AIINEIRjS’ & FARMERIS’ JOVRDTAIi. j. J.-i; -— ^ --■ '■' . .' Li-JL— L!."y I ■ - , J —A—— IMlI.NTliD AM) l‘l'UL3s»IIKl> I;VI:RV >V I:!>%KSI>AV, HY NOIM.K &. WHTE, iHKC Iil-ENHI'K^i CJOirNTV, N0RT1I>;AR>LINA I WII.I. TKA'’M VOlt TO I’lrK* K, THU BDWtW oy TIIK KARTH ANl> BUINO OH KIIOM Tilt. fAVV-’lNli OK TMK M'WNTAlNf., MITrAI.S WIIK 11 WII.L OIVK RTP.rN;TII To OIK IIAMM AM> HVKJtXT ALL NATIRK TO OUR UPK AND PL*ASUIIE.—r>». JOHNSO.N, VOL. I. WK!>.\i:SI>AV, SKI»1’K>I»KR 14, 1831. NO. 51* THE lYBiiif'rs' X rai’EnerN’ Jo^irnal Is priilUt] and puhliKlird every Wcdnriidiy morii- iiig at 7’iio Dollam and i'ifhi ('cntt [m t uiiniun, if paid in advuiicc; Thrrt Uollart a j cnr, iJ not paid until allrr the expiration of.ix iiioiilhs. ADVEJlTlSn.Mr.N'l’S will b! itiiicrti .l nt I'lfltj _Ti . I’OLITENRSS IN C IIII.DKION. Ill politeiiesijas in many otlirr tilings con- Nortli Hen, Iji-twcon Bf^!;riuni and England, on the Ud if Novcnilior bv a crew of fishci’Micn. 'J'liU lx)ut ix;inr t.K» light of From the liaiicaster tl’enii.) f'xainincr. TRANil.tTCn FilOM Tim (.r.aMAN. TUINKl.Vc; Al,r»L'l>. TIuto arc many [XTSons \vho liavo ron- ■ tonnat": a’ld s:iil to move siicli i;n enormous ni.*ct«‘i'l with the torniiition of character, pco-! tractod a liahit of uttering their tlionohts I mas i, liaili.-d two other Lxnjts to thuir assis- [»!e ill "ennral bcjrin oiitsid**, w't-h they atiiibl,- wlicii alone. Livviy iin;ufi.i;ttion tin r, ami the thire tOf'th(!r towed the should U-»in inside’; instead of hi;fi)iniii;; , and ii’tcnse I'celing are u-uully the cause i v. hiilo on shore, and arrived in sight of Os- fcnt9iKr»qiiaru(iiotcxctidiiiKa!Mint:H,)lortlic I heart, and tnHtin^ that to form ' of this haliit, which bv lapse of ilr,.,! h.'c.oinoh tr>nd harbour at four o’clock in the morning r.rtt ii,5ortion, and-Jj tTiifs for ca h Huccft din- j,, „ia,mor.-, and ! lixod and inveterate und wlion coiiik t .11 ..f tiie Itli of .NovemlK.T, 1827 ; IxMng then . , , .. I ij iu» iin I 11 iOy week—O' $1 tor thrrt wc k»,-tor our ^unrc.— i , li in"e iiilluences. Tht' in any dc-iee with o«:ca ;i.>:ial ab'^-nce ( f hi-h water. At the niomsnt the whale was iH-inad.’ totiio^c i tl,,; y,.ry Jifo ai-d soul mind, exposes tlioso who aie snl.j-et to it, ju^t goinj; to enf5;r the harbour, th*’. cable L'lj may be tau;»lit to to the daii;crof f»peakinj^rt>i./*-, asthc thea-1 with whi. h it was fastened to the bwUs broke, anJ it was cast on the ssukIm on the A li!)rrul dicrounl will tidv* I ti by t ho ytar. It r On all advti tibi iii'.iits cornimiiiicaltd tor puMication, tl.v niiiiibiT of itiKi'i linns niuiit br iioUd on tin i;::ir;;iii of the ni:uiu'^('ript, or tiiry will Im: contiaucd uiitil lorliid, ti’.iu rliar{»i d adcor(Iiii{;ly- ,* All «)r;imuaicatioin to flic Luilors iiiu«l romc free of pott'i^e, or they may not be att> ridcd to. of politeness. Children may make u graceful coiirtosv or a gentleuianly trieal phnisc i«, even in coiiipatiy b»w—but unless they h iv»! likuvs iw! Im;osi . KA^T, tlie ceb'brated (Icnnaii philoso-! side of the harlxjur. It was there that taught to abhor what wa.s sclilsh, and ul-' pher, diued one day at a lViuirs : the preparatory operations were made, ways prefer anotlior’s comfort and pleasure where the ccnver>.ation haj)|;'.' u.d to be ro-1 Limtlon piijier. i to their own, their jKilitf-ness will l>e entiic- markable monos\ llubic. lie lieeaiSiO weary j CRA'I’l’l'l'DR jly attificial, and used only when it is their , of tlm surrounding dulnr s, arid at length : fron. iL Coutri^r dea Eiitn Unit for I intcre.'t to UHO it. On the other hand, a , exclaiiiind \\itU lu nrst ^jjiplieity, thou;>h the .Sat'mnnl Inlelligenetr. I (ince fiaved a man’s life who had boon T tl.c An-ust'IVr.MofMcckl. nlmr.-Couiay ‘ruly kind-h.-arted f-er«oa, w.l ,„.co.w.cio..s.y, yet audibly enough—“ Lv J by law, or tlicy will bi- drbarred t»f rrcovery. ALl:X. I'OK'l Ki^ Adni’r. Aic.e». inijwiitance I form ot rel.iieinent in the mi.i'i, and goKi was evidently not a little bl!ri^li^cd to fnid ^.jjy -iiyKP fjnd (,u fiiendle.-js and pen- |afU!ctions in the heart; aiMlassuch liiurit be hiin^lf the object of on Hi;ivrsid stare ! „yie«s. Who should I meet but iny hulf- lovely. Hut when lliu form exists without 1 his habit is less frequciitly bscrvi.d in i Ho was delinhtod to see lUrUcn*’’’'Til. rtal.|ri.'r!l'Vxt’t'i."ivr,‘ri^l..iv call lu ver be t;;ugbt by St't maxims. F.v.- expresdion. lias i;aturc lyniishe.^woman Hxplained to him my de.^itute situation.— drj : grain and prov. ml. r ol tin-pU -'ituul, , rv-d.iy iiitlueiice, si> uiicerenioniou.-ly ;\- "itn great pow.^rs oi w-iL^oiiiniairii, ''r \\ bat lo vou tl.iiik be gave ine, aft-r this md nrvid l*y p»fxll«"-'l'ri!. 'I In I;-.iim lia^ nm. ted,'is all important in f.miiiiii the eha- • J'^t nature lirr^ell'OMi ftwprob-4 jrf lorntion ! .1 piiir f half iiy coiiiii.rtald.'r.«.iiir. rTv-s a cr««l inblc loid rr. , ^ P notlimg more lt‘i" ! 'Mus much is certain, ?^at iSCa an I tieipier.lly called to see biui aid', but he \vas never ‘ at home.’ AAUCUri. UELI.Iil.\0'>i /c ’o. (.'•.nmtdiun .MrrrAan.'* ^ l'ortniid\ng Agfh1», FA% irrri:\ ii.i.f;, t. O \\ ari-lloiiic». apd ait wtll pn parnl to rv*: i' ruttoii and ollift I’rDditrr, v. b.rli will b- torw»rd- td or b a* may Ih; dirc led. lifHxti and .Mi i« liaiidizr r ri ived and lorward’d «illi pro.i'plm** lo i>r.>r^ 'l lwy have on lianii a jjrvwl i*ii(>ply ot’ lim)i'EHH.S, ifc. »u siVciii'.; .hrection on the subj-a. Vour s-jrt pro«Juce Mugulail> laughable and a« k- I fiianii* rs at hon.u hIiouU always be such as \(ju wi«h \our family to have in c'Jini»a:iy. I i’oliteiie>- will then In' iiatural lo ti.em ; they ' will |K^j«>css it witliout tliiiikmg ab«it it.— But when certain outv.ard obs-.rvatices an DURABILITY OF TIMBER Mrs. Griffith, a lady of New-Jersey, whose agricultural and economical writings have conterred grejit benefits on the com munity, recoinnteiKls felling trees for posts and timber in August. Logs designed for* posts siiould be seasoned twclvo months, then sawed, and each piece charred at tho bottom. Posts, says Mrs. Grifiith, cut and charred iA this way, will last twenty years, but unless the wood is cut in August, and seasoned in some dry placc, it is worse than useless to char them. Perhaps we may be accused of a want of respect to the opinions of the fair author, but we confess we are by no means certain tiiat August is the best month to fell trees for timl^r. We know of no facts, nor are we aware that any experiments have lieeu made, on the comparative durability of tim ber, cut in different months, from which any thing like certainty can be deduced.— On this subject, as well as on the influence of the moon on animals and vegetables, wo believe there is more of superstition than truth in the discordant opiuions which are prevalent. Were it necessary, authority could be adduced, to prove thnt severally each month in the year is the mast suitable j tor fl'lling timber. If one month or one I quarter of the moon is more favorable than another, how is it that so much diversity of opiiiion prevails among those who have hud the iHjst opportunities for observation 1 Conversing with an aged gentleman on this subject, he informed us that abf)ut twen ty-five years ago, he set a range of fence. The posts used, were all cut at the same time, and app-.irently of the same quality. Some of them rotted in the course ol 1‘2 VTI'.K iKcir^nicr. in orry bran-1, of tl.cir | j,, ; «,thout tl.illkmg ab«it It.— Hanmi.*. Tin y hav« lir;fe and lonsci.l. ul ‘‘1 . hohinM.U; and tliu propri.ior ai’d l.ib lannly • ’j] ,„aniirr-i. *'lf V'^'i subject to .surh ab tracti^an-.l«*n'-0n- c,. »ill omit notliuij: 111 ihfir i-orttr U.mak. il mojl , wniMjri.ini man in ii.tir iiiJinn . ^. •ly.u j « .i n qu. I and a^L.aldc. an; habituallv politf, they will Iecomo so, scious utterance ol tliou^'ht. ^thl k not i l-.if 1!. P. Uut'VS\MI,l,K. I,V the lueie force ut imitation, without ain , certain t.iaii ccar.ioiMl laps-is ot this I s^jrt prcnJuco hiu^'ulail} laiigliaiilc aiiH aw k-j Frori ll:-j C*iiirinnt.ii AnuTioan. umc.|uaiuu.‘j «hli 1.101,1,1 I.lionom. Jin. , im l,„™ „t rli> .„o ||„.oIry «c caiii.ol ell I '‘J ll there are mauv whoiH'vor tliilik aloud, tlii iii,) as an ainasing exercise in spelling. . „i. .'iV, r.f n h..n«f there are al-^ who .. Id..... tl.nd; at all , '11.- words are .et.eraliy coni.nois b.U they j ^Tiiu'-'iO or 25, and morticed then, for o of these lasted moi'u than tifty- thouph unpainted, and ex[)0.sed , . , r lo me weather during that long period.— motive f ..tors scirishnr.s. Ilestdes, if our ' occasion. :/Ac i/,«y,or. A..y pcn.o.. inay ^ own maiinrrs arc not habituallv coiisu-.teiit i 'I’h.s uas the case «ith the wif.-' of an with ihe bcit whose atten .on has with the rule-s wo give they will b.' of ht-' hone.'.t—who could not conceive how not Ix l.-n? b'ni esiKJciaby called lo the lines, tie avail: they will, m nil' probability, be U pt..s.blo for any one to act so iiicre- tba. ti.-y will mlsbi ll tu drv words at least, dibly stupid as lu i husl.and cm e acted.— | out ol ti’.i lines. W e haveIrequently known 'I'lie woithy man, wiio had prokibly never piTson.s of lii)eral education to sjiell iricor- ' ' ‘ ■ ■ ' ■ ■ ■ fi'om twenty to twenty-live of the ho tl.ey lines j>cUed ..r^.^J m words as important only b^^ca.ise , -and to latter the p...ct,c- ol i...- b.r-1 w.!l be suei. as w. I put t.j the blush the tl..A make us pleading, they assume ar. un- mn.^t Mcm p. .:..l.arl> .illy, v. ho.i ,t h-.;.- a,’..„,;acv ol the mo-t l.MHicd, t .lueiiniK,rfanc'*,!.e f^nstobrcak lorth on some .lriki..»!y in- i ir,ihmn,s of uther Johnson or\\ alkrr l»KOI*OSA(.S ivr ... thf ( ]\a,hineinn, hro and will certainly be iJrgot- Lt t utillt I POUT r tijn We have also heard it stated, and have no reason to doubt its correctness, that a far mer of this place cut on each of two suc cessive days a load of cedar from the same swamp; the fence made from the first was remarkably durable; that f.’om the other rotted and became worthiest! in a very fe-.v years. Such facts as these show that the durability of timber depends not on the month in which it is felled, but on other causes which arc not j-et well understooil. Barnstable Journal. I’iiri.K r’> lirpi ■i;r.cultural moil cUk inl'oriiialiii. on nx.rl.ank”, Mi**.. nnli- I thank you. The \i'itore arrived , thorn hedge, if any one iiarv«. a* will rr.idrr .1 a Tali.a- | —atil the ., Seated tog. ther like inrnt cry » .-i//., to his doi.koN . war'’, n nilamlcr, wra.'crs’ Klairand a stirrup, bl. to Uh-l.btar) that u-^ml and ... ,;„,r.„„ little do^s all ii. a roW,” I idu- kily, t.Hi, he at that moment suited, a saddk .Va»l..-i.'v.-, bcythc,u..d ar.i.idl. lofs.rup, rl.^f pf it.irni tor wln.m U .» d. , • , i ,.f,ur- not the action to the word, but the word to \ hjttsy ' .In.Hiy, w.U. trousers so neat, ■lu.. t«op,.blirai....,.-,«illf....u.nno.d..Ti.».'.'v had he t-in..d an -.U.i.o-.u a..d lU^ion, a..d give a ■ m!,. I ..I W ron.iorird w.u. ari.euliure M>d leM.’s, and i .hlH red over “ \.js, .... a..., i.o lUc movg/tt. J?i,anc.y iiau i.c 1..1I1..0 an c,h.n.;:r.r theJ. u,e I ..yeHMr,no sir, I thauk >ou. Tli.,n. ^ of th.. word l.doie h.s voi. w had givei. . . It utn-raii'.e. Il.s .lonkey pro\ed him.t.ll • f.uddli Cl Hi. as proiiipt .;t;.l obedient as his tongue ha ! —- —ni'>Mi.g olf as mo«-liaTiically does I j)„^j J^itrecn Jthn lliiitilolph ami Ilcnnj a wfll-drill'.'d veti.'ran at the tap ol a diu...; ^ —■\Ve copy the following tVom the -while the mulL«-r.y t der, not be.i.ji a , ^tatesniani, in relation to this af- i-entaur, de«;en);'d rapidly throiiali the , . » -nt love III IS a.ways lau rt»u.. ^ etched an.l l i.-erat- =~ ; lor there .> not a daughter ol ^ cf.//-«(/ f ! “ Afu r the «-oond fire, Mr. Rardolph, fl.ronph ‘ M . o l'.;. cont Mr. Clay s ball pastel, very joeoscly i;.f »••• - - ■'vr.dl rn.ilr.button ol Ibw »bf>' la iQ4>||ier, we've *lone it I I iialili lliein I give practical Ufcelol .i.;or- ^ ^ il , 'i liC pmf of i!ic»c w i;n>r do’ili'. »>wi tiily 'J hr choice of (J Hi/'c.— Ihe wholosc- niiU p> r nnnai. . plid ia advaatr. tbi» *11111 ,,f ,-l„„HNi..g well i.l iiiatrililon\ lil.ay be Ttnnoi br ninHt. d t>y mail, ai.y "■ j tl,,t?e w old-s—exploH' the charac- a .tborii. d to re. jl on, ...d 1... pap.r | ^ -\ .ll be !irv. ant' d 0.1 nil r. c .pi - - ■ri.o.diK'. .« w, ttlau one .nd.» .dual will if i tiorai.t e ; .or ii.i;.e .> i.o. « oltaiii iigl.l or n.on nuWriln rs and r. ni.l on. i;y,. has tnent snlhciellt to justily JO- :rocteii to rcceive us .oniains, i.Rib.ic ii».: — ' , „ r‘. , r,M . 1- , 11 I , . . vour .H)\ver l» iwnplai.i." K.ngV -Mews. 1 he naturalist will be de-, ) notu-oior r ...; ni.d v. e an- rokolvrd to do all .1. |M)Wrr to ninki' thnn worltiy of ii.eli liivor. 'I In- Uegi*''' r will ivntT.u a liui pro|H)rli«n ot political .nall> r inc, lofivps mo no rof»t«on Ttwpcrnnrr.—'I'l.ougli there were pr^b- • witli the present opportunity of in-!,^, joulilyonr si.ite.iiy," nidi.-.l Mr. Randolph r.,1.1 .\!r. Calhoun; whirl, will tbllo-Ard up by ^ _ tlir .mbliwtions th- . iiusr of the .lis-..- ; 1 look old, y l I a.n strong a.iu lasly : lutionofll.e laic ab.m t;-tbus .■...b.i.lyiMK a ; 1 .n .ny yontU I i..v.r d..l apply ■ ‘ i|„t ;ind ri. l» llioi.s li'i«ors in niy blood ; Nor did i.ol with nnbaxl.t'nl torol.ead woo i.r riiterolins; l.i.-tory njH ■. ll.i l Mibj. > t, ... « t A» .t i» .vix If a ...a..y v.l- and i.i’.Kh>H'il.-"»l'hilw v ill l«' lorn...I lor tli.'ir rire..l,.tioi., we i.itend to pubii:^ll a I’.rge cd.- lion nl'll.r f.rhl nt.ri.ln r;-. ( »i.r rub*riitH-rH anil i.t' an- rinpeetfiiily d.!- firvd to pioai.t' ll.o obj.. t of ibis uddreM>, and ed- iti.m w.tli wli.iiii wr . trlianK'-, arc rinur^t.-d to pi\«- It ail in.sert.ot. in llirir r..M|'i ctivi- papi rn.— U hr., liny tuk.' ^on^nl.•rall>n ll.o extra i-x 11^.; inrnrrr.l by i.s in ti.ri.inliiii^ tln'm Mir re- and procecdi.ig* of (’o..(;r.'MH, ll.o re.p.cht will .lot d;';H-ar iinr.'afoiiabh. 'I'l.e fuvot w.ll Ik' .. 1 i.itoi iiUd if dcVircd. ‘ m I F CRF.EN. U tit/’111"/on Cili/, Aiig.>^. i 'o:!slitittion of 4'at’oliiift, VNDOI' Tin: I .MTKI» STVI T.S. ■■,■501! Sale at lbi» Ofli.o, a few copies of a ri.c iin -ins of wcakiiebH an.l debility ; '1 li. ...y a^e .h us a lusty w..ite.-, l■r.l^ly, bul Un.dly. [•>» y»« ''■] on iron Manus, me . ..js .s natutal in.siti.m by h-viks and eye.s of tho h s i^L vuue m- t.d. 'I'be U !ly of the vvbalc i: ht- Ire w ith .Mr. ( lay, .Mr. K. has n.,.1. «.r in iod Ul. with a table and chairs, ontainii.g poW^ or p.ivate Uvu h.vanl lo f.j^jk dis- lu album iHioks of natural bistorv, re,.,K.cll.d ot him, b.Jore that event^.e sul- ■ „,u...l..,t:duu ilemeatstocuiiositv. fer.'d n . inhesion t.) pass without The foll.'w ing are the precise diiiiensionJ= invective.' i„f the wh ile I'.ifal length of the ai.imal * a grPat many gra-1 !).'i French f et; length of th" head iM-oole. There ' ien’th ..f th.> ton-iie. VO ; height ot the era- on the evenitig oi he ult. a -‘r I kl.dtl I'limpbl. t co.itni.i.iiB; the ('onftllutinn of the iitrUStiilrr, ll.o ^'ouilthilum of Noith-'nriUina, dlbi- Dirlaiiiltativf hiilriiemlfncr. rr.te,’.J.icU. iiliutiof ImlrfifiKlei \V AUHAXrKK Si;:.?r..—'I'her. lations of w istloin among runntirg away ht of the rottoii llesii •jt gunpowder; proiier pioce Mechanics.—\ |>ortion of the world pro- f'ss to regard Mechanics as one degree b-‘- low those individuals who have a living af forded them without manual labor ; but, rely on it, gentle reader, that portion is a very Small and very weak one. No man of .sense, no true gentleman, ever drew tlii.4 line. And I am l>old to a.ssert that in |>oiiit of sciencc, moral virtue, and even in prac tical p.)litcnes.s, the operative Mechanics of the United States of America are second t.> no cla».s of people. Tho work shoj. has priKiii.:ed as many gioat men as the collego hall; it has done as much lor'Natural I'hi- losophy, and more f.r Jleligioii, than tho counting room, and has done as much to de- velope i”itellect as hoarding wealth. The individual who up, in the fiiee of the world, and judges his tellow men by their ability to exist without Idlior, must be destitute of one. two very necessrary qualificatioiis->x^rience or comnion sense. For, with tliese on his side, lie would be enabled t*/ seti that intellect made tho man, J and tho oiievution of moral eauses uiwn that intellect, the gentltPian. After his own image CJod ina.le nian, and heend.iwed liiin with certain attributes, and ho placed him ill this world, with orders to exercise ti.oso attributes to his own advantage and to his Maker’s glory, and wh.xver follows that command the must strictly deserves to taka precedence of his fellow men, and he alonc.^ Wealth is not unfrequently the portion of knaver) and filly; if we award to that the laurel which is due to worth, we award it wrongfully.—Pairtvckct Ckronich, Churcftcs inthc Unital States in — It has been ascertained that there are now i.l the lifiited States more than l‘J,0()U chur ches. The principal religious dMioinina- tions are Baptists aud Methohsts, who have together 44fe4 churches; the I’reshvterian^i ha"\e 1472 churches; the Congregational- ists have 13SI churches ; the Episcofuiliana are also numerous, and have 92\J churches ; the Hoinaa Catholics have 7S4 churches; the Dutch Ketbrmed Ot.12 churchcs; tho Friends have 462 societies; the Universul- ists bave 298 churches; the Lutheriu.i* have 240 churches; the Unitarians bave l‘^7 churches; the Jews have 6(J synago gues; the Calvinistic Baptists have '?4 chur- elu's; the Svvedi-oborgians have 73 chur ches ; aud the .Moravians 5G churchcs. rou e.M.i: .\t xius oimc i: cetaceous oninial must have lived apply a iii'itel^ ...» or ten centuries. t c.xecuted. I The whale \v»s found sporting in the♦fliousaud atoms. Lo* V.' »v»i« OX-.I.TV •.a.-' " ••••—•» f 1 I • I , lars, his cellar with beef tuid |wrk, and his mous - ' u'cvcuted the corn wiUlie blown into ten I) EEOS , fireside with a gcHKl wife and g.«ul ehildn>n ] eight or ten centuries, , Ij c.x. cuted. H t —commons«»uic is fur ” Nearly all the platina raised t'.'om tl.e mines in Russia, is coined into n.oiiey, it beia" intended that the whule circulating medruni of that vast countrj shall be com posed of this uew inctal.