hud been killed—some in a nkirinish in “ I’arker’s Fidcl,” (hs it lias boeti called and alludeii lo ill the letter from t!ie Imly ofSouth- niiipton that wc publishfcl on Saturday,) hcv- pial were thcrR shot. Many linve b' n ta ken |»riSonTM, and it is not bolievcd that fhere are nmre than 4 or 5 outlying, and tlicntic information, relative to the insur rot tion wiiich liaa broketi out in thin countv. As I nni engngcd in duty, niy reniuiks must be briel; but the facUi ^talo^ by me, so far uj llif^y go, niiiy Ih) relied upon. “ J he lirst intimatiun i had of (lie insur rection, wa.s by an express from the scene THE MINERS' AND FARMKRS' JOURNAI,. CJjr these hal taken refuge in a swami)—among | of bkiughter, on Monday the ‘J‘Jd, requiring them, the ringleader Nat. Tumor. Col. usijistance. I, with scvituI others, volim- \Vm. C. l‘arker, an activo olficer of tiie hiKt war on the (,’anada lines, and a man of us much intrepidity as addn-ss, u resident ol teer‘d from this place ; and hucceedod after a tedious ride, pwt hrvte, of several hours', in coming np with a reliel party, consi^tiI,g Jerusjileni, was at tlie head of a party of, „(• „bout forty blacks, all mounted, and yo or moutitfd [R'rwnH ol the neighl>or-1 nK.Htiy armed. 'J’hey were pursuing u small liKod, and they were in pursuit ol tho fugi-1 parly of whiten, who iiad previously attack- tiv.-9. 'J'ulings had been received from I ,.d them. Wc arreat.-d their progresiS, and them on Friday evening, that they had proh-1 c„rred them lo rctroat—soveral were shot ably siirroimded Nat and his small liaiid,niid ! ij, (|,j^ skirmish. rx|'K>eted t.. take them. Hut as no aecountn u a massacre, like tl.c one just acted l»e. bad arrived up to 11 o’clock on Saturday, ] f„ro our eves, is unparalleled in history; iwjine doubts were enlertaim'd of their im- thoug'.i it con>ists of not more than G1 white mediate success. i |,crsjns, yet s» inlumian was the Lutclier\', The militia of .S.uthampton had l»ecn j .,nd »« mdiscrimiiuilo tho caniago, that a- inest activc in fcrreling out iho fugitives J |„„j, ,|,e road tia\ellcd by our relx;llious from their liidiii,'* places, which was ol blacks, ci>rnprijiing a distance ol'sou.ething C HARLOT IK; v» ii».>iksiiAV, !SlJinKnin;ii 11, KLKCi lON IJKrilRNS. lUitmu-ick.—WilJimii R. Hall, A'. J. P. Oausc ttnii .'‘'aiiiijc-j A. LaH|M>yrc, (’. //yr/o.—W illiam S iby, S. Tlioiuas S. Single ton and Foster JurviH, C. II iMc» i8 the only county to Ixr licorci from ; at Koon as ri’ccivcii a coni[ili.'tc list rf llie Al(;iiilH‘rs ol'llie next (icncful A.iseiiilily will Lo pulilisiicd. Violent (Jale at Nnr-Orledns.—From i Afterili^nvolutiona - 1,1 , fy w*8 o»cr, lj« »et- ^ans pa[)cr3 received by last I *“ county, n. c. from which he re* , wo learn that a very violent A writer ill n lalc Yorkx iilc I'ionror, w horomcs i „e nngar and Cotton crops — -o- much'uuurcd; and! and .na^. , II..: folloivinjrrfr. rence to ti.f lute e!cc- >“ totally destroyed. I I'J Mondav tiuii ill tliik iJirtrict; “ lii the Mcfklonburij on-| Savend bniaciies had occurred in the !'l'u,.sda'y, 41^0**. 27 11 7 inoru. ^rctrnional i>istn/t, Nojiij-Curolina, Mr. Connor River Hank, but the latest accounts repre-' has b«-« rc-cl.;ctct, a;ler a wi.ri,, and ariT.n.trd | repaired. (.'OTTO V G I VS~ cont-st, 111 whiili lie wdH tliirt,'cd v.itli entc.rtain-I . "1 ■ » 1 1 niK opinion. iH. ndly to Nullification, and ev^ry I Scarcely a \ fiss* 1 m port cscap-d serious ; SALE, two new Cotton GL\«?, which fiiOrl w BK made a^'uini-t him on tlii.t gtnuii.l.”— j damage, and iieai ly all w ere driven ashore, , *• budisposcU ol on accomincdaiii.jr teruiii, f'riiii tliii*. VP fcupport' it will Ik; inlirred 'iiat a ' maiiv of them were not oxucctud to be got 1 majority of the f'ood people of this t'onjjroiisional I ,j({; ' a,. ♦ 10 , ‘ iJiiitrict arc in lavor of nulUtifation ; but it is a ; ^ ^ ^ » ■J*- nii.tali*'. It ih true, it was a)iM:tti'd thiit iMr.C. .... , „ X V K K Xil'TIfi;' ‘T ’".'i'!’ ^ r ^ WB* ftirndly to tliai inoasur., lut wc Ulioe ih« ; V. c learnfromthc Post Mastcrfit U ilkcs- Hit, until tiicy were arrested, no white soul \^asniadc mcr. ly as an rlrctii.niTrir.e lioroiii'h, i\. C. that llie ritan’e fri-iii Salem, ' A ^',1 r ives, who saw th. m, to tell how liend-likc; for If it had bim .inc.r. ly heli, vod j to the West, was swoi.l away on Fri- | to Jacob the Ncw*()r|earw evening’s mail, wo learn that a very storm of wind and rain commcncfid on the inoriiing of tho lUtli ult. and continued with littlo intormissioij until the night of the next day. The damage to the City ia great, partic ularly the Kuluirbs and outskirts. 'J'he IjC- J vee is injured to an immense amount, and the Lake 1‘onchartrain had so swollen as to inundate the whole rear of the city, up to I5anipart-}-t. Much property wasdustroyod, cither by lif ing blown or washed away. The Sugar and Cotton crops, as tiir Fa^eltevilU Market, Sept. 7. Flour W to 4 50, Bacon 8 to 9, Corn 75 to 80, Colton 7i to 7}, Wool 22i to )234, Salt 60 to 70, Iron 4 a 5, Sugar 7 ai>, Coffee 11 a 13. Molasica m, Wheat 70 to 75. WEKKLY ALMANAC. 14 WedncMlay 5 50:6 1 15 'I'iiursd '■ 10 Friday, 1.1 TJiursday,'|5 51 C f»r Sept richer, loJl ciiurso to be exp«‘cted from lh ir 8ii[K-rior knowledge of the county. Hul it deserves to In* said to the credit of many of the slaves, whom gratitude had tiound to their master!', that they had manifi-stej the greatojt aktc- rity in dcteclmg arwl uppn‘honling many of the lirigands. 'J'lu^y luul brought m m-v- eral, and a tine spint had been (.liown in many of' the plantalioiw, of confidence uii the part of tlie mast«rH, anl gratitude on that of the slaves. It is suid that from K» lo ^0 blat ks were in jail—some of whom were known to In* cMK'eriK'd with the iniir- ik'rrri, and others Mi-^jxTtitl. The ciairt-. wdl diacrimiiidte the mmKont from tiie guiliy. It is U lievcd that all the brigands wen like twenty miles, fn.m their tirst selling out lives was their piirpo.s “ \N’itli regard to t!i« insurrection itself, I at first looked upon it us a mere banditti; but circumstances have developed theui- selves, and are daily d-\eloping, w hich con vince me, that the plot was a general one— at least through many of our adjai’cnt coiin- tios. Several blacks w ho have Ix-en exarn- iiii-l, concur in slatiii", that its conimence- me..t was anticifwted pnciscly one work. “ At this place, theie is a r« gular torce of r ither more t!ian i.MMl nulitia, stationed as a tuard for the ciliZ :is who arc assembled 5 5s>,C 5 53 6 5 51'6 .55IU II. M. S'NVw, 6 3 12 morn. p!Fir*t, 13 11 21 aft’n. 5’: Full, 21 4 34 att’n. Wc learnfromthe Post Masternt Wilkes-, . ^ [>er«ona are hereby forbid tmding; for a , . e of hand for Twtltr DuUarf, which 1 . i„ ., . I 1 . II 1 J . ,1 . I •. • .1 I - ■ • - swept away on r ri- | jrave to Jacob Pair, and i>avable sJ.ltli DeceuiUr rr“ull ol'thc.!ri.ol^^ou;dTa/:iH^^.furdT^^^ in“'-«hilc erasing Ueders Riv- j next, as «iid uaU‘ was fraadalently obtained froiu We may «utli r from the op. rations of th. tarif ‘ ‘ r, 1 1 miles West ol W ilkesl>oro.' The I ■«= i I therclorc rc*,lved not tojmv it. law, but onr oppriwion iii'n^t be irwiiiid i.n a driver, we are glad to le.irn sjived himself j Mrrllrnhure co A’ C i noyi.iary b'lrdms mid horses by cutting the gears; but the | Sept. 1 a, 1831. more tunfriblc \icw, and our rrndi'rtd iiiori- iiilolrrubl*', In'iore Ihe ^ckkI p^ople of ihisi dii*lri>'i w ill eniw nt to r.ilu]it iu.u.-uri.» tui. dill;; to scectirion and dis-iinioii. gears mail bags were lust and remained in the water until the 7th inst.—'I'he papers ac. are sf> mii h mutilated (hat it cannot be as- Meetings lo apfwint Di lr-at»-» lo the nnti-taritT certained to w lioiil tliey were dir?Cled. ('oii\eiition, lo be lu ld in riiiladelfiliiiKin liin .‘tiltli IV p.i/cr/l Cdruhnidn- in.:t. huv'j iat.-ly been lu lu in various jmils of this | ^ SlaU’. A imctiii); wai* In lH in Sali^l urj, on tlic 3d i;i.-t. at wliiili i'hinltt l ir'ur and J,iitn l.tUn, HUGH J. M’caim. at ft i« worthy of remark, tlu.t the number GOLD-.MI.VKRS.-The high- B e»I pr'er will !>«■ paid in cash, by Hi//ia;a Muiris, alch-niaker, for COL/J HI’/jLJOS, in lar^e or Hinall (,uaiilitiet, at No. 20ti king-itraet, fharleslon, S.(’. 51 .S’7-177; OF yOK J Jl-CAKOLL\A, MKL'KLK>'Bt'KU COIXTV. i;s.jr«. wero nomii'al.-d lo a-t ai. l)Lle{rut.f lioiu ! "f Stage pas-'-pgors fro-n the South to the ' William Hlaek, Ex’r. of John Black,') _ IJowan couiiiy. At I’ayt tlrvillc, a niMtiiijj waBjNoith, whi h ba\e passed througli this | t«. IlnRfjiiity. '■ hi'i'C, and the prisoners w ho are coi.fined in h, ld (,n i;,r t!d in>.t., and unions the ri Nuiuti«»fiK of- , (‘jiv, the I'rcM'nt M'ason, i*: iireiilt;r than at ; A*am A., (icorpe Hampton, | .May teriu, slaves—aiitl nnmt, if not all thcM-. the prop-, w hich amount at thi^ tini^ t i 4*.— | lereu w. « kti il,t lollowint,-, by JD.lhnry, il-w). | ;,„y p since the last War. ' Clark i Harriet .M’Bryde. J lb31. • rty «il kind anil indulgent niast;rs. It •* |diji.f ,,f (ln.^ lion is a cotnplcte j HrijUnl, That we >alue the I'nion a» we value not known that any ol them hud been run- j ny doubt that the siii'mlar up-1 “ur individual luppiiu-vM und the iifppim bn of our awa> s of .he, ai^ only one uf them since, I i The prospect presented of a u Inf ..t color, lie had aturwanls L ,,, ,i„. ,„;,„(.(hute cause ol the m^urrcc-. Xationai, Corn Crop, is, we learn, from all r*‘liirn‘fl to Ins own n«>use, nml a (uiity s-nt j.,., ,it the nine if did, thouiih | jK-ndonce, und ilic noblr kaerifiei* that aehioved ' iJif. State, uiiusi»;iliv llalterni". 'I' fT appearing to the satisfaction of this Court, that Harriet .McHryde, one of the difendmils there to appn hend him tally s'en ciMice.i \S v learn llii iiKHig the [(001 foH'c had nut wa.s leported there wen' supp vni!i«>died tlirn’ among them, were the U ; j,) rc.-latioii to the late ilisa-truus«x;curre;icr.--, r. S. coinp.inics from fortress Monrm-, com- r.„„r, lj unohjectionible. W e ha»e seen irwiided by ( ol. orth, the murines from ■ no complacent dwelling the .Natchez, iiniler the command of Com. , ,|„. siip-riar a.Uaiit.igcs *«f tiic non- i:ihitl, (ihoM> only from the Warren bad|^|.,^„ l,old„,g stat. s; on the contrary tiiere rfturiie.l to Noifoik, under iho exiK ctation 1j,e„crous s\ mpaihv, an Ihnl tlmt veiw.1 was al«aif to mill.]—Then'i expression of hoiror at’ the wa. a mounn-d troop from Norfolk—a tr.^.p | t ,mrti d bv tin; d« luik d wrctchfs.— of cavalry from Uie I«le „f i^ht—the 1 si,o,dd it ever b'^l inlantry from I’lince ;* or.>n on-| ,l„. , ,,,^118 of the Nortl.crn 4- r tl*e rommaml o» Ca|H. Ivlmund Kndm j p,oinptl\ tly lu the as.-,istance —.iiid our own I>. ig'>o«*>:, Ix-idcs the kical |,,j-,|„,r S.ulhcrn bn-thren—we s|Kak of niiliiia. From ill*' Kail i(h R (;ivtrr. 7'hi- late Inturrt rtion !—Tii'.‘ ac'-ouiit ptihhshi'd m sir la>t Register, thiugh in- corrrcl m wnin- lew aii^jht (wrlKulars, wa- Riihslantially ftccnmte, nnd we ha%'e Ult lit- i- . , i> t)o to add to it ; for tlHiigh w venii de^- itch- I'lioM Ki itoi t;.—,Ni ir- 1a . .SV/7.1 .-l.\ rs from the roinmanding (Jeneral have Ik i ii ; the (lackct ship • ei.irge ( .inning, «^apt. Al- piblish-d and a nuinUT of !• tiTs writien lyn, , in this case, live* without the limits of thii* Slate': plontitui ; It is thcrelbru ordereU that publication be mado jiarts of j hix weeks in the Miners’and Farnieis’Journal, here has ■ that unless said Harriet .McBrjde apjM ar at our Ho was Hccidcn- |T'- |ieiieo 111 the country. UJK> \Ve hi a^'ve iiiM slijra- -.quity. N' the fir^t .Mond.iy in Novemlier ne\t, at tho •\ tU'ri'otrpo prii.line’ OKUblishintnl, the machiii- ! of that loitv palnotii-tii whieli iiiMiii"ui hcd our S|KN IIkj va^'t iiKijority—fanaiic.i tln re are.douljt- Icss, who so far from ihus acting would not very n.iicli !»»riipl*' t.* ('•'r>erit di'alicctiui'i md cviitito vjrvilo iii>urre turn. I’oHlii'tii Artnii. front Ihe scene ol' action, no otfirial hi.itory of the dislurlwnces ha* bc 11 yet pn's. nt-«l to the public. W c stated in Mir prM..iis acciMiiit, that the two leaders had l> -n cap tured ami killed. I'rom the lati'st »>id« i howi vi r, ihs jcil by (Jen. Lpri:-*, we lind • hat the chief c. n-pirator. .Vnr Turner— the \ei \ head and coiiIri\i r of the w hije |.|,,t—IS \rt at hirge, so .siirroundid, that e« ai>c is impoMble. 'I'his was the Ibl- low who pretended lo call hims« lf a lJaptit preai her, and who impiou.--l) re[ire«ent‘d to hi?, conirailcs that l.c was commiro-ionetl by Ji'MHs ('hri'-l anil proceeded under his in spired dm-clioii. 'Die late singulurapiM ar- ancc of the Sim, he s;i\s, was the sign for liiiii to eoininence his bUn'dy work. (Icn. r.rri,.' represents lli-it, at any liiii:', *> rrs. oliile men r«>iild e.-isdy ha\e put down tin- in-urgent forc'. 'I’he pcene of the lat" niupk'rs is |M'ifectl\ quiet. The (Jcneral IS coiiviiM i'd from \urioiiN sourcrs tint there CMsU'd no cmicerl amoni; Ihe slaves, evccjit in the inimediatf! vicinity of its origin.— ’I'licre was IhiI one runmr '-i among Ihe m- (“urgents and no \rhUt man as was errone- oMsIy repie^’iited. MH>nt thirty iiei;ro>s w.-re pIhmi diirmg the eM-itcment. some of them p'« bably innocent, and there an* now ufH.nt forty in jail lor trial. ’I'he Court li;i\e coinniem ed th ir diiti^'s and ha\ eal- n-adv s«'nteneed several to Im« hung. 'I’hev -.illh wliidi silled from l.iviipool on the we have received London |Mi|>ers 11 dav'.latir tli i!i our prcvi'iis dat*‘s. 'Hie int. 1'ig. nce bn n-ht by this arrival is not of a gn’.it (k-al of inoii.vut. The Kofi'-in Hill “drags through" the commiltee of the House of C.'omnions with exi ee.ling slownc.-s; and it w lea red that, niil« - : .‘iome means Iw devi>e i for qiiickniiig Its pn»j:ress. it w ill K arcely n ceivethc rov- al absent 011 this side Christmas. rrmce l^o|>olil has arrivtsl in his new Kingiloin, ami his naeption has evcrv w here l»*.s ii of the most gratify ing and enthusias tic description. 'I'ln re is no news of imjKir'.ance from I'rain e. The aiiiiiversjiry of the Inking of the n.istiU* pa.vs'd oli'smoolhly,—.icircimi- stance vshich augurs well for the jicace of ih(; iiK'troiHjhs on the n tiirii of the “ glori ous da\ s," which ere this have Ijocn cclc- hruted. Tr an Poland we have no news of inijwr. lam c. Sr. Pinin'-nt (>ih .Tiily.—C/io/mi. —The «'bolera iiioi hiis, as it a]'|)*» r'd in .St. I’ ler^hiirgh, attendf d w ith niiprece- dviited virulence and fatality. Dctween the ;»iith of .lime and ih ■ lilh of .Inly tlieio bad lieeil ■'•'.tli ea«'.‘S, only livi' ciin s, hilt >’7v.' deaths' 'i'h' re were at that |«'ri(Ml yi.'i cases |M'iidnii;, of which but a small portion V ill go on as rapidly as p«>s'j|hle. .\s mi^hl were cx|>ected to recover. 'Die alarm and nalurallv Ih> exjHVti d, tlie p op!e are wound np lo a high pilch of rage, an I precanlion IS even lleces^arv to prolwtlhc lives of the pr‘"«>iiers. It ii re|K)rICil that a Map was foutxl, said to have Ih'cii drawn by An/ Wrmrwilh jHikr-bfrrii jtiiiT, tlescriplive of the county of .‘'•iiithampton. It is Nfaled ill the llichuiontl ('omjultT, that the insiirnenta had si far organi/ed th' inse!v s as to fix the pay of the tJeneral at ijslO a day, Paymasti'r at S.') and I’ri- vates .^1. ^^'e have h(.en f.ivored with the following let I i>r, addressed t« a geiithinan in this city, I'V a iiM'inher of the IJar of Southampton eoontv, uh.«;f' .stalemcnt of liicts is entitled to full cr(*derice :—ib, '■ Juitmtlftiu Atitr. ill, l^.'H. consternation prevailing cannot Ijc dcsTil)- ed. p.,, will hilv ■ more v.'i i'.;ht than tiie discuf^ioii'. ot l!i;s Adveilik-ei-, lliere are no less than fu'ieetj bnndred I ixto v’ears ' ^ ' ; ubjecl in Congre.-* liid thruurlrtlie pnss, v.I.ii h . rf.uviets, uixin that conimunily, uii'Alii]it j J ' ' I ■ - I - I Sundry tracts belongiiijf to the heirs and devisees of I>anl. ijallant, dec-’d. viz : One called the J^niita tract, joining- the lands of Hartwell IJlover, Froti- are I'lo jfeiieralfy inti rniii:^'K‘d with r*rtv fcclinj's, anil that our .NKrllnTn bfliirin Cuiifidin-r in Ihe hiueerily of our ri iiioiislrar.m, v. ill apply the prn|»‘r our *WWT'ihrrthy d> virt the l'irci)0lin'; eulainitn-of di^ani»^l. Wt- ihiTi Nire iiislruel uur II- le;:iilt! to rcfiaia in the s.iidCo.ivi iilion ii iii!iui>.i'us>injj .iny mbjccl whit h liirt’ellv or inilirtetly may ha\- ihe reamlei t allu- 'iiin tiiih' I'reHideniial eli elioa, or any olh«'r tuh- jret of party iKi!itic> : and «e denounce our exe- erali'in ac-on-l any aUeiiipt lopervirl the palri- e«. ir, ehar^. d wilh , '^aci, join nff me lanos or . ariwea i.iover, rrc^- . rm..' Ih; oi. U.o in l»‘''kms, due d and others, conUiiMi.^f J seem to be on the intrease in " '"‘' -Wl" »’J-o>latK,n, oa of justice. I'oiir hiinilrril am! thirr |x rsons were brought III the fiHires in I^.m v-ariniiK olFt'lirc^. 1 N’ew-Vork, it would Ixjndon. Of all ihe dis-tinijuis-Iied cliief'j who wrr.^ nt the l.atlle of U'.iti rloo, iho Uuke of \\ ellinglon alone is sniJ to Burtivi . A /i7fr«ry journal lias been issued in the Isle Olie piir|i.».. s of that (onve.nlion ii.lo uiih.'ly i le- ' of Can.lia, by ..rder of thr I’asha of FjrvpU menu lor proiui>tinj; di-union, or aiuiu^ iii any . \incriein wine, or liijuor, colled Prny, liiucliinatiuiib ol {Kjlitityil |/aJ-ti s. i piade from ].ears, is suiii lo U; equal, it' not supcri which said Danl. Gallant formerly lived, contain. iiifr 164 acres, more or less . tine otlier ealUd tho IJynalu trael, joiniac Uw White-Hall pUintulion, ihe lands of A iidw. Iloyl, >iaml.Cox, and Mher.s, '-ontaining 105 acre* : One called the fJreen tract, joinine llie lands of Gen.'I'hos. G. I’olt., Jo. and Kohl. I’urtir, and others, containin{r 3liU or 370 ueret-: One other tract near .Mason’s l\ rry, join ing' the lands of .Mason, Caruthers, and others. ' made from iiears, IS siinl lo Ih; equal. It not supcri- ^ .inu uLu,.ir., jor, lo Champnrn.-, without its into.xicating pro- 'oa'nannir 130 acres. Allot which will b,'sold I „ r)y 1 on a credit ot 13 and le aionlh.s, subject lo iho Tlie verbal rcjsirt* of the oreurrenee of an an pi. a-ant ulVair in (iranville ccunly, which reach- ' [],p y/^ar there were tvo hundrfd and 1 . , ,1 j- j j . 1 this pluee a few (’ ys nco. Is noticed in the 1 t,ny./tir t'.ouMn,! h^ht hmdrrd and nshly.two I undivided interest in tJi I »\li>rd 1 xaminir, ol Uie 1st last., ui llie inanner : harn Is of in.iel.erel I'lsjH cKd in .\las.-.aeha.setls. liillowini: : I _:r-. Mtiiiii.— We do not reincmlicr to have j [( i>MiirNI(\\TiO.\.j witnessed any comiiiunily' in .so great a do- , . T .„ ! • .1 „ ' f>n the IPlhof .^ncuot, H3I, at riensaiit (irovr, gree ol nt as was iiiamloted ,n the ; eommene. d a Camp. |ieople ul this village and u |>ortK'li »>l the' yionday morniny:, at whi« h CounlV on Sunday und .Monday last. 'I'he mtetiii" tin re were fourti'en .Ministers of the ->os- cau>e'ofthis eM-’ltcment was'the fact that ; allofwhomdid not preach, bul attended on two individuals of the countv, the one an ‘I'C‘x-c‘sion. The m^ Un^ was conducU’d m an . , , , I , I ordeiK-in .nn.r, and il IS believed thi! (ospl was elderly gemleman, the other a yiMilii, both ] i„ it,,„„ity. which was aiteuded with considered » lltllled to rank am'>ng tlie most j ihe Jiowrr of cjd unto the salvation of many soul.s. ' res h d highest n'putatioil alldstaiuling in this conn- j prmrnd 10;’>pi, and those that alUnded who were th^ trv, v\as broiiglit U fore an I'samiiiing j not tenied, wa widow's dower. r.'aii- lationon which Gen. (ieo. Graham Ibrmerly liveil, on a credit of 1 ^ months. In every instancs, bonds and approved securi ties will be required. I). R. DUNLAP, ('. M. E. (>ti>ti-pr. adv. Si3J Till and ^lie‘l«lroii W are 31 A\U FACTOR Y. J. SI .M>1;R At t o. ESriX'TFl’LI.Y inform the citizens of- Charlotte, and the public cencrally, th«t ISiuiiness at thu Bronson, grocery, -east from Courl-llouse, where tkey intnid to keep on upiKwisl to lie between 501) and j hand a rckhI as-sortment of Ware, and e.xpeet to b«s .onsldcred » lltllled to rank am>ng tlie most ; ihe ]>owrr of «;jd unto the salvation of many soul-s- ' *• Charlotte, and the public cencral -esix.-ctable citl/.i lis, weit; miiiuied iu a tnost >n .Monday morningr the preMdinc F.ldi r rcijuest- , they have eoinmeuced the ulovc Buxines ill..-Lilli' iii iiiiier on tlie first nienfioned iho wished lo join the Church, to do so, and old stand Ibrmerly occupied by F.. .M. 1 lu«.kmg manner, on tlie irsl n entioneu l th.rty-two who oU-ved Uie call. At : and rceenlly by Capt. Tho. A. Mera as a , lay. On Monday an individual ol the ,|,j. , j,,, M^iu street, a short distant north-ea Courl.conslstin-M.f Win.->1.Sneed,i-.sniiire. ! ■«»: “'‘d notwilhstan.lmc lie pre.senceot so nia- j able to supply al wl oUsaU or n ail, on the u.ost l' ..,.1, iT,v,durin" the line of public service there apiH-ar-i reasonable term.s all who in.iy la»..r ll.ein with I liomas 15. Litllejohn, L«pnre, a ul Joseph ; ^ „.,y on every eounleuanec, and r.ll | iheir custom. JOS. t^F.MN IdJ .V C o. II. Hryan, lvsplire, charged with the jier- | q,;,|,c s|>ruker as the eyes of nii\- ! X. B. All kinds of Job Wnik in Ihcir linr dono petratloll of saiil olii nces. Alter a patient | imiH ehiltlren iijM)!! a father nhoul lo make a distri- 1 short ncticc. JJ Wanted, an .Apprenliee lo Ihe inve»ligalioii of the niatter, the individual ’ bulion of ripe fruit ainoiii; them ; anil during the 1 l,usinei»i; one w ho can eome well rceom- 111 oiieslion was coniimlted to prison, to a- ' « hole I«'ri.Kl of the nieclm}: iKaec and unauiniily j uiended, w;ill receivc suiUblo encouragement, wait tin' is.'iiie of the wounds iiiHicted. !!!_'1, j jviAHKiEP, jl'liai’ioUc «V C anidoii «lnse»* Oa theOIlh all. in ^ew-^ ork, D ni^on Olm-\ .\s this case willin'' •ought iK'fore the .Indge of our Sii|MTior Cotirl next week. we alislam al pre»ient from mentioning even I*■'/. i’roi Nsor ol Natural l’hiloso;>liy in V ale Ihe names of Ihe parties, lest ... the . xiM- '*VH-gc, to M^.Juha X.,.o,u ing stale of publi* ft cling iiiipro|)er tiias inighi Ix' su|)1«»sih1 to exist against one par ly or the other. I T~ , I, I MO Gi IN/.A 1,0 Ilorritl Atltmiit.— \woman named Mary i ,,r„prii i.)r of the . K :*ese was commilted to l»ridi'well _v ester- i m-r of ‘nstoia Hi M Alllia.n»;k-«k\t. In Salisbury, on the ..lii m.t. Mr. Vanu l C .a,y, j. C harlotte aad C:ajnden every Sm.d.iy .Vraxery shoit illius-s. „ , S . and WcdnesJay. at H o'clock, A. M,—and In Ni'W-lhlcnns, Rt the a^e ofl'l years, AN I O- mrives in Charlotte and Camden every .Monday NIO (.'I lN/Al,O.S, upwards of lifly yi-ais the j 'I'hursdav, at 5 P. .M.—.•ni'Cling'Iho Northern old Wooden building al tl'C eor-I 'harlot!e, and liie Cliarlestoil and Co- •ui!c and l.i vee strecU iu that |u,„hi(, in Camden. day on a charge of having in a fit of jeal- eilv. The deeeaw'd was a man of sin^ruUr ce. j -j-jn, (;„,itraeU.r pled>:es himself to use cverv AVe understand thni at tho late silting of , ‘ slablK'd her husband to maim ’ ahhough very wealthy, preler- .-xrrlion for the comfort and convenience of pa.s- 1 .* • • \i’ Il ... I.. I ...II 4’ I 1 « nil to any tlic* litimblo oociijmtion ot veil- ll»’has i»rcf»arcd a MX-passcii"cr Coach the .Vu|K.-r.or (.ourt in \\ ulton counlv .Iiidge „ „.^v which delicacy lorb.ds ns to m lU the su.-.ply of,' and a .face, with steady and ( liijlo'i ticlivcrcti aa opinion, llio suu-'taiu'c —.N. ^ Vw/r. ;\hich Ii** kc|il a larirt* numlK f ot tuwU, but "as j drivers. For srat.s, application can '' ' I 111 ver known lo atlBCk his poultry y afd lor tbc j ,„aje at Umd’s Hotel, Charlotte; I), llajjeii; I'ine (roltl. .M r.-loSf'ph IJriilgC?, who is I pratification of his ow n ap(H'lile—his jrreat pleas-i Gill, Lancastcrville ; Fletcher's; and at „ I , „.,,,.L jiiiT on II l> i-ie 1 mine ure was in accuniulati.iij readv money ; he issnid |, Camden. Fare, Cl cents per mile, or now enga;,r,Hl m wolking. on » ^ sueeoeded to a“i.nir.tion ; having lert a .j.e ..assencer p.nying in adv’ancc, 5 cc,\ts per n.ilo iK'lo.igmg to -M r. .IIIO. Cole, in Hit ^. I ,as- | silver, and the pro|K,r- | lor going and returning. of w hich, IIS well as our informant coiikl u.ider.stand it, was to ihiseHecI ; 'I'lmt the ('hi rokee Indian* have the right, notwilii- slandii'g ihi! act of the last se.ssion, to dig gold on the lands in iheir occupancy. Milh d^vciUc liivordvr. W«( learn that a few days ago, a man named Thonias Carraway, a citiz«‘n of this County, who was very nitemperato in his habits, jumped from a boat in .Neusf' River, and was drowned. 'I’his constitute.s the fourth suicide which has iK'curred in this iK’ighborhood in a short time, and all from “ Drvn Sill—Last night’s mail bnxight ‘the fital cHJjcta of intem|xiranct>! nin H loiter from von, n'qnesling some an- [ A>fr/>r.i Sp>cltitoi. ^ — - » » jiw* r*jluriimp tcrii jMirt (if this county, has jiisl sliovi cel us ; ^vlnch tic li\cd to an cdojUctt or ilkxitiinaft* | TIIOJS. B( >Vl), Contractor, a return ol‘•-J'sl dwl.s. of gohl, taken Irom 1 si)n. 'i'he old hut in which he liveil and died is of i Sjpt. ls31. 50tf . , I • 1 I •• I t I ...jn t* (O uii*krux^»->I lit niK'. I —— — »;tid mine, which on liein I’echtler, was found to line. (lliiflii rforti/mi fjH t'tutor I goal, lUKt'ii iHMii I son. 1 iic oiu nm in ««■ imu»i uj*u ^4 *» llg assayed by .M r. i crcat value, and will, il is supt^sed. ut public auc- ] AT- f i I«' S'rnnil^ lion, fetch considerably upwards ol 30.00.) dollars; ^ 1 11 J'j* in it i-Haul to haveoriL»^inaIlv ooj^t liiin niK) iloHars— A LI* i>crsoi^s iniicUeU to llie K.^tate of Cvrus ... " II : ; Circiinislanccs of a private nature have pnxliiced an e.xchangn of Circuit.^, during the Fall, iK-lwwn.liidge Donnklt, and.ludgo l)\Mi.i.. .Iiidge Diniel will cons?qiienlly so minh fur the increased and increasing value of I/m. .Me.xaiider, dec'd. arc reqiu-sted !o make property in New *rleans. ! payment against the first day of January iieit, = 1 as’it is necessary the «H.|ate should be settled as Ahotliii Vetrra7t nj tin Rfi'olution s'^f ■' soon as possible; no further inJulgenoe Cjin bo II parted this life, on the Itith nil. near to Char- ; j;iven. Also all IIkiso iining cl viuis ajjainst tho lotte, in I)ieUsi>n eounty, Toniicssijr, Col. DAN’-| estate, are requcsti-d to bring forward ®'J- - - . . • , " I lid. Wll.MAM.S n;;ed ^l years. He vencd counts or lUiins, wiilun the lime prase nUd by ride the Mitvntijin (^irntit, nnd .IlldgC iKwi- , ,|„rjnij liie vJmle oflhe r.volutionary war, and in ' lavr. nell lUc At ic/'tvvi Cir-t:if.— th^- go aler pan of u uni!>.r (icnern' Wa^iiinglon Ills, iiic n->»v KI.IAS AM'XA.VI'nil, .Um'r. t'.'ti. 3t:

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