilated 1receive suiUible cncouragemcnt bridge across second Broad, at Hetmlck's | I'ord, will Ik; soon undertaken, which, by its C'lmi'loitc Cilsuclcil accomplishment would s«'cure an uiiinter rupted communication with the Kast. Rhtherfordton Speda^'r. — they h.ive eonimenced the above Hu«nr»'S at tlio old stand formerly occupiod by K. M. Uronson, and rcrently by Capt. 'I’ho. A. Mera as a grocery, on iMuin street, a short Ji.Uanee north-eat-t front the Court-House, where they intend to keep ou hand a good as-sortinent of Ware, and cxpeet to bi; able to supply at wholesale or retail, on the most reasonable terms, all wiio niav favor them with JOS. SU.M.VKli A l o. N. H. All kinds of Jvh Work in their line dono at short noticc. OJ Wanted, an Apiirciiiicc to tho above business; one who can come well recom- J We under«tand that the nunilH^r of stu- w E.VVKS Charlotte and Camden everv Sunday I dents at tho I'niversity at Chap« I Hill, has . Jt i and Wednesday, at 8 o’clock, A. Al.—and incrcas'Ml this sessimi to lOS. \\ C Ixdieve I arrives in Charlotte and Camden every Monday leitinir the Northern Charicston and I'o. - , - .itages in Camden. I merit, and csits friends could wish. 1 hanks j The Contractor pledgee himself to u?e cv.-ry jto the liljerality of the I nited States Bank j e.vertion for the eomfoit and eonvenloncr of pa,-*- in making the loan to the 'I'rustees, which l stngcrs. lie has prepared a six-j.asseng. r Coach I the U-gi.slature refused to make, except on “'“I “ w.ih steady an.l : f'. 1 I • carelul drivers. lor seat-s, application can be Ihuimliatmg conditions, this Institution is J at Bovd’s Hotel, Charlotfe; I). Ilagcn; I prc.served to tho country. It is to l>e hoped | Lew is Uill, Lanca.-tcrville; I'letcher’s; atid at ithat the Slate at large, and the friends of |''IcAdains, Camden. Fare, tl] eenU i>rr mile, or the [ 'uiversitv m particular, will not be un- i >« advance, 5 ccnts per luilo I . ,. , . • .1 „ , for going and reluming, mindlul ot this act of li!>erality on the part, ® Contractor. loftlu Bank.—^iwhcrti Spectator. Sept. 5,1531. 50tf NLW,.NT. I niCn:aH»Mj inis mission lO IU3. >> C iK'llUVe i arri\i:» m V uanoiiu ana i>an)uc 1 this institution wili soon be as pposixMous j ^ i ^1 J * staifcs at Charlotte, and tJic Ch ■ as the numerous advai.tages i P.ssess^s ; A Tost t)|lice IiuH recently been estalilishi d in Anson ounly, in this State, called Tindalsville, of wluuii iltud) W. ::)triukland, is I’oitnijisicr. Tiiero IS a l>oy living in Buncomlie co. N. C. aged 17,Whosu'head measures i.“J inches in circuinferencr. He has not been able to priKMire a hat large enough for his head out of anv store for the la.-t seven or eight yeai's. ilis lieatl is still growing m proportion to the growth ot his body.— What Kiy you .Messrs. (.'raniologists and I’hrcnologists, with regard to the talents ol this 1k»v '! We believe that one of the gt'n- eral rules of your science is, that a large head is more apt to j>ossi'ss geuius and tal- ejits than a small one. This boy, however, is an exception to this rule, lie is a very dull fellow, and says he “ canuot learn fast.” I le is a sound healthy chap, aud a good hand to work. His head is, (as a Cianiologist would say) without any derelopemcnt. It is a smooth as a green gourd, w ithout bump or knot. We examined it particularly, and looketl ill vain for the organs of “ m-nsiition,'" '^'•idealltii," “ c>unparison," and oflu-r high intellectual a!’.l knowing ones. Ilis fore, hvad’\a*! '• \ llIamMs Ioa" and na’row.— mrvivi:. VLL per.^ans indebted to tiie Jr'state of Cyrus Alexander, dec’d. are requested to make payment against tho frst day of January next, as it is neccssary the estate should be stilled as soon as possible; no further indulgence can ho given. Also all those having claims against tho estate, arc requested lo bring forward their ae- counts or claims, vvilliin the time pn seriU J by law. EI.I.VS AI.i;XAXDKR, Adm'r. Sept. •>, 1S31. :it.V* Ai’lillery, ^htciition ! Y^OU are hereby orilcrcd to a*, tend at the Court-House la Charlotte on Tuesday, the I.'Uh inst. at S A. .\I. precisely, i.rmid ai.u e- quijied as the law diructs for thu pur}iose of review, with 12 rounds of t)iank cartridges. Punctual at- ttndana- is required. By order of thfi Captain, r. E. S.VIXIEK, Ord. Sa-fTt. ^Sept..'?. V'lirrantcc I>redsfor salr at this Ojiee.